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Braiesh Narain Singh

Ref. No. J.8. r*/.s..t.1 l.l I

Tel. (O) :0120-2560044
t''o't'' Res. : OI2D-25447O0
District Magistra," Fax : Ol2O-2552552
Gautam Buddha Nagar
Date : 1rr '/i 'Jtr11


Dear Sir/Madarn

Suh: Formution of Internul Comploints Committee (ICC) in your Company/Fuctory/Shop etc.

pursuant to Sexual Harassment oJ' llomen at Workplace(Prevention, Prohibition und
Redressal) Act, 2013 ond Registration of reloted Details in S.H.O.R websitehpp hy November
30,2019 und uploading Annuul ICC Reportfor 2019 on the S.H.O.R wehsite/app by January

This is to bring to your urgent attention about the formation of an Internal Complaints
Committee as legally mandated by the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Preventiort,
Prohibition and Redressal) Act,20l3 of the Covernment of India. As pertlre Act, it is rnandatory
fbr the ICC of yoLrr Company to provide an Annual Reporl in the prescribed fbrrnat to the District
Probation Officer.

You are also hereby notified about the S.H.O.R (SexLral I-larassment Online Redressal)
website ( and SHOR app developed by Interra IT exclusively for the
District Adrninistration, Gautatn BLrddh Nagar, available for free download on Google Play Store.

Please Lrpload all relevant infbrrnation about the Internal Cornplaints Cornrnittee(s) of
your Company Unit(s) in the S.FI.O.R website/app by Novernber 30, 2019.

Please also Lrpload the Annual ICC Report- 2019 fbr your Company Unit(s) on the
website/app by January 3l ,2020.

Please contact fbllowing for any technical help with the S.H.O.R website or app:
Contact( I (m) 7042303344.

Please note that fbrrnation of an Internal Complaints Comrnittee and submission of

required details and annual repoft as specified in Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
(Preventiort, Prohibition and Redressal) Act,20l3, is legally mandatory; failure to comply to the
Act provisions will be sLrbject to penalty as prescribed in the said Act.
with regards.
t*il' N ^^e-
(8.N. $ineh)
District Magistrate,
Gautam Buddh Nagar.

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