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Q1. What are Goodenow’s goals and objectives?

What factors could aid in the

achievement of those goals? [5 marks]

Answer 1:

Goodenow’s goal is to put himself and his players in the negotiating position as currently the
players feel once the cap is implemented, they will not be paid well. Goodenow's primary
objective was to negotiate, on behalf of the players, the terms of the CBA with NHL. The
conditions of the current CBA were favorable to the players and hence his main objective
was that the current clauses and conditions in the CAB remains the same. In order to
accomplish this objective, Goodenow had to develop a communication strategy that would
effectively communicate the position of the NHLPA on the player's salary cap issues to the

In short, Goodenow has to

1. Place NHLPA in a strong bargaining position in the upcoming Sep 04 negotiation

2. Retain Fan Loyalty

The following factors will help in achievement of the goals:

 Gaining Sympathy from the hockey fans: There are loyal hockey fans who would be
disappointed if there is a lockout and gaining trust on them on this issue will help to
create a strong opinion in public.
 Healthy dialogue between NHL and NHLPA: Initiate a dialogue before negotiation to
understand both perspective and work towards creating a common minimum
agreement before the negotiations will help to avoid any frictions.
 Communicate NHLPA side of arguments to public/media: With effective
communication and usage of all possible channels (e.g. print, internet, surveys etc.)
he need to register NHLPA's views on validity of owners financial statements and
clarify that the owner’s losses are due to poor business decisions rather than due to
players being overpaid.
 Contacts: Goodenow has to use his contacts. The way NHL owners have hired Levitt
has gone against the players demands. People are supporting owners. Secondly,
Goodenow although after validating URO of 4 clubs was able to find a difference of
52 Million, they haven’t been able to release the reports. Also, they can hire external
parties to do the independent review of all the 30 clubs if they really feel owners
have manipulated the numbers.
 Comprehensive analysis of the Unified Operations Report (URO): to consider the vali
dity of NHL's statements to the financial performance of different clubs / owners.
 Positive mental attitude: Goodenow has to remain very positive with respect to this
case. Even a single instance of negativity can wreak havoc on the future of players as
well as NHL.

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