(Answer) Assignment For Physics 1 PDF

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1. Two carts, one twice the mass of the other, experience the same force for the same time.
What is their difference in momentum? What is their difference in kinetic energy?

m1 m2= 2m1

Source and edited by Minh:

Assumption: There are no friction or the frictions of both carts (1) and (2) are the same, they
travel at the same direction, their initial speed are either zero or the same, and there is no
change in force.
 
a) From the question, by the Newton's Second Law, we have: F  m . a
 F
 F1  m1 . a1  a1   p  m1.a1 t
  m1 v   a dt ; t  const  1
 F2  m2 . a2  
   a1

F p  m . v ; a2  a1
 m  2m ; F  F a  2  2
p 2 m1 . t
 2 1 1 2
 2 2m1 2

 p1  p2  or p  0 
So there is no difference in the momentum.
Another shorter solution to the problem: Since p   Fdt; F  const , so p1  p2 or p  0
b) However, in terms of kinetic energy, with the assumption above, we have:
 1
Ek 1  m1.  v1 
v  adt
  1 
 2
 1  v 2  v1   2
a2  a1 2  E  1 m .  v 2  1 .2m .  1 v   1 m .  v 2
 1  1
2  k  2 2 2 2 2 2  4
1 1

 Ek  Ek 1  Ek  2  Ek 1  Ek  2  m1.  v1 

Or Ek 1  2 Ek  2
Thus, we can see that: With the calculation above, we conclude that the kinetic energy in the
cart (1) is two (02) times greater than the kinetic energy in the cart (2), despite the fact that
there is no change in the momentum. (If the assumption above is correct, if not, the calculation
above is not accurate.)
2. A 12 g bullet is fired horizontally into a 96 g wooden block initially at rest on a
horizontal surface. After impact, the block slides 7.5 m before coming to rest. If the
coefficient of kinetic friction between block and surface is 0.60, what was the speed of the
bullet immediately before impact?

Source and edited by Minh: https://socratic.org/questions/in-figure-1-a-3-50-g-bullet-is-fired-

Assumption: there are no other friction between two objects during collision, no air friction
between bullet and air, and block and air.
Defining the variable:
Bullet speed: vi
Block speed: v f i   v f  f 
Frictional acceleration: a
Bullet mass: m1  12 g  0.012kg ; Block mass: m2  96 g  0.096kg
Distance: d  7.5 m
During collision:
Since there is no air friction or it can be negligible, the momentum is conserved. As there is no
velocity pointing upward  pvertical  0  , we only determine the horizontal momentum:
m1v1 12 g  v  1 v
m1v1   m1  m2  v f i   v f i  

m1  m2 12 g    96 g 
1 1
After collision: Two objects are merged as one, determining them as the whole system.
Using the Newton's Second Law: a   .g  0,6 . 9,8 m / s 2   5,88 m / s 2 (Because the
frictional acceleration's direction is opposite to the system's velocity's direction). Using the
Newton's Law, we have:
 1
  f f
 v f 
 at  v1  5,88t  0  m / s 
 9
 f
d  v dt  1 v1 .t  5,88 t 2  7,5  m 
 i f i  9 2

 
v  52,92 t m / s ;t  0 7,5
t t f ti t f t ; d 0  0
5,88t 2  2,94t 2  7,5  0  t   1,597 2( s)
5,88  2,94
 v1  52,92t  84,52  m / s 
Thus the bullet speed before impact is approximately 84,52 m / s

3. A ball bounces upward from the ground with a speed of 14 m/s and hits a wall with a
speed of 12 m/s. How high above the ground does the ball hit the wall? Ignore air
Source and edited by Minh: http://sciphile.org/lessons/stacked-ball-drop-lessons-
Using the kinetic energy with air resistance or drag force:
Kinetic Energy Equation :  v f    vi   2 g . h
2 2

 v    v   12 m / s   14 m / s 
2 2 2 2

h  2,653 m
f i

2g 2.   9,8 m / s  2

Because the gravity's direction is opposite to the velocity's direction, thus

 
indicating that v  a .
So the height above the ground which is when the ball hit the wall is
approximate 2,653m.

4. A 200 g mass is attached to a spring of spring constant k. The spring is compressed 15

cm from its equilibrium value. When released the mass reaches a speed of 5 m/s. What is
the spring constant (in N/m)?
Note from students (Minh): There are many errors in this question.
 First of all, what is the main direction of the system (combined both the spring and mass)?
Horizontal ideally or horizontal in half, vertical upward, vertical downward, or slant
naturally or slant with external force, and if it is slant, at which angle?
 Second, what is the word 'its' in the term 'its equilibrium value'? Is the word 'its' indicating
the spring's equilibrium value or the system's equilibrium value?
 Third, when released, do the person who implemented the experiment release the mass
with zero speed additional or some changes in speed with same direction or some changes
in velocity's angle?
 Fourth, what is the mass of the spring?
This is why this question is indefinable.
However, we only calculate the most ideal situation: which is when the system is laid entirely
on the horizontal wall (or surface) with no friction.
Source and edited by Minh: https://www.khanacademy.org/science/ap-physics-1/simple-harmonic-
The two images above is used for illustrated purpose for not given the best direction of the system.
Assumption and reality for ideal
a) The system is totally in horizontal
direction without being affected by any
external force such as gravity despite the
force indicated above. Thus demonstrate that
the spring equilibrium value is the as the
mass equilibrium value.
b) When released, the implementer add no
external speed during releases, or change the velocity's angle or add more speed in the system.
c) The spring is connected by stable block which cannot move at the time the mass moves.
d) The length of the spring must be either equal or greater than the distance compressed as
indicated (or lk  15 cm ) and the spring must be strong enough to bear the maximum magnitude
of force during experiment.
e) The spring's mass is approximately zero or too small compared to the mass
Since this is the harmonic motion with no friction or external force, by conserving and
converting the harmonic potential energy into the kinetic energy; and Using the Hooke's Law:
1 1 1
k .  l   k .  x   m .  v 
2 2 2

2 2 2
mv 2  0, 2 kg  5 m / s 
k    N / m   222, 2  N / m 
l  0,15 m 
So the spring constant is approximate 222,2 N/m

5. A 34-g bullet traveling at 120m/s embeds itself in a wooden block on a smooth surface.
The block then slides toward a spring and collides with it. The block compresses the
spring (k=100 N/m) a maximum of 1.25 cm. Calculate the mass of the block of wood?
Source and edited by Minh: https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/ideal-spring-and-bullet-
Assumption: Let the air friction is either zero or negligible; and the friction between surface
and the system is zero so that it could be compressed at the maximum level (or it can reach to
the maximum distance which is equal 1, 25cm ).
During collision: Since there is no external force and no vertical velocity  pvertical  0  , the
horizontal momentum is conserved.

m . vi   M  m  v f  v f 
m  0,034 kg  120 m / s
vi   
M m M   0,034 kg 
After collision: With the assumption above, Since this is the harmonic motion with no friction
or external force, by conserving and converting the harmonic potential energy into the kinetic
energy; and Using the Hooke's Law:

 M  m  . v f   k . l   .100 N / m  0,0125m   7,8125.103  J 

1 2 1 1
2 2

2 2 2
Combining the two equations above we have:

 M  m  . 
1 m
vi   7,8125.103  J 
2 M m 
 mvi   7,8125.103 J

  
2 M  m

 mvi   0,034 kg 120 m / s  

2 2

M  m   0,034kg  1065,3356  kg 
2E 2.  7,8125.103 J 
So the mass of the wooden block is 1065,3356kg or approximate 1065,3kg

6. If a force of 300N is exerted upon a 60 kg mass for 3 seconds, how much impulse does
the mass experience?
Source and edited by Minh: http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/physics/kelly/core72/hwsol2.htm
We have this equation: p   F dt
Assumption: If this force is constant during the time interval above, we have:
Impulse = (Force) x (Time)
 kg . m 
p  F .  t   300 N  3 s   900  
 s 
In this equation, mass is not a determining factor. However, if you want to calculate the change
in momentum, mass is the factor you might want to consider.

7. An 80-kg man and his car are suddenly accelerated from rest to a speed of 5 m/s as a
result of a rear-end collision. Assuming the time taken to be 0.3s, find:
a) the impulse on the man and
b) the average force exerted on him by the back seat of his car?

Source and edited by Minh: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/suny-osuniversityphysics/chapter/3-

a) Assuming the friction is zero,
  
The impulse of the man can be calculated as p  m . v   F dt
Since there is no change in the force, the impulse must be:
 kg . m 
p  m . v   80 kg  5 m / s   400  
 s 
b) Moreover, as there is no change in the force, the average magnitude of force would be:
 kg . m 
p   400 
s  4000
p  F . t  F     N   1333,3  N 
t  0,3 s  3

8. An airplane propeller is rotating at 1900 rev/min.

a. Compute the propeller's angular velocity in rad/s.
b. How long in seconds does it take for the propeller to turn through 30.0 degrees?
Source and edited by Minh: https://www.amazon.com/Scythe-SY1225HB12M-P-GlideStream-120mm-
a) Since one revolution is equal to 2  rad  and a minute is equal to 60 seconds, which
indicate that:
revolution 1900.2  rad  190
  1900     rad / s   198,967  rad / s   200  rad / s 
min 60s 3
b) To take the 30.0 degrees turn, the time needed would be:
  rad   190 
   . t  30o.   rad / s  t
 3 
t   s   2,63.103  s 

9. A disk with a 1.0-m radius reaches a maximum angular speed of 18 rad/s before it stops
30 revolutions after attaining the maximum speed. How long did it take the disk to stop?

Source and edited by Minh: https://docplayer.net/64214840-Answers-a-1-1-kj-b-180-m.html

We have this equation: Distance = Circumference x Number of Revolutions
Thus we have:
d c . N 2 r . N 2 . N 2 .30  rev  10
t        s   10, 472  s 
v  .r  .t  18  rad / s  3

10. A net torque of 36 N.m acts on a wheel rotating about a fixed axis for 6 s. During this
time the angular speed of the wheel increases from 0 to 12 rad/s. The applied force is then
removed, and the wheel comes to rest in 75 s.
a. What is the moment of inertia of the wheel?
b. What is the magnitude of the frictional torque?
c. How many revolutions does the wheel make?

Source and edited by Minh: https://web.njit.edu/~gary/111/assets/HW9_SOL.pdf

a) Using the circular motion:
    .t  36 N . m  6 s 
 net  I .  I .
 I  net

12 rad / s    0 rad / s 
 
 18 kg . m2

b) Re-using the formula above and apply it to friction, we have

  initial
 18 kg . m2  .
 0 rad / s   12 rad / s   2.88 N . m
 friction  I . f  I . final  
t  75 s 
c) With an revolution is equal to 2  rad 
Using the circular motion formula with constant acceleration or deceleration, we have
total   6 s   75 s
1 2  1 2
 total       .  t6 s    12 rad / s .t75 s      .  t75 s  
2   2 
12 rad / s    0 rad / s  6 s 2  12 rad / s 75 s   0 rad / s   12 rad / s  75 s 2
 total        
2.  6 s  2.  75 s 
 total  486  rad   77,35  revolution 

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