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There are many people who chooses to made changes in their appearance
particularly to their faces and there is a lot of reasons behind it. One, they wanted to be
noticed and be appreciated by the people around them. Two, they have lots of insecurities
and they feel envious to other people’s type of beauty. Three, they are not contented to
what they already are, and they want more, they want to be called “perfect” which is not
good at all. But the most common reason is that they are being bullied and judge by their
looks, being discriminated and they never felt to be treated equally. Plastic surgery
becomes a trend as well as the solution to the supplication and complaints of those people
who felt unsatisfied to their physical apperance. Plastic surgery is a special procedure
that involves the reconstruction, restoration and change in human body and a single
procedure cost so much. And, Korea was on the top of it. Korea is a number one country
that performs plastic surgeries very well. There is a lot of risk and possibilities when a
certain person chooses to have plastic surgeries such as blood loss, infection, nerve
damage, organ damage, scarring, general appearance dissatisfaction, and the
complications of anesthesia that includes nausea, vomiting, and waking up confused and
disoriented but it does not ussually happen. Americans spent a record $13.5 billion on
plastic surgery and aesthetic procedures in 2015, up $1.5 billion from the previous year,
according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery that proves the continuous
popularity of getting a plastic surgery.


When you hear of plastic surgery, what do you think of? A Hollywood star trying to
delay the effects of aging? People who want to change the size of their stomachs, breasts,
or other body parts because they see it done so easily on TV? Those are common images
of plastic surgery, but what about the 4-year-old boy who has his chin rebuilt after a dog
bit him? Or the young woman who has the birthmark on her forehead lightened with a
laser? That was the argument presented by Ruphal Christine Md, 2014. She even stated
that just because the name includes the word "plastic" doesn't mean patients who have
this surgery end up with a face full of fake stuff. The name is not taken from its literal
meaning but from the Greek word plastikos, which means to form or mold. Plastic surgery
is a special type of surgery that can change a person's appearance and ability to function.
There is another argumentative question that she left to everyone’s mind and that was
“why does plastic surgery becomes a sin, if people just want themselves to look better
and feel better? It does not even hurt people unlike killing and stealing.”


“Does God want you to have a nose job?” that’s the most common question that
was against plastic surgery. Few dare to suggest that getting plastic surgeries is a sin
and there are most commonly two types of problems that plastic surgery industry is facing
today and it is whether altering one God’s-given body insults its creator and whether the
resources of time and money could be better spent. Some people say that we must accept
and be contented with our own flaws and defects because God has a reason why he did
it and we totally agree with that. Remember that nobody can be called perfect, and in
that statement, we might suggest that we should not begged for other people’s attention,
time, and respect because we only need few people who can truly understand and accept
us, accept what’s all about us. Love yourself first before anyone does and do not forget
that ethics, manners, right attitude and behaviour were more important than having a
good-looking face and alluring body. Yes, some people where born with abnormalities
such as cleft lips, palates, and ear deformities but that is not the excuse for people to
undergo plastic surgery. We’ll tell you something, defects and other physical
abnormalities does not give people a limitation. However, they must see it as an
opportunity and a chance to strive harder for their goals and accomplish things that they
dream of. We want to encourage people and you that you are worth it and it does not
matter what you look like, but your behaviour and right habits does. Contentment is the
real procedure that gives us a genuine happiness and a joyful life to every human being
created by our own God, plastic surgeries are just for those people who wanted to be on
top and afraid of being forgotten by everyone. You shouldn’t have plastic surgery because
if God wanted you another way, he would have made you that way.


Plastic surgery can be beneficial specially to those people who is not confident and
proud enough to show up themselves. On the contrary, God has different plans for us
that is why he made us that way. He wants to challenge our strength and test if really
deserve the prize and success that he planted for us in the end. Surgeries costs so much
but people is willing to endure the pain financially and physically just to be able to improve
themselves but people must remember its limits and remember what is important than
physical appearance. The money that they spent on plastic surgeries, they should just
spent it on preserving the beauty of our mother earth rather than using it for their own
sake because the real beauty of a person can be seen through its action than to its looks.
Call yourself a beautiful person if you already know how to sacrifice for the sake of
everyone than focusing on fixing your own deformities that was made by God.

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