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Submitted by:

Joel Daniel Dedoroy

BSIT – 3e
Name of company: Sutherland Global Services – Davao

What I learned:

I learned that Sutherland is not only a call center but also business solution center. They are
rendering services to their clients with all those great facilities that could be very helpful for
technical supports especially for business solutions needs.

What I liked:

I liked their building and facilities. They have complete machines that they needed for business
solutions and they also care for environment for they implement some rules that conserve
energy, which is a good thing for everybody.

What I don’t like:

I don’t like the building that is still ongoing for construction. The noise is really disturbing for
those working inside.
Name of company: SSS (Social Security System)

What I learned:

On the first day of our major field trip and seminars in the Metro, we visited the SSS office in
East Ave., Quezon City. I learned that having or being a member in SSS could be very helpful in
any cases that because this company was also linked to other big companies worldwide which
means its membership/card is recognize by this company. I also found out that they have tow
databases that is currently operational, one is within the metro, and the other is in a province-
like place. The CIO of SSS said that the main database is used for their daily transactions to
exchange information and store it, while the other on is used as a back-up in case of disaster or
any technical problem that may occur in the main database, in this way the service of SSS won’t
be interrupted and is convenient for the people and the employees. They also show us to their
facilities including the area where they produce the SSS ID card, which they stop producing
because of another universal-like ID which is composed of other companies.

What I liked:

I like their accommodation, because I can really tell that they prepared for our arrival because
of the hospitality and kindness they show to us, they have nice ambiance of conference room,
well-educated speakers and good snacks. The tour in their building is a great experience.

What I don’t like:

Nothing.. It’s a great experience touring in SSS bldg.

Name of company: SPI Servisoft

What I learned:

The second company we visited is the SPI servisoft which is an Export Companies and
Outsourcing Service Providers that is located in Parañaque. I learned on that tour is that their
company was like an outsourcing company. They also talk about somewhat project planning in
which we could somehow relate especially for those who were taking up systems analysis and
design. They just tell us what they do and take some tour to their building and introduce to
some of their employees on duty.

What I liked:

I liked their speakers because it was very nice to see IT professionals explaining stuff that you
could relate to and also some facilities except the place where we were gathered.

What I don’t liked:

I don’t like the rooms where they conducted our seminar, because it is like unattended cellar.
Actually, it just came to my mind that “Sutherland - Davao is way better than here”, no offense
to them.
Name of company: University of Philippines, Diliman

What I learned:

UP Diliman, the upittc is one of the best itineraries that we have visited. I learned a lot of things
including how to write a winning thesis, because it would be helpful to us in the future, they
also discussed about visualization, personal learning environment, gaming, mobile
development, and other technical related topics that would be helpful for us.

What I liked:

I liked their accommodation because they already prepare everything for the event, and the
speakers are also very intelligent people and professionals while delivering their speech which
was mostly very interesting to us.

What I don’t liked:

I don’t like some of the speakers that do not know how to get the attention of his/her
audiences; even some of us are already sleeping and talking to someone.
Name of company: SeaChange (Ayala Techo HUB)

What I learned:

In SeaChange, they have showed us their facilities and found out that they provide tv shows,
movies and other multimedia services which is stored in their database that was maintain by
their IT personnel. They also said that they also provide some of technical services on the big
network companies like GMA and ABS-CBN. These services also include the capability of their
customer to watch movies/tv shows at their convenient time because it allows them to pause,
play stop, rewind, forward, and other convenient features in using multimedia.

What I liked:

I liked their offices/ facilities, it is very organized and well-maintained, and especially their
database which was most of all their multimedia is stored. They also let us get inside to their
servers which are very confidential but still they try to explain how it works.

What I don’t liked:

I don’t like some of their employees because they were acting as if they do not know
something, but most of them are really kind and hospitable especially the managers and
Name of company: IBM – International Business Machine (Ayala Techo HUB)

What I learned:

I learned that IBM is a company that gives opportunities to the people that have great ideas
and that they help it out to develop something useful. The president of the company is a person
that is a positive thinker which persuades us to do what we like and do hard-work in anything
we do.

What I liked:

I liked the ambiance of their building, seems like every people walking around there is
professional and also the president which is also the speaker for the said event. They showed us
an example of the servers that they make which is not working because it is only for viewing

What I don’t liked:

I don’t like the fact that they really didn’t tour us around the building because we have just turn
around a room.
Name of company: ASTI (Advance Science & Technology Institute)

What I learned:

I learned that ASTI makes application/products that is already in market and is very useful for
the people that studies related to computer technology. They usually produce embedded
technologies like GDAT Data Acquisition terminal, PICME microcontroller kit, GSM data
terminal, Digital wood meter, and Digital multimeter. They also discuss their projects like the
early warning system for tsunami, PREDICT, and field monitoring system. The developers of
Bayanihan Linux OS, also presented their developed OS which is a proud to be Filipino product.

What I liked:

I liked the speakers of the seminar for they have answered our questions to best that they can.
They didn’t show us the whole place but, they have properly explained and discussed the thing
that is significant to the tour.

What I don’t liked:

I don’t the time given for each batch of students because it is just very short and I guess it
needs some time to discuss all subjects that is significant.
Name of company: TTI Telecom Training Institute

What I learned:

In TTI, I learned how to use fiber optics in connecting lines that is used in telecommunications,
that it is very dangerous in handling such thing. The speakers also discussed the things about
LAN networking and what are the processes undergone by the information before it is received
by the receiver. They also explained some of the technical machines they have like Digital
multiplex masterstation, and the processes like sampling, quantisizing, coding, and the mux.

What I liked:

I liked the speakers/instructors patience to all of us for discussing and sharing the things that he
knew and making it to be one of the best tours.

What I don’t liked:

I don’t like the appearance of the building and also some parts of the building as we tour it
inside. It is true that they have great machineries but I guess better place is also a plus.
Name of company: PLDT (Philippine Long Distance Telecommunications)

What I learned:

I learned that we, IT student have great opportunity to be hire in any PLDT branch because they
usually need some technical related courses. They have machines developed that are
automated and synchronize to the system like the ATM that is automated for the users that is
affiliated with PLDT.

What I liked:

I liked the person who toured us around because at his very young age, he already acquires a
good position in a great company like PLDT, which makes him one of the best employees. I
think he is really smart for accomplishing such thing in his life.

What I don’t liked:

I don’t like the fact that we were just in a limited time because we need to go to another place
so the speaker didn’t have the opportunity to explain further about some topics related to
technical solutions.
Name of company: MMDA (Traffic Engineering)

What I learned:

I learned that MMDA center provides great facilities to monitor traffic around metro manila,
and it is very unbelievable to see this facilities working and is well-maintained by the personnel.
They have CCTV cameras installed in each corners around metro manila with a high quality
image output that even a farthest plate number of a car can be retrieved.

What I liked:

I liked the setup of their monitors which is very convenient for everyone to see if there is any
vehicular incident that is happening.

What I don’t liked:

I don’t like the part where we were tour inside and database area, which is very narrow that we
couldn’t fit inside it.

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