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I. Answer the following in 1 to 2 sentences –
1. Why should we not give up in despair?
2. What is needed to blot out our mistakes?
3. What was the problem with Jo’s poplins?
4. What kept the March sisters busy on New Year’s Eve?
5. Whose chocolate factory was near Charlie’s house and what was he famous as?
6. Why did Charlie’s grandparents never get out of bed?
II. Give one word for the following –
1. in a bad-tempered and rude way 2. try to forget something
3. acting in a careful and formal way 4. wonderful
III. Read these lines and answer the questions with reference to context.
a. ‘Just my luck; you shouldn’t have asked me to do it.’
i. Who said these words and to whom?
ii. What was the task undertaken by the speaker?
iii. What went wrong?
b. The whole family saved up their money for that special occasion.
i. What is the ‘occasion’ mentioned in the above sentence?
ii. How often did that ‘occasion’ arrive?
iii. What did the family do with the money that they saved?

1. Find the perimeter of a square whose side is 48 cm.
2. If l = 28 cm and b = 17 cm, find the perimeter of the rectangle.
3. 11 cm 15cm
12cm 14 cm
13 cm

Find the perimeter of the above figure.

4.The given sides of the triangle are 25 cm, 15 cm, 38 cm. Find the perimeter.
5. If a hexagon has a perimeter of 60 cm. Find the length of its side.

I. Answer in one word.
1. The smallest particles that form molecules.
2. A yellow sticky substance made up of food and germs.
3. The microbe that causes influenza.
4. Nutrient that keeps our body warm.
5. A process by which liquid turns into a gas on heating.

II. Define:-
1. roughage 2. gum

III. Choose the correct option.

1. To get energy we should include – in our diet.

a. potato, sugar, wheat, rice
b. potato, meat, cheese, sugar
c. wheat, fish, ghee, rice
d. sweet potato, green vegetables, egg, sugar

2. Matter changes its state when ---

a. it is heated
b. it is cooled
c. both a and b
d. none of the above

IV. Choose the odd one out and justify:-

oil, cheese, nuts, sugar

V. Answer the following questions.

1. What are the disadvantages of incorrect posture?
2. Why is meat and fish kept in a deep freezer?

VI. Differentiate between:-

oxygen and water

Identify the solute and the solvent in the following:-

VIII. Write a short note on the process of food digestion.

I. Fill in the blanks:

1. The popular dairy product industry at Anand in Gujarat __________.

2. The largest shipbuilding yard in our country ___________.

3. Industries that use agricultural products are called ______________.

4. Industries are essential for the _____________ growth of a country.

II. Define

a) Industry

b) Raw materials

c) Large scale industry

d) Small scale industry

e) Cottage industry

III. Short note : Factors required to set up an industry.


प्र-1 नीचे दिए गए गदमयॊश को ऩढ़कय प्रश्नों के उत्तय लरखो-

फचें द्री ऩयर विश्ि की सफसे ऊॉची चोटी एिये स्ट ऩय तियॊ गय पहययने ियरी प्रथभ बययिीम भदहरय

हैं। फचें द्री ऩयर कय जन्भ 24 भई 1954 को उत्तययखॊड के चभोरी ज़िरे भें हुआ थय। िे अऩने ऩयॉच बयई-फहनों

भें से िीसये नॊफय ऩय थीॊ। िे एक गयीफ ऩरयियय से थीॊ। आर्थिक अबयि के कययण आठिीॊ की ऩढ़यई के फयि

फचें द्री को आगे ऩढ़ने से भनय कय दिमय गमय। ऩय उन्होंने अऩनी लशऺय जययी यखने के लरए लसरयई कय

कयभ शुरू कय दिमय,ियकक अऩनी ककियफों औय फ़ीस के ऩैसे चुकय सकें। िसिीॊ उत्तीणि कयने के फयि वऩियजी

आगे उनकी ऩढ़यई फॊि कय िे नय चयहिे थे। ऩय फचें द्री के विदमयरम के प्रधयनयचयमि ने वऩियजी को

सभझयमय, “आऩ क्मों फच्ची कय बविष्म चौऩट कय यहे हैं? मह फहुि ही प्रबयिशयरी फच्ची है , इसे आगे

ऩढ़ने िें । प्रधयनयचयमि के सभझयने ऩय वऩियजी फचें द्री को ऩढ़यने के लरए ययिी हो गए औय आगे जयकय

फचें द्री ऩयर ने अऩने वऩियजी कय नयभ खूफ योशन ककमय।

क) फचें द्री ऩयर कय जन्भ कफ औय कहयॉ हुआ?

ख) फचें द्री ऩयर अऩने ऩयॉच बयई-फहनों भें से कौनसे नॊफय ऩय थीॊ?

ग) आठिीॊ की ऩढ़यई के फयि फचें द्री ऩयर को आगे ऩढ़ने से क्मों भनय कय दिमय गमय ?

घ) फचें द्री ऩयर ने अऩनी ककियफों औय फ़ीस के ऩैसे कैसे चुकयए?

ङ) फचें द्री ऩयर के वऩियजी को ककसने सभझयमय?

CLASS: 4 DATE: 9/12/19
1. PɼÀV£À avÀæªÀ£ÀÄß UÀªÀĤ¹ CzÀgÀ §UÉÎ JAlÄ/ºÀvÀÄÛ
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C. dAiÀıÁ°:____________________________
D. ªÉÄgÀªÀtÂUÉ: ___________________________

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