Description of Learners and Demographic Information

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TaMisha Kimble

Collection Development Assignment

FRIT 7134

Description of Learners and Demographic Information

I teach Prekindergarten at Discovery Point Childcare Center in Loganville, GA. Discovery Point is

a privately owned center, but the Pre-K is a Georgia Lottery funded programs. The owner thought it

would be easier to align our calendar with that of Gwinnett County’s calendar since there are school age

kids that attend this center from the surrounding schools. We are located in the South Gwinnett cluster

which has five elementary schools, two middle schools with another opening in the fall, and one high

school and one more opening this fall. There are 162 students enrolled at this school including 58 Pre-K

students. Discovery Point has 17 employees and of those 6 works with the Pre-K program. There are 2

Georgia Certified (P-5) teachers, 1 teacher working on provisional’s, 3 paraprofessionals for Pre-K, 1

cook, 1 bus driver, 1 director, 1 assistant director, and 6 employees that work throughout the center.

Due to the fact that we are a Lottery funded Pre-K program there are media resources that are expected

to be accessible to students and teachers.

The students in this have a make-up of all origins and ethnicities. The Caucasian students make

up over 50 percent of the population of the entire center. The black students make up is about 35

percent of the population and the other 13 to 15 percent is made up of the other ethnicities. When I

speak of other, I am speaking of bi-racial, Indians, Mexicans, etc. One/fourth of the students at this

school speaks another language at home. There are the students that speak Spanish, Arabic, Russian,

and the students from Haiti, Africa, and the Caribbean Islands with a sharp dialect which can be hard to
understand. Many of the parents have to have interpreters to understand us. There are some parents

that want English to be their kid’s second language.

There are 3 Pre-K classes that are required to have certain media resources and technology in

each class in order to continue to receive the funding. Each class has at a minimum of 8 centers. Each

center is required to have so many books out for accessibility to students. There should be 25 books in

reading, science, and the circle area. The other centers should have books accessible to students also.

The books should align with the lesson plan and the thematic unit being covered. If it is fall you should

have media in each area concerning that topic. The materials have to be rotated for student

engagement. The listening center should have stories on CD and tape along with the books for easy

reading for the students. The students should have cultural music to help, stories, and different

equipment to play the media on. There should be enough media resources and equipment for at least 2

students. There are 3 televisions and each has a DVD and VCR player. Each Pre-K class has a computer,

CD player, and tape player. Since there is no actually media center, each class has a lending library.

Students have access to materials they can check out; there is usually no time frame. The students

normally bring the materials back within a week.

There are some 3 students that require special education services. Two of those students are

receiving services from Gwinnett County Public School system. There is one boy that the EIP teacher

comes to Discovery Point to help three times a week, for 2 hours each visit. There is another student

that is in the Pre-K that has been moved to go to special education classes at one of the nearby schools.

He comes in after school hours. The third student has had an evaluation for special education and they

thought he didn’t need special services.

The teachers have to go to the library periodically to find media for the themes they are

covering. Gwinnett County has a great public library. The teachers can keep the books up to two weeks
and they can re-check them out or return them. Gwinnett County has a great supply of media

resources. The problem with checking out materials from the public library is the students are not very

responsible. The teachers have to make sure students are not damaging the property. The teachers are

responsible for the materials and it would cost them personally. Another problem is the teachers have

to leave the center to go to the library to find materials. We can’t just go on a break or in the middle of

class. There are times when you want the book before school gets out. If we had adequate materials

we could get the materials at the drop of a dime.

Curriculum Review

This collection development will be to enhance media concerning the 4 seasons. The media

obtained will cover grades from Prekindergarten to 2 nd grade. It is of importance for the students to

learn why things are changing their surroundings so they can link the knowledge to new things.

Understanding the seasons help us to understand our surroundings. The students can link information

from the 4 seasons back to each content area. I can usually link books back to the theme we are

studying. Many times things such as how someone is dressed, how the things in the community or

environment, and different foods they may be eating can help us figure out what season it may be.

SD2. Children will acquire scientific knowledge related to life science.

Performance indicator Learning in Action Link to GPS

Observes, explores, and describes  Describes the SKL1b
SD2a variety of animals and plants different types of SKL1c
leaves on the trees SKL2d
on the playground
 Sorts animals
according to skin
SD2b Recognizes there are basic  Takes care of SD2b
requirements for all common life familiar plants and SKL1a
forms animals in the SKCS6c
SD2d Understands that plants and  Observes life cycle
animals have varying life cycles of insects or
 Reads books about
life cycle such as
The Hungry
SD2e Participants in activities related to  Assist in planting a
preserving the environment tree
Children Will acquire scientific knowledge related to earth science
SD4a Investigates, compares, and  Notes that it is necessary
contrasts seasonal changes in the to wear jackets in the
immediate environment winter, because it is cold
 Draws a picture of the
weather outside
SD4b Discovers through observations  Graphs daily weather
that weather can change from day  Reads outside
to day thermometer and records
observations in a weather
SD4c Participates in activities to explore  Listens to stories about SKE1b
the earth (rocks, soil, air) and sky the earth and the sky SKE1c
(cloud, sun, moon, stars)  Observes and draws SKE2a
pictures of the clouds SKE2b
 Classify objects according SKE2c
to those seen in the day SKEP3b
sky and those seen in the
MD5 Children will learn how to use a variety of non-standard and standard means of measurement
MD5a Associates and describes the  Uses words to MKM2b knows the
passage of time with actual events describe time months of the years


Students will understand measurement of calendar times.

2 nd Grade

Students will investigate the position of sun and moon to show patterns throughout the year.

S2E3 Students will observe and record changes in their surroundings and infer the causes of the


S2E2 a. Investigate the position of the sun in relation to a fixed object on earth at
various times of the day.
b. Determine how the shadows change through the day by making a shadow stick
or using a sundial.
c. Relate the length of the day and night to the change in seasons (for example:
Days are longer than the night in the summer.)
d. Use observations and charts to record the shape of the moon for a period of
S2E3 a. Recognize effects that occur in a specific area caused by weather, plants,
animals, and/or people.

Collection Review

The classes at my school usually share the books in circulation. There are book shelves in a

common area of the school. There is a media cabinet that stores all the DVD’s and CD’s in the same

area. Teachers have to log in and out the materials upon use. Each class has certain materials that has

been provided either by the state (Governor’s book of the year), previous book ordering rewards, or

provided by the teachers in that class. The teachers store the books and place them in storage

according to the themes being taught. The books may be stored as spring books, Holiday books, Dr.

Seuss books, Christmas books, math resources, etc. There is no formal storage according to Dewey

decimal numbers or if the books are fiction or nonfiction. There is no Media Specialist at our school so

we have to figure out a system that works for us. The teachers have the opportunity to inform the

director that we may need certain books or media. There is a possibility that we may or may not receive

the materials.
The collection that I have gathered is a combination of media. The content that has been listed

above contains media in the form of books, CD’s, DVD’s, puppets, and visual. The main idea of the

collection is the four seasons. The collection has some sub-topics that link back to the seasons. There is

much information that helps determine what season it may be. The four seasons can help us

understand much information. Students can better understand their surroundings in the environment

by the different seasons. Plants and animals have various activities or life cycles they go through

depending on the seasons. Students can better understand why we dress a certain way and why certain

foods may be hard to find. There is information about hibernation of plants and animals. Many of the

books that ruined from basic wear and tear and they need to be replaced. Some of the other books are

ruined from being mishandled due to kids not understanding how to handle the materials.

Summary of collection needs:

 Information that has visuals for age appropriate lessons. The students often need to have

visuals to aid in their knowledge building. The students are young learners and they have little

to no prior knowledge.

 There are some materials to help cover information for the multicultural students. There are

some students at our school that are ESOL students. I wanted to have some materials to help

aid in their transitional skills. The materials will also help the teachers to relate to these


 Videos are of importance to this collection. The videos will help the audio and visual learners. I

found that many times students learn best from things they see on T.V. We live in an age where

kids have been put in front of a television so much this may be all they know. There are days

when the weather keeps us in. Students are allowed a hour a week of television time. The
videos will play a part of entertainment and lesson re-enforcement. There is no gym to take the

kids to on weather days.

Budget Summary

I have searched several online vendors to construct this collection. I believe this collection will

be adequate in helping to educate the students at Discovery Point. The order can be completed with I

have determined that I need $3894.33. I found several websites to order the collection from. The

collection will include information to cover seasons, life cycle, seasonal holidays, seasonal weather, and

seasonal agricultural. I attempted to cover the areas that I thought was most need in our curriculum.

The collection also includes some resources to help teachers with ideas while teaching these standards.

I have attached an excel worksheet with the detailed information for the collection.

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