Cbeb3101 Cib3001 1 2017

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UNIVERSITI MALAYA UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA PEPERIKSAAN IJAZAH SARJANA MUDA PENTADBIRAN PERNIAGAAN EXAMINATION FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION PEPERIKSAAN IJAZAH SARJANA MUDA PERAKAUNAN EXAMINATION FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ACCOUNTING SESI AKADEMIK 2016/2017 SEMESTER | ACADEMIC SESSION 2016/2017 SEMESTER | CBEB3101/C1B3001 Etika Pemiagaan Business Ethics Dis 2016/Jan 2017 Masa : 2 jam Dec 2016/Jan 2017 Time: 2 hours ARAHAN KEPADA CALON: INSTRUCTION TO CANDIDATES: Bahagian A: Sila jawab SEMUA soalan. Section A: Answer ALL questions, Bahagian B : Jawab TIGA (3) soalan sahaja. Section 8; Answer THREE (3) questions only. (Kertas soalan ini mengandungi § soalan dalam 4 halaman yang di cetak) (This question paper consists of 5 questions on 4 printed pages) CBEB3101/C1B3001 BAHAGIAN J SECTION A: JAWAB SEMUA SOALAN / ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS Sila baca artikel yang bertajuk Software Piracy in Malaysia di bawah dan jawab SEMUA soalan di dalam Soalan 1 Read the article on Software Piracy in Malaysia below and answer ALL questions in Question 1 Despite the authorities coming down hard on software piracy, the increase in such piracy in Malaysia is worrisome, says a renowned software analyst. “What a lot of people do not realize is that when they buy software, they are actually buying a license to use it, not the actual software. That license is what tells you how many times they can install the software, so it's important to read it. if the buyer makes more copies of the software than the license permits, they're pirating,” said Roland Chan, the senior director of Business Software Alliance, A global software piracy study by the International Data Corporation for BSA Malaysia showed personal computer piracy rate was at 56% in 2010. Software piracy is the unauthonzed copying or distribution of copyrighted software via copying, downloading, sharing, selling or installing multile copies onto personal or work computers. Chan said the worth of pirated software in 2010 was estimated at US$606 million. ‘it's a bad sign that can harm the software industry. Malaysia needs to focus on addressing software piracy by taking measures to root out the problem. It is high time stringent intellectual property laws are enacted and implemented to deter people from indulging in software piracy.” He said current laws like the Copyright Act 1987 must be enforced without fear or favour. Under the Act, an organization, its director and senior management personnel are liable to a fine’ between RM2,000 and RM20,000 and can be jailed up to five years for each pirated copy of a software program. In 2011, the Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry mounted 61 enforcement raids and seized 394 computers and peripherals, and 1,416 copies of suspected pirated software, with a combined total estimated value of RM8.2 million. (Adapted trom ‘Software Piracy in Malaysia Worrisome, says Expert’ The Star, 4 April 2012) 214 CBEB3101/C1B3001 Soalan/Question 1 (a) Apakah sebab-sebab yang mungkin dibimbangkan berkenaan cetak rompak perisian di Malaysia? What might be some possible reasons for the worrying state of software piracy in Meleysia? (20 markahimarks) (b) Pada pendapat anda, adakah Akta Hak Cipta 1987 memberikan_ perlindungan, yang mencukupi kepada syarikat-syarikat perisian daripada cetakan rompak? Kenapa? in your opinion, do you think the Copyright Act 1987 gives software companies adequate protection against piracy? Why? (20 markah/marks) [Jumlah/Total: 40 markah/marks] BAHAGIAN / SECTION B: JAWAB TIGA (3) SOALAN SAHAJA | ANSWER THREE (3) QUESTIONS ONLY Soalan/Question 2 Terangkan konsep etika dari perspekiif Islam Explain the concept of ethics from the Islamic perspective. (20 markahimarks) Soalan/Question 3 2) Apakah tiga punca utama ancaman kepada alam sekitar? What are the three main sources of threats to natural environment? (10 markah/marks) b) _ Apakah cara yang terbaik untuk mengatasi ancaman ini? What are the best ways to overcome these threats? (10 markah/marks) (20 markah/marks) 314 CBEB3101/C1B3001 Soalan/Question 4 Terangkan isu-isu etika dalam pembungkusan dan pelabelan. Explain ethical issues in packaging and labelling (20 markahmarks) Soalan/Question § Apakah sebab-sebab yang mengakibatkan diskriminasi harga yang tidak beretika atau haram dari sisi undang-undang? What are the reasons that make price discrimination unethical or illegal? (20 markahimarks) [Jumlah/Total: 60 markahimarks} TAMAT END 414

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