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Robert K. Shaw
5370 Nugget Road
Fair Oaks, CA 95628

Shaw’s florist
Robert K. Shaw Mary Lou Shaw F?7® N“88ef Road
5370 Nugget Road 5370 Nugget Road Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Fair Oaks, CA 95628 Fair Oaks, CA 95628

^,om QAlM£l /> T'O#$
l)ec6N\Bfe %l, T'Odfi

Sunday, October 1, 2000. We were down to the Holiday Inn, near Old

Town, Sacramento, picking up the extra flowers. We went by Tona1s Place

we went
and cleaned up the flower working area. Lou went to Church, then/to FHC.

Holiday Inn had allowed Lou to put her extra flowers

in their walk-in refrigerated box yesterday. A security person let us in

to the box and we hauled out the flowers. We stopped by Tona's house and

cleaned up the work area. It was good time to allow Lou and Holly to

work at Tona's place, while the Woods were off on their business and

pleasure trip. We hauled the flower trash over to our trash cans.

We have a lot of admiration for Tammy Wood. She is a

very organized person. She cleans the house, does the yard work and also

takes care of her rabbits, dogs, etc. She works, well when in the house

by herself. Tammy is very trainable and is dependable. She missed her

parents and looked for them to return from their trip on Sunday. Tammy

is more of a stay-at-home-lady and doesn't like to travel. Tammy is like

ly in her 30's, attended Special Education classes in San Juan District.
Mary Lou attended Church services. It was fast and

testimony day and Lou spoke about her Grandson, Riley Shaw and his mission

call. I picked her up at the Stake Center and we went to the Family His

tory Center. It was pretty busy down there. Dennis and Tammi Campbell

were there today. Lou was busy with Joann Williams, in the computer room.

The Williams' have a new home built in their erst

while front yard. Jeannie and David still are living around this area.

Jeannie's husband has their children. David is divorced. The other son,

the dentist, is divorced and not active in the Church. Even such model

people like Joann and Fenton have troubles in their families—too bad.

We hear that Robbie and wife live in the Placerville area, active in Church

I read short biographies in Jensen's book about impor

tant people in the Church. I read about Martin Harris, Frederick Williams,
Sidney Rigdon, etc. There are four volumes by Andrew Jensen about the
short biographies. Mary Lou was tired, after the hard week-end of work,
with the Montemayor wedding. I must get the blood test for the Chlolestr-ol
(sp) Clinic this week. This would be good weather to work outside. I have
the ramp to build in the front yard. Also, I’d like to build a gate in the
west fence, to allow a bicycle to be taken out of the yard, etc There is
a lot of work to do around the yard and house—now to just work & do it!!!!
Monday, October 2, 2000. This was another busy day for Mary Lou. She wq

on her three split shifts in the Adult Education program. Scott Shaw ca (j^d

from Great Neck, NY (Manhasset). He will be in San Francisco tomorrow.

That was a surprise to hear from Scott. He has an

SIEBEL—1855 Grant Street, San Mateo, CA—Cell #: 9 08-400-5158.
interview with / COMPANY in San Mateo tomorrow. Scott is in the beginning

stages of negotiating with SIEBEL for employment on the West Coast. Scott asked

about housing in Tracy, CA and in Half Moon Bay, to the West. He has heard

that rents and purchase prices on real estate are very high, especially in

Silicon Valley. Scott will be arriving via United Airlines about 1:30 p.m.
tomorrow. I'd like to / him and visit as his interview will be about 4 p.m.

That means that I will have to leave after 10 a.m.

tomorrow for the Bay Area. I should be home by 6 or 7 p.m. It will be good to

talk to Scott about his travels to the 2000 Olympics, over in Sidney, Australia.

Not many students showed up at Lou's Arts and Crafts

group. She signed up two or three new class members. I took her to Folsom

Conv. Hospital. Then, I ran some errands. I also took her to the evening

Floral Techniques class. She had a good group over at the Senior Center.

Neither Sally nor Shirley attended. They must be tired after the big wedding.

Lou had some more floral orders. David Ralls called

for a delivery to Folsom. Lou said that the delivery will have to be tomorrow.

Dr. Chang's office also called for flower deliveries. This will be a good way

for Mary Lou to use up the extra flowers, that are left, after the wedding.

Scott sent a $100 dividend check from his bill paying

service. It is good to get some interest on Lou's investment. I mailed the

check to the "500 Plus" certificate account. I also paid the $1,762.15 VISA

bill with Lou's funds. Also, I paid the telephone, Pacific Bell, bill. I have

some extra money from STRS.tikis month so I can pay Lou back some funds. I'd also

like to save some money this month. At the Senior Center, I watched the
Kansas City Chiefs come from behind and beat the Seattle football team
I really "get into those Monday night football games." Reanyj the game;
are time wasters. I always seem to read the sports page first of all, wJ
get the newspaper delivered, in the mornings. Political advertisements ar
starting to appear in the mail and in the media. The presidential debates be
tween Bush and AlGore will be tomorrow night. I don't expect anything very
• • • •________ _________spectacular.
STATE OF CALIFORNIA Gray Davis, Governor


.O. BOX 15275 OR - (916) 229-3870
SACRAMENTO, CA 95851-0275 HEARING IMPAIRED - (916) 229-3541

DATE: OCTOBER 02, 2000


FAIR OAKS CA 95628 3924


$19,650 This letter is to provide you with information regarding the

earnings post-retirement earnings limitation for the 2000-2001
limitation school/fiscal year. The earnings limitation is adjusted each
year on July 1 by the amount of the increase in the
California Consumer Price Index. The excess earnings
limitation for the 2000-2001 school/fiscal year is $19,650.

Post You may be in retirement status and perform creditable part-

retirement time or full-time service for a school district or multiple
employment school districts; however, the law limits the amount you can
earn. The post-retirement earnings limitation applies to all
compensation for creditable service, as defined in Section
22119.5 of the Education Code, which is earned in the
California public school system during a school/fiscal year
(July 1 through June 30).

The earnings limitation applies whether or not you perform

such service as an employee of the school district, as an
independent contractor, or through an independent third

How California counties and school districts are required to report

earnings the earnings of all retired members performing creditable
are service to the California State Teachers1 Retirement -System
reported (CalSTRS). Earnings are reported for the month in which they
are earned, not for the month they are paid.

continued ....
OCTOBER 02, 2000


Your Our records indicate that your employer has reported post
reported retirement compensation for creditable service you performed
earnings during the 2000-2001 fiscal/school year. You may continue to
earn without a reduction in your monthly retirement allowance
until you reach the $19,650 earnings limitation.

If you Education Code -Section.- 24214_requires^.. that - all earnings in

exceed excess of the limitation be deducted dollar-for-dollar from
the limit your gross monthly allowance . at the rate of 100mpercent. To
avoid exceeding the limit, you must be aware of the earnings
limitation and maintain records of the accumulated amount of
compensation you are earning during the year.

Questions You may reach a representative of the CalSTRS by calling

answered the Public Service Office at 1-800-228-5453. For hearing
impaired, call (916) 229-3541. If you prefer to address your
guestions directly to me, you may reach me at (916) 229-4664.

Marlene Wilgus, Pension Program Representative

Benefit Adjustments Unit
Service Retirements Division

MS-1369-1 (reV. 6/00)

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Membership # 009014155
Robert K. Shaw
5370 Nugget Rd.
Fair Oaks, CA 95628-3924

Phone Number: ___________________________ Best time to reach you:_____________________

Are you an AARP Member? Yes No Date your current policy expires: ___________
Do you own this residence? Yes No Is this residence rented to others?: Yes No
Is this your primary residence? Yes No
If No, indicate primary address:



Is your home a working farm or ranch? Yes No

Pa r t 2 Fir e /Se c u r it y In f o r m a t io n

Residence is: Inside City Limits Outside City Limits

Name of the fire department/fire district providing fire protection:
Miles to the fire station:_______________ Fire hydrant: within 1,000 feet Over 1,000 feet
Are there smoke detectors on all living levels? Yes No
Are there dead bolt locks on all exterior doors, including sliding doors? DYes No
Are you and your spouse retired? D Yes No
If No, do you and your spouse work less than 24 hours per week? Yes No
Do you have an alarm? D Fire Burglar
Please indicate where alarm sounds: Residence Police/Fire Dept. Security Company

(Over, please)
Have you had anv ;idence in the last three y,
Yes DNo sheet if necessary):

Does residence he e, roof, etc.?

Yes No

Is Is there a dog i
If yes, what bre = Yes No

Part 1 Ho

Type of Dwellin iwing information about exterior

1 Family
Modular y?
Townhouse iyl?

Do you have a c< Yes No

What is your prir her Describe if other:
Do you have an
Is your wiring: •

Pa r t 5 Co

Dwelling: $_

Pa r t 6 F(

; Please classify
mess #2 (if applicable)
Office . C irvice Retail Contractor
Provide a des tion of your product or service:

Replacement \ je of Business Property? $___

Annual gross r eipts/sales? $________________
Business Liai ndudes:
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livable $ 5,000
:rs $ 2,500

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We will prepc uctibles. We will also quote you with

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lucent’s Luster F.

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Lucent's business endeavors, such as this microchip manufacturing plant In New Jersey, minder Intense act

High-tech slide Lucent's stock tumbles 58 percent on four

luartere of earnings dsappobitmenta

! Monday’s
IUUBEaiKIM(llikUMSiiL£LUL:.a:.:.'.. C(0S6

CEO fired; weak earnings again predli

By Bruce Meyerson by Henry Schacht, a former Lucent chair- explode with
Associated Press man who will lead the search for a neW capacity on tl
leader at the company, whose stock ia the make up the!

EW YORK - Lucent Technologies second most widely owned in the nation. netwaikdfhs
Inc. fired its top executive on The sudden ouster came as Lucent was information t
Monday after warning for an forced to confess yet again that it luumt held compote
^tonishing fourth time this year that been able to capitalize on the opportunity But in Jam
Bjtfits will be weak despite booming de- ofa lifetime even though the framer Lusenfsbem
inand for network equipment to expand AT&T unit remains an undisputedleader thstislnsi
and upgrade the Internet. in telecommunications technology. • . _ _ t ,.
Richard McGinn will be replaced as On^ayearaAUlsm.WSMgSMWkLi'v
eBusiness for a customei-dtive

cl TBCBUt study shoius th(it when you

Ji t ’s yo u r sh ar e h o l d e r s wh o f eel al l
>1T7 A n If A TVT-TA T^TTr-r
1Ylurturing customers 10 months: The natural conclusion:
not only pays ofF, it pays offin a hurt)'. when your customers are satisfied,
As the chart below indicates, your shareholders will be gratified.
the shareholders of companies that You must be able to communi
use Siebel eBusiness Applications cate with your customers by
and services to improve their phone, by fax, by PDA, by email or
customer relationships have seen beeper—any way they choose.
their investments grow larger and Of course, it’s easy to pay lip
faster than the market as a whole. service to customer satisfaction
^ Obviously, no one can predict the and most companies do, but
^ market — but the fact is that overall, putting it into practice takes
between January 1995 and December an experienced, proven partner
^ 1999, companies who made signifi- like Siebel.
*4^ant investments in Siebel eBusiness Siebel eBusiness Applications
3 Applications outperformed leading market
indicators such as the Standard & Poor’s 500
index by a stunning 85%.'
deliver increased customer satisfaction,
increased revenues, and increased employee
productivity for more organizations, in more
This is no fluke. An independent study of industries, in more places around the world.
*0 companies using Siebel eBusiness Applications We coddle our customers. They coddle their
^^found that customer satisfaction increased by shareholders.
l»?21%, revenue growth increased by 15% and
£ employee productivity increased by 20%, with
SIEBEL.COM or 800.273.9913 j
Is full payback on their Siebel investment in
w yr^UA/,

X/ytW#j ^ _

/ > ^ J SSw J
Companies^who invested in

technology consistently outperformed both the Dow

Jones Industrial Average and the S&P500 over a four-year j

period, from January 1995 to December 1999. 1/95 12/95 12/97

Lucent: Company loses
dominant market position
From page D1 from investors that a change of core operations, makes up about
that the company’s once-loyal leadership was needed to restore a fifth of Lucent’s quarterly reve
investors have now been forced to investor confidence,” said Pow nues.
endure another three times. ers. “You can’t build investor In the latest warning on Mon
The company, based in Murray confidence when you’re con day morning, Lucent said its core
Hill, N.J., has tried to put a posi stantly telling people you’re go network equipment business will
tive spin on the situation each ing to do one thing and disap show a 7 percent decline in reve
time, continually pointing to point thereafter.” nues for the final three months of
unprecedented demand for fiber Amid the stream of disappoint 2000, its fiscal first quarter, com
optic technologies that its Bell ments, Lucent’s stock has lost pared with a year ago, only
Labs research unit pioneered as nearly three-quarters of its value enough for those operations to
part of AT&T. in less than a year. That drop has break even for the period.
However, it became apparent hurt an unusually large number Analysts surveyed by First
in recent months that Lucent had of individual investors since so Call/Thomson Financial had been
misjudged the market, failing to many of Lucent’s 5.3 million looking for Lucent to show an
anticipate demand for a next shareholders are longtime AT&T operating profit of 23 cents for
generation of optical network stockholders who received Lucent the quarter.
equipment that could move data shares in the 1996 spinoff. Meanwhile, after the close of
four times as fast as the gear On Monday, Lucent’s shares Monday’s trading, Lucent re
Lucent was focusing on. As a closed at $22,063 in trading on leased its report on the quarter
result, Lucent’s once command the New York Stock Exchange, that ended Sept. 30, edging Wall
ing position as a supplier of opti down about 58% from their price Street profit forecasts that were
cal equipment has dwindled a year ago. lowered sharply after the com
The Sacramento See

sharply, just as the market really McGinn, who became chairman pany issued a warning earlier
began to balloon. and CEO in February 1998, had this month.
In 1998, Lucent accounted for been a top executive for the com Operating earnings for the
27.6 percent of a worldwide mar pany ever since AT&T announced
three months totaled $600 mil
ket worth $10.3 billion, while plans to spin it off in late 1995.
lion, or 18 cents a share, not in
Nortel was No. 2 at 25.3 percent, “This was a difficult decision
according to the research firm made after considerable delibera cluding any results from Avaya,
Dell’Oro Group. Last year, as the tion,” Lucent director FraAklin the office telephone system busi
market grew to $15.4 billion, Thomas said in a statement on ness that Lucent spun off at the
Lucent’s share declined to 24.4 behalf of Lucent’s board. While end of the quarter. That was a
percent while Nortel’s swelled to McGinn had “made significant penny better than most analysts
30.1 percent. And by the second contributions to Lucent over the expected.
quarter this year, Lucent’s share past five years... the board felt a In the same period last year,
had slid to 19 percent while different set of skills was re Lucent earned $768 million, or 24
Nortel’s had improved to 36.6 quired at this point in the compa cents a share, also not including
percent. ny’s life.” the operations that constitute
“Lucent listened to a certain Specifically, the new CEO will Avaya.
core group of customers who were need to spearhead next year’s Including the impact ofAvaya’s
telling them one thing when the planned spinoff of Lucent’s micro operations and some one-time
market as a whole was going in a electronic business, which makes factors, Lucent suffered a net1
different direction,” said Dave semiconductors and fiber-optic of $225 million, or 7 cents;
Powers, an industry analyst for components for communications share fpr the quarter,
Edward Jones, a St. Louis-based equipment. with -n* income off" ‘
investment firm.. That business, which has per or 2 J cents per share,

\3 I
“There was a lot of pressure formed far better than Lucent's ajr 9ua,-ter.
Tuesday, October 3, 2000. X made the effort to go to San Francisco, CA

and meet Scott at the airport. He went to Siebel Corporation for an

and we had lunch,
interview about a security position. I picked him up/and we were then to

gether from 6 p.m. until about 9 p.m. Lou had her flower class.

I was able to deliver two arrangements to a Folsom

periodontist. They even paid me for the flowers, on the spot. Mary Lou

arranged with Michael to pick her up for the Floral Techniques/in Folsom

and bt-Tlng her home. I was ready to leave for the Bay Area after 10 a.m.

I drove to the San Francisco Airport and made good

connections with Scott. He seems to be looking for a position with more

income for him. Rents are very high in Manhasset, NY and his income does

not come up to his "out-go." It is necessary for Julia to work. She

has a temporary positon, something to do with company logos, that are put

on items, to be sold to companies,. She has to work some hours without

being paid. That is a "trick" of some companies, to get che ap /'

Scott will move out of his present rental house, in

Manhasset, NY soon. He has a "three months clause," in his leasing con

tract. Scott interviewed with Mr. Tom Siebel, the president and founder

of the e-business company. Mr. Siebel asked why he should hire Scott.

Scott had a readyfnswer’ .He told Mr. Siebel to check with Mr. Dell (a

family member of the Dell Computer Co.) Mr.

Siebel said that he knew Mr.
Dell. Mr. Dell has been doing similar work as Scott a.nd/knows him well.
ijtj/ lOtZll 2-000)
That is a terrific recommendation, it seems to melyy *Time will tell.
Scott talked to Mr. Siebel in his home and rode back in a big limosuine.
Scott is not overly anxious to take such a job, it

seems. He thinks of moving across the country, having to get a house in

a very expensive housing market, etc. We talked about Mike and Margo Shaw,

moving here. He also talked about my health and my activity, in working.

Scott is such a great man. He loves his wife and family. We had some
nesday, October 4, 2000. I was tired after the trip to San Mateo, CA yes

day. But, I was not nearly as tired as Scott who went directly from t >e

Newark, NJ Airport to work at Lucent Technologies all day, without

much rest. The Sears repairman did not come out to put on the carburetors-

I have just received one of the two carburetors that

were ordered. So, the service person did not come out today. I hope that

I receive the other curburetor soon. The lawn grass needs to be cut!

Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital this

morning. In the afternoon, she taught the Family History Class, at the

Cordova Senior Center. She bought some flowers for her orders. She came

home very insistent that the flowers be made up quickly and delivered. I

cut the stems of the flowers and put them in water. She asked Michael and
I to deliver one arrangement over on Hoffman Lane. Michael was very kind
to help us. He ha^i worked on the arrangement last night in floral class.

The "sound and the fury" of the presidential

debate last night is still reverbrating. Most observers call it a

draw. Both candidates made mistakes but not "fatal" ones. Bush stood up

to Gore, toe to toe. Gore smirked at Bush and some called G's actions

"juvenile." They centered their debate on domestic problems, like Social

Security, taxes, schools, etc. and did not touch much on foreign affairs.
Bush seemed to have a dismal lack of knowledge on foreign affairs.
The vice presidential candidates will "debate" tomorrow

evening. There will also be two additional presidential debates later.

Some satirists called it the debate between the "fraternity guy and the

Ivy League joker." Not much substance to the presidential discussions.

I picked up Michael as he wanted to use the truck. The

escrow has been opened on their new house, in El Dorado Hills. I talked

to Mike about helping me with the front yard drainage work and also the

building of the redwood fence, using ste^l post/^ between Smith's lot /
and our lot. I plan to pay Mike, if he will help me. About the only
other person who I could hire would be Danny Kash. I prefer Mike as
he has an engineering background and is very easy to work with. Micha
did not commit himself to helping with the jobs. I figure that the job
will each cost $1K each (+) to complete. The cost could go up to twice
that figure—I haven't done much pre-planning on the estimated costs.
Thursday, October 5, 2000. Mary Lou found two carburetor packages in the

delivery from Sears Parts. Now, I can have the tiller and the riding

mower both repaired. Mary Lou worked at Folsom Convalescent Hospital.

There were two carburetors in the parts package. I

missed seing the smaller one, when I received the package. I called Sears

and they will be out on Saturday, to work on the mower and the tiller.
Scott said that he and Julia attended the televised

dedication ceremonies of the Boston, Massachusetts Temple. That would be

#100 of dedicated and operating temples. I had thought that the Church
[to be number 100]
leaders—Pres. Hinckley--raight be reserving the Nauvoo/Temple, as it is

being re-built and made ready for dedication. I don't know what stage

of construction the Nauvoo Temple has attained. Too bad that the Kirtland,

Ohio Temple is in the hands of the Reorganized L.D.S. Church. It was

during a court hearing, presided over a judge belonging to or friendly to, ■

the Reorganized Church that awarded title to the Reorganized Church. I

really don't know much about the court case, when it occurred, etc.

We delivered a floral piece to the Rocklin Basin. The

lady customer gave me good directions to the out-of-the-way location. Lou

and I found the house really easily so that was /. I have that

blood test to do at Kaiser in Roseville. I found the blood work order

form. I'll have to go up to Roseville soon, when I have fasted 12-hours.

There is a lot of political turmoil in/ and what

was once Yugoslavia. They had an election but the dictator, who had been

in power, did not want to step down. He had received a lesser number of

votes than the winning candidate. So, there have been a lot of riots and

protests and strikes in that region of the world. Of course, the U.S.A.
, police
puts itself in the position of being "an international/ force." Then,

there is the factor of "foreign aid," to coerce the locals to conform. .

Money talks. Holly is excited about going on a business trip for the

State of California, Education Dept., next week. It will be in the Ana

heim area. Holly might be able to go to Disneyland, on the trip. It is
good that Holly gets a chance to go on out-of-town trips, in h

chael Shaw gave us an "appraisal" from Davis and Davis Realtors, who sold
:m their house in El Dorado Hills, CA. The three lots are appraised at $50K
:h, total $150K. The house and/or lot was not appraised separately.]
day, October 6, 2000. Mary Lou worked at^jier Oil Fainting class this

ning. We went to the chiropractic place for adjustments this afternoon

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f
This is one of those famous Sacramento, CA "Indian

imers." The weather is warm, with just a hint of coolness. The forecast is

r warm weather and maybe some moisture, even snow?, for the first of week.

I paid the bills. I had paid the VISA bill, amount

,762.15 earlier in the week, using Lou's checkbook. I had $600 left over in

r checkbook, so I paid that to Lou. She now has $578.00 as her balance. I

lid the bills, totalling $1,035. So, the total bills paid for the month was

bout $2,800. It is good that we had the funds to pay the bills in full,
mailed out the / so I shouldn't have any late charges.

There has been newspaper stories about AlGore's

ixaggerations and lies, over the years. He likes to build situations where he

seems to be the "big hero" but he brags and can't live up to his lies. I don't

trust him. One of his things is to "showcase" unfortunate people who

benefit from his "wisdeffl." One old lady that he portrayed as being dependent

on picking up aluminum cans to buy prescription drugs, really didn't need the

money from the scavenging. Her son is a wealthy landowner who is willing to
help. The lady wants to be independent so she/. the aluminum cans, etc.

AlGore comes off looking like the exaggerator and liar that he is & has been.
The newspaper account told of other lies and exaggerations by "Good Guy A1 Gore."
Dr. Beth Morphew said that Karen Blakely is in

Anchorage, Alaska, caring for Davids kids. David Thomas and wife Kelly are in

Holland on a vacation trip. Linda and Terry Field are staying with Bruce

Blakely in Riverbank, CA, as Linda has to work some more weeks, to qualify for

|her retirement and they have moved to their new vacation home near Redding, CA.

lyrleen Lyon sent an e-mail about the disillusionment of folks in Gore's

:ongressional district in Tennessee. The e-mail tells of AlGore changing

:o fit the "popular" politics and forgetting his earlier statement of
[conservative values." Myrleen .Lyon suggested that we send the e-mail
Jo folks on our correspondence list. jjary Lou went to her oil painting lei^^^^
It Janie Erickson's home last night. Janie seems to be feeling better, af
>ing in the hospital. She is out in her yard,doing manual labor and making-**
,"r yard more beautiful. That is a good report on Janie s health. Good on Janie.
[The Sears repairman came out and installed a new carburetor on the riding
,, , fuel tank,
mower. He will put the carburetor on the tiller, when he orders a new j.
Saturday, October 7, 2000. I had a pleasant surprise today. Mr. Smith

from next door, showed me the surveying stake that has been in the earth
-- .------ ----- - - ■ . -......... ...... —

for ten years or so. It is near his house. 1 thought that the stake had

been.r^goyed years ago. Mr. Smith worked with his earth moving tractor.

I talked to
Mr. Smith. He showed me the surveying
been there,
stake under the grate that has / over the years. I thought that the

stake had been removed. Now, I can build the fence, using the stakes
as the corners. All three stakes are there, on the west property lines.
It is quite remarkable that one (me) can think things

are a certain way for ten years or so (the surveying stake) and my think-
reflective of
ing is not/the true state of affairs. I want to cut the berry vines along

the property line and get ready for putting in the fence. Mr. Smith said

that the County engineering people have restrictions about building a

fence in a flood plain. I'll have to check out the County regulations.

Mr. S. showed me his approved plans, the County Permit Department

He is planning to build a garage or storage building, on his lot.

Mr. S. showed me where he and his neighbor, to the

West, have been excavating for the wall or fence. There is a concrete

drainage path that they have discovered. The escavation goes to my

property line nearly. I wonder if I'll have to make any changes in the
corner the
drainage line, from the property/line to/Madison Avenue drainage system?

Michael came by with Chloe and Sophia. The daughters

jumped on the trampoline. Mike is still looking for a transportation auto

to purchase. Mary Lou attended the morning session of General Conference,

at the Stake Center. She went to Mr. Rader^s computer class in the p.m.

Holly Miller came by to borrow a couple of our new

suitcases. She is going to a Dept, of State Education meeting in Anaheim,

CA next week. Mike checked the "magic eyes," on the yard light fixtures.

The yard light in the rear of the house stays on, all of the time. Perhap
I can purchase a replacement "electric eye" so that I won't have to buy a
entirely new outdoor light fixture? Lou went with the Millers to a dinner
at Michelle Allen's place and then they went to a play, The play
"Marvin's Room, presented at the Actor's Theater at De aso v
in North Sacramento. I watched college football game^an^^ west lawn.
I didn't have much energy today and I slept a
lay, October 8, 2000. This was General Conference Sunday.
The new Conferen
had a('
iter in Salt Lake City, UT was dedicated with a "Hosanna Shout." I / ^

3W Sunday and rested a lot of the time. Holly left for Anaheim, Calif.

I was up early with a supply of energy. Then, X seem

eat too much breakfast and X get sleepy, with a low energy factor. Mary Lou

s excited about seeing the play, "Marvin's Room." The Millers and Chris

.■entice also attended. I think that Jared Miller watched the children, at

Lchelle Allen's home. Jared is a dependable young man.

Lou said that Pres. Hinckley led the congregation in

he "Hosanna Shout." He said to use your hand, if you do not have a handker-

hief. Lou attended the sessions, looking for answers to questions that have

teen troubling her. She was not disappointed.

I watched most of the game hetween the Oakland Raiders

and the San Francisco 49'ers. I cheered for the 49-ers but they lost by a

touchdown, in overtime. It was nip-and-tuck for most of the game. Jeff

Garcia showed his skills as the 49'ers quarterback. Gannon was the q.b.

for the Raiders. Both teams seemed motivated to win and played hard.

Laird Snelgrove sent the Naylor family records, as he

promised that he would do. Mary Lou went through the papers and the photos ,but
I don't know the exact contents. That was nice of Laird to sen^the info.

I didn't go through the Sacramento Bee as I slept a

lot today. I want to catch up on the latest news. The second and third T.V.

debates between Bush and Gore will take place, starting again this week,
Gloria Moen and her husband will be having their 50th

(wedding anniversary soon. We received the announcement in the mail. They live
[Mr. Moen was an officer in the Air Force, at Mather. He now has dementia.]
Ln the Shingle Springs area. /Gloria is a member of the Family History Class.

Joshua Miller took Holly's departure on the trip to

louthern California very hard. It is tough for a young guy like Josh
|ot to have his mother around. It will be up to Melissa to get Josh
iady for school. It will be up to Lou and I to help, as needed. I want t
for the blood draw at Kaiser tomorrow. I have to fast for 12-hours. Th
not anything on my "calendar" for this week. I want to buy some lumber for
> fence and also some redwood stain. Will Mr, Smith help on "Goode, Neighbor
Fence" expenses? He hasn't helped on expenses in the pas't*--maybe now????????

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COLUMBUS DAY—many public offices and businesses were closed for holiday.
Monday, October 9, 2000. The rain, lightning and thunder cometh! The

lightning even caused a house fire in Elk Grove, CA. There was snow in
Rancho Cordova
the Sierras. I went to Kaiser in / and had the blood draw.

The rain fell very hard but briefly today The cool
weather may continue but it does not look like much more rain/the fore-

cast. The moisture p revented me from mowing the lawns .

I took Lou to Rancho Cordova for her Art s and Crafts

g.roup. She had ' the class in the dining area as an "Active Mature Driving

class" was being held in the classroom. I went to Rancho Cordova Kaiser

for the bl£}od draw. It is for the Chlolesterol Clinic. I also picked up

"anti-gout" pills at the pharmacy.

In the news, Kaiser is planning to expand the Roseville

Hospital facilities. They are also expanding into Folsom and Elk Grove.

Both communities (cities) are growing and Kaiser likes to serve it's

members. We can expect further medical and pharmacy rate increases.

Kaiser has about 35% of the medical care business, in this area.
I bought some groceries at COSTCO^I also filled up the

tank and saved about 10d a gallon on the gasoline purchase. I have a

rebate slip for Kodak film and must take the time to send it in to Kodak.

There is fighting between the Israelis and the Pal

estinians on the West Bank, Gaza, etc. Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, etc. are

on the sidelines, harassing Israel. Foreign aid from the good old U.S.A.

has a lot to do with the politics of the region. Things have calmed

down in what was once Yugoslavis and Serbia, etc.

Mary Lou worked her three split shifts today. We did

not have time for Family Home Evening. We did read from the Book of Mor

mon last night. Lou did get some rest this afternoon and in the early

evening. She keeps a dding more students to her class lists.

We hear that Ryan Shaw wants to go on a trip with his
high school classmate s to San Francisco. The cost is about $800. Sandy
reminds Ryan that he did not take a free trip to Atlanta, GA. awarded to
hi|)f\iover the summer, I wonder if Ryan is permitted to drive the family
cars? That was a res triction to him for not attending Seminary, getting
up late, being carele ss with his duties to the family, etc. I wonder
what Elder Riley Shaw 's address is at the Missionary Training Center, in^
Provo, UT? We should work on the "Shaw Family Paper, for Sept.
[Both the San Francisco Giants and the Oakland A's have been elimi 1
the baseball play-off series by the New York Mets and the New York Yankee

Tuesday, October 10, 2000. Light rain continued again today with ^eC^owe^p0l

cooler temperatures. The lawns were not dry enough to cut, with the/. j
There was more moisture today. The rain cleans

out the air and makes breathing easier, it seems. I get the sniffles and

have a runny nose and sensitivity in my throat. It doesn't take much.

Mary Lou was off to her shift at the Folsom Conv.

Hospital. Gordon Venable has been in Kaiser Hospital with his diabetes con-
dition. Gordon is scheduled to retire from his custodian's job at / soon.

Michael Shaw was not afcLou's evening Floral Technique:

class tonight. He is in Silicon Valley, probably in connection with his job

at Share Wave. Mary Lou had five people in attendance. I took Lou to Sutter

Junior High and picked her up. I did some shopping at Long's Drug Store.

My "house-husband" duties at our home take the back

seat. Dishes pile up in the sink. I do keep up on the laundry and Lou obliges
by folding the clothes and I help put them away. My "office" is a Hallo- MM

ween fright! I need to box the papers that are on the floor, as a minimum.

I paid the bills for Mary Lou. Lou noticed that Kelly

Wholesale put on some invoices for July and August and then charged a service

charge because we had not paid them sooner! That needs to be checked out with

Kellys. Lou finds herself being low on her checkbook balance. Vg expected her

payroll notice from FCUSD today but for some reason, it wasn't in the mail??

Mary Lou came home this afternoon and rested. Even a

short nap seems to give her enough energy to teach the classes^ on her schedule.

I don't know the situation with Chris Prentice. The

divorce seems to be bogging down because of slowness with getting paperwork

from Ed Prentice's attorney. Chris still seems to delight in finding out "dirt"

about Ed's business practices. That information may be satisfying to

her but it will not help in getting a financial settlement with Ed that

fair and satisfying to her. At worst, she could be compelled to pay alii^

to Ed, as she is the steady wage-earner. Or, she may have to share her STrT
school teaching pension with.him? Wouldn't that bey t0 Chris P ?
___ _________ embarrassing
cut some more branches on the shrubs, in the front yard. I put them in the "green waste"
ish can. and they were hauled off, to the recycler place. There are.* lot more branches to cut.]
Wednesday, October 11, 2000. This month is speeding by rapidly. It will

be the 15th on Sunday! We did our home teaching at John & Sue Dennis'.

The rain continued today. The lawnjand shrubs were

soaked and they needed the moisture. The sun did peek out from behind

the clouds but the grass is too wet to cut with the lawn mower.

Mel Stephensen is in Hawaii for three weeks, with his

family. Eldon Junior has been very ill so this will be a pleasant trip

for him. Eldon Junior has had some kind of brain surgery and that is very

serious. It seems that the Stephensens have an interest in a time share.

They vacation in exotic places and seem to enjoy themselves. Otherwise,

I don't know anything definite about their vacation arrangements.

Mary Lou had a good class sess ion ^jith her family
history group. he taught them about /imm^Qj^ajAea.a nod .-• ci nargrirt a o n ■ Lou

picked up Chris Prentice at Winn School, that is near to the Cordova

Senior Center. Chris used our car to drive to an appointment. It was

probab1y/with her divorce attorney. Chris stayed overnight at our home.

Chris P. used our computer to type up papers, probably

having to do with her divorce action. Why doesn't she engage good

lawyeis and let them file her papers? I've heard that a person who has him

self (herself) as as their own attorney,has a fool for a client.

To Chris' credit, she seems very calm and serene.

Also, she is very willing to do more than her share. I can see why she

gets along well with her co-workers and the school administration, etc.

It is unfortunate that her marriage broke up, after 15 or so years.

It was the second debate for Bush and Gore. Gore

seeined a bit contrite about his lies and exaggerations. Bush makes
/ on his own. It was a chance for Bush to be more assertive.

Bush had a hard time defending some of his Texas accomplishments in the
areajpof health insurance for the very young and for the death penalty for
hate crimes. He said that three people were given the death penalty for
the crime but really only two were given that sentence. The other one was
given life in prison. Another debate will be held next week. Clinton has
100-days more in office as a "lame duck president. The election will e
held in 27-more days. The Dennis' were hospitable. Mary Lou gave the
lesson. The Dennis' had be en to Idaho, to pick up some colts and a oro.e>
rsday, October 12, 2000 . There was more sunshine today. We took Chris;

mtice to Kings Skating for a class outing. We went to Mohr's Care,

Chris Prentice must be lonely, even though she

s a busy schedule. Holly Miller should be returning home tomorrow evening,

ter a week in Anaheim, CA. Holly had a chance to go to Disneyland.

I received a couple of pair^of over-size pajamas

1 the mail from Haband Co. I also received some Dr. Scholl's one-strap shoes,

aybe I can get the p.j.'s hemmed so they won't drag the floor? I need the

arge sizes. X have started wearing coats and sweaters, for the cooler days.

I received the twice yearly publication, "BYU Alumni

lews." Even though I was graduated from there 47-years ago, I feel a certain

ittachment to BYU. I provide almost nothing in the way of financial support.

C don't hear much about their football wins and losses this year. The local

paper ignores coverage of BYU's sport program. It is good to hear about the

scholarly pursuits of the BYU programs, business and law schools, etc.

There was news today about a U.S. Navy ship

being hit with an explosive charge in Yemen. I don't know much about the

details. This may be a "contrived disaster" invented by Clinton and Gore, to

keep sympathy on their side, as the election comes nearer and nearer?? Clinton

is certainly not above such tactics. I remember the action in Yugoslavia being
called "Monica's War,"/to divert attention from the impeachment trials, etc.

Mary Lou had some rest this afternoon. Taking a rest

in the daytime is certainly rare with her. She went to an oil painting lesson

with Janie Erickson. We went over to the care home of Norma and Mac Cutts. They

were going out for a third wedding anniversary outing. The elderly folks were

Ivery pleasant. We had a roast chicken dinner. Norma is a good cook. Mac Cutts

told of having a "night mask," to direct oxygen into his nose. He suffers
from "sleep apnea." He went into the hospital, to take tests before
[rdering the "sleep mask." Norma seems to be going strong. Norma wants
Is to be fingerprinted and study for and take a Red Cross First Aid test.
|oth of these are required by;the State Board regulating Care Homes. I hel
(£th the toileting of Gene. ary Lou read some poems and also a story, to
Itertain the patients. Tha* was a big hit with the folks. Mac is taking
lown lessons and Norma is sewing him a pair of clown pants. Norma and Mac
■ . _ nroeress. I used the crock pot to cook some stew meat & vegs.
Hiller called tonight. She says that the family "feud" is "coming to a settlement time,
ras very vague about the details. Sue wanted to be in Fair flaks when all this takes
;. Lou told her that we do not want to be involved in their family disputes, not come Here.]
Friday, October 13, 2000. FRIDAY THE' THIRTEENTH. It was not an unlucky

day for me. I mowed the lawn, to the west of the house. I hope to finish

the job tomorrow. Michael & Margo Shaw brought their daughters by tonite.

I even see a few of the Christmas holiday decorations. I guess that we

are not so much into decorating. We must buy some trick or treat candy.

The moisture dried up and the mowing was fairly easy. The grass was high

but the riding mower seems to cut right through the lawn grass. I want

to cut the lawns on the east side of the house tomorrow.

for taking the time to go to Elder Riley B. Shaw's missionary farewell.

She said that Ryan is stepping up as the "big brother," and helping out

Karen Thomas has been ill, in Alaska, at David and Kelly's home. Karen

is due to travel through Sacramento, on her way to Riverbank, CA. Dr.

Beth said that she did not know if Karen were well enough to travel? I

did not feel well when I went to Dr. Beth's office. The adjustments seem

to make me feel better. Dr. Beth is trying to get the permits for her new

office in Carmichael. They have been down/painting the walls. I'd like

to bid on the wood-burning stove, if it is available.

afternoon. She worked at the Oil Painting class this morning. She had

to "mediate" a misunderstanding between a couple of the "tempermental

artists." Mary Lou does not like personal conflict and was feeling badly.

some water coloring with Mary Lou and even played "RUMMIQDE." Chloe has
about four teeth out in front. She played "A 1 jr iShfliSfj^mas Is
J - ftf pr* f.,Teerh » on the piano. Sophie played "Twinkle, Twinkle
Little Star, on the piano and also sang the words. Sophia was more
talkative. She likes to repeat things that Chloe can do. The Shaws and
the Millers are going to Marine^——World — Six Flags tomorrow. Mike and
urday, October 14, 2000. That was a "wake-up call" from Susan Miller. Does she really

it to "get off the streets" and make something of her life? Is this the time that hej
:her, / and family is willing to "take another look" and meet some of her real
d imagined needs? Is Eldon Senior willing to pay her any of the / to $100K owed to her?
------------------------------------------------------- Or, that she claims is due to her?
Susan Miller is an enigma, as usual. Is she really ready to turn

sr life around? She made it sound as if this time, it is an emergency, requiring us to let

ir come and stay with us in Fair Oaks. She seems to think that she can "maneuver" her father
[It's totally unclear to me, but Susan seems to want to "force" her dad to be active/Church?]
nto giving her money from the estate of her Mother, Dorothy Miller./ Eldon Senior is planning

o retire soon. Is that a factor in Susan getting the money she thinks is due to her?

lary Lou told her that we just don't want to get involved in decisions about her with family.

It would seem to me that Susan needs . physical and mental exams.

iJhy has she preferred a life on the streets, for five years or more? Why does she shy away

from gainful employment? Why is she so vague about plans to get her life "back in order?"
An attorney has reviewed the will of Susan's mother and told / that there is nothing there

for her. Simply stated, I think that she has made some serious mistakes in her life _—

and is too stubborn to turn her life around, for acceptable standards. Time will tell.
Susan seems a long way from volunteering for mental health treatments—has avoided any attempt.
Holly Miller returned from Anaheim, CA. She tripped over- some

luggage ofy Southwest Airlines and hurt herself. She was in pain on the airplane flight. She

was taken off the plane at the airport by EMS's and sent by ambulance to Kaiser Hospital.

The medical people x-rayed her and sent her home. She wants to go to work next week.

Mary Lou worked around the house this morning. In the afternoon,

she went to Mr. Rader's Computer Genealogy class in Rancho Cordova. I don't hear of any re

markable "discoveries" by Lou, as a result of the class. I think that Jim Rader must be deal

ing is some pretty "advanced concepts," in both computers and in genealogical studies.

We went to "Mohr Care Home" as Norma and Mac Cutts were going out

to a wedding this evening. We really didn't see Honey or Lou, the elderly patients. Gene

was frustrated that he could not find how to dial up his "WESTERN" channel, to see his cowboy

movies. Mary Lou played Rujnmique with Gene and he sustained interest in the game,
Barbara Acklin called from Pine Grove, CA and invited us up to visit them. We have
the shift at the Family History Center tomorrow so probably will not be able to go this
unday. That was nice of the Acklins to invite us up to their new home. Holly and Eldoi?
iller brought our luggage back to us, at Cutts' home. Eldon and the Miller Kids went with
ke and Margo + daughters to "Marine World—Six Flags," in V&lejo, CA today. Good on them!
Sunday, October 15, 2000. William (Bill) Titera is the new Bishop of

First Ward. The counselors are Richard Michelsen and Mark Bailey. X had

a strong feeling about the selection of Bishop Titera and Mark Bailey.

The selection ol Rich Michelsen was a bit of a shocker. All good leaders.

Bishop Titera and wife Dorothy, Rich Michelsen and

wife Judy and Mark Bailey and wife Charlotte—what a team. Lou said that

the entire Stake Presidency was in attendance. Bishop Kevin Kelley

has served well for about five years. Nadine West is making up a quilt

for the Kelleys, to be personalized and given to him @ a reception, 10/20.

Bp. Kelley's counselors, Fred Crooks and Fritz Basilius were also excellent.

Bp. Titera said that he noticed how Bro. Michelsen

worked on projects that were not familiar to him,with gusto. Mark Bailey
First Ward, Fair Oaks Stake
has been the / Elders Quorum President. He has raised a fine

family. I don't know about the other First Ward officers, teachers, etc.?
[widows especially]
Mark B. has been willing to help members/with building projects,painting etc.

Dennis Campbell was at the Family History Center today.

Tammi, his wife, has had an appendicitus operation but is feeling better.

It was not busy down there today. Joann Williams came in for some work on

the computers. X wrote out some of the news for the family paper. I

hope that we can get the paper printed soon.

Michael and Margo are planning to move into their new

house in El Dorado Hills this week. They may be planning to use the/ 3-19

pick-up for their move. As my pick-op truck is small, I hope that they

rent a moving van from U-Haul for their move.

It is a good feeling to have our home teaching complet.

ed by the middle of the month. I'll have to advise Bro. Judd of the High

Priests Group that the teaching has been done, for the month. It is better

than going out on Halloween night, to do the work.

I do not have any items on my calendar for this week.

The last presidential debate will be on Tuesday. The Republican Party is
still asking for contributions, via telephone solicitations. Carryn Nixon
came over tonight for a home teaching visit. She sang some songs of Zion
while Mary Lou played the piano. Carryn wants Lou to play for her at a
recital at Homestead Care Home j in December, I believe. Quite a reijug^^.
day, October 16, 2000. We didn't hear anymore from Susan Miller or a

Millers about Susan's plans for the "big reconciliation." I imagine r

her father,
it thingjwill remain as "status quo,"[as they are]about her plans with/Eldon.

We think that our plans not to intervene 3D Susan's

oblems is the best policy. I have "said my piece" many times but no one lis-

ns, espeda lly the two Eldons. Susan just will not take the steps that are

cessary to get herself off the streets and living a productive life. Lou's
Licy of not meddling in the Miller family affairs about Susan is the best policy for us.
The "Indian Summer" continues. I will have to turn the

?rinklers back on, to water the trees, shrubs and lawn grass. We are still

icking a few tomatoes. They have been marked by the recent rains but the

lavor is good. Planting the tomato plants was an expensive project and I'm

ot sure that the produce that we have to eat covers the expenses. Maybe in

lelf-satisfaction or other intangibles?

Chris Prentice and Lou have plans to go to a play on

Thursday night. Tickets are hard to get, according to Chris P. Janie

Erickson wants to attend and there might be a ticket for me.Fay Callahan sent a

card that cited "Miss Manners." I guess that Fay still feels hurt that Verna
has not come to the Mid-West to visit and Verna did not/Fay know about happen

ings in the West, with the Naylor Get-Together, etc. Much ado about nothing.

This was the day that Michael and Margo were to move

into their new home, in El Dorado Hills, CA. I told Mike that I had to help

Lou with her Classes on Monday and Tuesday nights. So, I don't know if Mike

started moving and if so, if he rented a U-Haul van to move their goods.

I went to Lou's Floral Techniques class at the Cordova

Senior Center. About ten class members attended. The people want an extension

California about earning/$ 19,650 . After earning that much, Lou would
lave to pay dollar-for-dollar back to the State, not a happy prospect,
j'll have to make a calculation about the break-even point. I'll have to
o some calculating, using Lou's payroll stubs and find out what she will
ttkely earn this calendar year. The Sorens have invited us to come to Boi
Ira,- fhp Thanksgiving week. That is nice of them to include us in their plans.
Tuesday, October 17, 2000. In sports news, it will be the New York Yan*-

kees versus the New York Mets, in a "Subway Series-World Series." I re

ceived the property tax statements. The "scoundrels" at the Park and Re

creation District were able to get through a $50 per year tax increase.

It will be the Yankees against the Mets in the World

Series of baseball. The Giants and the Oakland Athletics had a bit of a

play-off chance but couldn't hold up to the big city teams.

I will have to pay $450.70 on $39,545 of assessed

land and real estate value. I have been paying less than $400 for 13-

years or so. Fair Oaks Park and Recreation Board slipped in a $50 per

year tax increase, in spite of Proposition 13 tax relief. The tax pay- :

ments will be $225.35 in December and in April, 2001. A $7,000 Home-

owners Exemption applies. "Nothing so inevitable as death and taxes."

I also made a calculation about Mary Lou and the "Post

of the limitation
Retirement Earnings Limitation. The amount/is $19,650. Lou has earned

» $13,837.17 to the end of September. That is an average of about $1,537

more for the next three months of
a month. So, she can earn about $5,814/this year and still be under the

Earnings Limitation. She can work about 74-hours a month at $26.31at> hour
or 220 hours at $26.31 — equals about $5,800, for 3-months. classes.
^ou has decided to go ahead in December with some extra flower design/
(JlO ioJz^OOOJ
Mary Lou is having problems maintaining attendance, to

keep the Arts and Crafts class going. I don't know what the consequences

will be? The Adult Education administration keeps close monitoring on

all of the classes, the attendance, etc.

/' '
Mary Lou changed the reservation from about Utef-to

Southwest, to go to Boise, ID. If we go by plane, we will

to rent
(lave/an auto, to get around. Both Alyson and Caroline have invited us to

stay at their homes, out in Kuna, ID. The Presidential debates ended to

night. Gore was aggressive and on the attack. Bush seemed laid-back and
not so hyped-up. They went over a lot of the same ground as in the previous
two debates. Again, observers said that it was a draw but many undecided
voters are still unenlightened. The debate was in St. Louis, MO. It had a town
hall format. Bush is leading in the polls and the "undecided vote" is im
portant. Michael and daughters came to the Folsom flower arranging class.
The girls made up an arrangement for their mother. Mike has not started tc
move yet. I suggested that he rent a van to move heavy furniture & goods.
Monday, October 16, 2000. We didn't hear anymore from Susan Miller or any
the Millers about Susan's plans for the "big reconciliation." I imagine f .W
her father,
that thingjwill remain as "status quo,"[as they are]about her plans with/Eldon.

We think that our plans not to intervene iH Susan's

problems is the best policy. I have "said my piece" many times but no one lis

tens, espeda lly the two Eldons. Susan just will not take the steps that are

necessary to get herself off the streets and living a productive life. Lou's
policy of not meddling in the Miller family affairs about Susan is the best policy for us.
The "Indian Summer" continues. I will have to turn the

sprinklers back on, to water the trees, shrubs and lawn grass. We are still

picking a few tomatoes. They have been marked by the recent rains but the

flavor is good. Planting the tomato plants was an expensive project and I'm

not sure that the produce that we have to eat covers the expenses. Maybe in

self-satisfaction or other intangibles?

Chris Prentice and Lou have plans to go to a play on

Thursday night. Tickets are hard to get, according to Chris P. Janie

Erickson wants to attend and there might be a ticket for me.Fay Callahan sent a

card that cited "Miss Manners."I guess that Fay still feels hurt that Verna
has not come to the Mid-West to visit and Verna did not/Fay know about happen

ings in the West, with the Naylor Get-Together, etc. Much ado about nothing.

This was the day that Michael and Margo were to move

into their new home, in El Dorado Hills, CA. I told Mike that I had to help

Lou with her Classes on Monday and Tuesday nights. So, I don't know if Mike

started moving and if so, if he rented a U-Haul van to move their goods.

I went to Lou's Floral Techniques class at the Cordova

Senior Center. About ten class members attended. The people want an extension

of the class into December. Lou has a serious restriction from the State of
California about earning/$ 19,650 . After earning that much, Lou would
have to pay dollar-for-dollar back to the State, not a happy prospect.
I'll have to make a calculation about the break-even point. I'll have to
do some calculating, using Lou's payroll stubs and find out what she will
likely earn this calendar year. The Sorens have invited us to come to Bois'
over the Thanksgiving week. That is nice of them to include us in their plans.
Gayle plans to have Thanksgiving dinner at Lottie's house. Jaron Soren called
»--- Southern Virginia College. Jaron has a one semester scholarship*
Tuesday, October 17, 2000. In sports news it will be the New York Yan»
kees versus the New York Mets, in a "Subway Series—World Series." I re

ceived the property tax statements. The "scoundrels" at the Park and Re

creation District were able to get through a $50 per year tax increase.

It will be the Yankees against the Mets in the World

Series of baseball. The Giants and the Oakland Athletics had a bit of a

play-off chance but couldn't hold up to the big city teams.

I will have to pay $450.70 on $39,545 of assessed

land and real estate value. I have been paying less than $400 for 13-

years or so. Fair Oaks Park and Recreation Board slipped in a $50 per

year tax increase, in spite of Proposition 13 tax relief. The tax pay

ments will be $225.35 in December and in April, 2001. A $7,000 Home-

owners Exemption applies. "Nothing so inevitable as death and taxes."

I also made a calculation about Mary Lou and the "Post

of the limitation
Retirement Earnings Limitation. The amount/is $19,650. Lou has earned

$13,837.17 to the end of September. That is an average of about $1,537

more for the next three months of
a month. So, she can earn about $5,814/this year and still be under th>

Earnings Limitation. She can work about 74-hours a month at $26.31an ho

or 220 hours at $26.31 — equals about $5,800, for 3-months. classes.
iou has
has decided
decided to
to go ahead in December with some extra flower design/
Mary Lou is having problems maintaining attendance, t

keep the Arts and rafts class going. I don't know what the consequence

will be? The Adu

all c3 f the classes

/ '
Mary Lou changed the reservation from about to

Southwest, to go to Boise, ID. If we go by plane, we will

to rent
have/an auto, to get around. Both Alyson and Caroline have invited us 1

stay at their homes, out in Kuna, ID. The Presidential debates ended to-

|. night. Gore was aggressive and on the attack. Bush seemed laid-back and
] not so hyped-up. They went over a lot of the same ground as in the previo
two debates. Again, observers said that it was a draw but many undecided
voters are still unenlightened. The debate was in St. Louis, MO. It had a to
hall format. Bush is leading in the polls and the "undecided vote is im-
Michael and daughters came to the Folsom flower arranging class.
he girls made up an arrangement for their mother. Mike has not started t
move yet. I suggested that he rent a van to move heavy furniture s g
ednesday, Ocrober 18, 2000. This was Melissa Miller's 18th birthday. We al

bserved Joshua's 10th birthday by taking Holly and her kids out to dinner.

Melissa Miller is 18-year-old now. She seems to

enjoy attending American River College. Also, she works at the State Dept.

of Education, in the evening bookstore. She makes more money than at Target.

One of Melissa's projects that she wanted to complete

by her birthday was the album of photos taken at our 50th wedding anniversary

party. Melissa used some extra fine "scrapbook techniques" the photos
and label them. It was a requirement of the / ‘Class, of which she was the

President, in the Young Women's Program at Church. It is a lovely book, for us.
Melissa will receive the Young Women's Award and have her name on the wall placque.
Joshua has a new "razor scooter" for his birthday.

He is a fine young man, very bright and congenial. Eldon takes him to school

and picks him up. He says that he is studying pre-algebra at Le Gette School

I worked on putting the pull handle on the red wagon.

The wagon is available now for the Miller boys to pull the Shaw girls
pulled by the riding mower tractor.
around the yard,/ Also, I worked on getting that little book, "What My Family

Should Know," up-to-date. It is almost filled with personal financial infor

mation now. The book is useful to let us know about insurance, IRA's, savings

personal financial data about Mary Lou and Bob and other miscellaneous items.

Michael and family were to go out to dinner but they

called with "regrets." I wonder if he has started to move his household goods

out of U-Haul storage yet? There is not much communication between us.

Barbara Acklin called today. Tim was down visiting a chum, who
■■ | . ; f ! i
is on the water polo team at Del Campo High. They seem to be doing well. The
[Pine Grove, CA]
like living in the foothills,/near Jackson, CA. I knew the Galli family up

that way, in years past. Mary Lou worked on her two ciassestoday.. Then, she wor

ed on her attendance records, that are due to the Adult Education office.

Lou has a computerized plan for recording the attendance. It seems to

take up a lot of her time. Holly still has her right arm in a sling,

after the fall on the S.W. plane, coming in from Southern California. I went
- - nirked up insulin needles and pills—cost $40, value, $149.00!
Thursday, October 19, 2000. Mary Lou went to another play downtown. It
T/w £ y
was "Master Harold and the boys. Lou went with Eldon Miller,

Erickson, Michelle Allen and Chris Prentice. Lou enjoyed the play a lot.
--------------------------------------------- 1950.
The locale of the play was in South Africa, in/

There were three male characters, The blacks were friends with Hally.Hally

was a white man, just returning from college. They had been friends

since their boyhood. I imagine that the conflict in the play came about

because of the social conditions in South Africa, at the time.

There was a social system of keeping the races apart,

called "Apartheid." This date, 1950, was before the Civil Rights move

ment in the U.S.A. Hally wanted the black men to call him "Master Hally.

This the black men did not want to do. In past years, one of the black

men gave Hally 10<? that was intended for car fare. Because of giving awa

the dime, the black guy had to walk many miles to his home,in the rain.

Lou said that it was an "open-ended" play, with the

final details not told to the audience. The audience had a chance to con

to the stage and talk to the cast, after the play was over. Mary Lou anc

Chris P. lived among black people in Independence, MO. I remember beinj

there in the late 1940's and/ some of the social injustice against tb.<
supposed to be
blacks. For example, the school facilities were/"separate and equal."
in Missouri
For sure, the conditions/were "separate" but assuredly "not equal." Tha

while I was on my Church mission to the Central States, MO, AR, KS and 0

It was thoughtful of Eldon to drive the ladies to the

theater.Mary Lou was home by about 11 p.m. It was a long day for her b

she was enthused about the play. She even seemed to memorize some of th

lines, when she was telling about the plot. The play made Lou think.

Addresses: Jaron Soren, Southern Virginia College,

Robey Box 1182, //1 College Hill Drive, Buena Vista, VA 24416. Elder
Riley Shaw, M.T.C. Box 190, MAR 1128, FRA, 2005 South (?), 900 East,
Provo, UT 84604-1793. It is Jaron's 18th-birthday and Lou sent him a car
plus $15. Lou also sent Elder Riley Shaw $15 as a birthday note
Keith Shaw and family will go to Boise, ID over Thanksgiving/
with the Sorens. He also plans to come here to California over December
26th for a visit with us. Keith is so thoughtful.
sketches to both Jaron and Riley.
Lou sent wa teJ
We are justly proud of our grandcaixor
lay, October 20, 2000. Melissa Miller came over this afternoon with her

album of our 50th wedding anniversary. We helped her put in some

mes for the photos. We went to "Mohr Care" to attend the patients.

We thought it so thoughtful of Melissa to come over

ith the album. 1 was pretty sharp {if I say so myself) to help in supplying

some of the names, especially on my side of the family. Melissa has some

blank pages in the album so she wantjto add some more photos. Also, she wants

to put lamination over the album pages.

Mary Lou worked at her Oil Painting class. Gayle

Soren told about receiving a letter from Stephen Abbott from Salt Lake City, UT

We hear that Stephen has been living in Salt Lake City for a couple of years.

We don't know any other details of his stay in Utah. He did not give a return

address. He hadbsent his letter to us, to be forwarded to Gayle. Gayle Soren

has maintained a relationship with Stephen, over the years. Stephen is secretive.

Mary Lou is still working on her school attend

ance records. She has decided to have a special four-week workshop in her

Floral Techniques class in December. The folks want to work on holiday

decorations. Lou exerci4s in the morning, eats a light breakfast and plays the

piano. The piano practicing is getting better. Lou lives a structured life.

We did not go to Dr. Beth's Chiropractic office this week for adjustments.

Norma and Mac Cutts were going to her sister's home

for a visit and to play cards. We went over to Mohr Care Home for the evening,

to care for the geriatric patients. Gene ha<t>been out with his friend, Ann.

She'is'the manager of the lawn equipment repair shop at Madison and Hazel Aves.

If I have the story correct, Gene owned the shop. He has had a stroke and has

really been in some bad predictaments. Ann still comes over and helps him walk

Norma wants us to get physical examinations and TB

and pass
She also wants us to study iorf the Red Cross First Aid test.

-- a Department, overseeing elderly pati

1313 Downieville
El Dorado Hills


Indoor laundry room with cabinets and sink

Ceiling fans throughout

Four bedrooms

Cable ready
Two and a half bathrooms

Wired for multiple phone lines

Large master suite with built-in office, huge walk-in cedar lined
closet, television shelf, sky light, double sinks, whirlpool tub,
separate shower
Landscaped front and back.

Balcony off master suite

Nice private backyard with built-in pool

Formal living room with tile fireplace

Central air, central heat natural gas, duel units

cabinets,, gas cook top stove,

microwave, trash compactor, Tots of beaut 2x6 Exterior walls. R19 insulation

Separate family room off kitchen has tile fireplace and recessed Alarm system

Tamara Allen
Re/Max Gold

(916) 449-9190
Saturday, October 21, 2000. I consulted with Michael on his job of remov**
and wall
ing his f3°°r/ceramic tile, in his new house. It will be a job to remove

the tile. I suggested that carpet be laid over the existing ceramic tile.
---------------------------------------------------- Scott is leaving for Iguacu, Brazil*
This typewriter ribbon is about to end and I will have

to replace it. Will I get through this page of copy? Mary Lou key

boarded the copy for the "editorial page." We gave the addresses for
both Jaron Soren in Buena Vista, VA and Elder Riley/ at the Missionary

Training Center in Provo, UT. We told about the photo sheets, taken at
[This is the first time that I have seen Jaron's addressfat college.]
Hobble Creek, near Springville, UT, at the Naylor Reunion./ Mary Lou sent
Jaron & Riley water-colored birthday cards and $15 each, as personal spending money gifts.
Mary Lou also made photo captions for the Naylor Re

union photos, l^tat added a lot of interest to the photo sheets. Mary Lou

has made up three photo sheets, to be printed for the "Shaw Family Fear-
(and arranging)
less Flyer." Lou does such a fantastic job, cutting & pasting/ the pictures.

Lou had phone calls from Gayle Soren, Keith Shaw and

Scott Shaw. Scott is going to Brazil, to Iguacu Falls area, for a seminar

on communication with Lucent Technologies. He called on his cell phone, on

a bus, riding to J.F.K. Airport in New York City, NY. I guess that not

any of his family was available to take him to the airport?

Scott indicates that he is not trying to follow up on getting

that security position with Siebel Corporation, in San Mateo, CA. See

10/3/2000. This security job with Lucent Technologies also does not seem

to be an easy one, with a lot of travel and pressure, etc. involved.

[Iguacu Cataracts Falls are near Southern .Brazil, nearParaguayS Uruguay borders.]

I was glad that Mike did not call me to work this morning. He
in the p.m*
went with me to his new home in El Dorado Hills,/It is at 1313 Downieville Drive.

The swimming pool is not complete. Mike said that the previous owners hai
done some repairs. I could still see"dog damage" around / doors. They

think that there is too much tile in the house. It will be a tough job to

remove the tile. It is a two-story house Frankly, I think that/ . abun

dance of tile adds to the "HISPANIC" atmosphere of the house. Michael is
still looking for a low-cost work car. I hope that he finds one soon as
I'd like the convenience of driving my pick-up truck. Lou went to the
class on computers with Mr. Rader. We wish Scott God s blessingfon trip
\day, October 22, 2000. I was not feeling well and bad serious stomach
fumes from the
set. for one thing, 1 washed out some containers with bleach and the/ ^

Luid are alway upsetting to me. We went to the Family History Center.

I became ill while riding around with Michael yesterday-

I rested this morning and felt better. Mary Lou returned from Church services

and 1 went with her to the Family History Center.

I did some research on the Buena Vista, VA area, where

Jaron Soren is going to college. It is about 150 or 200 miles west of Rich

mond, VA' & is in the Appalachian Mountains, about 4,000 feet elevation, along

the Blue Ridge Parkway. It is in the "Great Valley" region, Rockbridge County.
John Lynch is famflus for shipping tobacco from /Lynchsburg, VA. Booker T. Wash

ington National Monument is near-by. Buena Vista is near the Applachian

National Science Trail. It looks like an interesting location for a college.

It was fairly busy at the library. I read about the

life of Lucie Dean Patton. She was a teacher in the San Juan Unified

School District. When I was teaching, Lucie Dean befriended me and "pushed"

me to qualify for an administrative credential and be a Summer School principal.

I also knew her husband, Lewis Patton. I think that he was employed by SJUSD.
[in a one-room school house]
The story about Lucie Dean beginning teaching/in Ozark, MO was in "The Messenger,"

and was written by a local Church-man, David Whitmer. Lucie Dean was teaching

Primary in her 90's, probably almost until the time of her death. Quite a lady!

The good weather continues. It is a bit cool at night

and that is pleasant. There are not any "appointments" on my calendar for this

week. I should go by Kaiser and take that follow-up blood draw for the Chlo-

lesterol Clinic. They keep pretty close tabs on me. I want to make an appoint

ment at Kaiser for a physical examination, required by "Mohr Care Home." Lou

and I should study for the Red Cross First Aid test because I'm "rusty."
I am not up-to-date on CPR ojfgoW*h8$8tfl| Emjng/ f(
/continue. I hope .that George W. Bush can "pull out" his try for the presi
• -- I guess that1 John T. Doolittle is unopposed for his
is ;sea-i-
,n? T surely need more info
August, September, October, 2000
ft ^^ ^ t1 h vV
Number 69...........Printed 21 Oct. 2000

A BUSY SUMMER Utah State Prison , when

Elder Rilev Shaw is in the Grandfather Naylor was a guard
Missionary Training Center. His there in the early 1900's.
address is: MTC Box #190 The photo sheets made up by
FRA-MAR 1128 Mary Lou show the ’’ranch” as it is
2005 North 900 East today. Marve even exhibited his
Provo, Utah cowboy belt buckle. He was a
84604-1793 “rodeo clown” in his younger years.
The “farewell” for Riley was Holly Miller has returned
on Sept. 24th. Many friends and from “A California State Board of
family members attended.... Education” seminar in Anaheim,
....Viva la Marseillaise! CA. She represented the Early
Mike. Margo. Chloe. and Childhood Educ. Department.
Sophia Shaw have moved to CA. Holly was able to attend
Mike has a job with Share Wave in Disneyland with her colleagues.
El Dorado Hills. They are moving Recent high schools grads.
into their new home in El Dorado Jaron Soren. Melissa Miller and
Hills. Their address is: 1313 Riley Shaw are having new
Downieville Dr. El Dorado Hills, adventures. Jaron is attending
CA. 95762. WELCOME!! Southern Virginia College. His
Thanks to Gayle Soren for the address is: Robey Box 1182;
laser prints of her family. We’re 1 College Hill Drive; Buena Vista,
proud to be “Great Grandparents” Virginia, 24416. His E-Mail is:
to Tyler Woodland. and his phone
The Naylor Family Get- number is:(540) 261-8464.
together at Hobble Creek, near Melissa is going to American
Springville. Ut.. was spearheaded River College and Riley has been
by Verna Cleverly and Venetta called on a Church Mission.
Abbott, August 26th. Cousin Laird Snelgrove came
Ed and Marvin Naylor told of to the rescue with family records.
early days at the 1,600 + acre ranch Mary Lou had a bag turn up
owned by Frank Naylor around missing on an airline flight, August
1930. The City of Springville has 29th. It contained records. Laird,
now turned most of the Naylor very kindly, copied many of his
property into a city park and camp family histories, and photos.
ground area. Thanks to all of the family.
Marvin and Ed exhibited We hope to publish earlier in Nov.
Grandfather Naylor’s famous rifle. Mike and his family are in
The rifle helped stop a “break” at charge of the newsletter next month.
August, September, October, 2000
Number 69........... Printed 21 Oct. 2000

Birthday congratulations
(Belated, Present, and Future)

Tyler Merlin Woodland Shawn Burnett soren

20 July 2000 10 August 1987

Kayleena Jean Soren Riley Burton Shaw
13 August 1990 12 September 1981

Julia Shaw Keith Shaw

16 September 19 September

Jared Lloyd Miller Sandy Lee Shaw

27 September 1985 2 October

Jaron Ronald Soren Owen Paul Soren

5 October 1982 8 October

Joshua Robert Miller Melissa Ann Miller

18 October 1990 21 October 1982

Eldon Lloyd Miller Chloe Anne Shaw

30 October 1 November 1993

Janel Louette Soren Jared Beck

7 November 14 November


Mike and Margo Shaw

24 August 1991

a- /
August, September, October, 2000
Number 69.......... Printed 21 Oct. 2000

A BUSY SUMMER Utah State Prison , when

Elder Riley Shaw is in the Grandfather Naylor was a guard
Missionary Training Center. His there in the early 1900's.
address is: MTC Box #190 The photo sheets made up by
FRA-MAR 1128 Mary Lou show the ’’ranch” as it is
2005 North 900 East today. Marve even exhibited his
Provo, Utah cowboy belt buckle. He was a
84604-1793 “rodeo clown” in his younger years.
The “farewell” for Riley was Holly Miller has returned
on Sept. 24th. Many friends and from “A California State Board of
family members attended.... Education” seminar in Anaheim,
....Viva la Marseillaise! CA. She represented the Early
Mike. Margo. Chloe. and Childhood Educ. Department.
Sophia Shaw have moved to CA. Holly was able to attend
Mike has a job with Share Wave in Disneyland with her colleagues.
El Dorado Hills. They are moving Recent high schools grads.
into their new home in El Dorado Jaron Soren. Melissa Miller and
Hills. Their address is: 1313 Riley Shaw are having new
Downieville Dr. El Dorado Hills, adventures. Jaron is attending
CA. 95762. WELCOME!! Southern Virginia College. His
Thanks to Gayle Soren for the address is: Robey Box 1182;
laser prints of her family. We’re 1 College Hill Drive; Buena Vista,
proud to be “Great Grandparents” Virginia, 24416. His E-Mail is:
to Tyler Woodland. and his phone
The Naylor Family Get- number is:(540) 261-8464.
together at Hobble Creek, near Melissa is going to American
Springville. Ut.. was spearheaded River College and Riley has been
by Verna Cleverly and Venetta called on a Church Mission.
Abbott, August 26th. Cousin Laird Snelgrove came
Ed and Marvin Naylor told of to the rescue with family records.
early days at the 1,600 + acre ranch Mary Lou had a bag turn up
owned by Frank Naylor around missing on an airline flight, August
1930. The City of Springville has 29th. It contained records. Laird,
now turned most of the Naylor very kindly, copied many of his
property into a city park and camp family histories, and photos.
ground area. Thanks to all of the family.
Marvin and Ed exhibited We hope to publish earlier in Nov.
Grandfather Naylor’s famous rifle. Mike and his family are in
The rifle helped stop a “break” at charge of the newsletter next month.
(\a/Jhr\ -

I dUhM. )M ft*

l UxOst*., i/

(mmu t$y«-
^£2 tu>4 ■yOiyyy^u s£o (jna_Jtu
/Tyi^ QJrf~<Jc>. MfiJv tAJ^dj
The 2001 reunion has been changed to
June 23rd. This is because the Boise River Festival
has been switchedfrom June 3&h to June 23rd.
On this page are pictures ofsome of the festivities
that will be included.
1 am so glad we tookJaron to see Riley,
before they both left. It was special because the
Stake President asked Riley to bear his testimony
at Sacrament Meeting. It gave Jaron a chance to
hear it.
We had a great time kayaking and rafting
(up and) down the Bear River with Keith and his family.
I didn 't get that roll offilm developed yet. Then we
drove up through beautiful Grace, Idaho, where
Ryan herded buffalo.
It was hard to let Jaron leave for Virginia.
Keith says it will give him the chance to “return with honor
Because he is our middle child, 1felt he was the “hub ” ofour
family, and that we wouldfall apart after he left.
But we are still together, and I am doing better
He is such a sweat hog, that he hasn’t adjusted
to the humidity. He saw fireflies for
the first time. SVC will give him a spiritual
educational environment and
M arc Allen
m Monday, October 23, 2000. Mary Lou told about Oscar Larson being admitted
^ to the
/Folsom Convalescent Hospital. Bishop Larson was our Bishop in the Arcade
/in the 1950's and 1960's. I ran errands today and did the shopping.

Mary Lou said that the admitting nurse asked Oscar his

age and he could not remember it. I think that he is in his 90's and can

be forgiven for not remembering everything. He did remember Mary Lou.

Eddie (sp) was glad to see him. His wife is also in Folsom Conv. Hospital

They were glad to see each other and they embraced and kissed. Oscar has

:vere cancers on his face and. head region aryd.fhaj: is. a ,pr^y.em
probjle for him.
VtJxu> i0/2o(e sj-ffu, ^rJf/yOOJ
si (ioj tC
ook Lot to her A\rts and Crafts* clfass. The attend-

dance wals encouraging with 11 people there. I went to Kaiser for insulin

and to COSTCO for grocery shopping. I looked at a VCR that will record

video tapes as it is a "double" VCR. That would be handy to own as the

VCR that we have now is not working well. I'm not sure of the cost?

Mary Lou was able to rest a while, before going to th

IJB Folsom Conv. Hospital. I drove her up there. I worked on printing the

"Shaw Family Fearless Flyer" at AAA Copy. They had a coupon for 79<? each

for laser prints in color. The cost was about $55 to do the printing.

I made 10 each copies of the photo pages for the Naylor Get-Together and

for the rafting and kayacking that we did on Bear River, for Lou's family

The "Shaw Flyer" had eight pages, the editorial page

and the page of birthdays and anniversaries. There were three pages of

photos of Gayle, about her family. We had three pages of the photo page:

of the Naylors and the rafting and kayacking excursion. It was a good cc
Gayle wrote a short note about her family, Jaron leaving for college, et<
I watched the NY Jets beat the Miami Dolphins. It ws

an unusual game, with the Jets winning in the 4th quarter and overtime. T

Jets were otherwise behind seriously for the first three quarters. The

telecast at the Cordova Senior Center was during the time of Lou's evening
Floral Techniques class. She had a busy class with some folks still sign
ing up. Tom Creed's daughter-in-law signed up. They are an enthused
group of designers. I cut out a mail political ad for George Bush and put
v it in this diary. It even had a "generalized" endorsement from Senator
John McCain, from Arizona. McCain ran against Bush in the Primaries and
has been slow about fully endorsing Bush. "Politics makes the world go around.
Also, "Politics makefstrange bed-fellows," would apply in t s e
tailed eight of the "Shaw family paperjj' The cost was $7. The total cost
printing the paper and mailing it out was about $55 for twelve copies.
cost per paper was about $4.50. Sew copies to Elder Riley Shaw, Jar on Soren.]
^ came out
isday , October 24, 2000. The Sears repair person / today but the tank and

buretor were the incorrect ones for the tiller. They will get the
irrect parts and return next week.' Mary Lou went to a/ policy meeting.

The repairman took off the carburetor and the gasoline

:ank and then discovered he had the wrong repair parts. I think that a re

placement engine has been put on the tiller so the engine and the rest of the

tiller do not match. We renewed the service and maintenance contract^with

Sears. The price is about the same as last year, with many restrictions, etc.

One contract is for the house appliances and the other for the garden equipment.

1 turned the sprinklers on the redwood trees in the

east and west yard. Those beautiful trees seem to require a lot of water.

The forecast is for more rain, probably starting tomorrow.I'd like to mow the

lawns and mulch the leaves and small limbs, blown down by the recent winds.

Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital this morn

ing. She had one of those policy-making meetings for Adult Education

this afternoon. She says that she likes Bob Freeman, the new Adult Education

directoe, He doesn't seem to have- a big ego and is easy-going, so far. Lou

had a chance to speak and she supported her program. Chris Prentice and I
writing up notes on
helped Lou with/some o-f her presentation. I discouraged Lou from staying on the
committee as she is so busy. Lou wants to stay on/the group and learn to do a ,

better job. Mary Lou had a chance to rest this afternoon—needed.

Mike brought his daughters to the Floral Techniques

class. They made small arrangements for their mother. Mike still hasn't found

a work car and is using the S-10 Chevrolet pick-up truck. I guess that Margo

needs an auto to take Chloe to school. „ , .

about Lucent Tec hnologxes u
There was bad financial news today/in newspaper'
y/in the newspaper
business pages. The chief operating officer has resigned and the earnings
prospects look bleak. Per the story, Lucent has not been on the "cutting
edge"of newer and faster communications equipment. Lou said that Scott (A
has received two pay increases 'with Lucent so that is an encouraging sign 'ik*,
for Scott. One headline in the newspaper;, "Lucent's Luster Fades." T have f-
not found any stories about "Share Wave," in the newspapers. I don't kno
much about that company, or what prodnct (s) or service(s) they ,
t observed that Mr. Smith has dug out a space for his garage, or^tfr-ftrilding
and has dug the "footings" for the foundation. I hfeHt. S' *as ingress & egress.
Juno e-mail printed Wed, 25

From: bobalous
“ jbject: Greetings

'ear Scott.
Can just write a few minutes. Hope all is well with you. We
appreciated your call on your way to Brazil. Had a great conversation
with Julia, Ellen, and Andrea. They had been to conference, Sunday, and
were quite excited with the messages. There may be a Temple in your area
sooner than you think.
Bob is with Mike early this morning. Mike has a car he can buy
in mind. Bob is anxious to get his truck back. I've got to go now but
will leave this open for Bob to add to it and send it. I hope it
reaches you all right. I almost sent it through Lucent.
Hi Scott-this is POPS. Have you been able to see the
Icuasu Falls and cataracts?
I remember reading about those wonders in school books, On the map, ii
looks like Uruguay and Paraguay borders are near-by. It must be a
beautiful sight in a beautiful setting. We trust that all is well with
you and that you are enjoying yourself. Mike did not purchase that car
that he had found advertised. He wants to get a second car but has not
found anything in his "range." We finally sent

out the "Shaw Family Friendly Flyer and included some photos of the
rt Naylor Get-together" and the rafting and kayacking, with Keith and Lou's
sisters on the Bear River.
We send our love and best wishes. Mum and Pops
Wednesday, October 25, 2000. It will be Christmas Day in two months!

I went with Michael to the Laguna District in Elk Grove to look at a BMW

used car. There was some difference in opinion about the asking price

($2K versus $4K) so Mike didn't buy the car. It started to rain today.

I was up at 7 a.m., ready to go With Mike. The BMW

looked good. The seller is a mortgage officer and has driven it 290K

miles in his work. The car has been well-cared for though. It was clean

as the seller is a very meticulous guy. He gave the BMW regular service

and has made extensive repairs, put on new tires, the motor was clean, et

The seller listed the car on the Inter-net. They

garbled up the price, asking price $2K when the seller wants about $4K.

Mike and the seller did not know about the price mix-up until after the

demonstration ride. So, Mike is still looking for a second cafjunder $2,C

Mary Lou went to work at Folsom Conv. Hospital. She

said that Gordon Venables has a swollen foot with his diabetes condition

Lou received another packet of Naylor Family histories from Laird Snel-

grove. Lou said some of the material is new to her. Thanks to Laird!

Lou had a small attendance at her Family History Class.

We went for adjustments at Dr. Beth's Chiropractic Office. I was not f

ing well and the adjustments made me feel better. Dr. Beth said that K

Blakely is not feeling well. Beth wondetfwhen Karen and Maxine will cc

up this way to visit us? I'd like to write to Karen and ask that she '

some family research, in Stanislaus County. She could find the deed t

house in Riverbank, including the twelve acres. Also, she could find

divorce paperj'of John and Josie Shaw, written up in 1949. Karen would

good researcher as she has a business background, worked in insurance

Lou and I had a walk in Sunrise Mall. That made u

feel better, I am just not attracted to the merchandise in Sunrise Ma

The prices are high and the value to me is not that great. I am inter
in Sears as I am somewhat knowledgeable about their merchandise. I al
like to "window shop" at Radio Shack as they have up-to-date electronii
merchandise. Lou had a paper, written up by Chris Prentice.about the i
coming separation and divorce. They separated about a year ago, "afy%%£s
b and Joeann Rollins came by tonight for a High Priest's annual visit,
i is a good leader and very consistent, in his leader ship . Joeann is a nice lady.]
ursday, October 26, 2000. 1 bought some Halloween candy today. Lou hid it so

at 1 wouldn't eat any, in light of my diabetes condition. We do not have

: a Halloween spirit. It rained on-and-off today, will it clear soon?

Mary Lou worked at Folsom Convalescent today. She

urned in a wage statement, showing 84-hours worked last month. If that is

iccurate, she will receive $2,210 on her payroll check on November 10th. That

A? the first time that she has exceeded $2K in a

.is. xn a pay
pay period,
period, as
as jar
ta as 1 kn

f /(/\)ib* a)
I am to go to Kaliser next week/and have

report form from "Mohr Care" filled out for the State regulators. The form,

from the Department of Social Services, Community Care Licensing, seemjto be more

for the patient of a home-care facility. Norma Mohr gave them to us. We'll see.
We go to 'Norma's care home on Friday night, to care for the geriatric patients.
Sun Oaks Dental called and wanted me to come in today.

My appointment care time is really on Wednesday, November 1, 2000. They changed

the time to November 9th. On these short-recall appointments, I don't want to

return any sooner than I have to do, as the costs are so prohibitive.

AlGore seems to be off making a series of policy

speeches, to support his candidancy. The timing does not seem to be accurate.

Another thing that I am concerned about, is the fact that he is putting to

gether a video of his performance of the first three debates and showing that he

is the better candidate. What could AlGore gain from a tactic like that? The

debate tape shows him to be immature and rolling his eyes at Bush. Also, Gore

came up behind Bush in a threatening manner. Gore is just very weird, I'd say.
Most of the comment I've heard is that the two candidates were equal, in/debates.

Those Democrats are frenzied and say that they will do and say anything to win.

Bill Clinton is giving speeches for AlGore. I guess

they feel that Gore can't do it by himself? I heard that the N.Y. Times is back-
[Hillary is running for the U.S. Senate from New York. Some call her a "carpetbagger'.']
Hilary Clinton's candidacy—WOW! /We haven't heard the last of that woman.

mes to one, and won

The New York Yankees beat the N.Y. Mets four

the World Series X Roger Clemons was fined $50K for

t the Mets catcher^ They didn't have the courage to
rowing a broken bat a
act Clemons from the game or from the sport. j sent an e_mail t0 Scott
the Icuasu (sp) Falls and Cataracts in Brazil. I would imagine that he i
' s a great time in that region of South America. Bob Rollins and Joeann came
or a High Priest's visit tonight. Bob encouraged me to attend Sacrament Mtng&
/ _ ________

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a good report of "AVerage Daily Attendance," (ADA) in this class aiso.

oil painters are faithful in attending.

The business calendars came from the printer in Mass

chusetts. The print of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. is quite dis

tinct, but the individual prints of the "flags of the United States" ar

not that distinct. I like a patriotic calendar. I think that we have

ordered this particular calendar before but this is a patriotic time.

The new U.S. President will be inaugurated at the Capitol Bldg, in 2001.
We hear that Janel Soren is applying for a nanny's jo

in the State of Delaware. Janel has been working as a teacher's aide, no

a teacher, in Boise. Also, Janel is excited about the job prospects in

Delaware. From my observations,/all of the nannys who transport them

selves to the East Coast, looking for adventures, are satisfied. Some of

the ladies who attended Church in the Washington, D.C. area and the New
not '
York City area were/that pleased with their nanny's jobs. We met a few

such ladies, when visiting Scott, on the East Coast. I'm not sure when

Janel will be leaving Idaho for the new position. We might be able to f

Janel when we visit the Sorens at Thanksgiving time.

Mary Lou never seems to amaze me with her energy 1«

I would think that Lou would be tired, at the end of the work week. B

she keeps moving, like a "Duracell Battery Bunny." She made up a floi

piece for Lanae Snow's order and we delivered it. Lou does good work

Mac and Norma Cutts went out for the evening. We

ed with the geriatric patients. Norma had a fish and chips dinner f<

The folks were calm and composed. Ann, Gene's friend, came over and

tended to him. He watched the WESTERNS CHANNEL. Those old cowboy f

are fascinating. Right was right and wrong was wrong—no compromise

films of the West. Mac has his clown costume nearly completed. He
Saturday, October 28, 2000. The rain continued. There has even been some thunder

and lightning. We passed the first aid tests, including CPR, electrical
shock (for heart attack patients) and general first aid for cuts, burns, /

It was a wet morning. I have tried to help Michael

with his search for a work car. Jerry Smith had a vehicle for $2K, a Dodge,

that was in good shape, a one-owner vehicle but Mike had his own ideas. He told

us that he has purchased a Honda. I'm glad that he has a second car now.

The Red Cross Buildings are at the corner of Watt Av.

and Folsom Blvd. It was a full day, studying for the tests. They had us work

with "mannikans" to learn CPR and also the "external defibrillators." Lou and

I had our mannikins either on a table or on a chair, so that we would not have

to kneel with our arthritic knees, etc. Real defibrillators cost abt. $3,620±.

They had some good teaching aids. With the laminated

/sheets and a face shield, one would be ready to apply CPR and make a difference;

defibillators might be available and the proecedure is pretty much automatic,

per the voice prompts. A first aid worker is protected by a "good Samaritan law."

As Mary Lou and Bob are getting older, such First Aid

information is important to usl I have a cardiac condition and Lou had sore

legs, knees, ankles, etc. so a knowledge would be important to each of us.

We should be available to use the first aid techniques on each other, if necessary
They issued us cards for AED, CPR and general first aid

They gave us a test. Mary Lou only missed one question and I missed two. We
had to find the correct answers for the que^3tn.c|ns that we missed on the test. We/have to

make up copies of the cards and give/to Norma Cutts, to keep in her files.

The rain fell about all of the day. The ground is

oaked so I won't be able to rake the leaves and mow the lawns very soon,

here was a letter from Laird Snelgrove. He previously mailed Mary Lou some

luable Naylor histories, photos, etc. In college football, Oklahoma

it Nebraska so is now the #1 team in the country, replacing Nebraska.

Davis defeated Sacramento State, in the muddy "Causeway Classic." Nevada

n Hish School beat Grant High, in the last minute—will N.U.H.S. be //I also?
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while. We went to the Family History Center. It was not busy there.

One clock that X can not easily adjust is the chiming

wall clock in the front room. It "bongs the time" but is out of adjust

ment. I wish that I had the instructions for the wall chiming clock.

Mary Lou went to worship services at First Ward. The

story from Pat Wheeler is that Dan Beus is planning to marry Sue Schwab

Perry. He must be in his 70's and she is about the age of Gayle Soren,

in her 50's. Sue had quite a nasty divorce from Jim Perry. Jim has now
remarried. Sue must have a family of children but I don't know the /

Janet Beus and her mother have both died now.

There was an insert in the Sacto Bee about the issues

and candidates, for the up-coming election. I learned a little more

about Clay Jackson, who is running for the Sacto Municipal. Utility Dist

Board. John Doolittle did not respond to the request for information.

It would be worthwhile going over the newspaper insert on local and

national politics. Clay Jackson is an assistant legal counsel for the

e-i-t-y oS' Napa, CA. He has also been on many local boards & entities.
entjgies. >

Clay Jackson
on is a. War di, have
a member, pf First Wardf, hepe in Fair
Fai Oaks, CA. i /
I*** H Uj) foor MwieO)
I wrote a letter to Karen Brlakelty,^asking her to hi
with family research, in Stanislaus/ Mary Lou said that I asked for

much help and that might "scare" Karen and Maxine Owen away from doii

the research. Maybe I should get on friendlier terms with Karen and

Maxine, before I ask them to do such time-consuming research work.

[I didn't mail the letter.] Campbell
Dennis and Tammy/will be 1% to two hours late ne;

Sunday, at the F.H.C. We have that reception for the Moens in Sh

Springs, CA, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. We plan to go to the Center for

first couple of hours and 4fhen go to the reception. Mel Stephensen
still be on his vacation in Hawaii. I called and left a message on
answering machine about our plans for next Sunday. It rained and ha
today. That is really unusual weather for this time of year. Mike
returned the Chevrolet S-10 pick-up. He paid me $50 for the use^of
vehicle. He has purchased a Honda, as a 2ndJ.®*jg> t^breakupfloo
lay, October 30, 2000. The sky cleared off today. Will 1 be able to have the

Jns dry enough to mow them soon? 1 have received the parts for the

Her, the gasoline tank and the carburetor. Sears should make repairs.
-------------------------------------------------- WI-pHtiV?
Another problem that 1 had today was/front right tire

nd wheel on the Toyota. It had a crack in the sidewall. Sears gave me an ad-

ustment so I only had to pay §16.51 for the replacement Michelin tire, with

'weatherwise distinct tread," 65K miles warranty and tread depth 10.

I like the way that Sears back up their products with

favorable adjustments. They said that the wheel was bent as I probably hit a

curb or other impediment very hard and caused the damage. I am considering

purchasing another used wheel at a auto junk place.

Mary Lou and I visited Oscar Larson at the Folsom

Convalescent Hospital. He looked very sad and spoke in very discouraged terms

about his plight. He ha^ sold his home, some time in the past. He was living

in his mobile home and the new owners would not let him live there by

himself any longer. So, he was admitted to Folsom Conv. Hospital on 10/23/00.

He had a card from Paul, his son. Also, Candy and

Donna (and perhaps other daughters,) are around here and they visit him.Those

facial and head cancers are really bothering him as well as his dimmed vision.

He bas been a very busy Church man, served as a Bishop of Arcade Ward^ served

on the North Sacramento City Council and was busy as a real estate man. He

wonders why bad things happen to good people--it is tough enduring to the end

His dear wife Eddie is also declining in health & at Folsom Conv. Hospital.

Oscar said that his feet "are like rocks." He does not have diabetes. Very sad.

Mary Lou had a pot luck food occasion at her Floral

Techniques class in Cordova. The folks also saw a video of a design show at
Sunrise Wholesale, held recently. She had a good attendance. Several
of her people from the Arts & Crafts class plus some from the floral classes
want to sign up for the four classes, to be held in December. Joyce
Scott is in Lou's Arts and Crafts group and she is making a lot of
decorating items, with Lou's help. Lou will "have her hands full," in
December, if she goes through with holding the special class for four weeks.
.-Wo Tennessee Titans beat the Washington Redskins, at home, on
----- TMlr-fnes are no longer undefeated San
- « won fj,p p.ame,
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lay, October 30, 2000. The sky cleared off today. Will I be able to have th

»ns dry enough to mow them soon? I have received the parts for the

> bhe gasoline tank and the carburetor. Sears should make repairs.
-------------------------------------- ----------------------- Wi t -h Ti -v ?
Another problem that 1 had today was/front right tire

ad wheel on the Toyota. It had a crack in the sidewall. Sears gave me an ad-

ustment so I only had to pay §16.51 for the replacement Michelin tire, with

'weatherwise distinct tread," 65K. miles warranty and tread depth 10.

I like the way that Sears back up their products with

favorable adjustments. They said that the wheel was bent as I probably hit a

curb or other impediment very hard and caused the damage. I am considering

purchasing another used wheel at a auto junk place.

Mary Lou and I visited Oscar Larson at the Folsom

Convalescent Hospital. He looked very sad and spoke in very discouraged terms

about his plight. He ha|' sold his home, some time in the past. He was living

in his mobile home and the new owners would not let him live there by J

himself any longer. So, he was admitted to Folsom Conv. Hospital on 10/23/00.

He had a card from Paul, his son. Also, Candy and

Donna (and perhaps other daughters,) are around here and they visit him.Those

facial and head cancers are really bothering him as well as his dimmed vision.

He bas been a very busy Church man, served as a Bishop of Arcade Wardj served

on the North Sacramento City Council and was busy as a real estate man. He

wonders why bad things happen to good people—it is tough enduring to the end.

His dear wife Eddie is also declining in health & at Folsom Conv. Hospital.

Oscar said that his feet "are like rocks." He does not have diabetes. Very sad.

Mary Lou had a pot luck food occasion at her Floral

Techniques class in Cordova. The folks also saw a video of a design show at
Sunrise Wholesale, held recently. She had a good attendance. Several
of her people from the Arts & Crafts class plus some from the floral classes
want to sign up for the four classes, to be held in December. Joyce
Scott is in Lou's Arts and Crafts group and she is making a lot of
decorating items, with Lou's help. Lou will "have her hands full," in
December, if she goes through with holding the special class for four weeks.
- - *- - 'Pann„<3see Titans beat the Washington Redskins, at home, on
-nos are no longer undefeated. San
‘ '-- 1 r.rrt n t-V, a „ a me ,
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Order of Service for Ella Ord Higginbotham
3 November, 2000

Family Prayer. Ron Higginbotham, Son

Prelude, Postlude, and

Accompanist Judy Phair, Niece
Chorister Sherry Higginbotham
Presiding: Loren White, Counselor,
Modesto Second Ward Bishopric
Opening Hymn: Lead Me Into Life Eternal,
page 45
Invocation: Joel Higginbotham, Grandson
Eulogy: Ron Higginbotham, Son
Speaker: Rob Bowerbank, Grandson
Speaker: Sharley Leonard, Daughter
Musical Selection: “I Am A Grand and Great Grandchildren
Child of God”
Accompanied by Judy Phair
Speaker: Wanda Stebbins, Sister
Speaker: Loren White
Closing Song: Abide With Me, ‘Tis Eventide,
page 165
Closing Prayer: Norma Bowerbank, Daughter
Reassemble at Burwood Cemetary
Dedication of Grave / , Gerald Higginbotham, Son

Tuesday, October 31, 2000. This was a quiet HALLOWEEN for us. The

Miller boys came over for "Trick or Treat," but Mike and Margo called and

said that they could not make it by our home. I didn't eat any candy.

Mary Lou hid the candy. She suggested that X purchase

sugarless candy at Raleys. They have at least two types of sugarless

treats. One is expensive, about $10 a pound but very tasty. The other

is packaged and less expensive. Candy is not a "big thing" for me.

Joshua was dressed as a "Ninja." Jared was made up

as a pirate and had realistic blood smeared on him. Holly had some

twinkling "eyes" that were battery powered. Eldon wore his outrageous

wig, that he has owned, over the years. Melissa was out with friends.

We sent home some candy for her. We were glad the Millers came by tonit
The Miller boys had two heavy sacks of candy. They had visited friends.
Holly said that she is being transferred in the lo

cation of her job. She will move from the "K Street Mall Office Complei

to the main Dept.of Education Building on Capitol Mall. Holly seemj' to

like her job. Holly and Eldon are good parents. Eldon is attending a

personal finance class at Sierra College. Good on Eldon Miller.

Mary Lou said that Oscar Larson felt better today.

One of his daughters came by and gave him a rub-down. As Oscar is not

able to walk, it makes it very hard on him, to get around. Eddy, the

wife, is failing fast but both are "hanging on" at Folsom Conv. Hospital

We received our pay notices from State Teachers’ Re-

by postal delivery
tirement System. The carburetor camelfor the tiller. I will have to

call Sears and tell them that the repair parts have arrived \ (f J'/ (f ^

Mary Lou used the computer to enter family mformati


on to the disks. She entered info for Alyson Woodland, etc. Mary Lou

also keyboarded a letter to Elder Riley Shaw. She included the brief
notes of the blessing that I 4ave Riley, before he entered the MTC.7
I do not have any urgent appointments in my date bool
for this week. The lawn grass was dry enough to get out and do mowing,
in the east yard. A few tomatoes are still growing, in the garden.I
will have to mow the west yard tomorrow. Those cages for the tomato
plants are out in the garden and X will have to put them away for the
winter. I also have some fertilizers in buckets and also piled in the
east yard. I want to spread the fertilizer out on the garden & lawns.
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the month. Who has ever neaiu
depicting the Oakland Temple for a customer ot tiers—
Wednesday, November 1, 2000. A new month is ahead of us. We D

by Southwest Airlines to Boise, ID the last week of the month. That is

something pleasant to look forward to, for me. We ran errands today.

Keith called this morning. I asked him about the

problems connected with the underground garage and street closure for Eas

Temple Street, near the Salt Lake City Temple. He said that the ACLU

has probably entered a lawsuit against the Church buying the section of

East Temple or Main Street. Keith said that Pres. Hinckley dedicated the

converted street in the dedicatory prayer for the new Conference Center.

It sounds as if the street closure if a "done deal" for the Church.

I took Lou to the oil painting class. The Earl Scheib

car painters said that the paint job will cost $250 + costs. I can bring

in the Toyota tomorrow morning and pick it up Friday late afternoon. They

have a silver gray paint that would be good for the car. I think that thi

coupon that I have will save us some money on the paint job. I’m glad

that we're doing the painting now and not waiting until later.

I picked up the metal pieces off the west lawn, near

to the west patio. I used the rake to pull most of the leaves off the

patio. Then, with the riding mower, I mulched up the leaves. I'll have

to go back there and use the leaf blower, to blow off the remaining leav
I'll have to mow the remainder of the west lawn tomorrow or/Saturday.

I will have a busy day tomorrow. I have to clean o’

the Toyota. Then, I have to cut some branches for the trash pick-up.

Lou has her art lesson with Janie Erickson. Hopefully, we will have ti
to pick up the Toyota at the car painting place,/if not, on Saturday.

We went for adjustments at Dr. Beth's Chiropractic

office. Dr. Beth will be moving to her new office on Sutter Street, ii
Carmichael, CA. The new office will open on November 'l_3th. She orderec
some flower arrangements for the opening. Beth and Lynn (husband) havt
been doing the painting, in the new place. She expects to be open fiv«
days a week now. She didn't mention anything about the wood burning s(
si) I presume that the stove is not for sale. It might have been "right
for our home. Mary Lou has the order for the Stake Conference flowers
for Sunday, November 5th. Lou went to Joeann Rollins' home for visit n
Thursday, November 2, 2000. Ella Higginbotham died^at a rest home in Modesto,

CA. She was 84-years-old. She might be the last of the Higginbotham family. "5
that I knew. Lou knew the Ords in Nampa, ID. Marjorie/and Debbie Moon

visited from Utah. They had been in So. San Francisco to retrieve a truck.

Karen Thomas called and told us about the sad news of

Ella's death. Ella was Ray Higginbotham's wife and did herr share of/the
of J the work.

around their dairy farm, in Escalon, CA. Mary Lou knew the Ords, especially.
Louis Ord
/in Nampa, ID, when she was a young girl. Eldon Ord was my Priesthood advisor

when I was young and in Modesto Ward. Ella was a faithful lady.
The services are at 10 a.m. tomorrow, in the Orange I#

burg Chapel, in Modesto. Karen said that Maxine Owen will be attending. I

plan to drive down there, arriving before 10 a.m. I have many fond memories of

Ray & Ella and of the Higginbotham family. They were kind to me, in my youth.

Marjorie Abbott and Debbie Moon stopped for a visit,

on their way back to Utah. They brought a vehicle to David in So. San
Francisco and he had been working on Marjorie^* pick-up truck. They look

good. Marjorie has been traveling this summer. She still owns the land on

which Cletus ' mother lives with an extended family in Idaho, just north of

Boise. It has a value of about $40K and will revert to Marjorie on the death

of Cletus' mother. Gary Abbott and Karen live with one of their daughters, Utah.
Marjorie uses the converted bus mostly for storage.
Marjorie still has that "bus" that Cletus converted./

She is looking for work so must have limited income. Richard Moon is watching
e kids —even though they are divorced,
i in Roy, UT. He:is still into guns and black powder rifles, etc.

Debbie works at a high-tech plant in Ogden, UT. Ifc looks l±kg Marjorie supplies
Debbie's oldest son works at Deseret Industries in Ogden, UT. He has some kind of retardation, j
most of the money,fin the family plus the nuturing of children & grand-children,

I took Lou to work at Folsom Conv. Hospital. I had the

lyota prepped, to be painted, at Earl Scheib in Rancho Cordova. We can

ck up the Toyota on Saturday morning. The paint job will cost about .
75, out the door. Lou picked out the silver grey paint. I also had
3 Chevrolet pick-up truck serviced for an oil change, at Sears. Lou
t to Janie Erickson's home for an art lesson. She finished a beautiful
painting of a scene reminiscent of the Canadian north woods. I called
n and Bruce Blakely. They and Maxine Owen will meet me at the funeral, ’’’
,---- rha r,o7. I hope that I can drive by myself to and from
' *— c—■■.*1.^0 and their friend* I
'ThwnL. yovi ^uC/L. •fov' o/+>». vr«.• 44 491e«*n.s J<»

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[j«.t *4- -fK» pTTt. '£*»*. y/ttiv^ rcavL^ 4-. fw o^**1^'.

3 m'y'v a<4-...*n^-.4rA*«l fZifWO. ^..l j«e.fe_iyy—. X.-------

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1 ^ 2 -
- si11-
Hu _
i ^ i(s 1
trong," are Don and Mildred
ana's name mentioned.Don and Mill
rrell Reeves and his wife--such .
m's funeral in Modesto, CA, with

spiritual service and I met man;

the Orangeburg Chaj
ame in Riverbank, took me back tc

lei's van, to get around today.

s limited in our transportation b

It was a beautiful day. I dro

., on Orangeburg Avenue. Maxine

Stebbins and/Lincoln DeWitt, fro:

Ln the viewing room. Ella looker

10/30/2000 @ Casa de Modesto.

•8$ | ;y. He is in charge of the dair;

•as Pm c /!3
o|o Q point. He also gave the family
3 « W p,Q
t)OUo CQ
Pm on „ ”2
H :, when he i< working with the cc
T3 Cfj
if Eugene Higginbotham Senior, j
m <U> *—! man and works locally, lives/Emi
CO ^ ua lived in Waterford, CA.
O ol
Id of staying out on the farm, :
has a bit of red hair and is tl
94521. (925) 676 -4948.
Is H. She told of the tough
ing water, etc. She told of Raj
-years. Ray could not baptize
u Tj he old chapel on 4th Street by
red to the end." Ray died in 199

P, p. *—M or the entire family, spider web:

OT </J O
y, UT 84103, (801) 521-9287. Thi
Id of picking flowers' for Ella.
Stanislaus River, off McHenry,.
I talked to some family members,
good. Karen took us to the Mes
till in his p.j.'s. They have a
and Sherman Parker used to live
mputer, etc. He went with us to
called "joe," so I guess that
(+ Bruce) were so kind to me
ota at Earl Scheib's Paint Shop
also spoke. She told of the Ords^
roll her s^cks and wear lipstick.
'XTtcru- -was -----------
lu nrocner orns . consternation. I remember the Ords and their te" & £Ha",
from near Boise, ID.. What a great lady Ella Higginbotham was- lived near^ ./l2gys.
when they were married and had their first child, Ronnie. Good memo
3 O CD
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Ui £ V.
[Some of the "old-timers" in Modesto who are "still going strong, are Don and Mildred
Stephens, Bill and Wanda StebbinS, Leona Hanson—I heard Leona's name mentioned.Don and Mildri
still live on the Stephen's Farm but are retired. I saw Farrell Reeves and his wife--suqhlu|
Friday, November 3, 2000. I went to Ella Higginbotham's funeral in Modesto, CA, with nJ

sisters, Maxine Owen and Karen Thomas. It was a very spiritual service and I met many
the Orangeburg Chape
the family members. Karen picked up Bruce at their home in Riverbank, took me back to/

Mary Lou arranged to use Michael's van, to get around today. I

took her up to the Shaw's apartment in Folsom. We are limited in our transportation beJ

It was a beautiful day. I drovi

EX on Orangeburg Avenue. Maxine
CO Td x CO G Mrs.
co co X Xi tebbins and/Lincoln DeWitt, from
O Ih X CU Ph
cu cu
C2 cu vj 5
ao n the viewing room. Ella looked
go CQ >> CQ CO 00
m G X CO
E In 'H G
CU PC CO 10/30/2000 @ Casa de Modesto,
1 o rs. O <C g co O X Jh X
<N 00 CD o co cu « K 4J (0 G U cu
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cu X X > G s 1 y. He is in charge of the dairy
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C ^ ID
W ° O CO £ c- Xco XO -H
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i-J > 00 PC G >
•H O ■a
if Eugane Higginbotham Senior, I
n . O 00 00 CQ <u
Ph ^ H CQ -H 00 u man and works locally, lives/Emp
Q) pc •H i—1 o
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X *H H CO lived in Waterford, CA.
g O U CU >>x
PS •H X O u u
■Id of staying out on the farm, c
23 (Xd son O -H
PC os
O has a bit of red hair and is tl
. 94521. (925) 676 -4948.
.la H. She told of the tough
ting water, etc. She told of Raj
1-years. Ray could not baptize
g -2 £ ;he old chapel on 4th Street by
5 I 52CD CU
CX tS >
cu ired to the end." Ray diedinl9S
o m o T3 G
c *3 c § CU O for the entire family, spider web
<0 1—. W
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d I talked to some family members
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CD £ E £ 5 c ra 1 ° t; S
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still in his p.j.'s. They have a
T2 2; m o ° <n 5 «* in C co § ^ c
2 Q) th and Sherman Parker used to liv
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omputer, etc. He went with us to
ne called "Joe," so I guess that
F X >- H CO n (+ Bruce) were so kind to me
yota at Earl Scheib's Paint Shop—
also spoke. She told of the Ords
"roll her socks and wear lipstick.'
the Ords and their ten children---
was. We lived near Rsy * Ella
from near Boise, ID. What a great lady Ella Hia Ronnie. Good memories of the Higgys.
when they were married and had their first child
•< X X H
ct K- ts. 8 S' ■a 8 ^

a?S.j3s 58
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fT^ *t5


« ^

[Some of the "old-timers" in Modesto who are "still going strong," are Don and Mildred
Stephens, Bill and Wanda StebbinS, Leona Hanson—I heard Leona's name mentioned.Don and Mildj
still live on the Stephen's Farm but are retired. I saw Farrell Reeves and his wife—such li
Friday, November 3, 2000. I went to Ella Higginbotham s funeral in Modesto, CA, with

sisters, Maxine Owen and Karen Thomas. It was a very spiritual service and I met many
\S the Orangeburg Chape
the family members. Karen picked up Bruce at their home in Riverbank, took me back toy

Mary Lou arranged to use Michael's van, to get around today. 1

took her up to the Shaw's apartment in Folsom. We are limited in our transportation be

cause our Toyota is in Earl ScheihfAuto Painting shop. It was a beautiful day. I drov

down Hiway 99, along the familiar roads to the Chapel, on Orangeburg Avenue Maxine
introduced me to La Frances Carpenter, Bill and Wanda Stebbins and/Lincoln DeWitt, from

the Riverbank area. I saw Sharley Leonard, daughter, in the viewing room. Ella looked

at peace. Ella was born 3/23/1916 in Kuna, IB and died 10/30/2000 @ Casa de Modesto.

Ron Higginbotham gave the eulogy. He is in charge of the dairj

herd at Soledad State Prison. He was brief and to the point. He also gave the family

prayer. I heard that he doesn't even wear a cell phone, when he i« working with the c<
Ron is stocky with a tinge of red hair and reminds me of Eugane Higginbotham Senior^
also met Quinn Higginbotham, Ron's son. He is a large man and works locally, lives/Em
_..3S Quinn H. told me that Virginia Higginbotham died. She lived in Waterford, CA.
The grandson, Rob Bowerbank, told of staying out on the farm,
Grandfather and Grandmother Higginbotham's house.7 / also has a bit of red hair and is t
son of Norma Bowerbank,^68 ,Qrangewood Ct., Concord, CA 94521. (925) 676 -4948.

Sharley Leonard, daughter, looks and acts a lot like Ella H. She told of the tough
days, living on the farm, without inside plumbing, running water, etc. She told of Rt
illness (brain surgery) that left him below par, for 52-years. Ray could not baptize
Sharley because he was not well. She was baptized at the old chapel on 4th Street by
Ron Zirkle. Sharley talked about how her parents "endured to the end." Ray died in 19
She also told of the holiday meals, prepared by Ella, for the entire family, spider we
Sharley Leonhard (Richard) 742-18th Av., Salt Lake City, UT 84103, (801) 521-9287. T
reward for the poverty years was self-reliance. She told of picking flowers.-for Ella.
4 Burwood Cemetery was out by the Stanislaus River, off McHenry.
Ray Ls also bulled in that cemetery. Maxine, Karen and 1 talked to some family membei
Ord is the Stake Patriarch in Hemet, CA. He looks good. Karen took us to the 1
can Restaurant in Riverbank for lunch—good. / was still in his p.j. s. They have
nice home, probably built near the "projects" where Beth and Sherman Parker used to li
He seems to live a sedentary life, with a TV set and computer, etc. He went with us t(
pick up my truck and also take Maxine Owen home. Maxine called "Joe," so I guess that
they still live together. Too bad. Maxine and Karen (+ Bruce) were so kind to me
today. I was home before 6 p.m. I saw the painted Toyota at Earl Scheib's Paint Shop-
it looks . with
good, ... the
._ __ .t
new paint job. tWanda Stebbins -.ic
also cnntp.
spoke. She
She told
told of
of the Ora
living near Hilmar. Ella worked in a store and could "roll her socks„
That wee to Brother Ordh . consternation. I remember the Ords and their ten^chil'd.
That was to Brother __
when* they wMedtl What h\ftTe\r
a great lady Ella
^Zrst Hi;
"chillf^nnie ^ ^Tod m^oVi££_the_Higgy^
axine Owen told me that Larry Olsen quit his job with the publisher, that he has had for
me time. He tired of management and of riding the train from Redwood City, CA to San FranciscC>
erri Silva is working for a florist in Mariposa, CA. Linda has retired & lives near RerlH-in?,]
turday, November 4, 2000. Michael moved his household goods from the U-Haul Storage Place t°

Ls new home. Jared and I helped him at the start and then Adam Nelson and

riend helped Mike and Jared, in the afternoon. Lou made up Stake Con*
erence flowers. We delivered a plant to Pam, the dental hygienist Dr/ Chang.

I noticed from Ella Higginbotham's funeral program, that I missed

who dedicated the grave. He
eeting Gerald Higginbotham/ is likely married to Sherry Higginbotham, who
[Gerald Higginbotham is identified as Ella's son, in the printed program.]
as the chorister./ I just don't know anything about Gerald and Sherry. I re

ember that Sherry is dark-complexioned. I hope that I have my facts straight?

aren Blakely called last night, to see that I arrived home safely. I had pro

sed to call her with that message but I fell into bed, on arriving home.

Michael was over here early with Jared Miller. They

ook me to pick up the Toyota at the car painting place. It is a good paint job

.nd I hope that the quality lasts. We loaded Mike's van and my car and took a

.oad to Mike's new house. The rent on the storage places is up soon so Mike

ranted to move all of the goods out of U-Haul storage.

Mike contacted Adam—Uol□on and his friend for

lelp with the hauling. Mike rented a local truck and X believe that they
ed more.
finished the job. I had to help Mary Lou around the house or I would have help-

I worked on the dishwashing and general house clean-up.

ary Lou needed some help on lifting the flower buckets. She made up two stand-

ng arrangements. She also made up a plant arrangement for Pam, the dental

ygienist at Dr. Chang's office. We delivered it to a gated community, near

be fire station, on Oak Avenue. Pam introduced us to her Mother, who recently
[Pam's Father]
Dst her ex-husband,/ He was a retired dentist, who volunteered two days a week

t the local AIDS clinic. He had a heart attack on his way home to Colusa.

also met Pam's husband and her son, Gunner. Gunner has guitars for learning.

Mr. Smith worked on his building job next door. He is

ting ready to pour concrete in the forms. Elder Riley Shaw wrote a thankyou
er. He will leave for the Marseilles France Mission about the 3rd week of November,
er Riley has such a sweet spirit. We delivered the two standing sprays
the stands to the Stake Center. We went over after 9 p,m. and picked up
flowers and stands, to be delivered to the Mormon Center, in the morning.
Democrats have come up with a DUI against Bush, 24-years ago. i knew
they would do anything or say anything to get the Demos elected. W0W.'Gore,
d/tcur-i^, d/Lo-en, 6h,inn,, 6on-Lo, dnr^<m<db &
Jfw,oy, 6 aAadd,
n^ejtj,u,oid tk,<b fbo-rva-r- i^o-u/r- jxnoiiMbCM,
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5 0^ WQjcLcLisrbCjj druruitMurAcwy,
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he delivered to the Mormon Center,
flowers and stands, to with a DUI against Bush, 24-years
Democrats have come up or say anything to get the Demos
they would do anything
The Permanente Medical Group, Inc. ANTIOCH RANCHO COR

2025 Morse Avenue DAVIS REDWOOD Cr

Sacramento, California 95825-2115 FAIRFIELD RICHMOND
\> (916) 973-5000 FREMONT
Robert K. Shaw 10/10/2000
5370 Nugget Rd
Fair Oaks, CA 95628

Medical Record Number: 01621159

As one of my patients with diabetes, I am concerned about your health. Because people
diabetes are at higher risk for hyperglycemia/ hypoglycemia, peripheral circulatory disor
ketoacidosis, and other conditions, extra steps are recommended to lower your risk for l
health problems.

My records indicate that you are overdue for the test(s) indicated below. Please brii
letter to your nearest Kaiser Lab, at your earliest convenience. An appointment or ;
W.ip is not necessary.

NOTE: If you have recently completed the test(s) I have checked off, please d
this letter. Also, if you feel this letter was sent to you in error, please call yo1
Clinical Health Educator at 784-4679.


Primary Care Provider
La b Us f . On i .v / Scott Setterlund - 52358 ROS-^
Send copy of the labs to: EO GREEN? M.D. -

HOI 08*0
Hemoglobin A1C
Glucose - Fasting
rBwirtn Lipid Panel - Fasting Cholesterol LIP1
7695/55 a Cholesterol CHC
If a fasting test is indicated, a Triglycerides - Fasting TRI
please fast 12 hours prior to the Potassium
test. You may drink water. Creatinine CREA
Urine Microalbumin UMICROALi

~fy(fTED TODAY... 101 15151
This baBcH stub shall be tom off by precinct board member and handed to voter.


The Perman
Office; 1001
Mail: 16001
Roseville, C;
[We were surprised to hear from Harold Sellers that Oscar Larson died
at the Folsom Convalescent Hospital yesterday. Harold said that it was
a welcome "release" for Oscar. We went to Moens 50th Wedding Anniversarj
Sunday, November 5, 2000. We delivered the flowers and stand to the

Mormon Center and stayed for the session of Fair Oaks Stake Conference.

Mel Stephensen "covered" for us, at the Sacramento Family History Center.
------------------------------------------------- [Melissa M. received her Y.W. Award. ]
The announcement was made from the pulpit that Oscar

Larson died. 1?he funeral is to be on Friday, November 10th at the Santa

Juanita Chapel.Harold and Millie Sellers must be neighbors of Oscar and

Eddie Larson. That is bad news and good news, all wrapped into his death

We were up at the Mormon Center early. They have a

closed-circuit television mechanism set up to show the proceedings to the

members in the recreation hall. The chairs were set up to the back and o

to the stage area. There is good leadership in Fair Oaks Stake.

The visiting General Authority was Elder Parmley of the

Seventy. He is the son of Sis. Parmley, who was the general president of

either the Primary or the Relief Society? The theme seemed to be consis-

Severn 1 local c onverts spoke.

David Jensen le d the s inging.

e chapel but they didn't show u

going to the Moen recept ion. I

and foun d Moen's lovely house,

high on a hill. They welcomed us. G1 .a Moen s aid that she has been

working in the yard for weeks. They h 1 three d aughters and they helpe

with the anniversary party. We sat by :. Kassis , whose fiamily once own

Stop-and-Shop grocery chain. Mrs. Kassis and Gloria Moen attended the U

versity of Minnesota together. It was a clear and beautiful day.

The refreshments were excellent, especially the Nor

wegian meatballs. They had a champagne toast to Bob and Gloria. Bob's

dementia seems to be getting worse. Bob is a retired Air Force officer.

The daughters were friendly. I think that they live locally. One daught
lives on Sleepy Hollow Lane, near her parent's house. Mary Lou told of
the interest that Gloria has in the Family History class, at Cordova Si>Ci
The reception for Melissa Miller was at the First Ward Building. The
entire Miller
niner family
t cim-L j-y told uof
j. their
lug-lo. love ^of
^ and appreciation
^ ,.7 ^ for Melissa.
7 •/<=<=»
Bishop Titera presented the_ necklace and^award certificate^ of the
told of the projects that she has completed, she,was award fo x males•
lass, The award is equivalent to the Eagle Scout awar-oxo
I----------- taxied and said that she is receiving some help in keeping her living space 1
clean with a cleaning lady who comes in weekly, courtesy of the County Welfare. She is also ^
getting some visiting nursing services from the County. She is not in good physical shape.]
Monday, November 6, 2000. I took that medical exam form to Dr. Green at Kaiser

given to me by Norma Cutts. My weightwas down about 10-pounds—a total x

surprise to me. Dr. Green will send a medical exam report to Norma Cutts.

(My weight was 215 pounds.) With the medical exam, I now have the fingerprints

for the job with Mohr Care Home. I went with Norma to the Community Care

Office. They have a computerized fingerprint machine, with connections to the

State Department of Justice. Norma was able to talk them into doing the finger

print work today, otherwise, an appointment is required. The full-hand and

finger prints cost her $84—how about the high cost of bureauocracy? The lo

cation of the state office is off Arden-Alta Expressway, just off Fulton Ave.

So, that pretty well completes my job application for

the part-time job at Norma's Place. I have to fill out an application and get

a tuberculosis clearance. They gave me a TB test at Kaiser today. The test

will be able to be read Wednesday or Thursday, of this week. Norma (Jailed later

and said that the new ownwer of the elderly care home wants to close
escrow by December 1st and have completed requirements for the license.
Likely, Mary Lou will not have to get the tests and our services won't be/
Anyway, we are not to work until our clearance papers are in. Wendell,
Norma told me about her brother,/ who recently

died in Cancun, Mexico. He was unlucky in love and family life. He left a

wife and three sons from Sacramento and the wife divorced him and remarried.

He remarried a Mexican woman and had another three sons. They split because
of Wendell's/ job and personal records. He was a radio and televison

personality but very independent. He took the three boys and traveled the USA,

often living out of a car. He lived with another Mexican lady but that did not

jork out either. Wendell wanted to be buried in the USA. Norma paid for the

pturn of the body, had a service in Fair Oaks First Ward and buried him in the
IfNorma's sister also has her husband buried at the Gustine, CA Cemetery.]
tional Milfti-fj/ Cemetery in Gustine, CA. / That is where Don Mohr is buried.
old her about my cousin, Eugene Higginbotham, who would commit crimes and flee for !
ico. Mary Lou and 1 went over the political election candidates and
posals for Family Home Evening. We used the non-partisan section of
Sacramento Bee for our reference. We later found the sample ballots and^j^^^'
State Voter's Pamphlet. We feel better prepared for the General Election,
3 held tomorrow. Mabel Helton called us. She has another living space and
'it better than the one on The Garden Highway. She gets some nursing care •
e vets more frequent showers and body care. Charlie is better able To f ;
label now, as he watches and is directed by the visiting nurse—Good for het.
*/ ? & CountT\7rra^) jUjtwv £- h/' C&4^

YlGc'ttOli DAY. o~
What a^kf^l^^Oect
Tuesday, November 7, 2000

very clase between Gore and Bush. With about 200 million votes cast,
. TUiy-AW
/difference between them is very slight. Florida is holding up final

\ i Those Demos said that

„ </? » QlvMIObO/
//) anything"
_ to _
g/fet elected. Gore even has one of the Daly gang from Chic
(h-- as his campaign manager.
The final count may not be known for days or

Mary Lou and X voted at the Fairvale Baptist Church

precinct. California went for Gore, too bad about that. Gore had his

main strength in the highly populated states of the northeast USA. Bu

did a good job of winning most of the states, including ones that votei
Florida, loWAf
for Clinton-Gore in 1996. / Oregon and Wisconsin are late counters

I found out more about the Proposition "0", the reaj

estate zoning scam proposed near Rancho Murrietta. It is proposed by Mj

Myers, a developer, who poured in a lot of his own money for the zoning

change. The proposal went down haBdily. Vouchers also lost and the

state constitutional change of bond measures to 55% from 66 2/3's percei

John Doolittle won easily as did Dave Cox. It looks as tho\

Clay Jackson
Jacks#on lo,st }.n
in his run for the Sacto Utility District
Distric Board of Dii

1 ' The television "predictors"

'pi were also very erratic.
State of Florida was given to Gore, then to Bush then /^"undecided," as

the night wore on. I stayed up until about 2 a.m. Gore conceded the lc
0 inl
and then rescinded it. The|"Daly politician" from Chicago spoke for Goi

So, it might be some time before the final tally is certified for preside

Hilary Clinton won the Senate seat in New York. She'll run for presidf

in 2004. We just cannot get rid of those Clintons—too bad, for us. The

will be a recount in Florida Gore has won the popular vote, too bad also.
Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital. Eddy
Larson felt badly about Oscar Larson's death. Lou was able to talk to
^ Eddy. I paid the bills. I had $1,100 to pay total bills of$2,564, leav
W me short in the amount of $1,464. I used $600 of Lou's money to pay the
pressing bills. I still need $900 to pay the maintenance agreement with
Sears plus the insurance payment} due about the middle of the month. Where
min we get the extra $900 or so to pay the insurances? I went with Lou to
Staples Stationery to copy Naylor and Laird rec°fda- o«Sm|deSmore
records to Laird Snelgove and to her family members. Lou also made
laser prints, also to be mailed to family people. I went to bed a
nesday, October 8, 2000. I did not feel well today, with stomach upset. 1

der if I'm having a reaction to the many pills that I take? Mary Lou

ked her double shifts. We were both tired this evening and slept early.

The fracas with counting the votes in Florida still

s on. They think that the final votes may not be certified' until another week

rida has some kind of law that a recount is required if the difference between the candi-

:es is less than \ of of one percent of the vote. The difference now seems

be 1/3 of one percent. Maybe if I ignore it, the voting mess will go away.

Of course, Gore and Daly are stirring things up, hop-

They will
g to hang on to power. 7 do anything and say anything to win, per their

ates. There have been comparisons of a vote in one of the Banana Republics,

obably with revolutions as the result, in some countries. Bush is still ahead,

even hear that law suits have been entered about the election in Florida. Even

California, the final votes has not been tallied, with absentee ballots. But,

re claims to be ahead in the popular vote. All that may change.

Mary Lou worked her double shifts, at Folsom Conv.

spital at at the Family History class. Lou said that Eva J. Baker complained

out the computer class at the Placerville Ward seminar. Eva seems to "stir

a stink" quite easily. She is sometimes critical of the L.D.S. Church, etc.

There was a post card from Dr. Beth Morphew about the

ining of her new office at 3928 California Av., Carmichael, CA 95608 — 944-1444

will be a few miles longer for us to drive, for adjustments.

Chris Prentice has returned from Los Angeles where she

ended a school convention, as a delegate. Venetta Abbott visited her in L.a.

• r : . Queen
y visited various sights around the big city. One was the/ . Mary ocean

>r, docked in Long Beach. They also visited in Santa Barbara, where Venetta
S 6 6lCS
iving. Chris P./ to "qualify" to be be "bumped off flights," so that

;an collect the premium money from the airline. This plan often

for her. This way, she is able to get extra money to travel. She is

ty sharp lady. The weather has turned cooler. I wear my coat in the out
now Mary Lou has to wipe the moisture off the windshields,, when she
i work, in the mornings. The day was cool and breezy-beautiful weather!
f talked to Scott Setterlund, health educator,at Kaiser in Roseville. I
do not see how he can help me much, with my diabetes routine. A blood
draw form was sent to me, with Scott's name on it. I had another blood
Thursday, November 9, 2000. I was not feeling well again this mori

called Sun Oaks Dental and they gave me another appointment on Dece

Mary Lou and I picked up flowers and ran some errands this afternooi
------------------------------------------ Keith Shaw wrote a note of appreciate
"The sound and the fury" goes on with the Bush ar

Gore political impasse. Bush says that Gore is a bad loser. They a

still doing th<2 recount in Florida. Several other■ Stiates are finali

their tallies, counting absentee ba Hots, etc . I don 1 t listen that i

to the /reports on the el ection. Goire doesn't like to give up any pox*

Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital. Eddy La

was not sure about the day of the funeral. She was up and ready to gi

yesterday but,of course, the funeral is to be held Friday. The obitua

was in the Sacramento Bee today. I want to copy the printed obituary.

We took an arrangement for the service, to Mount

Vernon Mortuary. We saw Paul Larson, his wife and daughter, from Salt
Oscar ' s
Lake City. We also saw Hal Larson,/ brother. Oscar looked so

dignified. The skin cancers on his face and head tf/ere covered up well.

The funeral service will be at Mount Vernon Mortuary tomorrow at 11 a.

Keith wrote us a sweet note of appreciation. Sandy wrote a

letter to Elder Riley at Sacrament Meeting Sunday. Keith wrote about ou

support of him during his Church mission and of other times throughout h

life. That was very kind of Keith to think of his parents and express h

thoughts of gratitude. What a great son Keith is—unbelieveable.

Lou has some orders from Dr. Beth Morphew for her ne

chiropractic office. Lou bought flowers for the orders at Greenleaf Whc

sale, Greenleaf had a good selection of flowers and plants. Lou also

purchased a plant for Lynn Bitnoff's order. We delivered the plant to

Klump's Funeral Home on Riverside Blvd.

We stopped at Kaiser in Roseville for Lou to get a 1
skin test. My skin test was negative. I talked a while to Scott Settei
lund about diabetes services at Kaiser in Roseville. He did not seem 1
interested in working with me. He gave me a sheet for a new blood draw.
I think that I'll stay with the diabetes clinic folks at Kaiser on Morst
Avenue. Lou went to a Relief Society dinner at First Ward. lo
was the speaker on "Resolving Conflict.' Ga^® oil1check®?romFGUSD on S
with Holly Miller. Lou should receive her payroll check from FW
l"c uj.u nou attend Oscar Larson’s funeral at Mt. Vernon Mortuary, sorry about that]

Friday, November 10 , 2000. Veteran’s Day — Observed. This was a work, day

around our house today. Mary Lou did not have to work for FCUSD. I mailed

her payroll check. She earned $2,216.76 for 84-hours of work in October,

Mary Lou's pay rate is $26.39 an hour now. That 84-

hours represents a lot of work for Lou. I don't know why the check is sent to

this address? Previously, it was sent to the Provident Credit Union directly.

Lou tore into the house work. I went ahead and put

the new toilet seat on the commode in our master bedroom bath. Th 0/ seats that

we have been purchasing come loose and fall apart very quickly. The seat that

1 have in there now should last quite a while as it is of sturdier design.

We worked on the house work this morning. In the

afternoon, Lou went with Holly and Jeannie Erickson to a commercial crafts show

at Cal Expo. I don't think that the ladies were much impressed with the show.

I'm not sure if Chris Prentice and Michelle Allen attended,' I think that

Chris and Michelle went to a movie with the Millers later in the day?

The headlines said something about Bush and

workers would seek "reprisals" against Gore, for being such a poor loser. The

election for president situation is getting murkier and murkier, as time goes
y. Bush is still/ in Florida.It is a close election. I don't know the
ature of any "reprisals" that Bush could enact against the headstrong Gore?
Observance of Veteran's Day is about one of the last

:stiges of patriotism these day, it seems. I remember the oratory, the bands

d even public singing down in Riverbank, CA, when.I was younger.

Michael and Margo brought Chloe and Sophia over while

y went out for the evening. We called Sophia "MISS MANNERS" because she was

Ling us that her-mom ght her to say "Yes, thank you" and "S|o»thank you."

girls worked onf tracing 'leaves, working .with Lincoln Logs, and other

ities with Grandmother Shaw. Both girls can color and cut with scissors.

eeps mentioning a money-making plan hut he doesn't tell us details ? ,

w will be the Family History Seminar at the Stake Center, here in

s. Lou has volunteered to work at the registration table and I will

n usher. Mel & Elizabeth Stephensen are back from vacation in Hawaii-
5370 Nugget Rd.
Fair Oaks, CA, 95628
Nov 11 2000
Elder Riley Shaw
MTC Box #190
FRA-MAR 1128
2005 N 900 E
Provo, Utah, 84604-1793
Dear Riley,
Hope all is well with you. It was great to hear from you. I know you are
terribly busy, so we won’t feel bad if you don’t answer our letters. It’s important
you write to your parents and family in Logan. Our prayers are with you.
Melissa received her Young Women's Honor Award. Her whole family
spoke about her accomplishments as well as her leaders. They said she was like
a light on the hill, was kind and endearing to her family, and was an example for
us all to follow. Bishop Tittera spoke how Melissa's parents had a great part in her
accomplishments. As one of her projects she put together a beautiful photo album
of our 50th Wedding Anniversary, using the pictures we gave the Millers. The
Blue Bag with our photos and negatives has not been found by Southwest. They
sent us some money and a travel voucher. I can't believe it wasn't found.
Jared was in the Roadshow tonight. They were well done and displayed
talents. The shows brought back many memories of directing plays and
We watched Chloe and Sophie Friday night while Margo and Mike went to
"Know Your Religion" We collected some beautiful fall oak leaves and did
rubbings of them with colored crayons, played the piano, etc. Very enjoyable. I’m
glad they moved here and I think there is a good purpose in the Lord, with them
The other night I watched the impressive TV movie of Esther. Since Then
I've read the story in the Bible twice and am reading it again. Bob and I discussed
the Chapter into the night. It is so well written. All the facts and the movements
carries your mind forward and back into history, so you can apply the events into
your own life. I was touched with the tenderness of King Ahasuerus toward her,
and the sweetness and obedience of Esther when she was being chosen Queen.
What strength of faith and character was Mordecai, raising Esther, {his
uncle's daughter), encouraging and tutoring her to try out for the honor of Queen,
keeping her Jewish nationality a secret. He refused to do obeisance to the high
Prince Haman. Mordecai reported the plot that servants were planing to murder
the King, thus saving the King's life.
Haman, in his wrath, received the power to destroy all Jews, in one day.
Mordicai and the Jews plead to the Lord in Sackcloth and ashes for their
lives and safety. Then, Mordicai's immortal words to Esther, "who knoweth
whether thou are come to the kingdom for such a time as this." And Esther’s
brave answer, "Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and
fast ye for me, an neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: I also and my
maidens will fast likewise;and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according
to the law: and if I perish, I perish."
This attitude applies to our lives now. Who knoweth whether we are on
earth at this his time in our places for such a time as this. And we look back and
see how the Lord prepared the way and circumstances for Esther's particular
position. And we realize that has also happened in our lives. But Esther knew that
prayer and fasting was imperative to save their lives. Those steps we, too, must
The King received Esther. She invited he and Haman to dinner, but she
didn't tell him her petition. Instead she invited them both to a banquet the
following night. Meanwhile, Haman got so angry with Mordicai for not saluting him,
he ordered a gallows to be built for him.
A remarkable event occurred that night. The King couldn't sleep and had
a servant come and read the Book of Records. Where-in was found the report of
Mordicai telling of the intent of the two chamberlains to do harm to the King. It was
the desire of the King to honor Mordicai, so he called Haman and asked him what
should be done unto a man the King delighted to honor. Hamon assumed the
King was talking about him and set up a ritual of honor. To his horror the King put
him in charge to honor Mordicai.
At the next banquet Esther petitioned the King and reveals her identity and
wicked Haman's plot to destroy all Jews. The furious King has Haman hanged on
his own gallows. However the Persian law cannot be retracted. The King gives
Mordicai the power to prepare and to fight back on that dreadful day that the Jews
were to be annihilated.. .
The Jews slayed their enemies. The Feast of Purim was instituted to
commemorate deliverance and victory.
A few years ago, we were in Israel when Purim was being celebrated. The
children were dressed in scary costumes, like Halloween, and had sticks to poke
at the wicked Haman. That personal experience becomes more meaningful as time
goes on and in reading the Book of Esther becomes vivid.
It is a great blessing and in keeping with the commandments that the
Latter-Day Saints, celebrate Pioneer Day, on the 24th of July, every year. That we
can remember the Lord's deliverance to us and honor the worthy pioneers.
I feel this account of Esther pertains to your life particularly, now, Riley.
You are where the Lord wants you to be and eternal blessings will be
Wishing you the best, Lots of Love,
Grandma Shaw
[The Sears repairperson came out to put the gasoline tank and carburetror on
c£Xler. The tiller couldn't be moved because the handle was broken, too a
Saturday, November 11, 2000. TRADITIONAL VETERAN'S DAY. We had the

Family History Seminar today at the Fair Oaks Stake Center. It was fc

attended and there seemed to be good classes. We both helped out.

It was a very cool but clear morning. If rain was

the forecast for the past few days, it never made it's way here to oui
area. There / . freeway closures over the Sierras overnight. Snow wa

falling on both Highway 80 and Highway 50. Some of the ski resorts we

open so it looks like a good skiing season ahead.

Mary Lou was at the Stake Center before 8 a.m. and 1

arrived shortly after that time. The Stake Center was set up nicely wi

good signage and organization. Susan Jackman seems to be the lady who

is the "spark plug" behind the good planning. I worked as an usher wit!

David Williams and Bob Taylor. I had some duties to perform and I triec
to make the registrants/ welcome. I also helped move a display table.

Mel and Elizabeth Stephensen had a good 3-week

vacation in Hawaii. They visited Oahu and Kauai. I think that they sta
share suffered
ed in a friend's time/. condo?? Mel was limping from an accident/whil

in Hawaii. He thinks that he will have to have it checked out with a

medical doctor. Mel "covered" for us at the local FHC last Sunday.

Mary Lou attended some of Mr. Rader's classes, after

she worked at the registration table. In the afternoon, she went to Mr.

Rader's "Professional Genealogist's Class," at FCUSD. Mr. Rader will

have a class on "Internet Genealogy" next quarter in Adult Education.

I had some energy this afternoon and I mowed some of

the lawns and mulched the leaves. The leaves are falling profusely be

cause of the very cool weather. Frost was on the grass this morning.

The Sears repair man came out unexpectedly while we were at the Stake

Center. I didn't know that we had an appointment for repairs? I'll hav

to call them for an appointment, for next week. There was a road show a

First Ward. Mary Lou went over to see Jared Miller perform. Jared
minor part but,at least, he participated. I remember doing_ro^sfcow
different wards, in places that we lived, withMary Lou directing s (
Sunday, November 12, 2000. This month is speeding along. We must do our visit

ing and home teaching soon. Mary Lou went to Church services. I slept

this morning. The shifts at the Family History Center were quite slow.

Mary Lou said that plans were discussed for the First

Ward Adult Dinner Dance on December 1st. Lori Bair is in charge. Mary Lou did

not sign up to "host a table." She will help out with flowers or other decor

ations but she just doesn't have time to do any more, at the dinner dance.

The mornings are frosty now. I picked some of the

last tomatoes in the garden. It was a fair crop with good tomatoes produced.

I have thought about digging up some of the garden spot for a winter garden.

The tiller should be repaired by Sears this week. I don't know much about

raising a winter garden, but hopefully, I can learn.

I did not read much in the Sacramento Bee this morn

ing. That election fracas is probably still moving slowly, down in Florida.

usually scan the Sunday paper, look at the ads for coupons, etc. The

aper holder on the mail box post is about to come off. I want to re-nail

t so that we can continue to receive the newsnaper on Nugget Road.

Mr. Smith , next door, is working o n his gargage or out-

ilding foundation . He has built some panels and has used them with reb ar to

Id the forms for the piers and foundation. He has help from his sons and

m friends who come over,

We were on time at the Family History Center. It was

very busy, down there today. Amanda Keyes came in for a visit. She is age

>ars but still drives her car. She said that she did not miss any ques-

on the written driving test. She has retired from the FHC staff, after

a volunteer for 38-or-so-years. She is proud of her two books on Nor-

research. Lewis Durst and Sis. Durst came in today. Be worked on the
im viewers. Sis. Durst has had an operation for cancer and Lewis
i for removal of polyps in his nose. Be has some difficulty with
thing. I always enjoy visiting with the Dursts. It was a beauti-
day but very cool. I want to write to Ella Higginbotham's two
i for family information. I have their addresses. I want to learn
Higginbothams, Zerbes and the Grotts, in Stanislaus County. Mary
on her Adult Education attendance records, due again tomorrow.
[The Denver Broncos defeated the Oakland Raiders in a Monday Night football game. The Raiders
have had a bad history of losing to the Broncos. One might think that this was the year for
the Rai<iporsdtoywi8oavse^%j{:hfTje apofol wigW^^fe^am^th^s love^^ bwement£iamsSa<3

news that Ralph Bird has died. The service will be Thursday at 12:30 but

Xfm not sure of the location? I took Mary Lou to her classes. We had a good

family home evening with the Millers. The Miller family has good talent
-------------------------------------------------- y tflff-*
That was sad news about Ralph Bird. WhenxI met him, /

he owned a modern drugstore at Sylvan Corners in Citrus Heights. He was

lia Bird is the sister of

aT Birds—Maureen Wolfe, etc.

rea .
sket piece and a standing

It might be difficult to

; Lou's ingenuity & creativity.

aments to Dr. Beth Morphew

Efice in Carmichael. The

he office and it looks good,

me for a short visit yester-

livered to the new office,

se with zipper problems at

utter that was given to us.

plication for a COSTCO

when I was in Modesto for

son Conv. Hospital. The rain

w 1,000 feet elevation. Sue

o the Oakland Temple. We

oesn't not have a temple

aid that Susan's medical

an said that she has a broken

Not a good outlook. Will
[tomorrow afternoon? The
must end by then. It looks
len from him by Messrs. Gore.
Dr. Beth's flowers at
e rest this afternoon.
Esther, from the Old Testa-
ared led the singing. He is
■- t- f 11 o w X- n l aved. 4
■ w
11 InH

unday, November 12, 2000. This month is speeding along. We must do our visit

ing and home teaching soon. Mary Lou went to Church services. I slept

this morning. The shifts at the Family History Center were quite slow.

Mary Lou said that plans were discussed for the First
Ward Adult Dinner Dance on December 1st. Lori Bair is in charge. Mary Lou did

not sign up to "host a table." She will help out with flowers or other decor

ations but she just doesn1

last tomatoes in the garde

I have thought about diggi

The tiller should be repai

raising a winter garden, b

Ing. That election fracas

usually scan the Sun

aper holder on the mail b

t so that we can continue

:ilding foundation. He b

ild the forms for the pi

jm friends who come over

very busy, down there

years but still drives

s on the written drivi

r a volunteer for 38-c

n research. Lewis Du
-llm viewers. Sis. E
in for removal of pc
eathing. I always e
[1 day but very cool
rs for family infoz
le Higginbothams, 2
ed on her Adult Ec
[The Denver Broncos defeated the Oakland Raiders in a Monday Night football game. The Raiders
have had a bad history of losing to the Broncos. One might think that this was the year for
the Rai^rsdtoy wiRoavseife hflje wifB^rgfipFfet^afHSFtl&i bwement £f amsSa<

news that Ralph Bird has died. The service will be Thursday at 12:30 but
Nt I'm not sure of the location? I took Mary Lou to her classes. We had a good

family home evening with the Millers. The Miller family has good

That was sad news about Ralph Bird.

200a talent

n*I met him,

he owned a modern drugstore at Sylvan Corners in Citrus Heights. He was

a temple worker and faithful ward worker. Erma Bird is the sister of

Mrs. Wilford Coon. There is quite a family of Birds—Maureen Wolfe, etc.

There are several sons who live around this area.
Maureen W. called for a casket piece and a standing

spray of a bow tie—Ralph's standard neck wear. It might be difficult to

make up the bow tie piece. It will test Mary Lou's ingenuity & creativity.

We delivered five arrangements to Dr. Beth Morphew

---- for the opening of her new chiropractic office in Carmichael. The

Morphews have been working hard to decorate the office and it looks good.

Dr. Beth said that Karen and Bruce Blakely came for a short visit yester

day. Karen called today for a plant to be delivered to the new office.
Lou and I dropped/a suitcase with zipper problems at

Deseret Industries, along with a large paper cutter that was given to us.

I also sent Karen Blakely and Maxine Owen an application for a COSTCO

CARD each. They said that they'd like a card when I was in Modesto for

Ella Higginbotham's funeral last week.

I took Lou to work at Folsom Conv. Hospital. The rai

started this afternoon. Snow is to fall below 1,000 feet elevation. Sue

Miller called with some request to be taken to the Oakland Temple. We

checked with her Bishop in Davis, CA and she doesn't not have a temple

recommend or a driver's license. The Bishop said that Susan's medical

condition is taking a turn for the worse. Susan said that she has a broki
bicycle, no friends and $1.50 in her pocket. Not a good outlook. Will
the counting and recounting of the votes end tomorrow afternoon? The
Florida state officials say that the nonsense must end by then. It looks
like George W. Bush will have the election stolen from him by Messrs. Gore
Daley and other thug types. Mary Lou worked on Dr. Beth's flowers at
4 a.m. this morning. She was able to «et some rest this afternoon.
For Family Home Evening, Lou told the story of Esther, from the Old ^
ment—very moving. Melissa sang and danced, Jared led sinfi^fayed a
in a music class at BVHS. Joshua recited a part from a play & P|*£e.
VBro?vi“vJ,J-> ““me teacher, called and said that Kevin Carter passed away, funeral
Saturday. Kevin had cancer and quite a while. He lived with his
wife, Emily (who is prdgaant) & two kids in Elk Grove, CA. He is the son of Chuck and Gale.]

Tuesday, November 14, 2000. It has been a week since the General Election and

the voting mess in Florida and other places has not been ^-traightened out

yet. What direction is our country headed? Mary Lou purchased flowers

and supplies for the Ralph Bird service, to be held at noon on Thurs. , 11/16/00.

Contrary to my belief, it was a fairly clear and

warmer day. I had expected storms overnight. I worked on our bank statements,

reconciling them. Thank, goodness that I am able to pay my bills monthly.

Scott called from New York, on his way home from Lu

cent Technologies at about 10 p.m., his time. He enjoyed his trip to Brazil for

the telecommunications conference. He was able to see the Iguascu Falls (sp)

and cataracts plus the large dam that serves Paraguay and Brazil with electrical

power. They are still looking for another house in which to live, in Manhasset,

N.Y. Julia, the daughters and the Guastellas are doing all right. Scott is busy

with his job and his side jobs. It is expensive to live in Manhasset, NY.

Scott said that he flew in a helicopter, over the sights,in Brazil.

Lou was concerned about getting flowers for the

alph Bird service. She purchased carnations for the standing piece, at Kelly's

holsesale. It is up to me to trim and put away the flowers, in some preserva—

ve. That all takes time. Lou also stopped at Sunrise Wholesale for some

yrofoam, to make up the "bow tie standing spray." Janie Erickson helped Lou

:e up the bow tie pattern, using the styrofoam. Tona is letting us use her van

deliver the flowers tomorrow. It's pleasant to have friends.

Lou will have
rork on the floral orders tonight as they have to be delivered by 4 p.m./

My health seems to be quite good. I sleep a lot and

it seem to shake that habit. I have trouble taking the insulin shots and in
One of the . is
r the medicine . /. . main profxems/ that I don’t like to take so much meds,

Melissa Miller came over this evening to help with the

e standing spray." She helped put the red carnations on the

lent. She is a busy lady, had been with her friends at the mall, doi

ge home work, etc. i have that dental appointment at 2 p.m. tomorrow.

not in that good of a conditio n. I have a bit of an abcess on

,r jaw near my front teetn.
, WEDNESDAY, tvvmfrjpvtn Oaks Dental. Pam said that diabetes is impact:
haa my tee
teeth, as the gums are not healing quickly. I don't like to hear those rep<
The "angel of death" is working overtime. My cousin, Ella Higginbotham
Bp. Ed Schwab, Jerald Hallam, Hank Ivey—driver at Senior Center,
Oscar Larson, Ralph Bird/and Kevin Carter are some recent deaths of whi

I know. We delivered the "bow tie standing spray" to Price Funeral Horn'
--------------------------------------------------- Chapel this after
We delivered the "bow tie spray" to Price's Funeral /
noon along with the casket/ for Ralph Bird. Holly went to the viewing.

Holly said that the family and friends were impressed with the "bow tie

Some people even had their photos taken, behind the spray.
good .
We went over to the viewing, in the evening. The casket spray looked /

We used Tona Wood's van to deliver the floral pieces to

Price's Funeral Home. Lou had the "bow tie piece" tied together quite
well. She purchased some more red carnations to use as/pallbearers

bouts . She will also use the red earns to freshen up the bow tie piece.

I feel the need to clean off my desk and put away papers.
Frankly, I feel as if I am on overload/ all of the papers in my offic

My plan is to use a larger space for my files and boxes. About the only
think of
places that I can/ are the spare bedroom—Michael's room, an outside
/ area like a shipping container__ used on freighters^or to build

new storage garage on one of the lots. I feel that we have to do some

thing as the storage stuff is driving us out of "house and home."

Mary Lou had to turn in her payroll report early as the

Adult Education staff will not be in the office, over the Thanksgiving

holidays. Also, Lou turned in her attendance reports. There were seven

teen in attendance at the Family History (Genealogy) class. The topic o

discussion today was the census and it's uses. Lou plans a Christmas

decorating class,in connection with her Floral Techniques group, from

about November 21st to December 11th. Several of the Adult Educ. office
staff have shown some interest in attending and up holiday crafts.
Lou has ten or twelve folks signed up already so the class is ready to gc
I want to get down to the barber shop and get my hair cut.
That task is long over-due. It was sun and clouds in the weather depart
ment. The forecast is for clear weather, for the next few days. It
looks like a lot of hand-counting of votes in Florida, per the courts
down there. If Gore can prolong the process, he will have a better c anc<
of stealing the election. This process could go on for weeks and months.
We haven't received the Sacto Bee newspaper for two days—I wonder what
the reason(s) for that is--a new carrier, carelessness or other problems/
LWendy Bird, a young lady, probably the daughter of Darrell and Shannon Bird (now divor.-
ced) sang the final song, "0 Divine Redeemer." The singing was very good from 'XMzi ^>b '

Thursday, November 16, 2000. It was another clear and chilly day. We read

of snow in the Sierras and in the Mountain States and the Midwest and

East, etc. It makes us appreciate our home even more. We attended Ralph

Bird's funeral at the Van Maren Avenue Chapel. He was loved by his family.
There was a letter from Elder Riley Shaw
The funeral service was at noon until about 1:15 p.m. The

family members spoke and sang, in his honor. Frankly, I do not know the

sons that well but they certainly inherited Ralph's love of music. They

sang "That Haired Daddy of Mine" and Church songs—nice harmoney. The
chorus also sang, "Mormon Boy." That was a song sung by Ralph and brother in early years.
Ralph was born in Salt Lake City, UT in 1917. He was 83-

years-old when he died. He has five brothers. His mother taught Ralph and

his younger brother to sing harmoney in their boyhood. They entertained

at an early age with their music. Ralph migrated to Mar Vista, CA and work

ed for Bank of America. He started out as a teller but moved into loans and

to the Bank America Card Department, in it's infancy. (Los Angeles, CA area.)
Ralph worked for Bank of America for over 30-years, did not like the job.
Ralph met Erma and they married. They moved to Citrus

Heights and opened the Sylvan Drug Store. I remember what a fine store

it was, with a lot of good merchandise. Ralph was not a pharmacist but

think that some of his sons were? It was in the 1960's that I met Ralph
[I was the manager of the 70's Bookstore, at the time. It was a fund-raising project. ]
He sold books for the Seventies's Bookstore without charge to us./ I was

teaching at the Arlington Heights Schools in Citrus Hts. and visited the tore.
Erma is the sister of Ruth Coon, wife of Wilford, of Magna, UT. Ruth anc
Wilford could not attend because of illness. They are relatives of Verna Coon
rly. Harvey Greer spoke on a doctrinal subject. Dr. Darrell ird
[We think that it was the daughter of Shannon & Darrell who sang so wf 1. ] <
sang in the men's chorus/ The "bow-tie standing floral piece" looked g o d.

The bow tie gave Lou some"notoriety." Several members said that they kn Loiaj
as it is so expressive of her work with flowers, fli
ad made up the floral piece,/ The standing spray of carnations held to-
ether quite well. They told of Ralph & Erma being Temple Workers.
Elder Riley Shaw wrote us another letter from the Mission ary
aining Center. He is studying both French and Spanish. Perhaps it
3 tC the fact that France is holding up visas for Mormon Missionaries to
te into France. Some might be diverted to Spain.He will leave for hi
Id of labor the day after Thanksgiving, November 24th. Elder - • Iff
iy wants to see Scott Shaw and family, when he stops off in New
City, NY. Lou went with Holly and Chris Prentice to the design sho
irst Distributors. Chris.really liked the show. Chris P. came home
Mary Lou and will stay overnight. She enjoyed the trip to Southern
ornia and had a good visit with Venetta Abbott. Lou bought flowers f ox
vin Carter service on Saturday. That will be a sad funeral, for su re.
V fc
We sincerely thank those who have assisted our
family in any way at this time. Particularly those
who have extended expressions ofsympathy and
offers of assistance; those who participated in
\f\'-d attended this memorial service and who
''***rave aided in any fashion. We wish to express
our gratitude for your kindness evidenced in
thought and deed.
-Erma & Family

Price Funeral Chapel, Inc.
Ben Price Jody Price Del Price
(916) 725-2109


(RaCpf (Darwin (Bird

Darren Bird Stephen Bird BORN
Joseph Bird Garrett Bird March 15,1917, Provo, Utah
Andrew Bird Benjamin Wolfe PASSED A WA Y
Taylor Bird Jeffrey Wolfe November 12,2000, Citrus Heights, California
November 20,2000 November 16,2000
Wasatch Lawn Memorial Park Van Maren Ward Chapel, Citrus Heights, California
Salt Lake City, Utah
Dedicatory Prayer: Christopher S. Bird PRESIDING
President Marlon Smith
The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints
Organist: Jo Child
Music Director: Maureen Wolfe
Family Prayer: Darrell L. Bird
Welcome: Neil Pany
Musical Selection: Hymn#293
"Each Life That Touches Ours For Good"
Invocation: Richard Siefke
L.n my Father's house are many mansions: if Musical Selection: Gil, Chris, Gloria, Maureen &
it were not so, I would have told you. I go to "Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine"
Eulogy: R. Gilbert Bird
jp.pare a place for you. And if I go and Musical Selection: Sons & Grandsons
prepare a placefor you, I will come again and "The Mormon Boy" & "O My Father"
Speaker: Harvey S.Greer
'«r receiveyou unto myself; that where lam, there Remarks: President MarlonSmith
Musical Selection: „ Wendy Bird
ye may be also. "O Divine Redeemer'
John 14:2-3 Benediction: WayneLarso"
-11- Oo
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The Permanente Medical Group, Inc. FRESNO

(916) 784-4000 NAPA


Physician-in-Chief Assistant Physician-in-Chicf Medical Group Administrator

ROBERT K SHAW 11/08/2000

5370 NUGGET RD KAISER # 01621159
FAIR OAKS CA 95628 DAY: (916) 961-5271
EVE:(916) 961-5271

Here are the results of your recent laboratory tests:


11/06/00 Alkaline Phos 95U/L 47 - 137

11/06/00 Bili, Tot Adult 0.9mg/dL 0.2 - 1.2

11/06/00 Liver Test SGPT H 65U/L < 40

OU-To COT*T\frM<c m<LDS
Please visit our members-only -web site at:

Edward O. Green, M.D.

Continuation for: 11-08-2000 MRN 01621159 ROBERT K SHAW


An explanation of laboratory tests is provided below. Minor

abnormalities of test results are not unusual and are likely to
represent individual or lab variations. Abnormalities are subject to the
interpretation of your health care provider.

SGPT tests for liver inflammation.

fcjjjtfro tig- S<n*»<A- j-kfcf Kn- )ma s ^fcivcxJU LjVtU^

W* U^o*^ • UoR 31 l>yvW- -4o 4gU fVv- b4W-„ 4* __

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■£ lc>w^ Ntw^W- 'SL?') -OT j-f<y //> Nku) Vo'rk-Gk^

Lxi& Vl«yilM»j 4MI .X44- /hiyrf U. <3il>U- -h-> 5"ce /n>?. B>a 4 i~£
fovil-\r faw«>' Z~~ /ov<- ys-. '3" -fait. 4° Y«u- M&s~.
J^V^. •_ *?C<^ ,_____________ *_______

AIiacL Lov^t

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Wr^ ****-
' CAis^jir

5&2stB32.4 iiiiniiiiiilliiiililliiliiiiiilil 1111 i.i.i.,n„,ni imiiiii


The Permanente Medical Group, Inc. FRESNO

(916) 784-4000 NAPA


Physician-in-Chief Assistant Physician-in-Chicf Medical Group Administrator

ROBERT K SHAW 11/13/2000

5370 NUGGET RD KAISER # 01621159
FAIR OAKS CA 95628 DAY: (916) 961-5271
EVE:(916) 961-5271

Here are the results of your recent laboratory tests:


11/09/00 Diabetes HGBA1C

HGB A1C 10.2%

Please visit our members-only web site at:

Edward 0. Green, M.D.

Continuation for: 11-13-2000 MRN 01621159 ROBERT K SHAW


An explanation of laboratory tests is provided below. Minor

abnortrialities of test results are not unusual and are likely to
represent individual or lab variations. Abnormalities are subject to the
interpretation of your health care provider.

A1C (Diabetes HGBA1C) measures average blood sugar control over 3

. It is desirable for diabetics to have an A1C less than 7.0.


08272-1 (REV. 8-9C)
Friday, November 17, 2000. The beautiful fall weather continues. Mai

Lou was "busy as a beaver" working on flowers for the Kevin Carter ser

vice. We heard of Susan Miller riding the train to the Oakland Temple

We heard from Harold and Millie Sellers that Susan Miller

rode the train to Oakland. Then, she carried two bags to the Oakland

Temple, walking all of the way. She sat in the reception room. Folks

asked her if they could help her but she was vague in her answers.

Did she want to have an interview with the president of the

Temple? Did she just want to sit there and contemplate the sanctity o

the Temple? Harold and Millie asked her late in the day if she wanted

a ride back to Davis, CA. She rode back with them. They stopped for

hamburgerand Susan seemed to enjoy the food!The Sellers dropped her

off @ a trailer park in Davis but there is a question if she lived the

This situation with Susan is murky, as usual. She doesn't

volunteer much information, How did she get the money to ride the

train? The cost would probably be $15 or $20 for a one-way ticket. W

ishappening to that lady? She needs some medical & emotional checkin

Mary Lou was up and working on a floral standing spray for

the Kevin Carter service. She was the instructor for the Oil Painting

class. She came home about 1 p.m. and finished working on the second

spray plus a smaller spray from us. We delivered the flowers for the

4 p.m. viewing. I cleaned up the kitchen after the flower work. Ton.

Wood let us use her van so that made the deliveries easier,
and Margo their .>
Michael/brought/ daughters . over for a while, when they

went to Home Depot for decorating ideas. The girls used scissors to c

and crayons to draw. Sophia worked with me to write a poem about "Ros

Are Red" and did a good job. She knows how to form her letters. She
an amazing four-year-old. Chloe was tired also and they/fussy before
their parents came to pick them up. Margo did not come in the house a
Mike said that M. did not feel well. They are still knocking tile out
their house. They plan to move in to their new home within a w®e^*
Tomorrow will be Kevin Carter's funeral. Chris Prentice not^fike^o
Hallam's death printed obituary, in the newspaper. She wou
attend his funeral but she has conflicting work responsibilities.
[Gayle Soren and Keith Shaw called today. Gayle is planning to cook much of the Thanksgiving
Day meal and take it over to Alyson Woodland's home. JeremySparents and family will be at the
dinner also. Carolyn and Jared will have company—Jared's family. We'll stay at a motel.]
Saturday, November 18 , 2000. This was the day for Kevin Carter's funeral. Mike

went with Mary Lou and Holly to the services. It was a sad service, in 1”

the memory of a man who died so young, age 33-years, left a wife & 2 kids.
Keith will arrive in Boise Friday, 11/24.
It was another fabulous fall day. The days are cool but clear.

We delivered the wedding flowers for Lora Kelley and her new husband. She was

married about a week ago. The open house and reception for them is tonight.

They had a reception at the groom's home in Vernal, UT last Saturday. Eileen

Kelley said that they are an out-door-type couple. Husband, Danny KjGeorge.
Holly and Lou went to the receptif?J^in the evening. The news

is that Ed Schwab died of cancer,suffering for at least two years. He was a

general contractor and a good builder. Ed served as a Bishop in 4th Ward. Dear

Lillian Schwab preceded him in death. That was more sad news about deaths.

The funeral was under the direction of Bp. Randy Bacchus of

the Elk Grove area. The eulogy was given by Ron Kloepfer. Reflections were

given by Kevin G. Carter's siblings, Kelly, Bryan, Robbyn and Jaime. It

was an emotional service for Michael and Mary Lou & Holly. The wife,
[book of remembrance] Carter's
Emily, asked for experiences and memories/about Kevin be sent to the/daughter,

telly Nelson, in Layton, UT. There is an education account set up for the kids

t any US Bank. I didn't hear much of how the Carters are getting along in OR?
he burial will take place at a cemetery in Portland, Oregon, on 11/20/2000.
Mike and Lou were visibly shaken by the funeral service. It

; doubly hard to die so young, leave a wife and two kids and another one on the

y. Michael said that Kevin worked as a mechanical engineer, employer unknown.

I went with Michael and Sophia to Home Depot for the purpose

buying some casters for furniture. I looked at linoleum and carpet. Some

their stock is reasonable and can be installed by the homeowner—me. Mike

Iknocked out the tile around the floor in the back living room. Also, he

-.nocked out some of the wall tile. In the front living area, he has re- /.
the tile from the upper fireplace and the window ledge, in the front,
s plans to knock out the entire fireplace in the front. Why would
that? The tile is beautiful and expertly laid. Lou reminds me to
en up" on my comments about their new house, decorating, repairs, etc.
vas helping out at Lora Kelley George's reception. Mary Lou went over
Kelley home. Holly brought Lou home. Lou put flowers around the cake
of her floral order. Lou said that she saw Mike shedding some tears, '
Carter’s funeral. Mike is a kind and sensitive man, has deep feelings.
We sincerely thank those who have assisted our
family in any way at this time. Particularly those
who have extended expressions ofsympathy and
of assistance; those who participated in
attended this memorial service and who
aided in any fashion. We wish to express
our gratitude for your kindness evidenced in
thought and deed.
Those of you who would like to share your
experiences and memories ofKevin to be placed
in a book of remembrance for his children,
please take a sheet ofpaper and write down a
memory or thought you have of Kevin. If you
have a picture ofyou and him, send it or a copy
of it to Kelly Nelson, 867 W. 2175 N., Layton,
UT 84041. Donations may be made to the
Madeline and Christian Carter Education Ac
count at any US Bank.
-Emily & Family

Price Funeral Chapel, Inc.
Ben Price Jody Price Del Price
(916) 725-2109

Weston Nelson Bryan Carter
Charles Carter David Carter
Ian Carter Kip Armstrong
Jared Armstrong Dennis Armstrong
USHERS April 12,1967, Oakland, California
Ranse Gale Louis Perkins PASSED AWAY
HONORARYPALLBEARERS November 14,2000, Sacramento, California
Paul Kloepfer Brian Mansur MEMORIAL SERVICE
Mike Jones Mark Wood November 18,2000
Ryan Keeler Fair Oaks Stake Center
INTERMENT Fair Oaks, California
November 20,2000
Finley's Sunset Hills Cemetery
Bishop Randy Bacchus
Portland, Oregon The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints
lcatory Prayer-
Prayer: . Walt Cartes Organist/Chorister: Coleen Carter/Judy Michelser
* " * ' J/
yWUlAAM Family Prayer: Mike Carte:
Welcome: Bishop Bill Titers
Musical Selection: Hymn#13t

I n my Father's house are many mansions: if Eulogy:

"I Know That My Redeemer Lives"
Invocation: RichMichelsen
Ronald M. Kloepfer
it were not so, I would have told you. I go to Musical Selection: Jan Hathaway, Paige Edmondson
& Linda Johnson
?pare a place for you. And if I go and "I Need Thee Every Hour" .
f’’> epare a placefor you, I will come again and Reflections: Kelly, Bryan, Robbyn & Jaime
Speakers: Walt Carter & Mike Carter
receiveyouunto myself; that where I am, there Speaker: Bishop Randy Bacchus
ye may be also. Musical Selection: Hymn#292
Benediction: 0 MyFather N0rman C. Boehm
John 14:2-3

Juno e-mail printed Sun, 19 Nov 2000 13:29:49 , page 1

From: "bltacklin" <>

To: "Shaw" <>
ate: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 09:19:49 -0800
HowTo Get Here

Directions to get here:

a.. Take Sunrise Blvd or Latrobe to Hwy 16/Jackson Hwy

b.. Take the Jackson turn off/Hwy 49 to Jackson
c.. You will go through Drytown, Amador City, and Sutter Creek.
d. . Just a caution...there is a stop sign just after Meek's Lumber
(on your right)
e.. Keep going to the light and make a left at the "T"
f.. This will take you into Jackson
g. . After you pass Mel's diner at the stop sign continue to the next
stop will want to turn left at this stop which is just past
the Safeway (on the right) will now be on Hwy 88
h.. Continue all the way through Pine Grove
i. . Make a right on Mt. Zion Road...soon after the new red and white
gas station and just before the overhead Cal Trans "lighted" sign (it
might say something like no chains required or something similar to that)
j. . Go all the way to the top of Mt. Zion Road, you will now be on a
dirt road for a little bit
k.. There will be a dirt road on the left...take it and go straight
to our gate (20200 Lookout Road) out for the pothole on the right
before you get to the made it!!!

Deer are everywhere, so if on the highways, just honk your horn

if possible like a machine gun).
tkrill I

n '—W /*. . h\ /] +-JZ^ U.0L3 f'JCM/jnJ

The other night I watched the impressive TV movie of Esther . Since Then I've
read the story in the Bible twice and am reading it again. Bob and I discussed the
Chapter into the night. It is so well written. All the facts and the movements carries your
mind forward and back into history, so you can apply the events into your own life. I was
touched with the tenderness of King Ahasuerus toward her, and the sweetness and
obedience of Esther when she was being chosen Queen.
What strength of faith and character was Mordecai, raising Esther, {his uncle's
daughter} , encouraging and tutoring her to try out for the honor of Queen, keeping her
Jewish nationality a secret. He refused to do obeisance to the high Prince Haman.
Mordecai reported the plot that servants were planing to murder the King, thus saving
the King's life.
Haman, in his wrath, received the power to destroy all Jews, in one day.
Mordicai and the Jews plead to the Lord in Sackcloth and ashes for their lives
and safety. Then, Mordicai's immortal words to Esther, "who knoweth whether thou are
come to the kingdom for such a time as this." And Esther's brave answer, "Go, gather
together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me, an neither eat nor
drink three days, night or day: I also and my maidens will fast likewise;and so will I go in
unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish."
This attitude applies to our lives now. Who knoweth whether we are on earth at
this his time in our places for such a time as this. And we look back and see how the
Lord prepared the way and circumstances for Esther's particular position. And we realize
that has also happened in our lives. But Esther knew that prayer and fasting was
imperative to save their lives. Those steps we, too, must follow.
The King received Esther. She invited he and Haman to dinner, but she didn't tell
him her petition. Instead she invited them both to a banquet the following night.
Meanwhile, Haman got so angry with Mordicai for not saluting him, he ordered a gallows
to be built for him.
A remarkable event occurred that night. The King couldn't sleep and had a
servant come and read the Book of Records. Where-in was found the report of Mordicai
telling of the intent of the two chamberlains to do harm to the King. It was the desire of
the King to honor Mordicai, so he called Haman and asked him what should be done
unto a man the King delighted to honor. Hamon assumed the King was talking about
him and set up a ritual of honor. To his horror the King put him in charge to honor
At the next banquet Esther petitioned the King and reveals her identity and
wicked Haman's plot to destroy all Jews. The furious King has Haman hanged on his
own gallows. However the Persian law cannot be retracted. The King gives Mordicai the
power to prepare and to fight back on that dreadful day that the Jews were to be
annihilated.. .
The Jews slayed their enemies. The Feast of Purim was instituted to
commemorate deliverance and victory.
A few years ago, we were in Israel when Purim was being celebrated. The
children were dressed in scary costumes, like Halloween, and had sticks to poke at the
wicked Haman. That personal experience becomes more meaningful as time goes on and
in reading the Book of Esther becomes vivid.
It is a great blessing and in keeping with the commandments that the Latter-Day
Saints, celebrate Pioneer Day, on the 24th of July, every year. That we can remember the
Lord's deliverance to us and honor the worthy pioneers.
I feel this account of Esther pertains to our lives particularly, now. I believe we
are where the Lord wants us to be and eternal blessings will be accomplished.
Wishing you the best, Lots of Love, Lou
'/■t-Y j'u--

The saddest chapter in the great mormon exodus during the twenty years they 0
were crossing the plains with ox and horse teams from the Missouri River to Salt
Lake valley qccurred in 1856, when several thousand people traveled by handcart
across the plains to Salt Lake City. It is well-known historically that of all
the companies crossing the plains, those veterans of 1856 experienced the hardest
trials. In James Laird's journal he writes:
"I made up my mind to make a foot journey to pull a handcart with luggage
and take my wife and baby and little son, Edward, then five years old, all the
way to Zion. Anonymous letters and warnings setting forth the hardships and
impossibilities of such a journey were conveyed to us by sympathizing outsiders
offering us inducements to stay. Many who started out with us backed out in a
few days. My sister's cart broke down in the first few days and she was unable to
go. I asked myself (footsore and weary with the first week of walking and working)
if it were possible for me, faith or no faith, to walk nine hundred miles further.
The flesh certainly was weak but the spirit was willing. I made up. my mind to go
on, and by the blessings of God, I pulled that handcart a thousand miles and never
rode one step.”
Thrilling scenes and terrible suffering accompanied that journey. Being
entirely out of provisions, we stopped for want of strength to proceed. Never ~
should we haye beheld, with mortal eyes, the city of the Saints had not Brigham
■ Young sent out a number of brave-hearted brethren with food and clothing for our
relief. May they all be everlastingly blessed."
Three companies arrived without serious trouble. Two arrived in the yalley
Sept. 26, and a third one arrived Oct. 2nd. Two more companies were still on the
U.lne. Ui J! t &
plains. They were in charge of James G. and Edward Martin. The,'"
company had left Iowa City on July 15th with 500 souls, 120 carts, 5 wagons, 24
oxen, 45 beef cattle and cows. The Martin company started from the Missouri
River on the 22nd of August with 500 people, 146 cartB, 7 wagons, 50 oxen, and
50 beef cattle and cows.
Early snows overtook these two companies and they suffered terribly with
and hunger. A company of returning missionaries had passed these sufferers ax
had taken word to Brigham Young that these people were caught in the snow in
ming. He at once adjooxTted-t^he-'Ocbober-Oanf-epetrcevaad asked for e;reuty wagoi
loaded with provisions, bedding, and clothing to be ready the next morning f
o' clock to start to meet the emigrants in their trouble.
With four good mules hitched to each wagon and a good driver and help<
each, they started on their journey of mercy on the 7th of October. Final
t t :_____ A_T_ TT

Page 2
met the Willie company on the Sweetwater River where they had been forced to camp
with no provisions. Daring the night of their arrival, fifteen of the company
died and were buried in one grave in the snow. James Laird, my grandfather, helped
dig that grave with but very little strength. For five days he had lived on slices
of rawhide cut from the tops of his boots. They were not so skilled in curing of
leather in those days and some food value was left in the hide. Another time when
they had but a half bushel of wheat left, he gave his share to his beloved wife
who was nursing a three month old baby.
Imagine if you can the joy of the poor sufferers at seeing their rescuers
arrive. They had been out of provisions forty-eight-:hours. The rescue company '
did all in their power to save the lives of those who were still alive, and some
of the other rescuers hurried.on to the Platte River to assist the Martin company
who they found were even in a worse condition. They were camped at North Platte
as they could go no further. Their campground had become a veritable graveyard
before help arrived. Both companies lost many after being rescued because of
the ordeal through which they had passed. Teams and provisions were continually
being sent out from Salt Lake City to assist in bringing in the survivors.
The Willie company arrived in Salt Lake City, on November 9, 1856, having lost
eighty-eight of their number on the journey.
The Martin .company arrived in Salt Lake City, on November 30, 1856. This
company had lost one hundred and fifty, making nearly two hundred and fifty in all
•that had died, and many were crippled for life, having been frozen and suffering
so much in other ways.
James Laird, being called by Brigham Young to help settle Spanish Fork, lived
there for a number of years. Later, he was sent to MountaltriBell, now Washington Pai
Just one experience of grandmother’s while they lived in Spanish Fork;
Indians came to burn the house while grandfather was after wood in a nearby can
yon. She had six children. She put them to bed, and then fixed something to
eat for the Indians who were outside. They had built a fire in her front, yard.
After taking the food out to them,, she sat there, all night. In the morning
they left, saying she was- a brave woman, a shame to kill. These were people of
great faith.
RM* hi* A-frtPj3_ £e&

<Xc»\rWe H AjA^LoO-.


[Lou called some people, on hey Nickel Sunday." Gayle, Keith, Scott Shaw in New York City
Verna Cleverly, Fay Callahan, etc. I not sure of the messages—Lou talked a long time.]
Sunday, November 19, 2000. This is the start of a busy week. Will we

to Boise, ID on Tuesday? I did not feel well today with a high blood
sugar reading, very. bigh--58 7 . I called the advice M.j)'. at Kaiser, Rosevi:

My readings this week have all been high. The range is in

the 300's and 400's. The 587 reading today surprised me. I called the

advice M.D. He told me to increase the insulin to 30 (from 20) and to 1

to see the personnel at the Diabetes Clinic, in the morning. My readinj

went down to 180 in the evening. That is a good sign of improvement.

Lou talked to Dr. Sunnie Skiles, M.D. at Church. Also Car

Nixon came over and firmly told me to get on the insulin schedule, plus

pills. We were planning to go to Acklin's home in Pine Grove, CA this

afternoon. I didn't feel that it would be safe for me to travel. Barb

Acklin might come down tomorrow and pick up a floral arrangement. We w

to have a meal with the Acklins. They e-mailed direct iorf to their home

It would have been a beautiful drive up to the mountains today—not to

There was an obituary for Ed Schwab in the Sacramento Bee

today. The funeral will be next Saturday. We will be returning from

on that day. I still do not have the departure time and the returning

down in my "black book." I must make a reservation with the rental c<

company and with the Mr. Sandman Motel, near Meridian, Idaho.

The Sears repairman should be out tomorrow morning to re

the tiller. They will pick it up and weld the handle. They cannot 1

a replacement handle for the tiller. They also want to install the

tank and the carburetor, when they have the tiller in the Sears shop

Bro, John Bell came by for home teaching. He is still

for SMUD , maybe on a part-time basis? He works out atkancho Seco, t

nuclear dismantling job, among 'his other duties. Carmelina was no'

We wonder about the weather in Idaho. Gayle seems rel

that we are not staying at Alyson's home. They are adjusting to th

-hi} a
baby and/great-grandson. Mary Lou will have her two classes during
time tomorrow. Then, she starts the "Holiday Decorating" class ser
tomorrow night at the Cordova Senior Center. I don’t know her p an
the first class meetinv? The* f mm ni aoono on until December
Vj. rnaae a reservation with Mr. Sandman Hotel in Heridian, IB for four nights at
§60 a night. Also, a reservation with AVIS Rental Cars for §100 for four days.} I
Monday, November 20, 2000. He leave at 9:40 in the morning, via Southwest Air

lines for Boise, ID, via Portland OR. He arrive in Boise about 3:30 p.m.

The return flight via Southwest is on Saturday, 11/25, early in the day.

I felt better today. I refunded the money for Lou's students

who were notified that there will not be a "Christmas (Ho 1iday)Decorating Ideas"
made up "
class. Also, Lou sent out bills for the flower deliveriesjlast" week and I
addressed the envelopes. I hope we receive some payments this mont^sC^e
Hashington Redskins beat the St. Louis Rams in a Monday Night Footb*jJ..l game.]
Mary Lou loaded a lot of teaching supplies in to the Toyota.

She had about 15 students at her class—good on Lou! She sold the remaining

flowers that she had left over from .funeral work. That will give us some

travel money. I also cashed a $50 check at Raleys for travel funds.

That was quite a decision not to have those four Monday

night class&£—Holiday Decorat ing Ideas. It was just too much for Mary Lou to

instruct that class and have all of her other duties for the next four weeks.

She called the folks who signed up and we refunded their enrollment fees.

.ou cleared her decision with the Adult Education office personnel.

Lou worked at Folsom Conv. in the afternoon. She was so

ired when she came home from work that she slept a while in the car. That

tminded us of Mildred Hunt who slept in he^car at Folsom Conv. and someone

ve a bad report to the Adult Educ. people about her sleep habits.

I mulched the leaves with the riding mower. A lot of leaves

fallen underthe trees. It was another beautiful day. Some rain might be

the forecast. The Sears repairman came out and picked up the tiller. They

weld the handle and put on the gasoline tank and the carburetor. I
t know how long it will take Sears to complete the repairs at the shop?

We were up to midnighty working on the business records, etc.

11 have to be up early tomorrow morning. Holly will take us to the air-

ad then drive the Toyota home. We sent Keith $50 for travel money,

irom Logan, UT to Boise, ID. It will be good to see him, if only

bort time, over Friday night and early Saturday morning, before we
We have to pack in the morning so we will be up about 4 a.m. It will
, lav-over in Portland, OR. Lou checked my Delta ticket and it is good
’ t June 2001. I don’t have to worry about using^that ticket very
d from Boise, ID on Southwest Airlines, not Delta.
II travel to an
; t______ A I -

Tuesday, November 21, 2000. I .am catching my diary up, for the last

five days. I hope that I remember the details of my daily activities.

Holly Miller took us to the airport and then she went to work downtown

We arrived safely in Boise, ID, via Portland, OR, we met the Sorens.

This will be a "stretch" to remember the details of my las

five days. I just did not want to handwrite the diary entries, while

I was on the trip to Idaho.My diary is a valuable record.

Mary Lou and I were up early so we didn't have a lot of

sleep last night. Holly drove us to the airport, after she took Jared
to his / class, at the Stake Center. Holly was a bit late for

work, after running us around this morning.

We mailed the "Christmas Class" refunds and also the bills

receivable for "Shaw's Florist." I hope that we can receive some fund

for our receivables soon. We figure that this trip will cost us upwar

of $1K, with the air fares and the motel and rental car costs, etc.

Mary Lou told me about recent conversations that she had

with Pat Wheeler. It is the anniversary of Joe Wheeler's suicide and

feels especially bad. The Atwools in Denver, c© Stay in touch with Pa

even though Joe's wife has remarried. The new husband has adopted the

kids and had them sealed to him in the Church Temple. The Atwools ha\

paid for Pat to come to Denver, CO to see the grand-children but that

probably not happen much in the future. Suicides are dreadful for all

„ .1 took a nap in the Portland Terminal and it was a good re

There| a lot of high clouds and I did not see Mt. Hood on the way t

Boise. I thought that I did see it on the way up to Portland, from th

air. Portland is a beautiful city. We saw the Columbia River. It

would be pleasant to drive down the Columbia River Highway from Boise
Portland. The Sorens met us at the airport. We rented a Dodge Strati
and it was a spacious and powerful automobile. We registered at the
Mr. Sandman Motel with two beds in the room. We went by the Soren's he
and they were all friendly and solicitous to their grandparents. Maria
is starting to talk and the family love that little bundle of j°y» *
years-of-age. Ron came over to the motel room. He is working now wi^
an ejraineering company in Nampa, ID. They seem to be doing we
ally . The kids and Janel went in the motel hot tub. It is nice to
Wednesday, November 22, 2000.
It is cold but rB-l^-tively clear here in Boise, ID.
The temperatures hover

around freezing, even during the day. There is a light dusting of snow on

the ground. Lou visited with Gayle and children. I worked on the cards.

Mary Lou was anxious to get over to Gayle' s home for a good

mother-daughter visit. The Soren kids are still in school. I was to pick up

Shawn at the new junior high near Cloverdale Road. I was si eeping this morning

and missed Shawn , on the way home from school.

Lou and Gayle have plans to make up holiday decorations. They

ptyO'chased some supplies, on their shopping tour this morning. Later in the day

we went with Owen to a florist wholesaler and purchased some more decorating

items. I even purchased six miniature violins, Christmas tree decoration^ for

Camille. She is taking Suzuki violin lessons again and has an interest in the

violin. The small violins were crafted very nicely and didn't cost much. They
were imports from China. Such intricate workmanship & reasonably priced.
I stayed at the motel room this morning and worked on the

business holiday cards. I had some labels with a wreath shape and I stuck

them on some envelopes. I also folded some cards, to fit into the

snvelopes. There are four hundred cards that need to be processed. We think

hat we can accomplish some work that we would not have time at home to do. Lou

rought some laser prints of her family plus histories and itefiy to send to her

ide of the family. She has been working on the project about all of November.
It was interesting shopping at the wholesale florist with

'en. . He has a knowledge of flowers and arranging. He was helpful and patient

th us. Janel is looking for a job. She has a possibility of working as a

iny in Chicago, IL. Too bad that she smokes, among her other bad habits,
el has big mood swings. Ron speaks against her friend, Taylor—bad news!
We will go to Alyson and Jeremy Woodland's house for

ksgiving. Gayle has arranged for group rate tickets at IMAX, a full-screen

entation of life in the Galapagos Islands. I told Shawn a bit about Chas.

n and his explorations of the life on the Galapagos in 1835.

It is fortunate that we could stay in a motel. Both
and Caroline have commitments to their in-laws for Thanksgiving
Having this rooA gives us some privacy. Shawn and Kayleena came over t
the motel tonight. They watched the cartoon channel on television,
a TV at home but I don't believe that they have cable channels.
^Ve nokinz a turkey and making pies and salads, etc. for the big dinner
3S °Ron has been working on some office partitions at his work plaro
emy Woodland showed us his "1923 Model-type car kit" that he is assembling
family members seem interested in cars and different hobbies. I saw Jeremy
° flS4efe£fru2i?m§0. Sm8l^fv?W8D1k¥.S WWilHian# I Sm^ierenujnic/-c]

able day, with the Sorens, the Becks and the Woodlands. Mary Lou was at

the Soren home again, working on flower arrangements. A good dinner!

Mary Lou heard from Keith that he is not coming up this way

The Shaws have the Dockstaders from Payson, UT for dinner. They also wa
to paint Riley's room, as he has moved out. Elder/will leave for his
and family
Church mission next Tuesday, November 28th. Too bad K./ couldn't make it

Mary Lou worked on our projects in the motel room again thi

morning. Lou has photos, family histories, etc. to send to her family a

relatives. Some of the papers are too long to fit into the envelopes th

we have so she will have to purchase a few new manila envelopes tomorrow

She was having some difficulties sorting and stapling her papers.

I worked on punching all of the calendars, for hanging on t

wall. I am short on mailing labels so I cannot stick the labels on the

envelopes. I am glad that we brought the box of calendars as we have so

to Lou's "people"
time to work on the mailing tasks. We want to mail the materials/tomorro

Gayle gave us good directions out to Alyson and Jeremy Wood

land's home in Kuna, ID. We found the house without much trouble—good

directions. The families were already eating when we arrived a bit late

We met some of Jeremy's family. Caroline and Jared Beck were there als<

It was an excellent dinner. I tried not to eat so much as

to be uncomfortable. We talked briefly to Mr. and Mr. Woodland, Jerem;

parents. They have younger boys and a girl who is 18-years-of-age. Th'

older sons have served missions for the Church. One young man had been
go to college and
recently married. Jeremy and the other siblings/seem to work for the

electrical service store that the family owns. The mother is very "prop'
Alyson and Carolyn showed us their houses. Lou gave out s<
low-priced jewelry and we gave Jared a "sharks-tooth necklace." He wort
it with a dried wolf skin at his house and gave an. •native American typ«
war-whoop. The families went to IMAX in Boise and saw the film on The
Galapagos Islands. We saw some of the land animal life and also the sea
life, as viewed from snorkeling, a diving bell, etc. The film was quite
short and a bit disappointing. The dinner went well for all concerne
ler---- Alyson's baby boy and he is growing and responding to othersjat a ou
age four months. I talked to Caroline and Jared about coming to oun
Whitney and Half Dome, in Yosemite National Park, for climbingtoday
next year? The Millers may want to go with the Becks.
[We visited at the home of Merlin and Jo Phillips---, Ron's employers, in Nampa
They have a large and beautiful home. They are leaders, good for Ron Sorenl ]
Friday, November 24, 2000. We spent the morning getting the "Shaw Family

Fearless Flyer" and Lou's family history papers ready for mailing. 1 went for

a ride in the Dodge Stratus rental car out to the "eagle viewing areas."

I talked briefly with Gayle today. 1 complimented her on

the work of cooking so much food and making all of us feel comfortable and at

home, when we were at the Woodland's house yesterday. Gayle doesn't have to

work at her part-time jobs now that Ron is earning a living wage. She works to

serve her husband and family and seems very secure in her life right now.

Owen and Janel were at Woodland's house yesterday. They were

on their best behavior. Janel seems to still have some conflicts with Alyson.

I guess that situation goes back some years. Both Janel and Owen treated us

very nicely. Janel snuggled up to G.'ma Shaw at the motel room when Owen was

playing his guitar for us. Janel went for a job interview. Owen is r.ot working.

Camille Soren keyboarded the family paper. Gayle provided

lome photos of Elder Riley Shaw and the Sorens, when they visited. Mike had

ent his fmaily letter about the death of Kevin Carter, the new house in

1 Dorado Hills, etc. Mary Lou sent a copy of her "Story of Esther," from the

J Testament and showed many of the applicationjof the account today. The

er goes out with our prayer that it will do some good in the family.

Mary Lou organized at least 15 collections of family papers

mailed them to her side of the family. There were photos of the Naylor Get-

ither, at Hobble Creek last summer, family histories, even some copies of the
envelopes .
torial page" of our family paper, etc. The cost was $1 each to mail the/

3 were 22 large envelopes in all. Lou is trying to bring her family together.

Mary Lou visited with Gayle and helped make up some more flor~

sees. She gave nice floral arrangements to Gayle, Caroline, Alyson, Janel

ave it to Lottie Burnett) plus put ribbons on Gayle's Christmas tree, etc.
3 out to the "Bir^s of Prey" lands near the Snake River. Cattle were feed-
the land. I saw the dam, down in the river. The "Birds of Prey
is in the city of Boise. We went to the home of the Phillips Family j|
jup dinner. It is a large three-story house. The business office
engineering comp&j/y is in the house. Jo Phillips is an engineer for
Packard, a flight instructor, etc. They are Seventh-Day Adventists.
serve homeless people at their home on Friday nights. We talked to a
. from Grants Pass, OR who have served as teachers in Russia.
plane and fly to Visalia, CA (his parent's home) monthly to
lave a pi
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fLottie Burnett was at the Woodlands' Thanksgiving Dinner. She has to be assisted in the
ing ghe also visited Caroline's home with us. Gayle Soren cares for Lottie. Janel sta
Over at Lottie's mobile home some time but might be a bit erratic in her care of Lottie
Saturday, November 25, 2000. It will be Christmas Day in just one montri.

We returned to Fair Oaks, CA from Boise, ID today. There was a "fog

at the Sacramento Metro Airport but we landed okay. It is nice to b<

------------------------------------------- Mr. Sandman Motel
We were up and out of the' / by 6:30 this morning

There was 1
us a
fog in Boise so we took off safely. That was nice of Gayle & Ron to

foggy day there also. We could not see Mt.

Shasta but we did see par
Shasta Lake. Holly met us at the airport with Joshua. They brought i

Holly, Michelle, Danny and kids had cleaned up the house

that was appreciated. Holly said that they had John and April Miller

for Thanksgiving dinner. We stopped at Holly's house for a turkey san

wich lunch and it was tasty. Holly is very thoughtful. The visitors

also raked some of the leaves in the front yard—appreciated.

Not much of interest in the mail or on the telephone recoi

messages. Alyson Woodland gave us a $100 check for past contributions

her college fund at L.D.S. Business College in Salt Lake City, UT. Th<

was very unexpected. I deposited it in Lou's business account.

Mabel Helton is having serious health problems. She has !

in-home care and that helps. Charlie and Mabel have been married 37-y<

or so. Mabel has a very difficult time moving around.

Mike had loaded up most of his belongings in the "shed" ai

has taken the items to his house. He had the lawn mower and the barbe(

in the back of the Chevrolet truck. I want to take the belongings up t

El Dorado Hills. Mike and Margo have moved out of their apartment and

moved into their new home. Only the children's play equipment remains

Lou and I rested this afternoon. Today was Ed Schwab's

funeral. We must notify the Gillespie sisters of Ed's death, also Kevi
Carter and perhaps Ralph Bird. We unpacked and put away our belongings
and the suitcases. Mr. Smith, next door, had laid the 30-inch floor fo
the garage, in his back yard. He said that some of the concrete came o
of the forms, on the west side. He also had some difficulty get^in®Tte
concrete delivered on time and his friends had to work after dar
30-inch height of the floor is a requirement of the County Permit j?.?fC'
They said that the building is in a flood plain. It isfS0}„ Expenses.
freezing col^ as in Boise, ID. The trip cost us about $1K in P
Sunday, November 26, 2000. The political situation is still stirred up, George

W. Bush has proclaimed that Bush and Cheney have procceeded to be certified

as winners of the election and are now going to move into the roles—good!
Susan Miller called us from Davis, CA.
The Secretary of State in Florida has certified Bush and

Ch.eney as winners of the election. The votes must have been counted four times.

Bush is setting up his "transition team," to move into the office of President.

The existing administration is not allowing any money for Bush to use for the job.

A1 Gore is a poor loser. He is not accepting the finality

of the election and is going ahead, counting votes and trying to "steal the

election." Lawyers and activists are thick in Florida--when will it all end?

A1 Gore claims to have won the popular vote and demands to be heard.

Mary Lou went to Church services at First Ward. The schedule

is for afternoon meetings at the Stake Center for 1st Ward next year. Mary Lou

stayed at the chapel after the meetings and talked to a lady who is down on

her luck. Details are sketchy but the member has moved from an active life
with many possessions to a sparse life in an apartment. That is a hard lot

to endure. As we get older, such circumstances are bound to happen to us.

The Family History Center was closed today for the holidays.

We considered going up to Pine Grove, CA and see the Acklins but we didn't have

either the time or the energy. We'll have to go up there and see them soon.

We had a flower delivery to Gina, daughter of Sis. Deanne

Ellsworth. •Replace was on Highway 49, between Auburn and Grass Valley. The
house LS in the Lake of the Pines area. Lucky enough, we found the location and

delivered the holiday arrangement. Deanne E.

is coming home from a mission to
Russia in a few months. We hear that the Boehms are going to Russia as mission/
The was a telephone call from Susan Miller that she is work
ing and has a place to live in Davis, CA. She took two trips to the Oakland
Temple, with the purpose of consulting with the Temple President. She says that
she is tired of the "vagrant street life" and wants to work and live more
normally. She earns $400 per month and lives with an older lady. She still
ants to have a templ'e recommend. Susan's Bishop in Davis says that she is
iot ready for a recommend. How long will this job last? Is Susan really
ady to move off the streets? Has she abandoned the course that she has
aken for the past five years or so, and will she really change this time? It
'll be difficult for Susan to make up for lost time, it seems to me.
Carryn Nixon came over for Home Teaching time. She sang some
, „ h vmn s We will need to make appointments with John & Sue Dennis,
anksgivxng uy «•***»•
V/mit |\l ot*t u-- r~ . a

Monday, November 27, 2000. This was a cool and over-cast day. Rain

the forecast. Mary Lou settled down to the work routine again. She

the Arts and Crafts group in the morning and Folsom Conv. Hospital in

"Silver-tongue AlGore" spoke on television this evening,

urged the country to be patient while he goes about counting and re-c

votes so that he can steal the election. He is repulsive to me. It

like itlljis "divine right" to be president and that he will do and sa}

thing to make it so. He is really a "snake in the grass," in my opii

Big Bill Clinton says that he is not behind the withhold:

funds to the Bush and Cheney transition team. Really! Clinton has ;

returned from a trip to Viet Nam. For sure, "Draft-dodging Bill" di<

go there during the war. He was protesting the war at college(s).

There are a lot of "heavy types" down in Florida. "Bugs}

Daley, the Chicago machine politician, is one of them. There was a i

conference with Gephardt and Tom Dashel, of South Dakota. Gore chime
on a conference/and made the two lackeys looks terrible. It is incoi

hensible that Gore won the popular vote. That is very galling, to m<

I had the anti-freeze changed at a garage in Rancho Cordi

It cost $65 but did nothing to bring the heat gauge in the Toyota do

I called Steve B. at Cal Expo Auto Repair. He will check out the ra

We have had two radiators on the Toyota in the past five years. I'm

that it doesn't do the engine any good to over-heat like it does.

Mary Lou had about ten students at her Arts and Crafts g

She has an oil painting show, to be held Friday at the Senior Center

took a notice that she had written up to the "Grapevine Newspaper" a

they will print details of the show in their calendar columns. She

a plant for one of Dr. Chang's orders.

I watched the Green Bay and Carolina Panthers football g

The Panthers won 31-14. Brett Favre and the Packers have fceen on so
bard times this year. We delivered the lawn mower and barbecue to
He showed Lou the downstairs of the house. Mike has torn out the fi
place in the front room. He showed us his yard and told of
trees and shrubs. Mike says that they are planning to re-bu .
place. Margo was working this evening at.INJ„rkers?atSINTEL Corporat
ing EnglisflAs A Second Language to Hispanic workers at
Tuesday, November 28 , 2000. Glory Be! We finished our borne teaching visits

for the month. We went to Dennis' home and visited them. The diabetes

duty nurse from Kaiser called. She wants more blood samples for testing.

The nurse at the Diabetes Clinic called today. She said that

my readings are high but not that high. The nurse advised that I continue my

present program but vary the time of the blood draws at home. She would like

draws three or four times a day, at varied times. Of course, she asked about

my diet and exercise. Frankly,

I am not careful about either of those areas.
I am to call Monday with the new readings and insuliny/ each injection.

We are having car radiator problems again or, at least, we

think so. We took the Toyota to Cal Expo Auto Repair. They checked it over

and could not get the heat gauge to go up. That is strange as the gauge rose

higher and higher, on the way down to North Sacramento. They said that they

would change the thermostat and the relay for the radiator fan tomorrow. The

finding seems to be that we don't have to have another radiator. That

is perfectly all right with me as I want to keep down the auto/expenses.

The election process is in the hands of the courts in Flor

ida, it seems. AlGore still rants and raves about counting all of the votes,

le absolutley will not concede the election. Gore gave another statement to-

lay, asking for more recounts. How much longer do we have to tolerate Gore?

Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital this morning. I

sft her off at the front door of the hospital as there is concrete and road

rk going on along the side street. The hospital is nicely landscaped in the

ont and they have some holiday decorations--to their credit. The back is

: quite so attractive. Some school kids sang for the patients—enjoyable.

There was another letter from Elder Riley Shaw. He left for

ce from the Mission Training Center today. He is excited about learning

of the Gospel and how to teach it in the French language. I wonder

ley's family came down to Salt Lake City, to see him off on the air
' I also wonder if Riley will be able to see Scott and Julia and
„= in New York City, at Kennedy Airport, on his stop-over? I planned
’h the leaves on the lawns but just didn't have the energy. The ex
rain did not fall. Maybe 1 can do the leaf-mulching tomorrow? Susan
Dennis are friendly. Susan talked as if she had been down to Stock-
kfsit Charlotte White, in the institution. Sue served us ice cream.
YmiT- i x i #-»t a 7 KAnofit /\ mr\iint

Dear Riley,
It was wonderful to hear from you. Thank you for writing. I know you
are busy and you don’t need to answer our letters. You may be in beautiful
France now.
We went up to Boise for Thanksgiving and had a wonderful time,
with Ron and Gayle and eight of their nine children. Jaron is still off to
college in Virginia. He will be home for Christmas and wants to earn a
thousand dollars. He plans on going back for the rest of the year.
Alyson had us all over to dinner, plus her own in-laws. There were
22 at the dinner table. Also we enjoyed our 1st great grandchild, Tyler
Merlin Woodland, and Gayle's little two year old angel, Mariah. Owen and
Janel came over to our motel and Owen played the guitar and sang. Janel
and I snuggled. We went to Kayleena’s ballet dancing class, and Camille
played beautifully on her violin. She studied on her own for some time but
now is taking expensive lessons.
Ron has a good job working for a private Engineering Company,
Merlin Phillips. He has the office in his three story mansion home. Every
Friday Merlins has a feast at his home. His employees and their families
are invited plus homeless people. He is Seventh Day Adventist. He served
delicious split pea soup and corn chowder. Guests brought bread,
desserts, and salads. Merlin's wife is also an engineer, working as
supervisor at Hewlet Packard. She is also an airplane pilot and instructor.
They have their own plane and every three weeks they load up the plane
with groceries and etc, and fly down to Visalia, CA. to tend to the needs of
Marlin's ill parents. Gayle does not work anymore. She still home teaches
Shawn and Kayieena, part time, and looks after Lottie Burnett, Ron's Mom..
We were so happy to be together.
I think I told you Mike and Margo have moved to El Dorado Hills. He
has a new job with Share Wave. We were surprised and very happy..
Holly has a better job now working for the State instead of Teaching.
She and Michele and families surprised us with a housecleaning project.
A couple of Angels!
This Friday we are having an Art Show at the Senior Center. Then
Friday night, a dinner dance at the Stake Center. We’ve invited 4 non
members to sit at our table.
Saturday we are having a special family dinner at Chrissie’s home
and then go to a Christmas program at the Memorial Auditorium.
I'm still enjoying teaching Adult Education Classes. Bob does the
shopping, cooking, washing, yard work, etc.
We love you very much and are proud you chose to serve a mission
and do the Lord’s Work. May God Bless You, Elder Shaw.
Lots of Love,
Grandma Shaw
Nov 28, 2000
52>~?C) ^aoji
fcr 0*b, c/1 15&H*
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inksgiving and had a
so nice to us. We missed
Ho\r> dr<- Y0" ' Sh*.Y\ ^ ^
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Ff to college in Virginia,
jlAS-t U,’\vk ~t° -ftA\{*— -/M- ant to earn a thousand
l ZT an^- a* -tki% he year. Your mother says
oO^ , •C°o~~ ye<*~ Cki r own in-laws. There were
QraroL/O^reidr^ . S' a.^- bkSSeA. • S lo*t<— greatgrandchild, Tyler
gel sister, Mariah. Owen
t-fk- cHr y<-'A~ oit&dCjL^ • ---
yed the guitar and sang,
y[ ou-> ol/VL CAY^~ &»*- y'-trh**} Krteb^ lilet dancing class, and
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id swimming in our sauna,
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for a private Engineering
/^Vfc_, ^zr l<vtriAJL^- s° p w (a cb<» j ZT office in his three story
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So «■ ___ ii a \J i o^
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-4cv n i «— . "3^ /\op«- :T >*«-■/ o their plane with
-T.k"*w.- >^/vL j -A, UuJL tend t0 the needs °f
id see your Dad in action,
• !<“/' l4<«J- ■ Cfic-\ AnW.
i. She still home teaches
Asurt?. /i»i5 4° ottie. Everyone was happy

jo ()<a c .W A«v »a .. A-*i / ZhHS. 4> <S5,,r<-Tiodeling.

,-f. S*t fe'y/uis ^ ■»>-, s4w? is with a housecleaning
A«X J» cA*c. Ak. ul) k- 4 *<.(!«- x T1_
= -ie Senior Center. Then
Friday night, a dinner dance at the Stake Center. We’ve invited 4 non
members to sit at our table.
Saturday we are having a special family dinner at Chrissie’s home
and then go to a Christmas program at the Memorial Auditorium.
I’m still enjoying teaching Adult Education Classes. Bob does the
shopping, cooking, washing, yard work, etc.
We love you very much and are proud you chose to go to college
and prepare to serve a mission and do the Lord’s Work. May God Bless
You and all your family.
Lots of Love, Grandma Shaw, Nov 28, 2000

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Dear Jaron
As you know, we went up to Boise for Thanksgiving and had a
wonderful time with your family. Everyone was so nice to us. We missed
you but know it is important for you to still be off to college in Virginia.
You’ll be home for Christmas and I hear you want to earn a thousand
dollars, and plan on going back for the rest of the year. Your mother says
You’ll do it, too. She admires your spunk and determination.
Alyson had us all over to dinner, plus her own in-laws. There were
22 at the dinner table. Also we enjoyed our 1st great grandchild, Tyler
Merlin Woodland, and your little two year old angel sister, Mariah. Owen
and Janel came over to our motel and Owen played the guitar and sang.
Janel and I snuggled. We went to Kayleena’s ballet dancing class, and
Camille played beautifully on her violin. I’m glad she is now taking
expensive lessons. Shawn is fascinating and liked swimming in our sauna.
I’m glad your dad has a good job working for a private Engineering
Company, Merlin Phillips. Have you been to his office in his three story
mansion home? Have you attended the Friday feast at his home? His
employees and their families are invited plus homeless people. They
served delicious split pea soup and corn chowder. Guests brought bread,
desserts, and salads. Merlin's wife is also an engineer, working as
supervisor at Hewiet Packard. She is also an airplane pilot and instructor.
Admirable is how every three weeks they load up their plane with
groceries and etc, and fly down to Visalia CA. to tend to the needs of
Merlin's ill parents. I’m glad we got to go there and see your Dad in action.
I’m glad your mom does not work anymore. She still home teaches
Shawn and Kayleena, part time, and looks after Lottie. Everyone was happy
and the younger ones contented. We were so happy to be together.
Mike and Margo have moved to El Dorado Hills. Their home is
beautiful and they are also doing some major remodeling.
Holly and Michele and families surprised us with a housecleaning
project. A couple of Angels!
This Friday we are having an Art Show at the Senior Center. Then
Friday night, a dinner dance at the Stake Center. We’ve invited 4 non
members to sit at our table.
Saturday we are having a special family dinner at Chrissie’s home
and then go to a Christmas program at the Memorial Auditorium.
I'm still enjoying teaching Adult Education Classes. Bob does the
shopping, cooking, washing, yard work, etc.
We love you very much and are proud you chose to go to college
and prepare to serve a mission and do the Lord’s Work. May God Bless
You and all your family.
Lots of Love, Grandma Shaw, Nov 28, 2000
II 11 I ■ "V >11-111-111 /-Mill Mill!

Wednesday, November 29, 2000. Mary Lou wrote letters to her two grand

sons, Elder Riley Shaw and Jaron Soren. She also took the time to clear

off the top of my CLUTTERED desk. There was some rain today, clearing nc

Mary Lou was also looking for that $40 check from Lynne

Bitnoff, for flowers. Unlucky enough, she did not find the lost check.

She put my papers in about four or five piles so that I can make some

sense out of the collection. Now, to put the papers into some binders,

Lou took the time to write letters to Elder Riley and Jaron

She wrote one basic letter and then used "cut and paste," on the comput

to write individual letters. We will mail the letter to France for Eld

Riley, The mission home address is 48 Avenue Robert Schumann, F-13090,

Aix-en-Provence, France. I had also sent a copy of the family paper to

Elder Riley, in care of the Missionary Training Center. I hope he receives

I took Mary Lou to the Folsom Conv. Hospital in the truck,

picked up the Toyota at Cal Expo Auto Repair later in the day. The radi

tor repairs cost over $200, for the cleaning, anti-freeze and the new
relay switch for the radiator fan,/ . and the other repairs. The

temperature seemed to be lower now so maybe the repairs did some good.

Also, X took Lou to the Genealogy Class. She had a discuss

about the general election and Gore's unwillingness to concede. Gore hs

the fight in the Florida courts now and they seem to be re-counting the

votes. Gore said that he would do and say anything to win the office,

fair or foul. That is an intelligent group, a bunch of achievers.

Mary Lou is fortunate to have such a lively group of family history foil
I ran some errands to COSTCO, for some groceries, cost $ 10(

We also drove to North Sacramento for picking up the Toyota. We try to

have an "excursion" each day, to get me out of the house. Fay Callahan

suggested that we do that as she took Joe out, even when he was so sick.

The rain came down today. Xt cleared off more towards the
evening. There is snow in the Sierras and the highways have,chain co”
trols. I did not get to mulch the leaves with the lawn mower to ®y*
I can do the leaf mulching tomorrow. We made an agreement w t ^ well
Nixon to walk at the Sunrise Mall. Frankly, my habits fre ”°tweigjlt."
established for exercise so that plan might "fall of it s ^ delivered a
Mary Lou has an appointment at Sun Oaks Dental t0™°r*°d‘ apparatus.,
t>1 ant tn n-r u,.„-;„oeo nartnar who di
.Thursday, November 30, 2000. This eventful month ha^ ended. There was a 3IG

surprise in a telephone call from Sears repair. They are willing to give me a

t/ew tiller! The old one must not have been repairable. Praise The Lord!

There was a message on our telephone answering machine

that Sears is willing to give us a new tiller. I don't know what kind or any

of the other particulars. Our five horsepower tiller was on it's last legs.

The handle was broken and it needed a new gasoline tank and carburetor, etc.

I hope to hear from Sears soon and take delivery of the new tiller.

Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hespital this morning. I was

out on the riding mower, mulching the leaves and cutting the lawn. There were

quite a few leaves in ' the back of the house but they mulched up quite well.

I spent some time cutting the berry vines along the property line between Mr.

Smith's place and my lot. Those berry vines are hard to rub out. I also trim

med ' the limbs that were hanging down on the oak trees. Those low-hanging

limbs always hit me in the face, when I mow around the trees.

I loaded the berry vines into the trash barrel- and the

limbs and vines were carried to the dump. X like having a "green waste barrel,"

as that allows for weekly pick-up of yard waste. There are quite a few more
berry vines at the corner of my lot and Mr. Smith's lot,/need to be cut.

I did not get out on any "excursion" today. I did go down

to the store for cups, flatware, paper plates, etc., needed for Mary Lou's Art

Show tomorrow. She has been calling her art students to let them know and re

mind them about the show. She left off announcements at the Water Resources

Building, acrpss the street frpiji tlje Cordova Senior Center. Not much art work

gets sold but the oil painters get some recognition for their work. The artists
get a lot of foot traffic at the event. Will the Adult Educ./people attend?

Tomorrow night is the First Ward Dinner Dance, for the holi-

, s Mary Lou made up corsages for the ladies at the table and bouts for the
' There could be as many as ten couples at the table.
3^ The Cooleys and
\en,M-11ers will be there, as well as Janie Erickson and Bob, also Shelby
the Mil Venable. I'd like to wear my "handy-man suspenders," to hold
and Gordon V *Lou wants to wear her gown that she wore at our 50th wedding
iritches up. y±n April. I know that a lot of work will go into the party,
nniversary Par J Xhe Dinner Dance is always an elegant affair. Don Taggart
the Ward memb ^ ^ still subbing at SJUSD schools in photography. Good!
2J.ed me £°
\ yj ui mnuunL


NUMBER: 553-26-0976
Your Social Security benefits will increase by 3.5 percent for 2001, based on a rise in
the cost of living. You can use this letter when you need proof of your benefit amount to
S ?eceive food stamps, rent subsidies, energy assistance, bank loans, or for other business.
How Much Will 1I Get And When? j. J
• Your new monthly amount (before deductions) is/ ^P v ' 17.00

‘ (If
*--------- t
The amount we’re deducting for Medicare is
you did not have Medicare as of Nov. 17, 2000,
“ tal
or if someone else pays your premium, we show $0.00.) 38.54
• After taking any other deductions, we will deposit
into your bank account on Jan. 3, 2001. 45.97
If you disagree with any of these amounts, you should write to us within 60 days from
the date you receive this letter. 51.46

What If I Work? 28.00

A recent change in the law affects some people who work and receive benefits. If you
are full retirement age (currently age 65) or older, you now may keep all of your benefits 92.00
no matter how much you earn. If you were under age 65 all year, there is a limit to how 37.20
much you can earn before it affects your benefits.
° If you were under age 65 all year in 2000, the earnings limit was $10,080. We must 17.17
deduct $1 from your benefits for each $2 you earned over $10,080.
0 If you turned age 65 during 2000, the earnings limit was $17,000. We must deduct $1 74.00
from your benefits for each $3 you earned over $17,000 until the month you turned 65.
If the amount you earned in 2000 is shown correctly on your W-2 or self-employment 54.11
tax return, we will adjust your benefits based on those earnings. If, however, the amount
a your W-2(s) for 2000 includes money you earned in another year, such as deferred 32.18
Compensation, you need to contact us before April 15 to let us know. We’ll also ask you to
estimate your year 2001 earnings, so we can pay you correctly.
What Are The Earnings Limits In 2001?
The earnings limit for workers under full retirement age (currently age 65) in 2001 is 15.31
$10,680. The earnings limit for those workers turning 65 in 2001 is $25,000.
What If I Also Get Supplemental Security Income (SSI)?
If you receive SSI, you must report all earnings.
Medicare Information
The Health Care Financing Administration recently sent the Medicare & You 2001
handbook to all beneficiaries. In 2001, the Part A deductible for the first 60 days of a
hospital stay is $792.
If you have Medicare and limited income and assets, your state may help you pay for
all or some of your Medicare expenses. You may qualify if—
• your monthly income is no more than $960 for an individual or $1,286 for a couple

The earnings limit for workers under full retirement age (currently age 65) in 2001 is
$10,680. The earnings limit for those workers turning 65 in 2001 is $25,000.
What If I Also Get Supplemental Security Income (SSI)?
If you receive SSI, you must report all earnings.
Medicare Information
The Health Care Financing Administration recently sent the Medicare & You 2001
handbook to all beneficiaries. In 2001, the Part A deductible for the first 60 days of a
hospital stay is $792.
If you have Medicare and limited income and assets, your state may help you pay or
all or some of your Medicare expenses. You may qualify if- j
• your monthly income is no more than $960 for an individual or $1,286 for a coup


•[Bug sacuooaq aojOAip aq; jags

q^uotu aq? sggauaq ^pfrqodajs aq[ cfo^s ?snui 0M asnEoag <;XqM 'sn [[dj [snui noX ‘aajoAip
[uajBcf s.ppqodajs aq[ puB noX puB pjooaj jnoX uo syjduaq saAiaoaj ppqoda^s b jj

uajpijifodafg ?noqy apitf y

■mvjSoid s(a;B;s jnoX o? noX spauuoo jaqtunu aqj; '(699ASPS-L19-I)
lot MON~SQDI~lA8~I ‘aajJ-ll°l ‘llB3 J0 noS-motispiqaunsiirmmcn ye ;auja;uj aq^ no qoo[ ubd
noX ‘ajocu jno pug oj, 'd[aq Xbui u is j So j j aouBJnsuj qyeajq stuajpuqj Aiau b ‘aouBjnsui
qj[Bag Xq pajaAoa ;ou ajB oqAi 61 a§B japun uajpfiqopuejg j o uajpgqo aABq noXjj
uajpjiqj JOtf aouejnsuj
ei jauiajuj aq? uo noS'auvofpaw -mmm ye ajqsgBAE si uogBuuojui aJBOipap\[ ‘osj

r; ■opoZ-98f-LLS-l ‘Jsqmnu XJJ, aJBotpajtf aq? asn u b d noX ‘Suueaqjo pjeqjojeap aJB noXjj
■(J77P-PP,9-008-1) 3XVOM3M-008-I IF3 UB3 noX ‘ajBaipajq ?noqB suogsanb aABq noXjj
-uogBuiJojui ajoui j o j aogjo gjej[dM j o saaiAias
‘DWOlpam reooi j o ajB?s JnoX ?d b ?u o o assay -inniuiajd (g yzvg) aouBjnsui [Bogjam
X o ired TWUis e Suvivd ui djaq [aS Xb u i noX ‘jaqSiq XpqSjqs si auiooui jnoXji uoAg
jnoAj fJ q q o ‘9$ J° [BnpiAjrpui u b j o j Q00‘P$ ubW 3Jom jo s;assB aABq noX .
lj \
F: Nov 2000
From: 01 Jan 2000 to: 19 Nov 2000
Date Tithing Offering Budget Missionary Other Total
09 Jan 298.54 30.00 338.54
j 10.00
Ward Missionary
06 Feb 110.97 25.00 145.97
Ward Missionary 10.00
12 Mar 216.46 25.00 251.46
Ward Missionary 10.00
09 Apr 188.00 25.00 228.00
Ward Missionary 15.00
14 May 427.00 30.00 482.00
Ward Missionary 25.00
11 Jun 297.20 30.00 337.20
Ward Missionary 10.00
16 Jul 182.17 25.00 217.17
Ward Missionary 10.00
06 Aug 139.00 25.00 174.00
Ward Missionary 10.00
1 27 Aug 129.11 25.00 164.11
Ward Missionary 10.00
1 17-._Sep 197.18 25.00 232.18
J 'ard Missionary 10.00
| 29 Oct 209.68 25.00 244.68
Ward Missionary 10.00
Charitable 2395.31 290.00 130.00 2815.31

= Non Charitable Amounts

Please compare this statement with your copies of the Tithing and Other
Offerings slips. Report any differences to your bishop.

Mary Lou Shaw

You Are Pre-approved
for a $35,000 Auto Loan!

Robert K Shaw
You Are Pre-approved
for a $35,000 Auto Loan!


Year-to-date tithing and other offerings statement

: 01 Jan 2000 to: 19 Nov 2000

Date Tithing Offering Budget Missionary Other Total

06 Feb 233.00 5.00 238.0C

12 Mar 134.00 5.00 139.0C
09 Apr 134.00 5.00 139.0C
16 Jul 128.00 5.00 133.0C
27 Aug 227.00 5.00 232.00
10 Sep 128.00 5.00 133.00
15 Oct 138.00 5.00 143.00
Charitable 1122.00 35.00 1157.00

Note: * = Non Charitable Amounts

Please compare this statement with your copies of the Tithing and Other
Offerings slips. Report any differences to your bishop.
[Janie Erickson and Bob had a busy day. o.---
here as visitiors. Also, Bob had to set up as his band played at the mssiuu
Oaks Senior danc-g,. Janie and Bob cut a_ rug this evening — they love to dance'1
Friday, December 1, 2000. K new month looms ahead of us, in the vaillley

fog. What will it hold for us? I always enjoy the Christmas holidays

\J We went to the Fi||rst Ward Dinner Dance with the Venables, Janie and Bo

This was the day for the Oil Painting Sh<Kl/at the Cordova

Senior Center. Mary Lou took sheets, table cloths, etc. to drape the
some class
tables. The drapery always adds/to the shows. Janie Erickson came

over as the "positve critic." Janie is so helpful to the oil painters

Bob, the Adult Education principal, came over and also sent Lorraine

McIntyre and some of the central office workers, They were profuse ii

their praise. They had a lot of "traffic," from well-wishers.

Mary Lou went to Citrus Beauty College for treatments this

afternoon. She had her hair coiffed, her nails polished and her eye

brows waxed, etc. I came over and picked her up. We wenr to Dr. Bel

Chiropractic Office for treatments. Dr. Beth is liking her new off!'

She paid us $161.62 for the. flowers and plants that we delivered for
her grand opening. She said that Karen and BrucelBlakely ■ will like

spend the holidays at St. George, UT,,other travel plans unknown.

I wore my "craftsman suspenders" to the Dinner Dance. Th<

way, my trousers were hiked up and didn't fall down over my "pot be

I also wore a neck-tie, almost unheard of, for me. Mary Lou looked
[A photographer took our photo. The photos are a "bench mark" .fc
beautiful in her "50th anniversary gown." / She fixed up corsages ai

bouts for the guests. The Cooleys provided a miniature village a

table setting. Shelby and Gordon Venable were friendly. I danced

Shelby, Norma Mohr and Mary Lou. Holly and Eldon plus the Grant 1

sens and the Clair Andersons sat at our table. Gale Cooley prepa

the food and it was excellent stuffed '.chicken, etc. A good time

The music was by a disc jockey. The decorations were spectacular

a vocalist and a bell-ringing group—excellent entertainment.

5 There were many folks from other wards in attendance,
many people were there who I did not know. The blind sister, whc
the Gospel Doctrine instructor, sat at our table also. Holly a®'
worked hard to serve us all. They seemed to get along well toge^
The Cooleys are friends with the Clair Andersons also, j,1*?
altl old geezer like me to get out and "kick up my heels, °

Saturday, December 2, 2000. This new month is "clicking right along." The

weather was pleasant today with beautiful sunshine. I helped Michael with

hauling away some of the tile, knocked down in his new home in E.D. Hills.

Lou and I felt quite well this morning, after the dinner-
dance. For one thing, I am not in great physical/. to do the fast dances.

X seem to "heat up" and my face must get red--I need more good exercise daily.

Michael called me about helping to haul the broken tile, out

of his new home. X told Mike about Ron/^ who is a tile contractor. Ron

knows Mike and may be able to he^p him with his tile repairs. Mike and Margo

were having some carpet layers come in and put down new carpet today.

We loaded the boxes of tile. Chloe and Sophia went with us

to the Grantline Road dump. We took off the tool box, to allow for more hauling

room. Mike gave me back that box of tools used in breaking up the tile. It

is fun to work with Mike and his daughters. The girls are loving and friendly.

Margo was not home this morning. There was no explanation for absence.

Mary Lou went to the reception for the Family History

Center workers. The FHC leadership gave us a "thank you letter" and a date
for the
book for 2001. There were refreshments/! .. staff also. Mel Stephensen and

the other leaders are "on the ball." They always make good changes and improve

ments. Elizabeth S. put up some holiday art in the FHC—some her own work?

Mary Lou made some of her wheat berry home-baked bread today.

She took the bread to Chris Prentice's home. Janie Erickson and Bob plus the
[Janie's father & his wife are from lexa^,. Gordon & Sheiby Venable attended]
father of Janie and his wife were there./ 'Michelle and itolly helped Chris' P.

With the food preparation. It was a ham feast with all of the trimmings. We

provided three Mzrie Callendar pies. Eldon ahd the Miller kids were there also.

The Miller kids like to play with Michelle's kids. Michelle has a new boy

friend, Chris. I don't know much about him. We also attended the First Cove-

lant Church holiday program at Memorial Auditorium. I am amazed at the

recision of the singing and dancing of the young people, mostly. The
reacher gave a pitch for returning the survey cards. He invited the audience
"make Jesus Christ your personal Savior." I guess that the Covenant Church i
rowing and prospering. The members seem to be enthused! There was good music
l CP
d dancing. I have had a busy day. There was not muchC/laBce to sleep todayl
December, 2000
Dear Family Members and Friends,
During this eventful year, we send our Christmas Greetings to you.
We had our 50th Wedding Anniversary. What an out-pouring of love and service
was received from our families and well-wishers.
Our first great grandchild, Tyler Merlin Woodland, was born. Elder Riley Shaw,
our first grandson to serve a Church Mission, is now in Marseille, France.
Mary Lou still works as an Adult Education instructor. Bob “holds down the fort”
at home.
Our passion is to visit our children and grand children. We appreciate all the visits
last year. We hope to travel to Florida with Scott, Julia and daughters next year. Life is
great!! Love,
Bob & Mary Lou Shaw.

December, 2000
Dear Family Members and Friends,
During this eventful year, we send our Christmas Greetings to you.
We had our 50th Wedding Anniversary. What an out-pouring of love and service
was received from our families and well-wishers.
Our first great grandchild, Tyler Merlin Woodland, was born. Elder Riley Shaw,
our first grandson to serve a Church Mission, is now in Marseille, France.
Mary Lou still works as an Adult Education instructor. Bob “holds down the fort”
at home.
Our passion is to visit our children and grand children. We appreciate all the visits
last year. We hope to travel to Florida with Scott, Julia and daughters next year. Life is
great!! Love,
Bob & Mary Lou Shaw.
Sunday, December 3, 2000. Still, I didn't have an "urge" to attend the

Church services. This staying home on Sunday mornings is getting to be a

habit with me. We went to the Family History Center for an p.m. shift.

We told Holly Miller about Susan Miller "turning over a new

leaf," working arid staying/and taking care of an elderly lady, for a wage

Holly didn't have much faith in Susan making permanent changes. We hav<

not heard any response from either Eldon Senior or Eldon Junior.

Holly brought us over a Christmas tree. It is about five

[Cost, $35]
feet high and an attractive tree. /The Millers plan to come over tomorre

night for Family Home Evening and help us trim the Christmas tree. I tl

that if it were up to me, I wouldn't even bother getting a tree. I^d 1

to put that string of outdoor lights on top of the house, for decoratio

Dick Cheney has issued a call A1 Gore to concede in th

General Election. Of course, Gore loves power too much to do that. It

is about six weeks before the inauguration/of the president for the nev

term ij to take place. Bush and Cheney are going ahead on "private moi

to make the transition team get into operation. There was a rally on■■

Capital steps in Sacramento yesterday. Eldon Miller and Melissa Mille

went down there. It was a match between the Bush and the Gore forces.
Melissa seems to like being part of the political process at/18-years.
send oi
We are "so near but yet so far," in being ready to /

the holiday card calendars this year. We have a mailing list but t d

know how complete it is or if it can be used? We should be sending o

cards very soon now. It will be a big job to accomplish.

It was a very quiet day at the F.H.C. Elizabeth/

had made a decorating effort and put up a holiday bulletin board and

paintings on the wall. "A. woman's touch means so much." The Stephe

always make such helpful changes—I like their style. There are not
items on my calendar for this week. That is true for the entire mon
I'd like to get the bills paid early in the week. It is time to pay
property taxes for the first installment. Those park district peopl
got a $50 tax increase in on us through their shenanigans last year,
in 2000. Scott Shaw sent us a book on Sidney, Australia and the 2001
Olympics. He want* to go with us to Florida and Disney World next ,
onday, December 4, 2000. Some of the end-of-year financial statements are

tarting to arrive. Today we received the Social Security notice of the amounts
*o be paid in 2001. We receive $8,220 gross and $7,020 net, $585 per month,^

X will receive $417, up from $407 this year. Mary Lou

willreceive $268 monthly, up from $264 in 2000. We each pay $50 per month on

Medicare. Our net amounts are--for Bob—$367 per month or $4,404 a year. For

Lou, $218 a month and $2,616 a year. Our net totalis;$7,020, $585

I believe that all of the Social Security is taxed by the IRS.

We alsoreceived the Medicare book from the Social Security people. As Kaiser

is to cover our entire medical costs, not including our co-pays for services,

I don't worry a lot about the workings of the over-all Soc. Sec. plan. (Meds)

I also paid the bills for the month. We owed nearly $800 on

the VISA bill and paid $1K. That is because we will have another $ IK ( + )to pay

in December. I figure that I paid the miscellaneous bills of $1,163 with my

funds and Mary Lou paid the VISA bill of $ 1,000--total paid about $2,163. Lou's

balance was under $400 in her checkbook. She wonders how she can save

about $700 a month for the planned trip to Florida, with Scott and Julia?

I placed the Christmas tree in a bucket of water. Hopefully,

that will help preserve the tree and slow down the dropping of the needles. I

will have to put a stand on the tree. I wilder where Holly purchased the

tree? The cost was $35,00.

Mary Lou worked at the Arts and Crafts class. She cut and

took redwood branches to the meeting. The classes for Lou will go up until
December 22nd—
about / this month. The Adult Education people think that Lou's

classes generate^some extra A.D.A. She also worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital

in the afternoon.

The Millers could not decorate the tree as preparations had

not been made. They came over for a baked salmon dinner. It was delicious.
Lou went ahead with the cooking even though she was tired. The Miller
kids and Holly enjoyed the food. Our dishwasher is not working. I called':
Sears but I'm not sure the message went through about scheduling a date
: r repairs? They also called and said that the tiller will be delivered in
' nu afifjs 2 0 01 > when the new stock of tillers comes in to the store. They
that I take a 3>s horse-power model but I am holding out for a 5 h.p.
filer. The larger size is needed to tear up and cultivate the large lot
\atl have. The New England Patriots beat the Kansas City Chiefs in football.
I called Sears Repair. They will send out a technician on Thursday, 12/7

to repair the dishwasher. Until then, we are washing the dishes by hand.
Tuesday, December 5, 2000. The election rhetoric goes on and on. The

case SLeems to be in the hands of the Florida Supreme Court. The U.S.

Supreme/did not take a stand on the arguments and tossed the suit back tc

the state court. Bush is showing a lot of restraint with the antics of

Gore. Cheney is the "point man" on the "transition arrangements," in WD

I mailed the checks to pay the bills for the month. I found
s tub
the VISA statement/and included it with the $ IK payment. Also, I wrote

out a $1K check, to be deposited in my account. Mary Lou's balance is

down to about $375. She does not have funds to save much this month.

The bills from Sunrise Wholesale and Kelly's Wholesale Florist are due.

We worked on the insert for the holiday calendars. I wrote

out a short note to family members and friends and had about 300 copies

copied. I'm sure that we won't need that many but it is better to have

too many inserts and the cost is not great. I put labels and stamps on

the envelopes that I have on hand so we are ready to mail the calendar;

Hilary Clinton is getting oriented to her new job as U.S.

Senator from New York State. There are rumors that Bill wants to be ma

of New York City. I wish that the Clintons would "take their chickens"

and just go back to Arkansas! That might to be too much to ask of then

There is talk of indicting Billy Boy for lying, obstruction of justice,

etc. after his term is over as President. "Jail to the Chief."

It was foggy this morning but clear this afternoon. Mary '

made an appointment for tithing settlement soon. I will have to write

down the exact date and time. We received a preliminary offerings sta

ment from First Ward. The final statement for our income tax return,

be given to us later. I want to nail on a stand for the Christmas tre

soon. Neal Abbott sent an e-mail from the Philippines. He is over th

with Bebe, his wife and Kathleen, his daughter. I don't know how long
will be in the Philippines? Mary Lou used her water colors and,^JeW
cats for Ellen Shaw, as a birthday card. It was cold this even 8•
Friday, December 8, 2000. Yesterday, was Pearl Harbor Day. It marked the

59th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor--in 1941. I was a

teen-ager, at the time, living in Riverbank, CA. We ran errands today.

I took Mary Lou to the Oil Painting class this morning. She

haf a lively group of painters. Lou said that she had a potential customer,

interested in one of her new paintings. I don't think that she sold it though.

I went with Janie Erickson to the Fair Oaks Post Office, to

mail her 30-pound package. Janie just could not lift it into the post office.

She has made quite a good recovery from her illness, over the summer. Janie

was in the hospital for quite some time. She is fortunate to recover so well.

Then it was by COSTCO to purchase some cleaning aids and

food items. I just can't get excited about the holiday gift offerings at

COSTCO, the Sunrise Mall, etc. We have pretty well decided to purchase boxes o

Sees Candy for the family members. The mailed cost is about $10 per pound.

Then we have some customized gifts, to be purchased for Mike and Margo's

Chloe and Sophia. Also, we have to purchase some special items for the

Millers. I have some knick-knacks stored away, in a drawer beneath our bed.

Hopefully, some of those small items could be wrapped and given, as gifts?

Mary Lou received her payroll check, She was paid $1,451.45

for 55 hours of work, In November. The net was $1,298.29. Her year-to-date
[The limitation is $19,650.00.]
total is $15,647,83. She is $4,002.17 below the 2000 earnings limitation/from

State Teachers' Retirement. She could work another 150 hours this year and

still be under the wage limitation. It's good to keep records of such things.

We went to Dr. Beth's Chiropractic Office in Carmichael, CA.

The adjustments were timely as I have been having headaches lately. Dr. Beth

had a new chiropractic technician (nurse) in her office. Sarah is a R.O.P.

student from a local high school. They are a friendly group down in their new

office. Mary Lou went forCtf.coif at Citrus Heights Beauty College. Mike
Shaw came and borrowed the pick-up truck. He wants to haul a Christmas
tree to his home. X will have to nail a stand on our Christmas tree.
That is never an easy job. The Florida Supreme Court issued a decision that
votes are to be counted manually in the presidential election. The Bush people
jave filed another suit with the U.S. Supreme Court. The lawyers aee still
'goihS at hammer and tongs." This has gone on for more ths
than a month now.
Saturday, December 9, 2000. There was some "Saturday confusion" today

but we made it through. Michael brought back the pick-up truck. Keith

called. He was attending one of Shelsie's basketball games—good Dad!

It was overcast today but not any rain. It continues dry anc

cold. Keith called from one of Shelsie's basketball games. I guess that

Shelsie has not inherited much of Riley's natural basketball ability.

She has some difficulty moving the ball and is learning to dribble bette

The Logan High girls' team (Sophomores) have not won many games but it
lack of loyalty to the team, etc
isn't because of Shelsie's/bubbly enthusiasm, or lack of /.

Keith acknowledged receiving the $50 travel money. He may

come down this way, over the Christmas holidays. I have some work pro

jects that he could help me with--the drainage pipe installation, in the

front yard, the sprinkler system wiring and installation of a electrical

panel, etc. It would be good to visit Keith and family, "back home."

Mary Lou worked on keyboarding the holiday calendar mailing

list. She did a good job, writing the addresses on the sheets. I went

to Office Max and copied the names, for our records. The mailing has

stopped as I am not sure of the exact procedures. I don't want to dupl:

cate any of the mailings. She wants to hand out calendarjnext week.

Venetta Abbott called from Santa Barbara, CA.

some "Sweet Adelines Singing Competitions." Venetta likes to singi^v
She has been

Venetta about the "Handel's Messiah Sing-Along" in Fair Oaks Stake tomo
row night. Venetta will likely go to Janet's house in Kansas, over the

Janet is hosting several of her"wayward boys," whoHshe has befriended.

These are boys who have been in foster homes, are in trouble with the 3

etc. Janet has been doing the humanitarian work for several years nos

Jared and Joshua Miller came over when their parents went c

for the evening. We took the Miller boys on a flower delivery and fed
them some Chinese food. They liked that. I had misplaced my gold wedd
ring in a reclining chair. Eldon and his sons (plus Holly) took the ti
to shake the ring out of the chair. 1 paid them $10 for finding the ri
as it was hopelessly misplaced. I value the gold wedding ring as hou
gave it to me as a gift for our 50th wedding anniversary. Holly
sa|d t|^at J should have the ring re-sized, so it won't slip my
Idem Miller visited his sister, Susan Miller, in Davis, CA today. Eldon was working over that
y• She is driving an auto parts delivery truck so must have a driver's licensd?. She plans a
mkruptcy, to rid herself of accumulated debts. Where will she get the lawyer's fees? It costs
>out 9IK to file such an action. She has changed residences but I do not know any details.]
Sunday, December 10, 2000. The month is speeding along. We still have not put
up either our outdoor/ or decorated the indoor tree. We had better

get some Christmas spirit soon. The Family History Center will be closed.

The Family History Center will be closed for the next three

Sundays, for the holidays. It was a quiet day down there. I put some entries

into the "Week-At-A-Glance" book and Mary Lou worked on keyboarding some family
(age, 8 years)
records. Dennis Campbell told me about having a young/foster child, given to

them, because of difficulties in the family. The Campbells do not have child

ren. It will be interesting to see how all of this works out for them.

Mary Lou had the delivery to Father Doheny (sp) of the Saint
Mels Roman Catholic Church. He has been ill. Lou had her usual/luck in her

delivery efforts. She called the Church early this morning. Then, she took

the tropical flowers to the rectory and was able to make the delivery. Good!

I had some lunch prepared when Lou came home from Church

services. We were a bit late for opening the Family History Center. ^

I wonder if they will close down the library on Sundays because of rela

tive small usage? I like the job and would like to see the F.H.C. kept open.

Mary Lou went with Michael Shaw and Melissa Miller, to the
"Handel Sing Along/^at the Mormon Center. Mary Lou said that Melissa was

very loving and put her head on Lou's shoulder, etc. Lou said that she saw
Marge Svenson, the widow of ..Bro./Svenson, who died a few years ago. Marge like

to sing and is very good at it. The sing-along is an annual event in FO Stake.

Chris Prentice called Ma^y Lou. Chris plans to go to Utah,

over the holidays, to see her family members. I haven't heard anything lately

about the divorce action with Ed Prentice. I hear that Chris misses Ed. They

jere married almost 15-years and the marriage seemed to go along quite well. It

s a lonely time, especially over the Christmas & New Years holidays.for Chris.

There are not any dates on my calendar, for this week,

must call Sears about the dishwasher filling slowly and also about the
nition not turning, on the riding mower. We must get the calendars mailed
is week! We don’t have a good system set up to prevent duplicate mailings.
ry Lou wants to pass out single calendars at her classes this week. We should
, buy the Sees Candy, as gifts, and gtf&the candy mailed this week also: Work!
[We hear that the buyers of the "Mohr Care Home" are about ready to take over. They have to
be licensed by the State of California. That is not an easy or small task. Then, they are
having problems coming up with the down payment (s). Mac and Norma seem anxious to move on. Th(
have a new pick-up truck, to pull a mobile home. The Cutts seem anxious to "get on the road."
Monday, December 11, 2000. The work to do was here for me, but, frankly

I didn't get much accomplished. I didn't work on getting the calendars

ready to mail. Mary Lou was tired from working her two split shifts.
--------------------------------------------- We received copies of "Nevinson News,"(
Light rain fell today, starting about 4 p.m. We hear thatt

forecast is for clearing weather tomorow and later in the week.

Mary Lou worked with holiday wreaths and swags for her Arts

and Crafts group. She even had some branches that the class members

brought and she has them still in the Toyota. Also, she worked at the

Folsom Conv. Hospital, in the afternoon.

Lou purchase^ some Sees Candy for gifts. Giving candy is sol

of a tradition for us. Shopping always takes a lot of her time. Lou di

have time to rest a few minutes in between shifts.

I worked on washing the bed sheets and blankets today. Doin

the bed laundry is always a big job for me. The washing machine works

well. I did not call Sears about the riding mower defective switch.

We went over to Mohr Care Home this evening and filled in

for Norma and Mac Cutts. They went to a clown school dinner. 1 under

stand that the clown school is sponsored at the La Sierra Community

Center in Carmichael. Susanne Nye also goes to the clown school. The

"graduation" will be sometime in the near future. Norma and Mac demons

trated some sign language that they learned, for the clown training.The
residents, Gene, Jeannie, Lu and Honey seemed contented and pleasant--good.
I paid the Greenleaf Wholesale Florist bill today. I also
reconciled the bank statements. Lou has over $2K in her / • accoun

I have a low figure in my checking account. I still have the Sunrise

Wholesale bill to pay. If it has been received in the mail, I can't

find it. I'm glad that I keep the check books reconciled & up-to-date.

I stayed in my pajamas until after noon today. That is a b

situation to be in, as far as getting much done in the daytime. Lou di

some work- on the holiday calendars but none are ready to mail. Perhaps
we will / some time tomorrow to work on the mailing There was

card today from Alyson & Jeremv Wnndla„,i t i. fiSHi »w »v keep in touchy
Tuesday, December 12, 2000. The Supreme Court decided that AlGore has run

out of time and has lost the presidential election. Gore has not con

ceded and the word is that he won’t concede the election. A poor loser.

This is the day for the electors from Florida and the other

states are to be seated. I hear that the Republicans in Florida have their

own slate of electors, if Gore tried some more of his stunts. The chairman

of the Democratic National Committei€.said that Gore has lost. He later res
cinded his statement. "Politics makes for some strange bedfellows:& statements!"

So, these shenanigans have been going on for 4^ weeks, since

the General Election. How can Gore withstand the decision of the Supreme

Court? I have learned in civics classes that the Supreme Court is the high

est in the land. Even a split decision is a decision. Gore lost, that's all.

Gore is to give a statament tomorrow. What will Gore and his cronies do now?

It cleared off somewhat, after the light rain storm. There

was overcast and the sun "played peek-a-boo." Another storm is coming

in so we will continue with wet weather.

Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital. I'd like to print

the poem by Gordon Venables about "OLD GLORY," in the family paper. I have

some stationary with flags printed on it. We could keyboard that poem and

any other(s) that Gordon would let us use. Is Gordon a naturalized American?

I know that he was born in England but he might be a citizen of this country?

We worked on the calendar mailing job this afternoon. We

mailed some of the cards addressed to overseas addresses. We also mailed the

Sees Candy to Gayle, Owen, Janel, Alyson, Caroline, Keith, and Scott. I bought

some stamps for the calendar mailing but I will have to purchase 100 or so more.

Where is Phyllis Tucker living now? I don't know where to

mail her holiday calendar? We worked on preparing more calendars to be mailed.

Lied .
Mary Lou also took some of the cards with her and passed th^ra outj She
went to a planning meeting at the Adult Education office.
,D Gf her Adult Education contract? We can't locate it. Also, her
' t tendance reports are due. Work is piling up on Mary Lou. At least, we
I de some progress on mailing the .calendars today. Hopefully, we can complette
mailing tomorrow? I'll have to mail a card to Amy Endoh in Tokyo, Japan.
. ,aced the insulin that I take for diabetes. I went to Kaiser and bought
1S_ Lucky enough, I found the original diabetes medicine later in the day.
ae more.
Wednesday, December 13, 2000. AlGore gave his "concession speeech" to-
night. They/ him up and said that he even wrote the speech him

self! Bush made his acceptance speech, at long last,in Austin, Texas.

There was trepidation about what AlGore might say tonight,

Would he take the Jesse Jackson/and fight on, holding rallies of protest

Jesse was making a fool of himself, down in Florida doing that today. He

wants to use the M.L. King holiday in January to hold more protests that

the election "was stolen" from Gore. He has that backwards, for sure.

At least, AlGore almost pulled the steal off.

I didn't hear all of the speech but I did hear Gore say the

(c)oncede word. That surprised me as I expected him to be in complete

denial. I wonder if the Demos will now make the transition facilities

and funds available to Bush et al for thdir tranition team? Clinton is

off on one of his jaunts so he is practicing indifference to the woes oi

Gore. We haven't heard the end of either of those characters.

It looks like Gore is out of a job. What about his partisai

who campaigned so long with him? That "Bugsy" Daley, the Chicago machii

politician, especially scares me. Some of those gangster types will be

around to muddy up the waters for Bush's program, even with the high-

sounding talk of peace and cooperation, between the political parties.

I worked on stuffing the calendars into the envelopes and

putting on stamps today. We used all of the cards. X had to purchase

more stamps. Lucky enough; I found some holiday stamps that I bought.

We will have some holiday stamps to use with our mail, into the New Yei

Mary Lou checked off the names as we readied the mailing, !

found a few duplicates. Hopefully, most of the letters will be receiv

by the family and friends this week.

Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital and at the Family

History class. She taught the researchers about basics and a speaker
was there also. She had the Adult Education office people make up * ®'
employment contract for her. She found the original contract on my ®j
at home. Not much mail today. I must send a card to Amy En,0jgred &°
Japan. Also, I must send her parents a card also. Holly aDThat work v
Joshua came over and decorated our Chritsmas tree tonigJnjr_good!
appreciated. We had pizza, soda pop and veggies for
aursday, December 1A, 2000. There was light rain today. Mary Lou made up a

oor wreath for Shelby Venable and delivered it to Folsom Conv. Hospital,

e worked on the "stragglers", to be mailed—the holiday business cards.

Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital today. She made up

i spectacular door wreath for Shelby. It had some large pine cones, used in

:he decoration. Lou wants to make a similar wreath for our doorway.

We have a few calendai^“left. Mary Lou wants to take them to

aer Oil Painting class for the artists. I mailed cards to Amy Endoh and her

parents, in Tokyp, Japan. I feel so blessed to have kept the friendship of

the Endohf i
those fine people, over the years. It has been almost 20-years since we saw/

in Tokyo. Mr. Endoh is a TV personality and Mrs. Endoh is a linguist, etc.

hny is a Christian, but seems to struggle as a working woman in the BIG city of Tokyo, Japan!
We received a card and a house photq,from the Acklins, in

Pine Grove , CA. They seem happy and contented up there. Venis Powell sent her

keyboarded family letter. What a wonderful and dear "BIG SISTER!" Venis and
Juke just keep on keeping! I have also heard f rom Maxine Owen and Karen/

Our Christmas Pay plans are firming up. We will have the Millers

and Michelle Allen and daughters out here for dinner. Michael and Margo have invited

is up to their new home for Christmas Eve. They plan to ask the Millers also.

tike and Margo and kids want to go to the snow on Christmas Day. It is good to

>e included in Mike and Margo's plans for the holiday. Keith Shaw has plans to
:ome for a visit, as early as the day after Christmas. We'd love to see Keith!
There is an energy "crunch" in California. It has something

:o do with the deregulation of fuel costs. Wholesale and retail prices have shot

p greatly. Bill Wood has something to do with the regulatory board of the

tate, controlling natural gas price.?, I hope that some of the"big shots"can keep

he fuel prices within reason. Gasoline prices are'through the roof'also. We are

sing natural gas to heat our home. We don't use the wood-burning stove at all.

The house-keeping gets out of hand. Mary Lou did make up

bed and fold up the clothes today, with some help from me. The tree
1V decorated, by the Miller family. Mary Lou has plans to make up
nice y . „ w£tjj the boughjf that she has on hand. Lou went to the
ie more
‘7 —.ptv dinner tonight. Chris Mackey attended. I am sure that she misses
. t in a sudden death. I sleep a lot in the daytime. That is a
Mackey» ■LO in regard to getting tasks completed. I just sleep the i
habit, es Pecl bringing my black "Week-At-A-Glance" book up-to-date, A big task!
I am
. .away• i
[Mac Cutts showed us photos of his new mobile home, parked in Ridgecrest, CA. Rringo Mohr
is building a geodesic dome house and nearly has it finished. Rringo works for P.G. & E. Co
Norma and Mac are anxious to get on the road with their truck & mobile home, work at Templej
Friday, December 15, 2000. This was a cold and overcast day. It is a

good thing that I have some good coats. I took Mary Lou to her Oil

Fainting class. She sold a painting to a customer. We went to Mohr Car«

This month if half over. We must make the appointments for

our Home Teaching. It is not fair for anyone involved to put that off

to the last days of this busy month.

The folks in Mary Lou's Oil Painting class planned a luncheo

serving food from India. A young woman in the class provided the food

and cooked it. Lou remarked about the food being spiced up with curry
powder and other hot spices. Michael is getting Indian food^, the mea
served in the/ at Share Wave. I usually don't like Indian food.

We received some of the calendars back that were mailed th

week. I put the wrong address on the ones sent in care of Norma Cut^J^

for her family. I will have to ask Norma Cuts to mail them to the corr
addresses. A few of the envelopes did not have stamps on them. It is

good that we have the cards pretty much all mailed out. Lou gave cards

(calendars) to the oil painting students.

Lou sold a painting for $35 to a customer at the Cordova

Senior Center. She has not sold / paintings over the years that she

has been doing that artistic skill. Lou went to C.H. Beauty to have h

hair cut and coif fed. She is making a weekly appointment to have her

beauty needs taken care of, at the school.

We went to Dr. Beth's Chiropractic for adjustments. Beth

likes her new business office. Karen and Bruce Blakely will spend the

holidays in or around Riverbank, CA. We received a card from Erma

Staples. Her handwriting is so clear and her thoughts so clear also.

is an excellent big sister. Her thoughts were almost, written poetically'

I also received a greeting card from Jim Tillotson, a- boyhood friend.
We went over to Mohr Care Home from about 5 p.m. to 9 P*®*
Norma had prepared a dinner--tasty, as usual. They don't say much a o
the sale of their care home. Norma is having to help finance the ov
payment for the buyer, it seems. The new owner also has to have a
in the bank, to satisfy the state regulators'. I think that Norma and^i
Cutts are anxious to get out from under that care home an^
to themselves. I believe that they still have a home in «id8e
1.Sears declined to come out and repair the ignition on the riding mower. They said that I
did not pay the $350 premium. I sent them a check for that amount, total paid $1,150.]
aturday, December 16, 2000. It was a clear and cold day today. We had tele

hone calls from Scott and Keith, plus Gayle Soren. Jaron Soren is expected

tome from Viginia, where he has been attending college. We went to Mohrs.

Sandy Shaw is really in a depressed condition now. She is

Eeeling/ about Riley being over in France. When he arrived, the cupboard

was bare and he didn't know how to purchase food. Not many arrangements were
and comfort she has to
made for his arrival/at the living place. Then, Sandy fusses that/

work so hard at such a low rate of pay, etc. Gayle said that Sandy called and
cried three times,/ , the telephone call.

Sandy wants Keith to come to California so that she can have

"some space." Somehow, she wants him to earn the extra funds needed for the

trip? I e-mailed a note to Scott, asking him to write up a letter for the

family paper. The Shaw/are planning to move soon, to New Hyde Park, New York,

out on Long Island. Keith said that he received the 2# box of Sees Candy.
It appears that Keith has a good chance of coming here to Fair Oaks, over the/

I'd like to have Keith help me on the sprinkler or drainage systems. I'd
be glad to pay Keith if I could get some work done on the big projects.
We went to the First Ward for tithing settlement with Bishop Titera.

He is a very friendly and spiritual man. He .prayed with us. We are full

tithepayers. He is a CPA with a large accounting firm. He does audits for the

L,D.S. Church, among his duties. He said that the ward is declining in numbers

Mike had called about getting some help in returning trees to

Home Depot. I believe that Jared Miller helped Mike. The trees can be return

ed on Monday. LaRue McKnight sent us a beautifully written Christmas card.

We went over to Mohr Care from about 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Gene

was at hisFair Oaks Mower Repair place at Madison and Hazel. That seemed to

tire him out. Ann, his lady friend, manages the lawn and garden equipment

'epair shop. I don't know much about Gene's life, his illness, etc.?

Would wehave time to go up to Pine Grove and see the

... tomorrow? Les has given us written directions to his house. We

lnS. to WOrk at the Family History Center for the next three
’ ”ot 3 jkere are not very many presents under our Christmas tree,
ke^o'get our family paper out next week. We sent $50 to Bishop He
7* R-fiev Shaw. We hear that the Sorens are helping Riley out with his mission-
ier Riley _ , f a standard amount of $350 has to be paid monthly !|
I believe that a _______ _____________________ to missibnaries. 1
„ t it h in g s e t t l e me n t s t a t e me n t Page 1
FIS 16 Dec 2000
From: 01 Jan 2000 to: 16 Dec 2000

Compare this statement with your copies of the Bishop's Signature Date
Tithing and Offerings slips Report any
differences to your bishop. An Annual Tithing
and Other Offerings summary will be provided. oo
Date Tithing Offering Budget Missionary Other Total

06 Feb 233.00 5.00 238.00

12 Mar 134.00 5.00 139.00
09 Apr 134.00 5.00 139.00
16 Jul 128.00 5.00 133.00
27 Aug 227.00 5.00 232.00
10 Sep 128.00 5.00 133.00
15 Oct 138.00 5.00 143.00
26 Nov 238.00 5.00 243.00
Charitable 1360.00 40.00 1400.00
t/; QU* ' ilb'00 , /W
1M, 00 * Ic i €.(

Declaration Full Part Exempt Non

Note: Non Charitable Amounts /

-2. o $0

r 133
p lUd- /f ^°d
[Mary Lou called the Acklins to see if we could come up for a visit today.
They are going to be busy today. They seem contented with their move. Tim like
the high school where he attends. He is now about age 15-years. Les is near work.J
Sunday, December 17, 2000. We attended First Ward today. I gave the

opening prayer in sacrament meeting. Sue Miller attended the meetings

in 1st Ward. We took her out to dinner and then took her back to Davis,Cj

The photos for the Ward Dinner Dance oh December 1st were

out on the foyer table. My photo was not good. 1 had a "wild" look on

my face and my eyes looked strange, etc. I hope that Mary Lou does her

"scissor job" on the photos so that we don't have the photos around.

Jared Miller spoke on being a good example. He spoke quite

clearly. Holly said that he forgot the assignment to speak and had to g

up to the stand a bit unprepared. Alan Petersen and Louise were the

speakers. They are quite educated people and speak clearly. Al^AC tolc

of his family living in Huntsville and Eden, UT. His father went on

several Church missions, to Denmark, etc. They were quite a prominent

family and the father was elected to political office, etc

'r’hfio i T?
I had heard part of the Petersen's stories when we went to

the fireside about journals and diaries. Alan had some of the old book:

and diaries from his family. See (date)______________________ . Louise ha

retired from teaching and Alan has retired from the State Department of

College and Universities. Alan now manages their summer home at Dillon

Beach, near Bodega Bay, CA. They are a generous and friendly family.

X was surprised to see Susan Miller walk out of the meetii

with Mary Lou. Susan had come over this way by bus from Davis, CA. S

told about her part-time job, delivering auto parts for NAPA in Davis.

She is proud to be making her own way again and of being off the stree

etc. She works for the lady with the house cleaning job on Saturdays
We hear that she has to stay out of the house during the day, must be on bike a lot
Susan says that the Church members shun her. I guess tha

she has disappointed them for four years or more and they might not t
her. She has another bicycle now and it looks to be in good shape,
took her to Fresh Choice, soup and salads place, for lunch^. Chris Pr
tice came out to pick up some floral arrangements for hers-fclf and Mic
Allen. Holly Miller also came over and picked up table arrangements
giving to her friends--four total. There are not any appointments on
my calendar for this week. I want to call Dr. Michael Morrow at Kais
for an audiology examination at Kaiser on Morse Avenue facilities.
to set up regular eye exams also as 1 want to keep my sight and hearii

Monday, December 18 , 2000. It will be Christmas Day in one week! It was a

beautiful and clear day today. X took Mary Lou to the Arts & Crafts sho

Holly Miller denied that she ignored Susan Miller when

she came to First Ward for services yesterday. There doesn't seem to be much

love lost between those two. Susan is about 40-years-old and Holly is 42-

years. Susan said that she is attuned to the needs of the homeless people.

She trys to give them money or food items, whenever she can. Susan talks

about wanting to be a worker in child adoption j obs--will Xhe ever do it?

I think Brian Beus works with a child adoption firm--I don't know the name?
(prospective employer)
Susan was "put out a bit" when a bakery owner /recognized her

as jeing a street person. She countered with the statement that a lot of

folks in Davis, CA ride bicycles around. I guess that Susan can't have "it

both ways." I hope that she gets on with her life, gets off the streets.

I called Keith Shaw this monning. He likely will not come

down here after Christmas. He said that Sandy is really ill and needs

some tender loving care. Then, they have a party with the Dockstaders,

over Christmas Day. Keith told me about Eldon trying to get into some money

making business opportunities. He is now attending American River

College. Eldon might be working with Larry Wolfe on some of his plans.

I took Mary Lou over to the Cordova Senior Center for

Water Resources
her Arts and Crafts Show. I took some announcements over to the State/

Office, across the streeet. Some of those workers came over to the show.

Even Bob Fillman, the Adult Education principal, came with his wife and grand

child. The show was a success. Several of the ladies are planning to sign

up for the Spring Arts and Crafts class. Nothing makes for success like success!

Mike wanted me to help him haul some trees. I wanted to see

the football game so we put off the hauling until tomorrow evening. The Tampa

lav Bucs beat the St. Louis Rams. Probably the Rams will not repeat as
oer Bowl Champions in January. Mary Lou worked on eight more or so of
}*p pretty table top arrangements, with a candle, greenery, etc. She also
H a holiday and anniversary arrangement (40th) for the Kloepfers, and we
j® ered it. Connie Kloepfer is really a classy lady. She seems to do it all,
ryone, especially her family members. Connie is the First Ward Relief
r e president. We received some more holiday cards. We're in a good week.
telephone service went off today without any explanation. Pacific Bell sail
the outage was sporadic and should be back on by tomorrow night, unusual■]
Tuesday, December 19, 2000. It was another clear and cool day. Mary Lou

worked on her holiday table arrangements. She also made a beautiful


wreath for our entrance way. X helped Mike haul trees back to Home Depot
--------------------------------------------- Lynn Henshaw's (nee) mother died.
My blood sugar readings are high, mostly over 200. I am sure

that my diet is one cause and lack of serious exercise is another. I am

taking the reading!twice a day, once in the morning and another at bedtime

Mary Lou worked at Folsom Conv. Hospital today. The Adult

Education Office is closed but Mary Lou is allowed to work. Here's hopii

that she can generate ADA to the expectations of the administration.

Most of that greenery in front of the house has been used.

cut down one of the small redwood trees in the southeast corner of the

lot for wreath and arrangement material. The tree was growing close to

the other trees and I was not able to get through the area with the lawn

mower. Mary Lou also trimmed some of the other trees for greenery. She
has about eight or more floral pieces made from the greenery,Ja candle,

etc. She gave an arrangement to Mrs. Smith, our neighbor next door.

Lynn Henshaw's (nee) mother died. Lynn is the friend of Holl

Lynn taught swimming lessons to the Miller kids, over the year
and Scott. /Mrs. Henshaw also led water exercises when we were members c

"The Firm, Health Club,"a number of years ago. Erin Henshaw (nee) is th<

wife of Brady Ellsworth, from First Ward. I had Erin in my class at

Thomas Edison School, near Arden Way and Morse Avenue, in the mid 1970'

The funeral is on Thursday at Green Valley Mortuary, up Gre

Valley Road. The mortuary is owned by Church member!/ 1 believe. Lynn

asked Lou to make some rather unusual arrangements for the| service. W

will have to go to Greenleaf early in the morning and purchase flowers

I will have to look for the obituary for Mrs, Henshaw, in the Sacto Be

I went up to Mike' s home, to help him haul digger pine trees back to
Home Depot. They have their living room and other areas covered by ne*
carpet. The tile work has not been done. Mike and Jared have chopped
the weeds on the hill, in back of their house. Mike has decided on ce<
trees to be planted. I think that a good choice. He wants to use my
chain saw to cut out the dead plants and also use that chipper, to cut
the weeds and limbs, etc. I am to check out the purchase details of a
new engine for the Troy BuiTX chipper . 1 enjoy being with Mik*: *
very positive, helpful and gets things accomplished! Mar,fka\,i'f0r he:
were at home but I didn't talk to them much. Margo said than

Jednesday, December 20, 2000. There

There was
was an obituary for Nonita (Nona) Hen-
’haw the Sacramento Bee. She was age 59-years at death and survived

by her husband, Robert William Henshaw and two daughters, Lyn Cushman & Erin.

I met Nona Henshaw at Thomas Edison School when Erin was an

elementary student, in my class. Mr. Henshaw was an installer of window hard

ware for J.C. Penney Co., at the time, I believe. The obituary said that Nona

was a family-oriented woman who enjoyed making people happy. She was an herb

alist for over 20-years, and a Certified Massage Therapist since 1988. She was

an animal lover and had four sharpel dogs. She enjoyed reading, flower garden

ing, collecting and trips to the Coast. I remember her as being a swimmer.

A memorial service will be held at the Hurley Chapel at

2 p.m. tomorrow. Mary Lou has to deliver the flower arrangements to the Garden

Valley Mortuary on Green Valley Road early tomorrow. I don't know all details?

Scott bought a plant for her service as well as one for Tom Dunalp, principal,
of LeGette and Citrus Heights Elementary Schools. Scott worked for Mr. Dunlap.
We went to Greenleaf florist to purchase flowers for

the service, Lou went to work at Folsom Conv. Hospital and at the Genealogy and

Family History class. They had a super-nice luncheon (potluck) at the Family

History class. I took Lou over to the class, at the Senior Center. I shopped

for food items at COSTCO. Food prices are very high in cost.

Bill Clinton said that the only regret that he had about the

Monica Lewinsky sexual affair was that he was found out and impeached. I guess
(The sexual acts were committed in the Oval Office of the White House, no less)
that oral sex is all right? / Bush is setting up his cabinet and officials. The

electoral college has met and done the formalities to elect Bush president.
Good riddance to Bill Clinton and his co-hort, AlGore. Fumigate the White House!
We are still receiving holiday cards. We tried to purchase

some more See's Candy but they had sold-out, more supply tomorrow. Mary Lou
I was very tire^> when she came home from work this afternoon. I could not make
connection with Mike Shaw as I'm not sure that my chain.saw will start?
The telephone service is still out, no explanation from the telephone
mnany? I'd like to have telephone service off Madison Avenue. I will
that request to Pacific Bell. I hope to clean off my desk and clean out my
lf drawer, holding monthly bills, etc. The paper barrage is getting the best of me!
„ tj. week-end coming up. We are invited to Mike and Margo Shaw', s
have a , „tmas eve party. Then, we have several guests out on Christmas
ne f°r that Mary Lou will prepare. Louise Petersen is visiting teacher,
for a dinner
[Our telephone service is out, without any explanation from Pacific Bell. Lou
arranged for call forwarding" of our messagefto Judy Smith's home. Bad scene!

Thursday, December 21, 2000. THE FIRST DAY OF WINTER. Michael and

daughters came by and we were able to get the chipper engine running.

Mike had called Troy Bilt Repair and they can come to home for service.

I didn't have much faith that the chipper engine would start

The Troy Bilt mechanic said that the engine was burned out when I took it

in for repair about a year ago. Mike wants me to bring the chipper up

to his place so that he can work on it. I hope he can get it running.
seems to be
There is a pulley missing)otherwise the chipper/ in good shapeC?)
Chloe and Sophia / delightful kids. They played with Josh

and Jared and jumped on the trampoline. The cousins seemed to enjoy

playing together. Jared worked on a school report. Their printer is no

working. He let Holly and family members read the short report. All of

the readers suggested that he make an editing change. Jared made the

change and the report read much better and the thoughts were more clearl

stated. It is good that the cousins can get together to play, etc.

Michael wants me to bring the chipper up to his house about

4 p.m. tomorrow. Then, we have to go to Davis, CA and meet Susan Miller

for a meal. We will go up to Mike and Margo's new home Saturday about

5 p.m. for dinner and fellowship. The Millers are going up to El Doradc

Hills also. Even Melissa Miller can make it, at that time.

I took Mary Lou to work at Folsom Conv. Hospital. Shelby

Venables had received a ticket for making a bad turn. To make matters

worse, she did not have her drivers license or insurance certificate wi

her, in the car. It seems that Shelby "got off" pretty easy as they

could "have thrown the book at her," for not having her driving papers

So, we are heading into a pretty "heavy"week-end. We hope i

keep the Sabbath Day holy, even though it is Christmas Eve day. We wi

have a dinner out here on Monday. Michelle Allen and daughters plus t
Millers are invited. Mary Lou will finish the semester of teaching in
Adult Education tomorrow, at her Oil Painting class. We delivered a
holiday table arrangement to Carryn Nixon. We talked to Joe and the y
lady who is living at Nixon's house. Her name is Debbie. She is o
Thai ancestry. She is 20-years old and sometimes works at Hjm®|gegriCl
Home. We also delivered arrangements to the Rollins and to Ja ^ h0I11<
son. It was great being with Holly, Michael and their
e*pect the telephone to he working before next week, probably Tuesday,
e ear rest. I tried to talk to some workers on the street, to no avail.
here has not been any communication between e* and the phone company--too bad.]
riday, December 22, 2000. I did not take the chipper up to Michael's home

oday. I d like to do that task tomorrow. Mike also took the chain saw

t'le chain oil and the fuel yesterday. We went to Davis with Sue M.

I will take the chipper up to Mike's home when I go there

for dinner tomorrow night. It was just too / tor me to handle, tying it

down and unloading it, etc. The chain saw was recently serviced at Sears so it

should work all right.

Mary Lou completed her semester of work for Folsom Cordova

School District Adult Education. I took her over to the oil painting class.

She has a full slate of. classes for next semester. I hope that she can get

some rest and relaxation over this next week.

I stopped by Kaiser in Rancho Cordova and purchased some

Tolinaise and Alapuranol (sp) pills. Medicines are high but Kaiser does sub

sidise the prices, to some extent. For example, the two medicines cost over

$30 and I had to pay $20 of that amount. (I called Sears Repair on the
Senior Center line. Sears will be out Wednesday, 12/27 to repair mower.)
I read in the newspaper of a local tragedy. Don Tog-

notti——a local businessman and car dealer, shot his wife and himself, here

in Fair Oaks. There seems to be a rash of such murders and suicides in this
classic cars .
area, Mr. Tognotti was active in/auto shows and owned a detailing store for/
There was a card and note from Mellissa Shaw Valdez. /

is the daughter of Jim Shaw. Melissa suffered in an auto accident, a few years
ago. The note was about nostalgic/’. and was excellently written. Jim

Tillotson also wrote a note that the reunions of The Class of 1945, Oakdale

High, will be every three years, rather than five years. I am so glad to get

the cards and notes as it catches me up on the lives of family members & friends

Lou went to Citrus Heights Beauty for a coif and nail work.

We met Susan Miller in Davis, CA for a Chinese dinner. Susan looky good. She

had been to a comp2klfy dinner for the NAPA Auto Parts Co., last evening.
She said that the group was "just like family." I^hope that Susan "gets
with her life" and stays off the streets. How ID get reconciled with the
h rch people in Davis is another problem. X hear that §h# was calling some
to repentance beccause of sexual sins that Susan knew about, etc. That
-tfonr °n hef Part> would alienate even Church members promptly. Kent Tucker
; a note that Phyllis Tucker is living with Jerilynn Smith in N. Carolina.
Kaiser-North Valley Cholesterol Mgmt Program
N. Valley Cholesterol Mgmt Program
2025 Morse Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95825 9X6—973—7300

Medical Record No.:




Over a month ago, the Kaiser-North Valley Cholesterol Mgmt Program
sent you a reminder to call us about your cholesterol results.
Left untreated, high cholesterol puts you at greater risk for heart
disease and stroke.
It is important that you call us as soon as possible to discuss these
Results and treatment options. you may can our or nee at
9l6’-9'/3-7300. lT~we are unavailable, please be sure to leave a
'message on our recorder.
If you have already contacted us, please disregard this notice. If we
do not hear from you, we will assume that you are no longer interested
in being followed by the Kaiser-North Valley Cholesterol Mgmt
Program. We will place you in our inactive file and notify your
physician that we are no longer monitoring your cholesterol.

Cholesterol Management Program Staff

1(12-4) )t(J L.1. or 4. Tenn. Titans (12-3)

[Inga (11-5) L L2. Oakland Raiders (124)
i/nfs (10-6) L la. Miami Dolphins (11-5)
------ *gle8(11-5) l . V»4. or 1. Balt. Ravens (124)
$B. Buccaneers (10-6) L 1$. Denver Broncos (11-5)
ttouls Rams (10-6) j_ lJ}.lnd. Colts (10-6)
inlay: St Louis at ►Saturday: Indianapolis
Orleans, 1p.m. at Miami, 9:30 a.m.
'iy: Tampa Bay at ► Sunday: Denver at
fphla, 1:15 p.m. TennJBalt., 9:30 a.m.
Divisional playoffs: Jan. 6-7
------ -—Unships: Jan. 14
I: Jan. 28

[We went to Mike and Margo’s new home for a party this evening. They treated us graciously and
it of-rfV£,: , They. hJd a turkey dinner with tamales. Eldon and Holly had made up some
pumpkin, pies. I think that the Millers had a good time too. Melissa was there for a while.]
Saturday. December 23, 2000. Christmas Day is sneaking up on us! We

were at home today. Mary Lou wrapped presents. We sorted through items

in the bric-^Tbrac drawer and found some things to give, to the children

This was a slow day for me. I moped around this morning.

Finally, I was up and helping Mary Lou with the house work. X swept the

kitchen after the making of the greenery floral table pieces. Also, I

vacuumed the carpets. That was a job that needed to be done.

We checked through the bric-a-brac drawer. We had products

in there that I had purchased from various sources, mostly offers from
the gasoline / There were some small radios, scissors, and

other miscellaneous small gifts. There was even a small emergency

whistle for Melissa Miller’s use.

Shelby Venables had given Lou some English Christmas tree

ornaments./ were very different. Lou wrapped them for the children an

adults. Mike and Margo liked the ornaments. One was an old-time St.

Nicholas and it looked good on their tree. We gave Mike a. candy cane

ornament as he is always so generous in handing out his own candy canes.

I spent some time this afternoon watching TV for the San

Francisco 49'ers versus the Denver Broncos football game. The Broncos

beat the 49-ers badly. It is strange to me but Garcia, the S.F. quarte:

back, has now passed for more yards in a season than Montana, Young, et
Joe Montana and Steve- Young were famous 49'ers quarterbacks, with
records Denver ^as a chance to go into the play-offs. Also, Denver has a new

stadium. I guess that they won't be using Mile High Stadium any morel

We have purchased oranges for the Millers and for Mike's

family. They are top quality orange?, export/ \j|4 the oranges an<
[The' Shaws had a lot of gifts under their tree, nicely wrapped.]
the small presents to Mike & Margo's new home. / We also took the chippi

up there in our truck. The dinner was scrumptious. The Miller kids
played with the Shaw girls. It was a good time with the Shaws. They
0^ liked the small beads and trinkets that Hol,ly purchased for us, for
gifts. I took it easy on the food land the festivities. But, I did play wit*1
the kids and that was enjoyable. Mike said that he has to work the da.
after Christmas as some Japanese customers are coming in to the S*13*^
Wave offices. Margo seems to enjoy her ESL Jobat Intel Corp. Mary ^ee
enjoyed herself also. Mike sent home the chain saw as it would n° servi
running. I will have to take the chain saw to Sears for main
Sunday, December 24, 2000. CHRISTMAS EVE. We tead in my diary about Keith,
Riley, Laura./ w and Randon coming for a visit over Christmas week last %
We went to Jan Francisco and Lake Tahoe, at the time. Now, Riley is on
t oday >
his Church Mission in France. We had a quiet Sunday,/ counted our blessings.

Per our diary, we spent a lot of time entertaining the folks

from Utah. Keith did trim the trees in the front yard and that was a tremen

dous help. Holly and the Millers helped us entertain Keith and his sons and

Laura. Riley seemed infatuated with Laura, at the time. He has acted wisely

and put the romance "on the back burner" now. Good on Elder Riley Shaw!

Keith will not be coming back home this year. Sandy is ill

and he can't leave her. Also, he is having some money and automobile problems.

Then, they are having family parties with the Dockstaders and that is always

important with them. I could surely use Keith's help this year. lawn
sprinkler control box needs to be installed, The system is not working.
Many of the work projects are just where they were last year.

The drainage line has not been dug and the bare-root fruit trees have not been

planted. The shop and rear storage rooms have not been cleaned out.
out & the files brought up-to-date. I have not been actively working op, family histories.
My office Jias not be^en cleared /o ’ : .
I d/i.d not attend Cliurch services today/ Sister Deanne Ells

worth has returned from her Church Mission to Russia. Lou said that Sis.

Ellsworth had a difficult time getting out of Russia and also out of New York.

For sure, the weather has not been cooperating. Lou said that Deanne's eyes

were bloodshot. That is. understandable, with life in Russia—not easy!

At least Sis. Ellswoth made it home by Christmas Day--a major miracle, I'd say.
The Oakland Raiders won their play-off qualifying ' .game today.
seven or so
*That team hasn't been in the play-offs for/years. The New York Giants—12-4t-
(The Oakland Raiders have a play-0r£ spot, beat Carolina Panthers, 52-9!)
is another play-off team./ Several wildcard games have to be played now.

The next week or ten days will be filled with football games, college & pro.

I have a project of taping the addresses to the Christmas

cards and readying them to be hung up on ribbons. So, that will be . a major
task for me to do. The Sears repair person will be out Wednesday of this

Week. It will be a big job for Mary Lou to cook for Michelle and kids,
the Millers and Danny Cash, etc. I hope that Michelle is not here wh(Lpf
e open our presents. I hope that we can have a private time with the
M'llers. Mike, Margo and daughters have other plans for tomorrow. ee
Our tree
, 111-stocked with presents. I will have to wrap the presents that I
ooks wexx s >- Mary Lou. r John
A for ........
Miller came by tonight. April is in northern
urchasea x her sister, who is expecting a baby. John is going to a
rdaho, ca ring college. He is also playing basketball and volleyball.
culPture class _ -i*----- -- ' --- ---
Mary Lou Shaw
5370 Nugget Rd.
Fair Oaks, CA.
26 Dec 2000

Fay Callahan
132 E. Short Ave.
Independence, MO.
Dear Fay
Thank you for the wonderful acknowledgement of the material I mailed you. It was
most appreciated and brought back a flood of memories. I’m preparing some more to send
you. I’m glad I didn’t get through to talk to you about it because your handwritten note is
priceless and I can read it over and over.
I do want to call you, however. Our phone has been out of order now for a whole
week. There are quite a few phones down in the area. They think they will be fixed
It would be nice to include Stephen in the family picture.
Marvin Naylor has Grandfather’s prison gun and he brought it to the reunion. I’m
glad to have a photo of it. My blue bag that had genealogy in it has not been found. I
checked the bag through foolishly. Lois’s granddaughter, Monica Crockett Gardner, had
scanned some good photos of the Naylors. When I get some copies I’ll send you the batch.
One of Grandmother Naylor in a swing is particularly good. Through looking for some lost
histories I contacted Laird Snelgrove, who furnished some material I didn’t have, and vice
versa. Monica says she has a dress of Ann Wright (Naylor), who crossed the plains about
1853. She is going to send me a picture of the dress. I’ll make a copy for you.
I was excited with your remarks about Grandpa Abbott and the Bible names. Do
you remember him wanting to name my new Christmas doll, Jehoshaphat? I recently read
about Jehoshaphat and found he was a “righteous “ King of Judah.
We had a delightful Christmas. Sweet Holly and her elves decorated our tree again.
We added bulbs of the new color purple and put the new gold material over it. The Millers
came over, plus Michele and Danny, for dinner. Chris is in Utah. Mike and Margo and
their girls stopped by. They had invited the Millers and us up to their home Sat. That was
such a great time when you came here for Christmas. I hope you will do it again soon.
LaRue McKnight sent a card about the joyful lights of Christmas. As an exta note
to me, she enclosed a copy of your heart touching story of “Lantern Lights”. How you
describe mother and your experience is incredible. May we please print it in the “Fearless
Talk to you soon, Lots of Love,
Fay Callahan
132 E Short Ave
Independence, Mo.
December 4, 2000
Mary Lou Shaw
5370 Nugget Road
Fair Oaks, California

Dear M Lou
I finally had a chance to study the priceless material you sent last week.
What a clever idea of putting Venetta in the picture. I have a 5 year’s ago picture of
Steven. We might add that to the family photo.
I loved the picture of Verna, Ed & Marve. The barn brought back memories of
Hobble Creek. I could see Mother standing there counting the crates of strawberries.
Who has Grandpa’s prison gun?
I had never seen the photo of Valeria Ann Flint Laird and her sisters. Thanks! Isn’t
the history by Harriet Jane Harries interesting?
I think the “Shaw Family Fearless Flyer” is so clever.
Your Esther story is excellent. Remember Grandpa Abbott telling us about
Mordecai, a King Ahasuerus and the other unusual Bible names? I used to wonder how he
could remember them and pronounce them so quickly. He really knew the Bible.
What a rare find to have the words of Rhoda Lois Naylor. Imagine James Laird
surviving on boot leather.
1 see the bravery in our genes comes from Grandma Laird who wasn’t even afraid
of Indians.
Just think we might have inherited the Silver King Mine.
Thank you for all this wonderful history.
Also the calendar. I still have everyone you have sent me.
What a supreme work you have done in preserving records.
Faye Abbott Callahan

Way back in the 1930's, when life was wonderful and full of the sweet innocence of
youth, the schools in Nampa, Idaho, held lantern parades at Lake View Park at night as
part of their May Day festivities. The imitation Chinese lanterns were made in art class and
the students carefully painted original designs on parchment paper and then mounted the
lanterns on sticks with a socket for the candle. What an honor it was to have your lantern
selected for the main event of May Day.
Being chosen to march in the parade with the lighted lantern was only the first
hurdle. The Austin Abbott family, at that time, lived out on the Old Powerline Road
located four miles from Lake View Park as the crow flies. We had no transportation
because Dad was using the Model A Ford in another part of the state while soliciting orders
for The Idaho Daily Statesman. Mother agreed that participating in the parade was well
worth the long walk. Even moving in step with Mother’s no-nonsense gait meant that we
would have to start out long before 7 p.m. Lou, the eldest sister, baby-sat Venetta, Neal,
and Janet. John, Chrissie, and Stephen made their arrival a few years later.
This happening was a double treat for me because when you are a member of a
large family, it is very difficult to get your Mother alone for a private chat. I learned at an
early age the value of listening to this woman who had only been “schooled” to the eighth
grade, but had managed to earn a master’s degree in life by studying human nature. She
always seemed to know why people did things. My dreams, disappointments, fears, and
accomplishments were put in their proper place after she had looked at them with her
profound insight. She was a rare human being who valued excellence and could inspire
others to search for the larger self, lurking within, trying to burst out. A mean brother
became the brave and noble son.......pesky sisters became virtuous daughters....or else!
Needless to say, I was insufferably smug about my exalted role, and strutted down
the Old Powerline Road in my new full gathered skirt, copied from a picture in Collier’s
Magazine. What did it matter that somewhere along the seams, the indelible words
“Pillsbury Flour” were hidden?
We laughed with sheer delight when we finally arrived at the bowl of the Lake View
Park. Huffing and puffing, Mother found a place on the grass that wasn’t too close to the
bands bussed in from as far away as Boise and Caldwell. She hated loud music.
Going on alone, I climbed the 30 or 40 stone steps surrounding the huge bowl. I
stopped to look back down at the center where a fountain seemed to spring out of a lily
pond. From past experience, I knew beneath those delicate sweet smelling lilies, giant foot-
long goldfish were hiding in the cool water.
Darkness in Idaho comes suddenly. One moment it is dusk...and the next, total
darkness takes over when the sun disappears behind the mountains.
When I joined my classmates at the top of the steps, there was a spirit of joy and
exhilaration sweeping around among us as we all waited for the magic word to “Light up!”
Our nervous teacher almost had a tizzy fit as she scurried from one end of the line to the
other, making certain we were all ready to go. Last minute instructions were shouted out
about how to hold the lanterns high so they could be seen by the crowd below.
Suddenly, there was a loud roll of drums from the bands, our matches ignited the
Chinese lanterns and we began the serpentine march around the enormous rim of the bowl.
Our teacher kept whispering, “Slow down, your candles will blow out if you go too fast!.”
In a way, it was a bit frightening way up there on the ridge in the dark. One misstep
and a person could roll down the grassy hill...and there would be a thousand witnesses to
your downfall. And yet, in another way, there was an air of buoyancy as our brilliantly
colored lanterns made a rainbow world out of the hilltop of Lake View Park.
Even at 12,1 was an unabashed romanticist...and, on the way home, feeling light
headed after this enormously powerful experience, I said, “For a moment up on that hill
tonight, I felt like Paul Revere, Joan of Arc, King of the Mountain....all rolled into one.”
Mother understood exactly what I meant, and continued on...... grasping my hand a little
tighter, as we hurriedly made our way through the darkness to our home.
Juno e-mail printed Thu, 28 Dec 2000 06:04:00 , page 2

tells us what is important to me at this time in my

life. I love you. Thanks goes to Mom and Dad for
this newsletter. It really is a act of love and
imonstration of our family strength.

Love always, Scott

— MaryLou Shaw <> wrote:

> I just thought that I would warn you guys! You
> should know the routine
> by now!
> Thanks for the telephone call today. We're glad to
> hear that you are
> doing well and keeping busy. Thank you for the
> book on Sidney,
> Australia. Do you have any post cards on Igawasu
> Falls and area, in
> Brazil? Scott, could you write a family letter and
> e-mail it to us?
> We'd like to print the December edition of the
> family paper next week.
> We remember fondly being in Pennsylvania last year,
this time. That
was quite an experience for us. Mum is working
> through next week on her
> Adult Education job. We have been over at Norma
> Mohr Cutts' Care Home
> for the elderly, taking part-time care of the folks.
> That gives us a
> little extra spending money. Tell the Guastellas
> hello for us! Merry
> Christmas, Happy New Year!

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping - Thousar
Juno e-mail printed Thu, 28 Dec 2000 06:09:18 , page 1

From: Gayle Soren <>

Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 13:43:23 -0700
Subject: Jaron's web page

Check out Jaron's web page

wwy^2jj||jfi]Iiyil]]lIljfl1ElMslMd£DlMSIQILjinren- Be tolerant of his
“'Jargon onemanymetals/He did the assignment and spell check real
fast "won" Saturday.
What is the web page for our family?
We wish you a Merry Christmas!

[The holiday grinch notified us that Maureen Wolfe's check for funeral flowers had insuffic-
lent funds and returned the check, amount $431. We will have to contact First Security Bank, (•>
1 dMmdavJ Utab so iC wil1 be difficult "to enter for collection."]
Monday, December 25, 2000. CHRISTMAS DAY. We had an excellent day, with

family and friends. The activities perked up in the afternoon. The Miller kids came over

and distributed the gifts under our tree. Not many surpriseyfor us but we had a good

variety of gifts. We had a turkey and ham dinner with the Millers. Michelle Allen, and

Danny Cash came later. The guests played games and rode scooters. Mike & Margo visited.

Mary Lou made sure that the house was clean. We had a leisujfely morning

and were ready for our guests. Melissa brought her friend by. Thomas is from Rancho

Cordova but serves in the Army in Georgia. He didn't stay around the house long. Melissa

stayed and visited with us. She enters into all family activities. Jared and Joshua rode

over here on their new "Razor Scooters." I rode with them down Nugget Road and then down

Cashmere Court. I "screwed up my courage to the sticking point" and rode the scooter down

Cashmere Hill. Lucky enough, I didn't hit any rocks or debris in the street as I may have

"wiped out!" I think the kids enjoyed seeing their Grandpa Shaw on a scooter!

The Miller kids passed out the presents. I gave Lou a robe and some per

fume. She gave me a shirt and several small gifts. As we say, "We really didn't need

very much." We gave the Millers small gifts.They liked the Olde English Christmas tree
oranaments and the jewelry that we had to pass out. Shelby Venables was the/ of

those gifts. We gave the Millers a 2-pound box of See's Candy and some oranges. We also

gave oranges to Michelle Allen and also Danny Cash. Chris P. gave us computer add-ons.

It was interesting hearing part of Michelle's story. Richard, the wan

dering lover, returned for the day, gave the kids guitars, and then left town, if I have
Michelle seems to enjoy herself out he
the story correct. He is a hopeless case, to me.
The daughters were with Richard at his mother's home. It's not any of my business.
The guests/ ■ Rummique, a table game, with Mary Lou. They enjoyed tha'

I was able to watch most of the football game between the Dallas Cowboys and the Tenness

Titans. The Titans won and look like a Super Bowl team again. I enjoyed getting out in

the fresh air, riding the scooter and walking down Nugget Road. Mary Lou walked also.
Our phones are still out so didn't have any calls today. I wrote a lett
of complaintPacifi<C Bell in San Francisco but don't know if there will be any respot
that is beneficial to me. Holly called Sandy Shaw. She is feeling better but does fee]
some unworthiness about having a son in the Mission Field. Elder Riley Shaw is getting
better situated in the mission field in France. It looks as though Keith will not be al
to visit here with his kids this year. Mike, Margo and daughters came by for a short
visit this evening. They had been visiting with some of Margo's relatives, I think.
Mary Lou cleaned up the kitchen. That was a pleasant surprise. We had a very fulfil1 r
day. Michelle Allen said that Chris Prentice left for Utah^ ^visiting yesterday
, December 26, 2000. There is not much left of this year, time-wise.

ftary Lou went to Coloma, CA with Holly and her kids today. I did not feel^
enough to go along on the ride. I took/chain saw in for service.

We had a slow start this morning and slept in until after

3 a.m. Holly came over and invited us to go to Coloma today with her and her

>oys. X did not feel well and so did not go. Lou said that she saw a film

>resentation about the "Mormon Trail and Tragedy Springs." The early pioneers

5uilt several miles of roads by making gravel out of the rocks, a mile a day.
I'd like to review the story of the pioneers and the Tragedy Springs account.
Holly said that she called Pacific Bell and reminded them th

I have health problems and need^/ telephone. The service has been out for over

a week. I wrote to the general offices in San Francisco with a complaint. It

was the only Pacific Bell address that I could find in the telephone book.

I read on the bill that it is possible to register a com

plaint by sending payments to the Public Utilities Commission and registering

a written statement for the withholding of the payment(s). I will try

repair company
that. The/service with the telephone/has been been very poor.

We have another problem. We have an "insufficient funds"

check for $431 from Maureen Wolfe. The First Security Bank is in Utah. How

can we request a new check? It seems that it will be up to us to contact

Maureen and ask for a new payment as our bank probably won't take the check.

I took the chain saw to Sears as Mike said that it will not
operate properly. The repair service with Sears takes about two weeks,/jan. 9

I shopped at Long's Drugs for aloe vera lotion and at Office Max for a ribbon

for this typewriter. It was good to get out and about today.

We received a card and letter from Pam Clark today. They ar

loing well. The holiday card supply trickled off today and will 0-nd soon.
and passed out.
[ think that we did quite well with our 400 or so calendars that we mailed /

t is the only advertising that we do and it seems fairly efficient(?).

Tflje Sears repair person will come out tomorow and work on
he riding mower ignition. Mary Lou seems content to be working with the
-.mnutpr I use the computer very little, mostly for an occasional e-mail
” -loo-Jon I still have those cardj that were re ceived that need to be
r^eS* ana processed. I will have to read some of the messages—neglected!
3®11, Customer Service Management
140 New Montgomery Street, S.F. Personal & Confidential
• and cool day. How can
This letter is a complaint about repair servie at the
above address. .easant to be home with
Service is out, beginning a second week. There has been
t visit with their Mom.
a minimum of interest on your part in getting the service
restored. Communication with your repair people has been nil. ;own for Mary Lou. It

Please provide me with a cell phone as I do not have any size. Holly exchanged
telephone communication service. 3
have Holly on our side,
Also, I request to be given a telephone servie
Madison Avenue. This should OJ repair the ignition on

ie leaves. The grass

. J^vrrS^
- - - ,, - .

its projects with Mary
* tb „ . //tt , </ y ?
m girls to braid some

Pacific Bell
PO Box 9039
S. San Francisco 94083
db-P-j y have to do a task

o do a crafts project

1 am trying to contact Pacific Telephone to get my service ie» 1 hitched up the

turned back on. The service has been off for unexplained/ctw^vH^/,
Ti’ons, beginning the second week. id Sophia around the

I consider myself a good customer of Pac Be. :hat the pulling of them
I have paid
my bill promptly over the years.
lughter Bonding." Margo
There has been limited explanation for the stoppage of
service. I have not had any contact by any of your i wagon, being pulled.
repair people. ;rand
le/daughters, a lot.
I request that my service line come in off Madison Avenue,
rahter than the line that presently serves my home. Please ir adjustments. We left
give this matter your immediate attention.
i) for the New Year,
It has been unexcusable to have my telephone service out over
the Christmas holidays. Staying in contact by phone with my in Riverbank, CA for
family and friends is important to me.
npliment to my dear sis-
Enclosed is my check for $23.74 to pay this month's service.
I am planning to protest your poor repair service with the )m a stroke. Eldora is
Public Utilities Commission. I feel that I must do something
to urge you to get my telephone service going
'-T speech is very/'•
satisfaction. Please respond to my letter. iry ; .badly about her Aunt
in turned back on yet.
)n with a small-claims

Bell will do any good?

irity Bank in Salt Lake
from Maureen Wolfe.
ommission in San Fran

J«fltSIpLk ! Robert K. Shaw ts to Pacific Bell« etc

5370 Nugget Road oy Fay Callahan. wa
Fair Oaks, CA 95628 in Nampa, Idaho, bou
ir the
re&ay, December 26, 2000. There is not much left of this year, time-wise

ry Lou went to Coloina, CA with Holly and her kids today. I did not feel
ill enough to go along on the ride. I took/chain saw in for service.

We had a slow start this morning and slept in until after

a.m. Holly came over and invited us to go to Coloma today with her and her

lys . I did not feel well and so did not go. Lou said that she saw a film

:esentation about the "Mormon Trail and Tragedy Springs." The early pioneers

lilt several miles of roads by making gravel out of the rocks, a mile a day.
'd like to review the story of the pioneers and the Tragedy Springs account.
Holly said that she called Pacific Bell and reminded them that

have health problems and need^/ telephone. The service has been out for over

i week. I wrote to

nas the only Pacific

plaint by sending p

a written statement
that. The/service w


check for $431 from

can we request a new

Maureen and ask for

■ • I
operate properly. T

I shopped at Long's

for this typewriter.


doing well. The ho

I think that we did (

It is the only advert

the riding mower ign:
:omputer. I use the
ransmission. I sti.
ortea and processed.
PfnifC Bel1, Customer Service Management
140 New Montgomery Street, S.F. Personal & Confidential
r and cool day. How can
This letter is a complaint about repair servie at the
above address. leasant to be home with
HP Service is out, beginning a second week. There has been
rt visit with their Mom.
a minimum of interest on your part in getting the service
restored. Communication with your repair people has been nil. gown for Mary Lou. It

Please provide me with a cell phone as I do not have any size. Holly exchanged
telephone communication service.
o have Holly on our side.
Also, I request to be given a telephone servie ine off
Madison Avenue. This should not bo Ck/ repair the ignition on

M -zz
, ' / - j he leaves. The grass

' 8-

fts projects with Mary

jb j m s
e girls to braid some

zb) tUtfz ey have to do a task

to do a crafts project

>Ji+ ^
ne, I hitched up the

nd Sophia around the

fb xyirw
that the pulling of them

aughter Bonding." Margo

e wagon, being pulled,

he/daughters, a lot.

or adjustments. We left

offa hoi iday table arrangement (greenery with candle) for the New Year.

Beth said that she had dinner with Karen and Bruce, in Riverbank, CA for

Christmas. Beth said that her father is calm, a compliment to my dear sis

ter, Karen. Dr. Beth's Aunt Eldora is suffering from a stroke. Eldora is
Beth's mother's sister and is about age 80-yearst 8®* speech is very/>
Aunt Eldora is in a wrsing home now. ,Beth feels very : .badly about her Aun
The telephone servide hafe not been been turned back on yet.

That is a crying shame! Could we get their> attention with a small-claims

court action? I doubt if my two letters to Pacific Bell will do any good
I will have to call First Security Bank in Salt Lak
City, UT and find out what to do with the $431 ch«£k from Maureen Wolfe.
Also, 1 have to call California Public Utilities Commission in San Fran
cisco, CA for a claim form about withholding payments to Pacific Bell, et
Mary Lou keyboarded the writing, "Lantern Lights," by Fay Callahan. “
-y- -- * -bout events over 60-years ago, in Nampa, Idaho, lou
originally written ab
also wrote a letter to Fav Callahan, thanking her for_the good writing
Jl y. / A Lz^
/! 1 t-P) aj^
S> J -L * ‘ SJ ^

iwiJgy» December 26, 2

jtlA^4 /jyd-^UiUy
ary Lou went to Colom

ell enou
We fc

a.m. Holly came ov«

f f[S*y ** u *
oys. X did not feel
resentation about thi

uilt several miles o

I'd like to review th

L have health problem

a week. I wrote to

was the only Pacific


plaint by sending p

a written statement
that. The/service »


check for $431 from

can we request a new

Maureen and ask for

operate properly. 1

I shopped at Long's

for this typewriter.


doing well. The ho

I think that we did

It is the only adver

the riding mower ign
i I use the
Iompliter . *-
Wednesday, December 27, 2000. It was another clear and cool day. How can

we be so lucky, with the nice weather? It is so pleasant to be home with

Mary Lou. Chloe and Sophia Shaw came by for a short visit with their Mom.

Holly was our shopper, to purchase a gown for Mary Lou. It

was a Christmas present from but not the correct size. Holly exchanged

it today for a more appropriate gown. It is good to have Holly on our side.

The Sears repairman came out today to repair the ignition on

the riding mower. I mowed the lawns and mulched the leaves. The grass

look better and the work kept me busy this morning.

The Shaw daughters worked on some crafts projects with Mary

Lou. She did some braiding of reeds and allowed the girls to braid some

pipe cleaners. The girls are a bit impatient if they have to do a task

that they do not particularly like' or if they try to do a crafts project

for which they do not have the requisite skills, etc.
After being with them on the trampoline, I hitched up the

red wagon to the garden tractor and pulled Chloe and Sophia around the

yard. They liked that immensely. I like to think that the pulling of them

in the wagon was a case of "Grandfather and Grand-daughter Bonding." Margo

came back from her shopping and saw the girls in the wagon, being pulled.
I think it shows that their grandparents care for the/daughters, a lot.

We went to Dr. Beth 's Chiropractic for adjustments. We left

°ffa holiday table arrangement (greenery with candle) for the New Year.

Beth said that she had dinner with Karen and Bruce, in Riverbank, CA for

Christmas. Beth said that her father is calm, a compliment to my dear sis

ter, Karen. Dr. Beth's Aunt Eldora is suffering from a stroke.Eldora is

Beth's mother's sister and is about age 80-yearsi H®* speech is very/'
Aunt Eldora is in a tursing home now. sBeth feels very ‘.badly about her Aui
The telephone servide hah not been been turned hack on yet.
'• ’ t
That is a crying shame! Could we get theirs attention with a small-claims
\ i * ’’ ♦
court action? I dbubt if my two letters to Pacific Bell will do any good
I will have to call First Security Bank in Salt Lak
City, UT and find out what to do with the $431 ch^pk from Maureen Wolfe.
Also, I have to call California Public Utilities Commission in San Fran
cisco, CA for a claim form about withholding payments to Pacific Bell.®'1
Mary Lou keyboarded the writing, "Lantern Lights," by ^ay Callahan. “u
originally written about events over 60-years ago, in Nampa, idano.
also wrote a letter to Fay Callahan, thanking her for the good writing
Jayle Soren called. Jaron has been working at Bon Marche Department Store on
Ls break from college.
srvice now.
Jaron has set up a web page.
Alta Vista has gone out of business.
We do not have inter-net
Mike will set up a service.]
Thursday, December 28, 2000. The telephone service was turned on this afternoon.

There was not any explanation for the cessation of service for nine days.
a. . 1 keyboarding
around the house today. Mary Lou is still /. on computer

I called the Public Utilities Commission for a form. I could

dot get through so I wrote them a note. I'd like to get a telephone service

Line off Madison Avenue to our house, to prevent some of this poor service from
end of the matter.
happening in the future. I'm sure the telephone company wants this to be the /

I also called First Security Bank in Salt Lake City, UT. They
said that there is not sufficient funljp in the account for the $431 check to

clear. We wrote Maureen Wolfe for a new check. We told her about the $10

service charge that Provident Credit put on our account. Bob Henshaw also

called. He is having problems coming up with funeral expenses and asked to be

given some time, until next month or so, to pay the floral bills for/funeral.

Scott e-mailed a family letter. That was considerate of him.

The new address is 1641 Hillside Court, New Hyde Park, N.Y., 11040. The

phone number is (516) 488-2627. I hope that Scott was able to get some help

with the moving work. Hopefully, this will be a better rental for them.
Scott wrote out Ten Priorities to help us with our human

relations in the new year. Scott has a lot of perception about human beings.

We want to go ahead an(j complete the "Family Flyer" this week and get it mailed

out. We do not have any color photo sheets so the cost should be less.

This week has buzzed by quickly. Mary Lou will start her new
and Ray
semester of classes on Monday. Mary/Fairbairn invited us over to their apart

ment in Carmichael for New Year's dinner on Sunday. Holly has invited us over

on Monday for dinner. It is pleasant to be wanted and loved.

Would you believe, I took the time to pull the nails out of

those 2x4 and 2x6 boards that Michael gav.e me. I could not find a hammer

i-o help me in my work. Michael said that he would come over Saturday and

eip me with my tasks, to be done, around the house and yard. Mary Lou went

T7-^ltson's home for her weekly oil painting lesson. I washed the Toy-
n T/inic
3 „ j looks better. I hope none of the new car paint *was washed off the
■a and it -L<J
[X didn't work on writing up the "Shaw Family Flyer" today./ JL won «-
have time to do the work tomorrow either. I'd like to print
print it this month.]
Friday, December 29, 2000. This was a stay-at-home day for us. Mary
make up an
Lou is still keyboarding her records. She also was asked to /

arrangement and plant for some lady at Holly's work. The Miller boys came
Chloe and Sophia with,
over. Jared and Joshua very kindly gave/ rides, helped/< . .scooters.

It was another clear day with temperatures in the 50's.

I'd like to get the fruit trees sprayed for leaf-curl tomorrow. That

could give us a better chance of having fruit on the trees. Also, I'd

like to trim the branches on the shrubs, in the front yard. Then per

haps we could get a chipper from the rental yard and mulch the limbs.
Michael and Jared will be / early in the morning. I'd also

like to have Mike get the yard lights operating correctly. They do not

seem to turn off automatically during the day. Also, I have the air

conditioner in the family room window that I'd like to take out. Too bad

that I don't have the chain saw to cut the heavy limbs, in the yard.

Holly has a co-worker who is in the hospital. Lou made up

some flowers and bought a plant and Eldon delivered it. Melissa called

Holly about being in a sideswipe auto accident. It happened at Highway

50 and Hazel Avenue. I saw Melissa's Ford auto and the damage did not

look to be major. Melissa hurt her back and will see a chiropractor, etc

Margo is taking back items received to be able to purchase a

new VCR. She brought the daughters by our house. They had their pennie

needed to ride in the wagon, pulled by the garden tractor. I pulled the

around until Jared and Joshua came by. The Miller boys were so good to

help the Shaw sisters again. Also, Chloe had brought her scooter, as di

Jared and Joshua. They rode down Nugget Road. Jared helped Sophia be

come more familiar with a scooter. Sophia is growing up fast and learn:

quickly also. It won't be long before she can ride a scooter @ 4-years

Both girls like to jump with the Miller boys on the trampoline.

The Miller boys played table games with Mary Lou this eveni
They are so respectful and are good company for Mary Lou and I. Mr.
Smith is nailing siding on his garage and work room, across the way. H
( wants to remodel their house and needs a place ta work, build cabinets
It is convenient to have the telephone service turned on, after ten day
or so of being off. I still want Pacific Bell to bring in a line fr°“
Mddison Avenue
.. ■■-----------
Saturday, December 30, 2000. Michael Shaw and Jared Miller worked in our yard

They trimmed the eucalptus tree and the shrubs, etc. Mary Lou and I boughjc

some rooted fruit trees at Bell Hardware. The cost, $160 for four trees.

It was cool and clear today, a good day to work in the yard,

I did not provide the list of tasks to be done, as Michael requested. The

trimming took about all of the work time. The chain saw is still in the re

pair shop so Michael used the pruners to cut o^tt t':le euca3ptus limbs. Jared

pulled the limbs to the west lot, under the oak tree. I hope to rent a chipper.

Bare root trees are not available from Bell. We bought the more expen

sive rooted trees. The workman said that the trees should produce this year. We have a

peach tree, a cherry tree, etc. I will have to make a list of the exact varieties of the

trees. We plan to plant them along the south property line of our lot.

Mike and Jared chopped out the weeds from the flower boxes

at the front of the house. They tore out the spearmint plants. They also
bulbs and plantej
'trimmed the holly bush. Lou and I bought some daffodil / .

them in the flower box at the front step. We put mulch and bark on the

flower bed. I hope that the bulbs grow and blossom.

I paid Jared $20 for working. Mike would not take any money.

He wants me to come up to his place to work on Tuesday of next week. It is

expensive to purchase leaf-curl spray, mulch, fertilizers, etc. I guess that

we should have waited until the bare-root stock came in to the nursery. "the

price on the fruit trees would be cut in half, at least. Mike called later

and said that he would come early on Saturday, 1/6/01, to put in the trees.

Chris Prentice has returned from Utah. Mark Allen is fixing

up his house and putting Tim and Sandy Allen plus Becky and Jason Allen in the

basement. That will allow him to set up two apartments upstairs for college

students. Chris is helping Mark with some financing for the repairs. Some of

the renters have been behind in their rents but Mark has not complained.

Chris wants to goJto Las Vegas, NV for the New Year celebration
She must be vsrv
, f She stays at hostels and becomes friends with the

Other travelers. They offer a variety of religions and national backgrounds,







Flags of the United States ICMA

2001 Greetings of the Seasons 2001

January February March
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28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

April May June A M»«HANS

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 1 2
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July August September

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Sunday, December 31, 2000. There were some summaries in the newspaper

about events of this year. Last year, there was a lot of hoopla about

Y2K and the impending doom of the many changes that the year would bring.

This was the Sunday for Deanne Ellsworth's "homecoming talk,"

at First Ward Sacrament Meeting. Per the reports, she told of the diffi

culties of working in Russia among the poor people there. She met one

man who might have been related to the Meinzers,a German in Russia.

The Meinzer family were out in force today at the Church meet-
ing. / occupied a lot of space in the chapel. They sang lustily and

added a lot to the meeting. Janie Erickson also attended and heard fjlVst
hand from her friend, Deanne Ellsworth.

Deanne must hay^fe worked hard over there An Rusai^. 'Aitc

___ 1 * *'
Sissell and wif/’are interested in the 'Trt!ermKn¥ xn T£ussia^"y^ Jjtalin must

have complet-fiiy revoked their living rights and "transported" the Germans,

during the 20th century. What happened to those "Germans in Russia?"

I have heard that the Haulocaust (sp) would appear less terrible, in

comparison with the atrocities of Stalin and the Russian leaders.

Mary Lou said that someone contribued six computers to the

First Ward Family History Center. This will put First Ward on a par with

the computer equipment at Mormon Center. I don't know other details.

We went to Ray and Mary Fairbairn's apartment on Walnut Avenu

in Carmichael. They have a lot more space n^. Rai ja&s resting but. c«me
out later. They seem to be doing well nc Ray said that he receives 'SE
for his illness. Mary also might receive benefits. They have their vidi

relating to "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and "Generation X,11 etc. Mary had
a nice meal of left-over turkey. Linda had been up from Los Banos/and

they hung up some photos in the front room, with George Senior's help.

They walk around the neighborhood so that is a good report. Ray told o:
being in the Navy during the Viet Nam Conflict, for seven years. X don
know much about his work history hut both of them worked in Silicon Val
Mary tells of attending Church services at a Ward near the apartment,
might also be ready to go to Church but I don't know any particulars.
So, we had a quiet New Year's Eve. I watched some football. We were v
at midnight and we saw the New Year in. It was quiet in the neighbor^

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