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Translation Services Invoice [Company Name]


[Tax/Business No]

Bill to: Invoice No: xxx

[client name]
Date: xxx
[client address]
[client address2] Due Date: xxx
[client address3]

Translation Invoice
Your Order/Ref No: xxxx Attn: [Name]

Description Qty Unit Price Disc. Total

Translation of document xxx from [language] into [language], 1 quote xxxx xxxx
supplied by e-mail on xxx, as per quote xxx of [date].

Translation of document xxx from [language] into [language], xxx words xx 10% xxxx
supplied by e-mail on xxx. Charged on a word count basis,
discounted by 10% to reflect some repeated text.

Payment can be made into our bank account:
[Details] TAX: xxx
TOTAL: xxxxx
Please quote our invoice number with payment.

Payment Terms: xxx



A reminder of our services …

[Marketing text]

Thank you for your business!

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