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Dietary habits, stress during the work, lack of exercise, industrialization has paved
way for a hike in the occurrence of diseases; of which various sort of unhealthy diet
habit results in the disturbance of Agni or metabolism and ultimately leads to a clinical
entity known as hyperlipidemia.
In Ayurveda Sthaulya is considered as Santarpanajanya Vyadhi. An Atisthoola is
considered to be one among the Ashtanindita Purushas. Obesity is a state in which there
is generalized accumulation of excess fat in the body leading to a body weight of more
than 20% of the required body weight or BMI more than 30 Kg/, and is a
multifunctional metabolic disorder in which the natural energy reserve stored in the fatty
tissue of humans is increased to a point where it is associated with certain health
condition. Obesity invites disability, diseases of premature death. The World Health
Report of 2012 of W.H.O. listed obesity as a fifth leading risk for global deaths. At least
6.8 million adults die each year as a result of being obesity. In addition 51% of the
Diabetes burden and 43% of Ischemic heart disease burden and 23% of other disease.
The Ayurvedic Pharmacology defines the treatment based on dissolving the
accumulated fat by means of Shoshana like lekhana, medohara etc. The Drug which will
reduce or scraps away the unwanted tissues and metabolic waste is known as Lekhana.
In Modern medicine anti-hypercholesterolemia drugs like statins are found to
have many adverse effects hence it is the need of the hour to find an alternative drug in
other systems of medicine. In this view the study has been selected to establish anti-
hyperlipidemic activity of using fruit of Vrkshamla [Garcinia indica (Dupetit-thouars)
Choisy] in hima form and bark of Saptaparna [Alstonia Schalaris (L.)R.Br.) in kashaya
form as the both drugs possess the Lekhana property.
Animal experimentation is quite necessary for the biological evaluation of the
drug. Experimental pharmacology is the youngest branch of medical sciences. The
experiment was carried out on 24 albino rats divided into 3 groups consisting 6 rats in
each group. Both the drugs showed good result on anxiety when compared to the
controlled group.

Key : Hyperlipidemic activity, Garcinia indica, Alstonia Schalaris, Lekhana, Medohara.

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