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8, AUGUST 2013 3079

A Design and Assessment of a Direction Finding

Proximity Fuze Sensor
Jae-Hyun Choi, Myung-Suk Jung, and Kyung-Whan Yeom, Member, IEEE

Abstract— This paper presents the implementation and assess- velocity, and orientation. In addition, the proximity fuze has
ment of a direction finding proximity fuze sensor for anti- the ability to determine optimum time and direction to detonate
aircrafts or anti-air missiles. A higher rejection of clutter signals the warhead using the acquired information [4], [5]. Thus, a
is achieved by employing a binary phase shift keying modulation
using Legendre sequence. The direction finding is implemented target at pre-determined distance can be eliminated by the
by comparing received powers from six receiving antennas automatic explosion more successfully than direct contact
equally spaced by an angle of 60° around a cylindrical surface. using the on-board proximity fuze sensor and the maximum
In addition, target detection algorithms have been developed for a weapon effectiveness can be achieved [6].
robust detection of the target, taking the wide variation of target Various types of proximity fuzes are currently employed,
related parameters into considerations. The performances of the
developed fuze sensor are experimentally verified by constructing and they can be categorized into inductive/capacitive type,
the fuze-specific encounter simulation test apparatus, which radar type, and active/passive infrared type [7]. The advantage
collects and analyzes reflected signals from a standard target. The of each type depends on its application, so the type of
developed fuze sensor can successfully detect the −10 dBsm target proximity fuze is relevant to operating environments, such as
over a 10 m range as well as the direction with an out-of-range detection ranges and targets type coming from the ground,
rejection of about 40 dB. Furthermore, the developed fuze sensor
can clearly detect the target with mesh clutter environment. submarine, and air. For example, the laser proximity fuze [8]
To assess realistic operation, the fuze sensor is tested using using a laser beam to detect a target is less susceptible to
155 mm gun firing test setup. Through the gun firing test, the electronic interference but has shorter detection range. The
successful fuzing range and direction finding performances are capacitance proximity fuze [9] which utilizes the capacitance
demonstrated. between detector and the ground as a detection mechanism
Index Terms— BPSK, Legendre sequence, auto correlation, is efficient for the target coming from the ground. The radar
range gate, clutter rejection, direction finding fuze. type proximity fuze presented in this paper, however, is the
best solution for a type of target from the air considering
I. I NTRODUCTION detection range, and directional target detection. Among radar-
type proximity fuzes, techniques based on interferometry,
T HE POOR quality of anti-aircraft artillery could be traced
to the uncertainties in determining the range to a target
and in setting a time fuze accordingly. A proximity fuze can
FMCW, and code-correlation have been applied to proximity
fuze sensors. However, the interferometry technique is strongly
effectively resolve these problems by sensing the presence of limited to the unambiguous range by the periodicity of signals
the target [1], [2]. The proximity fuze operates to detonate in Several researches using FMCW method have been published
close encounter and results in the increase of the probability and promising for cost effectiveness [10], [11]. However,
of the successful elimination of the threatening target. The their applications to the proximity sensor for air targets have
effectiveness of such operation in the elimination of target not been reported and the code correlation detection method
rather than by direct hit has been proven from the experiences employed in our fuze sensor
of ordnance operation [3]. Thus, most recent missile warheads The unique feature of the radar type proximity design is that
are equipped with a proximity fuze to maximize the probability the target does not behave as in a conventional radar design at
of kill [4], [5]. fuzing range. Due to the close range and the generally narrow
For the previously explained purpose of the proximity fuze, antenna beam of the fuze, the target is only partially illumi-
the proximity fuze sensor should have the primary function nated. The fuze sees only one or a small collection of target in
that can detect the presence of the target as well as can the near field. The situation is significantly different from the
acquire the target related information, such as its position, usual scenarios in conventional radars. It is therefore important
to have a fuze-specific method [7]. Thus, the radar type prox-
Manuscript received February 22, 2013; revised April 5, 2013; accepted imity fuze generally utilizes a correlation detection method
April 22, 2013. Date of publication April 30, 2013; date of current version
July 10, 2013. The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and to extract the range information of a target. The correlation
approving it for publication was Dr. Francis P. Hindle. method using PN (Pseudo-Noise) code phase modulation has
J.-H. Choi and M.-S. Jung are with the Agency for Defense Development, advantage in controlling the burst point [12]. Particularly, the
Daejeon 305-600, Korea (e-mail:;
K.-W. Yeom is with the Department of Radio Science and Engi- PN code sequence provides a lower autocorrelation at out-of-
neering, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 305-764, Korea (e-mail: range and leads to a lower interference and higher immunity to noise [13]. Many studies have been conducted to design
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at binary sequences whose aperiodic autocorrelations are optimal
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSEN.2013.2260326 and have small peak side-lobe level [14]–[16].
1530-437X/$31.00 © 2013 IEEE

This paper presents a design and assessment of a radar-

type target detecting fuze sensor for anti-aircrafts or anti-air
missiles. The fuze sensor consists of the antenna, transmitting/
receiving, and signal processing sections. Three transmitting
antennas and six receiving antennas are separately wrapped
around the circumference of the missile. The range and
direction of a target at close range are acquired through
signal processing of the received signals from six receiving
antennas using a novel adaptive target detection and direction
finding algorithms. Especially, Legendre sequence [17] which
has recently been attracting the attention of many researchers
due to its excellent side-lobe suppression is employed for the
fuze sensor. Compared to the commonly used pseudo noise
m-sequence, Legendre sequence provides higher out-of-range
rejection because the Legendre sequences offer more freedom
in selecting code lengths than are available from maximal
length sequences [18]. (a)
To assess the performances of the developed fuze sensor,
we implemented an indoor encounter simulation test apparatus
as a beginning step for the assessment of the developed fuze
sensor, which provides the repeatability or accuracy of data.
The developed fuze sensor was mounted on the unmanned
car and the received signals of the developed fuze sensor
are automatically collected and recorded as data. The results
showed that the –10 dBsm RCS standard target can be
successfully detected from over 10 m range and the target
direction can be successfully found with a resolution of 30° .
In addition, the target even in mesh clutter environment can be
(b) (c)
clearly detected. After successful demonstration in the indoor
environment, the fuze sensor was tested using more realistic Fig. 1. (a) Block diagram of the direction finding fuze sensor. Arrangement
155 mm gun firing test setup. Through the gun firing test, the of (b) transmitting antennas and (c) receiving antennas.
designed fuze sensor is proven to show the successful fuzing
range and direction finding performances.
Of the six receiving antennas, 3 antennas (RX1, RX3, and
II. F UZE S ENSOR S YSTEM RX5) are connected to the 3 receivers. The received signals
from the remaining 3 receiving antennas are processed at the
A. Theory of Operation next time frame. The received signal is shifted in frequency
The block diagram of the direction finding fuze sensor domain by Doppler frequency, ωd = 2π f d according to the
is shown in Fig. 1(a). The CW signal of carrier frequency, relative speed between the fuze sensor and the target. Also, the
ωo = 2π f o which is digitally BPSK-modulated by code, m(t) received signal is delayed by the target range in time domain.
is transmitted through three identical transmitting antennas. Thus, one of the received signals through the RX antenna can
The signal before one of the TX antenna is given by be expressed as
x T (t) = A T m(t) cos ωo t (1)
x R (t) = A R m(t − τ R ) cos ((ωo + ωd )(t − τ R ) + φ) (2)
where A T is the amplitude of TX signal. Here m(t) takes
the value +1 or –1. The TX antennas are spaced by 120° Here, τ R is the time delay. To remove the carrier frequency
angle around a cylindrical surface as shown in Fig. 1(b). The from the received signal, the received signal is down-converted
transmitting antenna has 3 dB beamwidth of 60° azimuthally to the IF signal by the mixer with the LO signal of carrier
and 20° in elevation direction. The main beams of the TX frequency f o . The down-converted signal and spurs from the
antennas are tilted toward the nose of the missile to detect mixer are filtered out by the lowpass filter (LPF) which has a
high speed targets. cutoff frequency of about 1 GHz. The IF signal can be written
Six identical receiving antennas are used to receive the as
reflected signal from a target and they are similarly spaced  
by an angle of 60° around a cylindrical surface as shown in x I F (t) = A I F m(t − τ R ) cos ωd t + φ  (3)
Fig. 1(c). The receiving antenna has the same 3 dB beamwidth
shape as that of the transmitting antenna. The transmitting and The IF signal is then correlated with the delayed code, which
receiving antennas have the linear polarization. Consequently is obtained by delaying the code used in transmitting. Thus,
the trigger angle can be set for every 30° as shown in Fig. 1(c). the correlated signal is composed of both the correlation code

and the Doppler signal as, antennas (RX1, RX3, RX5 or RX2, RX4, RX6), respectively.
  The direction can be determined using the range-gated signal
x C (t) = A I F m(t − τ R )m(t − τ D ) cos ωd t + φ  which yields the maximum power level among the resulting
= A I F x(t, τ ) cos ωd t + φ  (4) 9 range-gated signals (RX1-RG1, …, RX5-RG3). Then, the
antenna which received maximum power and its neighboring
where, τ = τ D –τ R . Since the m(t) has the period T , which is
two receiving antennas are set to be connected to the 3
related to the code length or pulse repetition frequency (PRF)
receivers. The switching time of the SPDT (Single Pole
1/T , x(t,τ ) also has a period, T . Thus, x C (t) can be expanded
Double Throw) is 3 ns. For example, if the signal from RX1
into Fourier series with period T as,
antenna is maximum, the 3 receivers are then connected to

   3 antennas RX1, RX2, RX6 at the next time frame. Thus,
x C (t) =A I F cos ωd t + φ  X (ωT , τ )e j nωT t (5) the direction can be resolved into an angle of 30°. Other
n=−∞ algorithms or other type antenna arrays for direction finding
where ωT = 2π/T . In the system design, ωT is generally may improve the angle resolution. However, a 30° resolution
set higher than the Doppler frequency. If the Doppler filter is enough for our purpose, the previously explained amplitude
is narrow enough for only the Doppler frequency component comparison technique is employed.
to pass, mixing frequencies such as ωd ± nωT (n = 1,2,) Coupling between the TX and RX antennas can deteriorate
are all suppressed. Only the Doppler frequency component the designed radiation patterns, and the isolation between the
will appear at the Doppler filter output. As a result, the antennas is thus controlled to be above 70 dB to minimize
Doppler signal is a measure of the target presence. However, the coupling effect. To minimize the mutual coupling between
the Doppler frequency varies depending on the relative speed TX and RX antennas, the TX and RX antennas are arrayed
of the target. The bandwidth of the Doppler filter should for H-plane mutual coupling to be dominant. H-plane coupling
be simultaneously set wide enough to pass such spread CW provides more isolation than E-plane coupling when TX and
Doppler signal. The resulting signal after the Doppler filter RX antennas are separated with the same spacing.
will be
x D (t) = A I F cos ωd t + φ  X (0, τ ) B. Code

  1 T To determine a code completely, the width, length, and type
= A I F cos ωd t + φ  m(t)m(t + τ )dt of a code should be determined. The code width is related to
T 0
= A I F cos ωd t + φ  R(τ ) (6) range resolution [19] which is defined as the main lobe width
of the autocorrelation of the selected code. As the code width
Here, R(τ ) is the autocorrelation of the code m(t). becomes narrower better range resolution can be obtained.
Generally, R(τ ) shows a periodic triangular pulse shape However, the narrower the code width the wider the bandwidth
with a period T , equal to the code length of m(t). For a well required. For a code width t, the range resolution is ct
selected code, the correlated output shows a peak in the case because the autocorrelation has generally the triangular pulse
of delay match τ = 0; otherwise, a small suppressed output. with the main lobe width of (ct). Taking the target size into
Thus, a CW Doppler signal with large amplitude results in consideration, the code width is set to 20 ns corresponding to
delay match, otherwise a noise-like wide spread spectrum a range resolution of 6 m. Thus using three consecutive code
signal results. delays, it is possible to detect a target up to about 12 m.
Due to the periodic nature of R(τ ), any target can be The code length N which also determines pulse repetition
detected within the range corresponding to the code length frequency (PRF) is related to out-of range rejection. Generally,
with an appropriate delayed code. However, the fuze sensor the autocorrelation of N-bit PN sequences shows a triangular
should operate when the target is in close range. A small part pulse with a pulse width of ct and a period of N · c t/2.
of the range from the full range determined by the code length When the peak value of the autocorrelation is normalized as
is assigned to the fuzing range. The fuzing range is determined 1, the value outside the triangular pulse width becomes –1/N
by the range corresponding to three bit code widths, delay 1, and the resulting out-of-range rejection becomes –20log(1/N).
delay 2, and delay 3 in Fig. 1(a), which are formed by If the out-of-range rejection is set small, it is possible that
successively delaying one bit code width. Three correlators long distance sea clutter which is not a target can be detected.
which respectively correlate the received signal to the corre- If N is increased to get more out-of- range rejection, the
sponding delayed codes are connected in parallel to each IF PRF becomes lower. However, in the case of lower PRF, the
output. Thus, 3 range gated signals (RG1, RG2, and RG3) mixed frequency component in equation (5) such as PRF– f d
are produced per one received signal as shown in Fig. 1(a). can appear in the Doppler band. For such a reason, the
Thus, only the target within the 3 range gates can be detected determination of the optimum code length is also related to
and the signals from the target out of the 3 range gates are the Doppler frequency
suppressed by the autocorrelation property and are thus not The Doppler frequency varies with the relative speed of the
detected. target to the fuze sensor. The relative speed of the target can be
The direction of a target can be obtained by compar- estimated to be about Mach 0.2 ∼ 6 and the resulting Doppler
ing received powers from three receiving antennas. Initially, frequency can be estimated to be about 2.2 kHz ∼ 68 kHz at
reflected signals from the target are received by the 3 receiving X-band taking the relative speed and the encounter angle into

Fig. 2. Autocorrelation of the 211-bits Legendre sequence for the 3 range

gates of the 20 ns code width.

consideration. The bandwidth of the Doppler filter which is

set as 2 ∼ 130 kHz is 2 times wider than the possible high
end Doppler frequency. The Doppler frequency is measured
through FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) in the fuze sensor. In
the estimation of the Doppler frequency, more than two periods
of the Doppler signal is required. When the bandwidth is set
as 2.2 kHz ∼ 68 kHz to include just possible Doppler fre-
quencies, the estimated Doppler frequency through FFT may
yield a large error due to transient waveform especially at the
higher Doppler frequency. Thus the Doppler filter in Fig. 1(a)
is implemented using a band pass filter having a bandwidth of
2 ∼ 130 kHz. The Doppler filter set as such provides all
the spur frequencies appearing due to the transient waveform
below 10 dB. Also, the band pass filter is implemented as a
replaceable type filter for the later encounter simulation test
For the designed Doppler filter, PRF of above 235 kHz is
considered to be appropriate; which means that the length is (b)
shorter than 213-bit code length. However, commonly used
Fig. 3. Ambiguity function of the 211-bit Legendre sequence: (a) 3D
m-sequence does not provide a continuous length and the ambiguity function plot and (b) its contour plot.
available length is limited to N = 2m –1 The closest length to
213 for m-sequence occurs at the values of m =7 (27 –1=127)
and m = 8(28–1=255), which is too widely spread. Unlike
the m-sequence, Legendre sequence provides a more flexible shows very low sidelobes. Based on the ambiguity function
code length Legendre sequence of length N (N is a prime plot, the selected 211-bit Legendre sequence is able to extract
number) [14] is defined as Doppler frequency with little ambiguity.
 The computation of the mixing frequencies between PRF
1 if i is a qudratic residue modulo n
ai = (7) and f d in equation (5) for various relative speed of target
−1 otherwise is summarized in Table 1. In Table 1, the mixing frequency
Also it is known that a necessary and sufficient condition for between PRF and f d clearly appears higher than the high end
which Legendre sequence has the optimum autocorrelation frequency of the Doppler filter 130 kHz. Thus, the mixing
characteristic occurs at the length N = 4k–1. The closest frequencies for the target with the specified relative speed do
length below 213 satisfying the conditions is found to be not fall within the established Doppler bandwidth.
211 and the 211-bit Legendre sequence is selected. The Other mixing terms can arise due to the incomplete spur
corresponding PRF is computed to be 237 kHz. The 211- suppression. The mixing frequency component due to strong
bit Legendre sequence having 20 ns code width provides an Doppler may be observed at PRF–2 f d . This frequency compo-
out-of-range rejection of about 46.5 dB and 633 m repetition nent may fall into the established Doppler bandwidth at high
distances relative speed above Mach 4. However, the magnitude of this
Figure 2 shows the auto correlation characteristics of range frequency component is found to be about –48 dB lower than
gates of the fuze sensor with a code width of 20 ns, and length that of the Doppler from the simulation, which is far below
of 211-bit. Delay times of the three delayed codes which are the sensitivity of the designed sensor.
used in the fuze sensor are 20 ns, 40 ns and 60 ns, respectively. It should be noted that, the designed Doppler filter and PRF
Figures 3(a) and 3(b) show the 3D ambiguity function and using Legendre sequence may lead to false alarm in the case of
its contour plot associated with the 211-bit Legendre sequence the presence of an undesirable worst-case second-round target
[20]. The zero Doppler uncertainty is similar to autocorrelation which is not in the fuzing range but a strong RCS above the
shown in Fig. 2 and the zero delay uncertainty shows the first out-of range rejection of 46.5 dB. In that case, the only way
null at 83.5 kHz. It should be noted that the ambiguity function is to increase the code length to above 211-bit. However, the


211-bit PRF=237.0 kHz

Mach 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
fd (kHz) 7.5 15.0 30.0 45.0 60.0 75.0
PRF– fd (kHz) 229.5 222.0 207.0 192.0 177.0 162.0

code length increase may cause the mixing frequency between

PRF and Doppler to fall within the Doppler bandwidth. Thus,
although variable code length is possible in the fuze sensor,
the variable code length is not employed and the code length is
fixed as 211-bit. As a result, the resulting out of range rejection
is limited to 46.5 dB.
Fig. 4. Guard data set up for calculating variable threshold.


A. Variable Signal Processing Time noise level or clutter in both sides of the target cell is used.
However, both sides of the target cells cannot be used in
The decision time of the target presence may be a key
the fuze sensor which means the decision is made after the
in the signal processing of the Doppler signals depending
fuze sensor passes through the target and only the past data
on the relative velocity between the fuze sensor and target.
should be used. Thus, noise level of each receiving channel
Basically, the signal processing system of the proximity fuze
is measured in the range where no other target is present and
sensor should have fast processing ability and reasonable
used as the adaptive threshold level. Specifically the adaptive
system architecture [21]. When the processing time is set
threshold level is determined as
to a slow relative speed, the decision may be made after
passing the target with fast relative speed. Using the received Vt h = m + kv σ (8)
Doppler signals, the relative speed can be found and the signal
processing time is set to be varied according to the acquired where m is the average level of noise, σ is the standard devi-
relative speed. Thus, the algorithm is designed with a time to ation of noise, and kv is the constant value which maintains
pass a fixed 0.5 m range. In the case of slow relative speed, the false alarm rate Pfa constant (for example, kv is 3.72 that
the decision time gets longer but in the higher relative speed, provides Pfa = 10−4 ). In the computation of kv , the target
processing time becomes short. We assume that the length model and clutter are assumed to be independent random
of the smallest target is 2 m and make a decision during variables with Gaussian distribution [22]–[23]. The average
the passing of every 0.5 m, which makes it possible for the level of the noise is determined using
smallest target to be detected at least four times. Besides, this Sample[n − j − 1]+ · · · + Sample[n − j − k]
algorithm can be applied over extensive relative speed range m= (9)
as the encounter simulation tests were performed at very low
speed. where the integer n represents the current sampling time. The
integer j represents the number of guard sampled data and
k is the number of sampled data for threshold calculation as
B. Adaptive Threshold shown in Fig. 4
The Doppler filter outputs in Fig. 1(a) are sampled in Guard sampled data are not included for calculation of the
parallel for A/D conversion at a variable rate depending on variable threshold level. Guard sampled data prevent the fuze
the relative speed The sampling time is normally set to a sensor from being unable to detect the target. If the received
third of the pre-described variable signal processing time. The signal increases slowly, the situation of missing the target can
samples in Fig. 4 represent the A/D converted digital data for a occur due to the slowly increasing variable threshold level
range gated signal. The decision of the presence of the target although the received signal is at a detectable level. Thus, in
using the A/D converted data at each sample time requires the computation of the variable threshold level, the sampled
a threshold which reflects noise and clutter. The threshold data prior to the guard sampled data section are used. The
level Vt h generally depends on noise level, clutter, flying decision of the target presence is performed by comparing the
environment, and various unpredictable circumstances. Thus, current sampled data with the previously determined variable
the adaptive threshold level which can be varied with noise threshold level. The integers k and j are constant values deter-
level and clutter should be defined and measured in advance mined taking target size into consideration. Therefore, instant
for the decision. Such adaptive threshold level decision is noise cannot influence on comparison and judgment due to
similar to conventional radars but the fuze sensor faces various adaptive threshold level unlike just one constant threshold
environments different from those of the conventional radars. level.
In the case of CFAR (Constant False Alarm Rate) receivers Integers k and j are both set to 20 using the data acquired
generally applied to radars, the CFAR calculated using average from the encounter simulation test which will be explained

Fig. 6. Photograph of the assembly of the transmitter and the receiver.

(a) (b)
replaceable sub-component units on the housing. The subcom-
Fig. 5. Photographs of (a)configurations of TX and RX antennas on the ponent units are separately constructed by assembling discrete
cylindrical surface and (b) antenna assembly. components and thin film substrates on a metallic carrier.
The Doppler filter is fabricated using op-amps in a separate
replaceable unit. The bandpass Doppler filter is constructed by
later. The number 20 corresponds to a distance of 10 m. combining a high pass filter and a low pass filter and placed
To verify the established numbers k and j , many runs of on the back side of the housing.
real engagement simulation tests were carried out for the real The test based on real scenario is necessary to assess the
MiG-23 target Reflected signals from the real size MiG-23 real performances of the developed fuze sensor. However,
target for various engagement conditions over 1,000 cases such experiments cannot supply the required repeatability
were gathered. The algorithm was tested using the gathered or accuracy. In addition, the simulation or test using the
data As a result, the algorithm is proven to demonstrate the synthesized reflected signals which reflects the fuze sensor
successful detection of the target present above 10 m distance environments is difficult to implement. In the short range, the
with the size varying from 15 m to 20 m. reflected signal from the target is generally affected by antenna
radiation pattern, encounter trajectory, and the type of target.
C. 2 Out of 2 Detection Consequently the reflected signal is difficult to implement. As
Using the adaptive threshold, a Doppler signal larger than a result, an indoor encounter simulation test apparatus may be
the adaptive threshold level can trigger the fuze sensor. How- appropriate in assessing the developed fuze sensor.
ever, the sensor can be triggered by inadvertent noise such as However, the implementable relative speed between the
electrostatic discharge if single detection is employed. In order fuze sensor and target is limited to about 1 m/s ∼ 2 m/s in
to reduce possible false triggers, the 2 out of 2 algorithm is the indoor encounter simulation tests. The resulting Doppler
employed. The 2 out of 2 algorithm accepts the target detection frequency becomes very low and estimated to be about
if the Doppler signal larger than the adaptive threshold level 50 Hz ∼ 1 kHz. Thus, the Doppler filter in Fig. 1(a) was
appears twice consecutively at the same direction and range replaced by 50 Hz ∼ 1 kHz band pass filter. The other parts are
gate. The m out of n detection algorithm is frequently applied independent of Doppler frequency and the algorithms remain
to radars to lower the false alarm rate. Note that the fuze sensor unchanged. Thus, the developed fuze sensor can be tested in a
can detect a target 0.5 m behind after detecting the target if lower Doppler frequency band and the performances of the
the 2 out of 2 algorithm is applied; however, there is no effect developed fuze sensor can be obtained through the indoor
considering the target size. encounter simulation test apparatus. In addition, a digital
camera and a laser range finder are loaded on the unmanned
car in order to record test conditions and environment.
IV. FABRICATION AND M EASUREMENT S ETUP The 14” standard sphere which has an omni-directional RCS
Figure 5(a) shows the transmitting and receiving antennas (Radar Cross Section) of –10 dBsm is used for the target of
placed on the cylindrical body for test. Figure 5(b) shows the the encounter simulation tests as shown in Fig. 7. The 14”
photo of the antenna assembly. The antenna is composed of the standard sphere is selected as the target because the analysis of
radome and 2× 8 microstrip patch array antenna. The isolation the measured results is easier compared with that of a complex
between TX and RX antennas is measured to be above 70 dB, structure such as aircraft shape Furthermore, the performances
and the designed antenna beam pattern was found to be not of the fuze sensor for other targets can be approximately
significantly affected. estimated using the results for the standard sphere.
Figure 6 shows the assembly of the transmitters and Figure 8 shows the definitions of the geometrical parameters
receivers. They are built up by mounting and connecting for the standard sphere. In the test, direction θst d in Fig. 7(c)

Fig. 9. The viewer program window for verifying data acquisition results.


Fig. 10. Encounter simulation test with the 14” standard sphere and mesh

(b) (c) by the same angle as the antenna tilt angle. Thus, we can see
which part of the target is illuminated by the main beam of
Fig. 7. Encounter simulation test apparatus test setup with the 14” standard
sphere target: (a) side, (b) rear views, (c) the definition of θstd for the direction the antenna.
of the standard sphere. The left part window of Fig. 9 shows the range gated signal
data from Doppler filter outputs. The fuze sensor receives the
signals from the neighboring 3 receiving antennas (RX1, RX2,
and RX6). Each received signal is gated by the 3 delayed
codes and the 9 range gated signals (RX6-RG1, -RG2, -RG3),
(RX1-RG1, -RG2, -RG3) and (RX2-RG1, -RG2, -RG3) are
consequently produced. These data are collected in real time
and displayed by the viewer program. These data are also raw
data prior to A/D conversion and will be explained later. The
collected data can be analyzed and used as a raw data input to
a MatlabTM program. The measured range in the bottom left
corner of Fig. 9 represents Y in Fig. 8 which is measured by
a laser range finder in Fig. 7(a).
Figure 10 shows the mesh clutter for assessing the dis-
tinguishing capability of the fuze sensor in the clutter envi-
ronment at close range. The wire mesh was placed at about
Fig. 8. The definition of the geometrical parameters. 9 m (corresponding to the distance which RG3 can detect)
away and the standard sphere was placed at about 1 m
and height Z st d of the standard sphere in Fig. 8 are varied. (corresponding to RG1 detection range) away. In the case of
The characteristics of the range gates and the characteristics the square mesh, the wire grid needs a wire spacing of s<0.7λ
of direction finding can be analyzed using the reflected sig- and an equivalent radius of the strips r = 0.014λ to have a
nals. For efficient and automatic real time analysis, a viewer reflection coefficient larger than 0.9 for both TE and TM waves
program is also developed. when the angle of incidence θ is 0° ∼ 70° [24]. The wire
Figure 9 shows the window of the developed viewer pro- mesh used in the test has a wire spacing of s = 0.064λ and
gram. Digital camera images appear in the upper right corner a radius of r = 0.011λ which makes the reflection coefficient
of the window as shown in Fig. 9. The digital camera is tilted almost 1.

The distance d in Fig. 8 becomes the true range. Thus, the true
range d can be obtained from Z st d /cos(θ ). In addition, to see a
true autocorrelation, the attenuation factor of the range (∝ d 4 )
should be compensated. The results are plotted in Fig. 11(b).
From Fig. 10(b), the autocorrelation shows triangular shape
of about 6 m width and the peaks of the autocorrelation are
found to appear at about 3 m, 6 m and 9 m, for RG1, RG2,
and RG3, respectively. Furthermore, the autocorrelations are
found to show no parasitic peak. The out-of-range rejection is
(a) computed in dB scale and found to be about 40 dB. Theoretical
out-of-range rejection with 211-bit Legendre code of 20 ns
code width is about 46.5 dB. Thus, the out-of-range rejection
is degraded by about 6 dB.
The degradation of 6 dB out-of-range rejection is believed
to be caused by the unequal rise and fall times of the code [25].
Finite rising and falling times appear for the transition from
–1 to +1, or vice versa due to limited bandwidth. The rise and
fall times of the delayed code at the correlator input terminal
in Fig. 1(a) were measured to be 1. ns and 2.7 ns, respectively.
(b) In addition, the rise and fall times of the received code increase
further due to the bandwidths of the LPF and the input lowpass
Fig. 11. Autocorrelation: (a) measured data for the step change of Z std and
(b) calculated results (removal of d 4 factor) from the measured data. filter of the correlator which are about 1 GHz and 400 MHz
respectively. The waveform after the input lowpass filter of the
V. M EASURED R ESULTS correlator cannot be measured. Thus the precise degradation
cannot be computed; however, the estimated rise and fall times
A. Autocorrelation
of the received code can be found to yield the degradation of
Firstly, autocorrelation characteristics, such as the main lobe 6 dB from the simulation. Depending on the difference of the
width, out-of range rejection, and existence of parasitic peaks rise and fall times between the delayed and received codes,
of the selected Legendre code for the fuze sensor are verified the autocorrelation changed and a range of the degradation of
from the experiment using the encounter simulation apparatus. 1 ∼ 6 dB is observed.
The autocorrelation depends on the time delay between the
received and transmitted codes, which in turn depends on
the range of the target. The range of the target is related to B. Range Detection and Direction Finding
direction angle θst d and height Z st d of the standard sphere To investigate the range detection and direction finding
target shown in Fig. 7(c) and Fig. 8, respectively. The range is capability of the fuze sensor, the experiment was conducted
altered by varying the height Z st d of the standard sphere from setting θst d as 0° and Z st d as 1.6 m. The 3 range gated signals
0.4 m to 9.0 m with 0.2 m step and the direction angle θst d was at the Doppler filter output from antennas RX1, RX2, and RX6
fixed at 0º. The unmanned car was made to move along the Y are recorded for the single measurement trial. Figure 12(a)
direction repeatedly per every height change. Thus, a total of shows the 3 signals from RX1, RX2, and RX6 with the same
44 measurement trials were performed for a 0.2 m step height range gate RG1. The signal from RX1 shows the largest
change. The 3 range-gated signals from the receiving antennas peak value because the antenna RX1 passes directly under
RX1, RX2, and RX6 of three directions were collected while the standard sphere. The other antennas pass the sides of
the unmanned car was moving. The peak values of the 3 range- the standard sphere and result in smaller received signals.
gated signals for step changes of the height Z st d were recorded Ideally, the peak values should be equal; however, the signal
in every measurement trial. from RX6 is observed to be larger than that from RX2.
Figure 11(a) shows the peak values of 3 range gated signals This may be caused by the asymmetry of the antenna beam
RG1, RG2 and RG3 of the receiving antenna RX1 for step pattern in the azimuth direction and the gain difference of the
changes of the height Z st d . The signal RX1-RG1 becomes implemented receiver. This may affect the direction finding
smaller as the height Z st d increases because the strength of the resolution. To investigate the effects, the cylindrical body in
reflected signals becomes weaker. Also, the target goes further Fig. 5(a) is rotated for the RX2 antenna to receive more power
away from RG1 as the height Z st d increases. On the contrary, until the peak values from RX6 and RX2 became almost
the other signals RX1-RG2 and RX1-RG3 show small peak equal. Almost equal power is observed at an angle of 15°
values when Z st d increases as the two range gated signals RG2 Considering the resolution angle of 30°, this is below the
and RG3 are set to produce a larger degree of correlation at resolution angle although the determined direction angle is
longer ranges of 6 m and 9 m. somewhat inaccurate with an error of 15°.
From the view point of the transmitting and receiving Figure 12(b) shows RX1 signals for the other range gates.
antennas, the height Z st d does not correspond to the true range The RG1 signal is largest and the other range gated signals
because the antenna beams are tilted by θ as shown in Fig. 8. are found to be small. Since Z st d is 1.6 m (d =2 m), this


Fig. 14. Measured data for the mesh clutter (without the 14” standard sphere


Fig. 12. Collected data for the 14” standard sphere: (a) RX6, RX1, RX2
antennas at RG1 and (b) RG1, RG2, RG3 signals of the RX1 antenna.

Fig. 15. Measured data for the 14” standard sphere with the mesh clutter.

switched by the 3 antennas in the neighborhood of the antenna

where the peak level is detected and the direction of the target
is determined. Thus, the detection and direction finding are
completed after the fuze sensor progresses through a range of
1 m. Figure 13 is the sampled and A/D converted data per
0.5 m/3 for the results in Fig. 12(a). The threshold value Vt h
computed using equation (8) is also shown in Fig. 13. The
target was first detected at about Y= 4.2 m and direction was
found at about 3.2 m. The direction was the center of RX1
Fig. 13. Direction finding results.
antenna as expected.

belongs to RG1 which shows peak at a range of about C. Detection of Multiple Targets
3 m. Thus, the other range gated signals RG2 and RG3 are To investigate the distinguishing capability of the fuze
observed to be small. In addition, the maximum detectable sensor in multi-target environments, tests were performed on
range for the standard sphere is measured and the result is the condition that the standard sphere and mesh clutter were
found to be about 10.4 m. placed in RG1 (d = 1 m) and in RG3 (9 m). Figure 14 shows
The raw data in Fig. 12 are saved and the direction finding the test results for the mesh clutter placed in RG3 without the
algorithm was separately applied to the saved data using standard sphere. The range gated signal RG3 from the receiv-
MatlabTM . The saved data is converted to digital data through ing antenna RX1 shows the highest peak of about 215 mVpp
A/D conversion at a variable sampling rate corresponding to because the mesh clutter is placed at the range RG3 while the
0.5m/3 determined by the relative speed. The adaptive thresh- range gated signals RG1 and RG2 show smaller peaks. In addi-
old level can be computed at each variable signal processing tion RG1 shows the smallest peak which is close to noise level.
time corresponding to 0.5 m range. The peak levels from Figure 15 shows the range gated signals from the receiving
3 range gated signals for each antenna are then found and antenna RX1 when the standard sphere target and mesh clutter
compared with each adaptive threshold level at every 0.5 m. In are placed at RG1 and RG3, respectively. As shown in Fig. 15,
the case of two consecutive target detections, the receivers are the reflected signal from the standard sphere target in RG1

Advantage Disadvantage Remarks

CW [27] Moving target detection No distance information Lower cost

No direction information
FMCW Absolute distance Slow or fixed target detection Higher cost
[10], [11] No direction information Near Blind zone (order ∼m)
Complex FFT is required
*Correlation Fast target detection No absolute distance High cost
[6],[19], This Work Direction finding capability Range selection Possible

Hardware Operation Assessment of Developed Fuze
Direction Resolution Out-of Range Rejection
[6] None 32-bit PN code NA NA
[19] 90o 32-bit PN code Simple Threshold Detection NA
One range gate is used (15 dB SNR)
*This Work 30o 211-bit Legendre code ModifiedCFAR Indoor Encounter Simulation Test
3-Range gates are used Variable Signal processing Time 155mm Gun Firing Test (real sce-
2 out of 2 Algorithm nario)

is made stationary and a target is fired to pass the stationary

fuze. A 155 mm gun is used to fire the target at a speed
of 550 m/s To investigate the fuze sensor capability in target
detection and direction finding the height and direction of the
155 mm gun were changed. Doppler signal from each receiver
was collected using RS232 for analysis after the tests.
Among the indication lights yellow, blue, red, green and
grey which respectively represents the direction of target with
30° resolution (This corresponds to 5 direction angles of
the receiving antennas from RX2 to RX6 in Fig. 1(c) with
counterclockwise direction), one indication light was made to
flash when the 155 mm bullet was detected. The position of
Fig. 16. Test result for the 155 mm gun firing. target detection was measured by the visual record taken from
the high speed video camera.
appeared clearly in RG1 and has a peak value of 426 mVpp Figure 16 shows a photo of the firing when the 155 mm gun
while the reflected signal from the mesh clutter appears at bullet was fired at the height of 3 m above the fuze sensor
RG3. In general, the clutter signal appears at a wider range in the vertical direction. As shown in Fig. 16, the red light
because the reflected signal arrives from various distances of corresponding to the vertical direction was flashed. Thus, the
clutter area. Thus, the result shows that the target and clutter photograph shows that the 155 mm bullet of 550 m/s speed
in each range gate can be clearly distinguished. Also, no was detected with a direction resolution of 30° . Repeated tests
interference or distortion effect was observed. showed that the designed fuze sensor successfully detects the
targets as well as their directions.
D. 155 mm Gun Fire Test
The test method to verify the operation of the designed VI. C ONCLUSION
fuze sensor in real scenario may be determined taking various A direction finding proximity fuze sensor has been success-
factors into consideration. One expensive way to test is to fire fully developed. The fuze sensor uses code correlation tech-
the projectile with the fuze sensor at an air target, such as a nique. In the code correlation, BPSK modulation using Legen-
drone. If the drone is hit and destroyed the test becomes very dre sequence is employed. The Doppler signal corresponding
expensive as a result. On the contrary, in the event that the to relative speed between the target and the fuze sensor can
projectile misses the drone, the projectile is never recovered be successfully extracted and the corresponding variable signal
and there is no information whatsoever available as to the processing time can be successfully determined.
reason for the miss. In addition, very little, if any, test data Adaptive threshold target detection and 2 out of 2 detection
is realized from this type of test. Thus, the method of testing algorithm have been developed and applied to detect a target
air target fuzing systems [26] was adopted as the test method accurately with a lower false alarm rate during the encounter.
of the fuze sensor In this method, the designed fuze sensor After the target detection, the direction is found by comparing

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