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Pillar posting FEBBY DAILY

Review Customer Journey tiap project ads FEBBY DAILY
Review analytic tiap project Ads FEBBY WEEKLY
Review KPI dan ROI tiap project Ads FEBBY WEEKLY
Review report social media tiap project FEBBY DAILY
Quality control semua proses (ide konten, proses dan hasil
produksi / design, caption, hashtag, postingan, analytic
mingguan) IPUT WEEKLY
Posting feed dan story IPUT DAILY
Riset hashtag IPUT DAILY
Review berapa banyak postingan dalam sebulan FEBBY MONHTLY
Check postingan & caption sebelum di publish IPUT DAILY
Plan and execute all digital marketing, including SEO/SEM,
marketing database, email, social media and display
advertising campaigns IPUT DAILY
Content marketing FEBBY DAILY
Content yang relate dengan audience FEBBY DAILY
Reference untuk content marketing strategy IPUT WEEKLY
Penurunan pillar content menjadi ide konten FEBBY WEEKLY
Calendar activity yang telah diturunkan menjadi penurunan
pillar content dan ide konten IPUT DAILY
Style caption FEBBY DAILY

Screen capture analytic per minggu FEBBY WEEKLY

Collaborate with internal teams to create landing pages and
optimize user experience IPUT TWICE A WEEK
Each image should have an alt text, not just for SEO purposes
but also because blind and visually impaired people won't
otherwise know what the image is about IPUT TWICE A WEEK
Post min 2 blog posts a week to increase the new users
organize our content marketing to be built around long-tail
keywords to increase ranking and traffic IPUT TWICE A WEEK
Create blog posts based on the search terms IPUT DAILY
Prepare topic & keyword for blog post to attract more new
visitors IPUT DAILY
Add testimonial section on the web, to add social proof to the
Rank for as many keywords as possible through blog posts
and make sure title & meta tags are in place IPUT DAILY
Introduction Email FEBBY DAILY
Welcome Email FEBBY DAILY
Free Ebook Email FEBBY & IPUT DAILY
Educational Email FEBBY DAILY
Trip Wire Offer - Ebook FEBBY WEEKLY

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