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Dec 2019

Presented by: C4C KERALA


Mohammed Abdul Jaleel

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INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................... 8
JANUARY..................................................................................................................................... 9
GOAL 1 : NO POVERTY ................................................................................................................ 9
GOAL 2 : ZERO HUNGER.............................................................................................................. 9
Share a Food Packet ................................................................................................................ 9
Operation Sulaimani................................................................................................................ 9
Shared Items ......................................................................................................................... 10
Universal Basic Income (UBI) ................................................................................................ 10
Passive Income...................................................................................................................... 10
Food Sustainability ................................................................................................................ 11
Sustainable Communities ...................................................................................................... 11
Employability Centre............................................................................................................. 11
Revenue from Tourism .......................................................................................................... 11
Stop Corruption..................................................................................................................... 11
Stop Hartal ............................................................................................................................ 12
Fishermen Welfare ................................................................................................................ 12
Tribal Welfare ....................................................................................................................... 12
Medical Insurance ................................................................................................................. 12
Empathy ................................................................................................................................ 13
Orphan / Elderly Care ........................................................................................................... 13
Water Poverty ....................................................................................................................... 13
Feed Birds and Animals ......................................................................................................... 13
Reduce Reuse Recycle ........................................................................................................... 14
Lessons from Venezuela ........................................................................................................ 14
Affordable Innovations leads to Prosperity ........................................................................... 14
Resource Based Economy (RBE) ........................................................................................... 15
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ................................................................................. 15
FEBRUARY ................................................................................................................................ 16
GOAL 3 : GOOD HEALTH AND WELLBEING............................................................................... 16
Lifestyle Diseases .................................................................................................................. 16
Communicable Diseases ........................................................................................................ 16
Basic Nursing .........................................................................................................................17

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Heart Disease .........................................................................................................................17
Cancer Awareness ..................................................................................................................17
Daily Exercise.........................................................................................................................17
Dietary Fibre ......................................................................................................................... 18
Keep Hydrated ...................................................................................................................... 18
Medical Checkup ................................................................................................................... 18
Food Adulteration ................................................................................................................. 18
First Aid Kit ........................................................................................................................... 18
Emergency Care .................................................................................................................... 18
Menstrual Awareness ............................................................................................................ 19
Caring Hands ......................................................................................................................... 19
Drug Addiction ...................................................................................................................... 19
MARCH ..................................................................................................................................... 20
GOAL 4 : QUALITY EDUCATION ................................................................................................ 20
Teamwork............................................................................................................................. 20
Character Development......................................................................................................... 20
Training for Teachers ............................................................................................................ 21
Parenting............................................................................................................................... 21
Parent-Teacher Relation........................................................................................................ 21
Learning Skills....................................................................................................................... 21
Learning Disabilities.............................................................................................................. 22
Tribal Education.................................................................................................................... 22
Differently Abled ................................................................................................................... 22
Public Schools ....................................................................................................................... 22
Hightech Playschools............................................................................................................. 22
Learning Apps ....................................................................................................................... 23
Language Proficiency ............................................................................................................ 23
Sex Education and Self Defence ............................................................................................. 23
Basic Farming and Trading.................................................................................................... 23
Literacy ................................................................................................................................. 24
Educational Institutions as Innovation Centres ..................................................................... 24
APRIL........................................................................................................................................ 25

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GOAL 5 : GENDER EQUALITY .................................................................................................... 25

GOAL 10 : REDUCED INEQUALITY ............................................................................................ 25
Right to Equality.................................................................................................................... 25
Equality vs Equity.................................................................................................................. 25
Pre-Marriage Counselling and Legal Protection (IPC 498A)................................................... 25
Gender Development Index ................................................................................................... 26
Transgender .......................................................................................................................... 26
Equal Wage ........................................................................................................................... 26
Equality for Differently Abled................................................................................................ 26
Equality for Women .............................................................................................................. 26
Caste Based Reservation........................................................................................................ 27
MAY .......................................................................................................................................... 28
GOAL 6 : CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION .............................................................................. 28
Drinking Water Sources ........................................................................................................ 28
Haritha Keralam .................................................................................................................... 28
Economic Water Reservoir .................................................................................................... 28
Public Water Reservoir.......................................................................................................... 28
Water Saving Tips ................................................................................................................. 29
Drought ................................................................................................................................. 29
India Water Issue .................................................................................................................. 29
Water and Sanitation............................................................................................................. 29
Water Mafia........................................................................................................................... 29
Well Water Cleaning .............................................................................................................. 29
Device to Clean the River ....................................................................................................... 29
Youth Initiatives .................................................................................................................... 29
Water Issue Mostly Affects Women ....................................................................................... 30
Public Toilets for Women ...................................................................................................... 30
Sewage Cleaning.................................................................................................................... 30
Bio Septic Tank...................................................................................................................... 30
Aerobic Compost Unit............................................................................................................ 30
Suchitwa Mission................................................................................................................... 30
Haritha Tribunal.................................................................................................................... 30
Waste Handling in Kerala ...................................................................................................... 31

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JUNE.......................................................................................................................................... 32
GOAL 7 : AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY ........................................................................... 32
GOAL 11 : SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITY.................................................................. 32
Solar Powered Airport........................................................................................................... 32
Saura Project ......................................................................................................................... 32
Solar Ferry ............................................................................................................................ 32
Wind+Solar Hybrid................................................................................................................ 33
KSEB Floating Solar Plant ...................................................................................................... 33
KSEB Windmill ...................................................................................................................... 33
KSEB LED Bulbs .................................................................................................................... 33
Tidal Power........................................................................................................................... 33
Biogas from Butchery ............................................................................................................ 33
Bio Septic Tank...................................................................................................................... 34
Promote Electric Vehicle ....................................................................................................... 34
Sustainable Mobility .............................................................................................................. 34
Sustainable Village ................................................................................................................ 34
Sustainable House ................................................................................................................. 34
Sustainable Tourism.............................................................................................................. 34
Sustainability in Veg Production............................................................................................ 34
Reuse .................................................................................................................................... 35
Alternatives for Plastic .......................................................................................................... 35
Plastic Waste Management .................................................................................................... 35
Suchitwa Sagaram Mission .................................................................................................... 35
Disaster Management ............................................................................................................ 35
JULY .......................................................................................................................................... 36
GOAL 8 : DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH ................................................................ 36
Introduction to SDG 8 ............................................................................................................ 36
Robots for Inhumane Jobs ..................................................................................................... 36
Pleasant Work ....................................................................................................................... 36
Workplace Issues of Women ..................................................................................................37
Equal Wage ............................................................................................................................37
Stop Child Labour ...................................................................................................................37
Accessible India......................................................................................................................37

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Fishermen’s Life .....................................................................................................................37

Farm Food Online.................................................................................................................. 38
Kudumbashree Online ........................................................................................................... 38
Migrant Workers ................................................................................................................... 38
Workplace Safety .................................................................................................................. 38
Pension Programs ................................................................................................................. 38
Wage Protection System........................................................................................................ 39
Ease Of Doing Business.......................................................................................................... 39
Revenue From Tourism ......................................................................................................... 39
Respect for all Jobs ................................................................................................................ 39
Value Added Products ........................................................................................................... 40
Innovation Grant by Kerala Startup Mission .......................................................................... 40
Encourage Student Entrepreneurs ........................................................................................ 40
Trade Credit Insurance.......................................................................................................... 40
AUGUST .................................................................................................................................... 41
GOAL 9 : INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE ..................................................... 41
GOAL 12 : RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION ................................................................................. 41
Introduction to SDG 9 ............................................................................................................ 41
Transport Facilities ............................................................................................................... 41
Medical Facilities ................................................................................................................... 42
Facilities for Startups and Innovations .................................................................................. 42
Free Wifi ............................................................................................................................... 42
Sustainable Industrial Development...................................................................................... 42
Sewage Systems .................................................................................................................... 43
Vandalising Public Properties................................................................................................ 43
Vizhinjam Port ...................................................................................................................... 43
Flood Control System ............................................................................................................ 43
Introduction to SDG 12 .......................................................................................................... 43
Food Waste Control in France ............................................................................................... 43
Water Saving Tips ................................................................................................................. 44
Control Food Wastage at Farm, Storage and Transportation ................................................. 44
Butchery Waste Control ........................................................................................................ 44
Reuse .................................................................................................................................... 44

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SEPTEMBER.............................................................................................................................. 45
GOAL 13 : CLIMATE ACTION ..................................................................................................... 45
Control Landslides with Bamboo........................................................................................... 45
Agroforestry .......................................................................................................................... 45
Flood Control ........................................................................................................................ 46
Draught Control .................................................................................................................... 46
Mangroves - Guardians of the Coast....................................................................................... 46
Paris Agreement on Climate Change ...................................................................................... 46
School Strike for the Climate ................................................................................................. 46
Kerala Climate Activist at UN Climate Summit ....................................................................... 47
Reduce Carbon Footprint ...................................................................................................... 47
Air Quality Index ................................................................................................................... 47
Greenhouse Gas Major Contributors...................................................................................... 47
India to Reduce Carbon Emission .......................................................................................... 47
Miyawaki Forest.................................................................................................................... 47
Promote Eco Friendly Transport ........................................................................................... 47
India Bans Single Use Plastic ................................................................................................. 48
Sustainable Ways To Burn Plastics Waste ............................................................................. 48
Earth’s Carrying Capacity ...................................................................................................... 48
OCTOBER.................................................................................................................................. 49
GOAL 14 : LIFE BELOW WATER ................................................................................................ 49
GOAL 15 : LIFE ON LAND .......................................................................................................... 49
Save Elephants ...................................................................................................................... 49
Stray Dogs ............................................................................................................................. 49
Animal Bridges ...................................................................................................................... 50
Animal Husbandry Department ............................................................................................. 50
Animal Welfare Organizations ............................................................................................... 50
Stop Animal Slavery .............................................................................................................. 50
Stop Animal Testing .............................................................................................................. 50
Request from a Chicken ......................................................................................................... 50
Cruelty Towards Slaughter Animals ...................................................................................... 50
Lab Grown Meat .................................................................................................................... 51
Cruelty Behind Animal Products............................................................................................ 51

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Feed Birds and Animals ......................................................................................................... 51

Deforestation ........................................................................................................................ 51
Western Ghats ....................................................................................................................... 51
Sustainable Fishing ............................................................................................................... 51
River Cleaning Solutions........................................................................................................ 52
Fishermen Cleaning the Ocean .............................................................................................. 52
Industrial Wastewater Treatment ......................................................................................... 52
NOVEMBER............................................................................................................................... 53
GOAL 16 : PEACE JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTION ............................................................ 53
Judicial System ...................................................................................................................... 53
Police Force........................................................................................................................... 53
Criminal Mentality................................................................................................................. 54
Janamaithri Police ................................................................................................................. 54
Cyber Law ............................................................................................................................. 54
CCTV ..................................................................................................................................... 55
Shadow Police ....................................................................................................................... 55
Coastal Police ........................................................................................................................ 55
Journalist’s Responsibility ..................................................................................................... 55
Beggar Mafia ......................................................................................................................... 55
Drugs..................................................................................................................................... 55
Moral Policing ....................................................................................................................... 56
Gangsters .............................................................................................................................. 56
Bodhini.................................................................................................................................. 56
Psycho Lover......................................................................................................................... 56
Sex Trafficking........................................................................................................................57
Migrant Population.................................................................................................................57
Counselling for Police.............................................................................................................57
Unity ......................................................................................................................................57
Emergency Help (112) ...........................................................................................................57
DECEMBER ............................................................................................................................... 58
GOAL 17 : PARTNERSHIP FOR GOALS ....................................................................................... 58
Sustainable Development Goals............................................................................................. 58

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The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of 17 global goals, adopted by
United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to end poverty, protect the
planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. As the topic
suggests, the aim is to discuss on how to plan for sustainable development of Kerala.

The Government of India is strongly committed to the 2030 Agenda. NITI Aayog, the
Government of India’s premier think tank, has been entrusted with the task of
coordinating the SDGs. NITI Aayog came out with a baseline index of Indian states’
performance on various UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which found the
states of Kerala, Himachal Pradesh and Tamil Nadu and the Union Territories of
Chandigarh and Pondicherry, are among the front-runners. It doesn’t mean that the states
already achieved sustainability. We still have a long way to go.

Several initiatives were taken in Kerala, by the government and some private initiatives
also. At the beginning of this year (2019) Dr. Muralee Thummarukudy (Chief of Disaster
Risk Reduction at UNEP) handed over 2019 SDG calendar to Chief Minister of Kerala Mr.
Pinarayi Vijayan. The calendar is created based on his idea of choosing sustainable
development goals theme for each month and it was designed by his son Sidharth Murali.
Please have a look at the calendar in this link.

Inspired by this initiative, one of his Facebook followers created an FB page called C4C
Kerala, to study and post about the actions to be taken in Kerala to achieve each of the
sustainability goals. The study was continued over the twelve months. Posts related to
each goal where published every month, taking some examples which are already
available in the society and tried sharing some new ideas also. It may not cover all the
aspects and possibilities. But it is still an initiative with the following aims.

• To show some examples of what we can do to achieve sustainable development.

• An invitation to the experts from areas related to each of the goal, to contribute
ideas and take leadership to achieve sustainable development.
• Create awareness among people about this mission, and as a request to
cooperate with such initiatives and join as volunteers if possible.
• Government to form policies and initiate projects, support & fund private
initiatives to work towards achieving sustainable development.

Let’s have a look at each month’s goals and the posts which were published.

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In 2011, Aswathy - a part time law student and medical representative, started
distributing food packets to needy people in the street. This movement gradually became
an NGO called Jwala Foundation which provides food and shelter to the displaced and
Taking this as an inspiration, we can create an online platform where people can inform
that they will bring an additional packet of food for their lunch. One of the social
volunteers in that location can respond that he will collect it and distribute to the needy.
The number of food packets required each day in each location will be displayed on the
platform. This will also help to avoid too many organizations distributing the food in the
same location, thereby wasting food, as it is usual that people will collect from all
organizations and eat the best one of it and throw the rest. This platform will help to bring
the activities of different similar organizations under one roof and helps to maintain
Fb post:
Operation Sulaimani is a free food programme introduced in the city of Kozhikode, India
by the district administration and Kerala Hotel and Restaurants Association. It is meant
to enable those who cannot afford a meal to have food with dignity and to avoid food
waste. It was introduced by Prasanth Nair IAS, then District collector of Kozhikode. In his

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own words "Operation Sulaimani is modelled on a system existing in western countries

such as Coffee-on-Wall and Food-on-the-Wall, where you pay for an extra meal or coffee".
Operation Sulaimani ensures that no one in Kozhikode is denied food on account of an
empty or lost wallet.
Anyone can collect a Sulaimani Coupon from one of the authorised distribution centres.
Food coupons are distributed at local village and taluk offices and at select hostels at the
railway station and bus stands. These can be exchanged for a meal in one of the hundred
or so partner restaurants. A donation box is kept at these restaurants for the public to
contribute to the programme. Any loss of revenue incurred by participating restaurants
are compensated through the system where they match the coupons collected by each
restaurant and distribution centre.
Why can’t we follow this model in rest of the districts also? People can push the state
government / local self-governing bodies to implement this program everywhere. It will
be good if an online platform can be created through which people from around the world
can contribute to this. Gradually the same system can be used to donate for distributing
medicine and other necessary items for the needy.
Fb post:
The picture in the below Fb post is showing few winter coats hanging in front of a shop
with a board saying ‘NEED A COAT? TAKE ONE. WANT TO HELP? LEAVE ONE.’ Similar
kind of sharing of clothes, umbrella etc are practised in many other places. We can try
that in our place too?
Fb post:
Concept: Universal Basic Income(UBI) is a concept which is under experiment phase in
many countries including India. A universal basic income is a government guarantee that
each citizen receives a minimum income. The intention behind the payment is to provide
enough to cover the basic cost of living and provide financial security. It suggests sending
a particular amount of money every month to all citizen’s bank account (or those below
a particular income range). The concept has regained popularity as a way to offset job
losses caused by technology. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) suggested India to
cancel all subsidy programs and adopt UBI instead of that. But it was not practical for
India at that time, but still some experiments are going on.
Idea: Each village can create some tourist attraction or some other revenue sources and
the profit from that can be equally divided and distributed to each family in that village,
which will ensure basic income for every family.
Fb Post:
Passive income is a revenue source which keeps generating money for us even without
our continuous manual effort. For example, rental properties, coin operated machines etc
are sources of passive income. We need to do an initial investment and some regular
maintenance. It will be good to encourage people to have some passive income source
even if it generates only a small amount of money, as it can be saved as a safe deposit and
supporting income during job loss/physical disability to work etc. Students can be
encouraged to do some passive earning. As their studies are not much affected and at the
same time, they learn to make their own earnings without a job. One example is to setup

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a small room in front of the house with some small sports facility like table tennis, squash
game, caroms etc. It will give revenue for the family, entertainment for the people and
encourage sports culture.
Fb post:
Mr. Bhaskaran Nair, former Deputy Director of Agriculture suggests that if 85% of
families in Kerala can produce an average of 360 gms of Vegetables per day, Kerala can
become self-sustainable in terms of food production. He also mentions that he is able to
produce 750 gms from his 60 square meters of land, which means that the rooftops of
each houses are enough to achieve this target. What we lack is the knowledge and
experience in farming. So, we are not very confident on doing it. But if every family
decides to do it, people can easily help each other and achieve it together. Once such a
culture is established, it helps the local farmers also. They may get consultation
opportunities and their produce still have demand in the export sector.
Fb post:
Here is a model sustainable community which can be copied everywhere in Kerala.
Niravu resident’s association in Kozhikode have achieved sustainability in Farming,
Waste Management and Energy production. Each of the house in the community
contributed to the success of this movement.
Fb post:
Creating employment opportunities are key to reducing poverty. Investor friendly
environment need to be maintained to create job opportunities. Employability of the
candidate also needs to be improved. Government is managing an employability centre
which helps to find jobs for the youth even in the private sector. There are 4 stages of
handling a request. Registration, Assessment, Training and Employment. Each college
should arrange necessary programs to ensure the employability of the students.
Fb post:
Kerala got vast potential in tourism sector. But the opportunities are not properly utilised
as per Santhosh George Kulangara, who is a veteran traveller and founder of Safari TV,
the first and only exploration channel in India. His advice is to market the uniqueness of
Kerala and create opportunities for trekking, river rafting, adventure tourism etc to
attract the young travellers, instead of copying some boring models which the tourists
are already familiar with. People go around the world for unique experiences. Each villag e
in Kerala have the potential to attract tourists. No need to wait for the government, people
can themselves create tourist attractions and activities in their own village and every
resident will get an opportunity to make an earning from it. It is important to make sure
that a friendly, safe, clean environment and basic amenities are maintained.
Fb post:
Corruption stands as one of the major hurdles for the economic development of a place.
The wealth gets accumulated to a few influential people and the rest of the people

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remains struggling to go up the ladder. Corruption in law-enforcement system is even

worse, as it helps to grow insecurity in the society and there by less attractive for
investors. Even though Kerala is recently marked as least corrupt state in India (as per a
survey conducted by Transparency International and Local Circles ) it’s just a
comparative measure among the states. We need go a long way to make the state
corruption free.
Many private initiatives were taken in India to curb corruption, like ‘Zero Rupee Note’, ‘I
paid a Bribe’ online platform etc. A similar platform specific to Ker ala can be created for
the people to anonymously report about corruption, unacceptable behaviour by officers,
misappropriation of funds, lousy service, crime, anti-social activities etc. We need to first
have an idea of what are the different sectors affected and the types of corruption, before
we try to solve it. These kinds of platforms will help to get a better idea on it.
Fb page:
Hartal is a kind of protest arranged by political parties. People are asked to close their
shops and offices, and not allowed to travel except for some emergencies like
hospitalization. Even though the political parties claim that they are doing it for achieving
the rights of the people, it usually turns out to be more troublesome for people and huge
revenue loss for individuals and the state. It also got negative impact on tourism industry
and become less attractive for investors. So, the proposal here is to allow people to
continue with their normal business and travel, but they can be convinced to display a
black banner with some supporting words in favour of the strike. This way the normal
life of people is not affected, and the protest will also be a success with full participation
of the people.
Fb post:
In 2018 Kerala flood, Fishermen did a remarkable job by selflessly taking all their boats
and rescuing people from the flood affected areas. People admired them by calling them
‘Kerala’s own Army’. But we didn’t know that they were always acting as protectors of
our sea by reporting whatever suspicious activities they find during fishing. They also
help to bring huge foreign revenue to our state and to maintain the food security. But
their lives are always miserable. We need to pay respect to them by helping to achieve
their welfare needs. Their opinions need to be considered while planning development
programs for them. Basic income for each family needs to be ensured.
Fb post:
When we plan about eradicating poverty, Tribal people in Kerala are one of the most
deserving sectors. Even though there is tribal welfare department and huge budget
allocated for them, the benefit is not really reaching them. The rest of the society needs
to involve and help to achieve their rights. It’s not donation or sympathy what they want.
They have the right to live the most dignified life like all of us.
Fb post:
Unbearable medical expenses may lead to poverty. There are some government
subsidised medical Insurance and funding for people below a certain revenue range. It

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will be great if it can be made available to a wider range of people. Some social wor kers
like Firos Kunnamparambil and Sushant Nilambur were active in social media-based
charity, which helped to arrange funds for the treatment of several people. But there were
continuous allegations and demand for auditing, which Firos also agreed to undergo. He
mentioned that it is required as there are some fake charity operations which take
advantage of the kindness of people. People need to depend on private hospitals and
charity funding due to lack of some medical facilities in public hospitals. So, government
can work towards building all missing facilities in public hospitals, creating medical
colleges in all districts, and make the service as friendly as possible.
Fb post:
Empathy needs to be practised from childhood. Here is an example of a school in Kerala
which helped to setup a shop for a poor family and encouraged students to visit the shop
and donate the commodities for sale. Similar practises can be fo llowed by other schools
to create good moral values in children and help to grow them as responsible citizens.
Fb post:
It’s unfortunate that some kids need to spend their life in orphanages and some others
need to spend the rest of their life in Elderly care centres. But we can make them feel
better by spending some friendly time with them and giving them a feeling that they have
a lot of concerned friends and relatives. Individuals or groups can plan for such visits and
organize programs for them.
Fb post:
Food poverty may be comparatively lower in Kerala and there are many organizations
which distributes food. But there is of course drinking water poverty in many places.
Kerala got plenty of natural water sources. But unfortunately, many of it are polluted and
easily drained during summer. So, the priority is to make uninterrupted availability of
drinking water everywhere. Santhosh George Kulangara shares an idea to create revenue
for each family by collecting rainwater from their house roof and channel it to water
treatment plant and bottle it for distribution and sale. Drinking water problem will be
solved and generates revenue for the family also. Other methods discussed are River
rejuvenation, rainwater harvesting, building artificial water reservoirs, seawater
desalination plant, install water dispenser which extract water from humid atmosphere
Fb post:
Bird and animals are hungry too. Rapid urbanization is affecting their natural habitats
and leaving them to starve. It will be great if we can leave a little bit of water and food on
the rooftop for birds and other small animals. Video shows an inspiring story of a man
who feeds hundreds of parrots every day.
Fb post:

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Former District Collector of Trivandrum, Dr. Vasuki sets an example for reusing the
materials as much as possible instead of throwing it to the heap of waste. To demonstrate
this, she chose to wear a saree which was reused. We must follow this great example and
create a culture and trend of reduce, reuse and recycle in every possible way.
Fb post:
There are three basic reasons for the economic downfall of Venezuela.
1. There was only one major revenue source, which was oil reserve. When oil prices were
higher, the economy was good and when oil price goes down, the economy also went
2. Welfare programs beyond the capacity of the nation. Too much debt was taken to
provide free facilities for the people. There was an inability to repay it when the economy
went down.
3. Playing dangerously with economic policies. When the economy was down, more
money was printed, and it leads to hyperinflation and never-ending loop of economic
We have some lessons to learn from this.
• It’s better for the state to have multiple sources of revenue, than depending only on
one major source of revenue. So, when one of it goes down, the state can depend on
the other sources as well. In Kerala, foreign remittance is a major source of money
which boosts the purchasing power of the people directly and indirectly. But going
forward, many countries are closing doors for the migrant employees. So, this is no
more a dependable source for economic boost. There are also other non-sustainable
sources of revenue which the state is depending on, like liquor and lottery sales. We
need to give more focus on creating investment friendly environment, explore the
opportunities of the tourism industry, agriculture growth and make sure all these are
• When welfare programs are planned, make sure that there is more focus on building
the infrastructure which can attract investments. Otherwise the debt cannot be
• Keep an eye on the economic policies of the government and raise your voice if it’s
going dangerously in the wrong direction. Rapid inflation should be considered as an
indication of the economy dangerously going down.
• Work towards building a sustainable community. So, even when the global economy
goes down or the economic policies of the government takes a wrong turn, we can still
survive, and it will also help to relax government expenditure.
Fb post:
Donation and other charity activities are of course a great relief to the people who are
economically suffering. But it’s not a permanent solution to end poverty. They remain
poor forever. To have a permanent fix, instead of asking ‘How can we eradicate Poverty?’,
we need to start thinking ‘How can we create Prosperity?’
Affordable innovations lead to more revenue generation opportunities for people. For
example, mobile phones. So many mobile phone shops were opened for sale s, repair, top
up. Businesses of the people were also improved with easier communication. With the
introduction of smartphones, furthermore opportunities were created. Food delivery

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apps and online taxi apps are other examples which created a lot of job opportunities.
Start-ups and Innovations need to be encouraged. Latest technologies should be easily
available for the people, so that people can make use of it generate revenue.
Fb post:
With the exponential growth of technology, many repetitive jobs are replaced by
machines. More jobs will be taken up in the future with automated systems and robotics.
With the progress of AI technologies, Intellectual jobs are also losing to machines. With
this pace of technological growth, the monetary based system cannot survive in the long
term, as machines will take up all the jobs, and people cannot earn or spend money. It’s
time to think about a more sustainable socio-economic system.
Resource Based Economy (RBE) is proposed as an alternative. It’s a futuristic concept
which may look not practical in the present context. But there are a few points to consider
from it when we plan for a better system. RBE suggests that let the automated AI systems
do all the jobs, food production, distribution, transportation, diagnostics and whatever.
Humans can just be a consumer of its free services. Everybody will be equally getting the
services without any need for money transactions. People can just focus on their
education, research, entertainment, volunteering or whatever they are interested in.
There are detailed explanations on how such a system works, which is too elaborate to
discuss here.
Fb post:
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were
adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end
poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.
The 17 SDGs are integrated—that is, they recognize that action in one area will affect
outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic and
environmental sustainability.
Everyone’s effort is needed to reach these ambitious targets. The creativity, knowhow,
technology and financial resources from all of society is necessary to achieve the SDGs in
every context.
Fb post:

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Infant mortality and maternal mortality are some major parameters considered in health
indexes. Kerala has already achieved the targets years ago. There are many other
achievements also in health sector. Lifestyle diseases and communicable diseases seems
to be the areas where we need to give more focus. Less exercise, less intake of dietary
fibre, nutrition imbalance, irregular eating habits, fast food culture, food adulterants,
uncontrolled smoking and alcohol consumption, stress, polluted air and water are several
More awareness and initiatives need to be taken for promoting good health practices.
More public facilities need to be created for people to do exercise. Regular health check-
ups can be promoted. Promote and help with rooftop farming, so that people can eat
healthy food. Strict action needs to be taken against those who add adulterants in food
materials. Regular checking needs to be performed at all restaurants and rating can be
given based on cleanliness and quality of food. Take all possible measures to reduce
pollution and encourage hygiene practises.
Fb post:
Pollution and poor waste management is inviting a lot of new deadly diseases every year.
State government and local self-governments needs to take proper measures to control
this. Necessary facilities need to be created to collect and dispose the waste and
encourage people to dispose the waste at the source itself. People can also form

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volunteering groups to regularly clean up their society and spread message about the
importance of not dumping waste in public places and water bodies.
Fb post:
It will be good to have the practical basic nursing classes in the school curriculum. So,
students will learn how to give emergency care for somebody on an urgent situation. It
will also give them practice for taking care of their own parents in medical condition and
helpful for self-care and hygiene practises.
Fb post:
Importance of getting vaccinated against many popular diseases is explained in the video.
Fb post:
Heart diseases are becoming the most common in the world. Kerala is also not different.
So, some health tips are discussed in the video to keep our heart healthy. Symptoms of
a heart attack and emergency care methods are also discussed. It is important to learn
this, so that we will be able to help somebody who suffer from such a situation. Health
department need to regularly publish such awareness programs through media. It will be
good to make it mandatory to keep a CPR machine at offices and other public places.
Fb post:
Cancer can be treated and cured if it is identified at earlier stages. But unfortunately,
many people fail to identify it at earlier stages. So, here is a video which explains different
types of cancer, different factors which leads to cancer, symptoms and treatment
methods. Such awareness needs to be created among the public, so that they follow a
healthy lifestyle and immediately go for medical consultation if they identify any of the
symptoms of cancer. Basically, less immune body will catch cancer easily. Physical
inactivity, insufficient nutrition in food, insufficient intake of dietary fibre, excess liquor
and smoking, uncontrolled fast food culture, irregular eating habits, food adulterants and
pollution/hazardous environment can weaken our immune system.
Fb post:
One of the major reasons for lifestyle disease is physical inactivity. So, it is important to
create awareness to have daily exercise. It should be considered as one of our daily
routines like brushing and bathing. There are many ground exercises like Squa ts, Lunges,
Burpees, Jumping Jacks, Pushups, Planks etc which we can do at ho use itself. We can
search YouTube to get an idea on how to do it. If it looks difficult, we can at least walk few
rounds or play some music and dance along with it. Health department should take
initiatives to post advertisements for the people to take some challenges on daily exercise
and make it a trend.
Fb post:

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Dietary fibre helps to keep our digestive system healthy. It is found in fruits, vegetables,
cereals and nuts. With changing lifestyle, fast food culture and other unhealthy foods are
becoming part of our daily life. In addition to maintain a limit on such unhealthy food, we
need to maintain sufficient daily intake of dietary fibre, which helps to digest it and
prevent ourselves from getting lifestyle diseases (which includes rectal and colon
cancer). Apple, pear, banana, orange, mango, strawberries, avocado, dark coloured
vegetables, carrot, beetroot, spinach, beans, onions, coconut, oats, whole grain, cereals,
almonds, pistachios, dried fruits etc are good source of fibre.
We all know the importance of drinking enough water and stay hydrated. But there are
some misconceptions like we should drink 1.5 litters of water a day. It actually depends
on several factors. For example, a person working in an airconditioned office need no t
take the same amount of water as much a person working under the hot sun. The video
gives a better clarification on it. It is presented by Dr. Rajesh Kumar, who regularly shares
such health tips on social media. There are few other authentic personalitie s also, who
spreads such awareness through social platforms. Appreciation and recognition need to
be given to such great efforts which really helps to create awareness among people on
maintaining good health and wellbeing.
Fb post:
Prevention is better than cure. It will be great if the government can give some subsidies
for doing medical check-ups every year. It will help to identify the diseases much earlier
and take preventive actions. Now a days even youngsters are caught with deadly lifestyle
diseases. So, it’s better to make it a practise to do annual health check-up from a young
Fb post:
The video demonstrates how to check adulteration in food products with some simple
tests at home. Need more control from government to stop adulteration in food products.
Fb post:
It should be mandatory to keep a first aid box in offices, schools, vehicles and houses. The
article discusses what are the important items to be maintained in a first aid box.
Fb post:
It is important for everybody to learn some emergency medical care tips. The video is
trying to discuss how to give medical care in few emergency situations like road accident,
unconscious, heart attack, burns, choking, drowning, snake bite and electric shock.
Fb post:

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The video demonstrates how to educate kids on menstrual cycle, so that they are not left
with confusions and wrong information. Great job by Menstrupedia.
Fb post:
There are many people around us with different medical conditions. We need to give
them support and caring so that they can live easily like others in the society. For example,
some people may suffer from conditions like Asperger syndrome, means they have
difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication, but have intellectual
capabilities same or above the level of a normal person. What they need is a supportive
environment. Schools and colleges should have facilities to accommodate them, other
students must be educated to be friendly with them, there should be supportive
environment in family and society as well. There are people facing many other physical
challenges also. They also need a friendly and supportive environment and infrastructure
Fb post:
We are all aware of the bad effects of smoking and drinking alcohol. So, many people are
already trying different ways to reduce its consumption. Drug addiction is even more
dangerous, as it may turn a person to a criminal and exhibits psychic behaviours. Drug
suppliers are mainly targeting students, as they are easy to fall for this. So, parents and
teachers must be extra vigilant in noticing the behavioural changes. Try to be friendly
with them and make it a habit of maintaining daily communication, so that we are aware
of their friend circle and activities.
Fb post:

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Popular vlogger Vinod Narayan (Ballatha Pahayan) suggests that teamwork need to be
practiced in Education. It is not a good practise to study alone and race for the first
position. This is not helpful later in social life and work environment. We need to know
how to solve a problem together as a Team. Importance of maintaining communication
with our kids is also discussed. Sometimes we need to be a listener to understand what
their perspectives are. Just throw some questions and see how they respond.
Fb post:
Education should not be just focused on just studying books and scoring marks. Character
development should be given importance. There should be practical sessions for
developing characters like Compassion/Empathy, ‘Dignity, Mutual respect, Equal human
rights for different social classes, opposite gender, neighbours and peers’, Good
Citizenship, Community service/Volunteering, Etiquette / Manners,
Negotiating/Compromising skills, Teamwork, Appreciate/Encourage/Motivate each
other, Honesty, Participation, Care for the Environment, Family Bonding and Caring,
Household Management, Household Repairs, Basic Cooking, Fitness & Nutrition, Basic
Farming, Basic Trading, Financial discipline, Self Defence, Safety practises, Survival Skills,
Reading habit, Coping with Failure, Basic First Aid, Mental self-defence from bad
behaviour, Stress Management, Social Media Safety, Time Management etc.
Fb post:

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The article discusses different qualities a teacher should have. There should be regular
training programs for the teachers (every year if possible), which helps to do a self-
evaluation, betterment and realisation of one's responsibilities.
These are the qualities which are elaborated in the article. Accountable, Adaptable,
Caring, Compassionate, Cooperative, Creative, Dedicated, Determined, Empathetic,
Engaging, Evolving, Fearless (in trying new approaches), Forgiving, Generous, Grit,
Inspirational, Joyful, Kind, Organized, Passionate, Patient, Resilient, Resourceful,
Fb post:
Character formation and education starts from family, even before the kids starts their
schooling. It influences other kids in the school as well. So, parenting is such an important
topic. It’s better for couples to have a good knowledge of parenting even before they plan
for kids. There should be provision in school to identify the kids who came through
negative parenting. Counselling and training need to be arranged for them along with the
parents. This should be handled with dignity and care, otherwise even the parents won’t
cooperate. If this cannot be corrected in school itself, they will be growing as anti-social
elements. Even well-mannered kids need training, so that even after schooling they know
how to stay within their own mental control.
Fb post:
Parents also have an important role to play in maintaining higher standards of the school.
Parents should not make disrespectful remarks about teacher in front of their child. But,
at the same time the child should be made aware of the limits to be maintained in student-
teacher relations, as part of the safety. Parents can maintain daily communication with
their kids on the activities happened in school. It will help to get an idea of the standards
maintained in the school and more importantly it will help to get a better understanding
of the child and their friend circle. If any faults are noticed, we can politely inform the
school management. Parents should also participate in the meetings and contribute their
effort in the better management of the school. It will be better for the parents to maintain
a friendly relationship with the teachers, as it will help to get more information about our
kids and it will give opportunities to share feedbacks each other, the areas which need
improvement. Do appreciate teachers and school management openly if they are good.
That would be really a good encouragement for them.
Fb post:
There are 5 parameters which affects the academics of a student. Grasping, Focus,
Memory, Problem Solving Skills, Interest in Studies.
Some kids may have good grasping but no interest in studies. Some others may have good
focus and memory but poor problem-solving skills. So, each kid has different proportions
of these parameters, which influence their studies. But we need to understand that they
are all well talented. What they really need is the right training and support in improving
the factors which they are weak at. This is what parents and teachers should focus on,
instead of just punishing them. There are many online video trainings available on how
to improve each of these parameters.

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Fb post:
There are three types of learning disabilities
• Dyslexia - Difficulty in reading
• Dysgraphia - Difficulty in writing
• Dyscalculia - Difficulty in solving basic mathematical problems
It may be difficult to completely cure the learning disabilities. But some improvements
are possible through training. For that, first the parents should be able to accept the fact
that their child has this disability and be willing to get them the right training. Society
needs to develop a supportive approach on this, than giving them a feeling of disgrace.
We need to understand that there were several famous personalities who overcame such
disabilities and become popular figures.
Fb post:
Social study rooms were opened in Wayanad district tribal areas to encourage and
support education among tribal communities. Many of them don’t have a favourable
environment at home for studies. With the study centres, they found it easier to get
guidance in their studies. There are facilities like computer and big LCD monitor for
visuals to make their learning easier. This is a very good model to copy to all other
backward locations in the state.
Fb post:
The best social system is one which accommodates facilities even for people facing
challenges. Those with physically and mentally challenged, elderly, economically
backward, hearing and visual difficulties and all. All the public facilities, transportation,
schools, offices etc should be constructed with easy accessibility to differently abled
people. So, they can get education, live, move around and work without anybody’s help.
People should be considerate towards them as well. Government should create more
policies and take measures to handle any discrimination against them.
Fb post:
In many countries public schools are preferred over private schools. Kerala government
is now taking many measures to get the people back to that trend. Qualification of
faculties are always better in public schools. Infrastructure, technologies, school uniform
and other status related changes were considered to attract people towards public
school. High-tech classrooms were set up in most of the schools along with many other
facilities to compete with private schools and it seems gaining attention. There is an
increasing trend of admission in public schools now. A lot more administrative and
infrastructure improvements are required and the enhancement process in going on.
Fb post:
A video report on one of the high-tech playschools in Kerala. It is managed by the
government. Airconditioned room, projector, tablet PCs, daily meal, play area, vegetable
farm etc are available in the play school. Usually there won’t be any fees charged in

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government managed preschools. This will help to develop an interest in kids for going
to school.
Fb post:
Byju’s Learning App is a huge success as a learning tool. It’s founder Byju Raveendran is
a Keralite and he mentioned last year that it’s service can be offered free of cost in public
schools. It’s created with the focus of clarifying the concepts rather than just helping to
score more marks. There are huge opportunities for many other educational in vestments
also. For example, another free tuition app can be developed. All courses and all
syllabuses in the state will be listed. Students can upload notes and tutorials for each
chapter. Tuition centres can upload video lecture of one chapter as an advertisement to
their tuition centre. So, students will get free tuition and also, they can easily find a good
tuition centre to join which helps in directly clarifying doubts and detailed coaching. It’s
just an example. There are scopes for many other investments in education sector.
Fb post:
Many youths find difficulty in getting a job because of less proficiency in communicative
English. Communicative English is important for job, business and many other walks of
life. It will be better to get the spoken English practice at school/college levels, so that the
students will be able to go ahead confidently, whether it’s an interview or any other
situation where proficiency in English is required. There are language proficiency tests
like IELTS, TOEFL, PTE which are mandatory for migration to English speaking countries.
Students can improve their English proficiency by practising for these tests. Many free
practise tests are available on YouTube. There are basically 4 sections for these tests.
Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing. Speaking and listening practises itself will give
enough confidence in communication. Some practise tests are also shared in the post. It
will be good if schools can arrange such practise sessions. More public library facilities
around the state and encouraging reading habits also helps to improve their language
Fb post:
Sexual offences against children are increasing. So, it is important to educate them on how
to defend it. The assault is happening irrespective of the gender of the child. So, it’s
important to teach each and every child, if possible, training and counselling sessions to
be conducted every year in schools. Parents should try to maintain regular
communication with their child and give them space to share all their experiences o penly
without any hesitation. In most of the cases the assaulter is a close relative, teacher or
parent’s friends. So, it is important for them to be aware of the limits even the close
relatives can maintain. They should be taught to resist and inform imme diately if an
uncomfortable approach is experienced.
Fb post:
Farming and trading are some basic skills we need to learn to become economically self-
dependant. We have lost these basic skills over generations, when the public interest
gradually turns to executive jobs. Schools should include practical sessions, so that they

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can survive on their own. Let a tree grown along with a student who planted it. This will
help them to lead a responsible living, love for nature and appreciate farmers and other
Fb post:
Kerala achieved total literacy by 1990. Complete primary education was achieved by
2016. Now the state is targeting for 100% secondary education. Karthyayini Amma at the
age of 96 topped the Kerala Literacy Mission exam. Her photo was chosen for delivering
the Women’s Day message in the post.
Fb post:
Thousands of students are passing out from colleges every year. But most of their
academic projects are never implemented for any public usage. Our educational
institutions should turn to Innovation centres. Students should be encouraged, guided
and supported to implement projects for the public. We can even think about forming an
organization to coordinate such projects. An online platform can be created for people to
suggest ideas, which are useful for public. All ideas will be listed in the page. People can
add information and help to develop the idea into a proper project plan report. Students
or private groups can choose one of the projects and execute it. Investors and
crowdfunding can be invited.
Fb post:

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Article 14-18 ensures equality for every citizen. It is important to understand this
Articles. It is detailed in the post.
Fb post:
Equality means giving something equally to everybody. Equity means making everybody
into equal status. It is better depicted in the picture in the link below. This is what the
Indian reservation system is also designed to achieve. Not only between different castes,
equity need to be achieved among different gender and whatever other social differences
Fb post:
Kerala has the highest divorce rate compared to other Indian states. There are two things
to understand from this. People (especially women) become more independent to move
away from stressful relationships and choose to stand at their own feet. There may be
problems in both sides. Both societies learned to stay away from what is not workable.
Second and most important thing is, to make it mandatory to attend a pre marriage
counselling. Many of the couple fights starts with silly reasons or ego problems. It will be

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better to have a counselling before marriage to understand the importance of mutual

respect, cooperation, stress management, sharing household responsibilities, caring and
concern for each other, openness in sharing feelings with each other and a willingne ss to
listen to each other, respecting personal space, difference between practical married life
and fantasy Bollywood romance etc. It will be good to have one counselling session
together with parents also, as many issues are triggered by unnecessary interference of
parents. In some cases, even the counselling won’t help. They are already rigid in their
assaulting kind of nature. Legal protection is required in such cases. IPC 498 A and IPC
304B are related to such cases.
Fb post:
As per different gender parity indexes, Kerala is in a leading position among Indian states.
It doesn’t mean that all the women in Kerala are safe, equally treated and happy. It is only
a comparative measure. We also need to understand that India is not even in an average
position in the world with such indexes. It is important to understand the parameters
considered in calculating such indexes, so that we can work towards the right direction
to achieve it. Education, poverty, health, safety, revenue, leadership,
participation/representation etc are the different parameters considered. Those who are
working for women's equality need to have a better understanding of this. Otherwise they
will be creating confusion and will be leading it in the wrong direction.
Fb post:
Even though Kerala government has initiated many policies to make Kerala a transgender
friendly state, people’s mindset towards transgender people need to change as well. They
should enjoy equality and non-discrimination like anyone else. Even though many
employers, institutions and public have taken a favourable approach towards them, a lot
more improvements are required in this direction.
Fb post:
Around the globe, women are usually paid less than the men who are doing the same job.
It happens even in Iceland which ranks top in gender equality. So, they have introduced
a new system to control this. They will be checking all the companies, if equal wages are
paid for employees with the same educational qualifications and job status. Those who
fail to do it have to pay a fine and will be denied some tax benefits and certifications.
Kerala can also take some similar measures and be a model in ensuring equal wage.
Fb post:
Equality needs to be ensured for every sector of people. Several schemes were introduced
by the government to make it friendly state for differently abled people. Video shows the
initiatives taken by MG University and Changathikkoottam project.
Fb post:
Many people misinterpret women's equality as a fight for dominance between men and
women. But, in reality it is flight against discrimination towards women. The one who

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discriminate can be either a man or a woman. Irrespective of religion, caste, gender,

language or colour, everyone should enjoy equal status. The change should begin from
home. Kids should be taught that men and women should be equally treated and
respected. Parents should be a role model in that. They should learn that they have no
right to interfere with other’s personal freedom. This should be taught and practised in
schools as well.
The control towards women started with the fear of security issues and gradually it has
become an accepted practice. So, the government should take measures to create a safe
environment so that even a child can fearlessly travel alone at night. There may be police
officers with backward thinking. They won’t be able to ensure secur ity for the women.
They should be given regular training to ensure safety for everyone. It’s also better to
depend on technology-based security solutions.
Some children are not even safe at their home. The uncontrolled drug/alcohol usage may
be a reason for the guardians to go out of mind. Need to find necessary solutions to handle
such situations too.
In some cases, sexual violence happens in the form of revenge. Weak law enforcement
system is also another reason. In most other cases the feeling of dominance is the reason
for attack without any hesitation. So, equal status of women should become a normal
culture in the society to reduce violence. There should not be any stopper for girls to get
maximum education whatever they wish and get their ambitious job. Girl’s education is
also important for the progress of nation and economic growth. It also helps them to be
independent and manage any life situation on their own.
Fb post:
Caste based reservation was introduced in India to stop any caste-based discrimination
and uplift the people from lower caste to equal status of all others. Unfortunately, this
vision was not yet fulfilled so far. When it remains as a slow progressing process it will
become a discriminatory process for some others. So, it’s important to establish the social
equality as fast as possible even in villages. Caste based discrimination may be
comparatively lower in Kerala, but it has not yet reached a level to completely stop the
reservation. Regular statistical checks and surveys can be conducted to check if
reservation is still required. Hope the equality can be achieved soon.
Fb post:

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This was discussed in the section of poverty. It is important to be mention here too.
Fb post:
Different methods of Water Conservation, Waste Management and Organic Farming as
suggested by Haritha Keralam Mission is discussed in this post.
Fb post:
A cheaper method of creating a huge water reservoir is discussed in the video.
Fb post:
A great initiative of one of the social well-wishers is discussed in the video. He bought
around one fourth acres of land and created an economical water reservoir for public use.
There was enough water remaining in the reservoir even in summer season. Each
panchayat ward should consider creating such a reservoir, so that they can survive in the
summer season.
Fb post:

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Different water saving tips are discussed in the video. Government should create more
awareness among people about the importance of saving water. It is important even for
those who have their own water well, because the clean water reserve from underground
will be diminishing faster and all the residents will suffer in summer.
Fb post:
Reason for drought in Kerala and different methods of water conservation are discussed
in the video.
Fb post:
According to a new report of the NITI Aayog, by 2020, 100 million people will be affected
by a shortage of groundwater in 21 Indian cities including Delhi, Bengaluru, Chennai and
Hyderabad. And about 40 per cent of India’s population will have no access to drinking
water by 2030. About 2,00,000 people die every year due to inadequate access to safe
water, according to the ‘Composite Water Management Index’ (CWMI) report, released
on June 14, 2018. It is better to be aware of the situation and take necessary actions. Being
a part of India, Kerala government and people also can help to find a permanent solution
for other places as well.
Fb post:
This is an awareness video on the importance of availability of water and sanitation and
its other impacts on the society.
Fb post:
In the video the reporter exposes a drinking water distributor taking water from a
polluted water reservoir. Government needs to take necessary action to stop this. At the
same time, we need to take measures to stop polluting the water and keep the water
sources clean.
Fb post:
The video explains how to clean polluted water in the well.
Fb post:
A river cleaning boat which is developed in India is introduced in the video. This was tried
in Kerala too. Local self-governments should make use of this and arrange regular
cleaning of the ponds and rivers in their locality.
Fb post:
Great initiative by a student, Aparna who collects recyclable items from rivers and public
places and turn it in to fancy items and other useful products and sells it through her
Facebook page. She arranged a mass movement by inviting all interested youngs ters and

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collected recyclable items from Ashtamudi lake to turn it into useful products. Let it be
an inspiration for more such initiatives from youth.
Fb post:
Water availability issue mainly affects women in rural areas. They need to sacrifice their
education or job to find time to go and collect water. It affects their sanitation issues as
well. So, it is important to solve the water issues in rural areas fo r the progress of women.
Fb post:
Women suffer more from the non-availability of clean public toilets. The article
introduces two types of public toilets for women. Smart toilet and Pink toilet. Smart
toilets are installed in public areas, whereas Pink toilets are installed in schools. Both
have sanitary napkin vending machine and incinerator to dispose the used napkins.
Smart toilets have breastfeeding room also. Water availability and safety issues won’t be
there with smart toilets. This need to be installed in all public places in Kerala and need
to be maintained properly.
Fb post:
Video shows a mobile unit to recycle toilet waste in Alappuzha. Same is required
Fb post:
Bio septic tank which can convert the human waste to fuel. It also helps to prevent the
waste from mixing with groundwater. Probably nobody will use it for cooking. But the
energy can be used for other purposes.
Fb post:
Aerobic compost unit installed in Alappuzha corporation for handling household waste.
It is now getting installed in many other places as well. All other representatives can take
initiative to install it in their constituency also.
Fb post:
A message by Suchitwa Mission on how to handle the household waste within the
premise. If everybody can follow it, a huge amount of waste can be prevented from
spreading around and mixed up with the water bodies. In our workplace or educational
institution also, we can try to convince the management to follow such practises. We can
push our local self-governments to make arrangements to handle waste from factory,
restaurant and household, within the premise.
Fb post:
Haritha Tribunal ordered to charge the government and those who cause the river
pollution to pay fines. A committee was also formed to rejuvenate the rivers. Combined

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effort of people and government is required to protect our rivers. Rejuvenation of

Varattar was a good example. Such a network needs to be formed in every other place to
clean the rivers. Local self-governments need to wake up and take action. They should be
able to take necessary action to stop people, factories, restaurants and other institutions
from dumping waste into water bodies. Heavy penalties need to be charged for such
action. They need to arrange alternative ways for people to handle the waste.
Fb post:
A discussion with chief minister on arrangements for handling waste in Kerala.

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Cochin International airport was globally appreciated for completely running on solar
energy. The same model can be followed by all other organizations.
Fb post:
Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB) and ANERT formed a joint venture to install solar
panels in houses. 2,78,000 people registered for the first phase. There are three different
schemes based on who will bear the cost of installation and how much the house owner
can consume without pay. The excess electricity will be released to the electricity grid,
for which the house owner will be paid, if the installation cost was b ear by him.
Fb post:
India’s first and biggest solar ferry started its operation in Kerala. By 2019 January it had
completed 38,000 km journey which have saved a lot of money that would have spent on
diesel and was able to avoid huge quantity of carbon emission. The ferry was designed
by NavAlt Solar & Electric Boats Pvt. Ltd which was founded in 2013 at Kochi. More such
ferry need to be introduced all over Kerala.
Fb post:

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Solar and wind hybrid power generator invented by an Indian company called
GreenAssets in 2015. Houses in Kerala can consider installing this.
Fb post:
In 2017 India’s biggest floating solar power plant started its operation at Banasura Sagar
dam at Wayanad district. KSEB targeted to generate 7.5 lakh units of electricity. It was
able to survive 2018 Kerala flood. This was an expansion of a start-up project by
VatsaaEnergy in 2016 which was funded by KSEB. A similar model floating solar plant is
planned to construct in Idukki dam also which is going to be Asia’s largest.
Fb post:
With the help of start-ups, KSEB introduced Windmill in 2016, which can be installed for
houses. Not sure about the current status of this project. But this is surely a great
initiative. It got more power generation capacity than solar panels and it takes less space.
Another advantage is that it will work even at night.
Fb post:
KSEB is distributing LED bulb to reduce power consumption. ”Filament Free Kerala”
project is planning to eliminate all CFL and Filament bulbs which consumes more energy.
LED Bulbs are distributed at subsidised cost and a 3-year warranty. There is a scheme to
exchange old CFL and Filament bulb with new LED bulb.
Fb post:
A tidal power plant was established at Vizhinjam in 1991. It was the world's first power
plant using Oscillating Water Column (OWC) technology. Project was funded by the
Department of Ocean Development and executed by IIT Madras. But it was not able to
deliver enough electricity to the power grid except in monsoon season. In 2004 another
attempt was made to generate drinking water from seawater using the power generated
from this plant. It had a capacity of 10,000 litters. Citing many practicality issues, later
that project was also dropped. In 2011 the project was completely dropped. It is great
that such attempts were done in our state much before. We should still consider
continuing such experiments, considering the huge potentials with 580 km coastal region
in the state.
Fb post:
One of the poultry farms in Kerala sets an example by using biogas plant for handling
poultry waste. Local self-government suggested to install it at a subsidised rate. The cost
was only equivalent to the amount needed for handling the waste for 1 year and he is now
able to generate biogas from it. This need to be made mandatory for all butchery shops.
Government can help to arrange subsidies and instalment payment for installing it.
Fb post:

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This was discussed under clean water and sanitation. It is relevant to mention here also.
Fb post:
Kerala government has finalised an electric vehicle policy. Use of e -rickshaws is to be
expanded through state-owned Kerala Automobiles. Subsidies and other incentives
would be given, from both central and state governments. The state Budget for 2019 -20
has proposed to ensure a rise in the number of EVs to a million by 2022. Charging stations
will be installed with help from private investors. Gradually, only electric autos will be
permitted in major towns. The Budget also proposes a 50 per cent concession on road tax
for five years to newly registered e-rickshaws. For other EVs, a 25 per cent concession for
five years.
Another aim is to procure 6,000 electric buses for the state road transport corporation
by 2025. Other vehicles powered by electricity are to be progressively phased in.
Fb post:
Sustainable mobility in Indian context is explained in the video. Suggestion is to take the
old cars and convert them to electric cars. It will help to decarbonize the vehicles and a
lot of resource wastage is avoided. At the same time jobs are created also. Charging can
be done by battery swapping at different location. It must be afforda ble. Shared
transportation also needs to be encouraged. Video introduces a young entrepreneur who
had already succeeded in such vehicle sconversion. Their idea is not to keep the
technology within themselves, but to share it with many others around the cou ntry as
Fb post:
This was discussed in the section of poverty. Just resharing it here also.
Fb post:
30+ Ideas to build a Sustainable House is discussed in the post.
Fb post:
A sustainable tourism model is explained where both the tourists and the local
communities are benefited and at the same time the environment is not destroyed.
Community homestays are arranged where host will cook homely food for the guest.
Language exchange, skill exchange and cultural exchange happens. Local farmers and
other local vendors get revenue opportunities. Women empowerment is also possible as
they are getting revenue opportunities and they get a chance to interact with many people
and learning many new things which gives them a spirit of fulfilment.
Fb post:
Resharing the post from Poverty section.
Fb post:

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In a sustainable community the culture of reusing must be maximum encouraged. Video
demonstrates how to create a paper bag using old newspaper. Students and local groups
can do this and distribute it to shops and people so that they can use it instead of plastic
bags. We need to encourage more such ideas to reuse old materials until it becomes a
trend and gradually a normal habit for people.
Fb post:
Video on few of the alternatives for replacing single use plastic. More such alternatives
need to be created and make easily available to people to reduce the plastic pollution.
Fb post:
Aryad grama panchayat had set a great example for regularly collecting plastic waste
from each house and sell it to a company which recycles it. A mobile app is developed to
handle all the process. Each house will have a QR code which is used to track the collection
Fb post :
Kerala Fisheries department had initiated a mission called ‘Suchitwa Sagaram’ to collect
the plastic waste from the ocean with the help of fishermen. Fishermen will bring all the
plastic wastes which they collected while fishing. Plastic will be shredded and recycled
for road tarring. Fishermen have removed 25 tonnes of plastic in less than a year. This
was appreciated by the UN. It needs to be expanded to all harbours in Kerala. Fishermen
and other workers must be remunerated on time as an encouragement to continue this
Fb post:
Disaster risk reduction and warning systems should be given importance when planning
for a sustainable society. Otherwise whatever we have built will be lost in a few seconds.
Start-ups which can build such systems must be encouraged. Government should also
adopt technologies and implement necessary measures for disaster management. People
should be aware of the possible risk and be alert and be ready with necessary
safety/rescue equipment.
Fb post:

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An introduction video on what are the areas to be focused on finding solutions to create
decent work environment and economic growth.
Fb post:
Sewage cleaning is one of the most inhumane jobs. So, Kerala government engaged a
group of youngsters to find a robotic solution for this. ‘Bandicoot’ the sewage cleaning
machine was created under their start-up company ‘Genrobotics’. The mission was to
make Kerala the first manual scavenging free state. Delhi is also now taking help from
Bandicoot to clean manholes and septic tanks. Let there be more start-ups and solutions
to replace all inhumane jobs with machines.
Fb post:
Kerala government recently amended the Labour law directing the employers to limit
women employees to work eight hours a day and provide a chair or stool, allowing them
to sit. This will especially help those working in textile shops who have to stand long
hours. These amendments to the law will also require employers to allow women an
afternoon tea break, and a lunch break. Those who failed to follow it need to pay a huge
There are also many other jobs which demands harsh rules to follow. Need to identify all
such practises and ensure a healthy and safe work environment for all. Work life balance

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needs to be ensured in all jobs. Security practises need to be followed in all workplaces
and arrange necessary training for the employees. Health check-ups and health
awareness can be arranged. Regular training needs to be arranged for the employers to
create awareness that, employees will be more productive and loyal only if they are
happy with their work. Importance of maintaining a healthy employer-employee relation
need to be conveyed.
Fb post:
There are many issues specifically women faces in the work environment. Those
departments and organizations which work for women welfare should try to find out
what are the specific issues women face and then try to find a solution for each of it. Here
are some issues women may face in work environment. Pregnancy Discrimination, Sexual
Harassment, Gender Pay Gap, Difficulty in climbing the career ladder, Work-Life
Imbalance, Menstrual related, Ego Clashes, Appearance, Gender Bias in Interviews,
Restroom gossips.
Fb page:
The same was posted in the topic of equality. Resharing it as it is relevant here too.
Fb post:
Child labour or any abuse towards children can be report at Child Line no. 1098.
Fb post:
There are many schemes available for differently abled people to facilitate their
education and employment. Government needs to make sure that the deserved people
are getting those benefits without much difficulties. In addition to the policies and
schemes, many infrastructure related facilities also need to be arranged for making their
life easier in the society. It’s discussed in detail in the post.
Fb post:
Fishermen’s life is full of struggle, but not much benefits are earner for the effort. They
need to stay 5 days in the ocean to get enough catch. But sometimes there won’t be
enough fish. There are many challenges like unfavourable weather, Fishing net damage,
not enough fish, not enough security measures, bad attitude from some coast guard. Many
local fishermen turned to other jobs because of lower revenue. Migrant workers came to
this field also.
A lot of security measures need to be arranged. Like an air traffic control room, there
should be communication mechanism with the boats leaving the shore. This will help to
exchange messages in case of some emergencies. Operational efficiency of the boat needs
to be regularly checked and certified. Life jacket and first aid kit need to be ensured. At
least one of the crew should be trained in giving basic first aid. Insurance need to be
ensured for all crew members. There were allegations that some migrant workers who
don’t know swimming are also sent with the boat. Need to check the possibility of giving
some basic pay even if there is no catch.

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Fb post:
Introducing a young entrepreneur who collects vegetables directly from the local farmers
and sell it online. These kinds of initiatives need to be encouraged, as it gives more
revenue opportunities for farmers also. People will get fresh vegetables as well.
Fb post:
A website was opened one year back by Kundambashree to sell their products online.
Now it’s available on Amazon also. Kudumbashree mission was started to eradicate
poverty and to empower women in rural areas. Kudumbashree shop was also opened. It
needs to be opened everywhere, so that it will give opportunity to local people to sell
their home-made products.
Fb post:
Without migrant workers there would have been a resource shortage in many sectors.
Even though there is growing concern over the uncontrolled expansion of migrant
population, as long as they are staying here, there should be welfare programs and
humanitarian considerations and no discrimination. At the same time a proper statistic
needs to be maintained and their background checking need to be considered to make
sure they don’t have criminal records in their hometown. Those with criminal records
should not have opportunities here.
Here are some of the welfare programs arranged in Kerala for migrant workers. Apna
Ghar residential flat and other accommodation facilities, Awas insurance, Day care
centers for their kids, Facilitation centers to clarify their doubts, Literacy programs,
Language proficiency training so that they can communicate with locals in the workplace.
Through these programs their profiles are also recorded, so that we can maintain a
proper record, statistics and planning based on this.
Fb post:
Safety culture is one of the areas where we need a lot of improvement. Every employee
has the right to work safely. There should be safety certification and training programs
for all work sites. Make it mandatory for each employee to attend the safety training
before starting a project. Necessary safety equipment should be available for all workers
and supervisors should ensure they are using it. Otherwise the company should be
charged fine. There should be proper risk assessment and solutions planned before
starting a project. Feedback from the workers should be invited to improve the safety
measures. Regular health check-up needs to be arranged to make sure their health is not
at risk. The work site area should be covered from people to avoid risks. Even if it a small
patch work, the area should be covered to avoid causing safety issues to the people.
Fb post:
There are many pension programs like Atal Pension Yojana, Pension for former NRIs
through Norka, Elderly pension, pension for those with disabilities and many other
pension schemes. For all these schemes there should satisfy some conditions, or they

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need to join the scheme before 40 years. But many of them may not satisfy such
conditions or they were not able to join the schemes earlier because of life situations.
There should be some wider schemes to cover all the senior citizen. But at the same time,
it should not create an economic overburden. Need to find some practical ways to handle
Fb post:
A wage protection system was implemented to make sure the salaries are paid on time
directly in the employee’s bank account and at least minimum wage is paid. Currently it
is implemented for those private institutions coming under labour office. It needs to be
expanded to more sectors and make sure it is functioning correctly.
Fb post:
This is one of the sectors where a lot of improvements are required. A single window
system called K-Swift was introduced to complete all the company registration process
within one website. All the licenses and permits can be secured through this system
without going to each and every office separately. It also ensures that the registration
process will be completed within 30 days. Those non cooperative officers may face strict
actions. This is about company registration process. But there are many other factors
which affect a business-friendly environment. Not only the government and officer,
people also should be cooperative to attract investments. Lack of infrastructures also
affects investments. Uncontrolled interference of workers unions also affects smooth
operation of businesses. Unions are required, but it should not work like a rebel system
for businesses. Healthy relationship should be maintained to ensure the smooth
operation and at the same time ensure the welfare of employees. Lack of knowledge and
lousy service of auditing firms also affects smooth operation of businesses. Auditors
should be updated with the latest schemes and policies.
Fb post:
Kerala got huge potential in revenue from tourism. Each village and its residents can
make revenue through tourism by turning it into a tourism attractive spot by themselves,
without waiting for government support. This needs to be done without destroying the
natural beauty and tradition. Make facilities for tourists to walk around or using slow
moving trams. Safety, cleanliness, toilet facilities, clean drinking water, hygien ic food,
friendly environment etc need to be ensured. Residents can arrange homestays. Food
streets can be arranged with local delicacies. Beautification of the streets and houses may
attract people. Tourists are coming for variety experience. So, it is important to preserve
all the uniqueness of the place as such and arrange some activities which can be new and
exciting for the visitors. It will create a lot of revenue opportunities for residents.
Santhosh George Kulangara in his video expressed his interest in taking over one village
which can come forward to adopt such change.
Fb post:
Every types of jobs are required for the balanced progress of our nation. It’s not only the
executive jobs that supports the economy and other social parameters. So, every job

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needs to be respected. We should really maintain a respect for the workers in our mind
(that they are doing a great job for our nation). Then only it will come out in our attitude
towards them. When there is no looking down on any job people will start loving it.
Fb post:
Kerala being a land of coconut trees, we haven’t really utilised the great demand around
the globe for the enormous types of coconut-based value-added products. It’s good to see
the government taking some initiatives now to revive the industry. More initiatives,
incentives and awareness about its demand need to be created. Paddy fields and many of
our other traditional farming and industries have deteriorated over time. Really need a
mass movement to get trained with our traditional skills. People can really make an
additional earning out of it than just depending only on cooperate jobs.
Fb post:
Kerala start-up mission is giving Innovation grant for selected start-ups which comes
forward with innovative ideas. It is a three-stage process of granting a maximum of 2, 7
and 12 lakhs for each of the phases such as Idea, Productization and Scaleup.
Fb post:
To develop an entrepreneurial culture in Kerala, the entrepreneurship qualities need to
be developed from the stage of a student. Entrepreneurship Development Club (EDC)
program is introduced by the government for that purpose. An EDC can be formed at
higher secondary or above with a minimum of 25 students, one coordinator, optionally a
mentor and principal’s consent. Ten thousand rupees grant will be paid in each phase two
times a year for the club. They can arrange training programs, seminars, exhibitions,
workshops, industrial visits, start business incubations, setup small manufacturing units
etc. All the eligible educational institutions should make use of this scheme. Sustainability
practises can also be encouraged in such clubs.
Fb post:
Businesses sell their products to resellers and distributors under some credit terms.
Payment to be made within 1-3 months only. But sometimes distributors and resellers
fail to pay this on time and creates a chain of credit repayment issue. They may fail to pay
salaries to employees on time, payment to their raw material vendors may fail and other
expenses like rental, utility bills etc will be failed to pay on time. This will affect the
smooth operation of businesses. Some large-scale industries get help from Credit
Insurance companies in such situations. Credit Insurance companies help to regulate the
cash flow by supplementing money, give insights into customers financial stability, early
warning system to inform that some of the customers fall into debt and to be careful of
doing business with them. It will be great if the government can arrange such cred it
insurance service to medium and small-scale industries, so that the businesses can
survive and grow and protect them from fraud. It will also create a favourable
environment for more companies to come in.
Fb post:

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For the economic development of a state, there should be enough domestic production
and employment opportunities. To create an investment friendly environment, the basic
infrastructure needs to be developed. Transportation Facilities, Road/Rail/Water/Air
connectivity, Electricity, Internet & Mobile connectivity, Clean Water & Sanitation,
Medical Facilities, Drainage/Sewage systems etc need to be very good. Sustainable
solutions need to be considered for developing the basic infrastructure. We need to make
sure that it won’t destroy the nature and invite disasters. Innovative solutions need to be
encouraged which can make life easier and sustainable.
Fb post:
Many remarkable road rail development projects are planned and going on in the state.
Thiruvananthapuram-Kasargod, semi-high-speed rail corridor along a 532-km-long
track is one such project. 623 Km Coastal highway and 1,251 km hill highway are other
big projects. National highway expansion is also going on. Many other bypass roads and
flyover and tunnel projects are completed and going on with the cooperation of centre
and state governments. Kochi metro has already started operation and expansion works
are going on. Expected to have Thiruvananthapuram and Kozhikode monorail also.
Vizhinjam port construction is going on and related infrastructural developments are

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planned. Kannur international Airport, the fourth international airport in the state
started its operation. Sabarimala airport is also in the plan. Kochi water metro and other
waterway projects are also in the list. All these infrastructure projects are expected to
boost the economy of the state by attracting investments.
Fb post:
There were many situations where the ambulance has to travel long distances in heavy
traffic roads to get advanced medical treatment for the patient. To avoid such situation,
it is important to have medical colleges in all districts with all the advanced facilities.
Wayanad medical college, Pathanamthitta Konni medical college, Kannur medical college
and Kasargod Medical college are now moving towards reality.
Recently a network of 315 Kanivu 108 ambulances and trained emergency care
personnel were deployed in all districts, to rescue and remove accident victims as fast as
possible from the accident site and reaching them to appropriate trauma management
centres within the golden hour so that precious lives were not lost.
Need for an air ambulance was also discussed many times. During the last government’s
term such a project was started with the help of Rajiv Gandhi Academy for Aviation.
Because of high running cost the project was later dropped. Every other possibility of
medical facilities which can be introduced in the state need to be considered.
Recently a primary school child died due to snake bite and there was delayed medical
attention. In the light of this event there were suggestions from public to appoint a nurse
at every school.
Availability and efficient running of medical clinics in every corner of the state need to be
Fb post:
To encourage start-ups and innovations, Kerala Startup Mission has started an Integrated
Startup Complex at Ernakulam. There are also many other huge campuses, facilities,
incubation centres and policies to encourage technology companies in the state.
Fb Post:
Internet and smartphones have transformed our lifestyle a lot. A lot of job opportunities
were also created. Online taxis and food delivery apps are some examples. Social media
apps were really helpful in coordinating rescue operation during disasters like 2018
Kerala Flood. So, it is important to make free-internet available in every place. It can really
help to bring a lot of progress in social economical and educational sectors. Government
is now providing free wifi service in 2000 public locations around the state. Hope it will
be expanding to more locations and uninterrupted service with high speed connection is
Fb post:
Industrial development is very important for economic growth. But it is important to
make sure that it is also sustainable. Few parameters to consider are like no damage to
the environment, energy efficient, resource efficient, consider gender aspects, inclusive

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to create job opportunities for local population etc. Video is introducing such a green
industrial estate at Andhra Pradesh.
Fb post:
The video explains how a sewage system is built in urban areas. Kerala is getting
urbanized everywhere. So, it is better to plan for such systems much earlier before it
becomes a huge environmental problem.
Fb post:
Vandalising public properties need to be strictly controlled with heavy fine and
punishment. People’s hard-earned money is used for building public facilities and
infrastructure. If it is destroyed, the government needs to spend again from the limited
tax revenue. Government cannot work on it anymore if it becomes a continuous process
of destroying and rebuilding. So, most of the facilities need to be left dirty. This is not good
for a place especially having high expectations on tourism revenue. So, people need to
interfere and report to officials if such actions are noticed.
Fb post:
Development of shipping ports offers huge development opportunities for a place. Huge
Infrastructural, industrial developments and employment opportunities will be created.
People will get direct and indirect revenue opportunities. Vizhinjam port is one of such
hopeful projects for Kerala. To maintain a good investment friendly environment, in
addition to the government policies, people also need to understand the importance and
cooperate well with the project and related development.
Fb post:
Tokyo city is easy to get flooded as it is a coastal city, many areas below sea level, rapid
construction, rivers and many waterways and typhoons can cause easy flooding. They
created Flood tunnels to control flooding. Artificial waterways and gates were
constructed to control the flow of water. These were all successful to control the flood.
Later many other cities followed the same model. We also need to plan about creating
flood control system before it’s too late. There were repeated flood last two cons ecutive
years.Many low lying areas are also under threat with global warming.
Fb post:
Try to reduce food wastage, water wastage, over consumption of electricity etc an d follow
Reduce Reuse and Recycle methods.
Fb post:
Supermarkets dump the food which are about to expire. Anti-poverty organizations in
France protested against this and based on that, a law was passed. It stops the
supermarkets from throwing the food and instead of that they need to donate it to charity
organizations and food bank, so that it can be consumed before it expires. We can try this

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in Kerala also. A centralised online platform needs to be created where people can inform
about the food available to be donated. It will be collected by the charity organizations
and distribute it to people. Food requirements in each area should be updated in that
online platform. Charity organizations can help to update it. It needs to be updated again
once the food is distributed there. So, no need to distribute in the same place again by
other charity organizations and waste the food. Such platform will also be helpful during
disaster relief works. It can be used to send medicines and other commodities also.
Fb post:
5 water saving tips. (Reshare from the topic of Clean Water and Sanitation)
Fb post:
It is roughly estimated that 33% of the food produced in the world are wasted. It happens
in different stages. Harvesting, processing, transportation, storage and consumption. It
happens because of miss management or lack of technology or lack of proper storage
facilities. An organization called ‘Food Loss Challenge Asia’ promotes and funds solutions
which can stop food wastage. An Indian start-up company called ‘EcoZen Solutions’ came
forward with such a solution. It is a portable cooling unit that helps farmers save
perishable food after harvest. In Kerala, government or some organization can take
initiative to study about such food loss and encourage solutions to control it.
Fb post:
Reshare from affordable and clean energy
Fb post:
Promote reuse (Reshare from No Poverty)
Fb post:

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Landslides had become a frequent disaster during rainy season in Kerala. Kenya and
Nepal had the highest landslides. They controlled it by planting bamboos. Bamboo grows
faster and deep rooted. So, it can prevent the land from sliding down. We can try this
method in Kerala too before it’s too late.
Fb post:
As trees disappear, soil is being eroded, River Cauvery is drying up, and farmers are
suffering. The simplest way to make Cauvery flow again is to plant trees. ‘Cauvery Calling’
is an initiative which support farmers to plant 242 crore trees in Cauvery basin by
adopting agroforestry. This will have the triple benefits
• Improving soil health by replenishing organic content in the soil
• Reviving the river and groundwater levels by increasing water retention in Cauvery
basin by an estimated 40%
• Augmenting farmer income through agroforestry, proven to increase farmers’
incomes 300-800% in 5-7 years
We can support this movement by donating 42 Rupees for a tree.
We can promote agroforestry around drying up Kerala rivers too.
Fb post:

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Kerala had repeat flood in August 2018 and 2019. Uncontrolled rock quarrying, sand
mining from river base, deforestation, illegal constructions on marshland are several
reasons cited for flooding. Preventive actions need to be planned and executed before it’s
too late. Long term and short-term solutions need to be found. We need to get experts to
study and propose solutions. We need to find some sustainable solution so that the
development projects are not affected and at the same time it will not damage the
Fb post:
Even after a flood, the river water is easily drained into the sea without absorbing much
into the land. Different methods are discussed in the video which helps to absorb the
water into the land.
Fb post:
It is important to grow more Mangroves in the coastal region to prevent coastal erosion.
It can also help to slow down the disastrous tsunami waves. They help to maintain water
quality and clarity, filtering pollutants and trapping sediments originating from land. It is
also home to many lifeforms.
Fb post:
From November 30 to December 11, 2015, France hosted representatives from 196
countries at the United Nations (UN) climate change conference, one of the most
important and most ambitious global climate meetings ever assembled. The objective
was no less than a binding and universal agreement designed to limit greenhouse gas
emissions to levels that would prevent global temperatures from increasing more than 2
°C (3.6 °F) above the temperature benchmark set before the beginning of the Industrial
Revolution. India has also agreed to take measures to reduce carbon emission. State and
central governments have active plans for encouraging electric vehicle to reduce
emissions. Being responsible citizens, we should do our part to support and take actions
to reduce emissions.
Fb post:
Greta Thunberg is a Swedish environmental activist on climate change whose
campaigning has gained international recognition. Thunberg first became known for her
activism in August 2018 when, at age 15, she began spending her school days outside the
Swedish parliament to call for stronger action on global warming by holding up a sign
saying (in Swedish) "School strike for the climate". Soon, other students around the globe
engaged in similar protests in their own communities. Together, they organised a school
climate strike movement under the name 'Fridays for Future'. On September 20th 2019,
Abhirami Manohar, a 11th standard student from Kendriya Vidyalaya in Kochi also joined
the movement by organising a strike at Kochi durbar hall ground which was joined by
hundreds of students. It gives a lot of hope on the future when younger generation from
our community is also working towards building a better world. Let it be an inspiration
for more youngsters.

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Fb post:
Kerala's climate activist Vishnu chosen for representing India at UN Youth Climate
Summit. He is founder CEO of C5 (Change Can Change Climate Change). He works on
climate change mitigation projects and facilitates the creation of sustainable business
models. Those who are with similar interest in climate action can contact him and work
Fb post:
Each and every person is contributing to the greenhouse gas emissions through some of
our daily activities. The article discusses on different ways to reduce our carbon footprint
by changing some of our lifestyle.
Fb post:
Air Quality Index (AQI) is a scale to measure how polluted our air is. There are 6 levels
based on the severity - Good, Satisfactory, Moderately polluted, Poor, Very Poor, and
Severe. It’s better to keep monitor the AQI levels at different locations and ta ke measures
to bring it under healthy levels.
Fb post:
Transportation, Electricity/Energy Production, Industries and Agriculture are the major
greenhouse gas contributing sectors. To fight climate change, we need to adopt solutions
to lower emissions in each of these sectors.
Fb post:
India pledges to reduce carbon emissions by 30 to 35% by 2030. 40% of electricity to be
sourced from renewables and other low carbon sources. There are plans to increase
forest cover as well. As responsible Citizens, we all need to do our part to achieve these
Fb post:
Miyawaki is a technique pioneered by Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki, that helps build
dense, native forests. The approach is supposed to ensure that plant growth is 10 times
faster and the resulting plantation is 30 times denser than usual. It involves planting
dozens of native species in the same area and becomes maintenance-free after the first
three years. Usually this method is adopted at urban areas as it can be carried out even in
limited space. This method is suitable for Kerala, as there are not enough huge free land
space available for growing forest.
Fb post:
Former Mayor of Thiruvananthapuram VK Prasanth encouraged people to choose eco-
friendly solutions like bicycle whenever possible. It is appreciable to see elected

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representatives promoting sustainable solutions. He was already active in promoting

plastic free solutions, pollution control, cleaning polluted water bodies etc. Hope all
representatives can follow such model and work towards sustainable Kerala.
Fb post:
Indian bans single use plastic and expected to implement it in several steps. Government
is seeking advice from environmental specialists and industrialist on feasible ways to
implement it. Plastics are damaging the environment in each of its life cycle. Du ring
production, thrown as waste, burning it also emits greenhouse gases. Some of the key
actions required are:
• Immediately end the production and use of single-use, disposable plastic.
• Stop development of new oil, gas and petrochemical infrastructure.
• Foster the transition to zero-waste communities.
• Implement a system where polluters pay for the impact of their products – known as
extended producer responsibility.
Fb post:
Even if the plastics are banned, there are already enormous amount of plastic waste
around us. There should be ways to handle it. Video shows how Singapore is handling it
without destroying the environment and producing energy from it. It may be an
expensive method for us. Still there are many other economical solutions which we can
adopt. The technological start-ups can be encouraged to find solutions as well.
Fb post:
There are around 7.6 billion people living in earth as of now. By 2050 it may exceed 10
billion. The carbon footprint of each people will be added up to contribute to the climate
change. With limited resource the earth’s resources need to be over exploited for the
growing population. Poverty and lack of education are some majo r reason for
uncontrolled childbirth. So, education and eradicating poverty are important for climate
change also. Government policies, family planning programs may help to control the
population growth as well. In addition to take measures to slow down the population
growth, the emissions need to be controlled as a major step for stopping the climate
Fb post:

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There are several cases of Elephants being tortured in Kerala. They are mainly used in
festivals. The post shares an example of fake elephants used for the festival instead of the
real one. It will be great if it can be followed everywhere in Kerala.
Fb post:
Stray dogs are becoming a big problem in Kerala. Pedestrians including kids cannot walk
around peacefully under the fear of a possible gang attack. It’s also causing accidents to
two wheelers and they are attacking other domestic animals also. Fear of spreading
rabies also creates threat. Many governments tried inhumane way of mass killing. But
there is no result and it’s not the right way for a cultured society. The remaining dogs will
still breed, and people will continue abandon more dogs in the street. The food wastes
from restaurants and houses thrown irresponsibly around the streets are found to the
main reason for them to form gangs, create their territory, fight with other gangs and
causing it more threat for people. Many animal welfare organizations have proposed
solutions to control the stray dogs without killing them. It’s better to get their
consultation in this matter. Need to see the cost impacts and other feasibilities also.
Some suggestions are like birth control, vaccination, registration, stop people from
abandoning dogs in street, stray dog care centres, adoption campaign, stop throwing food
waste in the street etc.

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Fb post:
Night traffic was banned in gundlupet-bathery NH212 to protect wild animals from being
hit by vehicles while crossing the road. Many countries built animal bridges to safely cross
the road. We can try that too for the safety of animals and also the people driving around.
Animal welfare organizations can take initiative to push the gover nment to build one.
Fb post:
An introduction to Animal Husbandry Department in Kerala and the services they
Fb post:
The list of animal welfare organizations in Kerala are listed in the post.
Fb post:
A message to stop animals being used for entertainment. Cruelty is not entertainment.
Fb post:
Animals are used for testing new medicines, cosmetics, food materials etc. Sometimes it
turns out to be very cruel but not very effective, because the animal tested medicine may
not always work well with humans. New technologies are now available to do the testing
without using animals. But some companies hesitate to use it, as they consider animal
testing as more profitable. Animal testing for cosmetic products are banned in India,
European union, Israel and Norway. India also banned importing animal tested cosmetic
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A reminder that the chicken and other animals are taking unbearable slaughter pain
before getting to our food plate. So, over slaughtering and wasting of meat should not be
encouraged. We can also try to minimize the meat consumption as it not very healthy and
causing many lifestyle diseases now a days.
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Before slaughtering the animals are going through extremely cruel experiences. The news
report is showing an overcrowded carrier with slaughter animals and chilli powder is
spread on the floor so that they won't sit and create congestion. There are many different
ways they are tortured in extreme inhumane ways. Government should arrange regular
inspection and strict policies to stop such cruelty. At least before slaughtering let them
have a peaceful life. Some people follow extreme cruel ways of slaughtering with
maximum pain. This must be controlled also. They should be encouraged to adopt
stunning kind of methods which makes the animal faint immediately and after that it can
be slaughtered. Some religions have acceptance problems with this method. But a

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reference is shared in the post where the religious scholars from Turkey mentions that it
is acceptable.
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Lab grown meat are going to take over the future of meat industry. The meat is produced
by taking stem cells from the animal without killing them. In 2013 a burger patty was
prepared from such a meat and it was tasted. Research are going on to reduce the cost of
making it and match with every aspect of a real meat. One advantage is that it won’t have
infection problems which sometimes happens in real meat. It is expected to have no other
health impact.
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People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has released a video for creating
awareness among people on the cruelty behind the animal-based luxury products. The
video is shared in the post. Extreme cruelties are happening in the farms where animals
are grown for their skin. Skin are taken while they are alive. The crocodile won’t die
faster. So, they have to bear the extreme pain for hours. We must decide that we won’t
buy such products.
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The post is about a man who feeds thousands of parrots every day. We can also leave
some water/food on the house roof for birds. (This was shared in the section of Poverty)
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Deforestation is destroying the natural habitat of many species. Deforestation is mostly
happens for creating agricultural lands. The video shares how to do agriculture without
destroying the forest.
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Western Ghats is one of the biodiversity hotspots where 30% of different species of birds,
animals, fish and plants in India are found. Extensive mining and deforestation are
destroying this region. A panel headed by ecologist Madhav Gadgil, was appointed by the
Union Ministry of Environment and Forests to assess the biodiversity and environmental
issues of the Western Ghats. The Gadgil Committee and its successor, the Kasturirangan
Committee, recommended suggestions to protect the Western Ghats. The Gadgil report
was criticised as being too environment-friendly and the Kasturirangan report was
labelled as being anti-environmental.
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Oceans are undergoing Overfishing. Overfishing is the removal of a species of fish from a
body of water at a rate that the species cannot replenish in time, resulting in those species
either becoming depleted or very underpopulated in that given area. A scientific report
in 2003 estimated that industrial fishing had reduced the number of large ocean fish to

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just 10% of their pre-industrial population. A 2006 article in the journal Science predicted
that if fishing rates continue unchanged, all the world's fisheries will have collapsed by
the year 2048.
Sustainable fishing methods need to be adopted. One method is to create a dedicated
farm space in the sea and grow the required species of fish there. This method was tried
and found to be successful in our sea. Another method is to keep one large area of sea as
a reserve for growing the fish. No fishing is allowed there. So, the fishes won't go extinct.
This method needs coordination and unified planning for fishing.
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Plastics and other pollutants are flowing to the ocean through rivers. So, the rivers need
to be cleaned before it’s water reaches the ocean.
• Government and society need to make sure that no individuals or factories are
dumping waste into water bodies.
• Proper waste management solutions need to be implemented.
• Waste from the land also flows to the water bodies during rain. So, dumping of
waste in public places should be strictly prohibited.
• Waste bins should be placed at tourist locations near water bodies. It should be
cleared regularly
• Smaller water bodies need to be regularly cleaned before it reaches larger water
• Waste removal mechanisms should be implemented at rivers also.
• Still there may be waste flowing to the ocean. So, some process to clean the ocean
also need to be implemented
Some techniques for cleaning the river are discussed in the video.
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An initiative taken by the Kerala government to get help from fishermen to bring the
plastic waste from the ocean and then it is shredded and used for road tarring. (This was
shared under sustainable cities section)
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Untreated water from Industries are destroying the aquatic life. One of the solutions
developed by an Indian company is discussed in the video. It uses low temperature
evaporation method. The system is able to extract fresh clean water from the wastewater.
It is also an energy efficient system compared to the conventional wastewater processing
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An interview with one of the most popular criminal lawyers in Kerala reveals many
loopholes/drawbacks of Judicial system which he mentions as he is utilising to win the
cases for the accused. A lot of revamping is required in Judicial system to make it flawless
and more efficient. Otherwise people will start taking the law in their own hand. More
details in the post.
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Kerala police is one of the most efficient police force in the country. Still there were many
cases of investigation failures. Several initiatives were taken to make the department
friendly and approachable to people. There were improvements, but still a long way to go
to achieve the desired result. Here are some areas which need some changes
• Unnecessary interference of political parties and leader in police system
• Political parties are unnecessarily supporting their followers who have criminal
• Party followers are illegally posted in government departments.
• Efficient counselling system need to be implemented in schools.
• Less influential families in the society are easy to get attacked. Safety and
security must be equally available to everybody.
• Backward communities need more support from other communities till no more
communities are considered as backward.

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• Lousy investigation and proficiency of the criminal lawyer is a deadly combination

in many cases of denied justice. If people lose hope in the justice system, they will
take the law in their own hands. So, it is important to make sure there are no
• Police department should be zero corrupt, responsive to all requests and quick in
• Police stations should become more friendly for the people. The complaint
receiving section should act more like a customer care office. Can avoid normal
police uniform in that section if possible. Better to voice record the conversations
to a central system. The case progress should be able to track online and there
should be provision to complaint about the progress.
• There should be a caring and supportive kind of approach from the officers to the
victim, especially in case of sexual assault.
Fb post:
Genetics, family environment, negative parenting, social influence, bad friend circ le,
drugs, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are different reasons for a person
to develop a criminal mentality. But with proper training from childhood it can be
changed to a positive direction. Too much of cursing can also turn a child to d evelop
revengeful behaviour and they get attracted to the bad companions where they get more
acceptance. Parents are usually blamed for the child’s behaviour. May be the parents are
also not aware of the right way to train the child. So, it will be good if training sessions
can be arranged at school for parents. Schools can also arrange activities and training
which prevents the child from developing antisocial behaviour.
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Government of Kerala launched Janamaithri Suraksha Project in 20 selected Police
Stations in March, 2008. As on today Janamaithri Suraksha Project is implemented in all
478 Police stations in Kerala. It is a path breaking project which aims to effectively bridge
the gap between police and public. Still a lot of improvement is required to get it to the
level of expectation. This system was appreciated as one of the best in the nation by the
popular television show ‘Satyamev Jayate’ which focuses on sensitive social issues
prevalent in India. In the show, former DGP Mr. Jacob Punnoose (IPS) is explaining on
how should a police system work.
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In the light of increasing cybercrimes, It is important to have a better awareness of the
cyber laws. The online activities people take lightly may be a serious cybercrime. The
awareness will also prevent people from being a victim and will have an idea about the
protection given by the law under such situations. Kerala police has launched a
cyberdome system to stop such crime. More people are getting trapped in to social media
related cheating. More awareness needs to be created.
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Anthikad Police station has installed around 100 CCTV cameras in all the places in their
station limit. All the places can be monitored round the clock from the station. This was
implemented with the help of cable TV operators and shop owners. All other police
stations can also follow this model. With CCTVs everywhere the crime rate is expected to
be considerably reduced.
Fb post:
Shadow Police system was tested at Kochi in 2005. Police disguise as one among the
common people and trace the culprits with the help of informers. It was a huge success
and later followed by other cities as well. May be more police officers can be trained for
this and spread it in more locations.
Fb post:
Coastal Police system need a lot of improvement. There are not enough stations, trained
officers, equipment and functioning boats. Kerala has a coastal belt of around 580 km. So,
it is very important to have efficient coastal police in the regions.
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5 core values of journalism are explained in the video. Many of today’s journalis t really
needs to do a self-check on this. Journalists are playing a very important role in the
society. At many situations they are taking very high risks to catch the news and report it
for the people. It is really appreciable, but at the same time there should be some control
on the news media which always do irresponsible journalism and creating trouble in the
Fb post:
Members of beggar mafias are suspected to indulge in abduction of children, attacking
women, theft, and snatching under the pretext of begging. Incidents like child abduction
could be prevented only by controlling the beggar mafia. According to some observation
people feel sympathy and tend to pay more money when they see kids with the beggar.
Begging with kids should be banned. Kids should not be begging in the street.
Government should do some arrangements to take care of the kids. Free schooling
including meals are available at public schools. So, there is no need for the kids to beg on
the street. Before completely ban begging, the government needs to make sure that there
are necessary earning opportunities for those genuine poor people.
Fb post:
Drugs trade is getting more active in the state and it’s mainly targeting students. I n
addition to destroying themselves, it turns them violent and dangerous for others. After
strict monitoring using drones, the cannabis cultivation is almost stopped in Kerala, but
now it’s coming from other states. It comes along with normal parcel and different other
ways, so it's a bit difficult to catch them. Many counselling programs were arranged, but

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there was not much improvement. Here is a link on why teen uses drugs and how to help
them avoid it.…/i…/teen-drug-abuse/art-20045921
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A video is shared in the post with discussion on the need for stopping moral policing. It’s
a form of mob justice by some anti-social elements. Young couples are usually targeted.
They just decide what is right and wrong, threatening the couple, imposing their law and
punishment on them. There should be strict law and action against them, as it is
completely against the constitutional rights, and totally unacceptable for an educated
society. Unfortunately, in some cases, even the police officers behave like a moral police.
More awareness needs to be created on this to educate the people that they have no right
to interfere with others relationship, unless they specifically seek for some help or one of
them looks being attacked.
Fb post:
The video shares a story of a teenager who decided to be self-employed, but then
situations forced him to become a criminal because of some bureaucratic injustice. Many
criminals are created by the injustice in the society. There is no doubt that the existing
gangsters and criminals need to be handled. But at the same time, it should be ensured
that no more gangsters are created in the society. For that, there should not be any
injustice, partiality, supremacy towards any class of people. There should be a safe
environment for everybody to make their own earnings.
Fb post:
Bodhini is a movement against child abuse and violence against women. Started in 2014
under Bodhini Metropolis Trust it deals with education, assistance, and rehabilitation
activities related to child abuse and violence against women. Cybercrime is one major
area concerned for Bodhini and issues are handled with great care and assistance is
provided to victims.
Few short videos were released to create awareness. The links were shared in the post.
It acts as an aggregation helpline service for other organizations where the public can
reach out for help and guidance. Closely working with government agencies and other
NGOs Bodhini provides a platform for psychological, medical and personal care and
rehabilitation of victims, preventive training for school students and act as a link between
different agencies. More such genuine organizations need to be encouraged.
Fb post:
Recently there were few misfortunate incidents of girls being murdered for rejecting the
proposal. With changing fast life people are getting easily depressed with not getting
things easily on their way. Training need to be given from childhood to cope up with
failures and rejection. One article is also shared which details the characteristics of a
psycho lover and it advices to tactically move out from such relations.
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The video report is about sex rackets in Kochi. They work like underworld gangsters.
Once trapped they cannot easily escape from it. If the journalists are able to take risks and
do such investigation, then police also should be able to rescue those ladies who are
trapped and threatened.
Fb post:
Local people have security concerns about the growing migrant population in the state.
Especially when few police cases were reported. There should be opportunities and safe
work/life environment for everyone without any discrimination for sure. But the
government should have some way to check the criminal records of the person in their
native place. Those who can be a threat for the society should not have opportunities.
Those few people will create trouble for the survival of the rest of the peaceful migrant
population as well. There should be proper records and statistics maintained.
Fb post:
Counselling and training programs were introduced for the police officers to reduce their
stress and improve their attitude towards people. This is a good move as it can help to
create a better bonding between people and police officers.
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People have several reasons to divide and fight. It gets more sensitive with politics,
religion and other ideologies. But when a natural disaster comes, we realise that these
ideologies doesn’t help, and the true spirit of volunteering is the only way to help each
other. So, social volunteering is a good way to unite people and get their focus towards
the real issues instead of fighting for ideologies.
Here is a website from another country in which the native people can register for a
volunteering activity of their choice.
The total hours volunteered, and funds raised are displayed in their account. That give a
sense of accomplishment and appreciation.
We can create a similar one to promote social volunteering in our place. It will really help
to solve many issues and unite people.
Fb post:
Emergency contact number 112 and mobile app were introduced. It can track the
person’s location and connects to 24-hour police command centre. If number cannot be
dialled, phone power button can be pressed three times to send an emergency alert to
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A dedicated department for mediator service can help to solve many issues before it
gradually turns to physical fight and even murder. This will also help to reduce more
police cases piling up. Even though police department and court do mediator service,
people try to approach them only when it gets really critical. Anybody can report about

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repeated intensifying arguments or verbal fights. Friendly mediator service can involve
and help to solve it. If it looks beyond their scope, they can escalate it to police.
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As discussed in the introduction section, United Nation member countries are now on a
mission to eliminate extreme poverty and achieve sustainable development in every
nation by 2030. To achieve this goal each and every corner of the globe needs to work
towards it. It really needs an active groundwork from native people. We can create a good
model in this mission too. It will be great if an active volunteering group can be created
with members from each panchayat to work towards achieving each of the 17 Goals.
Elected representatives can guide the volunteering group in their constituency. State
government can form an expert panel to study and decide what are the activities to be
planned and executed with the help of volunteers. This way we can work togeth er and
move faster towards achieving the goals.
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