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Inertia Idlentification for the Speed Observer of

the Low Speed Control of Induction Machines
Nam-Joon Kim, Student Member, IEEE, Hee-Sung Moon, Student Member, IEEE,
and Dong-Seok Hyun, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract-This paper presents a control method for induction by the application of a state observer, especially a disturbance
machiies in a low speed rainge with an instantaneous speed observer [ 1]-[7].
observer and inertia identification. When the low resolution This state observer is easily implemented in the speed
incren-ental-typeencoder is used for the speed detection, we only
obtain the average speed in the interval of the encoder pulses, control system because it has a simple structure and the
and it usually makes the speed controller unstable at the very robustness against the variation of the inertia. Even though
low speed range. This paper., therefore, proposes a low speed the inertia of the machine is unknown or initially incorrect,
contro method with a speed observer which is implemented by it is generally true that the speed control system is stabilized
the disturbance observer using a low percision shaft encoder. by the its feedback gain. In real system implementation, the
Furthermore, to improve the performance of the speed controller,
we wil perform the identification of the inertia which is estimated time constant of the speed observer has to be small. However,
by the! periodic test signal. 'We will show that this proposed it is difficult to implement the time constant, which must be
method is superior to the conventional method by simulation as small as possible, because of the backlash or the noise in
and experiment results. mechanical systems. Consequently, the overall speed control
Index Terms-Low speed caintrol, instantaneous speed estima- system must be controlled by the identification of the inertia
tion, inertia estimation, inertiaL identification, disturbance torque to be obtained by the inertia estimation [8]-[lo].
observpr. In this paper, to solve the speed sensing problem under
low speed conditions, the instantaneous speed observer is
I. INTRODUCTION implemented by the disturbance torque estimator. Also, to
improve the degraded performance of the speed controller
there has heen a remarkably high develop- according to the unknown or varied inertia of the machine, the
ent of the digital signal processor, which is able to inertia identification is performed with the estimated inertia to
computation within a short sampling period. be obtained by the periodic test signal in the speed controller.
applied this to a servo system that demands We will show that the proposed method is superior to tlie con-
flexibility in the control of speed and torque ventional speed control in simulations and experiments. The
experiments are performed with the digital signal processor
system, it is very important that (T'S320C31) for the inertia identification as well as the speed
the speed sensor for the accurate control at the low speed range.
the cost and the performance
select the low precision
type of encoder detects 11. SPEEDSENSINGCHARACTERISTICS
verage speed in the interval of the pulses, and this
eed information has the detection dead time which is Generally, the speed sensing of the machine is founded
nder the low speed regions. In these circumstances, on the pulses of the encoder which is a speed detector. The
ction dead time has mechanical position variation of the machine is represented by
on the performance of the overall speed control the calculation of the encoder pulse number. In order to obtain
improve the performance of the speed control the speed information, it is performed that the differentiation
h has been degcaded by the detection dead time, of the position information in each sampling period, and the
y papers propolsing instantaneous speed control speed information from this sequence is the average speed
during a sampling period.
Fig. 1 shows the relationship between the speed sampling
interval and the encoder pulses. The speed information is
obtained by calculating the pulse number ( M ) within a sam-
pling period. It is general that the resolution of the encoder
is established as highly as possible in the middlehigh speed
range. In spite of the high precision encoder, however, a pulse
interval (Tp)becomes longer than the speed sampling interval
(T,) under very low speed regions. Occasionally, only one
pulse comes in during several sampling intervals. In the middle
I 0093-9994/96$05.00 0 1996 IEEE

For example, in cases that 1) the required speed response

characteristics is 50 Hz, 2) the speed information is obtained
I 1 I I I 1 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I I ::Eder by the encoder with 4096 ppr resolution, 3) the speed sampling
time is 1 ms, we will determine that the controllable speed as
stably as possible is nearly 1.8 r/m.


Pulse A. The Model of Control System
The developed torque of the induction machine with the
vector control system is simplified such as a dc machine model.
The block diagram of this simplified machine model combined
Fig. 1. Relation between encoder pulse and sampling period. (a) Middlehigh
with an encoder is represented in Fig. 2.
speed range. (b) Low speed range. In Fig. 2, the discretizing state equation of the plant is
described as (7). In (7), re is the developed torque of the
machine, W, is the average speed, T d is the disturbance torque,
or high speed range, we can easily obtain highly accurate speed and J is the equivalent inertia moment. We expect that the
information at every sampling time. variation of the disturbance torque is slower than the unit
On the other hand, at the low speed, the speed sensing is sampling time, and the disturbance torque is expressed as
performed by an incoming instant of the encoder pulse. This (8). We can represent the state equation with respect to the
means that the speed sensing information is delayed in some following relationships:
measure. On this occasion, the maximum detection dead time
of the middlehigh and low speed range can be expressed as
(1) and (2), respectively,
Wm(i + 1) =Gm(2) + TJS
-{Te(2) - Td(2)) (7)
Td(i + 1) = Td(2) (8)
X ( i + 1) = A X ( 2 ) + B U ( i ) (9)
Td = $Tp + Ts. (2) Y ( i )= G X ( 2 ) (10)
As above, if the encoder pulse is longer than the sampling
interval, that is, at the low speed range, the detection dead
time will be abruptly expanded.
From now on, we can examine the effect of the speed U ( i )=Te(2), X ( i )= [#], Y(2)= G m ( i )
detection deadtime on the stability of the speed feedback
controller. The open-loop speed transfer function, without
regard for the inner control loop delay of the speed controller,
is shown as (3). In ( 3 ) , fs is the response frequency of the
speed controller and s is the Laplacian operator. In order for
the controller to be stable, in the case where the operating
frequency f is equal to f s , the phase delay should be smaller
than 7r/2 rad. E. Disturbance Torque Observer
Equations (9) and (10) are an observable system, and we
(3) can compose the state observer for estimating T d as (11) and
(12). In discretizing time domains, the reduced-order observer
is applied to (13) and (14) from (11) and (la), and then the
simplified block diagram of the disturbance observer is shown
where w& is the speed reference.
in Fig. 3.
In view of rotating N r/m with the P ppr precision encoder
for the speed sensing, the interval of encoder pulse is shown.
Z(i + 1) = A Z ( i ) + k Y ( i )+ B U ( i ) (1 1)
TP = " (5) X ( i ) = 6 Z ( i )+ DY(i) (12)

In case that the encoder pulse is longer than the sampling where
period, that is, in the very low speed regions, a controllable
speed of the machine is calculated as stably as possible by A = 1 - L . a12, K =L - L~. a12 - L . a l l ,
C4, (41, and ( 5 ) as (6): B =b2 - L . bl
N =
(1 - 4fs . T s ) P '
&[;I: D= ];[

- -

T3 1 : - 1
- ,
Js : ' s +
- - . . - .
- ' I I

Fig. 2. Block diagram of plant.

Encoder j-2 1-1 .k 1

2, Pulse
'I. I

Fig. 4. Encoder pulse and sampling period at low speed range.

Fig. 3.

Simplified block diagram composed by reduced-order observer.

ZI + 1) = Z ( i ) + L -TJ{s+ d ( i )
* - .&)} (13)
L--$ I
+&) = Z ( i ) + L . ZW&) (14)
where Z is internal variable and L is observer gain.
In ( der to inspect the stability of the observer, the estimated Fig. 5. Block diagram of the inertia variation estimation.
error f the disturbance torque is constructed as (15), and it is
repre: nted as (16) by (13), (14). From (16), the condition +
is delayed during Tp(j)/2T, with the maximum condition.
of thl convergence of the observer is determined by the Furthermore, the instantaneous speed of the ith sampling point
eigen due of a, that is, the pole placement of the observer is is calculated from the acceleration torque; it can be calculated
a fun1 ion of the gain L. Therefore, the convergence time is from the difference between the estimated disturbance torque
decidc 1 on a proper selectioin of the gain L: and the torque applied to the machine during T p ( j ) / 2on the
e(i) =+(i) -~ d ( i ) (15) basis of the speed information at the imaginary sampling point
IC. By the same calculation, we acquire that the instantaneous
e(i + 1) = /i e(i) (16) speed information at the i+l, i+2,. . . ,in-th sampling points;
la1 = 11 - L . a121 < 1. (17) we cannot obtain even the average speed at these points.
For the calculation of the speed information, we adopt the
c. c1 culution of Instuntunelous Speed linearization of the current command of the torque component
It generally true that the machine speed information with regard to the real system application:
is su stantially provided by the encoder pulse. Its speed
infon ation by the calculation within a sampling period is
mere1 the average speed. Therefore, this speed information
- 7 1
i n c h :s the dead time, and it increases more and more under
low E eed conditions.
- 1=1
Thi relationship of the eincoder pulses and the sampling
perioc of the controller at a very low speed range is shown
in Fi: 4.
In 'ig. 4, the speed information which is sensed at the D. Inertia IdentiJication
zth SI :ed sampling point is not the real speed at this point; Until now, the instantaneous speed controller at the low
it is 1st the average speed within the T,(j) interval. We speed region has the nominal inertia value ( Jn) of the induc-
consif :r that the imaginary sampling point k is the middle tion machine model; it is the same as the equivalent value ( J ) .
point )f T p ( j ) and
, then the ith sampling speed information It is generally true that the stability of the speed controller
is the nstantaneous speed of the imaginary sampling point IC. is obtained by the controller gain in spite of the incorrect
There ore, the instantaneous speed of the ith sampling point inertia information. In the real system implementation, the time

. . . . . . .
. . .

Ze 7,O,
L . . . . . . . .' - .-- -- -- _- _- .-_- .-.-.-.-.- : I


Soeed & lnetti
I 'Estimation b' U

0 0.5 1 15 2
Fig. 6 . Speed control system with inertia identification.
Fig 8 Speed charactenstics with proposed speed sensing (Simulation) (a)
Speed reference (5 r/ddiv) (b) Real speed (5 rlmldiv) (c) Calculated speed
TABLE I (5 r/ddiv) (d) Estimated speed (5 r/m/div)

Rated Power 3[Hp] 11 R, 1 l.ZS[sZ] which is used for the instantaneous speed estimation. For
the purpose of the estimation, we imposed the periodic speed
reference in order to acquire the convergence of the estimated
inertia, and we considered that the various servo system
had a similar speed reference. In this estimation, we use
the disturbance torque observer and modify to internal state
variables as (22) and (23):

* dt
+,j(t)= - A .
Z(t) + A . J , . Gm(t) + T,(t) (20)
Z ( t ) + A . J, . cjm(t) J , . &(t)- 4 0 ( t )

-0 n5 1 15 2

5 (22)
U5 1 I .5 2
where X is observer pole, 40 and 41 are the internal state
Inertia variation A J is caused by a load change or an
U5 1 1.5 2 estimation error of the inertia, and it is expressed as (24).
5 From (24), the differential equation of estimated disturbance
U torque is derived as (25), and it is represented by internal state
-5 variables 41, 42 as (26):
U 0.5 1 1.5 2
A J =J - J, (24)
Fig. 7. Speed characteristics with conventional speed sensing (simulation).
= -A . ? d ( t )
a; ( t ) + D . ijm(t)- T,)
- A ( A J . --T-
(a) Speed reference. ( 5 r/m/div.) (b) Real speed. (5 rlddiv.) (c) Calculated
speed. (5 r/m/div.) (d) Estimated speed. ( 5 rlddiv.). dt dt

constant of the observer should be small; however, it is difficult

to realize the need for a small time constant because of the
backlash or noise in a mechanical system. Consequently, the
overall speed control system of the induction machine must where D is the viscous and T, is the constant disturbance
be controlled by the identification of the inertia to be obtained torque.
by the estimation. In the system driven by a servo velocity controller, we can
In this paper, we can estimate the inertia of the machine consider that the speed reference is a periodic. Therefore, the
according to the relationship of the mathematical orthogonality speed reference can be expressed according to the speed ref-
of the internal state variables in the disturbance observer, erence period T as (28). Furthermore, internal state variables

T? 0.5 1 1.5 2

T? 0.5 1 1.5 2

0.5 1 1.5 2


Fig. 9. Load characteristics with conventional speed sensing (Simulation).

(a) Loa torque. (5 N.m/div). (b) Real speed (5 r/m/div). (c) Calculated speed
(5 r/m/ iv.) (d) Estimated speed (5 r/ddiv).
Fig. 11. Speed characteristicswith conventionalspeed sensing (Experiment).
(a) Speed reference. (1 r/m/Div.) (b) Calculated Speed. (1 r/m/Div.) (c)
Estimated speed. (1 r/m/Div.).

(cl ~ - __ - - - - -- - __ -
0 0.5 1 1.5 2

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Fig. 1( Load characteristics with proposed speed sensing (Simulation). (a)
Load t ‘que. (5 N.m/div.) (b) Real speed. (5 dddiv.) (c) Calculated speed.
( 5 r/m iv.) (d) Estimated speed. (5 r/m/div.).

are rt resented such as (29)--(3l), respectively, Time(SW)

Fig. 12. Speed characteristicswith proposed speed sensing (Experiment). (a)

lim [w,(t) - w,(t - T ) ]= 0. (28) Speed reference. (1 r/m/Div.) (b) Calculated Speed. (1 r/m/Div.) (c) Estimated
speed. (1 r/m/Div.).
lim [q1(t) - q l ( t - T ) ]= 0. (29)
= 1.
q 2 ( t ) . i l ( t ) d t = 0. (34)

Frc n now on, the inner product of the arbitrary input signals In order to estimate the inertia variation, we can modify
$a ar I $6 is defined as (32). According to the inner product
the above relations as (35)-(37) where A J ( k ) is the estimated
of the internal state variables q 1 , 4 1 and q 2 , 4 1 , we can obtain inertia variation during k T , i ( k ) is the estimated value of the
the re ationship, respectively, as inertia. Fig. 5 is the block diagram of the inertia variation
estimation and Fig. 6 is the overall speed control scheme with
the inertia identification and the speed estimation:

lim IkT(k-l)T
ql(t) Gl(t)dt =0 (33)
lim JkT
+d(t) . 4 l ( t ) d t = -A J . lim JkT


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

. ~ l. i. .... :.... ..: . ....-.... ......

Fig. 15. Inertia estimation according to the periodic speed reference with
Time [Sec) the gain L = -15.0 (Simulation). (a) Inertia variation J , -+ 3Jn. (0.1
kg.m2/div). (b) Estimated inertia. (0.1 kg,m2/div).
Load characteristics with conventional speed sensing (Exuerimentl.
(a) Torque component current. (1 Ndiv.) (b) Caliulated speed: (f r/m/div:)
(c) Estimated speed. (1 r/m/div.).

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fig. 16. Inertia estimation according to the periodic speed reference with
the gain L = -7.5 (Simulation). (a) Inertia variation J , 4 3Jn. (0.05
kg.m2/div). (b) Estimated inertia. (0.05 kg m2/div).
Time (Sec)
Fig. 14. Load characteristics with proposed speed sensing (Experiment). (a) with 4096 ppr resolution; it naturally has the resolution of 1024
Torque component current. (1 Ndiv.) (b) Calculated speed. (1 r/m/div.) (e)
Estimated speed. (1 r/m/div.). ppr, but we adjusted the resolution to 4096[ppr] by using a
multiplier. The speed and current control sampling times are 2
rkT ms and 100 f i s , respectively. The gain of the disturbance torque
observer is -7.5. The overall speed control system is imple-
mented in the DSP (Digital Signal Processor: TMS320631)
for the real-time control of the proposed algorithm and the
space vector PWM control.
The sequence of the simulation and experiment is as fol-
lows. First, the instantaneous speed is estimated by the dis-
j ( k ) = J, + AJ(k). (37) turbance torque observer. Second, a comparison is made
between the speed characteristics with the conventional PI
Iv. SIMULATlON AND EXPERIMENT controller and the speed characteristics with the instantaneous
We performed the simulation and experiment about the speed estimation. Third, a comparison is also made between
proposed algorithm for the induction machine with Table I. To the load characteristics with the PI controller and the load
detect the speed information, we used the incremental encoder characteristics with the speed estimation. Fourth, considering-

I I I I 1 I I I

(a) t 0.5 1 I.5 2 2.5 3
-1 I I I I I

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


0 0


-4 I I -0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

1 2 , 3 4 5 6 7 8 Time(sec)
Fig. 19. Speed characteristics without inertia identification (Simulation). (a)
Fig. 17 Periodic speed reference during inertia estimation with the gain Speed reference. (5 r/m/div.) (b) Real speed. (5 r/m/div.) (c) Calculated speed.
L = - 5.0 (Simulation). (a) Speed reference. (1 r/m/div.) (b) Estimated (5 r/m/Div.) (d) Estimated speed. (5 r/m/div.).
disturb; :e torque (2 N.m/div.).

-5 ' I
0.5 1
2 2.5 3

-5 I I 1
(31 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Time(sec) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Fig. 20. Speed characteristics with inertia identification (Simulation). (a)

Speed reference. ( 5 r/m/div.) (b) Real speed. (5 r/m/div.) (c) Calculated speed.
(5 r/m/div.) (d) Estimated speed. (5 r/m/div.).

a1 inertia of the mechanical system, the estimated We also applied the conditions of the simulation to the
the proposed algorithm for the inertia is inspected. real system. Figs. 11 and 12 arc the speed characteristics
of the step speed reference, and Figs. 13 and 14 arc the
load characteristics of the applied load torque variation. The
experiment results, like the simulation, show the stable speed
and load characteristics of the proposed method.
Figs. 15 and 16 are the inertia estimation results for the
inertia identification of the speed control system with the gain
ed method with the same condition. It has previously L = -15.0 and L = -7.5, respectively. For the inertia
that the conventional PI speed control is limited estimation, we used the test signal of the periodic velocity
2 r/m in Section 11. On the contrary, we can know command from forward 1 r/m to reverse 1 r/m or from reverse
proposed method is excellent in spite of very low 1 r/m to forward 1 r/m as Fig. 17. The inertia variation is
f about 1 r/m from these figures. Figs. 9 and 10 intentionally imposed from 5, to 35, at 1 s. In these figures,
load characteristics at the speed reference 1 r/m. It it is shown that the varied inertia as well as the initial are well
that the proposed speed control i s superior to the established. Also, it is shown that the convergence rate of the
inertia estimation is engaged in the observer gain. Furthermore,

(4 0

(b) 0

(c) 0

(4 0
0 05 1 15 2 Time (Sec)
Fig. 23. Speed charactenstm of the forward-reverse speed reference (Ex-
Fig. 21. Load charactenstics without inertia identification (Simulation). (a) penment). (a) without inertia identification. (0.75 r/m/div ) (b) with inertia
Load torque. (5 N mldiv.) (b) Real speed. (5 rimldiv.) (c) Calculated speed. identification. (0 75 r/m/div.).
(5 rimldiv.) (d) Estimated speed. (5 r/m/Div.).

In this paper, to improve the performance of the low speed
control of induction machines, it was introduced that the
-5 ‘
0.5 1
instantaneous speed control and the inertia estimation be im-
plemented with the disturbance torque observer. Furthermore,
it was proposed that the inertia identification by the estimated
inertia. The simulation and experiment results showed that
the proposed method is better than the conventional one at
very low speed range. After this, we consider the study on
the on-line inertia estimation and the effect of the instan-
taneous speed detection according to the inertia variation,
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 respectively.
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Figs. 21 and 22 are the load characteristics without and Precision Shaft Encoder,” in Con$ Rec. IEEE Ind. Electro. Soc. Ann.
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Nam-Joon Kim (S’94) was born in Seoul, Korea, Dong-Seok Hyun (S’76-M186-SM’91) received
in 1965. H[e received the B.S. and M.S. degrees the B.E. and M.E. degrees in electrical engineering
in the Department of Electrical Engineering from from Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, in 1973
Hanyang IJniversity, Seoul, Korea, in 1988 and and 1978, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree
1990, respectively. Currently, he is working toward in electrical engineering from Seoul National
the Ph.D. (degree in the Department of Electrical University, Seoul, Korea, in 1986.
Engineering at the same university. From 1976 to 1979, he was the Agency of
Since 1992, he has been with the Department Defense Development, Korea, as Researcher. He
of Electrical Engineering at Daejin University, was a Research Associate in the Department of
Kyunggi-do, Korea, where he is engaged as an Electrical Engineering at the Univeisity of Toledo
instructor. 13s present research interest are in DSP- during 1984-1985, and a Visiting Professor in
drives, spindle dives and electric vehicles using power Electrical Engineering at Technical University Munich during 1988-1989.
Since 1979, he has been at Hanyang University, where he is now a Professor
in the Department of Electrical Engmeenng and Director of the Advanced
Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electronics(A1EE). He is the author of
more than 80 publications in electric machine design, high power engineering,
power electronics motor drives, digital signal processing, tractions and their
Hee-Sung Moon (S’95) was born in Pusan, Korea,
control system.
in 1970. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from
Prof. Hyun is a member of the KIEE, the Institution of Electrical Engineers,
the Department of Electrieal Engineering, Hanyang
U.K., and the Power Electronics, Industry Applications, Industrial Electronics,
University, Seoul, Korea, in 1994 and 1996, respec-
Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Control Systems, and Electron Devices
tively. Currently, he is worhng toward the Ph.D.
Societies of IEEE.
degree in tlie Department of Electrical Engineering
at the same university.
He is presently working as a Research Engineer
at Technical Research Institute of Hyundai Precision
& IND. Co. Ltd., Kyunggi-do, where he is engaged
in the department of machine tool engineering. His
research linterest are in induction machine drives and ac servo machine drives.

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