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| INSTALLATION, OPERATION ___ AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL CUSTOMER: TOSHIBA ENGINEERING CORPORATION PROJECT: TANJUNG JATI-B POWER PLANT EQUIPMENT: 125VDC SYSTEMS (CHLORIDE REF : RE 210003, PROJECT : 9711761030 OF: Wo07407 CHLORIDE List oF REVISIONS, ISSUE Dare REVISED PAGES. o ou200e| RSTISSUE raged CHLORIDE LIST OF CONTENTS Tile s.sarery “4 LL ENERAL u 13. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS a | EMERGENCY ACTION AND TREATMENT Bb 1.5 SAFETY- VENTED LEAD ACID BATTERIES B 16. Cost STATEMENT 6 2. DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION. a 22.ToPoLoGY a 23, 0P€RATING MODES. a» 2. SYSTEM SPECIFICATION a 21 CHARACTERISTICS a A.sTALLATION 4“ {41 HANDLING ON ARRIVAL a 42 stoRace a 463, PUTTING INTO INSTALLED FOSITION a 4 CABLE ENTRIES “o 4.5, TERMINAL CONNECTIONS “o 451 Pace ton a 452.Batery “a 447, BATTERY.VENTED LEAD ACID “ 48 BATTERY INSTALLATION a 5. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ea 5 MESSAGE PANEL 32 ‘52. DESCRIPTION OF "STATUS AND ALARS™ 3 S21. CHARGER STATUS a 5.23. BATTERY STATUS AND ALARMS 3s $5.24. SOFTWARE REVISION STATUS ss 525.POWERHISTORY s6 5.26. DESCRIPTION OF MEASUREMENTS 56 5:3 OPERATING STRUCTION. so 522 EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN, sz 534. 38 535. Fang s 6. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 71 GENERAL u 72,0NcE A WEEK u 73, 0NCE AMON " 174. AT LEAST «TIMES PER YEAR, u 7. ANNUALLY 2 |. FAULT DIAGNOSIS a (2, BATTERY ALARMS 8 9.1. GENERAL NOTES on 10. oRAWNGS 101. GENERAL NOTES {11 SPECIFIC FEATURES {LLL BATTERY EARTH FAULT MONTTOR 113.LOW VOLTAGE CUTOFF DEVICE 12. ATTACHMENTS 121. BATTERY MANUAL TYPE CEAC CHLORIDE 104 101 Pageiy CHLORIDE LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Tile nee Figure 24: Block Bagram a4 igure 2.2: Vattage Current Charactoristc of Charger 2 Figure 23: Normal Mode 23 Figure 24: Primary AC Supply Fall Mode 23 Figure 25: DC Alans During Primary Supply Failure 24 CHLORIDE, + Page LA(sur 1) CHLORIDE 1, SAFETY 12, NATURE OF HAZARD 12 1.3, SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 2 44 EMERGENCY ACTION ANO TREATMENT 43 1.8 SAFETY - VENTED LEAD ACID BATTERIES 3B “8. COSHH STATEMENT 18 1.4. GENERAL ‘Read this section and this anal before stating work on any pat ofthe system ‘When working on lve equipment (batteries ae always ive), a second person who i al sfey precautions and emergeney ations shouldbe preset at all ies In iste responsibilty of ea individual to be avare of naconal egsation, local legislation td site ules governing safety and working practices. [fin doubt ask Use only gnod quality insulated wols and accessories, properly maintained and calibrated instruments, and suitable and adequate suppors and lifting equipment ware of eis escotil that ll safer instrtions are stely observe, Note: A note in this style is used to emphasise am important point in the txt ‘CAUTION: ‘USED TO PREVENT DAMAGE 70 EQUIPMENT. WARNING |AWARNING IS USED TO ALERT PERSONNEL TO HAZARDS TO PERSONAL SAFETY. Instalaion, maintenance and repair ofthe equipment an bateries should only be undertaken by tuned, experienced and auttorsed electcl personnel ‘The handling, installation and maintenance ofthe btery associated with this equipment must be in accordance with the ietuctions and safety precautions published by the battery manufacturer. runiaonaee| SAFETY ; Page Ll (of 7) CHLORIDE 1.2. NATURE OF HAZARD ELECTRICAL ENERGY canbe suplied from the battery, the charging equipment, the AC supply ote extemal alarm or auxiliary conwol terminals. The bacery terminals re LIVE at all tines, A short cre, even ona discharged banery, will esl ina high current which ean ‘aus personal injury, ire or damage to the battery orbatery cables BATTERY ELECTROLYTE in ALL bateries i dangerous and can cause severe bums if lowes to come into contact with the skin o ees. twill als ataek clothing en some paint Finishes and metal. LEAD ACID bateries contain sulphuric acid solution. VENTED or FLOODED cells (Plan, Flat Plate and tubular lead acid or cells) contain free liquid electrolyte which can sil the cell i overumed, overlie othe cell eontsiner is broken HYDROGEN and OXYGEN are given off atthe cll plats during charging and ean be present at other timer, patculeyifcell are moved or shaken. Hydrogen in conjuneton with ‘ior oxygen ean be explosive in he presence of sparks or lame. Jn vened cell the hydrogen and oxygen ae vented tthe at Battery cells or ellblocks can be very heavy and often have to be moved to postions with ifcalt access. When working on bateres with maay cells or blocks, muscle srain may ‘occur suddenly or afer batery installation is complete 1.3. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS, Use only insulated tools, pantculely when connecting a banery. Stand on a rubber mat Personal effect of mata sich ab rings, watches, bracelets and necklaces which may eause & stom circuit and metal objets (Pons 0015 et) which may fll om open pockets while bending over batteries or chargers should be emoved. Isolate all AC supplies, auxiliary supplies and the buttery (open isolator, remove battery fses ‘or remove a batery link) before working on the esuipment. Never handle a component or ‘sembly without personaly confirming that no voltae is applied or present. tite necessary to make adjustments withthe equipment connect tothe AC supply andlor the batery, remove only those protective covers which are absolutely necessary for acess. Always se eye protection and rubber gloves when handling cells. Handle eels with eae, ensuring they ae kep upright Use properly constructed staging or platforms s a resting place close othe final postion and ‘enlist asitanee wit large cells or large numbers of cell. Keep the back straight and upright wen ling cells. Use only prope iting techniques, leis recommended that batery rooms shouldbe provided with an eyewash bottle filled with fEesh saline tlation and » soply of clean water with means of directing on bums and splashes. Thete shoul also bea safety shower inte battery room. nave ‘SAFETY ; Page 12 (of) CHLORIDE, ‘Do not smoke. Do not use open flames, Avoid creating en ae or sparks when working on this ‘uipment. Avoid wearing clothing which is sueeptibe to discharge of static electiity Always ue pure dsiled or de-onised, de minerlsed water when topping up veate battery cells. Do not use the same topping up apparas or hydrometer for both nickel cadmium ‘kale and lead acid cells, Even small antes of elecwolyte tansfered will damage or estoy call After work is complet, efit all protective covers and close and oc all doo 1.4. EMERGENCY ACTION AND TREATMENT ELECTRICAL SHOCK - lmmediat action is essential. Severe electric shock ony affect, heart action and brething. Make sure it is sfeto approach, If he casualty isin contet with ive conductor, isolate by sorting off the supply, See section 5 "EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN". If this is not posible, oii doubtul wheter the system is electicaly isolate, stand oa dry insulating ‘atrial and pallor push the casualty clear using dry insulating material, e.g wood, plastic, fabrics ete necessary give artificial respiration. Seek the assistance of oer o summon media atetion, ELECTRICAL BURNS - Apply a dry sterile dressing. ELECTROLYTE CONTACT - EYES - ligne the eyes with a saline solution. If saline solution i ot available wash with clean running water frat least 10 minutes SKIN - Wash skin bums wi plemy of clean water. Remove any contaminated clothing Cover the aren with dey gouze. IN ALL CASES SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION. ELECTROLYTE SPILLAGE - These should be washed away using large volumes of clean water or mopped up using absorbent material which should then be scaled in secure containers and Set 1 a ecogaised chemical disposal company Operatives handing silage should wear adequate clothing including eye protectors and loves, Eleewolye will tack many fabrics, Inthe event of splage on clothing, the garments Should be removed and washed thoroughly in large volumes of clean water or discarded. 1.5. SAFETY . VENTED LEAD AGIO BATTERIES. WARNING: IN CASES WHERE THE UNIT IS NOT BEING USED, E.G. DURING MAINTENANCE, [TIS RECOMMENDED TO. ranma ‘SAFETY ; Page 13 (of 7)

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