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Santac’Laus is Coming to Town

A Christmas Adventure For Four 8th Level Characters

By Dan Williams

An elderly male halfling, Gar Wrinkletoe, sits on a bench,
Summary watching the preparations. He will grumpily explain what's
As long as anyone in the sleepy halfling village of Flodur going on (see Santac'Laus: The Legend). If the party don't
can remember, Christmas has been a time of terror. Every approach him, he will instigate conversation: "Don't get
year on Christmas Eve, the deranged mindflayer many strangers in these parts."
Santac'Laus rides from his mountain lair, on a sleigh pulled Gar plans to stay out for the night, as he does every year,
by a team of terrible eye monsters, to eat children's brains to watch the night with a bottle of Elsie Truffleslinger's
and implant illithid tadpoles in the villagers. cranberry wine. Gar is old enough that he isn't worried
Can the party put a stop to Santac'Laus' yearly visits? about Santac'Laus attacking him. He's also not keen on
What strange and terrible secrets will they find in his lair? children and has convinced himself that the annual visits
And why does he have a giant mech statue of himself? from Santac'Laus keep the village quiet and the children
under control. He'll point the party to The Holly and Ivy.
Using this adventure Santac'Laus: The Legend
This adventure is shamelessly and unapologetically Every year on Christmas Eve, the monster Santac'laus takes
ridiculous. It is designed for a party of four 8th level
adventurers, but could easily be handwaved to cater for to the sky, pulled by a team of terrible eye-beasts. The eyes
virtually any level - balance has taken a very firm second see everything around them, so Santac'Laus knows which
place behind fun. If your players are looking like they're children have been particularly naughty. On this night, he
struggling, throw them some favours. It is Christmas, after selects one family upon whom to visit his horrors.
all! Swooping down from his mountain lair, he comes to eat
This adventure can used for a single stand-alone session, the brains of the naughtiest children, and carry their parents
or as part of a wider campaign. Flodur is small enough that off in his sack, never to be seen again. Throughout the year,
it is unlikely to be marked on any maps, so it can be slotted children are reminded to be good - they know the danger of
in anywhere (or just teleport the party to a mysterious
pocket plane). being naughty is that they'll have the tastiest brains.
Every year, the villagers attempt to protect themselves by
putting up decorations:
Scene 1: A Village Named bright lights to blind the eye-beasts;
Flodur covering trees with baubles to trick Santac'Laus into
thinking they're brains;
The adventure begins as the party find themselves on a placing stars on treetops to throw the monster's night-
snow-covered road, leading to the small halfling village of time navigation;
Flodur. A dark mountain looms over Flodur, a snowy pine leaving out tantalising pies and drinks as a distraction.
forest on its lower slopes.
Dusk is falling as the party enter the village. A light None of it seems to work though, and every year the
snowfall drifts across thatched roofs and cobbled paths. people of Flodur must steel themselves for the Christmas
The halfling villager are putting the finishing touches on morning news of which family is no more.
their Christmas decorations. Houses are decked out with
lights; a large tree stands in the middle of the village, There are a number of very reasonable questions to be
covered with arcane lamps, baubles and an enormous asked regarding the halflings' way of life. Why do they not
glowing star. Logar Clodbottle, the village mayor, is remove (or at least block up) their chimneys? Why don't
overseeing the decorating. they group together and defend themselves? The answer is
The village looks beautiful, but the mood is strangely simple: the halflings are stubborn and are stuck in their
glum. The villagers appear tense and preoccupied, gazing ways, habits and traditions. You can't just go changing
fearfully at the sky and toward the foreboding mountain. these things!
They don't talk much, but periodically mutter comments
like "I hope they work this year." Locations
As the party approach, Callie Gladbutton rushes past
with her young son, Teddy Gladbutton. The party can Village Square A large open space in the centre of Flodur.
overhear her telling him they "must get inside before it gets A few small grocer and general goods shops line the
dark." If the party attempt to engage her in conversation, perimeter, and a tall, decorated pine tree stands in the
she will make every effort to hurry away from them. Teddy middle.
is throwing snowballs containing rocks at people and The Holly and Ivy Local tavern, run by Elsie Truffleslinger.
windows, and earns himself a scolding: "You know what Always has a warm fire and tables to spare. Spick and
happens to naughty children!" span. Rooms can be rented for a modest sum. Elsie
tends the bar herself and employs Lillian Wigglestop as a
cook and general helper.
You better watch out, you better not cry Farms Most of the villagers are farmers, and the land
Better not pout, I'm telling you why around Flodur is largely taken up with a variety of crops
Santac’Laus is coming to town and animals - turkeys, geese, pigs, potatoes, parsnips,
carrots, sprouts.

Cast If the party arrive in time, they should be able to save
Teddy (or you may wish to give Teddy a gruesome ending).
Callie Gladbutton is a female halfling and a stressed out A plate of mince pies and glass of brandy sit untouched by
mother, in her early forties. She has blonde hair, usually the fireplace. There is no sign of Callie or Fingis - both have
pulled back in a ponytail and works in the grocery store. been taken by Santac'Laus and infested with tadpoles, to
Callie is married to Fingis Gladbutton; they have one begin their transformation.
son, Teddy. The villagers are obviously distressed and will ask the
Elsie Truffleslinger is female halfling in her early 30s, party to help defeat Santac'Laus once and for all, pointing
Elsie owns and local tavern, The Holly and Ivy. She tends them to a path that leads out of the village and up the
to be cheerful, but uses sarcasm as a coping mechanism. mountain. None of the villagers has dared travel close to
Elsie runs a very tight operation, usually from behind the the mountain for quite some time, and they are quick to
bar, and makes excellent cranberry wine. make sure the party understand the path is not a safe one.
Fingis Gladbutton is a male halfling in his mid forties. He
spends most of his time tending farmland outside the Scene 3: Mountain Path
village proper, and so is unlikely to feature unless the
party pursue Callie and Teddy. Fingis is married to The path up the mountain takes the party through farmland
Callie, and is the father of Teddy. and into a densely wooded pine forest, as they begin to
Gar Wrinkletoe is an elderly male halfling, Gar is balding, climb. If the party isn't waylaid, the trip will take a couple of
grumpy and stubborn (even by halfling standards). He's hours.
happy to give a piece of his mind to anyone who will There are three suggestions below for how the party may
listen. Gar isn't a fan of children, so isn't too phased by be waylaid - feel free to pick and choose from these,
the coming events. depending on how strong the party is and how much time
Lillian Wigglestop is a female halfling in her late teens. is available for the session.
Elsie has short, bright blue hair and a nose piercing. She After dealing with these complications, it is a
tends to be quiet, but will speak her mind when pressed. straightforward climb to the entrance to the Grotto.
Elsie works in The Holly and Ivy as a cook and helper.
Logar Clodbottle is the village mayor. Logar is a middle Turkey Dinner
aged male halfling with a mess of curly brown hair. Beyond the outskirts of the farmland around Flodur, hidden
Usually dressed in his ceremonial red coat and hat, just behind the treeline, the party come across a collection
Logar has been mayor for 7 years, since the previous of a dozen run-down wooden structures, each as large as a
mayor attempted to lead an attack on Santac'Laus and house - giant bird coops. The broken remains of a fence
never returned. At this time of year, he is run ragged, as surrounds the coops, and much of the undergrowth here
he sees it his responsibility to keep the townspeople safe. shows signs of being trampled.
Teddy Gladbutton is a male halfling child, around 12 years A successful DC 14 Nature check will allow the party to
old. He has a reputation for getting into trouble and likes identify and avoid the most trampled areas. Otherwise, they
to act up. Teddy is the son of Callie and Fingis are attacked by six aggressive dire turkeys (p8).
Gladbutton. There is nothing of value in the coops, and they appear to
Scene 2: Santac'Laus is have been abandoned many years ago. A successful DC 18
Investigation check will reveal several halfling-sized bones
Coming to Town scattered about one of the coops.
No-one in Flodur knows anything about the dire turkeys
Wherever the party ends up spending the night, their rest is although, if questioned, some of the older halflings may
disturbed in the small hours. If they're keeping watch, they reminisce about Old Man Feathersprout and his
see a silhouette of a manta ray being pulled by a team of crossbreeding experiments. Old Man Feathersprout went
eight spherical, betentacled bestial beholders (p7). Riding out to check his animals about sixty years ago, and was
atop the Manta Sleigh is a humanoid figure - Santac'Laus never seen again...
(p9) himself.
However the party are spending Christmas Eve, they are Walking in Circles
alerted by a commotion caused by the villagers. The Manta
Sleigh stops on top of the Gladbutton house and the figure Snow is still falling, and the path is often tricky to follow. A
hops down the chimney. If any characters are close by, a successful DC 15 Survival check (or an appropriate spell)
few screams might be heard, but barely two minutes later, will prevent the party from walking in circles. Each time
the figure returns carrying a full sack, climbs on the Sleigh they find themselves back where they started, each
and takes off for the mountain. character must make a constitution saving throw (DC = 12
Regardless of where the party start, it is exceedingly + number of circles walked) or take a level of exhaustion
unlikely that they will be able to reach the house in time to from the cold.
prevent Santac'Laus making off with his quarry. This scene
can be run like a chase sequence, with the party having to The Snowman
vault barrels, slide across icy flagstones and roofs and dive As they make their way through the forest, the party is
through giant decorative holly wreaths. ambushed by a group of four animated snowmen (p8) (add
If they do reach the house in time, Santac'Laus will do more if this seems too easy). A successful DC 16
his best to escape without engaging in a prolonged battle - Perception check will allow the party to spot the snowmen
he will probably use his Mind Blast to stun the party before in advance; otherwise they are surprised.
casting Levitate to ascend the chimney and flee.

Whilst smashed together, the characters have
Scene 4: The Grotto disadvantage on all Dexterity based ability checks or saving
Santac'Laus' Grotto is inside the mountain. Here, he has throws.
created a home for himself and all his "friends". Unless
disturbed, Santac'Laus is in his Scrying Chamber.
There are six locations in the Grotto, described on the He's making a list and checking it twice
following pages: Gonna find out who's naughty and nice
Santac’Laus is coming to town
1 Candy Cane Entrance
2 Main Chamber
3 Workshop
2. Main Chamber
4 Aquarium
Exits to:
5 Scrying Chamber
6 Hangar and Stables Candy Canes Entrance
1. Candy Cane Entrance Hangar and Stables
Exits to: The tunnel opens out into a large, well-lit cavern, about
Outside 200ft across. A faint smell of cinnamon lingers in the air.
Main Chamber Ornate chandaliers hang from the ceiling.
A tunnel and two doors are on the far side of the
The mountain path exits the forest and leads to a cave chamber. On the left, the tunnel leads down to the Hanger
entrance on a ledge after an easy climb. Patchy and Stables. To the right of this, the door to the Workshop
undergrowth and foliage adorns the rock wall around the is unlocked; to the right of this, the door to the Aquarium is
outside of the cave, and the walls and ceiling of the cavern locked (requiring a DC 14 Dexterity check to pick the lock,
itself. The inside of the cave is in complete darkness or a DC 16 Strength check to break the door down).
beyond the first few feet. The cavern is full of illiflings playing simple playground
games with each other (some suggestions are given in the
Candy Canes table below), in a creepily silent and mechanical fashion.
The cave mouth is flanked by a pair of 8-foot tall red and These are clearly the missing halflings from Flodur, but
white striped candy canes. A DC 16 Investigation or transformed into miniature mindflayer versions of
Arcana check will idendify these as the source of a Force themselves. Overall, there are around 50 of them.
Wall across the entrance to the cave.
Alternatively, running into the Force Wall will result in Catch
1d6 force damage and the character being repelled.
The Force Wall can be destroyed by a Dispel Magic spell, Football
or by destroying the canes (25hp each, take 1d6 force Hopscotch
damage for each melee attack). It/Tag
If any of the candy cane is eaten, the character gains a
sugar high for one minute (they gain both the Hasted and Tin soldiers
Poisoned conditions). The fifth edition of a popular fantasy roleplaying game

Mistletoe The illiflings will ignore the characters unless they are
As the party make their way into the Grotto, whatever light provoked, in which case they will attempt to run and hide.
there is from the moon and stars fades, and the foliage They will only attack as a very last resort. If the characters
covering the walls and ceiling becomes more patchy. A DC insert themselves into any of the games, the illiflings will
25 Perception check (with disadvantage if there is no light include them without fuss.
source) will reveal that there seems to be some sort of If any commotion is made, Santac'Laus will arrive from
pattern to the foliage on the ceiling; a DC 20 Investigation the Aquarium door after around 30 seconds. If the illiflings
or Arcana check will reveal some arcane significance to the witness any fighting, when the party return to the Main
arrangement, and also that there appears to be a path that Chamber, the illiflings will have added acting out the fight
avoids the foliage, extending some 100ft. to their repertoire of playground games.
If the characters attempt to traverse this path, they must Illiflings have the stat block of a commoner (MM p345),
each make a DC 15 Dexterity check. Otherwise, anyone with the following changes:
caught underneath mistletoe must succeed on a DC 17
Strength saving throw or be physically flung into to the Int, Wis and Cha scores are all 7 (-1).
nearest party member, each taking 1d6 bludgeoning Speed is 25ft.
damage when they collide. Immunity to any charm effects.
This condition lasts for 1 minute; the characters may use Languages: Common, Halfling, Deep Speech, telepathy
an action to make another Strength save to pull apart, but (120ft.).
any turn on which they don't make this save, they are
smashed together again (another 1d6 bludgeoning

3. Workshop 4. Aquarium
Exits to: Exits to:
Main Chamber Main Chamber
Aquarium (via secret door) Scrying Chamber
Workshop (via secret door)
This rectangular chamber is haphazardly filled with
shelves and racks of non-functional magical items. Four This long rectangular room is filled with a soft blue-
nothics (MM p236) are hard at work attempting to create green light, seemingly emanating from the water that
new magical items for Santac'Laus. They periodically surrounds it on both sides and above, like a glass tunnel
mutter nonsense phrases to each other (see Nothic through an aquarium. Within the water, there are hundreds
Nonsense) and will attack if they are disturbed, using the of immature illithid tadpoles.
plethora of items they have in progress. A calender hangs on the wall by the door to the Main
At the start of each nothic's turn, roll 1d6 on the table Chamber, displaying December. Each day up to the 24th is
below to determine what item it picks up. Each item has a ticked off. The 25th is circled, with "New friends" written in
single use before it becomes non-functional, as the nothics Qualith and a badly-drawn picture of a brain with a smiley
are having difficulty imbuing the devices with the necessary face.
arcane energy. Once the use is expended, the item will fall A ladder at the far end leads up to gantry above which
apart in an appropriate way (for example, the Wand of Web contains a hatch, allowing access to the tank. The water is
might turn into a sticky, webby mess). warm and salty.
d6 Magic Item
Lying on the aquarium floor below the hatch are Callie
and Fingis Gladbutton, seemingly asleep. They have both
1 Tentacle Rod been infested with tadpoles, and each have the beginnings
2 Circlet of Blasting of several small tentacles growing over their mouths. They
cannot be woken. A Greater Restoration spell will remove
3 Wand of Fireballs the effects of the tadpoles and restore them to
4 Wand of Lightning Bolts consciousness. They each have the stats of a Commonor
5 Wand of Magic Missile
(MM p345), and know both Comman and Halfling.
A character in the water can find a secret hatch off to the
6 Wand of Web lefthand side with a successful DC 13 Investigation check.
The hatch leads to a tunnel that emerges in the Workshop.
The nothics have been working for Santac'Laus for some A roll of 15 or higher on an Investigation check will
time, and have been trying to find ways to make him feel reveal a heavy metal chest on the aquarium floor among a
less lonely and more happy. The giant Stone Mindflayer patch of reeds. The chest is locked and requires a DC 18
and tin soldiers found in the Hangar were the (misguided) Dexterity check to open. The chest contains six crackers.
work of the nothics to make some friends for their master. For every minute in the water, a character has a 25%
Since that didn't work, they've turned their attention to chance of attracting the hostile attention of a Swarm of
making toys for him. Tadpoles (p9).
When the party loot the Workshop and succeed on an A door at the far end of the Aquarium tunnel leads to the
Investigation check (DC 12), have them roll 2d6 each to Scrying Chamber.
determine what they discover.
A successful DC 15 Investigation check will reveal the Crackers
existence of a secret passage behind one of the shelving A failed experiment by the nothics in the workshop, these
units (opened by removing a fake book from a shelf), that paper tubes are filled with an explosive mixture originally
leads to a secret hatch in the Aquarium. intended to produce a small pop. The nothics aren't very
Also in the room are plans and technical drawings competent though, and the crackers instead contain
depicting a giant, pilotable statue of a mindflayer, as well as enough explosive to do some real damage.
designs for an assortment of smaller golem-like tin When the two ends of the cracker are pulled apart, the
soldiers. Each drawing is labelled "Friend?" explosives ignite, causing 2d6 fire damage to all creatures
in a 5 foot radius, or half damage on a successful DC 15
Dexterity save.
The crackers may also be ignited by a stray flame,
Nothic Nonsense sudden movement or a stern glance. Crackers are best
Traversing appendages lacking accuracy stored underwater.
Containment field enlargement commencing Once detonated, nothing remains of the cracker save for
Reticulating splines a randomly coloured paper crown with a strange magical
Approaching thaumatic exceedance aura that compels whoever picks it up to place it upon their
Vocalisation complete head.
Processing calibration matrix
Locus acknowledged
Misleading confectionary
Statement confirmed

5. Scrying Chamber 6. Hangar and Stables
Exits to: Exits to:
Aquarium Main Chamber
This domed chamber is filled with crystal balls balanced
carefully on pedestals at different heights. It is possible to A long corridoor leads away from the Main Chamber and
move between them, but only carefully. Movement is curves up into the mountain. More mistletoe adorns the
reduced to half speed; otherwise the player must make a ceiling, requiring a DC 15 Dexterity check to avoid (see
DC 16 Dexterity check to avoid knocking a crystal ball from Mistletoe on page 4). Santac'Laus is unaffected by it.
a pedestal. Santac'Laus is able to move at full speed. The corridoor ends in a pair of heavy stone doors. If
If a crystal ball falls, it smashes and deals 1d6 psychic Santac'Laus has fled this way the doors will be open,
damage to anyone within 10ft. This will also alert otherwise they will be closed. A DC 25 Strength check will
Santac'Laus to the party's presence in the chamber. be required to prise the doors open. A DC 15 investigation
When the party enter, the chamber is illuminated with check will reveal the presence of an arcane rune inscribed
only a dim light given my each crystal ball. If the party study on one of the doors - a qualith Rune of Opening. If the party
the crystal balls, they will see scenes of Flodur being are able to understand the rune, they discern that it may be
played out live: the village itself, families in their houses, activated by expending a spell slot (level 1 or higher) into
the decorations in the village square, and so on. Many of the rune.
the crystal balls show the village-folk mourning the The doors are, in fact, the feet of a giant 40ft tall stone
Gladbutton family. Mayor Logar can probably be seen mindflayer, pressed together as it stands in front of the
pacing backwards and forwards in his study. entrance to the Hangar. When the doors are opened, the
This is how Santac'Laus is able to keep watch on Flodur feet shift aside, revealing the cavern beyond - a roughly
and choose which family to visit each Christmas. rectangular chamber, 350ft wide and 100ft across, with a
60ft ceiling. The entrance lies in the middle of the long
edge. The cavern is illuminated by three large chandeliers
hanging from the ceiling.
He sees you when you're sleeping Across the cavern from the entrance is a wide opening to
He knows when you're awake the world outside, with a sheer drop down the
He knows if you've been bad or good mountainside. At the far righthand end is a fenced-off
So be good for goodness sake stable area, holding eight bestial beholders and the Manta
Sleigh. At the far left end is a squad of eight tin soldiers.
Santac'Laus will attempt to reach the Manta Sleigh and
engage the party from above, using his spells. He also gains
Santac'Laus himself sits in the centre of the chamber on a 2 Legendary Actions, each of which can be used to fire one
comfy reclining armchair, watching his favourite Christmas beholder eye ray (his choice of ray). When he enters the
film (Scry Hard) on a large crystal ball. Hangar, he will also activate the tin soldiers to defend him.
If the party announce their presence he will cast A circular portal is embedded in the rock wall in the
Invisibility on himself and carefully make his way to the exit beholder pen; while the beholders are at rest, the party
of the chamber, before blasting the party with a Mind Blast might witness one of them using a telekinetic ray to pull a
(also destroying a large number of crystal balls, adding to lever next to the portal. The metal door irises open and a
the psychic damage) and running to the Hangar and live reindeer is ejected, which the beholders will carve up
Stables. Otherwise he will attempt to do this at the first (using their telekinetic and disintegration rays as cutlery)
available opportunity. and eat.
The floor of the Hangar is littered with fragments of
Santac'Laus: The Reality carved rock - the leftover from the nothics' initial attempts
Santac'Laus is lonely in his mountain grotto. Every year,
to build the Stone Mindflayer. The chunks of rock vary in
size and the characters shouldn't have too much difficulty
when a small number of tadpoles reach maturity, he tries to
in finding cover when they need it, while being able to
make some friends, targeting the families he believes will be move about freely.
missed the least - those with the naughtiest children. When it looks like defeat is inevitable, Santac'Laus will
Landing on the chimney of his chosen house, he slips attempt to appeal to the party for mercy and explain his
down the chimney, eats the snack that is left for him (a nice side of the story (see Santac'Laus: The Reality). He
tasty brain) and implants tadpoles in the adult inhabitants. genuinely doesn't understand the hatred that is shown to
The new hosts are then bundled into his sack and carried off
him, and will repent of his ways if the party manage to
to mature into new illiflings.
persuade him.
Unfortunately, and despite the best efforts of the nothics,
Tin Soldiers
the process of creating an illifling vastly reduces the The nothics' first attempt at creating friends for
intelligence of the host, resulting in an almost childlike Santac'Laus, these stone and metal constructs usually sit
intellect. idly by in the Hangar. They will remain dormant unless
Still, every year Santac'Laus tries for some new friends, in they detect a character within 60ft. or Santac'Laus
the hopes that one day, his Christmas dream will come true. commands them to assist him. The tin soldier didn't make
good friends for Santac'Laus, but they at least make useful
guards when needed.
Each tin soldier is armed with a longsword and has the
facial features of a mindflayer.

Manta Sleigh The giant stone mindflayer is easily climbed (DC 12
This manta-ray shaped vehicle is pulled by the team of Athletics check), and there is a small entrance through the
eight beholders. There is enough room for four medium- mouth. If a character climbs in here, they enter a cockpit,
sized humanoids to squeeze on, although they might have with a crystal ball as a viewport and six levers. There is just
to make some Strength saving throws to hang on. about room for two medium-sized humanoids.
The Manta Sleigh has 600hp and an AC of 18. When If a character starts playing with levers, they roll a d6 to
pulled by a full team of eight bestial beholders, it has a determine what that lever does. If the character has studied
flying speed of 10ft for every bestial beholder that is pulling the technical drawings found in the Workshop, they don't
it (max 80ft, min 0ft). If all the bestial beholders are killed need to roll. Each lever may be used with an action, a bonus
(or otherwise untethered), the Manta Sleigh will slowly sink action, or a reaction. Aiming uses either the character's
to the Hangar floor. Dexterity or Intelligence modifier - their choice. The stone
Santac'Laus is able to take the reigns and cast spells mindflayer has 1200hp and an AC of 6.
whilst in control of his vehicle. Whilst on the Manta Sleigh, d8 Lever Effect
he has three-quarters cover from the floor of the chamber. 1 Left Leg Moves the statue up to 30ft and deals 4d6
stomping damage in a 10ft radius
Bestial Beholders
The bestial beholders are little more than animals. 2 Right Moves the statue up to 30ft and deals 4d6
Santac'Laus tamed them long ago, and now they serve as Leg stomping damage in a 10ft radius
the sleigh team. They are still harnessed to the Manta 3 Left Flails the left arm and deals 2d8 punching
Sleigh, and will willingly take flight if commanded by Arm damage, with a 15ft reach
anyone, although it requires a DC 20 Animal Handling 4 Right Flails the right arm and deals 2d8 punching
check to work out how to make them respond. Arm damage, with a 15ft reach
Each beholder has been given an ancient arcane name of
deep and terrible significance: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, 5 Aim
Turns the head for better visibility and
aiming of the eye lasers
Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen.
A bestial beholder has the stat block of a beholder (MM 6 Fire Eye Fires the eye lasers for 2d12+12 laser
p28) with the following changes: Lasers damage

Int, Wis and Cha scores are all 6 (-2).

Bestial beholder does not have Antimagic Cone. Scene 5: Merry Christmas
While harnessed to the Manta Sleigh, the bestial
beholder cannot take actions or roll initiative. To All
Saving throw DC for eye rays is reduced to 12. If Santac'Laus is defeated in combat, any remaining tin
Damage dealt by eye rays is halved. soldiers will stand down; the bestial beholders will return
to their stable, hungry for some reindeer. If he is persuaded
to stop his evil ways, he will order his minions to stop, and
suggests that he could start trying to make Christmas a
Reindeer Dispenser joyous time for Flodur.
Where do the reindeer come from? This isn't Either way, when the party return to Flodur (probably in
something that's explored in this adventure, but the early hours of Christmas morning), they are warmly
if the party want to investigate, here are some welcomed, albeit with some initial suspicion if Santac'Laus
ideas: joins them.
After hearing the exploits of the night before, Mayor
A funnel from the top of the mountain, baited Clodbottle presents each member of the party with a gift
with a Rod of Reindeer Attraction.
The irising doorway is a planar portal to the
(see Logar's Gifts) and invites them to join him and the
Elemental Plane of Reindeer.
other halflings in celebrating Christmas.
A reindeer breeding centre, run by
Santac'Laus or an even weirder entity. Logar's Gifts
No suggestions are given here for what Logar presents to
the party - instead it is up to the DM's discretion.
If this adventure is run as part of a longer campaign,
consider giving the characters items relevant to their
Stone Mindflayer
After the tin soldiers failed to bring happiness to ongoing quest (perhaps with some Christmassy theme).
Santac'Laus, the nothics turned their attention to If you are running the adventure as a one-shot, either offer
constructing a giant version of the mindflayer for him to outlandishly overpowered items, or else use this as an
ride around in. It took the nothics several tries to get this opportunity to present your players with real-life gifts!
right, and the remains of the earlier attempts can be see
(and navigated around) on the Hangar floor. Eventually, There are, of course, some loose threads. How will the
they got it right, and the 40ft. tall stone mindflayer stands illiflings cope with Santac'Laus' death? Can Teddy
proud over the entrance to the Hangar. Gladbutton get used to his new half-mindflayer parents?
Sadly, the giant construction didn't make a good What happens when one a tadpole in the Aquarium
companion for the lonely illithid, and so it now serves as becomes a neothelid?
little more than a glorified door. But those are stories for another Christmas...

Animated Snowman Dire Turkey
Medium construct, unaligned Medium beast, neutral evil

Armor Class 12 (natural armour) Armor Class 8

Hit Points 45(6d8 + 18) Hit Points 22(3d10+6)
Speed 30ft. Speed 30ft.

12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 5 (-3) 2 (-4) 2 (-4) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 7 (-2)

Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +6 Skills Perception +3

Skills Stealth +5 (in snowy conditions) Senses passive Perception 13
Damage Immunities cold, poison, psychic Languages —
Damage Vulnerabilities fire Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
poisoned, frightened, paralysed, petrified, Pack Tactics. The dire turkey has advantage on an
poisoned attack roll against a creature if at least one of the
Senses passive Perception 6 dire turkey's allies is within 5 feet of the creature
Languages — and the ally isn't incapacitated.
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Carrot of Power. Dropped when the snowman is

killed. As an action, this carrot can be consumed Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft.,
in order to regain one spent spell slot of the one target. Hit 7 (2d4 + 2) piercing damage.
highest level available.
Gobble. The dire turkey targets one creature
Cold Absorption. Whenever the snowman is within 30ft. and produces a horrifying gobbling
subjected to cold damage, it takes no damage noise. The target must succeed on a DC 12
and instead regains a number of hit points equal Constitution saving throw or be paralysed until
to the cold damage dealt. the end of their next turn.
Construct Senses. If the snowman's carrot nose or
coal eyes are removed, it loses its sense of smell
or sight, respectively.
Icy Aura. Any non-snow-based character who ends
their turn within 5ft. of the snowman must
Tin Soldier
Medium construct, unaligned
succeed on DC 14 a strength saving throw to
avoid being frozen in place by ice growing up Armor Class 16 (natural armour)
their legs. On a failure, the character is restrained. Hit Points 33(6d8 + 6)
Natural Camouflage. Whilst stationary on snow- Speed 25ft.
covered ground, the snowman is
indistinguishable from a regular, non-animated
14 (+2) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 1 (-5) 3 (-4) 1 (-5)
Multiattack. The snowman makes two branch Damage Immunities poison, psychic
attacks. Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
frightened, paralysed, petrified, poisoned
Branch. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach Senses passive Perception 6
5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage. Languages —
Snowball. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach Challenge 1 (200 XP)
30ft., one target. Hit 7 (1d8 + 2) bludgeoning
damage and 5 (1d8) cold damage. Actions
Multiattack. The tin soldier makes two longsword
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 5ft., one target. Hit 6 (1d8 + 2)

Santac'Laus Swarm of Tadpoles
Medium aberration, lawful neutral Medium swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned

Armor Class 15 Armor Class 12

Hit Points 127 (17d10 + 34) Hit Points 22(5d8)
Speed 30ft. Speed 0ft., swim 20ft.

15 12 15 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 3 (-4) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 1 (-5) 7 (-2) 1 (-5)
(+2) (+1) (+2)
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing,
Saving Throws Int +8, Wis +6, Cha +5 slashing
Condition Immunities None Condition Immunities charmed, frightened,
Senses passive Perception 20 paralysed, petrified, prone, restrained, stunned
Languages Common, Deep Speech, telepathy Senses blindsight 10ft., passive Perception 8
120ft. Languages —
Challenge 9 (5000 XP) Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Magic Resistance. Santac'Laus has advantage on Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature's
saving throws against spells and other magical space and vice versa, and the swarm can move
effects. through any opening large enough for a Tiny
tadpole. The swarm can't regain hit points or gain
Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). Santac'Laus' innate temporary hit points.
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC
15). He can innately cast the following spells,
requiring no components: Actions
At will: dancing lights, detect thoughts, Nibble. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach
invisibility, mage hand, levitate, scrying 0ft., one target in the swarm's space. Hit 10
(4d4) piercing damage, or 5 (2d4) piercing
1/day each: hold person, shield, Snilloc's damage if the swarm has half of its hit points or
snowball swarm, telekinesis fewer.

Actions The target must succeed on a DC 10

Constitution saving throw to avoid being infested
Tentacles. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach with a mature tadpole. If infested, the target will
5ft., one target. Hit 15 (2d10 + 4) psychic take 1d4 piercing damage at the end of each of
damage. If the target is medium or smaller, it is their turns for every tadpole that has infested
grappled (escape DC 15) and must succeed on a them. If they are reduced to 0 hit points they fall
DC 15 Intelligence saving throw or be stunned into a stable catatonic state as the process of
until this grapple ends. turning into a mindflayer begins.
Extract Brain. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, A Greater Restoration spell will remove all
reach 5ft., one incapacitated humanoid grappled tadpoles and reverse this process.
by Santac'Laus. Hit: The target takes 55 (10d10)
piercing damage. If this damage reduces the
target to 0 hit points, Santac'Laus kills the target
by extracting and devouring the brain.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast,
Mind Blast (Recharge 5-6). Santac'Laus magically Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook,
emits psychic energy in a 60-foot cone. Each Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers
creature in that area must succeed on a DC 15 League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their
Intelligence saving throw or take 22 (4d8 + 4) respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the
psychic damage and be stunned for 1 minute. A USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a protected under the copyright laws of the United States of
success. America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or
artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express
Legendary Actions written permission of Wizards of the Coast.
Santac'Laus can take 2 legendary actions, using
the Eye Ray option below. He can only take one ©2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA
legendary action at a time and only at the end of 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-
another creature's turn. Santac'Laus regains spent Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe,
legendary actions at the start of his turn. 4 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET,
Eye Ray. Santac'Laus commands one bestial
beholder to use a random eye ray. Layout and formatting:
All other original material in this work is copyright 2018 by
Daniel Williams and published under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

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