2018 SYF Art Description

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2018 SYF Art Description


1. Photo
2 Dimensions: 90cm x 120cm
3. Medium: Acrylic on canvas
4. Synopsis ( 50 words)
The five flowers represents five values of Singaporean: Democracy, peace, progress, justice and
equality. I feel blessed for the opportunities and memories made in Singapore. The snake symbolises
our challenges and overcoming it make us more resilient. We strive to blossom like flowers and
shine like diamonds with diligence. [49w

5. Teacher’s comment of the student work

Enhance comment about meaning of work?
Nardy’s meaningful use of five flowers to represent the value of five stars on our national flag is
commendable. She see the snake as a representation of our challenges and fear to strive for survival in
this competitive country. The closed eyes portrait display a sense of ease and resilience in the middle of
danger She used diamond and gems to display our people’s pride and prize earned by diligence.
or quality of work ?
or effort of student?
Nardy made an effort to stay back after school to work on this painting for few months.before completion.

The five flowers represents five values of Singaporean: Democracy, peace, progress, justice and
equality. I feel blessed for the opportunities and memories made in Singapore. The snake symbolises
our challenges and overcoming it make us more resilient. We strive to blossom like flowers and
shine like diamonds with diligence. [49w]

Revised 02 Apr

The five flowers on my head represents five values I have as a Singaporean: Democracy, peace,
progress, justice and equality. I feel blessed for the opportunities and memories made in Singapore.
The snake symbolise our fear and overcoming challenges we face make us more resilient individual.
We strive to blossom just like flowers and shine like diamonds with diligence. [59w]


Original Nardi's summary :

Just like the five flowers on my head , five values ive always kept in mind as a citizen here in sg;
Democracy, peace, progress, justice and equality. I feel truly bless living here in singapore , the
opportunities ive gain and the memories ive made. Challenges that we sometimes go through to
make us stronger and mentally brought us up better as an individual. Just like a flower, we strive to
blossom and diamonds where our hardwork will pay off one day. [83w]

1. Photo
2 Dimensions: 90cm x 120cm
3. Medium: Mixed medium and Oil on canvas
4. Synopsis ( 50 words)
Home is about finding the place where you fit, and here amidst the hustle and bustle that Singapore
has come to represent, somehow there’s a niche that’s my own, home is where i feel safe and
surrounded by the people whom i love. Sweet memories gathered at home is irreplaceable. [50w]
5. Teacher’s comment of the student work
Erin used her beloved younger brother as main subject in her painting.She used Superman to display
sense of safety and security, candies to symbolise sweet memories and the skyscrapers to showcase
Singapore as a busy city. This work truly display Erins’s love for her family and our homeland

Original Short description of art work:

Home is about finding the place where you fit, and here amidst the hustle and bustle that Singapore
has come to represent, somehow there’s a niche that’s my own, home is where i feel safe and
surrounded by the people whom i love. Many sweet memories formed here at home and nothing
can replace that. [55w]

superman - i feel safe

candies - sweet memories

my brother - people i love

skyscrappers- busy city

By Erin

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