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Date : ________________

Axis Bank Limited

_______________ Branch

Dear Sirs,

Sub : Current Account No. ____________________


We ______________________, a Partnership Firm (“Firm”) registered under

____________________________ comprising of Shri. _________________ (Son of
_________________), Shri. ________________(Son of _________________) and
Shri. _________________ (Son of _________________) as partners and having its
place of Business at _________________________________________________,
are maintaining Current Account No. _________________ (“Account”) with your
Branch and the Firm has decided to avail the facility of IT enabled operation of the
Account and accordingly does hereby request you as under -

1. Do also allow operation of the Account through the mode of Internet Banking,
offered by Axis Bank Limited for operation of the Account from time to time and
the following Officials are authorised to operate the Account under different
Limits in the manner set out below:

Corporate Internet Banking (CIB)

Name of the Official Limit (Rs.)
(User) From To

and the aforesaid authorised Officials be and are hereby authorised to complete
the formalities for applying for and obtaining connected Login id and
Password(s), as the case may be, as applicable, to the above mode of
operation and operate the Account, as per the Limit and in the manner indicated
above, as the case may be, and Shri. ______________________ / Shri.
__________________ is authorized to complete all formalities including
collection of the applications and other documents from the above authorised
Officials, submit the same to Axis Bank Limited and collect the Login id and
Password(s), as the case may be, from Axis Bank Limited and deliver the
same to the respective authorised Officials.

Optional for Applicant.
Applicant can set the Limits

2. Shri. ______________________, the partner alongwith Shri.
___________________, also a partner of the Firm and a signatory hereunder,
are jointly authorised to additionally authorize such other Official(s) to operate
the Account in any of the modes indicated above / evaluate and decide on
adopting any other mode of operation of the Account that Axis Bank Limited
may offer from time to time.

3. The Firm does hereby note and convey to Axis Bank Limited that the
transactions done under the mode of operations adopted by the Firm are
binding on the Firm notwithstanding any fraud, negligence, allowing
unauthorized use, failure to maintain confidentiality of Login id and / or
Password or default on the part of the authorised Official(s) in the operation of
the Account and the Firm agrees to hold Axis Bank Limited harmless and its
interest protected on execution of every transaction and shall not hold Axis
Bank Limited liable for any such unauthorized or fraudulent transactions.

Yours faithfully,
For ________________________


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