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Nepal College of Information Technology

Pokhara University Full Marks: 20

BE-IT / Fifth Semester Lab Exam Pass marks: 10
Subject: Principle of Communication Time: 30 mins

Attempt all questions 1x 20= 20

1. The channel capacity is

a The maximum information transmitted by one symbol over the channel
b Information contained in a signal
c The amplitude of the modulated signal
d All of the above
2. Which among the below mentioned transform pairs is/are formed between the auto-
correlation function and the energy spectral density, in accordance to the property of
Energy Spectral Density (ESD)?
a Laplace Transform
b Z-Transform
c Fourier Transform
d All of the above
3. Indicate the false statement. Modulation is used to
a reduce the bandwidth used
b separate differing transmissions
c ensure that intelligence may be transmitted over long distances
d allow the use of practicable antennas
4. What is the ratio of modulating power to total power at 100 Percent modulation?
a 1:3
b 1:2
c 2:3
d None of the above
5. The "envelope" of an AM signal is due to:
a the baseband signal
b the carrier signal
c the amplitude signal
d none of the above
6. The channel capacity according to Shannon's equation is
a Maximum error free communication
b Defined for optimum system
c Information transmitted
d All of the above
7. What does the spectral density function of any signal specify?
a Distribution of energy or power
b Consumption of energy or power
c Conservation of energy or power
d Generation of energy or power
8. In a communications system, noise is most likely to affect the signal
a at the transmitter
b in the channel
c in the information source
d at the destination
9. A carrier is simultaneously modulated by two sine waves with modulation indices of
0.3 and 0.4; the total modulation index is
a 1
b cannot be calculated unless the phase relations are known
c 0.5
d 0.7
10. Total bandwidth required for Amplitude Modulation (AM) is
a 2B
b (1 + β)B
c 2L
d 2F
11. Information rate is defined as
a Information per unit time
b Average number of bits of information per second
c rH
d All of the above
12. What is/are the crucial purposes of using the Fourier Transform while analysing any
elementary signals at different frequencies?
a Transformation from time domain to frequency domain
b Plotting of amplitude & phase spectrum
c Both a & b
d None of the above
13. Which of the steps is not included in the process of reception?
a Decoding
b encoding
c storage
d interpretation
14. The modulation index of an AM wave is changed from 0 to 1. The transmitted power
a Unchanged
b Halved
c Doubled
d increase by 50 Percent
15. The information I contained in a message with probability of occurrence is given by
(k is constant)
a I = k log21/P
b I = k log2P
c I = k log21/2P
d I = k log21/P2
16. Which mathematical notation specifies the condition of periodicity for a continuous
time signal?
a x(t) = x(t +T0)
b x(n) = x(n+ N)
c x(t) = e-αt
d None of the above
17. Amplitude modulation is the process of
a superimposing a low frequency on a high frequency
b superimposing a high frequency on a low frequency
c carrier interruption
d frequency shift and phase shift
18. If the carrier of a 100 Percent modulated AM wave is suppressed, the percentage
power saving will be
a 50
b 150
c 100
d 66.66
19. What are the methods of multiple access techniques in satellite communication?
c Both a & b
d None of above
20. OFDM is a technique of
a Encoding digital data
b Multiple carrier frequencies
c 4G mobile communication
d All the above

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