Buse Ayvaz CV

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Contact Information

Buse Ayvaz
E-Mail Address Birthdate
buseayvaz.17@gmail.com 07/08/1997

90 (534) 910 92 95

Turkey - Ankara - Çankaya

Private Info

Gender Nationality Driving Licence

Female Republic of Turkey B

Expected Salary
1000 TL - 2000 TL


I graduated from Orhangazi Anatolian Teacher Traning High School in 2015. Then, I started to TED University as a full-scholar student. During my
university life, I have attended various of projects. I voluntarily worked as an English teacher in a social responsibility project. Then, I went to
Romania as Global Volunteer of AIESEC. It was a discover project within the context of Quality Education. As a part of Observation Course in our
faculty, I observed in IDV Bilkent Elementary School. I served as an assistant teacher. Also, I taught in TED Full-Education Scholarship Program.

Additionally, I am interested in photography. I have been attending workshops and courses.


Teacher Intern

Company Name Company Sector

Kocatepe Mimar Kemal Anadolu Education
3 months

Starting Date Ending Date Job Type

10.2019 12.2019 Intern

English Teacher

Company Name City Company Sector

Ted Ankara Koleji Ankara Education
1 years
Starting Date Ending Date Job Type
4 months 09.2018 Still Working Volunteer

Job Definition
It was TED Full-Education Scholarship Program.

Bu belge adayin kendisi tarafindan 28.12.2019 21:23’te olusturulmustur. - This document was created by the candidate herself/himself in 28.12.2019 21:23 1/4
English Teacher

Company Name City Company Sector

AIESEC ORADEA Oradea - Romania Education
3 months
Starting Date Ending Date Job Type
06.2018 08.2018 Permanent / Full-time

Teacher Intern

Company Name Company Sector

Idv Özel Bilkent İlköğretim Okulu Education
2 months
Starting Date Ending Date Job Type
11.2017 12.2017 Intern


Company Name City Company Sector

Kahveland Bursa Food
2 months
Starting Date Ending Date Job Type
07.2017 08.2017 Permanent / Full-time


University Faculty Department

TED University Education Faculty English Language Teaching

Starting Date Ending Date

09.2015 ...

Bachelor Education Type Education Language Scholarship Type

Formal Education English Success Scholarship / %100

High School Name Department

Orhangazi Foreign Language

Ending Date
High School
Education Type
Anatolian Teacher Training
High School


Bu belge adayin kendisi tarafindan 28.12.2019 21:23’te olusturulmustur. - This document was created by the candidate herself/himself in 28.12.2019 21:23 2/4
Language Level




Computer Skills I can reasonably use MS Office programs (Word, PowerPoint and Excel). Additionally, I use Web 2.0 tools such as Kahoot
and Quizlet in my classes to make them more effective.

Certificates Certificate Name Certificate Date Certificate Institution

Creating a Community of Lifelong Learnin 12.2019 TED KOCAELİ COLLEGE

Certificate Name Certificate Date Certificate Institution

Eğitim - Teknik Öğretmenlik Sertifikası - Teknik 10.2019 Etkin Kampüs
Öğretmenlik Sertifikası

Understanding and Communication with Children

Certificate Name Certificate Date Certificate Institution

Zor Veli ve Öğrencilerle İletişim 10.2019 Etkin Kampüs

Certificate Name Certificate Date Certificate Institution

Yenilikçi Öğretmen Modeli 10.2019 Etkin Kampüs

Certificate Name Certificate Date Certificate Institution

Stres ve Öfke Yönetimi 10.2019 Etkin Kampüs

Certificate Name Certificate Date Certificate Institution

Leadership Development Experience Certification 08.2018 AIESEC ORADEA

for the efforts as a trainer in the Discover Project- summer edition and for the contribution brought to the
organization in the period of volunterring 20th June 2018- 2nd ofAugust 2018.

Skills English, Time Management, Stress Management, Crisis Management, Effective Communication, Etkili Yazılı-Sözlü
İletişim Grup Tartışmalarına Katılabilme Takım Çalışmasına Yatkınlık İkna Yeteneği Mülakat Becerileri, Open Minded,


Project Name Project Date Project URL

Bu belge adayin kendisi tarafindan 28.12.2019 21:23’te olusturulmustur. - This document was created by the candidate herself/himself in 28.12.2019 21:23 3/4
AIESEC Romania-Discover Project 06.2018 https://aiesec.org/opportunity/1008093

Project Description
The URL is the same as my project. I spent 6 weeks in Romania. As a teacher, it was a great experience.

Hobbies and Interests

I am interested in photography. I love attending workshops and courses to improve myself and to meet new people. I spend my free times by
watching movies, reading books and cleaning my home. Especially, I am moving the furnitures and creating a new look.

CV Last Updated : 28.12.2019

Bu belge adayin kendisi tarafindan 28.12.2019 21:23’te olusturulmustur. - This document was created by the candidate herself/himself in 28.12.2019 21:23 4/4

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