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ae Gya | orien ; Li ie Norman Coe Mark Harrison Ken Paterson OXFORD ‘Great Clarendon Street, Oxford ox 6ot Oxford University Press is a department ofthe Univesity of Oxford. [Rturtbr the Unireiysobjective of excellence in cach clap, and education by publishiag workvide in Oxford New Yor Ackland Cape Towa Dares Salaam HongKong Karachi Kaalaurnpur Mads Melbourne Mexico Gy Natobi ‘Now Delt Shanghal Taipel Teroato With oices in| valeki kicsoda: ‘Tan Steve and this is my friews Bill, We're from Scotland, I'm Janet and these are my sisters, This is Sandra and this is Patricia. Sandra and Patricia are doctors, > milyen az id6: W's cold today. a beautiful day. It isn't very warm today, > mennyi az idé Westen o'clock, Its half past four You're latet > valaki vagy valami hol van: Milan is in the North of Italy, Jolin and Mary are in Yorkshire > valaki menny! idés: My sister is six (years old), Figyelem: Az angol nyelvben a mondat allltmanya mindig ige. Fénéy, meliéknév stb. csak a be létigével eayiitt lehet a mondat ailitmanya. My father isa teacher, My sister is pretty, (Apam tanar,) (= A névérem csinos.) | | | i [Feri és Susie egy york nyelviskoldban ismerkedett meg Linggel és Carlosszal, Egészitsik ki a szoveget a megadott szavakkal. (Amikor bemutatnek valakinek, gyakran hasznaljuk a ‘Pleased to meet you'kifejezést.) are aren't Fm I'm isn't isn’t not not This We're You're FERL Hello, I'm Feri.0.l'#t..... from Eger. It's in the north of Hungary, caRtos: Pleased to meet you. I'm Carlos. FRE Oh, yes. from Spain. CARLOS: No, 'm?.....:..... Spanish, 'm from Mexico. This is my friend, Ling. She's from Harbin, near Beijing, unc: Horbin®.......... very near Beijing, Carlos! China is a very big country. FER Pleased to meet you. 4......... is my wife, Susie, Suste: Hil'm from London, but I live in Eger now. FR: Susie and 15. doctois, uN: Really? My brother is a doctor, But 6........... a businesswoman. [have three restaurants in China, oy SUSE: ‘That's interesting, Carlos, I'm sute you 7.......... a doctor of 4 businessman. Tthink you're an artist! cartos, No, 'm8.......... an artist. I'ma photographer. i sustE: Photographers are artists! Anyway, it’s a beautiful evening, and we're in the notth of England and it? cold! ay LNG You're right... lucky}! Di vatasszuk ki a megadottszavak kézil a megfelelét, és iruk be a higny26 helyre, He's She's Fheyne It’s(x3) are is We isn't 0. My parents live in Scotland, .They(te....... teachers. 1 New York... . in England. fn America, 2 Paul srcssesseeees from Germany. veces German, 3. My sister isa doctor. . thirty years old aos -- six o'clock! +. are late. 5 6 cot very cold today. Let's stay at home. Look at the time! Chris and Mary... late devs = Paring you late? Is helshert Tosses sziM Are we Are you } tate? ‘Are they | Sere oe eee eee] 2 Abe igét akkor haszndljuk, amikor: > arr6l beszéliink, hogy érezziik magunkat: Fm harp. ‘They're sad, They’re bored She’s tired. We're hung Fm thirsty. He isn't afrai They're col. > Udvézléskor udvariasan megkérdezzik, hogy valaki hogy van: BIL: Hello, How are you? JANE: I'm fine thanks, Hoco are you? > elnézést kériink: MARY: P'm sorry I'm late, ccunis: It doesn’t mater > elmondjuk, hogy valami milyen: Itisn't expensive. i's an old film. It isn’t very good. ‘These photos are bad. (Abe ige haszndlatéra vonatkoz6 egyéb tudnivalék az 1. fejezetben talathatok.) 3 Gyakran haszndijuk a there + be (pl. there is, there are) szerkezetet, amikor azt mondjuk [-——-meg;hogy valami-hokvan-~—— [ coves scan Thore’s a supermarket inthis street There is a telephone in the Nat. There are some good caiés in the contre ofthe town, ‘TOBBES SzAM Athere + be szerkezetet akkor is hasznAljuk, ‘amikor azt mondjuk meg, hogy valami mikor tBrténik: There is a bus to London at six o'clock. There are taxis, but there aven't any buses on Sunday. There isn’t another train to Manchester today. A Akdvetkez6 kérdésekben a be Ige dsszes alakjat megtalélhatjuk: Ann I late for the film? Are you tioenty years old? Ts he at home now? Is she French or Ualian? Is it time to go home? Are we ready to leave? Are you both at university? Are they in London today? Gyakorlatok TVA megadott szavak segitségével tegyiink fel kérdéseket a képen tathato személyekkel kapcsolatban. Hasznaliuk a HelShe/They névmésokat és a be ige egyszerd jelen idejd (Present Simple) alakiat, fired ‘sad afraid happy hungry bored thissty cold Blasznajui a there + be szerkezotet és tuk le, mi taléthato 6s mi nem tadlhat6 Smaltwood varosaban, 0 (@cinema: v) There®... acinema. 0. @river: x) There len't... a river. 0 (restaurants: 10) .There are... ten restaurants, 0 (any museums: x) There aren't. any museums. 5 (@luxury hotel: ¥) fexury hotel. 6 (a theatre: x). 4 (banks: 6) cesses Six banks, 1. (acastle:) + acastle, 7 (newsagent’s: 6). six 2 (baker's shops: 2)..... twobaker's shops. newsagents, 3, (many tourists: x), seemany foursts. 8 (@ 200°) s.secessessssees @ 200, Di iriunk kérdéseket 2 zérdjelben megedott szavak megfololé sorrendbe rendezésével 0 (thirsty/you/are) Are you thi (@ teacher/you/are) (they /bored/are) (is/afraid/he) (she/tired/is) (are/you/how) (cold today /it/is) (she/Spanish/is) (they/from London/are) DIA ciakok megprébajak kitaldini, milyen hires ember szoropébe biit Frank. junk kéruéseket 2 zéréjelben talélnet6 szavak és a be ige megfelel6 alakjainak folhasznalésaval. J: (you/American) American 2 BRAN: Yes, Lam. SVE; (you/a singer) . csesta? FRANK:NO, Vim not, DILL: (your parents/famous) wo? FRANK: Yes, they are. mu: (they politicians) .. Fe 2 FRANK: No, they aren't, (your father/a film stat) ...secseecsesersssssseie? FRANK: Yes, he is Pat (yourmother/a film stat) -..cscucseccseciesssscnees? FRANK:NO, she isn’t ANN: (Ghe/a singer) .... 1.2 FRANK: No, she isn’t. TAN: (Your father/Kirk Douglas) sce... (you/Michael Douglas) fe Gy inur be a be ige mogfololé alakjat az alébbi parbeszédekbe STEVE: This . Ann, my sister. Tow: Hello, AMD.V sc. ssecseenne You a student? ANN: No, I? a dentist. work in Brighton, 2 FRANK: Yes, he is. 2. FRANK: Yes, Iam. 3 g MIKE: How are you, Sally? SALIX 13 cccccseeeeees fine thanks, MIKE sete you hungry? sat: Yes. 5 : .. there a good restaurant near here? MIKE: Yes. There 5 a restaurant in Wellington Street. ‘The food is good and it? very cheap, 14 Bence és Pierre Londonba érkezik Bl. Mes: Lockwood a Victoria Rélyaudistan. -varja-Skot-Egészitsiik kia parbeszédet__ 8 megadott szavak felhaszndlasaval We're /s‘m | tee are ate MS LOCKWOOD: “Hello, Bence, 0/E5........ good to see you again. How 1, you? ~~ BENCE: “Helio, Mrs Lockwood, 2.0.00. fine, ‘thanks. And you? Mas LOCKWOOD: Oh, I'm very well, thank you. ENCE This®............. my friend Pierre. His parents 4... French but they live and work in Budapest. 9.....cces00 in the Mrs Lock Woon: PIERRE: BENCE: MRS LocKWooD: PIERRE: same class at school. Hello, Pierre. Pleased to meet you. 16... cscs glad to meet you too. We?.... sorry we're late No problem. It8, not your fault Tm glad you 8.0... here So, wel Bl egészitsik ki a pérbeszédet a zardjelben taldihate ‘szavakb6l alkotott mondatokkal. MBS LOCKWOOD: BENCE: PIERRE: Mas LOCKWOOD: PIERRE: MRS LOcKWoop: PIERRE: 12 {you/hungry?/Are) 0 Are you hungry... 7 (not/No,/hungry,/ thirsty. /but/T'm/I'm) 1 i {too./am/I) ‘Well, let's get something to drink. Look over there, (a/bar./There's/ coffee) 'm sure they sell soft drinks too. Let’s go. (cold/It’s/here.) (i¥'s/in Budapest/cold/Yes,/too,/but/very) 5 Really? (@ cold month/is/Oh yes,/at home,/January) 6 [rs Lockwood, Bence és Pierre egy pizzérla elétt all az utean, Egészitstik ki a beszéigetésuket a: ‘megadott szavakkal is ition’t we're there's Ws are isn’t Are I'm =] ies TS —thiere are are : > MRSLocKwoop: OES... nearly four o'clock, | you ready? BENCE: Dascsuseen. five to five, PIERRE: No, Svsssscnseis Five to five’..,........, Hungarian time, HENCE AND PIERRE: Oh, of course. Yes,9......../.... teady. Thanks for the coke, MRS LOcKWwoon: It's a pleasure. Now, -- no bus or direct train from here. But’... ‘taxis outside the station. It isn't far, 0 it's not very expensive, 8.. +. sure your bags 9... Reavy, ENCE: Look! 20 a taxi. PIERRE: Nojit th... Itisn’t black! Mis Locewoop: Bence is right, Some London taxis 1........ red or yellow or white these days. Bars Lociwwood, Bence és Pierre a taxiban ti, 6s a london! tnivalkrél beszélget. Egészitsiik ki a boszélgetést a zardjolben taléthaté szavakb6l alkotott mondatokal, Haszndlluk a be ige egyszert jolen idejG alakjait PIERRE: (that /the River Thames) 0.16 that the River Thames? MRS LOCKWOOD: Yes, that’s right. ENCE: (And/that/ Tower Bridge) Disgne Mas Lockwoon: Yes. DENCE: (it/an ote bridge) pia MRS LOCKWOOD: It's a hundred years old, PIERRE: (we/in the centre of London) 3 fs MIs LockWoon: Yes. This is Westminster. ENCE: (we/near to your house) tt : MRS Locxwoob: Not very far. About twenty minutes, PIERRE: (easy/to travel/in London) 5 MRS Lockwoop: Not always, Sometimes there are a lot of cars and buses, ‘BENCE: (cheap to travel/by taxi) 6 ee MRS LOCKWOOD: No! We normally travel by tube or bus. ‘IERRE: (@ tube station/near/ your house) eat MRS LOCKWOOD: Yes, It’s only about two minutes! walk, 13 14 Houses Parliament eoineal oF London Két fontos része a City és a West End. A City a vésos tet! kizpontja. Ott talalhatdk a legfontosabb bankok, a tézsde, a biztositd taisasdgoke dea székesegyhaz is. A City mindig nagyon forgalmas. AWest Enden Sok aruhaz van, példdul a Harrods, de vannak mézeumok, mozik, sairhézak, kilstétermek és szdmos vendéglo, francia, olasz, japan és kinai is. A Buckingham Palace 6s a Parlament is a De Anglia tbb, mint London! Sok szép Sk6ciaban, Walesben 6s frorszdgban. West Enden talalhats, régi varos és eyOnydrd taj van még Angliéban, 4 sven mateo cir daatanaronnre 0 Where is Glasgow? 18 in.the west of Scotland, 1 Where is Dublin? 3 Where are Boston and Lincoln? 4 Where is Thurso? 5. Where is Newcastle-upon-Tyne? 6 Where is Cardiff? 7 Where is Belfast? 8 Where are Leedis and Bradford? 15 gyszeri jelenben a kovetkez6 igealakokat hasznaljuk: Idon’t like that musi. He doesn’t listen to his teacher. I know, You know. Helshe/it knows. We know. | -Youknow.—.- They know. _Lknow the answer. She starts work at 936 am. Egyes szdm harmadik szemblyben,a helshelit utan az ige -s személyragot kap: EGYES SziM ‘TOBSES szAn | start he starts | five + she lives Ha az ige utolsé bettie -ch, -0, -sh, -x, vagy +55, a személyrag -es: watch he watches. they go — it goes we finish ~ she finishes you do— he does you fix he fixes | miss +-he misses Ha az ige massalhangzéra (b, ¢, d sto) + y-ra vége6dik (pl.: study), egyes sz4m harmadik személyben az -les alakot haszndljuk: study he studies | fly — it fies (Tovabbi példak a 361 oldalon, a tablazatban | taldlhatok,) 2 lay tagadjuk az iget: ‘TAGADAS TELIES ALAK ‘OSSZEVONT ALAK 1 do not know don’t know You do not know ‘You don't know Helshelit does not know He doesn't know We do not know ‘We don't know ‘You do not know You don't know ‘They do not know ‘They don't know Gyakorlatok BA kévetkez6 cikk a skét életvitetré|s26). Pétoljuk az igék -5 vagy - ‘Ahibatlan mondatokat pipaljuk ki, Sally and Mike Pitts "tive Vteach sess: Spanish at a local school. They 2 to work by bus, but Sally 4 walk. ‘work at 4 o'clock, and he often § watch sometimes 7 co 16 - in Edinburgh, Sally work... yoga They scaly pay Figyelem: Egyes szam harmadik személyben a does alakot hasznaljuk. Az ige ilyenkor nem kap -s ragot. He does not knot (NEN: Hedees net kerows,) 'B Az eayszerd jelen akkor hasandljuk, amikor > valamilyen tényt allapitunk meg: She comes from France. Greengrocers sell vegetables Tdon’t speak Chinese > olyasmirél beszéllink, ami rendszeresen térténik: He gets up at eight o’clock every day. He plays golf every day. > a mondatban gyakorisagot kifejez6 hatarez6sz6 szerepel (pl twice a week, often): We watch TV every evening. ‘Tom practises the piano three times a week. Figyeljdk meg, hogy a gyakoriségot kifejezé hatdroz6sz6 mindig a foige alot (pl. go, vi de a be létige utan al. I never go to bed after midnight. I don’t often visit my grandparents. He is usually late for school. végz6dését, ahol sziikséges, ina bank. Mike Stat ooecereseeese Work at 9 o'clock. Mike 3 go to the bank. Mike 5 finish. ‘TV in the evening, After work, Sally .. tennis together on Saturday. | | By Evészitsik ki a széveget a megadott igék megtelelé alakjaval. drink eat forget play live (x2) love try visit 2 ‘Sally's mother in Switzerland, and shel. to Edinburgh four fimes a year to visit Sally and Mike, Mike? his parents twice a year. They .. in Ireland. He 4 -- to phone his mum twice a week, but sometimes nes Swed, Sally says: TS, chocolate! But 1? andi ‘yoga every week. Mike often 9 sports together in the park three times a week’ a lot of fruit and vegetables too, +. beet, but we 1 .. Wegeszitsuk ki a széveget a 2Ardjelben |év5 igék megfelel6 tagadé alakjéval, Mike ® EH (like) films, s0 Sally goes to the cinema with her friend Gill, Billy 1 (eat) meat, so Mike and Sally often have different meals. They 2 -. (live) ina very big house, but they’ve got a nice garden. Sally +» (speak) Spanish, but Mike’s Spanish friends all speak English. Sally and Mike both work hard, so they #. (get up) early on Sunday morning! Mike > (go) to bed before midnight. Da taviazat seaitség6vel egészitsik kia diskok szabadideérél s2616 mondatokat. Steve “| Jane | Carol | Emma | Alan | ‘Tony {Bo to discos? Vv x Vv v v Vv play sports? x v x v 7 x [help in the house? v v ¥ v x v play computer games? x ¥ v ¥ v x Watch sports on TV? v vite x v Vv go to church? im x v x |v x [play a musical instrument? [x v * v ¥ v © Steve doeen't play... sports but he WAECHES....... sports on TV, 0 Janeand Enuna .40M't 9@......... to church. 1 Emma sports but she... sports on TV. 2 Steve and Alan... tds bu hey a musical insirument. 3 Alan. computer games but he... in the house. 4 Tony. to church, 5 Carol and Alan. tochurch but they .- in the house, 6 Jane eos @ musical instrument but she to discos. 7 Carol a musical instrument. 8 Tony s.sssesseeseseenees Computer games buthe sports on TY, 9. Emma and Tony computer games but they to discos. a7 Pr 8 az egyszert jelen (Present Simple) alakjai eee Mele ss Bz egyszeri jelen akkor hasznaljuk, ha: > az érzéseinket, véleményiinket ——— KERDES soressn Do Wor danow? Does _heishoiit Tooees sz Do we Be ou panowe Do. they- > Az Uyouwelthey elé tesszik a do segédigét: —— Do you speak Spanish? ~ Yes; Tin Do they know the answer? Ahelshefit eldtt a does alakat hasznaijuk: / Does he walk to work? : Does Steve enjoy his job? Does she play the piano? Figyelem: Does he walk? (NEM: Does he-wale?) BA kérdsz6 (wheniwhereiwhy stb.) megelézi i a doldoes segédiget. Where do you work? AHow often kérdész6t hasznaljuk, ha azt szeretnénk megtudni, milyen gyakran térténile te i How often do you play tennis? ane Does | the sports centre By Nyeratas kézben bemegyiink az utazdsi irodéba, Tegyink fo kérdéseket a megadiott mondatok segitségével. Togalmiaazux meg: Tike pop music. I don't like classical music. She loves football Philip wants a new car. [don't wanta cup of tea, thanks. He feels sick. > ha azt mondjuk meg, mit gondolunk: I don’t think ske likes her new job. stop at the railway station? finish before eleven p.m.? change tourists’ money into pounds? | all the banks slart here? the number 38 bus | gellmape-of the ely? the restaurants the concert sell souvenis? the sightsesing tour | have @ swimming pool? the museum 0 Doyou sell mape of the city? the sports centre: serve typical English food? BLA bovetkezs interidban Mary Woods a férjére és sajét magéra vonatkoré kérdésekre valeszol. Fogalmazzuk meg a kérdéseket. Haszndijuk a mogadott dtleteket like films read books, . listen to the radio iveiwtendes smoke watch TV |. Play amusical instrument play-gelf like pop music. go tothe theatre drive a car | drink coffee like dogs speak any foreign languages 0 Do you live in London? a: 0 Does John play golf? ~ Yes, [live in north London. ~ No, but he plays tennis, ~ Yes, Ispeak French, ~ Yes, Hike al the programmes dn TV, ~ Yes, he listens to the radio in the morning. ~ No, but he loves cats. ~ No, Idon’t like films. ~ Yes, he has two cups in the morning ~ No, but Ihave a bieycle. ~ Yes, he plays the piano. ~ No, I prefer classical music. ~ Yes, Hove musicals, ~ Yes, Ltead one book every week ~ No, he doesn’t like cigarettes, {junk mondatokat Johnr6t és Maryr6l. (7 X= utalja) ©. (tennis x).He doesn't 0. (musicals wi) She 1 (coffee 7) He. 2 (films x) She. Di Inunk kérdeésoket az ataboi szavak helyes sorrendbe rendezésével 0 (do/dees/films/horror/like/you) ~Poyou like horror filme? 1 (cousin/do/does/live/where/your) (a/cup/do/does/of/ tea/they / want) {do/does/Fllen/ play /tennis/where) (cats/do/ does/like/milk/ why) (ddo/ does /classical/music/play/she) (CD/do/does/he/his/like/new) He : Pee (€o/ does /she/ start/when/ work) eee | (do/does/English/ how /Kate/ often /practise) Vv = nagyon szereti, x = nem szereti, tennis, 3. (reading books 7) He .. musicals, 4 (dogs XX) She 5. (classical music w) He 6 (cigarettes X) Shes. Bi inuk vo a mondatokba a zaréjelben 16v6 ge egyszerd jelen idejd alte vagy tagad6 alakjét. Hasznaljuk a.don't,dossn’talakokat ee - 0 Tom .GAECHER......... (catch) the bus to school at about nine o'clock, 1 Ikoften (rain) at this time of the year. 2 Lescsesesessersessee (NOt/ drive) to work. I go by bus, 3~ She usually 3. .. (have) Tunch at about one o'clock. 4 He... (not/earn) much money in his job. _5_This problem. --+soveses (not/ happen} very often, 6 My father .oeseseseessseeesee (Ely) to the USA regularly. 7 Trains to’ Oxford sssu (leave) every hour in the moming. B YOU soreseessteseeenss(Not/do) your work carefully enough, 9 She sssses (tead) a newspaper every day. 10 Wes... (n0t/ listen) to the radio very often, 1 Heoften (arrive) at work late, 12 They (go) to a lot of concerts, Bl egészitsiik ki az alébbi parbeszédeket, Hasznaljuk az egyszerti jelen idét. 0 ee Alan use : a computer? B: Yes, Alan uses a computer. TV Ab ssc eee ee : in an office? B: No, Carol works in a factory. 2 A: Where... Spits B: We play our games in the local park 3 Abctteseenetnsete aed eee eed the bus to school? B: Yes, I take the bus to school every morning, 4 A: When St a ait SE Saat B: The shops close at five o'clock in the afternoon. 5A your games? er dinepeeeae stsstensssee abroad on holiday every year? B: Yes, we go abroad every year. 6 A: What kind of car... Sea ae petite 1B: He drives an old German car Gi Akossunk kérdéseket 6s valaszoxat az aldbbi szavak falhaszndtéséval 0 (you/TV/watch/every/do/evening) Poyou watch TY every evening? (watch/every/TV/evening/we) No, .WWe.don't watch TY every evening. 1 (dinner/do/have/time/what/you) (at/dinner/have/eight o'lock/ we) 2 (breakfast/do/have/ where/ you) (breakfast/have /in/kitchen/the/ we} 3. (coffee/do/ drink/in/moming/ the/ you) (coffee/drink/ we) No, 4 (does/bus/son/take/ the/to/work/ your) care et eeddeote tte (work/he/the/takes/bus/to) No, ocssssessenssn aoe (at/she/the/ university / /teaches) 6 (do/dogs/house/in/sleep/the /the) etter (house/in/sleep/the/ they) Noy weseettseeessscesinene DI iniuk be a mondatokba a zérdjelben taléthats Igék megielelé egyszert jelen idejd alakjat, 0 Janie Mad8...... (read) the Guardian newspaper, but | P22. (read) The Independent. 7 T Fred ....scsssine (Cycle) to work, but his wife... - (go) by car. 2 Mark . sos (Gay) he. ++ (do) a lot of fishing, but he never .........e (catch) anything, 3 elf... (Duy) his food in small shops, but Jane... (do) all her shopping at the supermarket. Ef 4 Diana (like) physics, chemistry and biology; she always +s et) good ‘marks in her science exams. 5 Susat evsesesosens (live) im Leeds, but she -....cccees (Work) in Bradford, 6 Totesssesesee- (leave) work at six o'clock, but John... (finish) work at : five o'clock. : 7 Mary ...s.sssssse (ride) her bike to school and her father . ++ (carry) her books. 8 For breakfast, Ann............... (eat) cereal with milk, By Fogaimazzuk meg a kérdéseket és a valaszokat a zéréjelben taléihaté szavakbol, Hasznéljunk. egyszert jelen idét. i 0. (the President of the USA/live/in New York?) ~ (No, he/live/in Washington.) ‘ Poee. the Fresident of the USA live in New York? No, he lives in Wa 1 (modem trains/use/coal?) ~ (No, they/use/electricty.) 2 (the Queen/wear/a crown?) ~ (No, she/usually wear/a hat.) Z 3. (wine/come/from oranges?) ~ (No, it/come/ irom grapes.) 4 (Gri Lanka/export/coffee?) ~ (No it/export/tea,) 5 (potatoes/ grow/on bushes?) ~ (No, they, growin the ground.) Gi Aakitsuk at 22 € gyakorlat mondatait tagadé mondatokke 0 The President. of the USA doeen’t live in New York, 1 = [elinuink alii illetve tagadé mondatokat a zardjelben taldthato szavak felhasznélaséval. 0 (The sun/rise/in the east) The eun rises in the east, 0 (the sun/rise/in the west) The oun doesn't rise in the west. eer ftoaty Orr watery 2 (Lions/live/in the Arctic) 3. (Winter/come/after spring) 4 (Austrians/speak/ German) 5. (Coiton/come/ from sheep) Dijux be 9 parbeszéa hidnyzé szavalt. Hasznaliuk a megadott igéket, de mindegyiket csak egyszer. leave eat start have arrive like get drink watch go | work brush stop INTERVIEWER: How do you start the day, Jim? Ji Well, 1°. 92f......... up at six o'clock. I get washed and dressed, and I have breakfast at seven o'clock. 1.........00 toast and marmalade, After breakfast, 12... my teeth. 1°... .. to work at eight. INTERVIEWER: When do you get to work? Mw: Tusually 4... at my office at about half past eight, First 15.............. a cup of coffee, and then 6... INTERVIEWER: | Where do you work? Work at a quarter to hive: JIM 17. ina bank, Lam a computer operator. [8......ssee. my job. Its very interesting iNTERvIEWER; When do you eat lunch? sv: Vs, - work and I have hunch at one ofclock. 11,..,........ tea at half past three, INTsRVIEWER: When do you finish work? TM 1m, the office at six o’clock, Teat dinner when I get home. Then I x, ‘TV foran hour oF tw [ keressik meg a kérdésekhez a megfelel6 valaszt. 0 How eftende-youeatehecolate? a Aslateas possible, 1. When does Ben do his homework? b Two or three times a day. 2 Where does your mother work? © Because [love it! 3. When do you get up onSundays? «sd Toher grandmother's house, 4 How often do you brush your teeth? Because he always oversleeps. 5. Where does Angela go after school? £ Abontoncea weeks 6 Why do you play tennis every day? g Assoon as he gets home, 7 Why does Tony always get to school late? Ina bank, Deedee MuHa t ett. edt pho rcrseeeees 7 22 ———$-Mary-knews theanswer—— Ddéntsck e1, melyik mondat helyes é5 melyik nem, Ha helyes a mondat, tegyiink pipat (7) 2 kockaba, ha helytelen @ mondat, jeldjlk X-szel, és ijuk le a mondatot helyesen. ©. Tlike not that music. ] I.don’t like that, music Go they to bed after midnight? We watch TV every evening, Where your sister works? ‘She playes tennis every Saturday. Carlos and Maria works in Mexico City. What do elephants eat? Philip doesn’t want a cup of tea, ‘The shops closes at five o'clock. 9 She don't comes from France. ON Aa Ree nooooeoook [1 Ameghatarozés alapjan vélasszuk ki a megfelelé foglakozAst, 6 mondatha foglaiva fuk @ kipontozott vonalra, dentist popstar artist doctor feetbaler photographer 9 We often see him on TV. When he scores a goal the crowd goes crazy He’ a footballer. 1 He works at the hospital, He looks after sick children, 2. She takes pictures for one of the top fashion magazines, She always says to her patients, ‘Open your mouth, please!’ 4 We sometimes go to see her band. She sings and plays lead guitar. 5 He paints wonderful pictures. [love the w: he uses colour. Diifuk 1c, mit esinai Robert egy étlagos napon, Hasznaluk az egyszert jelen ide Robert tizenhat éves, Norwich-ban é] a szilleivel. Minden reggel fél nyolekor kel. Mogturdik, feloltozik, utana roggelizik, Reggelire (altalaban) tet iszik és vajas,lekvdros piritst escik. Reggeli ulin fogat mos Fel kilenckor indul el az iskolba. Az iskola elt talalkozik a barataival. Egyenruhat nem kell viselnitik, (éltalaban) farmett hordanak és edz6cip6t, Kicsit beszélgetnek, aztin bemennek az iskolaba A tanités nyole 6ra dtven perckor kezdddik. Minden nap hat 6rajuk van. Ma tOrténelem, foldrajz és francia érdjuk van, matematika és fizika nines. Fél egykor kezd6dik az ebédsztinet, Robert akkor eszi meg a szendvicsét. A tanttis héromnegyed négyig tat. Robert hazamegy, és késziil a masnapi orékra. A.saillei hatig dolgoznak, és altalaban hét kérill mek haza, Este Robert tévét néz, vagy a szamftégépén jétszik. Gyakcan talalkozik a bardtaival. Bste tiare szokott hazaézn 23 HA felyamatos jelenbon a kivetkezé szerkezetet | 3) Figyeliak meg a kévetkez6 -ing végebdéssel hasznéliuk: ellatott igék helyesirasat: be*+ ing alak win — winning got + getting Deere eer shop shopping _sit + sitting uu Se eee) swim ~+ swimming travel + travelling Afolyamatos jelen idé alakjai dance dancing write ~ writing Eee eeeet ese eeeeree Az-ing végz6desset ollatottigek helyesirasara ALLITAS venatkoz6 magyarézatok a 361 oldalon TELIES ALAK ‘Osszevonr aLak taldinatok, [tam eating —---—~-Frreating-——~~ =| a You are eating You're eating | 3} A folyamatos jelen id6t akkor haszriajuk, amikor oetepeemnt Ween > olyan oselekvésrél beszéliink, amely éppen Youareeating You're eatin folyamatoan van a beszélgetés idején: ‘They are eating They're eating TAGADAS ‘TELJES ALAK sszevonr aLaK Jam not eating I'm not eating You are not eating You aren't’re not eating HelshelttIs not He/shoftisn’t's not : a eating eating > olyan cselekvésrél beszéliink, amely Weare not eating We aren't’re not eating mostanaban torténik, de nem feltétlentil a ‘ You are not eating You aren't/'re net eating beszéd pillanatabain: They are not eating They aren’t're not eating Bi Az -ing alakot ugy képezztik, hogy az ige fénévi igenévi alakiéhoz hozzékapcsoluk az «ing vegzédést. | } r listen + listening play — playing | work + working read reading > elmesélitk, mi térténik egy képen vagy fényképen: Look! In this photo John’s playing votleybal, BVA megadot szavak fethasznslésdval uk le, mit csindlnak a képeken kthaté emberek, Hasznaljunk folyamatos jelent. 0 He's drinking... (He/drink) a cup of coffee, 1 (They /carry) their suitcases. Eee (She/ take) a photograph. . (They/sit) on a bench. B sheiia és Tommy régi bardtok, hosszi ideje nem talélkoztak, Egészitsiik ki a széveget folyamatos jolen hasznélatavel. (Hérom helyen tagad6 alakot kell hasznélnunk.) ‘SHEILA: Tommy! How are you? How's work? Towers —-—Fmrfine thanks, but 01 m.not teaching. (teach) at the moment. |.) a two-year break. What about you? taking (take) SHILA: 11... (work) at the travel agent's as usual, but 21. - (live) in my flat in Camden. 31....s.ecrssce (stay) with my mum, She's ill, and 41. (look). after her. Anyway, what are you doing in your break? Tomar 51... . (study) Chinese, but 61... (learn) very fast! I want to work in eae ‘China next year, SUTETLA: Great! And how are Maddy and the new baby? TOMMY: ‘They're fine. Of course, 7 we +++ (sleep) much at the moment, The baby wakes up every hour! She8 (grow) fast, though. Akvetkez6 beszélgetés egy londoni kamevalr6i s26l, Egészitsik ki a széveget a ‘mogadott igék és folyamatos jelen haszndlataval. enjoy talk stand stay eat play dance Good morning. 9.’ standing... in the street with hundreds of people. 1A steel band ae 1 AL? two gins recesses. tO the music. At the moment, H STasseensesssn to Miranda and Martin | = ‘Miranda, where are you from” “Tm from Mexico.41 +»: in London for two weeks.” “Is this your first visit to the Camival” “Yes. 51 the music and the food. At the moment §1.........0 a lamb curry! [take drink thwow wear listen come “Thank you, Miranda, So, Martin, are you enjoying the Carnival?’ YES, 7T es sersenrns t Some really good new music and Some fruit juice” ‘And you've got a camera, 80° YOU ......-.e1 alot of photographs’ ‘Of course. It’s a very colourful day!’ Now, 10 another float «0.1... . 1 The people on the float +» sports clothes. 2 They... balls. I think they’re from a basketball team. Dlegeszitsuk ki az alabbi képeslapot. Hasznélunkfolyamatos jlon ido toljes alakokat (pl. is sitting) Jenny and 0, are staying. (stay) here for a week. The sun 1 sss: (Bhine) and it's i ery hot, We? .sssccsras (Sit) om the beach and 1 ............. (drink) an orange juice. | fl Wes no (not swim) because we're both tired, We y.conu watch) the oats on the sea at the moment. They & (travel) fast, but I can see fifteen or sixteen. Jenny? ...........4++ (read) her book, and [8 ss. (write) all the postcards! Eoves sin Am | Are. you Is sheyhe/it TOBBES szAM Are we a Are_you. Are they } wining? } inning ~Néhany példamordat: -———— Is he watching TV at the moment? Ate they working hard? ‘Are you listening to me? ~ Yes, Lam. (Tovabbi példék a 46. fejezetben taldlhatok,) B Az alabbi, folyamatos jelen idejil kérdések mind ugyanazt jelentik: ,Hogy vagy?” How's it going? How are you getting on? How are you doing? 0 (enjoying/ your work/you/ate/7}——~ 1 (she/having lunch/is/?) (vou/are/feeling sick/?) (playing football /are/they/?) (the cat/sleeping/is/2) (relaxing/are/you/?) (the sun/is/shining/?) (he/is/coming/to the cinema/?) (listening/are/they/2) (cating/at the moment/she/is/2) 10 (it/raining hard/is/2) 11 (/getting better/at tennis /am/?) 12 (are/winning the match/we/?) 26 ik hélyes sorrendhe allitasaval, ~-AAte you: enloying your work? 3 A folyamatos jelent ekicor hasznaljuk, ha > valamilyen valtozésrél vagy folyamatrél —beszétinke-lyenkorsitalsban- nowadays; ——— these days idchatarozékat tessziik a mondatba, ‘The ears climate is getting warmer. A Fold éghajlata melegszik,) These days, more and move people are going abroad for their holidays. = Manapsag egyre bb ember megy Kilfoldze nyarain: > azt akarjuk kifejezni-hogy valamt til agyakran tértén6 esemény zavar benntinket. llyenkor az always hatéroz6sz6t hasznaljuk. Figyeljik meg az always helyét a mondatben! Tom is always asking stupid questions (= Tamds dllandéan butasaigokat kérdez.) They’re always telephoning me at hom. (A folyamatos jelen hasznalatara vonatkoz6 egyéb tudnival6k a 7. fejezetben taldihatek.) Ei Koresstk meg a kerdésekhez tartozé helyos vélaszokat, és iuk a megfelel6 betdt a kérdés szama mellé 0 Issheenjoying-hernew job? 1 Is she working in Peru this year? 2. Why are you cycling to school these days? 3 Is Peter in the bathroom? 4 Is David working ina bar this summer? 5. Are they listening to the radio? 6 Are you studying English this year? Yes, we're working hard. No, they're playing CDs. Because she's trying to eam more money. Because I'm trying to get fit. No, he's working in a restaurant 3 a b d @ Yes, they're learning Spanish, f 8 h 7 Ave they living in Madrid at the moment? Yes, he’s having a bath, 8. Whyis Julie working so much at the moment? No, she’s studying in Mexico, Die Mc ent De 3 4 5 6 7 8. ‘Szabé br az Europai Uniérél beszél az alabbl interjuban. Eoészitsik ki a valaszalt a megadott igékkel Hasznaljuk a folyamatos jelent become breathe build drive get go have increase live smoke work REPORTER: SZABO: What do you think are the good things and the bad things in Europe today? ‘Well, | think it is very positive that medical treatment 0/6 Becoming _ more effective and this means that, in Europe, people ! .- longer these days. But, of outside the home and so parents Barn smaller families, The effect of this is that, in general, the age of the population 4 RepoRTeR: What are some of the negative re things? SZA86: ‘Well, one big problem is that young people’. ‘more, and this is bad for their health. Another negative point, especially in big towns, is that rore and more . more roads, tralfic isa big problem. Cars algo affect the air, of course. Nowadays, we 8 air ‘course, more and more women 2 people 6 .. to work, 60 although we 7 that? ‘more and more polluted, Another thing is that many young people can’t find a place to live. Governments cannot stop inflation and house prices 10. eeesnvee Up all the time. DA zatojetben tatathato szavak felhasznalasaval valeszoljunk a kérdésekre. Mindegyik vélaszban hasznaljuk az always sz6t ‘A: Why don’t you like Again? B: (tell/stupid stories) .Because he's always telling etupid storiee, 1A: Why are you annoyed with Mary? B: (ask/me for money) fa 2. A: Why don't you like Pam and Paul? B: (argue/in public)... ssesccsseee 3. A: Why are yor anoyed with Soear? B: (borrow/my CDs). 4 A: Why don’t you like Mark? B: (phone/me late at night) .. 27 Ba megadottigék folnaszndiésvel irik le, mi térténik a kSpeken. A mondatok alanya He/She/it/They legyen, és hasznaljunk folyamatos jelent, over a bridge after a ball a picture, a baby. .. some fish. + over a wall, Bie gesaitsuk kia kérdéseket a megfelelé személyes névméssal(iyouthe stb). Hasznaljunk folamatos jelent. - 0 A: What .4r@you watching . (watch) on the TV? I'm watching a programme about wildlife in Africa. seseeuee (do}atthe moment? A: What : B: He's cooking an Ttalian eal, BAL WHERE ooeccorces cescssees (ay)? B; She's staying with some friends, 6 Aisne seseseeeecsees (Walt) for the number 36 bus? B: No, 'm waiting for a different bus. 7 A: (cook)? ++ (fain) at the moment? B; No, it's quite sunny now. 8 A: What.. B; I'm reading a very interesting novel. (read)? 28 Egeszitsik ki a parbeszédet, Hasznaljunk folyamatos jelent. PAUL: Hi, Steve! What are you doing? STEVE OLIN BONG. sesesseeeses (1/80) to the bank, What are you doing? PAU eee esses OY BHOPY. Ba echenaeenece (/look) for a ‘new tennis racket, ---(I/play) a lot of tennis at the moment, and I need a new racket, steve: Where is Jackie? Do you know? Paut: Yes, She isn’t in England at the moment. 4......csesseo:tctesvecvenee (ShO/ WOH) in France for a month. steve: What. (she/do) in France? PALE enc eetseeaeateeeseeeees (Ghe/sing) in a night-ctub. steve: Really? What about Fred and Sue? What 7, (they/do)? PAUL Bass cceneiet --seos (They/study) for an exam, They're always in the library at the moment. 7 SttvE: Hovris your sister? Is she allright? PAUL: Yes, she's fine, but she's fired. 9,..sccscstsssees .- (We/ paint) the living-room, It’s hard work. strve: Can Thelp you? PAUL: No, it's OK My father... cue so (help). STEVE: Well, [hope you find a good racket Di juke, mit csindinak (V) 6s mit nem esinainak (X) a képen léthaté személyek, eorge isn't eating breakfast. George |e sleeplt 0 (George/eat/breakfast) (George/sleep) 1 (They/work) (They sit/in the garden) 2 (I/study/music) (i/leamn/ Japanese) 3. (He/play/tennis) (He/win) 4 (We/spend/a day/at the seaside) (The sun/shine) v ooooooooN8 29 Hy Fejezzik be a mondatokat a jobb oldall oszlopban taldihaté kifejezések valamelyikével, 0 More British peopiewrechangingtheit-—- a foreign languages. 1 More women are becoming ... b to university : aa More professional people ater ————--e—jebarregettan ye 3. More young people are going studying part-time. 4. More people are working at... home, a 5. More young people aren’t ... £ Members of Parliament, : 8 h 6 More British people are learning 7 eating meat. — 7. More small British companies are using computers. ~—~0~: More Britieh people are changing their jobs regularly, — iw BDeceszitstk ki a kbvetkozs beszéigetést a megadott kifejezésekkel és folyamatos jelen . haszndlatéval . she/hold you/help /leam i/not drank. yout/ahadly ""she/ work for Hlaine/oall he/smile i/organize Wwe/decorate/the kitchen. I/stay how /t/going - sou: Hello,° hows Iegolna? You're Paul's son, aren't you? ores: ‘That's right, 2 ona: Ym Julia, Flaine's niege, 7 moment. ee at Elaine's house at the ore: 2, youn: - and the dining room at the moment-1t'samnice wedeling: isn't : - your dad? REG: Yes. Sr sscenrntmistnnes the disco with my uncle Max. Can I get you some more wine? yuu: No, thanks. §, s+soee Wine, actually. This is water, REG: $07 or working at the moment? jou: 8 -~--v- Japanese. Elaine has got an old friend in Tokyo. I’m | going to visit him in September. ones: ‘That's interesting. My sister speaks Japanese... veces @ Japanese bank in London at the moment. She's over there cy the window, 10 - my little nephew, John. jou: He's very sweet, LOOK, Mo. ceesscessseassssee at ust Thay youre there? —~ you/enjoy/the course? [A megacott szavak fethasznélésaval egeszitsOk ki az aldbbi parbeszédet we/leamn/about opera she/work/in a supermarket now 1/not work/at the moment where/you/work/at the moment 1/wait/for my wife JOHN: Hello, Steve. 0 , How are you getting on?. ‘steve; I'm fine, thanks, JOHN: 7 aoe i = STRYE: "I've gota job in that new office on Green Street, JOHN: Really?? ecco ttc Bert i steve: T'm working in the advertising department. It’s quite interesting. What about you? JOHN: Well, Tim studying music at college. tive: Really? What kind of music? JOHN: All kinds! But this year,4 STEVES Bcc Jorn: Oh yes, But it's hard work. Listen, do you want to get a cup of coffee? steve; Tean't, 'mafraid. § Soothe Heaseabennehebesneneceate : JOHN: Oh, I see. How is she? sreve: Fine, thanks.7 B Forditsuk te az alabbi mondatokat. Chie Paine Mit csindinak az, emberek egy atlagos reggel Londonban? Fel kilene van, legtsbben munkdba sietnok. Steve kabatot és kalapot visel. Mary és Joseph az. autobuszon al, Mindketten ds4got olvasnak. Leonard az tj autojat vezeti Paul és Miriam egy kavézotan repgelizik. Chris az 6rdjét nézi, Egy (6rfi gjsagot aru, Egy holgy szendyicseket vasdrol. Peter mar dolgozik az irodajéban. David és Pauline telefonal 31 Hasonlitsuk éssze az egyszert és folyamatos jelen haszndiatat: Present Simple (eqyszert jelen) Present Continuous (folyamatos jelen) fil { Eoyszerd jetent hasznalunk, amikor ‘A olyamatos jelen aztfojozi Ki hogy @ valamilyen éltalénos igazsagot, nyt dltapitunk "| megnevezett cselekvés a beszéd pilanatéban meg: tart Anna speaks good Spanish, Anna's busy. She's speaking on the phe ~~ [Journalists write newspaper articles | What are you writing? ~ A letter to Jane. Lome from Noraay, (= Norvég vagyok,) Look! The bus is coming. | layszerdjelennelfejectink ki hosszu idoig asznaiunk, ha érvényes oselekvést vagy dllapotot valamilyen atmeneti, csak egy meghatérozott (0l. munkahely, iskola, lakéhely stb.) ideig tart6 eselekvésrél beszéliink Mike works for an advertising company, (Pl. nyaralas, Istogatds, idészakos munka, He lives in Paris. @ Parizs az otthona,) tanfolyam stb) Jame travels alot in her job, 1 doa 08 of sport || John és working in the USA for six weeks: He's living in New York. Jane's travelling around Europe for a month. I'm doing a one-year course in tourism, ES Ga & | eee : Dae seen eee Fe ives in Paris i Hes living in New York. | . | | Eayszerd jolent hasznélunk a usually, often és Folyamatos jelennel felezzik kl, ha velami every szavakkal véleményiink szerint til gyakran torténik | We usually go out to dinner at weekends ‘Tom is always asking stupid questions Loften go to football matches on Sundays. The buses leave every hour. i They're always complaining. [ Az igek bizonyos csoporijét Alalaban csak eGyszerl Jelenben hasznaljuk. Ezek a gondoikozassal Kapesolatos igék, az érzelmeket &s érzésekel vagy véloményf,lletve a biroklastkifelez6 igek, pl. know, remember, understand, like, want, hate, have. Figyelem: Ezeket az igéket nem haszralluk fey I know someone who lives in Venice. NEM: Fi Thue a house by the sea, SEE EE eRe Astatikus igék haszndlatara vonatkozé egyéb'tidnivaldk a 66. fejezetben talélhatok Gyakorlatok BY Teayiik a zardjetben lave igéket egyszertl vagy folyamatos jelenbe, 0. A: What .aneyou doing.” seoneesenese (VOU/EO)? 8: 1m finishing (finish) my homework, 1 A:How faPReReR +++ (your sister/ travel) to work every day? Prelate .-.-(take) the bus. 2 AL WHat ees sntennesesaterneseessees FOU/eat)? B: Anapple. It’s delicious! I... Eee (love) apples. 3. A: Look! It... (now). Be Tt essen : cose (SHOW) every year in my country, 32 [J Ez Anna elsé angol nyelven irott levele Davidnek és ejtett benne néhany hibat. Javitsuk y kia hibésan hasznalt igéket. Ha az igealak helyes, jeldlik pipaval (V) Dear David, Hive H..... ina large flat in Rome. [im-having 9. have, two sisters. They are called Rosa and Maria. We are getting up 1 : at seven o'clock every moming, and we have 2. Coffee and a small breakfast. | leave Serccrrnuseneae the fata eight and walk to the university. Lam finishing + classes at five every day, and arrive 8... se home at six! This month Lwark 6... very hard for my first & errs mgicinaal coy At the moment, Tat”... ‘breakfast in the kitchen of our flat; my mother drinks 8. coffee, and my sisters are reading On Saturday aftemoons 1 am playing 1.00... tennis with my friends, or I go 2 | to the cinema, Today, I'm going to see a new English film! Sometimes Tam watching 12.0.0... American films on TV, but Lovnot understanding 8.0.0... the words! Areyou liking Ma films? With best wishes, Anna {junk mondatokat a zéréjelben taléihat6 szavak felhasznalésaval, Haszndljuk az ‘egyszerd vagy a folyamatos jelent. 0 (Usually she/work/at the office, but this week she/work/at home) ually che works at the office, but thie week she's working at home., 1 (You/not/eat/very much at the moment, Are you ill?) 2 Ghe/know/thtee words in Italian!) 3. (take/the bus to work this week, but usually I/walk) (/study/ Japanese this year. l’s very difficult) (you/watch/the television at the moment?) (i/not/remember/ the name of the hotel) (She/speak/three languages) (he sun/shine./It's a beautiful day!) 33 § Don'ttalk to me now. ecussssceeneesosns (write) an important letter, rossssees (they/drive) on the leftin Britain? (not/get) dark at this time of year until about 10 o'clock. 7 Why 8 It. ST (cain) here a fot, but it + (RGt/rain) now. 10 A: What are you doing? BL. ae (ake) a cake, Why .secccsssseceseses (YOU/smnile)? -v» (/do) something wrong? Hd Eveszitsik kia kivetkez6 rédicintort a zéréjelben megadottigékkel. Hasznéljunk egyszerti vagy folyamatos jelent. PENNY: ccna. PENNY: comma: PENNY: ceca: PENNY: ceciua: PENNY: cecmLa: PENNY: cpcua: PENNY: cBCILA crema: PENNY: RCIA: PENNY: ceca: Good morning, Lincoln. This is Penny Stanton with the morning interview programme. Today 19 have... (have) a visitor from. Italy, Her name is Cecilia and she 0 Jg.eltting....... (sit) here in the studio with me. Good morning, Cecilia. a (you/sit) comfortably? Yes, thank you, I'm fine. Bane. + (know) you are Italian, but where? + (You/live) in Tealy? Tha. (live) in Pisa, Ab, in England everybody 9..-...cccescsse (temember) that Pisa 6 (have) a famous leaning tower, ‘Yes, here in Lincoln everybody 7,. ‘And when people ner {you/say)?, 12,, seseaseseeee (want) to ask me about it, + fask) you aboist the tower, what sev (tell) them that 1... cesses (98) it every day. And now you 2 + (Stay) in Lincoln — my home town. 1, (You/like) Lincoln? MM. +18 (you/want) my honest opinion? Of course. Well, 18...ccsssscnctsen (tay) with a wonderful family and everybody is very kind to me, s01t8,,...., 2» (love) the people, But 127... (not/like) the weather, It Bors (always/cain), ‘Well, jast now the sun sess (Bhine), Yes, Butt... ca sssecesssens (ROt/shine) very often, [22 + (not/want) to talk about the weather. Allright. Why are you in Lincoln? What 2.0... (you/do) here? T'm here with my brother, Giovanni, We 2... (study) English. But your English is very good! You 24 ----: (Speak) English very well, and you Bc ccseeeessseess (understand) everything. 26 sve (Your brother/speak) very ‘good English? No, he 2 sescssen (not/speak) English very well, And where is Giovanni now? What 8, sor teesseees (he/ do)? {you/know)? Yes, he 30 --ow (Sit) with the family. They 31... isten) to this interview, 35 Felszdlit6 médban minden személyben az ige Don't be late! ‘to nélkilifénévl igenévi alakja ll. Az egyes és Don't wait for me! tabbes szémi,llstve a.tegezé.és maga: SSS eae eee ee ere eee ere alakok kézatt nines kalénbség |" Rendszerint az Ssszevont alakot hasznaljuk Go. Help. Come. Wait, | AcIsit allright ift take a sandwich? . Bi: No, don’t! Igy hasznaljuk a telsz6lité médot: , Come ir. Have a cup of tea. (= Gyere bel Igyal A telsz61ito médot akkor hasznéijuk, ha : — egy esesze teat!) > otdaigazitast vagy utasitast adunke Turn leftat the post office. Turn right atthe corner. Don't touch! It's hot. (= Ne éxintsd meg! Eorr6,) Don't forget your passport, ~ Maga @ felszblité méd egyellen seébal al, dea > figyelmeztetiink valakit valamire: Mondatot gyakran egészitjk ki még egy-két Look out! There's « car coming. széval: Be careful! That box is very heavy. Help! > tandesot adunk: Help me! (= Segits nekem!) Have a rest. You look tired, Help me with my suitease. Take a coat. It's cold today. Ha udvariasabban akarjuk kifejezni magunkat, | Don't see that film, Its terrible! @ please (= légy szives/legyen szives) szdt | > kérlink vatakit vatamire: tessziik a mondat végére: Come in, plense, and sit down, Help me with my suitcase, please Listen to this song. It's wonderfil Hurry up, please, We're late. Pass the butier, please. Come here, please. > kindlunk vagy ajéniunk valamit: Listen to me, please Have another orange juice. : Make yourselfa cup of coffee g Tiltéskor a Do not vagy Don't (= Ne) kerdl az > jOkivénsgunkat fejezzik ki: ige elé: Have a good trip! Do not forget your books! Have a nice holiday! Gyakorlatok By Forditsuk tea felszott6 mondatokat a megadott igék hasznélatval, close come put forget listen open ail stop take touch wait write Jojjon be, kérera! Come in, please. - Ne vay) ram! Don't wait for me, Ne nyuija lampéhoz! Vigyetek magatokkal esernyét! Oljon le egy percre! Most ne Allj meg! Kerem, ne felejtsek el a kényveket! Hallgasd meg ezt az uj CD-t Nyisd ki az ablakot,légy szives! Tegyea tiskat az asztalra, kérem! Ird ide a nevedt Ne csukjétok be az ajtst! we arsau Bs Hy steven levelet ir @ bardtjanak. Egészitstik ki a széveget a megfelelé igékkel, open turn be have come make (not) forget (nat) wait bring Dear Paul, O.Gome........ and see me next weekend. I'm staying in a house by the sea, 1, to bring your swimming costume with you! Itisn't difficult to find the house. When you get to the crossroads in the town, 2... end of the road, 9.........0+ careful because it’s a dangerous road! 4.0.2. ‘some warm clothes with you because itis cold in the evenings here. If 'm not at home When you arrive, $1... for me, The key to the house is under the big white stone in the garden. § the front doorand ...... yourself a cup of tea in the kitchen. 8... a good journey! right and drive to,the Best wishes, Steven Mit mondanank a képeken léthaté helyzetekben? Alkossunk felszdlité mondatokat, "Sik Son eee Help mel Come right. tae Have out! 1 Pass met 2 Turn an orange juice, | * Help your umbrella Don'ttouch in, 4 Don't forget to me! 5. Listen the milk, please. : | Look itt t 8 7 Wa letige egyszerdi mit idejo alakjal: | BEA wasiwere alakot akkor haszndljuk, ha olyan tényt vagy eseményt kézilink, amely a multoan puts voltigaarlletve akkortorént cn muteen EGYES S2AN Iwas Joh: E Kenedy was an American president. You were ur first house was in the centre of town. Helshelit was A: Were your aistvers correct? ‘TORBES S2AM Welyouthey were B: No, they were all wrong! Se Paula wasn’t the first person at the par TAGADAS (=Nem Pasa eevee elsoként bulbs) TEES ALAK Awasiwere + born jelentése: Iwas born in 1975. (=1975-ben szulleitem,) You were not > Awasiwere utan gyakran megmondjuk, Helshe/itwas not wasn’t hogy valami hol és mikor tértént: TobBES szixt Weiyoulthey were not weren't — EGves sz | was not KERDES | We were in Spain in June coves 2 Was | : ; We ta bow Hse ee ae Was bohen tight? George and Joanna weren’t in London at the weekend, They were in Brighton, Steve and Mary were here at six o'clock, H > Gyakori a was/were + melléknév szerkezet: ‘B Nenany péida.a was és were haszndlatéra: Iwas cold yesterday, Tapas in New York last week, They were tired after the journey, We weren't at home yesterday evening. The tain was late agin this morning Was it a good fii? ~ Yes, it was Were your exams easy? ~ The first exum was Last year there was a pop festival here easy, hut the second one wasn't There were fur runners in the race. Tosses sziw Were welyouthey (A tivid valaszokat ldsd a 46. fejezetben.) Gyakorlatok D Anthony a szii6vérosatel beszel egy dokumentumfilmben. Egészitsik ki a mondatokat a hiényz6 Szomélyes névmassal (it, they) vagy a there tiévinassal é5 a Iélige megfelel6 alakjaval (washwe These days there are-houses on-the hills outsiee:town, but thirty years ago 0 there were trees. Now, many people in town are managers and travel agents and teachers, 1 suppose, Dut when I was young, 1................ farmers. Today the town centre is full on Sunday ‘morning, but when I was a boy 2.........../. ettipty, because all the shops were shut. I don’t like the change. I think Sunday should be a quiet day. There are cars everywhere nowadays - of course, 3....... cars when Iwas young, too, but not so many. ‘Today its difticlt to cross the road, but thirty years ag0 4..........0. easy, because there was no traffic. And of course, this is my house. It’s very expensive now, but Passesecteesssss Cheap When my parents bought it, [was born in this house. Nowadays, of course, people are born in hospitals, but in the past 8........1. born at home. Finally, there's no snow in winter these days! When I was a boy 7. .. snow every year in February, 38 E).vary 2 mait nét vegén Madridban jar, Tegyink fel nok kérdéseket a létige mepfelelé malt deli alakjalval (wasiwere) 0 (your hotel good?) ——1{your,om.comfortable?} 2 (the weather nice?) 3. (the streets full of people?) 4 (the shops expensive?) 5. (the city exciting at night?) 6 (the museums interesting?) <7. the people friendly?) Seah thn oie 8 (your flight OK?) aeietietitaeet George és Sally dtven éve hazasok; most az elsé lakasukrél beszélgetnek, Egészitsik ki a arbeszédet a megadott szavakkal, valamint a was vagy were haszndlatéval. new Italian big green cheap cold bad | 0 GaorGE: The house was warm. sauux: No, It wasn’t warm, it was o 1 Geore L SALLY NO, it ecsccssseersseessssencee 2. GpoRGE: The neighbours were French, SAL: No, they . cronce: The living-room was red. sauty: No, it a 4 GLORGE: Our first chairs were expensive. ‘The garden was small | SALLY: No, they 7 5 czosce: The kitchen was old. sau: No, it eteceetaltastt fod 6 GzonGe: The local shops were good. SALLY: NO, ROY sseeccessssssnnee D egészitstk ki a parbeszédoket a wasiwasn'twerelweren't haszndiatéval verer: 0. Was. Paul at work today? MWUE: No, he}... in the office, I think hes sick i HENRY: 2.....cccssesees You in South America last year? | STEVE: Yes. 1°. +--+ in Bolivia on business, and then my wife and I | 4 in Brazil Yor a holiday. | PAULA: Philip and I5.: +. at home in London last week, We 6. at Mike's house in Cornwall. It was lovely there, Do you know Mike? Janz: Yes, 17, at his party in Oxford in the summer, P: 8 you there? Pauta: No, we weren't there, Philip and 1°, in Portugal in the summer. 39 We workedtharbiest ee FA Kévetkez6 mondatokban az igék egyszert “fil idejG alakjal szerepeinek I didn't watch TV last night Where did you go at the weekend? B az egyszerd mit alakjat: ALLITAS you vcsron } wates ——- Wielyoutthey TAGADAS: TELIES ALAK —O8SZEVONT ALAK you Helshert did not walk didn’t walk Welyourthey kKeRDES you bid rahe} wae welyoulthey (A Ovid valaszokat lasd a 46. fojezetben,) BA szabalyos igek malt ideji alakja -ed-re végetcik: Play ~ played [ete wad py Ha az ige méssainangzo + y-ra végzécik, Milt idében az y ive vattozik. Ha az ige révid Maganhangz6 + egy massalfyangzéra vagz6dik, mit idében a sz6végi massalhangz6 megkett6zidik: ery cried stop — stopped (Tovabb! informécié a 362. oldaion taialhat6,) Bizonyos igék mult idejG alakjét nem a Szabélyos -ed végzédéssel képezzilk, ezek a rendhagy6 igék: “dom did | Bist come — camo | have — had es (Arendhagyé igék a 363. oldaion taléthatdk.) pe B Az egyszeri mii iddt akior hasznéijuk, ha: > olyan cselekvésrdl vagy eseményrél —beszéiink-amtamittbartortentes ran befejezédott. Az ilyen mondatokban gyakran hasznalunk mditra utalé idéhatarozét, pl. two years ago, last month, yesterday, at four o'clock, when?: I went to Spain twa years ago. ‘She left her job last year. A: When did you win the cup? B: We won the cup in 1993, > valami a méltban egy bizonyos ideig tartot: 1 Bived int Rome for too years. (= Két évig éltem Romiaban.) Tazt I went to work in Japan. Ac How long did the Second World War last? (Mennyi ideig tartotta Hl. viléghabora?) B: It lasted for six years > valami a miltben rendszeresen fordult ol6 — When George wis young, he always walked to school. (= Amikor George kiesi volt, mindig gyalog ment iskolaba,) > miltban jétsz6a6 térténetet mondunk el llyenkor egy Ujabb mondatot vagy bekezdést gyakran vezetiink be az after that, then vagy next szavakkal: We left home early on Saturday morning, ‘Then we drove without stopping to the Scottish border. We crossed the border. After that, we stopped ina little village and had something to eat, Next we put the second part of our plan into action, Olvassuk el @ Robert Louis Stevensonrl s2bl6 szbveget. Pipdluk kia helyesen hasznalt malt ideja igeket, a hibas alakoket pedig huzzuk at, és ifjuk le a helyes magoldast, ‘The Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson was home BO! in 1850 in Edinburgh, and he became .f,..uss.u.s1 One Of Scotland’s mostfamous writers. He studyed lawat Edinburgh University, but he never? worked ........ soos asa lawyer. He 3 meeted ...... -an American woman, Fanny Osbourne, and 4 married ec... her in 1880, A few years later, he 8 wrote. his first famous book, “The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Me Hyde’, about a doctor who discoverted oj... a special drink that” changed vcosccos a normal man into @ monster, Stevenson # traveled ws... tO Samoa for the frst time in 1888, He tived ~ the last five years of his short life on Samoa with his wife. He died «a... in 1894, Blegészitsik ki a kivetkez6 lvelet a zaréjelben megadott igek megfelelé alakjénak haszndlataval Dear Jenny, Dave, Joe and 19 Went. (go) to Scotland last week for a short holiday. We 1 (arrive) home yesterday. Dave and 12......ussse (dive), but Joe’... (decide) not to drive because he 4... (not like) the narrow roads. We'5,.. (Visit) Edinbuzgh, of course, and we ®.,.....,. +» (see) the castle, and some of the Edinburgh Festival. We (go) to see a play, and “vor (listen) (0 alot of world music. After Edinburgh, we 9. (take) the road north to Loch Ness, We 10 os (meet) hundreds of other tourists, but not ‘Nessie’ the monster. Pete Sonia videki nyaralésa alkaimévalkisérteties hangot hallott az egyik éjszaka, Egészitstk kia beszélgetést a megadotigek mil ide alakjaval. Hérom eselbon hasznajunk tagadé szerkezetet cat arrive have stay go drive open sleep find” ear ee SONIA: After a long walk on the beach, 19, had .. an ice cream by the sea and then ae back to the cottage in my car 12... +. at the house at about nine the front door and went into the kitchen, because] was hungry. MAX: + YoU... anything to eat? SONIA: Yes, there was some soup in a cupboard. But 15. it, because 16. the voice ofa little gil upstairs, MAX WOW! ocsccesesscie YOUssceieteeee Upstairs? Sona: Yes. [looked in all the bedrooms, but T8..........- anything. I went to bed, but 9... tall! Iheard the voice again, and in the same room as me! Max: Oh dear. 10... YOU. esseensseen inthe house after that? sonia: No, Left immediately and drove home. a [YA kovetkez6 parbeszédben a nagymame két unokajaval beszélget a multrol. Tegyuk az igéket mult idébe. GRANNY: PENNY: GRANNY: PAUL: GRanny: PENNY: GRANNY: PAUL: Geanny: PENNY: GRANNY: 42 Granny, tell us what things ©. ere (be) like when you were young. Where! did youve. on... (you/live)? Well, 11 + (not/live) here in those days, 12... (live) neax Birmingham, And when 9.....ccsesees-s (You/be) born? Tha ssccssesesees (Be) born before the Second World War. It... . (start) in 1939 and (not/ end) until 1945, 60 i87......ccces-~ (last) for six years, you 800. 18...........ue-. (not/understand) what the war was about and 19. (not/know) any foreign people. What 10... (you/do) during the war? Well, Uncle Sam, who "2... (be) older than me, and your grandad Bc ccccchovees (Be) in the army, They 13... (fight) in Furope and Japan, but at the time we ™ (not/know) where they 95. scseerereseens (be) because the army 16 sss (ot/allow) them to write letters, - Yes, but what” sso (you/do)? Well, a lot of women 18, (work) in the factories because, of course, there 19........seessee (a0t/be) many men at home, But [20, : (choose) to work for the Red Cross. We?!...ccics-. (00k) after British soldiers when they 22............ (come) home, butt sometimes we BBasove secre (Cate) for prisoners of wat, who .....sessve (BO) in camps, you see. And 75. .sesccssee (thete/be) food in the shops? No, there %,...essee sees (not/be) much food. There 27...sscssesen(ROt/be) ‘much meat, for example, and there %..........s..1 (not/be) any bananas of foreign things. Te there ®, . (not/be) much food, then you 30 (not/ get) fat! Oh, no. Nobody 31 ++: (Get fat in those days, Everybody 32 + (stay) slim. Bataney. ezdetén két disk beszéigel a nyéri szlnetr6l, Haszndljuk az igék mult idejG alakjat. YOU 40. (you/do) in the summer? «+ (go) atound Europe by train. (it/be) expensive? ss (buy) a raileard, and it 4 (be) quite cheap. sosssssusrreeses (YOU/ SO) On your own, or with some friends? ‘Acouple of friends 6... (come) with me. How many countries 7, (you/visity? 18, (0) to six or seven countries. 19.....--seses (have) a great ‘time, and Treally 10. .. (love) alll of them, Which one ®.. (you/like) most? Sweden, I think, The countryside 1 : (take) lots of photographs, (you/arrive) back home? Last week, I'm still rather tired, (be) marvellous, and I GA kovetkezs listéban egy egyetemista napi programie olvashat6. irjunk mult idejd mondatokat arrél, hogy melyik pontot teljesiteite (7), melyiket nem (x). 0 He got up. 0 He-didn't fnich hie essay, ‘Dinas to do 09.00 getup 4 08.16 ~ 10.00 Fish my cosay X 10.00 drink a cup of coffee J 1020-1100 cycle to the university J OO go t0 the montng eeture X 1200-1500 work inthe fbrary 7 18.00 meet my Flends 4.001520 watch the football match X 16.00 go to the aftermoon lecture J 1.00~18.00 return tothe ibrary X Bl Az evszdimek un tsmondatokbslalkossunk mil ie, bsszetett mondatokat a példa alan, 0. (tis 1984) Sally isat school, he plays ina football team, When Sally wae at 1 (itis 1987) Bob's sister is at university. She writes alot of poetry, When een 2 (tis1990) Fred i 3. (tis 1992) Jane and Michael are at school. They don’t do much homework. When sees ee oe 4 (tis 1985) Anna sa teenager She wears very long skirts. When . in the army. He goes to many different counties. 43 BLA zaityatven megadottintomnscio segtségével inunk kérdéseket és vélaszokat mult id6ben. 0 (When/Kennedy/die?) When did Kennedy die? ~ (He/in 1963) ~ He died in 1968, (WRAY Mase Care/ ASCOVET IN 18987] 2. Where/ Michelangelo live?) 3” When/ Thatcher /become/Prime Minister?) 4 (What/Alexander Belt/in 5 (How many books/ Agatha Christie/write2) 6 (When/Neil Armstrong/watk/on the Moon?) aventy-— “> (He/the telephone; (Shey raciamy— (He/in Florence.) (She/Prime Minister in 1979) ~ Ghe/over a hundred books.) ~ (He/on the Mo 1 in 1969.) Bi egészitsik ki a mondatokat am ‘mondatokat olyan sorrendben, legadott igékkel. (Minden igét csak egyszer hasznaljunk,) Iruk le a hogy dsszefligg6 térténetet kapjunk. [be “believe decide cat enjoy get go last leeve make see take tlk tall After I Jeff... In particulas, we school, 1.F20K. a job on the railways. by train, of course. some mushrooms that 0... a8 big as plates, We oessessseseese everyone about the size of the mushrooms when we ..... back home, But nobody us Of course, we... all the famous buildings in Sopron. They were fascinating, We to go together to Sopron. Fesessestasse friends with a man called Istvan, But most of all, wee. the delicious Hungarian food. Sometimes, we ++ about out ideas for a holiday. ‘The journey . over 12 hours. 0 After [left echeol,! zook a job on the rallvaye, 1 0 .. Bee ettter tides ate a kovetiezs mondatokoan az emerikaltrténelom fontosabb eseményeirdl olvashatunk. Egészitsik ki a mondatokat az igék mii idejd alakjaval sail declare be (x3) say live go The Native American Indians 0.Were,_. inhabitants of America. In 1620. group of English people b....cssea to America on a ship called Mayflower and 2 in an area they called New England. On duly 1776, America 9... independence and 4.....0:.s:s., an independent country, the United States of America, In 1861 there’... a war between the northern and southern states of America. The northern states Bo cssenee pane they 7, slavery. 4m 1969 the Americans ®..........0, 10 the Moon, Neil Armstrong ®.. -» the first man on the Moon, He... ‘One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.’ Glegeszitsuk kia Winston Churchill s26i6 enciklopédia-részletet a megadott szavak megfelel6 alakjéval és egyszerd malt hasznélataval, fight work join be(x2) lose send become Winston Churchill 0.22, a soldier, writer and politician, He 1 secre born in 1874, When he was a young man he 2 .. the Army, and he ec in India and the Sudan, Bathe ........... a journalist as well. Hé was a reportes for the Daily Graphic and for the Morning Post. In 1899, the Post®...........-.. him to South Altica, where he wrote about the Boer War. Churchill entered Parkament in 1900, Between 1908 and 1929, he 6... - for three British Prime Ministers: Asquith, loys George and Baldwin, But he? his Government job in 1929, die become lose win want become In 1999 Churchill etumed to Parliament, Between 1939 and 1945 - the period of the Second World War - Churchill ............... one of Britain's most popular and guccessful Prime Ministers, But atthe end of the war in 1945, the British people 9. achange, and Churchill .,..,, his job again. Winston Churchill Be Prime Minister one more time, from 1951 until 1955, In 1953 he 2... + the Nobel Prize. He18.......-...0., in 1965 at the age of 91 ' A folyamatos mult — Past Continuous i (I was waiting, Was | waiting?) 1 A folyamatos mit idé alakjai ane ALLITAS: Whelshe/it was Youlwelthey were }. waiting TAGADAS Ube/shelit, was notiwasn't Youley worenotwerene}. ¥aiina KERDES, Was helshent Were youwentney.} waiting? (Arovid valaszoket ldsd a 46, fejezetben.) Az -Ing végz6dés helyesirasara vonatkozé ludnivaldk a 361, oldaion a C tablazatban taldihatok. 2 Atolyamatos malt id6vel olyan cselekvést fejezUnk ki, amely a multnak egy adott id6ponjaben folyamatban volt (pl. at seven o'clock, in 1991): A: What were you doing at seven clock last night? Bi J was driving home from work. fe Striving, Gate & 6.30 7.00 715 Tons living in japan in 1991. ([tived therefrom 1990 to 1993,) Gyakorlatok 3 Figyeljdk meg a kévetkezé mondatot: Lg When Ftwatked into the wom, Ant twas writing postcards and Keith was reading. (= Amikor bementem a szobéba, Anna Képeslapokat irt, Keith pedig olvasott,) ‘Az egyszerti mult befejezett cselekvést fejez ki (walked in = bementem), a folyamatos (was writing, was reading) pedig olyet, ami az egyszerd miilttal kifejezett cselekvés idépontjaban éppen folyamatban vott. (Anna eldbb kezdett imi, €5 Keith eldbb kezdett ‘olvasni, mint ahogy én beléptem.) @ A folyamatos mitt idejd alak elott hasznélhatjuk @ when vagy while szavakat: I mel her when/while we were working for the same company. (when/while * arnikor, mikizben/mialatt) Figyelem: Az egyszerd mit mellett nem hasznéljuk a while két6sz6t: When I met her, we were working for the same company. (when = akkor, aban az idépontban) Ann, egy kis cg vezat6je, arra kérte Steve-et; a fiatal menedzsert, hogy jarja korbe az irodéit, aztén jelentse, mit csinéinak éppen az alkalmazottak. E folyamatos mult idejd alakjaval steve: First went to reception. The receptionist 0. Was angwering, Then I went through the Sales Department. Penny 1 -gészitstik ki a patbeszédet a z4rdjelben lévé igék (answer) the phone, + (Write) a report, ANN: And what? - Jack/ do)? svevE: 3, ~~ (he/type) something — a letter, I think. Then I walked past Joan and Derek in the Accounts Department. j ANN: What 4 . (they /do)? i steve: They 5... (use) their computers, Derek 6.........-.:.-- (do) something with numbers and Joan 7... (prepare) one of those coloured graphs, ANN: So they’, 8 seesssesess Gohn/ work) hard? steve: No, he 10, (not/ play) computer games. Good! And in the Packing Department, (have) a cup of tea, He always has a cup of tea at ten o'clock, Hi igukte, hogy a képen lthato szemstyok mit esinaltak, amikor Rick belépett a helyiségbe. Hasznéljuk ‘a megadott ig6k folyamatos malt idejdi alakjat brush watch: read listen. write eat paint sit play 0 George .Was.teading a newspaper. 1 Julie a sandwich, 2 Sueand Liz... table tennis, 3. Frank. + television. 4 Caroline -- on the floor. 5 Barbara ..... s +--- aletter, 6 Rita. her hair. 7. Alison . to some music, 8 Ann... a picture. Egészitsik kia mondatokat a téblézatban megadotinformacié alapjén, Hasznéljunk folyamatos vagy egyszerti muitat Shirley Kevin 1870-76 lived in New York 1972-80 _ lived in Washington 1973-76 studied at university 1973-75 did a course in Computing 1976 eft university 1975-80 worked as a computer operator 1976-80 worked as a'translator 1978 mel Shirley 1979 met Kevin 1980-85 ran his own company 1982 mamried Kevin 1982 inairied Shirley 0 In 1972 Shirley .Wa8 living. in New York. 1 In 1974Kevin.. in Washington, 2 In 1974 Shirley .. at university. 3. In 1974 Kevin a course in computing, 4 When Shirley ... university in 1976, Kevin +: 8 a computer operator: 5. When Kevin... Shitley, she ssc. a8 a translator. 6 While Shitley ...... asa translator, she . ssn Kevin. 7 1982 Kevin é...escsses-s his own company, 8 While he his own company, Kevin Shirley, ; a Past Simple (Iw ted) vagy Past Continuous (I was waiting) Hasonlitsuk dssze az egyszerd mill és a folyamatos miilt alakjalt Egyszerd miilt (Past Simple) Folyamatos miilt (Past Continuous) talked Inounernaruwothey { Ahea Did Vyou/he/shelitwelthey talk? Uhe/she/t —_wasiwasn’t Youlwelthey —_weretworen’t Was Unelshelt Were youwerthey } talking? } talking 2! Az egyszerti multat akkor hasznaljuk, amikor olyan cselekvésrél vagy eseményr6l beszeliink, amely a miiinak egy adott idépontjaban tértent 85 be is fejezd6tt: Last Saturday morning, Paul played football in the park. a> malt Tovabbi paldak On Sunday I made a cake I rained alot on Saturday morning. ‘A folyamatos miltat akkor hasznéljuk, amikor egy eselekvés folyamatban volt, mikiizben egy masik oselekvés megkezdédatt és be is fejez6dott: Last Saturdiay, Paul twas playing football in the park ‘when he saw Jane, (= Malt szombaton Paul éppen futballozott a parkban, amikor meglaitta Jane-t) Paul was playing football He saw Jane Tovabbi példak: ‘The phone rang while Ttoas making a cake. (A telefon megszélalasa révidebb ideig tart, mint @ sitemény olkészitése.) Te was raining when we left home. malt Cmost 3.) Gyakran haszndljuk az egyszerd miltat akkor is, amikor egymdst KOvetd eseményeket mondunk e': When Ann James left university, she went to twork fora bank, She left the bank after five years, nd wrote a book which .. ‘A miltban torténtek leirasakor a folyamatos mitat akkor hasznéljuk, ha azt mondjuk el, mi zajlott a hattérben, mikézben egy mdsik eseriény bekévetkezett: The sum was shining. People were sitting under the trees, Suddenly « car drove into the park... Dy ikossunk dsszetett mondatokat egyszeri és folyamatos milt haszndlataval 0. (The police/arrive/while/I/have/ breakfast) The. 1 (The storm/start/while/they/drive/home) 2. (I/sce/an accident/while/I/ wait/ for the bus) arrived while | was having breakfast, 3. (Mary/go/to several concerts/while/she/ stay /in London) (/have/breaktast/when/the police/arrive) Iwas having breakfast when the 48 (My father/cook/ the dinner/when/he/burn/is fingers) ———— sissy 5. (The soldiers/ prepare/to leave/when/the bomb/exploite) Bl cgeszitsok ki a mondatokat a zéréjelben megadottgék egyszerd és folyamatos mil ie) alaksval © Beethoven FOE... (write) nine symphonies; he .WA8 Writing... (write) another symphony wher he died, 1 Last Saturday Tom wanted to make two salads, He... (make) the first one in five minutes, He.. (make) the second one when his guests - {astive), and they se (help) bin to finish it 2 The architect Gaudi (design) several houses in Barcelona, Spain. Later he (start) work on a cathedral: He +» (work) on the cathedral when he (die). 3 Last month a bank robber... (escape) while the police (take) him to, prison, Later they’. (Catch) Rim again, and this time they ..-.c:-+ dock) him up without any problem. 4, Philip's football team were lucky last Saturday. After 20 minutes they ...0.-..:. lose), but in the end they -.-essene-n (Win) the game by 4 goals to 2 5 John Lennon... (Ging) and .......ises (Play) on many records with the Beatles. After that he oo ceoesnevee (tecorl) several songs without the Beatles. He (prepare) a new record when Mark Chapman ....j.cs.i- (hoot) him. 6: The evening was getting darker; the street lights (come) on. People a (hurry) home after work. T (stand) in a queue atthe bus stop. Suddenly somebody - (grab) my bag. laty Croftol a rendérségen arr! kérdezik, hogy mit csinalt péntek este. Nézzlik meg a képekel, és a ardjelben levé igékkel egészitsik ki a pérbeszédel. Hasznéljunk egyszert vagy folyamatos miitat. POLICEWOMAN: What time 9, did you get (you/get) home from work? anv: Atabout six o'clock POLICEWOMAN: And what 1 ssrisnteesesee (YOU do) after you got home? May: I read the newspaper. TOUCEWOMAN: Did anything happen hile 2.....:..ccseensreeseanneees (¥ou/sead) the paper? MARY: ‘Yes, the phone 3. ae (ring), POLICEWOMAN: Woes E .»-» (you/do} when your husband came home? Mary: Iwas watching TV, and 15, sous (tink) a-cup of coffee. FOUCEWoMAN:: Did you and your husband stay at home? Magy: No, 18x. cses (drink) my coffee. Then I put on my raincoat, and we 7 esses (Go) Out at seven o'clock FOLICEWOMAN: Why &.. «+. (you/put) your raincoat on? MARY: Because it 9 (rain), of course. 49 Sere D)1263-ban John F Kennedy dais stogatsasorén helalos meréryletet KOvettek ol a2 ameriki eld. ellen. Iriuk le, hogy a képen lathats személyek hogyan omiékeznek, mit csindltek, amikor Meghallottak a merénylet hirét, eat play have watch — paint sit drive cook the living-room F¥_tennis inthe garden spaghetti e-bath my car dinner 0. wag having a bath when | heard the news... este 0. We were watching TY when we heard the news. 1 2 4 5 6 H ovassuk ot akoveike0 trténete, es dontsoko, hogy a2 ig helyeselajat acon. Ha igen, Pipaljuk ki, ha nem, hizzzuk ata hibas alakot és iuk be helyesen Twas in my last year at school. While | waited °.WaS.Walting for my exam results, decided °.., to find a job for the summer. | finished 1... the exams at the beginning of June and then I was phoning 2... several different companies to ask if they had >... soos any work, In the end [found 4...0.c0,c.e ajobon the railways, On the first day, an inspector told 5 ‘me that there was Sursceee stone other students like me who worked 7... temporarily at the station {was a porter. When passengers were coming 8 +++: f0 the station with a lot of bags, loffered 9s: to help them. Usually they were saying 1. 50 vak “yes',s0 Learried M.............. their bags to the train: Sometimes, before the train was arriving at the station, the passengers asked ‘questions; ‘Do you work here all the time”, “Are you a student”, and so on. I explained 1% that Iwas a student and that | was working the railways just for the summer. When the train was stopping 16 at the platform, [put 7, the bags in the compartment. While I was working 18............. at the station, was meeting 19 ‘another student called Tony. [thought ......,...... he was very pleasant, and he wei liking... me. One day, when we talked 2, Bet eee holidays, Tony said %.:,..4.c0c:s. that Italy was a wonderful place and that he Manted 7... -sseuse t0 go there again, We mere deciding %.. to go together atthe end of the summer so we bought 2°... tickets 40 go to Rome, ‘The thing that I remember best was the day that we visited 27 the Sistine Chapel. When we arrived. vitrained, » and inside there were 9.0... not very much light. Suddenly, while we were looking * at the paintings, the rain stopped 22, and sunlight came %, into the Chapel through the high windows, This was making @ fantastic difference and we saw. 8, Michelangelo's work in all ts glory Birorateukle « kivetkez6 szdveget,Ugyelink az egyszont és flyamatos molt mogflel6 haszndletra, Tegnap reagel tiekor elhagytam az\rodémat, 6 Mary Harlow széloddjéhoz mente: Amig a széllada kizeldven vBrakorztam, cam egy caéeze kévéc 66 vettont | favditaat Meoneantor mealies Macy. Kt clo de jose edit, Gyorsan lépkedett de clgarettdzatt. Te percen dt kévettem, Eppen belépett a Contrai Parkba, amikor meglttote, Eay pllanacig nézett, de nim Alt mea. Yer: cay codsze kévét & lets. Gyinyort nap volt. Nehaayan hamburger ettck a fk alate, tnidcok zondt halgattak, Te perccel késdbb egy férf tt Mary moll, bs beezélgetnt Keadott vole, Aig beexzélgettek, Mary hérom clgarettde exliott el. A Férfi nem 2 tere vole WW Present Perfect (1) (I have seen, | haven't seen) en] ‘APresent Perfect igeidének sem jelentésben, | 2 A Present Perfectet akkor hasznaljuk, ha: sem naszatbannins pontos magyar > valamiyen mba trent cselekvesrl vagy mouilelge. Nyeltanszomponoo lon semonyrl beszénk a2 epont [donok tein, bar nagyon ayakran mak mogillese nell (a lenyeg az, hogy @ (eoua loti icnogyere ceelekvés vagy esemenyvalaritor moatotant, de ner fonts, hogy nk) | 4 AProsent Perec lait oe seen hsm (= Lattam eta fle. = | rc - pee eee Ismerem a torténetet.), 3 have ee > életiink killénb6z6 eseményeirdl beszéltink, MELLEKNEW IGENEV Her tecn eee arr), hogy mit tettink eddig és mit nem. It i oe) ‘sem az a lényeges, hogy mikortortént az i ‘emlitett dolog. qd ‘She: has (finished ALLiTAS 290. Teles AAK osszevonr aLak j Ilyou have arrived ve } Helshelt has arived He's } arives Welyoulthey have arrived — We've T've sailed across the Atlantic. ee (© Mar athajo2tam az, Atlanti-6conon.) TAGADAS Troe seen gorillas in Africa Ten aad esas nan Ihaven't danced the Flamenco Perna EY aaa] {ellie nen estan Welyoutthey have net arrived haven't jamencot.) > olyan multban tértént eselekvésré vagy fepenes es ee ee eee eseményrél van 24, amely nemrég ért |foves sar Have tou finished? veget, és szémunkra fontos eredménye van: | Hae. halshelt ve got «surprise for you. Look, here itis |oones saw Have _welyouthey fished? Sie econo Sheds he any more) ‘Akvetkez6 mondatokban Present Perfectet hhasznalunk: ‘Has the train left? (= Elment mar a'vonat?) Have Paul and Mary seen your photos? (= Paul & ‘Mary litta mér a fényképeidet?) Have you read that book? (¢ Olvastad mar azt a kényvet?) ‘Abefojezelt meliéknév igené lehet szabélyos vagy renchagyé: (BEFEEZETT MELLEANEW IGENEV szaBAtyos (+ -ed) play Ihave played travel Ihave travelled RENOHAGYO meet Thave met go | have gone (A szabalyos betejezett meliéknévi igenevek @ 362, oldaion, a rendhagyék a 363. oldalon talalhatsk.) 52 istics [ative “break the camera close the doors do their homework drink all the Coca-Cola "eat some sandwiches _ give me some money hovenshower passhis driving test repairherbike start torain | aiitinis itn tas 0. Anne has had a ehower coche feels clean and fesh 1 We fesstshcneueaie $0 We'RE NOE RUNBTY NOV 2 Sally 9 she can rie it now. 3 Mum... s0T cen goto the cinema : 4 The children so now they can watel TV. | et so we can’t ake any photos. on sowe must take an umbrella | 7 Bul so now he can buy a car 8 The musicians ssvetee 80 the concert ean stat 9 TREY cree Jessen 80 we cant go in now. q 10 We... s0 we'll have to buy come more. Ha zerejtbon megadotigekbél Képezztink befejezett meléknéviigeneveket a kbvetkez6 szbvegben, i amelyben James sajét magar6l beszéI, Tve. 282M... (ee) a lot of beautiful places in my life, and £'V6 acess (€) a lot of interesting things. I've... sees (travel) in North and South America, for t example, Ive Bayne (visit al the big American cites, ve 4 | i (drive) across Mexico. Thaven’t5. esses (ly) over the Andes, but I've | | 8 sense (work) in Pera and Bolivia. Pve? - (atay) inexpensive hotels | and in very cheap hotels! I’ve 8, (swim) in the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. I've ?. (write) thousands of postcards to | iy friendst I've 10. svesvee (at) in the best restaurants in Paris, and I've | Mecceetuecenee (Sing) Italian songs in Rome, Ive 1.............4. ave) seven or eight holidays in Spain, and I've 18... (ive) in Portugal, Thavent aceon (make) much money but I've 5... (meet) alot of interesting people and I've 1.0)... (take) alot of wonderful photographst Egészitsik kia mondatokat a fenti szveg alapjén: mit esinat és mit nem csindt James eddigi | életében? i 0 James. has seen (Gee} the Statue of Liberty. ; 1 James a (Ay) over te Andes B 2 James... (stay) in cheap hotels i 3 JOS vcnnenn sce (Swit) in the Indian Ocean | 4 James (cai) in Fronch restaurants i 5 James ectenneseceereesnene (ake) auch money. i 6 James (have) a Mexican meal, ik Present Perfect (2) (ever, never, gone és been) 1 Az el6z6 fejezetben léttuk mér, hogy a Present. Perfect olyan cselekvést vagy trténést fejez ki, amely réviddel 2 rola valo emités eldtt trtént, Az ilyen mondatokban nines idéhatéroz6, azaz nem mondjuk meg, pontosan mikor trtént az, amirél beszelink. ‘A: Have you had a bath? B: No, Lhaven’t hada bath Y’ve had a shower. ‘Akkor's a Presont Pertoct szerkozetet hasznaijuk, amikor yan esemérye6l vagy eselekvésrdl beszéliink, amely a mult adott icépontjatel szamitva mostanaig —akar tobbsziris - megtétént. Az, hogy pontosen riko tortént, nem lényeges. |At Has Kirn interviewed many fim stars? Bi No, she hasn't interviewed many flm stars, but she has interviewed alot of pop stars Lonslon hs experienced marcy changes of fortune, Amikor azt akarjuk megtudni, hogy valami egyéltelén megtérténte valaha, akkor az ever (= valaha) hataroz6t és a Present Perfectet haszneljuk: “Has Kim ever interviewed Madorz? Has there ever been an exrthguae in Britain? Have you ever had a jacuzzi? Ha valami eddig még egyéitalén nem tértént meg, a nover (= soha} hatéroz6t és a Present Perfect allité alakjét hasznaljak Figyelem: Ezekben @ mondatokban a never fojazi kia tagadast, az igét nem tagadjukl Kin hus never interviawell Madonna. (Kim eddig ‘még soha nem interjévolta meg Madonnat,) ‘There has never been an earthguake in Britain, Thasve never had a jacuzzi Have you ever seen a tiger? ~ No, Thuven't, Ihave ever seen 2 tiger (Az iiyen kérdésokre adandé révid vélaszok a 46, fojezetbon talalhatéak.) 2 Ha magmondjuk, hogy valam a beszéd pillanataig hanyszor t6rtént, soha nem hasznaljuk az ever (valaha) $26t, London has hosted she Olympic Games tice. ‘A:Hlow many times hve you tied in Aastra? Bi: Toe skied ix Austra three times. ‘A Present Perfect szerkezettel fejezziik ki azt is, ha valamit életiinkben elészér tesziink, vagy vvalami eldszér t6rténik veliink. [1s the first time (at) I've (ever) eaten octopus, (- Most eszem életemben elész® polipot) \Vigyazat! Az ilyen mondatokban magyarul jelen id6t hasznalunk, de az angolban ez helytelen! 3 az olyan iddhatérozdk mellett, amelyek a beszédet megol6zé iddszakot 6s a beszéd idejét is magukba foglaliak, Present Perfectet haszndlunk. llyen kfejezések; recently (= mostanaban), today (= ma—9zt esak aznap mondhatjuk), this morning (= ma delelott — ezt osak aznap déli 12g mondhatjak), this month (= ebben a honaptan), in the last few days (= az elmilt néhény napban), so far (€ mostanéigy Troe enten pizza tree times this toeek. Toe worked rally hard this morning. (= Ma detelottjgnzén keményen dolgoztam.— Ezt délben mondhator.) Amikor az adot id6tartam mér elmdi, mélt id6t haszndlunk: J worked really hard this morning. (= Ma delol6teigazan keményen dolgoatam.— Ezt azon a napon barmikor mondhatom él tizenketté utan.) 4 Gone és been Aletige betejezett mellekné been. Harve you ever been seriously il? (- Voltal valaha silyos beteg?) Ago ige betejezett melléknévi igenévi alakia: gone. jenevi alakja: Figyeljok meg a killénbséget: He's gone to Paris, (= Elment Parizsba. - Még most is ott van.) He's been to Paris. (« Mr rt Patizsban, ~ Most mar nincs ott.) fii gg (Seen ‘mondatokat az ever vagy never hatérozész6val, ahol lehetséges, MicHaBL Good morning, Abby. I've just made some coffee. Have you ®,7. hhad breakfast? Would you like some coffee? #077 No, haven't, Ididn’'thave time. I've 0 M@VEr....... interviewed anyone this carly in the morning before! So, yes, Vd love a cup of coffee. Thanks, Mecitas. [know that you've interviewed 2 lot of famous people, but have you Anseseesticee interviewed a writer? Bey Yes, Thave, always read some of their books First. I'Ve2....ccctae2 read lots of yours. They were all ad. Have you. written a happy book? MICHAKL No, Idon’t think I havet anby You've travelled all over the world, and you've‘, found a happy story to tell I'm surprised. How many countries have you been to? aaicxagl. -T don’t know: Lots! But I've 6 been to China, Fd like to go there, ase - But one of your books is set in China, isn't i? I've, + seen the! film and it’s good! MICHAEL ISH TVE8 ssc snes Seen that film, so I don't know. The story Twrote happened in Korea apy ve. +» heard that you never see the films of your books. Is that true? MICHAEL Yes, that’s right. I've 1... seen any of them Bl acoy mits itor késet Michael Reed ioval az othondban regge klenc 6rakor, Egészitstk kia ELA tabtazat és a péida alapian alkossunk kérdéseket és valaszokat ezzal kapesolatban, hogy melyik idk hanyszor jétszott az iskolai csapatban, f Hockey | Tennis | Cricket | Football [Melanie Thomas | 16 2 [Tim Jones I u 16 Connie taker 1 a8] re 0. Melanie, hockey) . How many times hae Melanie played for the hockey team? She's played sixteen tlmes for the hockey team... : (im, hockey) How many times hae Tim played for the hockey team? le’ never played for the hockey team. 0 0 0 1 Clim, cricket) (Connie, hockey) 3. (Melanie, tennis) 4 (Connie, tennis) 55 Ld Present Perfect (3) (just, already, yet, still) 1 Ajust (= éppen) hatarozdszét akkor hasznaljuk, amikor azt mondjuk, hogy velami ‘rOviddel ezeldit tGrtént; have just serevezcrt weLieanevr eenev Teas just fniched. Could I speak to fane, please? ~ I'm afraid she has Just left (= Sajnos éppen az. elobb ment el) Isthat a good book? ~ I don’t now. Fve just started it. (= Eppen csak hogy elkezdtem.) 2 Figyeitk meg az already (= mar) hasznalatat a kévetkez6 peldaban: ‘Do you toa something to ent? ~ No, thanks. Pve ‘ready eaten, (» Mar etter) Az already azt nyomatékositja, hogy valami ‘mér megtrtént, esetleg a vartnal hamarabb, Igy haszndijuk a2 already szét [have + already + seresezertueLemen oeNEV Foe already heard that story. Nézzik meg az alabbi pélaat: NICOLA: 1S Sarah going fo phone you later? No. Sho’s already phoned me. (Sarah el6bb livia fel Robertet, mint ahogy azt Nicola varta,) ower Samira 3 Ayet (= még) hatéroz6i akkor hasznaliuk, amikor aztakarjukkifejezn, hogy valami még nem tertént meg, de be fog KBvetkezi ‘The post hasn't arrived yet. (= Eddig még nem jott meg a posta. ~ De meg fog jenn.) haven't finished this work yet. (= Még nem fejeztem be a munkat. ~De be fogom fejezni.) ‘They haven't replied to my letter yet. Kérd6 mondaibana yet aztfejezi ki, hogy amie rakérdeziink, annak a bekévetkezésére szamitunk. Have you paid the bill yet? (= Kifizetted mar a szamiat?) Has it stopped raining yet? Have you found a job yet? Figyelem: a yet rendszerint a mondat végéra keri Astill (= még) azt jeléi, hogy vaiami még mindig nem tartént meg, lletve még mindig tart ‘The post still hasn't arrived. Figyeljik meg a still helyét a mondatban, still haven't fished this work, Nézzik meg a képeket, és képzelj0k magunkat a rendémyomozé helyébe, aki rédién jelenti {elettescinek, hogy éppen mi t6rtént. Akkossunk mondatokat a megadot! kifejezések, & Present Perfect szerkezet és a just hatdrozészé hasznal fataval, | He/make/a phone call ‘They /see/ mel Hefenter/thefhowse He/meet/a friend Hie/leave/the house’ Tey/enter/the wood They/look/ata map They//find/the money le just entered the house, o. 4, 1. ripiisbel dicen Bo. 2 6 Pa Bi Akossunk mendatokat az already, still vagy yet hatérozészékikal ©. (don’t know what happened yesterday. I/not/ read/the newspaper) yet don't know what happened yesterday. | haven't read the newspaper yet. 1. When are you going on holiday? you/ decide?) yet 2 (Don't you understand? I/explain/this to you three times) already 3 (Thechildren can’t go out. They /net/clean/ their rooms) still 4 (Is Jane coming? you/phone/her?) yet 5 (don't know who won, The game/not/ finish) yet 6 (No, I'm not hungry. 1/have/lunch) already 7 (Ge was paid yesterday, but he/not/ give/me the money) still Egészitsiik ki a pérbeszédet a megadott kifejezésak és az already, just vagy yet hetérozészok haszndlataval JUDY Are you having a good time here? ANNE” Yee, haven't been here long, and 9, !¥e already visited (visit) a lot of interesting places. poe (you/visit/the Art Gallery/2) ANN NO, Pave +» (I/not/do/that), but Ym going to doit. jupr: Whatabout the theatte? $2... sssscases nes (you/see/a play/2) aN No, but 4c eee (I/book/a ticket) for one. Ws called The Friends. rang the theatre five minutes ago. Would you like to come with me? TUDE Thanks, But Soccer ((/see/that play). I saw it last month an Boa (/read) in the newspaper that The Adventurers are giving a concert next week. Do you think it will be good? juoe: Yes. +» (they /make) a really good new CD. It came outa couple of days ago, ANN: Will [be able to get a ticket? JUDE YO5- Bs soe ssoses (they /not/sell/all the tickets). But be quick! ‘They're a very popular group. 87 gu Ismétl6é gyakorlatok: Present Perfect (17-19. fejezet) Bregésctsok ka szoveget a zarojelben megadot ktejessek, a just hatérozéars 6 a Present Porfect szetkezet haszndlataval, 0A: What's happening in this programme? B: Tdor't know. [#8 Just started. . (It/start VAR inc 7 (l/come) back from my holiday. B: Did you have a good time? 2° A: Could Ihave a copy of Sports World, please? B: Sony. Pediat (1/sell) the last copy. 3. A: How's Lucy? She's very happy, ie (Ghe/ finish) her exams, S poet (i/have) a letter from Mike. Oh yes? What did he say? Haye you heard from Alison and Frank recently? B. Yes, sscicteuns dunn nnane(they/move) to another town. 6. A: Have you stil got the same car? B; No, Jenstunsce @/buy) anew one, 7 A: Would you like something to eat? B: No; thanks, . (have) breakfast Hrecesztsak ka szdveget a gone vagy been maléknévigenéwel 0 You're so tanned! Where have you .2@@M......? 1 A: Where's Helen? B: She's ust out to buy a newspaper. She won't be long 2 John’s snr 40 London fora business meeting. He won't be back in the office ‘until tomorrow. 3A: Have you +. to that new French restaurant? 2B: Yes, Lave ~ but I didn’t think it was very good. 4 A:T'm going to Australia next week on holiday. B: Australia! You're so lucky. ve never econ there, bt Td love to go. 5 A: You look exhausted, B: Yes, Lam I've just to the gym. I did a two-hour aerobics class! 6 "A: Is Kevin ther, please? B: I'm sony, he's not here and I'm afraid I don’t know where he’s G azérsjeren megadotthiteezések és a Present Periect szerkaret hesznalatéval fdzzink megjegyzést 22 eqyosalitésoktnoz @ pele alan, ©. Your bikes not where you lett {somebody /take/iny bike) .S2mebody hae taken my bike 1. The garage door was closed: now itis open (eomebedy /open/the gorage doot) 2. Thete are no biscuits in the cupboard (somebody /eat/all the biscuits) 5a 3. The kitchen window was all right; now it is smashed, (eomebody /bréak/the kitchén window) ..:jutsecsiscisesestuvse | 4. Mary's watch is not where she loft it. i (Gomebody /steal/Mary’s watch) Dey totais uj talimanyat szorems népszerdsiten az Ujségokban, Az slab listaban a szukséges tennivalokat olvashatiuk —(v) jlél azokat, emelyekkel mar vegzott. : 0 prepare the circularletter/ 2 put the copies in the envelopes : 0. buy the stamps 3. write the text ofthe advertisement i 1 make copies of the letter V4 send the advertisement to the paper { {gunk mondatokat a teendékkel kapesolatban. Az ailité mondatokban hasznaljuk az already, a tagadé mondatokban pedig a yet hatéraz6sz6t He hae already prepared the circular letter, He hasn't bought the stamps yer. Hiegesztsak ra kévetkezs szdveget @ megadott szavekkal 3 ] never (x2) yet (3) gone been just (2) ever 0. A: Have you written to John .Ye®. 2 BeYes, ve JUEE.u.Fnshed letter to him. Pl! post today. 1. As t've been (o Canada but I've been to America. Have you? B: No, but my brother has. to New York. He said it was great 2. A: Are you comiing home now? B: No, [haven't finished my work... 3 3 A: Can I speak to John, please? | B: Tim sony. He's to Birmingham, He will be back tomorrow. | 4A: Have you... been to Lisbon? P B: No, I've been to Spain but I've +s visited Portugal fF 4 5 A: Have you seen Steve wissen? B: Yes, Ive Jha lunch with him. | Bi egeszisok ka széveget a zérdjelbon megadottigek Present Perect alakjaval, Ei © Don't take my plate away. 1 haven't Aniohed.... (not/tinish) my meal i Lt ee --svveeee (lose) my pen. Can I borrow yours, please? | 2 My father (buy) an expensive new car. 3 Pecccsecenneatien asin (make) some sandwiches. Would you like one? 4 Ymnot sure what the problem with the car is, It ssctevests (ROE/ happen) before. 59 Wanna és Péter hat hénapot ttt Negy-Brtannidban, A terkép és a téblézat alapjén frjunk mondatokat pprogramjukrd [ex 7 | } | Bl ben Novis (climb) @ Falinburgh Castle (explore) | Hadrian's Wall | (walk along) Byork (visit) \ | the Beat Bebe @ the River Thames (see) (take a boat ‘rip on) | I | Bi Shakespeare's birthplace | (goto) Carat C ‘Cathedral el (visit) 0 0 4 2 * 5 6 Anna Ke vk YK yy v x | Péter vow Kv oy GY o Anna haen't climbed Ben Nevie, but Péter haa, o Anna and Péter have explored Edinburgh Cast 1 Anna Anna Anna Anna... 3 4 Anna... 5 6 Anna .. wisutunai aunties Bl A Kovetkez6 mondatok kézil pipajuk ki a hibéttanokat, a hibésakat pedig inuk at helyesen, 0. A: Have you finished your homework? Lo. fect B: No, I haven't finished it already. No, | haven't finished It yet. 1. A: How many times has Mary ever séen that film? B: She's seenit three times. 2A: What has done today Ron? B: He has worked hard today. 3A: Has yout sister spoken to Philip recently? Be Yes, she have. 4 A: Have you ever gone to Paris? B: No, I've ever travelled outside Hungary. 5. A: Has it yet stopped raining? cece B: Yes, ithas yet stopped. Sendincten 1 2096-0 run. Ket arhajds arrl beszaiget, ki molyik bolyaét latogatta mar meg, Forditsuk le @ parbeszécet, FENN Voltal mar a Jupiteren? DIANA: Nem, inég nem voltam ott. Es to? JENNY: Nem, de a baratom, Dan, februdrban jart ott, DIANA: Es mondott neked valamit réla? JENNY: Agen, Azt mondija, hogy a Jupiter unalmas. DIANA: En éppen most tértem vissza a Marstl, Fantasztikus volt ENNY: Még soha nem dolgoztam a Marson, DIANA: ‘Tenyleg? Gyonyort Bolygo. fin mar hatszir voltam ott. Jenny! Nekem a Szaturnuse tetszik, DIANA: Olyan messze még nem jartam, Miért tetszik? JENNY: Scerctem a gydrdiket! Steve olyan szerencsés. Mar haromszor jért ott DIANA! Hové szeretnél még utazni? enn: APhitora, DIANa: Szentég! Azt hiszem, szakségem van egy erbs italra So Pluto \ a Past Simple vagy Present Perfect (1) (Ilived/! have lived) 4 Amikor a cselekves vagy torténés iddpontiara kérdezink r4, egyszert miltat (6s nem Present Perfect szerkezotet) hasendlunk: ‘What time?, When? stb. A valaszban, amikor ‘megmondjuk az idépontot, ugyancsak az egyszerd malt idbt hasznaijuk (pl at five o'clock, in 1977, three hours ago}: A: What time did the plane land? (NEM: Whet-time haw the plane ended?) B: [landed at five o‘slock (NEM: hoo hencetat fe elec) malt 34567 most (Tete. } A: When did John Lennon die? (PIM: Fes he died?) Bi: He died in 1950, (NEM: He fesied fn 2980.) A: When did Mark leave? B: He left three hours ago. 2 Egyszerti mil idét hasznélunk akkor is, amikor {azi mondjuk meg, hogy valami hol trtént, iletve ha a mondatban a mitt idét nem idGhataroz6, hanem idéhatéroz6i melték- mondat fojezi ki When I was in the army, Fhad a terrible time. Twas almost back home when the storm staried. Gyakorlatok diego. write divorce transmit win 3 A Present Perfectet hasznéluk, amikor nom az 2 fontos, hogy valami mikor trtent, hanom az hogy milyen hetéssal van a jelenve Anna has broken her arm. (Anna eltirte a kaj. Most sel van téive ) Bill has made the salad. (Bill elkésotete a salatat. ~ Kész van.) ‘Az egyszerd miilt hasznalata azt jelzi, hogy @ cselekvésnek vagy esemenynek nines dsszefiggése a jelennel Ianes broke hs arm last year Kate cooked supper yesteriny, 4 Figyelem: a Present Perfectrél azonnal attériink az egyszerti mult idére, amikor egy ‘esemény részleteit térgyaliuk, vagyis ‘megmondjuk, hogy az mikor, hol, hogyan stb, tortent: ‘A: Annas broken her arm, Br How did she break it? A: She fell when she toos skiing. A: Have you ever been to India? B: Yes, Thave. A: Really? When did you go? Egeszitsik kia mondatokat a megtelel6 igs egyszerd mit idejd alakjéval 7 0 Shakespeare Wrote... “Romeo and juliet’ in about 1595, 1. France os the World Cup in 1998, 2. Marconi... the fitst radio signals across the Atlantic in 1901 3. Marco Poto to China in 1271 4 Ayrton Senna 5 Diana in 1994, Prince Charles in 1996. By Egészitsak ki a mondatoket a zarojelben megadott kifejezésekkel, 0 When I was at school, (I/not/tlike/history) .4 didn’t like hietory.. © (My mothet/be/at work) My mother wae at work 1 (Ymect/Brian) 2 (i/befin the garden) . i 3, When Sam was young, (she/love/swimming) when the explosion happened. ‘when we were in the army. when you phoned, 62 I } i b 4 (i/tuy/these shoes) nae -nrssn cei whien I was paid last week. 1 ie 5 When Neil was sixteen, (he/have/very long hair) CO 6 When he saw her, (he/smile) Ga oso ats igaz, clo igaz-e a masodik? Ha igaz, ijuk molé, hogy Yes, ha nem tudjuk, akkor Don't : i know. ' 0 John grew a beard Johnihas.a beard now. Ban’t know, ane i t 6. Bob has grown amousiache.Bobhas amoustache now. Yee... i] iP 1. Ruth went o Italy. Ruthis in Italy now. I 2, Sarah has opened the door, The door is now open Scere eran : 4 3. Tam has gone abroad, Tan is abroad now, 4 Billopened the windows. ‘The windows are open now. 5. Bill has arrived home. He is at home now. ; 6. Peter put the TV. on, ‘The TV is on now, | 77 Joyce closed the book. ‘The book is closed now. 4 8 Joe has gone to Japan. Joe is in Japan now. 4 BDAkossunk mondatokat azérjeben megadotkiejezésokkel. Haszndljunk Present Periocter, ‘ogy, egyszerd mila ' 0 A: Why are you crying? . 1B: Look. (f/cut/my hand) .!'ve,cué my hand. fas ee . i A: How/it/happen?) How did it happen? oes ues nthe ] 1A: Is thata letter from Jobn? q B Yeu sys that his wife/have/a baby boy) | ‘A: (When/she/have/ the baby?) : 2A: Why are you looking 50 cress eff? B: Look (Alison/break/my camera) .. 4 A: (How/she/break/it?) .... 3 A; What's the problem, Jason? | Br Look. (My bicycle/disappear) 4 ‘A: (Whete/you/leave/it?) 4A: What's the matter with Paul? Bi (He/lose/his jacket) : cece . a i AL (When/he/1082/it2) «...ccacccs F peiaeeaanes ae y 5A: What’ that piece of paper? jj B: Ws my certificate, (I/pass/my exam) - : : i A: (What mark/you/ get?) : a a : Pt 6 A: Why ate you looking so happy, Di? k , 4 B: (/buy/a new car) tee oe i i | As (Where/you/get/it2) scsi Sie ‘ 7A: Ate you going to the concen? } B: No. (U/sell/my ticket) Seaaeroees i .. i A: (When/you/sell i)... fas ieee Eanes } 63, i | parbeszédet, 65 hazauk St a nem odailé szerkezetoket ANN! Slevel It’ Steve, isn’t it? sveve: Ann! Sorry, © Ehaven‘tseen-yous/I didn't see you, You look different 3 Have you changed your hair?/Did vou change your hair? ns Yes, ? twas blonde when Iwas a school /ithas been blonde when Lwasat school But you Bi Stove és Ann az utedn talakozik, iutén mar hat 6ve nom latak egymast, Olvassuk el a look diferent too! ste Realy? | ANN: 3 You didn't wear glasses at school, u2/You haven't i steve: Yes, I did! # You forgotl/ You've forgotten! 1 ANN: Sonry, My meniory isn't very good. When did we last meet? | 3 school. have you? SIEVE: _Atthe school disco six years ago, ° You have cance all night long!/You danced allzightlong! ANN: And § you have asked me to dancel/you asked me to dance! sieve: And? you said. No“ /vout have said, “No,' I was very unhappy atthe time. Al the school disco aNN: Ob dear. hope you're happy now! steve: Ohyes.§ Eve travelled all over the world,/I travelled allover the world * [ve met interesting people,/I met interesting people, 1 ‘Licarnt five languages!/I've leamt five languages! What about you? ANN: Well, 1 [have gone to Italy fwo years ago./1 -two years ago, And 12 [learnt to ‘ypelast vear /Lhave leamt to type last year, strve: Do you still dance? ANN! Ohno. 1 Lstopped dancing after school,/I have stopped dancing alter school, stave: Well, Imust go. It was nice to see you again ANN: Yes. And you. Um... ! Have vou eaten in that neve Japanese festaurant?/Did you eat in that new Japanese restaurant? sTEvt: No, T haven't ANN: Would you like to? StvVE: I'd loveto, Perhaps we could go dancing afterwards just like old times. Alkossunk a valaszoknak megfelel6 kérdést egyszerti milthan vagy Present Perfectben, sa 4 [ where/you/go/on holiday/last year ‘how long/you/be/here | when/visit/ your sister why /you/shoutather ; | what/you/make who/write/to | yostBnish why/you/leave/the restaurant , B: She borrieed my tenis racket and broke ft. was ange. 0 a: Have vou finiohed? Tmatrald not I've got one more essay to visite. You can go without me. really don’twnind B By. Twoweeks ago. Istayed at her house forthe weekend. j B: To Majorca, Thad a great time, Have you been there? BB This? Its a sort of bed forthe cat to sleep in. Do you think it's soft enough? 4a ieee Sinica acid as B That was ages ago I cantremembor. Bad service perhaps never stay if 'm not happy, SA: sad dadearete eo B: Everyone, but nobody has replied! Did you post the letters? | 6A: a ety iveetcan oes B: Um. four days? A week? I forget everything on holiday! Joe datling, when did we get howe? Gi karen Titus eay népszera szappanopera egyik szerepidje, Egészitstk ki az interiit egyszerd mult vagy Present Perfect és 2 zérdjelben lév6 igék megiclel6 alakjénak hasznalataval mvTeevtEwER: When 0, did.vou decide. (you decide) to become ari actress? P| KAREN: When I was about 8 years old. / Why? What? (happen)? | B (2s pron ofa Shakespeare py any hae ty parents 3. (take) me and I4..... (think) that it 8 + (be) very exciting 16 ssscines decide) that night to | become an actress mysel. i INTERVIEWER: 7s sstntenrns (OU enjoy) Your time in the show “The Locals’? | KAREN: Yes, 88. (be) great fun, i INTERVIEWER: What 9...sssessseesese: (be) your best experience in the show? KAREN: ‘Well, of course, last year my character in the show 10 (get) married, It Mccacseseesssuste (be) a big story in the media and it 2... (attract) a q | lot of publicity for me. INTERVIEWEE: Bsntseas ese: (YOU Hae) any problems because you are so famous? kanes Notseally. 14 (ee) lot of very nie peopl and they | 3 oss (Bay) a lot Of nice things to me. 65 bag Past Simple vagy Present Perfect (2) (for, since és ago) 66 Past Simple (egyszerii malt) ‘Akévetkez6 mondatokban, egyszerd malt idét |asandlunk: was very cold last week. Did you go to France last year? Sheila did not go to work yesterday. ‘She phoned two hours ago, [Az egyszeri multat akkor haszndijuk, ha /& mondatian van mii id6re utalé idBhatérozé (two hours ago, last week. yesterday), ‘amely aztfejezi ki, hogy a széban forgé lesemény mar lezailott, a cselekvés mar [betelezeaei. Present Perfect Akovetkez6 mondatokban Present Perfectot hhasznalunk: Tthas been very cold this week. Have you been on holiday this year? ‘Sheila has not gone to work today. | She has phoned three times this afternoon. Present Perfectet olyan mondatokban | |. hasznélluk, amelyekben az id@hataroz6 ( ‘week, this year, today) a beszéd iddpontit is | magaban foglali: this week (ezt csak akkor mondhatjuk, ha még az a hét tart), this year Egyszerti maitat hasznalunk, ha arrél !besz6link, hogy valami a miltban egy bizonyos ideig tarot. JA: How long did Mike work in Africa? B: He worked there for four years Mike mér nem dolgozik Afkaban améltban Gast) orfouryears Eayszerli miltat haszndlunk abban az esetben 's, ha olyan eseményréi beszélink, amely ma | mar nem 6k személy éeteben trtent. | A: Dia your grandmother ever visit Canada? B: Yes, she spent sever! holidays tere Present Perfect szarkezetielfejozaUk Ki Bzokat az eseményeket és cselekményeket, amelyek ‘még most is folyamatban vannak: ‘A: How ing have you worked here? [0 Foe worked here for six months, (© Még mest sit dolgazom.) a maltban Present Pertectet hasznalunk, ha olyan eseményekr6l beszaliink, amelyek ma is 66 személy életében fordultak el6: A:Have you ever visited Canada? B: Yes, 've had severat holidays there. Figyelem: ha k6z6jiik, hogy valami mikor tértént, egyszerti multra tértink at: ‘A: Have you ever visited Canada? B: Yes, I went fo Toronto last year Egyszerd mbllat haszndlunk annak a ‘clejezésére, hogy valami egy bizonyos idGvel (for), vagy egy adott idéponttol kezdve | valameddig tartott (fromito) | The Second World War ended aver 50 years ago, The Second World War lasted for six years, The Second World War lasted from 1939 to 1945, NEN: Fe Second Hora Har tested since 1039- 19s. Ps I've beer here for three weeks. [ve abrealy been to England. (Mi Jezel6it tértent (ago), eay bizonyos ideig tartott | Figyelem! Kildnés gonddal Ugyeliink azegyszert malt és a Present Perfect megkilénbéztetésére, Prat 2 eavar nyelvbon jeten vagy mult id is kfejezheti azt, amit az angolban a Present Perkct (Flarom ete vagyok it.— A magyarban jelen id) fr voltam Anglidban, ~A magyarban miilt id6.) Present Periectet hasznalunk annak kilejezésére, hogy valami egy id6 dta (for) vagy egy meghatarozottidépont sta (since) ‘nem tértént meg: Thaven’t sen Tom for thre weeks. (= Hérom hete nem litiam Toot) Taven’t seen Tom since February. (= Februdy ota nem latiam Tomot) hacen’ seen Tom since he came back. (= Nem Igtiam Tomot, amista visseajst} | eM: Hheee seer Fon Hire weekorager ennai acini dalciaidantas j i i Seneca oe BiEoészisuk Wi» mondetckat a zérslben megadct gtk eayszerd malt vag Present Prec lave 0 Ge) There EM...» alobofactidents ast yeay and there 4¥@ BOM. io thie yoar to, © (see) 1. has not.948M............ Jane today, but | .S4W” .. her yesterday, 1. (win) Our team is very good. We... too competitions last year, and we sven this year as well 2 fae) The factory seinen tre than 1,090 motorbikes this yea feces. not --puneennee $0 many last year 3. (be) worried about Mary She illlast week and she ill most of this Week as well 4 (work) Joe... NOt ees ~~. hard last month, but he... hard this month 8 (cam) 2 Jotof money this yeer mach more tha Fass aS Year 6 (F8iM) Merete NOb eee ouch last year here, and it sess OE ‘much this yeas ether, 7 (write) Joanne cscs tO me last week, but she seve Mt sven his week. 8 (vist) Pout et his brother in Spain'this year but he sovsirioan hin tice las yea. 9 ROW) Tree MOb ene tOGRY, Bub escent ties last week, Hla zarejeton az els6 évszém az adett szemely ezletéi evét adja meg, a masodik ~ ha mer nem él halla évét. Tegyik ez igéket egyszerti miltba vagy Present Perectbo, © Susan Cowley (1547) isan artist. She hag painted. (pains in many different styles and she fae had... (have) exhibitions in 14 countries, 1. Timothy Spinks (1846-1927) was a biologist, He... (study) the plants of New Zealand, ANG Re on ceeeiecoees hits) several books on biology. 2 Claire Fox (1957-) is a doctor. She. ......:vsm (develop) new treatments for diseases, and she (make) TV programines about medicine. 9 Catherine Knight (18241883) was a nurse. She v.... (work) with soldiers, and she... -» (Spend) her life trying to improve their lives, 4 Steven Brock (1968-) isa golf player. He sen (Win) Several competitions, end he i (carn) a lot of money from advertising 5 eter Feld (1948-) is policeman. He cee. (WOEK) it London all his life, and he : (arrest) more than 250 criminals © Miranda Block (1901-1971) was a musician. She ..... (play) the violia, and she (Ging) in all the world's opera houses. Apélda alapjan ik at a mondatokat a zérdjelben megadolt kifejezésekkel. 0 Fran has been in Madtid for a week (Go/ago) Fran went to Madrid a week ago. (e/since last week 1 Ben hasn't smoked for five years. (stop/smoking/ago) ... 2 Jane moved to Bristol a year ago, (live/since last yeas) sscctensesn esbectcetty 3 Anna has been martied for three months, (get/ married /ago) . os 4 Mary bought a car six months ago. (have/for six months) ceria 5 Pat was ill yesterday and she's stil ill today. (be/for 24 hours) cette 6 Charles has had this job since last month (etart/ago) ... oa 7 Kate has had a driving licence for a year, (have/since last year) 8. Tom lost his ob two months ago. (be/unemployed /for two months) Diegésztstk kia mondatokat for, since, ago szavekial, EN: HH When did you get here? | | | | David: Oh, I've been here 9 for about an hour. The train came in quite a long time ase and then I had a cup of coffee HELEN: Let's go then, shall we? ‘ana: ~ Have you asked Sally tothe party? SUE No Thaven’t seen hero csstscoee Apt GINA: Well, she's working very hard at the moment Were Where have you been? Thaven’tseen You 3. csvset, weeks ALAN: LlnoWt I've been to Paris and New York on business, JACK: How exciting! I haven't been to New York + 1995, Pare: Y'm exhausted! Ihaven’t played football 5. serves 1WaS at schoo} tax: Neither have L When shall we play again? Pers: Next year! uc: Has the play started? JO: Ssssht Tt stared five minutes 6... mu Ive been here. +» two o'clock. Don’t you havea watch? rata: Yes, of course Ido, but Lwas stuck in talfic 8s am hoe 68 Biceszisik ki a lvelet a zardelben megadotigék megfelois eakjava. ; 14 Golita Drive Santa Barbara } | California 1032 USA 20th July 2001 | ‘Dear Mum and Dad, How are you? 10'¥@,PeeM.... (be) here for three days now and it's fantasti! The family (meet) me at the airport on Sunday, and? (take) ‘me to their house. 3. (never see) such a big house! 4 (Get) lost on the first floor this moming, and the garden is like a football pitch, 1B, (see) the town centre yesterday afternoon, IV's lke a flan = American cops, drugstores, big cars ete. We ® (have) @ Coke and a hamburger of ‘course, It? (be) the best hamburger I've ever had. The town isn’t very big. ‘Wes. (Gee) everything in an hour. 19, (oot meet) any fin stars yet but we're going to Los Angeles tomorrow, so here’s hoping! Fiona”. (break) her arm in a local tennis competition last week. I think shell be OK, and hope she can return to England with me forthe English part of the exchange. Wall, ink 12 (cay) everything. I?’ great fun! 12 (arrive) three days ago and 1%, already (ctar] to feel American. We ‘must all come one day! Love, Kate Bi Forditsuk le ezsket a hires angol szemnsiyicégekral sz6lo mondatokat 1 Jane Austen 1775-ben sztiletett. Regenyeket irt, és Londonban és Bathban elt, Konyvei, példéul az Ertelem és éraeten: (Sense and Sensibility), a mat irodalomrais hatést gyakorolnak, 2 As angolok nagy stsze (auc) olvasta Charles Dickens Kényveit,példsul a Copperfield Dividot. Re a repény a tizenkilencediksz4zadi London életst mutatja be. 3 George Orwell ta az Allaitartot (Anil Farm) és a2 198%-t. 1950-ben halt meg. Kenyvei meegviltoztatak az emberoktirsadalomrél alkotott velemenyt 4 Sean Connery szinész. Tobb széz ilmet keszitett, ames Bondkent lett hires az 1960-as években ‘készillt filmekben, 5. Mangatet Thatcher 1979 ¢ 1990 korott volt miniseterelnak © volta ess brit miniszterelndlin Anikor beejectepolitkai pays, megtrta Snetajdt § Anvdrew Lloyd Webber jonéhany rendkivil népszerti musical it, példul a Macskftat és az Operatic fantomjit. Az esd nagysicert darabja a cus Kriscius Szupersc volt 69 lemétlé gyakorlatok: Past Simple vagy Present Perfect (21-2. fejezet) Bl egészitsik kia parbeszédet a megfelel6 szerkezetekkel. “SARAH: 0. Have you ever been... (Have you ever been/Did you ever go) to th States? JIM: YeS ee etecseee ('ve been/I went) to California last year SARA: 2. (Have you liked/Did you like) it? JM: Yes, 3... (t've enjoyed/I enjoyed) the trip a lot, SARAH: ‘What 4... +. (have you done/did you do) there? oa: 5. sosseeussees (I've visited/I visited) Hollywood, Disneyla Francisco. 6..0.ccseceseenn (Have you been/Did you go) toc Sarah? | SARAH: NO, but esc sss (I've booked/I booked) a holiday th my ticket and I'm going next week! Einancy és Harry egy dsszejévetoton talatkozik. Evekkel ezeétt ugyanarra az egyetemre régen nem lattak egymast. Egészitsiik ki a parbeszédiiket @ zarojelben megadott szava egyszeril miilt vagy Present Perfect haszndlataval. NANCY: Gosh, °. you've changed. 1 (you/change)! (/not/recognize) you when 2, (you/come) into the room. HARRY: Yes, 3, (/grow) my hair. It was very short when Aca (you/know) me all those years ago. NANCY: And §....cassssesceensseeeesnssees (You/ grow) a beard, HARRY: Oh yes. 6. sss (grow) that about a year ago. NANCY. When’. secectenssennees(We/meet last? HARRY: Bc cectrsseseueruseeserssesee (It/Be) at Anna's party. 9. - about your boyfriend a lot. NANCY: Oh, him? 1,,, eae . (U/stop) going out with him a long HARRY: Tm sorry to hear that. Moose sssosee (What/happen)? NANCY: Ba. sccsseees (We/have) a big argument. But I'm glad. 1B, ++ (He/not be) the right man for me. HARRY: (you/see) any of the other people from our ¢ NANCY: : (I/not/ keep) in contact with many of Te ce sessssecuesctssee (I/ee) Dave and Kate a few times. ARR: How are they? NANCr: Fine. 17 . (They/gel) married last month acteall HaRer: Really? 7... +. (//not/know) they were a couple. NANCY: No, ¥8, scores (they /keep) it secret for a long time. HARRY: Mam. 2.0.0... (/ask) Kate to go out with me sever we were students. Now I know why 2........ sestesesene (Bhe/'s time! 70 GEgéscitstk x a london’ metro sz6i6 szoveget a zéréjelben mogadot igsk megfeol6 alakjaval. Ua Seach cetennt| London ®.hae. had... (have) an underground train system since the 19th Century. The London Underground 1 (tart) in 1865, | when Vietorian engineers and workers 2 (build) the | | Metropolitan railway. This railway line. (G0) from | Paddington Station to Farringdon Street Station, and steam engines 4 (pull) the coaches, Fight more lines 8 (open) since the Metropolitan line started. The world’s first underground electric railway & (open) in 1890. This line 7 (G0) from the City of London to Stockwell in South London. The most ‘modern line is the Jubilee line, which 8 (open) in 197, Since the London Underground 9 (begin), many other cities, such as New York and Moscow, 10 (build) their ‘own system BLA kévetkez6 parbeszéa sim Loach 6 egy rendértaldgyale kézatt Zallik. Egészitsik ki a Sz6veget a zarbjelben megadottkiejezésekkal eqyszerdi muitban vagy Present Perfectben, POLICEMAN: Mr Leach, how many times °.have you been . (you/be) in prison? SMLEACH: Twice, POLICEMAN: When 1. (you finish) your last prison sentence? iaeteaci: 12.0 (come) out of prison about six months ago. FOUICEMAN How long’, : (You/live) in this town? FMUACH: Ihave lived here for about seven years, 14 + (move) here when I got married, POUCEMAN: So you (be) matried for seven years, JMLEACHE No, my wifes... - (leave) me two years ago. POUCEMAN: 7 stones (YOU/see) her since she left you? JMB No, 1B. (not/see) her since she left. ma BiAz alabei parbeszéc egy tjsaginé 63 egy Amerikaban vendégszerepié angol énekesné k&zbtt zak. A zarojolben mogadotkifejezésekbd uk meg a2 djsagir kérdéscit. Haszndljuk az igék egyszert mci vagy Present Perfect alakjat. JOURNALIST: MONICA JOURNALIST MONICA: JOURNALIST: MONICA: JOURNALIST: Monica: JOURNALIST: Monica: pounwauist: MONICA JOURNALIST: MONICA: JOURNALIST MONICA: JOURNALIST MONICA: 72 (When/you/arive/in America?) 0 When did you arrive in America? About six weeks ago. (How many/shows/you/do?) at : bet ‘Thirty so far. Lwork hard, don’t 1? (Which cties/ you play in? Tve been to Chicago, Atlanta, New Orleans, and Los Angeles, (How many/shows/you/do/in Atlanta?) don’t know. Seven? Fight? How many interviews did you do last month? Ave you going to ask me some interesting questions? (How many people/come/to/your Saturday night show in Atlanta?) { didnt sel the tickets. More than ten, I think. Actually, there were 20,00. Itwas a big stccess, OK, a new subject. (you/meet/any American singers/since/ you/ arrive?) Sure, I've met some really cool guys. Mick Stevens, Joe Satino, Phil ‘The Cat’ Baker, (Where/ you/see/Joe? In Chicago?) 6 Sure, that’s where he lives (you/play/some music/ with Joe/in Chicago?) “Yeah, we did. I ike Joe. Look, I'm geting tired. Have we finished? (One more question? (How long/ you/be/here/in New York?) ‘Three days. That’s about twenty-five interviews, Blac store tapkotva names a chic, gy hte vannak bone, Huzzu kia idieges have 6 has szavakat Metropolitan Hotel, New York, USA Monica has arrived in New York three days ago. She has played in cities all over ‘America, 20000 people have attended her Saturday night show in Adana, She has spent time with several American singers, She has visited Joe Satino in Chicago two weeks ago, She has played and recorded music with him. Last week she has | sold 10,000 copies of her new record. But she looks tied. She has had a busy time in New York. Today she has already talked to ten journalists, and it’s only 4 p.m. Monica az interd utén felhivia london bard. Egészitsik ki a parbeszédet a megadott Kilejezések megfeleléalakjaval. be nevergo youte youplay see do do record just younotleave phone you mest have WOMAN: Hell, Marion here. Monica: Oh it's Monica here. Can I speak to Zak, please? WOMAN: Sure. get him, re Is that you, Monica? MONICA Of course ifs me. Where “have You been. 74011, more than fifty times since [arrived in America. Zax: Penne 0N8 WOEK 9 40, WhY Sosennancnnnsn ny MESES? Monica: I don’t like answering machines. You know that. zak: Anyway, how are you? MONICA: Tm tired) of course. 1... thirty shows, I've played everywhere zak Where are you now? Montcr: Tim in New York, 18.remnsnnnnnns here fr thnee days, ZAK Great TGs ii to New York. What's it ike? MONICA: It fall ofjournalists.7.., «» fifteen interviows today ax Soirsnennnnnnnn any American singers? MONICA: Sure, I've met Joe Satino and . aK Satino? Fantastic. 9 anything with him? MOM Yeah, 10 8 inmnannennnns 8 S008, together in Chicago, twas good. Zak: Have you visited Steve yet? MONA OYE, TA, ooovnmnmnnnns him in Atlanta. He's fine, Zak, are you going to come to America? zak Of course. 12 - a ticket MONICA: Zak? ZAK: Yes MONICA: Who's Marion? 73 1 APresent Perfect Continuous alakjal: ALUITAS erent” Raga’? been cooking TAGADAS Lae athare” Racat’ —Pven cooking te heat =} en cosine (Az -ing végzédéssel kapesolatos tovabbi tunica sotocdon seeeenee. kérd6 alakra adhaté révid valeszok pedig a 46, fejezetben taldlhatok.) | Has helshest 2 Ezt az igeid6t akkor hasznaljuk, ha valami a miliban kezdédétt el és mostandig tart You're late! I've been waiting for you. ‘A Present Perfect Continuots meliett gyakran haszndluk a for és a since eléliarokat. A for id6tartamot, a since a cselokvés kezdatének id6pontiatjetoi: Foe been waiting for you for twvo hours, (=Két oraja variak. ~idétartam) Tree been wuiting for yeu since six o'clock. (= Hat 6ra éta varlak. —kezd6 idSpont) ecunas Bl egescitsak ki a kévetkezs level magfelei alakjanak hasznalataval. Dear Diana, tai Present Perfect Continuous (I've been cooking) 3 Néhény tovabbi példa: Bates Julia as been tatking onthe phar fora hour. Gay oraval ezolétt kezdett beszeinl, 2s még rmostis beszél) Youve been sitting there since one o'clock (Eay ‘rakor Ot! fe oda, és még most is ot sz) 4 A Present Perfect Continuous szerkezettel olyan cselekvést fejozhetiink ki, amely a miiltban kezd6dott el, a beszéd pilanataban is tart 6s magyardzatot ad valamilyen jelenségre: What «lovely smell! ~ Yes, ve been cooking. | © Micsoda nagyszera ila ~ gen, 623k) 5 A Present Perfect Continuous szerkezet. ‘olyan’ cselekvésre is utalhat, amely a mult egy blzonyos idépontia éta rendszeresen ismétiédik She's been having driving lessons for & couple of months, (Néhany hénapja tanul vezetni, — Néhény hénappal ezelétt kezdte ol, 6s még most is tanul,) Te been playing tennis since L was a child, 6 Ha aztakarjuk megtudni. hogy valam mista tart, a How long + Present Perfect Continuous szerkezetet hasznaljuk: How long have you been studying English? Figyelem! Az ever, never és az already nem haszndihato a Present Perfect Continuous szerkezettel it Present Perfect Continuous és a zérdjelben lave igék Hello from Liverpool. tjust thought I'd write and tell you about 0,what’s been happening (orbal/happen) here since we last saw each other. 1 she's got her exams soon. 2, 3 jobs and... 4 74 Met (she/complain) aboutita lot, 4 (William/ try) to eam some mioney for several months, 5... . (Louise/study) hard - +++ Ghe/sit up) anti Tate at night and (He/took) for (he/g0) for interviews but he hasn't found a job yet (Mike/ spend) most of his time on the golf course and (he/get) a lot better at the game. And me?9, {O/get)eady for my tip to aly. Oo tees U/tead) guidebooks, mh cis (buy) clothes and 2... 4 e (save) as mach : money as ean. I'm really looking forward to it Marcia Az aiabbi parbeszéd a munkatdl hazaterd anya és gyermekel kozétt zailik. Egészitsk ki a mandatokai 8 megadottigék Present Perfect Continuous slaijaval, bP [See eile Rad A ow wah woh wa] x 0. Mori: Why are there dirty plates and glasses in the living room? ‘UNDA: Because Peter hae been having ‘ f 1 Mott: And why ate all the toys in Jenny’s bedroom on the floor? pris LUNDA: Because she... rota her cupboard : 2. wonHER: And why is Clare soaking wet? 4 uNDa; She : svvciseesees her dolls in the bath, 4 3. momen: And why is this carpet muddy? q UNDA: Because the dog es cssseuenn in the garden. , 4 MoTuER:. And why is the television on? a Linpa: Because Peter's friends ..ccccccssscssves + avideo. ; 5 morte: And why are you covered in flour? lnpa: Because I... oe sone cakes 6 Momus: And why are all these magazines on the floor? UNDA Dad ssestcenentunntneenie them. : fis 7 Mottin: Jack! Why is this place in such a mess? JACK: Don’t KRW. La essnee =the computer in the study. (8 Mom: | WelLT.... “seen all day and now Tneed some help to tidy up! Biakitsuk ata mondatokat a példaalapén, Hasznljuk a Present Peroct Continuous szerkezetel és a for vagy since eliiarészdt 0 She started her course a month ago and she is still doing it, 1as been doing her course for a month. 0 started reading this novel last weekend and I'm still reading it, Ive been reading this novel since last weekend... 1 Itstarted raining at three o'clock and itis still raining, 2 He started playing chess when he was ten and he still plays it 3. Istarted work ateight o'dock and I'm still working, I 4 Helen started fooking for another job two months ago and she's stil looking 5. We arrived here two hours ago and we're still waiting, 75 B] Nézetk meg a kepeker, és a megacot szavakkal ijk le, hogy Wyatt esaldd tagiai hogyan készUlnok a karécsonyra. Hasznéljunk Present Perfect Contiuoust, a rap _make decorate. shop . write putep acake cards ‘decorations presents. the tree for food 0. .dohn has uutting up decorations, ‘1 Mary and Stephen 2 Martha B Delia sees 4 Tom 5 Joanna ... HA taoiazatoan megadot intomacisalapjan ink is ‘mondatokat Nag HHasznaljuk a Present Perfect Continuoust és a for vagy since eldlarescot by tain Scotland whisky 600 years British women in general elections 1928 People the London Underground 1863, | People v 50 years | Scientists space 1957 | Audiences Shakespeare's plays 300 years | People - rock and roll the 1950s People rugby over 150 years The British Royal Family at Buckingham Palace Victorian times People by credit card the 19703 Oxford University, students, the thirteenth century rie 0 (waved) People have been travelling by train eince 1629, and hae, been producing whieky for G00 yeara,_ © (produce) 8% 1 (vote) 2. (use). 3. (wateh) -...., 4 (explore) 5 (enjoy) .. 6 (listen to) (play) «. (ive) (pay) 10 (educate)... A megacolt klfejezések Segitségévelifunk kérdésoket a kBvetkez6 vélaszokhoz Present Perfect Continuous hasznélatval How long/you/study physics How-long/youytearn French Where/you/sleep Where/you/shop Who/you/talk to Why/you/run E What/you/eat What/you/read YowProricthert you/wait/Iong _ © A: Have you been working hard? B: Yes, I've done all my homework. 0a: Hew Jong have you been learning French? By For six years. I can speak it fluently LA: avg Bil got up late, and I missed my bus 2a . : B: Chocolate, Would you like some? BAL. ‘ i Bs In the living-room. The bedroom was too cold AACN, ate B: For four years. I'm at Aberdeen University. SAE cmein i B:No, I've only been here about ten minutes. 6 Mon ne eae | B: Abook about America, W's fascinating Pace eee ead B: Miriam. She phoned from New York 8 AL. B: At Harrods. I bought a new watch, 7 Present Perfect Simple (I've done) és Present Perfect Continuous (I’ve been doing) Hasoniitsuk ésezo a kat geiddt Present Perfect Simple Present Perfect Continuous 1 [liyouwerthey havel've | Wyouhvelthey haverve ese” TER" Yom | RSME Rew Jans 2 [A Present Perfectet (have painted) altalaban APresent Perfect Continuoust (have been akkor hasznaljuk, amikor'a cselekvés vagy ‘inting) akkor hasznaljuk, amikor a {6rténés, amelyrl beszélin, a maitrnem cselekvés vagy tartenés a multban kezdéast, egheterozltidépondapen tent és | és vagy befejexOdbt a besr8d penny bbeszéd pllanatéban mar nem tart. vagy még mostis tar: | dane meaapehat Kécastaa ake) “| We've eon panting te fa. Ths oy it ona | Leaceaeret ert © Asa megjavitote a | We still he tae rooms lopaint (= Fen kerekparjat) | lakeést. ~Még nem fejezrak be. Meg mindig hétra van harom szoba,) -Anna’s hands are dirty because she's been me her bike. (= Anna a kerékparjt javitja.) “| L oe 3 /AHow many2, How much? és How often? | A How long? kezdetd KGrdéubon ésasince | Rezdetd KerdéseKben is gyakron hasznajuka | 6s for eldiérészattalalnand valseston Present Perfectet.Akérdésre adottvalaszben | Present Perfect Continues ie hasznaihatunk, sien | A:Hlao long have you heen waiting? Have yoo | ‘A: How many roms have you painted? | been queuing fr along tina? | B: We've painted tne of bon | Bi Poebeenwoniting instock ‘A; How much has it cost? B: Of, it hasn’t cost much. : How often have you stayed up al night? 4 Akévetkez6 esetekben a Present Perfect Continuous alakot nem hasznathatjuk: ™ amikor rovid ideig tart eselekvésr6l beszélnk (have, stop, break stb.) ‘Tony has had an accident on his bike. » HAIRY 2 [6 (Pl; know, decide, forget, notice stb, valamtéleszellem tevékenységet fejex ki Tox sorry. Ve forgotten your ame. > amikor arv6l beszéiink, hogy valamit mikor esinéitunk legutsbby {haven't eaten meat jor two years, (= Két eve nem ettem hast. — Utojira ket wel ezel6tt. ettem. hast) 5 Awork. teach 6s a live igsk hasendthatsk mindkét szerkezettel. Ezokben a mondatokban a for vagy Ranenepalatosz6t hasandluk. Ezekben az esetekben a kfle szerkezetjlontése Kbcot ree oy, kalénoséa, ‘ese ‘wish her fo 0 gers Yas Lave been tenching herr hoo yas, (Ke ve tok it) ees Bisona fs Sophia nazuit onder. Egésztst ia parbscteat Present Poet Sine vagy Present Porfet Continuous és a zarjelzen meget igek mogtelaé alana: Rocce ee foowne Lets tall about our dinner party next week, How many people have you jvited (y0u/ invite SOPHIA: Four, All of them so: (teply) and all of them ae «so: (Say) that they can come, (think) about Arthur and Fiona, (decide) that we should invite them as well, ANNA: 78 icin niin { | | | | sora: Good idea. We8, 6 te - (not see) them for ages. I wonder what they wv (d0). ++ (hear) from George that their lives (Change) quite abit. They 9... -saitntcreniean (decorate) it they (ot finish) doing thet yet. But Arthur 12 ANNA: Well, 17, 8 aid the (move) toa new house and they 3 c x (ose) his job. sofa: Oh dear, Wel, let's invite them, 1t might cheer them up. E1Néoy barat éopen valomiven tevekonységet fojezot be. Nézzlk mag a kévetkez6 tablézatot Tevékenyseg Most Nell- sweep thefloors he is sweating Rachel cut the grass sheis tied | Paul do the washing-up he has soft hands | Carol’: ~ peel the onions she has red eyes Loe ese Fasseltsk Ki a pérbeszédet a fentinformacié alapjén. Hasznalunk Present Perfectet vagy Present Perfect Continuoust. 0 Neil, why are you sweating? ~ Because . have been sweeping the floors, 0. Is the lawn finished? ~ Yee, Rachel has cut the araee, 1 Paul, why are your hands so soft? ~ Because 1 4 2. Are the onions ready for the pan? ~ Yes, Carol + them, 3. Rachel, you look tied, ~ Yet .. 4 Aretthe floors clean? ~ Yes, Neil them, 5 Why are your eyes red, Carol? ~ Because] 6 Are the plates clean? ~ "Yes, Paul Gi rtegaie munkaot nazatérve ferjavel, Tommal, és lnyeivel, Liczel és Wendyvel beszélget, Egészitsiik Sa sziveget a megteleldigcelaktal Present Perfect vagy Presont Perfect Conlnanasy Macam: Hello, Tom. 0 Have you had (you/have) a good day? Tom: ‘Well, not really. 0. ve been trying. (try) ta talc to the boss about that transport problem all day but}. (/not/ speak) to him yet, MAGGIE: Bscaccacieee (ave) a very successful day. 3... (i/talk) to ‘some Japanese customers for months, and now 4... - (/sell) them three machines.5,,..... (you/seo) the girls yet? Tou: No, 6, + (/just/ get) home. Wendy! Liz! Where are you? uz: Tm in here. 'm watching the TV. WENDY: Yimin the kitchen, doing my homework. 7... (1/do) it since I got home aNd Ss csssenssnnen I/Finsh) half of i MacomE: ‘And how long °. (Vou/ watch) the TV, Liz? uz: 10, ~- (I/just/switch) it on, wenpy: Don't tell lies. 1, (you/ watch) it for more than an hour. Tom OK, stop that! Now who's going to help with supper? uz: Not me. ce (I/help) thiee times this week already, wanoy: Well Tean't help because 199... ssi: (ROt/ finish) my homework 1 APast Perfect szerkezet a had segédigebél as 22 ige harmadik (befejezett meiléknévi igenévi) alakjébo! al (pl. finished, gone) ALLITAS Wouthelsheftwesthey had gone TAGADAS hradin’t gone ‘iyouihe/shelivwelthey KERDES Had. Wyoulhe/sheltiwelthey gone? | (A kérdésokre adhaté révid valaszok a 46, fejezetben talaihatdk,) (Tovabbi informaciok a Past Pertect hasznélatérol ez E és F tablézatban talalhatok 2 362. és a 363. oldalon.) 2 Figyelick meg az alabbi paidat: Jane had gone home when I phoned her et the office (= Jane mar elment haza, amikor a hivatalban telefonon kerestem) maton <>) to "boime._ I Peels 1. We couldn't eatat the restaurant because we 2 Teouldn’t buy it because I... 3. Iwas tired because 1 4 He didn’t know the answer because he 5 6 Past Perfect (I had finished) — Egészitsik kia mondatokai az igsk megtelel6 alal © Ididn’t watch the film because! had seen 3 APast Pertect az fejazi ki, hogy valami a multban egy masik eseményt megelézéen {Grtént. Ami eldbb tortént,aztjoldidk a Past Perfect alekkal (had gone), ami kés6bb, art ‘eayszerd mit ive! (phoned). Wher 1 got home, 1 saw that te liter had arrived. (= Amikor hazaértem, lattam, hogy a level mac megérkezett.— A levél ebb érkevott meg.) When he had finished his bometor, he went to bed. (= Amikor befejerte ahaa: feladatat, defekidt aludni, ~ El6bb fejezte be a haci foladatot) | He couldn't pay heb becuse he had left his | walle at home. (= Nem tudta kifizetni szAmlét, mert otthon feletete a tarcsjat.— Elédb hagyta otthon ) Teas very neroous because I hadn't drtven a car 1 the motoroay before, (= Nagyon ideges voltam, mert azel6it még soha nem vezettem, aut6palyén) Figyeliuk meg a by the time | hasznalatat: By the time he was toenty-fve, he had already made a miltion pounds, (= Fuszonst éves Korda mar egymillié fontot keresett) Had the builders finished by the time you got home from your holiday? ~ Yes, they had, mikor/mire) kjaval (Past Perfect), + (See) itbefore, (not/ book) a table, (spend) all my money. (get up) very early that morning. (not/do) his homework, She was very happy because she (win) a prize 1 “sve (forget) my pen so had to borrow one. When I got home, I switched on the answerphone, Several people (leave) messages for me, 8 Tovsrnresgsnnee (90K heat) the joke before; laughed alot, 9 When we came out ofthe restaurant, we saw that our ear (iseppear) 10 She coulein’t sce the photographs because she (not/bring) her glasses. 1U The ground was very dy; it (ot/rain) fora long time. Ey Henny vacsoréra hivta baraiait a nazaba, Alossunk mondatokat a Past Perfock haszndlatéval a lista alapian, amelyb6lkiderl, hogy mivel készUlt ol és mivel nem, mieléit a vendégek megérkeztek, ‘He bought the food He cleaned the flat, He didn’t buy anything to drink, He had a shower, He changed his clothes. He started making dinner | He didnt finish making dinner. | By the tne his guests arrived: 0 He had bought the food, 1 /Aioseunk Ssszetett mondatckat when kotész6val apélda alapin, Ugyeljink, hogy ‘mikor hasznalunk egyszerd multat és mikor Past Perfoctet, 0 We finished our meal. Then we went for a walk, When .We had finiched our meal, we went for a walk, 1 Tdid the course. Then I was able to speak the language well When Loosen eee 2. He did all his work, Then he went home. 3. Everyone left. Then I went to bed. When a ee 4 She had a glass of water. Then she felt better, When os sseee fied tiod 9 He did the washing-up. Then he listened to some music. © Steve saved enough money. Then he bought a new motorbike. When . we eetaseeasiannn 7 Tdiscussed the problem witha friend, Then I felt happier felt happier when .... : 8 She finished speaking. Then ? gave my opinion, gave my opinion when a 9 ‘The guests left Then we tidied the house. We tidied the house when ... 81 = ae ; fa Past Simple (I saw) vagy Past Perfect (I had seen) 1 Hasonitsuk &ssze a két példamondatot “Thave never been on a plane before now.” Jermy flew to Rome last year. She had ncver been ‘ona plane before that | Amvikor miliban trtént eseményrél vagy | eselekvésrdl beszéldnk, egyszerd muiat hasznélunk (flew); na pedig olyan.eseményrél, amely @ miltoan térténiek e6tt zajott, akkor Past Perfeciet (had been). Egy mésik péld ‘Amoz! el6tt Mary €2t mondja: MARY: We don’t ned to queue because oe ‘ready bought the tckels. (= Nem kell sorba Allmunk, mert mar megvettema jegyeket) Késbbb igy besze! roc: Magy: We didn’t ned to queue becuse had already bought the tickels, (= Nem kellett sorba éllnunk, mert mar (korabban) megvettem a jegyeket, Figyeljuk meg, hogy a never és az already 2 befejozett meliéknévi igenéy elétt (been, bought) ail, Neues Bi irjunk mondatoket arr, nogy az ali already illetve never atérozaszéval 0 Last summer Mary won a gold medal for the thisd time, .She had already won tno gold medale © Last year Ken visited Scotland forthe first time. He had never visited Scotland 1 Last weekend Tom rode a harse for the frst time, He 2 Last eummer Jeff ran in a marathon for the sixth time, He oe 3 Last week Susan wrote a poem for the frst time. She eevee ee 4. Last week Ann appeared on TV for the first time, She... 82 isban szerepi6 személy az adott cselekvést mar korabban is végezte-e, vagy még sohasem tett iyet, 2 Amikor eseménysort meséliink el, egyszerti ‘maltat hasznatunk: All parked my car. BI went to the shops. (© Somebody stole my radio. D1 went back to my car, amaltban ABCD Cost) Ha nem idérendi sorrendban mondjuk el az ‘sseményeket, a befejezett mult fejez ki az, ami elSbb tértant: D Iwent back to my ear. © Somebody had stolen my radio. (Mice visszamentem az autsmhoz, elloptak a raciémat.) llyen esetekben hasznéinatjuk a when emikor, mire) szot: When {wert back o my car, I saw that somebody had stolen my radio, '8 Fugg6 beszédben is a Past Perfect alakot hasznaljuk: “Thawe suffered from asthma for many years. (= Hosszit évek ota gybtir az asztma) ‘She told the doctor that she had suffered from estima for many years. (= honda az orvesnak, hogy hossziiidO ota gyatri az asctma,) (Afiigg® beszédde! kapcsolatos tovebbi informacié @ 126. fejezetben talénaté,) Hasznajunk Past Perfectet before that, before that. before that, Defore that, before that before that. 5 Last summer Tony played tennis at Wimbledon for the fifth time, He csc ‘ before that, 6, Last year Jean wrote her third novel She before that, BJA kovotkez6 pontok ket-ket esemenyt tartelmaznak abban a Sottendben, ahogy ezek tmegteriémtek. Akossunk dsszelet! mondatokat a rdjolbon megadol scars Ugyeltink, hogy mikor hasznalunk egyszerd malta, 6 mikor Past Perfecies 0 A The driver started the car. B Lady James appeaced. (When Lady James/appear/, the driver/already stat the car) When Lady James appeared, the driver had already etarted the ca 1A We pat the fie out. B The firemen artived. (When the fizemen/arrive/, we/leeady/put/the fire out) 2. AJim finished the work. B The manager came back. (When the manager/come/back,Jim/already /fnish/ the work) All went to bed. B Philip telephoned. (When Philip telephone/ ,1/already/go/to bed) 4 A Alice and Jack had lunch. B Their chileren came home. (When ther children/come/home, Alice and Jack/already /have/lunch) 5 Alan made the dinner. B His wife got home from work (When his wite/get/home from work, lan/already /make/dinner) 6 A The thieves spent the money. B The police caught then. {The thieves/already /spend/the money when the police/catch/ therm) Egeszitslik ki a mondatokat Past Perfect haszndlatéval, 0 Last summer Pam soi, ‘Ive always wanted to fly in a helicopter’ Paan said that she Mad always wanted to fly In.a helicopter 1 Fred said, Jack has just gone out’ Fred told us that Jack ie a 2. Robert said toil, “Have you been to Cambridge?” Robert asked Jil if she : ae a 3 When the boys came home, Mrs Brock said, ‘'ve made some sandwiches, Mas Brock told the boys that she 5 4 ‘Tknow your cousin’ said Tom. I met her in Amsterdam,’ ‘Tom said he knew my cousin because he 5 Bob was talking to Jean, and he sad, ‘Have you ever boon to Japan?” Bob asked Jean if she 6 When Jack came, I said, ‘'ve finished the job, told Jack that I Sstintntniseiteineeitnniseentcestn 7 When the cat mechanic arived, we said, We've already found the problem’ We explained to the mechanic that we. is a 8 When [was interviewing the author, said, “How many books have you vole?” asked the author how many books she Dl tkossunk mondatokat a pede alapién Past Pertectég never... before haszndlataval. 9. Dan frst few to America when he was twelve. (ina plane) He had never flown in a plane before, 1 Helen saw Rigoletto lastnight. (an opera), 2 “Timate at The Ashoko restaurant last weekend. (iva Japanese restaurant) 8. Sarah first rode a Harley-Davidson when she was seventeen, (a motorbike) 4 Not long ago Simon read War and Peace. (a Russian novel) 5 Mauro went to Londen last summer. (be abroad) & ‘Satie heard a Besthoven symphony during las year’s music festival, (lve classic music) 7 Bill first drove his dad's BMW when he was nineteen, (a car) 8 Claire did @ bungee jamp last summer (anything so crazy) Bi Tegyank fot kardésoket Past Perfect alakban 2 példa alapjén. ©. Katie sawy Romeo and Juliet last week, Had she ¢ 2 Tony made a Churistmas cake last year 3 Peter took jenny out to dinner last night, 4 Sue swam in a national competition lat Saturday, 5. Simon tidied his room yesterday. 6 Brazil won the World Cup in 1994, a4 ae aia Képek mindegyiko melet ket dsszetett mondat al Pipaluk ki acta mondato, ‘amelyik a kép tartalmanak jobban megtelel, a masikat pedig hilzzuk at 0. When the police arrived, the thieves ran off, / ‘When the police artived-the thieves hedtun-off ‘L When my father came home, we al had dinner, When my father came home, we had all had dinner, 2. When the teacher walked in, Bob and Fred stopped fighting. When the teacher walked in, Bob and Fred had stopped fighting, 3 When Clare's friends arrived, she openod her birthday presents, When Clare's friends arrived, she had opened her birthday presents, 4 When James came in, his sister went out, ‘When Jaines came in, his sister had gone out Egészitsdk kia mondatokat a ta atalakitasaval, Have you finished your homework? rtalmilag odaillS mondat fugg6 beszéddé térténd ‘ve lived in the same house all my life - : Did you remember to post my letters? Tve just seen a lovely dress I want to buy. I've. already seen the film, 0 Jean let a note for her husband to tell him that he, had gone to the 1. Old Mrs Smith told us that she 2 The teacher asked us if we 3 Richard asked his wife if she ...... 4 Jilltold Pam that she. 5 Bob asked Ruth out to the cinema, but she said that she Usa Banks eltinésével kapcsolatban nyomaz a rendérség. Fordilsuk le a kovetkez6 Szbveget. amely annak 2 szemtaninak a vallomasabdl szérmazk, aki Lied Utoljara lata, Noxcmbertizenharmadikén este lattam Lisa Bankseta‘Mad Cow-ban, Mar azel6t is littam. Bleg, Byakran jst ebbe asorezdbe. Ezen az estén gy fetivel voll, akit em mening See ldttam azel6tt, pe Sriamentem a pulthoz. és vettem ogy itll. Aztin leltem egy asztalhos és nchany barétommal eszélgettem. Amikor elogyott az italom, visszamentem a pulthos Kevestens Lisat, de marelment. A ‘etl is eltGnt. Koralbelol fa tizenegy volt, Ez minden, amit mondani talok 85 fy Used to 4 Figyeljak meg az egyszerd milt haszndlatat a kavetkezé mondatokban: > helyzet letrasar Henry lived in France for many yeurs. > sz0kas lelrdsa: When Twas young, Tran a mile every day. ‘Az egyszerti miit valamilyen mdltbeli helyzetet vagy szokast fejez 2 Figyelidk meg @ used to haszndiatat: Jill used to live in Paris, (= jill valamikor Patizsban élt) Many people used to make their on bread, (= Volt id6, amikor sokan maguk sttottek a Kenyeraket) ‘My husband used to work at home. (= A forjem xégebben otthon dolgozott) ‘Aused to + fénévi igenév szerkezettel olyan helyzetet vagy szokastfejeziink ki, amely a miltoan igaz volt, de ma mar mas a helyzet Jill mar nem 61 Parizsban, Manapsag az emberek altaléban a bottban vaséroljak a kenyeret. Aférjem mar nem otthon dolgazik. ‘A magyarban mult id6vel fojezz0k ki uayanezt, de gyakran hozzatessztik, hogy ‘valamikor’, ‘régen’ Hesonilisuk dssze a used to 8s az egyszord mult haszndlatat > egyszerdi mil: Wher: he was young, he ran a mile every dey. (Fatal kordban naponta egy | ‘meérfoldet futott. - A mondaibél nem deril Ki, vajon ma is fut-e még.) > used to: When Luas young Tased to run a ‘ile every day. Eiatal koromban napi egy meérféldet futottam, -Ma mar nem) Figyolem: a miltban tériént egyszert cselekvést az egyszeri malt fejez Last week I bought a new CD player llyen esetekben helytelen used to hasznalata: Last weel-Hused4o-hey- «CB player, NerCHers ¥y ember iziésének véitozasét mutatja. Tagads és kerd6 mondatban a did + use to szerkezetet hasznliuk Sue didn’t use to like Back cafe. iid Alan use to cyelet school? 3 Ajelenben is érvényes helyzetet vagy szoKést egyszeril jelennel fejezzik ki Ann sings in a band. (NEM: smpetseste-sing ina bed.) Joe doesn't cycle to school. (NEM: Joedecon'tse seeyeteto-slte,) Vigyézat! A magyar ‘szokot ige jelen id6tfejez i, pl. “Szoktam tévét nézni.” Ez @ mondat csak latsz6lag mii, vaiéjéban a jelenr6l sz6l, Ango! fotattasa: I wath television 4 A be + used + to (hozza van szokva - éilopol) 68.8 got + used + to (hozzszokik ~ folyamat) szarkezetek nem azonosak az edalg térayalt lused to alakkal. Ezek az alakok nem miltoel szokastfajeznek ki, és nem esak mit idére vyonatkozhatnak Figyeliik meg a szerkezetet: be pt weed # to + '6n8 aay get ige +-ing Scandinavians are used to their long winters, A skandinavok hozzé vannak szokva a hhosszui,hideg telekhez) ‘At first I did ke it hut now Ym used to getting up erly. (= Hleinte nem szeretiem, de most mar hhoazé vagyok szokva a korai keléshez) When Ellen went to Spain, she quickly got used to entng late in the evening. (= Amikor Ellen Spanyolors2égba ment, gyorsan hozzészokott a kes6 est kevésher ) ‘Name Ann Tom Robert Pamela Mary Susan] Inthe past | meat coffee whitebread tap water tinned fruit margarine ‘Now fish tea brown bread bottled water fresh fruit. butter 86 innit i tdi Al Egészitsik ki a mondatokat a példa alapjén. A to 6: meat, but now . She . fish, 1. Robert... white bread, but now .. brown bread, 2 Pamela tap water, but now « sseesrucinnees Bottled water 3. Mary... fresh fruit now, But cess. tinned fruit, 4 SusaN aes teste senusieee Butter now, but margarine, Ezutan egeszitsik kia kérdésekot 0 Pid Annusetoeat meat? ~ Yes, she did, but now she eats fish, 3 white bread? ~ Yes, he did, but now he eats brown bread, 6 + timed fruit? ~ Yes, she did, but now she eats fresh fruit, Tr fap water? ~ Yes, she did, but new she drinks bottled water Végtil egészitsdk ki ezeket a mondatokat, fish, but she does now. . butter, but she does now. 10 Pamela drinks bottled water now, but she. it Eq Hizzuk at a nyelvianitag hibés mondatokat. ©. When he was at primary school, Tony used to work very hard 0 East year Peterssed to gete new bieyelefor Christmas: 1. didn’t use to watch TV much, but [do now. ‘When he was a teenager, my father use to buy all the Beatles’ records. Paul uses to goto the cinema almost every vreekend. Did Pamela used to go tothe concert lastnight? Patil used to be really fit when he played a lot of volleyball John use to spend a lot of money on that new jacket he bought last week Kate didn’t use to come to school yesterday because she was sick Jane used to play tennis alot, but she doesn’t have time now. Cea ae ew Did you‘ use to go to the seaside for holidays when you were a child? 10 We used to live in Canada before we came here. ‘A példa alapjén alkossunk mondatokat az adott személy régebbi és mestani szokdsérol. 0. Andrew/get up/ seven o/clock/:n0w/7.30 _Atdren used to getup at seven o'clock, but now he gete up at half past seve 0. I/swim /before work/now/after work | _| Weed to, swim before work, but now | swim after work, 1 Dan/play/violin/now/guitar 2 Anna/be/best friends / Angela/now/Cathy 3. Susan/have/ dancing lessons/now/riding lessons 87 Past Perfect Simple (had eaten) vagy : Past Perfect Continuous (I had been eating) — a ee ‘APast Perfect Continuous alakjat AiTas aAoAs tenoes ‘She had been eating, ‘She hadn't been eating, Had she been ing? Nezzlk meg a Past Perfect és Past Perfect Continuous kazéit lév ktlondséget: Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous, A [liyoumhelshe/ivwelthey had eaten | _Nyourhelsheiitjwerthay had been eating 2 [A Post Perfect olyan eseményt irle, amely egy | masik, ugyancsek a maltban trtent esemony vagy eselekmeny eldtt mar befejezédéit ‘Past Perfect Continuous olyan esoményt, csolekvést ile, amaly hosszan tartott egy masik,| | Ugyanceak a miltban tiriént esemény olét: | We had rescued the old woman before the fire When the bus finally arrived, we had been waiting | igade arrived. (= Kimentettak az idos hilgyet, | along time. (2 Mine végul megérkezett 2 busz, | [miclott a tézoltok megerkertek) mar jo regen virakoztunk) | ‘AHow many?, How much?, How often? ‘AHow long? kezdetd Kerdésekben hasznajuk kezdet6 kérdeésekben és az ezekre adatt 2 folyamatos befejezett mai it, a valaseban valaszokben is hasznaljunk Past Periectet: | a since vagy a for eldljarétsz6: ey uaa had Wey pick by noon? | A: Ho ong had you been wating hen te B: They had picked about 20 kilos. | bus arived? ‘A: Mle he inspector sted he schol, hoe many| Bi We had been waiting for two hours rooms had the workers painted? The men were very tired because they had been i B: They had painted more than half of them, ‘working since six in the morning 4 Figyetem: bizonyas asetokiven caak a Past Perfect ‘alakot hasznaljuk, a Past Perfect Continuoust nem: » Te aan rid idol tart esolekvéstkfjez6 igék eselében, mint pl. stop, break, finish vty ‘Tanya had finished her homework before dinner time, > TE Oban lack esetben, amelyek gondkodéssal kapcsclatosak: know, decide, forget, notice: apologized becuse Thad forgotten her name, » amikor airél beszélnk, hogy valamit mikor esinaltunk utoljérat ‘efor visited Kenya lst yeu, Thadn't spoken Stahl for over ten years 5B Bizonyos igék eseteben mind a kétigeid6 hasznélhat6; a mondat jelentése lényegében ugyanaz: 12000, Lad tang (vac Thad been teaching) fortwo years. (= 2000-ben més ket eve tantottam,) ern Biakossunk mondtokat a zarjeloenmegadotszaveKbal,Ugyoink ara cselekvést, amely megelézte a masikat, Past Perfect alakkal fojezzik ki. 9. (We/put/out the fire/ before the fire brigade/azzive) Wehad put. out the fre before the fre brigade arrived, hogy a 1 (he childven/clean/the flat/before/ their parents/come/ home) 2° (Tivo young men/catch/the hit /before/the police car/appeac) 9. Gome volunteers/move//the car/before/the rescue teuck/artve) Bilan és Rosemarie ezen a nyaron hézasodolt bssze. Egésciistik kia hézassagk6tes elt idGrdl ‘sz616 mondatokat a Past Perfect Continuous és a for vagy since eldiérdsz6 haszndlatéval When lan and Rosemarie got married: 0. They/go out together three years. They'd been going out together for three years, 1 They/save up to buy a flat/a year. 2. They/plan the wedding day January. 3 lan/workas a teacher/2003, 4, Rosemarie/run her own business/six months, 5 They/organize their honeymoon/ April 6 They/talk about the wedding/ages! Frank Housel sikeres énokes. A kivlkez6 intrdban sid besz4, miyen vot az dete, mieiétt népszerdvé valt. Egészitsiik ki a mondatokat a Past Perfect ‘Simple vagy Past Perlet Continuous és a for vagy since eldjrészb haszndlataval, ahol scthosoae INTERVIEWER: (How long/you/ perform) before you became successful? 0 How long had you been performing before you became succeseful? FRANK (U/sing in public/over ten years). INTERVIEWER: And (how long/record songs) when you had your fist hit? Do : FRANK (/record songs/five year). vraviewen: , (How many records/you/ make)? FRANK: ({/make three CDs but none of them/sell very well) INTERVIEWER: (you/give up hope) that you would succeed? FRANK (Well, 1/work hatd/ years and years but 1/not earn much money) So, ([/think of giving up) when I finally had a hit record. 8. Ym glad I didn’t give up! 39 Eau Ismétlé gyakorlatok: igeid6k (12-29. fejezet) Bl Egéscitstk Wi a kivetkez6 Gzonetoket a zardjelben megadottiggk megfelel6 alakjanak hesznalataval 0-1. 2poke qt. (Speak) to Ken yesterday and he wants fo arrange a mectng (not go) to work last week becauée I... es (be) il. +- (not have) a reply from you. Could you send one now? Tel + (talk) fo customer when you (ring) yesterday. (You decide) whether you can meet me tomorrow or not? (You see) Charles yesterday? What... {he 6ay) about your (tty) to phone you fora couple of days, i unk kerdeseket a2 alatbi mondatoknor Akerdésben hasznaljuk a valaszban szerepl igét 0. A: Where/ yesterday. Where was John yesterday? B: John was at home, 1A: Where/when you met Jenny B:1was going to work 2 Arour players/well B: Yes, they played very wall 3 A: How long/here B.I've lived here all my lite 4 A: When/Einstein ves Bil think he diod in about 1950 5 A: How long eanect Bel've been waiting for twenty minutes 6 A: What time/to bed last night.. BL went to bed just after midnight Alakitsuk at 2 moncatokat since, for, in vagy ago haszndlatéval, 0 Fran has been in Paris for a week now. (Go/to Pasis/a week) Fran went to 1 Sally hasnt eaten meat for five years (6top/eating meat/tive years) 2 Mary emigrated to Canada in 2000. (live/in Canada/2000). 3 They have been married for six years. (get married/six years) aerate 4 My sister passed the driving tet nine months ago, (have/a driving licence/nine months)... i a week ago, 5 Peter's flu started a week ago, (Peter/have flu/a week) ..... 6 Colin has lived here since 1998, (come/to live here/1999) | | Dy Hasznaljuk a z4rdjelben megadottigék Present Perfect vagy Present Perfect Continuous ala 0. My back hurts because I have been sitting (si) ona hard chair all day. 0. A: What's wrong with Mr Simons? B: He .has broken, (break) his leg, 1. The dog is dirty because he wssssecse esses (dig) in the garden, 2. How many cigarettes... +» (You, smoke) 50 far today? 3A: How's your friend Simon?.. ++ he finished) that novel yet? Bi I don't think he'll ever finish ft. He cose (Write) it for ten years already. 4, That strange smell is because they . (mend) the gas pipes 5 Someone... iy (Ga my inch Then only half of tet. 6. This week the children +- (collect) £500 for charity, sonow we have nearly £2.00. Ba rencérség egy rablas tigyében nyomez, Egeszitsik ki Brown felgyel6 és az egyik niyomoz6 beszéigetését a zérdjelben megadott igék megfelel6 alakjaval. ‘BROWN: ‘How many people .have you interviewed, (you/interview) up to now? DETECTIVE: ae {interview) two yesterday and I Poseesesiidtlad en sated (talk) to thiee today, but I'm seeing one more this afternoon. ROW: (you/see) first? DETECTIVE: - (decile) to start with the most likely suspect, 30 1 (Start) with Frank Burgess because he . (be) in prison three times for robbery, BROWN: Right. What’, (he/say)? DETECTIVE Here are my notes. ‘On Friday night [8.. ea (et) off for my ‘mother’s at about nine o'clock. She lives in Nottingham and L o, (get) there about midnight, so at the time of the (drive) north up the M1’ OWN: (hear) that his mother 1, (die) two or three years ago. DETECTIVE: No, she was very illand everybody 8 sosse (think) she Was ‘going to die, but in the end she... . (get) well again, BRowN: Well, I tll don’t believe hi. DETECTIVE: Neither do I His mother lives south of here, in Brighton, She ee ssctunsestsseesies (live) there for years. BROWN: Who 6, - (you/talk) to next? Devectve: Charlie Green, 17... sesso (talk) to him when you Bs, (phone) me yesterday. BROWN: He has also been in prison, 129, secteesnnses (know) him since he 20, vee {be) at school with my brother. And what's his story? 91 DETECHVE: He said he 2. (keep) out of trouble since he 2 +. (Come) out of prison two years ago. He said that at first he 2. (work) ina garage and since then he cee snes +++ (work) in a hospital. I phoned the hospital later and they said that he (do) 4 great job ever since he ES seni en (start, MON: OR Tee Go back to Frank Burgess What 2. vvceprcsecre nr e/ 889) He Mache vrs (do) at the time ofthe crime? [i Anianyos mondatokba tquk be @ used to + fénévi igenéy szerkezetet, ahol lehetséges. He eztnem haszndihatjuk,Ijuk le még egyszer a2 ols8 mondatban szerepid iget, 0 Liz skied @ lot when she was young, Liz USed tO OM a tog When she was young, © Isaw Rod three times last summer. 1.24? : Rod three times last summer. 1. Tina always went to school by bus. Tina S sectereine to school by bus, 2 They completed the house in three months. ThoY -esarserero- the house in three months, 3 For along time Bill lived alone. Bill seisenteetes ne, 4 Jill plays tennis every week, Jl secs tennis every week 5 Our athletics team won nine medals. Our athletics team gsc, nine medals. 6 Fhilip smoked a lot, but he's stopped now. Philip alot, but he's stopped now. Rober Fuler hires zenész. Egéscltstkk gl tanitvényaihor intézett beszédét a megadott \ifejezésekkel, Minden egyes kifejezést csak egyszer hasznaljunk. [Ravertticen _ appened hhad been practising. had become ctarted fedfinished Used toshout _adnever experienced _ was blowing had put was trying hhave been playing was happening haven't forgotten sounded used to arrive gave haven'thad hac not been able “had made ‘was getting ee eR et beet able: “had eee First of all,’ like to thank you for inviting me here today. 10,haven’t been, back to the school since Left over ten years ago. Of course, I my time here. [ean still remember how Tooccscssettee: late and how the teachers 3. at me! ne May ete, A sn 10 think of my best and worst memories ofthe sco Well, my best memary is something that 8... in my first year. My class 6, : a concert forthe rest of the school and the parents. Before the concest, we? secs FOE Hreany at there was one piece of music that We 8 eens, tO PLAY propedly, On the night of the concert, we were all really nervous when we ‘ to play that piece, but for some Sete ane Bett ight. Hall. ssnnefantasiic and the audience stood up and applauded when we U...,.. poe TR --w- anything like it and I'll alwaya remember how good we all felt. 113. and stil... -- 8 better feeling sgh the worst memory? Wel, that was something musical to. In niy final yeas at the school, 6 “ssw; good at the trumpet and the head teacher asked me to give a demonstration, I 8 a professional musician for five years now started to play but no sound came out. 11... as hard as I could but nothing v. 7 The audience were looking at me and 118... ‘embarrassed, Then I looked in the trumpet. Somebody 1. ‘soe 8 sock in there. It was a joke. The sock - itimpossible for any sound to come out, 92 | | | i | i [] Egeszitsik ki Tom és Jane beszéigetéset az itt megadot kifejezésekkel, pret came had hasgone hasleit havehad have spoken ’ Toft spake went have you been getting ‘Tox: Now that you are married and are back at home, Texpect you are thinking about having 1 children ls) Jane! Oh, yes. What about you and Sally? HOW Bvenon on? tox That's difficult subject She 2 to live in Scotland for a while JANE. Do youmean she3, you? row 'mnot sure. She 4 ime two years ago, but then she Ss ‘We're stil friends -16..esecnscmnns 9 her several times on the phone since she 3 Fa rsiennnsnnn to Scotland: in fact 1, to her last night. But let's not tall, about that | JANE: OK, let's change the subject. 1% hungry? How about a Chinese meal? 1] Tom: Good idea. IU’ ages since 110, sue Chinese meal. jothing to eat since breakfast, Are you MA kovetke7s mondatok mindegykébon van hiba. Huzzuk &t a hibés részt, és 2 helyes szbt vagy Kifejezéstirjuk a mondat utan. ‘We moved to this house two years go. 242, Jim was here in the morning and his sisters was here in the afternoon. My cousins dicin’t walked: they came by bike... ‘When we have finished the work, we had a cup of tea, Have your parents ever gone to Australi? . (Our neighbours have lived here since two years. The children have being playing cards since breakfast. Jackie and Tom haven't finished their homework already... ‘When she was young, my grandmother use to work in the market. Last year Bob told me that he has passed every subject 110 We were walk in the park when the rain started. ..... Forditsuk le a mondatokat. ‘Anagyapam még sak tizenhérom éves voll, amikor (mar) elkezdett dolgozni. Tavaly a csapatunk nem jétszott valami jo, de az icén mar 8¢ mérkézést megnyertink. Mit csindltak a gyerekek, amikor hazaértél? A gyetekek a nyar ele Ota a Balatonon vannak Amunkésok nagyon féradtak, mert egésa nap keményen dolgoztak. Susie tegnap este telefonalt és elmondta, hogy Atment a vizsgén. Azanyaim egyszerd elad6 volt, de 1999 6ta 6 abolt vezetije. Sheila azel6tt dokat teniszezett, de mar évek dia nem jatszott, 93 | Ea Ajov6re vonatkoz6 szandék — be going to 1 Abe going to alakiai: Youtoethey aren't going to come begoing + to + rénewiceney Te isgoing to snow. ALLITAS ae lam Helshelit is going to leave. Weiyoulthey are TAGADAS Jam Holsherit is not going to leave, Welyoutlhey are KERDES Am | 1s he’sharit going to start? ‘Are _welyoutthey 2 Rendszerint a be (‘m,’s,‘re) dsszevont alakjait hasznaljuk: ‘They're going to leave. He's going 10 spend a meek by the sen, |B Az bsszevont tagads alak: I'm not going to: ‘Tm not going to play tennis today. Egyes szdm harmadik szomélyben és @ you, we, és they mellett kstidle tagad alsk iehetségos: Hlfshe/t isn't going to come. He/sejt's noi going to come. Gyakorlatok Paul ethatérozta, hogy @ kévetkez6 dolgokat fogja tenni. E Youfwe/they’re not going to come. (be going to szerkezstet tartaimaz6 kerdesekve adhaté révid valeszok a 46, {ejezetben taléthatok: Ts he going to leave? ~ Ys, he i.) 4 Abe going to j6v6 idét fojez ki Altalaban akkor hasznaijuk, > ha valamilyen széndékot vagy elhatérozést Togalmazunk meg: ‘A: What are you going to do toriorrow? (© Mit csinalsz holnap?) B: I'm going to visit Paul im Brighton. (= Meglatogatom Pault) A: Are you going to drive? ( Kocsival mész?) B: No, I'm going to take the tain. (@ Nem, vonatial,) (Magyarul a jSvére vonatkoz6 széndékot vagy elhatérozast gyakran jelen idével felezztik ki.) > ha valamit a rendelkezésiinkre all informécié alapjén megiésolunk: Look at that biue sky! It's going to be a suriny diay, (= Nézd, milyen kék az ég Holnap napos id lesz.) Troe eaten too muck. 'm going to be il. (© Tal sokat etter. Rosszul feszek.) Look at the time. It’s tuo o'clock. They aren't going fo come now. (= Mae nem fognak inn.) ‘gESzitslik ki a mondatokat a be going to szorkezel és a zar6jelben megadott igék haszndlatval 0 .Imgoing to study 1 (study) music at university, 1 «(ttavel) all over the world, | Seana scescesceeee (ROt/ Work) in an office. I (marry) a very rich woman, We vvessecscinrse sss (have) eleven children, They sevsssssens (Become) a football team, (win) the World Cup. i (play) the piano every night in a café We ovvesesssstesatesseetseesstsens (ROFCOOK) OF clean, g We «+ (8a) in restaurants every day. B sarah és Joo nya terveislboscigetnok Egészitsk Wa pérbeszédet 9 2atelben mecadotgek ‘6s a be going to szerkezet haszndlataval, saRait:, What 0. 2/8 YOU going to do? (you/do) this summer, Joo? pe 1} srsstesacosees (travel) atound Europe. 12.. <. (buy) a special rail ticket and 13, i (visit lots of countries. ‘SARAH: Which countries 4... (you/go) to? jor TS, vvoce (Start) in France, Then 16 + (travel) to Holland, SaRant What kind of places 7... -{you/see)? JOE TB cocceissetseo (not go} to the big cites.19.,.. (top) in ‘small towns, SARAK: Where 2... (you/stay)? jor 10 oorssns (Mot stay) in hotels Because 2.0. sicscstecscene (not hhave) much money to spend. 119 svvsseescuss (Gleep) on the train as much as I can and 114 (ind) student hostels. : How}. (You/ ind) them? jor 116. (buy) a book with all the addresses and information. sanan: 17 Jor Yes, and 118, . the places I visit and all the people I meet, SARAH GRBAE occa cscoess cesses lt) me read it when you get back? JOE Oh, I'mnot sure about that! (you/take) lots of photos? (write) a diary. 118 (describe) all Gi inunk mindegyix kephez egy mondatot a be going to szerkezotel 6s a megtelelé kifejezéssel, Wwrain ‘They/eat/a pizza a They/not/pley tennis She/not/win/the race She/have/a swim They/wateh/a film Heyimakere-phoneeell He/play/the piano | 0 He aoing to make a phone call, 95 Se] Will/ shall (wil do i, Shall we go?) 1 Ashaibwill segédicevetjove it fejezhetink Kl Nézzlik meg az alabbi pala: 18s now fie o‘clack. VIE stop work al six o'clock. (© Most ot 6ra van, Hat orakor fogom abbagyni a minkat) 2 Awill segedige hasznélata: wits [ONE IGENEV (to nélkii) Stop. | Twit | ALLITAS Z ] Vhe/sheftwe/youlthey willl go. | Tagaoas Wnelsheftwelyoultney willnothwon't go KERDES Will_lihe/shelitwelyouthey go? ‘Abeszéit nyelvben rendszerint az dsszevont ‘alakot hasznaljulc UH, he'll won't, he won't 8 Awill segédiget hasznaljuk, ha ‘szerintiink vvalami a jOvdben be fog kivetkezni, valaminek a bokévetkezésében reménykediink vagy bizunk: Tim sure Jane will love your new cess, Likink thatin the future, everyone will have an electric can He'sa good manager. He won't make any mistakes, Sen 9 My:mother is thiety-nine year 1d; she Ml. Ail segécigévet fejezzik ki, ha bizonyosan {udjuk, hogy valami be fog kévetkezni: My father wil! be fifty years old tomtorroce. A.will segédiget hasznaljiuk @ jovore vonatkoz6. kérdésekben is: Will they win this game? (= Meg fogiak nyerni 8 meceset?) ~ Yes, I think they zoill. (Akérdésekre adhat6 révid valaszok a 46. fejezetben talélhatox.) Az Pll alakot hasznaijuk, ha a beszéd pilanatéban haiérozzuk e), hogy valamit meg {fogunk tenni. Példaul megszelal a telefon, é az mondiuk: Tlanswer it. (= Eelvescom) Egy masik példa: = Does anyoie want to come with me tonight? B: Yes, come. (= Igen, én megyek.) Awill kérést 6s a kérésre adott udvarias valaszt is kifejozhet; A: Will comsone post this letter for me? B: Yes, post it for you. BAShall|..2 kezdeti kérdéssel valamit fetalanlunk valakinek, vagy valamilyen dntést varunk tle: Shall 1 make you a cup of ea? (~ Csindjak neked egy cstsze teat?) Shall T come afer buch? (= Boda utén jojek2) What tne shall I come? (= Mikor jek?) Aatis a shall fejezi ki, ha azt akarjuk kiderften, hogy valaki efogadia-e a javaslatunkat: Shall we g0 to te cinema tonight? (= Menjtink moziba ma este?) Alet's vagy a why don't we? kifejezésokkel is tehetink javaslatot Let's goto the cinema tonighe Whty don't we 0 tthe cinema tonight? ‘aEs2t80k Kia mondatokat a will won't, shall vagy let's szavakia! be forty next month, 1 Tell me. How much sugar Tuy? 2 Don't take an umbrella: it rain today 3 Ive gota goodtidea..... havea party! 4. I don't know if Linda and Paul +s Deat the concert 5 A: Don'tworry. I'm suze John. B: No, he says this time he 96 lend us some money. --w lend us a penny, | BJ Atossunk mondatokat Pi és a mogtelolskifojezés hascnlatava ca Sac EE Phone for a taxi comry-some-ofthem | make you a sandwich go with you Bive yousome money’ askher to phone you tonight open a window RI Yon Fonight open a windoy 0. As T want t take these books home, but they're very heavy. il carry some of them, 1A: Tfeel sick. Its 50 hot in this room. Twant acup of coffee, but I don’t have any mony. Ton hungry. I didn’t have any lunch. Ws ten o'clock. 1 be late fT walk, | want to speak to Jane. It’s very important, Pb epee ea w 6 Ai Twantto goto the museum, but Idon’t know the way. he Egéezilsik ki a mondatokat Shall, Shall we vagy Let's haszndlataval, 0 A: Tm hangry. Are you going to the shop, Philip? B: Yes, Shall | ssn Get you something to eat? 1A: Him going to get some tickets for the concert next week Br Yes, please. I'd love to come. 2A: Tvegotanidea,.., 20 toa restaurant tonight, BOK... sssesnoss 0 to the new Indian place? 3. A: Our meeting isa John’s office on Bakes Street, There's nowhere to park the cat buy you one? Bi walk or take taxi? an You look thy, 7 + get you a drink? B:. Yes, please. An orange juice or some water. 5A: It'sa beautiful day! tucson have a picnic, B:. Wonderful ideal Who shall we invite? By Foraitsuk io @ mondatokat wil, wort, shal vagy let's haszndlataval. 1 Segitesz lemosni a kocsit? ~ igen, segitek, 2 Jatsszunk egy parti sakkot! 3. Mit vegyek fel? Vegyem fel a fekete ruhémat? Ne aggéd}. Ma dslutin felhivom a nagypapst, Péter nem fog vilaszolni erre a kérdésre Faradt vayok’ Fekudjtink le aludnil 97 be A j6v6 kifejezése — Present Continuous és Present Simple 1 Figyeljik mega példdkat: im flying home tomorree. (= Holnap hazautazom) He's starting anew job on Monday, (e'Hetton kezd dolgozni az uj munkahelyén) Tony aid Ann are coming ai the wwckond Tony é$ Ann a hét végén ‘érkezik.). A font iondatokban a folyamatos jelent (Present Continuous) haszndltuk (asda 7. és 29. felezetet), de eztal nem azt fejezzak ks hogy valami éppen most terténk. Ezek a mondatok a jévében majd bekovetkez5 oselekvést fejeznek ki. Figyeiemt Hasonlé esetben a magyarban is -gyakran jelsn idét hasznélunk (kezd, érkezik), Dara mondat a jévére vonatkozik 2 Nezztk meg a kévetke76 pelea bought my ticket last week. Ym flying home next week. A folyamatos jelen (1am flying) olyan, jovében lrténé cselekvést fejezi ki, amely mar kordbban elds ‘Tovabbi péidak: | Egy bank irt Tomnek, és KOzéite velo, hogy] ‘a J6v6 héten kezdhet naluk dolgozni He's starting a new job next week (-J0v6 héten kez egy gj munkahelyen,) Weis you like to core for dinner on Sunday? Tony 8s Ann valasza:’ Yes, Tom ekkor ezt mondja: Tony and Ann are coming or Sunday, Sane 1/fly/to Florida in Auguse Ieat/in a new restaurant tonight 8 Gyakran az idéhataroz6 is fontos része a j6v6. id6t kifejez6 folyamatos jelenben alld ‘mondatnak, pl, next week. in July, tomorrow, on Sunday: ELEN 1D6: Tm leaving now. (= Megyek. - most) FOvO 106: I'm leaving tomorrow, (= Megyek. —hoinap) TELEN IDO: We're having a party at the moment Osszejovetel van nélunk) Can I phone you tomorrow? JOVO IDG: We're having a party in July, (= Jliusban lesz ndlunk egy ‘Ssszejovetel,) | Folyamatos jelent hasznélunk, ha azt akarjuk ‘egtisi, hogy valaki miyen progremottervez What are you doing this weekend? 5 Nem haszndihatjuk a folyamatos jelent, ha a Jovben bekdvetkez6 eseményt nem teink Fagg HELYTELIN: The wir ioahining-tomorroe, HIELVESBN: The sun will shine tomorroo, ‘5 Ha alyan jovdtell esoményrdl boszélink, ami nem a mi széndékunktl vagy ethatdrozasunktél fig, az egyszert jolent (Present Simple). hasznaljuke ‘A: What time isthe match on Seturday? B: It starts at three o'clock, What subject do we have first lesson tomorrow? Easter falls late next year. The school year ends or 28 July this year. ‘Akossunk mondatokatfolyamaiosjelonben a mogfelelé kitejezsssela zabjolbenlévs allités alapjan. 1/g0/to the doctor tomorrow rondotie May —I/see/Mary this weekend V/g0/to a concert next Tuesday | © (You paid for an Bnglish course in Londen yesterday) {I'm etudying English in London in May. 1 (You booked a table at a new 2est 2. (You bought a ticket for a concert last month) 98 rarant last week.) | | | 9 (lou telephoned your doctor this morning.) 4 (Vou paid fora holiday at a travel agent's last week) 5 (You talked to Mary on the phone this morning.) Baz aldbbi lista Cathy jvé neti Programjat részietezi, Az informacié alapjan egészitsk ki a mondatokat folyamatos jelen haszndiataval. Monday: work until sx o'dock; goto the library ater work | | tuesday: play tennis with an, de ovdock | Wednesday: go to the doctor’, 230 Thursday: have a typing lesson, 10.30-12.30 Friday: meet Jeckie outside cinema, 8.30; film starts at 8.45 Saturday: Nick and Lucy come here for dinner Sunday: —— 0 Shee working tut six ofdlock an Monday. . to the library after work on Monday. tennis with Ian at five o'clock on Tuesday. to the doctor's at 2.30 on Wednesday. a typing lesson from 10.30 to 12.30 on Thursday. Jackie outside the cinema at 8.30 on Friday. + @ film at 8.45 on Friday. : .» toher house for dinner on Saturday. Bice “ see ee anything on Sunday. «ih 7 Nick and Lucy . Ket tangr az iskolai hangverseny szervezésérél beszélget, Egészitsik kia parbeszédet egyszerd vagy felyamatos jelen és a zérojeiben megadottigék hasznalatval amnorrer: 0. Whats happening (What/happen) at the concert next week? i MRRANCE: Well, 2... se cescaetescen (it/take place) on Thursday, as you know. 3 MR HOPPER: Yeah, What time 2 scteenstttensancensce Gf Start)? ‘MR RANCE: 7.00, but 3... {the doors/open) at 6.00. Nea HOPE (Who/play)? E Mr RANCE: Well, Year 2 have formed a gronp.5 sees (They/sing) a few songs. ‘Then there's Maria from Year 4, § ‘ ++ (Ghe/ play) a cello piece by Elgar. And after that it's Year 5.7 i sess: (They/sing) some traditional songs. MR HopPER: 8. ae (anyone else/ perform)? i MRRANCE: Oh yes, I nearly forgot, Mr Davies and Mrs Harris. 9 (They/dance) MRHOPPER: OK. Whatua (yaop wk RANE: Te. (You/collect) tickets at the door and +++ (You/introduce) each of the performers, ‘Mn Hore: 29 Ei Will vagy be going to, Present Continuous vagy be going to Hasonlitsuk dssze a will segédige és a be going to szerkezet hasznalatat: 1 | Awill segédige! to neil fénéviigenéwel Abbe going alakot to > fOndviigenév Kevell hhaszndljuk (do, go, be, artive st) {to do, to be, to rain st) Foneviosiev to? Fon one olor witt [ar tomorrow I's going | to rai soon: liyouihe (sb. wil go _My friends are going to come tonight Liyoulhe (st. will not won't go | Teisn't going to rain ty. Wil youre (st) 907 | What are you going to do.on Sunday? 2 | Avil sooédiget a beszéd pilanataben ‘Abe going to szerkezettel a beszéd pilianaia elhatarozott cselekves kifejezésére elétt mar megiévé széndékot vagy elhatarozast haszndlhatjuk fejezhetiink ki amaltban amaltban most | [ethatirozas] [beszéd ke this cout. Think TH by i 1/m going to clean my room tis afternoon Gzletben, eteremiben gyakran fejezztik kia | (= Ma delutén ki fogom takaritani a szobiémat.~ kivansagurket a will segédigével Date6tthataroztam el) A: What would you like to eat? Igy kérdeziink ra masok terveire: B: have a pizza, plese, (= Kérek egy pizest) | Which rain are you going fo catch? -Awill gyakran felajaniast vagy [gérotet fejez ki: | (= Melyik vonattal mész?) Vil carry your case for you Abe going to szerkezettel fejezzik ki aztis, Lwwon't forget your birthday again. aminek a bekdvetkezésére szémitani lehet Ugyancsak a will segedigével fejezztik ki, ha Mert. jelen helyzetben valami erro utsk: bizunk benne vagy reméliik, hogy valami be He's rursting fooards the goal, and he's going fog kSvetkezni to score, I'm sure you'IL enjoy the fm Tins Sure it won't rain tomorrow. WIL be another beautiful, sunny day, re sltervezett cselekvést vagy eseményt folyamatos jelennel vagy a be going to szerkezettel ‘fejezhotiink ki. Hasonlitsuk dssze a kévetkez6 mondatokat: folyamatos jelen (Prosent Continuous): | be going tr We're moving to new atin tao wes, Wire going to move fo new flat son Kethoten belt gjlakisha kiltietnk | (= Hamarosan ij akasba kolo - * Mar Kititak a Kotdzésidoponyt) | Sefadékunkban al, de még semmit sem Pigloyestettank) Afolyamatos jelen olyan, a j6vében bekdvetkez6 eseményt jeldl, amelyet mar megszervezttink. A going to hasznalata aztjelzi, hogy valami széndékunkban All, de még nem szerveztik meg, Nézzik meg a példamondetot: Tm meeting Dich at 3 p.m. and I'm going to meet her assistant some time next week, {Diandval megbeszéitik a talalkoz6t, az asszisztensével csek szindékomban ail talékozni.) 100 eens take eat catch Jand 4 o He’ going t | P| A The plane... 2 She - @ picture. ae SSH 3 He.. into the water, oa ee A She ome onthedoon — SEEEF ean Ese B Hevea the ball aroroaa ea D)Atkossunk mondatokat ‘ll és a zardjelbon megadott szavek hasznélatéval, © Sit down. (/make/ you a cip of cofice) | I make you a cup of coffee 1. A: It's time for me to go home. 4q B: (/give/youa list) 4 3 2 (I/phone/you tonight, I promise} 3. A: Iwor't be able to buy the tickets forthe concert today. B: Don't wony. (I/buy/ the tickets for both of us, and I/meet/you at the concert hall) 4A: Ohnno, it’s raining and I must goto the shops. Bi That's OK ([/lend/you my umbrella)... ae EgészltsUk ki a mondatokat a zéréjelben megadoit szavak és" vagy a be going to hasznélatéval OA: Ws rather hotin here, isn’tit? B: Yes, you're right. .Mopen, essere sees (I/ open) a window. Are yout going to watch TV tonight? Yo : What it Thaven(t bought any food, :, Well, why don’t you come to my house? ....., + (l/ cook) us something nice to eat, Vim going into town tommorow. .eacescssseeesenee (//buy) some new clothes, Ob, What esse (you/gety? (/waich) my favourite programme at nine o'clock ‘++ (You/eat) tonight? What food have you bought? Pere (/look) for a Tshirt and some jeans Yd like to go into the entre too. (come) with you (teave) work late tomorrow. There's a meeting at six o'clock. Oh, I didn’t know that. Well... (U/see) you after the meeting, Se (@/phone) Tom at six o'clock, I promised to phone him this evening Are you going to havea holiday in the summer? Bh Yes... Fb eb wp > (i/travel) around Europe with a friend 101 Di keressak meg minden képhez a megfeleté mondatot Amondatpérokbdl csak az egyik mondat helyes, ‘a masiket hizzuk at, > d £ BRINKS You look hot, Il open a window./ You look hot, I'm going to open a window, Nest year we're going to enter the Japanese market /Next year, wll enter the Japanese mart, ‘Thanks {'m going tohave an orange juice / Thanks have an orange juice Havea ret, Im going todo the photocopying. /Have a rest do te photocopying Relax, Ill answer it/Relex Fm going to-answerit, Thursday is no good for me, 'm afraid, I'l meet the new manager of our Tokyo office./Thursday is ‘0 good for me, 'm afraid. I'm going to meet the now manager of our Tokyo office, Bi vataszojunk a kérdésekre will vagy be going to segitségével, 0 102 A: Hii nice to see you. Would you like a drink? (/have/a coke, please) .!'ll have a coke, please, What are you doing these days? (Nothing much but [/start/a new job scon) Would you like something to eat? (Thanks, I/have/a sandwich)... What are your plans forthe weekend? (1/do/ some shopping tomorrow and I/g0/for a swim on Sunday) S>e pas A: Why is Matia standing by the piano? (Ghe/sing/, Tm afraid)... This cake looks delicious. Are you going to have some? (No, but I'm sure you/enjoy it... How are you getting home? (avid/give/me a lit) Peeps Holandiabé! hazalér Liz bayja, Tom vara a london’ pélyaudvaron. EllentrzzUk hogy a szBvegben alainizol reszek helyesek-e vagy sem. Pipajuk ki ahibatian szerkezetekel,a hibsakat pedig hiseol 41, 65 Ifuk malik a helyes megoidést, TOM: “Hi Liz. Do you want some tea or coffee after your journey? uz: Thanks, T1L®, havea cup of tea, tose Emegoingto?/M. carry your bag you look tired. Well? seostss G0 to that café over there. Here we are. So, welcome back to England. How was Holland? uz Well, it was great to have some time to think, and I've made some decisions Tl om, Good. I'm sure he'll 4 talk to the boss tomorrow, and Vil. sive you what you want: Would you like something to eat? ask him if Ican move to another department. tae: Um, yes. Ym going £09. havea sandwich. Thanks. What about you? ‘to¥t: No, thanks 1 don’t want to spoil my appetite. I've reserved a table for this evening at the luz Thaven't thought about it, 117. Tow: Yes, Tremembered. He'll 8.2... uz: Sure. Fo OKT. scenes getyou a taxi, Call me tomorrow: You won't 0 forget, will you? be going to szerkezetet ‘Mexican restaurant in Leicester Square. I'L. this evening? take Jill. What are you going to do probably cook something, Oh, and I must ring Dad. Did you remember that i's his birthday tomorrow? be fifty. Promise me you'll relaxa bit? iilva nyaraini megy, de addig még sok tennivaléja van, Egészitslik ki a mondatokat a nA mar elrendezell tevékenységekné) hasznaljunk folyamatos jelent, a tobbiné! peckg ‘morning afternoon/evening Monday [10.00 take Tim to the aizport | wash the car ‘Tuesday ay some stamps ‘write some letters Wednesday [11,00 take the dog to the vet | tidy my flat [Thursday [12.30 cook lunch for mother _| buy a new squash racket 0 0 1 Friday [9.00 play squash Saturday [wash my hair ith Mary | the shopping [600 meet Tim ar the aizpor| _[6.00 meet Tin atthe airpor | Ann ./6 taking fim to the airport on Monday morning. ‘On Monday evening Ann ./8.going to wash. the car On Tuesday she . ++ Some stamps because in the evening she ae some letter. She can’t see anyone on Wednesday morning beCaUse $0 .scssnec the dog ta the vet ‘On Wednesday evening she soves er flat On Thursday afternoon she A anew squash racket because : squash with Mary on Friday morning | (On Friday afternoon she... the shopping, She sss ssee her hair on Saturday morning because she... eos Tim at the airport at six o'clock, 103 ee 6v6 kifejezése. aS een B)nézztik meg a tablazatot, 6s egéscitsik ki a mondatokat a kovelkex6 igékkel: beat, draw with, lose to. Arsenal1—1 Liverpool ‘Leeds2~1Everton Chelsea 1-2 Luton Ipswich3-3 Millwall Brighton2-10xford Portsmouth 0~2 Preston Bob Foster thinks that: 2 Chelsea ++ Luton 3: Ipswich : Millwall 4 Brighton Oxford 5. Portsmouth .... Preston. H ovessuk e! George hoinap! programjat, és egészitsdk ki a pérbeszédet @ zéréjelben megadott szavak 68 folyamatos jelen haszndlatdval. Qorlock: catch the train TOc'elock: meet Judy in the main square o'clock: meet Harry and Fred for cotfee WZoclock go to the theatre box ofce for tickets | Jolciock: have lunch with Dave 2-Botclock: help Dave in his bike shop Goclock catch the train ome + (You/do) tomorrow, George? /go) into the town centre, TM: Whattime2 ooo (you/catch) the train? GORGE: Atnine o'clock. 3 sssoneeeenssees [/meet) Judy at ten o'clock. ‘Tne Where 4 ....cscse sseestes (YOu/meet) her? GORGE: In the main square, and then 5 Fred ina café. After that, 6... +++ (We/ go) to the theatre to buy: some tickets, and then’... see (have) lunch with Dave. TM What 8. eesccene sesseeensees (YOU/do) in the afternoon? cron: 9... (/help) Dave in his shop. mm When10, coors; M (we/meet) Hany and (you/come) home? (i/catch) the train back at six o’clock, Bi atkossunk mondatokat a zérdjelben megadott szavak és a be going to szerkezet segitségével. 0 (Mike/help us/tomozrow) . Mike ie going to help us tomorrow. 1 A: (you/see/new James Bond film?) B: Yes, (I/buy/a ticket/ this afternoon) .. 2. A: (you/clean/the car?) oa B: No, (Mum/take/it to the car wash) 104 3. A: The weather man says (it/rain/ this aftemoon) «.. B: Iknow. (I/take/my umbrella) (What/you/ study /at university next year?) .. “Ustad meena) ~~ BEgészitsik kia parbeszédeket will vagy be going to és a megfelelé kifejezés segitségével, até! fliggden, hogy a eselekvést mikor hatérozzak el. take it tothe carwash getyewanaspirin see her goto the hairdresser’s have a shower ‘make some tea 0. Many: Philip, I'm very thirsty. going to make some tea. Pa PAUL: I've gota headache. sau: Oh, ..M.getyou an aspirin. JACK: Ts your toothache better? JiLt; No, but I've phoned the dentist. I JANE: Do you think my hair is all right? aM: No, I'm sorry, I don’t. I think it needs'a cut. WANE OK Tossa ANN: Where's Tom? MIKE: He's just gone into the bathroom. He .. JOHN: Where have you been with the car? It’s very dirty. Rost: Is it? OK,I........ . Ive already put the kettle on to boil. at 10.30. seseeessseses this afternoon, Alapitsuk meg, hogy az alahiizott szerkezeteket helyesen haszndliak-e a kvetkez6 parbeszédekben. Ha igen, pipaljuk ki, ha pedig nem, huzzuk at és irjuk mellé a helyes megoldast. A: Tim thirsty. B: Shall Lget9.Y.. : . you a drink? ALYes, please. Eechaving 011 Mave... a Coca-Cola. A: Tmnot doing 1. anything tonight. How about you? B: No, I'm free. Will we go? sesso to the cinema? INO, Tels £03 .csccccssseeseeoeseeeeen (0 thatnew Italian restaurant, B: All right. What time am Leoming 4.0... - to collect you? ‘A: What have you brought this bag to work for? Will you go 5... secseesne OR A trip? B: Yes, straight after work, I'm going 6 .- to the station, A; What time the train leaves 7 B: At half past six A:Tmgoing to give®....... ssorereeony YOU lift in my car if you like. B: Thank you, but my husband's going to take 90... -csccssssessesssvnsee ME. : A: Shall we play 10 ae +++. tennis tomorrow? i B: OK. What time? ‘A: Well, tomorrow the park opens U.....sesssesceessneeeenssattnine o'clock, sossenssess Out for a meal with Margot tonight, so IIL. be --. home late. How about twelve o'clock? Is that all right? 1» You at the park at twelve, Edimark viagiar6. A képek és a lista sogitségével irjunk mondatokat jvé évi rogramiarél a be going to szerkezettel. he/drive/across the Sahara | 9) ral mero te ATER 7 he/fly/over the Amazon he/climb/Mount Everest he/sail/across the Pacific [epben a tébiazattan jov6 het utazésunk programiat fogialtuk dssze 4-DAY TRIP TO MADRID ‘Tuesday: flight leaves at 18.00; check in at the Hotel Princess Wednesday: visit the Prado Museum, morning; take a guided tour of the Royal Palace, afternoon ‘Thursday: have a special lunch at the hotel; see an opera at the Opera House, evening eave Madrid at 11.00. Egészi ki a mondatokat folyamatos jelen és az alébbi igék haszndlataval have ge see fly stay leave take visit 0 Were going... .. ona 4-day trip to Madrid next week. . to Madrid at 18.00 on Tuesday. . in the Hotel Princess. - the Prado Museum on Wednesday morning, 8 guided tour of the Royal Palace on Wednesday afternoon, + 8 special Iunch at the hotel on Thursday. -- an opera at the Opera House on Thursday evening. Madrid at 11.00 on Friday. STAN: STAN: STAN: PETER. STAN: | people/get/sick? there/not be/any shops. PETER: PETER: [Stan és Petor arrél beszéiget, milyen'iesz az élet otven év milva. Egészitsik ki a parbeszédet a will 6s a megfelel6 kifejezések hasznéletaval eee eat/normal food. __they/speak/the language! BO ADTOAEE—Werat has ccecene ee think 0.Me'l all have ele because there won't be enough petrol. ‘You're probably right. And we'll buy everything by computer because 1 Ym not sure about that. People like to go shopping, Perhaps, But people will learn languages by computer so that when they go abroad 2 No, I think there'll be virtual reality machines at home which will simulate holidays so 3 Are you sure? I don’t think the technology will be ready. What will hospitals be like? 4 I don’t know, 5 vrttissesenn, because we won't be able to produce enough People wil drink peca vitamin inks instead, Thope you're wrong, Come on, let's go tothe shops, buy some food, cook it, and plan our next holiday! Quick! D Forditsuk te a kévetkez6 lovelet Kedves Carol! Jov6 héten rovid nyaraldsra megyek. Kis széllodaban fogok lakni a Wondermare-t6 kozelében, Természetesen nines elég pénzem a nyaralésra, de vonattal fogok utazni ~ez olesobb lesz, mint autoval ~ és biztos vagyok bene, hogy elfogadjak- | majd a széllodaban a hitelkértyémat. (De nem lesz elég pénzem vendégi6ben étkezni,) | Hetfon a cégnél fontos megbeszélés lesz, természetesen nem leszek itt. Gondolom, senkinek sem fogok hiényozni. Szombaton jovbk majd vissza. Azt hiszem, a vonat 6t k6rdl {é be. Majd akkor felhivlak, Udvozlettel, Philip Hl Nézztk meg a kévelkez5 mondatokat: ‘When te programme ends, 11 do the washing-up, (“Amik a misor Befejezedikal fogoK ‘mosogatni) ‘Weitere until I get back (© Varj itt, amig vissza nem jvok) Ill phone you as soon as | arrive. (= Felhilak, amint megerkezem,) A.vthen, before, after, until és az as soon as tutanjlenid6t hasanalunk ekkor is, ha a JOvoben beksvetkez6 esemeényrél beszéltink, Ezek uizn a szavak utén nem hasznalhatjuk a will segediget Helytolen a When-thepregramme seilhend ~». mondat.. Fiyelem! Magyarul az until helyes forditasa Altaléban: ‘amig nem (pl: amig vissza nem JOvok), az angolban az until kezdetii eliékmondatban az igét nem tagadjuk. Helytelen az wntitsderteeme mondat. 2 > Awhen kezdetd meilékmondatban yszer jelont hasznélunk, amikor art Deszelink, ami a jSvében fog bekSvetkezni: buy a magazine when Vrain the newsagent’ in the newsagent’s When you see her, give her my message Gyakorlatok Egéeztsik kia mondatokat a: when, ondaicknal tdbb megoldas is lehelséges. 0 Tistay in this job .uentl Tm going to keep working .. Remember to buy some stamps... > Az until kazdetti mellékmondatban ‘egyszerd jelent hasznalunk, amikor azt mondjuk, hogy valarni mostantél kezdve a Jovében valameddig tartani fog: We'll sit outside until it gets dark. (= Addig fogunk kint dni, amig be nem sbtétedik) > Azas soon as jelentése idéhataroz6i mellékmondatban: ‘régtén azutan’: ‘They'll start playing as soon as it stops raining. (= El jétszani, amint elall az es6,) » Abefore jelentése idéhataroz6i mellékmondatban: ‘mielétt’, ‘azt megelézéen': | Tm going to finish this work before Igo. | Blawhen utan Present Perfectet (have done) akkor hasznalunk, amikor arrél beszéliink, aminek be kell fejezédnie vagy ami be fog fojezécni egy masik cseiekvés elét When I've found a job, I'l took for a fat. (= Ha taldltam éllést, akkor majd keresek lakést.) Sats ‘Find 2 job | [Took for a flat | When Simon has saved enough money, he'l buy a car. (= Amikor Simon mar elég pénzt takaritott ‘meg, vesz majd egy autét,) | Batter utan hasznéthatunk kar egyszert jelent | akar Present Perfectet, ninos sok jelentésbeli kainbség: After she takes/has taken the course, shel be a ‘qualified teacher. before, after, as soon as, vagy until szavakkal. Egyes find a better one, finish this, -- You're in the post oftice. - [speak to him on the phone tonight, ll ask him. Wecan go fora meal. Tl keep looking for it........ Tlwaitfor them. Don’ forget to lock the door... we've seen the film, +» find it. it gets dark, and then I'll leave. +++ YOU Zo out, sees I've found the information, T'll phone you, Egészitsik ki a parbeszédeket egyszerd jelen vagy egyszert jov6 ( 9 haszndiataval. a PROP SP eb OP eb ebay with this key. As soon as you... the left. Disconnect it. When you ™............... (do) that, go down the stairs to the basement. No, wait! Before you ™............ (go) down, listen very carefully to see if there 'S anyone inside, Here are the keys to the strong room, When you 12... (go) into the strong room, you 19............. (find) the lights on the right. As soon as you “ (live) the rest of our lives in luxury! B~Yes; + to nélkillfénév! igenév) Could you post this leter for me today, please? Ido. omo(do}twher- I might be late tonight OKT... .- (waif) until you I'm leaving next week, Levees . (see) you before you . Have you decided what you're going to do at the weekend yet? No, but I (phone) you as soon as I Have you done that homework yet? No, not yet I sessssscce (do) it when 1 I don’t want to go to that party tonight. Well, I'm sure you. +» (enjoy) itwhen you... Could you tell Tom to ring me, please? YO5, esos eeessseverceessees (tell) him When T.....cccceceee ses: (See) him tomorrow, Mr Jackson isn’t in at the moment. Tsee, Well, Losseessssesssssrseeeee (Wail) until he ..sccesecess (come) back. Have you booked a hotel in London yet? No, but we .. (book) one before we (G0) tothe shops. - (artive) sevtesstnee (GO), Won't? -» (know) what I'm going to do. +--+ (have) enough time. + Get) there, (Go) there [Az alébbiakban egy bankrablés tervérélolvashalunk. EgészitsOk kia szbveget a zérdjelben megadott 'gékkel. Hasznaljunk egyszerjelent, Presont Perfectet, vagy egyszerd j6vbt (will segédigével), OK. This is the plan, 1M PUE.... (put) the rope and the ‘bags in my van tomorrow afternoon, When everything 0. ! (be) ready, I ..scseseee (Come) to collect you three, Then we 2., +++» (drive) to that street behind the bank. As soon as it3 (et) dark, Frank and Tony 4............ (chin) onto the roof of the building, T 5. ‘++ look) out for the potice and Sam can stay in the car. Wait on the roof until you 6 (ee) my signal, When you’... (Gee) the signal, open the roof door - (ge) inside, you?...... (Gee) an alarm on vvrvv- (Put) all the money in the bags, turn the lights out, The bags 5... (be) heavy, but don’t use the lift. When you 16...,.......,. (limb) the stairs back to the roof, signal to me once. As soon as 117 + (See) your signal, 178............, (help) you with the bags and the ropes. Everything ™.............. (be) ine! And we 20 Hl A Future Continuous (will be doing) @ jové BB A tenti szerkezetekben kérdésnél és adott pillanataban folyamatban léve tagadasnal a will illetve won't segédigét Sele vesre vaay esemrenyre ura hasznéljuk (won't = will not): If you get there at one o'clock, they'll be having What will you be doing at this time tomorrow? lunch. (= Ha egy 6rakor mész oda, éppen ‘They won't have finished all the work by the end ebédelni fognak.) of the week. We'll be sailing across the Atiantic at this time How long evill they have been waiting for us? fomorrow. (= Holnap ilyenkor éppen az Atlanti- : He . éceanon fogunk hajéani.) | BAmittoan megiogaimazott vere vonatkozs | szindekot a was/were going to szerkezettel BA Future Perfect (will have done) a jov6 adott fejezhetjdk ki: pillanataig befejezend6 cselekvést vagy Thad to leave before the end of the meeting because esoményt jel Iwas going to catch an early train, (= Ax They'll have finished all the work by the end of extokeziet vége eldtt kellett elmennem, mert the week, (= Ahét vegére mar minden egy korai vonatot akartam elérni.) munkéval kész lesznek) Anne couldn't accept the invitation because she Ifyou don’t get there before six o'clock, Tim will was going to visit her mother. (= Anne nem have left. (= Ha nem érsz.oda hat el6tt, Tim fogadhatta el a meghivast, mert az édesanyjat addigra mar nem lesz ott) akarta meglatogatni,) BA Future Perfect Continuous (will have been fia Oz! a Szerkezetet hasznaljuk, a mondatbél doing) a Jov6 adot pilanatael6t meserde, nem deri ki, vajon a szindék megvalésul és az emiletingpontban még tart Twas going to buy you a present, but I didn’t cselekvésre vagy eseményre utal: ‘ave enough money. (= Akartam venni | ajandékot, de nem volt elég pénzem.) Ife get thereat ten o'clock, the others will have fe been waiting for an hour. (= Ha tizkor érinke | Awas/were going to szerkezettel fejeziink ki oda, addira a tobbiek mar egy érdja fognak olyan jévére vonatkoz6 jéslatot is, amelyet varakozni.) tapasztalhaté tények valészindsitenek: ‘Next month we will have been saving for ten ‘The clouds were gathering: it was going to rain, -years, (= Jévé hénapban lesz tiz éve, hogy ‘My mother was in a bad mood. I could tel that she takarékoskodunk) wasn’t going to let me go to the disco Nace DAkovetkoz6 beszéigetés ogy féiskola biiféjében hangzott el. Egészitsiik ki a mondatokat Future Perfoct Continuous és a for eldljérész6 hasznélatéval. © In two months, I/live in this country/three years, Intwo months, .| ill have been living in thie country for three years, 1 Next week I/come to this college/a year, Wake weak cient stieeteeeerite cccanit 2 Ina few days, I/go out with my girlfriend/six months, Ina few days, .... Sanat 3. On Friday, I/do my part-time job/ two weeks. ‘On Friday, .. errr eerie 4 Ina week's time, my brother/live in my flat/six months. Ina weeks time, aa 5 Ina few minutes, we/sit here/three hours! Ina few minutes, [i Egészitsok ki a mondatokat az ali igék 6s a Future Perfect szerkezet heszndlatival correct do double eat install feeve read sell wash If we don’t get there quickly, Bill Ml! : Timagine they ....ccscenene all the hard work before we arrive. They eeseecreenseteseeentnn + all the best food by the time we get to the party. What a lot of visitors! I don’t think we... ‘The government insists that they ... of next year, (Our school. +. the number of hospital beds by the end +... computers in all the classrooms by the end of the year all the tickets before the games start. ‘The teacher says that She .....esesetss-snsesssen all the projects by next week, I'm not sure that | +++» all the books on the reading list before the exam. ‘The organizers say they Blegeszitsitk ki a mondatokat a zaréjelben megadott igék 6s a Future Perfect Continuous szerkezet haszndlataval. 0. By this evening they Will have been queuing... (queue) all day. If the parcel doesn’t come tomorrow, we Atthe end of the month Mary ... Next year our company will have a big celebration. We... + (Wait) two weeks for it. ++ (Work) here for a year, +» (make) leather shoes for 100 years. My father wants a change. Next year he -- (do) the same job for five years When the ceremony is over, those soldiets is (stand) in the same piace for almost four hours, I’s an endurance competition. At midnight all the couples that are still on the dance floor sreoeseensers (dance) non-stop for twenty-four hours. B Eveszitsdk ki a mondatokat a was/were going to szerkezet és a megtelelé ige haszndlataval, buy catch visit watch clean go have A: Why did they leave early? B: Because they .Were going to catch an early train. A: When Isaw your brothers, they were wearing overalls. B: Yes, they... ‘A: Why was Selly exoss? sscoonses Out the garage. B: Because She esscscseseens - some concert tickets, but they had all gone, A: Tsaw your sister walking to town this morning, B: Yes, she sass sssceses in the car but my mother needed it A; There were a lot of people in the park this moming. B: Timagine they . .» the cticket match, A: [saw your mother carrying some flowers this morning B: Yes, she e svssseenesroe Branny. Granny's in hospital. A: thought told Peter to have his hai cut! B: Well, he it cut this morning, but the hairdresser’s was full . up all the dishes before suppertime. Bl Keresstik meg @ képeknez tartoz6 kifejezéseket, és itunk mondatokat a be going to szerkezet ________haszndlat ‘They/order a meal | ‘Phe film/start | He/make an omelette | They/not/get home quickly | She/have a shower Fhey/rob-e-bank ‘The sun/eome out She/not/talk to him B egészitsiik ki a kévetkez6 beszéigetést. A nem megfelel6 kifejezést hizzuk ki rete: Are you having/Do-yorrhave a holiday this summer, Molly? mou: Yes, I'm going/Igo ona trip to the US next week. PETE Oh, That sounds good. Which part? wouy: 2i'mstaying/I'Il stay in Dallas to begin with. Then 3[hire/I'm going to hire a car and $711 drive/1/m going to drive through some of the Souther States. e per, That sounds good. When Sdoes your flight leave/ will your flight have left? a MOLLY: At 6 o'clock on Friday. “Um going to get/TIl get a taxi to the airport. “The plane lands/The 2 plane will land in Dallas at about 11 o'clock their time. 1 vere: When Sis yout trip ending/ does your trip end? 4 : MoU: On Friday the 2ist. °Larrive/{'Il arrive back here at 5. PETE: Well, Icould pick you up from the airport. 19m not doing/I won't de anything that day, ay T'm sure. Mouty: Oh thanks. That would be great. [egésztsik kia pérbeszédeket a zéréjelben megadoit szavak és 'll vegy a be going to szerkezet haszndlataval 0 A: It’s rather hot in here, isn’t it? B.—Perhaps itis Dontworry! open... (open) a window. 1A: Is there anything good on TV tonight? B: Yes, 'Sing with the stars’, my favourite programme. That's What s..e---ecsso0-s 2 A: Come and have supper with us tonight, but come early because my husband’s told me that (he/go) to bed early, All right, .. B sees (we/come) straight after work. 3A: I'vemade a shopping list. Tomorrow ...... (I/buy) some new clotines, 3B: Whet..... seseeesnee (YOu/get)? a A C/spend) most of my money on some new shoes, There's a shop in town that imports them direct from America, ‘That sounds interesting. I think (come) with you. 4A: Hey, Peter phoned last night. ++ (he/meet) me for a drink, Have you decided where to go? I suggest you try that new place called Dombies, OR ee (we/try) there. P>Psee ‘There's a good film on at the Classic cinema, Do you want to come? ‘Tomorrow's a bit difficult... ++ (i/phone) you. -- (I/see) it tomorrow evening (/paint) my bedroom. But when I've finished, 1D injunk mondatokat az adott szavakkal. Hasznaljuk a will segédigét, ahol sziikséges. 0 Tom/be/at the bus stop/when/you/get/there. Tom will be at the bus stop when you get there. 1 She/phone/ me/as soon as/she/get/to the station, 2 When/you/meet/Philip/ you, recognize/him easily. He has a red beard. svosble has a red beard, 3. The guide/wait/here/until you/come/back, 4+ We/call/at granny’s house/before/we/go/to the cinema, 5 Take the medicine. After/ you /take/t/you/eel/a lot beter. Take the medicine, os... St 6 The play/start/as soon as/everybody /be/quiet, 7 It/be/very quiet/ when your cousins / go/home. As soon as/he/inish/work/Brian/ phone/us, ++ (I/watch). E)Pam egy botan dolgozik. Az alsbbi tablazatban Osszeira hétvéglteendéll, és amikor valaki felhivja, hogy tditsenek egyitt egy kis idét, elfoglaltsagara hivatkozva visszautasitja. Egészitsik kia parbeszédeket folyamatos jelen vagy a be going to szerkezet hasznélataval. |] Moming | ~CAfRernoon Evening Friday “| work (.00- 12.00) | do my washing supper with Ted (8.00) Saturday | work (9.00 12.00) | make some cakes play tennis with Sara (7.00)| ‘Sunday | clean the flat have a piano lesson with Bob (3.00)| go to bed early 0 ANNE: Can we meet on Friday morning? tam: No, .!'t working on Friday ANNE: How about Friday afternoon? vam No, .l!m.going to do my washing on Friday afternoon. 1 pit: Can I see you on Friday evening? PAM: No, Tm aftaid BILL: What about Saturday afternoon? PANES Say, teatro neg eee 2 Dave: Could we see each other on Saturday evening? PAM: No, Because ..sssee ee Dave: How about Sunday morning? ram: No, .. 7 aeoeceee : 3. HuLeN: Is there any chance of seeing you on Sunday afternoon? PAME NO, oss : HLN: What about Sunday evening? PAM: Ohno Egészitsik ki a mondatokat a Future Continuous és az alébbi igék hasznalataval. do fy get have lie work 0 At this time tomorrow, we ll Pe flying 1. your cousins come after lunch, we over the Atlantic, seooresetnsereeesae in the garden 2 Don't get there too early. They ....... breakfast 3 At this time next Week, YoU ..sseeses ‘ona beach on the Costa Brava. 4 Tomorrow, when you're still in bed, I... . my maths exam, 5 The invitation says eight o'clock. Don’t arrive before eight because they everything ready, Gl Egészitsak kia mondatokat a Future Perfect 6s a 24réjelben megadot igék haszndlataval. 0 If we don’t get there quickly, Bil Will have left. eave) 1 The highway engineers say that they ....sssscsesessne (ital) all the new traffic lights before the end of the year. 2. Next week, when my father runs in the marathon, he .. soseesee (compete) in every local rnarathon for the past twenty years. 3. We must get to the concert early. Otherwise people .....scscssee sossetens (take) all the good seats. 4A: When... ---s+- (You finish) decorating the flat? BI... (not/finish) until the end of the week. [] Fejezzik be a mondatokat az adott szavak és a Future Perfect Continuous hasznélaléval, © Some of the people hoping to get tickets have been here since early this moming, By the time the ticket office opens/they /queue/ for six hours. ‘the time the ticket office opensthey will have been queuing for six he 1 T've been teaching since 1 left university. By next summer/I/teach/for ten years, By next summer ... ude Stet 2 I'm moving house. Ill be tired this evening because I/lift/boxes/all. day. I'l be tired this evening because <>... i 3. My grandmother's employer is going to give her a gold watch next year. By then/she/work/for the firm for forty years. By then 4. The protest has lasted a long time. Tomorrow the protesters/sit/in front ofthe government building for two weeks. ‘Tomorrow the protesters Dl Egészitstk ki a kévetkez6 telefonbeszélgetést a was/were going to szerkezet és a megadott igék haszndlataval, tell be have invite arrange call suggest Lt \ge_call__ sugge: anol: Tthought you Were. going te phone me yesterday, DENN: Sorry. IT... ++» you but I was too busy. I didn’t think I2...... such a busy week but I've got lots to do. CAROL: I thought we... to meet one evening this week. DENNIS: Yes. 14 sooseosessees that we meet on Thursday. I thought [5.. free then but now I’ve found out that I won't be. carou: That's OK.16........ +» you that I can't make Thursday. I7.. : you to my place on Friday. DENNIS: I think we'll have to try next week instead! Egeészitsiik ki a széveget a ZArdjelben megdott igék megielelé alakjéval. ‘This is my new plan for the future. 10 W@8.going to study at university, but I've changed my mind, I’ve decided that first I 1 sesseeeeees (work) abroad for a year, singing and playing the ola (come) home and sing in pubs and clubs for two years, By that time 13 fa +» (be) twenty-one and I4 ++ (perform) for three years, so lots of people Pict 7 (hear) me. Then 15. Sedat (study) at the new school of drama, It? ssreseeeretecteeeeeecsesvens (Open) in three years time. If 'do well at drama school, in ten years’ time T Bo, + (perform) on the London stage. Perhaps I a, (be) the best actress of my generation. And if my plan .. (study) medicine! (study) medicine guitar. Then 12, doesn’t work, 110. BB Figyetak meg az alabbi mondatct : FONev . S78 then tng an epic ocr on rd He drobe it carefully to Newcastle eee NevikS HarARoz0s26 ——ELOLAROSZ0 B Konkrét fonevek: [fiver ears sugar Eivont fonevek: — love problems education Elélenyeket jelenté konkrét fénevek: woman dogs insect Ree eae wert Tulejdonnevek, foldrajzi nevek: Jane Harris Paris Oxford Street BA melisknév (a mondatban jelz6) megel6zi a fEnevet (a jeizett sz6t): We had a wonderful day. Abe, look, seem, feel igék utén melléknéy is allhat (fénév alk He's hungry, She looks tired. Figyeler! Az angolban a meliéknévnek nincs tadbes szdma, akkor sem, ha a mondat alanya tebbesszamu fénéy: She is pretty. They are pretty. (= O csinos. Ok csinosak.) G Ahatérozész6 kiegészlt az ige Jelentéset: ‘She walked quickly. He sings well. Alegtobb melleknévbd! -ly végzidés hozzdadasaval képezhetiink hatérozész6t [[etearly siowly badly BA fonev hetyeit szemeiyes néumds (1, you, he, she stb.) llhat a mondatban: Osszetett fEnevek: bedroom footpath notebook B csclekvest vagy létezést kifejazs igék: work play live meet stay see ee nee | Hi Segedigsk: be, have, do, will, can, may, must stb. Azige meliett gyakran segadige ail Cree David has a new job. He is enjoying it + 44 + Figyelem! Amikor magyarra forditunk, gyakran felesieges a névmast kitenni, mert a magyarban a személyrag megmutalja, kir6! beszéliink. A fenti mondatot helytelen lenne gy forditani, hogy G-sivezi-azt.) B Az etayjarosz6k (in, on, at stb.) segitségével helyet vagy idét jeldthetiink: HEL: She's at home. I's in the box. 106: Ill see you on Monday, They wert on holiday in June, BJ Az alahizott szavakat irjuk a téblazat megfelelé osziopaba, Roney | ge | Segitige Meliéknév Hatarozsz6 | Névmas | Eléljarész6 l | wonderful Thad a wonderful holiday in Spain last year She lives in a large flat in New York. Peter walked quickly to work. ‘We met them in Green Street on Friday. You must come and visit me in Scotland. My teacher spoke clearly but J didn’t understand her Mary and Jackie are studying Japanese at college. Thave lost my bag. They bought a big, old house in the country, She swims fast, and she can ski well too. -EgoszitsUk kia mondatokat a tablézatben szerepl6 szavakkal, Minden s26t csak egyszer hasznaljunk | Fonev Ige Segedige | Melléknév | Hatérozisz6 | Nevmas | Eloljér6sz6 —| tina [ime reautifut | baaly T i ‘match pass | must sick easily You | at Saturday Do carefully in Paul AAS... just started anew. JOB, H YOU oscssnseeree the BOOKS .. the table bought some . sssseeee flowers and gave them to my wife and lost the tennis... 3 haven't seen your grandfather for a long time - you .. She played + visit him i —. at the weekend, 5. Don't worry! You'll... the exam .. ee 6 Listen oscsssssessseesse The money i5 0... the box. 7 We're playing volleyball 011 .....cssecsesssece you want to play? 8 Ifeel... What did we eat the restaurant? _ 1G Képezziink dsszetett szavakat az aldbbiakbél, és irjuk ezeket a magyar megfeleléik mellé, Minden sz6 _csak egyszer hasznalhato, ache ball bath book brush business coat end fish foot head house light moter news paper pot rail rain room scraper shell shop sky sun_tea tooth way way week wife woman 0 [autopalya motorway 8 | ajsag 1 | firdészoba 9 | felhokarcois 2 | fogkefe 10 kagylé 3 [labdardigas Fit | hetwage 4 | Ozletasszony 12 | estkabat [5 | konyvesbolt 13 [ vasut | 6 | feiss TA | teaskanna [7 [haziasszony : 15 | napfény DIA zéréjelben megadott szavakat tegyiik a megfelelé helyre a mondatban. 0 fon) Tm * flying ® to Mexico 4 Sunday. wd 1 finteresting) I * saw ® 2 © very 4 fiim ® last # night, 2 (quickly) Go * or ® you'll © miss # the ® train! 3 (can) T* see ® the © mountains # from ® my * window. 4 Git) She * sent ° me ° a 4 ticket ® but 1 9 left " at ' home. 5 (go) You * look ® sick. You ® must and ® see a 9 doctor. | 6 {in) [* stayed ® there © for * a * week f June. 7 (big) Mary * gave Christopher © a @ present, 8 (road) There's * snow ® on ® the * so ® drive * carefully. ‘Az angol kijelent6 mondat szérendje éitaléban: alany + élltmany + bvitmény ALANY —ALLITMANY (IGE) TARGY ‘They will ike the food. Peter is watching TV. Sally paints portraits B Eoyes igek utan nem ail targy, Steven has gone. Ann and Tom can swim ‘The man shouted. Egyes igék utan mindig kovetkeziktargy: They want a drink, Sara wrote the letter. Bi Fonev vagy melléknéy a hozza kapesolbdé \étigevel (be) ogyitt lehet a mondat allitmanya: FONEV Pat is a doctor. té MELLEKNEV Mary was sad, ‘Alook, seem (= vaiamilyennek ldtszik), feel ( valahogy érzi maga) (Id. 39. fejozet), get (= valamilyenné valik) (Id. 62. fejezet) tipusts igék utan is éhat meliéknév (fénév néikal): Mary looks sad. I'm getting hungry i Ha letige van a mondatban, a tagadas a be ragozott alakja + not (vagy n't) szerkezettel torténik: ALANY —_ALLITMANY _BOviTMENY Pat isnot ‘doctor. Mary wasn't sad. Ha segécige van a mondatban, a tagadas a segédige + not (vagy n’t) szerkezettel térténik: ALANY SEGEDIGE FOIGE *_+not BOviTMENY Peter Peter Steven isn't watching TV. shouldn't watch TY, hasn't gone home. can’t swim. They Gyakorlatok Egyszerd jelenben a tagadas a do(es) segédige + not (vagy n’t) szerkezettel, egyszerti miltban pedig e did + not (vagy n't) szerkezettel torténik. A segédige utén a foige to néikill fnévi igeneve ai! Sally doesn't/didn’t paint portraits, 5 Ha a mondatban itige van (elon idében amfis/are, malt id6ben was/were), kérdésben allétige az aleny elé keri: ALLITMANY ALANY _BOVITMENY Ts Pat adoctor? Why was Mary sad? Kérdésben a segécige is az dlitmany eld dl SESEDIGE ALANY AuLinwiny BOviTuENT| Will they like the food? | Were has Steve gone? [Where has Kérdésnél egyszerd jelenben a do(es), egyszeri miltban pedig a did segédiget és a fbige to nétkil fOnév igenévi alakjét hasznaijuk: Do they want a drink? When did Sara write the letter? |. BiFagg6 kérdésnel, mivlkjetentés mondatr | van s26, nem hasznéijuk @ doldid segédigét, 8 a sz6rend a szokésos alany + éllitmany + bévitmény sorrend szerint alakul. Az eredeti kérd6 mondat kérd6szavabdl kbt6sz6 lesz ~ hha nincs ilyen (eldéntendé kérdésnél), akkor az if (= vajon, hogy) kot6sz6t hasznéluk: Tm asking you if Pat is a doctor. (© Azt kérdezem, hogy Péter orvos. 1 don’t know if they will like the food. tudom, vajon izlik-e majd nekik az étel.) Tell me where Steven has gone. (= Mondd meg nekem, hova ment Steven!) I wonder when Sara wrote the letter. ( Szeretném tucni, Sara mikor irta a levelet) Bla tévetkez8 mondatokban szérenci hiba lehet. Pipéjuk Kia helyes mondatokat, a hibésakat pedig Ijuk le helyesen. 0. Mary has phoned... ~asaseg = 5 Jack does play the trombone? ve.e.e:.0. 6 What languages can speak Margaret? 57 don't know where Jimmy lives, 8 When Alice went to Paris? . Alkossunk mondatokat a szavak sorba rendezésével. 0 (Ann/does/eges/cat/not) ANN dose not eat eags, 4. (awake/children/not/the/were) ........ 2. (Mowers/gone/have/all/the/where/?)... {did/film/not/see/the/we) . (are/boys/doing/those/what/?) (do/eat/insects/meat/not) .... (do/elephants/live/where/?) . 7 (can/piano/play/Terry/the) .. : i 8 (chemistry /does/sister/ study /your/?) ..-....c.ssscssssseesee Pipdluk ki a hidnytalan mondatokat, ahol pedig kiegészitésre van szilkség, hasznéljuk a megadott = szavaket, Néhény mondatndl tébb megoldés is lehetségos, are can did has have is speak you 0 Mary sor ssetetseies1OOKS sntstns sees BADDYE w 0 Alan can .9P28K.......... Spanish o 1 Cats so Rot + good swimmers. o 2 Where. we scene Sit? o 3 The weather .-.sscesceses NOt cvsnsseseeneens Been good. a A When asccscsensene they send the letter? o 5 My father... + made... so the supper o 6 What... Philip. watching? oO i eee have lunch? oO 8 He will not say where pio hectic works, [J 9. Which films .- seen? o 10. Ask them how feel. ag DForditsuk lea kévetkez6 mini-parbeszédeket 1 A: Megeszed a hast? 4 A: Littad Marikst? B: gen, de a tojést nem kérem, B: Nem,nem léttam, 2 A: Andvéred tandm6? 5. A: Mit mondott az az ember? B: Nem, egy irodéban dolgozik. B: Egy sz6t sem sz6lt 3. A: Hol lakik Tibor? B; Nem tudom, hol lakik Awhere, when, why és how kérdész5, A | > What (= mi mit), which (= metyik, melyiket) Reabsellends kérdést kérdGszéval kezdiik ext |” Awned alefene térgyakra, fogalmakra kéveti tige (am/slareiwas/wera) vagy. vagy eseményekre vonatkozik: segédige, uténa pocig az alany dl (i. 40. What are they doing? (= Mit esinsinak?) fojezel): What's yur name? (= Mi a neved?) > Where (= hol) What colour i your nw coat? (= Milyen Awhere kérd6sz6 helyre kérdez: s2ind a2 dj Kabétod?) at Where is Mike? ~ Fl's phon, Awhiich kérdész6t tab lehetéség kézu) > When (= mikor) | valé vaiasztds esetén hasznaljuk ae ae There's Colo er. Which de you want? When do they play football? ~ Om Fridays (* Metyiket kéred?) > Why = mice i Whi nando you prefer Emmacr Sarai? Pin ee s26 valominek ax oka kao: A hose vatrinek a tulajdonoséra kérdez: ore Mary at home? ~ Besse isa shat Whose is this bok? (= Kie ez.a konyy?) >» How (= hogyan) Whose book is this? (= Ez kinek a kimyve?) Ahow a cselekvés médjara kérdez: | BAwho, what, which és whose rendszerint How does he travel to work? ~ He goes by train, | az alanyra kérdez (tovabbi tudnivalok a 43. Ahow kérdsz6val kérdezziik meg azt is, fajezetben): | poo valaki hoa Mp Who lives here? (= Ki lakik itt?) ~Mary lives here. | How are you? ~ I'm fre. What is happening? (= Mi tirténik?) ~ Noth (Tovabbi tudnivalék a how kérdészéval shagpening Hees kapesolatban a 42. fejezetben talélhatok, ) Which team is winning? (= Metyik csapat All BAwho, what, which és whose szintén Tyeréste?) ~ Our team is winning. oan kérd8sz6, A kiegészitendd kérdést kérdész6val ee ren on the ince abiaesd ae Kezalk, ezt kovel a lige (amvisiareiwas/were) | oa Pe 1988 fal?) ~ My photo ngs on Vagy a segédige, utdna pedig az alany all. A : who személyre kérdez: > Who (= ki, kit Who is that man? (= Ki az a férfi?) Who do you like best? (= Kit szeretse a legjobban?) leNEL ltr Bl Atkossunk kérdéseket a 2érdjelben megadott szavakbél, © (you/where/live/do/) Where do you live? 1 o/get up/you/when/?) 2 (she/does/where/come from/2) 3 (leaving/ they/aze/when/?) (hefis/why/waiting/?) ..... 5 (are/you/how/?) 6 (is/where /the town centre?) 7 (Paul/drive/so fast/does/why /2) 8 (when/the film/does/start/2) ......... (do/how/you/feel/?) 10 (is/running/she/why/2) .. 120 _[f junk kerdésckei a mondatokhoz Where, When, Why, How, What, Which vagy Whose kérdészévai. 0. Where doyou live? ~~ live in the next street. - ~ Larrived about an hour ago, ~ Leame with a friend of mine. ~ That man over there is my boss. Igot here by taxi. Brian invited me. Td like to eat some of that cake. Iprefer white wine. ~ This is my glass, ~ I'm leaving in about an hour, ~ I'm going home by taxi. Ud junk kérdéseket az alabbi vélaszokhoz. 0 When ie the ae ‘The last train is at half past eleven, She lives near the market. ‘The boy in the photo is my cousin. John’s going out because he wants some fresh air. Jack drinks coffee in the morning, ‘They are going to the cinema this evening. They cut the paper witha machine. It's my sister's bicycle. Elephants live in Africa and India. Sara goes to bed at about eleven o'clock. I aE tet ‘ ‘They are playing cricket. Dy Forattsuk te a mondatokat. Hl 1 Itt egy alma és egy barack. Melyiket kéred? 2 Kiéeza kabat a széken? 3 Kiakedvenc énekesndd? 4 Melyik Kép tetszik jobban, ez a modem, vagy az a régi? AHow long? (= mennyi ideig?) kezdetti kérdés valamilyen cselekvés vagy esemény —-id6tartamdra kérdez——— How long is the course? ~ Six weeks, How long does the journey take? ~ Three hours Afrom ... to vagy a from ... until (= 461 ...-ig) eldljarész6ket hasznaljuk akkor, ha megadjuk a kezdés és a befejezés ‘idpontjat: ‘She was a student from 1985 to 1990, Tomorrow I'm working from 8.30 until 6.30. BA tow tar? (= miyon mossze?) két hely kézétt tavolsagra kérdez. A from ... to el6ljérdszokat haszndliuk: How far isit from Amsterdam to Peris? ~ 475 idlometres, How far are the shops from here? ~ Not fr. BB AHow often? (= milyen gyakran?) a eselekvés gyekoriségéra kérdez. A valaszban ‘gyakran hasznéijuk az every day, once a week stb. idéhatérozékat: How often do the buses run? ~ Every hour. Hovw often do you play squash? ~ Twice a week. BA How much? (= mennyi2, mennyit2) szerkezette! valaminek az dréra kérdezhetiink ‘How much is a return ticket to Brighton? How much did you pay for this car? eels /Alkossunk igeid6re, 0 (How/you/stay /in New Zealand?) How long did you stay in New Zealand? 1 (How /he/read/a newspaper?) xrdéseket How long, 2. (How/a single room/cost?) 4 (How/exams/you/ going to take?) 5. (How/ the course/last?) 122 How old, How often stb. hasznaiataval. Ugyeltink a megfelelé 3 How /be/you when you went to live in Australia?) BLA How much? (= mennyi?) kezdetti kérdés ‘megszémlathatatian fEnevekre kérdez, Ezeknek nines tbbes szémd alakjuk, és nem tehatiink elgjdk hatérozatian névelét (pl, bread, work, weather, money, music, meat, milk, cheese). (Tovabbi informacié a 70. fejezetben 68 2 360 oldalon a B tablazatban talalhaté,) How much bread is therein the cupboard? How much work did you do today? Figyelem! A money (= pénz) az angolban megszamléihatatlan fénéy, nines tabbes széma. Hotw muuch money do you have? B A How many? (= hény?) megszémialnats dolgok mennyiségére kérdez: How many students are is your cass? ~ Twenty, How many people went to the party? ~ Ten : (Lasd még a 78. fejezetet.) i i A how kérd6s26 melieknév (a mondatban Jelz6) vagy hatarozész6 (a mondatban hhatéroz6) el6tt all How tall isthe church? (= Milyen magas a templom?) ~ I's over 100 metres. How well does he play? (= Milyen jl jtszik2) ~ He plays very well How old are you? (= Hany éves vagy?) ~ I'm 19/0 19 years old, est Fone-29-years, Figyelem: a How old szerkezettel barmilyen életkorra kérdezhetiink, még egy gyerekére is: How old is he? — He is axe months eld. ~ Istayed there for six months. ~ He reads one eve day. ~ Tecosts £50 a night. Twas 15 when I went there. ‘I'm going to take three exams. It will last for two years [] Akossunk kerdéseket a How old, How much, How many sib. szerkezeltel és a 2ardjelben megadott szavakkel. 0. a: How old je your husband? sous (our husband /be)? B--Heis 34 He'll be 35-next month. A elt (languages/you/speak)? B: I speak three~English, French and Chinese, A i ee - {it/be/ from here to the airport)? B: It’s about 25 kilometres, A B A B eee »- (the meal /cost)? can’t remember, but it wasn’t very expensive et ae (you/stay there)? i Istayed there from June until October. A (the postman/come)? B: He comes twice a day, ‘Bi Forditsuk le a kérdésoket How kérdész6 &s a megadott szavak segitség6vel big far fast long many much often old quickly Milyen gyorsan mehet ez a vonat? How fast... can this train. go? Milyen gyakran mosol fogat? ........ do you clean your teeth? Hany éves a névéred? soso 18 your sister? Mekkora a szobéd? .. +++» is your bedroom? Mennyibe keriil a Coca-Cola ebben a diszkban? ... Mennyi ideig laktal Bathban? Hényan jonnek? v-sses 18 Coca-Cola in this disco? have you lived in Bath? people are coming? is it to the park? Milyen messzire van a park? . . Milyen gyorsan tudod befejezni a munkét? can you finish the work? B) Eveészitstik ki a parbeszédet Saran kérdéseivel, Minden kérdést egy How kezdetd kérddezoval 2 kezdjtink. 0 sarat: How, many hours a week do you work? (hours a week/you/ work) EMMA: Twork 40 hours a week, SARARE: ssssremetasetnetaetsnaeesetnnseneenees : -- (you/ travel abroad) EMMA: 1 travel abroad about six times a year SARAH! ett s-sseeee (YOu/ work for that company) Bua: T've been working for that company for two years, EN Heesanecderestonerne Sosstetscttiuneeenssesetanssees (be/YOur office/ your home) Eva: I's 5 kilometres to my office from my home. SARA... eee sess (you/earn) EMMA: Tearn about 40,000 a year. SARAH: ern eaeey (people/work in your department) EvMA: 55 people work in my department. -~ (Successful/be/your company) EMMA: My company is very successful, oH y mondianeked?) | ann: [Whol did ‘you see? (= Kit lattal?) James told me. (= James.) Mane: Taco Bil. (= Bilt) Ez a kérdés az alanyra vonatkozik, Ez a kérdés a térgyra vonatkozik Mindkét mondatban who a kérdész6, ‘AWho told you? kérdésben a whe amondat_ | AWho did you see? mondalban a who alanya. (= Ki?) a mondat térgya, (= Kit?) Egy mésik példa: Egy mésik példa: Rae [ney ANN: [Whoftorote Hamlet? ANN: (Whol did you visit last night? MaRY: Shakespeare wrote Hamlet, Many: Tvisiteda frisnd of mine. ‘Amikor a who kérdész6val az alenyra Amikor a who kérd6sz6 a térgyra kérdez, a be, kérdeziink, a kérd6 mondat szérendje do, have stb. segédige az alany elétt alla kérdé megegyezik az alts mondatéval: | mondatban: (aca | frarey) [Whol is going to conte with me? lol are you going to invite? jon velem?) Kit fogsz meghivni?) lives in that old house? did Laura ask for help? Gs Jakik aban a régi hézban?) it kért meg Laura, hogy segitsen?) iis iad [Who] zwants some more coffes? Wil have you visited? Ki ker még kavét?) G Kit létogattal meg?) Hasonltsuk Ossze a what Kérd6sz6vel kezcd6, alanyrailetve térgyra vonathoz6 kérdéseket: nr | aRy] What |is in this dish? id you buy at the shops? (= Mi van ebben az edényben?) (© Mit vasaroitsl?) Figyeiem! Awho és what kezdett kérdésben, ha a kérdés az alanyra vonatkozik, soha nines do Sogédige: Who likes ice cream? What makes this noise? a a who és a what a targyra vonatkozik, kell a do sogédige: Who do you Tove? (= Te kit szerets2?) What do you woant? (= Mit akarsz?) Kérdezziink az aléhuzott mondatrészekre Who vagy What kérdészéval. 0 (Eric met somebody.) Who. did Erle meet? © Gomebody ate the last piece of cake.) , Who ate the last pi 1 Gomebody wants some more coffee)... 2 (Something happened at the end of the story) 3. Gomebody is going to pay the bill) . 4 (He had something for breakfast) .. 5. (Their letter said something.) : 6 (Somebody knows the answer to my question) .... 7 (They saw something) ..... 8 (She is phoning somebody). “Alkossunk kérdéseket Who vagy What kérdész6val a zérdjelben megadott informaciok segitségével. Who were you talking to on the phone? ~ (Lwas talking to) Elizabeth (on the phone). ~ (The zesult of the game was) 2-0 to Italy. ~*" Anita and Frank (went on the trip), ~ [mnot sure (what's happening in this film), ~ (Um going to phone) Jane. ~ (I watched) that new comedy programme (on TV last nighd, ~ John (sent these flowers). ~ (I bought) a book (én that shop). ‘Olvassuk é| 2 szdveget, majd tegyiink fel kérdéseket 2 mondatokra a zérdjelben megadott szavakkal. ‘Two days ago Robert took his driving test. He | failed it. Afterwards he met his friend Philip. He | told Philip that he had failed his test. Then he said, ‘Don’t tell anyone. It’s a secret.’ Philip said, ‘OK, I won't tell anyone’ Later that day, Philip met Linda for coffee and he said, ‘Robert failed his driving test’ Linda 5} laughed. ‘Poor Robert she said. (What/Robert/do/two days ago?) What did Robert do two days ago? 1. (What/happen?) ~ He took his driving test. ~ He failed it, a ~ Robert. 3. (What/Robert/fail?) i : ~ His driving test. 4 (What/Robert/say/to Philip?) eee ~ He said, ‘Don't tell anyone.’ 5. (Who/meet/Linda/for coffee?) ~ Philip Dl Egeszitsik ki a kérdéseket a zardjelben megadott szavak segitségével. 0 (Oswald, kill) Who .4id Oswald Kill? ~ He killed President Kennedy. 0 (Kennedy, kill) Who killed Kennedy? ~ Oswald killed Kennedy. 1 (the Nobel Prize, win) Who for Physics in 1909? ~ Marconi, 2. (Marconi, invent) What ? ~ Short-wave radio. 3. (Everest, climb} Who... with Hillary? ~ Sherpa Tensing, 4 (Prince Charles, marry) Who... ise ? ~ He married Diana, 5 (Hiroshima, destroy) What ~ Anatomic bomb 6 (Churchill, smoke) What 2 ~ Cigars, 7 @rance, beat) Who “vvsonsas in the European Cup Final? ~ France beat Italy HB nézzok meg az alabbi kerdést 6s valaszt: A: What's Mark like? Hes 00ry-g004-looking-and he's very kind but- he's not very clever. AWhat ... like? kérdés valakinek aa Kilsejére (tall, short, pretty stb.) vagy a természetére (Interesting, boring, fri unfriendly stb.) vonatkozik AWhat.... like? kérdés helyre, kényvre, flmre vagy eseményre is vonatkozhat (pl. bul, | futballmeces stb): A: What's Rio de Janeiro like? B: Well, the beaches are wonderful but the trafic is fil A: What's Spielberg's latest film like? B; It's excellent. ly, BA look tike kiilss tulajdonsagra utal: A: What does Fulie look like? By She's tall with brown hair AWhat ... like? kérdés valami fzére, hangjéra tapintasdra, vagy szagara is vonatkozhat A: What does that taste like? (= Milyen ize van?) | B: It tastes like cheese. (= Mint a sajinak.) A: What is this material? Bs Idon’t know. It looks like wool but it feels like cotton. (= Nem tudom, rénézésre gyapjt, de a fapintésa olyan, mint a pamuté,) LE leila By Toayink fol érdéseket a mondatokra a zéréjelben ‘megadott szavak és az isiare like vagy a look like szerkezet sogitségével. Néhany mondatndl két megoldés ig lehatseges. 0. (What/Sally//like) ‘A: What le Sally like? 0. What/Jane/tike) A: What does Jane look like? 1 (What/Peter/like) Ann : 2. (What/Anna’s parents/like) & 3. (What/Tom/like) A 4. (What/Eva/like) A: : 5. (What/Bob and Tom/like) A BA Who ... like jelentése: kire hasonit A: Who's Jule like ~her father or her mother? B: She's like her mother. Rio de Janeiro is like Buenos Aires Your house is wot like mie. It's much bigger (= Ate hézad nem olyan, mint az enyém. A tiéd sokkal nagyobb) Figyellik meg a fenti kérdések szérengjétl A who ail a mondat elején, azt kéveti a létige, uténa kévetkezik az alany, és a kérdést a like 2arja. A valaszban a szérend: alany, létige, like, majd annak a megnevezése, akire valaki/ valami hasonlt. 1B AWhat's she like mondatban a like eléljarész6, nem azonos a like igével.: A: What music does Julie like? (= Julie milyen zenét szeret?) B: She likes rock music. B hia valaki egdszségérél vagy hogylétérsi érdekiédtink, rendszerint a How (nem pedig a What ...?) kérdészot hasznéiljuk: A: How's your brother today? B: He feels much better. A: How is your boss today? B: He's ina good mood! ~ B: She’s clever, but she’s a bit boring. ~ B: She's quite short and has dark hain ~ B: He's nota very interesting person, ~ B: They're very generous, 2 B: He's very tall, and he has blond hair. 1 B: She's tall and strong. ~ B: They're very amusing, ~ B: She's tall and slim, and she wears glasses, ‘A double bass is a musical instrument, It is the largest member Of the violin family. It has a deep sound. Kiwis are a round, brown fruit with a rough skin, They have almost no smell, but they are sweet, with a flavour similar to strawberries. Injunk kérdést a mondatokra a look/sound/taste/smell/foel + like szerkezettol, 2.0 kiwis look like? ~ ‘They're round and brown, Ks ‘thas a deep sound. ~ They don’t really have a smell, ~ They have a flavour like strawberries, beter ~ Like a very big violin. 5 ete : sesveweweer ™ They have a rough skin. Teavlink fel kerdéseket a mondatokra a like eldiérész6 vagy a lke ige és a zérbjeloen megadott szavak haszndlataval. 0 (What music/you/like) A: What music do you like? 20. (What/Julie/like) A: What is Julie ike? = 1 (Who/your sister/like) A a ee ~ B: She likes a boy in her class. © 2 (What/Paul’s brothers/like) A oe cee 3. (What/Jane/like/ for breakfast) z ~ B Like rock music, ~ B: Sheis very amusing, B: They think they're clever, but I don't, A wovmununtsnnnnnnne ~ Br She likes toast aid marmalade. 4 (Who/you/like) - A: Eats ce ee ~ B: Ymlike my mother. 5. (What/Mary’s husband like) area patie w= ~ B: Heis rather boring. He's not like her, 6 (What sports/you/like) & comune ™ B: like swimming and football, DW Ijunk kerdésaket a What ... like? szerkezet (amely allandé tulajdonségra kérdez) vagy a How ...? kérd6s26 (amely ideigianes helyzotre kérdez) és a zardjlben megadott szavak segitsagével © (be/Atianta) What fe Atlanta like? a Isa very modern city. 0 (be/Mike/today) How le Mike today? . ~ He feels.a lot better. 1 (be/John’s flat) i or ~ It’s very big, and it has a wonderful view. 2 (be/your boss/in the momings) ssmmue ™ Hes tired and cross. 3. (be/a squash racket) sommonnsiwmune ™ Its similar to @ tennis racket, but lighter. 4 (be/your sister . ~. She's very well, thank you. | 5 (be/Portugal) i on IS very interesting, There’s lots to see. 427 By igunk kérdéseket 3 mondatokhoz a ‘megadott kérdész6k és @ zardjelben lév6 szavak hasznalataval, Ugyeljink a megtelel6 igeidére. ‘when what (x2) which which of (2) who 62) 1et did you leave schoo! ssn? ~ Heft school last year, ~-? ~ She is reading all of them, 2. (.Jane/have/for breakfast ? ~ She has toast and coffee. 3 (..You/see/at the station) ...-ccscccctussunsenessmesteunvativssvocsve se? ~ [saw John, 4 (.. Mary/prefer, tea or cofice) ‘ 17 ~ She prefers tea 5. (- you/studying/at university) o..sesccccccssssenseeseeuee ? ~ I'm studying chemistry. 6 (... these two books/you/buy) so rritciacresssnnuiaseinse? Pin buying both of them. 7 (.. they/invite/to their party) ...... scocssesis? ~ They/te inviting all their friends, Luke és Clare nyaraini készii, Irjuk le Luke kérdéseit a zéréjelben megadott igék hasznélatéval. LUKE: So, 0.where shall we go? (we/shall/ go) CLARE: Let's go to Ireland uke: OKand_!,, ‘CLARE In the last two weeks of June. (ove/be going to/g0)? WOKE! Fine. sss (Wwe/need to do/next)? CLARE: We need to book a hotel in Dublin, LUKE aed (hotel/you/prefer)? CLARE: I prefer this one, in this brochure, The Gresham. WOKE: fan ccsceennsstneeees (Rou/choose/that one)? CLARE: I've chosen it because it looks nice and it's in the centre. KE 8, sssrsuce-- (be going to/make/the booking)? cLaRE: TL do it. I've got all the details, [kcressik meg a kérdésekher tartozs vlaszt 0 Who'sthebabytike? a Ail kinds, but especially Indian, 1 What's their house like? b He's quite tall, with dark hair, 2 What kind of food do you like? ¢ Smal, but full of famous buildings 3. What's Helen like? di Braetlytike hisfather, 4 What does Peter look like? © Very clever and amusing, 5 What does that cheese taste like? £ She's like her mother. 6 What's Cambridge like? § Modern, with a nice little garden 7 Who's Pauline like? h It's very strong. Od 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 128 ives részt egy nemzetk6zi cégnél, amely a fejl6d6 orszégok témogalasdval ik le az Ugyvezetd kérdéselt. llyen gyakran olvassa a Guardian?) st every day. kor fejezte be a kozépiskolét?) 1999, And then I went to university * (Mie tanuit az egyetemen?) Geography and modem languages. Because I want to help poor people and because I like visiting other countries, 2 (Hiiny orsesgban jst mae?) Pelee 2. Oh, several. Five or six in Europe and also Egypt and Morocco. *see. Well, now you have todo. writing test: Can you come this way please? 129 TDA péida alapjan irjunk két-két kérdést és valaszt a képeken léthaté lékokkel kapcsolatban a megadott szavak segitségével. Minden szét hasznéljunk. — | footbail~—swimming--short—long—dark~-blonde muscular | tennis small slim basketball athletic tall 0 What does Carol looklike? peahittia lm, and ehe has long blonde hair. like? HA Jones nazaspér hazat szeretne vasérolni. Forditsuk le az ingatlantigyndkkel folytatott beszélgetést MRJONES: Milyen a haz? OcYNOK: Szép régi haz. Azt hiszem, tetszeni fog ondknek. ‘Mg JONES: Mennyire régi? OGYNOK: Korillbelitl szzéves, MR jones: Hol van? OGYNOK: Egy kisvérosban York mellett. MRJONES: Ki lakik most ott? OcYNOK: Mr Ryan, a haz tulajdonosa, MRJONES: Miért akayja eladni? OGYNOK: Mert Manchesterbe koltdzik. Ott talalt munkét, MR JONES: Mikor kélt6zik? OGYNOK: — Hamarosan. MR JONES: Mikor nézhetjik mega hazat? OGYNOK: —_Barmikor. Méris felhivom bs Jon: Varjon egy percet! Meg tudnom kell néhény dolgot. Hény hél6szoba van? OGYNOK: —_Két hélészoba van, Mindkett6 meglehetisen nagy. MRS JONES: Milyen messze van a legk®zelebbi bolt? GGWNOK: Fay kis bolt és. a bank egészen kizel van, de aut6buszra kell sein, ha a legkozelebbi bevasérlokszpontba akamak menni Masyowes: Rendben. Menjlink, nézzitk meg. Meg egy kérdés. Mennyibe kertl? 134 KERDES ROVID VALASZ ——|isheatwork? > Yes, he is, ‘Can T come? ~ No, you can’t. Do you like it? ~ Yes Ido. Does she live here? ~~ No, she doesn't Arvid valasz azt jelenti, hogy a valaszban nem ismételiik meg az egész kérdést ~ Yes, she is sick. (Ez teljes gies valasz, ita kérdés minden nee szavat megismeteltik) ~ Yes, shes. (r6vid vélasz) Révid valaszt(igeninem) eldéntendé kérdésre adhatunk: ~ Yes, Lam, seer secre { ~No, I'm not BA revid valaszban nem ismétaliik meg a kérdémondatban szereplé ‘féigét: Did he go to Paris? ~ Yes, he did. NEM: Yes-Hedid Teste atng? ~ Ys, sh ie oiing Ha a kérdésben a be létige szerepel, a rivid valaszban is ezt hasznaljuk: Are you tired? ~ Yes, Lam, Is he hungry? ~ Yes, he is, Is there a café near here? ~ Yes, there is, Were there enough sandwiches? ~ Yes, there were. Gyakorlatok 0 Can you come tonight? ~ Yes, I can, come-tonight 1 Will you see Ted tomorrow? ~ Yes, I will see Ted tomorrow. 2 Do you have toast for breakfast? ~ No, I don't have toast for breakfast. 3 Do you drive to work? ~ Yes,1 do drive to work 4 Did she come yesterday? ~ No,she didn’t come yesterday. % Were you tired after the game? ~ Yes, I was tired after the game. 6 Can she sing well? ~ No, she can’t sing well. 7 Did Tom have a holiday? ~ Yes,he did have a holiday. 132 Figyelem! A magyar nyelvben a révid valasz lehet egyszertien: ‘igen’. Az angolban ennyire 7 = 0 valaszban segédiget és személyes névmast is haszndlunk. Ave you tired? ~ Yes, Lam. (NeNt Yes) Tagad6 valasznal a segédigéhez a not (n't) tagadész6 jarul: ‘Will they win? ~ No, they won't. Did Paul come? ~ No, he didn’t Are you cold? ~ No, I'm not. | ~ Az igenié révid valaszban nem haszndljuk az Ssszevont alakokat: ‘Are you tired? ~ Yes, Lam, (eM: Yess) Is he happy? ~ Yes, he is. (EM: ¥es-He’2) 4 Rovid valasszal fejezhetjik ki egyetértésiinket vagy ellenvéloményéinket egy elhangzott megéllapitéssal kapcsolatban: KIJELENTES VALASZ He's working hard. ~ Yes, heis. ( Keményen dolgozik) (= Hat igen,/Bizony) She's at work. ~ No, she isn’t. (© Amunkahelyén van) (= Dehogy van.) She loves films. ~ Yes, she does, (“Szeretia filmeket) (= {gy van) Ha az ige az allitast tartalmazé mondatban egyszerti jelenben van, a do/does segédigét, ha egyszerd multban, akkor a did segédigét hasznaljuk a révid valaszban: She loves films: ~ Yes, she does. ee eee He liked the book, ~ Yes, he did. ee ees @ irasban a Yos vagy No utén vesszét tesziink Hizzuk ata rovid valaszban felesleges részt, és az utols6 szUkséges 876 utn tegytink pontot, He lives in London, ~ No, ke doesn't ‘§-Is she studying French? ~ Yes, she is studying French. = 9 Doyou play basketball? ~ No,I don’t play basketball, 0. Are you thirsty? ~ No, I'm not thirsty. [f Keresstik meg a kérdésekhez tartoz6 valaszt. ‘Yes, she did. No, he doesn’t. No, she wasn’t Yes, he did. Yes, Twill Yes;they-did: Yes,Ido. No, they aren't. No, Lean’ Did they all leave? Does Steve work hard? Do you like this music? Are they listening? Did she enjoy her holiday? Was Mary at the concert? Will you phone this weekend? Can you play the guitar? = Did he go to bed? ~ Adjunk igenié és tagadé valaszt a kérdésokre, =0 Was the film good? 4. Does he enjoy French food? 2 Can Billy swim? © 3 Will they return tonight? 4 Doyou want to buy that shirt? 5 Are they coming in Mike's car? 6 Did you ask Sally to come? ~ Deészitsik kia kovetkezé kérdésokre adot rvid vélaszokat, 0 Does everyone have to vote in Britain? 1 Is the age for voting 18? 2 Does the Prime Minister live at 10 Downing Street? 3. Are there two main political parties in Britain? 4 Do general elections happen every three years? 5 Was there a female Prime Minister in. 1980? 6 7 8 Ate the Houses of Parliament in Manchestez? Does the Queen open Parliament? Do people in Britain care about politics? 133 Bl Az utokérdés Kijelenté mondathoz kapcsolt rovid kérdés (pi. isn'it?, haven't we?): B Ants mondatnal az utokérdésben a tagadé alakot hasznaljuk: TIENEN: We've mil before, haven’ Fwe? (= MEE — talalkoztunk, ugye?) bonlte ALAK + TAGADO ALAK JRE Yes, we have. Tm right, aren't? B Figyeliak meg a kévetkezé parbeszéd részietet: re aNNar Sandra is Swiss-(= Sandrasvajc) ———— You're 18, aren't you? avid: No, she’s French, ian ho? They're geting tired, aren't they? franca, Vagy net? =n azt hittom— ray were fendly, weren't they? Hee lives in France doesn’t he? ate Keay tevadek?) You speak Spanish, don’t you? Amikor az ut5kérdés valosdgos kordés, a You passed your exams, — didn’t you? mondat végén emelked6 hanglejtést She has left rasetaeee hasznalunk. You can drive, can't you? Viszont ha az ut6kérdés nem igazi kérdés, The bus will come soon, won't it? ‘ereszkeds hanglejtést hasznalunk There's enough food, isn't there? peer ere eee ‘That was a boring programme, wasn't t? (© Unalmas méisor volt, ugye?) Baz utokerdésben hasznait segédige a (Figyelem! A be egyes szdm els személyben NEM art's, HANEM arent) igealakot hasznalunk: 1B Tagadé mondatndl az utokérdésben allité ‘fmondatban szerepi6 igétd fig mone = + ALLITOALAK — | Tt isn’t very cheap, is it? IGE + UTOKERDES We aren't going to be late, are we? be: You're French, aren't you? She wasn’t angry, was she? At | You don’t like this, do you? (Abe megfelel6 alakja: are — She didn’t win, did she? aren’t) She hasn't visited Ireland, has she? ige: He plays golf; doesn’t he? She can't drive, can she? ts ee Ie won't rain today, will it? (A do segédige megfelel6 alakja: There aren't many chairs, are there? plays — doesn’t) c segédige: It has arrived, hasn't it? Bedige (A:segédige megfelel6 alakja: ~hasn’t) LE eli Eve By Fejezzik be a mondatokat a megielelé ulskérdéssel. aren'tyou? canyou? didn’tyou? doesit? don’tyou? have-se? isit? is there? isn’tit? does it? don'tyou? have we? isit? is there? isn’t it? Jo: Wehaven’t met before, 9 have we?, TIM: No, I've just arrived. JO: Ah, yes. You and your friends came last week, !......... TIM: Well, two weeks ago actually. jo: You come from Australia,2 P tiv: Yes, from Sydney. And you're from Scotland, 3 134 ‘Yes, that's right. Tell me about Sydney. It’s very hot there, 4 Most of the time, but not always. But it never gets very cold, 5 Iho, HOt as cold ws northeen Europe; for example, So you can’t do winter sports then, 6.... ees mm: No, but we do a lot of surfing, There isn’t anywhere to surf here, 7 30: __ That's true. But nowhere is perfect, 8 J Fejezziik be a mondatokat utdkérdéssel, = 0 The programme starts at seven o'clock, .dgeen't it? 1 Ican use this ticket on any bus, ae The bill won't be very high, . He wasn’t very polite, .... didn’t make a mistake, ... That was a lovely meal, ‘They left last week, cis? ~ Yes, that’s right, srecunsneenisd Yes, you can. +2. ~ No,I don’t think so. 1.2 ~ No, he wasn't, 2. ~ No, you didn't, ~ Yes, it was delicious. ~ Yes, that’s right. Wi Ecészitsik ki a parbeszédet utokérdésekkel. = MaxrHa: I'm going to Helsinki tomorrow. CHARLES: That's in Finland, MARTHA: Yes, it's the capital. “CHARLES: You've been there before,? v..ccssccescssssesseeuesee MARTHA: Yes, two years ago. CHARLES: But you can't speak Finnish, 3 MARTHA: No, Tcan't. CHARIS: But a lot of Finnish people speak English, 4 Yes Wel, ITI sce you before you leave, 5 Yes, I'll see you tonight. b Fejezziik be a megkezdett mondatokat a valaszok alapjan, utokérdés hasznélataval. 0 A: She.gomes from Hungary, doesn't she? > B: Yes, she comes from Hungary. TAL YOU CaM seesssettsseceetsseseseesetee B: Yes, Ican speak Brench very well 2A: You haven't et 7 B: No, [haven't heard this story. 3. A: Youwent ... oa Br Yes, Lwent to Frank's party. OAL TRBIE oc ccccseneerene a B: No, it isn’t very far from 5 A: She won't : B: No, she won't be angry. 135 Bi Tovabbi peidak: I'm tired. ~ Lam too. ~~~ Tovabbi pian — He was very angry, (= Nagyon méxges volt) > Sowas I, (= Enis.) _ ~My fats giite small. = A lakécom elgg Kiesi) ~ So is mine. (= Az enyémis,) ‘They were waiting. ~ So was sa. I’m going to have tea. ~ So am I. Ann has finished her work and so has Mary. They've been waiting, ~ So has she, I work in an office. ~ So dot. Lenjoyed the film. ~ So did [. Philip will pass the exam and so will you. (= Philip at fog menni a vizsgan, és te is.) He can drive. ~ So can she. Figyeljiik meg; > Allito mondat esetén az aliitashoz fizétt Meagiegyzésben a so sz6t hasznaljiuk: > az ailitasban hasznait ige vagy igei szerkezet hatérozza meg, hogy milyen segédige all a so utan. So am I helyett mondhatuk azt is, hogy | am too, a So Is she helyett She is too — mindkét valtozat ugyanazt jelenti Gyakorlatok Wervegorirsnnat fae ~ WE RATER I work in an office. ~ Ido too. Bill enjoyed the film and I did to. He can drive. ~ She cart too B Tagad6 monet utén a Neither am UNor am | (= En sem.) tipusti szerkezetet hasznaljuk: Im not tired. ~ Neither am I. (= Nem vagyok faradt.~ En sem.) Thaven't seen that film. ~ Neither have |, I don’t like this place. ~ Neither do I. I didn't see that play. ~ Neither did I ‘Tom's sister can’t drive and neither can he. (= Tom n6vére nem tud vezetni, és maga Tom sem.) 'B/Az I'm not either, She doesn’t either gyanazt jelenti, mint a Neither am I, iletve a Neither does she: Im not sired. ~ Vm not either, Thaven‘t seen that film. ~ I haven't either. 1 don’t like this place. ~ I don’t either. I didn't see that play. ~ I didn't either. His sister can't drive and he can't either HEcészitsvk ki a mondatokat a s0, too, elther vagy neither szavakkal. 0: Treally enjoyed-that meal-~-5¢ I don't like football. ~ oo haven't been to America, ~ My father works in an office. ~ Thaven’t read a newspaper today. ~ Iplay a lot of different sports. ~ Ido . Tve been working very hard lately. ~ ‘Ann will be at the party and... 1 136 sortie Thaven’t done the homework. ~I haven't e/ther, We live in the centre of town, ~ We do £09. dol. have L does mine. have I so have I will Jane. My brother can’t speak any foreign languages and Helen sent me a birthday card and Robin did George isn’t going to the meeting and I'm not ‘can my sister. "Tony arrived late and ....escss-sees did L Kathy didn’t go to the concert and .. T've got a cold. haven't got much money. Oo. ‘We're going to the concert. (we) My pen doesn’t work. ___. (mine) ~ Thavert read today’s paper. (I) ~ My meal was excellent (min) x Tve been ill. > (rank) me Ron didn’t go to the party. (George) ~ Ican’t understand this game. (I) = Im not working tomorrow. (0) me asitd Ruth passed the exam. Gokn) ~ 10 I've eaten enough o ~. 11 I'm going to see that film. (we) ~ 12 My caris very old. (mine) ai WA tablazatban megadott informacié alapjén egészitsak ki a mondatokat so, too, either vagy neither haszndlataval JUUA ROBERT SANDRA PAUL. ] New York Chicago New York Los Angeles Spanish French. Spanish French Yes No No Yes reading travelling travelling reading | basketball basketball. tennis tennis Julia lives in New York and Sandra .49¢8.t09, Julia lives in New York and 89.4228. Robert doesn't live in New York and .. Robert doesn’t live in New York and Paul .. Julia speaks Spanish and... - Sandra, 0 0 1 2 3 : 4 Julia speaks Spanish and Sandra .....csocte 5 6 7 8 9 Robert can’t speak Spanish and .....c.0-eesesne Robert can’t speak Spanish and Paul Julia can drive and Paul... : | : Robert can’t drive and ...ececseseseeen sa Sandra. & Julia has passed her driving test and ... ne .. Paul. © 10 Robert likes travelling and ..:..s.seue .. Sandra, 11 Julia likes reading and Paul seve Robert. 12 Julia plays basketball and .. 18, Sandra doesn’t play basketball and ........ See . Paul. 437 HIA can segédigével (gy alkotunk mondatot: ALLITAS can + FONEV! IGENEV TO NELKOL_| Vrelshefitjyoufwe/ihey could ski. 1 can ski, (= Tudok sfeini,) TAGADAS. AWLiTAS Whefshefiyouhee/they can ski TAGADAS. Ue/sheft/you (stb,) cannotfean't ski. KERDES Can _Wre/sheft/you (stb,). swim? Abeszéit nyelvben cannot helyett altaléban a can't alakot hasznaljuk: He can’t swinn. (Can you swim? ~ Rovid vélasz: No, I can’t Lasd a 46. fejezetet.) i Acan és a can’t azt fejezi ki, hogy valamit képesek vagyunkinem vagyunk képesek megesindini, valamit tudunk vagy nem tudunk: ‘She can speak Japanese. (Beszél japénut) He can’t ski. (= Nem tad sielni,) Acan/can’t azt is jelentheti, hogy valami egy | adot pillanatban lehetséges: Tan see the moon. (= Létom a holdat. = Lathato a hold.) B Acould segédigével igy alkotunk mondatot: could + FONE IGENEV TO NELKOL_| L 1 could ski. (= Tudtam sfelni) LONE ler lcelg By A kepek és a peice alapjan és alkossunk révid pérbeszédeket ean vagy can't hasznélatéval, play the violin Vrelyou (sto) could not/eouldn't ski, KERDES: | Could refyou (stb.) ski Acould azt fejezi ki, hogy a miltban valamit tudtunk, vaiamire képesek voltunk: Teould rum 100 raetres in 12 seconds when Iwas ‘young. Susait cowld read when she was three years old Ha olyan tevékenységré! beszéliink, amelyre a ‘miit egy adott pillanataban voltunk képesek, a could segédige helyett altalaban a wasiwore able to szerkezetet hasznaljuk: Iwas able to visit her yesterday. (= Tegnap meg tudtam latogatni,) NEM: Feould-visibher yesterday: couldn't eyarént kitejezheti azt, hogy valamire a maltban nem voltunk képesek, & aztis, hogy egy adott alkalommal nem: Teouldn’t understand physics at all when Iwas at school. (= Iskolés koromban egyéltalén nem tudtam megérteni a fizikat)) Teouldtn’t se the film because there was a really tall man in front of me. (= Nem lattam a filmet, mert egy nagyon magas ember it eldttem,) 1 J6v6 id6ben a will + be able to szerkezetet hesznalhatjuk (A willean helytelen,) The baby will be able to tal soon, Gan he play the violin? she can't, She can play tenn but she can’t play the violin, tact i asasnince a @ speak Japanese. speak French : ne B: No, = eee ee Man o eat the chips eat the fish 0 You don’t have to shout. 1.64. r.gouldn’t. - watch that programme last night because I had to go out. ssereesrarerenees play last week because he was injured. He eats in restaurants all the time because he .» hear you very well ++ cook. Lessseesssseesssneeseenses Bive You a lift in my car because it isn’t working at the moment, I didn’t have a good seat in the theatre, so I .. see the stage very well. John doesn’t need a calculator, He «2... do very difficult sums in his head, 6 She's very good at music. She... play three instruments. Tate -ssovssee find my address book, Do you know where itis? 8. He spoke very quickly and I -understand anything he said. 9 We. go on the trip because We... wo» afford it. twas very expensive, flO estes do any more work because I was very tired, so I stopped. 1 She spoke very clearly. I... understand everything. 12. Our dog is very clever, It. turn the lights on. 13 Look at the rain. We 14 In the days before fridges, you 15 This computer programme... 6 Gorillas oo. oreses . leave now because we haven't got an umbrella. sven Keep food for only a couple of days. +++ translate into six languages. speak. make noises but they 139 Egészitsiik kia mondatokat was able to vagy were able to szerkezottel. 0 to... got the last ticket for the concert 1 After waiting for a long time, we we . getinto the museum, Tinley Tones BUY a Rew Carpet very cheaply In the sales, | ate --~ eat three plates of pasta in the restaurant last night! i visit us yesterday afternoon despite the bad weather. -» finish my homework in half an hour today. srs» have a long holiday last year. DIA tabiazatban megadot intormécié alapjan egészitstk ki 4 mondatokat can, could vagy will be able tohaszndlataval z LAST YEAR Now HOPES FOR THE FUTURE: Joy swim 100 metres swim 1000 metres ‘swim for her club team Mark type 1S.words per minute type 30 words per minute work as a secretary Bill i 25 kilos lit 100 kilos join a weightifting team ‘Anne speak only alittle French speak French quite well ‘work a8 an interpreter Carol only cook amelettes. ‘cook quite well work as a chef Tom only play the piano play the plano and the vilin play in an orchestra Susan only ride a bike dtive a car chive a racing car Frank jump only 5 metres jump 7 metres represent his club Gail _—_ only ski down blue slopes ski down red slopes teach skling 0 Last year Joy .¢euid ewim 100 metres... Now, she can ewin 1000 metres + quite well, and if she studies hard, .asan interpreter, Now, an srosbtes , and if he trains hard, perhaps 3 Last year Anne 4. Atthe moment Carol -Now, ae eesti stores nd if she works hard, perhaps 5 Last year Tom a eee Now, and if he works hard, pethaps 0... ee 6 Last year Susan iveseeorAasevsbsePAnaAnas| vas and she hopes that one day ai : although last year he 7 This year Frank. Ihe does well, one day he 8 Gail hopes that one day she Although last year she ++ now she .. 140 Bj Jack 19 éves, és eppen elkdltézik otthonrél, mert egy mésik vérosban fog egyetemre jémni. = Fogalmazzuk meg kérdésben a sziilel és sejét aggodalmait a j6vével kapesolatban, Hasznéljunk be able to szerkezetet. JAGKS-RARENTS WORRIES |_LiAcKS WORRIES —— | cook for himself? {get up in time for lectures? pass al his exams? | | find time to study? come home at weekends? | | afford to go out? keep his room tidy? keep in touch with my old friends? do his own washing? understand the lectures? | Jack’s parents o Wil. ‘ Jack WIL be able to get up in time for lectu Ei Egészitsik ki szivegat a megadottigékkel és could, couldn't vagy wasiwere able to haszrislataval contact escape getinto move put see send sleep swim During the night of the storm no one 9.¢2uld sleep. because of the noise of the wind. In the morning we 1 soos that something was seriously wrong. The engines were silent and the ship’s radio was broken so the boat?........... and no one ‘message for help. Luckily, one of the passengers had a good mobile phone, so he Sossesneneoie the coast guard, But then the ship began to sink fast. Some of the passengers were frightened because they 5... 1 bat luckily everyone §.....sscseeseeneees the lifeboats. We? out luggage in the lifeboats, 60 we had to leave everything behind. But the important thing was that We8 ......sces safely and it wasn’t long before the coast guard found us. G Foraitsuk le a kévetkez6 széveget Carol kisbccse egy éves. A miilt héten még nem tudottjarni, de ma feléllté sikeralt néhany lépést megtennie. Oda tudott menni a kényvespolchoz, 6s le tudta venni az egyik konyvet. Carol haga hat éves. A mult honapban még nem tudott iszni, és biciklizni sem tudott. Most dszSleckékre ja, 6s tud tiszni egy kiosit. Carol biciklizni tanita. Kérbe tud biciklizmi a Kertben, és nemsokéra képes lesz biciklivel elmenni a boltba Carollal. Carol nagyapja hetven éves. Amikor fiatal volt, tudott teniszezni, 6s le tudta futni a ‘maratont, Most nem tud ennyit futni, de tud tiszni, és hossza sétékat tesz, ‘Tornagyakorlatokat is tud végezni, apr HA can és could segédigakkel kerést fejezhetiink ki: > Acan vagy may (a eeu nem) azt is kifejezi, hogy valamit megengediink: ag here an/eould + Uwe > have Can T have « coffee? (= Kaphatok/Kérek egy kavét) Could awe receipt? —|.(¢ Kaphatnék egy elismervényt?) Could weave to ce, place Can I have some sugar? > ACould I? udvariasabb, mint a Can 1? Acan, may és could segédigével engedélyt kérhetiink: Gamay! + two + veseuou | Could FONEVI IGENEV ‘May T use _yourpen? | (= Hasznathatom a tolladat?) | Could we look at your map, plense? Can T borrow your tennis racket, please? Gyakorlatok By Tegyik helyes sorrendbe a zérdjelben megadott szavakat. (Fogalmazzunk meg © (have/a return ticket to York/could /please/1) Could t have a return ticket ‘please! 1 (please/I/can/a glass of orange juice/have) 2. (we/listen to your new CD/can) 3 (your phone/please/use/I/can) 4 (may/borrow/your camera tomorrow fl) 5 (please/the menui/pass/you/could) 6 (can/this letter for me/you/post) 142 ( Itt hagyhatod a csomagodat,) > Amikor nem egy emberre vonatkozé, hanem altalénosan mindenkire érvényes engedélyrél van 826, a can segeédigét hasznaljuk: In Britain, people can drive a car when they are17. > Hivatalos engedélyi a may segédige is kifejeznet: Bags may be left here. > Altaténos engedélyezést vagy tilalmat a be allowed to szerkezettel is kfejezhetiink: Ab that school students ean-wear/are allowed to wear jeans. BAcan you?, Could you? és Would you? (de a May-you? nem) azt is kifejezheti, hogy Valakit6l valamit kértink, A could és a would formélisabb és udvariasabb, mint a can. CaniCould/ + you + To neuxiu | Would FONEVIIGENEY Can you ‘help (© Tudinal nekem segiteni?) Could you buy me a newspaper? Tn hot. Would you open the window, please? ~ Yes, of course me? kéréseket.) E] Hogyan kémenk az alabbi dolgoket a kuiénbéz6 helyszineken? Hasznéljuk a megadott kfejozsieket 63 a zérdjelben Iv6 szerkezetet, havea map of the town havea single room heveeticket for Glasgow [Ttivetwomelons~have some-fiskand chips 0 PLACE: a train station (could... please) Could | have.a ticket for Glasgow, pleas 4¢-PLACE: a greengrocer's _ (can I... please) ..... 2. PLACE: a restaurant (can... please) . ‘3 °PLAGE a hotel (could I... please) ... 4 PLACE: a tourist information centre (could T.., please) «sss. Kériink engedélyt @ zaréjelbon mogadott szerkezel és a megfelelékifejezés segitségével use Your photocopier wseyoudictionary tumon theTV close the window borrow your pen] ‘0 sTTUATION: You want to find the meaning of a word. (may 1) May |.use your dictionary? Grou ere ati 72 SITUATION: You want to watch a programme, (can... please) .. sretrcetnennerceuiateccusasertessseeenesetseeeies 3 srTuatton: You're feeling cold. (may t) eae aera 4 sTTUATION: You need a photocopy of a letter (may T... please) . BI Kerjtink segitséget az adott helyzetben a megfelelé kifejezés és a zar6jelben megadott szerkezet haszndiataval. tell me the time buymeemagesine carry one of these cases "| tell me the way to Buckingham Palace 0 PROBLEM: You're sick. You're in bed. ‘You're bored. (can you ... please) .C2n You buy me a magazine, please? 1 PROBLEM: Your suitcases are very heavy. (Could YOU) o..seeeeseeeesesssssosseeeseensssseseesstesettannentaseseeee 2 PROBLEM: You're lost in London. | {could you ... please) 3 PROBLEM: You've forgotten to put your watch on, (64M YOU) woes ca Pech naar ee 143 ALA must segédigével igy alkotunk mondatokat: must _ + To NELKOU FONEWIIGENEV 'B mustn't (= nem szabadttios) > Amustn't titést vagy figyelmeztetést fejez 1 must go. (= Feltétenal mennem kell) ‘ALLITAS Welshefthouhvethey must go | TAGADAS Uhefhe/you (sib.) must notmustn't go, Bi must (= kell) > AYou must kezdetti mondat tartalmazhat szigord parancsot vagy figyelmeztatést ‘You must all finish your work beforé you go home! ‘You must pay attention when I'm talking to you! » AYou must szerepel olyan nyilvanos helyeken elheiyezett feliratokon is, amelyek mindenkire érvényes szabalyokat vagy utasitasokat tartalmaznak: ‘You must pay before you enter the museum. All visitors must go to reception when they arrive, > Tanacsot is megfogalmazhatunk a You must kezdett) mondattal: You must visit the art gallery, The paintings there are fantastic, You must read this book; it's fantastic! > Amikor igy érezziik, hogy valamit meg kell tenntink, a mondatot az | must vagy a We must szavakkal kezdhetjiik: must leave now, I'm getting tired, (= Mennem kell, kezdek féradt lenni.) Thaven’t got any money. I must get a job. We must: bug some milk at the supermarket —— CON Coli el tela Egészits You mustn't. You gE E " I | ‘The exam is next month. I You sees eee re z £ kia mondatokat a mustimustn’t segédigével, toss the road without looking, Its dangerous, try the food that he cooks. Its delicious! | .- work harder, forget your umbrella, It's going to rain. ++ Stay here any longer. We must go to the station now, or we'll miss our train. | learn to swim before you go sailing. phone John tonight. { haven't spoken to him for a long time, listen or you won't understand AUR (CRE Neat You mustn't be late, You mustn't forget to buy your ticket > A figyelmeztotés sajat magunknak is sz6lhat: T mustn't forget my passport We mustn't spend all our money today! BA must és a mustn't a jelenre és a jovire is vonatkozhat: JELEN Ta tired. [rust go to bed. You mustn't speak to her now! Jove | You must book your ticket next week, (vem donee . I's my uncle's birthday next month, [must visit him. Amust segédige a miltra nem vonatkozhat. Helyette a have to segédigét hasznaljuk. (Tovabbi tudnivalbk az 52. felezetben taléInaték.) +8 It's seven o'clock. Shall we go? We 9 Be careful! You, ‘miss the concert, lose that money, -10 It’s an important match. You... oo play-well, + ¥ead this BOOK: IVs faiitastic. 0 into the cinema without a ticket. [1A Rio szétioda nem tal vendégszeret6 hely, rengeteg ‘szatvilyt kell botartani. Olvassuk el a lstat, é {junk mondatokat a mustimustn't segédigével, NOTICE TO GUESTS Carry your own suitcases to your room, “Bo not take food into your room, Pay for your room when you arrive, Vacate your room by 9 a.m. on the day you leave. Do not ask hotel staff for tourist information. Return to the hotel before 10 pm. every night. | 0 Yeumust carry. 1 You..... your own suitcases to your room, food into your room, for your room when you arrive. your room by 9 a.m. on the day you leave. hotel staff for tourist information, to the hotel before 10 p.m. every night. "| study in the evening run every moming | piece en. | must dress amartly. visit my grandmother 7 sleep in the afternoon dance all night | a a 145 HBA have to alakjai egyszert jelenben: BA don’t have to azt jelenti, hogy valamit nem ALLITAS 8S TAGADAS _| L__ fel meatenniink Vocuforfiey {Hm | We dork nave te pagron) [BUY N fa has foo. = PAY NEXT EA | Hesherit doesn't have 2 a4 Paral Tl eee eee meee ace jf ma __| KERDES = z feat HALON Th ATT Do Hyoufive/they have to go? We don’t have to hurry; we're early. Does he/she/it } prea Tdon’t have to get up cerly on Sunday, can sty cae a + int bed if I want, : Bhave to (= kel) B Ahave to helyett a have got to alak is Ahave to segédigével azt fejezhetjik ki, hogy hasznalhaté: valamit azért kell megienniink, mert bizonyos, Do you have to/Have you got to get up early ‘masok ditalelbirt szabalyokat be kell tomorrow? ~ Yes, [have to/l've got to get up at tartanunk: six ood, i We have to pay the rent every month They don't have tofhaven’t got to come this (= Minden honapban kell lakbért fizetniink. afternoon. ~ ley sz6l a szerzodes.) : Figyelem! A have got to alak mult idében nem ‘My brother has to travel alot in his job fesnalkene Ha olyasmirél beszéliink, amit mi magunk They had to leave early. (= Korén el elle tartunk fontosnak, a must segédigét mennitik,) A hd-goFo helytelen hasznaljuk (Iésd az 61. fejezetet). @ Matt iddben a had to alakot hasznéljuk, B Akioris 2 have to segédigét haszndluk, | amikor vaiamit azért kell megtenniink, mert a Figyelem! Tagad alakja didn’t have to. kérlimények kényszeritenek ré Thad to do alot of work yesteriay Thave to get a bus to schoo We didn’t have to play football at school. She has t0 live on a small income New: play FADo you... . have to alakct hasznaljuk, ha Dic you have to work herd forthe exam azt kérdezzik, hogy vatamit meg kell-e B Jove icoben a will have tor have to tennink: szerkezetet haszndluk Do Ihave to show my passport? HEU have to look for another job. Do you have to wear a uniform at work? We won't have to get tickets in advance. z Will they have to get visas? De a have to jelen idejti alakkal jové idét is. | kifejezhetink: Thave to do some shopping tomorrow, 1 Do you have to work next weekend? LENE ela Evie BY Az alabbi tablazatban nénany fogialkozascal kaposolatben talélunk Informaci6t. Egészitsik ki a 'mondatokat have to vagy don't have to haszndlataval. Shop assistants Bank clerks Doctors ‘Teachers deal with the public v v v i‘ work on Sundays v x v x Work with money v v x x | wear uni v x v x 146 ‘Shop assistants . have to deal {Teachers with the public. the public. -- on Sundays, SiO Sundays. with money, sso. With money, ~- with money. +. uniforms. + uniforms. {Ef egészitsck ki a mondatokat a have to Segédige és a zardjelven megadott kifejezések alkelmazasaval, Figyeljink a megfelel6 igeidé hasznalatara, 0. have to leave, ~rvvsees U/leave) now; I've got an appointment at the dentist's (you/study) literature when you were at school? + (You/not/come) with me now if you don’t want to, + (/not/ work) hard because the job was very easy. vo (l/ do) this work now, or can I do it tomorow? sre-snesns (I/tun) to school because Twas late, (1/g0) to an important meeting yesterday. sve (You/show) your passports when you reached the border? vv» (fay) in cash next week or can I give you a cheque? (You/not/ decide) today. You can tell me tomorrow, (wait) a long tine for a bus, regfelel6 alakjénak 4.lke £0 buy a travel card. What do I have to do? (Good morning. I'¢ like to buy a travel card. What/1/do?) SASSISTANE 1 DANTEL: 2 S ASSISTANT: 3... ovens (XOu/fill/in an application form.) eee vs (U/give/you/a photograph?) ats (No, you/not/give/me anything, except the money!) pan: 0 What did you have to do at school today? (What/you/ do/at schoo! today?) GEO; 4 sisi (We/do/some/English tests.) Dap: 5... (How many. questions/you/ answer?) GEOR: 6 (We/answer/about 40 grammar questions.) Dap: 7 ++ (You/speak/in English?) CHOP: «8 i (No, but we/do/that next week.) 147 IBA have to tobpnyire azt tejezt xi hogy vatemit- szabaly vagy trvény ir el6, vagy valaki kotelez APA must azt fojezi ki, hogy valaminek az elvégzését fontosnak tartjuk: ‘Tagadortité alak: You mustn't worry. (= Nem szabad nyugtalankodnod!) ___Figyelem! A mustn't azt jelenti, hogy ‘nem ‘szebad’, ‘tilos’, nem azl, hogy ‘nem kell, ‘nem minket valamire: Doctors sometimes have to work on Sunday, Attagado és @ kérdé alakban a do segédigét hasznaijuk : ‘Teachers don’t have to work on Sunday, Do you have to work today? ~ No, I don't B AtivAs Alité mondatban nines mindig Iényeges kilénbség a must és have to haszndlata k6z6tt, Sok doigot szabélyok imak el, amelyek betartasat mi is fontosnak tartjuk In Britain you must drive on the left. VAGY In Britain you have to drive on the lef LONE olaEtel e | BtacapAs Figyoljak meg a ktlénbséget a mustn't és a tthave-to-kéz6tt———— > Amustn't gyakran azt jelenti, hogy valamit ‘nem szabad megtenni, mert szabalyellenes vagy titja a térvény: You mustn't smoke on buses, (© Az autébuszokon tilos a dohanyz4s) In football you mustn't touch the bal oth your hand. (= Futbaltban tilos a labdat ‘kézzel érinteni.) i > Adon't have to jelentése: ‘nem kel’, nem szlikséges’, nines elgirva’: In Britain, people don’t have to carry a pessport with them Nowadays students do not have to learn Latin at schoo, Berves Kérdezni a do/does . . . have to (Neu suet) alakkel kell, ha azt kérdezzilk, hogy va kételezé-e vagy nagyon fontos: Does Michael have to get up early tomornno? Do we have to wait here? Blegeszitsik ki a mondatokat a must/mustn't segédigével és a megfelelé igével. be dsive obey park play work Pee eer eee 0 Car drivers. must drive slowly in towns TV You... your carina ‘No Parking’ area 2. Everybody the traffic police. 3 You.... ssssssesereisee, football in the street, 4 Drivers. careful when it's foggy. 5 Lony drivers. -. when they are tired. By Egészitsak ki 2 pérbeszédet a mustmustn't se egyszer hasznaljuk. *gédigével és a megadott igékkel. Mindegyik igét csak finish forget visit buy ask leave tell have A: We must visit B: Yes, and wel... the castle before we leave, . to take a boat trip on the river A:Do you think I can take a holiday next month, George? B: Yes, but you 2 148 the boss first. overs this work tonight, =P: Why not? I'm tired and I want to go home, "Ai Please stay. She's going to sing the best song of the evening. GAs] worked hard yesterday and made a Jot of money. That's good but you look tited. You 3 ..s..eeceessescsvsnseueees a rest tomorrow. sssceee my father “Why not? John is an actor and my father doesn't like actors! “A: Uhate this flat. It’s so small a house with a garden, ‘Az alabbi szabalyok egy iskola hazirendjében szerepelnek. Alakitsuk dt a mondatokat a you altalénos = alany és a must/mustn’t segédige alkalmazésaval, Attendallelasaes. Don’t take school books home with you. Don't make a noise in the corridors. [Don’t write in school books. =| Arrive for lessons on time. Bring your own pens and paper. all classes. --sehool books home with you. ---1. a noise in the corridors, .. in school books. for lessons on time. - your own pens and paper. A zardjelben lav6 dlitisalanjén alkossunk kérdést Do/Does ... have'to hasznélatével, és adjunk révid valaszt, ahogy a példaban latjuk. 0 (They don’t have to work hard.) Do they have to work hard? ~ No, they. don't... 0 (They must stay at home.) Pothey have to stay at home? | ves, they do. 1. (Jim has to go to the doctor's.) eeiaiaeoi eth ~ Yes, : 2. (We must show our passports.) Seer aad et ~ Yes, . 3. (Linda doesn’t have to pay:) ~ Serre shit : MNOS cies 4 (They must do all this work today.) 4 seseee ™ Yes, co 149 -BrEgeszitsix x a parbeszédet a megadott szavakkal, Minden szét osak egyszer hasznéijunk és semmi mast ne tegyiink hozza. shehas must mustn't have does she to got up early tomorrow. 08: Why? Manx: Have you forgotten? Angela !, to move to anew flat tomorrow, and I "> promised we would help her. att ee pop: 2 have to move out by a particular time? “TU MARK: No, there’s no rush, She bout there are lots of things that there fairly carly. 808: Why 6 MARK: She said that 17 you tomorrow. RES, Entry possible 1 You 30 minutes 2 You | betore the concert. No late arrivais | allowed. 3 Small vehicles puro the peers Renee guard before crossing. SeT Danas | Please be quiet~ | | “ath yearexam | in progress. | 5 Students LIBRARY aes No talking. j 8 You Please leave books on tables. SWIMMING POOL Jian cee 10 Swimmers ...... eee OEE 150 4. Drivers of large vehicles 6 Third year students «-Teave her old flat before the aftemoon, to pack, so wes get .. have to move, by the way? ‘-sreseussea tell you because she wants to tell you herself when she sees goin. eat inside. - arrive half an hour early. arrive late, esses Wat .. cross alone. soroeeeieees make a noise, take the exam, ++ tall in the library. put the books back on the shelves, ssesseee Pay today. eat or drink by the pool, Stanton Squash Club az aldbbiakra kételezi ldtogatéit: ‘wear sports shoes leave the changing rooms tidy finish on time s a kovelkez6 doigokat tia: disturb other players eat or drink outside the bar take club balls home ER ei onside the Dar take club balls home Egészitsik ki a mondatokat have to, don't have to vagy mustn't hasznélatéval. 0 You. don't hi SPARE aT ‘wear white clothes, but you Mave 20... sevens Wear sports shoes. 0 You mustn’s, disturb other players, but you . 4 finish on time, but you iilared - play with club balls, but if you do, you... . be silent, . Start on time. 1 You... 2 You... take them home. 3 You sromnseeee eat or drink outside the bar, but YOu ...ssscccc--sesssstevesnssonsce ‘buy your food in the bar if you don’t want to. 4 You +-ssses leave the changing rooms tidy. L Bl Forditsuk le a kvetke26 mondetokat. (Haszndljuk a you ditalénos alanyt.) Ezutan déntsiik el, melyik allités igaz, melyik hamis, és véleményiinket vitassuk meg csoporitérsainkkal és a tandrral, 1 Tizenhat éven feldlinek kell lenntink ahhoz, hogy cigarettét vasérolhassunk, 2 Hanem mész at az iskolai vizegén, évet kell ismételned, ‘Amikor Londonba vagy Périzsba utazunk, nem kell étlevelet vinni magunkkal. 4 Lottoszelvény vésdrlasthoz legalabb tizennyolc évesnek kell lenniink. 5. Akutyatartéshoz engedély sztkséges, 6 Etteremben vagy strsz6ben tilos a dohanyzas, iselniak, 7 Amotorkerékparosoknak bukésisakot kell vis £8 Avélasztasokon minden felndtinek szavaznia kell. 9. Atizennyole éven aluliak étteremben nem fogyaszthatnak alkoholt. 10 Ejszaka nem szabad vildgitas nélkill kerékparozni, ; 1 Ha elmaltal tizenhet éves, 69 hazasségot akarsz kotni, nem kell engedélyt kémed a szlleidtol 12 Autovezetéskor biztonségi ivet kell hasznélni. Az utasnak nem kell hasznélnia az vet 151 DA foneu igenéy to neki alakjaval hasznéljuk (pl. be, go, come, earn) a kivetkez6 ——segécigéket-must-can't-may-could-———_| FENEVI IGENEV They must | earn Bsizonvosshc: | she must be rich ( Bizonyara gazdag) Nézziik meg az alabbi peldat: —-—Jnte gol top.narks in her exams. She must be very — clever. (= Jane a legjobb jegyeket kapta a vizegain. Bizonyéra nagyon okos, - Annak alapjén, amit réla tudunk, et joggal feltételezzik.) ‘Aust tehat azt fejezi ki, hogy valamir6l meg vagyunk gy6z6dve, bizonyosak vagyunk benne: ‘The Greens have too houses and too cars. They ‘must earn a lot of money, (= Greenéknek két hézuk és ket aulsjuk van, Nyilvan nagyon | sokat keresnek) | A: There's someone outside in an orange car B: Itmust be Susan. She's the only person know vith an orange car. (= Ez bizonyéra Susan, Azismerdseim kivztl 6 az egyetien, akirek narancssérga aut6ja van) Bevereriensée: [She can’t be poor (Nem lehet szegeny.) Nezztk meg az alabbi példat: ‘Tim studied hard for his exams, but he got poor marks. He can’t be very clever. (= Tim rengeteget alot. tanult a vizsgaira, de gyenge jegyeket kapott. Nem lehet nagyon okos, - Annak alapjan, amit tudunk réla, gy gondoljuk, hogy nem nagyon | kos.) The Browns both have part-tine jobs; Hey eat’? earn much money, (= Brownék mindketten csak [= Nenelehet Bit tuibtszteelishan-van;) részid6ben dolgoznak; nem kereshetnek sokat,) Gyakorlatok oe be belong speak come spend have like live want remember 0 Anna lived in America for three years, so she Must speak 0 Tom's brother doesn’t know anything about medicine, so he .gan't be 2 Jane has an incredible number of compact discs, She .. 2 Peter doesn’t speak German, so he 152 A: There’s someone at the door. I think it’s Bill. B: I can’t be Bill, He's in Australia, B Lenerséces: may She { might) be in the garden, could (= Lehet, hogy a kertben van) Figyoljdk meg a kévetkez6 példét, amelyben a may segédige szerepel, A: Eva is notin her room, Whee is she? B: She may bein the garden. (Annak alapjan, amit tudunk,feltehetéen a kertben van.) Amight, a may és a could azt feezi ki, hogy Valami Iehetséges, de nem bizonyos, Ugyanezek a sogédigék a jéveben bekévetkezé eseményre is utalhatnak: My sister might come tomorrow. (= Lehet, hogy hholnap jon a névérem,) She may/might come, but she may/might not, & (Lehet, hogy jon, lehet, hogy nem) A could segédigét ennek kifejezésére nem hasznalhatjuk. Helytelen a kévetkez6 mondat: ‘She-could come but sherds A tagad6 alak: may not vagy might not. A: I’ve phoned Jil, but there's no ansiver Bs She may not be at home (= Lehet, hogy nines otthon,) { might not finish the project in time. (= Lehetséges, hogy nem fogok id6re vegemi a feladattal) ‘A may not (mayn't) dsszevont alakjat nem hasznathatjuk, a mightn't alakot igen His story migittn't be true. Lehet, hogy a térténete nem igaz.) BY Egeszitsik ki a mondatokat must vagy can’t és a megfelelé ige hasznlataval .- English a doctor. + music a lot from Germany, 3. This jacket ....,. {to Janet because it’s not her size. wh 4 That man. --- around here because he doesn’t know any of the street names, B Tak ston hie : ® lot of clothes. He wears something different every day. og Brancinvonheri ighty Years OG, 863.) screesastesenesss the Second World War, 7 You've got ten cats already. You... .. to get another one. 8. Susan buys new clothes every day. She ... a lot of money. BJ Egészitsak ki a mondatokat might vagy might not és a zéréjelben megadott ige haszndlatdval, 0. Accept their offer. You Might not get - (get) a better opportunity, bl. +-vuse (buy) her this plant for her birthday. She likes plans a lot, 2 Take a coat with you. It. . . {be) cold this evening. 3. We (Go) to Greece this summer, but we haven't bioked anything yet, 4 Bose (G0) by car because there will bea lot of trafic 5 They vecescct ~~ (Game) to the party tonight. They're very busy. 6 A: What are you going to do tonight? B: Fmnot sure, Dassseseectseseeeseerstersssese (Btay) at home. I'm tired 7 Idon't know where jane is at the moment. She. (be) in the gym, or she +++ (be) in the science lab, 8 Don't worry too much about that mistake. It... seseecseses (Be) important. 9. Tl by to change the time of my flight, Buti... ssssseses (be) possible, The planes are often full at this time of year. 10. You sorererssaten (find) a hotel if you go to the main street ~ there are lots these. Bankrablés tortént ~ a rendérség dsszegytitétte a gyanusitottak fényképét, Nézziik meg a képeket é egésziisik ki a mondatokat can't be, could be vagy must be haszndlataval Ae oae Drake. Hall Brown = RogerS smith [0 Awitness says thatthe robber had glasses If that’s true, then it can't be. .-. Brown i or Drake, It must be : ++» Cither Hall or Rogers or Smith. E 1 Awitness says that the robber had black hair. If that’s true, then it... i i Hall, BULLE a sessecseseeuceeetenerees BROWN, = 2 Awitness says that the robber had a moustache. If that’s ‘true, then it... : Rogers, DULit sscessssesnseesseseseeeessee Drake or Brown, i 3. Awitness says that the robber didn’t have a beard. If that’s true, then it -- Drake or Brown but it... secseesetses Halll of Smith, ‘4 Awitness says that the robber had black hair and wore glasses, If that’s true, then it ++ Hall See + Rogers. It... 5 And if what everyone says is true, then 153 Di Alakitsuk ata mondatokat must, can't, maylmight vagy may not/might not haszndlataval. 0 Vmsure she’s very rich, TPathaps Wary won team, Mary. - 2. Tvenever seen him so he definitely doesn’t live near here. Tve never seen him so he... 3 It is possible that Peter is in the garage. Peter... eee "He el fo Erk belore mas so Ws Obvious What he Lakes the Wain i: He gets to work before me so he Eee Be 5. Its possible that my parents will pay for the concert tickets, My parents ocsceccsesvessesseenseeesees 6 It’s possible that Jack is not willing to help us. Teche torte tae 7 Pethaps she'll go abroad but perhaps she won't, She... Be gészitstk ki a széveget must, can't vagy might és a megfelelé kifejezés hasznélatavel. costalotofmoney beaseldier work long hours. go to Portugal come this weekend be very interested earn £60,000 a year also be at the shops be at the gym 0 RUTH: I think Ann's brother is in the army. James: He 2an't be a soldier _ 7 ’s only fifteen. 1 308: What are you going to do next summer? SUSAN: don’t know. We sosntcnmnniactines¢ DUIS not certain yet, 2 FRED: Mike's new flat all éléctric— kitchién, heating, everything. PETER: That scnncnseone in electricity bills, 3 sam: Is Mary coming to see us this week? SALLY: It depends on her WOFR’SHe 520 ctssnrtinnnnnnne if.she finishes the project that she’s doing, 4 caRoL: Have Brian and Kim got any children? TOM: Yes, they have two children, but they... vin them, because they never talk about them. 5 ANDY: Do you see your new neighbours very much? SARAH: No, they aes , because they are hardly ever at home. © PAUL: Fred's gone out, hasn't he? Where has he gone? ANN; don’t know. He see orhe 7 Tt Is Jane very rich? EMMA: Oh yes, she has a flat and a sports car. She... - von at least 154 Kinek a szaméra vaséroltak a képeken léthats aja a.kedvenc idétéltések listaja és a példék alapjan, a Peter Susan | Tmiusic music a reading photography cricket tennis L James Silk music aerobics ‘os painting skiing teninis reading @ It 2 Thecamera .. Pee : 3 The paints and brushes ‘They 4 ‘The skiing clothes, They ese 5 The books .. ‘They 7 6 The cricket bat . = Wi Foraitsuk te a k6vetkez6 jelenetet a Hemupipdke (Cinderela) cima mesébél. S201GA: A heroog elrendelte, hogy meg kell talsind ernek a cip6nek a tulajdonosat. Egy gyOny dr liny vesztette ola legut6bbi bilon. Ha megtalaljuk, a herceg feleségull veszi a lanyt. A szerencsés lednybél hercegné lesz. Fel akarjak probatni, holgyeim? 1 MosTOHArESIVER: Csak az enyém lehet! Add ide! Nézzétek! Ez pontosan az én méretem! 2 MosTOHATESTVER: Te bizios, hogy bolond vagy! Ez nem lehet ate cip6d. A te lébad nagy, ez a cip6 Pedig kicsi, mint az én labarn. Ennek az én cipomnek kell lene. Bizios vagyok benne, hogy a bélban vesztettem el sz01GA: Bocsdisson meg, kisasszony. Ez a cip6 nem lehet az 6né. Az én léba til nagy. A cip6 bizonyéra egy masik holgyé, aki ebben a hézban lakik ~ vagy kérdezzem meg a szomszédokat? LMostoHanistvix: Ez csak Hamupip6ke lehet... SzZ0UGA: ‘Hamupip6ke? Hol van? ‘.MOSIOHATESTVER: O, nem tudom. Biztos a konyhaban van, 2.MOSIOHATESTVER: Lehet, hogy a kertben van, S201GA: Hivjak ide régtin, Fel kell probainia ect a cipdt. Lehet, hogy 6 az-a lény, akit a herceg keres, Talan 6 az tj hercegnd! MOSIOMIATESTVEREK: Nem! Nem lehet 6 a hercegn6! Ez bizonyéra tévedés! 155 ‘HEA must, can't, may, might és could Ugyanezt kifejezhotjik a couldn't have segédigével mitra is utalhatunk. Ahave és az alakkal is: ige befejezettmetteknévrigenévratakjerd ‘oben amsweret the phone sorthey cout ha segécige utan: been at home. (= Senki nem vette fel a telefont, Mary must have seen him. (= Mary biztosan Iehetetien, hogy otthon veltak.) lata 6t) : Ken might have gone home esrly. a LEHETSEGES (© Ken tala koran hazament) === —— — yeliGk meg a may have hasznélatat: BlsizonyossAc ——-Nezziik.meg, hogyan hasznaljuka must segédiget: Jane got good marks in her exams. She must have ‘worked hard. (= Jane j6 jegyeket kapott a vizsgan. Bizonyosan keményen dolgozott) ‘They've changed everything in their house. They | must have spent a fortune, (= Mindent talakitottak a hézban. Bizonyéra egy vagyont koltettek) SLEHETETLENSEG Neézziik meg, hogyan hasznéljuk a can't segédigét; I saw Bill in Oxford this afternoon so ke can’t have stayed in London all day. (= Ma délutan Oxfordban lattam Billt, sz6val nem tolthette az egész napjat Londonban) Gyakorlatok Begészi befejezett meliéknévi igenévi alakja. be buy catch Hke Hve retire 0 0 1. Jack was at home all weekend so he 2 Sara didn’t use to have so many CDs. She ..... 3. Mrs Stuart is almost 70 so she 4 Their house is wonderful now. They 5 Tom didn’t know what an antibiotic is 50 he 6 ‘Tim was only in Brazil for a week, so he . says that he went to, Your mother’s umbrella isn’t here. She John’s very late getting home. He... 156 1 don’t know where Sally is, She may have gone to the shop. (= Nem tudom, hol van Sally. Lehet, hogy elment a boltba) ‘Amay, might és could (a ean nem) + have azt fojazi ki, hogy valami talan tgy tértént, de nem tudjuk bizonyosan: John doesn’t know where his watch is but he thinks he might/eould have left it at school. (= John nem tudja, hol az 6réja, de azt gondolja, tala ‘az iskolaban hagyta,) Atagadé lak may not vagy might not (oe NEM eould-net A: Caro’s not answering her mobile. B: She might not have taken it with her (= Talén nem vitte magaval.) A: Peter set off early fo goto a museum B: He may not have realized that they don’t cpen until ten o'clock. (= Talén nem tudta, hogy ninesenek nyitva ti el6t) mondatokat a kévetkez6 szerkezette!: must vagy can't + have + a megfelel6 ige spend study take visit ‘The boss increased Alan's salary so she MUSE have liked Saul doesn’t know a word of French so he .9an't have lived his work in France. at the theatre, a lot more recently. from her job, .. a fortune on it. medicine. all the places he it with her, .. his usual train, & Bl Atkossunk hasonio ertelma mondatokat must, can't, might vagy meliéknévi igenév szerkezel haszndlataval, © Those letters arent here now so I'm sure that somebody has posted them, jose Icttersaren'therenow-sesomebody MUSE have posted .. them, 1 Susan’s had exems all day so I'm sure that she hasn't spoken to Barry. Susan’s had exams all day so she estalahiaee ec i to Barry, 2 The book isn’t here, Perhaps Peter took it home. ‘The book isn’t here. Petér 2.200.000... - seco it home, Jim sounded cross on the phone so I’m certain he hasn't had a good day, ~Jim sounded cross on the phone $0 he ......cecsssseceeessesseecec . @ good day. 4 The road's quite wet so I'm sure it rained during the night ‘The road's quite wet soit... ee sv during the night, 5 They don’t watch much TV so perhaps they haven't heard the news. They don’t watch much TV $0 they sascesscsssssresetese . the news. 6 Sara lives on that street so I'm sure she heard the fire engines. Sara lives on that street so she... vscoses the fire engines. Eay 6reg haz padtasén értekes festmény taléltak. Olvassuk el a nagy festbkrdl sz6i6 informaciét és egészitsUk ki a mondatokat a can't have been, could have been vagy must have been srovkerettel ‘Hans Holbein, German 1497-1543 (16th century) Michelangelo, Italian 1475-1564 (16th century) Rubens, Flemish 1577-1640 (17th century) Jan Vermeer, Dutch 1632-1675 (17th century) Canaletio, Italian 1697-1768 (18th century) Frans Hals, Dutch 1580-1666 (17th century) 0 One expert thinks that the painting is from the early 16th century. If that's true, then the painter could have been Michelangelo but .04m't have been Rubens, 1 Another expert thinks that the painting is Dutch or Flemish. If that is ‘true, then the painter se ates renee peeneesne ees Canaletto but .. i Vermeer or Rubens, 2. Another expert thinks that the painting is from the 17th century. If that’s true, the painter neeee Frans Hals or Rubens, for example, but... Holbein. 3 Another expert is certain that the painting is Duteh. If that's tre, the painter Se Michelangelo, but cosocreosseeene Vermeer or Frans Halls ‘4 Another expert fs convinced that the painting is Italian and from the 18th century. If that’s tre, then the painter... -- Holbein or Rubens. In fact, the painter Canaletto, 157 ight not + have + befejezatt HEA should segéciget a foige to nélkiii fénévi igenévi alakjaval (do, go stb.) hasznaljuk: TET IGENEV Ishould (0m Fshonld-tode ..) ‘Minden személyben a should alakot hasznailjuk: —vosphetstefipaeiney shout yo, spo DA tagads aiak: shouldn't some work tonight, 1em Kellene) ~~ You shouldnte sit én-the sun all day ‘They shouldn't spend so much money, Az | should’wo should szerkezettel azt fejezziik ki, hogy valamit meg kellene tenntink, mert az gy helyes: I should go home, I's midnight, We should invite them for a meal, Az liwe shouldn't azt jelentl, hogy valamit nem kellene megtenniink: We shouldn’t spend so much money, Ayou should/shouldn't szerkezettel tanacsot adhatunk : You should look for a better job, You shouldn't drive so fast. A should nem olyan nyomatékos, mint a must vagy a have to: You should eat more fruit. (Tdbb gytimélesét ellene enned, - Jé ienne,) ‘You must eat more fruit,’ said the doctor. (= Tobb gytimolesét kell enned, mondta az ervos. ~ Ez nagyon fontos.) CNEL ole relco) 4 By Egészitsak ki a mondatokat should/sheuldn't se 0 .You.shouldn’t work. Lenjoyed that film. We she What should-tsay-to-Helen? - (= Mit mondjak Helennek?) I need a new passport. Where should I go? (= Upiitievélre van szikségem, Hova menjek?) Az think we should, | don't think you should kezdetti mondatokkal a véleményiinket mondhatjuk meg vatamirél; T don’t think you should believe everything he says. (= Azt hiszem, nem kellene mindent elhinned, amit mond.) (AUTALABAN NEM: Fthinkeyoushoneen4 ..) BA Do you think | should ...? kezdett ‘mondatial valakinek a véleményét kérjdk He hasn't replied to my letter. Do you think I should phone him? (= Gondolod, hogy fel kellene hivnom?) What do you thitak I should give Tom for his birthday? (= Mit gondolsz, mit kellene adnom ‘Tomnak a sziiletésnapjéra?) dédigével és a zérdjelben mogadott kifejezésset -- (You/work) so hard, Have a holiday. 0 (We/ go) to the cinema more often. A eee sss (Wou/park) here. It's not allowed. 2 What... . (1/cook) for dinner tonight? 3 (You/wear) a coat. It's cold outside. ath ssseeseenssneees (YOu/ smoke). It’s bad for you. 5 os (We/arrive) at the airport two hours before the flight. 6. ee -- (U/pay) now or later? 7 Do you think ....eseeecsces (/apply) for this job? 8 What do you think... (1/write) in this space on the form? 158 +> (/eat) any more cake. I've already eaten too much. 10. This food is terrible. 0.0... 11 Which shirt do you think... ~~ Biffenty tzni fog: Adjunk nani oat mondatokban lév6 igék hasznalataval, (We/complain) to the manager. .- (/buy)? You should vagy you shouldn't szerkezet és a feiszoiite Don’t leave the meat in the oven for more than one hour Cut the onions as small as possible. ‘Use fresh herbs and fresh vegetables. Don't put in too much salt and pepper ‘Wait until the water boils before you put the vegetables into it Heat the oven before you put the meatin. Cut the meat into four equal slices. 0 Yeu shouldn't leave - the meat in the oven for more than one hous, +» the onions as small as possible, fresh herbs and fresh vegetables. in too much salt and pepper. + tind the water boils before you put the vegetables into it - the oven before you put the meat in. the meat into four equal slices [uk le Brian és Keith beszélgetesét a zérdjelben megadott szavak hasznélataval. A mondatokba > tegyik be a do vagy should segédigét, anol szikséges. Balan: (L want to buy a motorbike. What/you/think/I/do?) 0. .Lwant to buy a motorbik think | should do? Katt: (You/look/at the advertisements in the papers) 0. You should look at lverticements in the papers. = BRIAN: (Which papers/I/get?) ie : : = xem ( think/you/buy /the local newspapers.) BRIAN: (What/you/think/I/do/before I buy a bike?) xamtt —(I/not/think/you/decide/too quickly) (You/ check /the condition of the bike.) (You/ask/ somebody who knows about bikes to look at the bike for you.) (You/not/buy/one just because it looks nice!) careful.) (You/be/very 159 i | | i ; WA should, az ought to és a had better mellett ‘to nélkil f6névi igenovet hasznalunk (pl. be, Bl Amikor tandesot adunk, vagy arra utalunk, hogy szerintiink valakinek mit kellene tennie, & gorask-wait} FONEV: IGENEV 1 should |go, | (=Mennem kellene) You ought to ask. | (= Meg kellene srdezned.) Wehr verter tut} f2 véménk} __ BAshould és az ought to segédigevel tandosot + __ kérlink vagy tandesot adunk, azt mondjuk mag, mia helyes vagy mi a legjobb déntés: ‘Az I've got toothache. What should I do? Br You should go to the dentist's. Amikor katelezettségr6l vagy trvényrG beszélnk, altakéban az ought to segédiget hasznaljuk: Ac I saw « robbery. What should 1 do? B: You ought to report it tothe police ‘Amikor azonban személyes véleményunknek ‘dunk hangot, rendszerint a should segédigét hasznaljuk: Bx I think you should forget about it Kérd6 és tagadé mondatban gyakrabban hasznaljuk @ should, mint az ought to segédiget. (Az ought to hivatalosabb hangzasu.) shouldn't go. vacy: I ought not to go Should I go? vacw: Ought I t0 30? Gyakorlatok D egeszitsiik ki a kerdésekre adott valaszokat a zérdjelben megadott szavakkal, not ésto hozzaadasaval, ahol szikséges. (0A: Should Henry stay in bed? Bi No, the doctor said he .2heulder 1. A: Can wemove that cupboard? B: No, it’s very delicate, so you 2. A: Should we change these notices? B: No, the show is still on, so we 160 i is hasznélhatiuks ‘There'll be a lot of traffic tommorrow. We had (vacy We'd) better leave early. Thad (vacy I'd) better ask the doctor about the pain in my stomach, Figyelem! Bér a had molt idejd alak, a had better szerkezat nem a mila, hanem @ jelenre vagy a jévére utal | (whad better egy konkrét helyzetre vonatkozik, a should vagy az ought to éitalénossagban aad tandcsot: Tira not ready, You'd better not woait for me. (¢ Nem vagyok meg kész, job lesz, ha nem ‘vars ram.) When people are in trouble, they should go to the police. (NEM se-the pole) (© Amikor az emberek bajban vannak, a rend6rséghez kell fordulniuk) Figyelem! Ahad better tagad6 alakja: had better not + to nélkili névi igenév: You'd better not wat for mae. _Az ought to tagad6 alakja: ought net to: You | ought not to do thet. (ought) leave it where itis. .. (should) change thent until next week. 3. A: You'd better tell the boss about the accident immediately. B: No, she's ina bad mood. I. sosstecee (had better) tell her until tomorrow. 4A: Does the doctor say it's all right for Mrs Bradley to work? FE __B_Y¥es- but she must be earefulShe-rnzs (ought) lift anything heavy, for example: E 5 A: Can they come before dinner? B: No, we haven't got enough food, so they . legészitsix ki a mondatokat a should/shouldn’t segédigével és a megfelelé kitejezéssel. (had better) come after dinner, call an ambulance give you a new cup drive home inher car leaveeverything whereitis _ decideforherself move the pérson yourself -L-borrow money dounythingsbentt = lethim eat so much make him do lots of sport reportitte the police ask someone to take her touch anything 0 A: There is a house near my home where I often hear a child crying. Br You should report jt to the police 0. A: My daughter wants to marry a sailor. What should I do about it? B: Inmy opinion, you 29! . . Your daughter should decide for herself 1 A: LEsomeone has a serious accident, what's the right thing to do? Bs Well, You s.ssseee -Isnota good idea to move an injured person, Instead, YOU .s.essse ... to take the person to hospital. 2 Ar Last Saturday I bought some cotfve cups but one was broken. What can I expect the shop to do? ‘My son is twelve years old and he's already very overweight, Well it's important not to eat too much, 80 you... ASO, YOU sees 4 A: Ifyoucome home and see that you's we been robbed, what's the bést thing to do? B: Well, you. ePe “You “ and call the police. 5A: Mary can’ work cause she’s feling sick. How can she get home? B: Well, she -She home. dete a if they can’t pay it back 6 People... W Igunk megiegyzést az ailitasokhoz had better és a zaréjelben megadott kifejezés hasznalataval. 0 A: I've gota headache. B: (You/go and lie down) .Y@ 1A: The children want to play in the kitchen. B: (they/clear everything away) ‘Well, 2 A: I think it’s going to rain. B: (we/take our umbrellas) Yes, Sastre ieertvae 3° A: Fm going to go to bed now. We have to get up very early tomorrow. (I/go to bed early too) Yes, ... F EEE vey better go and lie down, +. When they finish, FHA need igét akkor hasznaljuk, amikor arrél beszéliink, emit meg kell tenniink, de nem ert kétolez6-hanem-mor-szikségos-need-+—- fonév igenév (pl. to do, to go} fo + FONEW IGeNEY 1 need |to.go | to the dentist's Egyes sz4m harmadik személyben (he, she,it)__| a need ige -s személyragot kap: ‘She needs to buy some white paint. Tagad6-és-kérdé atakban,-vatamint révid-———} valaszban a do segédiget hasznaluk: ‘You don’t need to go to the doctors Mary doesn’t need to buy any green paint, ‘A: Do you need to goto the dentist's? | B: Yes, Ido./No, I don't ‘A: Does Mary need to buy anny brushes? B: Yes, she does./No, she doesn’t. B Aneed iget akkor is hasznélhaljuk, ha arra tutalunk, hogy mire van szikségiink. Eben az esetben a need utén targy all TaRGY Mary needs some white paint. Idon'tneed | anew car. Does Peter need | any help? ‘That carpet needs cleaning. (@ Azta szényeget ki kell tisztitant) ‘My toatch needs repairing. (© Az érémat meg kel javittatri,) Figyelem! A need + targy szerkezetet magyarra éltalaban a ‘szksége van valamire’ vagy @ ‘kell valakinek valami’ szerkezettel forditjuk, az angol mondatban a need utén kovetkez6 f6név vagy -ing alak (paint, car, help, cleaning, repairing) a mondet targya. B xa arrél beszéliink, hogy valamit nem kell megtenni, hasznéihatiuk a needn't alakot, | _mely-utdn-to-nélkdifonéviigenév-dlLfol-g buy), A needn't és @ don't need toldoesn't need to jelentése megegyezik: FONEWIGENEY go. {to the shops. We have enough You needn't food. = (vacy: You don’t need to go tothe shops) Mary needn't buy any paint, —~ (VACY! Mary doesn’t need to buy arty paint.) Nem hasznalhatjuk a needn't alakot, ha a mondatban targy kévet: (pl. your éoat): You don't need your coat. It's not cold outside. (Nem kell kabst, Nines kint hideg,) (vine Yor needa! yenreaat) ‘malt iddben a needed to alakot hasznaluk: ‘The room was dirty, so they needed to clean it before they started to paint it. | Tagadas: ‘The room wasn't dirty so they didn’t need to clean it before shey started to paint it Figyslem! A needn't have + befejezett melléknévi igenév jelentése: ‘nom kellett voina’, felesieges vott. We needn't have lit the fire, because it was a swarm evening, (Nem Kellett volna beftiteni, meleg este volt) You needin’t have bought any bread, jim. There is plenty in the cupboard. fim, nem ellett volna kenyeret venned, rengeteg van a szekrényben.) Gyakorlatok Bl Alex Norvégidba utazik a nyaron, ezzel kapesolatban kér tanécsot Carolt6l, aki tavaly mar jart ott Egészitsik ki a parbeszédet a need megfelelé alakjaval. aux, 0,/.need | canot: | Well, 1... ae ae + (I/take) gloves as caROL: No, 3. forget. # Aue: OK. What else 02 ‘canou: Well, you simply must take a camera, but 6 because they sell films on the boat. 162 (I) some advice. What ©4921 need to take. (1/take) with me? (you/take) warm dlothes because it's like early spring in England. well? (you/not) gloves there, But there's something else you mustn't .. (Everybody /buy) something to repel the mosquitoes. (you/not/take) extra film ‘ALEX; I'm glad you mentioned that. My camera? ......:.0:+s0s+% (mend). 1 must take shop. % By Alakitsuk tagacéva a zardjelben megatiott mondatokat. (ane needs to pay Jim today) 4! (he car needs new tyres) docanr’s need new tyres 0 1. (Weneed a lot of paper) .. 2 (Mark needs to get everything ready today) 3 4 (Mary needs to leave at six o'clock) (Anni needs a new bag.) ‘AZ alabbl tablazatban Osszefogialtuk, hogy a Brightside Gimnazium milyen eszktizdket biztostt diakjai szémiatala vizsgékon ileve sportversenyeken valé részvételhez, ‘Examinations Tho school provides: The sthoo! doesn't provide: art exams paint brushes rawing exams paper rilers and pencils, tennis competitions balls rackets football competitions football shirts shorts and boots ‘A példa alapjén frjuk fe, hogy mit Kel, letve mit nem kell a diékoknak magukkal hoznluk az egyes eseményekre. 0. (artexams/ paint)’. Students needn't bring paint for art exame. Fate 0 Students need to bring rackets for tennis competitions. 1 2. (drawing exams/paper) « 3. (art exams/brushes) ...... 4. (tennis competitions/balls) .. sostodi 5 (football competitions/shorts and boots) 6: (drawing exams/rulers and pencil) .. Di Hasznaljuk a didn’t need to vagy needn’t have szerkezetet a megfelelé igével. (0 The programmes didn’t cost us anything. We didn't pay for them. We didn’t need 60 PAY. ..........0-:. for the programmes, 0. You took your umbrella yesterday but it didn’t rain. You needn't have taken... your umbrella yesterday. 1. Jill paid for her holiday in advance, but it wasn't necessary. jal 2. My sister spoke to sally yesterdey, so I didn’t phone her. I sscssssee Sally because my sister had spoken to her. 3. We bought extra food but now John and Mary can't come. We sesoteseesiseessoee @xtra food because John and Mary can’t come, ‘4 Why did you work during the weekend? We don’t have to finish until next week. You a during the weekend, 5 I didn’t take my posport with ‘me becauise an identity card was enough. Le. seccceeusseeeoes IY passport with me. for her holiday in advance. 163 Jane had to wait an hour for a bus. ——Avhad-to-wait azt elenti; hogy dane -azért vart— egy 6ra hosszat, mert nem jétt busz. ‘Arad to tehat azt]elent, hogy azért tettank valamit, mert szikséges volt Ha azt akarjuk mondani, hogy valakl azért nem ‘ett meg valamit, mert arra nem volt szikség, @ Bi Nezzik meg a kovetkez6 példet | Ciare ezombaton i jer dolgoanl, Mait szombaton | Claire should have gone to work last Saturday, bul she was il. So she skayed at home, A should have (done/gone stb.) azt jelenti, hogy valaminek meg Kellett volna torténnie, de nem tortént meg, Ezzel a szerkezettel krtizalhatunk is valakit. Nézztik meg az alabbi példét: : foe ae ee Peter nem zarta be a kaput, é& a tehenok nem | | arra a legelére mentek, ahova kellett vlna: Peter should have closed the gate, (= Peternek bbe kellett volna zérnia a kaput.) A shouldn't have + befejezett melléknévi igenév szerkezet arra ulal, hogy valami olyan didn’t have to alskot hasznéjuk: I didn’t have to work last Saturday. Kérdésben a do segédigét hasznaijuk: did have to: ‘Did you have to work last Saturday? t8rtént, aminek nem kellett volna: Peter shouldn't have left the gate open. Ishouldn’t have got angry with Jane Gyakorlatok Beceszitsak ki a parbeszedeket had to illetve did ... have to szetkezet és a zrdjelben megadott sz6 haszndlataval. 0 jim: When you had those stomach pains, .4/4,you have 42........ (you) go into hospital? yoan: No, 1.4 . (not) go into hospital, but L had to | stay in bed for a week. 1 ALAN: Was there a translation in the exam? JANE: No, we : (not) translate anything, but We ..scssseccensseesneeten write three essays. 2. anni «Twas very busy yesterday, mui: What... (you) do? ann: T.. prepare everything for today’s meeting, 3 ew : (you) wear a uniform when you were at school? EAN: Yes, and we... make sure it was always neat and tidy, as well 4 Tom: What... . (you) do to get your international driving licence? Ta 1 show the police my national driving licence, but I -- (not) take another driving test. 5 MARK: Our children enjoyed their holiday at the summer camp. MARY .- (they) help at mealtimes? MARK: Well, they (not) make the food, but they help with the washing-up. 164 _ BA kévetkez6 mondatokban hasznéljunk should have vagy shouidn’t have szerkezetet. anes 0. Ididn’t work hard at school. 3 1.should have wo! hard at school, BO Tletfschool when I was only 16. That was silly. 1. shouldn't have lett . school when I was only 16. 1 didn’t get any qualifications. That was a mistake. 2. Istatted to deink a lot when I was 17. Tessisacisesnsssinceings . to drink when Iwas 17. ‘3 Tgot matted when I was 18, but Iwas too young, Ladisecenseinenene. vceeseneen ses When Twas 18, 4. My unde offered me a job but I didn’t take it. That was stupid. Lessee ee . some qualifications. . the job that my uncle offered me. [Az alabbi tablazatban a Heathrow repilétér egyik informaciés pulljénak hétvégi munkabeosztésa olvashaté, SATURDAY SUNDAY On duty Comments. «On duty Comments Jenny v Colin Ww Brian ill Mary = W Joan ill Derk ill Daniel Carol ill Ld ‘A tabidzat alapjén irjunk mondatokat had to, didn’t have to vagy should have haszndlataval. Genny /Saturday) .Jetny had to work on Saburds (Colin/Saturday) Colin didn't have to work on Saturday. (Carol/Sunday) ould have worked on 6 (Colin/Sunday) «0.0: (loan/Sunday) ..... (Derek/Sunday) .. (Mary /Saturday) ... (Brian /Saturday) .. (Daniel/Saturday) (loan/Saturday) (Derek/Saturday) 165 Tegyiink fel a kévetkez6 éllitasokhoz kapesoléd6 kérdést. 0. The boys can go. ~ Where £2", they as 1 Victor must stay. ~ How long «2.2.0... 2. Sally has to leave. ~ When ....... 7 3. Peter should see a doctor. ~ Which doctor .... . 2 __-4Billhad to pay-~ How-much. 5. Mike might have been at someone's house. ~ Whose My sister. 7 Molly needs some white paint. ~ How many litres 8 Terry should have gone to the bank. ~ When . -can play the piano. ~ How well... By Egeszitsik kia mondatokat can, can’t, could, couldn't, will be able to vagy won't be able to haszndlataval 0 Acouple of years ago Peter couldn't. an « play the piano at all, butnow he play quite wel. T Frances :ssssssseesneseess Speak any foreign languages at the moment, but if she lives in Germany fora couple of years I imagine she... . speak German, 2. My father was a good runner when he was young, He .. cesoesee im twenty kilometres, but now he . run more than two or three 3. You're pleased that you . play for the first team now, but if you don’t train properly, you .. continue in the first team. 4. My sister hasnt got much money at the moment $0 She .....:sessesne Buy a ca, but ifshe saves, perhaps she... .. buy one next year. 5. My baby brother say several words now, but only a few weeks ago he vnsesesnie SAY a single one, 6 Before dd the cookery courses. a. only make omelets, but now I snake other things [Az os6 oszlopban kilénbéz6 mondatok els6 ket szava talélhat6, a masodikban a mondatok folytatasa, de tObbéle dsszetétel is lehetséges. Keressik meg 2z dsszes helyes valtozatot, és a megfelel6 bettket iguk a szamok melé, 0 Cant see you tomorrow? 1 Tean pass me the salt? | 2 Could] ¢ not smoke here, {i} 3 You may come back next week. | 4 Youcould help me please? | 5 Canyou f lend you my CDs. 6 May I g sitnext to you? 7 Could you hh bring my boyfriend with me? | 8 Tcould i see was busy. | 0.03 Dose 3 4 | 5 6 7 8 ' 166 DA kévetkez6 tablazat egy nyéri diéktabor szabalyalt: foglalja éssze. Egyes dolgokat kéitelez6 betartani ‘a t6bbi tetszés szerint valaszthat6, Egészitstk ki a mondatokat must, mustn't vagy don’t have to. hasznalataval, [_____" Compulsory. ‘Optional v x 2 . [Atmeal times. | shirtand shorts no mobile phones _| shoes On excursions | packedlunch | no radios, drinks Onstiver tips | life jacket no bottles Swimming costume | Inthe moming [havea shower | no waking others _| make your bed Atbed time | clean your teeth | no sweets ‘put the lights out 0. Atmeal times you Must. ‘wear a shirt and shorts, On an excursion, you USE 't have to, take radios. When there's a river trip, you ‘wear a swimming costume. 1. When yon go on an excursion, you. . collect a packed lunch. 2 ‘At meal times you... -- wear shoes, 3. When there's ativer tip, YOU ests take bottles with you. 4 Atmeal times you ...... use mobile phones. 5 When you go on an excursion, you sos take drinks, 6 When there's ariver tip, YOu vsise wear a life jacket. 7 Inthe morning you ....... . havea shower. 8 9 Tn the morning you... wake others. Inthe moming you... make your bed. 10 Atbed time you... clean your teeth UA Ated time yOu sssseescessessssesees Cab Sweets. 12 Atbed time you -...escesseeceesenee Put the lights out. Begészitsik ki a mondatokat a had to vagy should have szerkezettel aszerint, hogy a cselekvés végiil megtortént-e vagy sem. 0 The teacher gave Paul some extra homework last Monday and he did it. Last Monday Paul .had te de, .. some extra homework. 0 Last Tuesday Selly had ‘dentist's’ in her diary, but she didn’t go. Last Tuesday Sally .2houid have gone to the dentist's 1 Last Wednesday Connie needed some coloured paper but she forgot to buy it. Last Wednesday Connie ++. some coloured paper. 2 Last Tuesday Bill got up early because he was going to catch a plane. Last Tuesday Bill .. 3. Last Saturday Jenny didn’t have enough money to go shopping so she went to the bank first. Last Saturday Jenny s-sssreenssnses {0 the bank before she went shopping. 4. Last Friday Tim went to renew his passport but he didn't take his old passport with him. Last Friday Tim .. his old passport with him, 5 Last Sunday Brian intended to phone his cousin but he forgot. Last Sunday Brian... tess sssoe his cousin. 6 The teacher told Sara to finish her essay after school, and she did, GAT ecasessssesosenee her essay after school. sseneneseseeces UP eB 467 ——[eeszitsiik ki.a parbeszédeket must, might vagy.can't have és.a megfelels ige haszndlataval. buy eam give go know live speak take 1A: Do you know-where that man lives? 0. Vicky has changed her car twice this year. She MUSE earn. 0° A: Where's your brother? B: I'maot sure. Pechaps he went to the park or he .! a lot of money. rt have got Br No, buthe sree ss Tound here because I've never seen him before. 2A: Did Joe buy a chicken for lunch? é Bp Perhaps. Of he v.cssrcvistessnrsnvenncns arabbit. Pmnotsure 3 Joe's umbrella isn’t here. He it with him. 4. A> work at Bradley's, the sports shop. B: Thenyou.. --sss my sister, Patty, because she's the manager. 5 A: What are you going to give Robin for his birthday? B: Vimnot sure, butl... hima CD. 6 A: Yesterday I phoned and talked to somebody called Daniel, I think. B: No, you srseie . to Daniel. He wasn’t here yesterday. [dl Egeszitsiik ki az iskola tanarai és a diakok képviseldi k6z6tt jatsz6d6 parbeszédet a megadott szavakkal iletve kifejezésekkel. ‘can (x2) could (x2). couldn't had better have to mighthave must must have need (x2) ought should should have will have to MRS COLE: Well, it's ten o'clock. 9. ¢ ‘cAROL: _Notreally, Mrs Cragg. Stephen t.. MRxING: What's happened to him? .. we begin the meeting? .- to the sports dub. .+, be here and he hasnt come to school yet. EaROL: — Tdon't know. I suppose he? .....secsecseeeers BEML OF RE? ssssesseecceee Bnissed the bus. MRS COLE: Well, he 4... ssssesseesses COME SOON OF WES... coeteneeeesne begin without him. Oh, here he is now. STEPHEN: Good morning everyonal I'm sony I'm late. 16 1... gone back to sleep after the alarm rang. MR KING: All right. Let's begin. What are the things that we? talk about? CAROL: Well, first there are the showers in the gym. There... be something wrong with them because the water is always cold, MS COLE! Yes, the men 9,....ssesseseesees come last Week to repair them, but they phoned to say they 10 sccsecssens come. IT phone them again. What else? STEPHEN: Well, there's the question of the bikes, We 2 to have more places for them. Mascot: Well, how big isthe problem? 12. how many more we"... stepHen: OK. T'll count them and bring the exact figures next time, Making: Ts there anything else? 168 .« You perhaps give us an exact idea of |S srepney; There's nothing that 14... .. think of, E vgs coum Allright. Thank you for coming, And stephen epee When your alarm sings you eo $5 ext up tat ay eangive can weask You can get can'tbe had better save “have to hand might do mnt oe Musi be must work musta’tbe healed be “subject allowed. Fanta dace Retin yung pe? rere é bo cata: Mig ee EAGER Wee vn. until later? ‘yout questions until I've finished talking. +. Thy question, ree Ap shkal But Sooo TEACHER! | Write it down and then you won’? forget it. Your project”. . between five and ten pages long. I®. sesoees Very Exact betatise I don’t know how t f i f E - L E .. questions now or4 any pictures you will putin. It... Jess than five pages. I will retum ‘projects which are shorter than this. You will work in groups. Everybody 10.2. with one or two other people. 1. information froin fell ibrary or from travel agencies, ut perhaps the best place to ook i on the Internet, But remember that you #2 the address of anywhere you visit Tee a logy bk ihe ates OK. Any questions? When do we B . - Good point! By the end of the month. 114... that because next month I'll be very busy. itn? + to accept any projects after D Foraitsuk le & mondatokat: 1 Anndnak reggel nyolet6l délutén négyig kell dolgoznia. Ki tudnd nyitni nekem az ajtet, kérem? P Laas S Jobban tennéd, ha nem ennél ilyen sokat, Ha beteg vagy, nem kell tomagyakorlatokat végezned, Itinem szabad parkolni, menjink a masik utcaba, Szorintem meg kellene mondanod a mamédnak, hogy eltérted a bogrét. Nem kellett volna sietniink, mert a koncert késtibb kezd6dett. Jack nem tudott beszélni az igazgatéval, mert mar elment, Semmiert nem kellett fizetnem, minden ingyen volt. 10, Tobb idéve volt satkségiink, hogy befejezzitk a munkat Cannan on | | HB Nezzik meg a have ige haszndlatat a Bi Ahave és a have got egyarant haszndlhats, ha: Kovels peiban > azt mondjuk, hogy valakinek valamije van wh ror We hae a Rouse i SP (= Mindig het érakor reggeliznek. We've got a house in Spain Paul doesn’t have a car. ‘ALLITAS Paul hasn't got a car Wyoulwelthey have Do you have any money? —— | Helsheft.. has bp Have you got any money? ears > a csalddunkrél beszéltink: | Wyourvertney-don’t have——__—_——— Helsha/t doesn't have KERDES : Do Uyoulwelthey 1D ener have ..? @ Akévetkezé mondatban a have got alakot ve got three brothers. (= Hatom batyam van.) ALLITAS a Abhave (ew Rave-get) alakot hasznéljuk, ha Brouhesthey eae | etkezéerdl, szabadsdgrolinyaraldsr6l beszeliink, vatamint a kévetkez6 TAGADAS kifelezésekben: ‘have a bath’, have a Wyoutwelthey_ haven't got | shower’ és ‘have a wash’ Aoshett” hasn'tect Do you normally have a big breakfast? (= Altalaban sokat eszel reggelite?) KeRDés Have a good holiday! (= Kellemes nyaralést!) Have Woulweltney got ..7 Talunays have a shower before Igo to sleep. (= Has helshelt —__ got. | Mindig zuhanyozom, miel6it lefekszem aludni,) llt 6s j6v6 idGben a have got szerkezetet Bat ben a have g nem hasznaijuk Thad a car but I sold it. (Nene: Hhad-gotareer..) Gyakorlatok Bl Anne és Jim kitaldlés jatékot jétszik, a feladvany egy hires hazaspar. Egészitsik ki a parbeszédet a have got szerkezet hasznalataval. anne: 0.Have they got........ (they) any children? mv Yes, 1 (they) a daughter. anne: And? (they) alot of money? BM Base (they /not) as much money as Bill Gates ANNE: What colour eyes 4 sw (the man)? m5. (he) blue eyes. ANNE And 6. (the woman) blue eyes, to0? IM: Idon’t know, but she’s ugly. ANNE: ‘Thenit's the Clintons. [know you don't like Hillary! Jane has a brother and a sister. (= Jane-nek ——varregy batyjeres egy n6vére.) Jane's got a brother and a sister. > valaki kalsejétifuk le: She has blue eyes. (= Kék szeme van.) She's got blue eyes, Does your brother have long hair or short hair? (© A batyadnak hossz vagy rovid haja van?) Has your brother got long hair or short hair? > rossz kézérzetrél panaszkodunk: Thave a headache, (= Faja fejer.) Toe got a headache. -BlEgészitsik ki a széveget a have ige allio vagy tagadé alakjaval. IWsnine o'clock on Sunday morning. During the week we 9. have........, breakfast together at half past seven, but on Sunday my father and 11 breakfast early, and my mother ‘until fen oF eleven: Sometimes my parents .,, before | eel . aswim, then my mother 5.....).0.:00 ashower 17...0s.0:00.. coffee and toast for! breakfast but my father 8, | toast. He prefers cereal: aS butif they 1000 a s ‘longbath and my father Bini le a kerdésekre adhats valaszt a pelda alapjan. Hasenajuc. a zirgetben rege jezésekel. e (Got/Tve/two brothers) i ‘A: Have you got any brothérs ox sisters? & B: Yes, [Ve got twolbrothere.: : 1 (im Edinburgh/a flat/she's got) A: Does your sister live in Scotland? Sse He Be Yes, 2) (you/got ~ have/a headache?) A> What's the matter? = B: No, but [feel tired, : 4 3° (blonde hair/she/ got/hasn’s) ‘A; Jane's tall and blonde, i | B: No, you're wrong, ‘ z : # (have/yoti/do/a holiday every year?) A: .... é “ Bs No/T don’t. 3 : : 5 (acar/1/got/haven’t) A: Do you drive to work? : x : Be Noy ohare e 6 (you/dinner at seven?/have/do) As Be No weeny ate half past seven. : DA kovetkez6 mondatok kézil néhényban hiba van. uk at helyesen a hibas mondatokat, 5 ‘a helyes mondatokat pedig pipaljuk ki. > 0. We've got a holiday in Mexico every year We have a holiday in Mexico every year. Paul's gota sister in Scotland. She is tired but she doesn’t have a cold. Thaven't got lunch every day. Have you got a shower every day? ‘Have you got an English dictionary? Do you have a headache? Thave gota holiday in Spain every year We've gota large garden, Tve gota bath at ten and I go to bed at eleven. ‘They have got dinner at eight o'clock. nia 10. They've got two dogs. set 1. Have gota good weekend! 12. Have you got a motorbike? 174 1 { Figyoliik meg a make és.ado ige hasznéletat [ a kBvetkez6 mondatokban: B: He's making a cake. (NEM... doing) A: What sort of cake is he making? B: A chocolate cake A: What's Helen making? She isn’t making anything \: What's she doing then? B She's reading. Ado jelentése ‘tesz/csinal/cseleks: jelentése ‘készit'(pl. make a chairicake). make B sok kifejezésben szerepel a make vagy a do. ige, nem mindegy, mikor melyiket hasznéljuk. Néhaay gyakran hasznalt kifejezés amelyekben a make igét haszndljuk: make a complaint (= panaszt tes2) make a decision (= elhataroz) make a difference (= kiilonbséget tesz) make an effort (= er6feszitést tesz) niake friends (= dsszebardtkozik) make a journey/trip (= utazast tes) make a meal (= ételt készit) make a mistake (= hibézik) make money (= pénzt keres) make a phone call (= telefondl) Néhany gyaksran haszndit kifejezés a do igével: do your best (= megtesz, minden tle telhetst) do some work (= munkat végez) do an exercise (= megesinal egy ‘gyakorlatot/feladatot) do some homework (= hazi feladatot készit) do your hair (= megesindlja a frizuréjét) do a job (= elvégez egy munkat) do the washing-up (= elmosogat) do someone a favour (= szivességet tesz) do the cleaning (= takarit) do the shopping (= bevisérol) LONE ole E tel 4 Bl Egészitsik ki a szévegot a make vagy a do ige megfolel6 alakiaval. In our house there is always plenty of work to 9.42... something. My big brother... breakfast, and on Sundays she 4 dinner, and I always ......... ny baby sister because she’s too small to8. 172 the shopping my twin sister’... pancakes. My parents usually 5 :. the washing-up. We all 7 BA got igének szémos jelentése van. ime néhany gyakran hasznait kifejezés: Bette HoNEYy = FECEIVE Rap Did you get any letters today? She got a dictionary for her birthday. > get (+ fOnév) = buy, bring (vasarol, hoz) Til get some cheese when I go to the shops. — Could youget'a pen from my desk? > get to (+ £6név) = arrive at/in (megérkezik) What time did you get to the office? > get (+ melléknév) = become (valamilyenné valik) Everything is getting more expenstb (= Minden egyre drigabb,) T got angry and shouted at them, (= Mérges lettem, és elkezdtem kiabélni velik.) ‘Tanulményozzuk a kévetkezé kifejezéseket, amelyekben a get + meliéknéy szerkezet szerepel: get engaged (= eljegyez) get wet (= megazik) get married (= hézasségot kot) get confused (= dsszezavarodik) get divorced (= elvalik) ‘get lost (= elteved) get washed (= megmosekodik) | get drunk (= berég) get dressed/undressed G feloltbzik/levetk6zik) get stuck (= beragad) Luckily, everybody ? the toast for the the cleaning — except for + anything ROSE Would you do. AIAN: Yes, OK. ROSE: Ate'you all right, Alan? Is something wiong? AUAN! Thave tobi aus ~», about my future: I think I'm going to leave my job, ROSES What's the matter? Aven’t the people nice? Haven't you 2 ANY ore ccany:, When I chose an office job because [have to and I don’t like it. ~~ What kind of company it is, New ‘People often have to®......, See at first: You just have'to Byles sahcesyour Said when they see that you are8,... _ then pethaps they'll offer you something better. [A get helyett hasznaliunk mas igét a kOvetkez6 mondatokban, 0 Maty got a prize for her drawing. + Mary recelved a prize for her drawing 1 What time does this train get to London? —> What time does this train... London? 2 The noise got louder and louder. + The noise suis louder and louder, 3 Will you get some fruit when You go to the shops? + Will you =, some fruit when ‘you go to the shops? 4 We usually get our meat from the supermarket. > We usually’ supermarket ‘UF meat from the 8 They will get a cheque for the work they did. + They will ‘osses & Cheque for the work they did. 6 Inthe middle of the day the desert sand gets very hot, In the ‘middle of the day the desert sand so. Very hot, F D) Aossunk kitejezéseket a ¢t igével és a megadott szavakkal, és a mogfelelé alakokat Itjuk be @ mondatokba. [confused divorced dressed drunk...engaged lost. married stuck washed © When you've finished swimming det dressed quickly s0 you don't get cold. °° Jane and Bill were engaged for three years. They .. in 1997 and they ee in 2000. But unfortunately they... in 2002, 2 They took their car onto the beach and it. ssadeec ear is in the sand, 3. Pon't go through the woods; follow theroad ard you won't... 4 Heel really dinty after walking around the city cente; I must go and .. Be 5 Football hooligans often, 0 to pubs and pac . before the match starts, & When people explain things too quickly to mé, Tftén’ 473 there? Hl Amikor a make ige utan személynév vagy személyes névmés éil, uténa pedig egy meliéknéy_alckor.aztelentia.mondat-hog Nezziik meg a let ige hasznalatat let + neviNEWWAS + FONE IGENEV valami valakinek valamilyen érzést okoz: [make + + NEVINEVUAS * MELLERNEV They [Tet sta out late eC Mepngeaik : bg ‘sbi Kimaradjak) Champagne [makes me drunk. (A pezsg6t6) résveg Leszek) Adtis ez a szerkezet fojezi ki, hogy valakit valamilyen oselekvésre késztetiink "Fanaa REVINEIAS = FONE TGENEV] Sad films [make me ory. (= Aszomort filmekt6l sitok} (NEM. rnkemedo-eny) Figyelem! Edben a szerkezetben, amelyet mdvelteté szerkezetnek neveziink, a fénévi igenév to nélkil all, Bi Nézztk meg ezt a paidat: ‘The teacher made us do our homework again. (= A ‘andr ira megiratta veltink a hézi feladatot) Amake + névinévmas + f6névi igenév szerkezst aztis jelent, hogy valakit valamire kételeztinks ‘My parenis make me tidy my bedrooms. (A saileim velem takarittatjék ki a hélészobémat.) Tagadas: They don't make me toash my clothes. (-Aruhdimet nem mosatjék ki velem) Kerdés: Do his parents make him work at home? (= A s2illei dolgoztatjék otthon?) Lelie ice) se Ba tet igevel engedelytis kérhett (NEM te Alet ige jelentése: ‘megenged’. Tagadé alakja: don't/doesn’t let. ‘My parents don't let me stay out late, (2 A szilen nem engedikneg hogy késbig kimaradjak) What do your parents let you do? (= Mit engednek meg neked a szilleid?) Figyelom! A let igét to néikill fénévi igenévvel hasznaijuk. ‘Te gota new camera.’ ‘Oh, let me see!” (= Hadd nézzem meg’) A: It a difficult decision; let me think about it” Ez nchéz déntés, Hadd gondolkozzam rajta) B: ‘Let me know twhen you decide,’ (= Tadasd velem, amnikor eldéntbtied,) 4 (eM Makemerinars...) Let me in! T want to talk fo you. (Engedj be! BeszéIni akarok veled.) BY Atkossunk hasoni6 értelmd mondatokat make vagy let ige hasznélataval, 0 Derek's parents don't let him go to bed late. Derek's parents !714K2 FIM. 90 to bed early. 1 Bllen’s mum makes her do her homework before she watches TV. Bllen’s mum wo. watch TV before she does her homework, 2 Lara's mother doesn't let her wear short skirts. Lara's mother... ... wear long skirts or trousers 3 Eric's dad makes him have his hair cut short Bric's dad... grow his hair long, 4 Anna's parents don't make her come home early at weekends, Anna's parents... Sam's parents 174 .. stay out late at weekends. 5. Sam's parents let him sleep late on Saturdays. get up early on Saturdays. 6 Jenny's dad makes her drink water with her meals, Jenny's dad . sweet drinks with her meals, Egészitsitk kia mondatokat a ‘make vagy let megtelels alakjaval. OF “I forgot my history book, ‘but jack cle 0 Tom’s mother made him get his hair 1 Mary wasn’t at Alan’s party. Her father dida’ = 2 Mike is quite lazy, Duthie 5 Tomis allergic to cats, Ifhe goes near one it & Atnes boss i very understanding She 7 Cathy's patents... her do lots of things my AY parents Won't allow m 8 Love onion soup, but peeling the onions always... ? Janet is very silly sometimes, She can’t understand her th homework, but she doesn’ . anyone help her Wie driving badly. So the police stopped him and. chin lake a breath test TL Loften. ~My best friend borrow my clothes, because she cose me borrow hers, 12. The police... the thieves give back all the money. Bee Gann fa, Davie, nem kevds bosszies igo oko2 az anyjénak. Olvassuk o}, 2180 az elshizot részeketijuk Ata példe alapjén Walt frst of 2) Sime Hf the widow sou boke ge vou yous bck Ths hia muna ct ue ‘Then ? you have to tidy your room, Pecsuse it's ina terrible mess, 9 an and you have to finish ‘Your science homework as well. After that, 4 yor ic practi us Watch any television today. You won't havetime: Then § you must show me your ‘homework. 7 You can phone your iriends then if you lke, but § you certainly can’t go out! * You'lLhave to spend the evening in your room any and 10 go to bed early. Are you listening to “amit az anya mond fidnak, me, David?" 0 Ann made David 175 [J Egészttsik ki a mondatokat a make, do, have vagy get igo megfeleld alakiéval. Uayelliink a helyes igeidé haszndtatara ae “Oe ira kina —a cup of concen ES TT 0. We had........ lunch ina very pleasant litle restaurant yesterday. 1. She always json excited before her birthday. 2 always abath before I go to bed. “3 We have to .. some homework every evening, Z 4. Yesterday Donon. a terrible mistake, ys ‘the shopping and ther they went frome: ~~~ fog 6 Italways son Very hot here during the summer, 7 Could a quick phone call, please? 8 Please don’t ...........:...«. $0 much noise. 9 We... +» a wonderful holiday in Greece last year. 10 How old were you when you married? EJezen a listén Anna tegnapl programja léthal6, Egészitsik ki a szbveget a make, do, have vagy get ige megfoiel6 alakjaival. Néhany mondatben egynél tébb megoldas is lehetséges, 7.30 Gob up. Shower 8.00 Breakfast. (Fruft juice and toast.) 830-900 Walk vo work, Rain. 9.00-100 Work. Very busy. 400-200 Lurch in ffice, (Ganduiches) 200-500 Work. Fished everything 530 ‘Shopping. Heme, 7.00 Pizza for diner: Washed up. 800-1100 TV. Tired, Bed. Itwas anormal day for Anna yesterday. She got up at seven thirty and she Ohad... a shower. Then she}... breakfast. For breakfast she? fruit juice and toast. She walked to work. It rained and she 3... q wet. In the amomning she 4 alot of work. She §...........0. ltanch at about one o'clock. She 6... ‘sess Sandwiches for lunch. She 7. .. all her work by five o'clock, 0 she went home. On the way home she 8 swe Some shopping, She 8 .. a pizza for dinner. She 10. .. the washiig-up and then she watched TV for three hours, By eleven o’clock she felt quite tired, and so she went to bed. 476 = [ Egészitsik kia fevaect Kérdés-vélasz pétokat a make, do, have vagy get ige megielels alakjaival:! OA: Was the film. B: No, 1.406. red Lin the middle of it, = Conke-yo i B: Yes, what do you w ‘want me to buy? A: Were you tet by the news? BENG, it osc me very unhappy, ita warm day? net - rather cold in the evening, AS Are you hungry the moment eee : none ae oe vo a lot of mistakes : You ready to go out? Sonus oe ee B, No.t’m not. Ewant to awash first ee ce Could you repair this for me? : ‘ : Bs Yes But can't... lf uni tomorrow. 7 Bl keressuk meg a2 also ‘osziopban lév6 mondatok bafejezését a masodk oeelopban, 0 When Janeswentto London she forgot her mep “2 and he got drunk. 1. Linda fell in love with Paul x D and she got angry with them: 2. Kate was at the bus stop when it started to rain © attd-ske geting 3. Tony woke up half an hour later than sia ~d and they got married. E A Mrs Hill's class made alotofnoise = ©. and they. got divorced: 5 ‘The burglar tried to climb through asmall window £ soshe got wet, 6, Peter's marriage to Julia failed 8 and he had to get dressed in a hurry, 7 Tim had never tasted whisky before hand he got stuck Gi Gate Bieter eg: Ee Bie SO hats Packed By ifuk ata keverke26 mondatokat has heivett has got hasznélataval, ha ez iehetséges. 9 Ha nem, hizzunk egy vonalat. 0 Amy has curly haix Arms got curly hair. 0. James had comflakes for breakfast, Mary has a bad cough ‘Tom has two older sistors, Helen has a new CD player, Alice had dinner with her cousins. I don’t have time to read the newspaper. ‘Tom had very long hair when he was a teenager. ‘Sam has a holiday home in France. eee ‘Do you have enough money for your train ticket? After the football match, Ben had a hot shower 10. Steve is having a wonderful holiday in Spain. FitHasznéljuk a do, have, let vagy get igét egyszerd maltban a kévetkez6 parbeszéd kiegészitéséhez. oe aRaNI Nowe. azadio, and our neighbours sometimes 6 Anol zéréjel is van, a zardjelben megadott s26t is tegyik be a mondatba. TOM: Tell me about life when you were young, Granny, _ had__ 00 n't fn wys-and-things-———4 (ou) to school? 4 srSome sarndwiches'and I took those to school, To And 4... (you) a television and a computer? me listen to their records. But my parents always ”...:...0.:n. ne do my homework before I 8. afiything else. TOM: And what was Christmas like? GRANNY: Well, We 9......:.ccsecr001 OWK OWN Christmas cards and decorations’ because we Whi (not) much money: On Christmas day We Th... ereeen aBig lunch, then We 12, .a.csnen the Washing up together. Afterwards, we sang songs and played games. Tom: Idon't know how you had a good time without a computer! Mum and Dad B. sees Ine buy a new computer game yesterday, But they #40... pay for it myself. Begészitsik ki a pérbeszédet a make vagy do ige megfelel6 alakjéval Avie: How do you share the housework in your family? DAN: Mum 0.4088... most of the shopping, and she also 1, the washing and ironing, We all 2........... some cleaning and we ®, our own beds, amy: Who 4 ‘the cooking? DAN: We all 5... some, but my mother ................ all our bread and cakes, Dad usually the washing up. He always... . the coffee after meals, too. [lAlkossunk mondatokat az-adott szavakbot a make, do vagy get ige megfelelé alakjéval. 0. A: you/any mistakes/in your homework? Did you make any mietakes In your homework? B: Yes, Imade two. 1 A: Amy/any letters/this moming? B: Yes, she got two, and a postcard. 2 A; What time/you/usually/to work? B: Tusually get there at about 8.30. 3 A: you/me/a favour? i B: Yes, of course I will, if T can. 178 4A: When/Helen/a decision/about moving to London? Be As soon as she finds a flat there. in New Zealand and Cana Yes, they ate. The wedding i soxt monk A: When/you/the shopping? Whenever I have time, Usuelly on Saturday moraing.” Hegészitsax Wi a mondatokat a make vagy let ige megfelel6 alakiaval, _ 0 Anne hates all vegetables, but her mothe a _ Het Gal sone every day 1 My parents don't “vs me do anything that I don’t want fo, 2 Rate loves het pet cat bo mich she itl on herbed 2 Mv dortyou 0. youthair pow abit You always have cit so short! “A Peter wanted to go to work when he had Als but the docior “atliomeall week, "John is too strict with his children. He never Pl ‘me copy your maths homework! I can’t do itat ail. - Look what Sue ............ me do! She pushed me and Tiknocked the milk overt 8 Sorry I'm home so late, Mr Jones wouldn't ‘US go until the classroom. ‘was tidy. e i 9 Mum! : -. Tom give me my pen! He took it and he won't ‘give it back! 10 My dad was great. As soon as I passed my test he. H Forditsuk ie a kévetkezs boszé szerkezetet, me drive his-car getést. Ahol lehet, hasznaliuk a make igével képzett miveltet6 Be: Nem igazség! A szttleim nem hagynak semumit csindini, Minden oste otthon kell uation leckét csindlai. Nem engecinek disekoba mena, de baletorita kel Jamom €6 irancist kell tanulnom. Et mind utaloml Vasdrna p.templomba kell.” LE kell Itogatnom a nagynénémet. Még dolgoznom is kell a I _ haz kortil. Takaritanom és fozndm kell: ‘Nagyon miérges vagyok ett5l! Row: Szetencses vagy! Az én S2illeim semmire sem Kenyezeritenck. Hagyjak, hogy [on menjek haza, engedik, hogy dohsnyozzam, még ihatok is. Milyen "~ Botzaszéak a sctiletin! Soha nem aggédnak értem! : A379 Hl spoak és talk (beszéh Asspeak igét akkor hasznéiliuk, amikxor: > zl mondjuk, hogy valaki a gondolatalt T €lész6val fejezi ki, iletve, amikor azt mondjuk meg, hogyan beszé!: The room: was silent. No one spoke. ‘Marian speaks very clearly. > arrdl a képességr6l beszéllink, hogy valaki valamilyen nyelven tud vagy azon 2 nyelven beszél: (Clare cari speak French and Spanish. > valaki valakivel parbeszédet folytat (~ to someons): > telefonon: oul I speak to Mr Smit, please? > ugyanez formdlisabb stilusban: Fepould like to speak to the manager. Atalk igét akkor hasznaijuk, amikor: > valaki valamit megbeszél valakivel. ‘something doing something Treally must talk to Joanne. We need to talk about going on hotiday. B Borrow (kélesin ker), lend ige hasznéiate: talk to someone about { land (kéiosén ad) lend something to someone Jond someone something Figyeljik meg 2 mondatok szerkezetét! Ha az igét a targy kéveti, a részeshatérozé elétt to all. Ha az ige utan ail a részeshatéroz6, ninos létte to. Llent Stephen my dictionary because he had lost Tis (= Kolosdiniadtam Stephenine a sz6téramat, mert a sajatjt elvesztette.) Aborrow ige haszndlata: borrow something from someone Taura borrowed money from the bank tn erder to start her ton business. (= Laura klesOnt vett fl a bankt6l, hogy elindltsa a vallalkozAsét) Gyakorlatok BI Take és bring, fetch és carry Ezek az igék valami elmozditasat, elvitelét Jélentik, de hasznarawuK regyor KoToribezo— Hasonlitsuk dssze: > Atake jelentése: ‘valamit elvisz valahova’: When yen go out, could you take this Iter to the past. ofice fre me? Atake away jelentése: ‘valamit valahonnan elvisz’: |The zoaiter-came-to our table to take away-our plates, : > Abring jelentése: ‘(odahoz valamit, ahol -vagyunk vagy ahova menni fogunk’: Mum, can I bring a friend home for dinner? > A fetch jelentése: ‘valamiért elmegy, hogy ethozza valahonnan’: ‘etch someonelthing from somewhere | (= elhoz valakit/valamit valahonnan) fetch something for someone (= elhoz valamit valakinek) ‘Ma usually fetches his som James from mursery at five o'clock. (= Max rendszerint thor hozza ela fist, James-t az 6vodabol) ‘Az angolban a ‘valakiért elmeay és elhozza’ kifejezhet6 a fetch vagy a koznyelvben gyakran a (go and) get igével Is: ‘Max usually (goes and) gets his sor James from nursery at five o'clock. > Acarry ige a ‘visz'fizikal tevekenység jellegét hangstlyozza, ezért gyakran a ‘cipel igével fordithats: She was carrying a baby in her arms. (= Egy Kisbabat vitt a karjéban,) Give me a hand! I can’t carry this by myself ~~ (@Segits! Egyedtll nem birom ezt vinni.) Dl egészitstik ki e mondatokat a speak vagy talk ige 0 Lake has got tonsillitis. Yesterday he couldn’t 1. James and Sheila aren't happy in London. They're house and going back to Scotland. 2 (On the phone) Could I 180 megfelel6 alakiével. speak atall about selling their to Mi srady, please? 3° My French teacher was an amazing man. He could soon Six languages flucnth 4 Peeing snr inguch aque voice, I eouldn’' hear what she sal a8 Inet my old friend ‘Janet at 6.00, and at 10.30 we were still . Son fe ment moming Wie wee you: I Kia parboszédet a lend vagy borrow ige Imegfool alakiaval soos, him anything, did you? Ss: No I didn’t | made some excuse and said I couldnt oNIce ~ from everyone; you know, and he's very sow to him ten pout once, and iIdidyig TENE Well, 1 an. | could casily afford to 4 ee etapa Helly esd i c “ten pounds ko ao my — «allowance a my parents for another de and I'm really short of money at the moment! Ketesstk meg az dsszeiott mondalok els6 tagmondatanoz ilé folvatast. © 0 Sneahvays hasschool lunches a because 'm taking the ic ae Peter has trained his dog well b butGlaire tekes-sendwicheswith her % Sharon couldnt stop coughing So she brought a computer ome from the office. 3 The walter picked up the heavy tray. dhe took his gitlitiend with him. “4 The next time ‘you come to-visit us © Tealled an ambulance to take him to the hospital, 5 Lveon'tbe at work this afternoon £ S0'Tom fetched a glass ‘of water for her M x k 8, he carries his papers in a smart leather briefcase. 1 ond carried it carefully to the table. 6 ‘When Steve broke kis arm i why don’t you bring your sister with you? 9. The fireman came ‘out of the house J and when he throws a stick, Fido always fetches it, 410: When James eves to his office ‘carrying an unconscious child in his arms. OB. wi AD ie Leng Boho 8 Bl Been Guinan F Brcse9. D Egeszitsix kia mondatokat a bring, fetch vagy earry ige megfelelé alakjaval. O Indy hae taken. the children camping in Wales for afew days. 1 When you come to my house, can you wns SOmNe computer games with you? 2 Philip is very generous. Last time he came to visi he... ss presents for everyone, 3 Jenny is ~~ the children from school. She'll be home soon. 4 Our cat has got three Kittens, She ues. them around the house in her mouth. 5. When you come to my party, would, you like to, ‘ a friend with you? 6 Its quite cold today. If you go out, make sure you "», Your coat. ‘When she went shopping, Kate. plenty of money with her — and spent it alll Thaye. an important letter about ‘your exams for you all. Please remember to... home and give it to your parents. ‘When you go into town, could you. +» MY Suit from the cleaner's? 10 When Simon travelled around Europe as a student, he's. everything he needed on his back in an enormous rucksack, a it 481 What tres Tomriot B: He sings in a pop group. A: What is Tom doing? Be band, ~~ Reselekvest Jelents, dinarnikis 16k ming Altaldnos (pl. he sings), mind folyametos (pl. he's singing) szemiétetben ts hasznaihatbak: - ~ A legtibb ige (pl. sing, teach, study, talk, listen, sit, play stb.) ebbe a csoportba tartozik. Vannak azonban folyamatos alakban nem hasznalhats, gynevezett statikus igék is. Nézzik meg a példékat: ‘Tom has a motorbike. NEM: A ‘Tom likés Mary. doses samme Borictihing dary Ezeket az igéket (have/have got, like, know) sak egyszerd alakban hasznalhatjuk: B Ebbe a csoportba tartoznak: >» a gondolkodassal kapesolatos igék: now-(=-tud-ismer)- 4 forget (= elfelejt) notice (= észrevesz) | understand (= megért) lismer) Everybody 0/6 Falking, player because he 2, 82 ‘He's singing with-his—] very loudly. Tom}... to the music. ‘Who? [pate (= yc) like Hove (=szeret) want (= akar) He likes ice-cream. (Nem He's iking .) > eqyéb ide tarloz6 igék: van) | cost (* valamennyibe kerill) 5, fit (= ilk valamihez) hear (= hall) : | include (= magaba foglal) mean (= jelent) own (= Dirtokol) matter (= szémnit) sound (= hallatszik) ‘These shoes cost £55. (NEM... er-eosting .) Hasonitsuk dssze a kévetkez6 mondatokat. ‘Az egyikben az ige cselekvést, @ mésikban allapotot jell. A cselekvést folyamatos, az allapotot egyszerd jelennel fejezztik ki: look: He's looking at the picture. (= Néziaképet) He looks tired. (= Féradtnak létszik,) taste: john is tasting the soup. (= John megkéstolja a levest.) The soup tastes nice, (= A leves 6 t2t)) feel: She's feeling the material. (= Tapogatia azanyagot) I feel cross about the accident. (= Méxges vagyoka baleset miatt) have: What's she doing? She's having lunch, (= Mit csinal? Hbédel) What’s wrong? I have a headache. (= Mi a baj? Faj a fcjem,) think: Please be quiet. ms thinking. (= Kérlek, ‘maradj csendben! Gondolkodorn.) think you're right, (= Azthiszem, igazad van.) near the CD the __. Sitar” Judy asks him, ‘It's Eric Clapton. 14... he's fantastic’ says Tom. soar the music, butldon’t9,.. the words very well/, Judy, says. At the end of the sang, Judy says, ‘Are you thirsty Tom? z, ia mondatokat a zaréjelben megadott 00k meals all vel (eayszer0 vagy : “foyarmaias jelen) ieee (not/malier).Ican sit over there, (cost) more than £3000, but the price .. (include) five CDs, . ink mondatokat a zérdjelben megadott Szavek)ol egyszert vagy folyamatos jelen paseslatval “ 0. ALAN: (You/weat/ your coat. /you/go/out?) : he (1e5,/1/50/ the shops, /need/ some more paint) Yep Im golna ta i 2 Nase lo, David. Why /you/stond here? (refi ey ai: (ves Yowant/t0 speak to you). 3 yan: ‘usten tothe engine /You/ think/it’s all right?) OMA 1t/sound/all right, but it/omell/of oi) D gészitstik ki a mondatokat a megadot szavakkal | {estes is tasting feels detecting thinks is thinking 0 Acustomer Wag some curtain material. 1. She's smiling because she . about her boyiriend. 2 The cook the soup now. 3. This material. very soft. 4 This cake... ++ delicious. 5. Pamela English is an easy language to learn. apse SS a Igeikifejezések — Al Az igek egy.mellettak allo masik sz6val (hatérozész6val vagy el6ljérészbval) gyakran — Ugynevezett-phrasal-verb*kifejezést-alkotnak — melynek jolentése eltér az Gndliéan all ige Jelentését6i (pl. go with, put on, get up). 2 Azige + hatéroz6sz6 vagy el6jarosz6 szerkezet (pl. go with, go off, go on) jelentése nem feltétlenél kSvetkeztethet ki a két $2661, amelyb6i a kifejezés all, Példéul a go on jelentése: ‘folytat’. Az Igo! kifejezések Jelentését célszerd szétérban ellenGrizni Nyelvlanilag kaiénbéz6 ‘phrasal verbs’ fajiék téteznek: > Els6 esoport: ‘The police are looking for the criminal. (= A rendorség keresi a biinéz6t,) The potice are looking for kim. (SEM The police mre tacking hinefor) Alok for szerkezet igeb6l 6s el6arész6bol Ail ilyenkor a targy (the criminal, him) mindig az igei kifejezés utan all. Hasonl6, sgyakran hasznalt szerkezetek: ‘go with (= vele jar) break into (= betér) Took into come across (= ¥ ook after (= gondoskodik r6la) call for (= felsz6lst valamire) get at (= kritizsl) join in (= csatlakozik) > Mésodik csoport: She put on a hat. (= Felvett egy kalapot) She puta hat on. ‘She put it on. (NEM She put-omit:) Aput on kifejezés téraya a hat, iletve az it Ha a mondet téraya névmds (me, you, her, him, it, us, them, one, some, any), akkor az a kilejezés igei és hatdroz6sz6i része kézé keri; ha fnéy, akkor tehotjtik akar az ige (put a hat on), ekar az egész kifejezés utan (put on a hat). llyen, gyakran hasnt szerkezetek még fnrasal verbs (1) (go with, put on, get up) 184 bring back (= visszahoz) work out (= kidolgoz) -puton-(=felvesz.—ruhat)- fill in (= kitdlt- kerdaivet) take off (= levesz,~ ruhat) pat away (= eltesz) hand in (~ benyajt) rub out (= kiradiroz) Took up (= kikeres) tum downloff (= Ichalkit, kikapesol) tum uplon (= felhangosit, bekapcso!) > Harmadik osoport Tusually get up at seven o'clock. (= Rendszerint hét rakor kelek fel) ‘Aharmadik osoportba azok a szerkezetek tartoznak, amelyek utan nem Ailhat térgy: get away (= meglog) | get back (~ visszater) go out (= kijut) goon (= folytat) 0 off (= tavozik) get offion (~ leszall, felszall) come round (= étjén) | hold on (= var) | get up (= felkel) Figyelem! A ‘phrasal verb’ sajétossdga az is, hogy egy a szdkapesolatnak szémos jelentése lehetséges, a zardjelben megadott jelentés csak egy a lehetséges jelentések kozil > Negyedik esoport I'm really looking forward to my holiday. (= Nagyon varom a nyaraldsomat) Ebbe a csoportba azok a harom szavas kifejezések tartoznak, amelyeknél az ige 6s a hatérozész6 utan mindig ail eldliarész6, és azzal egyitt - természetesen — targy: ook forward to (= valamit orémmel var) get on with (someone)(= kijin valakivel) come up with (= el6ail valamivel) Jook up to (= tisztel valakit) See eee Gyakorlatok Bl Evésztsik ki a kovetkez6 parbeszédet a megadottigei kifejezésekkel. goout come round joinin tamdown get back getoff look after put on PRANK: Ann, 0.burn down the music a bit. I want to tell you something. ANN: What is it? iL for FRANK: Tom has just phoned to say that he is 1 vores here with his children, Jane and Michael. He wants us to. them while he goes to the shops in town, awn: We don'thave to stay at home, do we? I'm going to the sports club with Sally. She's me at eleven o'clock, FRANK:No, you can 4... if you like. But it's cold; are you going to go on your bike? ANN: Yes, but YILS, some warm clothes. FRANK OK, Jane and Michael can go there on the bus. I'l tell them where to 6 And when you're at the club, can you let Jane and Michael ov Your games? NN: Don't worry. We always have a good time together RANK Good, but remember to ® by one o'clock, so we can have lunch, Ej) Hoyenesitsak az aiahizott szavakat a megfelelé ig! kifelezéscel, Haszndllunk sz6tar, ha szilkséges, brought back getaway wentoff fillin _getat holdon look up putaway rubbed out ‘How did the prisoners escape? et away. If you want a passport, you must complete this form. Wait! 'm coming. Ican’t reach the books at the back of the cupboard, ‘The bomb exploded just before midnight. ‘The teacher exased the words that were wrong. You can consult the meaning of the words in a dictionary. Has Philip retumed the books that he borrowed? 8 Atthe end of the day the children stored their toys. Saar enno Egészitslik ki a kérdéselre adott valaszokat a kérdésben szerepl6 igei kifejezés megfelols alakjaval 68. zardjelben megadott névméssal. Uayeljiink a helyes szérendre. 0A: Where did you come across that old bicycle? B: (it) 1 came acrose it. in my grandfather's garage. 0 A: Have you taken your shoes off? B: (them) Yes, I've taken them off, 1A: How did the thief break into your house? B: (it) He... é using a hammer, 2 A: Can you tum the bedroom lights off, please? B: (them) Yes, YU ina minute. 185 3. A: Have the students hanced in their homework? B: (it) Yes, they've all : 4A: This maths problem is difficult. I can't work out the answer No; Ecan!tnearnnen “ 5 A: Do you think this tie goes with my shirt? B: (it) Yes, it ea very well. 6 A: Who looks after your dogs when you are away on business? B: (them) My neighbour yeni Baie DA tévetkez mondatoknal el kell dintentink, hogy lehetséges-e mas szérendet is haszndini vagy sem. Ha az alahiizott s26 a mondat masik helyére is keriilhet, irjuk at a mondetot — ha ner, huizzunk egy vonalat 0. Carol took off her gloves, Carol took her gloves off. 0. Icame across this chair ina second-hand shop. ‘1 Simon joined in the singing. 2. Theball got stuck high inate, and we cou’ get at 3, We tin her Shall {tum down the hanting? 4 Could you look up ‘trivial’ in your dictionary, please? 5 really don't think a brown, jacket goes with grey trousers! 6 The lessons ove Its time to put aay your books 7 Teco this morning think you should puton a cart. 8. Quick! Rub out that drawing before the teacher comes in! 9, Someone broke nia our office lastnight an stole the computers 10 To open a bank account, you have to fill in this form. Gy Evészitsik ki a kévetkez6 parbeszédeket a megadottigeikifelezésekkel look upto goout joinin lookafter look into go off look forward to getonwith “holdon putaway come across 0A: How do you .4e6.0n with, Martin? B: Fine. I've always found him very friendly and sociable. 186 & 1 A:ls Amy : starting university? B; Oh yes. She can’t wait to get there! 2. A: Where did you get that hat? It’s great! BI it on a merket stall, when I was actually looking for a belt. | 3A: What did you do last Saturday night? e B: Nothing much. I didn’t ...scnuo:iiyesnisuieesen + Hust stayed in and watched TV. = 4 A: Areyou ready? We'll miss the tran if we don’t go soon! Be seannnennine enn UTIL be ready in two minutes! 5 A:Doyou like Mr Amold? Bi Idon’t like him, but T _ him. He's a brillant teacher. 6 A: J fecl awful! I think I must be getting the flu. And I've got an important meeting today. B: Don't worry, Go home and let me... smuisesnninennen an everything here | 7A: Did David enjoy his first day at school? : 2B Yes, he did. His teacher Said he sa all the activities, and had fun. 8 A: What happened to your local MP? Wasn't he involved in some scandal? B: Oh, haven't you heard? The police are his financial affairs. 9 A: It looks as if summer is over. It’s quite cool today. B: Yes. Time to : the barbecue until next yeat! | 10 A: Llove the fireworks on Bonfire Night, don’t you? B: No! Bvery time 0n@ -ess.nnseennimnsenneeenn With a loud bang, [jump out of my skin! Gi Forditsuk le a kovetkez6 mondatokat az alébbl igei kifejezések alkalmazasaval. Mindegyiket csak egyszer hasznaljuk getback comeaeress getup lookup to look after puton look forward to take off go away 0. Fgy konferencian Peter Osszefutott egy régi baratjaval, akit sok éve nem latott. Ata conference Feter came across an old friend who he hadn't seen 1 Sarah fivére, Mark felnéa a nvérére. Csodilja, 6s nagyszertinek tartja, many y David nagyon kés6n ért haza a bulibdl, igy masnap zeggel nem tudott iddben felkelni. 3. Amikor elmegyek hétvégére, mindig a szomszédok vigvéznak a hazra. 4 Alice nagyon varja a tizenhatodik szilletésnapjét. Az dsszes baratjat meghivta a szitletésnapi bulijara, 5 Amikor m tem, levettem az ingem és plot vettem fel. 187 Agei kifejezések - phrasal verbs (2) (get over, call off, grow up) Ahogy az el6zé fejezetben léttuk, a ‘phrasal verb! elnevezéss szerkezotek nyelvtani -szempontbél.négy-csoportba-eszthatdk:— F igébat és el6ijardsz6001 alld szerkezet, ahol a taray mindig az igel kifejezés utan all This book belongs to Ingrid. (= Bza kényv Ingrid) Itbelongs to her. Ebbe a csoportba tartoznak még call at (= rovid idére megall valahol) call on (= beuigrik valakihez) consist of (= valamibél ll) deal with (= megold valamit, foglalkozik valamivel) get over (= talteszi magat valamin) 0 over (= Attekint valamit) ‘head for (= valami felé tart) | keep off (= tivol tarija magat valamit6l) laugh at (= kinevet) | lead to (= valamihez vezet)) ook through (= alaposan sinéz) make for (= elindul valami felé) ay for (~ kifizet) see to (= gondoz) stand for (~ jelent) take after (~ hasonlit valakire) think of (= gondol valakire/valamire) B lgebsi és hataroz6sz6bal allo szerkezet, ahol a targy az ige vagy az egész kifejazés utan all: ‘Tim cleaned up the mess. (= Tom feltakaritotta a piszkot) Tim cleaned the mess up. Ha a targy személyes névmas, akkor csak az ige és a hatéroz6sz6 kézatt éllhat ‘Tim cleaned it up. (= Tim tisztitotta fel.) (NEM Fine cleaned-up th) Ebbe a csoportba tartoznak még: bring up (= emitt) call off (= lemond egy esemény!) call out (= sz6lit) carry out (= kivitelez) clear up (= feltakarit) find out (= megtud pl. titkot) pick up (= felvesz) ut off (= elodéz) ut up (= elszAllasol) sort out (-elintéz) take up (= belefog valamibe) throw away (= kidob) ‘ty on (= felprobal) wash up (= elmos pl. edényt) 188 3 igév61 és hatarozészébel als szerkezet, amely utan nem ail targy: Where did yor grow up? (= Hol nbttél fel?) Ebbe a csoportba tertoznak még call out clear up* | dress up (~ fel6ltézik) find out” (= kitalél) | get through (= végere éx) give in = (mogadja magat) run away (= elszalad) set off (= Ginak dul) shut up (= befogja a szjat) stay in (= otthon marad) wash up* (= elmosogat) * A csillaggal jell kifejezések térgyas valtozatban is el6forduinak — ilyenkor a 2. soportba tartoznak. 4 Az ige és @ hatérozész6 utan mindig ail oléljér6sz6, és azzal egyiitttargy: Tean't put up with all this noise. (= Nem tadom elviselni ezt a larmat,) Anegyedik esoportba tartoznak még catch up on = behoz lemaradast ‘catch up with = utolér : get away with = megiszik valamit 0 out with = egytitt jar valakivel live up to = megielel az elvardésnak Azéréjelben megdott szét tegyikk a megfelelé helyre a mondatban, 0. (to) This book belongs .£2. Ingrid =. I'd better return it to her. (it) There was a lot of rubbish but Mr Brown cleaned up 2. (her) My mother was eccentric and my sister takes after 3. (for) It was getting dark so the scouts headed the nearest village 4 (if) Everyone said the project would be difficult but they carried Ott no aooenee Without any problems. 5. (them) I know their parents died when the children were young, $0 who brought ss. Up ait 6 (away) What did you do with that magazine? Did you throw ieee 7 (up) What's your hat doing on the floor? Pick it ! 8 (it) Tlike this dress. Can I try on. 2 9 (@t) My sister laughed ........ all the jokes 10 (with) My colleague deals complaints Hl egeszttsik ki a mondatokat a mogadott igei kifejezésekkel ‘igy, hogy jelentéstk az els6 mondatéhoz hasonié legyen. check in find out getever give out lookout pick up put up with stand for take up 0 Has your mother recovered from her cold? ‘Has your mother 9b Over... her cold? 1. Be careful! You almost stepped on my foot, !You almost stepped on my foot. 2. How did you discover that they were married? How did you that they were married? 3. What do the initials NATO mean? What do the initials NATO 2 4 They started practising yoga in India. They sosnes Yoga in India, 5 When you arrive at the hotel, you have to register. When you arrive at the hotel, you have to 6 Tmnot prepared to tolerate bad behaviour. I'm not prepared to bad behaviour 7 Vilcollect the children on my way home from work, TL the children on my way home from work. 8 Molly, can you distribute the papers. Two per person. Molly, can you the papers. Two per person. 189 Gl egeszitsik kia széveget a megadett kifejezések megfolel6 alakjaval Ugyeljink @ zéréjelben lév6 ‘névnasok pontos elhelyezésére, callon catchupon clearup find out head for laugh at | put oft —putup. Kate and Jane had to study a lot so they usually 9. stayed in, Fun away-—set off —stey-in—————— .-. during the week, Dutat the weekend they always tried to go out. One weekend they decided to go camping, but it rained so hard that they had to ‘weather wasn’t very good in the first part of that week, but it, Friday, and on Saturday it was fine, They 3, train going to Ripon, From Ripon they 4, after breakfast and got a Pateley Bridge, about {it) for a week. The on fifteen kilometres away. When they reached Grantley, which was about half way, they 5. pleased to see them and offered to 6 accepted, but decided to go an to Pateley Bridge and then come back in the .~-» Ellen Eastwood, a distant cousin of Kate's, Ellen was very . (them) for the night. ‘They afternoon. When they. got back, Ellen had found some old photograph albums and they all 7 Then they talked and talked. Kate 6, ‘that she didn’t know before ~ apparently they had to 9 the funny clothes and the hairstyles from the old days. things about her grandparents to get married. (Her parents had never told her that.) But it wasn’t just Ellen who talked; she wanted to 10 everything about her parents and her two brothers. DEvészitsik ki a mondatokat a megfolel6 kifelezésekkel 0 1 190 When you leave a hotel, you usually have to......2......, before midday. the lives of Kate's family in York, so Kate told her a) call off b) check out run away ) sort out They say the new goalkeeper is very good. I hope he his reputation. a) makes for ») takes up <) goes outwith d) lives up to JASON WS o.oo. ina children’s home. a) brought up b) tried on. stayed in 4) taken up Do you want a lift in my car? Where are You ween? a) going over b) heading for ©) picking up 4) getting through You start walking. Ill you in a few minutes. a) catch up with b) lead to ©) get over ¢) pick up She's very obstinate, Once she's decided something, she won't a) take after ») give in ©) find out @) look through ‘When it's a carnival time, everybody has to a) puton, b) set off ©) dress up 4) call out Itrained in the morning but in the afternoon it a) cleared up b) got over ©) cleaned up ¢) got through ‘We'll have to decide this week. We can’t until next week. 2) Keep it off »b) deal it with o)eall it out €) putit off Bi Nehény diak a félev vegére torvezelt dsszejévetelt beszéli meg. Egészitsik ki a beszélgetést a megadott kifejezések megfelel6 alakjaval. Ugyeiiink a zéréjelben levi névmasok alhelyezésére, callout clear up deal with dress up getaway with _ go over payfor pickup putup shutup thinkeef rema: OK. As you know, we have to organise the end-of-term party. First we have to othink of |... a theme, like monsters or cartoon characters or something because everybody likes to... _. at these parties, ‘COLIN: 1 vote for monsters. I want to be a monster. Pema: Allright, you can be a monster, Colin, Then someone has to make posters and 2 (them) so that everybody knows the date and the theme. GERRY: Tease (that). I'm good at drawing, verea: OK. Then we need someone to collect money from everybody who's coming. LauRA: I'll do that, Collecting money's my hobby! Petra: Allright, but you also have to order the food and 4... ft) Out of the money. you collect. LAURA: Ob, dear. Tthought that I would 5, just collecting the money. Petra: Then we usually borrow musical equipment from the sports club, so we don’t need to pay anything there. But we need somebody to collect it. man: No problem. P16, (it) in. my new car, KEN: The oldest new car in the world! FRANK: Oh, 7. ! You're just jealous! Fema: All right, all right. As you know, we always have a bingo competition, so we need someone to, the numbers FRANK: How about Ken? He’s got a big mouth. KEN; Thanks for the compliment. OK, I'll do it. PeTRa: Right. And now for the best bit, We need some volunteers to 9 sone everything at the end. kv Everyone can help to do that PETRA: Yes, I suppose so. All right, let's ©. everything again so that it’s clear Forditsuk le @ mondatokat a megadottigei kifejezések segitségével. Mindegyiket csak egyszer hasznéljuk [Pesai ae Eeeaeaiage get cooe gage eee callat consistof gooutwith growup lead to _ live up to look through throw away Jack beugrott a postara, hogy bélyeget vegyen. Az Gj filmsorozat ot részb6! all. Minden lapot atnéztél ma reggel? Vidéken vagy varosban néttil fel? ‘Tim nem tud eleget tenni a szilei elvérdsainak. Peter az bsszes tégi lemezét kidobta, Ezaz dita tengerpartra vezel? Anévérem egy ismert ujssgir6val jan 191 AfOnevek tébbes szémban dltaléban -¢ végzddést kapnak: EGYES SZAM ‘TOBBES SZAM (+ -s) a cup —> some cups one student —> three students the cat > the cats » lrasban +s, -8s, «sh, -ch vagy -x végz6désti fonevek, valamint egyes -o-ra végz6d6 f6nevek tabbes szémban -es végzddest kepnak: +05, bus —* buses match > matches kiss. — kisses box > boxes wish —> wishes potato —» potatoes watch —+ watches tomato tomatoes > Massalhangzé + -y-ra végz6d6 fonevek -ies végz6dést kapnak: -y > -ies family —> families country—> countries city — cities > AtOnév végén all6 f-bdI tobbes szémban gyakran v lesz: “fife -ves loaf + loaves knife —> knives wife —> wives CONE ola lelsg Irjuk a képek ala a megfelel6 f6név tobbes szami B Eoyes fonevek tobbes széma rendhagyé: tooth —» teeth sheep > sheep mouse mice fish — fish man —> men woman—> women child —> children person —> people foot —> feet (Atdbbes szammal kapesolatos tovabbi Informacié az A tablézatban, a 360 oldalon taldlhats.) B One és ones A fénév megismétiése helyett a one névmést hasznélhatiuk: need! a pen. Have you got one? (~ Sztikségem van ogy tollra. Neked van (tollad)? Our house isthe one with the red door. (= Ami hézunk az a piros ajtaja (héz),) Tobbes szémi fEnévre @ ones névmassal utalhatunk: Do you like red apples or green ones? (= Arild almét szereted vagy a pizosat?) These biscuits are cheaper than those ones, (= Ezek a kekszek olessbbak, mint azok) # Kérd6 mondatban gyakran hasznaliuk a Which one ...? (= melyik } és a Which ones ...? (= melyek) alakot: assistant: Wich one would you like, the black dress or the white one? Mani: I'd ike the Black one, plense, (= A feketét kérem,) sm 1 ike the black and white photographs. Which ones do you like? The black and ‘white ones or the colour ones? SUSAN: I prefer the colour ones. (= Nekem jobban tetszenek a szinesek) alakjét. a ¢g a e ? 2a a oa ‘Two <= BpPipaljuk kia helyesen irtt6bbes szémd alakokat és hazzuk at a hibasakat. | knives¥_tooths matches ‘wishs mates citys a cities men countries potatoes teeth, familys ‘wishes tomatos mouses wiles wives potatos Z countrys tomatoes mans mice knifes families rk at a zaréjelben megadott mondatokat ugy, hogy a fénevet a one/ones névmassal helyettesftiik, 0. He's got anew suit. (i's ablue suit) /9 4 blue one. 0 A: Who is your favourite actor? B: (The actor that [like best is Bruce Willis) The one that | like best ie Bruce Willis, E 1 Lwanta glass of orange juice. (Doyou want a glass of orange juice?) 3 2. The chocolate cakes are popula. (But the strawberry cakes are nicer)... 3. A: Which house do you like? . B; (Ilike the house with the red door) 4 4 Tom has a blue carpet in his room, (Emma has a green carpet in her room.) . ap 5. English is a difficult language. : (There isn’t an easy language.) 3 6 A: Where are the photos? 4 B: (Do you mean the photos of the wedding?) B Egeszitsik ki a parbeszédet a one/ones névmassal ae ELLEN: Here's the china department. We need some cups. pric: Do we want large 0 0N€S_... or small! 2 ELLEN: Small?, are best Buc: But Ilike tea in a large cup. ELUEN: OK, put six small cups and a large®..... in the basket a Buc: What about a teapot? There's a metal 4. and a nice china 8, Which a ca do you like? FLLEN: I-prefer the china 7, ERC: _ It's similar to the little cups but it’s not like my big 6 Now, we also need knives. : ELLEN: Can't we use the 9,....c..cn0 that my mother gave us? etc: _ Well, Tsuppose the big! for bread is all right, but we certainly need some little .. for vegetables and a sharp 2 for meat. FLLEN: Allright. Where are the knives? 193 Megszémlalhaté és megszém countable és uncountable nou Alegtobb fénevnek egyes és tobbes szami alakja is van: house/houses dogidogs _manimen Ezek megszamléinat6 fonevek. ‘one house two dogs three men ‘Az a, some és the névolé haszndlhat6 a megszamiathaté fonevek elt: EGYES SZAM. TOBBES SZAM at ahouse = the: thehouse thehouses | some: ~ some houses Més foneveket éltalaban nem feheltink tobbes szamba: water bread petrol rain tennis Ezek megszémiéihatatlan fonevek (Id. 360. old. B tablazat). Nézziik meg az alabbi képeket: Meats Ue rain cars. ({megszamiaihatatlan), {megszdmiaihat6) ‘Az a néveld vagy szamnév nem aiihat megszémldlhatatian fénév eld, de a the és some igen: | @:. Wenneed to buy bread and sugar. ‘some: Stop here. We need some petro. | the: Look at the rain! 3 Az aldbbiakban néhany megszémidlhatatlan fOnevet sorolunk fel azokkal e kifejezésekkel egyat, amelyekket ,megszémolhatjuk’ ezeket: glass a { botte i ae tea coffee water milk cup of lalhatatlan fonevek — ns = oe ‘sugar coffee a spoontat ot { slice bread o{ Sz} cheese luggage information news advice homework apiece of Asome megszémildlhaté és megszamlél- hatatlan fénevekkel egyarant hasznélhat6 some apples, some water (Id. 73. fejezel). \Vasarléskor ezek edt a fEnevek elétt a grams/kilosilitres stb. szavakat is hasznalhatjuk: Can Thave two litres of milk, please? @ Eaves fOnevek egyarant lehetnek megszamiél- hatéak vagy megszémidihatallanok, aszerint, hogy milyen jatentesben haszndliuk azokat: MEGSZAMLALHATATLAN like tea, (= Szetetem a teat.) Her hair is red. (= Vos haja van) Thaven't got tine. (= Nincs id6m.) Talevays have sugar in ray tea. (= Cukorral iszoma teat.) MEGSZAMLALHATO I'd like two teas, please, (= Két CSESZE teat kérek) Three sugars in my ied, plense. (= Hérom KOCKACUKROT kérek a tedmba) There's a hair in my tea. ( Egy HAJSZAL vvan a teémban,) We aloays have a good time on holiday. (= Nyaralaskor mindig j6l érezziik magunkat) Figyelem! A have a good time kifejezés jelentése: J6l érzi mags, j6 sz6rakozik.” i94 conta Gyakorlatok Bl Tegyiik az a vagy some szavakat a kivetkez6 f6nevek elé. 0 Bosco house 7d information 15 warm water 0 £9Me bread 8 toast 16 big city 1 holiday 9 enn bird 7 good news 2 cinema 19 grass 8 Indian tea 3 luggage n trains 19 boring film 4 socks 12 venous musician 20 thick book: 5 school B spaghetti a good advice 6 homework ideas 2 tall woman Bi valasszuk ki a megfelelé lehetdséget a sziveg kiegésziteséhez. ‘Welcome to Chatsworth House. I’m going to lead this tour of the house and give you an/some information about the history of the house. Let’s startin the famous Dining Room, which George V and Queen Mary visited in 1933, For 1 a/- dinner, the King and Queen ate? a/- beef from Scotland and’ a- small pig from a local farm, and drank # a/some wine from France and Italy. The beautiful cloth on the table is made of the/- best Lancashire cotton. To your left, you can see that the legs of § the/- little table in the corner are made of 7 a/- glass. Finally, on the wall by § the/a window, there is ° a/some painting by 19 the/- Dutch painter, Van Dyck. gészitsilk ki a mondatokat a megadott szavakkal. (32) bottle cartons cup (32) pieces slice (x2) some (3) the (x) two (x3) © My father has. 4... motorbike. 1. After school Thave a... of bread with batter on it 2 Tom has got three of luggage 3 Suealways has a sue Of coffee after inch. 4 For this experiment we need a glass with ‘water in it. We want ecu ssun Coffees, please ~ one white and one black. 6 We must stop ata garage and put = petrol in estes CE, 7 How much is ou bottle of Coke at supermarket? 8 There are two of milkin fridge. 9 CanThavea .. of tea and a of cake, please? 10 There are hairs in bath, Both are long and blond. D Forditsuk le a mondatokat. 1A poggyészom az autoban van. 2 Tadsz adni egy papittés egy ceruztt? 3 Citromot és két kanal cukrot kérek a teamba. 4 Tojast és sajtot kell venntink. 5 Ebben a konyvben popzenével kapesolatos tudnivalék vannak. 6 Van egy rossz hfrem a szémodra 7 Kaptal hazi feladatot holnapra? 8 Nem sok viz van az asztalon. 9 Nom kérek tejet a kavémba, 10 Sally gyakran kolat iszik, mikézben a hizi feladatot irja. tae BD Hesoniitsuk dssze az a és az an hesznélatat: i é oval kezd6d6 szavak ol6tt hasznaljuk (b, ¢, df, gh, j,k, I stb.): a doctor a big car a girl > az.a nével6t haszndiljuk azok elit a szavak el6tt is, amelyek u-val kezdidnek, 6s ~kiejtésiik megegyezik a you szé kiejtésével, valamint az eu kezdeti szavak el6it a university a European cify > Az an hatarozatian nével6t maganhangz6vel kezd6d6 szavak elit haszndljuk (a, e, 1, 0, uj: ‘an apple an interesting film > az an névelét hasznéluk azok eltt a szavak eldttis, amelyek néma h-val kezdédnek Hasonlitsuk dssze a Kavetkezé két szét: ‘an hour (a kiejtése azonos az our $26 kiojtésével, az ilyen h-t nevezzik néma h-nak.) «a house (eben a széban a h nem néma, tehat a nével6 a) Hasonllisuk éssze az alan és a the névelé haszné lata | aaice: Poe got a CD player and a TV in ray room JOR: Is the TV big? a TV (egy tévé, itt emit eldszor) the TV (~-az a bizonyos tévé, amit Mary az 1625 mondatban emiltett) > Az alan hatérozatlan névelét hasznaljuk, ha egyik beszél6 sem tudja, konkrétan kirdl vagy mir6l van 826: There's a mam at the door. > Athe hatarozott névelét akkor hasznélhatjuk, ha mindkét beszai6 szémara nyilvanvald, kid vagy mirdl van 826. Do you like the new film by Steven Spielberg? Az alan névelét hasznaljuk: [> arak, sebesség és gyakoriség megnevezése lst: Te costs £2 a litre. (= Literenként ket font) He drives at ninety miles ant hour! (= Orankent kilencven mérfolddel hajt) T goto the gym twice a week, (= Ketszer egy hhéten megyek a tornaterembe.) > a hundred, a thousand és a million szamnevek elt: a hundred people a thousand days > ha valak fogialkozasér6l beszétiink Tm a bank manager A the névelét hasznaljuk > ha az omiitet dologbél vagy személyb6l csak egy van: May I turn on the TV? (= Bekapesolhatom a tévét? ~ osak egy tévé van) The Queen is visting our schcol today. (= Maa kirdlyné megistogata az iskolankat,) > ha azt mondjuk, hogy valaki valamilyen hangszeren jatszik Iplay the guitar. (= Gitéron jatszom.) Jane plays the violin, (= John hegedtl.) Figyeleml A hangszer neve al6tt nines 216 j4r6526: NEM: Fpleponthe-sutan Gyakorlatok Bl ceszitsak ki a mondatokat a vagy an hatérozatian nével6vel. 0 My father’s got _ New cet 0 Ws. AM old film. 1. This is. interesting book, 2. They've got house in Spain. BUS ca eesesceeees Cheap restaurant i96 4 He's . Halian businessman, 5. The journey takes + hour: 6 We've got black cat. 7 want to buy umbrella 8 Mathsis.. difficult subject. _B Egészitsitk ki a mondatokat a vagy an hatérozatian néveldvel és a megfelel6 sz6kapesolattal. san director Steven Spielberg is .274' a pecrrsteinaeeeatcee European country TTORGO IS .seesseseeseeenen ae face: Fe 2 He ath ib wwenmnemrinnerrnavamectseteenaseeeeete threes lirentor 3. ‘The Ganges... peated university town A Oxford is cesses oe Japanese city 5 ABMWis English airport : i : i German car 6 Spainis sae lan Brent biztositast szeretne kétni, ezért kereste fel Mike Cox, a biztositétérsasag képviseléje. e = : : — E e 5 MR COX MR BRENT: MR COX: MR BRENT: MR COX: MR BRENY mR cox: MR BRENT: MR COX: Ma BRENT: aR COX: aR BRENT: aR COX: MR BRENT: MR COX: MR BRENT: Mx COX: Egeszitsik ki a parbeszéd szovegét a, an vagy the néveldvel. ‘Hello, my name is Mike Cox. Lam from 0, EH¢.. . insurance company. Thave 0.4, form with some questions. Your name is fan Brent. Do you have}... .. middle name? ‘Yes, my full name is lan Stanley Brent. All right. Now, where do you live, Mr Brent? live in 2, house in Peckham. Peckham, Isee. And what is your job? Ym’... sss Slentist. I work for 4 .. government. Do you work in®... - laboratory or in & office? Twork in7., small office im centee of London. And how do you get to. office from Peckham? Lusually take ,.......s.0:.+. underground, ‘What is your salary, Mr Brent? Well, Fearn almost £35,000)... coco. Year Now, your family. You're married, aren’t you? Yes, and we have two children, 1... giel and - boy. Ma cceceeesoe gitl is sixteen and 15.0... boy is fourteen, Fine, And you want to take out 6... insurance policy for £100,000. Yes, that’s right. Well, that’s al. Can you sign 17......cccsssee form here at 18......,.sc1es bottom? DLA kovetkez6 mondatokban nem mindig a megfelel6 névelét hasznélték. Hizzuk at a helytelend haszndit nével6ket és irjuk melléjak a helyes megoldast, a hibatlanokat pedig pioaljuk ki. 0. Fmnot sure what she does, but I think she's a.%.....4....0. doctor 0 Tsee the 4... thousand different things when I am on holiday. 1 Be careful! That perfume costs £100 a bottle 2. Please invite Ben to your party. He playsa... piano and a guitar 3. A: What does John do? B: I'm not sure, but I think he’s the... teacher in a school, She likes to drive at hundred miles an hour. Iplay the . violin in an orchestra. They pay me £50 the... day! Ive got the... Ac Is my handbag in the living-room? .». hundred jobs to do before we leave. B: No, itisn’t. [think it's in a......--..s.s0: kitchen, 197 Af Az alan hatérozatian nével6 hasznalata: > egyes szamban Allo {Snevek el6tt: He was reading a book. > személyek vagy targyak leirasa elétt: ‘They have a beautiful house. John. is an old friend of mine. > a What + a/an + fonév felkiatiésban: What a beautiful day! (= Micsoda szép nap!) (Az alan haszndlatara vonatkozé egyéb tudnivalék @:71. fejezetben talélhatok.) 2 A the hatarozott nével6 haszndlata: > egyes és tobbes szémban alle fénevek elét: the book the books > megszamlalhatatian fonevek eldtt (pl. music, water, food, education): The water isin the ridge. Figyelom! A megszémlaihatatian féneveknek nines t8bbes szémuk, és az alan hatérozatian nével6l sem hasznAljuk megszamléthatatian fEnevek eld. > Athe névelét akkor hasznaljuk, ha taljesen egyértelma, kir6l vagy mirél van 26: ‘Anna likes music, but she doesn’t lke the music that John plays. ‘Mike's gone fo the shops. Imuust go to the bank /the station/the airport. > ha valamib6! csak egy van: the River Thames the Atlantic the Himalayas the USA (Egyéb tudnivalbk a 71. fejezetben ‘aldinatox.) Gyakorlatok By cceszitstk ki a kévetkez6 széveget a/an vagy the névelivel, ahol szikséges. Homeand school: In our class °.the, students live in 9.7, two make? school, but many take # Interests: Everybody goes to 6 three times®... listen to 1. radio for B......., Ambitions: Some students want to study 22... want to find! 198 job, and one wants teacher lives in 0.4. .. flats. Many students have ! sandwich and eat it on 3... underground and some come by 5. cinema - some students see”... _- week, Everybody likes to listen to? 3 Nem hasznéiluk a the névelét > t6bbes szémban Allé fonevek (ph vegetables) és megszémlélhatatian fonevek (pl. education, music) olst, amikor ezekr6l a doigokrdl éltalénosségban beszeitink: Do you lke vegetables? think education is very important > feladatok szdma és oldalszémok elétt: Do Exercise 3 on page 29. (= Végezd ela 29. | oldalon a3. feladatot) Hasznéljuk viszont sorszémnevek elétt: Do the third exercise. > Nem hasznaljuk sem az alan, sem a the névelét nyelvek megnevezése, étkezések eve, varosok, a legtdbb orszag és a legtdbb utca neve elétt, valamint repiléterek, allomasok, éndliéan allo hegységek és tavak neve eldtt sem: She speaks Spanish ‘She lives in Amsterdam in Holland. What time will lunch be? {from Heathrow Airport to Oxford Street > Nines néveld a kézlekedési eszkiz6k neve elétt sem: by car/taxi/ous/plane/rain elem: ha a car fénév el6tt az in eld\jarész6 ail, akkor ki kell tenniink a the Névelbt: I cate ie the car/in my car. > Ha a What....! kezdettifelkidltasban téobes szémé fonév vagy megszémiaihatatian fénév van, az alan névelét nem hasznaihatjuk: What disgusting food! (© Micsoda undorits étel!) house, but all the breakfast at home but one oF way to school. Some students walk to - films two or music and-most people . hour or more every day. science at ®, tobe 1 artist [lA kovetkez6 sziveg a Heathrow repilétér egyik éitermérdl szel, Ahol az alahizott kifejezéseket helyesen hasznaltak, pipaljuk ki, ahol nem, hdzzuk at a kifejezést és irjuk mellé a helyes megoidast. What kind ° ofthetood of food...... can you choose if you miss yout plane and have to —opendasightat a Heath hotl «2 suggest that you ? Jeave an airport and take a look at the Tocal restaurants. “Apolo! ‘is twenty minutes from the airport 2 by taxi that belongs 3 to a local family «:...... sees They also. have other international food, 5 The food and is a Greek restaurant the pasta . and on the menu outside looked good and I decided to have a Greek salad, and then a steak, Lnormally ® havea dinner... atabout eight o'clock, but it was then about nine. I was looking forward 7 to a glass of Wine and some bread. 8 The number sixteen ......-...-»-.. on the wine list looked interesting —a red wine ° from the Mexico ....... - Tordered 10a battle of water . as well. (It was, £2.00, which is quite cheap these days " jn UK restaurants, i When it arrived, 1? the food was good. ® The first Ouse esse ssee. the salad, was fresh and delicious. "4 And steak soso. Was even better, So, if you spend a night at Heathrow, try ‘Apollo’. @ Egeszitsiik ki a parbeszédet a/an vagy the névelével, ahol sztikséges. mixe; Is Maria®2...... student at your college? ROSIE: No, she’s old friend of mine. MIKE: What does she do? Rosie: She's2............. Computer programmer. She's not English, you know, She comes from 3.......+.-eev++ Brazil, but she lives in 4, USA. Mike; Has she got®... . job there? Yes, she works for 6 .......0:0 big company there. Do you write’... letters to each other? Yes, Ive got. letter from her here. What does she say in ......csseeese letter? nhice apartment in T.....ssssseeene centre of She says that she has. . - Chicago. D Forditsuk le a mondatokat. 1 Van egy kinyvem az elefantokrél, 2. Arulnak bort az éllomés mellett Ievé boltban? 3. Azene nagyon fontos az: Egyesilt Allamokban. 4 Félek a kutydktl, foleg a nagy kutysktol 5 Azebédet az étkezbben szolgaljak fl. 6 Akertben zbldség és gyiiméles is van, a gyiimblesit megesszitk, de a zéldséget cladjuk. 7 A film fantasztikus volt, a szinészek pedig csodlatosak. 8 Sally irodalmat tanul az egyetemen, 9 Hawaii a Csendes-Scesn kozepén van. 10. Parizs, Franciaorszg fovarosa, a Szajna partfén fekszik. 199 Nézziik meg az alabbi Abrakat: Btacapis Tagadasndl a2 any vagy a no névmést Aly Za pen Some per some food no food B Az alan nével6t egyes szimban él, megszamléihaté ténevek el6t (pl. pen, car, friend) hasznajuk Ineed a pen. Do you have a car? He doesn’t have a friend. (= Nines egy barétja. sem) (A megszémialhaté és megszamidlhatatian fenevekre vonatkoz6 tudnivalok a 70. fejezetben talalnatok,} BLA some és any hatérozatlan névmas utan a megszémlalhat6 (Gnevek tdbbes szémban Ailnak (0. pens, friends, books): Toe got some new pens. John doesn’t have any friends, Do you have any books about Africa? A some és any hatérozatlan névmast megszémialhatatlan fénevekkel is hasznaljuk — ezeknek természetesen ilyenkor sincs tobbes ‘szamd alakja (pl. money, information, advice, news, music, coffee, milk, toast, bread, food, water, snow stb.) Thaven’t got any money. (© Egyaltalén nines pénzem.) Is there any snow on the mouittains in summer? would like some coffee, please BAuirAs Allits mondatokban éltaléban a some hasznélatos: She's got some photos of her baby, Yd like some information, please, Alité mondatban az any jelentése ‘akérmelyik, barmeiyik You can leave at any tie Take any book. COMET ere iCle hasendie i We haven't got any eggs. vaGy We've got no eggs. There isn't any milk, vcr There is no milk. Tagadé mondatban az any és a some jolentése kilénbizé: Tdon’t like ancy fruit. ‘ (Gemmiféle gyiimolcsvt nem dzeretek.) don’t like some fruit (Néhany gytimdlesét nem szeretek) Dxeroes Kerdésben dltaléban az any névmast haszndijuk: Do you speak any Russian? {( Beszéisz valamennyit oroszul?) Kérd6 mondatban akkor lehet some, amikor a kérdésre igeni6 valaszt varunk: Can you give me some information? Kinalaskor mindig a some haszndlatos: Would you tike some coffee? ® A some és any hatérozatlan névmmas énalloan, tehat fOnév nell is allhal, Tagadéskor a not sn any szerkezet vagy @ nene névmés haszndlhats (NEW ne), We don’t need to buy cheese because there's some inthe fridge We need fo buy eggs becuse there aren’ amy in the fridge. (VACy: because there are none in the fridge) By Tom és Tina vasérlas tistat készit. Egészitstk kia pérbeszédet a: alan. some, any, no, none ‘szavakkal. Tom: We haven't got, NY... TINA: No, no. There are 1... 200 +. e888 50 we need to buy 9,822. -+ in the fridge, but there's? cheese, nn "sone arena eee ee Tom OK, cheese. Now, we've got. - fruit in the sitting room but we haven't got enough for the weekend so we need to buy 4. ‘more. What else? TINA: We want to have .....sscse 8alad for lunch, I think ToM._Yes,.of course, So weneed 6, srrlettuce, Oh, and 7... tomatoes Decause there are 8...............: in the kitchen. TINA: We must buy 9, ..- bottle of oil as well TOM: OK, and want to buy 10, sess: HeWspaper because there's 1... football match on TV this afternoon but I don’t know what time it starts, mina: But there are 12..,. + football matches today because the weather is s0 bad. We can go and see18............... film instead. ‘yom: -Ohy all right. Anyway, are there #4... ‘more things to put on the list? ‘vs: ‘No think thats everything hope you've gt 18,, + money because I haven't got ¥. mv: OK, Put, coat on and get #6. shopping bag and we're ready. Glakitsuk tagadéva a mondatokat net .;. any haszndlatével 0 We've got some photos of our holiday. fe haven't. got. any ph ur holiday. 1 Tean give you some advice. 3. There is some cake in the cupboard. 4 Miriam has some heavy luggage to take to the airport. ‘There are some letters for you today. 6 There is some snow on the mountains this morning. Forditsuk le a kSvetkez6 mondatokat. 1 Szomijas vagyok. Adj egy kis viet, Iégy szivest Van valami icinyved Afrikér6l? Nines itthon kenyér, és nines keksy. Van testvéred? ~ Harom n6vérem van, de fititestvérem nines, Altaléban szeretem az embereket, de néhanyat nem szeretek Kaphatsz néhanyat ezekb6l a fonyképekbsl. Vasdenap egyéltalén nincs vonat. Tiszta ingre van sztlkségem, de nines a szekrényben, Nines pénziink itthon, és nines a bankban sem. 10 Pirit6st akarok késziteni, Van xégi kenyertink? I Van szétérad? ~ Igen, van itt nhany. 12 Nom tudtunk bélyeget verni, de vettiink boritékokat. 201 Pétojuk a hignyz6 alan hatarozatian nével6t. 0 An, .. hour is 2. + Tong time. T Take. ~- umbrella. ~ It's OK, I've g0t --scsc0esesssss hat ce 2, Please take ..s.ccsssesess piece of fruit, Would you prefer ....c.sessss+s OFANGE OF... banana? 3 sepseesstene interesting programme is on TV tonight. Its about... island in the Indian 7 ‘Ocean. JA kévetkez6 mondatparoknal az egyik mondetodt az a/an, a mAsikb6l pedig a the hiényzik, Pétoljuk —anveléket - 0. Mary’ is 4... Mike’ is the. 1 Batsford is... town where my uncle lives Winchester is... . town in the south of England. 2 Trains don’t stop here because .. station is closed. Almost all towns have railway station, 3. My sister wants to write book about her favourite hobby. ssesseeussceen BOOKS in the library are very old, 4 Ifyou don't know how to get somewhere, ask... TIn0W ....sssssesssee polite officer whose photo was in the paper. 5. AGerman family lives in... My cousin can’t find house to buy anywhere. 6 cessssesseene Woman behind you is Ann's mother. Atwork [sit next to ............-. woman with beautiful red hair girl's name. name that my parents gave me. . policeman, house next to ours, Egeszitsik ki a mondatokat a/an vagy the nével6vel, de csak akkor, ha szikséges. © On Sunday we get up late and have .F.............. hunch in PHE........... garden. Do you grow ......ssssssss0++ Vegetables in your garden? I prefer them to .... beautiful house, overlooking .........:.-- Pacific flowers! 1 2 Now she's star, she owns 3 Over... 4 The hospital charges visitors one pound ..... 5 6 1 hundred people share the big prize every week. hour for parking. How scandalous! Ym late when I go to work by... soe BUS, SO TAK sss ceeseeeeee CA Tove +. music, especially rock, but [ike ... dance music as well. My favourite instrument is. sees Bultar. 7 Jenny's brother is .. +0 economist, He lives in Leeds and teaches at... University of South Yorkshire. 8 What .........csss+- beautiful mountains there are in Wales ~ but what .... on terrible weather! 9 Tthink.. . exercise is very important, run several times... week and play tennis whenever I can, 10 Please turn to page 40 and look at .cssssesssees exertise 3, Dy Teayak a zaréjeiben lévé fEneveket tSbbes szémba. 0. Tlive in the same street as Mary. Our (family) farmilles..... are friends. | 1 Teed anew set of kitchen (knife) .cseeseevees + Pre PSPETNTEN 2 earyourameat the (country). ._ of the European Union? 3. Inthe story the old witch gives the girl three (ish) 4 Please get half a kilo of ((omato) 0... and a couple of small white (10a) oe rsee seve When You go out 5 ‘There aren't many (fish)... Jeftin some parts of the ocean. 6 ‘The dentist checks my (tooth) and gives them a polish 7 wait for half an hour, and then two (bus)... .. come along together! 8 (City). _..can be difficult places to bring up (child). in, 9. Pack the (box). ...¢arefully. The (watch) are fragile 10 More (man) ...-.ur enue Work as secretaries, and more (woman) become managers these days. AL These days, lot of couples goto football (match)... «Men don’t always go without their (wife). or gitlfriends 12, James treads on Diana’s (001) ...r.s seen: When they dance. _ Begeszitsik ki a mondatokat az a nével6vel, ahol sziikséges. £0 Canyou getme.4. tea, and get 4. sss: lemonade for Sue? 1. Would you like coffee? Have you got .i...cutsnu time for one? 2 Kate has secre, Jong dak hai 3 Do you take... ee Sugar in your tea? Fd Wealways have sass great time at Mike's New Year's Eve party. | 5 Oy disgusting! Look, there's... hair in my soup! © Plegeszitsik kia parbeszédoket aan vagy the névelével © 0. A: Have Ann and Mark got any pets? 5 Bi Yes, they've got 4 dogand 8... A: Does he, dog like he. cat? 1 A: Thisis interesting book. B: Who's sa. author? A: Jane Sinclair you know, she's ‘woman who has her own show on TV, 2A: Have you got .n.rsssesrs Tule that Tean borrow? Br I've got access plastic one and . 2. wooden one, But .....:.:s: wooden one is broken A: Well, lend me .. plasticone then, please 3A: ‘Heartache! ig... seve. Wonderful film, B: Whois . director? A: Bob Pine, He's great film director. AAD Why is ccs Qatth Rotate neses €guator? Br Because that is ccvessceote Batt OF esseceerseveee €8tth that 8 C10S€ 40 jrssrsereesees SUPA 203 Egészitsik ki a mondatokat a megadott szavakkal, piece bottle some cup spoonful glass. slice 0 1 se 6 Thavea of cake with my coffee every morning. Alan has a very interesting,ess++ OfneWs to tell you. ‘We need to stop at the next garage and buy .......c..:0+- petrol Remember this . sv 0f good advice, Every morning, the milkman leaves a. Ive got. useful information for you about your exam, of milk outside my front door. Avsssneisens of honey with hot water and lemon juice is good for a cold, i Would you like coffee? I usually have a....ssere-ee at about this time. can’t come out tonight. I've got an important... . of homework to hand in in the morning You don’t look at all well. Would you like a . Fora quick snack, I often have a. of water? .. of milk anda. of cheese on toast, Hesznaljuk a some, any vagy no hatérozatian névmast a mondatok kiegészitésére. Do you go to ANY. museums or art galleries when you travel? Have you got ~. money? We need to buy ... - food. I've got... bad news for you. There are .av..esssssse tains today because of the drivers’ strike. Do yOu speak... .cccessseees Arabic? Tey £0 1e@rM sss secccneses before you go to Cairo, ‘The refugees are in a desperate situation. A lot of them haven't got ......ssee-se- food, and there's s+oe Clean water in the area. Let me give you .:iesreue. advice, Don't just take . right one. It's January and there isn’t... job. Wait until you find the + stow, So there's soy... skiing for us! Tegészitstk ki a mondatokat a/an vagy the nével6vel 4 There’ aya 204 Can you tell me the way to Phe, bus station, please? Vive got ..seseesesees Rew mobile phone. Iv much better than .. ‘A: Would you like to go to see... film tonight? Br Yes, V'd love to $¢0 ....-r-csor MEW one by Tarantino. Ineed to find... bank. Is there one anywhere near here? ‘great show on at the theatre. I .+- latest musical by Andrew old one. Lloyd Webber Can 1 bortOW oo suitcase from you? Can Iturn Joanne doesn’t like. ---«. Queen lives in Buckingham Palace. big one with wheels would be best. .. radio on? Lwant to hear ..... six o'dock news. man in. .. library. D sue és Judy egy Kirakat eléit ll. Egészitstk ki beszélgetésiiket a one/ones névmés haszndlatavel: juov: Which. ++ 2 The loose, baggy hans BOE TIN The tight black 2... What do you think? jupy: Not bad. They'd look good on you. SUE: What about you? Don’t you wanta new jacket? Jupy: Well, sort of. Ireally need 9..........2+:.0+ Td fike #.........:.10+.. of those leather | 7 Bis vcpieietnern they’ve got on the rail over there. SUE. Goinand try 6 on, then, <- quny: ‘There's no point, Thaven’t got that much money! SUE: Oh look! I like those trousers! | © Megeszitsik ki a széveget a kévetkez5kkel: some, onelones, no, none, alan, any, the — de csak ott, ahol sziikséges. | Alotof my friends have®4... 1 Pet sssessesenesee of them have big dogs and + others have small?,...... -Thave other friends who prefer 9... but4 of these friends haveS..........0..d0g as well Because, as everybody knows, ®... cats and 7... . dogs are not good friends. 1 have’, .. Alsatian dog: her name is Quoenie because she's. girl, During the day she lives in hhouse, but at night she sleeps on. old carpet in 12 snuseegatage. Queenie is ®, very clever dog; for example, she always knows when it's time for 4... lunch. She has her food 07 1,...ss00 big plate in... _ kitchen; she eats all sorts of Tessas food but like all big dogs, she prefers 18... meat, and obviously if we give her 1 bone, she likes it to be @ big 2.ossvavstecs My mtr say that Queers has bad abs For eample, Queenie wakes my mother every morning. But this is because there's 2... food in 2 se garage, so in the morning Queenie is hungry. But I say that with. lovely | -. bad habits that she has. dog like Queenie, you must forgive \Valasszuk ki a zaréjelben megadott szavak k8ziil a megfelel6t. (A~azt jelenti, hogy az adotthelyre eselleg semmit sem kell beim.) 0. [like .=. ... (-/the) ice-cream, especially .PhE........... (-/the) Italian kind, ~/arEEEE PES P SHPO ae .. (A/Some) men have smelly ... -» (feet/ foot) 2 Thelineis closed, «...,.....1..++. (Any/No) trains come this way nowadays. 3. Weneed to buy ....-sesseees (@/some) bread. 4 always have sessoecsseenes (/the) milk in my coffee. 5. Waiter! There are two... . (hair/ hairs) in my soup. 6 Margaret's (/a) teacher at .- (2/an) university in Spain, 7 We play (-/the) tennis three times (a/the) week. BB ceecseeetieeees @/The) River Amo rises in ...ccsecccsnees G/the) Apennines, 9 Ingeneral Peter likes... - (/ the) music but he doesn’t like .-sssseesessens (-/ the) jazz, 10 There are ... . (an/some) excellent shops in... /the) Regent Street. 11 The museum has many French paintings but it doesn’t have .... ese (one/ones). 12 Can you give me ......-.-.-1-++ (an/some) information, please? (any/no) Italian 205 i i Hl nezzok meg az alébbi mondatokat | Sue Hello, "think know you, 2You'se Joha’s brother, Tom. I sometimes see EANYOHGE HALLFEMANY) —~-FARGY Mary sew eter and Pail She sew them, Mary helyett hasznalhatjuk a she személyes ‘them (taroy). B a személyes névmés alekia: névmast (alany), Peter and Paul helyett dllhat _ ALANY| _TARGY ears (71 ome 2 you {10 you She |1t him 4 she [12 her Sit 13 it Tosses scan 16 we |14 us 7 you |15 you 8 they |16 them ‘Az angol mondatban mindig van alany. They are coming, (NEM: Avecoming:) (= Jonnek,) Eldljérész6 utan a személyas névmds targyi alakgat haszndijuk: play tennis with her, (= Vele teniszezem.) B Figyeliak meg a személyes névmasok alanyi iletve térgyi alakjanak haszndlatat a kévetkez6 parbeszédben: Gyakorlatok haszndilunk, 0 Helena and_Tare in the same class. 1like Helena a lot We are in the same clase. | like her a lot. sense 1 Richard is the best student. A lot of people ask Richard for help. 2 ‘The other students don't work as hare as me. I work a lot harder than the other stuclents 9 Theciher students and Thave same soon Are you and your class aking any? 4 Davidand I sometines behave veal The ieacher sometimes gets angry with th David and me. 206 Dinu at a kovetkez6 mondatokatdgy, hogy az aldhizott mondatrészek helyett személyes névmest Our course i quite hard, Some e people ‘won't finish the course onr together FnrSatly‘rsister ‘Tom: Oh, how is 4she? I don’t often see !2her Sue: She's fine, And how's John? ‘Tom: He's OK. He's studying biology. He likes Wit but he says Sif’ difficult. Sue: What do 7you both do at the weekends? We often play tennis, You can have a game with Mus if you like. ‘Tom: Ifs fine for me, but I’m not sure about John, He's got exams soon. SThey’re next week, I think, and he’s studying hard for 16them, I must ask lhim first Sue: OK, give Sme a ring tonight vz it névméssal egyrészt lettelen dolgokra vagy dlatokra utalhatunk, mésrészt padig igynevezett szeméiytelen alanyként™ haszndinatjuk, példaul amikorid6jérésr6, ior, a hét napjairl, tavoisdgrél beszétink: Vm studying economics. It's a difficult subject It's hot today, (Ne: Theede/Weehevetotsoray ) It's four o'clock. t's Tuesday. T's the third of Apri It’s 200 miles to York. Look at that bird! It's eating the bread, —BLAképek elapjan egészitsik ki a mondatokat személyes névmasokkal. 0 Lecce see AM but he... doesn’t see IM To ctenteeneee 800 i seseisees doesn't see . Soon 888 AoeSH ESC oes } G don’t see Peels I him doesn't see a + don’t see + but... GONE SCE ecco hy sep Bb seseeeseenn GOWESE. cyyisesessites } you James magarél és a csalddjérdl beszél. Egészitsik ki a sziveget személyes névmasokkal. oe fmaJames ad Ia.s..eccetcene live in Australia. 2 "ve got two brothers, 8.........1.+./f8 called Pete and Mike. My mother works at the hospital. 4 sss 48 a doctor. My father works in a sports shop. 5........ssessee WOIKS Very hard. The shop makes a lot of money, and 6... ’s always full of people. Ak6vetkez6 tnondatokat a személyes névmés targyi alakjdvel (me, you stb.) egészitstik ki (On Saturdays I work for my father. Lhelp . in the shop, and he gives 8 ++» Some money. On Sundays we go to the beach. We have two dogs, and we take? with us, We also take a ball and they play with 20............... while we swim. Ezoket a mondatokat pedig a személyes névmds alanyi vagy térgyi alakjaval egészitsik ki, At the moment I'm at university. I'm studying business, 1 an interesting subject. Two of my schoolfriends are at university with B2cceaseenee Our teachers are good but 8. give Uh ccusseunee alot of work to do. Next week... are all taking our first exams. I want to get good marks in 6, 207 Nézaiik meg az alabbi mondatokat: ‘This car belongs tome. Its my car. (= E2 az én autom) It's mine. (= Ez az enyem.) B nezzuk meg a tablazatot: aszewewves | JEL201 ONALLO NEVMAS BIRTOKOS | BIRTOKOS. TARGYIALAKIA | NEVWAS | NEVMAS me my mine you ‘your yours him his his her her hers it its = us our ours you your yours them their theirs 8 my, your stb > Ajelz6i birtokos névmést (my, your stb.) fEnévvel egyiitt haszndijuk: iy book his hands their house Figyelem! A magyarban nincs jelz6i birtokos névmés. A birtokviszonyt toldalékkal (a sz6 vegéhez toldott birtokjelle fejezzik ki (konyvem, kényved stb,). > Ajelz6i birtokos névmas egyes szam harmadlk személyben a birtokos neméhez igezodik: Ect 7 Sara and her husband. - Tony and his wife > Testrészek neve eldtt is a birtokos névmast hasznéljuk: ‘Mary has hurt her foot. (NEM: (= Mary megiitotie a labit) Figyelem! A magyarban a birtckos szemelyét hangstlyozhatjuk, ha a birtokot jel6}6 s26 elé személyes névmést tesziink (az én kényvem, a te konyved stb.) ~ az angolban erre nines lehetiség, the foot), mine, yours stb, > Az Gnalld birtokos névmést (mine, yours stb ) a jelz6i birtokos névmas + fenév szerkezet helyett hasznaljuk ‘My flat isin the contre of town. Where's yours? (yours = your fla) Az bnéllo birtokos névmés utén nem éllhat tonév. 208 Az aposztréf (’) + s fonévhez jarul, és birtokviszonyt jell. Magyar forditasa: ‘nak a .!, “nek a... Mike's house. (# Mike-nak a héza,) > Egyes szémi fonevek +'s: Where is Tom's bike? (‘Tom kerékpérja) > Rendhagyé tébbes szému fonevek (pl. men) +'s: Heave you got the children’s books? (Arendhagys tbbes szamd fonevek a 69. fejezetben talalhatok.) > Szabélyos tdbbes szému fonevek utén (ol. teachers) +": | Figyelem! A tébbes szam -s jele utan nem all még egy 8, csak az aposziréf. We have eight children. This is the boys’ bedroom, and this isthe girls” bedroom. B Az’s birtokos vegzédest dltalaban csak él6lényeket jelenté fEnevekhez tehetjak. Eletteten dolgokndl az of birtokos szerkezetet hasznaljuk: ‘The boys’ room. (Nem: The roorr-of the boys.) ‘The ent of the film. (NEM: Phe fie'send) ‘Amikor azt mondjuk: I'm going to the newsagent’s, the baker's stb., val6jaban arra gondolunk: ‘the newsagent’s shop/the baker's shop 1B airtokos névmas elétt névelt (a/anithe) nem hasznaiunk: se my bag, 1's ows Those books are the Tom's. Afriond, colleague, relative, cousin, uncle, aunt stb. szavakat a K6vetkez6 szerkezetben is hasznaihatjuk: a/an + féney + énailo birtokos névmés (vagy tulajdonnév +s): Mary isa friend of mine ‘The winner was a cousin of Alan's, B Vigyszat! Az its 6s az it's nem ugyanez: Toe gota new dog Is name is Pluto, is = birtokos névins, a2 6v6) es cold today. (v8 = It's) Gyakorlatok silt aas 229 Hasznaljunk jelz6i (my, your sib.) és dnalié (mine, yours stb.) birtokos névmast a kovetkez6, be mondatokban. 0 This car belongs to me. This is PY, car, 1 That ticket belongs to you. Thats sscssccerreee ticket 2. These shoes belong to her. These are .....sssssseeseee ShORS. 3. This house belongs to them, This is house. ae 4 These cups belong to us These are cups, They’ s..ccccccseceee 5. Those books belong to him. Those a8@ -seesseseeeee BOOKS. They't@ © Blaxepek alapjan egészitsik ki a mondatokat jel26i (my, your stb.) 6s énéllé (mine, yours stb.) birtokos névmds haszndiataval. (ai him her © Those are MIS... keys 6 THIS Ieee. ca 1 That 00K IS weseseetes« 7 Those ate a seeseec sees Sandwiches | 2. These pens are... ; 8 Isthis bag essences? B Tat Sec eeeenee MONEY. 9 Those photos are Hid 4 This BRE I sens YO This 8 es csseeene Cera 8 That ruler is .csesseesee 1 Isthis...... watch? {riunk mondatokat az''s birokos 6s a this is iletve these are sderkezet hasznélataval 0 This umbrella belongs to Sue. This ie Sue's umbrella. 0 These books belong to the students, These are the students’ books, | 1. These keys belong to Peter | 2 This football belongs to the boys. | 3. This house belongs to my teacher. 4 These bikes belong to my sisters, This room belongs to the children. ‘This chair belongs to the manager, ‘These suitcases belong to Mark ‘These bags belong to the women. This radio belongs to Joan. i 4 209 Hi nézzik meg az alabbi példskat: | This exorcise is dificult. | Tes open — What is that? | (Can you see those binds? B egyes 6 a tobbes szmii alakok: TOBBES SZAM these cars (= ezok) those cars (= azok) — EGYES SZAM this car (sez) > that car(= a2) + ‘A mutat6 névmést altalaban fonéwel egydtt hasznaljuk (pl. this painting, those apples): Like this painting. Those apples are delicious Amutaté névmds akkor Aithat fonév néikil, amikor a szivegdsszefiiggésbél egyértelrd, hogy mire utalunis: Ba this és these névmas hozzank kézel l6v6, a that és those pecig tévolabb lévé dolgokra mutt 7 Nézziik meg a képeket Egy lak 6pp most fejezte be a hazi feladatat, 6s azt mondja a bardijanak: That was easy! (That = a haz feladat) Mike az édesanyjat varja az dllornéson. Felemeli a csomagialt, és azt moncia: ‘These are heavy! (These = a csomagok) Ugyanigy hasznéijuk a thisithese illetve thatithose mutato névmast az idében kézell (01. éppen most térténé) illeve tavolh esemeényekkel kapesolattan John (egy Koncerten): Some of these songs are beef John (a koncert utén): Some of those songs were beautiful. Gyakorlatok 0 Tdllike to buy Fh 1 Could you tell me where... Egészitsilk ki a mondatokat this vagy these mutaté névméssal book, please. How much is it? .. bus goes, please? 2 questions are difficult. Could you help me? 3 ‘are mine. Yours are on the table. 4 cscceesssseens 18 Wonderful! [love a hot bath after work. 5 Have you got some cheaper pens? are very expensive. Egészitsiik ki a mondatokat that vagy those mutato névméssal. 6 Lookat . 7 Did you enjoy ...... 8 Let's cross the road. taxi is free, clouds. I'm sure it’s going to rain. film? I thought it was boring, 9 ceeccssesesn flats are all very expensive, because they’e in the centze of town. IO sseeeceeeeesees Was beautifull T was so hungry. 210 esses rican aN L i Bi nezzik meg ezta képet. 2 Tegytnk fel kérdésoket a vasérié nevében How much...? kérd6sz6 és these vagy those nevmés haszndilataval. 0 How much are those Egészitslik ki a parbeszédet mutato névmésokkal (this, that, these, those). mv: It’s very pleasant to sit here on O.tHI8......... terrace in the middle of 1 mountains ANN: Yes, and the food is good... grapes are delicious. JIM: Delicious, yes, but ............0.. one’s bad. What are 4 .. people over there eating? ANN: Oh... is fondue. It's made with cheese. You see, they take one of Beas little pieces of bread and then dip it in. + pot with the cheese in it, Tv Weean try 8... if we come again. ‘ANN: All the local restaurants serve it, So if we don’t come back here, we can have itat oe little restaurant in the village. sie Yes, but in the village you don’t have 10, ‘mountains, . wonderful view of the ait Figyelem! A some more kijelanté mondatban, az any more kérd6 és tagadé -——-mondatbar-hasznathaté-—————— 'B A muchimany (=sok) és a more (= t5bb) hasznélata > much — megszamléthetatian fénevekkel ‘much jood much luggage — much snow ‘There aren't many people in the restasrant. I don't have much money. (= Nincs sok pénzem.) much time much money Amuch (megszamlathatatlan f6nevek elt) Figyelem! Annak sllenére, hogy a penzt s many (megezamidthatd fOnevek ett) > meg lehet szmoini, a monéy f6nevet megszamléihatatlannak tekintjaik Ugyanez vonatkozik a luggage (= csomag) széra is. (Amegsz4mlathatosagra vonatkoz6 hatérozatian névmas jelentése: sok > Amuch és many rigvmdst leglobbszir tagade és kérdé mondatban hasznaljuk, (Tovabbi informacié a 79. fejezetben talathat6,) tudnivalékat 2 70. fejezetben talaljuk.) Tm so hungry but we don’t have much food in > many - megszamlalhaté fénevekke!: the house. (= nines itthon sok ennival6) many things many books — many records Do many fourists come here? ‘many people many tourists Is there much snow in the mountains? many times (= sokszor) How muuch luggage have you got? Figyelem! A time f6név ‘dé’ jelentésben ‘How many times have you been to London? megszamiélhatatian, de megszamtaihato, B A muchimany névmés kézépfoké alakia ha aztjelenti,‘alkalom ; more (= tb): > more ~ megszémiahato és megszamial- Jolin has got too biscuits, but he wants two more. Lad Hel bape ante ey ee ee ene >» Amuchimany/more fénéy nélkai, énalléan ‘A some more és any more (= valamivel t6bb, is hasenalhato: még egy kis...) gyakori s2dkapcsolat How much did that coat cost? (= Menmyibe A: Would you like some more toast? Keralt ax a kabat?) BE No, thn Id’ want ay more. Bu ike ee eee ‘some more orange juice, ¥ sae Gyakorlatok ifukc a fGnevek elé 2 much vagy many névmast 0 How .UcH... money? 6 How . cigars? 14 How times? 0 films? 7 How... sugar? 15 How information? 0 people 8 How buses? 16 HOW sesecsneees ast? 1 snow? 9 How +. books? YZ Ot seseesnees NEWS 2 tables? 10 How food? 18 not exems 3 cts? TL How + cups? 19° not luggage 4 . petrol? 12 How... watches? 20 note... children 5 advice? 13. How............ homework? 21 not +. museums a Egészitstik ki a parbeszédeket a kavetkez6kkel; much, many, more, how much, how many. 0 A:.How many. CDs has your sister got? B: She hasn't got MAMY......... I've got MOMe......... than she has 1 Aris there . cheese in the fridge? B: No, and there aren't eggs, either. 212 2k . money do you earn? EB Not but Team FE 8. A: Doyouhave races. homework? ‘ a § i (es, BeCaaBe > - food do we need? Bi: We haven't got 5 A: Isthere B: There aren’t.. Iuggage in the coach? A . toast do you want? .. B: Two please, and without ...-.......0. butter, 7 At sanscessseeies Spoontfuls of sugar do you take? B A: : No sugar, thank you, I don’t usually eat... Ate there ..c.ssssee- letters in the post? No, there’s not... @ .. news today. JENNY: Is that bag heavy? Have you got 9. MANY. steve: Only three, but I don’t have 1. some, - tomorrow. .. words, [don't have 4., -- people who can do them. steve: How 6, +. hours a-day do you work? JENN: Eight hours at the office and then I often do two. stave: How®.... sean, Not bad, but I don't ge. sreve: How 8, days do you get at Christmas? JENNY: Five, and three weeks in the summer. money to pay for them! + 0 Idon’t have many work to do today Do you have many meetings this week? We haven't got many information about the conference. ‘We need some more people in our department. Tve got any more paperwork to do this afternoon. ‘Have you got any more holiday time this year? haven't got many time, I'm in a hurry. Is there many news in your department this week? Thaven’t done much today. ‘Are there much people off sick in your department? than my brother. days before the exams. vegetables, so we need to buy some sugar .-do you earn? Do you get a good salary? holidays. Some people get a lot x, ¢ big suitcases, but there are a lot of small ones. pieces? Egeszitsik ki a parbeszédet a much, many, vagy more hatérozatian névmasokkal. +» books in it? to do this weekend, s0 I want to buy sma [want to buy a magazine. You know @ magazine with lots of pictures and not time to read at the moment. vie "e 50 busy at the office. We have a lot of projects and there aren't .. hours at home. sswvt: That's quite good. And remember: if we have longer holidays, we need D Pipajuk ki a hibatian mondatokat (V), a hibés mondatok mellé pedig tegyiink ikszet (X). 213 She's gota lot of luggage. (= Sok esomagja van.) (@ lot of = nagy tomegd vagy nagy szma) Abeszélt nyelvben éilité mondatban much! ‘many helyett inkabb az a tot of vagy tots of kifejazést hasznaljuk. ‘There's a lot of information in this book (= Sok informécis van ebben a konyvben) (We: Drove orc infornation-in-this beck) Thought a lot of new books today (nen ) A lot of students work in the holidays. Amuchimany névnést dllits mondatban a ‘so/veryitoo muchimany székaposolatban, illetve az irott nyelvben hasznalhatjuk: ‘There is 90 much time lef. Britain has many problems. 2 pz alotof /Iots of kifejezés megszémialhaté {5 megszémialhatatian fénevek el6tt egyarant ailhat: a lot of luggage lot of information alot of tooks alot of students 4 lot of things a lot of people Alot of utan a megszamidihaté fondv tObbes ‘szamban, a megszémiaihatatlan pedig egyes szémban all, és a létigét vagy jelen idejd igét is __ eszerint egyeztetidk Alot of students work ... (NEM: ... works ‘There i a lot of information... (NEM: ... af Gyakorlatok She has a tittle luggage. ( Van egy kevés csomagja) She has a few bugs. (= Van néhény téskéja) Aza few és a little hasznélhaté a more sz6val: Would you like a little more coffee? (= Kérsz még egy kis kavet?) Aza few és az a little haszndlata > alittle: megszémizihatatian fonevek oldtt: Thave a little money, but I don't have much. van egy kis pénzem, de nem sok) > a few: megszamiihaté fEnevekkel Can you wait'a few minutes, fohs? (= Tadsz ‘varni néhany percet?) Mincketté hasznaihato fonév neélkll is: ‘A: Have you got any money ? B: Sorry Tonly have a little (money) 8 az alabbiakban felsorolunk néhany gyakran hasznalt megszémialhatatian fénevet: milk cheese cake water bread money advice sugar news luggage homework tea toast _ information Figyelem! A news (=hir) sz6 végén az s nem a tbbes szém jele. A szénak nines tobbes széma, This is good news, (= Ez j6 hi.) BD Egeszitsik kia kévetkez6, emailiizenetekbél vett mondatokat a z4réjelben megadott szavakkl 0 Ive invited 9, Sony fo aking so long te had. 1 2 3 Dsaw Mary £0r essence 4 I'mafraid I can't come tonight. Ive got... 5 6 Vim going away f08 sesso Tunderstand that you're having nd®. (fev / friends) to my house tonight. Would you like to come? .. (Lots/ things) have happened since we last met. . (lot/messages) to answer. .- (few/ minutes) yesterday and she was fine sesscsee (lois/jobs) to do, . (few/ days) and I'l contact you when I get back. (few problems) at the moment. WA rovetkezs kérdésekben a some hatérozatlan névmdst cseréliik ki az a few vagy alittle névmasra 0 Would you like some coffee? Would you like a little coffee? Can I get you some biscuits? seven Can I make some sandwiches for you? .... Do you want some more cheese? ..cjetactseienatntee Can Ibring you some more cake? ....... 7 Do you want some milk in your tea? ... ‘Would you like some more sugar in your coffec? .... D Atapitsuk meg, hogy helyesen hasznaltsk-e az eldhizott szavakat a kGvetkez6 mondatokban, Pipaljuk kia hibatlan mondatokat, a helytelentl hasznalt szavakat pecig hizzuk &t és ijuk moléjdk a helyes megoldést 0 Thereis .AP%, a lot of tall buildings in New York. 0. Toften have lunch with afew .¥, friends. 1 Alotoof people travels....... to work by car 2 She only has alittle luggage with her, 3. Weneed alittle... . tomatoes for this meal 4 There are... a lot of news on TY in Britain. 5. My grandfather gives me a little .............:.. money every week. 6 Can you give mea fow...... water, please? 7 Alotof children use ....... computers in school. 8 Are you hungry? Can Lmake you alittle toast? 215 A {enti szerkezetet akkor hasznaljuk, amikor ‘emberekrél vagy dolgokrél ltaléban beszéliink: She thinks that all sports are boring. Most cities have alot of shops. In some countries lifeis very hard. ‘Azail, a most és a some utan nem kell of Most people take exams during their lives. (NEN: Most ofpeope ..) 2B xz all hasznainaté a morning/afternoon eveninginightidayiweek/year (9). all afternoon) szavakkal,ajelentése: ‘az eg6sz’,‘elet6) a vEgdig! ‘They work hard all day. I stay in bed all morning on Saturdays. Gyakorlatok 3 az all, a most, a some és @ none (= egy sem) aSAMaINaTO-@ KOVEIKEZS SzarREzetGEN Is allimost } + of + thelmy/hisithis + fonév [someone | Akkor hasznaljuk, amikor bizonyos, meghatérozott dolgokrol vagy emberekrél beszéiink: |. _He spends all of his money, Most of my friends are interest in sport. Tknow some of the people at this party ‘Try some of this cake. It's delicious. Figyeljik meg a none hasznélatat: None of the students like the new teacker. (A didkok kozil senki sem kedveli az ij tanart) Arnone névmés énmagaban is tagadst fejez i, ezért uténa mar nem hasznéljuk a not tagadész6t. Az angol nyelvben rendszerint nines kettés tagadas, Az of elliérész6 a fenti mondatokbl ki is hagyhate: He spends all his money. allimost/some/none + of + itthem Afent szerkezetet akkor hasznalhatiuk, ha a ‘nev, amelyre az t vagy them vonatkozik, mar elézéleg elhangzott: 1 lovely food, but can't eat al of it Git= food) I's hard to find a hotel; most 6f them are full (them = the hotels) ‘That cake looks mice. Can I have some of it? (t= the cake) 4 Blac ata sabiazatno iathatjuk, hogy melyk térgyatszeretk (©) vagy nem szeretk (®) egyes diakok. Egészitsik ki a mondatokat a kévetkez6kkel: all of, most of, some of. Haszndiljuk a the névelét, ahol sziikséges. r History | Maths _| French English Biology Alice Bill |Carat ®/@/@|o @/@/@|@ ©/O|@/@ David @|G/@|@ ‘olojelek 216 0 Alice likes Most of the. subjects, None of the children dislike All Of |... them, & Do scssesnseseeie Children like French and... so them dont like it. subjects and Carol likes orsccssseeeee therm, 3 . children like English and . them like French 4 Bill doesn't ike subjects but he Hikes .....-csesee. them, Blegészitsik ki a mondatokat a megadott szavakkal. all allthe noneofthe some - some of the Al .. Furopean children have to go to school The classroom is empty because .Al! Hh We can’t buy anything today because .. shops are closed today. .. children are outside, 0 0 1 2. We like that restaurant... food is expensive, but everything is very good 3 ssessssessneees People say he's the best tennis player in the world, but I don’t agree. 4. That’sa terrible shop. 5 6 7 8 9 . assistants are very helpful Bill’s very lazy. He reads the newspaper svsseensee Phones here are working, Has anyone got a mobile? I's a wonderful trip. You have day to see the sights. IMPORTANT NOTICE: passengers must have a valid ticket. If students can answer the teacher's questions, she explains the point again. 10 We can't sit down. chairs are wet. esse Gars use petrol and others use diese. 12. This light works ... . time, but not always, moming, Egéscitsik ki a kévetkez6 mondatokat a megadot kifejezésekkel all of the all ofit, all of them most ofthe most of it most of them| none ofthe _noneofit none of them| 0 The people in the audience didn’t understand the jokes and laughed. .. songs they played were familiar, but one or two were new. 2. This is an interesting play. .....e..s-ess takes place in an apartment, although there is one scene in a shop. 3 tickets were sold as soon as they went on sale and so thousands of people were disappointed, 4 Bofore this, she has written four novels but .....-.-......-+ have been successful. 5 He has made 15 films, have been comedies but he has also made one or two more serious films, 6 It is a very complicated film and .........ssssi8 easy to follow. 7 The performance was not well received. Some people didn’t watch the end 8 This isa terrible CD and 9. Everything he produces seems to succeed. He has written four novels and bestsellers, .. and left before +. songs are any good. have been 27 If something/anything (= vaiamiy Nobody was there when I arrived. (= Senki sem ‘somebody/anybody (= valaki) volt ott, amikor odaértem.) jeonelanyone (= valak) —_____|__tteredenozohere that taal prefer to ive—— ‘somewhere/anywhere (= valahol) | © Nines olyan hely, aol jobban szeretnék ln : Figyelem! A fenti mondatokban az ige mindig a Asomething, somebody, ee allité alakban van (makes, want, was, Is), somewhere névmasokat fe vel Jol lvb¢ \es ke tas mondatban hasznaluke imivel az angol nyelvben nines kettés tagadas. (Amagyar ‘senki nem szeret’, angolul nobody Something is buming. likes, Neu nobody doesn'Hike.) T'm going to have something to eat. es Somebody-tolé me that it was a good film. ‘B Figyeljik meg az everything, : everybody, She lives somewhere in the north. everyone és everywhere haszndiatat: az anything, anybody, anyone és anywhere Papenao eee peop a : tagad6 és kérd6 mondatoan hasznélhaté: é | didn’t know anyone at the party, (= Senkitnem | Az else (= egyéb, mas) névmas allhat ismertem az dsszejbvetelen,) something, anybody, nowhere stb, utén: Lcouldn’t find my bag anywhere. (=Sehol nem Let's talk about something else, (= Beszéljink taldltam a taskmat,) Did you understand anything she said? (~ Exteltél valamit abbol, amit mondott?) | valami masrél.) don’ ike Ian but {like everybody else | There is nowere else an look frit. | : 3 | nothing (= semmip B Asomething, anything sib. utan melléknév nobody (= seni) is atinat ‘no one (= senk) “Have Isai something wrong? (= Valami nowhere (= seh) rosszat mondtam?) Have you met anybody nice here? 5 Anothing, nobody, no one és nowhere allits 6 B Amikor az eddig térgyalt néevmasok pone oer hasenalhats: (something, anybody/one stb.) a mondatban peaneiren tetas (© Joe+t semmi az alany szerepét tOitk be, utanuk ezige | nincs a tévében, amit néaniakarok) Everybody likes chitdren. Gyakorlatok By Egészitstk ki a mondatokat a megadott néviasokkal something anything everything nothing somebody anybody everybody nobody. somewhere anywhere everywhere, 0 Don't go everywhere by car, walk sometimes. TV FIR oes who will do exercise with you. 2 Ifyou haven't got to exercise with you, join a club. | 3 In most towns, there is that provides good fitness classes, { 4 Ifyou sit around and do all day, you will feel tired and depressed 5. Remember that if you want to be fit, you must do about it yourself. 6 sina can suddenly become very fit; you have to take it slowly. 7 Lots of people don’t do to stay fit, and this can cause them problems. <--8 Ifyou haven't got neue ensennn at home to exercise, go toa gym, : 9 The best fitness clubs have... ‘you could possibly need in order to get fit | 30 should do some exercise regularly. BH valasszuk kia mogfeleiét a zérdjelben megadott szavak kézUl 0 Fmafraid 1 dom’. know... :. (know,/don’t know) anything about this subject. © Trang the doorbell but nobody MA... es. (was/wasn’t) in. 1. Tasked a lot of people, but nobody (knew/didn’t know) the answer 2 Tennnitisnsiesne (know/ don’t know) anything about computer programming. 3B ly ‘scsi (ate/ didn’t eat) anything for lunch yesterday. 4. Nothing interesting... (happens/doesn’t happen) in this town, i 5. He loves football. Nothing else . (i8/isn’t) important to him, 6 She : (said/ didn’t say) anything about her plans for the future. | GAlatitsuk at a kévetkezé mondatokat a zardjelben megadott hatérozatlan névmds és a2 eredeti i mondatban szereplé meliéknév vagy az else névmés hasznélataval. 0 Astrange thing happened yesterday, (something) Something strange... happened yesterday. 0. Let's listen to some different music. (something) Let's listen to something ele. 1 Isthere an intezesing programme on TV tonight? anything) Isthere i sve 0 TY tonight? 2 You won't find Better food in any other place. (anywhere) ‘You won't find better food | 9 Is there a cheap place we can go fr lunch? (anywhere) Is there... : _---we can go for lunch? 4 Lets sit ina cfforen place. (somewhere) Let's sit | 5 Tdlikea hot drink (something) i Vd like to drink. | D) Epeszitsik ki a parbeszédet some-, any-, every- vagy no- eldtagi hatérozatlan névmassal. DENNIS: Are youreading ©. anything... interesting at the moment? | SARAH: YE5) 2a ousssmnennnes lentime a novel last week and I'm really enjoying it DENNIS; Whatis it about? | SARAH: It's about ?, 7 who goes to visit Australia. She's adventurous and wants to go | 8. alone, but a few days after she arrives, 4 terrible | happens to her. While she is travelling across Australia, she loses 5. - | including her passport and her money. She doesn’t know ®, who can help i her and she hasn't got 7. tostay. | DENN: What happens then? i SARAH: I’m not going to tell you 8... _-. else! You should read the book yourself. I} DENNIS: 1 think I'l read 9 ‘that’s not so depressing, SARAH: No, read it. You'll enjoy it. 1 that I know likes it. 219 i Tovabbi példsk (i) ) She gave her brother the newspaper. (i)She gave the newspaper fo her brother Anewspaper mindkét mondatban az a dolog, amelyre a cselekvés ird nyelvtani elemzés szerint a newspaper (= Usagot) mindkét mondatban térgy, @ her brother (= batyjanak) részeshataroz6, A magyarban részeshatérozénak tekintett a mondatrészt az angolban ‘indirect object'-nek, ikézvetett targynak’ nevezziik B Tovabbi péidak (i): + SZEMELY + DOLOG (indirect object) (erect objec) (cészochetirozé) (téray) She gave her brother a shirt, a Hesent me a letter 5 Ishowed him ‘my passport Janelent Frank some money. . He offered her a job. | : Teooked them @'medl : fetched her a plate, Igot you a magazine . Tmade you 2 coffe Hesold me his car. She showed us the photos. a You told me aie Itook John the books. ‘They brought Mary 1 clean knife. 0 He/lent/his car/Mark) He lent Mark hie car. 1 (a cigarette/Jim,She offered) 2. (Mary his holiday photographs /He showed) 3 (them/an invitation/Did you send/?) 4 (abirthday present/Did you buy /her/?) BOLO. ‘SZEMELY— (Girect object) (ndract object) (aay) (ceszeshatiraes) She gave a shirt to her brother. Tsent ppostoards to-my friends, Ishowed _my.card. fo the clerk, She lent some money to her friend He offered the chocolates to the others. nyul. A magyar _ took the books 18 John Ha az ‘indirect object’ (részeshatéroz6) a térgy (direct object’) utén kivetkezik, elétte a to €16\Jérész6 all. Az ilyen mondatokban gyakran forduinak el6 a kévetkez5 igék: give, send, show, lend, offer, take. ‘Azokban az esetekben, amikor azt fejezzUk ki hogy valakinek megtesziink valamit, a for eloijarész6t hasznaljuk. Gyakor igék iiyen mondatokban: cook, fetch, get (= elhoz vagy beszerez), buy, bring, | +DOLOG + SZEMELY (direct object) findrect object) (téray) (reszoshatiroz6) We cooked a meat “for everybody. He fetched the newspaper for his father. Tgot your book for you, She bought some toys for them. They brought a clean knife for Mary, BV Teayik helyes sorrendbe a mondatrészeket. (A mondathoz egyetlen szét se adjunk hozz.) 0 He lent his, car to Mark... 1 She offered 2 He showed. 3. Did you send .... 4 Did you buy 0 She wrote a letter. 1 They sent an invitation. 2 Sheila gave a present. 3 Imade a sandwich. 4 Tom bought a newspaper. 5. My uncle sold his camera. 6 She left a message. 7 Mary sent some flowers, 8. Did you take the money? 0 (The waiter/give/the menu.) 1 (The waiter/fetch/some wine.) (them) : (Fr them). nensnssinnin 2 (The waiter/ show /the bottle.) (him) (to Tim) (them) (for them) (Tim) (to Tim) 4 (The waiter/bring/ their coats.) (them) (for them) 3. (The chef/cook/a special meal.) [| Rendezziik at az el6z6 gyakoriat mondatait to vagy for eldljarész6 hozzdadasaval, Egészitsilk ki a mondatokat a zArdjelben megadott szavakkl (me) She wrote me a letter, fue) ates: (to Mike) .... (hex) (for Sally) (me) (for you) (them) .. (to the bank). _ | Dtimés Lucy tegnap este étteremben vacsorazolt. Alkossunk mondatokat a zéréjelben megadott S ‘szavakkal a példa alapjan. Mindegyik cselekvésre két mondatot frjunk. (her) The walter gave her the menu. (to Lucy) The walter gave the menu to Lucy. (Lucy/lend /some money, because he didn’t have enough to pay the bill) 22t Hi Nezzik meg a tablézatot: ooked at myself in the mirror (= Megnézter ~magamata tikizber: ~ ee | | mmeiycon ym ‘She made «cup of tea for herself i me eae Avinseaato névméssal hangstlyozhatjuk, 2 ina tinea 1ogy az alany sajét maga végzi a cselekvést: “take her | herself “| We made the cake ourselves. (= Sajat magunk it it | itself keészitettak a sttemeényt, — nem valaki més) we us ourselves Peter built the house himself. (= Peter sajat mag, you you j yourselves épitette a hézat, —senki nem segitett neki) they them themselves | Az enjoy (= élvez) ige targya visszahato névmas is lehet: Hasonlitsuk éssze a mondatokat: @ 5 3 \ eek Seen (PE, enny made Jo a cup of coffee. Genny készitett Jo-nak egy csésze kévet.) * Spas LS ad LY Venny —” Tenny Jenny made herself a cup of coffee. enny keszitett maganak egy csésze kévét,) Avisszahaté névmds (myself, yourself stb.) a mondat alanyéra utal She hurt herself tohen she fell off the chair. (= Megittétte magét, amikor leesett a székr61.) i) Gyakorlatok Bl egészitsik ki a mondatokat myself, yourself stb. visszehat6 névmassal, 0 Tcooked myself I'm sure Sara will enjoy... Teut We amused, The visitors made Did you hurt 6 Alan cooked Hl eveszrtsak ki a mondatokat vieszahaté névmassal és a zéréjelben megadoitszavakkal 0 (Be careful with that knife or you/cut/.) ‘Be careful with that knife or You'll cut yourself. a meal and then I watched television. on her tip, while I was preparing the vegetables. by playing cards while we were waiting for the plane. some sandwiches, whien you were playing football, Mick? a meal when he got home, They enjoyed the party. They enjoyed themselves (at the party). (= Jol erezt6k magukat (a bulin). B Az each other (= egymést) haszndlata: ‘Tom and Sue were talking to each other. (= Torn és Sue beszélt egyméssal. ~ Tom beszélt Sue- hoz és Sue Tomhoz,) We like each other very much, (= Nagyon szeretjuk egymést, ~En szeretem 6t, 6 szeret engem,) Hasonlitsuk dssze a themselves és az each other haszndlatat: { Allan and Ruith took these photographs themselves (Alan és Ruth sajat maguk esindltak ezeket a fenykepeket.) Alan and Ruth took photographs of each other. (= Alan és Ruth lefényképeztsk egymést.) 1 (Lt was a very nice trip and we/enjoy/very much.) | Ttwas a very nice trip and we 222 "2 ([/burn/while I was taking the dish out of the oven) I : ‘while I was taking the dish out of the oven, —3_(He didn't bave lessons. He/teach/.)_ oa He didn’t have Iess0M8, eu 4 (think I/buy/a new coat tomorrow.) 5 (She/make/a sandwich and ate it in the kitchen.) ... and ate it in the kitchen, [d egeszitsdk ki a mondatokat @ megfelel6 visszahaté névméssal. 0 Did you paint the room Youreelf........ 2~ Yes, it took me three days to doit 1 Ifyou won't help me, {Ihave to do it all am She makes all her clothes ‘The students organized the concert. We painted the whole house ee 5 Hetyped the letter... and then he posted it D Eceszitsik ki a mondatokat visszahaté névmassal és az igék megfelel6 alakjaval 0 he isa very successful singer. She/write/all her songs/.) She is a very successful singer. She writes all her songs herself, Pas neeee atta 1 Could you post this letter for me? ~ (No, I'm sorry, I won't have time. You/have/ to pos it/) No, I'msorry, 1 won’thave time. cnn 2. (Nobody helped us, so we/ carry all our luggage/.) Nobody helped 5, 80... (This is an excellent photograph. /you/ take it/2) This is an excellent photograph. 4 Ghe was wearing a dress that she/make/.) ‘She was wearing a dress that 5. (hope you like the present. I/choose/it/,) Thope you like the present, 6 (oyou like this meal? I/invent/the recipe/.) Do you like this meal? i egeszitstik ki a mondatokat visszahaté névmassal vagy az each other kifejezéssel. 0 They spent the whole evening arguing with .2a¢h other. © Their house is very beautiful; they designed it. themselves. 1 Mary met John in April, but they didn’t see again until July. 2. They're not friends; in fact, they don’tlike..... atall. 3. Don't ask me to help you. You must do it. 4 We didn't buy it. A friend toa it for us. 5 could hear two people shouting at : 6 We're working in the same office now; s0 Ron and 10 ....ssssinenenenene OvErY day, 223 Nézzilk meg az alabbi mondatokat: ‘There's abig market near the river; it's very good dma There are two buses on Sunday; they both go to the station A there isithere are (= van/vannak) szdkapesolet éltalaban a mondat elején dil — Akkor hasznaljuk, amikor egy személy vagy dolog meglétérdl a beszéd folyaman még nem ‘sett 626. Ha Ujta emilidk ugyanazt a doigot, ‘akkor mar-azit (the big market}; illetve—— ~~ tObbes szmban a they névmassal (two | uses) utalunk rd | Néhany tovabbi peida: There's a good programme on Sunday; it gives all the sports news. (programme -» it) ‘There are two schools here; they've both new. (schools ~> they) B A thore is/are szorkezotet hasznélhatjuk anak meghatarozasara, hogy valahol hényan vannak. Nézziik meg az aldbbi kérdéseket és valaszokat A: How many people are there in your class? B: There are about twenty, AcMs there a resturant here? | B: Yes, there’s one in the next street. | LOE Sli Ei) 0. There are ae ‘one train on Sundays; By Aaiunk vaiaszt a kévetkez6 kérdésekre there are segitségével 0 A: How many people are there in your group? B: (cight/us) There are eight of us. B: (six/them) .., A; How many students are there in your class? B: (twenty/us) B: (twelve/them) ..... Egészitsik kia mondatokat a kévetkezOkke!: there's, there are, ‘two cinemas in our town; they're 1 A: How many teams are there in the competition? Aszamnév utan hasznéihatiuk az of us, of them stb. szerkezetst “Fherearetaoee Tizenketten vagyunk) B Amikor az id6jardsrél beszélink, az it neve @ mondat alanya ige vagy melléknéy elétt Fonéy elétt a there's, there are ail it + ige: It rains/snotos a lot in winter. it + melleknév: It's foggy/sunny/vindy/ cloudy, there + fonév: There's a lot of fog/cloud. A there nevmas melt a letige (be) bérmet alakja éithat There weren't any compact dises 20 years ago. A: Have there been any problems this year? B: Yes, there have, There used to be a park here. There may be some eggs in the fridge B Nezzak meg az alabbi példaket az it takes (= valamenny ideig tart kiejezés: It takes seven years to become a doctor. alattlesz valakib6lorvos) A: How long does it take to make bread? B: Ie takes several hours (to mike bread), both near my fat ‘an express train. 2 eases! two national holidays this month, and both on a Friday. 3 three trees in our garden, but not very tall 4. : a big lake in the park; very deep. - of 6s a zar6jelben megadott szavak | | | 3" A: How many boys are there in the school orchestra? | {9 Alakitsuk at a mondatokat it, it’s vagy there’s hasznélataval. Ss 0 There's a lot of snow in December. (snows a lot) ft. snows a lot i ‘0 IWS quite cloudy this morning, (quite a lot of coud) There’. quite a lot of cloud this morning, 1 There's a lot of rain in April (rains a lot). 2. It's foggy on the motorway this morning, (fog on the motorway) .. 3. There are a lot of clouds in the mountains. (very cloudy) 4 It's very windy on the west coast (alot of wind) .. D Ecészitsiik ki a parbeszédet it, they vagy there és a Iétige megfelel6 alakjaval, vagy az it takes ‘székapesolattal, alité vagy kérd6 formaban. wane Oi IE easy to get to your house from the airport? Well, °.there are several ways you can do it. Jane 3 a bus service into the city? auice: Yes,?, plenty of buses. ... «+. Quite frequent. JANE: How long‘... by bus? ALICE: — About 40 minutes. 5.....coussse taxis too, but ss Quite expensive. JANE: But? quicker by taxi, won’tit? alice: Not necessarily. 8... alWays allot of traffic near the airport. Sometimes 9. over an hour to get from there to here. I think the train is the best idea. JANE: Ob, 20, atrain Lean get? AuicE Yes, 72 a train service from the airport. 2... cess quite new, 1, quite easy to find it 14 signs in the airport terminal eee a good service? YE5,Bavoonones nn tains every 20 minutes into the ety. 7... mene OF Usually too crowded. And 38, only about 15 minutes to the Central Railway Station, Il meet you there. © not far from my home. JANE: Good, Where exactly shall we meet? sauce, 2 ‘two entrances, Go to the one under the big clock and I'll meet you there. Egeszitstk kia mondatokat a there és a megadott szavakkal Mindegyik sz6t illetve sz6kapesolatot sak egyszer hasznéljuk. havebeen is maybe usedtobe was willbe ee Eee SEE 0 There ie. an accident on this road almost every day. 1 Last year z a terrible fire at that factory. 2. Next Monday at pun. -ssevicines @ meeting of the committee 3. When I was young, a lot more cinemas than there are now. 4 Since 1900 two world wars. 5 eee a late-night bus, but I'm not sure if there is, 225 ‘Bl Ametieknéwvet a dotgok vagy személyek tulajdonsagair6! beszélhotiink, Nenény példa: old Nezzilk meg a kévetkez6 mondatokat I've got an old table in my kitchen. My bome tou is small and friendly. We always have lunch in a cheap restaurant. small friendly rich cheap BA melléinéy alakia sohasem valtozk. A ~ melléknévnek nines tebbes széma: ‘rich man arich woman — two rich men BA metiéknéy (a mondatban jeiz6) a fénéy olott all: MELLEXNEV + FONEV Amoliéknév a létigével a mondat éllitmanyét alkothatja: Thnoe a beautiful cat Eee ee Ree eee tae bo + MELEKEV They are Irungry. ‘Abe helyett néha a kévetkez6 igéket hasznéljuk look (= valamilyennek tatszik) seem (= valamilyennek létszik) feel {= valehogy érzi ‘magat) taste (= valamilyen iz{) smell (= valamilyen szagu) sound (= valahogy hangzik) Nehany példa: She looks happy. ‘This cheese tastes wonderful. [feel cold, (= Fazom.) Ha a f6név el6tt két vagy harom melléknév kéveti egymadst, altalaban nem tesztink vesszét, és az and kSi6s76t sem hasznaljuk: He's a nice old man. 4 large round red face CVE elac lie) 4 hidzzuk ald @ tObbi tizenkilencet is. ‘Anna muzeumban jart, 6s a kovetkez6ket irta a ké Amikor a fénév elétt két azonos tipust melléknéy (pl, szinek neve) ill, az and ~—kétdszéval-kéiljd-azokat éssze-Hérom-azonos tipusd melléknéynél az els6 utan vesszét teszlink, a mésodik utén pedig az and katész6t a blue and yellow scarf red, white and blue flag B Ha tbb molleknéy kéveti egymast, a megfelelé sorrend a kévetkez6: MERET = KOR + FORMA + S2IN + NEMZETISES + ANYAG a small [square|[black box | | re san old [French |[sith] tie Nézziik a példdkat: a horrible yellow skirt a beautiful old villa Ha a meliénévvel véleménytinket fejezziik ki (pl. wonderful), az mindig megelézi a tahbi melléknevet: wonderful great fantastic beautiful nice good strange funny (unjfriendly horrible awful bad PE ae eect eee ‘Az anyagneveket gyakran hasznaljuk jelz6kent: cotton shirt asilverring a plastic bag (eM eshintofeotton) (NEM eng ofstloer) G Nehany gyakran eléfordulé nemzetiséget jelent6 melleknév: American Greek Russian Australian Hungarian Scottish Chinese Irish South African Dutch Italian Spanish English Japanese Swedish French Polish Turkish German Portuguese Welsh spekr6l. A szévegben az elsé melléknevet alahtizia — This modem picture is strange. It's lke the old picture next to it, But in the new painting the sky is ‘green and the trees are blue. It seems frightening, My favourite picture is one of a large, square room by a Duteh artist, An elegant man sits on a wooden bench in a corner. He has a small black dog at his feet. The dog looks sleepy. Through the open window you can see bright sunshine. When I look at this picture I feel warm and happy. 226 Y Egészitstik ki az idegenvezets mondatait a megadott melléknevekkel, British busy careful late “long old poplar tall valuable Ladies and gentlemen! This is Covent Garden. It's a 0, popular. Nace LOK Ns cesitictnrens People 8 Pl peopl enjoyable free good and for tourists from abroad. We want you to have an... Visit so the coach waits here a 3, time, We get on it again at twelve o'clock, in the coach park behind the Aes csonsnnnenns HOWEF YOU can see over there. Covent Garden is in fact an 5... market but today it is a place where there is 8...» entertainment ~ you don’t have to pay to see anything. But be 7s econo! Like all ® places, Covent Garden has pickpockets, so look after your money and your 9...-..0..nns« possessions like cameras. Have a0... time and please don't be U. .»- for the coach. GEgeszitsdk ki a mondatokat a megadott igék megfelel6 alakjaval. Took (x3) feel (x2) taste smell sound (x2) ee 0 Have one of these apples. They .f28%¢. delicious! 1 That music... sevrsnesnen, tertible, Whatis it? 2 You... thirsty. Have a drink, 3. Those flowers look nice and they good too. What are they? 40 Ts Janell? She ws eeecrneesnssnece tte. 5 Close the door, please. I vo Old, 6 It’s hot, I'm on holiday and I. happy! 7. That new picture were wonderful in your dining-room. 8. Do you know where that song comes from? It .....cssseeeeseses Spanish, DA koverke25 mondatokban az alahizott melléknevek sorrendje hibas lehet. Pipajuk ki a hibétan ‘sz6kapcsolatokat, a hibdsakat pedig irjuk le helyesen. 0 She always wears a gold small ring, q emall gold 0 Thave an old Italian painting in my living room. ¥ 1 Ineed my cotton green shirt and my brown leather shoes. 2 George has 2 Spanish modem villa near the sea, He goes there every summer. 3 Ilive in an old white house near the river. I've got a black large dog! 4 There's an interesting Polish young student in my class, 5 Let's have lunch in the big Japanese new restaurant in the centre of town. 6 carry all my books in a red plastic bag, 227 = Biituk le hotyes sorrendben a zérdjelben megadolt szavekat ee 0. (a/town/ beautiful/little) 5 (a/large/building/ white) 2 beautiful little town T a7 day preasanrysonny) © (a7 birdy big7 grey) 2 ‘S (a/large/coffee/black) —~ = @/old/coat/ harzible) ~~" —~8-(a/story /little strange) Gegészitsik ki mondatokat a zérejelben lévé melléknevekkel és —ha szUkséges — az and kétészéval (a/smile/big/nice) 7 (@/woman/thin/tall) 8 (a/smail/car/blue) 0. The Greek flag is blue and white - (blue/ white) 0 Throw those awful old, t ue. Shoes away. (awful/old). TP Tneed a cers cup of coffee. (good/strong) 2. Mike's new flatis very... (ight/spacious} 3 Come and sit by the fire. You look sessstnnenne: + (COlA/ tired) is 4 The star of the show isa s-oome Biel (beautiful/young) 5 This lemonade tastes really... : (nice/refreshing) 6. The Davisons have gota acs _--. house in the country (lovely /old) 7 Inmy opinion,..... - photographs are often more effective than colout (black/white) 8 You look hungry! Some... «ns» Soup Will make you feel better. (good/hot) BoB pms man lives in that house, (poor/old) 10. Kate's got three kittens. (sweet/litle black/white) [Egészitstik ki a mondatokat a zéréjeiben megadott melléknevekkel. Upyeljink 2 helyes szérendre, 0. We have lunch ina ,"ige little Chinese restaurant every Saturday, (Chinese/little/nice) 1. Michael Jackson sometimes wears a : : .. suit (Gilk/white/ fantastic) 2 Sandra drives a “ car, (0ld/ American/big) 3. Kate keeps her money ina : : purse. (leather /small /brown) 4 ‘Casablanca’ is a film, (wonderful biack/old/ white) 5 Polly lives next door 0.8 nine : sno itl (lrish/friendly/young) i 6 Archaeologists look for things like : een Statues. | (prehistoric/wooden/strange) 7 Clare has a oe soos BIN, 228 (new/wonderful/diamond) 8 don't like the igri (wedding/short/ funny /pink) 9 Look what's under the bed! A. (yon old / geen /hotible) * mondatokat, ahogy a példa mutatja. 10 Let's take down the dirty old plastic lampshade and put this... lantern in its place. (paper /beautiful/Japanese/new) ‘dress in this picture, sock, [ikeressik meg az egyes ténevekhez tartozé, nemzetiséget jelenté melléknevet, és egészitsiik ki a Names: Mykonos Trovatore Alfred Nobel —| The Taj Mahal Sherlock Holmes vodka Macbeth Vincent van Gogh A Volkswagen Salamanca Gérard Depardieu Batman-Forever Chang Spanish ‘Nationalities: Dutch Malian German Scottish Indian Chinese Greek Russian French Swedish English American 0 Batman Forever... isan Americ 1. isa 2 ISB oeoeeeee SHH ace 5 6 if 8... 9 10 isa n wasan. 12 isa alan névelé megfelelé hasznaiatara. Opera. artist, building. island. . chemist. actor. .. detective. fentastie terrible boring beautiful typical intelligent 0. Batman Forever is a fantastic American film, “noe yon ont aanene surname. TIA fenti mondatok kézil néhanyat irjunk te jra, a megadott meliéknevekkel kiegészitve. Ugyeljiink az i Nezzik a példakat | 30 thiny 30th thirtieth Thave three cas 40 forty 40th fortieth Shel 4 0_fity 50th _fitietn et ee feo €0 sixty 60th _sitieth Athree tészamnéy. 70 seventy 70th seventietn A third sorszémnéy. 80 eighty 80th eightieth $0 ninety 80th nineteth B Nezziik meg a tablazatot: i TOSZANNEV | SORSZAWNEV Aon tag nacres aes 1 one ist first 200 tivo hundred | 2 two | and second 4090 alone thousand 3” three 3rd third 3000 throe thousand 4. four 4th fourth | 4,000,000, afene milion | 5 five ‘th fit 4,000,000 ‘our milion & six 6th sich | | | $4,000,000 four milion dollars 7 seven 7th seventh || tooth hundredth 8 eight Bin eighth | | forse hundred ane frst 9 nine Sth. ninth 000th thousandth 10 ten 10th tenta 1,000,000) millionth 11 eleven ‘1th eleventh a 12. twelve 42th twelfth z 13. thirteen 13th thirteenth Fiayejok mea, hogyan fuk, és hogyan _ 14 fourteen 14th fourteenth mondjuk a détumot: 15. fifteen 15th fifteenth 13th June: The thirteenth of June, 46 sixteen 16th sixtoonth June the thirtesnth 47 seventeen | 17th.. seventeenth tesa hates c 2 18 sightoen 48th eighteenth + Nineteen nicky jour 19. nineteen 19th _nineteonth lay ifuk: 26 March 2005 (26.3.05) 20. twenty 20th twentieth lay mondjuk: The twenty-sixth of Marc, foo 21 twenty-one | 2tst_ twenty-first thousand and five 22. twenly-wo | Zand twenty-second | fee Gyakorlatok BVA zarojetben i6vé szamok mellet e hizzuk at a hibasat, 0 (16) 1 49) 2 (609) 3. (thy 4 (12th) 5 ($2,000) 6 (23rd) 7 (78) 8 (sth) 9 a7 10 (5th) 11 (7,000,000) 12 (9th) 13. (30th) 14, (895) 230 shusdred-sixteen fourty-nine six hundred fourth twelvth two thousand dollars ‘twenty-three cighty-seven eightth seventeen fiveth seven million ninth thirteenth three hundred and ninety-five ay hibas és egy hiballan atirés van, Pipéljuk ki a helyeset, 6s a hundred and sixteen ~ forty-nine six hundreds forth twelfth two thousands dollars twenty-third seventy-eight eighth seventeenth, fifth seven millions nineth thirtieth three hundred ninety-five "sm RE I EAE ijuk te betdvel a kovetkezé szémokat, 0 eu) two hundred and eleven 1. (462) — 3 (Ist) 4 (12th) 5 (9,000,000) 6 (310) 7 (th) 8 (aul) 0 john lives in flat forty on the fourth floor, 1 Charles Maria Diana Michael Peter Jane Ann 8 Oliver D egeszitsik ki a kérdésekre adott valaszokat a zaroj végig betivel. ‘A: When were you born? B: L was born on Othe thirteenth of October, ni A: When did you go to secondary school? B: Int porate ‘A: And when did you leave secondary school? B: Seven years later. My final exam was on 2 A: Did you start university in the same year? B: Yes, on 3, zi : A; Did you spend three or four years there? B; Well, [left in 4 A: And your first job? When was that? B: [started work in an office on . A: Did you enjoy it? How long did you stay? B: It was terrible! [left two months later, on 6 ‘A: What did you do then? 9 4) 10. nd) ~ IE 6,000) 2 6) 13. (4th) 14 (150) 15. Gra) 16. (25th) “ 17 (19th) 7 Fejezzk be a mondatokat a példa és a tablazat alapjén. jelben megadott informacioval. iriuk a détumokat ineteen seventy. (13.10.70). ae ia oe (198). (16.688). (29th September). (1992). That's four years, (20.1.93), (9th March). B: I went to America, I spent two years in New York. Letumned to England in 7, (2995), 234 It was cold. Tesoas-very col Ameliéknevek (pl. cold) olé hatérozész6t tehetink (pl. very), ameliye! a meliéknév + jelentesst nyomatékositjuk— - Néhany ilyen hatarozész6: very (= nagyon) extremely (= killonésen) really (= igazén) We were very tired after the trip, [fll extremely neroous before the exam. Ton really angry with you. (= nagyon mérges) Ahetérozészéval tomplthatjuk is a meliéknév jolentésé quite (= eléggé, egészen) Our car is fairly old. ‘The meal oas quite nice, megiehetdsen, eléggé) B Egyes metieknevok vatamilyen tulaidonség legnagyobb mértékét fejazik ki freezing (= rettenetesen hideg) enormous (= dridsi) LONE et) © The film was .feally..... Az ilyen meliéknevek jelentését nem nyomatékosithaljuk very, fairly és extremely *ipust+-hatérez6s26valp-—————————_ Helytelen: #-very Ezeknél a mellékneveknél az absolutely hatéroz6sz6t hasznalhatjuk nyomatékositésra It absolutely freezing today. A really hatérazész6 barmilyen melliéknév Jelentéset erésiti: i's reatly cal today. 18s really freezing today. Bizonyos tulajdonsagok legnagyobb mértékét kifejez6 metléknevek: | freezing bolling ‘enormous, marvellous awful terrible impossible perfect briliant essential | B A ténevek jelent6s részének is lehet melléknévi szerepe — amikor két fonév ll egymas meliett a mondatban, az elsé az azt kévet6 f6név tulajdonsagat jeléiheti, tohat annak jelzdje lehet FONEV + _FONEV ‘a cardboard box a cassette recorder a cheque book an alarm clack Egészitstik ki a kévetkez6 mondatokat a really vagy quite hataroz6sz6val. good. Lenjoyed it a lot. 1 It's cold outside, but not very cold. It isn’t a wonderful book, but it's ‘The tickets were This programme is good. expensive ~ they cost much more than I expected, popular in my country; millions of people watch it He's + good at his job, but he sometimes makes bad mistakes, nice, but it wasn't worth the money. Ws dangerous to drive so fast in such terrible weather conditions. Tmnota very good tennis player, but 1 am ‘They're all 10 The company that I work for is 2 3 4 5 is 6 The meal was 7 8 9 232 good. intelligent students, and they will all pass their exams easily big, but it’s not enormous. BLA kavetkez6 parbeszédben a zérdjelben megadott hatérozész6k kozill sak az egyiket hasznaihatjuk” az adott mondatban. Valasszuk ki, melyik az ERIC Did you have a good weekend? ‘ols -Saturday was WAbselutely.... (very /absolutely) perfect, though Sunday was 1 ~~ (teally/very) terrible. On Saturday morning we watched my sister take art in an ice-skating competition and she was 2 ont (fairly /absolutely) brilliant. In the evening We celebrated at an Italian restaurant and I had a3... (really/very) huge pizza. And then we saw a horror movie and it was 4 (really /absolutely) frightening, Wonderful! ERIC: And Sunday? CAROL: Well, it was’... : (extremely absolutely) cold, and the heating stopped ~ working. So we were 6 ce (absolutely / very) freezing all day. Warkossunk székapesolatokat a tAblizat A iletve B oszlopaban lévé szavakbél, és frjuk ezeket a megfelel6 kép ald. A table tennis paper coat Bocup court pot book photograph door soup — coffee handle sign hanger hostess toad air music telephone system bowl lamp album. 0 atablelamp. 1 DIA kovetiexs mondatok kez hizzuk At azoket, amelyekben holytetendl alkalmazott hatérozdsz6 + melléknév sz6kapesolet van, os i 1 We had areally hot, dry summer last year 2. Its very essential for you to take your passport with you when you fly to Athens. ee peered They live in a really big house i 4 Lwas quite nervous before Isaw the dentist, but she soon reassured me. i 5 There was a fairly terible accident on the M3 motorway late lastnight. 238 ‘BE Neézziik meg, hogyan fokozzuk a meligkneveket: > -y-ra végz6d6 meliéknevek: [ happy—happier ‘The Plaza Hotel is cheaper than the Excelsior. ‘The Excelsior Hotel is bigger than the Plaza ‘The Excelsior is more expensive than the Plaza. ‘The Plaza Hotel is smaller than the Excelsior. 2 Acheaper és a more expensive 2 moliéknév kézépfokt alakja, lay kepezziik a kézépfokot: > Egy szolagu melléknevek [ALAPFOK _KOZEPFOK old older tong longer nice nie new newer | slow slower | fat fatter hot hotter big bigger > ket vagy tOdb szétagd meliéknevek: famous more famous | difficult’ more diffieut careful more careful ‘expensive more expensive (0: narrow narrower polite politer) Gyakorlatok 0 cold solder 1 big careful expensive .. good fat famous new 234 By inuk tc a kévetkez6 melleknevek kéizéptokt alakit ALLE Eeacoee > rondhagy6 fokozasi melléknevek: good bad. much/many lite far (Tovabbi tudnivalék a melléknév fokozasarét 4.364. oldalon a G tablazatban taldlhatok,) Osszehasoniltéskor @ malisknéy + than Tom is richer than Paul Paris is more beautiful than London ‘My newo car is better than my old one Wha az ésszehasoniitést nyomatékositani akarjuk, a much vagy az a lot szavakkal teheljik London is much/a fot bigger thas Edinburgh, (= London joval nagyobb, mint Edinburgh.) J.S. Bach is much/a lot more famous than his sons. (= JS. Bach sokkal hiresebb, mint a fiai.) 8 modern 9 young 10 cheap 11 delicious 12 ich, 13. long 14 hungry 15. nice 20 friendly segitségével. 0 (be/tall) Tom is taller than Sam, (be/cold).... (be/hungry) (be/small) (be/happy) (be/young) (be/rich) (be/friendly) Hasonlitsuk ssze a tablézatban szereplé hajdkat a zaréjelben lév6 szavak segi amuch vagy a lot kifejezést, amikor jelentés kilinbségrél van sz6, 21 hot 22. wonderful 23. bad 24 small 25 sad EJ Hesonitisuk dssze a képeken lathato személyeket vagy dolgokat a zéréjelben megadott szavak Boats Length Top speed | Price Queen Anne |" Idmetres | 35 knots 9,000 Red Devil metres | 72knots £23,000, Tolly fin Fmetres | 28 knots £6,000 © (big) The Red Devil is bigger than sees the Jolly Jim, 0 (slow) The Queen Anne is ..much slower than the Red Devil. 1 (cheap} The Jolly Jim is the Queen Anne. 2 (small) The Jolly Fim is the Queen Anne. | 3 (fast) The Red Devils. the Jolly Jim, | 4 (expensive) The Red Devil is .. the Queen Anne, © 5 (big) The Queen Annes... the Jolly Jim. | 6 Glow) The Jolly Jimis.. the Queen Anne. | 7 (expensive) The Queen Anne is the Jolly Jim. i = 8 (mnall) The Jolly Jim is the Red Devil. 235 Olvassuk el az alabbi telefonbeszélgetést: A: Tourist Information. Can Thelp? Afels6fokt melléknéy eléit dllhat birtokos névmas vagy 's birtokos szerkezet is: Boies pie contig tr Wert 1 ‘weekend, and I'm looking for a good hotel. A: Well the Scotsman is the oldest hotel in Wentbridge, but is also the most expensive. ‘The Castle is the most beautiful. The Prince is the newest andthe biggest B Az oldest (= legrégebbi), most expensive & legdragabb), newest (= legtijabb) felsGfokt meligknovek. Az egy szétagu meliéknevek és Sok két sz6tagu melléknév felséfoki alakjét az rest végz6déssel képozzik, a tobbinél podig a most eldiagi dsszetett alakot hasznaijuk Nezzik meg az alébbi tablazatot: ALAPFOK __FELSGFOK ‘cheap the cheapest | big the biggest | sad the saddest | famous _the most famous difficut the most difficult hungry the hungriest A kévetkez6 meliéknevek fokozasa rendhagyé: ‘good the best bad the worst muchimany the most title the least far the farthestithe furthest ( legtévolabbila legtovab (Tovabbi tudnivalék a melléknéy fokozaséréi, 8 364. oldalon a G tabiézatban talalhatdk.) DA felssfoku melisknev elét atalaban a the nével6 al: London is the biggest city in England. ‘The Taj Mahal is the most beautiful building in the world. LEE eg Ege: the névelével, ha szikséges. After Russia, Canada is " large) the largest, and rivers make it one of 1 (interesting) ig) Lake. Canada’s # (long) the border with America, is 5 (spectacular) 236 1 KOvetkez6 mondatokat a zaréjelben megadott melléknevek fels6fok0 alakjaval és @ Canadian lake, and 3 (deep) Hiver is Mackenzie River. Although Niagara Falls, on Rassias Constr Fotstoy tl stor The Thames is England's longest river. Ha valamilyen hely megnevezése kéveti a felséfoki melléknevet, az in eldljérész6 All olétte the richest man in Europe. (Newt: Europe) A fels6fokban allo meliéknév utén nem fattétiendl szikséges valamilyen fénevet tenn George and Mary have three children. Mite is the oldest. A: Which table did you buy? B: The most expensive. (= A legdragabbat.) = of B Az ever (= valana) hatérozisz6 gyakran ‘szerepel olyan mondatokban, amelyekben a melléknév felsdfokban, az ige pedig Present Perfect alakban ail That was the best film V've ever seen. (= Az volt alegjobb film, amit valaha léttam.) A: How was your holiday? B; Fantastic! Iceland is the most beautiful country I've ever visited. Aliittle (= kevés) s26 foxozasa rendhagyé. A less jelentése 'kevesebb, kevésbe’, a least Jeleniése ‘a legkevesebb, a legkevéshé" Silver is less expensive than gold, (Az eztist kevésbé draga, mint az arany.) ‘twas the least expensive ring in the shop. (Eza gyird volt a legkevésbé draga az tzletben,) Figyelem! Ha a little meliéknév jelentése ‘Kies’, kézépfoka smaller (= kisebb), falsbfoka smallest (= a legkisebb), country in the world, and its lakes, mountains places in the world. Great Bear Lake is? Lake is Great Slave and (popular) ‘waterfall for tourists, Della Falls is (high) f - Mount Logan in Yukon Territory ie the highest and § (famous) : mountain in Canada, The weather is extreme too. 9 (low) "vows temperature ever recorded inthis county was 63 degrees Celsius ata place alled Gnag-and Canada’s ¥0 fdry) <2. -:-- town is Medicine Hat, where the rainfall is so Jow that you cannot measure it! By Egeszitsik ki a mondatokat a megadott informacidk alapién. — | young og heap ————___ ospensive Jane Claire ~ Sally rubies ~ emeralds ~ diamonds 0. Claire is..elder than Jane. 9 Emeralds ate occ cocoa rubies. Of the three girls, Sally is the gldeet 6 Of these three stones, diamonds are small —— big [ short —— long | domestic cats ~ panthers ~ lions |. Thames Rhine — Amazon | 1. Panthers are ions, 7 The Thames if poe :eosuneie the Rhine, 2. Domestic cats ate wa. members 8 Of these three rivers, the Amazon is, of the cat family. — cold — |. Sweden — France ~ Kenya eee 3 Sweden is.... a France, 4 Of the thuce countries, Kenya is... [Akkossunk mondatokat a zérdjelben lévé szavak Segitségével. Hasznéljuk a the + fels6fok és a Present Perfect + ever szerkezotet, © (his is/cold/place/1/visit) Thi le the coldest place I've ever visited. 1 (it’s/big/ship/1/see) . 2 (He's/rich/man/1/meet) ... ce 3 (lt was/difficult/exam/I/do) .. 4 (lt was/sad/film/1/see) (She's/happy/person/I/meet) 6 (W¥’s/beautiful/fat/1/see) 7 (his is/hot/country/1/ visit) 8 ((s/small/dog/I/see) D Akovetkezt mondatok mindegyikében hiba van. Hizzuk at a hibds sz6t, 63 a helyes megoldést irjuka mondat mellé. 0 The Plaza is cheaper that the Excelsior, thar 1 Mexico City is biger than London. 2. Platinum is most expensive than gold. 3. I think this song is gooder than the first one, 4 5 6 Mary is happyer than she was yesterday. Footballers are famouser than rugby players, ‘Tiger Woods is a best golfer in the world, MELLEKNEV HATAROZOS70 [easy ‘quick quickly careful careful easily ‘Ameliéknéy rendszerint valemilyen szeméty vagy dolog tulajdonségéra uta, tehat a fEnevet Melisknév: He's a fast runner Hatérozész6: He runs fast A good: melléknévnek-megtelelé-hatérozsea5— | awelt (= jo): | She's agood player. She plays well. (Tovabbi tudnivalék a hatérozész6r6\ a 364, oldalon a H téblazatban taldlhatdk,) ___ egészit ki 7 - a 3H Amondatok szérendje dtalaban a kévetkez6 MELLEKNEV pee a [Shes quick |___tee (Auman) —_-HarAROz® | She sings "beautifully, a e Abhataroz6sz6 altaldban az igét agésziti eselekvés vagy torténés médjat, idajét vagy gyéb kKonilmenyeit hatarozza meg; Ise + _HarARozoszo She works quickly, | ee Tovabbi példak : Meliéknév + fonév: Engl Ige + hatérozész6: You Mellaknév + f6név: He’sa careful driver. Ige + hatirozds26: He drives carefully 8 Meliéknévb6t ly végz6déssel hatarozészot képezhetiink: slow > slowly bad ~> badly Lee sew, Bad Hae meliéknéy -y-ra végz6dik, az y a ke Ei | [ MELLEKNEV _HaTAROZOSZ6 hard hard fast fast | tate late (=késé ke 0 1 The journey took a long time because the train went 2 3 4 The work that the builders did for us was very 238 Gyakorlatok Bl egeszitsik ki 2 mondatokat a 74 djelben megadott szavak egyi y P26 elt -i-re valtozik: happy—- happily easy — easily ‘gyes melléknevek hatarozosz6ként is ‘szerepelhetnek minden alakvéltozas nélkil: The train was very Slow, Mrs Green went Vm afraid I can’t give you an think about it first lish isan easy language, can learn English easily. Ge (ALuinasany) Tle ate TARGY ——HATAROZO is food slowly, Kézépfokban a more szét tesszik a hatéroz6sz6 elé: carefully -> more carefully You should co your work more carefully. | Please drive more slowly. | Awell kozépfoka better, a badly kézépfoka worse: She speaks Arabic better than me. Pollution is getting worse. fast kézépfoka faster, a hard kézépfoka harder: Could you walk faster? We're ie a hurry You twill have to twork harder in future, ikével. (slow /stowly) and I arrived late, very (low/slowly}. (quick/ quickly) back to her office. (immediate/immediately) answer; I need to (bad /badly). ‘The builders did the work for U9 Very sce (bad badly). She organized the party Very o.¢seynnineee (Z0Od/ Well), and everybody enjoyed it, Everybody said that the party was very sennnsie (G0od/ well). She Wrote wom -»: (Polite/‘politely) letter asking the company to give her the money back. 9 She wrote to the company and asked them money back. (olite/politely) to give her the Ei Képezziink hatérozész6t 2 2ardjelben mogadett melléknevokbdl, és irjuk be a szivegbe. After work Mrs Proctor drove home ©. @UI¢KIY...... (quick). She parked the car Bascectsssanesn (careful) in the garage and opened the front door 2, (quiet). She didn’t want Jack to hear her. She found Jack in his room playing 9 scones (happy) on his computer, She looked 4. (angry) at him. ‘Jack, you've got exams next week. You should be studying S.ssenecce-. (hard) for them. You didn't do 6.0.0... (good) in the last exams but if you prepared for exams. s-osse (proper), you could 8... (easy) get better marks.’ “Connie doesn’t prepare for exams and she did 9.......u..u (brilliant) last time’ said Jack. “In any case, you have to write... (neat) and do everything Masonooneanwe (Berfeet) because if you don't, they don't give you the marks. And they don’t give you enough time, You know that [write 7. ...emnee (Glow) and in the exams you have to write B...ssan. (fast). Teachers just don’t treat slow writers Very Bcsatneene (kind). Jack; said his mother, ‘you always have an excuse, but You certainly do 7 ....snnn- (bad) in the exams if you keep playing those computer games’ & E : Alakitsuk at a mondatokat a melléknév helyett hatarozészét hasznalva. Peter isabad tennis player. feter plays tennis badly. He's a dangerous driver. He drives She's a fast swimmer. She swims .. Martin is a good cook. T'maslow writer. She's a brilliant chess player. Sheila is a hard worker. ‘They aren’t quick learners. mvc ane Q 'gészitsik ki a mondatokat a zardjelben megadott melléknevekb6l képzett kbzépfoku hatéroz6sz6val, 0 You must do your work more carefully... (careful) in future, 1 He has nun the 100 metres (ast) than any other athlete in the world this year 2. Everyone else did the test s+. (good) than me. 3 You can travel (cheap) at certain times of the year. 4 He plays - -»- (confident) than he did in the past. 5. I'm sorry I’ve made so many mistakes, I'l try... (hard) in future. 6 You will be able to sit -»: (comfortable) in this chair. 7. This aspirin isn’t working. My headache is getting... (bad) 8 The roads are very wet. You should drive o.oo (slow) 239 HAzas + meliéknév + as szorkezettel két | BAzas ... as szerkezetet hatarozészéval is személy vagy dolog hasonloséaara utalhatunk | hasznéihatiuk (pl. as well as) fetn-cooksaswelhas I He couldn't run as quickly as Maria, (Ahatérozész0krél tovabbi tudnivaléx a 90, fejezetben talatnatok ) : \ The chris as expensive as the tbe, @Asztk 3 Az as many-+ t5bbes szamii-finév-+ as ugyanolyan draga, mint az asztal,) (= anny), mint) szerkezettel ket dolog an ‘a8 old as me. (= Annyi idés vagy, mint mennyiségének egyezésére utalnatunk: én. aise | Fone as got as many friends as Mary, Anot as many ... as (= nem annyi, mint) Jelentése: két dolognak nem azonos a ‘mennyisége: | don’t have as many books as you Ha a hasonlité szerkezet wtan személyes névinds van, akkor a. névmés térgyi alakjat hasznaljuk: as me/as him/as het/as usias them), New: asHias-helas-she sib She's 0s strong as him. (NEM: .. ase) Tm 93 fast as them, (xia... a5 they) #Bazas much + ‘megszémiélhatatian fnév + as Ha két targy vagy személy ki lonbiz5ségérat Szerkozettel ugyancsak két dolog mennyiségét beszéliink, @ not as ... as (= nem olyan, mint) hasonlitjuk dssze (pl. as much money as), A szerkezetet hasznaljul: ‘megszamlalhatatian fSneveknek nines tSbbes Szémuk (pl. money, work, luggage, traffic): Helen earns as much money as Colin, | Jack doesn’t do as much work as me Figyeiem! A money megszamiéihatallan fénéy, ‘The tvo star hotel in’t as big as the four star hotel (A megszémisihats és megszémiélhatatian Um notas clever as her Gnevekrél bévebb informacié a 70. felezetben talalhatd,) Gyakorlatok BVA peida atapjan "unk hasonito mondetokat az as ... as szerkezettel, 0 Sweden is bigger than Britain. Britain isn’t 49 Pig as .» Sweden, 1 The other students learn more quickly than mi, Idon't leam ...... soe the other students, 2 You're vety angry and I'm very angry also I'm sstecteeseee YOU * The seats a the front are more expensive than the seats atthe back. The seats at the back aren't -......., the seats at the front 4 Central Park in New York is bigger than Hyde Park in London ‘Hyde Park in London isn’t... +sreesese Central Park in New York, 5 Her last film was very good and her new film is also very good, Her new film is... ae her last film. 6 The other students work harder than him. He doesn’t work... the other students. 240 By Egeszitsik ki a Képekhez tartozé mondatokat az as .. 88 Szerkezet és a megadott szavak Segitségevel. Minden s26t osak egyszer hasznaljunk. Tong clean fast fresh ‘tall big cheap site shee strong wide fat] POH tons a 2 "4 A 0 The carots aren't ae eet the cabbages. 1 The black car is going ............ settee +» the white car, (D 2 The footballers aren't the basketball players, 3 Janet's hair is Hae + Kathy’s hair 4 The car on the leftisn’t......, + the car on the right, 5 The flowers on the right aren't... vcocseessnen the flowers on the left 6 The big glass isn’t. ares ++ the litle glass 7 Jancis. Matthew, 8 High Street isn’t Main Street, 9. The black book is the white book idatokat as much ... as vagy 0 G’ve got about 50 books. jack's got about 100.) Thaven’t got 28 many books ae sees Jack. & Gou've done a lot of work. I've done a lot of work ao.) Te done 28. much work ae. sseseeestees YOU, 1 Glan earns. lot of money. Sheila only earns «ite ) Sheila doesn’t earn. poate svete Alan 2 (George has been to five countries. I've also been to five countries.) Tve been to... srvessee George, 3. (You've had five obs. ve only had two.) Thaven't had ......., eeeateessceecatten 4 (Tom has a lot of tuggage. Jane has a Iot of luggage too) FRCS ceecesecsetetisssses ssosee Tom. 5 (Mary answered most of the questions, 1 only answered about half) Udidn't answer ices Mary, © (Rath spent £50. Lalso spent £50.) Tspent. +» Rut, 2a4 BA tabiazatban tatathats informécié segitségével meliéknevek kozépfoku alakjaval és a than elblje egészitsi jérész6val Alison Bernard Height: 1.6m L75m Age: 30 6 Income: £15,000 per year £70,000 per year Family: 2brothers brother and 2 sisters House: small ve 0 Alison is (short) Berard, 1 Bemardis... sitseetectecenveseses (fall) Alison, 2 Alisonis (old) Bernard, 3. Bemard is (rich) Alison, 4 Alison's income is...... seeoeeeetcas oss (low) Bernard's 5. Bernard's family is (ig) Alison's 6 Alison’s house iS... tee (Small) Bernard's, Blegeszitsuk ki a mondatokat a 2éréjatben megadott meliéknevek kézépfokt alekjéval és a than eléliarészéval. © think that Formula One is ore Interesting than (interesting) tennis, : 1 This question is nae . ++» (easy) the last one. 2 I'ma good player, but Ericis.. 3. The group's first record Wa8 ses cccccssenstesecsee 4 We both played well, but he was Seas + (lucky) me. (good) me. B Your car is oo. esetssseesesstessene +» (powerful) mine. 6 This computer is, Be eee (aseful) that one, I Epészitstikki a mondatokat a zéréjetben ‘megadott meliéknevek felsbfokti alakjaval. 0 Annaisthe youngest soissssveee (Young) person in her class, : T Westayed inc ccecticseccsesseesece ++» (oad) hotel in the whole city ' 2 People say that itis eer -- (Fanny) film of the year. 3 WRAGEE Acc cccesecenee ssceecstese (tall) building in the world? 4 Her teachers say that sheis....... sootttiaeecsrenesens (good) stuctent in the school BTR IS eee ccacersteneecnstnr tne (expensive) camera in the shop. 6 Many people say that Venice is SSiese sostessencens (Beautiful) city in the world Dy Potojuk a nianyes részoket a zérdjelben megadott melléknevek kéz6p- vagy feis6fokii alakjéval és ‘ennek megfeleisen a than eldjarészéval vagy a the névelovel 0 A: Why did you choose that hotel? It’s a long way from the centre of town, B: [chose it because it was cheaper than _ .- (cheap) the hotel in the centre. © A: Shall we sit in the living-room? A: B: Yes, it's the warmest ‘sess (Warm) room in the house, 1A: Did you enjoy being a student? By Yes, they were .. atid soe (happy) years of my life. 242 | {successful) their second record | | | 2A: Is he famous in this country? Be Yes, Re’. scsse : Imnota very good cook, (famous) any other singer -- (bad) you. Ican’t cook anything well 4 A: Do you like this programme? Yes, Tthink HS ocean --sstsen (B00d) programme on TY, 5. A: What did you have for dinner? Those... Stericisteasnes (@xpensive) dish on the menu, eA cites as What's the weather going t be like today? They say that today is going to be...,.. “Are you happy in your new flat? (difficult) the last one I took. (wet) yesterday. A B A: B: Sheet A: How is yournew course going? B; A B: A B Yes, it’s . 7 a (comfortable) my last one, Bi igunk hasonitté mondatokat a példa alapjén, © (a pearl ring/a diamond ring) expensive Adiamend ring le more expencive than a 1 (India/Scotland) hot el ring. (Physics/ geography) difficult (living in a city living in the country) stressful (@kilometre/a mile) tong 5. (Bdinburgh/ London) big (alian films/ American films) good 7 (travelling by train/ travelling by plane) slow (Michael Jackson/ Madonna) famous GH Eceszitstk ki a mondatokat a példa alapjan, 0 .Chemlatry | is the most difficult subject we study at school, (difticult) 1 band I've ever heard, (good) + flm star Y've ever seen, (beautiful + book I've ever read. (bad) Tve ever been from home, (far) film I've ever seen. (sad) +» Subject we study at school, interesting) 243 WlEpeszitsuk ki a mondatoket a 24rdjelben megadoti melléknevek kézép- vagy felsofokt alakjéval. (Fels6fokndl ne feledkezziink meg a the névelordl) 0 J think Helen is much . Hicer, + (nice) than her sister. Mary says that (happy) time of her life was when she was a little girl. 2. Tom has lost weight. He used to bea lot . : ssonsses (fat) than he is now, B Mala ceca (small) state in the European Union, 4 After a day on the ski slopes felt... : ~~ (hungry) than Lhad ever felt before, 5 Travelling by bus is ,........ “vv (cheap) than travelling by train, but [find the train ne (comfortable), 6. Sally has just passed her test, but she is already a... svete (Good) diver than her father, 7 T'vealways found twentieth century literature +++: (interesting) than nineteenth century literature 8 The Caprice is +-reveres (expensive) restaurant in town, GE geszitsuk ki ezt a fEldrajzi vetékedén elhangzott parbeszédst a Zaréjelben megadott melléknevek mogfelelé alakjaval. Sus: Ready? Right, first question. What is the ° ighest (high) mountain in the world? SAM: That's easy. Mount Everest. SUE Good. Now, is the Nile... (ong) than the Amazon? Save Tm not sure Uthink the one is about a5? (long) as the other. SUE Yes geographers do not agree, but in any case they are the? stsesesetus (long) rivers in the world, Now, is Australia as... + (big) as the United States? SAM: Yes, in factit’s 5... (big), I think, Suz: No, although it often Looks 6 + (big) on maps, in fact it’s Prrnceirts ~ (Small). Now, where are the most active volcanoes inthe world? Sam: Idon’t know. New Zealand? Be DIE cess ssee (086) to Europe than that Indonesia. Finally, where is the 8 os (Salty) sea in the world? Saw: That's easy. It’s the Dead Sea in Israel, SUE: Very good! You're the 10 “ov (Good) competitor this week, Depesztsik kia mondetokat a Zardjelben megadott hatarozészok kézépfokti alakjaval. 0 Ruth isn’t a bad cook, but her husband cooks Petter than she does. (well) 1 Weall pushed, but we couldn’ get the cat to start ‘Push ne ' Mike shouted. (hard) 2 Me school choir 880g seen i this year's concert than I've ever heard them sing before (well) (outs Heated Tony badly when she went out with him, but she treated Paul even oo cecccscseal (badly) Aer the aceident, Sandra finally stared driving . sees (Carefilly) Gan you Wak Bit sever: ? You walk too fast for aes (lowly) ‘The nightingale sings een esne than any other bie (beautiful) Anna is often late for work, but this morning she arrived much .., Seve than usual, and the manager asked her to go and see him. (late) 244 George has agit or spesking foreign languages. He seems to lea them rest of us. (easily) gySzer-haszndljunke—-—— cold expensive rich amusing ta big had old 0 My fat has four rooms, Janet's flat has six, My flatisn't.89.big as, as Janet's, 0 Tam about 160em tall. So is John, Johnis.22.tall ag. me, 1 The temperature today is -2°centigrade ~ the same as yesterday. Today 15 neretecsseenteseaenns YOteRday. 2. Sonia has £5,000 in the bank, but Amy has £30,000, Soma iat’ tose sssrentntaensseetnes AMY. 5 The red dress costs £80, The black one costs the same The black dress is... thered one, 4 Platinum is harder than gold. Gold isn’t ae. ssseneeees Platinum 5 Mary sometimes makes us laugh, but Sue tells really funny jokes! Mary ist to ececcene oven Sue, 6 Diana is eighteen, So is her friend James, Dianais... seve James, Hf Egeszitstk ki a mondatokat 2 as much vagy as many székapcsolattal, 0 Tdrink about five cups of coffee every day, and so does Pam Pomdrinks 26MUCH colfee deme. 0 ‘Sue has six cousins, George has six, too. George has FEY... ue cousins as Sue. 1 worked ail day, but Dave stopped at lunch time, Dave didn't do... stttesseesseeees WOK a5 me, 2 Tony and Liz both watch television for about three hours every day, ‘Tony watches feet television as Liz 3. Took two chocolates from the box, but he took a handfl! Tdidn’t take ss... srecssensee chocolates as him! 4 Mark buys two new CDs every week, and so does Jane Tane bays . ert new CDs as Mark. 5 Dan’s house is full of books, but we've only got afew. We haven't $0 cscseseiseesenistsnttsuns BOOKS a6 Dah © Alan makes a lot of long phone calls, and so does Clare (Clare makes ...... Jong phone calls as Alan, 245 | | Bi Hasoniitsuk dssze a frightened és a frightening meliéknevet: ~Az-0d vegzidést-melléknévaz omberben. \2-ing-végz5désti-melléknéy-az-adott éreést- | Keltett érzésre utal: kivalté szemétyre vagy dologra uta frightnea | y fauan [Roe very frightened. he ghositons very, frightening. | Azclany (ann) az, aki meget ‘Amondat alanya (the ghost) vaitotta ki 22 ijedtséget. L ian —— eee 2 Hasonitsuk dssze az alabbi mondatokat = = Seay We are all surprised by the news The news is surprising. Twas very tired at the end ofthe journey. | Dee journey was very tiring. (= Féradt voltam az utazés végére,) (Az utazés faraszt6 volt) Herwas excited by the way the game ended, The end of the game was exciting. Um interested in your idea, (= Erdekel az otleted. ) | Your idea is interesting, (= Erdckes az dtleted, ) | The students were bored during the lesson The lesson was boring. (= Az. 6ra unalmas volt) ] (A didkok unatkoztak az dzin) Were you disappointed by the film? Was the film disappointing? J wasn't neroous before the exam; Itoas relaxed, Towent for a relaxing walk The children were entertained by three clowns, The clowons were entertaining, Jack was totally convinced by Ann's explanation ‘An's explanation was totally convincing. alkotott élitmany része, de lehet fénév elatt allo jelz6 is. Nézzitk meg az alabbi példat: ‘The journey was very tiring. | Ht was a very tiring journey, Az-ing végzédésti meléknév lohet a tétgevel | Valasszuk ki a megfelel6t a zérdjelben megadott meliéknovek kézi 9 0 Ttwasa terrible play and I was Ee .. (bored /boring) from start to finish, (excited /exciting) because I'm going to New York tomorrow, 1 Ymvery.. 2 Areyou. (surprised/surprising) or were you expecting this news? 3 Treading a very ....ceseccceneenee (interested/ interesting) book at the moment. 4 Yvehada very ase (Cired/ tiring) day at work today and I want to go to bed 5 Most people were ....... vv (Sarprised/ surprising) that he won the championship. 6 Um eesscesseesee vv (bored/boring). Let's go out for a cup of coffee somewhere. 7 Visit our... oosstsses (@xcited /exciting) new shop! 8 His speech was very long and very (bored /boring) nochelatina. EJ Egészitsik ki a mondatokat a ‘Megadott melléknevekkel. Minden sz6t csak egyszer hasznailjunt bored interested surprising amusing confused boring amused iG surprised interesting c It Everyone else thought it was funny, but she wasn’t... Everyone was... Your ideais very Interesting. tell me more aboutit, He told mea very . story. I laughed and laughed. ‘This is a terribly book. Nothing happens in it. She's occ. - in politics and often talks about it, ‘The map was ... senses and I got lost, She was... Decause she had nothing to do all day. sere ++. because it was very complicated. - that she failed the exam, because she’s a good student, by the sudden noise. ‘ould you repeat that, please? I'ma bite... is... Egeszitstik ki a parbeszédet a megadott melléknevekkel. uz: uz: uz: bored boring confusing convinced convincing disappointed entertained entertaining frightened interesting relaxed surprised surprising chalc: For me the most important thing is that the actors must be 8. craic: craic: CRAIG: What sort of films do you like? When I go to the cinema, [like to be 9, entertained CRAIG: And what sort of films do you find 2... uz: 2 ‘Well, Ilike films that tell a good?........, stesso Story, And I mean a story that ¥you-can follow not the srt that goes backwards and forwards in time, find those very 3. And t'm4 fl when I watch a horsor film, I usually close mny eyes when the horror starts, ‘cRaiG: Yes, but ifthe story is too simple, surely you get... because you know exactly what's going to happen. Tdon’t mean that. If something is intelligible, i's not necessarily 6 feet Often good stories have 7. -vones eVents or endings ~ things that you can’t possibly know at the beginning. so that ‘you really believe that they are the person they are acting, If that’s true, I imagine that you are 9 atts a ‘most of the time because, well, for example, Harrison Ford is always Hartison Ford, I'm never ,,.. sssstsssscteons that he’s somebody else. Nes but it's often not important in his films because they/re escapist -if you're feeling tense about work or something, you have a good laugh and you come out feling u,., .- and happy with the world, at - that you like his films, Although the special effects are good, the story is always terribly simple. He's not my favourite, but his films are not bad. Im? 247 The case is too heavy, He can’t carry it Atoo jelentése: t6bb, mint ami egy bizonyos | helyzetben kivanatos vagy megfalelé, [ | BA too hasznaiata: too + MELLEKNEV: ee Tdon't want tego out mr t65 Tired arTaracty too many ~ FONEV TOOBES SzAurpane 4 cou’ find here the concert because thee | | ‘were too many people there (ttl sok ember) | | too much + MEGSZAMLALNATATLAN FONEV. (pl. too much work/money/food/noise/salt/ information/time/bread) i Our teacher gives us too much work (=A tanar tl sok munkat ad.) BA too hasznainats to + fndvi igoney | ig si 9 zerkezelben is: e's too young t0 drive, ( Tal fiatal ahhoz, hogy vezessen.) Ebben a szerkezetbon a for oléijarész6 is hasznélhaté: 1s too cold for us. 1's t00 cold for us to sain, | Gyakorlatok Tean’t eat this soup because it's t00 hot ‘We couldn’t buy the tickets because we didn't have enough eee see ft We didn’t buy the car because it wasn't .big enough Teouldn’t see her because it was {can’t decide what to do because [haven't got You can't change the situation now. H's Have you had .. He did badly in the exam because he was... Slow down! You're driving .......... z He shouldn't play in the team because he isn’t Thaven't got B Anot... enough + to + ténévi igenéy igh 68 @ zérdjelben me This case is big enough. Ican put all my clothes into it ‘The small case isn’t big enough. Az enough jelentése: annyi, amennyire szukség van. A not enough jelentése Kevesebb, mint amennyire szikség van, B Az enough haszndleta: MELLEKNEV + enough) |, syour room: warm enough? (etég meleg) | enough + FONEV TOBBES SZAMBAN. {'ve got enough potatoes, thanks. (elég krumpli) enough + MEGSZAMLALHATATLAN FONEY: an’ tall 0 you now. haven’ got enough time. (= Nines eleg idan) szerkezettel azt mondjuk meg, hogy valaki miért nem csindlhat valamit She isn't old enough to drive, Ebben a szerkezetben a for eldljardszét is haszndthatjuk: Is not warm enough for us, 108 not warm enough for us to stvim « gadott szavak hasznélataval, . (hot). (big). (dark) (information) + (late). {food), or would you like some more? s+ (nervous), (test) (00d) (clothes). I must buy some more, ih aie © can't drink the coffee because there's a lot of sugatin it (There's/sugar/coffeo) There's too much sugar in 0 If we walk to the station, i takes ten ‘minutes, We've got fifteen minutes, (We've got/ time/walk to the station.) We've gat enough time to walk to the stati 1, Tcan'tread all the books that I've got. (I've got/books/read, ) 2 We can't go for a wi alk because it isn’t warm. (Xt sn't/ warm, go for a walk) 4 T've got £10 and the CD costs £15. (I haven't ‘got/money/buy the CD) 5 We've got three players and the game needs four players, (We haven't got/ players/for the game.) Kaposoljuk éssze a mondatokai too vagy enough + fonévi igenév (oI. to do, to go) hasznélataval, 0 Clare couldn't sleep. She was too worried, Clare, was too worried to slee 0 can’t go on holiday. I haven't got ‘enough money. L haven't got enough money to 90.0n holiday. 1 Tean’t do any more work, 'm too tired, 7 Tucly won't pass the exam. She hasn't worked hard enough, 4 His girl-riend couldn't go to the patty. She was too ill © David could’ pay the bill He didn’t have enough money © Shall we go to the beach? Is it hot enough? 7 can’t see you tonight. I'm too busy. 8 Idon’t want to go home. ifs too carly. ° Chris couldn't repair the caz He didn’t have enough tools, {dict visit all the museums, I didn’t have enough time 249 Al Nezzuk meg, mit hanyszor, hény napon esinal vane egy évben: ‘She has a cup of tea at breakfast. 365 | She goes to the cinema 10 ‘She walks to work 0° ‘She goes swimming 52 ‘She goes on holiday 2 lay is megiogalmazhatjuk: ‘She alzways has a cup of tea at breakfast. - ‘She sometimes.goes io the cinema ‘She never walks to work, She goes swimming every week. She goes on holiday twice a year, B Akivetkez6 hatarozbezék a cselekves gyekorisagara utaln 0% never 70% — often hardly ever 80% normally rarely 90% usually sometimes 100% always (Az often széban t hangot nem ejttink,) Az always, usually stb. hatdrozészbk a Mondatban a be vagy a segédige (pl. have, must) utén dllnak: He is always late, ve often been to Spain for my holidays You must never swim after a big meal Gyakorlatok D Helyezzik el a mondatban a zérsjelben megadott szavakat. 0 I work late at the office. (often) .|.often work late at the office. 1. You must lock the front door when you leave, (always) 2 Steve and jill play tennis, (eyice a month) 3 Teat a sandwich for tunch. (usually) i c 4 1 go to jazz concerts at the weekend, (Sometimes) ..... . 5 My teacher gives me alot of homework (every day) 6 We sce our Mexican friends. (hardly ever) «2... 250 Ha az allitmany nem be vagy valamilyen tébb tagbd! allo igealak, akkor ezek a hatdrozészék {Bige-elé-korinek— Tusually walk to work She rarely reads a newspaper. Never és hardly ever mollett a not tagadészdt nem hasznaijuk: Inieber watch TV at widkends. (= Het végén soha nem nézek tévét) Thardly ever drink coffee. ( Szinte soha nem iszom kévét) Figyelem! Az angol mondatban nincs kettés tagadas. Anever (soha) és a hardly ever (szinte soa) onmagéban is tagadast fejez ki, tehat a kévetkez6 szerkezet nem helyes: never dontt-diink vagy hardiy-ever don twateh! B Ha pontosan megmondjuk, milyen gyakran csinalunk valamit, a kévetke26 haldrozészékat haszndijuk every... oncea... twiceltwo times a. three times a... four times a. Ezek éltaléban a mondat végén alinak. Néhény példa: run round the park every day. Iplay tennis once a week. She drinks coffe three times a day. I go skiing once a year. He drives to London twice a month, — 7. They go to Morocco for their holidays, (often)... ei eeed 8 Billand Marie go to the theatre, OE UES EVERETT 9 They are at home in the evening (rarely) BA tablazat és a példa alapjan alkossunk gyakorisgot kifejezé mondatokat Liz és Ken tevékenységeivel kapcsolatban. 10% | 20% | 30% [40% [50% [60% | 70% [80% [90% fiooe ~ JO walk & work Liz Ken fesale 1 get up early Liz Keni 2 watch TV | Liz Ken) 3 take a taxi Liz [ Kea || “fo I }4 have supper at home | Liz Irunk mondatokat John rendszeres tevékenységeirl a tablazat és a zéréjelben |6v6 szavak segitségével E day [week [month | year : [ swimming 2 a newspaper | 1 [his mother Ba a shower 2 | I abroad | L sister 3 [eee | TET | © e/go/ewimming) He goes swimming twice a 1 (He/buy/a newspaper)... 2 e/phone/his mother) ..... 3. (He/have/a shower) 4 (He/go/abroad) ....... 5. He/visit/his sister) ... 6 (He/play tennis) 281 HH Ahere hatérozész6 arra a holyre uta, ahol a beszelé van, a there egy att6l tavolabbi helyre. over here, iletve over there. 1 stay here with the camera; you go over there. Helyetjelent6 hatérozész6k: abroad, ahead, away, back, left, right, upstairs, downstairs, nearby, inside, out, outside, forward(s), backwards), sideways. Mary is abroad bi she’s coming back soo. Go upstairs ad turn left and you'll see the bathroom. (= Men fel...) Figyelem! Az abroad (= kulféldén, kuiféldre), ‘az upstairs (= fen, fel) és a forwards !6re) elé nem tesziink eldjardsz6t: She went abroad — Naa te-ebroad; She went upstairs NEM foxpstaits; The people moved forwards to see the stars arrive. — NEM te-forwards, Az outside nem csak azt jelenti, hogy egy épileten kivii, hanem azt is, hogy valahol a kozelben, pl. a kertben; az out jelentése, hogy nines otthon, iletve nines benna munkahelyén; az away padig az, hogy sem otthon nines, sem a munkahelyan, pl. egy Id6re elutazott: A: Where is everybody? B: Your mother’s outside, working in the yarden; your brother's gone out, o the cinema, I think: ‘and granny's gore away for the roeck. £2 Ha irényt adunk meg, a kévetker6 hatérozd- ‘z6kat hasznalhatjuk: straight on, on/to the leftright, up/down/along (this road, stb.), as far as (the comer, stb.) (Id. 101. fejezet): Gyakorlatok Jou It’s Joe here. Can I speak to Sara or Craig, please? ‘otk today. She's got a bad cold. And Craig’s gone Tahead/to abroad/abroad. He's decided to visit the Barcelona branch, Jos Really? But! was there/here/in thore last week, When is he ing ide /back/ backward? Part: Well, [don’t know how long he's staying there, but I'm sure he'll be there/here/away in Punt: I'm sorry. Sara's Oin work (Gif won London again fairly soon. Jos: What about Susie? Is she 5home/over here/there? Put: Umy no, She's not here. She's not Sat work/of wark/ to work either today, I'm afraid, Her kids A lot of people are off work with tu i sorrendet a kévetkez6 hatérozész6kkal fojezet), last vagy lastly vagy finally second, dial the number, third, keep your call Tébb egymas utén kivetkez6 oselekvés ext, afterwards és after that kifejezéseket hasznalhatjuk: /etkez6 telefonbeszélgetést a megfelel6 sz6val vagy kifejezéssel, are both 7 from school/off school/at schoo! 252 | s0 she’s looking after them, Joe: Tell me, are you the only member of staff who came 8 towork/to the work/at work this morning? had a coffe; and finally we got some pizzas, Go along this road. You'll see a church on the left, but continue straight on. Walk as far as the atjok aets-hegy—| ——charcie(=a-templomigy om the right Turrtefr ‘and the station isin front of you. Figyelem! Az as far as jelentése: “ig’, de csak helyhatérozéi értelemben, pl. as far as the corner = a sarokig, iddhatdroként nem. Next clocks HELYESEN: till Len o'clock, |_ BAcselekvés hetyénck meghatérozéséra ar at ‘6ldliér6826t hasznalhatjuk: at school/work! home, iranyéval kapesolathan pedig a to-t: to ‘school/work, Figyelem: a home elé nem kell 0; pl. She is going home. (= Hazafelé megy) Ha valaki nincs a munkahelyén, hidnyzik, mert Példaul beteg, az off eldljardszat hasznalhatjuk: off work/schoo!: My children are at school and my wife is at evork take Mary to school in the car, but she comes hhonte by bus Neveziink meg: first, Second, third stb. (Id. 66. ‘sail, ‘To make a phone call first, insert the coins; brief last, take any money that is lf leirasat kezdhetjik a first sz6val, majd a then, We went shopping. First we bought some bread; then we went to the fruit market, after that we BA kévetkez6 széveg egy rend6rséal jegyzékényy részlete. A térkép segitségével jeljk meg, hogy melyik alahizott allités igaz (V), melyik nam (x). oe SEatton I) We took the train to Central Station. ° Qutside there is a bus-stop, but we decided to $ walk.along Church Stroot First, "we calod ata bank, Lindley’s Bank I think And then 2 wewalked as far asthe church ® Before the church we noticed a school on the right 4 hurch we tumed right and 5 saw the market straight ahead. Nearby there was amice-cream shop where we bought two ice-creams. Then 7. ‘we walked back to the station ct OME DM Lie 2 Benet Feces Bases 6 Taw Az e626 ayakorlatban szerepi6 terkép és a megadoitkifejezéeck sogitségével egészitsik ki a kévetkez6 utbaigazitésokat. ahead along (x2) along this road. as faras (xd) left on the left (3) 6 the right 6) right (x2) straight on A:Can you tell me how to get to the post office please? B: Yes, walk 0.4IOMg. this road, Church Street, 1... the ‘School, The scho0l is 2......ssseee Tam... office is 4 and the post A: Excuse me. Is there a police station near here? B: Yes, Walk 5..ccccescsssse ~ it’s called Station Road, Don't take the first road on the ! right. Walk 6 seececerensseeeeecens the Library 7 nanos HeReAReSRsees 7 ee : Walk along Broad Lane 9 esses the next road = if and you'll find the police station 19 ‘A: Which is the best way to the market please? B Gol... ‘ov this road - it's called Church Street ~ and you will see a school x, GOB sete ao eeeceee the Ta oo csssosesetennceesseeces and yOu Will see the market church 5, SHRIGHET es cesseeseensecer 253 Ahataroz6 hérom helyen élhat a mondatban: az alany eléti, az alltmany eldtt, vagy a ————rendatve Sometimes I play classical music, I sometimes play classical music Tplay classical music sometimes. Ahatérozét nem teheljak a targy olé: classieab-rmusiee Nem minden hatéroz6 alihat a harom holy barmelyikén, B Rondszorintazck a hatérozbk dlinak a2 ige elétt, amalyek > kételyt, megaySzédest vagy bizonyossagot fejeznek ki ~ pl. probably, certainly, definitely stb They will probably take the trai > (megkézelitd) mériéket jeldtnek — pl almost, nearly stb, Molly nearly had an accident > ayakorisgot fejeznek ki (Id, 95. fejezet), vagy a ceelekvés vagy esemény idejére utzlnak—~ pl. soon, once, still, recently, immediately, suddenly, eventually, just (= éppen), already (Id. 19. fejezet): Tonce had a trip in n helicopter. ‘nr suddenty realized that he was in danger > egy $26 vagy mondat jelentését hangstlyozzak — pl. also, even, just (= csak, egyszerden), only: Te only passed two subjects Afent emiltett hataroz6k a létige (amiis/are/ was/were) utén élinak a mondatban; He is probably from Milan. We were also very hungry. quite, A médnatéroz6 — amely azt hatérozza meg, hogy valami hogyan vagy milyen minéségben tortenik— (pl. well, badly, quickly, slowly, carefully, hard stb.) éltalaban a térgy utan alk ‘You must clea the shoes carefully Mike's sister read her poem perfectly. Gyakorlatok (often) Philip was in trouble. Philip 254 (probably) They will take the train, They ill probably take (Gefinitely) She comes from Leeds. She (Suddenly) We noticed that Timmy wasn’t with us. We .. (certainly) Mrs Jackson is very helpful. Mrs Jackson . He nines a mondatban targy, akkor a |__ MOdhatérozé a foige utén kévetkezik: | they watked-stowoky toon the toro ———— Mory sings beautifully, They slowly walked towards the town Amondat vegén ailé too (=, altas utén) és __..sither (= sem, tagadésnél) a mondatban emiftett mindkét lehetSségre uta: Jenny sings and she plays the piano, too. (= Jenny énekel is, zongorazik is) | Iddon‘tent meat and I don't ent exes, either, (© Nem eszem htist sem, és tojést sem.) Azeither... or (= vagy... vagy) szerkezet segitségével két lehetdséget fogalmazunk meg (id. 131. fejezet): Either they're not at home or they can’t hear the Phone. (= Vagy ninesenek otthon, vagy nem halljak a telefont) Either you love me or you leave me. (= Vagy szeretsz, vagy elhagysz.) BA tebb szébe! aio iddhataroz6k, mint pl. in the morning, last Saturday, during the | holidays, stb. vegy a mondat elején, vagy a mondat vigén linak: Last Saturday Mary earned twenty pounds ‘Mary earned twenty pounds last Saturday, Ugyancsak a mondat végén dlinak az egyéb, tédb sz6b6i dllé hatéroz0k: to the market, under the trees, with a knife stb. The scouts put their tents under the trees, Mrs Owen opened the leters with a knife, A kiilénb626 hatéroz6k sorrendje a mondatban a Kovetkez6: médhatérozé, helyhatéroz6, idohatarozd The children were playing happily in the garden Susan worked hard yesterday, We went to France last summer. the train. Leeds, serecroae trouble. with us helpful 5 (eecently) They have changed the traffic signals, They scones the traffic signals. © 6 (eventually) Anne will understand the problem. Anne = just) Those boys are terrible. Those boys... 7 5 (never) Ttake the carinto town 1 © 9 (almost) Penny won the race, Penny .. eee 10 (already) The actors were on the stage. The actors... HL Akkossunk mondatokat megadott szavakkal Ugyeljink a helyes szérendre, 0) (hard/worked/ yesterday) Susan Worked hard yesterday. eect 1 @ll day/have/well/worked) They «0.0... 2. (after lunch/in the sea/ swam) The children 3. (during the night/heavily /rained) It... 4 (before supper/ did/in my room/my homework) 5 (better/last week/played) Our team ...... 6 (differently /in Scotland/do/things) They a 7 (outside the cinema/patiently /waited) The young people 8 (for half an hour/in the bathroom/was) My son 9 (breakfast/have/in the dining room/never) We 10 (almost/missed/the train/ yesterday) Alan ..... Egészitstk ki a kévetkez6 széveget a megieleld kitejezéssel. Bath is fnthe-southareatof-England-on interedting sty /an interesting city in the south - = west of England, Thousands of tourists 1in the summer visit it /visit it in the summer. Some of them ? will just visit/ will visit just the ‘Roman Baths’ but most tourists 3 will also-take.alook/will take also a Jook at the ‘Royal Crescent, a row of historical houses, After that, they can either 4 walk through slowly/walk slowly through one of Baths beautiful parks like the “Royal Victoria Park’ with its botanical gardens, or 5 drink tea slegantly/drink elegantly.tea in the eighteenth-century ‘Pump Room'! The writer Jane Austen ° once lived in the centre/lived inthe contre once ofthe city, and wrote the two novels Persuasion anc Northanger Abbey in Bath, There's also a classical music festival in May and June but note that ” people sometimes buy/people buy sometimes tickets a Seat in advance. Outside Bath, you can visit the unusual ‘American Museum’ or you S just can drive/can just drive around the countryside. Bath is ° an important UK tourist attraction definitely/definitely an important UK tourist attraction, so you may need to book your hotel in advance. DForditsuk te @ mondatokat. Margaret biztosan dublin ‘Azonnal felhivtuk az orvost telefonon. Vagy alszanak még, vagy elmentek a botba, ‘Anna nem beseél spanyolul, és francidul sem. Istwén augusztus éta egy izodaban dolgozik ‘Ax unokatestvéreim soha ninesenck otthon vaséimap. Tracy nem tud énekeln, és még téncolni sem tud, | A tavesbveltisztdn lat az dllaiokat BVA TR ee 255 Aso €s @ such szavakkal a melléknév jelentését hangstlyozzuk. Hasonilisuk 8ssze a kettts Bf so Helen got allie answers right, She isso lesen, ‘Aso melléknév vagy hatéroz6sz6 elétt Alhat, Melléknév elétt csak akkor, ha a melléknév utén nem ail #énév.- MELLEKNEV This tea isso | sweet! Tom's fet areso.|bigt WATAROZOSZO They get up so | late ‘Maria sangso | beawtiflly! | Aso.amanyimuch hatarozatian novmao elditt is allhat: > so many + tdbbes szamii fénév: ‘There were so many people in the shop, > so much + megszamidihatatlan fonév: We had 50 much work to do, oveTKEzuény ] that we didn’t see him. | he missed his train, | twas so dark He arrived so late, Lc ols BY ket kamasziény kedvenc énekesérdl besze! ‘$0, such vagy such a/an hasznalataval. Tthink he's got 9, Such a EVE lovely smile, ANN: And his eyes are 9.89... beautiful EVE: And he’s got. - lovely hair, ANN: And the way he moves about on the stage ~ that’s? sexy. Ev What about his hands? He's got 3 wonderful hands! ANN: = And 4... : voice! § ae incredible voice! | MOTHER: And you two buy 6 ‘many of his records that he must be incredibly rich as well. 286 EE Aso 6s a such segitségével valaminek a kOvetkezményét is Kfejezhetjak get, Egészitstik ki a széveget a Such. Helen got all the answers right. She is such a clever person. Asuch a/an szerkezet meliéknéy + egyes szamd fénéy ol6t dll. A such (a/an nélkil) tSbbes szami fénevek (pl. feet) és | megszamidlhatatian fOnevek (pl. food) eldtt Al | MELLEKNEV FONE tras such an |amazing car! He has such — | big feet! That was such [excellent food, (Amegszémialnatatian fonevekrol s2616 tughivalék a 360. oldalon 2 B téblézatben | taiathaték,) | Asuch az a lot of kifejezéssel is hasznalhal > such a lot of + tébbes szamu tonev: ‘There were such a lot of people in the shop, > such alot of + megszémiélhatatian fonév: We had such a lot of work to do, | KOVETKEZMENY | Ttvoas such a dark night | that ze didn’t see him, oes such a lovely day, | ce went tote beach [J] Egeszitsik ki a mondatokat such vagy such a/an hasznalatéval ae <0 Edinburgh is SYCh a wonderful city. 1 Motorbikes are... + dangerous machines love SRan. 3. My cousinhad .. «v1: exciting Sport. But it's a dangerous sport, too, terrible accident, He almost died. "4 ‘Tlike these new dresses. They are... 8 Wehtad ccccsesese 6 Susan Strangeis .. sess pretty colours, + wonderful meal. The food was excellent, .. interesting writer, @ Aikossunk mondatokat so, such, such alan és a Zardjelben megadott szavak segitségével. = Ugyelitink a megielelé igeidé haszndlatara. 0. I can’t believe that Tom is. ‘only thirteen. (He/have/ grow /tall) He has grown so tall! 1 Tenjoy John’s cooking, (He/be /creative cook) 2. Tean't hear anything. (Those people/be/meke/much noise) 3. Fred won three prizes, (He/be/lucky) the/ weat/ pretty clothes) Sara always looks lovely. (} We had three ice-cteams each! (They/'be/ delicious) don’t smoke. (It/be/ unhealthy habit) BD) Atakitsuk at a mondatoket so ... that hasznélatavel a példa alapjan. 0 We decided not to phone them because it was very late. Itwas .0 late that we decided not to phone them. 1 Sally didn’t finish the exam because she worked very stowly. She worked 2 Wedidr’t buy the camera because it was very expensive. The camera Wa5 esses : 3 Paul didn’t go out because he was very tired, Paul was sssseenseeeetntnsstneeees insta 4. Peter couldn't see the holes because they were very small, The holes were 5 Icouldn’t finish the food because there was too much of it, ‘There was .. § She couldn't interview everybody because there were too many people. ‘There were aT Bl A kévetkoz6 cloliarész6x segitségével helyet hatérozhatunk meg: in on at under behind outside Near between Infrontof above next tofbeside opposite ‘There is « woman in the phone bor. ‘There are people outside the cinema, The people are on the pavement, ‘There isa clock above the cinema entrance, ‘The cinema entrance is under the clock. ‘The bank is mext to/beside the cinema Gyakorlatok § 258 BJA képek alapian egészitsik ki a mondatokat eld ‘The phone box is opposite the cinema, The bank is between the cinema and te café Phoreistit- beltind-the-tozon— ‘The car is in front of the bank. > noxt tolbeside, near (= mellet, a kézelében) Ais next to/beside B. Aand B are near C, > opposite (= szemben} cinema street [ phone box The phone box is opposite the cinema, Figyelem! Az opposite (= szemben) utén nem all még egy eldliar6s26, Neat opposites /4o ‘thecinerms, HANEM opposite the cinema >at Az at el6ljarés26 utan a fonév eldtt altaléban hatarozott névelé (the) all: at the bus stop, at the cinoma. ‘Vannak azonban olyan fénevek, amelyek el6tt nem hasznalunk nével6t: at work (= a Munkahelyén), at home, at school: Ruth is at work, Jane's at school, and I'm at home. >on He works on the third floor. Don't walk om the grass! ardsz6val ‘By “pap tes PS fed ee iia 0 The file i She's ecsessiee : Do you like the picture . ‘The caris parked .... CeV one dwn m 2} infront next on (x2) at (<2) ‘My name is Mike, Hive 9/9 me ina flat3 Tima secretary and because I ive 6 the moming. I start work ”,. very busy road? much. an office. ‘Where's the waste-paper basket? ~ 185 .ic.csccscsessecs A young man with long hair is. ‘gészitsik ki a szdveget a megadott eldljérdszdkkal ‘the fifth floor of an apartment block. My friend Paul lives +. home now, because T can hear his music! Hil I'm Sue, [live in Flat 22 and my sister lives... Ym Pete. I'm not happy. There's a train tunnel 8... ‘Az alabbi képet leirdaltésoktan lév6 eldliérészok haszndlataban tévedes lehet. lavitsuk kia hibakat, the door? ---my house, « the desk. The woman +++: John on the plane has got a big hat ‘The safes... . the picture, They live.. acaravan, + the man with no hair, above under near ress: Manchester in England. Thave a flat soe the sixth floor. I know that he's 7 .. to me in Flat 23, ++ my office, can walk there in -- the office at nine ofclock. my house, and a +» Of I'm always tired because I don't sleep very illetve pipaljuk kia hibatian mondatokat, O There isa TV under .2M... » the table. 0 There isa dog the floor: 1. The dog is behing a the table, 2 The catisnextto........ the flowers. 3. The keys are beside ....... the flowers. l 4 The flowers are it essere the vase. 5 There is.a big book in frontof ....eescsessssesecesene the flowers. 6 There isa picture under 7 The cat is above. 8 There isa bird on 259 8 Az in, on, at eldjarészot id@hatérozoban is gyakran haszndijuk, 2B Az in, on ds at eidjarész6 holyott a kovetkexs szavak is hasznalhatoak: > Ai fardszotakkorhaszrjakche napszakokr6l, hénapokrél, évszakokrol vagy évekrdl beszélink: in the morning in the afternoon, in the evening in January, in February, in March —>--tn the spring, in the summer, in the autumn, | ‘in the winter | in 1542, in 1868, in 1995 > Az on eldliarész6t-akkor-hasznaljuk, amikor—| Yelamilyen napr6| vagy datumrdl beszéliink: on Weiinesday, on Thursday evening (on Christmas Day, on her birthiay on April 9 (Kioivasva: on April the 9 VAGY on tte 9° of April) > Azat eldjarészéval napszakrol, étkezésrél vagy étkezési idépontokrél beszéthetiink: ‘at 11 a.m, at three o'clock ‘at breakfast, at lunch-time, at tex-time, ‘at dinner | Akévetkez6 sz6kapcsolatokban is at | eldljarész6t haszndlunk: at night, at the weekend at Christmas, at Easter Gyakorlatok this nextlast every rm going home April pear ere { this Apri on Weitnesday next Wednesday. at the weekend, last weekend on Saturday, every Saluriay, I'm playing tennis { She left { He visits Jane Figyelem! This, next last 6s every elt igm all elbjarés26. NEM: feshiseeek, HANEM this week (= ezen a héten), NEM on-every Saterday, HANEM every Saturday (= minden szombaton). B Atrom... to... (= til ..-ig) szerkezettol id6iartamot fejeztink ki ‘The museum is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ‘She's staying here from Sunday to Tuesday We have a tea-break from 3.30 to 4 pam. A from olé\jarész6val alkotott szokapesolat 6nalléan is ailhat: will be in Paris from Wednesday. Monday Egeszitsdk kia kovetkez6 mondatokat in, on vagy at eléljérdsz6val 0. Lwentto Turkey .!, July. 5 Twas born +++ 1970. 1. We must leave... .. five o'clock. 6 Inever work - the weekend, 2 We'll have a bree: ss the-aftemoon—7-—We can play tennis .. the summer, 3. She's arriving sss Monday, 8 School starts September Sth, 4 Is very cold here night, 9 Miksee you lunch-time. H Egssziistik ki a parbeszédet a megadott szavakkal, fwoo'clock summer 1990 winter weekend Saturday birthday ANN: Are you going on holiday in the 0.eumimer. > No, but I went skiing in Italy in the ? oe Tl be in New York on 3 to Texas. What about you? Are you going away this year? Yes. In fact, Ym flying to Morocco at 4 Really? It's a wonderful country. I was there in 5 Just think! I'l be on a Moroccan beach on my 6 eit t + and I'm going to America at the tomorrow, # then I'm travelling south ahol nem, hizzuk ét, és irjuk le a helyes m egoldast, Olvassuk el a kovetkez6 levelet. Ahol az alahizott szavakat helyesen hasznaltak, pipaljuk ki, E Dear Ina &—Howare you? The weatherisit very good here, butit's always very cold in. ¥, E thewinter here. Itcer tainly gets very cold atthe 0.8%... night. It will be Christmas > soon. We often go to my grandparents on 1 (Christmas — we went last? & eat and the year before, but in this 3 ~- Year we're staying at # home. ey ys vying e Suzanne was 21 the last ........ month. We went out at 6. her birthday and at A 7 .cssssus dinner she told us she was getting married. We were all really surprised, eS Tm hoping to see you in the §......... summer. Are you still going to come over on next 9 scores Jue? Let me know. > Lymn TSR RPA ee ware Dlebbe a tabiézatba a kévetkez6 nepokra (today, tervezett programokat irtuk, © (PlayWvelieybatt) > [the afternoon 1. (meet/Steve) + [Wednesday moming 2 (golto the bank) -» 10am, Friday] 3. (Golsalling) -» | 4 (lata new jo)» [net Monday] Alkossunk mondatokat a téblézatban mega 5 (visvEgypt) -» [December 6 (get/martied) + 7 (golto Mexico) > the spring 8 (learnito ski) | April January 10th les is 9 (buy/a new boat) ~ [ne year I dott kifejezésekkel folyamatos jelen (1 szlikséges eldljér6sz6k (in, on stb.) hasznalataval . 0 .l'm playing volleyball in the afternoon, HoeTei Ge eeteao sth eet 21, 3 4 i Fejezzik be a mondatokat a Zaréjelben magadottinformaci6 segitségével, 0 243) 0 (Friday +) 1 (une August) 2 (ten o'clock ‘The shop is closed from2to3 She will be on holiday .from Friday The beach is busy ........ Tllbe at the sports centre ...... The new motorway will be open 3. (March -») 4 (Monday-Friday) We work ....ccse 5 (1991 -+ 1994) He lived in Kenya 6 Ganuary ~» ) She will be in Hong Kong 'm doing) és 2 this week) és hénapokra (in December, next year) 261 Eldljérész6kkal mozgast vagy irényt is kifejezhetiink =e we ‘walked along Give (= végigsétaltunk) the ao Iran into the station to catch the train, lim flying to Italy tomorrow from London Heatiow, : He jumped over ‘¢ i « ‘She walked under the bridge. She put the fowers onto} the fable (<2) ‘Then she took them off the tabe. b We walked through the gate. i ae | Tyr pee Hides ‘ran across the Gyakorlatok She walked Along She swan... We ran 7 I climbed .... staseeaeeneaeees ‘The dog hid... Tjumped ....., ‘The horse jumped ......cecsscscsescseteeneseeee The vase is ‘The rain came I walked .., 10 Iwent 262 pal Ay he tus ont past the Dif bus stop without He ran up the steps and knocked om the door. ee Werycled down the hit He ran between too 1 players and scored a goal, She walked towards the house, ate ay ‘She got om the bus and he got off the bus. pe He 304 into) the car. Fle got out of the car, He ran round the track LQ) (© Korbefutotia a palyat) +» the road that goes to the farm. the pool from one side to the other the hill until we reached the bottom. the stairs to the top of the building. ++ the table, so that we couldn't see it the sea and swam to the boat. the last fence and won the race. .» the photograph and the clock +» the roof and into the house. sscssseenoee the house and went to my car. ~~ the shops and bought some food. BAkep segitségével, amely egy futéverseny tvonalat abrazolia, egészitsGk kia szdveget a megadott’ = eldijarészokkal. ‘The race starts °.8F os s.s.eeesense the Town Hall. The runners go 4......:.yyeesseesses the Town Hall and they run .....seeccssseessseee the main square, to the river. Then they run over New Bridge and they go. : the road beside the river for about 200 yards. They go ; the theatre and 5... ...csssseessseeee Castle Hill. They turn right i od the Castle, and they g07....ssseseeee Steep Hill. Then they go the tunnel 9....-ss.essecsnseses the river, and they finish at the station. lézziik meg az alabbi képet és egészitsiik ki a szdveget a megadott eldljérészdkkal, into, over past (x2) on yd arias 2x, along ‘Tourists from many different countries visit Mayfield. While they are there, they can enjoy a railway trip © from... Mayfield )....ccsssvesssesssoesss Bastiwood. They get 2... the train at the litle station in Mayfield. First the train rans ,........csssseeess YOCkS and tall trees and then suddenly it goes 4......sscessenee a tunnel, It takes two minutes to go 5 the tunnel, The train then goes 6, .. the coast; at one point it goes 8 sescees castle ona hill. Then the train turns inland and travels 9,....... .. the distant hills, but soon it turns again and stops at the station in Eastwood. And that’s where the tourists get 1. ++-~ the train. They can then spend a pleasant aftemoon walking n sccsesees Easteood, the river and runs 263 BY Hol tartézkodnak a képen léthat6 személyek? irjuk a szamokat a megfelelé kifejezés mellé. 1 2. under the supermarket a in ore 3. behind the supermarket ts coy “a in front of the'supermarket—- + “Te LP ayy fags | i eu 4 Srotbiempematt El iva! el 2 —6-near-the supermarket... LL. iy Py ‘ 7 above the supermarket O Ff & 5 a eee I 4 Ss on the supermarket Oo ? e if Blegeszitsik ki a mondatokat in, on vagy at eldljarész6val. 0 Peterlives “Tuskey 1 There were Some beautiful pictures... . the walls of their living-room. 2 The children play . eens HHO BPASS vsssessseesnnsee the park, 3. Does this bus stop ...csscssesen the railway station? 4 The books were cones abo. a SHEL. oeceeseneeones the garage. 5 Feuadoris.. South America; it ies . the equator. 6 The gun was. . the pocket of a dress that was hanging . . the cupboard. Egészitsik kia mondatokat a megadott eldljarész6kkal into (3). onto(x2) te outof off 0. The march started in the park. From there we marched £2. .-- the Town Hall 1 The tiger escaped from its cage and jumped .. the lake, It took a long time to get it — the lake and back... essere its cage, 2. Stupidly, Simon drove his car... the beach and then he couldn’t move it, because the wheels sank... the sand. He needed eight people to push it ........-..-ss.0. the beach and back ves the road. LD Egészitstik ki a mondatokat a kép alapjén. ‘There is a road .P68I4@ 2.1... the river, ‘There are some boats ....... eseereseee the river, ‘The Town Hall is the theatre. ‘The post office is .. the theatre. ‘The theatre is ........, ‘the Town Hall. The post office is the theatre and the police station. 264 behind outside infrontof outof under over _nextto on inte through CT Hie picked ap money ane AEA. in pocket © 1 Themanintheseat Hehe me was very tall and I couldn't see the game. [2 Tkeep allot of useless things on ihe 001 .e.scensomeren the bed © 8: She got nseceaesesisnse: the pool after a few minutes because the water was very cold. © Talay like 80 St ce necnnntne the window on aeroplanes, so that I can look atthe view. 7 the window and into the kitchen, me, 30 I didn’t see him. 2 3 4 5 Henry kicked the ball and it went ... 6 7 8 He was... “The book you need is the bottom shelf. ‘The ball went... + my head, and I couldn't catch it, 9. The manager told me to wait .. her office because she was busy. Bd Fejezzik be a mondatokat a naptér lapla 6s a zérbjelben megadott kérdések segitségével. Minden mondatiban hasznéljunk eldjarész6t. hea Joop | (theyear?) Linterviewed Kate in 1998, Aer! —_____*** | 1 (the month?) [interviewed Kate . 20 Monday’ 2 (the date?) I interviewed Kate . iOam. Interview kate Bell Inthe London office (the day?) Linterviewed Kate ....... 4. (the part of the day?) I interviewed Kate ..... 5 (the time?) interviewed Kate : 6 (the season?) Tinterviewed Kate ...c.sjsssesssstesensseetseeee GAgjunk révid valaszt a kérdésekre a kép alapjén. : : & z i i i i Who's sitting in front of Emma? Who's sitting next to Alison? Who's sitting in front of Carol? Who's sitting behind Tracey? ‘Who's sitting between Jeff and Eric? .. Who's sitting beside Tony? .. Who's sitting behind Penny? 265 Tl eceszitsok ki a kivetkez6 beszéigetést a megadott oléliérészokkal. Az egyik tres helyre semmilyen el6jarosz6 nem szikséges. outside from (x2) in (x2) under opposite at JUL: Ts this seat free? KEVIN: Yes. I'll move my bag and put it ,UNder........ the seat in front, Jour: Thank you. This is the train for Cheste, isn’t it? KEVIN: Yes, itis, ae TUUE: ‘Thank goodness! I've got an interview this afternoon? .soeecoees see the a School there ee : KEVIN: Oh yes, Lkmnow it It’s right 9... .ceceeseee-oees the centre, 4s... eteceseeenss the museum, TUE; Do you live in Chester? KEVIN: _ No, live in Eccleston. Its a small village... ..» Chester. JUUE: What do you do? KEVIN: I'ma trainee teacher ssi a lange secondary school. Some of the students come Prat sv the city and the others come 8............:::. the surrounding villages. TUU, It’s August s0 you must be on holiday now. KEVIN: Yes, that’s right, but next term starts soon. TIA kép atapjan atiapitsuk meg, hogy molyik Aliités igaz, 6s melyik hamis. ‘There's a boat sailing across the bay. ‘There is an airbed in the pool. ‘The pool is between the hotel and the bar ‘There aze three people in the poo. a ‘We can see some tables behind the bar. Aman is standing at the bar A child is jumping out of the pool Some people are sunbathing beside the pool. Aman is walking into the hotel Awaiter is taking drinks from the table. ‘A.woman is sitting on her balcony. ae 266 ee Sn ra neces Javitsuk ki az e626 gyakorlat hamis éllitasait a megfelelé eldijarészoval. o Theres, [Pipatuk ki a hibatanu hasznlteldjarészokat a kévetkex6 mondetokban, a hibékat pedig javitsuk ki 0 live in London... 0. John lives on Paris, If... 1 When you want to see a film, you often wait out the cinema, .sceoo Mary isnot in home today, ‘We can sit on the beach and watch the boats. She works on Room 36 on the third floor. We can play on Saturday on the afternoon... ‘The train must go along three tunnels... ‘The man opened the door and walked into the shop. Move those books of that table and take them at Mary. ‘They arrived in Tuesday on lumeh-time, eos 10 ‘They walked through the fields towards the village, i Forditsuk lo a mondatokat, Talalkozzunk a stadionnal a meces el6tt! Atemplom mellett laks2? A bank a postaval szemben van, (Cotitortoktin este nyolckor érkezem, A boltok reggel 9-261 este &-g tartanak nyitva eben a varosban, Het végén otthon szoktal lenni? Judy a saiiletésnapjén leutazott a tengerhez. A postés az ajton kivill dll Akoncert végen valaki leasett a szinpadrél 10 Haa konyhaba akarsz menni, menj at ezen a szobén! 267 Az in oldtjardszévat ottézékre, euhara is | talhatunk: | rrr theomen-imares went to the interview in my new suit twas a sunny day, and everyone was in suramer ‘clothes, ‘Are you allowed to go to work in feans? ~---.-We saw some soldiers in uniform B Testrészekhez kapcsol6dé tulajdonsdgokst altalaban with eldliérész6val emiithetiink A small boy 107 ‘hair came into the shop. (+ Egy virds haji kisfia jott be az dzletbe,) Our teacher is tall man with a beard. Lisa isa pretty girl with biue eyes. | Jack was talking to a man with a big nose. Allatok leirésakor is hasznéthatjuk a with elbijardszet: A rabbit is an animal with big ears and a small tail Awith sogitségével bizonyos dolog egy részérél, KUls6 tulajdonsagéré! vagy tartozékérél is beszéthetink: ‘They live in a white house with a flat roof. ( Lapos tetejG fehér hazban laimak) ‘bought a shirt with red stripes used the pot with the wooden handle He has a hii with very big speakers CNEL Clare) @ 0 Ayoung man With. He showed me a photograph of a woman Weve in a house sve. Alot of businessmen There wasa plant... John was walking down the street with a woman Look at that bull. One of the children was a girl saat Aman... Soldiers - She wanted to buy a computer We booked a hotel room... Ttwas cold, so 1 went out... 10 u R 26a Bl csszitsik kia mondatokat in vagy with oldijarészéval. a moustache was driving the car. a green door, . suits Were on the train. -- big, green leaves in the comer of the room, + those enormous horns! a hat came into the café uniform were standing at the entrance to the building. +ssee a screen, a keyboard and a mouse, a bathroom. sua coat and scart Awith olbjarész6t hasznéthatjuk a cselekvés eszkSzének megnevezésekor: fou lean-yourteeth witha toothbnish You open a tin with a tin opener. cleaned the table with a cloth, Please ent with your knife and fork 5 Amikor a cselekvés modiéra utalunk, a by + -ing (pl. by doing) szerkezetet hesznéihatjuk: You start a car by turning the key. (= Az auto a ules elforditasaval indithats.) She learnt French by listening to tapes. ‘She became successful in business by working ‘very hard, ‘The prisoners escaped by climbing over a wall GA without + -ing szerkezettel bizonyos cselekvés vagy esemény hianyara utalhatunk ‘They eft without waiting jor me. = Ugy mentek el, hogy meg sem vartak.) ‘She passed the exam without doing a lot of work. (OEM. without feds ..) He did the work without making any mistakes, BB Ha jarmivel vai6 utazasrél beszéltink, a by eldljérész6t hasznéljuk: We went to the concert by car/ by bus/by train /by taxif by bke/ by plane. Ha megmondjuk, melyik vagy milyen autén, az in eldljarész6t hasznaljuk: We went tothe concert ic my cat/in Arm’ car, blue eyes, 1 | i ssssssss a black coat. long, dark hair. 13 We bought a television . 14 He arrived for the meting... 1. big sereen, 1 a grey jacket widijaroszor—— 0. Youmustspeaicte- the woman a asharp knife. 1A giraffe is an animal b_ sitting in the sun. 2 Iwanta shirt plane. 3. She cleans her teeth dd lots of sugar, 4 They live in @ house e beards. 5 [like my coffee £ my sister's car. 6 We went from Scotland to Canada g thegreen-skire, 7 Lusually go to town h_ breaking a window. 8 You should always cut meat i four chimneys. 9. They got into the house j uniform, 10 The soldiers do all their exercises Kk. salt and water. IL She has a car 1 a'very long neck, 12. He dried his hair ™m around collar. 13 You can’t make an omelette n_ breaking eggs. 14. Some women prefer men © four-wheel drive. o im (a) 1 i 3 5 eee Fors 8 Ltt) Bn. Ue eensepted Giguk ata ket mondatot egyotion mondattal by vagy without eldjarész6 + ing hasznalataval, 0 He opened the door. He turned the key. ined the door by turning the key, 1 He repaired the car, He changed some of the parts. She answered the question but she dicln’t read it carefully. 3. He lett. He didn’t say thank you, 4 She got the money because she sold her ear. 5 I threw the letter away. I didn’t open it. 6 We worked all day and we didn’t eat anything, 7 He lost weight. He went ona strict diet, 8 Iwent out, but I didn't lock the door. Bikeressik meg a szamozoit Mondatok befejezését a jobb oldali oszlopban, és pétoljuk a hianyz6 269 HB Vannak olyan igék, amelyeket éltaléban egy bizonyos elijarészéval egyiitt haszndlunk (p. IGE + ELOLJAROSZO agree with (= egyetért): I don’t agree with you. co apologize for (= elnézést kér valamiért): ‘They apologized for their late arival apply for (= folyamodik valamiért): He ‘applied for another job. argue about (= vitatkozik valamir6l): ‘altoays argue about money. ask for (= kér/elkér valamit): Did you ask for the bill? (Sta Biel your ask the bi?) believe in (=hisz valamiben}: Do you believe in ghosts? complain about (= panaszkodik valami ‘miatt}: | complained about the bad service. depend on (= fuigg valamitdl): The salary depends on your age. (SEM from) hear about (= hall valamir6t): Did you hear about Bill? He won the lottery! Histen to (= hallgat valamit/valakit): She | listens to the radio a lot. shout at (= kiabal valakire): My dad shouted at me because I arrived home late. think about (~ gondolkodik valamin): I's a dificult decision. | need to think about it wait for (= var valamire): I was waiting for a bus. y Nézziik meg a peldakat: > arrive at/in (megérkezik vatahova): We arrived at the airport. (a reptetérre ~adott helyre, pl. egy épilletbe} We arrived in Portugal. (Portugdlidba — valamilyen orszagba vagy varosba) (suntarrivete) > look at (néz) took for (keres): Look at that strange man over there! Tm looking for my diary > talk to/about (beszél valakihezivalamir6)} ‘She was talking to some friends. They were talking about politics. 270 B which, where, what, who vagy how many kétdész6val kezd6d6 kérdésekben az | —etéiarészérendszerint rmondat-végére-kertii— Which schoo! did you go to? Where are you from? How many jobs have you applied for? Wi sok ige utan altalaban nem all eldljérész6: | phone/ring (= felhiv telefonon): He phonedjvang me last night (NEM Heplromedtang-tommelast night) discuss (= megvitat We often discuss sport. (84 Hef siseuseabontgport) answer (= vélaszol): She didn’t answer me. (NEM Shedide'tanswonto-me) reach (= megérkerik): Treached the office at nine o'clock (NEM Lrenehed-to-theeffceatwine o'clock) 5 Figyeljdk meg a kilénbséget: pay someone (= fizet valakinek), pay for something (= fizet. valamiért) és pay someone for something (= valakinek fizet valamiért): She paid Mr Peters. (Mr Petersnck) She paid for the books. (a konyvekért) She paid Mr Peters for the books. Ha szémla kifizetésr6l beszéliink: pay a bill Til pay the bil Nézztik meg az ask ige hasznélatat: ask <érdez valakit6l valet), ask for ér valamit) és ask someone something for something (= kér valakit6l valamit): Who did you ask? ~ I asked Pat. Lasked for some water. Lasked Pat for some water. (NEM Hacked sometowter from-Bat,) I'm waiting a telephone call 0. We reached .7. the aizport after eleven o'clock Mask oo. some information. 2 Let's listen ..ssssssten some music, 3. Whore do pay veesscsessesseesnseees this shirt? 4 Let's discuss ssseeen the arrangements for tomorrow. 5. Who's going to pay sevesees the taxi driver? 6 We paid... i the bill and left the restaurant. 7 Yilphone. sesctecstessee the theatre and book two tickets, § The price of the holiday depends .......... . when you want to travel 9. He walked out of the room without answering me, 10 Alotof people don’t agree 1 f've applied you, oo a visa, El egeszitsik kia sz6veget eldliarészbkkal, ahol szikségos. When Jack arrived °, 28 the concert hall, Alice was waiting 1 : hic. ‘Where have you been?” she asked aoe Phim, "We can talk3.....ccsesseecs that later; said Jack. I tried to phone’... you to say that I was going to be late, but you were out. Let's go into the concert ‘OK,’ said Alice, ‘but, as you were late, you have to pay®... « the tickets!’ ‘What?’ said Jack, ‘All right. I don’t want to argue 8 it, but I don’t agree”... ‘you. It's not fai!’ Alkossunk kérdéseket a zrdjelben megadott szavak és az igének megfelel6 eléljarssz6 hasznalatdval ‘Tm: What are you doing here, Pam? PAM: I'm just waiting. mu: (who/you/wait) °,Whe are you waiting for? PAM: Sara. She's talking to the boss. mmm: (what/they/talk) 1... este acti PAM She wants more money. TIM: (how much/she/ask) 2, oe vam: [don't know, but she's thinking about looking for a new job. ‘mM: (how many jobs/have/she/apply) 3. Pave Five or six, think. By the way, is that a new walkman that you've got? mt Itsnew but it'snot mine, Paw: And (what/you/listen) 4 He mM; The new Ricky Martin album. It's great! 274 Di Potoljuk a kovetkoz6 kepesiap szévegébél hianyzé elélfa dszékat, ahol sziikséges. Dear Sam, ‘terarrcent -f8 wrataborrelevero' 3 fromrthe-airport ‘to the port, and then we took a lovely ittle boat to the ieland. | enjayed looking 4 vou the scenery on the way. Wien we reached 2 the island, We looked 2. our vila but: we couldn find it, = | talked 4. a local man, and | asked ©. “directions. He offered to take us there, When we arrived ©, the vil, | offered to pay ‘soos fl But he didh'e wart any money. The weathers lovely, ering u-wher.we get back from-our holiday. yo a ELA megadott szavak segttségével uk le, mi t8rténik 2 képeken, Hasznaljunk folyamatos jelent, 6s az ige utén tegylink eldljarész6t, ha sziikséges. i a aA 2 3] (Can | have a glass 3 ey SH Bais SS | rec * , iW 3 ~ 6'°2 Boyne | 0. Brian/apply /job in Canada .Brlan le applying for a job in Canada, 1 The officer/shout/the soldiers ... 2. The tourists/listen/the guide atta Bees 3 Laura/ask/a glass of water ........... esesees 4 5 6 The policeman/look/two young men . Connie/ phone/Peter : Mrs Thomson/pay /the electricity bill 272 Egészitsik ki a kérdéseket a megadott igékkel.és.a hozzajuk tartozé eldljérészéval (ha szikséges), majd keressik meg a kérdésekre adott valaszt, ahogy a pelda mutalla. argue ask believe Histen phone look talk What kind of music do you listen What do you and your parents Are you allowed to ..... ‘What kind of ob are you going to .. ++» Your friends whenever you want? . + when you leave school? ‘What do you and your friends usually Sepabhionnd? ‘Do you get pocket money every week or do you just your parents for money when you need some? Do you ..:. 1 Tove at first sight? Tim going to try and find a job in computing. 1 geta fixed amount of pocket money each week, Mosily-rap-and-techno, No, I don’t. I think it takes time to fall in love, ‘Yes, but I can’t stay on the phone too long as it’s very expensive, We often don’t agree about how late I can stay out. ‘Oh, the usual things ~ school and our love lives! f & Di Beie Uneeme’ Qenneeee 3 Berries Boresenne 6 For rditsuk le a Kévetkez6 mondatokat. 1. Vannak emberek, akik nem hisenek az evolicié elméletében, 2. Melyik felszolgélora panaszkodtél? 3. Sajndiom, hogy hibsztam. 4 Havazott, amikor Skécidba érkeztiink, 5. Kivel beszélgettél, amikor taldlkoziunk? 6 7 8 9 ao Megbeszéltem a problémét a tandrn6vel. Jim kérdezett valamit, de senki nem vélaszolt neki, Nyolckor értik el a hatart. Ki fogia kifizetni az orvost? 10 Fred mindig az evésze gondol. TH Tina pénzt kért a batyjatel, 12 Melyik rédiét hallgatod? 273 BE Bizonyos metisknevek utan eloljarosz6 + fEnév (vagy névmés) alt angey with (= mérges valakire): John is very angry with me. annoyed with (= bosszankodik valaki miatt) Tons annoyed with my sister. ~ bored with (= un valamnit): Tne boreit with — ‘grammar! brilliant af (= kivalo valamiben): Jenny is brilliant at maths busy with (= el van foglalva valamivel): Ton was busy toith his work. careless with (= gondatlan valamivel): Bill is ‘careless with his money. cruel to (= kegyetfen valakivel): Ann's mother tors eruel to her. famous for (= hires valamir6l): France is famous for its cheese fed up with (= torkig van valamivel): I'm fed up with your behaviour! fond of (= kedvel valakit): Peter is very fond of children, frightened of (= fel valamit6l): Our cat is ‘frightened of your dog. full of (= tele van valamivel}: The rooms were full of old furniture. good at (= j6 valamiben): Are you good at sport? ‘grateful for (= hélas valamiért): They were ‘grateful for our help interested in (= érdekd6dik valami irant): She's interested in old coins keen on (= lelkesoclik valamiért): He’s very keen on chess. kind to (= kedves valakivel): Your sister was ‘very kind to us. lucky at (= szerencsés valamiben): I'm often lucky at games, Pleased with (= orl valaminek): Jan woas pleased with the result. Gyakorlatok By Potojuk a hienyz6 elélarészékat (ol, with, of. 0 Mary is pleased Wt her exam results. She got good marks in most subjects. 1 Thank you very much, Lam very grateful your help. 2 twas the day of the concert, and everyone was busy .. ss. the preparations, | 3. Sandra was very brave. We are very proud . her, i 4 Dike geography and I'm very interested history as well | 274 MELLEKNEY + ELOLIAROSZO + FONEV_| Tm afraid of dogs. She's good at maths. proud of (= buszke valamire): They're proud of their ctiidren, sbout-{=bizonyos-vatamiben): tre you——~ sure about her name? surprised by (= meg van lepve valami miatt): Iwas surprised by her anger. worried about (= aggodik valami miatt}: I'm worried about my new job. 2 Vannak olyan meliéknevek, amelyek utén _ljér6sz6 + -ing-es alak All: MELLEKNEV + ELOLIAROSZO + -Ing Heis |_sick of washing | dishes I'm not very good at running. Robert is very fond of talking. ‘Ann is used to working at night. B Hasonlitsuk desze az alabbi két mondatot Ann is used to working at night. Peter used to work at night. Az.els6 mondat azt jelenti, hogy Ann, rendszeresen éijel doigozik. A be used to + -ing jelentése: megszokta, ezt csindija. Ezt a szorkezetet mult és jelen idében is hasznaljuk: Ann will be/fwas used to working at night ‘Amésodik mondat a miltta vonatkozik, ms igeid6ben ez a szerkezet nem létezik. Aused to + fnévi igenéy jelentése: valamikor a miiltban csindlt valamit, de ma mér nem (Id. 28. fejezet) @ Van néhany olyan meliéknév, amely utén az ~ing-es alak eldijardsz6 nélkil dl: nem érdemesifelesleges) busy (=e! tno good | notworth (=nemérimeg) WELLEKNEY + -ing-es ALaK They were| bu etting| things ready. | W's no gooid worrying about the weather. I's not worth taking the car; we can walk, {= NEM tworli-te take) van valamivelfogialva) 5. We've got plenty of food. The fridge is full... . things to eat. 6 Johnis very clever. He's brilliant physics and chemistry. 7 Jane doesn’t like small animals, but she's very fond ..n.cuoewere HOTSES. 8” SUBai arid Janie Ike sports. They are particularly keen .. _- hockey. Bi irjunk kercés-valasz parokat a zérdjelben iévé szavak hasznélatéval. Ne feledkezztink meg a szikséges el6jérész6kr6l (pl. with, of, at) 0A: Gane, why/be/you/angry Peter?) ~ B: (Because he/be/ very careless/his money) Jane, why are you angry wit e 2A: (Why/be/Mr Bell's dog/afraid/him?) ~ B: (Because he/be/often/cruel/it) A B 3 A B 4A A B Exészitsiik ki a parbeszédet a megadott melléknevekkel és a szUkséges eldljérészékkal busy famous full good interested 4nd no good sick used ‘worried worth ‘TaRWY: How did your job interview go? PENNY: All right, [ think, The company director was quite ©.kind to, ‘TaRRY: What does the company make? PENNY: Clothes. 18 1... +» ls sports clothes, in fact. Thad to wait outside the office for a while because the director WAS ?...sesssssessne .- me, . talking to some clients, ‘The corridor where I waited a8 9.......scesssescssseeesseses BOX@S With clothes in them TERRY: And what did he ask you? PENNY: He asked me if Iwas’... subject at school. He asked me if Twas 5... A and I told him that I prefer to be busy at work so that it was no problem, Then he asked me Why 128 6. ccsessseeneerenssesseeee Changing jobs, and I said that! was 7, maths. I told him that maths was my best .. working under pressure, ‘working hard for so little pay. I'ma bit... that answer now; perhaps it wasn’t the best thing to say. mary: T’s%.... +++» thinking about it now. What do you think your chances are? PENNY: I'm not sure but [think it’s 10, ++. going to an interview from time to time because it gives you practice. 275 Egyos fonevek bizonyos eliliérészékkal allandd kifejezéseket alkotnak. ‘Az at a KBvetkez6 aliands kifejezésekben fordul eld: at bestiworst, at mostileast, at first, at last, at the beginninglend of: At worst we'll have to wait a week. (= Legzosszabb esetben egy hetet varnunk kell.) ‘The credits are at the end of the film Sebesség megadasakor is az at eldljarész6t a hasenaljuke ‘He wns going at 90 kilometres an hour. DA by eldljaroszoval jérmtivin térténd utazast fejezhetiink ki: by carfbike/bus/planeltrain stb, (DE: on foot): ‘She goes to work by bus. They went to Scotland by car. Ha megmondjuk, hogy milyen autéval, az eldiarész6 in lesz: ‘They went to Scotland in Jane's car, Aby eléljarészéval arra is utalhatunk, hogy valami milyen médon jut el valahova: by mail/postifax/airmail/phone/hand, by cheque (ce: in cash), by means of: We will send the parcel by post/airmail. You can onder tickets by phone. Do you want to pay by cheque or in cash? They get information by means of street interviews. Egyéb kifejezések: by accident (= véletlenti), by chance (= véletlenii), by mistake (= tévedésbo)). BA for eldtjarisz6 a kévetkez6 kifejazésekben szerepelhet: for ever, for example, for sale 6s for her/Mary's stb. sake: ‘The flat next fo ours is for sale. (elad6) monly doing this for your sake. (csak ate kedvedért) WA kovetkez6 kifejezésekben az in eldljarosz6 szerepe: in advance, in the beginning/end, in a hurry, in briefishorticonclusion, in charge (of), in connectionicontacttouch (with), in control, in danger, in fact, fashionistyle, in favour (of), in focus, in general, in love, in myiyour stb. opinion, in order, in painitears, in private/public, in progress, in spite of, in time: In brief, we need to put the records in order. In the end they fallin love. 276 A kévetkezékben is in az eléiérdszé: in writing, in ink, in pencil: Eqyéb kifejezések: in this/that/any case, in these/some cases, stb.: Insome cases we have to operate, 3 az on eloijsrosz6t a kovetkezokben | ~~ hasznaihaljuk: on behalf of, on board, on business/holidayla trip, on purpose, on strike, on the internet, on (the) television! TVithe radiofthe phone, on the contrary, on time, on topltho lefthe right (of), on the boatibusitrain/plane, on the whole: Mrs Thomas is ony om business ‘The pilots are on strike. She alays does her homework on the bus. Figyeliik meg a kévetkez6ket: on my own, on your own stb., 6s by myself, by yourself st. She decorated the romt on her own/by herself B Az out of az in ellentéte: out of controll dangerifashion/focusistyle: Nowadays hats ere out of style ( Ma mar nem divat a kalap,) Az out of szerepel még a kavetkez6 kifejezésekben: out of date, out of ordor, out of place, out of reach, out of touch, out of work: ‘My sister has been out of work for taro moths. & Gyakran hasznait kifejezések még: under age, under control, under cover, under pressure, up to date, up to no good, up to. twolthree stb., months, up to youshim stb., with regard/respect to, within reach, without delay, without doubt, without exception, without fail 1B Ugyancsak gyakran hasznait eldljarészé az except és az instead of. Everybody came except Brian ‘Vm wsiig off instead of butter 5 Nem feltstiondi haszndlunk eldjarészét, ha stlyr6l vagy sebességrdl beszéliink: ‘Those apples are two pounds a kilo Fifty miles an hour, (= NEM ir-an-hous) We need pormission-imteriting————~ Gyakorlatok J Eaeszitsvk ki a mondatokat eldljérészékkal. are very much ft, 1 Everyone came pte sesctesnees Pet@® He CAC ..ssesesere renee f00t 2 You have to complete the form ...a..ce:ees ink and send it. post 3 We're... . ahumy; we must leave ..... delay. SA ae . my opinion, you should do your homework uss staves YOU OWN. 5 Someone moved the camera .....-.:su:es accident and so all the photos were . os focus, 6. regard to your different suggestions, Ym ......cse: favour of the first one, 7 Nobody i ....esses.nse- Control of the machines because everybody is so strike, 8 Jeans used to be ... fashion. Everybody wore them. But now they're... ssesser Style, 9 Theat ..ssesesene the radio that the house next door is sale. aOe general, I don’t like group work. I prefer to Work ..s.sess-steee MVS, I keressik meg a mondatok befejezését. 0 Peoplewnder a. theleft 1. My sister has been out of > date, 2 In Britain they drive on © TV tomorrow night. 3. Mrs Jackson is away on purpose. 4 We arrived just in & agecan'tbuy cigarettes: 5 By tomorrow your notes must be up to £ work fora month. 6 Mary says she made the mistake on time for the film, 7 Idon’t know who's in hi charge of the sports centre, 8 My mother's going to be on i business until the end of the week. OB 2 3 Meccan 5 6 7 8... Wegéscttstik ui a kivetkez levélrészietet a megadott szavak és a hidnyz6 eldjérész6 haszndlataval. first holiday once farey charge ever example mistake Dear Pete I've been living in this city for a couple of months now. It’s avery busy place and everyone seems to be 0./!1 4 MUFFY. all the time. Nobody is willing to wait for anything, they want to have it! suns «1 See this all the time. ? was in a restaurant the other day and the man at the next table demanded to speak to the person... because he'd been waiting five minutes! When the waiter then brought the wrong meal 4 vhe ‘went completely mad! § , [thought I'd like living here but now I've decided it’s a good place to visit & but] wouldn't want to live here” Rick 277 i i i ' i i I B) Potoljuk a hianyz6 eldljarészdket, ahol szlikséges. ‘ ain, Lmetan old friend. 0 He visits Jane 5... every Saturday. 1. My friends went to the party .. 2 They came. “3 Tgavehere litt: 4 We travelled to the aisport : --—5-Nobody-planned it; it simply happened ... ie 7 We went. 8 Did you seea man... 9 I goto work every day... 10 We gotto the island...... 11 Who paid... 12 Wewent for a ride in the countryside 13. Jim keeps .... touch... Bi vatasszuk ki a megfelelst 2 zardjelben megadott eldljardsz6k kézii. ..- a small flat «foot. . the plane, Isat next to a woman from Dublin. . the car because it was raining, curly Halt. ssecseeseeesenee a brown SUE? the bus, last Sunday? .. our bikes. . his friends .. email © (on, invat) They live !M...... 1. (across, along, through) The train went ....,..seestssees along tunnel 2 (at,on, in) We're going skiing i 3. (through, by, with) The boys got in ..s..:00 breaking a window. 4 (at,on, in) Jill's very good .......seces see languages. 5 (at,on, by) Tim usually goes to work... .. foot. 6 7 8 E Easter, (in, by, with) Well Rave to go sacsscsenseeensens Sally's car .. knocking on the door. uu the tiver about a mile from here. (with, by, without) The police came in... (under, along, across) There's a bridge... .gészitsiik ki a mondatoket a megadott kifejezésekkel. afraidof believein busy with gratefulfor infavour instead of out of order infact inpain onstrike onthe contrary ontheirown euteffocts without delay 0. Part of the photo was out. of Focus... 1 There were no buses because the drivers were i 2. Nobody helped them; they prepared the meal all... 3. My parents were. . the arrangements for the wedding, 4. Jack was unconscious, so at least he wasn't . cate 5 I'mnot «ghosts because Ton epeene them. 6 Penny was... .. all the help that she got, 278 7 [didn’t get any drinks because the machine was, 8 Take these to the post office immediately, 9. John says there's no problem, but . seve there are lots of tiga! i 0 Mary's older than me... 2 she's five years older. ‘11. Some people were against the plan, but most people were : 42. Our meetings are usually on Wednesday, but next week we are going to meet on “Tuesday Wednesday. DI Exészitsik ki a kévetkezt levelet a mogadott szavakkal és a szikséges eldliarosz6kkal, Sevens ipa [a beautiful dress Africa annoyed asked « asked dari hair fashion first full interested love me proud Richart party Sunday talked talking taxi theend i the end wait : Dear Jane, Last Saturday I met a wonderful boy °.48. Richard’s party... He was tall, venus and he arrived with a pretty girl 2 of those i ones that Toate this year, I thought she must be his girlfriend, Then I noticed that they didn’t stay ae ‘The room was people, and he moved around and 6... everybody’. : _ which made me cross. But... T managed to join the group of people who were listening to his story bout wild animals Qin cedett When he finished talking, everybody ¥. hhis other adventures. But then he noticed me, Hello, I said,’Ienjoyed the story, but I'ma bit n,, _. Richard because he hasn’t introduced us, My name's Ingrid.’ (Lwas quite asses .. myselé because I didn't him to sey something first) Anyway, his name ip Robin and we spent the rest ofthe evening together, .. everything: music, sports, films, and so on: We seem to be the same sorts of things. 16. of the party, 1 _. his telephone nuriber and I gave him mine, Then I went home cones «Robin phoned me the next day and we are going to meet again : eee Ymnot sure whether I'm. %,...esseesseesseees with him, but certainly 1 eseeesoeveesssece him all the time. ‘Write soon with all your news, Pamela 279 [A képek alapjén egészitsiik ki a mondatokat a megadott szavakkal és a szikséges eltljarész6kkal. adloth acountry road a tropical beach arrived business cash cheque control danger frightened herself holiday Italy listening _order_ over ninety fomebes an hour place — Fea outed sone wees — the theladder theradio time i 0 Jimmy is. frlahtened ¢ . big dogs. DV. The B088 .sssssessce .» the lazy workmen who were sitting... 2. Charles was ~ lying... —-3--Mel-was ae . 4. The box was .. for Timmy, but his sister climbed to getitfor him, ‘The boat was .. 5 . and the sailors Were ces stesete 6 Sally was sitting cleaning her bike . : 7 The car was going very fast, : 8 Mary paid my but Tom paid... 9. Gina was... : one of her favourite singers fortes YO TROY seseesencen the staon a + to catch the train. TL Most of the books were... 12 Teny but one was this week; he’s there. Gi egeszitstk kia mondatokat 2 megedott szavakkal és a szilkséges eldljérdszokkal age ahurry advance apologize bored brilliant example fond least lucky mycar public purpose tain used work ‘They didn’t go by bus; they went . by. bral Idon’t like cats but my wife is quite fond of It certainly wasn’t an accident. Mary broke the glass . ‘We had very litte time so T told the taxi driver that we were: My brother hasn't got a job; he's been Sally won fifty pounds last night. She’s very_... At first found London very noisy, but now I'm Jack and Gina didn’t say they were sorry. They never Some animals, for six months. + cards, ssn the noise, .. anything, : te ees My sister sings very well but she has never sung... You'll get half of the money... fe 10 Pamis only fifteen. She can’t buy drinks because she's weed nakennoc and the rest when the work is finished. UL ifyou want lift, you can come with me .. : 12 All Mike's classmates are coming, so there'll be ss... sesnesnnees twenty people at the arty. 33. Let's do something different. Pim... s.esese this game, 44 Zoli’s not very good at science, but he'3.... .- languages. [i Forditsuk te a kévetkez6 mondatokat 1 Philip mindig autokr61 beszél, és ez engem nem érdekel. 2. Jack megpélyazott egy dllést a helyi bevasérlékszpontban 3. Akapunal piros levelszekrény volt, benne néhany levéllet, 4 Vacsora kozben eldontottuk, hogy Ki fizeti majd a szfinlét, 5 Elegem van Péterb6l. Nem fogom hallgatni az ostoba twrténeteit 281 BA szonveds szerkezet a be ige megfelelé alak- |] Nézz’ik meg az alabbi mondatokat: jab61 és befejezett melieknévi igenévbal Al: [Trey aisle eee CBELERVOT They sell [coli drinks ae NELLEWEVIGENEV SZENVEDO: [Cold drinks] are sold here Cotton is ‘grown in the USA laLany __—-_: Fag | _ Figyelem! Magyarul a két mond forditésa ea propieciican tt ry ae uugyanaz. A osolékvé mondat targya (cold 4 ee drinks) egyezik a szenved mondat alanyéval = negy-a téveben)- ‘Thesecars are made in Japan. - — eee (+ Ezeket az autokat Japénban gyérijak) TACADAS Azt nem kell hozzétenntink, hogy ki gyartia: These computers aren’t produced any more. (= dy japirsaseseorons: Ezeket a szdmilégépeket mar nem gyartjsk.) This castle was builtin the evefth century. aa (= Eza kastély a 12, szézadban épalt,) i KERDES Nom tudjuk, ki épftette i ee cree enna igy kérdeztnk a kilinb6z6 mondatrészekre: a resect?) Where are these cars made? (A szabélyos befejezett melléknévi igenevek az When twas this castle built? E téblézatban, a 362. oldalon taldthatoak, a rend- él hagyé alakok a 363. oldalon, az F tablézatban.) a Nézztik meg az alabbi peidékat: (@ Alfred Hitchcock was a great film maker. BA scenveds szerkezet malt idében a be ige He directed this ftm in 1956, mit idejG alakjabol és befejezett melléknévi (it) This is a wonderful film. It was directed by igenévb6l ali: Alfred Hitchoock Amasodik mondatban szenved6 szerkezetet wasiwere + BeF=JEZETT MELLEKNEW | hasznalunk, mert a cselekvés térgya (a film) teenev | | foniosabb a beszéié széméra, mint a cselehvé |The data was put into the computer. (Hitchcock). A cselekvétilyenkor by a | ebiiare sc secitsg6vel navezhetiak meg ALITAS ; : ‘This film was directed by Hitchcock. ‘Romeo and Juliet’ woas written by Shakespeare. Acselekvé személyre Igy kérdezhettink: (= ARémeé & flit Shakespeare irta.) | Who was this jis directed by? TAGADAS ‘The goods weren't delivered yesterday, (© Az drut tegnap nem szallitottak le) kervés When was your camera stolen? fikor lopt4k ela fényképez6gépedet?) eons Bl Egeszitsik ki a mondatokat a megadott ig6k és szenvedé szerkezet haszndlataval, Ugyeljiink a megfeleld igeid6re (egyszerd jelen vagy malt). build check found hold make produce repair sell speak write 0 Scotch whisky (8.842... csocssssscceseeeeee in Scotland, 0 The car WAS repalred last week, 2a2 1. The Olympic Games 2. English .. 3. Yesterday’. 4-Carspeeds ia 5 The Channel Tunnel. every four years, seen in many countries, by John Lennon and Paul McCartney. by radar, -. to connect Britain with Europe, 6 Souventits oes ecee . ataall popular tourist places, 7 The first Volkswagen Beetles, : sSeoeceessee i 1987, 8 The Times newspaper ssoeejcversses senate evsnnes 1785. By Tegyink fel kércéseket az 0l626 gyakoriat mondetaira, 0 Where le Seatch whisky made? 0. When 48 the car repaired? 1. How often . 2 Where 3. Who 4 How 5 6 7 Alakitsuk dt a mondatokat szenved6 szerkezet és a zérdjelben megadott szavak haszndlatéval 0. We sell tickets for all shows at the Box Office, (Tickets for all shows /sell/at the Box Office) Tickets for all shows are sold at ¢ 1 Edison invented the electric light bulb. (The electric light bulb /invent/by Edison) 2. Someone painted the office last week. (The office/ paint/last week) Several people saw the accident. (The accident/see/by several people) 4 Where do they make these video recorders? (Where/these video recorders/make) 5 Six countries signed the agreement: (The agreement/sign/by six counties) Fiat © sfartedl/was started by a group of Italian businessmen in 1899. In 1908, Fiat 1 pindiuced /was produced 132 cars. Some of these cars ? exported /were exported by the company to the United States and Britain. In 1920, Fiat started/ was started making cars ata new factory at Lingotto, near Turin, ‘There was a track on the roof where the cars tested / were tested by technicians. In 1936, Fiat ° launched/was launched the Fiat 500. This car 6 called/was called the Topolino - the Italian name for Mickey Mouse. The company grew, and in 1963 Fiat 7 exported/was exported -more than 300,000 vehicles. Today, Fiat is based in Turin, and its cars 8 sald/are sold all over the world, 283 Hl Az alabbiakban peldakat lathatunk a szenveds szerkezet haszndlatéra kilénbéz6 igeidékben. ——Aszoavedé szorezet-a-létige-(be)-megielels—| alakjab6! és befejezett meliéknévi igenévb6l (pl. typed, taken) ail, (Tovabbi informacié a befejezott melléknévi igenéwvel kapesolatban a 362 88 363 oldalon lév6 E illetve F tablézatban Jév6 — be going to: csatexvé [They are going to wash the car [SzERVEDS™ |The car is gong To be washed. —} Future Perfect: ‘At this time next week, they will have announced the news. eseLEeKvO ‘tnlalhatb.) i ~~ szenvend | At this Hime next week, the news will Egyszerdijelen: have been announced. ee.exv6._| Someone types theleters. ___|..|__& szenved6 szerkezetti moridat magyar S2ENVEDS || The letters are fyped. forditésa tbonyire megegyezik a cselekvé Egyszerd mit: a leave, ha az alany somebody cseLEKV6 | Someone took 7 dl one ig ceew een een Ha az alany helshe, pl. She has packed the books, ~ The books have been packed. a lehetséges Present Perfect: forditas: ‘Becsomagolta a kényveket.’illetve ‘ oseiew [She has packed the books Konyveket becsomagoltak.’ szenvepd | The books have been icked. Ha az alany they, a magyar mondat forditasa_ pa tbbes szam harmadik személlyel torténik. Pi. Past Perfect: ‘They are mending the car (= Az autotjavitjak). ceseLeKvd | Bob had paid the bill. ‘Segédigék esetében is a tobbes szam ‘szenvend | The bill had been paid. harmadik személy hasznalata javasolt.The job SPREE EAE EERE EEE EE ‘will be finished (= A munkat be fogjak fejezni). reeneteoleien B via a szenvedé mondat elanya egyes szémban z 29) ceserexvd They are mending the car van, akkor a létige is egyes szémi, ha tébbes ‘szenvend | The car is being mended. ‘szamé az alany, a létige is tbbes szémba kerdl. Folyamatos miit: csevexvé [They were building it. ana a ureaiece SzENvEDS | It was being built, Tre neaseettl ee being en will, can, must stb.: B lay alkotunk kérdést szenved6 szerkezet coseexvé | We will finish the job. mondatokbot: SZENVEDS | The job will be (finished. Are the letters typed? cseusevé | We must do the work Have the books been packed? szenveDd | The work must be done. Where is the car being mended? When will the job be finished? ‘Must the work be done today? 284 ee Gyakorlatok Egészitslik ki a mondatokat a zérdjelben megadott igék és szenvedé szerkezet haszndlatavel. Bread ig made (someone makes) from flour. Twas tschool when these houses. MEP Pen ue cn (someone was building), Cakes (someone makes) from flour ‘We lived ina caravan while our house (someone was building). “These letters seca seessesetisstsuntnsessctsseenne (BOmeOne must type) before five o'clock. All the windows ..sceccseseeseee sectassnaces (Someone has cleaned) this week. ‘These cups (someone broke) when we arrived. 6 Some money. (someone has stolen) from Tom 's jacket Bi Tegyiink fol kérdést 2 zérojelben megadott mondatokra. 0. (That car was made in Germany.) Where .W28 that car made 1. (Mary was examined by the doctor this morning) When .. 2. (The food will be s prepared on Friday) When 3. (This window has been broken thvee times.) How many times ... akitsuk tagadévé az el626 gyakortat mondatalt 0 That car .Wa8.Not made in Germany. DO MaRY sasstseecenetnssenatne 2 The £004 eesseceeneseneeerie 3. This window ae eee Sete | Di Alakitsuk szenvedévé a kévetkez6 mondatokat. Hasznaljuk a by eldljardszat is. 0 Your manager must write the report The report must. be written by ye eee ett 1 The French teamn has won the silver medal. The silver medal 2 Awoman was training the guard dogs. ‘The guatd dogs ...cscssscstsssssstsaesseentnniuntesetsetenee 3. People of all ages can play this game This game .o.sescseeeees et | 4. The secretary sent a reply e 5 5. Two different teachers have marked the exams, ‘The exams 6 A police car is following that green van, ‘That green van 285 fd Egészlistik ki a moridatokat szenveds szerkezet és a zérdjelverr megadott igek hasznélataval. 0 Thecastle was Pullt, (build) in 1546, 0 “These mountains can. (cee) from a great distance, 1. The repairs must... sions (finish) by tomorrow. 2. The decision 1... eeerseteees ADCADY sossecsee seseesens (take). 3. The letters will . _-A_ White wine 600 oescssesseusectees 5 Theaccident happened while the cars 6 The letters oe .- (type) at this very moment, 7 When I reached the front of the queue, the Tast ticket Re rE atest ial(@ely 8. T'mnot sure what's happened to Peter but he might ...s.sssesneee hospital 9 Everything must ..scseeessee cesses (finish) before tomorrow. 10. We can’t go into that room today because the walls i 11 Thenew models will... seceeeeetserseese (oliver) next week. 12. Itis only twenty-four hours after the robbery, and the thieves .. already :.... (catch). A kévetkez6 jelentésbdl szereinénk kihagyni, hogy név szerint melyik alkalmazott milyen tevékenységet végez a vallalati Unnepség eldkészitésével kapesolatban. {rjuk ata mondatokat szenved6 szerkezet haszndlataval. Mrs Jones approved the plan for the centenary celebrations on 12 March. She appointed three peéple to carry out the work. We completed the first stage last week: Branstons delivered the decorations last Monday and Jill has stored the boxes in Office 23, [have ordered the food and drink and Tamoko is writing the main speech in both English and Japanese. We will decorate two of the departments next Wednesday and we will decorate the Sales Department on Thursday. In this way we will have decorated all the departments before the big day. On Friday, the caterers must prepare the dining room during the morning and the workers must stop all the machines at 12.30. The caterers will serve the lunch at one o'clock. . (post) tomorrow morning .- (make) from red grapes. ‘The plan for the centenary celebrations Three people ...... The first stage .. 0 1 2 3. The decorations 4 The boxes ae 5. The food and drink .. 6 7 8 9 ‘The main speech .... ‘Two of the departments... PE Se Eee eee terete The Sales Department ..... All the departments... 10 On Friday the dining room 11 Allthe machines Eoietisrraeaptists 12 Thelunch 286 ssssiesees (load) onto the lorries, ~ ibis, ia i i | B Tegyiink fel kérdéseket az el626 gyakoriat szenvedé szerkezetts mondataira a zérdjelben megadott szavak segitségével. 0 (When/the plan) When was the plan approved? ‘(How many people/to catty out the work) 0.02 2 (When/the first stage) cs... (When/the decorations) .. (Where/the boxes)... (Who/the main speech/by} (When the Sales Department) :...sss (When/the dining room) Sai (What time/Iunch) ... (Who/the lunch/by) .. ey AaR ee The city engineers are redesigning London Road. Workers from the Parks Department are turning Central Square into a children’s playground and planting trees along all the central roads. The highway engineers are installing new street lamps, They are also extending the bus station and building a new car park Asszbveg alapjan egészitsiik ki a mondatokat szenved6 szerkezet és folyamatos jelen hasznélatavel anétkill, hogy a cselekvé személyét emlitenénk. 0 Changes ate being made eee 1 London Road... eerie tc 2 Central Square . ++: to the centre of the town, into a children’s playground. along all the central roads, Trees New street lamps The'bus station ... Ammew car patk wecessesseeesseseeeee 4 5 6 DForcitsuk te a mondatokat szenvedé szerkozet hasznélatéval 1 Befejezték a miizeum felojitését. 2 Mikor javitottak meg az autédat? 3. Sok munkés meghalt, mialatt a Panama-csatornét épitették, 4 Ezta ruhat nem szabad forré vizzel mosni. 5 Kifrta ezeket a verseket? 6 Akényveket nem tették dobozba, 7 Nem vehetem fel a fekete cipémet, mert éppen javitiak. 8 Melyik épitése terverte ezt az épiletot? 9. Ezt az ajtét minden este be kell zémi. 10 Az dsszes képet a ndvéred fényképezte? IL Hova tették ki a vizsgacredményeket? 12 Mire a pinoér odajétt, a nagybatyam mar kifizette a szémlét, 287 Eayes igék utén (az angol nyelvtan szerint) két targy ail a szenved6 szerkezeti mondatban 6i6lény + lettelen targy ‘They gave Diana a camera for her birthviay (= Diananak egy fényképezogepet adtak a sziiletésnapjéra.) Eben az esetben a két s26 barmelyike lehet a szenvedé mondat alanya, ‘(Figyelomt Az ilyen mondatokbanraz eislényt jelent6 targy a magyarban részeshatéroz6.) AGEN] ELETTELEN TARGY [Dianal was giver |a camera|for her birthday, ELETTELEN TARGY| ELOLENY, [A camera [was given to| Diana for her birthday. Ha az elotényt jelenté tony konkrét személy (PI. Diana), akkor ez lesz a szenvedé mondat alanye. Tovabbi példak The Prime Minister was asked a lot of questions. Sylvester Stallone is paid a lot of mone. Were you told the price? | Axkovetkez3 igék esetében gyakori a két térgy: | pay offer show send sell promise tell teach CSET g Diruk at a mondatokat szonvedé szerkezettel. Az i) mondatot kezdak a megadott szavakkal, 0 Arelative gave Peter fifty pounds for his birthday. Peter 28 alven fifty pounds for his 1 The company will pay you eight pounds an hous. YOU sesesescenses ee 2 An agency has offered Pamela a better job. Pamela 3 In the oral exam an examiner will ask you ten questions, In the oral exam you . : 4 One of the teachers told the pupils their results ‘The pupils We 6 Three months ago somebody promised my father a rise in salary. ‘Three months ago my father 288 5 A guide showed us the house where Shakespeare was born, B nezzik meg a kévetkez6 mondatot: She told Mark to be quiet. (= Azt mondta -krhogy-legyencsendber: Amondat szerkezete: alany + létige + to + f6névi igenéy (Id. 18. fejezet). Ez a tipusc szenved6 szerkezet gyakran fordul eld utasitést, kérést vagy engedelyt kifejez6 igékkel. A létige barmilyen igeidében lehet: SZENELY + SZENVEDO ALAK + to + FONEV ENE Mark was told Tovabbi péidak: Iwas asked to give a speech. ‘The children were warned not to towch the fire. Will we be allowed to leave early? Bi Nézzik mog a kévetkezé mondatot: left the car fortwo minutes and the radio got stolen! (= Ket percre hagytam ott a kocsit, és a rédist elloptak.) Akéznyelvben hasznaljak a get + befejezeit melléknévi igenév szerkezetet, de nem minder esetben. Tébbnyire akkor, ha valami varatian vagy kellemetlen esemény térténik: A: What happened to the window? B: It got broken when we were playing football James got throvon out ofthe restasiant because he twas ride to the waiter. BA kavetkez6 tablazat egy tébor els6 napjénak programjat mutatja: MORNING AFTERNOON q Windsurfing ‘Tennis [introductory talk 0 | Safety at the camp 4 | The rules of the game Distribution of equipment] 1 | Life jackets 5 | Rackets and balls Demonstration 2 | How to raise the sal 6 | How to serve correctly [Lesson 3 [The basies of windsurfing | 7 | How to doa back-handed return ‘Annap végén a téboriakok Gsszegzik, hogy mi tortént. junk szenvedé szerkezet mondatokat a tablazat és a zérdjelben megadott igék segitségével 0 (tell about) We were told about safety at the camp, TV (QiV€) creesetecee 2 (show)... 3. (teach) 4 (tell) 5 6 (give) (chow) a 7 (teach Srcereoescctte Az aldbbi helyzetekben valaki ulasitést vagy tandcsot ad a masiknak. A példa alapjén frjunk moridatokat a zérdjelben megacott szavak és szenvedé szerkezet hasznalataval. 0 “You must take a different route,’ the police officer said to us. (We/ tell) We were told to take a diffe 1 “You should go to the dentist's, Jane said the boss. ane/advise) . eae 2 ‘Please come back later, Mr Bridges! said the secretary. (Mr Bridges/ask) auaet “You can do the exercise in pairs,’ the teacher said to the pupils. (the pupils /allow) ....ccssseecseen 4 ‘Don’t go near the dogs,’ the lady said to the boys. (The boys/warn/not) 5. ‘Remember to confirm your reservation, the travel agent said to me. (Ufremind) 0... & Dl Aképek alapjan egészitsiik ki a mondatokat a téblézatban szereplé kifojezésekkel, got és szenvedé szerkezet hasznélatéval g a ie > (soak) by abee oN (steal) so he couldn't read (sting) ina rainstorm / (break) at the airport / fear) invarfight 0 Fred's pocket .49¢ torn in a fight, Mary's aera esssesseeseeseensee ‘Timmy's glasses ...... Bill's clothes Sally... 289 Nézziik meg az alébbi mondatot: 1 [ Mary and om repaired their car. (@ Mary é Tom megiavitottak a kocsjukat) ‘Amondatbél megtudjuk, hogy Mary és “Tom maguk javitottak meg a kocsit. Most figyeljk meg a kévetkez6 mondatot, ~aimelyben a have something done (= valamit elvégeztet) miiveltetd szerkezet szerepel: sc remade ene » | Jenny and John had their car repaired. [Jenny és John megjavittatiék a kocsijukat.) Eza mondat azt jelenti, hogy Jenny és John sziikségesnek atta a javitast, és ezt valaki massal elvégeztették. B tovanbi paidak: ce + TARGY + eeFEveZETT NELLEKEVI GENE > |T have mended my bike. > [I have had my bike mended. Gyakorlatok © Sheila is going to cut her hai. (le fogja vagni) > Sheila is going to have her hair eut. fle fogja-vagatni She washes her car every Sunday. {lemossa) > She has her car washed every Sunday, (lemosatja) > Limust clean my suit this week (ki kell tisztttanom) > Trust have my suit cleaned this week, _-.-—(ki kell tisztittatnom) © I'M mend that broken window, (meg fogom javitani) > I'l have that broken window mended, (meg fogom javittatni) B Kerd6 és tagadé mondatban a do segédigét hasznéijuk: Tdon't have my teeth checked very regularly (nem ellenériztetem) Where did you have your hair cut? (vagattad) ‘@ A miveltets szerkezetben have helyett a get ige is hasznalhaté: Tmust get my suit cleaned, By Fejezzik be a mondatokat miveltet6 szerkezet hasznalatéval. Ugyeljink a megfelelé igeidére. 0. Tom's windows were dirty, but he didn’t have time to clean them himself. Last Saturday, Tom .had hie win e cleaned. 1 The shop delivers Mary's food to her house for her. Mary 2. Tho shop developed Fred's holiday photos in an hou Fred inan hour. 3. The hairdresser cuts Rachel's hair about twice a year. Rachel... 4 Last week, the optician checked Mr Stone's eyes. Last week, Mr Stone about twice a year, 5. Mrs Frost's doctor says to her: ‘When you come next week, I'll check your blood pressure,” Next week, Mrs Frost .ssccsescssseeess 6 Last week, the garage serviced Jane's car, Last week, Jane 7 Abuilder is going to mend the roof on our house. We... 290 on our house. igeidé haszndlatara __0_We geeate ALL KINDS.O8 #00tS AND SHOES, ([/must/my brown boots /repair) ‘That reminds me, .!.must have my brovm boots repaired, rea |L_LETUS CLEAN YOUR CARPETS AND CURTAINS. (They /their carpets /clean/there) My parents use that company... 2. CAN WE CHECK YOUR Om. AND TYRES? (I/must/the tyres on my car/check) That reminds me. ...ssosesseeesseeeseeees Td almost forgotten. .. 4 OUR SPECIALITY: PAINTING HOUSES AND FLATS. (our flat/ paint) don't think I can afford t0 .s.cccssssssseestncesseenesss 5 WE MEND WATCHES AND CLOCKS, (I/my watch/ mend /there last week) ‘That shop isn’t expensive. poeehietatitaa 6 WETHST YOUR BYES FRES, (My husband/his eyes test/there last winter) ABV YO! ssesocesesue ec Wie REMOVE ALL KINDS OF STAINS FROM CLOTHES, (I/that coffee stain/remove) Wonderful! I'l take my suit there and Wirjunk kerdéseket a have vagy get (something done) szerkezet segitségével, 0 A Where .42,you have your shoes mended? 5 B_ Ihave my shoes mended at that shop next to the post office. Where .4id you get your eyes tested? got my eyes tested at General Optics. WHER sssessctsaesneeentsneten We had the house decorated this summer, Where oseseseee ore Iget my photos developed at Waltons. Thad my suit cleaned at Allclean. Where... eee eee B_ Tgot my passport photos taken at the post office. bop wb Gb oD D Forditsuk le a mondatokat, 1 Festetntink kellene a lakast Mary megvizsgaltatta a szemét a k6rhézban. Hol vagattad le a hajad? Akirély és a Kirdlyné portrét festetett magérol. JOv6 nyéton kitapétéztatjuk a lakast? Mr Jones virégokat dltettetett a kertjébe. Elkészittettik a fényképeket az Gj titleveltinkhéz. eeu eS ESE een remenneperpemnpren BJA rextamteliratok és a z4réjelben megadott szavak segitségével alkossunk miiveltet6 mondatokat arrol, hogy ezek a feliratok milyen gondolatot ébresztenek az arra haladéban. Ugyeljiink a megfelel6 3. WEMAKE KEYS OF ALL TYPES, (I/ought to/a new key/muake/for the front door) 294 0 Gt Paul's Cathedral/complete/in 1710) St, Pauls Cathedral was completed 1m 171 10 (in the old days, horses/use/for transpozt) 12. (London/destroy/by fire in 1666) ...... 292 | zaréjelben megadott szavakbél irjunk mondatokat szenved6 szerkezet és egyszertl mult haszndlatavel 2. (Two atomic bombs/drop/an Japan in 1945)... 3. (Glavery /abolish/in the United States in 1863) (The first Apple computers/ produce in the 1 5 (The Biffel Tower/ build /a hundred years ago) ..... 6. (The first jet planes/make/in Germany) .... 7. (The Taj Mahal/build in the 17th century) 8 9 (12 1957 millions of pounds/steal/from a train in England) .. (Queen Hlizabeth/crown/in 1953) IL (The first books /print/in the 15th century) ie Alakitsuk &t a mondatokat szenvedé szerkezet és a by eldliérosz6 hasznalataval. 0 Picasso painted Guernica. Guernica was painted by Pleagso. . Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. aaa ‘Agatha Christie created the detective Hercule Poirot. . Verdi composed La Traviata 5 lan Fleming wrote the James Bond books. Alexander Bell invented the telephone... Frank Whittle designed the jet engine, Steven Spielberg directed Jurassic Park. Leonardo da Vinei painted the Mona Lisa, ....... ‘tonsils coisa mn -gészitstik ki a szdveget a megadott igékkel, szenveds szerkezet és folyamatos mult hasznélataval. arrange erect make paint putdown sweep test When I got to the railway station, I was surprised to see that preparations 0, Were being made for a royal visit. The floor 1 soiree and the main entrance a iat ss: @ brighter colour. The loudspeakers 3 sseseesenanrerns ANG bandstand # i -Ared carpet 9. scecerse sesees and flowers EEE He. : in vases. Everybody was very busy. } Dl Aaxitsuk at a mondatokat szenvedé szerkezetté a cselekvd személy megnevezése nélkill. 0 They asked John a lot of difficult questions, John a8 asked a lot of difficult questions. ‘gave Mary some Mary ... 2 They offered. ene ‘8 wonderful job. Jane. PERE eR 3 He will give all the children a present. All the childzen .. : ~-F" Somebody sent mea strange letter. I. seeececee 5. They will pay Mrs Jenkins over five hundred pounds, Mars Jenkins 6. Her parents have promised Ann a Bicjte for her “binhday Ann i 7 They gave Enrico Fermi the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1938, Enrico Fermi 8 They didn’t tell us the truth. We .. ers. G fgunk egész mondatokat a kévetkez6 szalagcimekb6l szenveds szerkezet és Present Perfect hasznalataval. 0 FaMoUs FOOTBALLER ARRESTED A famous footballer hae been arrested. 11 FOUR BRIDGES DESTROYED IN FLOODS 2. DISCOTHEQUE CLOSED BY POLICE 3. THREE PICASSO PAINTINGS SOLD FOR TWO MILLION DOLLARS 4. ILM STAR HURT IN CAR CRASH 5. BONES DISCOVERED IN LONDON CELLAR 6 DRUG DEALER SENT TO PRISON 17 TWO SINGERS ACCUSED OF STEALING. 8 TOWER OF PISA STRUCK BY LIGHTNING 9) GIRL ATTACKED BY SAVAGE DOG 298 8: am goin, [Eaészitsik ki a révid parbeszédeket a megadott igékkel, mivelteté szetkezet és be going to vagy _ ‘egyszerd malt hasznélataval. 0A: Your hair's very long. 0. A: Those are professional photos of you, aren’t they? B: Yes, 1.had them tal sesesaseseess When Heft school. (take) 1A: Your shoes have got holes in them. “Be Pow. Tos: tomorrow: (mend) 2. A: [like Claudia’s dress. BeShe ween peomneneetinnee svrvie pecially. It was very éxpensive. (make) 3A: Idon’t think your computer's working propery. B: No, itisn’t Lean... sesonees next week. (heck) 4. A: That's portrait of your mother, isn’t it? B: Yes, she... ssessee When she Was 18. (paint) 5. A: The clock's working again, isn’t it? B: Yes, we... et . last week. (repair) 6 A: Pethaps you get headaches because there's something ‘wrong with your eyes. Br Yes,T.... scosssinsrenseeee later this week. (test) E/Pamela dilésinterjiin vett részt egy london’ cégnél. Egészitsik ki beszémol6jat a megadott kifejezésekkel. Hasznaljuk a zardjelben Iév6 Igéket mul idejii szenvedé szerkezetben. alotofquestions acupofcoffee sroundthesttices todoatest. by twomanagers the money for my travel expenses to ask questions about the job and conditions that there were over 100 applicants for the job 0 L(show) .WaS. shown around the offices ssscseeee Which were very modern, TAT (give) ttc , although Iwas so nervous I couldn't drink it 2 Timorview) - peared a 7 3 Task) tee ier 4 V(mmade) 0. : which was quite difficult 5 I (allow) 7 6 I (tell) nee 7 U(OEECL) socsesne sssee a8 Thad come on the train from Oxford. [1 Egeszitsik ki a mondatokat a zéréjelben megadott igék, szenvedé szerkezet és 2 megfelels igeid6 haszndlataval. 0 The children’s names (check) 478 checked... ‘every morning, 0 These projects (must, finish) /USt | today. 1 Last year the school trip (organize) . by the students themselves. 2 There is a bomb scare. The students are outside at the moment because the rooms (search) 3. OurP.E, teacher isa well known athlete. So far this year she (interview) .. onthe radio three times. 204 oo 4 Our school has finally got new science laboratories. They (start)... ‘when [first came to this echo] three years ago, and they (finish) .... only last month. ‘Weare going to have a photography competition and the winning picture (publish) i next month in the local newspaper. Someone has been playing around with the computers and now they (can't/open) without a special password, ‘The teacher asked which of us had broken the window, but it (break), by one of the window cleaners. We produced a school magazine last term. All the articles (write) the students. During the trip tomorrow you (accompany) ssstiteinn BY a guide, 10. The situation might change because in six months’ time a new government (have/elect), ‘The Beetle was the original Volkswagen and °.WA8....,..... first .PPOAUCEM (produce) 9. 1935, It). .csseesses (design) by Ferdinand Porsche and it.......s.:seses Gntend) to be a popular car (Volkswagen means ‘people's car’). Between the 1930s and the 1990s the basic design... NOt -ssssssseseees (Change) although many details, Aacscserseecee, (improve). Itwas indeed a very popular car: millions | (sell) during this period. In the 1990's the Beetle 6 (redesign) and this ‘New Beetie’7., .. first so: (See) at the Geneva, Motor Show in 1998. But itis more expensive than the ‘people's car and sales completely .. Baascseeetessseee HOW still. ++ (Count) in thousands, not millions. 169... (consider) to be a German car but the new design 0... im fact... +» (produce) in California and the car).............. (build) in Mexico. = E BH Foraitsuk te a mondatokat. E 1 Milyen gyakran etetik az dllatokat ezen a tanyan? Ezeketa leveleket ma postéia kell, A fegyvert elttntettek, miclbtt a rendérség megérkezett. | Anyertesek nevét holnap fogiék bejelenteni. Majd megmnatatjék neked, hogyan kell bénni a mérgeskigyékkal. Nem mondtik, hogy hozz:magaddal edz6cip6t? Kéxjak a turistakat, hogy ne fényképerzenek a mazoumban! Miért bocsatottak el Pétert a munkahelyée6l? Sokba keriilt elkészittetni a meghivékal? 10 Amélt héten megjavittattam az rat we euaanen Nézztik meg az aldbbi példét | go + -ing ‘Ago + «ing szerkezettel példaul sportotésrél, I ike| listening |to music, (€ Szeretek zenét hallgatni,) (Az igék -ing vegz6dest alakjérél a 361. oldaion ‘a D tablézatban talélunk tovabbi tudnivalokat.) I. Tike) utan hasznalhatjuk az a “ea Bizonyos igék ( hate keep finish oP mind give up imagine admit deny suggest avoid She doesn't like cooking. He dislikes washing wp. Do you enjoy driving? ‘They love living in a village Thate going to the dentist. He keeps saying the same things. (© Eayfolytaban ugyanazt mondja.) Have you finished eating? Suddenly she stopped talking. don't mind waiting. (© Nem banom, ha vamni kell) i gave up smoking last month, ( Amul héten abbahagytam a dohanyzast) Imagine being famous for « day it be great! He aidmitted stealing the bicycle, but denied damaging it He suggested going to the cinema. (© Aztjavasolta, hogy menjink moziba,) (xem Heouggested-to-g0) He will do anything to avoid cleaning his room. Figyelem! Magyarra az ilyen mondatokat tGnéwel (Befejezted az evést?), fénevi igenéwel (Szeretnek falun lakni.) vagy ‘sszetett mondattal (Azt javasolta, hogy menjiink moziba.) is fordithatjuk, Gyakorlatok TdBtONESr6I, vSSr|asrol BSSZOTMETUT (GO shopping): We offen go skiing in the winter Let's go swimming this afternoon She goes dancing at weekends. Pim going shopping this aflernont. ‘Acome + «ing szerkezetet is hasznélhatjuk: Do you swont fo come. camping with us? Figyelem! A camping nem fénéy, hanem @ camp (= kempingezik’ ige -ing végzidésit alakja. Amit magyarul kempingnek neveziink, az angolul camp (site) Az eloz6 peldkban az--Ing végz6désti alak a mondat targya. Ez az alak azonban alany is* lehet, kiléndsen akkor, ha a mondat allitménya a be ige + névsz6 szerkezet: Smoking is bad for you. Stwieming keeps you healthy. Driving can be dangerous Planning takes tite. ‘Az -ing végz6dés(| alaknak lehet targya vagy hatérozoja, valamint dllhat eléte jelzd is: Smoking cigarettes is bad for you. Swinmning regularly keeps you healthy. Driving a car fast can be dangerous Careful planing takes time. 1B Az -ing alak ‘feliratokban is gyakran szerepel: NO PARKING HERE (- Parkolni tilos!) SMOKING FORBIDDEN (= Tilos a dohanyz4s!) ee By Egészftstik ki a mondatokat a 24rdjelben megadott elsé ige jelen vagy miilt idejd alakjaval és a masodik ige -ing-es alakjaval. 0 She likes playing 1 The buses 21 3. He's not very good at playing chess, so he . A She vase .. (ike/[play) tennis, but she .40¢en't like watching, (enjoy /go) to other countries and she (not /like/ watch) it. .. (top/run) at midnight. (not/mind listen) to his problems. (keep/lose). (like /meet) new people, 296 (edmit/rob) te basis 5. When the police questioned him he... © 6 They usually | (inish/eat) at about 8.30 in the evening. 7. We were bored, so John .. (suggest/ go) to the cinema. (give up/siudy)C Chinese. Ita too difficult! Btn =o A képek alapian irjuk le, mit csindlt John a malt héten. Hasznaluk a go iget és a megfeleld ige & pats : a BE mo Tuesday Bye x } ax XRLELS Thursday Friday 0 OnMonday .he wert, shoppin 3. On Thursday 1. On Tuesday « 4 OnFriday . 2 On Wednesday sors 5 OnSeturday Bie gészitstik ki a mondatokat likeinot like + a zaréjelben megadott ige + «ing hesznalataval. 0 She _. (work) here. She hates this job. at ea 7 (live) in this town. [have lived here for many years. (get up) s0 early every morning, but Ihave to do it 21 i a1 (watch) television all the time; I think it’s a waste of time. 4 Mary. _ (lie) on the beach when she’s on holiday. She is too lazy to goon trips. 5 Jane... (go) to parties; she always enjoys them. TI (cook), so he often eats in restaurants. 6 Brace... D Evészitsiik ki a filmrendezs és a sziné DiwecroR: So you want to be a film star sautx: Oh, Idon’t know. [can't really i Ive always? sz beszéigetését a z4r6jelben megadott igék megfelel6 alakjaval. I 0 imagine being {imagine /be) a film star. But .. love/act) in plays at school. | ppscron: Isee that you're seventeen so you've probably 2 . (finish/ grow) : by now. You see, I’m looking for someone wino is not too tall. saux No, I'mnot very tall. When I was young 15... (dislike/be) small : (avo tink) about it, DIRECTOR: OK. Would you 9....ssussniveseesestsns(mnind/read) the speech that you have prepared? Right: ‘I'm leaving. Once [loved you but now Thate you and 1°... dl (hate/live) like this, You? . (keep /tell) me you love me but it's not true. You're a liar. A man like you always ® senses (deny/have) affairs with other women, but [know your tricks.” for my age, but now Ljust 4 casters SAL: _ {enjoy/listen) to you. You pingctor: Thank you. That was nice. 19 (like/put) a lot of feeling into the words. obviously 1... 297 22 Nézziik meg az alabbl peidat: FONEVI GENE | Tian some stamps Akévetkoz6 igék utén to + fénévi igenév szerkezetet (to do, to start stb.) hasznélunk: want. ——decide-—y- z | agree promise forgot offer {| | hope_-plan—— arrange try + to + FONE IoENEV | rofuse__ learn. manage mean pretend deserve seem afford ‘She agreed to lend him some money. He forgot to book the tickets. Tt hoping to get « new bike soon Toe arranged to play tennis tonight. He refused to come to the party. ‘The ship managed to avoid the rocks. She pretended not to hear me. He seems to have lot of money. ‘They've decided to start a new company. You promised to help me. She offered to do the washing-up. We're planning to go moay this weekend. He's trying to learn French. John learned to use the computer in a week. Sorry, I didnt mean to hurt you. That film deserved to win a prize! Tcan’t afford to go on holiday this yea. Gyakorlatok Egészitsik ki a mondatoke 0 You can't smoke... Tm sorry I forgot Don’t worry. The exam may not ‘He didn’t mean .. It’s not a very good film. You won't . She didn’t want When are you planning She couldn't : Where would you rather ss... Te was difficult but managed 10 They might not... 208 Heam Spanish Acan médbeli segédige. A médbell segédigék utdn az ige to nélkiili fonévi igenévi alakjat (do, speak, see stb.) hasznaljuk: will ll) should may might can could must Le Tl see you soon. [won't forget Where should I sit? We may go by train It might rain. Can I park here? Feouldn’t hear her. We must pay now. (em: Wemusttopey ...) would rather + Fonéwicenev | Nézztik meg az alabbi mondatokat: don’t want to go to the cinema. I would rather go toa pizzeria, (= Inkébb a pizzériaba mennék) Awould rather szerkezettel azt fejezztik ki, hogy valamit szivesabben csinainank; ez vonatkozhat a jelenre vagy a jévére, Az ésszevont alak: 'd rather. Vd rather go toa pizzeria. (NEM Fet-matherto-ge) ‘Atagadé alak: 'd rather not: Td rather not go viet tonight; I'm tired (smoke) here, Smoking is not allowed in this building. (phone) you yesterday. l was very busy. ssseusene (be) very difficult, (break) the window. It was an accident. (enjoy) it. (wait) any longer, so she left (cat) tonight? (reply) because she didn’t know what to say. (G0) to the cinema or to a club? -- (Save) enough money for a new car sss (receive) the letter until next week . £—E Evészitstik ki a mondatoket tigy, hogy jelentés0k hasonlé legyen a zérdjelben lev mondat jelenteser Tre eee > _ rr RETRAIN Bi Egészitsiik ki a parbeszédet a zarbjelben 16 0. (Ldon't think it’s 2 good idea to argue with him) I dor’ think you should .argue.with him, ceseetenneeee : mem NF BS BBTE TO CoE to Wik ICEL On Friday.) ; Vean't sees a 2. (I'm meeting some friends tonight ) Ive arranged A 3. (Your eyes are closed but I know you are not asleep.) Tknow you are pretending tin ans 4. (ifs important that you lock the door when you go out) Don't forget... ae 5. (Perhaps we'll go out for a meat this evening;) We may eeseessen 6 (You said that you would lend me the money) You promised .... iat 7 (Id like to do a course in Art History) Lwant ... 8 (He said, ‘I'l pay the bill’) He offered osscsssseessseesnnssessseenantn 9) (Ghe studied very hard and won the first prize.) She deserved ...ssseecseee fs 10 (Lasked him to shelpme bute sai 7) He refused Pee IL (Pethaps he'll phone you tomorrow.) He might SibenatbaniDteH 12. [it's possible that Tom won't be angry with you.) ‘Tom might not .. ae a 13. (I don’t want to watch TV, Let's listen to music.) Vd rather .-than watch TV: fénévi igenév megfelel6 alakjaval (to-val vagy to nélki), CHARLIE: Twant®, $2.40, (do) something interesting this weekend. Can we 1 sesseteestseesees (do) something together? caROL: Well 've arranged? .racsotcesctueesnee (G0) on a trip to the coast with some friends, Do you want®... (come) with us? CHARLIE: Yes, that sounds good, When are you planning 4. CAROL: Well, we've decided ® (tart) early in the moming tomorrow, and I've sevseesseen (take) the others in my car. We're hoping (coach) the coast by lunchtime. So, you must . (meet) me here at 6.30 a.m. CHARUE: OK, good. Twon’t? (be) late, - (leave)? promised 6. 299 BB Vannak olyan igék, amelyek utén egyarant haszndlhatd a to + fEnévi Igenév szerkezet és to + fénévi igenév szerkezet kézétt jelentésbel, ing alae $1 nténséq-van-tenat nermmindeayt My sister promised to help me. Have they finished painting the garage? D Nezziik meg az alabbi mondatokat: __It started to rain. _ It started raining. ‘Akét mondat pontosan ugyanaztjelenti. Az ~—alabbl.igék esetében sincs-lényeges kilonbség a kétféle szerkezet jelentése k6z6it begin continue hate intend like love prefer start Ha a like ige jelentése ‘szeret’, inkabb az -ing szerkezettel hasznaljuk: [like meeting new people. ‘Alike + to + f6névi igeneév szerkezettel azt fejezzik ki, hogy valamit helyesnek tartunk: like to go to the gym atleast twice a week. Awould hateflike/lovelprefer utén a to + fOnévi igenév szerkezetet hasznaluk Hasonlitsuk éssze az alébbi mondatokat: She likes painting. ‘She would like to be an artist Peter hates washing up. Peter would hate to work in a restaurant, Ha velamit ajgnlunk vagy kérlink, a would like + fOnéviigenév szerkezetet haszndluk, amely azt jelenti, hogy valaki valamit szeretne vagy akar. Would you like to come for diner? (ajanlat) Td like to leave work early, please. (kéxés) Gyakorlatek melyiket hasznaljuk try remember forget stop > [ tried to lift tat heavy stone. (+ Megkiséreltem felemelni azt a nehéz kovet) If you can’t read where you ave, try sitting nearer the window. (= Ha neim tudod clolvasni ott, ahol vagy, prébald azt, hogy kezelebb mész az ablakhoz.) > I stopped working, (= Abbahagytam a munkét) I stopped to have a cigarette, (= Megaélliam, hogy régytijtsak) > Remember to go to the bank. (= Ne felejts el elmenni a banka!) She remembers going to the bank. (= Emléksvik, hogy volt a bankban,) > Don't forget to phone Mrs Grey {Ne felejtsd el Mrs Grey-t felhivnil) I never forget visiting Disneyland. I never forget seeing that rainbow, (= Soha nem fogom elfelejteni, hogy lattam arta szivarvanyt/ellétogattam Disneylandbe.) Aremember és forget ige utén az -ing alak a miltra utal, olyasmire, ami mar megtértént (seeing that rainbow, visiting Disneyland), By Egészitstk ki a mondatokat a 24rdjelben megadott igék megfelel6 alakiaval. 0 Tcant imagine . living, 1 We've decided 2 stopped «ss... 3 Lmeantccssscecces 4 Did you promise 5. Have the men started 6 7 8 9 . (live) in the country. (go) to the beach. . (play) tennis when I got married. . (buy) some butter, but [forgot (take) the children to the 200? (repair) the roof yer? ifdllowelst tic tiae ose (visit) China, ‘You shouldn't avoid .... (talk) about your problems. Peter refused (hetp) us. Would you prefer. (pay) now or later? 10. Toouldn’t afford «......ssen .» (live) in London. 8 Foes ki @ mondatokat a zérdjelben megadott igék -ing vagy to + fénévi igenévi alakjaval. “You say that I've met Janet, but I can’t remember her’ Tean'tremember meeting... (meet) Janet Pn smiber that you must buy some stamps. Please remember . (buy) come stamps, ‘We wanted to open the door, but we couldn't. We tried... _. (open) the door. 3. Wesaw an accident, co we got out ofthe car and checked that everyone was allright. We stopped ; _ (check) that everyone was allright. Jobn met Madonna once. He'll never forget it.” John will never forget ...s.eseew . 5 Sheila intended to phone Peter bu she forgot. Sheila forgot ; --+. (phone) Peter 6 Jenny had a headache. She took an aspirin, but it didn’t help. Jenny tied joss ssessestesteetssesnsey (take) an aspitin for her headache, 7 Be quiet! Don't talk any more! StOP esse ; (talkyt 8 Thavea special soap that will probably get your hands clean, — Ty. : --svesv (ash) your hands with this special soap. £9 Itwill not be easy to do all the works today. We'll try see ssnetsss (finish) the work before tonight. 10 I stayed in jane’s flat while she was on holiday. [remembered that I had to feed her cats. Tremembered .. (feed) Jane's cats while she was on holiday. AL Remember that you must invite Mary to the party next week Don't forget .vsesesnsserv (avite) Mary to the party next week, 12 You work too hard. It’s bad for you and you must stop it You must stop (work) so hare. em - (meet) Madonna, pace ee 13. Twas walking along the street. I saw some lovely shops so I looked in the windows. Tstopped .essecscessseesesnsnees s+ (look) in the shop windows. > WForaitsuk te 2 mondatokat. 1. Mary szeret kulfsidon dolgozni, Probaltuk kinyitni az ablakot, de a leveg6 nem lett frissebb. Meleg estéken a sziileim jobban sceretnek a kertben iilddgeln. Bill egy éve hagyta abba a dohanyzast. Sohasem fogom elfelejteni, hogy dtutaztam a Szaharan. Semumi nines vacsoréra. Elfelejtetiem bevésdrolni, A batyam nagyon szeretne Finnorszdigba utazni Probalj meg eljénni a hangversenyre! Csodalatos lesz! Nincs meg a kulesom, de nem emlékszem, hogy ott hagytam volna valahol. Jim szeret focizni, de nem szereti mésok jatékat nézni, Ne felejts el levelet fri a nagybétyadinak! Nagyon szeretek a belvarosban sétéini és kirakatot nézni. 301 cCewaueon BV Az elsé mondatban lév6 informacié segitségével fejezzik be a masocik mondatot. Ugyeljiink az ige magfelelé alakjénak hasznélatara (to do, doing) O”The boss asked Felon to work late, bul she refused. Helen refused #9. Work Ja ieiieres 0 "You'll have to wait half an hour. Do you mind? __Doyou mind Walt 1. Peter took the money. He admits it Peter admits 3 Philip met the King when he was young, He remembers it. Philip remembers 4 Brenda wears glasses, but she hates it Brenda hates s 5 ‘Have you made a decision yet, Sharon?” ‘Sharon has decided Peeee steed td 6 ‘Did you buy some butter, Eric?” ~ ‘Oh, no. I forgot” Eric forgot . Heer 7 ‘Does Harry still smoke? ~’No, he gave it up a year ag Harry gave up eo. = 8 Terry doesn’t argue with his calleagues 1 He avoids it Tatty AVOIES «ose secsete - 9 Shirley isn’t going to move house. She can’t afford it. Shitley can't afford ee 10 “You moved all the furniture. How did you manage it?” "How did you manage By Evészitsik ki Janet és Sheron beszéigetését a zardjelben megadottigék megfoleté alakjaval. © Janet What do your children 9. WA"E%2 AO"... Qwant/do) when they leave school? SHARON: Well, Ann 9 enjoy writing... .. enjoy / write), so she’s 9 hoping to work (hope/work) fora newspaper. But I don’t know about Paul. He (give up/study) months ago. He seems to? “Yes, I have. I'm going to accept the job.’ - (sjoy/de) rothing now. He doesn’t? "(deserve/ pass) his exams. And he Cert (etuse/Isten tous, when we tell him to S raceeussseeuseeinesseriseens (keep/ study). JANET With th our cdr, n the pst ifwes.. fs . (offer/help) them, they always”... eae (promise/ study he hard. Nowadays if they 8 ccstusseseeneessnnces (Want/talk) to us, that’s fine, but I've leamt to 9, 10 .. (stop/ask) them questions. I suppose they «- (dislike/listen) to my suggestions. They Besa .» (Seem/think) that they don’t 12 (needs ) hard, but one day they'll 13. (have/ind) a job. Bi Atkossunk mondatokat az adott szavakkel. Ugyeljink a helyes alakok hasznalatara, 0 ill/deserves/ get/at because she never/stops/eat ll. 2. Saul/keeps/complain/about his cough but has he tried /drink/hot lemon? 3. Vd rather/not/do/the shopping today; I don't /mind/do/it tomorrow on my own, 4 Petty has arranged/seo/the doctor; she wants /ask/about her headaches, Tplan/go/alone because dort ke/vilymuccumns with other 1 people 6 She: admits/ tell/him what had ad happened, but she didn’t mean/hurt him. Phi dia e/a ‘exam so he shouldn’ ‘feomplain, Diz és Martin nyari terveiral beszélget. Egészitsik ki a parbeszédet a megadott igék magfelel6 alakjaval (do, to do, doing). argue ask de go(x2) lend promise sit spend talk think walk What would you like 9 £2.40, MARTIN: You keep 1... next summer? the same question. You seem to forget that you promised 2... scsseeee + to the Alps with me, You know how Tenjoy cea in the mountains, And Uncle Ben has offered eH us his tent. uz: Thaven’t forgotten 5 6 paar to you about it but I don’t remember anything, Personally, I'd rather toa beach somewhere, MARTIN: You know that [hate ® ° a ‘on beaches. I don't want ++» wo weeks looking at the sea uz OK. Let'sstop 10, u . +. about it now, and lets try of something that we can do together. 303 ‘Alakitsuk at 2 mondatokat a példa alapjén. Hasznaliuk a megadott igék és a mondatban szerepi6 ige megielelé alakjat. admit deny forget_go keep may offer promise should stop try 0 ‘didn’t take the book,’ said Jim. Jim denied taking the book, 1 ‘Yllcome home early,’ said Ann. AM Peete ‘home early, 2 2. Tom makes the same mistake again and again. TTT Tenner thesamie mistake. | 3 ‘OhI dla’ write down the: re nutaber said Sam. + ‘Sam . down the number. 4 Fred drove fast until he had an accident. Now he drives slowiy. ‘After his accident, Pred 0... Perhaps Jane will phone a evening. fast. Jane . ssscesttesee this evening, 6 ‘Tl make the salad if you like, said "Tony Tony : sseoee the salad. 7 "Yes, Toroke the plete said Sara. Sara sesso .. the plate, 8 They make skiing trips several times every winter. They often toe ae in the winter, 9. fs. good idea for young childzen to sit near the front. Young children scenes : set near the front. 10 ‘Idrank a lot of water’ said Penny, ‘but I was still thirsty’ Penny so orestaniaeititinrantecenstuttaeen alobof water but she was still thisty, Ed Eg6szitsik ki a parbeszédeket a zérdjelben megadottigek megfeleldalakiaval (to do, doing) 0. A: Why didn’t you tell me you couldn't come? B:L tried 9, tell ~ (tell) you, but when I phoned, you had already left, : 1A: Why are you so angry? B: [forgot : (pay) the gas bill and they've cut off the gas! 2A: Have you scen Peter lately? B: Yes, Tsaw him in town the other day and stopped . (have) a chat with him. 3. A: Yesterday I was talking to someone from California who says she knows you. | Br Tean'tremember ...... (meet) anyone from California, 4 A: Aren’tyou and Simon friends any more? B: I don’t know. He's stopped Be - (talk) to me but I don’t know why. 5 A: How do you feel about winning the 100 metres? Br I's fantasti! I don't think lever forget eaceeeu : es (et08s) the finishing line! 304 6 Ac Is there a Chinese restaurant in town? B: Idon‘t know. Have you tried +++ (look) in the Yellow Pages? 7 A: Make sure you post that lettes It really important Br-Don't worry:lf keep it itr my hand, PU remember sc 8 A: Its only eleven o'clock. Why are we going to the club so early? B._ It's very popular. We tried .. but it was already fall. + (post) it, + (get in) after midnight last weekend, “Wl Moira vaiaszt ir ievelezdpartnerének. Egészitsak kia levelet ‘Vagy a {6névi igenévvel to-val vagy to nélkdl, vagy pedig az -ing alakkal. ‘TH veas nice to ear from you. You asked me to tell you about mysel, so I willl To begin with, Tdon't like. ¢2eKing (cook). And Thate hows (wash) up. Tcan’t svn (drive), but T'm planning... learn) next year [gave up + (emoke) ten years ago. What else canT5...csssises (tll) You? Igo 5 +» (dance) on Saturdays, I've recently decided 7scaseacnucss (get) fit Sevscaececcoes Gog) Tegularly makes me feel better and I don’t mind (eg) in the tain, but I don’t like 1, (oycle), and Love... a) chocolate! If you want me to continue, you'll have to write back! (But I'd rather Baa csecensees (Rear) about you)’ Forditsuk le a mondatokat. 1. Asztileim tovabbra is azt mondjék, hogy egyetemre kell mennem, ‘An6véred abbahagyta a dohényzast? ‘Tavaly nyaron majdnem minden nap mentink dseni, Hany éves korodban tanultal meg sfelni? A ports tigy tett, mintha aludna. Nem szabad elfelejtentink kenyeret venni, Abbs tudnd hagyni egy percre a munkat, kérem? Ha nem tudsz elaludni, probalj meg bardnyokat szamolni! Enlékszem, hogy valahova letettem az étlevelem, de képtelen vagyok megtaléln. 10 “Kerilltik, hogy az anyja betegségér6! beszéljtink, CeNaneon D Foratsuk te a kévetkozt sziveget. Anna tizenhatodik satletésnapjén elhatérorta, hogy befejezi oz iskolat. Nagyon szerotett fanulni; nem ez volt probléma, Nem tetszett neki, hogy mindig a szileitOl kér penat, Amnikor beszelt voit elhatérozéséré\,eldsz0r hallani sem akartak rl Azt mondtak, hogy nines sok pénzilk, de viszonylag jél lnek, é remélik, hogy Anna egyetemen tanul majd tovab Eautin Anna mam igy folytata: ~ Nem Kell aggédnod, hogy fizetink azért, hogy tanulhass! Mindentink megvan, amire sztikségtink van, Anna ezt valaszolta: Nem akazok hélétan lenni, de el szeretném kerUni, hogy bérmiben is IGfetek fMaglek: Szeretck pénat keresri. Ne nyugtalankodjatok! Talalok olyan munkat, amely ehetévé teszi, hogy tanuljak esténként, Folytatni akarom a lanulast. Vega Anna sziilei megértették, hogy miért akarja otthagyni az iskolét, efogadtak dantésct, és megigérték, hogy segitenck neki megfelel6 4lldst talalni, [ : I i | : 308 TE Mire vate Nézztik meg az alébbi parbeszédet: | A: What's this machine for? B: It’s for making bread. (NEw for make) (© Kenyér készitésére,) ‘AWhat is It for? kérdés a dolgok, eszkéz6k Tendettelésére kérdez (tehét arra, hogy valami ~~ mire hasznélhat6). A valaszban a for ¥-ing szerkezetet hasznalhatjuk: This isa machine for killing mosquitoes Getinyogirtésray © ‘This stuffis used for cleaning the floor. (a pedis tiszeitasara) 2B Nezzik mog az alabbi pérbeszédet | ‘A: What does he need! my camera for? | (© Mire kell neki az én fénykepex6gépem?) | B: He needs it for his work, (@ Amankéjéhoz van r4 szuksége) ‘Awhat ... for? (= miériimi oéibél2) szerkezettel a oselekv6 szindéka, iletve a solekvés rendeltetése irant is érdekiédhetink. Avélaszban a for + f6név szerkezetet hasznaihatjuk: Gyakorlatok A drill - tool cashpoint ~ machine toot telescope — instrument answerphone ~ machine thermometer ~ instrument key ~ thing BiNézzik meg a kévetkez6 parbeszédet: A: What did he go to the shops for? (= Miért ment az tzletbe?) B-He-went to-theshops:forsome fruit (gyumolcséet) Thuy the newspaper for the sports news (Az djsagot a sporthirek kedvéert szoktam megvenni) A: What does he need my camera for? B: He needs it to take some photos. ( Hogy csindljon néhany fényképet) Amikor a cselekvés cé|jérd! beszélunk, a to + ‘t6név\ igenéy szerkezetet is hasznalhattuk: A: What has Tim gone to the shops for? B: He's gone to buy some fruit. (hogy gytimélesst vegyen) (NE forbuey; NEN foro bey) ‘A: Why did John phone the police? B: He phoned them to tell them about the burglar (NEM formed; NEM forte-tlf) B | lookat the stars get money Tock doors record telephone messages | measure temperature make holes i E E | arokat Z4rdjalben megadon s#avakkal. A kérdésben a What ... fora” valaszban pedig a for + fénéy szerkezetet haszndljuk. 0. A: (/did/Tom/ go/to the park/2) What did Tom go to the park for? B: le/go/to the park/some fresh air). 1 A: (/does/Mary/want/the money/?) :. Bs (She/want/the money/a train ticket) 2. A:(/does/Philip/want/the flour/?)....... B: (He/want/the flour/a cake) eco... 3A: (/did/Bill/go/to the butcher’s/2) Br (He/go/to the butcher's/some sausages) 4 A:(/does/Helen/want/the polish /?) .. B: Ghe/want/it/her shoes) i A: (/did/Alison/ go/to the library/2) . Bi (She/go/to the library/a book on India) ... 6 A: (/did/Jane/buy /a newspaper?) ...... B: (Sho/buy/a newspaper,/the football results) = Wink at az 01626 gyakortatban szereplé valaszokat a megadott igék to + fnévi igenévi alakjénak hasznéiataval — me | borrow buy (x2) clean get make see Dy Javitsuk ki a kévetkez6 mondatokban tall hibakat. 0 This machine is for make bread. .Thie.machine Is for making bread. 1 For what did he come? Abus is for carry passengers. ..... i She went to the post office for to buy some stamps. The mayor came for give the prizes. ....... : ‘The woman jumped into the river to saving the child. .. Tm training hard for to get fit This isa computer program for make three-dimensional drawings Can Ise your pen for signing this letter? 307 ——a Figyeljak meg az alétbi példakat: ‘My father likes people to come early. (= Az Sue wanted John to dance. ( Sue azt akarta, hogy John téncoljon,) I've invited Tom to have dinner with as, (© Meghivtam Tomot, hogy vacsorizzon veltink) We'll need somebody to collect the tickets. zukséguink van valakire, aki elhozza a jegyeket) —Asszerkezet a kivetkezé: - IE ETARGY + to + FONEVI GENE to dance, ‘Sue wanted John | dance, maiahsnaninil Sue wanted him Fénéy helyett a személyes névds targyi alakja (me, her, him, us stb.) is allhat: Sue wanted him to dance. ‘My mother taught us to swim. Ebben a szerkezetben a kbvetkez6 igéket hasznalnatjuk: allow, bribe, cause, dare, enable, encourage, expect, force, get, help invite, leave, like, love, need, prefer, teach, want; valamint azokat az igéket, amelyekkel kérést, tanacsot és parancsot vezettink be (Id. ren ancl} ——|_Loften iuite Tom ta hane supper Yesterday I invited Tom to have supper (invited - egyszerti mut) (invite - egyszerd jelen) | will invite Tom to have super. (will invite — j6v6) B Haconlitsuk dssze az alabbi mondatoket: We saw a woman come out of the bank. (= Lattuk, hogy kijin egy né a bankbol.) We saw the crowds coming out of the stadium, ( Lattuk aniint a timeg kifelé jon a stadionbél) Az els6 mondatban a csolekvés tényat éllapitjuk meg (tehat azt, hogy a oselekvés megtirtént), mig a masodikban a cselokves folyamatéira utalunk (tehat arra, hogy a eselekvés mar elkezd6d6tt, és az adott pillanatban még tarot). Mindkét szerkezetet nagyon gyakran hasznaljuk érzékelést kifejez6 igékkel (feel, hear, notice, watch stb,): Theard a car crash. (lejatszédott esemény ~ a koosi itkézsitt) Theard the children singing. (folyamat ~ abban a pillanatban, amikor hallottam, a cselekvés éppen tartott) Sally felt the table move. (megtértént esemény ~a beszélé a mozgés tényére_utal) ‘The manager watched the men packing the radice (folyamat ~ a besz6ié szémara lényegteien, hogy a cselekvés befejezédétt-e vagy sem) 127. fejezet). B Fiayetiuk meg, hogy az igeidét a mondatban az 186 ige mutalja, a masodik mindig to + fénévi Igenéy alakban marad: eras Egészitsilk ki a mondatokat a megadott szavakkal. Ugyeljlink 2 helyes igeldé és a névmasok megfelelé alakjénak haszndlatéra. 0 They don’t know/what/cause/ that train/crash/last week They don’tknow What caused that train to crash last w 0 The next time I see Cilla/I/invite/she/have/a meal with us. The next time I see Citla I Invite her to have i 1 I gave John the general idea and/I/leave/he/think/about the detail I gave John the general idea and ........cssssesssssssssssseenseenses 2 Limow they work quite well but now/I/want/ they/work/harder, Limow they work quite well but now ... a i 3 We had a match last Saturday but/ the terrible weather/force/we/cancel it. ‘We had a match last Saturday but Bae 4 Ifyou want to play bridge/I/get/ my mother/teach/ you you want to play bridge .. 308 i —- 5 I didn't want to take the money but they /persuade/I/take/it. E Ididn’t wanttto take the money but ... \éVi GETIEY Srerkezer hasznalataval. ateacher/come her/leam him/play. ‘people/say _someone/teach | usfbe _us/go (2) us/play (x2). us/practise us/watch © Begészitsik kia széveget a zAr6jelben lévé ige megfelel6 alakjaval és a megadott szavakkal, térgy + My name is Helen. Ihave a brother called Peter anda sister called Anne, Our parents | o.Want us to be (want) musician, When we were young my mother é (teach) the piano. When we were a bit older and we (need) us different instruments, my parents ---vsssec (Wan!) foa music school. I though that was allright, but Peter said (prefer) o oar house, Anne didn’t like the idea of a teacher at : --svov (help) the flute, Now she likes to play and in fact she plays well. My parents §.......... (expect) every day except Sunday on Sanday they’... -sssesees (allow) television and so on. They also 8 - (encourage) to concerts and they always all so my parents’. 9 : ~~ (get) when we have visitors. Anne likes to play for people now and y for peopl she 10 ‘ Gove) that she plays well. Peter is not 30 keen and my parents have toll, (bribe) for visitors because he's a bit shy, Egészitsik ki a mondatokat a helyzetnek megfeleléigealak (do vagy doing) hasznélatéval, 0 Tim dropped his pen. I saw what happened. I saw Tim drop hie pen. prsrmonprea t 0 The children often play in the garden, When Jill came home, she heard them. ‘When Jill came home, she heard .the children playing in the garden. 1 Inautumn the leaves fall from the trees, [noticed this on my walk, ‘It was early November. On my walk [noticed 2 Te wasn't a big earthquake. The ground shook once, We felt foe ‘Tom signed hi e ‘name in the presence of a policeman. A policeman watched fe a 4 Itvained heavily all night and the water ran down the road all day. When Twoke that moming, [heard esses. 5 We waited a long time but suddenly the door opened. Suddenly we saw ...... 6 A policeman guards the Prime Minister's house. When I walked past, Inoticed «0... 7 The lightning struck a tree. John saw it John saw... pa e pai 8 The workers repaired the road last Saturday. I watched them for a few minutes. Fora few minutes watched .. 309 i

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