Why Do Bad Happens To Good People - Must Read

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Why do bad happens to Good People?

1. Who will decide who is good who is bad?

- Doctor and theif both have knife in hand
- Anyone always glorifying us
- Richness/ beauty/ bodily stengh etc makes one good or bad
- Children finds same parents to know everything/ best parents…. Teenagers- see most backward parents
- Child may see parents as bad while training him

2. Who will decide what is good, what is bad?

- Adverisements Amitabh bacchan selling products
- Mind will decide?
- Fashion?
- Current knowledge which keeps changing- scientific theories keep changing?
- Gym person- feels pain | pregnanat women feels pain
- Is high rain fall good or bad?

3. Who will decide?

dharmaà tu säkñäd bhagavat-praëétaà
na vai vidur åñayo näpi deväù
na siddha-mukhyä asurä manuñyäù
kutaç ca vidyädhara-cäraëädayaù

Real religious principles are enacted by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Although fully situated in the
mode of goodness, even the great åñis who occupy the topmost planets cannot ascertain the real religious
principles, nor can the demigods or the leaders of Siddhaloka, to say nothing of the asuras, ordinary human
beings, Vidyädharas and Cäraëas

4. Why this question arises?

1, people they give up their faith or they hold on to a faith that is very superficial and shallow. Because they
have no answers or they invent answers that contradict the Holy Scriptures that reveal God.

Read 10.7

5. Read shloka 4.7- translation

- Dhratrashtra pastime of 100 sons
- Story of Vijay
6. What we are getting today is result of past activities
- Pension
Desire of Sinning
dried leaves of creepers beneath a bamboo tree may be completely burnt to ashes by a fire although
the creepers may sprout again because the root is still in the ground.
Similarly, because the root of sinful desire is not destroyed in the heart of a person who is cultivating knowledge
but who has no taste for devotional service, there is a possibility that his sinful desires will reappear.
Automatically lusty desires develop
Child starts drinking mother’s milk

2 divisions of sins

two divisions; prärabdha and aprärabdha.

Prärabdha refers to sinful reactions from which one is suffering at the present,
aprärabdha refers to sources of potential suffering.

When the seeds (béja) of sinful reactions have not yet fructified, the reactions are called aprärabdha. These
seeds of sinful action are unseen, but they are unlimited, and no one can trace when they were first planted.
Because of prärabdha, sinful reactions that have already fructified, one is seen to have taken birth in a low
family or to be suffering from other miseries.
Prarabdha sins are those for which the jiva must suffer the reactions in his present life span.

The sins whose reactions will be suffered in one’s next life are called aprarabdha.
The sins committed by the jiva in innumerable lifetimes are added to the series of previous aprarabdha sins
and in his next birth fructify as prarabdha sins.

Now see how bhakti also destroys aprarabdha sins:

aprarabdha-phalam papam kutam bijam phalonmukham

kramenaiva praliyeta Visnu-bhakti-ratatmanam

Padma Purana and Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu 1.1.23

“For those who have undeviating and exclusive attachment for Visnu-bhakti, their (i) aprarabdha or the
accumulated stock of sins which are lying in a dormant condition, (ii) kuta or sins which are tending toward
producing seeds, which means that they are beginning to take shape as sinful desires, (iii) bija or seeds
which are already established as sinful desires and (iv) prarabdha or fructified sins are all destroyed in
sequence.” The purport is that for the destruction of their sins, the devotees need not perform any separate
acts of either karma or jnana as atonement.

7. Human form-junction of train

8. Ignorance of laws
9. Laws of Karma act we believe or not- gravity| man expert to deal with electricity
10. Diff btw law of govt and low of karma- govt can kill u 1 time for 100 kills-cannot be escaped


1. God has given all of us free will

lower species have very less free will
man higer anxieties

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