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GENESIS 1 Creation Story, Man's mandate

2 Adam, Eve , First Marriage

3 Man deceived, fall, exile

4 Abel, Cain, Seth's birth

5 Adam's family, Enoch raptured

6 Man's wickedness, Noah's Ark

7 Flood begins, Earth destroyed

8 Water abated, God's covenant

9 Rainbow, Noah intoxicated, nakedness

10 Noah's descendants after flood

11 Babel's tower, Shem's genealogy

12 Abram's call, promises, Egypt

13 Abram and Lot separates

14 Lot captured, tithe, Melchizedek

15 God's covenant with Abram

16 Ishmael’s birth by Hagar

17 Abram to Abraham, Circumcision

18 Abraham intercedes for Sodom

19 Sodom's destruction, Lot's descendants

20 Abraham’s encounter with Abimelech

21 Isaac's birth, Hagar's expulsion

22 Worship, Abraham's faith confirmed

23 Sarah's death and burial

24 Isaac and Rebecca marries

25 Abraham's death, Esau's Birthright

26 Isaac and King Abimelech

27 Birthright blesses, Esau's wrath

28 Jacob's escape to Laban

29 Jacob marries Leah, Rachel

30 Joseph's birth, Laban's deal

31 Jacob flees from Laban

32 Jacob wrestles with God

33 Jacob and Esau’s meeting

34 Dinah defiled, Shechem destroyed

35 Isaac's death, Jacob's sons

36 Esau's genealogy and chiefs

37 Joseph's dream, His betrayal

38 Judah and Tamar’s encounter

39 Joseph's slavery in Egypt

40 Joseph interprets prisoners ' dreams

41 Pharaoh’s dream, Joseph's elevation

42 Joseph's brothers in Egypt

43 Benjamin joins Egypt's trip

44 Joseph's cup, Judah's intercession

45 Joseph’s forgiveness, reveals himself

46 Jacob relocates to Goshen

47 Joseph deals with famine

48 Jacob blesses Ephraim, Manasseh

49 Jacob's final words, death

50 Jacob's burial, Joseph's death

EXODUS 1 Israel’s suffering in Egypt

2 Moses' birth, Egypt's flight

3 Moses’ burning bush encounter

4 Moses returns to Egypt

5 Moses, Aaron meet Pharaoh

6 Israel’s assurance, Moses' family

7 Plaques begin, bloody water

8 Frogs, lice, flies plaques

9 Livestock , boils, hail plaques

10 Locust attack, darkness plaques

11 Egyptians' firstborns death announced

12 Passover, Death plaque, Exodus

13 Unleavened bread feast, Wilderness

14 Crossing the Red sea

15 Praise songs, Bitter water

16 Manna falls from heaven

17 Water from the rock

18 Moses adheres Jethro's advice

19 Israel at Mount Sinai

20 Ten Commandments, Altar's Law

21 Laws; Servants, Violence, Animal

22 Property's responsibility, Ceremonial


23 Sabbaths' Law, Three Feasts

24 40Days,nights with God

25 Offering for the Sanctuary

26 The Tabernacle’s building blueprint

27 Offering's Altar, Court designs

28 Design of Priestly Garment

29 Priests Consecration, daily offerings

30 Ransom money, Anointing oil

31 Chosen Artisans, Sabbath reaffirmed

32 Golden calf, Moses’ intercession

33 Moses sees God's glory

34 New Tablets, Shining Face

35 Sabbath regulations, Tabernacle's offering

36 Abundant giving, Tabernacle's dimension

37 Making the Tabernacle's Artefacts

38 Materials for the Tabernacle

39 Priestly Garments, Tabernacle's completion

40 Tabernacle erected, Glory Cloud

LEVITICUS 1 Instructions on Burnt Offering

2 Instructions on Grain offering

3 Instructions on Peace offering

4 Instructions on Sin Offering

5 Trespass Offering with Restitution

6 Burnt, sin offering's Law

7 Laws; Trespass, peace offerings

8 Aaron and sons consecrated

9 The Priests ministry commence

10 Strange fire, Priests' conducts

11 Permitted, unpermitted foods, Animals

12 The Rituals after Childbirth

13 Leprosy, Leprous garments laws

14 Healed lepers, Leprous houses

15 Laws concerning bodily discharges

16 Day of Atonement, Scapegoat

17 Life in the Blood

18 Sexual morality and immoral

19 Moral behaviours; God, Man

20 Behavioral, sexual abomination


21 Priestly conducts, defected Aaronites

22 Unclean Priest, unaccepted Offerings

23 God's holy Convocational Feasts

24 Tabernacle's bread, death penalties

25 The Jubilee Year's Regulations

26 Blessings and Retribution promises

27 Dedicating Redeemed persons, properties

NUMBERS 1 Israel's first census conducted

2 Tribes designated camp sites

3 Levites' selection and dedication

4 Levites' Census and duties

5 Isolating people, Unfaithful wives

6 Nazirite's law, Priestly blessings

7 Offering of Israel’s leaders

8 The Levites ceremonial cleansing

9 Passover, Cloud Fire signals

10 Silver trumpets, Leaving Sinai

11 Israel’s complaints, Seventy elders

12 Aaron, Miriam criticize Moses

13 Spies sent to Canaan

14 Israel’s rebellion, Moses intercession

15 Intentional and unintentional Sins

16 Rebellion against Moses, Aaron

17 Aaron's rod buds overnight

18 Supports for Priests, Levites

19 The Water of Purification

20 The Water of Meribah

21 Bronze Serpent, Israel’s victories

22 Balak, Balaam and Donkey

23 Balaam's first two prophecies

24 Balaam's last two prophecies

25 Israel harlotry, Phinehas' zeal

26 Israel's second census conducted

27 Inheritance Laws, Zelophehad daughters

28 Israel’s various ceremonial Offerings

29 The Ceremonial offerings continue

30 Vows and binding oaths

31 Vengeance on the Midianites

32 East of Jordan's Settlement

33 Israel's entire journey reviewed

34 The Boundaries of Canaan

35 Levites cities, Refuge cities

36 Israel’s Female heirs marriage

DEUTERONOMY 1 Command to possess Canaan

2 Desert life, Sihon's defeat

3 Moses denied Canaan entry

4 Obedience, Idolatry, Jealous God

5 Commandments Recap, God's presence

6 Observe, teach, Keep commandment

7 Chosen people, Mingle not

8 Forget not the Lord

9 Rebellious Israel, God's faithfulness

10 Tablets rewritten, Laws importance

11 Blessings associated with obedience

12 Accepted place of worship

13 Judge prophetic directions, words

14 Unacceptable meats, Tithing principles

15 Rules for seventh years

16 Feasts review, just judgments

17 Regulations for the Kings

18 Priests and Levites portions

19 Cities of Refuge named

20 The regulations for warfare

21 Unsolved murder case law

22 Other laws, Sexual morality

23 excommunicated Camp members,


24 Israel’s Divorce Laws outlined

25 Surviving Brother's marital duty

26 The Firstfruits and Tithes

27 The Mount Ebal Curses

28 Obedience, blessings, Disobedience, Curses

29 The Covenant at Moab

30 Life or death choices

31 Joshua's appointment as leader

32 Moses' song, Sees Canaan

33 Final blessings from Moses

34 Moses dies on Nebo

JOSHUA 1 Joshua commissioned to lead

2 Rehab hides Joshua's spies

3 Crossing Jordan to Jericho

4 The 12 Memorial stones

5 Israel’s second generation Circumcision

6 Jericho's destruction, Jericho cursed

7 Achan, Ai defeats Israel

8 Joshua finally defeats Ai

9 The Gibeonites deceives Joshua

10 The Sun stands still

11 Joshua conquers Northern territories

12 Moses' conquest, Joshua's conquest

13 Joshua divides conquered lands

14 Caleb demands his inheritance

15 Lands and cities shared

16 Ephraim's portion of Inheritance

17 Manasseh's half tribe Inheritance

18 Shiloh, Benjamites receive portion

19 Land for other tribes

20 The Cities of refuge

21 Levites demand their portion

22 The Altar at Jordan

23 Final words of Joshua

24 Witness stone, Joshua’s death

JUDGES 1 Israel continues Canaan conquest

2 Israel’s unfaithfulness and disobedience

3 Judges to rule Israel

4 Deborah judges Israel, Jael

5 Deborah and Barak‘s song.

6 The reign of Gideon

7 Gideon's brave 300 men

8 Midianites conquest, Gideon's death

9 Abimelech kills Gideon sons

10 Tola, Jair judges Israel

11 Jephthah's vow and victory

12 Ibzan, Elon and Abdon

13 The Birth of Samson

14 Samson kills lion, Marriage

15 Samson's victory with jawbone

16 Gaza's gate, Secret revealed

17 Micah carved sliver idols

18 Danites worship Micah's idol

19 The Levite's concubine defiled

20 Israel destroys the Benjamites

21 Wives for the Benjamites

RUTH 1 Ruth went with Naomi

2 Ruth’s encounter with Boaz

3 Ruth takes Naomi’s advice

4 Boaz and Ruth marries

1 SAMUEL 1 Samuel's birth and dedication

2 Hannah's prayer, Eli's Sons

3 Samuel hears God's voice

4 Eli, Sons death, Ichabod

5 The Ark in Philistine

6 Philistines return the Ark

7 Samuel judges Israel, Ebenezer

8 Israel asks for King

9 Saul appointed as King

10 Saul anoints, presents Saul

11 Saul's victory, crowned King

12 Samuel expresses his disappointment

13 Saul's impatience, unaccepted sacrifice

14 Jonathan conquers the Philistines

15 Saul's rejection as King

16 David anointed, Troubling Spirit

17 Goliath’s intimidation, his death

18 Saul's resentment, David's marriage

19 Michal aborts David's death

20 Jonathan demonstrates true Loyalty

21 David eats Holy bread

22 Saul's Haunt, kills priest

23 David in wilderness mountains

24 David spares Saul's life

25 Samuel's death, Abigail's wisdom

26 David spares Saul again

27 David stays in Philistine

28 Saul consults a spiritist

29 Philistines reject David's help

30 David recovers his wives

31 Saul and Jonathan's death

2 SAMUEL 1 David mourns Saul, Jonathan

2 Ishbosheth crowned Israel's king

3 Abner reconciles with David

4 The death of Ishbosheth

5 David crowned Israel's king

6 David's dance, Uzzah, Obededom

7 God's promise to David

8 David's conquests and administration

9 Ziba humbled, Mephibosheth's Elevation

10 David defeats Ammonites, Syrians

11 Bathsheba, David kills Uriah

12 David rebuked, Solomon's birth

13 Tamar raped by Amnon

14 Absalom returns to Jerusalem

15 Absalom conspiracy, David's exile

16 Ziba, Ahitophel's divine counsel

17 Absalom rejects Ahitophel's counsel

18 Absalom's defeat and death

19 David returns from exile

20 Sheba rebels against David

21 Gibeonites avenged, Philistine giants

22 Thanks and Praise songs

23 David's 37 mighty men

24 David's census, Araunah's floor

1 KINGS 1 Solomon succeeds King David

2 David's final words, death

3 Solomon prays for wisdom

4 Fame of Solomon's wisdom

5 Preparation towards temple project

6 Solomon builds the Temple

7 Solomon's house, other buildings

8 Solomon dedicates the Temple

9 Second visitation, Hiram’s gifts

10 Queen of Sheba's visit

11 700wives, 300concubines

12 Kingdom divided, Jeroboam's administration

13 Young, old prophets encounter

14 Jeroboam's fate, Blind Prophet

15 Abijam, Asa, Nadam, Baasha

16 Elah, Zimri, Omri, Ahab

17 Drought proclaimed, Zarephath woman

18 God’s Fire from Heaven

19 Jezebel's threat, Elisha anointed

20 Ahab defeats the Syrians

21 Naboth's vineyard, Ahab’s condemnation

22 Micaiah’s warning, Ahab’s death

2 KINGS 1 God’s Fire burns captains

2 Elijah taken to Heaven

3 Elisha and the Minstrel

4 Widow's pot of oil

5 Naaman's Leprosy, Gehazi's greed

6 Axe head, Blinded soldiers

7 The four Lepers' victory

8 Ben-Hadad's death, Jehoram, Ahaziah

9 Jehu crowned, Jezebel's death

10 King Jehu’s killing spree

11 Athaliah's reign and death

12 Jehoash’s administration and death

13 Elisha’s death, anointed bones

14 King Amaziah rules Judah

15 Israel Kins’ continue sinning

16 King Ahaz of Judah

17 Israel’s captivity in Assyria

18 Hezekiah's reign, Sennacherib's boastings

19 Sennacherib's threats, Hezekiah's prayers

20 Hezekiah gets 15years more

21 Manaseh, Amon's reigns, death

22 Book of law found

23 Josiah restores godly worship

24 Jehoiachin's reign and captivity

25 Zedekiah's rebellion, Jehoiachin's release

1 CHRONICLES 1 Adam's genealogy to Edom

2 Jacob to Caleb's families

3 David to Jeconiah's families

4 Judah and Simeon's descendants

5 Families: Reuben, Gad, Manasseh

6 Levi's sons, Aaron family

7 Jacob's family line continues

8 Benjamin's family tree, Saul

9 Priests, the Levites' responsibilities

10 Saul and Jonathan's death

11 David crowned Israel’s king

12 King David's valiant army

13 Ark and Uzza's death

14 David smites the Philistines

15 The Ark reaches Jerusalem

16 David's psalm about Ark

17 God stops David's building

18 David's further victories, Administration

19 David defeats Ammonites, Syrians

20 Rabbah’s defeat, Philistines Giants

21 Census, Ornan's threshing floor

22 David gathers building materials

23 The Levites are divided

24 Division of Aaron's sons

25 The ministry of musicians

26 Gatekeepers, treasuries, other duties

27 Officials of Israel’s military

28 David's instructions to Solomon

29 Solomon enthroned, David's death

2 CHRONICLES 1 Solomon asks for Wisdom

2 Solomon's temple building preparation

3 Solomon builds the Temple

4 Description of the Temple

5 Ark brought in Temple

6 Solomon's address and prayer

7 Temple's dedication by Solomon

8 Solomon divides the cities

9 Sheba's queen, Solomon's death

10 Rehoboam rejects wise advice

11 Priest and Levites move

12 Rehoboam attacked by Egypt

13 Abijah's reign in Judah

14 Reign of King Asa

15 King Asa destroys Idolatry

16 Asa seeks Syrians help

17 The era of Jehoshaphat

18 Prohet Micaiah, Ahab's death

19 Jehoshaphat's safe return, reformation

20 Praise victory, Jehoshaphat’s end

21 Jehoram wickedly reigns Judah

22 Ahaziah and Athaliah's reign

23 Joash enthroned, Athaliah's death

24 Temple repaired, Joash's apostasy

25 Amaziah's reign and death

26 Uzziah's reign, pride , death

27 King Jotham's successful reign

28 Ahaz's reign and death

29 Hezekiah's reign and reformations

30 The Passover observed again

31 Hezekiah continues his reformation

32 Sennacherib boasts, defeat, death

33 Manasseh's reign and death

34 Josiah's reign, worship Reformation

35 King Joash celebrates Passover

36 Jehoiachin's reign and captivity

EZRA 1 Cyrus declares Israel's return

2 The returnees to Jerusalem

3 Returnees lay Temple foundation

4 Oppositions to Temple building

5 Work on temple resumes

6 Darius’ decree, Temple’s completion

7 Ezra and remnants return

8 Fast at Ahava river

9 Israel's intermarriage, Ezra's intercession

10 The Israelites wrong marriages

NEHEMIAH 1 Nehemiah’s prayer for Israel

2 Nehemiah gets king’s permission

3 Rebuilding the city wall

4 Sanballat and others indignation

5 Israel's excuses, Nehemiah's Address

6 Sanballat's letter, Wall's completion

7 The list of returnees

8 Reading of the law

9 Israel separates from foreigners

10 The Covenant document sealed

11 The people cast lot

12 Priests and Levites’ returnees

13 Nehemiah acknowledges his reforms

ESTHER 1 Vashti dethroned as queen

2 Esther chosen as queen

3 Haman's plot against Jews

4 Esther accepts to help

5 Haman's gallows, Esther's banquet

6 Mordecai honoured by King

7 Haman hanged on gallows

8 The Jews’ escape annihilation

9 Jews’ prevail against enemies

10 Mordecai's greatness and deeds

JOB 1 Job, Family, Attacks begin

2 Attack on Job's health

3 Job curses his birthday

4 Eliphaz breaks the silence

5 Eliphaz criticism towards Job

6 Job's reply to Eliphaz

7 Job expresses unbearable sufferings

8 Bildad suggests Job's repentance

9 Job's reply to Bildad

10 Job furious yet pleads

11 Job urged to repent

12 Job answers the criticisms

13 Job verbally attacks friends

14 Job's prayer of hope

15 Eliphaz condemns Job again

16 Job answers insensitive friends

17 Job describes his emotions

18 Bildad; The Wicked's dwelling

19 Job; My Redeemer Lives

20 Zophar; the wicked's portion

21 Job's answer about Wickedness

22 Eliphaz; Job's great wickedness

23 Job's comments on accusation

24 Job; Wickedness on Earth

25 The Righteousness of man

26 Job; God's Mighty Power

27 Job's intact integrity, righteousness

28 Job on God's Wisdom

29 Job declares his Justice

30 Job becomes Taunting song

31 Covenant with my eyes

32 Elihu rebukes his friends

33 Elihu rebukes Job

34 Elihu on God's unpervert Justice

35 Elihu on Self-righteousness

36 Elihu defends God's ways

37 Elihu on God's majesty

38 God’s questions to Job

39 Further question for Job

40 Job's response, God's Challenge

41 God further challenges Job

42 Job's Repentance, Intercession, Restoration

PSALMS 1 The Godly's path

2 God's undefeated Kingdom

3 Troubling times, lords help

4 Cry for audience

5 Prayer for God's Leadings

6 Confidence in answering God

7 Just Judge

8 God's Glory, Babes mouth

9 God's Righteous Judgment

10 Heart of the Wicked

11 The Wicked's arrows

12 Flattery lips
13 Prayer for Enlightenment

14 The Fool's Heart

15 Dwellers’ of Lord's Tabernacle

16 The Lord's Preservation

17 Prayer for Vindication

18 God's Sovereign Salvation

19 The Lord's Perfect Law

20 Confidence in God's Salvation

21 Answered Salvation Prayers

22 The Messiah's Suffering

23 The Lord My Shepherd

24 Hill of the Lord

25 Deliverance and Forgiveness

26 A walk in Integrity

27 My Light and Salvation

28 Joy in Answered Supplication

29 Worship, beauty of Holiness

30 My Mourning into Dancing

31 Lord My Song, Rock

32 Joy of Forgiveness

33 The Word and Creation

34 Bless Him all Times

35 The Lord my Avenger

36 Man's Wickedness, God's Righteousness

37 The Wicked’s end

38 Time of Chastening

39 Bridle mouth and tongue

40 Volume of the Books

41 Blessings in Helping Poor

42 Deep calls unto deep

43 Prayers in Troubling times

44 History of God's Works

45 Messiah and His Bride

46 My Refuge and Strength

47 Voice of Triumph

48 Zion, mountain of Holiness

49 Message to the World

50 Covenant, God the Judge

51 Prayer of Forgiveness, Restoration

52 Deceitful Tongue

53 The Fool's heart

54 God my Helper

55 Plan of deceitful men

56 David's prayer from Tormentors

57 David's flee from Saul

58 Prayer for God's Judgment

59 Prayer for God’s Defense

60 Right hand Salvation

61 Higher Rock

62 My Rock, my Salvation

63 Meditation in Night Watches

64 The Wicked's Secret Counsel

65 Goodness in God's House

66 Joyful Noise unto God

67 God's Mercy and Blessings

68 God arise, Enemies scatter

69 Passionate Cry for Preservation

70 Confuse my Enemies

71 My Strong Habitation

72 Prayer of Solomon

73 Asaph, Wicked's Foolish ways

74 Pay the Wicked

75 Promotion

76 God's Majestic Judgment

77 Day of Trouble

78 Wonderful Works of God

79 Cry for Help, Vengeance

80 Shepherd of Israel

81 God's Promise to Israel

82 Sons of God

83 Jehovah the Most High

84 From Strength to Strength

85 Forgiver of Sins

86 Prayer for Preservation

87 City of God

88 The Lord my Salvation

89 God's Faithful Covenant

90 The Lord our Dwelling

91 The Secret place

92 The Righteous' benefits

93 Thy Sure Testimonies

94 God of Vengeance

95 The Almighty God's Presence

96 God coming in Judgment

97 His Presence

98 Fair and Just Judge

99 The Reigning Lord

100 Praise in His Court

101 Froward and Proud Heart

102 Prayer in Affliction time

103 Everlasting Mercy

104 His Creation and Providence

105 God's Holy Promise

106 The Merciful God's Judgment

107 His Healing Word

108 His Holy Words

109 Judgment of False Accusers

110 Day of your Power

111 Whole Hearted Praise

112 Seed of the Upright

113 Worthy of Praise

114 Judah, His Sanctuary

115 Silver and Golden Idols

116 The Prayer answering God

117 Praise the Lord

118 The Lord's Everlasting Mercies

119 God's Excellent Word

120 Lying Lips, Deceitful tongues

121 My Help

122 Praying for Jerusalem

123 My Eyes on God

124 Let Israel now Say

125 Mountain Zion

126 Zion's Captivity, Sowing

127 Labouring with God

128 Reward of Labouring

129 Afflictions of my Youth

130 Hope in His Word

131 Simple Trust in God

132 Reward of Dedication

133 Unity, Commanded blessings

134 Bless the Lord

135 God's Redemption in Egypt

136 God's Enduring Mercies

137 Rivers of Babylon

138 God's revival to Faithfuls

139 God's Perfect Knowledge

140 Preservation from Violent Men

141 Door of my Lips

142 Deliverance from Persecutors

143 Prayer for Speedy Answers

144 What is Man

145 His unsearchable Greatness

146 Hope in God only

147 Praise is Beautiful

148 The Creation's Praise

149 Joy of the Saints

150 All Things Praise God

PROVERBS 1 God's Fear, Wisdom Call

2 Hidden Treasures of Wisdom

3 Advice to the Youth

4 Get Wisdom, Get Understanding

5 Beware of Immoral Woman

6 Dangerous Pledge, The Ant

7 The Seductive Woman's lips

8 Wisdom and its excellence

9 Wisdom's Act, Foolish Woman

10 The Proverbs of Solomon

11 Dishonest Scale, Counselors Relevance

12 Features of Excellent Wife

13 Lazy man's Desire, Companionship

14 Wise woman, Poor Man

15 Soft Answer, Wicked's Prayer

16 Preparation of heart, Pride

17 Wise Servant, Foolish Son

18 Isolation, Power of Tongue

19 Lazy man, King's Wrath

20 Wine, Spirit of Man

21 King's heart, Contentious woman

22 Train up a Child

23 Thought of the Heart

24 Wisdom builds, Righteous’ fall

25 Rule over your Spirit

26 The Slothful, Lying tongue

27 Boastings, Iron Sharpens Iron,

28 The Righteous’ boldness,

29 Flattering, fools feelings, Visionless

30 Pure Word of God

31 Alcoholism, Virtuous Woman’s exploit

ECCLESIASTES 1 Vanity upon Vanity

2 Vanity of Pleasure

3 Seasons and Times

4 Under the Sun

5 Vows

6 Common evil among Men

7 Wisdom, Songs of Fools

8 The King, His words

9 Time and Chance

10 Irony of Life, Hedge

11 Judgment of our Works

12 Conclusion of whole matter

SONG OF SOLOMON 1 The Oil of Attraction

2 Don’t Stir up Love

3 Watchmen of the City

4 The Bridegroom's praise

5 The Beloved's Garden

6 Praise of Shulamite's Praise

7 I am my Beloved's

8 The Power of Love

ISAIAH 1 Rebellious Nation of God

2 The Lord's House

3 Judah and Jerusalem's Fate

4 Zion's filth Washed

5 God's Vineyard

6 Isaiah's Calling

7 The Virgin Birth Prophecy

8 Recording on MaherShalalHashBaz

9 The Promised Son's Birth

10 Assyrian's Arrogance, Israel's Remnant

11 The Stem of Jesse

12 Praises to the Lord

13 Burden Against Babylon

14 Lucifer's Fall, Nations' Destruction

15 Burden Against Moab

16 Moab's Fate Declared

17 Burden against Damascus

18 Woe unto Ethiopia

19 Burden against Egypt

20 Sign against Egypt, Ethiopia

21 Burden against Dumah, Arabia

22 Judgment on Shebna
23 Burden against Tyre

24 Judgment on the Earth

25 God's Praise

26 A Song in Judah

27 Leviathan the Fleeing Serpent

28 Ephraim's Woe, Foundation Stone

29 Woe to Ariel

30 Woe to Rebellious Children

31 Trusting Egypt than God

32 Righteous Reign era, Complacency

33 The Lord's Self Upliftment

34 God's Indignation on Earth

35 God's Glory on Zion

36 Sennacherib's threat against Hezekiel

37 Hezekiel's Prayer, Sennacherib's Destruction

38 God extends Hezekiel's Lifespan

39 Babylon's Presents to Hezekiel

40 God's Comfort, Waiting

41 God's Assurance of Help

42 God's Elect,

43 God's Ever-presence assured

44 Idols futility

45 Cyrus' Mandate

46 The incomparable God

47 Shame of Babylon

48 God's Transparency to Israel

49 Callings, God's Infallible Compassion

50 Tongue of the Learned

51 Zion is Comforted

52 Awakening Call

53 The Redeemer's Affliction

54 Enlarging your Tent

55 God's Invitation and Thought

56 Foreigners' Salvation, Irresponsible


57 Contrite and Humble Spirit

58 Watered Garden

59 Lack of Intercessors

60 God's glory, Gentiles blessings

61 Proclaiming God's Acceptable year

62 For Zion's Sake

63 God's Own Salvation

64 Man's Righteousness

65 New Heavens and Earth

66 Poor and Contrite Spirit

JEREMIAH 1 Jeremiah's Call and Mandate

2 God cautions to Israel

3 Shepherds of God's Heart

4 Fallow Ground, Circumcision, Damnation

5 God's Judgment, Fiery Word

6 North Disaster, Uncircumcised ear

7 Lying words, No Intercession

8 False Teachings, Jeremiah's Cry

9 Circumcised and uncircumcised punishment

10 True God, dull-hearted Shepherds

11 Disobedience to God’s Covenant

12 Jeremiah's Complain, God's Response

13 Linen Sash, Wine Bottles

14 Drought, Plea for Mercy

15 Jeremiah Dispirited, God's Reassurance

16 Direction for Jeremiah's Life

17 Judah's iniquity, Punishment, Sabbath

18 Potter's House, Jeremiah ill-treatment

19 Broken Earthen Flask Sign

20 Word Against Pashur

21 God fights Jerusalem Himself

22 Sons of Josiah Judged

23 David's Branch of Righteousness

24 Two Baskets of Figs

25 Judah's Seventy years Destruction

26 Jeremiah Escapes the Desolation

27 Bonds and Yokes Prophecy

28 Hananiah's Lies, Prophet's authentication

29 Jeremiah's Letter

30 Israel and Judah Return

31 Wilderness Grace, New Covenant

32 Jeremiah's Field and Prayer

33 Call to me

34 God warns King Zedekiah

35 The Rechabites' Absolute Obedience

36 Scroll Read, Destroyed, Rewritten

37 Zedekiah's Hope, Jeremiah's Imprisonment

38 Jeremiah Advises King Zedekiah

39 Jerusalem's Desolation, Jeremiah's Freedom

40 Jeremiah goes to Gedaliah

41 Governor Gedaliah Assassinated

42 Flight Forbidden by God

43 Flight into Egypt

44 Israelites Punishment in Egypt

45 God's Word to Baruch

46 Prophecy against Egypt

47 Prophecy against Philistia

48 Prophecy against Moab

49 Prophecy against Ammon, Edom

50 Prophecy against Babylon

51 God's Doom for Babylon

52 Jerusalem's Fall Reviewed

LAMENTATION 1 Jerusalem's Affliction

2 The Lord's Fury

3 Jeremiah's Cry for Jerusalem

4 Jerusalem's Punishment Declared

5 A Plea for Remembrance

EZEKIEL 1 The Living Creatures

2 God Commissions Ezekiel

3 Ezekiel eats the Scroll

4 Siege of Jerusalem Portrayed

5 God Declares Israel's Judgment

6 Prophecy against Israel's Mountains

7 God's punishment for Israel

8 Israel's Secret Abomination

9 Destruction of unmarked Israel

10 Cherubims and the Wheels

11 East Gate

12 A Sign unto Israel

13 Judgment against False Prophets

14 Three Men of Righteousness

15 The Vine tree's Judgment

16 Israel play a Harlot

17 The Riddle of Eagles

18 The Lord's Fair Judgment

19 Lamentation For Israel's Princes

20 God Rejects Israel Elders

21 The Lord's Sword

22 Israel becomes Dross

23 The Harlot Sisters

24 Pot on Fire

25 The Lord's Vengeance

26 Prophecy Against Tyrus

27 Lamentation For Tyrus

28 Pride, Prophecy against Zidon

29 Prophecy Against Pharoah

30 God's Judgment Day

31 The Assyrians as Scapegoat

32 Lamentation for Egypt

33 Watchmen of Israel

34 The Shepherds and Flocks

35 Prophecy against Mount Seir

36 His Holy Name Sake

37 The Valley of Bones

38 Prophecy against Gog, Magog

39 Gog and Magog

40 The Measuring Reed

41 The Temple's Measurement

42 The Outer, Inner Court

43 The East Gate Glory

44 Ordinances of the Priest

45 Oblation unto the Lord

46 The East Gate Ordinances

47 Waters of the East

48 Division of the Land

DANIEL 1 Four Hebrew boys

2 Nebuchadnezzar's Untold dream explain

3 Nebuchadnezzer's golden image worship

4 The mighty tree dream

5 God warns king Belshazzar

6 King Darius, Lion's den

7 Daniel's four beast vision

8 The Ram and Goat

9 liberation prayer for Israel

10 Prince of Persia

11 Daniel advises King Darius

12 The End time Prophecy

HOSEA 1 Hosea marries a Prostitute

2 God's message through Hosea

3 God's unfeigned love

4 God's controversy with Israel

5 Kings and Priest's judged

6 Israel's call to Repentance

7 Ephraim's iniquity remembered

8 Israel swallowed in sin

9 Day of Recompense

10 Sow Righteousness, Fallow ground

11 God's Bands of Love

12 Accusation against Ephraim

13 Israel sins more

14 Israel's Restoration

JOEL 1 The moment of Destruction

2 Prayer, Fasting, God's Spirit

3 Judgment, War, Israel blessings

AMOS 1 God punishes the nations

2 The punishment continues

3 The Prophets' Authority

4 Israel remains obstinate

5 Lamentation for Israel

6 The Lord's warnings

7 Series of visions

8 Famine of God's Word

9 Israel's destruction, Israel's Restoration

OBADIAH 1 Pride, mistreatment, Zion's Deliverance

JONAH 1 Jonah runs to Tarshish

2 Jonah Prayers, Fish's belly

3 Jonah preaches, Nineveh Repents

4 Jonah's displeasure at God

MICAH 1 Judgment, wailing for Israel

2 Evildoers, False Prophets

3 Wicked leaders of Israel

4 Zion's establishment

5 The Messiah's coming prophesied

6 God reasons with Israel

7 Israel's confession, God's forgiveness

NAHUM 1 Jealousy of God

2 God opposes Nineveh

3 The bloody city Nineveh

HABAKKUK 1 The Prophet’s burden

2 Writing the vision

3 Prophet Habakkuk's Prayer

ZEPHANIAH 1 The Lord's Sacrificial day

2 The Lord's Anger

3 Day of Restoration

HAGGAI 1 The Lord's House Ignored

2 God's House future Glory

ZECHARIAH 1 Vision of Horses, Horns

2 Measuring Line, Zion's future

3 Satan's Accusation, The Branch

4 Golden Candlestick, Olive trees

5 Flying Scroll, winged woman

6 Four Chariots, Brass Mountain

7 Obedience and Fasting, Captivity

8 God's zeal, Holy City

9 Israel Fortification, Christ's Birth

10 Latter Rains, Judah's Restoration

11 Message to the Shepherds

12 Christ deliverance work

13 Opened fountain, smitten Shepherds

14 The Lord's Day, Worship

MALACHI 1 Rejection of corrupt Sacrifices

2 Dishonest Priest
3 Tithes, Offerings, Open Heavens

4 Sun of Righteousness, Elijah

MATTHEW 1 Christ's Genealogy, Mary's Pregnancy

2 Christ birth, Christ flight

3 John baptizes, Jesus baptized

4 Wilderness Temptation, First Disciples

5 Beatitudes,

6 Giving, Prayers and Fasting

7 Broad and Narrow Path

8 Centurion's Faith, Sea calmed

9 Matthew Called, Jesus' compassion

10 Apostles sent, Prophets reward

11 John the Baptist imprisoned

12 Jesus teaches Sabbath, Beelzebub

13 Parables, Explanations, Jesus Rejected

14 John's Death, 5000, Sea walk

15 Lip's Worship, 4000 Fed

16 Peter reveals Christ identity

17 Jesus' transfiguration, Mustard Seed

18 The Greatest, Parables continuation

19 Marriage, Rich Young Ruler

20 Jesus Death Prediction, Service

21 Entry, Prayer House, Parables

22 Wedding Parable, Greatest Commandment

23 Pharisees and Scribes Hypocrisy

24 Eschatology, Faithful, Evil Servant

25 Parables of Virgins, Talents

26 Alabaster Worship, Last Supper

27 Christ Trials, Crucifixion, Burial

28 Christ Resurrection, Great Commission

MARK 1 John's Wilderness Ministry

2 Four Friends Faith

3 Apostles named, Divided Kingdom

4 Jesus' Parables, Wind obedience

5 Tombed man, Woman touch

6 Jesus rejected, John beheaded

7 Gentile woman persisting faith

8 4000 fed, Jesus' identity

9 Transfiguration, Greatest Servant,


10 Marital Teachings, Blind Bartimaeus

11 Colt loosed, Tree cursed

12 Greatest Commandment, Widow's mite

13 Signs of the Endtime

14 Judas, Peter betray Jesus

15 Pilate, Christ's Death, Burial

16 Christ's Resurrection, Ascension

LUKE 1 Zacharias' vision, Saviour announced

2 Christ Birth, Jesus' Childhood

3 Jesus is Baptized, Genealogy

4 Temptation, Jesus' Rejection

5 Four Disciples, Matthew, Fasting

6 Sabbath, Beatitudes, Rock Analogy

7 Centurion's Servant, Alabaster Worship

8 Jesus' Parables, Wave's Obedience

9 The Twelve sent, Discipleship

10 Seventy Disciples, Good Samaritan

11 Jesus' model Prayer, Spirits

12 The Rich Fool Parable

13 Unfruitful Fig tree, Parables

14 Great Supper, Tasteless Salt

15 Lost Sheep, Coin, Son

16 Unjust Steward, Poor Lazarus

17 Mustard Seed, Ten Lepers

18 Persistent Widow, Discipleship Reward

19 Zacchaeus, Entry into Jerusalem

20 Pharisees' questions, Taxes, Resurrection

21 Widow's Mites, The Endtime

22 Gethsemane Prayer Betrayals, Arrest

23 Jesus Before Pilate, Death

24 Resurrection, Reveals Himself, Ascension

JOHN 1 God's Word in Flesh

2 Jesus' first Miracle, Zeal

3 Born Again

4 Jesus and Samaritan woman

5 Bethesda's pool
6 Bread of Life, Rejection

7 Holy Spirit to come

8 The Adulteress, Abraham's seeds

9 Man born blind, Work

10 Good Shepherd

11 Lazarus death and Resurrection

12 Mary Anoints Jesus' feet

13 Feet Washing, New Commandment

14 Love, Obedience, The Comforter

15 True Vine, Greater Love

16 Holy Spirit's Mandate, Travail

17 Jesus' High Priestly Prayers

18 Jesus' Arrest, Peter's Denial

19 Jesus' Crucifixion, death, Burial

20 Jesus' Resurrection, Shows Himself

21 Peter's Restoration, Love Question

ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 1 Jesus' Ascension, Judas' Replaced

2 Pentecost day, Peter's Sermon

3 Beautiful gate's Healing

4 Apostles' Arrested and threatened

5 Ananias, Sapphira, Peter's Shadow

6 The Chosen Seven

7 Stephen Arrested and Stoned

8 Philip Evangelism, Ethiopian Eunuch

9 Saul's Conversion and Calling

10 Cornelius and household

11 The Apostles confront Peter

12 James' death, Peter's Escape

13 Barnabas, Saul Commissioned, Elymas

14 Iconium, Lystra misson, Stoning

15 Circumcision, Paul Barnabas Separates

16 Paul and Silas imprisonment

17 Thessalonica, Berea, Athens's mission

18 Corinth, Ephesus' missions, Apollos

19 Holy Spirit Baptism, Demetrius

20 Paul' admonishment, Eutychus' death,

21 Prophet Agabus, Paul's Arrest

22 Paul addresses the Mob

23 Paul escape assassination plot

24 Jews' accusations, Paul's Defense

25 Paul Appeal, before Agrippa

26 Paul recounts his Early Life

27 Journey to Rome, Shipwreck

28 Paul's ministry in Rome.

ROMANS 1 Faith Life, God's wrath

2 God's Judgment, Heart Circumcision

3 Righteousness through Faith

4 Abraham Justification by Faith

5 Gift of Righteousness

6 Water Baptism, Holiness

7 Law and Sin

8 Mindset, Sonship, Unfeigned Love

9 God's Sovereignty and Justice

10 End of law, Salvation

11 Election by Grace

12 Renewing Mindset, Spiritual Gifts

13 Obedience to Authority, Love

14 Liberty and Love's Law

15 Oneness, Ministry in Rome

16 Paul's Greetings and Caution

1 CORINTHIANS 1 Division in Church, Foolishness

2 Hidden Wisdom of God

3 Carnality, Co-Labourers, God's Temple

4 Stewardship, Fathers and Instructors

5 Dealing with Sexual Immorality

6 Court cases, Our body

7 Marital Issues, Callings

8 Conscience, idol's Food

9 Self-denial, Discipline

10 Lessons from Old Testament

11 Hierarchy, Last supper

12 Spiritual Gifts, oneness

13 Love

14 Prophecy and Tongues speaking

15 Dying daily, Two Adams

16 Paul Exhortations

2 CORINTHIANS 1 Comfort in troubling moments

2 Forgiveness, Victory in Christ

3 God's Sufficiency, Glorious Testament

4 Enduring Faith, Affliction, Glory

5 Love compels, Reconciliation ministry

6 Ministerial Ethics, Right Company

7 Perfecting Holiness, Godly Sorrow

8 Our Riches, Titus' Diligence

9 Seed Sowing, Abundant Grace

10 Spiritual Warfare Weapons, Comparison

11 Godly Jealousy, False Apostles

12 Third Heaven's Visions, Thorn

13 Self-examination, Paul's Benediction

GALATIANS 1 True Gospel, Paul's Apostleship

2 Paul's Ministry to Uncircumcised

3 Faith against Law, Justification

4 Sonship, Travail

5 Our Liberty, Spiritual Fruits

6 Caring for one another

EPHESIANS 1 Sealed by Holy Spirit

2 Salvation by Grace, Cornerstone

3 Unravelled Gospel of Christ

4 Ministry Gifts, New Man

5 Christian Living, Time, Marriage

6 Relationship Roles, God's Armour

PHILLIPIANS 1 Compassion, Suffering for Christ

2 Christ's Humility, Like-mindedness

3 Paul's Past, Pressing on

4 Rejoice Always

COLOSIANS 1 Christ's will, Reconciliation, Preeminence

2 Men Philosophy, Godhead, Baptism

3 Mindset, Christian Character, Relationship

4 Prayer for utterance, Exhortation

1 THESSALONIANS 1 Exemplary Christian Life

2 Paul's behaviour and Gospel

3 Paul's concern and Prayer

4 Sanctification, Christ's Coming

5 Sons of Light, Exhortations

2 THESSALONIANS 1 Faith, Patience in Suffering

2 Advice about Deception, Lawlessness

3 Paul requests Prayers, Laziness

1 TIMOTHY 1 Law's purpose, Prophetic words

2 Call unto Prayer

3 Leadership criteria, Godliness Mystery

4 Latter time Deception, Exemplary Life

5 Conduct towards Elders, Widows

6 Godliness, Riches, Faith Fight

2 TIMOTHY 1 Faith Heritage, Stirring Gifts

2 Good Soldier, Studying, Vessels

3 Perilous Times, Scriptures' mandates

4 Call unto Preaching

TITUS 1 Selecting Elders, Their duties

2 Treating the Aged

3 Obedience to Authorities, Regeneration

PHILEMON 1 Faith confession, Onesimus recommended

HEBREWS 1 God's Image, Angels Position

2 Captain of Salvation

3 Christ's Faithfulness, Wilderness Lessons

4 Rest, Great High Priest

5 Christ's eternal Priesthood, Immaturity

6 Foundational Doctrines, Christ's Purpose

7 Melchisedec, Tithe, Levitical Priesthood

8 Christ's Priestly Work, Covenant

9 Earthly, Heavenly Tabernacle, Mediator

10 Animal Sacrifices, Christ Blood

11 Faith Heroes, Faith Exploits

12 Christian Race, Weights, Chastisement

13 Christian mannerism, Respect Leaders

JAMES 1 Trials, Act the Word

2 Partiality, Royal Law, Faith

3 Tongue, Heavenly, Earthly Wisdom

4 Effective Prayer, Humility, Boasting

5 Rich's Attitude, Patience, Backslider

1 PETER 1 Holiness, Incorruptible, enduring word

2 Spiritual Food, Christ's Example

3 Marital Nuggets, Baptism

4 Suffering for Christ

5 Advice to Shepherds, Greetings

2 PETER 1 Virtues for Fruitfulness, Prophecies

2 False Teachers and Doctrines

3 God's Sure Promises, Steadfastness

1 JOHN 1 Fellowship with the Light

2 Christlike Living, Antichrist's Coming

3 Sin and Righteous Consciousness

4 Test all Spirits, Love

5 Trinity, Confidence in Prayer

2 JOHN 1 Walk in Christ's Love,

3 JOHN 1 Prosperity, John commends Gaius

JUDE 1 Apostasy, Building up Faith

REVELATION 1 Son of Man described

2 Letters to four churches

3 Letters, Last three Churches

4 Living Creatures, Elders' Worship

5 The Seven Sealed Scroll

6 First Six seals opened

7 The 144,000 sealed Israelites

8 Seventh seal, Seven Trumpets

9 Fifth, Six Trumpet blown

10 Mighty Angel, Little Book

11 Temple Measured, Two Witnesses

12 War in Heaven

13 Sea , Earth Beasts, 666

14 The Lamb and 144,000

15 Seven Angels, Seven Plaques

16 Seven Plaques Poured, Armageddon

17 Mother of Harlots

18 Harlot judged, Babylon's Fall

19 Marriage Supper, Christ Victory

20 Satan's imprisonment, Judgment Throne

21 New Heaven, New Earth

22 River, Tree of Life



Submitted by


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of

Certificate in Missions and Disciplemaking
DATE: 25/06/2018

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