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Jl. Moh Kahfi 1 No. 89, RT 09 RW. 06, Kel. Jagakarsa, Kec.

Jagakarsa Jakarta Selatan 12620 DKI Jakarta

Telepon: 0217805558
Email: Website:
Kepada No. Penawaran 31/SQ/07/2018
PT Sterling Products Indonesia Tgl. Penawaran 11-07-2018
Tgl. Jatuh Tempo 11-08-2018
No. Ref: -

No Deskripsi Qty Harga IDR Jumlah IDR

1 BPI-0000226 - Booth PIT IKA - GSK CX 1.00 Unit 267,615,000.00 267,615,000.00

Size : 3 x 6 x 3,66 m

2 AFE-0000228 - Agency Fee 1.00 Ea 21,409,200.00 21,409,200.00

8% of Total Cost

Total Qty 2.00 Sub Total 289,024,200.00

Terbilang Diskon 0.00
Tiga Ratus Tujuh Belas Juta Sembilan Ratus Dua Puluh Enam Ribu Enam Ratus Dua Puluh DPP 289,024,200.00
Rupiah Pajak 28,902,420.00
Total 317,926,620.00
Catatan Jumlah Total 317,926,620.00
Rincian Terlampir

NO DESCRIPTION Unit Price Quantity Time Total Remarks


1 Creative design 3,000,000 1 1 3,000,000
2 Preparation 2,000,000 1 1 2,000,000

B PRODUCTION (please info detail the material) 105,750,000

1 Booth Production
Wall A : 3 ( w ) x 6 ( l ) x 3.66 ( h ) m finishing flexy digital print 42,200,000 1 1 42,200,000
Wall B : (finishing flexy digital print) 14,500,000 1 1 14,500,000
Pop up character (finishing sticker) 3,500,000 1 1 3,500,000
Brick lingkaran peta (finishing multyplek cat duco) 800,000 5 1 4,000,000
Flooring, 3 ( w ) x 6 ( l ) m, finishing HPL 14,750,000 1 1 14,750,000
Registration Table (160 x 80) Finishing cat duco 4,000,000 1 1 4,000,000
Tab Desk, Finishing cat duco 900,000 4 1 3,600,000
Storage Cabinet finishing cat duco 1,700,000 1 1 1,700,000
Logo GSK (lighted) 3,000,000 1 1 3,000,000
Logo Panadol backdrop tengah (ketebalan + sticker) 700,000 1 1 700,000
Puff Chair (Kotak) 450,000 4 1 1,800,000
Rack Display 1,500,000 1 1 1,500,000
Rack Brochure 200,000 1 3 600,000
2 Digital
TV 40" 1,200,000 1 3 3,600,000
3 Other
Operational (Telp, etc) 500,000 1 6 3,000,000
Trash Bin, Trash Bag, Tissue, etc 500,000 1 3 1,500,000
Buku Tamu 300,000 2 3 1,800,000

C MAN POWER 17,850,000

1 Project Manager 2,500,000 1 1 2,500,000
2 Technical production supervisor 700,000 2 6 8,400,000
3 Floor Management 500,000 2 5 5,000,000
4 Communication System Operator 650,000 1 3 1,950,000

D VOTING PAD 30,000,000

1 Web Base 30,000,000 1 1 30,000,000

E Food and Beverages - ICE CREAM 45,090,000

1 Food and Beverages - ICE CREAM
DAY 1 23,800 1,000 1 23,800,000
DAY 2 23,800 600 1 14,280,000
DAY 3 23,800 200 1 4,760,000
Rental Freezer 750,000 1 3 2,250,000


1 Invitation Flyer A5 2,250 500 1 1,125,000

1 Video Documentation (Multicam & Include Editing) 8,500,000 1 1 8,500,000

H Gimmick 25,000,000
1 Gimmick Kletok Gendang (sticker panadol character) 12,500 2,000 1 25,000,000

I Accomodation 27,300,000
1 Flight 1,500,000 6 1 9,000,000
2 Transportation From/to Bandara Soeta 150,000 6 2 1,800,000
Local Transport 750,000 1 6 4,500,000
3 Accomodation
Supervisor 500,000 1 5 2,500,000
Floor Crew 500,000 2 3 3,000,000
4 Meals (For Crew) 2 times / Day 50,000 10 12 6,000,000
Communication System Operator 50,000 1 6 300,000
Cameraman 50,000 2 2 200,000


1 Loading / Unloading 1,000,000 1 2 2,000,000

TOTAL 267,615,000
Agency Fee 8% 21,409,200
Grand TOTAL 289,024,200

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