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Difference Between Lions And Tigers

The lion and the tiger are wild animals that belong to the cat family. There are a lot of
differences between these two big cats.

Their physical appearance is the most obvious difference between a lion and a tiger.
Tiger has bold, black stripes across his bodies, whereas lion does not have any stripes.
Tiger also do not has mane like the male lion. Male lion has a large mane around her

The physical characteristics also different between the lion and the tiger. Tiger is
longer than lion, more muscular, and generally heavier in weight, although lion is
taller than tiger. The tiger has stronger legs, and much more active and agile when
compared to a lion. By nature, a tiger is considered to be more aggressive than lion.
Male lion is even thought to be lazy in a way, and will not do anything unless he
really has to. Tiger is the more dominant big cat when lion and tiger are compared.

On the other hand, a tiger prefer to live and hunt on their own. The tiger hunt for their
own prey in the jungle, and then eat their catch alone. Therefore, one can say that a
lion are definitely more sociable than a tiger.

Source: Difference Between Lions and Tigers | Difference Between
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