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(Department of English Language & Applied Linguistics)


Course: Compulsory English-I (386)

Level: HSSC Semester: Autumn, 2019
Total Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 40
(Units 1–5)

Q.1 You have read in Unit1, how to make time schedules. Given below is the time
schedule of a businessman. Write a complete description of his daily activities
using the information given in the table. Follow the example. (15)

Example: The businessman sleeps from 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.

Example 12:00 p.m. to 05:30 a.m. Sleep

i. 05:30 a.m. to 06:30 a.m. Breakfast, Prays, Arrange briefcase
ii. 06:30 a.m. to 07:30 a.m. Drop children to school, Drive to office
iii. 07:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Meeting with boss, Tea break
iv. 11:30 a.m. to 02:30 p.m. Office work, Lunch
V 02:30 p.m. to 05:00 p.m. Pick children, drive home, have rest

Q.2 In Unit 2, Section A you are taught how to introduce yourself. Now imagine there
is a vacant post of a salesman in your company and you want to refer your friend to
your boss as a suitable candidate for the post. How would you do that keeping in
mind his qualities relevant to the job you want him to have? (10)

Q.3 In Unit 2, Section B we talked about different types of readings for different
purposes. Can you list five types (each) of reading material that you might have
read for the following mentioned purposes? Follow the examples. (15)

Purpose: For Direction For History For Pleasure

Examples: Booklet A Biography A Magazine

Q.4 In Unit 3, Section A we talked about how to make requests and grant permissions.
We also discussed two forms of requests, i.e. requests as orders and polite indirect
requests. Can you change the following direct requests into indirect requests?
Follow the example. (10)

Example: Direct Request: Do the dishes after dinner.

Indirect Request: Could you please do the dishes after dinner.

i. Pick my child.
ii. Drop him to the bus station.
iii. Can you teacher her Phonetics?
iv. Juice please.
v. Lend him your car please.

Q.5 You have read in Unit 3, Section B how to guess the meanings of words from the
text. Read the following statements and guess the meanings of the words in bold.
Also write the dictionary meanings of these words. (10)

i. Recently, with exports and sales decreasing, their economic outlook has
noticeably deteriorated.
ii. He was expelled from school for playing truancy.
iii. When the defendant put his feet up on the table, the judge scolded him for his
iv. The abatement of her headache filled Hira with a sense of relief.
v. You make more friends being nice than you do by being belligerent.
Q.6 You have learnt in Unit 4 (section A) how to describe people. Look at the people in
the following photo. Describe each one of them in at least 3 sentences. (15)

Q.7 Punctuation marks are very much important in English language, as you have read
in Unit 4, Section C. Punctuate the following sentences. (10)
i. My mother in law's rants make me furious
ii. Her son Ali was born on Dec. 6, 2008.
iii. He was planning to study four subjects politics philosophy sociology and

iv. Dont go outside, she said.
v. She began to count "One, two, three, four…" until she got to 10 then went to
find him.
Q.8 Unit 5, Section B teaches you how to do skimming. Read the following passage
carefully, skim it and write the gist of the text in your own words. (15)

One fascinating fact about rocky shore species is that they are distributed in
bands or zones on the shore and, as such, show very simple and easily
understable patterns of distribution. Studies of patterns of distribution in
relatively simple habitats have been very helpful in finding out the sorts of
factors controlling why animals and plants live where they do. When oil spills
have affected rocky beaches, knowledge of the biology and ecology of the
species living there has proved useful in understanding how to best manage the
spillage. Because people have been interested in these fascinating animals for a
long time, they are also now useful for scientists looking for climate change
effects. A long set of data collection started in the 1950s, exists about barnacle
distribution around British shores, and these are now being looked at again and
compared with the present day pattern.
There are many indications in the data that warming is taking place, for example
the warm water species Chthamalus montagui is found in more places in
Scotland than it used to be. The favouring of Chthamalus by the warmer seas has
released it from competition with Semibalanus, which is therefore suffering.
These studies show that, no matter how sophisticated our instrumentation gets,
living things are still often the most sensitive way of finding out what is going on
in the environment

(Units 6–9)
Total Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 40

Q.1 You have read how to apologize in Unit 6, Section A. Recall that unit, look at the
sentences on the left and then write appropriate responses of apology. Follow the
example. (10)

Ex. Have you taken your medicine? Sorry I haven’t, I fell asleep
i. Did you book the tickets?
ii. Your son misbehaved with the teacher.
iii. You are late for the interview.
iv. Are you cooking tonight?
v. You promised to attend the wedding.

Q.2 In Unit 6, Section B, we discussed and practiced the skill of skimming. Can you
skim the following paragraph for answering the questions given at the end? (15)

Rhinos mind their own business. They like nothing better than to stand around and
eat grass from the ground, or, depending on what kind of rhino, nip leaves of bushes.
They love to roll in the mud, too. Mud keeps rhinos cool, and they use it for
sunscreen. I’ve sat in my car and watched rhinos many times. Recently, I watched
one lick a rock for 20 minutes. “Rock-licker,” I called him. Then he rubbed his chin
on the rock. And his stomach. And his hips. “Rock-rubber,” I called him. Rhinos
have marvelous ears. Have you ever looked at a rhino ear? It is somehow like a
curled leaf, or flower petals, or a gracefully rolled paper cone for holding nuts.
Rhinos seem mythical or magical to some people. Maybe that is because they have a
horn. Actually, they have two horns, but one is more prominent. Maybe rhinos are
behind the idea of the unicorn. When people see something near-magical in an
animal, they want that thing. In the case of rhinos, it’s the horn. So people kill the
rhinos and cut off their horns, even though the horns are made of the same kind of
protein that’s in your hair or fingernails. But people who want magic horns don’t like
to hear that. They don’t seem to care that there are only about 30,000 rhinos left in
the world today. I wish they would mind their own business. Rhinos mind their own
business. They eat grass. They lick rocks. They rub rocks. They don’t try to sell you
anything or ask for favors. A living rhino makes a fine acquaintance. Take time to get
to know rhinos on World Rhino Day, celebrated every year on September 22.

i. How does the author of the text about rhinos?

ii. Do you think the author of the text takes time to enjoy the beauty found in
nature? Why or why not?
iii. Do you think the author of the text would support hunting animals for sport?
Why or why not?
iv. Why do people kill rhinos?
v. What is the author’s purpose for writing the text about rhinos?

Q.3 Unit 7, Section A teaches you how to use reason expressions. Everybody is
permitted to express his or her opinion on an issue. Read the following examples of
opinions and write logical reasons for them. (10)

i. In my opinion, visa policy of all the countries should be easy.

ii. I believe in the stronger punishment for the culprits by the court of law.
iii. In my view life quality has become much better with time.
iv. I agree with the anti-narcotics campaign.
v. I personally agree with the opposition rather than government.
vi. I think mathematics is a very practical and useful subject to study.

Q.4 In Unit 7, Section A you read about different professions. Select any single
profession from list bellow and write a few logical reasons for appreciation of the
particular profession. (15)
i. Judge
ii. Artist

iii. Teacher
iv. Salesman
v. Scientist
Q.5 You have read in Unit 7 how to skim and scan text. Read the passage and answer
the questions given at the end. (20)

Did you know that water currents in the northern Pacific Ocean capture a huge
amount of garbage? Plastic and other types of man-made waste float on the
surface and circulate below the water. It is difficult to measure how much trash is
in the ocean because a lot of the trash has broken down into tiny pieces. As a
result, this polluted region is more like “trash soup” than a solid “island of trash”
that is easy to see. Some reports estimate that this area, known as the Pacific
Garbage Patch, covers 700,000 square kilometers (270,000 square miles), while
others say the area is as big as 15,000,000 square kilometers (5,800,000 square
The Pacific Garbage Patch causes many environmental concerns. The small
pieces of plastic in the patch are called “microplastic”; they are hard to collect
and clean up. Microplastic that escapes the garbage patch washes up on shores.
In the United States, plastic pollution from the patch is a big problem in coastal
Alaska. Also, fish and other creatures, like sea turtles and birds, think
microplastic is food. Eating microplastic can harm animals; it can choke them,
poison them, and affect their ability to reproduce. People also consume fish that
have eaten microplastic, exposing them to harmful chemicals found in some
plastic products.

i. What is the larger estimate for the size of the Pacific Garbage Patch?
ii. What are two kinds of sea plants that produce the oxygen in the air we
iii. What are two ways to reduce the amount of plastic waste that pollutes
iv. Where the microplastic escaped from garbage patch goes to?
v. How can microplastic harm animals?

Q.6 In Unit 8, Section A, we have explained the use of sequence markers. Given below
are a number of sentences to show how digestive system works. Arrange these
points in the form of a paragraph. Add sequence markers whenever necessary to
link the sentences. (10)

i. The mouth chew food and mixes saliva to it.

ii. Esophagus pushes it to stomach.
iii. Stomach muscles mix digestive juices i. e. stomach acid and enzymes to
iv. Pancreas and liver delivers digestive juice to small intestine
v. Small intestine help digest proteins, carbohydrates and fats, it also absorbs

vi. Bacteria in large intestine breaks down remaining food, parts of food that are
still too large becomes stool.
Q.7 You may like some of the following sports and may dislike others. Give at least one
reason for liking or disliking each of them. Read Unit 8 for guidance. (10)

Volleyball Gymnastics Football Basketball Table tennis

Swimming Archery Badminton Cricket Hokey

Q.8 You have read about making predictions in Unit 9. Read the following passage
Predict what event is most likely to occur next? What evidence from the text
supports your prediction? (10)

"Yeah, I go horseback riding all of the time. My uncle has a horse," Raza told
new neighbor Amir. Raza’s uncle did not have a horse and he had never gone
horseback riding in his life. Amir looked at him and said, "that is great Raza”.
Will you come horseback riding with me tomorrow?" Raza agreed without
hesitation. He was so excited to visit Amir’s lavished farmhouse that he had
forgotten his lie entirely. He showed up at Amir's farmhouse and he asked him
why he didn't wear his riding gear. He lied again, telling Amir that his gear was
at the cleaners. Amir lent him some of his brother's gear and they went to the
stables. "This one's called Black Force. He's my brother's horse and he's by far
the fastest. Since you're an experienced rider, I'm going to let you take him out."
Raza gulped. He figured that horseback riding looked pretty easy in the movies.
"Ok," he replied, and then he attempted to mount Black Force.


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