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Your robot body has traits in common with most robots, as well as modifications unique to its
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2. Robots are more
durable than most biological beings.
Age. With proper maintenance, robots are theoretically immortal, and do not die of old
Alignment. Robots have an inclination towards law over order, but favor neutrality over
good or evil. That being said, a robot’s neural net is complex enough to exhibit any alignment
that humanoids are capable of.
Size. Robots are sized appropriate to their purpose. You can choose whether you were
built as a Medium robot or a Small robot. If you choose Small, your Dexterity score increases by
1, and you reduce all movement speeds below by 5 feet.
Type. Your type is Construct. You only breathe for purposes of heat dissipation. You do
not require food or water. While you do not sleep as a humanoid does, you do require a
rejuvenation period of 8 hours within every 24 hour period in order to recharge your power cells.
Speed. Your base speed is dependent upon the type of locomotion you were built with.
Choose one form of locomotion.
● Forced air: You take in air through a vent and force it out beneath you, allowing you to
hover a short distance off the ground. You can hover along the ground at a base speed
of 30 feet. You can ignore difficult terrain
● Legs (multiple): You have three or more mechanical legs that allow you to climb surfaces
similar to an insect. Your base walking speed is 30 feet, and you gain a climb speed of
20 feet.
● Legs (pair): You are bipedal and can walk similar to a normal humanoid. Your base
walking speed is 35 feet.
● Wheels: You have three or more wheels that allow you to move around quickly. Your
base speed is 30 feet, but navigating obstacles like stairs require an additional foot of
movement for each foot you move. When you take the Dash action, you can increase
your speed by an additional 10 feet as long as you move in a straight line.
Manipulators. You were built with up to two manipulators that serve as your hands.
Choose one of the following manipulator models. Both of your manipulators are the same
● Pincers: A pincer is a two-fingered, claw-like appendage that focuses all the grip
strength on a pair of opposed surfaces, rather like a pair of tongs. Pincers allow the
robot to manipulate and lift objects without much difficulty, but objects specifically made
for humanoid hands (like firearms) are usually beyond the pincers’ ability to operate.
Unarmed strikes with your manipulators deal 1d6 + Strength modifier bludgeoning
damage, or 1d4 if you are Small.
● Hand: This is a multi-digit manipulator with three to five digits. Some hands are designed
to mimic humanoid hands. You can do anything with a hand manipulator that a
humanoid can do with their hands.
External Casing. Your external casting determines your appearance. Choose one of the
following casings.
● Duraplastic shell: Your most vulnerable components are shielded with duraplastic plates.
When you aren’t wearing removable armor, your Armor Class equals 13 + your Dexterity
● Synthflesh sheath: Your external casing is designed to replicate humanoid flesh. You are
capable of mimicking human expressions, and your Charisma score increases by 1. If
you have a standard humanoid form (a pair of legs and hand manipulators), a creature
must study you over a long period of time to determine that you are not of the humanoid
race you are designed to mimic.
Class III Sensor System. Your sensor system includes a camera with infrared capability
and three-dimensional imaging, a basic audio receiver, and a crude chemical sniffer. Your
senses are roughly equivalent to that of a human’s.
Complex Neural Net. Your command module consists of either a completely artificial
neural net modeled on humanoid neural processing, or a brain case which contains an actual
humanoid brain, usually the result of a full-body transplant. In either case, your complex neural
net can be affected by mind-altering effects that can affect humanoids, including psychic
Fragile Circuitry. The electronics that suffuse your form can easily be damaged by
electrical discharges. You have vulnerability to lightning damage.
Artificial Body. You are immune to disease, the poisoned condition, and poison
Robotic Resurrection. In the event of your death, your command module can be
removed and placed in a similar robotic frame.This must be done within 24 hours or the neural
net will degrade to the point of uselessness.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write any three languages of your choice.

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