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Legal Aptitude 06
Contract – 2

Number of questions: 10

1. Principle: A contingent contract is a contract 2. Principle: A wagering agreement can be

to do or not to do something, if an event defined as an agreement, one by which two
collateral to the contract, does or does not persons, professing to hold opposite views
happen. touching the issue of a future uncertain event,
mutually agree that dependent upon the
Explanation: In case of a contingent contract determination of that event, one shall win from
both parties must have real interest in the other and that the other shall pay to him, a
occurrence or non-occurrence of the event. sum of money, neither of the contracting
Further the event must be collateral to parties having any other interest in the contract
contract and not the sole determining factor other than the sum at stake, there being no
of the contract. In other words, in a contingent other real consideration for making the
contract the contract has already come into contract. A mutual chance of loss and gain is
existence between the parties but its essential for a wagering agreement.
performance depends on happening or non-
happening of the future event. Facts: India and Pakistan qualify to play the
Facts: C, a tennis player enters into a contract final of Cricket World Cup. X declares that he
before a tournament to wear the logo of GS would pay each player a sum of Rs. 10 lacs if
Company on his shirt, for the duration of the India wins the match. India won the match
tournament. C was to receive a sum of Rs. and certain players demanded the
10 lacs for the contract. The contract further performance of the promise made by X. X tried
stated that in case C wins the tournament, to rescind his offer on the ground that his
the company will pay him another 2 lac declaration was based on a future uncertain
rupees. Decide whether the contract is a event, thus it was wagering agreement.
contingent contract? Decide.

(a) The contract is a contingent contract as (a) The agreement was a wagering agreement
the company paying Rs. 2 lacs depends as it was based on a future uncertain
on C winning the tournament. event.
(b) The contract is not a contingent (b) The agreement was a wagering agreement
agreement as the parties have no real as there was no real consideration
interest in the happening or non-happening forwarded for the agreement.
of the events. (c) The agreement was a wagering agreement
(c) The contract is a contingent contract as as the parties had no real interest in the
there is a real interest of parties in the uncertain event.
happening of the event. (d) None of the above.
(d) Both (a) and (c)

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3. Principle 1: A wagering agreement can be principal has an express or implied authority
defined as an agreement one by which two to represent the principal in dealing with third
persons, professing to hold opposite views person making the principal legally
touching the issue of a future uncertain event, answerable.
mutually agree that dependent upon the
determination of that event, one shall win from Facts: A moves to new city X. Before moving,
other and that the other shall pay to him, a he asks his friend B to appoint a servant for
sum of money, neither of the contracting him to do his daily chores. B appoints C as
parties having any other interest in the contract A's help. After A moves to the city, C joins
other than the sum at stake, there being no him at his home and starts working for him.
other real consideration for making the C during the course of his employment buys
contract. A wagering contract is void. household items from D, the local grocer,
without paying, on the promise that A shall
Principle 2: A contingent contract is a pay for the items. A knows of the arrangement.
contract to do or not to do something, if an One day D asks A for payment of the items
event collateral to the contract, does or does bought by C, A refuses saying that C had no
not happen. express authority to act on his behalf. Decide
whether C is an agent of A?
Facts: A and B enter into an agreement
whereby A promises to pay B, a sum of Rs. (a) C is an agent of A as he had implied
100,000/- if B's car meets an accident. The authority to act on his behalf. C was aware
car actually meets with an accident and B of the arrangement and never objected to
demands payment of money from A. A, the same.
refuses performance on the ground that the (b) C is not an agent of A as C was not
agreement was a wagering agreement, employed by A but by B. Since he was
whereas B demands performance on the not appointed by A, he cannot act as his
ground that it was a contingent contract. B agent.
files a suit against A. If you were asked to (c) C is not an agent of A, as A never expressly
decide the issue as a judge, you would: authorized C to transact on his behalf
thereby binding him contractually.
(a) Declare that the agreement is a wagering (d) C is an agent of A for all his acts as he
agreement, thus void and refuse to enforce was appointed by B, at the request by A.
the agreement.
(b) Declare that the agreement is neither a 5. Principle: A case of agency of necessity
wagering agreement nor a contingent arises where after the parties have created a
contract. contractual relationship. In case of some
(c) Declare that the agreement is a emergency, the law confers upon one party
contingent contract and enforce the same. authority to act for another or allows the agent
(d) None of the above. to exceed the authority, which has been
conferred upon him, in the interest of the other
4. Principle: An agent is a person employed to party.
do any act for another, or to represent another
in dealing with third persons. The person for Facts: A and B entered into a contractual
whom such act is done, or who is relationship where A agreed to transport B's
represented, is called the principal. products. B owned a unit producing woolen
garments. A shipment of products was
Explanation: The real test of agency is that consigned to A by B to be delivered to
whether the person appointed to act for Srinagar from Jammu. Enroute, due to heavy

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unseasonal snowfall, the national highway certain materials on credit. The customs
was declared closed for traffic for a week. A's governing the market was that agents did not
truck carrying the consignment was stranded sell goods on credit. B refused but X prevailed
midway along with other trucks and upon him by threatening not to do business
passenger vehicles. Due to the unseasonal with A in future. B in his considered opinion
snowfall, many passengers were found thought that since X, was A's friend and
themselves ill equipped to deal with the brother-in-law, known for punctuality of making
plummeting temperatures. They asked A to payments, and considering the subsisting
sell the woolen clothes. A agreed to the business relations between A and X gave him
suggestion and sold the consignment. After goods on credit. Another important factor that
returning to Jammu he deposited the sale weighed upon him was the fact that his
amount to B, which was higher than what B decision might have consequences on the
would have fetched in Srinagar. B alleged that business relations. X after receiving the goods,
A has transcended his authority and declined to make the payments. A, alleged
threatened to sue him. A took the plea of that B has failed to discharge his duties and
necessity. Decide. asked him to make good the losses suffered
by him. Decide.
(a) An agency of necessity was created as a
situation of emergency arose. (a) B has failed to discharge his duties as
(b) No agency of necessity has arisen and A A's agent.
has exceeded his authority. (b) B has not failed to discharge his duties
(c) B has no locus to complain as A's actions as A himself gave materials to X on credit,
fetched him more profit than expected. therefore he had implied authority to do
(d) An agency of necessity was created as so as the manager of the store. Thus he
but for A's actions, the goods would have cannot be made liable to make good the
perished. losses.
(c) B has not failed in discharge of his duties
6. Principle: An agent is bound to conduct the as he acted in good faith and in the
business of his principal according to the interests of his master, therefore he
directions given by the principal, or in the cannot be made liable to make good the
absence of any such directions, according to losses.
the custom which prevails in doing business (d) B has failed to discharge his duties and
of the same kind at the place where the agent must make good the losses suffered by
conducts such business. When the agent acts A.
otherwise, if any loss sustained, he must
make it good to his principal and if any profit (Note: Questions 7 and 8 are based upon same set
accrues, he must account for it. of facts and principles. Apply the same to both the
questions and answer the following.)
Facts: A is in the business of manufacturing
the steel guarders for bridges. A, frequently Principle 1: Delivery of goods by one person to
used to give material on credit to his friend another for some purpose, upon a contract that they
and brother-in-law X, who was a well known shall when the purpose is accomplished, be returned
bridge construction contractor and was known or otherwise disposed of according to the directions
for punctuality of payment in the market. B, of the persons delivering them is called bailment.
A's store manager was aware of the The person who delivers the goods is called the bailor
arrangement between A and X. Once when A and the person to whom the goods are delivered is
was away X came to the store and demanded called the bailee.

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Principle 2: Bailor is bound to disclose the faults in 9. Principle: A contract, by which one party
the goods of, which he is aware and which materially promises to save the other from the loss
interferes with the use of the good or which exposes caused to him by the conduct of the promisor
the bailee to extraordinary risk. A bailor for hire is himself, is called a contract of indemnity.
liable for damage irrespective of his knowledge of
fault in the goods. Facts: A enters into a contract with B whereby
he promises to make good any loss caused
Facts: A, and B are friends. A was going abroad for to him by his conduct in respect of a certain
two months and B asked him for his car for daily sum of 200 rupees. A's son. throws a lighted
use. A, told B that he could keep the car as A would match stick in the barn of B and the barn
be buying a new car soon upon his return. There catches fire. B sues A upon the contract
was a fault in the brakes of the car and A was not between them. Decide.
aware of it. B afterwards gave the car to C for a day, (a) A is liable for the loss caused to B.
in lieu of Rs. 1000/-. as C needed to go home. (b) A is not liable for the loss caused to B.
When C was driving at a highway, at high speed, (c) A is liable for the loss caused to B to the
suddenly a bullock cart came in front of him. As he tune of Rs. 200.
tried to apply the brakes, the brakes failed resulting (d) None of the above.
in injury to C. Decide.
10. Principle: Partnership is an agreement
7. Whether A has bailed his car to B? between two or more persons who have
(a) A has bailed his car to B as the necessary agreed to share profits and losses of the
conditions of bailment have been fulfilled. business carried on by all or any one of them
(b) A has not bailed his car to B as the acting upon all.
necessary conditions of bailment have not
been fulfilled. Facts: A, B and C enter into an agreement.
(c) A, has not bailed but sold his car to B. As per the terms of the agreement A was to
(d) A has bailed the car to B so as to enable invest in a venture, to be carried on by B and
him to be bail it to C. C. As per the terms of the agreement A was
to get a fixed share of the profits and the
8. Whether a contract of bailment has arisen remaining profits were to be equally divided
between B and C, making B liable. between B and C. The agreement also
(a) A contract of bailment has arisen but B provided that the seed money, invested by A,
cannot be held liable as C himself was will be returned to him irrespective of the
driving the car very fast. circumstances prevailing. The venture goes
(b) No contract of bailment has arisen into losses and A abandons his claim in the
between B and C as there was no profit but makes a demand for the seed money.
instruction to return or otherwise dispose Decide.
of the car. (a) A, B and C have entered into a partnership
(c) A contract of bailment has arisen between agreement.
B and C but B cannot be held liable as (b) A, B and C have not entered into a
the he was unaware of the fault. partnership agreement.
(d) A contract of bailment has arisen and B (c) Only B and C have entered into a
can be made liable. partnership agreement.
(d) The relationship between the parties
cannot be determined based on the facts

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