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Shah Rukh Khan’s Place

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Archive for April, 2008

Ramadoss Lashes Out at SRK AGAIN!!!

Posted in Uncategorized, tagged health minister anbumani ramadoss, om shanti om,

shahrukh khan, srk on April 30, 2008| Leave a Comment »

Health Minister Anbumani Ramadoss has once again trained his guns on Bollywood
superstar Shah Rukh Khan. Earlier, the Health minister criticised Shah Rukh Khan
for smoking on screen.

After asking actors to quit smoking on screen, the minister has once again taken
on Bollywood, but this time over alcohol. According to Ramadoss, movies at
present more often than not use ‘drunken’ scenes as a tool of humour –
specifically aiming at Shah Rukh Khan’s rendition of a drunken junior artist in
the movie ‘Om Shanti Om’. Ramadoss lashed out at actors potraying scenes of
consuming alcohol to drown their sorrow. He expressed pity that these actors
have been idolized by the country’s young and old.

Ramadoss on actors enacting such drunken scenes says, “Actors drinking on screen
will encourage youngsters to take up the habit. Scenes depicting alcohol
consumption in films need to be immediately stopped.”


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“We Knight Riders are positive. We know that we will win some matches and lose
some. But ultimately the IPL trophy will be ours”

Posted in Interviews, kolkata knight riders, tagged kolkata knight riders,

shahrukh khan, srk on April 30, 2008| Leave a Comment »
Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, owner of Kolkata Knight Riders, says he is
confident that his team will win the Indian Premier League (IPL) Twenty20

A day after Kolkata Knight Riders faced their second consecutive defeat losing
to Mumbai Indians on their home ground Eden Gardens here on Tuesday, Shah Rukh
on Wednesday reposed his trust in the team.

“We Knight Riders are positive. We know that we will win some matches and lose
some. But ultimately the IPL trophy will be ours,” Shah Rukh said before leaving
the city.

After starting their campaign on a high note winning their first two matches –
against Bangalore Royal Challengers and Deccan Chargers, the Sourav Ganguly-led
Knight Riders lost to Kings XI Punjab and then a resurgent Mumbai Indians
Tuesday night.

Is the team not at all affected by the defeats?

“The seniors like Sourav Ganguly and Ricky Ponting know that to achieve success
you have to understand and accept failure. But the youngsters in the team were
feeling a bit low. So I decided to stay back with them here a little longer. We
even arranged for a private get-together and danced till 4 am,” said Shah Rukh.

And how does he personally see this defeat at the home ground?

“Kolkatans know that Knight Riders will never let them down. As for me, I have
been successful for the last 20 years because I know how to ride over failure.
Kabhi kabhi jeetne ke liye haarna bhi parta hai aur haarkar jeetne wale ko
baazigar kehte hai. And we are beyond baazigars, we are the Knight Riders,” Shah
Rukh said recollecting his famous dialogue from the film “Baazigar”.

Is the team suffering from captain Sourav Ganguly’s off-form?

“You can’t question ace players like Sourav Ganguly. He is aware of his form
more than even coach John Buchanan and will sort out things himself.

Will Kolkata see Shah Rukh in all the Knight Riders matches?

“I don’t know about other cities. But I have worked out my calendar in a way
that I don’t miss a single match in Kolkata. This city is our hub, it’s like
being home.”

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SRK The Host-rider

Posted in kolkata knight riders, tagged kolkata knight riders, shahrukh khan,
srk on April 29, 2008| Leave a Comment »

Shah Rukh Khan seems to be telling many of his near and dear ones: Be my guest.
And most of them are more than willing to attend the cricket matches with him.

Apparently, all the actors who’ve gone to cheer his team on, have returned
impressed with the host that he is.

“He personally looks into everything from the minute you reach the airport – the
flight boarding, getting into the bus, a comfortable drive to the hotel and
check-in, commuting to the venue, the food and everything. Also, he is extra
protective of the ladies who may be travelling – Gauri’s friends and actresses,
if any,” says a close friend of the Khan.

Now, that’s our host-rider!

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SRK Wins Big at Zee Cine

Posted in Uncategorized, tagged chak de india, rekha, shahrukh khan, srk, zee
cine awards on April 29, 2008| Leave a Comment »

The ‘Bollywood Bafta’ was presented to him by Bollywood’s original diva, Rekha
who stunned the sell-out crowd by reciting the rhyme ‘Jack and Jill’ and singing
a few lines from the classic Asha Bhosle track, ‘Dil Cheez Kya Hai’ from the
film ‘Umrao Jaan’. Khan performed his ‘Om Shanti Om’ number with at least ten
other stars on stage. “Why didn’t you call me on stage to dance with you?” Rekha
asked Khan. “Oh Rekhaji, we have grown too old for you!” he cheekily replied.

Khan’s win was no surprise: he was nominated twice in the Best Actor’s category
for the aforementioned ‘Chak De! India’ and for his blockbuster ‘Om Shanti Om’.
Khan also won the first ever ‘Lifestyle Icon’ award, which broke into half when
he collected it. The ‘King Khan’ ended by thanking his London fans: “It is the
overseas audience who have made me the star I am.”

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More Recognition for Chak De India!

Posted in Uncategorized, tagged chak de india, shahrukh khan, srk on April 29,
2008| Leave a Comment »

The film has been honored with a Billie Award, which recognizes outstanding
contributions to the portrayal of women in sports be it in entertainment or
journalism. The awards, named after champion tennis player Billie Jean King, are
presented in four categories: breakthrough and innovation, entertainment,
journalism and outstanding journalist.

This year the award for entertainment went to Chak De India. Yash Raj, producer
of the film said, “The film continues to pay back the faith we had reposed in
the movie even when conventional wisdom would have dictated otherwise. To win
accolades like this from around the world, especially from places where
depictions of women’s sport has had a long and established tradition is
especially heartening.”
Shimit Amin, director of the film was present to get the award and said, “The
reaction to the movie was simply fantastic. You would not believe that this was
a foreign audience – comprised of professional writers, critics and industry
professionals for the most part – the way they reacted. It just reinforced our
belief that the message of the movie and the performances of Shah Rukh Khan and
the girls cuts across all boundaries.”

Yash Raj added, “It was an honour to be selected by such a distinguished panel
of women’s sports historians, journalists and media industry executives. But
while we cherish this honour, the greatest reward for the movie was undoubtedly
the love and affection that was showered on it by audiences worldwide.”

We congratulate the cast and crew for not only making a wonderful film but also
an inspiring film that is being recognized for its positive portrayal of women’s

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SRK Still Similing After Lose

Posted in Interviews, kolkata knight riders, tagged kolkata knight riders,

shahrukh khan, srk on April 29, 2008| Leave a Comment »

Later, after visiting the Mumbai Indians’ dressing room and spending some ten
minutes there, he spoke to The Telegraph.

The following are excerpts

First Knight Riders’ defeat seen by him in person

(Grins) When we won the first two matches in a row, (coach) John Buchanan told
everybody that lots of cricket remained to be played… I’m a sportsman at heart
and if we didn’t lose any match, then I’d feel odd… Of course, it would’ve been
nice to again win in Calcutta, but our batting became unstuck at the beginning…
I’m sure we’ll come back hard in the next match (on Thursday, in Jaipur).

The level of disappointment

There’s never a low for me… I can never feel low… There are times when my son
(Aryan) runs a race but doesn’t come first… I’ve myself lost races… I’ve made
flops but that doesn’t take anything away from life. It’s not that I like
losing, though… I don’t and my team doesn’t like losing either… But, in sports,
you win and lose… You pray for a miracle… Look for that one slice of luck coming
your way… But that doesn’t happen… In fact, I believe that sports is the biggest
leveller and sports teaches you to lead life… There’ll be good days and bad

Reaction to defeats

I feel happy for whoever wins… My parents taught me that I’ve got to be graceful
in defeat and gracious in victory… So, I do the same things when I lose, like
going over to the opposition dressing room… I wish them well and wish them from
the bottom of my heart. I’m a winner because I’ve got this sportsman’s spirit…
If you’re mean and sad about your losses, then you can’t enjoy your victories
that much… It’s because of this attitude that I can, when we win, jump on the
stadium’s roof and shout ‘we won’…
On Ricky Ponting and Brendon McCullum leaving for home

I’ll miss them… The boys will miss them… The team will miss them… They’ve been
terrific in the dressing room and on the field… (After a pause) At the end of
each match, I’ve been showing the team a dance-step… I showed two tonight as I
wasn’t there in Chennai the other evening… I don’t talk cricket with the boys…
That’s done by John and the others… I only bring positivity.

Having flown thousands of miles to make it for Tuesday’s match

Yes, it was difficult yaar… I was in London, then I went to Paris… From there
back to London and, then, Mumbai before making it here just in time (on a
private aircraft)… While it was difficult, I wouldn’t have missed coming to
Calcutta for the world… I’ll be off tomorrow (Wednesday) morning as I’ve got to
shoot for my TV show (Kya Aap Paanchvi Paas Se Tez Hain?)… Nothing stops me from
going to all the Knight Riders’ matches… I do have shooting commitments which
were finalised a year in advance but I could finish early and hop on to a
private aircraft and land up in Jaipur or Mohali for the second half of the
match… I was in London when we played in Chennai and I had to go on the stage… I
remember becoming anxious and calling Juhi (Mehta, co-owner)… I told her that I
wanted to be with the team and not in London… It’s not that I’m the luck factor
or something… The reality is that we’ve got a good team and this team will
bounce back.

The organisational bit of the second match at home

Like I said after the first match, we’ll be improving with every game… (Adds
laughing) Hopefully, we’ll get everything right by the end of the IPL! I’m sure
the spectators found it a nicer experience tonight, though the electronic
scoreboard was too dim.

Finally, whether he brought traffic to a halt in Paris too the other day

(Laughs) Well, yes… And, you may not believe it, but there was a group of French
girls with a banner which read ‘Korbo, lorbo, jeetbo re’… It was absolutely

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The Devotion of SRK Fans!

Posted in Uncategorized, tagged grevin museum, shahrukh khan, srk on April 28,
2008| 1 Comment »

Paris has a new tourist attraction: a lifesize wax statue of Bollywood superstar
Shah Rukh Khan has been unveiled at the the Grevin Wax Museum here, indicating
the popularity of Indian cinema and the superstar in continental Europe.

As Khan, dressed in a pair of jeans and a black leather jacket, stepped out of a
limousine in front of the museum, he was welcomed by African and Indian dancers
outside the museum amid cheers from a crowd of fans Monday morning.

Accompanied by wife Gauri and close buddy Karan Johar, a filmmaker, Shah Rukh
signed autographs for the fans but when some of them tried to embrace him, the
matinee idol was whisked away by security guards.
A ceremony inside the premises was restricted to invitees and tickets to the
museum were sold out at least for the day.

This would be the second wax statue of the star, after the one included in the
Madame Tussauds’ museum in London.

Mahatma Gandhi is the only other Indian honoured with a statue in this museum
established in 1922.

Elke Mader of the Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology, University of

Vienna, a Bollywood researcher, told IANS she was part of a crowd of about 500
fans who waited outside the museum to catch a glimpse of Shah Rukh.

The Austrian professor heads Bollyglobal, a global research project that studies
Indian popular cinema in transcultural contexts. Mader flew to Paris soon after
wrapping up a presentation at an international workshop on Reflections on Visual
Culture at the University.

In the presentation titled ‘Images of the Imaginary: Shah Rukh Khan Fanart and
the Internet’, Mader talked about the growing love for Bollywood across the
world and the birth of a range of other activities that go beyond simply viewing
films. The professor’s research concentrates on Shah Rukh and the rise of the
star and producer as an icon of audiences and fans of diverse cultural

Nasreen Munni Kabir, a British Indian filmmaker who made documentary ‘The Inner/
Outer World of Shah Rukh Khan’ and introduced the star to the Grevin in 2007, is
glad to see the French people taking to Indian cinema.

‘As the popularity of films is based on the appeal of stars it is only natural
for the Grevin to display (a wax statue of) Shah Rukh,’ Kabir wrote to IANS in
an email.

Kabir who studied films in France spoke about many immigrants in France who love
Indian cinema.

‘Think of the many people of Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria living in Paris who
know Shah Rukh and love him. The gesture by Grevin is a recognition of the
influence of non-white personalities around the world and their huge fan
following. It is a positive sign in Europe to include acknowledge the
contribution of non-white cultures,’ Kabir said.

Shah Rukh’s frequent visits to Europe have resulted in a group of ardent fans on
this continent that Mader compares to pilgrims who perform rituals similar to
devotees of gods and goddesses like waiting for hours often even in discomfort
in order to get a glimpse or a touch of their idol.

‘Bollywood and more specifically Shah Rukh fan communities form part of the
rapidly growing ‘digitally empowered active audiences’ that have become active
and visible on the net during the past decade. Such internet activities are a
typically global phenomenon. They are focused on Indian movies and Shah Rukh and
are locally or regionally based at German, Japanese or Spanish speaking
networks,’ Mader said.

Giving the example of a forum called planet.srk, devoted to the Indian

superstar, the professor counted 9,200 members, 9,717 threads, and 459,907 posts
on April 20.
And this is only the beginning of Mader’s research on Shah Rukh.

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Tatoos for SRK

April 24, 2008 by srkplace

Finally Shah Rukh Khan also seems to have succumbed to its charm, as it was
visible during the inaugural match of the IPL Cricket league where when he was
pumping the air, it became visible on his left arm. It was also having a
different colour, than the conventional black colour, his tattoos being deep sea
blue in colour.

What is it that makes people succumb to the charm of the tattoos? Tattoos as the
ornamentation of body have been in vogue on the male form of human life since
the time of the Egyptian civilization. In the mummies which keep on getting
excavated, one finds tattoos of distinct motif, as a mater of fact tattoos were
used as a mark of identification for determination of a class. When tattoos made
its debut, it was forbidden for a common man to display, as it was a royal
requiem. Now transposing this position to the modern context, if one were to
make a comparison, it would become evident that the film stars of the present
times are their most prominent exponents. Is the tattoo, than used to display
and define a social status? In the context of Shah Rukh Khan can one make a
conjecture that this is a rub off effect from his new friendship with Arjun

Tattoo as a distinct signage had been utilized with finesse in the films of
earlier times, more so in the films of Manmohan Desai, as it was evident in
‘Amar, Akbar, Anthony’, ‘Mard’ and ‘Naseeb’ etc. The first distinct debut of a
tattoo was done under the aegis of Big B in ‘Deewar’ when he displayed the words
“Mera Baap Chor Hai” After ‘Deewar’ display of tattoos had become a rage, but it
again ebbed, before Sanjay Dutt resurrected it with a great finesse. Tattoos
where used in the films to join the brothers who might have been separated from
one another.

In the modern context, the tattoos also moved on to the bodies of the female
stars as well, and they started making appearances at places, on the body of a
film star, which was not displayed earlier. Tattoos in fact emerged as an excuse
to display a well-toned body on the part of the film actresses.

It has evolved as a refined form of body art and the major boost that it got was
when Saif Ali Khan got the name of Kareena Kapoor displayed on his arm and its
hilarious promotion was made by the duo of Saif and Shah Rukh Khan on the eve of
the Filmfare Awards 2007.

Tattoos are here to stay and now it has been clinically proved that tattoos can
be used as the basis to administer the drugs as the perforations have made their
appearance on the body. Somebody may soon capitalize on this opportunity to
promote the healthier aspect of this body art.

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Damage Control After Disappointing Lose

April 24, 2008 by srkplace

Team Shah Rukh planning to fly in Adelaide curator to fix Eden Gardens wicket

Knight Riders may be on a high now after two consecutive wins in the IPL, but
all is not well back home in the home ground of Shah Rukh Khan’s team. A day
after his team clinched a thrilling win at the Eden Gardens, the Bollywood
superstar is learnt to have got cracking over the much-criticised Eden pitch.

He may not be keen on openly talking about it, but The Indian Express today
learnt through reliable sources close to Shah Rukh that the Bollywood superstar
is quite upset with the way the Eden Gardens pitch behaved last evening.

In fact, SRK is now planning to fly in renowned Australian curator Les Burdett
to let the pitch consultant take stock of the two-paced Kolkata track that
caused yesterday’s low-scoring affair, disclosed Cricket Association of Bengal
(CAB) president Prasun Mukherjee. The CAB chief was admittedly briefed about
this development by Knight Riders co-owner Jay Mehta, husband of Bollywood
actress Juhi Chawla.
“I told him (Jay Mehta) that we have no problems with that (apporaching Les
Burdett). The pitch is being prepared by our local curators under the
supervision of chief national Daljit Singh. The Australian pitch specialist,
Daljit and our curators can jointly inspect the pitch and decide on the remedy,”
Mukherjee told reporters.

Burdett, who is based out of Adelaide, was flown in last month by the BCCI for
expert opinion on how to prepare pitches for Twenty20 cricket.

David Hussey starred with a match-winning 38 to guide the Sourav Ganguly-led

Knight Riders to a five-wicket win over Hyderabad Deccan Chargers in yesterday’s
low-scoring match. The two teams’ combinedly scored 222 runs, and Eden curator
Kalyan Mitra is under the scanner.

The devilish Eden track hasn’t gone down well with the BCCI as well, with the
IPL organisers instructing chief national curator Daljit Singh to fly down to
Kolkata at the earliest. Daljit, who has been directed by the Board officials to
attend to the Eden pitch at once, is expected to reachKolkata late this evening.

Speaking to The Indian Express before setting off for Kolkata, Daljit said from
Chandigarh: “I have been told by the IPL committee and the BCCI officials to
visit Kolkata at once. I saw the match on TV. Although the match was a great
contest, the wicket wasn’t okay. I have worked with Eden’s curators before. We
now want to jointly find out what’s wrong with the pitch and make amends before
the next IPL match comes up there.”

Interestingly, while CAB president Mukherjee has given the thumbs up to the idea
of approaching Aussie expert Burdett, Sourav Ganguly’s brother Snehasish, a top
CAB functionary, is not keen with the plan to rope in an expert from “outside”.

CAB assistant secretary Snehasish Ganguly told this daily: “The CAB is
self-sufficient in looking after the Eden pitch. We don’t quite need experts
from outside as far as I am concerned. I am confident we will prepare a
high-scoring wicket for the next match.”

Last evening, Knight Riders stalwart Ricky Ponting had told reporters that the
Eden curator has apologised to him and the entire team for the two-paced pitch.

Posted in kolkata knight riders | Tagged kolkata knight riders, shahrukh khan,
srk | Leave a comment

SRK’s New Show!

April 23, 2008 by srkplace

On the eve of yet another of his small screen outings, Shah Rukh Khan speaks
about his new show, Kya Aap Paanchvi Paas Se Tez Hai?…

The opening of Paanchvi Pass clashes with the IPL matches. Aren’t you worried
about the TRPs being low, since the matches have been huge hits?

No. I don’t want to be pompous but people will watch Shah Rukh Khan. To be
honest, I’d rather watch Paanchvi Pass.

Why? What’s so special about it?

It’s an awesome concept. There is no stopping Paanchvi Paas. I never make claims
like these. It’s really endearing, witty and sweet. It’s a quiz show of class
one to class five. If I sit down with you for two minutes and start playing it,
I’m sure you’ll end up playing for at least half an hour. How many legs does a
butterfly have? Answer that for Rs 5 lakh. Then I’ll you other simple questions
like who started the Gregorian calendar and which is the planet closest to
Earth? If I tell you the answers, you’ll say, “Arre, I knew the answer to this
yaar.” It’s an amazing show that you can sit with kids and watch.

What aspects of it are you particularly charmed by?

The lifelines. Like we had a phone-a-friend in KBC. I am the school teacher, and
in my classroom, there are five kids, whose help the contestants can take. I ask
a question and you can use three helplines — just like in KBC. The helpline is:
You ask the kids, “Can I cheat from you, please?” We’ve had contestants who are
MBBS students, IIM graduates and gold medallists. And then we ask them this
class one question. It is so simple and they know the answers but there are no
multiple choices so they ask these nine-year-olds, “Milindji, Siddharthji,
please maano yaar, ae answer bataoge?” And as the teacher, I say, “Okay, you can
cheat now.” The beauty of it is that this cheat can go right or wrong. Kids can
give a wrong answer too. Like in KBC, you phone a friend, and he or she doesn’t
necessarily know the answer.

Are the kids going to be the same on all the shows?

Yes, these five kids have been signed on for one season you cannot keep training
new kids.

Was it a deliberate move to not do KBC anymore, and opt for this show instead?

Yes. You know, both my films fell through Robot and the Rajkumar Hirani film,
and I had free time on hand. So I called the channel and said, “Let’s shoot
KBC,” as I was under contract to do one more season with them. Then, I saw Are
You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader? while in America and I asked them: why don’t we
do this instead? And luckily, we found someone in India Airtel who had the
rights. So everything fell into place and it just required us to work a little
harder for a month before it was all set.

You seem to be enjoying this show more than KBC.

To be very honest, this is more up my alley. I’ve actually exhausted all the
quips and jokes I’ve done on KBC. Had this show been done with me first, it
would’ve been even more original.

When is your son Aryan coming on the show?

Aryan has just gone to the fifth grade. He’s right for the show but you have to
be already in it to come on it. The kids have been chosen from all over India
but till the time we selected them, Aryan and his friends used to play with me.
I did a lot more rehearsals for this than I did for KBC.

Posted in kya aap paanchvi pass se tez hai | Tagged aryan khan, kya aap paanchvi
pass se tez hai, shahrukh khan, srk | Leave a comment

Kolkata’s Cheerleaders Getting a Costume Change

April 23, 2008 by srkplace

Designer Manish Malhotra and Gauri Khan (Shah Rukh’s wife) have decided to
re-style the cheerleaders of Shah Rukh Khan’s Kolkata Knight Riders.

Says B-Town’s favourite designer, “I was very unhappy with the gold outfits worn
by the cheerleaders earlier during the Bangalore and Kolkata matches.

They have been designed by Ganesh Hegde. Gauri and I were discussing the outfits
and we thought that the cheerleaders should look sportier.

Now I am re-designing new outfits for them before the next match.” Kolkatta
Knight Riders are playing their next match on April 26, in Chennai, where they
play Chennai Superstars.

Manish elaborates, “The outfits worn by the cheerleaders should look cool and
racy. Earlier they were wearing gold skirts and tops but I want to design black
T-Shirts and shorts in complete black with a gold emblem; that will look

The gold skirts worn earlier were taken from the music video which Ganesh had
conceptualised and directed.”

Manish along with Anahita Shroff Adjania (and Reebok and Velmont) have designed
the outfits worn by the Kolkata Knight Riders cricketers. Manish is all praise
for Shah Rukh for his visualization and creative inputs.

“Shah Rukh has been involved in the minutest of detailing. He has an eye for
detail and is very passionate about whatever he does. The maximum credit of the
cricketers’ outfits goes to Shah Rukh. The black and gold was his idea as it’s
the philosophy of the Knight Riders.”

Manish adds that working costume details with Shah Rukh was exacting, “There
were meetings galore; we even showed a storyboard to him. He had sent an email
of the story and the emblem.

The fabrics and shoes were in collaboration with Velmont and Reebok. Anahita and
I have done the formals — the black and charcoal grey blazers and pants. I had
never worked with Belmont and I learnt a lot in the three months that we worked
together. I
want to be versatile. The outfits look smart, stylish and glamorous with gold
helmets and pads. Cricket just got more glamorous.”

Posted in kolkata knight riders | Tagged cheerleaders, gauri khan, kolkata

knight riders, manish malhotra, shahrukh khan, srk | Leave a comment

Maya Memsaab Clip Causes a Stir

April 22, 2008 by srkplace

One of the most explosive lovemaking scenes ever shot for a Hindi film is now
available at the click of a mouse button. Shah Rukh Khan and Deepa Sahi’s steamy
lovemaking scene from Maya Memsaab is all over the Internet.

When the film released in 1993, the explicit scenes were censored keeping in
mind the viewer’s sensibilities. All that was left were a few scenes which
suggested that Lalit (SRK) and Maya (Deepa) had slept together. But the recently
released scenes on the Internet have left nothing to one’s imagination.

Our well-placed source from the industry informed, “The entire sex sequence
which was shot between Shah Rukh Khan and Deepa Sahi in Maya Memsaab is on the
Internet. It happened on Friday. It is really inexplicable how the previously
censored scene has come out fully uncensored on the Internet. Film mein itna sab
kuch nahin tha.”

When contacted, Deepa Sahi said that she was not aware that the intimate scenes
between her and Shah Rukh Khan that were canned by her director husband Ketan
Mehta for Maya Memsaab had leaked out. “I am not aware of this. Nobody has told
me about this as yet. I think somebody must have downloaded it from the DVD and
put it on the Internet,” said Deepa.

However, Deepa Sahi also added that no part of the scene had been censored
before the release.

She said, “The Censor Board had objected to the scene but then the Revised
Committee reviewed it again and we got it to the theatres without any cuts.”

But when we told her that we had seen the film when it released and the video on
the Internet was far more explicit, Deepa said, “I don’t know. I am not going to
go on the Internet to checkout.”

Ketan Mehta agreed with Deepa’s point and said that it’s not possible that the
Internet scene has more to it than the film. According to him, there were no
censor cuts and no scenes were added later.

So, how did the sex scene come out after 15 years? According to Deepa, she is
not aware how the sex scene in question went into circulation. However, she also
said that she was not surprised that this had happened. Deepa added, “If the
scene is there in the film, it is likely that such a thing will come on the
Internet. I don’t know why there is so much brouhaha about this. I think India
was far more liberal in thinking 50 years ago. We seem to have become more
regressive over the years. I remember the Revised Committee saying that the
scene was very poetic.”

We wondered if Shah Rukh Khan was upset over the leaked scene on the Internet.
So, we asked Deepa if SRK has called her. Deepa said, “No. Shah Rukh Khan hasn’t
called me.”

Despite us sending a text message to Shah Rukh Khan, he remained unavailable for

An explicit video, uploaded on YouTube on February 27, has the internet abuzz –
it shows a youthful Shah Rukh Khan in a delightful and passionate romp with
Deepa Sahi in a scene from the film Maya (1993).

Since the original film did not carry the explicit scene, there has been
speculation that deleted footage from the film was deliberately leaked by
someone, possibly to embarrass the stars.

We decided to investigate and spoke with Linda from Germany who posted the

The video is “an extract from a VHS (UK format) called Maya: The Enchanting
Illusion. That is the European title for Maya Memsaab” says Linda.
How did you acquire it?

“I stumbled across the VHS at Ebay. A British seller was offering it for a few
pounds. I remembered that I had heard in some Internet forums that there exists
a European version of Maya Memsaab, which contains a more detailed love scene
between Deepa Sahi and Shahukh Khan than the Indian version. But there seemed to
be nobody who had seen it or knew where one can get it.

‘I got curious if this VHS was maybe the uncensored version and so I decided to
buy it. A week later I knew that I was right,” she said

What prompted you to post it?

I did not post the bed scene on the internet with the intention to harm Shahrukh
Khan or Deepa Sahi, as some people accuse me of now. I would never do that
because I admire and respect both of them. SRK is my favorite actor.

I posted the scene because I thought that many fans would be interested in it. I
just had not considered that there could be people out there who would start
making a big fuss out of it.

Really, I don’t see anything wrong in the video. It’s a fine scene. I’m
surprised and sorry about the scandalized reaction of the public. That’s not my

Maya Memsaab is a well done movie. I think people should watch it before they
pass judgement on it.

We entirely agree with Linda, and are convinced there is no conspiracy here,
just a video to be viewed and enjoyed, but only if you are an adult!

Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged deepa sahi, maya memsaab, shahrukh khan, srk |
1 Comment

SRK Missing Next Match

April 22, 2008 by srkplace

After delivering back-to-back hits at Bangalore and Kolkata by leading from the
wings, Shah Rukh Khan is letting his Kolkata Knight Riders fend for themselves.

Against Team Chennai in their match this Saturday at Chennai’s M A Chidambaram

Stadium. SRK, who is reckoned to be the lucky mascot for his team, was in the
stands orchestrating the Kolkata Knight Riders’ successes against Vijay Mallya’s
Royal Challengers at the M Chinnaswamy Stadium in Bangalore and against Team
Hyderabad at the Eden Gardens in Kolkata.

But now, he has to give the Chennai IPL match a miss because he is required in
London first for an awards show and then in Paris, where a statue of the
Bollywood Badshah will be unveiled at the Grevin Wax Muesum. Incidentally, the
only other statue of an Indian at this prestigious museum is that of Mahatma

Of the Parisian honour, Shah Rukh smiled and told BT, “It’s got less to do with
me and more with the unfolding of Hindi cinema across the globe. After other
parts of the world, Bollywood is now hot in France. It’s simply a sign of
progress for our cinema.”

And as for missing the Saturday match, he said, “Before the IPL began, I had
decided to see only the matches being played in Kolkata, Bangalore and Mumbai.
My schedule doesn’t permit me the luxury of all this. And my involvement with
the players is before and after the match. I sat with my team the day before and
gave them moral support and whatever else was required of me. I will miss them
on Saturday and vice versa, but the point is they are the real performers. I am
just adding to the hoopla by dancing and cheering.”

He does not deny, though, that his presence in the stadium is considered a good
omen for the Kolkata Knight Riders. “I have heard lots of flattering stuff about
my luck factor. By saying this, it’s taking away the credit from my team. Luck
is too frivolous a concept that truly dilutes all the hard work people put in. I
have always been doing my job. The rest is all God’s blessings,” SRK said.

And as for bringing the glam element to IPL, he said, “Just because my friends
and I belong to the entertainment industry and, maybe, we grab a lot more
eyeballs than others, it can be said we lend the glam quotient. But honestly, we
are here because we love the game like everyone else. I will only be involved in
things I am passionately interested in.”

Posted in kolkata knight riders | Tagged kolkata knight riders, shahrukh khan,
srk | Leave a comment

SRK during the Mumbai-Kolkata Match

April 21, 2008 by srkplace

When the 22 yards in the middle caused more agony than ecstasy in the first IPL
T20 match at Eden Gardens, you could always turn to the right lower tier of the
Club House.

There sat all the King’s Men (and Women) — Kolkata Knight Riders ‘Boss’ Shah
Rukh Khan’s friends from Mumbai and Delhi — making the first day first show at
Eden a thumping blockbuster. Here’s how King Khan’s latest superhit unfolded on
the opening night on Sunday…

3.30pm: As all the galleries filled up steadily — “my films always open big” the
Shah Rukh guarantee — the first eight rows of the right end of the lower tier of
the Club House saw the main cast appearing. And what a cast! Arjun Rampal, Meher
Jessia Rampal, Viveik Oberoi, Gauri Khan, Farhan Akhtar, Riteish Deshmukh,
Manish Malhotra, Karan Johar all trooped in under heavy security.

Around 10 minutes later, under even stricter security, the Gandhis — Priyanka
and Rahul — walked in, shaking hands with the crowds nearby, very much like one
of their political rallies. Once seated in the front row, they were not
difficult to spot as the only people not in the Knight Riders’ colours of
black-and-gold. He wore a black tee and jeans, she a blue salwar kameez.

4.05pm: The King appears in the stands having led his team on the ground.
Shaking hands with Rahul, Shah Rukh sits next to him and pats son Aryan who is
completely engrossed with the golden helmet in his hand.

As daughter Suhana settles on his lap and Arjun hands him a baseball cap to
counter the blazing heat, SRK turns furious as Gilchrist is not given out,
having been caught off Ashok Dinda. He had obviously missed the no ball the
delivery before!

4.17pm: As the first Deccan Chargers wicket falls, it’s carnival at the Club
House with the whole of Team SRK, barring Rahul and Priyanka, on their feet
dancing to his chartbusters.

But after a few minutes when Dinda gets rid of Hyderabad captain V.V.S Laxman,
the Gandhi scion joins the King’s men, clapping to the anthemic chants of Korbo
lorbo jeetbo.

5pm: The musicians join the party — Pritam, with his flowing tresses, Vishal,
with not a blade on his head, and the baap of bling, Bappi Lahiri. Symonds may
be calling the shots on the ground but it is SRK and his promised dance of
Dard-e-disco that’s getting all the cheers.

There are more Shah Rukh posters across the Eden than those of Sourav, clearly
showing where the crowd priorities lie. And the best seats in the house are that
in Block B, where people are going berserk not at Ishant’s appeals but at the
antics around the adjoining Club House.

5.45pm: Interval time but Shah Rukh has left his seat a tad too late, allowing
him to only dance to the last couple of lines of Korbo lorbo jeetbo on the stage
in Block J.

The crowd doesn’t mind as wife Gauri makes up for him, dancing in her seat.
Karan Johar cheers her on. “It’s absolutely outstanding,” KJo tells Metro. “The
energy level in the stadium is truly an experience to watch and remember.”

6.36pm: Sourav plays Shah Rukh’s favourite shot — “the one over the keeper’s
head”. Despite the tense situation on the field, SRK keeps cheering, from every
single to every wide, from Rang de basanti to Mast kalandar. His neighbours on
the front row have changed. Adding some local flavour are Rituparna Sengupta and
Usha Uthup.

7.05pm: The lights go off, but the crowds need not worry as SRK gives them a
taste of his Deewangi deewangi magic — with all his star friends making some
noise just like in the film. The 30 minutes just fly away as Hussey re-emerges
to finish off the thrilling win for the Knight Riders with a six and a four.

7.45pm: The crowds are leaving as Shah Rukh enters the greens and hugs his
all-time fave cricketer Farookh Engineer, the match referee. And just like the
closing credits of Om Shanti Om, King Khan has a dream ending up his sleeve. The
crowds rush back as SRK does a victory lap around the Eden. Back in the stands,
the star had a new fan in Sana Ganguly, carefully preserving the autograph she
had got herself a few minutes back.

Posted in kolkata knight riders | Tagged kolkata knight riders, mumbai indians,
shahrukh khan, srk | Leave a comment

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