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User Guide

BkS300 Multi-format Streaming Server

BkS300 Version 1.2

User Guide BkS300 V1.3
User Guide BkS300 V1.2


This legal notice ("Notice") applies to any product (hardware and/or software) (hereafter "Products") provided or
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User Guide BkS300 V1.2

1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 7

1.1. RELATED DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................................................................... 7

1.2. GUIDE STRUCTURE ............................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3. GUIDE CONVENTIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 8
1.4. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS........................................................................................................................................... 8
1.4.1. General Safety Summary.......................................................................................................................... 8
1.4.2. Product Damage Precautions ................................................................................................................ 10

2. PRODUCT OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................ 11

DOWNLOAD ............................................................................................................................................................. 11

2.2. GLOBAL ARCHITECTURE ....................................................................................................................................... 11

2.3. PACKAGE OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................................... 13
2.3.1. BkS300 package folder content.............................................................................................................. 13
2.3.2. Configuration files under root folder ...................................................................................................... 14

3. GETTING STARTED ..................................................................................................................................... 16

3.1. HARDWARE INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................... 16

3.1.1. Powering On ........................................................................................................................................... 16
3.1.2. Starting the Application ......................................................................................................................... 16

PART 1 HLS & SS CONFIGURATION .............................................................................................. 17

4. OPERATING BASICS PART 1 ....................................................................................................................... 19

4.1. GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACES OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................... 19

4.1.1. Available Monitoring /Configuration GUI .............................................................................................. 19
4.1.2. Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager ........................................................................................... 19
4.1.3. Broadpeak IIS plugin Configuration/Monitoring GUI ............................................................................. 21
4.2. MONITORING VOD/LIVE SERVER THROUGH IIS MANAGER ........................................................................................ 22
4.2.1. Smooth Streaming Site, VoD Only .......................................................................................................... 22
4.2.2. Smooth Streaming Site, VoD and Live .................................................................................................... 28
4.3. MONITORING SYSTEM THROUGH BROADPEAK GUI................................................................................................... 35
4.3.1. System Monitoring ................................................................................................................................. 35
4.3.2. Live Monitoring ...................................................................................................................................... 36
4.4. CONFIGURING BROADPEAK PLUGIN........................................................................................................................ 38
4.4.1. Static/dynamic parameters .................................................................................................................... 38
4.4.2. Configuration GUI Layout ...................................................................................................................... 38

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4.4.3. Common Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 40

4.4.4. Main Configuration ................................................................................................................................ 44
4.4.5. Module Configuration ............................................................................................................................ 47
4.4.6. Provisioning Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 48
4.4.7. Live Manager Configuration .................................................................................................................. 50
4.5. LICENSE ............................................................................................................................................................ 51
4.5.1. Current license information ................................................................................................................... 51
4.5.2. Updating license..................................................................................................................................... 52

5. REPORTS AND LOGS .................................................................................................................................. 54

5.1. REPORTS FILES ................................................................................................................................................... 54

5.1.1. VoD Provisioning report files .................................................................................................................. 54
5.1.2. Live Provisioning report files .................................................................................................................. 54
5.1.3. Live Detailed Provisioning report files .................................................................................................... 54
5.1.4. Client Report Files .................................................................................................................................. 54
5.1.5. Session Report Files ................................................................................................................................ 54
5.2. LOG FILES ......................................................................................................................................................... 55

6. EXTERNAL COMPONENTS .......................................................................................................................... 56

6.1. FILEZILLA SERVER................................................................................................................................................ 56

6.2. WINSCP ........................................................................................................................................................... 56

7. TROUBLESHOOTING PART 1 ...................................................................................................................... 57

BKM100 SUPERVISION SEES THE SERVER KO ................................................................................................................. 57

AFTER RESTART, THE SYSTEM SEEMS TO BE BLOCKED ........................................................................................................ 57
LIVE CANNOT BE VIEWED FROM PLAYER ......................................................................................................................... 57
VOD CANNOT BE VIEWED BY PLAYERS ........................................................................................................................... 57
VOD PROVISIONING DOES NOT WORK ........................................................................................................................... 57
FTP PUSH TO ANALYTICS DOESN’T WORK ....................................................................................................................... 57

8. EXITING THE APPLICATION ........................................................................................................................ 57

PART 2 WMS PLUGIN ..................................................................................................................... 58

9. OPERATING BASICS PART 2 ....................................................................................................................... 60

9.1. BROADPEAK WMS PLUGIN PACKAGE OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................... 60

9.1.1. Folder tree View ..................................................................................................................................... 60
9.1.2. Folder content ........................................................................................................................................ 60
9.2. WINDOWS MEDIA SERVICE ADMINISTRATION APPLICATION ........................................................................................ 61
9.2.1. Starting Windows Media Services .......................................................................................................... 61
9.2.2. Left Panel view ....................................................................................................................................... 62

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9.2.3. Right Panel view ..................................................................................................................................... 63

9.3. BROADPEAK WMS PLUGIN CONFIGURATION .......................................................................................................... 65
9.3.1. Accessing configuration tabs ................................................................................................................. 65
9.3.2. Plugin Activation/deactivation ............................................................................................................... 66
9.3.3. Network Configuration Tab .................................................................................................................... 67
9.3.4. Report Configuration Tab ....................................................................................................................... 69
9.3.5. Vod/Live Configuration Tab ................................................................................................................... 70
9.3.6. Advanced Configuration Tab .................................................................................................................. 72
9.4. EXTERNAL COMPONENTS ..................................................................................................................................... 75
9.4.1. Filezilla server ......................................................................................................................................... 75
9.4.2. Winscp.................................................................................................................................................... 75
9.5. REPORTS AND LOGS ............................................................................................................................................ 75
9.5.1. Reports and Logs .................................................................................................................................... 75
9.5.2. Logs files ................................................................................................................................................. 76

10. TROUBLESHOOTING PART 2 .................................................................................................................. 77

10.1. CDN SUPERVISION SEE THE SERVER KO ................................................................................................................ 77

10.2. AFTER RESTART, THE PLUGIN SEEMS TO BE BLOCKED ............................................................................................... 77
10.3. LIVE CANNOT BE VIEWED FROM PLAYER ................................................................................................................ 77
10.4. VOD CANNOT BE VIEWED BY PLAYERS .................................................................................................................. 77
10.5. VOD PROVISIONING DOES NOT WORK .................................................................................................................. 77
10.6. FTP PUSH TO SKYTIDE DOESN’T WORK .................................................................................................................. 77

11. SHUTTING DOWN THE SYSTEM.............................................................................................................. 78

APPENDIX A. HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS ....................................................................................................... 79

A.1 POWER SUPPLY........................................................................................................................................... 79

A.2 SAFETY / EMC SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................... 79

A.3 ENVIRONEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................... 79

A.4 MECHANICAL (PHYSICAL) CHARACTERISTICS .............................................................................................. 80

APPENDIX B. SESSION REPORT FORMAT ........................................................................................................... 81

APPENDIX C. GLOSSARY .................................................................................................................................... 83

C.1 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 83

C.2 ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................................................. 83

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Figure 1. Global architecture ................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 2. BkS300 package folder tree view .............................................................................................................. 13
Figure 3. Managing Broadpeak services and W3SVC Service .................................................................................. 16
Figure 4. Starting IIS Manager .................................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 5. IIS Manager GUI ........................................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 6. Broadpeak IIS plugin Configuration/Monitoring GUI. ............................................................................... 21
Figure 7. IIS Sites inside IIS Manager. ...................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 8. VoD Silverlight Site bindings ..................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 9. Silverlight site advanced settings .............................................................................................................. 24
Figure 10. Mime type inside IIS Manager ................................................................................................................ 25
Figure 11. Mime type for HLS support ..................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 12. Media Services: Smooth Streaming Presentations feature .................................................................... 26
Figure 13. Smooth Streaming Presentations view. .................................................................................................. 26
Figure 14. Smooth Streaming Presentation details ................................................................................................. 27
Figure 15. HLS Folder content view ......................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 16. Exploring a service .................................................................................................................................. 28
Figure 17. IIS Sites folder view ................................................................................................................................. 28
Figure 18. VoD and Live Silverlight Site bindings ..................................................................................................... 29
Figure 19. VoD and Live Silverlight application pools .............................................................................................. 29
Figure 20. Folder structure view for live services .................................................................................................... 30
Figure 21. Live Streaming publishing points ............................................................................................................ 31
Figure 22. Live Streaming publishing points view .................................................................................................... 31
Figure 23. Live Streaming publishing points: Basic Settings .................................................................................... 32
Figure 24. Live Streaming publishing points: Advanced Settings ............................................................................. 32
Figure 25. Live Streaming publishing points: Mobile Devices Settings .................................................................... 33
Figure 26. Live Streaming publishing points detailed view ..................................................................................... 33
Figure 27. System Status Tab ................................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 28. Live Status Tab ........................................................................................................................................ 36
Figure 29. Broadpeak IIS plugin Configuration Layout ............................................................................................. 39
Figure 30. Common Static Parameters .................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 31. Common Dynamic Parameters ............................................................................................................... 43
Figure 32. Main Static Parameters ........................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 33. Main Dynamic Parameters ...................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 34. Module Static Parameters ...................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 35. Module Dynamic Parameters ................................................................................................................. 47
Figure 36. Provisioning Static Parameters ............................................................................................................... 48

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Figure 37. Provisioning Dynamic Parameters .......................................................................................................... 49

Figure 38. Live Manager Static Parameters ............................................................................................................. 50
Figure 39. Live Manager Dynamic Parameters ........................................................................................................ 50
Figure 40. License Tab - current license information .............................................................................................. 52
Figure 41. License Tab license file selection ........................................................................................................... 52
Figure 42. License Tab - new license information ................................................................................................... 53
Figure 43. License Tab - final license information ................................................................................................... 53

Table 1. Static configuration files ............................................................................................................................. 14
Table 2. Dynamic configuration files ........................................................................................................................ 14
Table 3. Format logs table ....................................................................................................................................... 55
Table 4. AC power source characteristics ................................................................................................................ 79
Table 5. Safety/EMC specifications table ................................................................................................................. 79
Table 6. Environmental characteristics .................................................................................................................... 79
Table 7. Mechanical characteristics ......................................................................................................................... 80
Table 8. Acronyms table .......................................................................................................................................... 83

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User Guide BkS300 V1.2

This User guide provides background information, modeling, and supervising and maintenance
instructions for the BkS300 Multi-format Streaming Server.

1.1. Related documents

The following documents are referenced in this document and may be of help for further understanding
of the BkS300 Server:
 Broadpeak BkM100 User Guide
Third-parties documents used as sources:
 Server specifications: IBM Problem Determination and Service Guide IBM System
x3650 M3 (Type 7947):

1.2. Guide Structure

The guide contains the following parts:

Getting Started
This section provides you with the following information:
 Overview of the product, features, and environment.
 Basic instructions on starting the system.
Engineering - Operating Basics

The first part of this guide describes the server’s usage with the HLS and smooth streaming
configuration. Please refer to the section OPERATING BASICS PART 1 only.

The second part of this user guide describes the server’s usage with the WMS configuration. Please refer
to the section OPERATING BASICS part 2 only.

This section provides you with the following information:

 GUI layout overview and GUI extensive map.
 Basics and concepts.
 Tutorials for modeling, supervising and maintaining elements.
 Miscellaneous information (read the manual, display the software version).
Specifications (appendix)
This section lists provides you with the following information:
 Environmental and physical characteristics.
 Basic instructions on unpacking, hardware.
 Definitions of the key concepts.

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1.3. Guide Conventions

Warning statements identify conditions or practices that could result in injury or death.

Warning statements identify conditions or practices that could result in damage to this product or

Statements identify conditions or practices that could result in the loss or degradation of signal or

NOTE. Note statements identify additional information pointed out to your attention.

Internal links: Click to reach the section.

1.4. Safety Instructions

1.4.1. General Safety Summary

Please observe the following safety precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to this product or
any products connected to it.
These servicing instructions are for the use of qualified personnel only.

Electric Overload: To avoid any electric overload, only apply a voltage in the range specified in this
Circuit Overloading: To avoid any circuit overloading on overcurrent protection and supply wiring, pay
regular attention to the connection of the equipment of the supply circuit and equipment nameplate
Mains Power and Circuit Overloading (required for UL): To switch off easily and safely, the connection
video POPs position in the rack must ensure that plugs and power cords can be reach easily.
Reliable Earthing (required for UL): To limit the build-up of static electricity when handling flammable
products or when repairing electronic, before power-up, ensure that the power cords are properly
Use Proper Power Cord: To avoid any electrical damage, use only the power cord specified for this
product and certified for the country of use.

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User Guide BkS300 V1.2 Rack Mounting Information (required for UL)

Do Not Service Alone: To avoid serious injury or death, do not perform internal service or adjustments
of this product unless another person capable of rendering first aid and resuscitation is present.

Avoid Exposed Circuitry: To avoid any electrical shock, do not touch exposed connections and
components when power is present.

Do Not Operate in Explosive Atmosphere: To avoid injury or fire hazard, do not operate this product in
an environment at risk from flammable gas, vapours, powder and dust.

Do Not Operate Without Covers: To avoid any electric shock or fire hazard, do not operate this
equipment with cover or blank panels removed. Keep Product Surfaces Clean and Dry.

Do Not Operate in Wet/Damp Conditions: To avoid electric shock, this product should only be operated
in dry conditions.

Handling Precautions (Weight >18 kg): To avoid any injury due to load weight, ask another person for
help or use an adapted carry lift when installing the device in a rack (or removing it from a rack).
Elevated Operating Ambient: To avoid a rack environment’s overheating (as specified by the
manufacturer) do not install the rack in a closed or multi-unit rack assembly.

Proper ventilation: To keep the equipment in an environment compatible with the maximum ambient
temperature specified by the manufacturer, provide proper ventilation.

Reduced Air Flow: To avoid unsafe operation on the equipment in a rack the air flow must match the
manufacturer specifications.

Mechanical Loading: To avoid hazardous condition due to uneven mechanical loading, the equipment in
the rack must be mounted properly.

Reliable Earthing (required for UL): To limit the build-up of static electricity when handling flammable
products or when repairing electronic, ensure that the device is properly grounded.

Use only the power cord specified for this product and certified for the country of use.

Pay particular attention to supply connections other than direct connections to the branch circuit (e.g.
use of power strips).

Power Disconnecting: To avoid any electrical shock, disconnect power, remove battery (if applicable),
and disconnect test leads before removing protective video POPs, protective panels, soldering, or
replacing components (operations performed by qualified service personnel only).

If the chassis has more than one power supply cord, disconnect all power supply cords before servicing.

Replacement of Lithium Battery: To avoid any explosion, burn, chemical reaction or electrical shock,
replace the lithium battery with a new one with the same or equivalent type recommended by the
manufacturer (operation only performed by qualified personnel).

Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer's instruction. Do not dispose of batteries with
the general household waste.

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User Guide BkS300 V1.2 Specific Safety Instructions for Finland, Norway and Sweden

Finland: Laite on liitettävä suojamaadoituskoskettimilla varustettuun pistorasiaan.
Norway: Apparatet må tilkoples jordet stikkontakt.
Sweden: Apparaten skall anslutas till jordat uttag.

1.4.2. Product Damage Precautions

Connection: The connection video POPs should comply with the legislation in force in the country of

Dusty Atmosphere: Install the device in a dust free environment, as it features no air filter

Provide Proper Ventilation: Provide proper ventilation to prevent product overheating. All empty slots
should be fitted with blank panels (mask plates) so as not to impair ventilation.

Do Not Operate With Suspected Failures: Do not use the product if you suspect any damage, have it
inspected by qualified service personnel.

Replacing Components: Only use components from or approved by Broadpeak.

Retain Original Packaging: When returning the equipment to the Customer Services Department, the
faulty device must be packed where possible in its original packaging (protective corners and boxes).
Observe the packaging guidelines described in section Repacking for shipment.

Use Proper Fuse: Use only the fuse type and rating specified for this product.

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2.1. Microsoft Silverlight Smooth Streaming, HTTP Live Streaming
Support, Windows Media & HTTP progressive download

The tremendous growth in video-over-IP consumption has brought with it a rise in the number of
streaming formats commonly used.

MPEG-2 Transport Stream and Flash RTMP have been joined by adaptive formats such as Microsoft
Silverlight Smooth Streaming and Apple HTTP Live Streaming.Content networks must be prepared to
efficiently handle whatever format is coming through.

The adaptive streaming methods used in the BkS300 are perfectly suited to address video over non-
managed networks (typically the Open Internet) where the “best-effort” mode is the rule.

By dynamically adapting the bitrate of the delivered content to the capacity of the network,
the BkS300 system enables operators to considerably improve the user experience by reducing picture
freezes and black screens due to long buffering time.

The Broadpeak’s BkS300 handles the Microsoft Silverlight Smooth Streaming Format and HTTP Live
Streaming, WMS streaming for both Live and VoD, and manage a progressive download feature.

2.2. Global Architecture

Figure 1. Global architecture

 The BkS300 streamer is managed by the Broadpeak CDN Mediator (BkM100), while
collecting and redistributing streaming requests.

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 BkM100 uses FTP protocol for VoD contents provisioning to BkS300 Servers.
 Live HLS and Microsoft Smooth Streaming, Windows Media Services management is
performed through the BkM100 Graphical User Interface.
 Services are automatically created on the BkS300 where encoders push live contents.

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2.3. Package Overview

2.3.1. BkS300 package folder content

All Broadpeak files are located under « c:\broadpeak ».

Figure 2. BkS300 package folder tree view

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2.3.2. Configuration files under root folder Static/Dynamic configuration

Components configuration are loaded and saved through « ini » files, located in the IIS plugging
directory under the root directory named Broadpeak. Two types of parameters can be configured:
► Static parameters: these parameters are loaded. If modified, these parameters are only
applied at next component startup.

Table 1. Static configuration files

Bdkiisstamaincfg.ini Static parameters of the main component

Bdkiisstamodulecfg.ini Static parameters of the module component

Bdkiisstaprocfg.ini Static parameters of the provisioning component

Bdkiisstalmcfg.ini Static parameters of the live manager component

► Dynamic parameters: These parameters are applied in the next 30s by the affected

NOTE. Do not modify these parameters without consulting a Broadpeak technician.

Table 2. Dynamic configuration files

Bdkiisdynmaincfg.ini Dynamic parameters of the main component

Bdkiisdynmodulecfg.ini Dynamic parameters of the module component

Bdkiisdynprocfg.ini Dynamic parameters of the provisioning component

Bdkiisdynlmcfg.ini Dynamic parameters of the live manager component Configuration directories

 binaries folder
This folder contains all Broadpeak components binary files.

 debug folder
This folder contains all Broadpeak components debug files.

 ftpclient folder
This folder contains all script and logs associated with ftp push to analytics system.

 live folder
This folder contains:

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o a subdirectory named HLS (dedicated to HLS lives) which contains one file per HLS
o a file named « bdkiislive.ini » which contains description of all lives declared on
the server.
This file is an « ini » file.
 report folder
This folder contains all reports generated by components. These reports are divided in 3 categories:

o CR (Client Report): contains daily files which report the status of all sessions
initialization and ending (2 logs per session played).
o PR (Provisioning report): contains daily files which report the status of all
ingestion and deletion of VoD and live contents and also detailed information on
live creation, deletion and status.
o SR (Session Report): contains two subfolders:
 private: contains multiple files which report the status of all session
initialization and ending (2 lines per played session). Each file corresponds to
a fixed period of time. This folder also contains a daily backup file which is a
concatenation of all these files. Private folder contains only current logs for
last passed time slot and backup files that contain day by day sum. Time slot
files are moved to public folder regularly when time slot ended in order to
push them to analytics system.
 public: This folder contains time slot session report files that are elapsed until
those files are pushed on analytics server by ftp script.
 Services folder
This folder contains binary files of all Bks300 services:

o BdkIISPluginService: Manage « Main » component.

o BdkIISLiveManagerService: Manage « Live Services Management » component.
o BdkIISProvisioningService: Manage « VoD Content Provisioning » component.
 Supervision folder
This folder contains http response files in case of BkS300 supervision by an external system.

 License folder
This folder contains files and folders necessary for BkS300 license management.

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This section guides you through the installation and configuration.

3.1. Hardware installation

Broadpeak support you with the system installation. For the very first hardware installations please
refer to the Appendix A Hardware Specifications . Then a member of Broadpeaks’ support team, checks
the hardware installation before installating the system and starting the configuration.

3.1.1. Powering On
To power on the platform, press the Power button with the tip of a pen. The server should start
When plugging the power supply cable, the server detects that it is being supplied and automatically

3.1.2. Starting the Application

The BkS300 components are automatically started at system start-up. The four Services which are
necessary for BkS300 are configured to start automatically:
 « W3SVC » ( World Wide Web Publishing Service )
 « BdkIISLiveManagerService »
 « BdkIISPluginService »
 « BdkIISProvisioningService »
All these services can be started, stopped, restarted using the system services manager:

Figure 3. Managing Broadpeak services and W3SVC Service

NOTE. The default user name and password for the Windows 2008 R2 is administrator | Broadpeak123

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Part 1
HLS & SS configuration

In the first part of this manual you can find information to configure your
equipment and servers based on the HLS and Smooth Streaming

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This section provides you with the following information:
 GUI layout overview and GUI extensive map.
 Basics and concepts.
 Tutorials for modeling, supervising and maintaining elements.
 Miscellaneous information (read the manual, display the software version).

4.1. Graphical User Interfaces Overview

The Bks300 can be monitored/configured through 2 main Graphical User Interfaces:

4.1.1. Available Monitoring /Configuration GUI

 The «Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager»: This is the standard IIS
monitoring/configuration Graphical User Interface.
 The «Broadpeak IIS plugin Configuration/Monitoring»: This is the Broadpeak module
monitoring/configuration Graphical User Interface.

4.1.2. Internet Information Service (IIS) Manager

IIS 7 can be administered through a user interface (UI), called IIS Manager. This topic describes the
sections in the UI. Starting IIS Manager

To launch IIS administration, from «menu bar», click «start» then «Administrative tools…» and
«Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager».

Figure 4. Starting IIS Manager

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User Guide BkS300 V1.2 IIS Manager GUI layout

This section gives you an overview of the IIS manager software.

Figure 5. IIS Manager GUI

 Navigation Toolbar:
IIS Manager contains a toolbar that you can use to navigate in the GUI. Depending on
your location or selection in the GUI, the following buttons are available:

o Back: goes back one page view.

o Forward: goes forward one page view.
o Refresh Page: updates the view of the current selected object in the UI.
o Stop: stops the current action in the UI from completing.
o Home: navigates to the home page of the current selection, such as the Web
server home page or a site home page.
o Help: opens list of links to Help documentation.
 Connection Manager and Treeview:
IIS 7 has a Connections pane and toolbar that let you connect to Web servers, sites, and applications.
When you connect to a Web server, site, or application from the Connections pane, the tree loads the
connection along with any children of the parent connection. For example, if you connect to a site, the
tree displays the site connection and the applications within that site.
The Connections toolbar contains the following buttons that let you interact with the tree:
o Create New Connection: starts the connection wizard to connect to a Web server,
a site, or an application.
o Save Current Connections: saves the connection information for the current list of
connections in the tree.
o Up: goes up one level in the hierarchy.

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o Delete Connection: removes the selected connection in the tree. If you click this
button when you are on a node other than the connection node, such as a
physical folder, the parent connection is removed from the list.
 Workspace:
The workspace is the area between the Connections pane and the Actions pane. The workspace has two
views: Features View and Content View.
When you select Features View, you can configure features for an object, such as a site or an
application. For example, when you select a site in the tree and then double-click the Modules feature
on the site's Home page, you can configure the modules for that site.
When you select Content View, you can view the actual content of the object that you select in the tree.
For example, when you select a site in the tree, the workspace displays the contents of that site, such as
its physical directories, virtual directories, and files.

NOTE. If you select an object in the list, such as a file, you can click Switch to Features View in the
Actions pane or in the right-click menu to configure features for that object.

You can also view the Windows properties of content from the Actions pane when you are in Content
 Actions Pane
You can use the Actions pane to configure IIS, ASP.NET, and IIS Manager settings. For example, you can
use the Actions pane to open dialog boxes and wizards that let you complete tasks in IIS Manager, such
as creating a site, adding a connection string for an application, or configuring recycling settings for an
application pool. Additionally, you can complete other tasks from the Actions pane, such as starting and
stopping a site or the Web server, or delegating a feature.

A more complete description of the whole available feature for Silverlight VoD and Live is presented in
next chapters.

4.1.3. Broadpeak IIS plugin Configuration/Monitoring GUI Starting Broadpeak IIS plugin Configuration/Monitoring GUI

To launch Broadpeak plugin configuration GUI, double click on the file « BdkIISSettingsGUI.exe »
located under « c:\broadpeak\iisplugin\binaries ». Broadpeak IIS plugin Configuration/Monitoring GUI Layout

Figure 6. Broadpeak IIS plugin Configuration/Monitoring GUI.

The Graphical User Interface is made of the three following main Tab View areas:
 Supervision Tab:

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This part of the GUI is dedicated to system supervision:

o BkS300 status: information about server status, total number of sessions, total
output bandwidth.
 The configuration Tab:
This part of the GUI is dedicated to configuration of all the BkS300 components.
 The License Tab:
This part of the GUI is dedicated to license management, including current license information and also
the upgrade process.

4.2. Monitoring VoD/Live Server through IIS Manager

4.2.1. Smooth Streaming Site, VoD Only

Unfold the « servername/site/silverlight » items on the treeview panel. Following windows is displayed:

Figure 7. IIS Sites inside IIS Manager.

The IIS site dedicated to smooth streaming/HLS is named «Silverlight». Starting/Stopping Silverlight Site

In normal case, the Silverlight site must be started. icon indicates the site is stopped. Starting the
site can be done by clicking on «start» button on the « Actions » pane.
On the « Actions » pane, you can see the status of the server:
 if start button ( ) is grey, the server is started.

 If start button is enabled ( ), the server is not started.

You can start, stop, restart the IIS Server using the «start», «stop», «restart» buttons of the action
pane. Note that pressing «F5» button before any operation will guaranty the GUI to be up to date.

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User Guide BkS300 V1.2 Checking Silverlight site configuration

a. Bindings
The bindings parameters define the IP Address/Port the site is configured to listen on. When «
Silverlight » site is selected on the left treeview, click on « Bindings… » on the action panel.
The following window appears:

Figure 8. VoD Silverlight Site bindings

There must be two IP/Port configured on the Silverlight site:

o The loopback IP with the same port as public port: this interface is used for
internal monitoring of the system. The protocol defined must be http.
o The public IP address /port of the server: this interface is used for client request
management and also for streaming. The protocol defined must be http.
o The LiveIP address /port of the server: this interface is used for
intercommunication between servers for live transmission. The protocol defined
must be http.

b. Advanced settings
On the right panel, click on “Advanced Settings…”
The following window appears:

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Figure 9. Silverlight site advanced settings

Following parameters must be set:

o The application Pool item must be «Silverlight». If not, it can be changed by
clicking on the item.
o The Physical Path item defines the root folder where VoD contents are stored. It
must point to the streams folder. (usually «e:\streams»)
o The Physical Path Credentials item must be blank.
o The Physical Path Credentials Logon Type item must be set to «Clear Text».
o The Start Automatically item must be set to «True».
o The Enabled Protocols must be «http».

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Figure 10. Mime type inside IIS Manager

Double clicking on mime type in the workspace of Silverlight site let you display all the supported
extensions and associated mime types. For HLS support, 3 mime types (m3u8,ts,key) have been added
and must be present in this list:

Figure 11. Mime type for HLS support Checking VoD contents

a. Folder structure
On the left treeview of the site, the entire folder related to VoD can be seen. These folders correspond
to the physical data present under the physical path parameter. In the previous example, the following
folders can be seen:
o «HotFolder»: the folder where new contents are ingested
o «VoDBundle»: this is the name of a VoD service. All VoD contents of this service
are present under this directory.
In any case, all present subfolders correspond to VoD services except the HotFolder folder.

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b. Viewing content information: Smooth Streaming content case

On the left treeview, click on the folder where you want to check contents (ex: «VoDBundle»). On the
workspace, click on «Smooth Streaming» under «Media Services»:

Figure 12. Media Services: Smooth Streaming Presentations feature

The following window appears:

Figure 13. Smooth Streaming Presentations view.

In this view, you can see all the VoD contents present under the service with a first level of information.
To see detailed information on a specific content, double click on it, and the following window is

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Figure 14. Smooth Streaming Presentation details

In this view you can see the name, duration, tracks, bitrates and files associated to the content.
c. Viewing content information: HLS content case
HLS content can be viewed through the content view tab in IIS management system workspace.

Figure 15. HLS Folder content view

It is also possible to view the content of a VoD Service by a right click/ Explore action on application in IIS
Manager GUI.

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Figure 16. Exploring a service

4.2.2. Smooth Streaming Site, VoD and Live

Unfold the « servername/site/Silverlight » items on the treeview pane. The following window will be
displayed: Silverlight Site Folder view

Figure 17. IIS Sites folder view

As previously explained, the IIS site dedicated to smooth streaming/HLS is named «Silverlight».
VoD services are seen as folders directly under «Silverlight» site.
Live services are seen as applications directly under smooth streaming site for both Smooth Streaming
and HLS.
For Smooth Streaming lives, a specific folder named «ingest» is added in order to manage Encoder
input. In this «ingest» folder, Live services configured to receive streams directly from encoders appear
as applications .

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a. Bindings

Figure 18. VoD and Live Silverlight Site bindings

As described previously, bindings parameters define the IP Address/Port the site is configured to listen
For Lives management another binding is added. This binding is used by servers to deliver streams to
other servers of the system (Repeater mode) and corresponds to the network live subnet.

b. Application pool view

Figure 19. VoD and Live Silverlight application pools

Here is the list of application pools used to serve request for live and VoD applications:
 There is only one application pool dedicated to all VoD. It is named “Silverlight”.
 For live smooth streaming, there can be one or two application pools depending of the
configuration of the live:
o If the server is directly connected to an encoder, there are two application pools
respectively named «ingest_ServiceId_EncoderIp» and «ServiceID». The

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«ingest_ServiceId_EncoderIp» application pool is dedicated to encoder data

reception while the «ServiceID» application pool is dedicated to client delivery.
o If the server is not connected to an encoder, there is only one application pool
named «ServiceID».

 For live HLS, there is only one application pool named «HLSAppPool_ServiceId» . Checking Live Service

a. Folder structure
The following structure is present on the configured storage drive typically «E:»:

Figure 20. Folder structure view for live services

In «livestreams» folder, following sub folders must be present:

 «garbagelive»: used to manage live service deletion or update,
used to manage Smooth Streaming live service ingest
 «ingest»: publishing point (for encoder connection and stream
 «ingestvirtualdirectory»: used for display in IIS Site folder view
used to manage live service output publishing point in
 «live»: case of smoothstreaming, used to store chunks and
manifests in case of live HLS.
 «media»: used for smoothstreaming live data storage.

b. Live Smooth Streaming case :

In «ingest» and «live» directories one subfolder named «ServiceID» will be added for each live service.
«ingest» folder contains only live services which are directly connected to encoders.
One «.isml» shall be present in each subfolder. The name of this file can be:

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 «Main.isml»: under «ingest» for servers connected to main

 «Backup.isml»: under «ingest» for servers connected to backup
 «ServiceId.isml»: Under «ServiceID» folder for all servers.

c. HLS case:
In «live» directories one subfolder named «ServiceID» will be added for each live service. All data
related to the live will be stored in this directory. Viewing Live information

a. Live Smooth Streaming case :

On the treeview pane, click on the live or ingest application you want to check. On Workspace (center
view), click on «Live Smooth Streaming Publishing Points» under «Media Services» feature.

Figure 21. Live Streaming publishing points

Following windows will appear:

Figure 22. Live Streaming publishing points view

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b. Static live configuration

Select the «.isml» file present in the view and click on «Edit» in «Actions» pane. A configuration window
with three tabs will appear:

Basic Settings tab

File name: the name of the live isml file. Depending on the live
configuration, possible values are:
 «ServiceId.isml»
 «Main.isml»
 «Backup.isml»
Estimated duration: In our case it is a full continuous live (not a
time scheduled event with a certain duration). Value is always set
to «00:00:00».
Live source type:
 Live source type is always push for a publishing points present
under ingest folder (direct connection to encoder).
Figure 23. Live Streaming publishing points: Basic  For other publishing points, source type is always on pull mode.
In case of pull, the list of publishing point from which live is pulled
is displayed.

Advanced Settings tab

Archive media: This option allows storing the live streams as a
Smooth Streaming presentation so that it can be served to clients
for later on-demand viewing. In our case, it is never checked.
Allow client connections: this option enables the publishing point
to return live streams when they are requested by clients. It must
be checked.
Enable DVR for recent content must be checked with a duration
of 2 minutes. It defines the DVR (Digital Video Recording)
window length.
Allow server connections: this option must be checked in order
to enable the publishing point to return live streams when they
Figure 24. Live Streaming publishing points: are requested by other servers (repeater mode).
Advanced Settings
Start publishing point automatically upon first client request:
must be unchecked. Publishing point is always started.
Number of lookahead fragments: it defines the number of
fragments that will be buffered by the server. Must be set to 2.

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Mobile Devices tab

Enable output to Apple mobile digital devices: must be

unchecked. It enable the Live Smooth Streaming publishing point
to convert live Smooth Streaming MPEG-4 (MP4) fragments to
MPEG-2 Transport Stream (MPEG-2 TS) segments, and to create
an Apple HTTP Live Streaming (.m3u8) playlist file that describes
the MPEG-2 TS presentation for the mobile device.

Figure 25. Live Streaming publishing points:

Mobile Devices Settings

c. Dynamic live information

On the preceding view, if you click on “Detail” on a started publishing point, the following windows

Figure 26. Live Streaming publishing points detailed view

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In this view all information concerning live channel can be seen dynamically (encoded bitrate, incoming
bitrate …). Those data are useful to check if live is received successfully by the server.
d. HLS case :
HLS live content can be viewed exactly the same way as HLS VoD contents. Please refer to section Checking VoD contents .

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4.3. Monitoring System through Broadpeak GUI

4.3.1. System Monitoring

The Graphical User Interface offers basic Monitoring information in Supervision/System Status Tab.

Figure 27. System Status Tab

Update Button: This button allows forcing an update of all the fields of this view. Nevertheless these
parameters are automatically updated every 2 seconds when focus is set on this view.

Current Status:

 IIS Status: The “IIS Status” displays a string describing the status of the server. The
different servers possible returned string are described here:
o Main Service KO: the main service is not launched.
o Main Exe KO: The main executable is not running.
o IIS service KO: The IIS service is not launched.
o IIS Smooth Streaming Application KO: Silverlight application pool is not started.
o IIS Smooth Streaming Site KO: The smooth streaming site is not started.
o IIS Smooth Streaming Exe OK: The IIS plug-in is not running.
o IIS Plug-in is inactive: The IIS plugin is blocked.
o Provisioning Service KO: The provisioning service is not launched.
o Provisioning Exe KO: The provisioning executable is not running.
o Live manager Service KO: The live manager service is not launched.
o Live manager Exe KO: The live manager exe is not running.
o Live manager is inactive: The live manager is blocked.
o Monitoring Status KO: Monitoring cannot be performed.
o License status KO: The license file is missing, invalid or has no right.
o License storage limit exceeded: Storage area size exceeds the license right.
o Status OK: All services and executables are in running state and the IIS plug-in runs
o No Monitoring: The “Activate Monitoring” parameter is set to False that disable
the monitoring of the IIS plug-in.
For operation to be performed in case of bad server status, see the troubleshooting
part of this document.

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 Current used storage (in GB): This parameter specifies the current used storage on
streams volume area.
 Total available storage (in GB): This parameter specifies the current available storage
on streams volume area.
 License max storage value (in GB): This parameter specifies the max allowed streams
volume area defined in license.
 Total Session: This parameter specifies the current number of concurrent sessions on
the IIS server.
 Total Bandwidth: This parameter specifies the current bandwidth used for output

4.3.2. Live Monitoring

The Graphical User Interface can also display Live Monitoring information in Supervision/Live Status Tab.

Figure 28. Live Status Tab

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NOTE. To retrieve current status of all lives, user must click on “Refresh” button. There is no automatic
refresh of this view.

The “activate Filter on ServiceID” checkbox and “String to search” edit field allow user to filter specific
ServiceID and display only a subset of lives.

All columns of the view can also be sorted (ascending or descending).

For each Live declared on the server, following information are detailed:

Field name Description

Status LED This LED indicates the live status:

 Green LED ( ) indicates live is ok and can be delivered to end user.
 Orange LED ( ) indicates that the live source is not optimal (the origin stream is not from
the expected source)
 Red LED ( ) indicates that there is a problem on the live. In this case live cannot be
delivered to end user.

id This field indicates the number associated to the live.

ServiceID This field indicates the live ServiceID.

Type This field indicates the live type: HLS or Smooth Streaming.

State This field indicates the current live state:

 “To Create”: a live creation request has just been sent to the BkS300.
 “Creating”: the live is under creation.
 “Running”: the live creation is finished. Now live is running.
 “To reload”: A modification has been performed on the live description. The live will be
reloaded to be updated.
 “To delete”: a deletion request has just been sent to the BkS300.

Sub State This field gives information for debugging purpose in case of error encountered on a live.

Bitrate set This field indicates the bitrate information set when live was created.

Bitrate real This field indicates the real bitrate of data received from the live source.

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Field name Description

Last data recv This field indicates the last data received on the live. It allows checking if there is traffic on live.

Encoder State This field is only applicable when live state is Running and for Live Smooth Streaming. It gives
information for debugging purpose in case of error encountered on a live.

Main URL This field indicates the main URL set when live was created.

Main Proto This field indicates the main protocol set when live was created. It can be “Push” or “Pull”.

Main Type This field indicates the main source delivery type. Possible values are “Not encoder” or “Main

Backup URL This field indicates the backup URL set when live was created.

Backup Proto This field indicates the backup protocol set when live was created. It can be “Push” or “Pull”.

Backup Type This field indicates the backup source delivery type. Possible values are “Not encoder” or
“Backup encoder”.

4.4. Configuring Broadpeak plugin

The following chapters describe the different configuration parameters available through the Graphical
User Interface.

4.4.1. Static/dynamic parameters

Two types of parameters can be configured:
 Static parameters: these parameters are loaded at component startup and further
modification on these parameters will only be applied at next component startup.
 Dynamic parameters: these parameters cannot be modified on the fly and will be
applied in the next 30s by the affected component.

4.4.2. Configuration GUI Layout

The Configuration Tab User Interface is made of the three following main Tab View areas:

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Figure 29. Broadpeak IIS plugin Configuration Layout

 The Components Tab View:

This part of the GUI defines :

o Configuration view for parameters common to all independent BkS300

o Configuration view for parameters dedicated to a specific component:
 Main Component

 Module component

 Provisioning component

 Live Manager component

 The Parameter Type Tab View:

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This part of the GUI defines the type of configuration parameters to display: static or dynamic.
 The Configuration Parameters:
This area displays all the available parameters and their current values. User can modify them and select
an action to apply the configuration changes.
 The Configuration Action:
Once a configuration parameter has been changed for a component, it can be saved in the configuration
file using the “save” button.
 The Global Action:
Components parameters can be saved independently through the configuration action but also globally
through the global action area. All the modified parameters will be saved for all the components using
the “Save All” Button.

4.4.3. Common Configuration Common Static Parameters Tab

Figure 30. Common Static Parameters

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 Use UTC for log and CR and PR: this parameter is used to define if UTC time must be
used for all generated logs and reports.
 Target Folder: This parameter defines the directory where all Debug files are
 Activate: This parameter specifies if Provisioning Report log files generation is
 Remove File After (Day): This parameter defines the persistence of Provisioning
Report log files in directory. After defined period, files are removed.
 Target Folder: This parameter defines the directory where Provisioning Report log files
are generated.
 Ingest Keyword: This parameter defines the keyword used for application pool naming
in case of smooth streaming ingest application.
 Main Keyword: This parameter defines the keyword used for Main encoder playlist
 Backup Keyword: This parameter defines the keyword used for Back Up encoder
playlist name.
 HLS Keyword: This parameter defines the keyword used for application pool naming in
case of live HLS application.
 AppPool Name: This parameter defines the application pool name for VoD.
Map Files:
 Session Map Files: This parameter specifies the shared memory file between the main
and the module, on which Sessions are stored.
 Nr Elements in Session Map: This parameter defines the number of sessions that can
be stored in the shared memory.
 Live Map File: This parameter specifies the shared memory file between the main and
the live manager, on which Live services are stored.
 Nr Elements In Live Map: This parameter defines the number of live services that can
be stored in the shared memory.
VoD /Live contents:
 VoD Folder Path: This parameter specifies the directory where new VoD contents are
stored after provisioning.
 Live Folder Path: This parameter specifies the directory where live data are stored.
 Live Information Path: This parameter specifies the directory where internal live
information files are stored.

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 Live Garbage Folder Path: This parameter specifies the directory where VoD contents
are moved before being deleted.
 Live Smooth Streaming Playlist: This parameter defines the expected extension of
manifest file for live smoothstreaming contents.
 VoD Smooth Streaming Playlist: This parameter defines the expected extension of
manifest file for VoD smoothstreaming contents.
 Live HLS Playlist: This parameter defines the expected extension of manifest file for
live HLS contents.
 VoD HLS Playlist: This parameter defines the expected extension of manifest file for
VoD HLS contents.
 SS ext list: This parameter specifies the list of expected extensions of smooth
streaming files. This list uses “:” as separator.
 HLS ext list: This parameter specifies the list of expected extension for HLS streaming
files; This list uses “:” as separator.
 Download ext list: This parameter defines the list of extensions managed for
Internal extensions
 VoD Description File: This parameter defines the internal file extension of the file
description used by the plug-in for VoD content rate/format information storage.
 Live Information File: This parameter defines the internal file extension of the file
description used by the plug-in for live IP sources and authentication parameters
storage. (used in case of live HLS only).
 Site Name: This parameter defines the name of the Silverlight site.
 HTTP KeepAlive IP: This parameter defines the IP address used to send keep alive
messages to the plug-in to check its status.
 HTTP KeepAlive Port: This parameter defines the Port used to send keep alive
messages to the plug-in to check its status.

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Figure 31. Common Dynamic Parameters

 Remove File after (day): It is used to define the persistence of debug files in directory.
After defined period, files are removed.
Adaptive extensions:
 VoD Smooth Streaming redirect ext.: This parameter defines the extension to add in
the redirection URL in case of Smooth Streaming VoD Session.
 Live Smooth Streaming redirect ext.: This parameter defines the extension to add in
the redirection URL in case of Smooth Streaming Live session.
 VoD HLS redirect ext.: This parameter defines the extension to add in the redirection
URL in case of HLS VoD Session.
 Live HLS redirect ext.: This parameter defines the extension to add in the redirection
URL in case of HLS Live Session.
For each these extensions, the associated checkbox is used to define if extension must be added in the
redirection URL. These options are used for interoperability with players.
Download extensions:
 Add extension in redirection: This parameter allows the URL (sent from the server to
the client ) to be completed with the file extension.

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4.4.4. Main Configuration Main Static Parameters Tab

Figure 32. Main Static Parameters

 Static Config File: This parameter defines the path of the static configuration file.
 Save: This parameter is used to save configuration file modifications.

Network Configuration:
 Public IP Address: This parameter defines the internal public IP address of the server.
Players requests are received on this IP address.
 Public Port: This parameter defines the internal public port of the server. Players
requests are received on this Port.
 Redirect IP Address: This parameter defines the IP set in the URL returned to the
BkM100 for client connection through internet (URL returned to the BkM100 when a
session is created). This IP Address must be reachable by the Players.
 Redirect Port: This parameter defines the port where the plug-in listen to requests
from the player.

NOTE: Most of the time Public and Redirect IP Addresses/Port pairs are the same. They are different
when equipment performs Address/Port Translation.

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 Listening IP Address: This parameter is only available when «Listen on Any interface»
is not checked. It defines the only IP Address on which the plug-in listen to BkM100
 Listening Port: This parameter defines the port where the plug-in listen to requests
from the BkM100.
 Listen On Any Interface: This parameter defines if the plug-in listen to BkM100 request
on all network interfaces of the machine. If checked BkM100 can address the plug-in
through all the available network interfaces.
External Supervision:
 Activate: This check box allows activation of System supervision by an external
 Supervision IP: This parameter defines the internal server IP address on which
supervision requests are listened.
 Supervision Port: This parameter defines Port on which supervision requests are
 Answer folder:
Session Report:
Session report files are log files describing all the session initialization/termination with useful
parameters for billing and statistics. These files are pushed to the analytics system for analytics and
 Activate: This parameter specifies if Session Report log files generation is activated.
 Use UTC: This parameter specifies if UTC (current local time) time format must be used
for time logging.
 Add Date: This parameter specifies if date must be added to the time in logs.
 Working Folder: This parameter defines the directory where Session Report log files
are generated.
 Target Folder: This parameter defines the directory where Session Report log files are
moved before being pushed to the Analytics system.
 Remove file after (day): This parameter defines the persistence of log files in
directory. After a defined period, files are removed.
 Rotation Period (mIn): This parameter defines the slot duration of a log file in minutes.
Every N minutes, the current log file will be closed and moved to «Target Folder».
Then a new log file will be created for the new time slot. With this mechanism, almost
real time statistics can be displayed in analytics interface.
 Disable Write GMT: This parameter specifies if GMT (Greenwich main time) delta is
removed from time log format.
Client Report:

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Client Report files are log files describing all the session initialization/termination with useful parameters
for billing and statistics. These files are daily pulled by the CDN to generate statistics.
 Activate: This parameter specifies if Client Report log files generation is activated.
 Target Folder: This parameter defines the directory where Client Report log files are
 Remove file after (day): This parameter defines the persistence of log files in
directory. After defined period, files are removed.
Live Configuration File:
 Config File Name: This parameter specifies the file where lives definitions are stored. Main Dynamic Parameters Tab

Figure 33. Main Dynamic Parameters

 Dynamic Config File: This parameter defines the path of the dynamic configuration
 Save: This parameter is used to save configuration file modifications.
 Flush Data to File: Select this option to have the entries written to the log/report files
immediately. This option does not optimize server performance but allows seeing log
immediately without any system buffering period.
 Config File Scanning Period (s): This parameter defines the scanning period of the
main dynamic file. It is used by the plug-in to update dynamic parameters.

Log Options:
 Log Level: This parameter is used to specify which log messages should be reported
o LOG_ERROR: Only errors are logged
o LOG_WARNING: Warnings are logged
o LOG_INFO: A short description of the dynamic of the system is described
o LOG_DETAIL: A detailed description of the dynamic of the system is described
o LOG_DYNAMIC: A verbose description of the dynamic of the system is described
In any case, logs of all previous levels are also reported.

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 Log File Size Max (Mo): This parameter specifies the max size of a debug file. Once this
size is reached, a new log file is generated with a new index.

4.4.5. Module Configuration Module Static Parameters Tab

Figure 34. Module Static Parameters

 Static Config File: This parameter defines the path of the static configuration file.
 Save: This parameter is used to save configuration file modifications.
Authorized Subnet:
 Subnet IP: This parameter describes the first address of the authorized subnet.
 Subnet Mask: This parameter describes the netmask associated to «IP» parameter to
define the authorized subnet. Module Dynamic Parameters Tab

Figure 35. Module Dynamic Parameters

 Dynamic Config File: It is used to define the path of the dynamic configuration file.
 Save: This parameter is used to save configuration file modifications.
 Config File Scanning Period (s): This parameter defines the scanning period of the
module dynamic file. It is used by the plug-in to update dynamic parameters.

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 Flush Data to File: Select this option to have the entries written to the log/report files
immediately. This option does not optimize server performance but allows seeing log
immediately without any system buffering period. This option must not be activated in
production environment.

Log Options:
 Log Level: This parameter is used to specify which log messages should be reported
o LOG_ERROR: Only errors are logged
o LOG_WARNING: Warnings are logged
o LOG_INFO: A short description of the dynamic of the system is described
o LOG_DETAIL: A detailed description of the dynamic of the system is described
o LOG_DYNAMIC: A verbose description of the dynamic of the system is described
In any case, logs of all previous levels are also reported.
 Log File Size Max (Mo): This parameter specifies the max size of a debug file. Once this
size is reached, a new log file is generated with a new index.

4.4.6. Provisioning Configuration Provisioning Static Parameters Tab

Figure 36. Provisioning Static Parameters

 Static Config File: This parameter specifies the path of the provisioning static
configuration file.
 Save: This parameter is used to save configuration file modifications.
 Folders Path
o HotFolder Path: This parameter specifies the directory where new VoD contents
are ingested, this folder is periodically scanned by the plug-in for new content.
o Garbage Folder Path: This parameter specifies the directory where VoD contents
are moved before being deleted.

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User Guide BkS300 V1.2 Provisioning Dynamic Parameters Tab

Figure 37. Provisioning Dynamic Parameters

 Dynamic Config File: This parameter defines the path of the provisioning dynamic
configuration file. Clicking
 Save: This parameter is used to save configuration file modifications.
 Config File Scanning Period (s): This parameter defines the scanning period of the
provisioning dynamic file. It is used by the plug-in to update dynamic parameters.
 Flush Data to File: Select this option to have the entries written to the log/report files
immediately. This option does not optimize server performance but allows seeing log
immediately without any system buffering period.

Log Options:

 Log Level: This parameter specifies which log messages should be reported
o LOG_ERROR: Only errors are logged
o LOG_WARNING: Warnings are logged
o LOG_INFO: A short description of the dynamic of the system is described
o LOG_DETAIL: A detailed description of the dynamic of the system is described
o LOG_DYNAMIC: A verbose description of the dynamic of the system is described
In any case, logs of all previous levels are also reported.
 Log File Size Max (Mo): This parameter specifies the max size of a debug file. Once this
size is reached, a new log file is generated with a new index.

 Scanning Period (s): This parameter defines the period at which plug-in checks if new
contents have been provisioned.
 File Timeout (s): This parameter defines the delay after which unassociated files
remaining in the HotFolder directory are deleted.

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4.4.7. Live Manager Configuration Live Manager Static

Figure 38. Live Manager Static Parameters

 Static Config File: It is used to define the path of the static configuration file.
 Save: This parameter is used to save configuration file modifications.
 Ingest Virtual Folder Path: This parameter defines the folder path for ingest
 Fake Ingest Virtual Folder: This parameter defines the fake folder path for ingest
 Live IP (LIVE network): This parameter defines the internal server IP address in LIVE
 Live Port (LIVE network): This parameter defines the listening port of the server in the
live subnetwork. Live Manager Dynamic

Figure 39. Live Manager Dynamic Parameters

 Dynamic Config File: This parameter is used to define the path of the provisioning
dynamic configuration file.
 Config File Scanning Period (s): This parameter defines the scanning period of the
provisioning dynamic file. It is used by the plug-in to update dynamic parameters.

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 Flush Data to File: Select this option to have the entries written to the log/report files
immediately. This option does not optimize server performance but allow seeing log
immediately without any system buffering period.
Log Options:
 Log Level: This parameter is used to specify which log messages should be reported
o LOG_ERROR: Only errors are logged
o LOG_WARNING: Warnings are logged
o LOG_INFO: A short description of the dynamic of the system is described
o LOG_DETAIL: A detailed description of the dynamic of the system is described
o LOG_DYNAMIC: A verbose description of the dynamic of the system is described
In any case, logs of all previous levels are also reported.
 Log File Size Max (Mo): This parameter specifies the max size of a debug file. Once this
size is reached, a new log file is generated with a new index.
 Live Check Period: This parameter defines the monitoring period of lives (in ms).
 Initial Check Delay: This parameter defines the initial delay (after component startup)
before monitoring period of lives (in ms).
 Server Check Period: This parameter defines the monitoring period of plugin and IIS

4.5. License

4.5.1. Current license information

The Graphical User Interface displays the license information License Tab.

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Figure 40. License Tab - current license information

4.5.2. Updating license

Load the license provided using the “Upload License” Button. Following windows is display, select the
“license.raw” file.

Figure 41. License Tab license file selection

The license view displays current and new license information. If new license parameters are valid, click
on “Apply License” button to validate the new license.

NOTE. Ssome parameters can be dynamically updated while others require Main service restart.

These information are available in License information view.

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Figure 42. License Tab - new license information

When license is fully applied and services restarted, the current license information are then display in
the left part of the license view.

Figure 43. License Tab - final license information

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5.1. Reports files

Broadpeak plugin generates 5 types of daily report files.

5.1.1. VoD Provisioning report files

These files report the status of all ingestion and deletion of VoD contents. These files are located by
default under: “C:\broadpeak\iisplugin\report\pr”. The path is a configuration parameter. The naming
format is described as follows: PR_VoD_<hostname>_YYYY_MM_DD.txt.

5.1.2. Live Provisioning report files

These files report the status of all ingestion deletion and event appearing on live contents. These files
are located by default under: “C:\broadpeak\iisplugin\report\pr”. The path is a configuration parameter.
The naming format is described as follows: PR_LIVE_<hostname>_YYYY_MM_DD.txt.

5.1.3. Live Detailed Provisioning report files

These files report the status of each action done by live manager on live contents. This is more verbose
compared to Live Provisioning report. These files are located by default under:
“C:\broadpeak\iisplugin\report\pr”. The path is a configuration parameter. The naming format is
described as follows: PR_LIVE_DETAILED_<hostname>_YYYY_MM_DD.txt.

5.1.4. Client Report Files

These files report the status of all session initialization and ending (2 logs per session played). These files
are used for debugging purpose and they are also retrieved by BkM100 through Filezilla server to
generate statistics.
These files are located by default under: “C:\broadpeak\iisplugin\report\cr”. The path is a configuration
parameter. The naming format is described as follows: ClientReport_<hostname>_YYYY_MM_DD.txt.

5.1.5. Session Report Files

These files also report the status of all session initialization and ending (2 logs per played session). These
files are periodically pushed to analytics system to generate statistics.

These files are first generated by default under: “C:\broadpeak\iisplugin\report\sr\private”. The path is
a configuration parameter. The naming format is described as follow: SR_<Public IP

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Each time a file is ready to be pushed to analytics system, it is moved to

“C:\broadpeak\iisplugin\report\sr\private” folder.

A daily backup of these files is also done by default under: “C:\broadpeak\iisplugin\report\sr\private”.

The path is a configuration parameter. The naming format of this file is described as follow:
SRCUMUL_<Public IP Address>_YYYYMMDD.txt.
See Appendix B for format description.

5.2. Log files

Daily logs files for debug purpose are generated by default under “C:\broadpeak\iisplugin\debug” (the
log folder can be modified using configuration GUI). Each component generates its own log files.

The naming formats are described as follows:

Table 3. Format logs table

Module debug files TRACE_<hostname>_Plugin_<PID>_YYYY_MM_DD_XXXX.txt.

Main component debug files TRACE_<hostname>_Main_YYYY_MM_DD_XXXX.txt.

Provisioning component debug TRACE_<hostname>_Provisioning_YYYY_MM_DD_XXXX.txt.


LiveManager component debug TRACE_<hostname>_LiveManager_YYYY_MM_DD_XXXX.txt.


 <hostname> is the hostname of the server
 PID is the PID of the IIS worker process embedding the module
 YYYY_MM_DD is the date of the day (example 2011_12_18)
 XXXX is the file number of the day

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6.1. Filezilla server

Filezilla FTP server is installed and used by BkM100 for contents provisioning and report retrieval.
Specific accounts and home directories are defined for cluster.

6.2. Winscp

To enable FTP push to Analytics system, Winscp is called using batch file and scheduled task. Script and
batch files are located in « ”c:\broadpeak\iisplugin\ftpclient\”.

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BkM100 supervision sees the server KO

1. Check there is no network issue between BkM100 and IIS on the supervision interface
2. Check “World Wide Web Publishing Service” is started
3. Check Broadpeak component services are started
4. Restart Internet information Services and Broadpeak components services if necessary

After restart, the system seems to be blocked

1. Stop Internet Information Services and Broadpeak components services

2. Remove following file: ”C:\broadpeak\iisplugin\binaries\MemMapData.bpk”
3. Restart Internet information Services and Broadpeak components services if necessary

Live cannot be viewed from player

1. Check the status of ingest (if connected to an encoder) and ServiceID live
2. Check connection with encoder or Main/Backup server source

VoD cannot be viewed by players

1. Check that the streams directory is still visible from the explorer
2. Check that the “Silverlight” site points to the correct directory

VoD provisioning does not work

1. Check Filezilla settings and account

2. Check network Contents Provisioning interface with CDN
3. Check HotFolder path is correctly set in Broadpeak Plugin Configuration GUI.

FTP push to analytics doesn’t work

1. Check that schedule task is correctly defined in Windows task scheduler

2. Check network interface with each analytics server
3. Check the FTP script configuration located in “C:\broadpeak\iisplugin\ftpclient\ftpscript.ftp” and if
requested, analyze the log file located in “C:\broadpeak\ftpclient”.


To exit the application, simply stop the 4 services from the service manager GUI.

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User Guide BkS300 V1.2

Part 2
WMS Plugin

In the second part of this manual you can find information to configure your
equipment and servers based on the WMS configuration

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9.1. Broadpeak WMS Plugin Package Overview

9.1.1. Folder tree View

9.1.2. Folder content

Following files are present under the folder « c:\broadpeak\wmsplugin »
Following files are present under the folder « c:\broadpeak\wmsplugin\binaries »
Following files are present under the folder « c:\broadpeak\ftpclient»

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9.2. Windows Media service administration application

9.2.1. Starting Windows Media Services

To launch Windows Media service administration, from “menu bar”, click “start” then “run…” and type
Following windows will appear.

The icon means the “windows media services” is stopped. Nothing can be configured and no
streaming is available.
To start the “windows media services”, click on the right button of the icon, the following menu will

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Then click on “Start”. The windows media services starts and the application should look like this:

9.2.2. Left Panel view

A tree view of the server appears with all the publishing points (VOD or Live ) and their status

(started or stopped ).

For each live service managed by Broadpeak plugin, two publishing points are present:
1. ServiceId/Main: this publishing point is directly connected to one source, the Main encoder or the Main
server entry point.
2. ServiceId: this publishing point is constituted of a playlist which point to local publishing point
ServiceId/Main and optionally if a Backup encoder is defined to the backup encoder or to the backup

For Vod service, a repository named “OnDemandContent” is created.

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9.2.3. Right Panel view Monitor View

The Monitor view gives several information about the system and windows media services
configuration. Properties View - Authorization category

This view gives information on all the authorization plugin registered and their status. The Broadpeak
authorization plugin appears in this panel and must be enabled. Note that activation/deactivation of the
plugin must be done at the server level and never at the publishing point level.

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User Guide BkS300 V1.2 Properties View - Control protocol category

This view gives information on all protocols available and their status. In our case, only http protocol
must be enabled. To go deeper in protocol configuration, you can access information through
“properties” context menu. Properties View - Limits category

This view gives information on all limits sets on windows media services. Some limits are given by CDN
so even if they are modified by user, they will be updated by the plugin.

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9.3. Broadpeak WMS Plugin Configuration

9.3.1. Accessing configuration tabs

1. Launch windows media services configuration interface.
2. Select «Server Name» under left panel, Select «Properties» tab in right panel, Select «Authorization»
category. Right click on «Broadpeak WMS Authorization Plugin» in plugin panel and select «Properties».

3. The following Dialog box appears :

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9.3.2. Plugin Activation/deactivation

When Plugin is enabled, only certain items can be modified and taken into account «on the fly». To
access all the item of all tabs, you must disable the plugin as follow:
Select «Server Name» under left panel, Select «Properties» tab in right panel, Select «Authorization»
category. Right click on «Broadpeak WMS Authorization Plugin» in plugin panel and select «Disable». Be
carefull, when performing this action, all current sessions on the server will be destroyed and new ones
will be refused until reenabling the plugin.

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9.3.3. Network Configuration Tab

NB: Items surrounded red are editable on the fly

while plugin is running CDN interface configuration

Listen On Any Interface: This parameter defines if the plugin listen to CDN request on all network
interfaces of the machine. If checked CDN can address the plugin through all the available network

Listening IP Address: This parameter is only available when «Listen on Any interface» is not checked. It
defines the only IP Address on which the plugin listen to CDN Request.

Listening Port: This parameter defines the port on which the plugin listen to request from the CDN. Public IP Address

Public IP Address: This parameter defines the IP set in the URL returned to the CDN for client connection
through internet (URL returned to the CDN when a session is created). This IP Address must be
reachable by the Players. Authorized connection subnet (repeaters)

For all request sent to the plugin through an IP of this subnet, no verification (ticket, etc) will be done.
All requests from these IP Addresses will be accepted and executed. This subnet is used in case of server
to server connection for live inputs (repeater mode).

IP: This parameter describes the first address of the authorized subnet.
Netmask: This parameter describes the netmask associated to «IP» parameter to define the authorized

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User Guide BkS300 V1.2 Check IP at Connection

Check IP At Connection: This parameter defines if an IP verification is performs each time a client
connects to the Windows Media Server. In this case, a connection will be accepted only if the IP Address
of the client is the IP Address of an existing session created by the CDN.

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9.3.4. Report Configuration Tab

NB: Items surrounded red are editable on the

fly while plugin is running Session Report

Session report files are log files describing all the session initialization/termination with useful
parameters for statistics. These files are pushed to the Skytide system for analytics and reporting.
Activate: This parameter specifies if Session Report log files generation is activated.
Working Directory: This parameter defines the directory where Session Report log files are generated.
Target Directory: This parameter defines the directory where Session Report log files are moved before
being pushed to the Skytide system.
Rotation Period: This parameter defines the slot duration of a log file in minutes. Every N minutes, the
current log file will be closed and moved to «Target Directory». Then a new log file will be created for
the new time slot. With this mechanism, almost real time statistics can be displayed in Skytide interface.
Time slot value must be multiple of 5 minutes.
Remove file after: This parameter defines the persistence of log files in directory. After defined period,
files are removed. Client Report

Client Report files are log files describing all the session initialization/termination with useful parameters
for statistics. These files are daily pulled by CDN to generate statistics.
Activate: This parameter specifies if Client Report log files generation is activated.
Target Directory: This parameter defines the directory where Client Report log files are generated.
Remove file after: This parameter defines the persistence of log files in directory. After defined period,
files are removed.

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User Guide BkS300 V1.2 Provisioning Report

Provisioning Report files are log files giving information on live and VOD contents.
For live contents, information describing creation, publication, deletion, events are logged.
For VOD contents, information describing addition and deletion of contents are logged.
Activate: This parameter specifies if Provisioning Report log files generation is activated.
Target Directory: This parameter defines the directory where Provisioning Report log files are
Remove file after: This parameter defines the persistence of log files in directory. After defined period,
files are removed.

9.3.5. Vod/Live Configuration Tab

NB: Items surrounded red are editable

on the fly while plugin is running Live
Playlist Directory: This parameter defines the directory where playlist files corresponding to created
lives are stored.
Playlist URL Transform: This parameter defines the URL Modifiers added in the playlist description of a
Start broadcast when first client connect: This parameter allows to start live input only when a client
connects to the server and to stop them once no client are connected. It reduces the server loads.
Restart Live In Error Period: This parameter defines how often the system tries to restart lives in error.

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Initial delay before first live analysis: This parameter defines the delay the plugin waits after it starts
before any action on live. VOD
Publishing Point Name: Specifies the name of theVOD Vod publishing point inside Windows Media
Server Interface.
HotFolder Directory: Specifiesthe directory where new VOD contents are pushed through FTP by the
Streams Directory: Specifies the directory where new VOD contents are stored after provisioning.
Supported extensions: Specifies the file extensions that will be accepted by provisioning.
Media description ext.: Specify the internal file extension of the file description used by the plugin for
rate/size/duration information storage.
Scanning period: Specifies the period at which plugin checks if new contents have been provisioned.
Manage subfolders: Specifies if the plugin manage content deployed under subdirectories in Hotfolder

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9.3.6. Advanced Configuration Tab

NB: Items surrounded red are editable

on the fly while plugin is running Debug
Debug files are log files with different level of details for debug purpose.
Log Directory: This parameter defines the directory where Debug files are generated.
Log Level: This parameter specifies the log level to apply. 5 levels are available. Each level logged all
preceeding levels too:
1. Error: Only errors are logs.
2. Warning: Warnings are logged.
3. Info: A short description of the main actions of the system are described
4. Detail: A detailed description of the actions of the system are described
5. Dynamic: The most verbose level that describes each actions of the system.
Log Size Max: This parameter specifies the max size of a debug file. Once this size is reached, a new log
file is generated with a new index.
Remove log older than: This parameter defines the persistence of log files in directory. After defined
period, files are removed. Buffer
Write Log/report entries to file immediately: Select this option to have the entries written to the
log/report files immediately. This option does not optimize server performance but allow seeing log
immediately without any system buffering period. This option must not be activated in production

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User Guide BkS300 V1.2 Recurring Actions Period in seconds

Event Socket keepalive: This parameter defines how often the plugin send keepalive message on the
event socket to check socket status with CDN.

Timeout Session Check: This parameter defines the period at which plugin verifies sessions for timeout.

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User Guide BkS300 V1.2 Player configuration

Allow stream splitting: indicates whether the stream can be split. A cache proxy device can split a
stream to minimize network bandwidth. A cache proxy device splits a broadcast stream by making a
single connection to an upstream server and then copying the incoming packets to multiple downstream
Minimize propagation latency: This flag minimizes the amount of data the server buffers before
streaming. You can use this flag in distribution scenarios to minimize the amount of time required to
propagate data between distribution servers.
Minimize startup latency: This flag instructs the server to buffer data ahead of the client connection so
that when the client connects, the server can send data to it more quickly. Therefore, this flag minimizes
the amount of latency observed by a client This flag instructs the server to buffer data ahead of the
client connection so that when the client connects, the server can send data to it more quickly.
Therefore, this flag minimizes the latency observed by a client. Demo Mode

Demo mode allows demonstrating WMS live capabilities with CDN without real live encoder. It plays a
local content instead of real live encoder stream.
Activate: Specifies if demo mode is activated.
Demo Content: Specifies the local file to be played in loop mode to emulate live input stream.

NOTE: As VOD is supported now, these parameters are obsolete and should not be activated.

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9.4. External Components

9.4.1. Filezilla server

Filezilla FTP server is installed and used by CDN for content provisioning and report retrieval. Specific
accounts and home directories are defined for cluster.

9.4.2. Winscp
To enable FTP push to Skytide system, Winscp is called using batch file and scheduled task. Script and
batch files are located in « ”c:\broadpeak\ftpclient\”

9.5. Reports and Logs

9.5.1. Reports and Logs

Broadpeak plugin generates 4 types of daily report files. VOD Provisioning report files

These files report the status of all ingestion and deletion of VOD contents. These files are located under:
“C:\broadpeak\wmsplugin\report\pr”. The naming format is described as follow:
PR_VOD_<hostname>_YYYY_MM_DD.txt. Live Provisioning report files

These files report the status of all ingestion deletion and event appearing on live contents. These files
are located under: “C:\broadpeak\wmsplugin\report\pr”. The naming format is described as follow:
PR_LIVE_<hostname>_YYYY_MM_DD.txt. Client Report Files

These files report the status of all session initialization and ending (2 logs per session played). These files
are used for debugging purpose and they are also retrieved by CDN through Filezilla server to generate
These files are located under: “C:\broadpeak\wmsplugin\report\cr”. The naming format is described as
follow: ClientReport_<hostname>_YYYY_MM_DD.txt. Session Report Files

These files report also the status of all session initialization and ending (2 logs per played session). These
files are periodically pushed to Skytide system to generate statistics.

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These files are first generated under: “C:\broadpeak\wmsplugin\report\sr\private”. The naming

format is described as follow: SR_<Public IP Address>_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_Timeslot.txt.
Each time a file is ready to be pushed to Skytide system, it is moved to
“C:\broadpeak\wmsplugin\report\sr\private” folder.

A daily backup of these files is also done under “C:\broadpeak\wmsplugin\report\sr\private”. The

naming format of this file is described as follow: SRCUMUL_<Public IP
See Appendix B for format description.

9.5.2. Logs files

Daily logs files for debug purpose are generated under “C:\broadpeak\wmsplugin\debug”. The naming
format is described as follow: TRACE_<hostname>_YYYY_MM_DD_XXX.txt.

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10.1. CDN supervision see the server KO

1. Check there is no network issue between CDN and WMS on the supervision interface
2. Check Windows Media is started
3. Check Broadpeak plugin is enabled
4. Restart Windows Media Services

10.2. After restart, the Plugin seems to be blocked

1. Stop windows media services

2. Remove following file: ”C:\broadpeak\wmsplugin\binaries\MemMapData.bpk”
3. Restart windows media services

10.3. Live cannot be viewed from player

1. If the ServiceId/Main is stopped , restart ServiceId/Main publishing point

2. If the ServiceId is stopped , restart ServiceId publishing point
3. Check connection with encoder or Main/Backup server source

10.4. VOD cannot be viewed by players

1. Check that the streams directory is still visible from the explorer
2. Check that the vod publishing point points to the correct directory

10.5. VOD provisioning does not work

1. Check Filezilla settings and account

2. Check network Content Provisioning interface with CDN

10.6. FTP push to skytide doesn’t work

1. Check that schedule task is correctly defined in Windows task scheduler

2. Check network interface with each Skytide
3. Check the FTP script configuration located in “C:\broadpeak\ftpclient\ftpscript.ftp” and if requested,
analyze the log file located in “C:\broadpeak\ftpclient”.

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NOTE. Shutting down the system will impact the production and the decision to shut down the server
should never be taken lightly. Check with support team before shutting DOWN the modules (see
Contacting Broadpeak for support contact details).

To shut down the system, press the Power button with the tip of a pen during a few seconds. To
remove all electrical power from the server, you must disconnect the power cord from the electrical

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Appendix A. Hardware Specifications

A.1 Power supply
Table 4. AC power source characteristics

Characteristic Description
Models with 675W power supplies Models with 460W power supplies
100 V ac to 127 V ac 100 V ac to 127 V ac
Rated Input Voltage
200 V ac to 240 V ac 200 V ac to 240 V ac
50 Hz to 60 Hz 7.8 A 50 Hz to 60 Hz 5.3 A
Rated Frequency
50 Hz to 60 Hz 3.8 A 50 Hz to 60 Hz 2.6 A
Input kilovolt – amperes Config min: 0.12kVA Config min: 0.12kVA
(approximately) Config max: 0.78kVA Config max: 0.53kVA

A.2 Safety / EMC Specifications

Table 5. Safety/EMC specifications table

Specification Description
CE marking 2004/108/CE (15/12/2004) directive
Safety Legislation:
European Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC
(19/02/73) amended by 93/68/EEC (22/07/93)
EN 60950-1 (2001)
Electromagnetic Legislation:
89/336/EEC (05/05/89) directive amended by
93/68/EEC (22/07/93).
EN 55022, ed 1998 with amendment A1 (2000) - A2
(2003) and EN 55103-1 ed 1996 (Argos) for Emission,
EN 55024, edition 1998 with amendment A1 (2001) -
A2 (2003) and EN 55103-2 ed 1996 (Argos) for
FCC Part 15, Class A or B.

A.3 Environemental specifications

Table 6. Environmental characteristics

Characteristic Description
ETS 300 019-1-3 (Feb. 1992)
Climates: Operation
 Environmental class 3.1

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Characteristic Description
 Operation at temperature-controlled locations

+10°C to +35°C (50°F to 95°F)

ETS 300 019-1-1 (Feb. 1992)

 Environmental class 1.1

Climates: Storage  Storage at weather protected, partly
temperature-controlled locations -5°C to +45°C
(41°F to 113°F)

 Server on: 20% to 80%; maximum dew point 21°C

Humidity  Maximum rate of change 5°C/hr
 Server off: 8% to 80%; maximum dew point 27°C

ETS 300 019-2-2

 Environmental class T2.3

The packaging has been designed to resist being
dropped from a height of 65cm, temperatures
authorized from -40°C to + 60°C (-40°F to 140°F).
Up to 914 m (3,000 ft.) Decrease system temperature
Altitude by 0.75°C for every 1.000-foot increase in altitude.

A.4 Mechanical (Physical) characteristics

Table 7. Mechanical characteristics

Characteristic Description
Transportable platform intended for either rack-
mount or bench/lab based applications.
Height 85 mm (3.36 in.)

Width 443 mm (17.5 in.)

Depth 698 mm (27.5 in.)

Approximately 21.1 kg (46.5 lb.) to 29.6 kg (65 lb.)
depending upon configuration.

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Appendix B. Session report format

Session report is a text file with formatted columns (separated by tabs). These files contain the detailed
information for each session. There are two lines per session. One line when the delivery starts and one when
the delivery stops.
All information in START is also available in STOP, so in some use cases, START can be ignored.

Field Name Description Field Values or example Case Case Delivery

Delivery Stop
1 Time log Time(HH:MM:SSS:msmsms) 10 :06 :24.365 Present present
2 Action log type (START or STOP) START START STOP
3 ClientIpAddress IP Address of the client Present Present
4 ContentName Streamed content name Present Present
5 UserAgent User agent of the player Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Empty field Present
rv:6.0.2) Gecko/20100101
6 MediaType Type of media Streamed always IIS Present Present
7 ServerType Type of streming Server always IIIS Present Present
8 Protocol Protocol used always HTTP Present Present
9 ServiceType Type of service LIVE or VOD Present Present
10 SessionId Session token 5daaqaibcqmuai2ezjmitcvgg0mstarg Present Present
11 ServiceId Service Id Service10 Present Present
12 ServiceName Service Name Service10 Present Present
13 ProviderName Provider Name OTT-ARNET PLAY Present Present
14 ResellerName Reseller Name ARNET Present Present
15 DeliveryPopName Delivery POP Name RosarioCorenode Present Present
16 EdgeNode Edge Node nodoLitoral Present Present
17 Country Country code FR Present Present
18 Region Region Code A8 Present Present
19 AttachmentPop Attachment POP RosarioCorenode Present Present
20 ServerName Video Server Name IIS1 Present Present
21 MeanBitrate Mean bitrate during the session 672074 Empty field Present
22 FileSize Content Size in Bytes 106328160 Empty field Present in VOD
23 AssetDuration Content duration in second 7200 Empty field Present in VOD
24 SessionDuration Session duration in seconds 20903 Empty field Present
25 ErrorCode Action result status code SESSION_OK Present Present
26 BytesSent Total Bytes sent for the session 106328160 Empty field Present
27 PercentProgress Percentage of Progress For future use only Empty field Empty field
28 QoSResult TBD For future use only Empty field Empty field
29 URL Referer Page Referer Empty field Present
Possible Action result status code are:
“SESSION_OK”: Successful session.
“SESSION_TIMEOUT”: Session timeout occurred
“SETUP_TIMEOUT”: Terminal did not connect to the redirect address

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“SYSTEM_REQUEST”: Session deleted by the CDN

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Appendix C. Glossary
C.1 Definitions
Point of Presence (video POP)
An artificial demarcation point or interface point between communications entities. For the BkM100
CDN Mediator, it represents a group of servers.
Video on-Demand (VOD)
VOD systems allow users to select and watch video content over a network as part of an interactive
television system. VOD systems either "stream" content, allowing viewing while the video is being
downloaded, or "download" it so that the whole program is brought to a set-top box before viewing
All downloads and some streaming video on demand systems provide the user with a large subset of
VCR functionality including pause, fast forward, fast rewind, slow forward, slow rewind, jump to
previous/future frame etc. For streaming systems this requires more effort from the server and may also
require greater network bandwidth.

C.2 Acronyms
Table 8. Acronyms table

Acronym Development
FTP File Transfer Protocol

HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol

SS Smooth Streaming

STB Set-top Box

VoD Video On-Demand

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Account .................................................................. 62 GUI .5, 8, 19, 20, 22, 23, 28, 36, 40, 41, 42, 58, 61, 63
Address .................................................................. 47 GUI extensive map .........................................8, 19
IP Address .................................. 23, 30, 46, 47, 58
Analytics ..................................... 4, 16, 47, 48, 58, 63
Hardware ........................................................1, 8, 18
Application ... 5, 21, 22, 25, 28, 30, 31, 32, 36, 43, 53,
circuit ..............................................................9, 10
Environmental characteristics .............. 7, 8, 64, 65
physical characteristics ........................................ 8
Bandwidth ........................................................ 22, 37 protective panels ............................................... 10
Bitrate ........................................................ 12, 35, 39 Rack Mounting .................................................... 9
Buttons....................................................... 20, 21, 23 ventilation ................................................... 10, 11
HotFolder........................................ 26, 27, 51, 52, 63
HTTP Live Streaming ........................................ 12, 34
Component 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 40, 41, 42, 54,
58, 62
Components configuration ................................ 15 IIS Manager .......................... 5, 19, 20, 22, 23, 26, 28
Connection ......................9, 11, 21, 22, 31, 33, 46, 62 Ingestion ................. 16, 29, 31, 32, 33, 43, 53, 57, 62
Content ...................................................... 12, 21, 22
live content ............................................ 13, 16, 57
LED......................................................................... 39
VoD content ........13, 17, 25, 26, 27, 35, 44, 51, 57
License ............................ 6, 17, 22, 36, 37, 54, 55, 56
Deletion ............................................... 16, 31, 39, 57 HLS live ........................................................ 16, 35
Log .... 7, 16, 43, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 57, 58, 63
Encoder ...................13, 29, 31, 32, 33, 39, 40, 43, 62
password ........................................................... 18
Extension.......................................................... 44, 45
user name .......................................................... 18
Extensions .............................................................. 44
Microsoft Silverlight Smooth Streaming ......... 12, 13
Folder5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 32, 33,
Module ............................................................ 21, 61
47, 51, 53, 58
directory . 15, 21, 27, 32, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 51, 52,
60, 62 Network .................................... 12, 30, 47, 53, 62, 63
root directory ..................................................... 15
root folder .......................................................... 15

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P Server
BkS300 .......... 1, 5, 8, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 22, 39, 41
Parameters. 15, 23, 25, 30, 36, 40, 41, 42, 44, 47, 48,
IBM System x3650 M3 ......................................... 8
49, 50, 52, 53, 55
server specifications ............................................ 8
Plug-in ............... 36, 37, 44, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53
Web server .................................................. 21, 22
POPs ............................................................. 9, 10, 11
Service ................................................................... 13
Port .................................... 23, 24, 30, 44, 46, 47, 53
Session ...................... 3, 16, 22, 37, 43, 45, 47, 48, 58
Power on ................................................................ 18
Site .......... 5, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 36, 44, 62
Products ................................................... 1, 9, 10, 11
Statistics ............................................... 47, 48, 57, 58
BkM100 ............................ 8, 13, 46, 47, 57, 60, 62
Subnetwork ................................................30, 49, 53
BkS300 Server ...................................................... 8
Broadpeak CDN Mediator .................................. 13 T
Protocol............................................................ 24, 40
Toolbar ............................................................ 20, 21
FTP protocol ....................................................... 13
Tutorials..............................................................8, 19
R maintenance ........................................................ 8
modeling .........................................................8, 19
Rack Mounting ......................................................... 9
supervising......................................................8, 19
Earthing .......................................................... 9, 10
Power Disconnecting ......................................... 10 U
Report .............................................................. 16, 43
Unpacking ................................................................ 8
Client Report .......................................... 16, 48, 57
URL ....................................................... 39, 40, 45, 46
Provisioning report ...................................... 16, 57
Session Report ................................. 16, 47, 48, 58
Workspace ............................................ 21, 26, 27, 28

Safety ....................................................................... 9

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Contacting Us

80, avenue des Buttes de Coësmes
35700 Rennes

tel: +33 (0)2-22-74-03-50

fax: +33 (0)2 23 25 18 62

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