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FIITJEE Talent Reward Exam-2016

for students presently in

Class 8
Paper 1
Time: 3 Hours (9:30 am — 12:30 pm) Maximum Marks: 420
Code 8000
Caution: Class, Paper, Code as given above MUST be correctly marked in the answer OMR sheet
before attempting the paper. Wrong Class, Paper or Code will give wrong results.

This Question paper consists of 2 sections. All questions will be multiple choice single correct out of four
choices with marking scheme in table below:

Marking Scheme each question

correct answer wrong answer
Q. 1 to 24 +3 0
SECTION — I Q. 25 to 36 +4 0
Q. 37 to 45 +5 0
Q. 46 to 54 +3 0
Q. 55 to 60 +4 0
0.61 to 69 +3 0
SECTION — II Q. 70 to 75 +4 0

Q. 76 to 93
Q. 94 to 105
Q. 106 to 111 +3 0

BIOLOGY Q. 112 to 117 +3 0

Q. 118 to 120 +5 0

Answers have to be marked on the OMR sheet. The Question Paper contains blank spaces for your rough
work. No additional sheets will be provided for rough work.
Blank papers, clip boards, log tables, slide rule, calculator, cellular phones, pagers and electronic devices, in
any form, are not allowed.
Before attempting paper write your OMR Answer Sheet No., Registration Number, Name and Test
Centre in the space provided at the bottom of this sheet.

Note: Please check this Question Paper contains an 120 questions in serial order. if not so, exchange for the correct Question Paper.

OMR Answer Sheet No.:

Registration Number :

Name of the Candidate :

Test Centre

RIME Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kale Saral, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi .110016, Ph: 49283471/73/75
FTRE-2016-C-VIII (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-2

Section-I Aptitude Test

Straight Objective Type
This section contains 45 multiple choice questions numbered 1 to 45. Each question has 4 choices (A),
(B), (C) and (D), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

If L denotes x, M denotes 4-, P denotes + and Q denotes-, then find the value of
16 p24 M 8 Q 6 M 2 L 3=?
(A) 6 (B) 8
(C) 10 (D) 12

Select the correct combination of mathematical signs to replace * signs and to balance the given
(A) x, <, + (B) x, >, +
(C) +, >, x (D) x, >, +

From the following alternatives, select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the
given word.

If B = 2, A 1, M 3, R 5, E 6, 0- 7, the sum of the letters of which of the following words

will give the highest number?

Lalit is elder than Prakash and Kishore. Mukesh is elder than Rakesh but not as old as Lalit.
Prakash is younger than Rakesh but is not the youngest. Who is the eldest?
(A) Lalit (B) Mukesh
(C) Rakesh (D) Kishore
Space for Rough Work

nun Ltd., TRTJEE House, 29-A, Kahl Surat, Sareapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph: 49283471/73/75
FTRE-2016-C-VIII (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-a

09Y, J27S, P81M, V243G, ?

(A) A324B (B) C7296
(C) B729A (D) A729B

(A) andaa (B) babda
(C) badna (D) bdanb

Direction (Questions 8): In the following question, identify the wrong number in the series.

9, 19, 40, 83, 170, 340

(A) 83 (B) 40
(C) 340 (D) 170

Direction (Questions 9)i In the following question, find the missing term (?) in the series.

2, 9, 23, 3, 8, 25,4, 7,27

(A) 7 (B) 29
(C) 23 (D) 26

Arrange the following words in their ascending order, as in a dictionary:

1. Pick, 2. Pith, 3. Pile, 4. Perk, 5. Pour
(A) 4, 1, 2, 3, 5 (B) 4, 1, 3, 2, 5
(C) 4, 3, 2, 1, 5 (D) 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

A boy's age is one fourth of his father's age The sum of the boy's age and his father's age is 35.
What will be father's age after 8 years?
(A) 15 (B) 28
(C) 35 (D) 36

If + means ±, - means x, x means +, ÷ means -,then

90+ 18-6 x 30+4 =?
(A) 64 (B) 65
(C) 56 (D) 48
Space for Rough Work

FIITJEC Ltd., FIITJNIC House, 29-A, Halu Sand, Sareaprlya Whar, New Delhi -110016, Ph: 49283471/73/75
FTRE-2016-C-VIII (Paper-1)-AT+S8M-4

Directions (Question 13): Find the missing term.

21 24 36
11 14 12
3 ? 4
77 112 108
(A) 2 (8) 4
(C) 3 (D) 5

If DOCTOR is written as FQEVQT, how PATIENT can be written in that code?


Four friends A, B, C, D contribute money to a pool. A contributes double the amount C

contributes and B contributes half the amount A contributes. D contributes half the amount of B.
Which two are contributing equal amount?
(A) B, D (B) A, D
(C) A, B (D) B, C

In a row of boys, if A who is 10th from the left and B who is 9th from the right interchange their
positions, A becomes 15th from left. How many boys are there in the row?
(A) 23 (B) 27
(C) 28 (D) 31

Directions (Questions 17— 18): Select the related letters/word/number from the given altemative:

9 : 80 : : 100 : ?
(A) 901 (B) 1009
(C) 9889 (D) 9999


Space for Rough Work

RIME Ltd., FIITJEZ House, 29-A, Ha& Sara!, Sarvaprlya Vihar, New Delhi .110016, Ph: 49283471/73/75
FTRE-2016-C-VIII (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-5

Select the missing number from the given responses:

216 209 202
522 515 508
633 626 ?
(A) 620 (B) 608
(C) 602 (D) 619

If in a certain language REMOTE is coded as ROTEME, which word would be coded as PNIICC?

In a certain code, LONDON is coded as 24 — 30 — 28 — 8 — 30 — 28. How will FRANCE be coded?

(A) 10 — 24 — 6 — 28 — 6 — 12 (B) 12 — 26 — 6 — 28 — 8 — 10
(C) 12 — 36 — 2 — 28 — 6 — 10 (D) 12 — 26 — 2 — 28 — 8 — 10

Pointing to a photograph, Shekhar said, "He is the son of the only daughter of the father of my
brother." How is Shekhar related to the man in the photo?
(A) Father (B) Uncle
(C) Maternal Uncle (D) None of these

If B = 2, MAT = 34, then JOGLEX = ?

(A) 70 (B) 71
(C) 72 (D) 73

Showing the man receiving the prize, Sujit said, "He is the brother of my uncle's daughter." Who
is the man to Sujit?
(A) Son (B) Brother— in - Law
(C) Nephew (D) Cousin

If * means addition, < means subtraction, + means division, > means multiplication,
— means equal to, + means greater than, and = means less than state which of the following is
(A) 3 x 2 < 4 + 16 > 2 + 4 (B) 5 > 8 + 4 = 10 < 4 x 8
(C) 3 x 4 > 2 — 9 + 3 < 3 (D)5 3< 3=8+ 4 x 1

Six girls are standing in such a way that they form a circle, facing the centre. Subbu is to the left
of Pappu, Revathi is between Subbu and Nisha, Aruna is between Pappu and Keerthana. Who is
to the left of Revathi?
(A) Keerthana (B) Nisha
(C) Aruna (D) Subbu
Space for Rough Work

FUME Ltd., FIATJZE House, 29-A, Sala Sarah Sarvapriya Whar, New Delhi -110016, Ph: 49283471/73/75
FTRE-2016-C-VIII (Paper-1 )-AT-ES8m-6

Directions (Questions 27 — 28): From the given alternatives select the word which cannot be formed
using the letters of the given word.



29. A and B start together from a certain point in the direction of 90° between them by walk. The
speed of A is 8 km per hour and that of B is 6 km per hour. Find out the distance between them
after 30 minutes.
(A) 12 km (B) 10 km
(C) 8 km (D) 5 km

30. Select the missing number from the given responses.

5 5 5
3 ? 3
6 5 8
3 8 4
(A) 1 (B) 3
(C) 2 (D) 4

31. In a certain code, a number 13479 is written as AQFJL and 5268 is written as DMPN. How is
396824 written in that code?
Space for Rough Work

MICE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, %eau Sara!, Sartrapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph: 49283471/73/75
FTRE-2016-C-VIII (Paper-1)-AT+S&M-7

32. Pointing to a woman, Amit said, "She is the only daughter of my wife's grand father's only child."
How is the woman related to Amit?
(A) Father (B) Daughter
(C) Wife (D) Husband
33. Lucky walks 7 km in the east. Then he turns to his right and moves 20 km, then he turns to his left
and moves 5 km, then he turns to his left and moves 11 km and then again he turned to his left
and move 12 km. Now in which direction is he from his starting point and how far?
(A) 9 km South (B) 64 km East
(C) 20 km West (D) 7 km South
34. In a row of boys facing towards North, A is sixteenth from the left end and C is sixteenth from the
right end. B, who is fourth to the right of A, is fifth to the left of C then, how many boys are there in
the row?
(A) 39 (B) 40
(C) 41 (D) 42
Directions (Questions 35 — 37): There are six foreigners AR, C, D, E and F who visit in different states
of India like, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Punjab and
Mumbai and they book a hotel as Taj Hotel, Gemini Hotel, Avadh Clark, 5 star Hotel, Surya Hotel and
Pink Panther not in a same order.
Only one person visits only one state.
A visits Uttar Pradesh but not books Taj Hotel.
C does not visit either Himachal Pradesh or Andhra Pradesh and Mumbai books Surya Hotel.
E does not visit Punjab and Mumbai and books Gemini Hotel.
F visits Arunachal Pradesh but does not book Avadh Clark.
Foreigner who visits Mumbai does not book 5 star hotel.
D visits Himachal Pradesh and books 5 star hotel.
A books Pink Panther.

35. Which foreigner visits Mumbai?

(A) A (B) D
(C) B (D) None of these
Space for Rough Work

FUME Ltd. FLITJZIL House, 29.4, Hale Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi .110016, Ph: 49283471/73/75
website: www,
FTRE-2016-C-V111 (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-8

Taj Hotel is booked by which foreigner?

(A) F (B) E
(C) B (D) None of these

Which hotel is booked by foreigner B?

(A) Gemini Hotel (B) Pink Panther
(C) Avadh Hotel (D) 5 star hotel

A, B, C, D, E, F and G are members of a family consisting of 4 adults and 3 children, two of

whom, F and G are girls. A and D are brothers and A is a doctor. E is engineer married to one of
the brother and has two children. B is married to D and G is their child. Who is C?
(A) G's brother (B) F's father
(C) E's father (D) As son

Sheela walks from A to B which is 2 km away, turns right at 900 and walks for 3 km to point C,
turns right at 90° and walks to D which is 8 km away, turns 90° right and goes 3 km to point K.
Then, once again she turns right, 90° and walks 4 km to point F. How far is it from A to F?
(A) 2 km (B) 4 km
(C) 6 km (D) 8 km

Which diagram represents the relationship among female, mothers and doctors?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

41. Arrange the following words according to the dictionary:

1. Sound, 2. Socks, 3. Shock, 4. Sharp, 5. Snooker
(A) 5, 4, 3, 1, 2 (5) 4, 3, 5, 2, 1
(C) 3, 4, 5, 1, 2 (D) 4, 3, 2, 5, 1
Space for Rough Work

, New Delhi .110016, Ph: 49283471/73/75

FUTJEF Ltd., illTJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sara', Sarvapriya What-
FTRE-2016-C-Vill (Paper-1 )-AT+68M-9

Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall
complete it?

Find out the correct answer from amongst the four alternatives for the unsolved equation.
11 x 12 x 13 = 234, 24 x 23 x 35 = 658, 31 x 43 x 54 = ?
(A) 497 (B) 974
(C) 749 (D) 479
Directions (Questions 44 — 45): Six friends Amit, Bharat, Chintu, Dinu, Ellu, Farah are sitting around a
circular table equidistantly as per following conditions. Farah is sitting to the left of Amit. Bharat is sitting
between Chintu and Ellu and is opposite to Amit. Ellu is sitting to the right of Dinu.

Who is sifting opposite to Dinu?

(A) Amit (B) Bharat
(C) Chintu (D) Farah
Who is sitting to the left of Bharat?
(A) Chintu (B) Ellu
(C) Dinu (D) Can not be determined
Space for Rough Work

FIRM Ltd., !HIVES House, 29.A, Mau Saral,

Sareapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph: 49283471/73/75
FTRE-2016-C-VIII (Paper-1)-AT+88m-lo

Section-II Science and Mathematics

Physics (Part - A)
Straight Objective Type
Physics contains 15 multiple choice questions numbered 46 to 60. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B),
(C) and (D), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Which of the following is/are the application(s) of chemical effect of electric current?
(A) in extraction of metals (B) in electro refining
(C) in electroplating (D) all of these

Two circular metal plates of radius 1 m and 2 m are placed horizontally in a liquid at rest at the
same depth. The ratio of thrust on them
(A) 4:1 (B) 1:2
(C) 1:1 (0)1:4

Which of the following frequencies cannot be heard by human beings?

(A) 30 Hz (13) 15000 Hz
(0)18 KHz (D) 26 KHz

Light is
(A) an electromagnetic radiation (B) a transverse wave
(C) massless (D) all of these

50. Twinkling of stars is due to atmospheric

dispersion of light by water droplets.
refraction of light by different layers of varying refractive indices.
scattering of light by dust particles.
total intemal reflection of light by clouds.

51. The force needed to produce an acceleration of 6 m/s2 in a ball of mass 4 kg will be
(A) 24 N (B) 30 N
(C) 32 N (D) 36 N
Space for Rough Work

RIM! Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Saha Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi .110016, Ph: 49183471/73/75
FTRE-2016-C-VIII (Paper-1 )-Anssm-11

The charge on a body is +1.6 x 1020 C. Which of the following conditions can be drawn from the
given statement?
(A) The body has 103° electrons (B) The body has le protons
(C) The body has lost 103° electrons (D) The body has gained 103° electrons

The image formed by a convex lens is virtual, erect and magnified. The position of the object is:
(A) At infinity (B) At C
(C) At F (D) Between Optical centre and F
A light wave has a wavelength of 10A . Find its frequency if speed of light is 300000 km/second.
(A) 300000 Hz (B) 30000 Hz
(C) 3 x 1017 Hz (D) 3 x 106 Hz

A boy blows a whistle while standing in front of a cliff. He is able to hear the echo after 0.4
second. If velocity of sound is 334 m/s, then at what distance from the cliff he is standing?
(A) 66.8 m (B) 66.8 cm
(C) 133. 6 m (D) 133.6 cm

56. In the given figure if coefficient of friction between block and

surface is 0.1 then find acceleration produced by the resultant
force acting on the block (take g = 10 m/s2) 5 kg
15 N
(A) 3 m/s2 (B) 2 m/s2 11.4%
I !MeV/ ..eZettM/fle.e,
(c) 5 m/52 (D) 0.5 m/s2

57. A boy walks towards a plane mirror at a speed of 2.5 m/s. At what speed is his image
approaching him?
(A) 2 m/s (B) 3 m/s
(C) 2.5 m/s (D) 5 m/s

58. In figure, PO & OQ are incident & reflected rays and POIOQ
then find the angles of incidence and reflection.
(A) 35°, 35° (B) 45°, 450
(C) 30°, 60° (D) 50°, 40° A ' B

59. Three resistances A, B and C have values 3R, 6R and R 3R

respectively. When some potential diff, is applied across
the network the power dissipated by A, B and C are in ratio:
2: 3: 4
3:2:4 6R

60. A wire 1 m long has resistance of 1 a It is uniformly stretched, so that its length increases by
25%, then its resistance will increase by:
(A) 25% (B) 50%
(C) 56.25% (D) 77.33%
Space for Rough Work

FIUME Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29.4 Kalil Sarni, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Della -110016, Ph: 49283471/73/7S
FTRE-2016-C-VIII (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-12

Chemistry (Part - B)
Straight Objective Type
Chemistry contains 15 multiple choice questions numbered 61 to 75. Each question has 4 choices (A),
(B), (C) and (D), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Which fibre is also known as regenerated fibre?

(A) Plastic (B) Polyester
(C) Rayon (D) Acrylon

The list which contains only metal is:

(A) Carbon, Cobalt, Magnesium, caesium (B) Lithium, hydrogen, sulphur, iron
(C) Sodium, magnesium, nickel, oxygen (D) Sodium, potassium, calcium, zinc

When an oil well is drilled through rocks, what comes out first?
a (A) Coal gas (B) Marsh gas
(C) Natural gas (D) Gas carbon

p 64. Composition of water gas and producer gas are respectively:

(A) [CO + H20] and [CO + N21 (B) [CO + H2] and [CO + N2]
(C) [CO + H2] and [CO2 + N21 (D) [CO2 + H20] and [CO2 + N20]

Which one is not a plant fibre?

(A) Hemp (B) Jute
(C) Coir (D) Silk

Element copper is mainly used as electrical wires and cooking vessels. Which of the following is
not a property of copper?
(A) Ductile (B) Malleable
(C) Low melting point (D) Good conductor of heat

Which of the following reaction is possible?

(A) FeSO4 + Cu --->CuSO4 + Fe (B) ZnSO4 + Fe —*FeSO4 + Zn

(C) Ag2SO4 + Zn-->ZnSO4 + 2Ag (D) ZnSO4 +Cu -->CuSO4 + Zn

Which of the following properties of synthetic plastic makes it the most convenient to use?
(A) Good electrical conductor (B) Malleable
(C) Light, strong and rem.ouldable (D) Reactive
Space for Rough Work

AIME Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sari, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph: 49283471/7 3/75
FTRE-2016-C-Vill (Paper-1)-AT+S&M-13

69. In 18101 coal gas was used for street light for first time in
(A) London (B) Pennsylvania
(C) Delhi (D) Mansoura, Egypt

70. Where does crude oil exists in between rock layers?

(A) Mineral rock and impervious rock (B) Impervious rock and sedimentary rock
(C) Impervious rock and reservoir rock (D) Sedimentary rock and mineral rock

71. Metal 'X' reacts very slowly with water but reacts vigorously with steam. Identify metal 'X'.
(A) Magnesium (B) Silver
(C) Copper (D) Potassium

72. Alloys are homogeneous mixtures of a metal with a metal or non-metal. Which among the
following alloys contain non-metal as one of its constituents?
(A) Bronze (B) Steel
(C) Brass (D) Amalgam

73. What is the name of sweetest sugar?

C— 0
H / /I / CH2OH

HO/ \7C—C NH
(A) Lactose (B) Glucose
(C) Fructose (D) None of these

74. Match the articles given in column-I with the fibre plastics from which they are made in column-II.
Column — I Column — II
(A) Toothpaste bristles (i) PVC
(B) Carpet (ii) Nylon
(C) Bottle (iii) Rayon
(D) Toy (iv) PET
(A)-40, (6)-4), (C)—>fiv), (D)—>fiii)
(A)-4), (B)-41), (D)-4v)
(A)—>(ii), (B)—>fiii), (C)—>(iv), (D)-4)
(B)—*(iv), (C)-41), (D)—>(i)

75. Jewellery made of less expensive metals can be covered with layers of gold or silver, by which of
the following method.
(A) Electroplating (B) Earthing
(C) Charging (D) Simply dipping in gold solution
Space for Rough Work

RIME Ltd., FIMIZE House, 29-4, Karla Sara!, Sarvapriya Mar, New Delhi -110016, Ph: 49283471/73/75
FTRE-2016-C-VIII (Paper-1)-AT+SSM-14

Mathematics (Part - C)
Straight Objective Type
Mathematics contains 30 multiple choice questions numbered 76 to 105. Each question has 4 choices
(A), (B), (C) and (D), out of which ONLY ONE is correct

11 64 is divided into three parts proportional to 2, 4 and 6, the smallest part is:
(A) 5- (8) 11
(C) 10- (0)5

If the digit 1 is placed after a two digit number whose ten's digit is t, and unit's digit is u, the new
number is:
(A) 10t + u + 1 (B) 100t+10u+1
(C) 1000t + 10u + 1 (D)t+u+1

The area of the largest triangle that can be inscribed in a semi — circle whose radius is r is:
(A) r2 (B) r3
(C) 212 (D) 2r3

The formula which expresses the relationship between x and y as shown in the accompanying
table is:

x 0 1 2 3 4
Y 100 90 70 40 0
... .__ ._
y= —x (8) y =100 — 5x2
(C) y =100 — 5x — 5x2 (D) y = 20 — x — x2
Space for Rough Work

NUM Ltd., PIITJEZ House, 294, Sala Surat, Saroaprtya Vi/tar, New Delhi .110016, Ph: 49283471/73/75
FTRE-2016-C-VIII (Paper-1)-AT+68,m-15

80. John ordered 4 pairs of black socks and some additional pairs of blue socks. The price of the
black socks per pair was twice that of the blue. When the order was filled, it was found that the
number of pairs of the two colours had been interchanged. This increased the bill by 50%. The
ratio of the number of pairs of black socks to the number of pairs of blue socks in the original
order was:
(A) 4 : 1 (6) 2 : 1
(C) 1 : 4 (D) 1 : 2

If (x + = 2h ,then the value of (x3 + is:

(A) 12.4 (B) 18

(c) 181§ (D) none of these

(Three rupees 5 paise) X (five rupees 40 paise) is equal to

(A) Rs. 18.90 (B) Rs. 16.47
(C) Rs. 17.64 (D) Rs. 15.37

The number of diagonals that can be drawn in a polygon of 100 sides are:
(A) 4850 (B) 4950
(C) 9900 (D) 8800

The number of terms in the expansion of [(a + 302 (a — 30212 when simplified are:
(A) 4 (B) 5
(C) 6 (D) 7

Successive discounts of 10% and 20% are equivalent to a single discount of:
(A) 30% (B) 15%
(C) 72% (D) 28%

Two boys A and B start at the same time to ride from Delhi to Palwal, 60 km away. A travels 4 km
an hour slower than B. B reaches Palwal and at once turns back meeting A 12 km from Palwal.
The rate of speed of A was:
(A) 4 km/hr (B) 8 km/hr
(C) 12 km/hr (D) 16 km/hr
Space for Rough Work

Milt Ltd., 171TJEZ Flottse, 29.4, Katu Sara!, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph: 49283471/73/75
FTRE-2016-C-VIII (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-16

87. A 25 m ladder is placed against a vertical wall of a building. The foot of the ladder is 7 in from the
base of the building. If the top of the ladder slips 4 in, then the foot of the ladder will slide:
(A) 9 m (B) 15 m
(C) 5 m (D) 8 m

88. A point is selected at random inside an equilateral triangle. From this point perpendiculars are
dropped to each side. The sum of these perpendiculars is:
least when the point is the centroid of the triangle
greater than the altitude of the triangle
equal to the altitude of the triangle
one — half the sum of the sides of the triangle

89. If ax =& =b and c = az =d, then:

x q
(A) xy = qz (B) — =
y z
(C) x+y =q+ z (D)x—y=q—z

A number which when divided by 10 leaves a remainder of 9, when divided by 9 leaves a

remainder of 8, by 8 leaves a remainder of 7, etc., down to where, when divided by 2, it leaves a
remainder of 1. Then the number is
(A) 59 (B) 419
(C) 1259 (D) 2519

The price of an article is cut 10%. To restore it to its former value, the new price must be
increased by:
(A) 10% (B) 9%

Space for Rough Work

Fume Ltd., FIITJES House, 29-A, Hata Sawa, Sartiaprlya What-, New Delhi .110016, Ph: 49283471/73/75
webs Its:
FTRE-2o16-C-VIII (Paper-1)-AT-ES&M-17

7+4 -2(2° )
92. when simplifies is:
2(2"+3 )

(A) 20+1 - 1-
(C) 1-2

xY = a xz - b and yz = c where a, b, and care other than zero, then x equals:

x+y 1x+z y+z '
abc 2abc
(A) (B)
ab + ac + bc ab+bc+ac
2abc 2abc
(C) (D)
ac + bc - ab ab + bc - ac

The sides of a regular polygon of n sides, n> 4, are extended to form a star. The number of
degrees at each point of the star is:
360 (8) (n - 4)180

(n - 2)180 90
(C) (D) 180 - —

With a rational denominator, the expression ,_ is equivalent to:

./2 + - -,/5

(A) (B)
6 6
- +10 2 +16- -
(C) (D)
10 6
Space for Rough Work

FIIT/ff Ltd., FHTJEE House, 29.A, %eau Sand, Sarvapriya [ghat, New Delhi .110016, Ph: 49283471/73/76
website: www,
FTRE-2016-C-Vill (Pa per-1 )-AT+S8M141-18

Two candles of the same height are lighted at the same time. The first is consumed in 4 hours
and the second in 3 hours. Assuming that each candle bums at a constant rate, in how many
hours after being lighted was the first candle twice the height of the second.
(A) hr. (B) 1-hr.
4 2
(C) 2 hr. (D) 2-hr.

The number of scalene triangles having all sides of integral lengths, and perimeter less than 13
(A) 1 (B) 2
(0)3 (D) 4

In the figure AB = AC. angle BAD = 300 , and AE = AD.

Then x equals:
(A) 20° (B) 100
(C) 12-e- (D) 15°

If yz : zx : xy = 1: 2 :3 , then +if— is
Yz zx
(A) 1: 4 (B) 1: 2
(C) 3 : 2 (D) 4 :1

How many litres of a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution should be mixed with a 6 litres of 30%
hydrogen peroxide solution so as to get a mixture of 12% solution?
(A) 3 litres (B) 6 litres
(0)9 litres (D) 12 litres
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FTRE-2016-C-VIII (Paper-1)-AT+S&M-19

101. The hypotenuse of an isosceles right angled triangle is q. If we describe equilateral triangles
(outwards) on all its 3 sides, then the total area of the new figure thus obtained is
Ce (2•h ±
(A) q2 (h + 2) (B)
q2 (4/3- —1) (12 (5-sh —
(C) (D)
4 4

If A .3x4 5x2 B = 2x2 + 4x —7, C =-. x4 + 3x3 —2x , then the value of A + B — C is
(A) 2x4 — 3x3 — 3x2 + 6x —6 (B) 3x4 + 3x3 + 2x2 + 2x —6
(C) 3x4 +3x3 —2x2 + 6x — 6 (D) 2x4 —3x3 + 3x2 + 6x — 6

The LCM of (x + 2)2 (x — 2) and (x2 — 4x —12) is:

(A) (x + 2)(x — 2)2 (B) (x —2)(x +2)(x — 6)

(C) (x — 2)(x + 2) (D) (x — 2)(x — 6)(x +2)2

104. The HCF of (x2 — 4), (x2 — 5x — 6) and (x2 + x —6) is:
(A)1 (B) x +2
(C) x — 2 (D) (x2 + x — 6)

The factors of (a2 +4b2 + 4b — 4ab — 2a — 8) are:

(A) (a — 2b — 4)(a — 2b + 2) (B) (a — b +2)(a — 4b — 4)
(C) (a + 2b — 4)(a +2b +2) (D) none of these
Space for Rough Work

RIME Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Surat, Sarvapriya Vlhar, New Delhi .110016, Ph: 49283471/73/75
F7RE-2016-C-VIII (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-20

Biology (Part - D)
Straight Objective Type
Biology contains 15 multiple choice questions numbered 106 to 120. Each question has 4 choices (A),
(B), (C) and (D), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

106. Which dried leaves are used for storing grains?

(A) Neem (B) Peepal
(C) Mango (D) Mint

107. The microorganisms that play an important role in maintaining the balance of nitrogen gas in the
atmosphere are:
(A) Bacteria (B) Algae
(C) Virus (D) Protozoa

108. The IUCN Red List helps in:

Developing awareness about the importance of threatened biodiversity
Providing a global index of the decline in biodiversity
Identification and documentation of endangered species
All of these

109. Which one of the following organelles digests the old organelles that are no longer useful to the
(A) Ribosomes (B) Mitochondria
(C) Lysosomes (D) Chromatin

110. Which of the following microorganisms promotes the formation of curd?

(A) Lactobacillus (B) Amoeba
(C) Spiral bacteria (D) Spirogyra

111. Which of the following is not a Kharif crop?

(A) Paddy (B) Soyabean
(C) Groundnut (D) Pea

112. What does our body produces to fight the invader when a disease — carrying microbe enters our
(A) Antigens (B) Antibodies
(C) Pathogens (D) Antibiotics
Space for Rough Work

MEE Ltd., FIlTJEZ House, 29-A, Kula Sarai, Sarvapriga Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph. 49283471/73/75
website: www,
FTRE-2016-C-VIII (Paper-1)-AT+S&M-21

113. The process of separating the grain from the chaff is:
(A) Threshing (B) Weeding
(C) Sowing (D) Tilling

114. The smallest cell is:

(A) Myco plasma (B) Ant
(C) Algae (D) None of these

115. The plants, animals and microorganisms along with climate, soil, river etc. of an area is refer to
(A) Fauna (B) Species
(C) Ecosystem (D) Kingdom
116. The powerhouse of the cell is:
(A) Mitochondria (B) Golgi bodies
(C) Lysosomes (D) Ribosomes
117. Chilka Lake Sanctuary is situated in the state of:
(A) Orissa (B) Gujarat
(C) Tamil Nadu (D) Bihar
118. Which of the following statements are true about Endoplasmic Reticulum?
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum makes lipids.
It is also called the control centre of the cell.
It processes carbohydrates.
It modifies chemicals that are toxic to the cell.
(A) (I), (II) and (III) (B) Only (I) and (IV)
(C) (I), (III) and (IV) (D) All are correct
119. Wild life conservation aims at:
Maintaining the ecological processes
To enrich the wildlife diversity with exotic species
Preventing migration of species
Maintaining the diversity of life
(A) I, II (B) II, Ill
(C) Ill, IV (D) I, IV
120. Prolonged liberal irrigation of agricultural fields is likelyto create the problem of:
(A) Aridity (B) Metal toxicity
(C) Salinity (D) Acidity
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