OIC and Its Failure

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OIC and its failure

OIC stands for Organization of Islamic Conference with 57 Muslim counties is the
second largest organization after UN. Its main aim is to bind them under the one
umbrella in order to solve the entire problems. These problems may have the issue of
economic or social issues. The formation of the OIC happened shortly after the 1967
Arab-Israel war. Leaders of Muslim nations met in Rabat to establish the OIC on
September 25, 1969 in order to preserve Islamic social and economics values and
promote trade and bilateral cooperation among each other.
Its motto is very good to improve trade and protection of member states but in the
recent times we would not see any sign that OIC is doing the work for which it was
created. USA imposed a war against Iraq and OIC was mare a spectator. Onward they
attacked Afghanistan nothing was done. Tunis being a prominent member of OIC
experiences a mass of people against their king. and daily strikes and killings were
seen but the OIC was a spectator it did not pay any attention to resolve the issue from
the platform of O IC and thus this cancer spread throughout the main Arab states.
Libya...had seen its worse days but the OIC did took their steps to resolve the crisis by
means of talks. Libyan rebels were supported by NATO and French Air Force and the
OIC did not moved to take even a notice of what is going around and why NATO is
doing all this.
OIC has generally failed to identify problems of a particular member state as a
common problem of the Muslim community. This institution, failed to share the grief
and pain of foreign activities with Palestinian and Afghani peoples. In spite of its
declared commitment to achieve strength, dignity and prosperity of the whole Muslim
community, when attacked by non-Muslim forces, it left the immediate victim to fight
the enemy alone. Other Muslim nation-states have not wanted to put at risk their
national interests for the sake of fellow Muslims. It is interesting to note that this

did not deter the OIC to adopt resolutions supporting security of Muslim nations. It
resolved and repeated time and again that the OIC wanted “to promote Islamic
solidarity among member states and strengthen the fall behind of all Muslim peoples
to safeguard their dignity, independence and national rights. But no member country
wanted to risk their interests by declaring jihad against the Soviet Union when it
invaded Afghanistan.
The OIC has had major problems in dealing with matters involving Muslims in non-
member countries. Although Muslims in non-member countries have no status in the
OIC charter and are not officially represented in the OIC structure, the organization
has frequently shown its concern for them. The OIC noted that, “Muslim minorities in
some countries of non-Muslim majorities do not enjoy the political and religious
rights guaranteed by international law and norms” and appealed to “countries with
Muslim minorities to respect those
minorities and their culture and belief and grant them their rights in according with the
UN charter and the Universal Declaration on Human
Rights.” It also called upon its member states to “manifest support and assistance to
the people under the burden of colonialism.” It never raised the question of Muslim
suffering in the former Soviet Union, or China, or India. For example in 1983 in
Assam state of India many Muslim women and children villagers were massacred by
Hindu fanatics the OIC did not even protest to India.
Afghanistan was invaded by the former Soviet Union in 1979 and the OIC has deal
extensively. Immediately after the Soviet invasion of the OIC resolved to expel the
puppet regime.
The fundamental aims of the OIC to promote Islamic solidarity through coordinating
social, economic, scientific, and cultural activities eliminate national separation and
discrimination is indeed noble but we need to change our inherent internal
weaknesses. The organization as well as the Secretary General position had now been
enhanced. It is just the first step but much more need to be done to satisfy the
expectation of the citizens of member states. The core issue on whether we will be
able to change will depend on the commitment and leadership of the Secretary
There are certain weaknesses in the OIC but it has also achieved a bit of successes.
These achievements not be ignored OIC has to build on them. With better media
profiling and effective participation at the international fore the OIC can be the true
voice representing Muslims and Islam including in its practice of democracy, human
rights and good governance. Reforms within member states of OIC must incorporate
economic, political and social structures in order to mainstream OIC globally.
The fact it is still called “conference” is itself an inbuilt setback. I remember when we
were restructuring the OIC; I suggested that to truly reflect the transformation, the
name should be changed. Many agreed with this view but resistant was equally
vehement in defending the status quo. The name “Organization of Islamic States” or
“Organization of Islamic Countries” was not acceptable as not all members are
Muslim States. This is the reason OIC remain what it is. Let us hope with the change
of the form, OIC will also be able to move the substance forward.
No doubt we can be proud with the establishment of OIC, especially at the height of
the Cold War and the coming to an end of colonialism. In addition many of the
governments of member states then were either secularist or nationalist or communist
or socialist,
yet the countries were able to agree to form the OIC. Due to its historical backdrop the
meetings and Summits of the OIC had been colourful.
The fact that we did not crumble is a plus for Muslim countries. I believe we can
make a different to Islam and
Muslim community if there is sincerity, commitment and political will to strengthen
the organization.
Now here we again find OIC, a weak Muslim organization it just reacted normally as
it was just the problem of one as the nations of the world. It is felt throughout the
Muslim World that there should be solidarity among the Muslim countries. If a
Muslim country is in some sort of problem, all the Muslim countries should get united
and should try to solve their problems by themselves. OIC should be so strong that its
resolutions and decisions should play a vital role in international politics. But this is
possible at the time when all the Muslim nations will become united. It is an open
reality that the Muslim countries have been bestowed by God Almight with His great
blessings. Some Muslim countries are wealthy. Some have the power of oil, some
have manpower, some are advanced in technology and some have the bounty of
natural resources. Pakistan, an Islamic country has the nuclear capability. So when all
these forces get united then there would be a different scenario of international
relation then we will find that the real strength lies in unity. Then no usurping nation
will dare to massive murder Muslims intentionally as is happening in Palestine and
Kashmir. It is the call of the time that Muslims realise their real strength and should
have faith in the blessings of God.
The suggestions related to an institutional means for conflict prevention and
resolution with member states; a network of centers of excellence in science and
technology; establishment of a permanent forum of Islamic thought to provide
guidance and opinion; allocation of adequate financial resources to implement these
proposals; allocation of at least 0.5 per cent of the GDP (Gross Domestic Production)
by the member states for put into practice OIC objectives; and a dedicated department
in the OIC secretariat for promoting intra-OIC trade.
The OIC has set up a number of institutions to help in capacity building, knowledge
networking in areas of knowledge-driven economy, trade and investments, quality and
productivity, sustainable development, governance and elimination of poverty but to
date have no achievement to their credit.
Unless OIC members are willing to face the present challenges boldly and
demonstrate political will to emphasize their role in the world affairs, the OIC will
continue to fail its members. The current crisis between the West and the world of
Islam is yet another opportunity for the OIC to prove its relevance by playing a
productive role by building bridges through an informed dialogue between Islam and
other faiths.
It is to be said with deep concern that the mandate of OIC is to promote all round
cooperation among the member states in field of Science technology economic
development and mutual trade and for the stability of peace eradicating discrimination
and was aiming to strengthen Islamic solidarity among member states and protect
each other’s dignity, independence and safeguard each other from threats and
insurgencies and to safeguard hold places of Muslim Ummah and to assist to recover
the rights and liberation of their occupied territories and to help each other in almost
every field but it is clear to say that the desired objectives and aim could not be
achieved because every time when an incident happens in any of OIC member state
they even do not notice to condemn it.
The examples of Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan , Libya. Tunisa etc. are in front of us.
No one even dare to raise the issue in the floor of the OIC Assembly and to launch a
protest. the end of 2010 and start of 2011 brought about protests and demonstration
and a environment of unrest in the Arab world but they did not took any measure to
know the actual cause of that and thus the same spread from Tunisia to Libya and still
there we see no rest and the economies of felt recessions and the social life observed
It is concluded that still its not too late if the leaders of OIC take reformative measures
and act upon the real charter and mandate they could observe peace and tranquility
and could curb the acts of terror all around the Muslim countries, as it is a know fact
the united we stand divided we fall.

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