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The How-To Template

Sadiki Bakari
The Esoterics of Manifestation Empowerment Seminar Course Study
Copyright © 2013 by Sadiki Bakari

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, or transmitted in
any form, by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information
storage and retrieval systems without the permission of the Publisher.

Published by Sadiki Bakari Publishing

First Printing 2013
ISBN: 978-0-578-13563-2
Printed in the United States of America

Edited by Shay Ensley

Co-edited by Sadiki Bakari Publishing

Cover art design by




1. Designing the Template for Your Unique Tapestry

The Proven Formula

2. The Esoterics of Fear

The Esoteric Components of Fear
Fear Questionnaire
Top 10 Fears that Hold Us Back in Life by Amy Morin
Overcoming the Vortex of Fear
What Manifests After the Breakthrough Occurs

3. The Primordial Alchemy of Transmuting Imagination into Omnipotent Manifestation

4. The Power of Authenticity

5. How to Apply and Master the State of Beingness and the Science of Affirmation

6. The Secrets Most of the World Doesn’t Know About Momentum That Will Change Your Life
The Momentum Formula
7. Envisioning the Breakthrough
The Vision Formula

8. Awakening the Expansiveness of the Super Conscious Mind and Intuition

Course Study Epilogue

Selected Bibliography

T his course study or (How-To) template is dedicated to everyone that is ready to

flourish in an expansive and abundant existence, overcome fears and misperceived
limitations, create and manifest divinity, walk in their purpose, and design a limitless vision for
their progeny. I am committed to assisting in your epic transformation and breakthrough. This
book is one of the many tools created for your personal enlightenment, mastering your state of
Beingness, awakening the super conscious mind and cellular memory, ascension and
empowerment. There’s no better time than now to make potential a realization.

Manifestation and Empowerment is a Repetitive State
of Being!

Mastering the Esoterics of Manifestation Empowerment Seminar Course Study

his litany of work is a course study for the Mastering the Esoterics of
Manifestation Empowerment Seminar, the online curriculum and the 1-on-1
private consultations. It has proven to be an important tool and the key to
unlocking the mysteries and hidden codes in the unique process, and journey of every individual
that incorporates the jewels and teachings bestowed. Manifestation is of the divine essence. He or
she that interfaces with the intuitive “God” within them will fruition this omnipotence in their
physical world, through the science of alchemy and transmutation of the animation of energy.
True power is the ability to create, design and manifest your visions, dreams, ideas and desires;
otherwise a person or group exists in the state of powerlessness. These realities can be
transformed and realized through the science techniques of repetition. Many do not overstand
that being ignorant of this information is causing a lack in divine creativity, manifestation and
abundance. There are several proven skills and techniques that exist to change this. This manual
is one of the tools that can be used for empowerment and manifestation.

One’s life is consumed and ultimately controlled by some form of repetition. This is
behavioral and pathological and why most people can benefit from a rewiring of the subconscious
mind and spirit to reassess and change their life’s pathology. This must be in sync with one’s
vision, purpose, desire and process of existing in this state of Beingness, or a person will operate
in a state of chaos and confusion. Divine manifestation, vision and empowerment don’t dwell in
the conundrum of confusion. The clarity is in the innerstanding of the esoteric phenomena of
one’s inner-self. The imagination is the vessel that transmutes the spiritual world into physical
discourse. The esoteric study of one’s self is part of the empowerment process, which is one of the
master keys to interfacing with the exoteric world and matrix of realities.

The purpose of the Seminar, online curriculum, 1-on-1 consultations and everything this
book entails is to design a repetitive program that will change one’s daily pathology, rituals and
how one interfaces with interpersonal and hueman experience. This is a major portion of
designing the architecture for one’s purpose, vision and personal empowerment. There are skills,
techniques and exercises that can be the difference between being consumed by fear, obstacles
and negativity versus overcoming fear, experiencing powerful breakthroughs, living your divine
purpose and empowering yourself through the implementation of mastery. We are all privy to
encoded templates for our divinity to shine its light through our physical experience on this
planet. We have to be willing to surrender to our unique and authentic tapestry. The purpose is to
emanate our encoded divinity. Let go, release, and let it flow.

The power of genius is etched in the primal essence and fabric of our connection to the
akashic intelligence of the infinite and timeless architecture we call the Universe. Your imprint is
waiting to be ignited by your super conscious hallmark. Expansiveness of imagination and vision
should not be feared. It should only be embraced. Limitation is the death of creation and
manifestation. Abundance is the timeless life and longevity of creation and manifestation.
Empowerment begins in the mind and imagination. Change your thoughts and change your
reality. This is easier said than done. Through applied knowledge, proper information, training
and exercises, harmful thoughts can be recalibrated to operate on a higher frequency. The
programming of the subconscious mind must be reprogrammed. Fears must be confronted in
order to create a magnificent symmetry of divine spirit and a portal of limitless power and
manifestation. Your inner Guru is waiting to be activated (and will be) once your transition and
upgrade occurs. You are a timeless vessel of creation and manifestation that is infinitely unique
and profound.

The mindset of instant gratification will not assist you in living the empowerment and
manifestation you are working towards. Instant gratification is not part of any success plan or
vision. Instant gratification is to the contrary. Manifestation and empowerment will not happen
overnight. It will take hard work, dedication and commitment to rewire the subconscious mind
and manifest from the state of the super conscious mind. What and how you think is the reason
for the particular standing of where your vision or lack of vision reside. You must overstand that
you will need to change. You made the first step by reading this manual. Have patience, not to the
point of procrastination, because too much patience can easily turn into procrastination. Your
seeds will harvest if you feed them properly.

If you want to achieve your vision and create success, you will have to do what others
may not do. You must be focused and in alignment with your spirit and the esoteric aspect your
Beingness. Sacrifices will have to be made. You must be an action-oriented person and more
strategic in that action. It must serve the purpose of your vision and what you are working on
manifesting. Be prepared to embrace the changes you will ultimately endure, because this is an
important part of the mastery. By changing your habits, your results will change. It will take time
to change your habits. Don’t be afraid to challenge and push yourself. It will quicken the process
in a healthy way.

This book incorporates the knowledge and the implementation of the knowledge to assist
in mastering the esoterics of manifestation and making personal empowerment a reality in your
life. I am committed to assisting you on your powerful journey and state of Beingness. Each
chapter will get straight to the point. This literary arrangement is the template for the Mastering
the Esoterics of Manifestation Empowerment Seminar, the online curriculum and also the 1-on-1
private consultations. An extensive and empowering DVD also accompanies this transformative
book to assist in increasing your visionary momentum, manifestation and empowerment.

Designing the Template for Your Unique Tapestry, Purpose and Vision

hese aspects of power or empowerment can’t be measured by any instrument or
paradigm, including science. Your unique tapestry and purpose is intricately
woven into your intuitive essence. These totems are infinite. Their design is also
infinite and beyond any form of calculation. The synchronicity of these esoteric characteristics
shape and mold the process of creativity because of the genuine framework that encompasses it.
This makes manifestation a feasible part of the process. Your unique tapestry and purpose should
be in divine alignment. This is all part of your authentic and genuine self. Vision is the final part
of this template and vision is a powerful skill and tool when implemented properly. Vision is one
of the most powerful energies that most people don’t take advantage of. People with vision are
controllers of their future and reality. People with no vision are slaves to someone else’s vision
and reality. This is why the designing of your unique tapestry, purpose and vision is of the utmost
importance. You must have vision to guide you during your creative process or project. There
must be a blueprint to bring forth the architecture of your imagination. This is the manifestation
of the imagination as “God.” The imagination is “God.” Remember this simple yet proven

Unique Tapestry + Purpose + Vision

Manifestation and Empowerment

Your unique tapestry is encoded in the matrix of your DNA. You were already born with
authenticity, divinity and purpose. The fulfillment of your existence is pertinent for the
development of our progeny. We are all geniuses when we overstand that there is a Guru in all of
us that are not afraid to discover the elevated enlightenment in our cellular memory. In most
cases it just needs to be activated. The akashic imprints is not a secret. This is antiquity and the
future in binary code and it’s all symbolic in the manifestation of our imagination into the
physical/material dimension. This is all part of the primordial blueprint for divine manifestation.
A person in the state of their unique tapestry is a conduit for boundless and limitless creation.
Your purpose should be something you love to do. It should be something you are passionate
about every day. You must live your purpose and you will realize the true meaning of
empowerment. The ability to manifest beyond your greatest dreams will occur on the journey. All
you have to do is let go and let the love for your purpose be instilled in your vision.

Your unique tapestry does not belong to anyone else. It is yours, and this is why the only
vision that matters is the vision you have for yourself, or vision that is in sync with your vision.
Stop caring and focusing on what other people think or want, as it pertains to your purpose and
vision. You will rid yourself of many headaches and wasted energy by doing this. Your focus,
energy and Beingness should be interfacing with the blueprint of manifestation you have created.
No one knows the passion and vision burning in the furnace of your soul. This is why no one can
or should be able to impose what they think you should be passionate about. Everyone’s journey
is a very unique journey. There may be similarities, but that does not change the reality that each
journey is unique in its own right. Embrace your unique tapestry, purpose and vision, and know
that it’s a beautiful journey of empowerment and manifestation. With the proper skills,
techniques and implementation, you can master the esoterics of manifestation. You must first
master the esoterics and components of fear.

The Esoterics of Fear

The Esoteric Components of Fear

1) Dwelling in the portal of stagnation/comfort zone and paralysis of the imagination

2) Limits the interfacing with the “God” self

3) Distortion of reality/operating in ILLusion

4) Inner noise and mind-clutter

5) Limits divine creativity and manifestation

6) Reactionary instead of proactive

Fear Questionnaire
(Honestly answer these 9 questions and you are on the right path)

hese questions must be answered honestly to attain the desired results. Honest
expression is a vital part of the transformation and growth process. True
empowerment and manifestation can’t exist without honesty with one’s self. I
can give you the master keys. You must be willing to confront and overcome what may be waiting
on the other side. By honestly answering each question, you are meticulously connecting the
pieces of the puzzle, which will open the gateway to your unique and authentic tapestry. This will
assist in tapping into the esoteric force within and your divine power. This will also open the
portal to your boundless imagination and free you of many inhibitions, emotional programming
and programmed attachments. The rewiring and transformation begins when you are completely
honest with self. Transmutation is a significant tool as you begin to magnetize your vision,
purpose, empowerment and manifestation.

1) What are my fears?

2) What are the causes of my fears?

3) How will conquering my fears enhance my state of Being, family and community?

4) How has my fear and misperceived limitation controlled me?

5) How has fear deterred me from my goals, dreams and vision?

6) Do I deify fear?

7) Have I been a slave to fear, and if so, how do I free myself?

8) Am I willing to do the work and endure the journey?

9) Am I ready to experience divine breakthroughs?

Top 10 Fears That Hold Us Back In Life
By Amy Morin

1. The Fear of Rejection

Many people avoid entering into new relationships or trying to meet new people due to a fear of
rejection. Even married people often avoid approaching a long-time spouse to ask for something
due to a fear that the person will say no. Whether you’ve got a fear of your boss declining your
request for a raise, or a fear that the attractive person won’t go on a date with you, don’t let the
fear of rejection hold you back and do it anyway.

2. The Fear of “Failure”

One of the top fears in the world is a fear of failure. Many people won’t try something new unless
they’re confident they can win. Failure is a normal part of life and learning from failure can help
you find eventual success.

3. The Fear of Uncertainty

The fear of uncertainty often prevents people from trying something different. They often worry,
“What if I don’t like it?” This fear can prevent people from trying new things or doing things
differently from the way they’ve always been done.

4. The Fear of Loneliness

Sometimes people stay in bad relationships or resist living alone due to their fear of loneliness.
Learning how to tolerate feeling lonely and finding ways to keep yourself company can help
manage the fear of loneliness.
5. The Fear of Change

We live in a rapidly changing world. However, many people fear change. As a result, they resist it.
The fear of change can cause people to become stagnant and they may miss out on a lot of really
good opportunities in life.

6. The Fear of Loss of Freedom

Although we should have some fear of the loss of freedom, some people allow this fear to hold
them back. Many people enjoy the freedom they have as a single person and as a result, they avoid
serious relationships due to a fear that they won’t be able to tolerate the loss of the freedom.
Although some loss of freedom does accompany a serious relationship, it’s important to balance
independence with dependence and maintain some freedoms.

7. The Fear of Being Judged

People who worry that they’ll be judged negatively by others often shy away from social
opportunities or chances to advance their career. People who adopt this fear often exaggerate how
others will perceive them negatively and underestimate their ability to tolerate not being well-
received by others.

8. The Fear of Something Bad Happening

Bad things happen in life. It’s inevitable. However, when people constantly fear something bad
happening, it often restricts their activities. They may avoid doing a lot of things or going to
certain places due to an unrealistic fear that bad things may happen.

9. The Fear of Getting Hurt

We should all have some fear of getting hurt. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t look both ways before
you crossed the street. However, people who have a big fear of being emotionally hurt often refuse
to enter into relationships. They may avoid friendships, keep family at an arm’s length, and skip
romantic relationships due to a fear that they won’t be able to handle getting hurt.

10. The Fear of Inadequacy

One of the top fears many people share is that they’re just not good enough. They may pass up
opportunities for a promotion or may decline an opportunity to lead a group because they worry
that they’re inadequate. Often, they overcompensate for their fears by trying to be a perfectionist
but remain plagued by thoughts that they just don’t measure up to other people.

* Amy Morin is a psychotherapist and adjunct college psychology instructor. She writes for a variety of online and print

Published 2013

Overcoming the Vortex of Fear

1) Identify fears

2) Where does the fear originate or what is the cause?

3) Write down every fear

4) Be persistent in rewiring your subconscious mind

5) Repetition is the Holy Grail for rewiring past experiences

What Manifests after the Breakthrough Occurs

1) Dormant aspects of your DNA and super conscious mind will awaken

2) Omnipotent and expansive creativity and manifestation is stimulated

3) The wormhole is open to Akashic Intelligence and divinity

4) The ability to authentically walk in your purpose, vision and power

5) Healthy and abundant interfacing with your intuitive and intrinsic essence

The Primordial Alchemy of Transmuting Imagination into Omnipotent

efore discussing this topic, I would like to deal with one of the major “blockages”
in the way of primordial alchemy and transmuting imagination into omnipotent
manifestation, and that is Victim Consciousness. Victim Consciousness is the
enemy of transformation, empowerment, manifestation, creativity, conquering fears, envisioning
the breakthrough, vision and divinity. It covets blame and embodies insecurity, low self-esteem
and disempowerment. Victim Consciousness is pathological and unhealthy for the person that is
attempting to blaze the trial for their transformation, ascension and omnipotent manifestation. It
disconnects a person from their primordial imagination. Victim Consciousness keeps a person in
his or her comfort zone and thwarts their enlightenment, vision and spiritual renewal. If they
have a vision, it will be limited to their victim pathology and mentality. This repetitive pathology
of excuses will stand in the way of personal growth and development, and conquering the fears
that will lead to envisioning and manifesting breakthroughs. Omnipotent manifestation can’t
exist without breakthroughs and adversity. Overcoming them makes your creation and vision
shine brighter.

Victim Consciousness avoids the characteristics and thoughts of personal responsibility

and accountability. This means honest expression is a tool that will not be evoked from the mind
of the person with this pathology. They set themselves up for disappointment, and make excuse
after excuse. It is everyone’s fault except theirs. They exist in a perpetual state of chaos and very
little productivity, if any. Complaining (Victim Consciousness) and producing are not on the same
frequency. You may know these types of people or this person may be you. This is an unhealthy
approach to life, creativity, manifestation, vision, success, and is definitely not empowering. The
habits or behaviors of Victim Consciousness can be rewired. This rewriting of memory and
experience is also a form of personality alchemy, when one transmutes the behaviors into the
knowledge and application of self and the manifesting of high science. It is Victim Consciousness
and the comfort zone that limits this expansion and infinity. The majority of society accepts this
comfort zone, the programming of limitation and the suppression of primordial alchemy,
imagination and omnipotent manifestation

The comfort zone is where many huemans choose to reside because it makes them feel
safe and it doesn’t challenge them. There are many aspects to the comfort zone. They will not
assist you in the art of alchemy or the transmutation of the imagination into omnipotent
manifestation. It limits the power of the imagination, akashic manifestation and divine
intelligence. Some of the aspects of the comfort zone are mediocrity, fear, depression, surviving,
lack of passion, visionless, lack of motivation and confidence. Imagine if a comfort zone didn’t
exist in a person’s reality, and he or she embodied self-confidence, self-motivation, vision,
passion, fearlessness, takes risks, embodies their purpose, and knows instead of believes. That’s
the difference between authenticity and lack of authenticity, empowerment or disempowerment,
imagination or lack of imagination, purpose or lack of purpose, vision or lack of vision, and
manifestation or lack of manifestation. Your consciousness and awareness will determine this,
and this is rooted in your behavior and pathology, when referring to the transmutation of the
imagination into omnipotent manifestation or lack thereof. I am not speaking of potential. I am
referring to harnessing and evoking the power to design and transform your own world. The only
force stopping you is you. Potential can and must be realized. No one else can do it for you. It
must come from your soul, spirit and imagination. You must be fearless in your purpose and
vision. The victim mentality must be removed, or you will be a shell of your power, imagination
and manifestation.

When you free yourself of Victim Consciousness and are conquering fears, you are now
able to interface with the primordial mind. Your imagination is not enslaved by inhibition and
limitations. Imagine being a conduit for the intention of the Universe. You become fearless in
your process of creation and can envision the manifestation. You are now in the state of clarity
and the state of Beingness. This is when you can transmute energy of any form and design and
manifest divinity. You are in a state of authenticity. Your every intention is in alignment with your
purpose, goals, dreams and vision. You are realizing that potential is a myth. You are embodying
realization, as you manifest the true power of the mind. At this point your DNA and super
conscious mind has been awakened, because you chose to rid yourself of Victim Consciousness
and disagreeable pathology. Your intrinsic essence is manifesting itself exoterically, because you
are designing the architecture for your world esoterically. You have the power to create a matrix
inside of the matrix. This can be the reality once a person stops making excuses and the constant
avoidance of their fears and misperceived limitations. If you want something different, you will

have to do something different. Obstacles don’t exist until you say they exist. Once you “believe”
obstacles exist, they become your reality. That is not part of omnipotent manifestation. In order
for this to occur, you must be the creator of your vision and not controlled by another person’s or
the system’s vision. May the power of authenticity be your guide.

The Power of Primal Authenticity

uthenticity is always in demand in a society of clones and cogs in the matrix
machine. There is power and abundance in the portal of primal authenticity.
This state of Beingness is limitless and priceless. Society has been programmed
and socially reared to not exist in this divine awakening. Your archetypal authenticity is a
blueprint for manifestation and empowerment. The secret is to be the best You possible, and to
master the existence of You. Authenticity is a powerful experience that very few people experience
and comprehend. This is the reality that makes authenticity a commodity. It’s a rarity to interface
with someone who is authentic. There is only one you and you can never be copied. You are the
prototype. When you innerstand this, you innerstand one of the master keys and essence of your
personal power. It is embedded and encoded in the primal essence of your akashic intelligence.
The scroll has already been etched and written in your cellular memory. Authenticity and “God”
are one in the same. Your authentic state of Beingness is sacred and should be treated as such.

Your true power is hidden in your authentic self. This is not to be confused with the
debilitating ego-self that feeds off of facades, veils, false persona and manipulation. The authentic
self is driven by divine purpose, vision, honesty, creativity, integrity, high morals and values. The
authentic self is part of the divine self, which functions based on divinity, high frequency and
elevated vibration. Authenticity designs timelessness and is the architecture for infinity. A person
that has this trait creativity flows like water and he or she overstands that the imagination is
“God” intrinsically. This is a template for divine manifestation and the wormhole for
empowerment. Empowerment is part of one’s true essence. It is connected to your imagination
and your ability to bring it into fruition.

Mastering self at the primal level is the blueprint for transformation and ascension. Most
people overlook this tool and often search outside of themselves for answers that already exist
within their esoteric selves. Your exoteric world is a reflection of your esoteric world. Your
authenticity is manifested into the outer world. Its origin is designed and created within your
unique inner world. A person’s authenticity has the tapestry like none other. Creativity and
manifestation is a continuum of authenticity. People who are not authentic are not creating. In
many cases, they are disguising mastery with cloning. They are disagreeably manipulating the
spiritual essence of the experience we embody called Creation. Creation is “God,” and the lack of
authenticity is a disconnection from one’s divinity and a master creator. Accepting and mastering
your primal essence is a master key that opens the doorway to boundless creation and
manifestation. The magic is in the authenticity. This is why our ancient ancestors lived by the
motif, ‘Know Thyself’. They innerstood this was the key to mastering esoteric and exoteric
phenomena in what we today call the matrix of quantum energy.

People who are not authentic are in a construct of limitation, which is void of creation.
They are limited or confined by what they are mimicking. They attempt to manipulate and
emulate others’ Divine Beingness and profit/prophet off of it. This is not primal and boundless
energy. This is the desecration of one’s sacred animation of energy. In retrospect, it can only be
exoteric and not pierce the heavenly existence of the esoteric self, which is of the intuitive and
intrinsic essence. Your authenticity starts within not without. If you are not authentic, you are
living and manifesting an ILLusion of empowerment and aiding in the reality of your
powerlessness. You can’t be covered in a shroud of veils and expect to create and manifest at the
table of the “Gods.” The imagination and creative process is being starved when mimicked and the
portal to your primal authenticity, manifestation and empowerment is closed. Facades must be
broken down and the deification of your own divinity must be raised up and revered, or you will
be void of the infinite power of primal authenticity and all it possess. The power of the mind and
the science of affirmation is a powerful connector to your authenticity and state of Beingness.

Surrender to Transformation

How to Apply and Master the State of Beingness and the Science of Affirmation

he science of affirmation is important for several reasons and can serve many
purposes when applied correctly and mastered. Our state of being depends on
our spiritual, emotional and psychological state. All of these states can be altered
by the words we speak and the intention of those words. Affirmations can be instilled in a
person’s everyday life for character building, to create a positive environment esoterically and
exoterically, motivation, and to instill gnosis. Mastering the tool and skill of affirmation has the
power to change and design the hueman experience and one’s state of consciousness. The Science
of Affirmation is also important for sustaining momentum when working on projects or keeping
vision in the forefront.

The maintaining of balanced and productive energy is crucial for creating and
manifesting. The application of affirmation is also a blueprint for empowerment. Powerful
intention and words create and manifest a powerful reality. Your ability to control the ‘Now’ is a
powerful mechanism for laying down the architecture for your future. Your state of Beingness will
determine your creative zone and the ability to manifest your idea and intention. Affirmations are
also great for confidence building or maintaining the confidence and fire necessary to continue to
move forward in your unique tapestry, authenticity and divine purpose. Affirmations have the
power to change your vibration or frequency in real time.

The proper words of motivation and intent can assist you in overcoming fears and
obstacles. Intention is the key to affirmation. Without the honest and proper intention, the
affirmation is powerless. This is why honest expression is a skill the world should know and
implement. What’s great about the application and Science of Affirmation is you can cater the
affirmations for your emotional and psychological make-up. Each person may have a different
profile for the types of affirmations they will instill on their path. The process of knowing yourself
is key to knowing what affirmation application is necessary for you. Once a person is in tune with
this he or she can immediately change their emotional state with the application of affirmation.

Affirmations must be done in power, honest expression and the proper intention. If you
don’t “believe” what you are evoking and saying repetitively, your Beingness will not embrace the
affirmation. The exercises must be done with a greater intensity and passion than the
programming that created the situation for you to need to implement the affirmations as part of
your daily life. The many types of programs used to program you are repetitive, so your
reprogramming must be repetitive. Programming is a proven science and so is reprogramming.
This can extend as deep as the subconscious mind. Affirmations work very well with the 3
formulas (the proven formula, the momentum formula and the vision formula) that are outlined
in this manual. Applying the Science of Affirmation to one’s state of Beingness should be a
mainstay in one’s transformation, creative process and art of manifesting.

One affirmation drill you should implement is the Admiration Drill; repeating the words,
I Love Myself. Love is the highest vibration and frequency in the universe and we should tap into
that frequency for creation, manifestation, vision and empowerment. By doing this, your
experience and scenery will begin to change. Block out 5-30 minutes and repeat the words, I Love
Myself. It must be in alignment with your intent and your heart. Speak fearlessly from the depths
of your soul. I would suggest doing this in the mirror. Make this part of your daily routine. If you
have someone to do it with, and to look in each other’s eyes is just as powerful. Repeat these

I love myself!

I love myself!

I love myself!

I love myself!
I love myself!

I love myself!

I love myself!

I love myself!

I love myself!

I love myself!

To instill motivation, belief, and assist with character building you may use these
particular words, while speaking in the affirmative, the Now, and the state of Beingness necessary
for the Affirmation Drill. You may also add other descriptive or power words that better fit your
portfolio and psychological template. You will soon begin to attract these characteristics as part of
your armor, and you will see the benefit in the many aspects of your hueman experience. The Law
of Attraction is a powerful tool. Mastering the Science of Affirmation will assist in attracting what
is necessary to create and manifest your reality and vision. This science also assists in overcoming
perceived limitation and the enigma of fear.

Repeat the words below for 5-3o minutes sometime during your day, to balance your
energy, or to create the energy necessary for any situation. Speak from your heart, the depths of
your soul, and with the proper intention. Invoke the “God” within you, and it will manifest with
the assistance of these affirmations. It is proven to work, and I am a living example and witness to
its infinite power. Master the art of affirmation to experience the transformation and personal
empowerment that will manifest in the many areas of your life. These are tools that can be
duplicated to and for your progeny. If your intent is not true and honest, the Universe will receive
the communication as such. In the process of becoming these affirmations, you will begin to live
these affirmations. Repeat these words for 5-30 minutes.

I am fearless!

I am powerful!

I am a visionary!

I am a champion!

I am a winner!

I am divinity!

I am creativity!

I am abundance!

I am love!

I am manifestation!

The Secrets Most of the World Doesn't Know About Momentum
That Will Change Your Life

he art and formula of momentum can easily be implemented to accelerate the
manifestation process of your creation and vision. This is the ability to use your
energy and the energy around you as a premise to open the portal of energetic
force necessary to design and produce at an accelerated rate. This is also the ability to create
tentacles to your original template, plan and vision. This opens the vortex for a wider and longer
range vision. This only works when you know your unique tapestry, purpose, vision, and have a
plan in action, and can implement your power of authenticity with mastery. You have to be
confident in your power, creative process and ability to manifest. It is imperative that you have
dealt with the esoteric aspects of yourself and are intuitively connected. It is just as important to
trust spirit as if it is fact or book knowledge. This is where many people are unable to create the
momentum necessary because momentum is about energy and how you are able to animate the
proper energy at the opportune time. Of course, you have to be prepared to take advantage of
what the skill and art of momentum has to offer.

Remember, you are the Magnum Opus, and the Information Superhighway is your
playground. The work is an extension of your state of Beingness and rooted in the acceleration (or
lack thereof) of your Beingness. Knowing (not “believing”) this will change your life. It is proven
these techniques work in several areas of creativity/manifestation and the many projects that
benefited by mastering the secrets of momentum and its three stages. If you are not creating, you
are procrastinating. You are engulfed with some form of distraction and the enigma of fear. Fear
and procrastination will destroy productive and creative energy. Lack of confidence will destroy
passion. Complacency is the enemy of all phases of momentum (create, sustain and advance).
Counter-creative forces attempt to stunt the growth of creation and momentum. It is disagreeable
and a prop for mediocrity. These forces can be your family, friends, government, or even yourself.
It is momentum that will catapult your vision. Vision is not enough, if you don’t overstand these
particular techniques outlined in this course study. It’s the difference between knowing what you
want and knowing how to get what you want. This momentum formula can assist you in bringing
your vision full circle and then some. The 3 secrets of momentum are: create, sustain and

Momentum Formula

Creating Momentum
Sustaining Momentum
Advancing Momentum
Massive Production and Manifestation

Once fear has been exposed and conquered, or at least breakthroughs occur, accelerated
or advanced momentum can be magically experienced. Momentum is a very important part of the
creation and manifestation process. The three notable stages of momentum are: create, sustain
and advance. It is not suffice to simply create something. There are many ways to give the project
a life force that takes on a life of its own. In the creation process, vision is paramount. The
primordial essence of creation will always destroy counter-creation. This is one reason why there
are so many ancient myths and allegories relating to the power of creation and manifestation. Our
ancient ancestors left us blueprints encoded in art, writing, symbolism, ritual and our
subconscious mind.

How do you take your imagination’s creation and make it palatable beyond its
momentary creation? How do you move beyond the energy of complacency? Usually complacency
is the byproduct of some form of fear. Once complacency and fear are replaced with courage, high
vibration and strategy, the state of momentum is inevitable. At this juncture you will create new
ritual, pathology and experiences. You will no longer be your own self-imposed enemy. How do
you keep the creation and manifestation going, even though it was already created and manifested
in some form? There are several methods that can be used to sustain and advance momentum.
Momentum can be sustained and advanced by hosting events, radio programs, video promotions,
etc., around a particular creation. Reinventing the creation can also sustain and advance
momentum. This will increase production and also increase the buzz surrounding your creation.
If you write a book, create a DVD to complement the book or posters, etc., the ideas and
imagination to create, sustain and advance momentum are infinite and will be an important tool
in assisting your creation in reaching maximum realization and extraordinary heights.

The overstanding of momentum can assist in making your thoughts, imagination and
creation timeless. The more a person is able to listen to their intuitive self, the more momentum
he or she will create. This can be the difference between taking a year to create and complete
something as opposed to a week. When in tune with the spirit, creation and manifestation will
uncontrollably pour out of the vessel it is coming through. Momentum can create unparalleled
excitement about your creation. Imagine the work that can be done in this state and the type of
momentum that can be sustained and advanced for you, your family and community as a whole.

This blueprint can be the impetus to help a person or groups expand, not only at an accelerated
rate, but also in the portal of heightened creativity. What will be designed will have the “potential”
to be eternal.

These three stages of momentum can be applied to any construct. This is not relegated to
art per sé. These strategies of momentum can be involved in major formations of organizing,
athletics or anything based on production. When the three stages of momentum (create, sustain
and advance) are implemented, more production and manifestation will occur. You must be
fearless in this endeavor, or the byproducts of fear will stunt the production and ability for
alchemy to occur. Fear programming must be reprogrammed in order to use this intelligence and
high science.

Fear will also limit the animation of energy necessary to bring into fruition intrinsic
creation and complacency will manifest. This is why it is important to deal with the notions of
perceived limitations, obstacles and fear. Fear is not a death sentence. It simply gives a person the
opportunity to look in the mirror and facilitate forms of personal development. Once this has
been achieved, a person can move into the gateway and advance the three stages of momentum
and the archetypal imagination necessary to produce these forms of creativity, animation of
energy and timelessness. At this point you will have tools to assist in creating, sustaining and
advancing your goals, vision and dreams. Counter-creation will not be in this organic space you
will now reside in.

The Three Stages of Momentum





Counter-creativity can exist esoterically (within) and exoterically (without). Internally, a

person may manifest counter-creativity by inherently sabotaging their essence of creativity and
imagination. Much of this is rooted in the characteristics of fear that I outlined earlier. Some
examples are: low self-esteem, apprehension, insecurity, self-sabotaging and procrastination. This
is also part of a designed esoteric programming that reaches the depths of cellular memory. It
becomes ritual. Hueman experience is predicated on ritual and tradition. The science of Pathology
is deeply shaped and formed for huemanity. A rewiring of consciousness must take place on the
cellular level. Otherwise, this will create disagreeable chaos and confusion in attempts to curtail
omnipotent creation. Many proceed to do this on their own without external influence or exoteric
counter-creation. Many are afraid of reaching or exceeding their full potential. The notion of
success has been embedded as a disease to them. Fear and creative impotency becomes their
pattern of behavior and counterproductive lifestyle. Each and every person has a self-fulfilling
prophecy. Some will make conscious decisions, whether programmed or not, and never attempt
to fulfill it. These are people with mind blocks that start a project and never finish it. Remember,
these types of people deify fear.

External aspects of counter-creation exist when outside forces attempt to seize,

manipulate and/or emulate the animation of energy produced by the creator. These are energy
vampires that attempt to thrive off of your creation and imagination. Their low vibration and
frequency can never emulate the archetypal essence and organic blueprint of manifestation. The
power is infinite and explosive. Counter-creation doesn’t have a portal expansive enough to
consume the energy of genuine creation and imagination. It will simply crash like a computer that
doesn’t have enough memory. Counter-creativity doesn’t exist in manifestation mode because you
have to first create in order to manifest. This creative force is also intuitive and not inorganic.
European folklore is a prime example of counter-creativity and inorganic Beingness. A true
designer and architect are expansive in the portal of heightened creativity. He or she is the
intelligence blueprint for architects of tomorrow, just as the ancients were for us.

Super consciousness is a reality, once fear is put in its proper place. Those that are
counter-creative want to be the person or people they are emulating or attempting to sabotage. He
or she is afraid to do the personal work and delve deep into their imagination and subconscious.
They have their own self-imposed limitations and obstacles that need clarity and healing. Instead
of doing the work, they would rather leech off of, or steal your manifested intuition and vibrant
work. Be very aware of your energy transmission and the energy you are internally receiving. Your
interpretation and innerstanding of it can be the difference between divine alchemy and
disagreeable emission. It can be the difference between high vibration and low vibration. Your
creativity can be on the verge of timelessness or in the bowel of chaos and confusion. You must
empower yourself to control this creative energy, and not allow someone else to control it. If
someone else is controlling you, chances are it is counter-creativity. These types of people are
usually dream-snatchers and naysayers. Your vision for yourself is always more important than
their vision for you. Use this template and tools of momentum to achieve and manifest your grand
vision, as you envision your breakthrough.

Envisioning the Breakthrough

ision is such a powerful tool in the sense that it is a conductor of and for the
energy that propels you into accelerated momentum. You must be focused and
not concerned with what others may feel, think or say. If it is not in sync with
your vision, it is parasitic and should be ignored. Your vision for you is important, not theirs. The
characteristic of fearlessness must be embedded in this process. If you can envision the
breakthrough, you can accomplish the breakthrough. This is one of the main reasons vision is one
of the master keys. Anyone that tells or teaches that vision is not of prime importance probably
lacks vision.

A great imagination and creativity means nothing without vision as the catalyst to
catapult them into fruition and the physical world. Envisioning the breakthrough is a powerful
means in the manifestation process. This creates clarity and clear direction in moving forward
with the implementation of one’s purpose. This also has the capacity to create momentum in the
envisioning process. A breakthrough is when you conquer a misperceived fear, obstacle or hurdle.
It is when you exist on the other side of what you thought or “believed” was holding you back. In
essence, you were in your own way, and once you got out of your way the breakthrough occurred.
Remember this simple formula I call the Vision Formula.

Being your vision + Doing your vision

Having your vision!

Failure can’t be part of your mindset. No energy can be lent to the limiting construct of
failure and fear. You must focus on the vision and the tools necessary to manifest fearlessness.
Vision alone has the power to change a person’s life and the experiences he or she interfaces with.
This is also part of the rewiring process. Once you have a clear vision, you have no choice except
to change your thought process and behavior, if you are serious about manifesting your purpose
and dreams. Vision is the electricity to one’s purpose and personal empowerment. When your
vision is precise, you will view the external world differently and overstand that it has everything
you need to assist you with your vision and ideas. Lack is not part of the intelligence of the
universe, so it shouldn’t be part of your consciousness either. Once fear is out of the picture, you
can now focus and interface with your “God” self, because the barriers and programming have
been, or are being removed.

You will encounter many breakthroughs during your transformation and empowerment.
During this process you are reacquainting yourself with Yourself. This is the most beautiful part of
the esoteric ascension and metamorphosis that will occur. Your intuition becomes a guide. This
expands your vision and creates more divine possibilities, as the attachments and comfort zone is
dismantled. Portals will open that you never knew existed as part of your consciousness and
awareness. The experiences that you once perceived as being unclear will no longer lack clarity.
Your state of Beingness becomes heightened in the many areas of hueman experience, and your
confidence will skyrocket. When every breakthrough occurs you are becoming the embodiment of
empowerment. Every victory was spawned by the experience of some type of breakthrough, and
defeat is not part of this process. Defeat and failure can’t be part of the template for divine

Overcoming adversity must be embraced. Adversity is a primer and set-up for the
breakthrough for those that confront it. It is often a critical step in the process and one should not
waver on their journey of manifestation and empowerment. Overstand that it is usually a critical
part of the manifestation and transformation matrix. This is when your vision must be stronger
than ever. Your vision will out-create anything perceived/misperceived as an obstacle. Stay
focused on your goals and template. There must be a complete change in your thought process.
You must perceive experiences as constructs for learning and evolving. Once thoughts change,

ideas change, and when ideas change, reality changes. All of this is part of envisioning the
breakthrough. The process and journey will be extensive and intense. You will have a great time,
as you confront and conquer what lies ahead. Your breakthrough and intuitive expansion is near.
Envision it and the splendor of the super conscious mind.

Awakening the Expansiveness of the Super Conscious Mind and Intuition

nce you are in higher realms of mastering your state of Beingness, the power of
authenticity, your unique tapestry, willingness to overcome the enigma of fear,
mastering omnipotent manifestation, affirmations, the 3 formulas in this
manual and envisioning breakthroughs, you are ready to exist in expansiveness. You will create
and manifest on a heightened level. The core of you will be awakened and your divine essence will
reveal itself in a powerful way. Your imagination, ideas and vision will flourish. Your intuition and
super conscious mind will be in alignment with your vision and purpose. This is part of the deeper
knowledge of self you have attained and most importantly, the ability to implement the
knowledge, skills and techniques when necessary.

All of these tools in this manual are for the awakening of the super conscious mind and
the ability to pull all pertinent information from your intelligence database. One of your main
goals should be to create and manifest from your super conscious realm of Being. This is where
the authentic power lives. Once your imagination is free, it is a wormhole that is connected to all
consciousness streaming in the universe. Your imagination is a remote control for akashic
intelligence. You have the ability to tune into any channel, vibration or frequency. Your intuition
is one of the major portals to this infinite space of architecture. Intuition is also the voice of
reason and foresight of energy. The infrastructure for creation is you. You have an imagination
that makes it a reality. Your essence and the source are one in the same and it is all expansive.

When you overstand that the supercomputer is a technological emulation of your super
conscious mind, you realize the spiritual power in your innate primordial intelligence. The super
conscious mind is another term for spiritual technology. This is emanation and animation of
energy. This realization creates the groundwork for abundant architecture, vision and
manifestation. Imagine what happens when this is in alignment with your purpose and authentic
power. You will be the vessel and conduit for timeless work. The universe will conspire to align
the energy, vibration and frequency necessary to bring expansive and abundant imagination and
creation into the physical/material matrix. Your state of Beingness will be its imprint. Your
energy and life-force will forever be encoded in its creation. In the state of super consciousness
one is designing the blueprint for infinity and manifesting it. This takes extreme work due to the

programming trauma of these times. By reading this book, you are already on the right path and
you are positioning yourself to have no limits.

The super conscious mind is related to the highest essence of creativity and the divinity it
possess. This is an exalted form of ritual and alchemy. The super conscious mind is rooted in
Initiation. Once the thought of creation is conceptualized and envisioned, the process of initiation
begins. Transformation is an important part of this process. You must be free of inhibition, fear
and limitation to manifest such a vision, purpose and work. The power of the mind and intention
are premises that overcome potentiality, and designs reality in a person’s world. Borders and
restrictions do not exist. It is boundless and limitless creation inner-woven with intension,
purpose and vision. The super conscious mind can be considered our infinite selves that
supersede our physical selves. It is connected to the stratosphere of all information, knowledge,
wisdom and intelligence. We must view the super conscious mind as the master form of
manifestation that brings thought (energy) into existence to pierce the veil of the
physical/material world. Thought is an instrument, so the question becomes what instrument are
your thoughts and what ability do you have to play it. It will play a pivotal role in the
expansiveness of your super conscious mind and your interfacing with intuition.

Course Study Epilogue

T he Mastering the Esoterics of Manifestation Empowerment Seminar Course Study

is part of a full Curriculum created to assist people in in the art of manifestation and
personal empowerment. What you’ve just read is the “How-To” portion of the program. The
Seminar is a hand on approach that gives 1-on-1 skills, exercises, training and techniques for
implementation of the curriculum. The Online Course is a 4-week semester that outlines this
manual and the Introductory Mastering the Esoterics of Manifestation DVD. The final aspect to
the Curriculum is the 1-on-1 private consultations, which can be set-up for 1 hour to several
months. The entire Curriculum is a four-part system. In total, the Curriculum encompasses 2
books and 2 DVD’s. The four systematic parts of the Curriculum are:

1) Course Study “The How-To Template” Book

2) Full-Day Seminar

3) Online Course

4) 1-on-1 Private Consultation

These are all proven tools that anyone can plug into and use to assist in creating and
manifesting their vision, rewiring cellular memory, abundance, empowerment, overcoming fears
and a plethora of implementation. We are clear that we are in a time when the pulse of the people
is how to apply knowledge. People want to know how to do this. People want to see their dreams,
visions and desires come into fruition. This is one of the main reasons why this intense and
extensive inner-active, high-powered transformation curriculum was designed. You now have a
How-To Template to engage your thoughts, ideas and passions to make them a reality. We have
outlined 3 powerful formulas to awaken the “God” within you. The Proven Formula, the
Momentum Formula and the Vision Formula are some of the most powerful tools on the planet.
These formulas along with mastering your state of Beingness, the Science of Affirmation,
envisioning the breakthrough, secrets of momentum, overcoming the enigma of fear, and
designing your unique tapestry will be integral implementation on your journey. It is time for the
world to see the expansive and abundantly creative You.

Another purpose of this Curriculum is to awaken your super conscious mind as you step
into your primal authenticity. You are a Divine Being and a portal of manifestation guided by your
imagination. This is one of the most powerful tools for creating your envisioned reality. The
secrets of momentum will make you more proficient and productive in your manifestation
process. This is empowering when you tap into the mind of your “God” self and intuitive essence.
My vision for this How-To Course Study Manual is to be an important part of that process and
also to be a motivational tool. Most importantly, the vision was to create a proven How-To
Manual based on my experience and mastery of these skills, techniques, exercises and knowledge.
If you are serious about transformation, empowerment and manifestation, you’ve just been
introduced to the answers. Thank you for inhaling the Mastering the Esoterics of Manifestation
Empowerment Seminar Course Study. Use this blueprint and Curriculum to change your state of
existence, and live your true purpose with no regrets. You are the secret!

In Gratitude,
Sadiki Bakari

You have been empowered. Now implement and
manifest your vision. There is an inner Guru in you.
Summon it!

Selected Bibliography

Ptah Hotep (2388 B.C.). The Teachings of Ptah Hotep: The Oldest Book in the World
Fifth Kemetic (Egyptian) Dynasty

Gibson, M.E. (2006). Your Immortal Body of Light. Foresthill, CA:

Reality Press

Barrett, S. (2007). The Holographic Canvas: The Fusing of Mind and Matter.
North Hollywood, CA. Time line Publishing Inc.

Honor, L. (2011). Deep in the Garden of Consciousness. California. Lenon Honor

Bakari, S. (2012), On the Other Side of Fear is God: The Primordial Blueprint for Divine
Manifestation. Los Angeles, CA. Sadiki Bakari Publishing

Kimbro, D. and Hill, N. (1991). Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice
The Random House Publishing Group

Allen, D. (2001). Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

The Penguin Group

Books by the Author

2013, “The Magnum Opus on Sacred Spiritual Technology, Akashic Interface & the Singularity”

2012, “Wormhole, Cybernauts & Holographic Gods”

2012, “On the Other Side of Fear is God: The Primordial Blueprint for Divine Manifestation”

2011, “Hip Hop Androids, Artistic Clones and the Portal of Artificial Intelligence”

2011, “Is Computer Software the New God: Cyber Consciousness and Cybernetics in the Epoch of
Spiritual Transmigration Interface”

2010, “Amerikkka on Trial: Portfolio of the Psychopath”

2009, “Liberation Song: The Book of Resurrection”

2008, “Psychopathic Amerikkkan Culture: The Dichotomy of Reality & ILLusion”

2007, “Butt Naked, Raw & Uncensored: The Book of Truth”

Visual/Lecture Presentation DVD’s by the Author

2013, DVD, “Introductory Empowerment Seminar: Mastering the Esoterics of Manifestation”

2013, DVD, “Digital Alchemy, Nano Gate and Reprogenetics”

2013, DVD, “The Information Superhighway: Antiquity and the Future in Binary Code”

2013, DVD, “The Magnum Opus: The Hueman Internet, Neural Cyberspace & the Hip Hop

2012, Double DVD, “Wormholes, Cybernauts & Holographic “Gods”

2012, DVD, “On the Other Side of Fear is God: The Primordial Blueprint for Divine

2011, DVD, “Hip Hop Androids, Artistic Clones and the Portal of Artificial Intelligence”

2011, DVD, “Is Computer Software the New God: Cyber Consciousness and Cybernetics in the
Epoch of Spiritual Transmigration Interface”

2011, Double DVD, “Biological Warfare, Artificial Intelligence and the Archetypal Womb”

2011, Double DVD, “Genetic Modification: Is Computer Software the New God”

2010, DVD, “TRANSHUMANISM 3: Primordial Genetics vs. DNA Warfare”

2010, DVD, “TRANSHUMANISM 2: Archetypal DNA vs. Post Human Technology”

2010, DVD, “TRANSHUMANISM: The Engineering of Superhuman Clones”

2010, DVD, “New Age Hip Hop: The Hueman Archetype vs. Artificial Intelligence”

2009, Double DVD, “Removing the Veil of ILLusion: The Co-optation of Change”

2008, DVD, “The Afrikan Origin of Hip Hop: From Sons of Light to Neophytes”

2008, Double DVD, “New World Order & Global White Supremacy”

Order these works @


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