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Journal of The Association of Physicians of India ■ Vol.

66 ■ April 2018 47

Review Article

Methanol Poisoning
DB Kadam1, Sonali Salvi 2, Ajay Chandanwale3

with ethanol that is used for medical

Abstract purposes to prevent ingestion of the
same. This is colored, usually blue,
Mortality associated with methanol has been of great concern time and again.
to identify medical alcohol called as
The concurrence of cases from a particular area raises doubts about methanol
denatured spirit. Consumption of this
as the culprit. Knowledge of the patho-physiological changes that occur in the
for the purpose of suicidal attempt is
body after methanol consumption is essential for all practicing doctors. This
another way of presentation.
article elucidates the clinical presentation and emergency management of these
cases under the framework of basic physiological and biochemical phenomena Absorption, Distribution and
after methanol exposure. Metabolism
Conversion of methanol to formaldehyde by hepatic enz yme alcohol
dehydrogenase triggers the cascade of metabolic events. The manifestations Methanol as an alcohol is rapidly
begin as early as 30 minutes and progress to decompensated metabolic acidosis in absorbed through gastro‐intestinal
tract, so the average absorption half ‐
about 12 hours, if left untreated. Seizures, hypoglycemia and blindness frequently
life is 5 minutes and reaches maximum
complicate the picture. Acute kidney injury warrants urgent haemodialysis.
serum concentration within 30 – 60
Fundoscopic examination and arterial blood gas analysis are the key diagnostic
minutes and well dissolves in body
elements. The management comprises of intravenous sodium bicarbonate,
water. Methanol is not toxic by itself,
correction of dyselectrolytemia, ethanol, folic acid and haemodialysis, if necessary. but its metabolites are toxic. The
The basic steps in approach must be carried out in the emergency department absorption of methanol can be delayed
and followed-up with meticulous monitoring in the intensive care unit for salvage in the presence of ethanol or food.
as well as prevention of long term sequelae.
Methanol is metabolized in different
phases mainly in the liver. The initial
enzyme in its metabolism is alcohol

M ethanol poisoning in Malwani

near Malad, Mumbai claimed
large number of deaths due to delay
The most common cause of methanol
poisoning in India is adulteration
of alcoholic drinks. These alcoholic
dehydrogenase (Figure 1)

Clinical Manifestations
suspecting and diagnosis led to delay drinks are illicit liquor produced by
Clinical manifestations of poisoning
in management.1 Hence following unauthorized persons. Methanol claims
with methanol alone initiate within
principles of management are designed to give early kick when mixed with
0.5 – 4 hours of ingestion and include
to tackle this type of disaster in future. alcohol. Hence, adulteration is done.
nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain,
There are in several guidelines Secondly, it is cheaper than ethanol,
confusion, drowsiness and central
for the management of methanol which makes it suitable for mixing.
nervous system suppression. Patients
intoxication in literature. However, in The other subset of patients with usually do not seek help at this stage.
resource limited settings and primary methanol poisoning presents as suicidal Associated ethanol consumption will
health care level, all the investigative or accidental ingestion. Methanol is delay manifestations of methanol
and treatment modalities are not used as a solvent in printing and copy poisoning. When adulterated alcohol
readily available. This article aims at solutions, adhesives, paints, polishers is the cause, manifestations are seen
diagnosis and optimum management of and stabilizers. It is also used for after 12 – 24 hours. In this group,
methanol poisoning at incipient level so window cleaners, antifreeze, as a fuel many patients will arrive together
that large scale morbidity and mortality in alcohol lamp and as an additive with the same symptoms and from
is prevented. in gasoline. Methanol is known as an same residential area. Left untreated,
industrial alcohol and is mixed up methanol poisoning can lead to
ADH F-THF-S significant mortality and morbidity. 2
Methanol Formaldehyde FDH Formic Acid CO2 + H2O
After a latent period of 12– 24
hours, decompensated metabolic
acidosis occurs; which presents as acute

Ethanol or Fomepizole Folinic acid & Folic acid

Professor & Head, 2Associate Professor, Department
Fig. 1: Metabolism of methanol. ADH: Alcohol Dehydrogenase; FDH: Formaldehyde of Medicine, 3Dean, B.J. Govt. Medical College, Pune,
dehydrogenase; F-THF-S: 10-Formyl Tetrahydrofolate Synthetase; All the toxic
Received: 01.03.2016; Accepted: 21.12.2017
effects of methanol are due to formaldehyde and formic acid
48 Journal of The Association of Physicians of India ■ Vol. 66 ■ April 2018

Acute Vomiting, Abd. Pain,

Altered Sensorium. 1. S.Methanol
H/O Alcohol Consumption
For detection of
methanol and its 2. S. Formaldehyde
products 3. Urine Formic acid
Flushing, Increased Tachypnea, Drowsiness,
talkativeness, Miotic pupils Convulsions, Mydriasis Mixed findings but delayed
with intact vision, Smell of with loss of vision, presentation INVESTIGATIONS
Alcohol No smell of Alcohol
1. Fundoscopy
For detection of 2. ABG
METHANOL complications due to
ETHANOL METHANOL + methanol products 3. S. Lactate
ETHANOL 4. S. Electrolytes

TRIAGE Fig. 3: Investigations in methanol poisoning

AG < 20 AG > 20 AG > 20 AG < 20

OG > 25 OG > 25 OG < 25 OG < 25

1. Bicarbonate 1. Bicarbonate
1. Bicarbonate if 2. Antidote Observation only
2. Antidote
Metabolic acidosis
3. Folinic acid 3. Folinic acid Monitor Blood
2. Antidote 4. Consider HD if Gases
4. HD Visual disturbances

AG (Anion Gap) = [Na+] - {[Cl-] + [HCO3-]}

OG (Osmotic Gap) = Measured Osmolality (MO) - Calculated Osmolality (CO)
CO = 2 x NA + GLU/1.8 + BUN/2.8
GLU = Blood Glucose level; BUN = Blood Urea Nitrogen

Fig. 2: Plan of triage at tertiary care centre emergency room Fig. 4: Fundus picture showing hyperemic disc

dyspnea and dizziness. The period of in the differential diagnosis of toxic dl indicates severe poisoning.
latency depends on the dose absorbed alcohol and the non‐toxic alcohol. The Serum formaldehyde or formic
and ethanol consumed. Interference body response to acidemia is tachypnea acid level: Presence of these indicates
with neural axoplasmatic transport by and hyperventilation (Kussmaul’s definite methanol poisoning. These
formaldehyde and/or formate probably breathing). This is diagnosed by the tests are not available in most centres.
accounts for the ocular manifestations. normal cardiovascular and respiratory
Urinary formic acid level: Formic
Formaldehyde is toxic to visual fibres findings in presence of acute dyspnea.
acid in urine is estimated by a gas
leads to blurred vision, photophobia, However, ethanol poisoning leads to
chromatographic method. Evidence
changes in visual field, accommodation alcoholic ketoacidosis resulting in mild
of formic acid in urine is confirmative
disorder, diplopia, blindness and acidemia.
of methanol poisoning. However, this
less commonly nystagmus. Blurred Ethylene glycol is metabolized by facility may not be available at all the
vision with unaltered consciousness the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase centres.
is a strong suspicion for methanol to glycolic acid (GA), which is then
poisoning. Detection of toxic alcohols in
transformed into glyoxylic acid.
blood and/ or body fluid: WHO has
Severe metabolic acidosis with anion Glyoxylic acid is further converted to
recommended the following methods
gap and increased osmolality are highly highly toxic oxalate. Calcium oxalate
for detection of toxic alcohols in blood
suggestive of methanol and/ or ethylene crystals may form and accumulate
or body fluid like saliva. These are
glycol poisoning. Figure 2 describes the in blood and other tissues. The
qualitative and based on colorimetry.
triage in casualty. precipitation of calcium oxalate in
Tw o o f t h e s e a r e e n z y m e - b a s e d
the renal cortex results in decreased
Important Differential methods (alcohol oxidase and alcohol
glomerular filtration and renal
dehydrogenase) and other two utilize
Diagnoses insufficiency.
oxidizing agents (sodium periodate
An important point in management Investigations and potassium permanganate). A
of toxic alcohols, particularly methanol combination of these methods allows
poisoning, is proper and early Investigations are done to support us to detect all three important alcohol
diagnosis. Since emergency estimation the clinical diagnosis. They are not a i n t o x i c a t i o n s : m e t h a n o l , e t h yl e n e
of serum methanol concentration is not must for starting treatment. Treatment glycol, and diethylene glycol. These
available in most parts of the country, should be started immediately on methods utilize easily obtainable and
clinical differential diagnosis is very clinical suspicion alone (Figure 3). relatively inexpensive reagents and
important. no sophisticated equipment. All the
For Detection of Methanol and studies can be completed within 40
Convulsions and central nervous
its Products minutes and thus can be performed
symptoms: Central nervous symptoms,
either in a clinical facility or even
particularly convulsions are the signs Serum methanol level: Estimation outside the facility as the patient is
of severity of toxic alcohol intoxication of serum alcohol level is probably being transported. 3
and hypoglycemia. important in early hours of intoxication.
For detection of complications due to
Tachypnea and acidemia: Acidemia This is unavailable in most of the
methanol products:
is a noteworthy laboratory finding centres. Serum methanol level > 20 mg/
Fundoscopy: Presence of papillitis
Journal of The Association of Physicians of India ■ Vol. 66 ■ April 2018 49

indicated by hyperemic red optic disc It is measured directly by freezing Ethanol administration – oral
indicates formaldehyde toxicity when point technique. A Gap of more than 25 administration of ethanol as 1 ml/kg
ophthalmic symptoms are present between calculated and measured one of absolute alcohol diluted in 4 volumes
(Figure 4). indicates presence of abnormal alcohol. of water is given as loading dose and
Arterial blood gases: Blood gas Vapor pressure method should not be followed by 0.5 ml/kg alcohol every 2
analysis in severe toxicity reveals utilized. Vapor pressure depression hourly. In practice one can use foreign
severe metabolic acidosis with pH osmometers cannot detect the presence liquors on sale like whisky, rum,
< 7.3 and HCO3 < 20 mEq/L. PaCO2 of volatiles (alcohols) in solution, brandy, gin as 60 ml stat and 30 ml every
is reduced and PaO2 is raised. Most whereas freezing point instruments 2 hourly till acidosis persists or for 12-
patients with severe poisoning will can, because volatile solute increases 24 hours. If the patient is unconscious
present with pH < 7.0 and HCO3 < 5, the total vapor pressure of solutions. then same can be given through Ryle’s
which is a life threatening situation. tube. Intravenous alcohol drip can be
Treatment given if absolute alcohol is available as
Serum lactic acid: Lactic acid level
30 ml in one pint of 5% dextrose every
is raised secondary to formaldehyde Sodium Bicarbonate: Life threatening
4 – 6 hourly depending on patients
induced mitochondrial toxicity. complication of methanol intoxication
c o n d i t i o n . C l o s e wa t c h s h o u l d b e
Tissue hypoxia leads to CIRCULUS is severe metabolic acidosis. Hence
kept on hypoglycemia and electrolyte
HYPOXICUS as shown in figure 5. correction of acidosis is of prime
imbalance, especially hypokalemia,
Other investigations for end organ importance. Sodium bicarbonate deficit
in patients on ethanol therapy. Oral
t o x i c i t y : B l o o d s u g a r l e ve l , l i ve r is calculated as 0.5 x body weight in
alcohol group should receive additional
function tests, electrolytes, ECG. X-ray kg x (18 – observed bicarbonate). This
histamine H2 receptor blocker and
chest is required in critical patients. calculated deficit is injected to patient
proton pump inhibitor to prevent
in ml as half dose bolus and half dose
Electrolytes should be done in all vomiting and aspiration pneumonia. 4
over next 30 minutes. Repeat arterial
cases to calculate the anion gap. Fomepizole – 15 mg/kg as bolus
blood gas analysis is done every two
Anion gap is calculated as (Na) – (Cl hourly and correction as above is given followed by 10 mg/kg every 12 hourly
+ HCO3) till pH normalizes. If pH is less than 7 for 24 hours. However availability is an
It is normally 8 – 12. and/or S. Bicarbonate is less than 5, full issue for this drug. 5

In methanol poisoning, it is increased correction is warranted. Hemodialysis: Patients with severe

to more than 20. Correction of electrolyte metabolic acidosis (pH < 7.1 and HCO3
imbalance: especially hyperkalemia < 10) will require hemodialysis for rapid
Serum osmolality – this is calculated correction of acidosis and elimination
as and hypokalemia should be detected
promptly and corrected. of methanol. Hemodialysis should be
Blood Blood Urea done with femoral vein as vascular

} }
Serum Sodium level can be low due
Glucose Nitrogen access with 250 -300 ml/min as blood
2 x Na + + to the presence of methanol and should
pump speed, - 50 as transmembrane
1.8 2.8 be monitored and corrected.
pressure and for 4 – 6 hours duration.
Suspected or confirmed Methanol Poisoning case Hemodialysis leads to rapid clearance

History of ingestion of Toxic Dose of Methanol

 Formaldehyde
 Formic acid
 Acidosis

Arterial pH <7.3 Circulatory

Fundoscopy - papillitis
S. bicarbonate <20 mEq/L.
(red disk)
Osmol gap >10 mOsm/kgH2O


1. Intravenous sodium bicarbonate

2. 1 ml/kg of five-fold diluted alcohol 96 as loading dose and 0.16 ml/kg/h
as maintenance dose orally or by Nasogastric Tube
3. Folic Acid or Folinic Acid 1 mg/kg every 4-6 hours, IV in D5W over
30-60 minutes

Tissue Mitochondria Formaldehyde

pH < 7.3 Hypoxia Formic acid

Clinical deterioration


Renal failure
Resistant dyselectrolytemia

Loss of consciousness

S. methanol >50 mg/dL


Fig. 5: Following is the algorithm suggested for management of

methanol poisoning Fig. 6: Diagrammatic representation of circulus hypoxicus
50 Journal of The Association of Physicians of India ■ Vol. 66 ■ April 2018

of methanol and its toxic products. on history and clinical examination. ataxic gait and sensory impairment on
Patient should be hemodynamically In centres where there are no the distal part of the legs are the usual
stable with resuscitation methods prior facilities available for ABG neurological incapacities that can be
to hemodialysis. 6 observed in surviving cases. 8
As soon as methanol poisoning is
Folinic acid/folic acid: this degrades suspected and patient has acidotic Our Experience of Methanol
formic acid into carbon dioxide and breathing with urine pH strong acidic,
(CO2 + H2O). Hence folinic acid or folic poisoning
sodium bicarbonate 100 ml should be
acid should be administered. Folic Acid given stat and 100 ml in drip of normal In the year 2005, we had 21 patients
or Folinic Acid 1 mg/kg (usually 50 mg) saline should be started and the patient of methyl alcohol consumption.
every 4‐6 hours, IV in 5% Dextrose over should be referred at higher centre after Patients were triaged on the basis
30‐60 minutes. 7 giving loading dose of 60 ml ethanol. of arterial blood gas analysis report
Approach to Methanol In centres where ABG is available (pH< 7.2, serum bicarbonate less than
but dialysis facility is not available, 10 Meq/L) and fundoscopic findings
Poisoning Epidemics
patients can be managed with acidosis of acute papillitis. On fundoscopy,
By definition, occurrence of more correction by sodium bicarbonate, retinal changes were observed in eight
than three cases of methanol poisoning c o m p e t i t i ve i n h i b i t i o n b y e t h a n o l patients. Out of these, three patients
in one area within 24 hours is suggestive and addition of folic/folinic acid. had severe papillitis. Acidosis was
of methanol poisoning epidemic. When Fomepizole if available can be given. present in six patients. All the cases
this is noted, should be communicated Most of the patients can successfully were treated with oral alcohol by
to public health authorities and police be managed without mortality and nasogastric tube. Injection sodium
administration. Public announcement morbidity at such centers. Only patients bicarbonate was administered to all six
system should be put to use in this with pH < 7.1 and bicarbonate < patients with acidosis. In four patients,
locality and persons drinking alcohol 10 meq/L, despite correction done we had to resort to hemodialysis.
from the same source should be advised by intravenous sodium bicarbonate, Mechanical ventilator support was
to report at medical centre even if should be considered for hemodialysis required in three hypoxic patients
they are asymptomatic. This plays due to constraints of available facility. and these were those who had severe
an important role in prevention of In centers where hemodialysis changes on fundoscopy. Mortality
methanol poisoning morbidities and facility is available: occurred in two cases and one patient
mortalities. Immediately on suspicion on ventilator recovered. Of the three
In addition to sodium bicarbonate, patients with papillitis, two expired.
of methanol poisoning epidemic, all ethanol, folic acid therapy, hemodialysis
neighboring medical institutes should Hence, severe fundoscopic features
should be considered early in all can be used to predict poor outcome in
be alerted for having sufficient stock of p a t i e n t s w i t h s e ve r e a c i d o s i s a n d
sodium bicarbonate and hemodialysis methanol poisoning if there is no access
symptoms of decreased visual acuity to blood methanol levels.
facilities should be kept ready. In or ‘fogging of vision’ (also called as the
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