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Reading section: Justified answer-key

101. The new office computers were delivered Gramática
last Tuesday, but they are still sitting in ------- Adjetivo posesivo
original boxes. Contexto: se refiere a computers; their + adj +
(A) they nombre
(B) them
(C) their
(D) themselves

102. ------- up-to-date weather information in your local Gramática

area, please visit our Web site at Preposiciones Contexto: introduce el objetivo o propósito, para
(A) In obtener…; For + adj + adj + nombre
(B) For
(C) To
(D) Of

103. The publications department has assembled a Vocabulario

team of language experts to oversee the ------- of our Familia léxica, misma raíz
Spanish-language employee manuals. Contexto: requiere un nombre; the + translation
(A) translate
(B) translates
(C) translated
(D) translation

104. Because the telephone company received so Vocabulario

many ------- about its new wireless headsets, they were Significados distintos
removed from the market after just one week. Contexto: debido a eso son retirados del
(A) complaints mercado, concepto negativo; complaints + about
(B) damages
(C) charges
(D) operations

105. ------- of the photographs in the exhibit were taken Gramática

at or near the artist’s home in southern India. Pronombre
(A) Most Contexto: expresión en plural (“were taken”);
(B) Almost Most + of + the + photographs
(C) Another
(D) Other

106. Ms. Andrews will need to lease an apartment in --- Gramática

---- Florence or Pisa until the historic conservation Conjunción
project is completed. Contexto: introduce 2 opciones; either + nombre
(A) and + or + nombre
(B) both
(C) neither
(D) either

107. This evening’s ------- will be provided by the Croft Vocabulario

Brothers, a well-known local jazz trio. Familia léxica, misma raíz
(A) entertain Contexto: requiere un nombre como sujeto; The
(B) entertainment evening’s + entertainment + will be provided
(C) entertained
(D) entertains

Material cedido por Capman 1

108. Conference participants are encouraged to ------- a Vocabulario
room at one of the area hotels before June 1. Significados distintos
(A) register Contexto: reservar una habitación en un hotel;
(B) generate reserve + a room
(C) reserve
(D) participate

109. We have received a check for one year’s Gramática

subscription to Business magazine and will send ------- Pronombre
the first issue shortly. Contexto: verbo bi-transitivo; requiere un
(A) you complemento indirecto; V + someone +
(B) your something
(C) yours
(D) yourself

110. While Angela Suzuki is out of the country, her ----- Vocabulario
-- is being answered by her assistant, Robert Chen. Significados distintos
(A) production Contexto: hablando de cartas, mensajes, correos
(B) correspondence que se contestan (answered); her +
(C) preparation correspondence is being answered
(D) occupation

111. A reception is scheduled ------- following the Vocabulario

opening ceremony of the Hatsfield Friendship Games. Significados similares adverbio de tiempo
(A) nearly Contexto: indica una secuencia de eventos
(B) immediately consecutivos (“following”); justo después de;
(C) consecutively reception + inmediately + following
(D) uniquely

112. In order to achieve the best hair-coloring results, Vocabulario

please use the product as -------. Significados similares
(A) directed Contexto: dando instrucciones (“directions”)
(B) commended sobre una actuación; significado “como se
(C) pointed indica”; as + directed
(D) conducted

113. Because an extensive knowledge of finance and Vocabulario

marketing is needed for the position, an advanced Familia léxica, misma raíz
degree in business is ------- of all applicants. Contexto: requiere un participio de pasado
(A) required (expresión pasiva): is + required
(B) requiring
(C) require
(D) requirement

114. The pizza oven needs to be cleaned thoroughly at Vocabulario

least once a week to ------- that it continues to heat Significados distintos
evenly. Contexto: objetivo que pretende conseguirse;
(A) ensure asegurarse de que; seguido de that; to + ensure
(B) admit + that
(C) affect
(D) prepare

115. Ms. Weaver has hired a temporary worker to cover Vocabulario

the front desk next week ------- the receptionist is on Significado similar
vacation. Contexto: introduce dos eventos simultáneos;
(A) within seguido de oración subordinada; while + the
(B) through receptionist + is + on vacation
(C) during
(D) while

Material cedido por Capman 2

116. The average battery life for the model 245BT Vocabulario
mobile phone is said to be ------- 36 to 48 hours. Familia léxica, misma raíz
(A) approximate Contexto: requiere un adverbio; se refiere a una
(B) to approximate horquilla de horas aproximada; approximately +
(C) approximated 36 to 48 hours
(D) approximately

117. Keeping accurate records ------- your expenses Gramática

while you are on a business trip will help you file for Preposición
reimbursement. Contexto: requiere una preposición no una
(A) how conjunción para introducir una subordinada;
(B) so establece relación directa; records + of your
(C) of expenses
(D) that

118. Two liters of water are needed for this onion soup Vocabulario
recipe, along ------- three cans of chicken stock. Significado similar
(A) about Contexto: introduce un elemento que se añade;
(B) in después de “along” significando “junto con”;
(C) with along + with
(D) around

119. The first train to reach a speed of 150 kilometers Vocabulario

per hour represented an ------- feat of engineering. Familia léxica, misma raíz
(A) impress Contexto: requiere un adjetivo; an + impressive +
(B) impressive feat
(C) impressed
(D) impression

120. ------- was the sweater I ordered from your catalog Gramática
too large, but you also shipped me the wrong color. Conjunción
(A) Although Contexto: introduce información añadida a lo que
(B) Not only sigue; debe combinar con “but also”; Not only
(C) Nor + … + but also
(D) In case

121. Diane Yakamoto, the city’s mayor, expressed her - Vocabulario

------ that the construction of the new civic center would Familia léxica, misma raíz
exceed its original budget. Contexto: requiere un nombre; her + concern
(A) concern
(B) concerned
(C) concerning
(D) to concern

122. Customers may ------- items of clothing to the Vocabulario

department store within 30 days of purchase as long as Significados distintos
they have the original receipt. Contexto: condiciones para una devolución;
(A) return condición de tener “original receipt”
(B) select
(C) purchase
(D) request

123. The Cartomaster software program generates ----- Vocabulario

-- maps and driving directions based on information that Familia léxica, misma raíz
the user enters into the database. Contexto: requiere un adjetivo, que derivado de
(A) customize una raíz verbal es el participio; generates +
(B) customizes customized + maps
(C) customized
(D) customizing

Material cedido por Capman 3

124. The parking spaces closest to the building are ----- Vocabulario
-- for individuals enrolled in the company’s ride-share Significados distintos
program. Contexto: marca para plazas de parking
(A) extended personalizados; parking spaces + are designated
(B) announced + for individuals
(C) designated
(D) decided

125. The city’s new arts center is scheduled to open Gramática

early next month, a few weeks before the music festival Tiempo verbal
------- place. Contexto: el evento ocurre posteriormente a otro
(A) take evento futuro; expresado en una subordinada
(B) taking introducida por “before”; requiere presente
(C) taken simple; before + subject + presente simple
(D) takes

126. The national postal service announced today that Vocabulario

it would ------- stamp prices as of November 1. Significado similar
(A) rise Contexto: subida de precios; seguido de “prices”
(B) grow debe ser “rise” o “increase”; siendo “rise”
(C) enlarge intransitivo (Prices rise), la opción es el verbo
(D) increase transitivo “increase” (Prices increase; the agency
increases the prices); increase + stamp prices
127. Entering a verification code when making an online Vocabulario
purchase ensures that the transaction is ------. Familia léxica, misma raíz
(A) secure Contexto: requiere un adjetivo; the transaction +
(B) secures is + secure
(C) securing
(D) securely

128. If the automatic paper feeder in this copy machine Vocabulario

malfunctions, paper may also be fed ------- one sheet at Significados diferentes
a time. Contexto: alternativa al sistema automático si
(A) justly falla; requiere un antónimo de “automatic”;
(B) abnormally manually
(C) manually
(D) previously

129. Admission to the symphony orchestra’s first Vocabulario

performance of the season is by ------- only. Familia léxica, misma raíz
(A) inviting Contexto: requiere in nombre; by + invitation
(B) invited
(C) invitation
(D) invitingly

130. ------- receipt of your orientation packet, please Vocabulario

complete all of the enclosed papers and return them to Significados distintos
the main office. Contexto: quiere decir “a la llegada” en un
(A) Upon contexto dando instrucciones; no va seguido del
(B) Near determinante “the”; Upon + receipt
(C) Since
(D) Under

131. As the July 15 deadline for filing tax documents --- Gramática
----, the accounting office is expecting to receive a large Tiempos verbales
volume of mail. Contexto: requiere un verbo en presente; se
(A) approach refiere a un evento que no ha ocurrido aún como
(B) approaches muestra el verbo de la oración principal “is
(C) approached expecting”; As + Presente simple
(D) approaching

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132. The price of strawberries rose ------- in the last few Vocabulario
months, after a cold summer significantly reduced the Significados distintos
year’s harvest. Contexto: hablando sobre aumento de precios; the
(A) doubtfully Price + rose + dramatically
(B) politely
(C) annually
(D) dramatically

133. Hotel charges should be listed ------- from Vocabulario

restaurant charges when you fill out your expense Familia léxica, misma raíz
report. Contexto: require un adverbio para mostrar el
(A) to separate modo; should be listed + separately
(B) separating
(C) separately
(D) separation

134. As a rule, outstanding billing disputes are resolved Vocabulario

in ------- with a third-party agency. Significado similar
(A) collaboration Contexto: se necesita expresar el sentido de “junto
(B) merger con”; va precedido de in; in + collaboration + with
(C) coherence
(D) function

135. The handmade holiday greeting cards -------- at Gramática

Chestnut Creek Park were designed for the park’s fund- Tiempo verbal
raising drive. Contexto: es una oración subordinada elidida
(A) being sold usada como cualificador (that are being sold at
(B) are selling Chesnut Creek Park); gerundio usado como
(C) have sold adjetivo; greeting cards + being sold
(D) will be selling

136. ------- the computer database in the central office Gramática

sometimes needs to be restored unexpectedly, backups Conjunciones
are made by the administrator on a daily basis. Contexto: requiere una conjunción que introduzca
(A) Unless la causa en la oración subordinada para que tenga
(B) Indeed lugar la consecuencia expresada en la oración
(C) Otherwise principal; because + causa, consecuencia
(D) Because

137. A musty odor from the washing machine is usually Vocabulario

------- of a problem with the drainpipe; this can easily be Familia léxica, misma raíz
fixed by a plumber. Contexto: requiere un adjetivo; A musty odor + is
(A) indicate usually + indicative + of
(B) indicator
(C) indicative
(D) indicated

138. In the event of rain, protective covers will be pulled Gramática

------- the athletic field to prevent damage to the turf. Preposicón de lugar
(A) at Contexto: protective covers; un objeto que se
(B) after coloca por encima para cubrir; V + over + N (objeto
(C) by cubierto)
(D) over

139. Dr. Park resigned from her position as Westin Gramática

Industries vice president of operations ------- take a job Conjunción
with the municipal government. Contexto: requiere introducir el fin, objetivo o
(A) as far as propósito (take a job); in order to + V presente
(B) more than

Material cedido por Capman 5

(C) why not
(D) in order to

140. The restaurant received a positive review by the Vocabulario

magazine’s critic, but some customers say the service Significados distintos
is -------. Contexto: contradice a una opinión positiva
(A) mediocre (positive review, but); debe ser una cualidad
(B) customary negativa del servicio; service + is + medioclre
(C) distinguished
(D) aggravated

141-143. 141.
Date: October 28 Gramática
From: Ken J. Flanagan <> Derterminante
Subject: Winter Banquet Contexto: el evento aún no ha ocurrido (están
mostrando propuestas para el catering y la
Hi everyone, hora del evento); Det + evento futuro
I am writing to ask your opinions about ------- year’s
(A) this
(B) that
(C) last
(D) one 142.
annual winter banquet. The caterers have given us the Vocabulario
option of making it a luncheon or a more formal evening Familia léxica, misma raíz
event, ------- on your preferences. Contexto: requiere un gerundio para
(A) depend reemplazar la oración elidida en presente “it
(B) depends depends on your preferences”; no hay sujeto;
(C) depended depending + on your preferences
(D) depending
I need each of you to let me know via e-mail whether you
prefer the event to be held in the afternoon or in the
evening. I will ------- the results
(A) place
(B) attend 143.
(C) compile Vocabulario
(D) devise Signidicados distintos
and book a banquet hall accordingly. Contexto: requiere un sentido similar a
recopilar; seguido de “the results”; compile +
Thank you for your cooperation. the results

K. Flanagan

144-146. 144.
Tiempo verbal
Date: March 8 For: Mr. Martin Ehret Written by: Brad Contexto: requiere present perfect ya que
Wilson expresa un evento que comenzó en el pasado
y sus repercusiones duran hasta hoy; se refiere
We ------- the roof of Mr. Ehret’s house, el resultado presente de una acción pasada
(A) examine
(B) have examined
(C) are examining
(D) will examine 145.
Determinate posesivo

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located at 13 North Culver Street in Halibut Creek. The Contexto: la casa pertenece a Mr. Ehret
tiles on the northwest side of the house show (persona, masculino singular)
considerable chipping and cracking throughout.
After finishing the assessment, we discussed options for
repair. Mr. Ehret requested that the tiling on the northwest
roof of ------- house 146.
(A) its Vocabulario
(B) his Significados distintos
(C) our Contexto: comienzo de la oración subordinada
(D) your que presenta la causa que conduce a la
be replaced entirely. ------- the dimensions of the house consecuencia expresada en la oración
(A) Given principal (the estimated cost comes to $1,580);
(B) Offered requiere expresar un contenido similar a
(C) Known “debido a” o “dadas las dimensiones”
(D) Figured
indicated on the attached sheet, the estimated cost of this
work comes to $1,580, including materials and labor.

147-149. 147.
Geneva, Switzerland—The International Association of Vocabulario
Orthopedic Surgeons ------- held its 5th annual convention Significado similar
(A) newly Contexto: narración de una noticia; evento
(B) initially pasado reciente; evento repetitivo anual (5th
(C) recently anual convention); recently + held
(D) shortly
at the European Center in Geneva. The weeklong
convention was a resounding success, bringing in medical
practitioners and researchers from around the world. The 148.
event included a number of lectures and workshops that Vocabulario
were ------- to the public. Familia léxica, misma raíz
(A) open Contexto: oración subordinada describiendo
(B) opens “lectures and workshops”; requiere adjetivo
(C) opened siguiendo a “were”; were + open
(D) opening

Bernd Wassal, president of the association, voiced his

gratitude to the city at the event’s closing dinner, and he 149.
announced his plans to hold the meeting in Geneva again Vocabulario
in two years. Next year’s -------will be held in Tokyo. Significados distintos
(A) dialogue Contexto: requiere un sinónimo de
(B) performance “convention”, como aparece en la primera frase
(C) organization de la noticia; Next year’s + conference
(D) conference

150-152. 150.
Tiempo verbal
Location: Outside the Parker Building, South Courtyard Contexto: el texto es un anuncio de obras que
Dates: May 9–12 van a tener lugar (Notice of Upcomng
Construction); requiere futuro; There + will be +
There ------- construction work in the courtyard future event
(A) was
(B) being
(C) will be
(D) has been 151.
directly to the south of the Parker Building starting at Vocabulario
around 9:00 A.M. on May 9. The construction will close off Significados distintos
all entrances on the south side of the Parker Building. Contexto: requiere un sinónimo de “entrances”
ya que éstas se van a cerrar en la parte sur y

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Alternate ------- is available on the east side of the la oración presenta los accesos alternativos;
building. Alternative + access
(A) access
(B) advance
(C) accord
(D) achievement 152.
The construction is expected to ------- by May 12. Vocabulario
(A) commence Significados distintos
(B) originate Contexto: se refiere a una fecha posterior a la
(C) accomplish de comienzo (May 9); muestra la fecha de fin;
(D) conclude is expected + to + conclude + by May 12
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ms.
Arlene Maines, operations manager, at 555-1000.


153. Where is the event being held? Referencia a Texto 1

(A) At a publishing company Pregunta por detalle
(B) At a hotel Respuesta explícita
(C) At a supermarket
(D) At an outdoor park

154. How is the fish prepared? Referencia a Texto 1

(A) It is creamed. Pregunta por detalle
(B) It is grilled. Respuesta explícita
(C) It is roasted.
(D) It is steamed.

Material cedido por Capman 8


155. On what date is Angela Watford attending a cultural Referencia a Texto 1

event? Pregunta por detalle
(A) March 3 Respuesta implícita, descarte de opciones
(B) March 8
(C) March 13
(D) March 30

156. Where is the business conference probably being held? Referencia a Texto 1
(A) In Barcelona Pregunta por detalle
(B) In Brussels Respuesta implícita, combinación de 2
(C) In London informaciones
(D) In Madrid

157. What is suggested about Angela Watford? Referencia a Texto 1

(A) She is a lecturer at a university. Pregunta por idea general
(B) She is a medical doctor. Respuesta implícita, combinación de 3
(C) She participates in a number of sports. informaciones
(D) She travels to Brussels once a month.


Material cedido por Capman 9

158. When will the announced change take place? Referencia a Texto 1
(A) On October 13 Pregunta por detalle
(B) On October 14 Respuesta implícita, combinación de dos
(C) On October 15 informaciones
(D) On October 16

159. Who are employees asked to contact for additional Referencia a Texto 1
information? Pregunta por detalle
(A) Paul Cohen Respuesta implícita, combinación de 2
(B) Brandon Ulrich informaciones
(C) The company president
(D) The uniform manufacturer


Material cedido por Capman 10

160. When was the newsletter probably issued? Referencia a Texto 1
(A) In May Pregunta por detalle
(B) In June Respuesta implícita, combinación de dos
(C) In July informaciones
(D) In August

161. Under the summer schedule, on which day does the Referencia a Texto 1
library not open until the afternoon? Pregunta por detalle
(A) Thursday Respuesta implícita, descarte de opciones
(B) Friday
(C) Saturday
(D) Sunday

162. What does the newsletter say about parking? Referencia a Texto 1
(A) The parking garage is open 24 hours a day. Pregunta por idea general
(B) Parking fees can be paid at the library. Respuesta implícita, se deriva del contenido
(C) There is parking available on Orchid Street. de un párrafo
(D) Patrons may park in the Foster Street Garage
for free.

163. What is indicated about overdue fines? Referencia a Texto 1

(A) They are calculated for each day an item is late. Pregunta por idea general
(B) They are due at the end of each month. Respuesta implícita, se deriva del contenido
(C) They can be paid online. de un párrafo
(D) They will go up at the end of August

Material cedido por Capman 11


164. What is the purpose of the notice? Referencia a Texto 1

(A) To explain how to have announcements Pregunta por la idea general
published in a newspaper Respuesta implícita, se deriva de la idea
(B) To provide updated information about a news story general de todo el texto
(C) To announce Maureen Straub’s recent promotion
(D) To discuss ways to attract new employees

165. According to the notice, what are individuals contacting Referencia a Texto 1
the newspaper not supposed to do? Pregunta por una idea general
(A) Provide the name of their employer Respuesta implícita, se deriva de la idea
(B) Submit announcements over the telephone general de una parte del texto
(C) Indicate current or former job titles of employees
(D) E-mail the paper’s managing editor

Material cedido por Capman 12

166. What should be included with photographs? Referencia a Texto 1
(A) The sender’s return address Pregunta por detalle
(B) The name of the location pictured Respuesta explícita
(C) The identity of the photographer
(D) The name of the person in the picture


167. For whom is the form most likely intended? Referencia a Texto 1
(A) A customer Pregunta por detalle
(B) A salesclerk Respuesta explícita
(C) Ralph Thomas
(D) Molly Garner

168. What information is included in the form? Referencia a Texto 1

(A) The deadline for the order Pregunta por una idea general
(B) Customer contact information Respuesta implícita, descartando otras
(C) Product sizing information opciones
(D) The cost of the finished product


Date: January 12
To: Jennifer Chen <>
From: Ken Leavitt <>
Subject: Research series

Dear Dr. Chen,

Thank you for your recent article for the Review of Foreign Affairs Quarterly. I very much enjoyed
working with you.

My colleagues at the Stonebraker Center for International Policy and I were so impressed by
your work that we would like to invite you to contribute to our annual series. The series is a set of
short-to-medium-length research publications focusing on current regional issues. We believe that
you are an excellent resource for research on trade in Southeast Asia.

Material cedido por Capman 13

You would be paid for writing this paper, and there is no hard deadline. Apart from these two
conditions, the process should be very similar to the one you went through for your article. We
hope to have a draft by late March so that the publication could be made available later in the spring.

Please let me know if you’re interested. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
Ken Leavitt
Editor, Review of Foreign Affairs Quarterly
Associate Director, Stonebraker Center for International Policy

169. What is the main purpose of this e-mail? Referencia a Texto 1

(A) To offer a writing assignment Pregunta por la idea general
(B) To invite a colleague on a business trip Respuesta implícita, se deriva del contenido
(C) To provide a book review de todo el texto
(D) To discuss international policy issues

170. What is suggested about Mr. Leavitt? Referencia a Texto 1

(A) He is the editor of an international newspaper. Pregunta por una idea general
(B) He plans to retire next March. Respuesta implícita, se deriva de 2 párrafos
(C) He was pleased with Dr. Chen’s work. del texto
(D) He wrote a book on foreign affairs.

171. How does Mr. Leavitt know Dr. Chen? Referencia a Texto 1
(A) They studied at the same university. Pregunta por detalle
(B) They were introduced by a colleague. Respuesta implícita, se deriva del contenido
(C) They met at a conference overseas. de un párrafo
(D) They worked together on a publication.

172. What does the e-mail indicate about Dr. Chen? Referencia a Texto 1
(A) She did not receive payment for her recent Pregunta por una idea general
article. Respuesta implícita, se deriva de una parte del
(B) She will need an extension of her deadline. texto
(C) She is well-known throughout Asia.
(D) She used to work at the Stonebraker Center


Material cedido por Capman 14

173. What is the subject of the memorandum? Referencia a Texto 1
(A) A recent newspaper article Pregunta por la idea general
(B) An upcoming meeting with city officials Respuesta implícita, se deriva de todo el texto
(C) A plan to introduce new safety procedures
(D) An announcement that additional staff will be hired

174. Where does Rebecca Ortiz work? Referencia a Texto 1

(A) At a restaurant Pregunta por detalle
(B) At a government office Respuesta implícita, se deriva de una parte del
(C) At a law firm texto
(D) At a manufacturing plant

175. When will the proposed changes be implemented? Referencia a Texto 1

(A) On April 10 Pregunta por detalle
(B) On April 22 Respuesta explícita
(C) On April 25
(D) On April 30


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176. What is the purpose of the letter? Referencia a Texto 1
(A) To request payment for legal services Pregunta por la idea general
(B) To provide details for a future renovation Respuesta implícita, se deriva del contenido
project de todo el texto
(C) To inform a customer of new service fees
(D) To announce the opening of a new office building

177. What kind of company does Nandita Bery work for? Referencia a Texto 1
(A) A law firm Pregunta por detalle
(B) A construction company Respuesta explícita
(C) A landscape design firm
(D) An advertising agency

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178. What does Mr. Johnson suggest in his letter? Referencia a Texto 1
(A) He is new to the Vancouver area. Pregunta por una idea general
(B) He is recruiting employees at this time. Respuesta explícita
(C) His schedule cannot be revised.
(D) His company has experience relevant to the

179. In paragraph 2, line 1, the word “premises” is closest in Referencia a Texto 1

meaning to Pregunta por detalle
(A) principles Respuesta explícita
(B) contracts
(C) building
(D) position

180. When will the office most likely be closed for business? Referencia a Texto 1
(A) On September 15 Pregunta por detalle
(B) On September 18 Respuesta implícita, derivada de la
(C) On September 20 combinación de 2 informaciones
(D) On September 22


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181. What is suggested about Ms. Robinson? Referencia a Texto 1
(A) Her computer was damaged due to a power Pregunta por una idea general
outage. Respuesta implícita, se deriva de una parte del
(B) Her product’s warranty has expired. texto 1
(C) She initially contacted Greene Electronics by
(D) She works as a computer repair technician.

Material cedido por Capman 18

182. What information is NOT provided in Ms. Robinson’s Referencia a Texto 1
letter? Pregunta por detalle
(A) Her address Respuesta implícita, por descarte de otras
(B) Her telephone number opciones
(C) The case number
(D) The product number

183. What was shipped with the note from Greene Referencia a Texto 1
Electronics? Pregunta por detalle
(A) A printer Respuesta explícita
(B) A computer
(C) A mobile phone
(D) A copy machine

184. How was the problem resolved? Referencia a Texto 2

(A) A faulty part was replaced. Pregunta por una idea general
(B) The customer received a new machine. Respuesta implícita, se deriva de una parte del
(C) Some software was updated. texto 2
(D) A technician called the customer.

185. How is Ms. Robinson asked to contact the company in Referencia a Texto 2
the future? Pregunta por detalle
(A) By telephone Respuesta explícita
(B) By mail
(C) In person
(D) Over the Internet


Material cedido por Capman 19

186. Where was the letter most likely sent? Referencia a Textos 1y 2
(A) To an investment firm Pregunta por detalle
(B) To a department store Respuesta implícita, combinación de tres
(C) To a travel agency informaciones

Material cedido por Capman 20

(D) To a factory warehouse

187. What is the main purpose of the letter? Referencia a Texto 1

(A) To congratulate an award recipient Pregunta por la idea general
(B) To nominate a coworker for an award Respuesta implícita, se deriva del contenido
(C) To explain customer service standards de todo el texto 1
(D) To praise a company employee

188. What did the clerk NOT do? Referencia a Texto 1

(A) Gift wrap a product Pregunta por detalle
(B) Specify shipping instructions Respuesta implícita, por descarte de otras
(C) Search for a product opciones
(D) Contact a warehouse

189. In the certificate, the word “recognizes” in line 3 is closest Referencia a Texto 2
in meaning to Pregunta por detalle
(A) realizes Respuesta explícita
(B) admits
(C) acknowledges
(D) perceives

190. What type of work does Ms. Lehrman do? Referencia a Texto 2
(A) Human resources Pregunta por detalle
(B) Telemarketing Respuesta implícita, se deriva de dos
(C) Retail sales informaciones
(D) Mail delivery


Material cedido por Capman 21

191. What is the main purpose of the letter? Referencia a Texto 1
(A) To acknowledge an application Pregunta por la idea general
(B) To explain a safety requirement Respuesta implícita, se deriva del contenido
(C) To discuss the cost of a piece of equipment del texto 1
(D) To introduce the new head of the research

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192. In the letter, the word “terms” in paragraph 1, line 3 is Referencia a Texto 1
closest in meaning to Pregunta por detalle
(A) endings Respuesta explícita
(B) duration
(C) expressions
(D) conditions

193. When is the equipment being delivered to Dr. Gupta’s Referencia a Texto 1
laboratory? Pregunta por detalle
(A) On July 12 Respuesta explícita
(B) On July 25
(C) On July 29
(D) On August 2

194. What can be inferred about Dr. Hong? Referencia a Texto 2

(A) She is one of Dr. Gupta’s students. Pregunta por detalle
(B) She selected the winner of the award. Respuesta implícita, por descarte de otras
(C) She designs laboratory equipment. opciones falsas o sin constancia derivadas del
(D) She was recommended by the Pendleton contenido del texto 2

195. What are employees asked to do? Referencia a Texto 2

(A) Send an e-mail to Dr. Hong Pregunta por detalle
(B) Practice on the new equipment in Room 312 Respuesta explícita
(C) Register for a training session
(D) Welcome a new colleague


Material cedido por Capman 23

196. What can be inferred about Richard Geist from the Referencia a Texto 1
advertisement? Pregunta por detalle
(A) He was a student at Waketown University. Respuesta implícita, por descarte de otras
(B) He previously wrote a popular sports book. opciones
(C) He used to be a professional baseball player.
(D) He is an accomplished photographer.

197. For whom does Richard Geist currently work? Referencia a Texto 1
(A) A newspaper company Pregunta por detalle

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(B) A local university Respuesta explícita
(C) A professional sports team
(D) A manufacturer of sporting equipment

198. What is the purpose of the article by Jenny Kim? Referencia a Texto 2
(A) To report the results of a sports competition Pregunta por la idea general
(B) To persuade people to exercise more Respuesta implícita, se deriva del contenido
(C) To describe the life of a well-known person del todo el texto 2, presentada en el párrafo 1
(D) To review recent publications

199. What is the subject of the book by Gina Bloom? Referencia a Texto 2
(A) International cuisine Pregunta por detalle
(B) Famous celebrities Respuesta explícita
(C) Nature photography
(D) Sports landmarks

200. What sport was Richard Geist involved with at Referencia a Textos 1 y 2
Waketown? Pregunta por detalle
(A) Tennis Respuesta implícita, se deriva de la
(B) Football combinación de 2 informaciones
(C) Hockey
(D) Basketball

Stop! This is the end of the test. If you finish before time is called, you may go
back to Parts 5, 6, and 7 and check your work.

Material cedido por Capman 25

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