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PT. KEZINDO SEJAHTERA ABADI edges Sots Gedung V Rag? Hea ae 2 tara Te 12230 eo 20s 7620/5076, Fescsnanasens No: PLNTV/17/1018 te Date 03 oktber 2038 ry Fann fevion No 0 fe De Tabara embang eps 2a Tngah = NOOHESIA ‘te Tae pgnto ol Tus Fire tus pejantoeseniescon> ube FQ T8-PC39836 (BATTERY FORSOO KV AREA) Tem Description ey [bat 1 BATTERY. - NICKEL CADHIUM, MODEL: O50 0] caus] INoMINAL CAPACITY (5): 90 A. EC 69623. IMFc:ALCAD. VoLTS:12v 7 Com trom O&M willbe proved upon devery Y/ |srranty corticate fr 3 year willbe provided 2Jparneny.- TyPe:T-105 PLUS. MFG. TROJAN 4] ceu| rsoioo00] ——xpxzasa0 Jour: 225 an. vouTs:6 voc [cox rom OH wil be provided upon delivery W/ |werranty certificate fora year willbe provided "Foal Price Wp s5826500 [swbTom [Rp 78H 500 frewio% [Rp 4.738.650 otal ap $2.785.150 ‘Sener contin: £1S¥pmant Tet: DOP TIS Power Prt opis rnc Ht ous 23} Poment em 7/ Tas opees vce 5) ony Tine: 120 arom heat FO ‘alas Fiter Suing Technical axcepted Neor Ahimacl condi hion , Please sant battery in eine ty Counthovt Ugur giley te bY) « «Powerful assurance ~ for maximum operating reliability C4 A broad range of capacity and performance Alcad Single Cals are available in low rate discharge, medium and high performance types LCE/LBE, MC/MB, ICIHB and oifer: © simple mattenance © 20+ years life expectancy * wide temperature range operation * resistance to electrical abuse, chock and vibration * low life cycle cost ogi Capacity steps 58 Capacity 10-1680 Ah Performance For ow rate discharge cover long periods between 1 and 100 hours Applications Power back-up applications oes MC/MB 9- 1440'An For variod loads with low ‘and high discharge rates between 30 minutes and hours Power back-up applications 47 9-920 Ah For high rate discharge over short periods tess ‘then 30 minutes Powsr back-up and Starting applications Alcad Ni-Cd technology robust and reliable by design, proven in practice Alcad's wide range enables the best solution for your application optimised according to plate thickness | LCE/LBE range Trickest ples Fgh eneiay ~ Low cost per Amer al lov rales 4 MC/MB range. Thinner plates ? Medium power Optimised between H and L design for mixed loads (4 HC/HB range Thinnest plates High power Low cost per Ampere at high rates * Optimised design boosts slectrioal performance by up to 10% depending on discharge time. More capacity steps than previous designs enables the battery to be sized more ciosaly to exect requirements Improved peric mance ce and more capacit select the best, cost-effer Because it’s Ni-Cd, it’s reliable ‘Alcad's robust Ni-Cd pockst plate technology is particulary well suited to tho complex requirements of instalations in dificult and demanding concitions, and in remote and inacesesibe locations, * Delivers periormance, relabiity and a long, totally predictable sence Ife, with no risk of sudden death failure. © Ensures 2 20+ years’ service life at + 25°C + 77° Even at + 95°C (+ 95°F), service ie is reduced by just 20% compared with a 50% reduction for a lead-acid battery, Effect of temporature on biotimo Pacerage c= 20 6 ity si ive be oO Single Cell construction © Stool pocket plate structure does not sulfer irom ‘susiden death’ or interna! corrasion since there is no interaction between the active material and the eloctrotyts. + Tough polypropylene casing ensures structural integrity thoughout along ite. Specialy designed fame aresting fp top vent ensues the betty doas not produce comosive emissions. » Engineered electoyte solution deivere optimum perlarmance without causing degradation of pate materia, Plenty of space is alowed for a good roseve of electrolyte. + Soacialeloctotye is avalabe for extremely low temperature applications » Single Coll batteries offer along shot Ifo when stored under ‘Atcad's recommended conditions and are easy fo instal © Prstccve corer Int wnlEC 6280522 502722 lew 2 1B Peame-arresiing vent Complet wn UL 1989 Secon 7 - amas vert cap a8 © Pate coun bus Brae @ Piste tame © sevaraina rds @ ce4 container © Acad pocket piste technology ote: Akad Single Cel ranges tay comply wih he roqaternt of tho EC 60628 stand Extending and improving battery design to meet evolving industrial needs Lower maintenance contributes to lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) © Topping-up interval extended by up to two tes in standard conditions at + 20°C {+ 68°F) and at fot voltage. © A simple annual maintenance inspection fs recommended to check correct functioning of the charging system, battery and the auxdlary electronics. «© Easy maintenance builtin by design: Visible electrolyte level + Simple boted connector for fast installation and allowing the battery to be quickly commissioned “ypical topping up intervals 2t recommended charge vottaga i, j Der ands in our ind y chan: strength and reliability, Alcad batteries enable us to _ deliver the high level service our customers expect, # Higher chargeability to minimise downtime + Faster rachargo time enables at last 80% recovery of ‘capacity irom fully discharged conditions in 16 hours at oat voltage lave Recommended charging voltage: A For two level charge: Float evel 442 = 0.01 cel for \CEABE 1.40 # 0.01 W/cel. for MC/MB bod HOHE. High levet 4.47 ~ 1,70 Vioel for LOBLBE 1.45 ~ 1.70 Vicel for MC/MB and HC/HE | Abigh votage wil ncraase the sped 1 and efficiency of ths recharging A For single lvl charge: 1.43 1.50 Vel. okly. Through their ge quicl Oo LCE/LB Range ~ Available capacity after constant voltage charge ‘at 142 Vat + 20°C (+ 68°F) ‘ony mo en ‘capacity ater constant voltage charge 40'V at + 20°C (+ 62°F) 3 o S 2 2 cape ees HO/HB Range ~ Available capacity after constant voltage charge: ‘at 1:40 V at +20°C (5 88°F] = Alcad design and build to ensure long, trouble-free battery life © Alcad Single Cell batteries comply with the highest quality, safety and environmental standards Electrical charactoristice: + Cortited IEC 60628 - Secondary cells and batteries contahning alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Vented nickel-cadmium prismatic rechargeable single cells, Quality: + 180.9001 and ISO 14003 © Alcad world class continuous programme safety CComalies with EN 50272-2/ IEC 62485-2 - Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery hstlatons - Part 2: Stalionary batteries (© Tre protect covers for terninals end connectors, the insulted cables are compfant with IP2 level protection against electrical shocks according to safely standard + Complies with UL 1989 - Section 7: Fame arrester vent cap tests - UL standard for seety for standby battores. © A through-life service philosophy Aload's stationary battery specialists provide global expertise, wit loca! customer servic, through an expanding network of ‘=pproved service stations in the Middle East, Asia, Eurone and North America, You can depend on our support for the entire fe of your battery, and beyond, including « installation, customer instalation certication, commissioning and star-up * preventive maintenance * inspection, troubleshooting, testing and supervision » corrective maintenance = end of ie removal, decommissioning and recycling * training programmes for technicians and engineers The best connection for optimum battery efficiency © Standard layouts Acad has developed a series of standard jayouts in which a battery may be ordered. Whether the battery is being installed on a rack, in a cabinet or is simply freestanding, the same configuration princioles can be applied, Two ways to configure the battery ieenae Loet0° 1 Loess 35400" to LET Mons (Moar wo MesssP 15350" to MB 1640 Home osP to Hoa? 2007 ta Ha20° obese Thora connection ‘Wioo-withconnecion “The cell ured through 90" and then connected ‘with-to-with ~ “erosswige" mounted. Tis minimises the station's overal ength. The oats ‘wih is used to calculate fe row length O Dimensions ‘The cimensions of all avaiable cel types are tabulated on the following pages. Notes: © All the tabulated dimensions are maximum values. © All the ceil heights given in the tables inctude the helght of the 1P2x terminal cover. Position of terminals Liesl Single cells, 1 pole bolt per pole Single cells, 2 pole bolts per pole (SS oS cero? to Lez cei0e we Loess COP to nG2abe case e was ote Hoses evra Hoge Single cells, with 2-6 pole bolts per pole oo (oo wal Is 3-6. [e-9 i} 2 { S | © oS ‘o-9 oS [e-s) y[eo7e} o_o. LBe‘oor to LBESSGP ——LBEOOOP to LBEBOOP LEED Io LEET OOP LBEL150P 10 LBEIA09" _LBET4SOP o LEE 00" Nexo teMesec —MBsosP lo MEr20P = MBTAIP Ww VEOKDP = «BSOOOPONBTIOD NEES Fez HEGIS? ——HESZEP Io HEAGOP——HOSTOPLOMBBIEP —«HBGIOPoFETESP——MET2R0P to lBtesoP agnor to HBN20° Label naming information LCE/LBE, MCIMB and HC/HB single cell ranges are respectively designated with @ *-1" extension on ALGAD container labels. The '-1” extension designation refers to ALCAD eingle col design for manufacturing purposes. As an example, "LBE 750P* cal is named as 'LBE 750P-1" an the ALGAD container label, LOE / LBE Range Capacities and dimensions - International System of units { ee ee Se Moma we 8D Woo Bee om we aw 130268 Sm we aw 1 2a Me e@ mm ew 1 2 Me mr ew BD 27022 MB 2 % ar ewe aH 270-213 MB or Hw BaD Bao tae oO S © ow] zo ie M0 : fo 8 te ee a Bao ao MI 1" i tm 240 us MID ~ ie aD Boek Cc ira a0 oD : ie 8 he ao MD Z maw a oso i toa 200 0a MO wa gs toa 20 ore fea amor WI kas Mo 0D 8 ae aao 08 AND a ta ss axa : fe eo a0 aewio L te tee a9 2ew io ee i 8B eta war? Penta : ia te 70 2aMT0 beatae 1 58 70 2xM10 \aeaate 688 pe) 2eM 10 tBesoe eta eo Banta 1 pester te 500 dawio UsesseP waa smo aewia eee joe ee Senta 5 pepece 3 Ba ze 0 seaia = lpero seme ro aewio Users ie baa te a0 oeM10 \seooe i ae aso M10 1 a8 20 axwio ten 20 eto ws Bas me 102 de0 we ar, var aewio (escen i a m8 fama tercene a” eo ui aeM to never 7 an ag nS aewi0 aes 08 oat 13 4aM10 = LBEHiEe {ee ate a9 SaM10 © peso i sa ‘ea Sew i0 Beas Stas eee 130 exwio - tbeseooe mo ime 140 eeu o ibes3s0° oa eee wa oa seme 2) tan a0 | ae Se we Oo sxMa teresa Boa tee ast exo use e00> ao Waar at ‘ee ott exw0 ears BO 18 a W720 Ott Oxw0 \BereooP Owe Sit * 4010 exw ta teereaoe BO 3a gaa Wa a1" exmere tween? ho iss Sea ak sa 01 ext "Hoi int i P2X tain cover LCE / LBE Range ‘Capacities and cimensions - Imperial units Ce So 2 See Ne ee ee cetnpe |G Heh oo ae ets = ee ee ae ee Pee Cited icesttiiamt tetas ct amity eee iies titan vier lic iee fee eae eg re aes eee eee ae Se cele ene ee ae Batre et erty ote are aicae oa eens ~ ae oe C RB ap cg sere tone Rete eer tet eee am ae Ser iametl ie bestest ttteeres ti hia lias serio tle ob ee eee ee Be eee ee tesa eared cle tll os Se eee Mee eens ue ents aa feo ott ee elit i rescte emer ott iee tee ee a BB SB Me Mer eee tes eee bem cee eee tee ican Mette eae ees i Ag beet gee terete oe SI A BS yeaa detente ees ee ee Ce A I RR BE Me ae eS te ee eee emi beselt lbeetceeh alee eam Mes ee a ea pepe cee la age oe ee eee RB a a eR Se ee Re eee A a8 Te Shere eet eel tema ita setiiiee eceates fee eet BE ae ee teeta tate tome iba emi ee sate Seen ee ee eee ee ee ee ee pa ee et eee ceria oie ete Cuee eet ae ene eR RE RS ae see totem eat ae ce ec edteenttaae tea ee eR Bd aR Sees pee ee ea ee ee See tee ee ee Be eee ee eee ee se ree ec merece ee eae eae ecceew tee ee cages ice Bier: Reece Me oe a ee tee tee ree ee Ge lhealt roan Coe ee ere are He eee eet eee ag aes ee * Hog cg the P2X tenia over Oo LCE / LBE Range PPeriormance after prolonged float charge of fully charged calls Avaliable Amperes at + 20°C © 5°C (+ 88°F = 9°F) Final voltage: 1.00 V/cell co 1a 127 200 929 437 S44 090 959 102 12 139 105 103 207 212 “0 1S 184 er 300 kao 845 e00 108 160 174 187 237 268 287 383 31 2 2m 2a 440 704 98) 117 165 8 255 24 SAT 983 5 SBI 89S 30 208 aes GoD ged 129 160 72 21 MS 74 47a SAB Sas | T8S 863 lee 4010510 80) E12 8 28s 28 464 009 621 Tle 793. 102 115 Lge ara? 599 940. 50 2 B51 AD S03 B45 (586 741 B30 082 120 195 LoessP 55 Sua Or 10 76 BB IS BO 588 698 G86 967 982 109 10 158 cena 855 781 24 198 765 HOS 3°19 74 O78 1 29 158 TTA lceme 70ST. aL MD BO BA BRO LTS eas 728 70 O24 WS 119 ies 100 (cere 7ST RUT 18D MO wR mB SOR 735 720 €3 O° 4 see TTI lcesse as 107 170 72 ca 448 77 m2 gad cag 12 126 137 375104 Leese 08D HA, wD BB g0N a5 OL 881 035 08a 110 198 445 105205 Leo © tcDSt0.1 128 eM) BO 4 BB TO o79 108 110 192 set te1 205 208 Wenge MO a9 “BRD ae wa BO TAT 400 114 321348650 17726 Bat ices? 52S 15H BRD 400 543 O80 O40 22190 197 105,168. 202267 205 Leeiase 45H 183. 79.0 aa 650 795 ES 12451158 101 216 234 56 3 Lceiese 00307 «208 SD Gee TF ari 112 12 172181218 te 259 95ST Leese 105 HBT SM WO 992 BA Gr 120 wl 152 203. 284 27 2s 380 ze \cezoo 200202 53 «400 640 859 108 138 196 208 220.204 03231486 Lcezor po? are UO TOs BB Me 48 21s Be 2p 9H REL aS SB Lcezase 28322 ba a7 782 NOD at 158 eee ee Loess 255.2 SSO Be Toe aa Tee peg Bet Zao 2 G7 Ra 8D aa Lene 257 50 BH 120 tae Tee 261 286 308 358-8020 GOA tcesooP S00. 0D SE DO BO 78 sk 19 28. S07 S00. 978220. 450 SAD 580 Loeop 89020 GO TON A117 27 Bid 558 963 418 a2 9S OED LceseoP 28D AS. 720. 18. IS Yas 7 242. 968 906 ASK GOA SMO etka Lcesvsp a5 8S AT 750 120 160 10927 Bey 51247362556 —GIS TOS Liew MOD AND S10 a0. HBT 208d B81 400 440 SO 500: 6000720. 774 tens gO wo IS 728 ae as tas S23 sea? Weve 4a) ATA SOG 820147106 208900 298471 G06 680" Gia 990° Gea 200 Lpeso0e © -s00 «S15 BT 1000 160 2M 257 320 475 511 550 690 700 750 oO) 967 LBESIOP 5105S SO 102 163 IS BBR IE GD AH RR SOL BATT | 705-818 807 LUBESGOP ——«65D_—SsG.7_ 70 M10. «17685-2892 4G7 «Ged Sa GOS a7] as SOD 0B Lpes00 eco G8 78K 120 1928S HES SI 8r1 IA OTT, woo = voice 190, 16 78 4 a2 420 an ton Mo bce 200 6 18 + 26. as. aero ano wozise 215, 16 18 4 2b 4s sr os M30 Moor 20 6 18 4 mr 439238 a0 cap aD 6 16 4 m7 0258 ar Mio wucesop 260, ie 78 5 oq we asa 2xMi0 cesce 200, 1e 18 5 we 88a ar 2am 10 uczsse: 285 6 18 8 aba ga aa tr 2xM10 esi 510 16 5 2xM30 co MGme os 6 5. 2am 10 wasas0e 350 76 . 2M 10 agaroe 370 8 5 2xM10 veusop 390, 16 1 7 ao 8 138 2M 10 vaaeisp 15 6 7 z eo asa iso bat BRIO made 40 16 a ? Se me ast 02) amo vaescop 400 6 as x ses aa 450, ba BM weccop 400, 6 a 7 rs) 38048 2M IO Masose sas 6 a 5 58 18360 axe Meszse 525 18 a 5 Ss (8S 383018 gxm0 Masse 585 6 a 8 638 08 Ban O85. 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