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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Lintas Minat

Kelas/Semester : XII MIPA 1 & 2
Hari / Tanggal :-
Tahun Pelajaran : 2019 / 2020

1. Reynold is … animator that she never gives up improving her skills and always ask for
A. So a hard-working D. So much a hard-working
B. Such a hard-working E. Many a hard-working
C. So many a hard-working

2. This Indonesian singer was … that his work continues to inspire thousands of people all over
the world.
A. So popular D. So much popular
B. Such popular E. Popular
C. So many popular

3. What is the definition of prepositional phrase..?

A. The groups of words containing preposition
B. The groups of words containing phrase
C. The part of words containing preposition
D. The part of words containing phrase
E. The words that contain prepositional phrase

fill in the blank with suitable non finite verb.

4. Riana … the phone last week.

A. To lose D. Have lost
B. Losing E. Have been losing
C. Lost

5. … is my favorite sport.
A. Swim D. Swimming
B. Swims E. Is swimming
C. Swam

fill in the blank with suitable finite verb.

6. My mother … me a new bag today.

A. Give D. Given
B. Gives E. Giving
C. Gave

7. I … my ankle when I was playing tennis yesterday.

A. Sprained D. Sprainig
B. Sprains E. Will sprain
C. To sprain

8. What is the function of an adjective or relative clause...?

A. To describe an adjective D. To describe something
B. To describe an adverb E. To describe a clause
C. To describe a noun

9. “The smallest meaningful bits of a sentence” means…?

A. Words D. Phrases
B. Sentence E. Sentences
C. Clauses

10. What is thing called that made up of a group of words that includes a subject and a verb?
A. A clauses D. A combination of words
B. A phrases E. An adjective clause
C. A sentence

11. A sentence may consist of?

A. two or more clauses D. two or more sentences
B. a clause E. two or more words
C. a sentence

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