WhatsApp Chat With My Love

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03/10/2019, 9:43 pm - Messages to this chat and calls are now secured with end-to-

end encryption. Tap for more info.

03/10/2019, 9:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Is this you
03/10/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: I am here
03/10/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: Nah
03/10/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: Its a alien
03/10/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love:
03/10/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: I am readying your mind now
03/10/2019, 9:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I didn't know alien does look so good
03/10/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: No one ever meet one
03/10/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: So if u think that its good
03/10/2019, 9:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Well you say you is one and I have met you
03/10/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: U never see me
03/10/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: So tell me
03/10/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: How it feels to speak with a alien?
03/10/2019, 9:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I am talking to my girlfriend
03/10/2019, 9:47 pm - My Love: Your girlfriend is a elian?
03/10/2019, 9:47 pm - My Love: �
03/10/2019, 9:48 pm - Emmanuel �: No
03/10/2019, 9:48 pm - Emmanuel �: She is a woman
03/10/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: Lol bb
03/10/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: Hun
03/10/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: Save my old number like my mom now
03/10/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: Ok
03/10/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: ��
03/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
03/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: I love u my bb
03/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: My heart belongs to u hun
03/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
03/10/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: I am a singing a song with love for u
03/10/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: With melody from my heart to u
03/10/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: And my butt dancing bom bom
03/10/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay hun
03/10/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: Like my heart does for u
03/10/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
03/10/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
03/10/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: I have something important to tell you
03/10/2019, 9:53 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
03/10/2019, 9:53 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
03/10/2019, 9:53 pm - My Love: Tell me
03/10/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: When you are done
03/10/2019, 9:53 pm - My Love: U was talking hun
03/10/2019, 9:53 pm - My Love: I finish bb
03/10/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: U can tell me hun i am hearing
03/10/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not okay
03/10/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: Hun
03/10/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: I dont like when u are this way bb
03/10/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: I mean when u feel this way
03/10/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun it is not me
03/10/2019, 9:57 pm - Emmanuel �: It is our relationship
03/10/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: I understand bb
03/10/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: You always say that but you don't
03/10/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: Ok then
03/10/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: I not understand
03/10/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: And all you say is words
03/10/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: I just say it for say it
03/10/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: And then you get upset when I tell you the truth
03/10/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: Nah nah nah nah
03/10/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: I not.get upset
03/10/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: This is not the first time we are having this
03/10/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: I just dont like when someone take conclusions of
things that them dont feels or life in my lofe
03/10/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: U understand
03/10/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: You absolutely don't this is a fact
03/10/2019, 10:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not talking conclusions it is a fact
03/10/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: Ok
03/10/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: You will say you understand and go on living
the exact same way
03/10/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: Its so
03/10/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: Yes its so
03/10/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: You are just agreeing
03/10/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I believe
03/10/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: But again you don't understand
03/10/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: So I will make you understand tonight
03/10/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: With the help of the Holy spirit
03/10/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: You are selfish
03/10/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I am selfish
03/10/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Every human being is selfish
03/10/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: The bible says that no man will hurt his own
03/10/2019, 10:04 pm - My Love: Yes
03/10/2019, 10:04 pm - Emmanuel �: But God is the opposite to that
03/10/2019, 10:04 pm - Emmanuel �: He is selfless
03/10/2019, 10:04 pm - Emmanuel �: He gave him self to us
03/10/2019, 10:05 pm - Emmanuel �: The reason why relationships fail
03/10/2019, 10:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Is because of selfishness
03/10/2019, 10:07 pm - My Love: Really??
03/10/2019, 10:07 pm - My Love: Telll me why
03/10/2019, 10:07 pm - My Love: And explain me
03/10/2019, 10:07 pm - Emmanuel �: In our relationship to God
03/10/2019, 10:08 pm - Emmanuel �: He have a will for our life
03/10/2019, 10:08 pm - Emmanuel �: But if we are selfish
03/10/2019, 10:08 pm - Emmanuel �: We do our will instead
03/10/2019, 10:09 pm - Emmanuel �: We will choose to be on our phone when God
wants us to read our bible
03/10/2019, 10:10 pm - Emmanuel �: We will sleep when God wants us to pray
03/10/2019, 10:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Because we are only thinking about us and not
God's will self
03/10/2019, 10:10 pm - Emmanuel �: In our relationship with our esposa
03/10/2019, 10:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Husband or wife
03/10/2019, 10:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Selfishness will cause that to fail
03/10/2019, 10:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Because we will neglect them
03/10/2019, 10:11 pm - Emmanuel �: And do what we want for ourselves
03/10/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: We will take them for granted
03/10/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: And use their love
03/10/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: In our relationship with others
03/10/2019, 10:13 pm - Emmanuel �: If God tell us to give away something important
to us
03/10/2019, 10:13 pm - Emmanuel �: We will not because of selfishness
03/10/2019, 10:13 pm - Emmanuel �: If talk to someone who we don't like
03/10/2019, 10:13 pm - My Love: I see your point bb
03/10/2019, 10:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Or some who says something bad about us
03/10/2019, 10:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Self is the enemy of relationship on every
03/10/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: And you are in self
03/10/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I know that because I experience it
03/10/2019, 10:16 pm - Emmanuel �: In this relationship I experience your selfless
03/10/2019, 10:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Selfishness
03/10/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: I need to change that bb
03/10/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
03/10/2019, 10:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Also in selflness you will on work you will
work because you are being paid to do it but your relationship you will not because
you are not gaining anything from it
03/10/2019, 10:19 pm - Emmanuel �: But in reality in the future you will gain more
03/10/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: Hun
03/10/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: Sorry
03/10/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: But i not understand this
03/10/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: Can u please repeat
03/10/2019, 10:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Forget it
03/10/2019, 10:21 pm - Emmanuel �: I pray that the holy spirit will put this in
your heart
03/10/2019, 10:22 pm - My Love: Amen bb
03/10/2019, 10:22 pm - Emmanuel �: That selfishness destroy your relationship
03/10/2019, 10:22 pm - Emmanuel �: But not only selfishness unfaithfulness to
03/10/2019, 10:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Sin
03/10/2019, 10:23 pm - My Love: I have this in my heart bb
03/10/2019, 10:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Before I go
03/10/2019, 10:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to say this
03/10/2019, 10:24 pm - My Love: Tell me hun
03/10/2019, 10:24 pm - Emmanuel �: The whole bible is 2 commands from God
03/10/2019, 10:25 pm - My Love: Yes bb
03/10/2019, 10:25 pm - My Love: Hun.. u go alread??
03/10/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord
your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is
the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your
neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the
03/10/2019, 10:26 pm - My Love: Amen
03/10/2019, 10:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Do you love God with all your heart soul and
03/10/2019, 10:26 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
03/10/2019, 10:26 pm - My Love: Honestly not completly
03/10/2019, 10:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Do you love your neighbor the same way you love
03/10/2019, 10:27 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
03/10/2019, 10:27 pm - My Love: Not at all
03/10/2019, 10:27 pm - Emmanuel �: One last thing
03/10/2019, 10:28 pm - Emmanuel �: How dose God knows who love him and who don't?
03/10/2019, 10:28 pm - My Love: I think who are more with him
03/10/2019, 10:29 pm - Emmanuel �: No
03/10/2019, 10:29 pm - My Love: Mmm
03/10/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: Who ever desmostrate him love
03/10/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: ?
03/10/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: God says, “If you love Me, keep My
commandments.” John 14:15. God's will is in His word, His commandments.
03/10/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: No
03/10/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Obedience
03/10/2019, 10:32 pm - My Love: I see
03/10/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: The onces who really love God obeys him
03/10/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: If you don't obey him you don't love him
03/10/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: You can read your bible pray every morning go
to church how much you want
03/10/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: If you are not obedience to his word you don't
love him
03/10/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: And many of us today going to church
03/10/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: But outside of church we are not doing God's
03/10/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: And being obedience to his commands
03/10/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: We are still like the world
03/10/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: Sad to say
03/10/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I know this
03/10/2019, 10:38 pm - Emmanuel �: You know what will happen to them
03/10/2019, 10:38 pm - Emmanuel �: In the end God will tell them depart from me o
never knew you
03/10/2019, 10:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I hope you really change your ways hun because
I am telling you I am going to change mines and down want to go to heaven and you
go hell
03/10/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to go to heaven and you go hell
03/10/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I want us to go to heaven together
03/10/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night my love sleep well
03/10/2019, 11:58 pm - My Love: Good night my bb
03/10/2019, 11:58 pm - My Love: �
04/10/2019, 5:34 am - My Love: Good morning my blessed king
04/10/2019, 5:34 am - My Love: I wake up just now bb
04/10/2019, 5:34 am - My Love: Its late my love
04/10/2019, 5:35 am - My Love: I just want to thank God for you, for been here for
loving me for Gave me such a blessing like u
04/10/2019, 5:37 am - Emmanuel �: Hun I am not your king
04/10/2019, 5:38 am - Emmanuel �: I understand
04/10/2019, 5:38 am - Emmanuel �: I don't know what love is the love i give you is
04/10/2019, 5:39 am - Emmanuel �: It is not pure because it is full of secrets and
04/10/2019, 5:39 am - Emmanuel �: It is not true
04/10/2019, 5:40 am - Emmanuel �: I am not faithful to you
04/10/2019, 5:40 am - Emmanuel �: But I am going to change my ways
04/10/2019, 5:40 am - Emmanuel �: Not for you
04/10/2019, 5:40 am - Emmanuel �: But for God
04/10/2019, 5:40 am - Emmanuel �: Because I have been unfaithful to him to
04/10/2019, 5:41 am - Emmanuel �: I have not loved him with all my soul mind heart
and being
04/10/2019, 5:41 am - Emmanuel �: And I have not love my neighbor as I love myself
04/10/2019, 5:42 am - Emmanuel �: And I have not obey his commands
04/10/2019, 5:44 am - Emmanuel �: I have been a Fake Christian
04/10/2019, 5:45 am - Emmanuel �: I am not real
04/10/2019, 5:45 am - Emmanuel �: To you or to God
04/10/2019, 5:45 am - Emmanuel �: Because we have already done things not please
to God over the phone and we haven't met
04/10/2019, 5:46 am - Emmanuel �: I don't need a girl I need a woman of God in my
04/10/2019, 5:46 am - Emmanuel �: I don't need a girlfriend and need a wife
04/10/2019, 5:48 am - Emmanuel �: I need someone who is willing to obey God love
God and love other and be righteous every day and you and not that but you can
change you can become that if you surrender to the spirit of God
04/10/2019, 5:48 am - Emmanuel �: And I surrender to the spirit of God
04/10/2019, 5:49 am - Emmanuel �: So right now my priority is not you it is
finding the presence of God
04/10/2019, 5:50 am - Emmanuel �: And your priority is nothing else only finding
the presence of God that is your priority
04/10/2019, 5:57 am - Emmanuel �: If we really love each other we will make it
04/10/2019, 5:58 am - Emmanuel �: And love you because it is God that put you in
my life
04/10/2019, 5:58 am - Emmanuel �: But I want my love for you to be real and pure
like the love of God and I want yours for me to be the same
04/10/2019, 6:03 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
04/10/2019, 6:03 am - My Love: I want the same hun
04/10/2019, 6:03 am - My Love: Bye my bb
04/10/2019, 6:03 am - My Love: I am late hun
04/10/2019, 2:55 pm - My Love: I reach home my bb
04/10/2019, 4:03 pm - My Love: I miss u my bb
04/10/2019, 4:03 pm - My Love: Hope you are well hun
04/10/2019, 6:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I am okay
04/10/2019, 7:11 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
04/10/2019, 7:11 pm - My Love: Huunn
04/10/2019, 7:12 pm - My Love: Hun.. i had some problem with the wifi on my new
04/10/2019, 7:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
04/10/2019, 7:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I am going with Anthony for a short while
04/10/2019, 7:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I will be home soon
04/10/2019, 7:15 pm - My Love: Hope u enjoy bb
04/10/2019, 7:15 pm - My Love: I will miss u hun
04/10/2019, 7:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I will talk to you when I come back
04/10/2019, 7:15 pm - My Love: Carry me with u bb
04/10/2019, 7:15 pm - My Love: When u reach i want to study the bible together hun
04/10/2019, 7:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
04/10/2019, 7:16 pm - My Love: I hug u tight bb
04/10/2019, 7:16 pm - Emmanuel �: You are always in my heart
04/10/2019, 7:16 pm - My Love: Thank u bb
04/10/2019, 7:16 pm - My Love: Bb.. tell antony hi for me bb
04/10/2019, 7:16 pm - My Love: Hun.. remember me
04/10/2019, 7:16 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
04/10/2019, 7:16 pm - My Love: To tell u something about aunty jenny
04/10/2019, 7:17 pm - My Love: When u reach home
04/10/2019, 7:23 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
04/10/2019, 7:25 pm - Emmanuel �: What ?
04/10/2019, 7:25 pm - My Love: When u reach home bb
04/10/2019, 7:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Anthony not reach yet
04/10/2019, 7:26 pm - My Love: I forgot to tell u
04/10/2019, 7:26 pm - My Love: Oohh
04/10/2019, 7:26 pm - My Love: I see bb
04/10/2019, 7:26 pm - My Love: Well
04/10/2019, 7:26 pm - My Love: I will tell u
04/10/2019, 7:26 pm - My Love: Aunty jennny told me u are a niceeee guy
04/10/2019, 7:26 pm - My Love: U seem hard worker
04/10/2019, 7:26 pm - My Love: She said like u afraid of plain
04/10/2019, 7:26 pm - My Love: Hehe
04/10/2019, 7:27 pm - My Love: Because u mention about her something about plane
04/10/2019, 7:27 pm - Emmanuel �: A little
04/10/2019, 7:27 pm - My Love: So that is what she said
04/10/2019, 7:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I am afraid of being high
04/10/2019, 7:27 pm - My Love: She said.. u past more time with nanee
04/10/2019, 7:27 pm - My Love: Really.. me too bb
04/10/2019, 7:27 pm - My Love: And aunty sandra
04/10/2019, 7:27 pm - My Love: I saw videos
04/10/2019, 7:27 pm - My Love:
04/10/2019, 7:28 pm - My Love: And guess what
04/10/2019, 7:28 pm - Emmanuel �: She is a nice lady
04/10/2019, 7:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I like aunty Sandra
04/10/2019, 7:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Anthony reach hun
04/10/2019, 7:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Bue
04/10/2019, 7:28 pm - My Love: I saw u laughing and talling to aunty sandra and
nanee.. and the place was cold.
Your hands was fold.. and nanee one also.. and i saw u smiling with aunty sandra
04/10/2019, 7:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye
04/10/2019, 7:28 pm - My Love: ��
04/10/2019, 7:29 pm - My Love: Nooo
04/10/2019, 7:29 pm - My Love: I need to tell u more bb
04/10/2019, 7:29 pm - My Love: Ok
04/10/2019, 7:29 pm - My Love: Byeeee
04/10/2019, 7:29 pm - My Love: Take care
04/10/2019, 7:29 pm - My Love: Tell antony
04/10/2019, 7:29 pm - My Love: Hii
04/10/2019, 7:29 pm - My Love: For me
04/10/2019, 7:29 pm - My Love: Pleaseeee
04/10/2019, 7:29 pm - Emmanuel �: You will
04/10/2019, 7:29 pm - My Love:
04/10/2019, 7:29 pm - My Love: Byyeeeee huunnn
04/10/2019, 7:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't worry
04/10/2019, 7:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye
04/10/2019, 7:44 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
04/10/2019, 9:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
04/10/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: You are there
04/10/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: Yes my love
04/10/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: ��
04/10/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: I tought u will come back more faster
04/10/2019, 9:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes Anthony took longer than I thought
04/10/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: Ohh cool bb
04/10/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: Its ok..
04/10/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: The important thing.. is that u are home and save
04/10/2019, 9:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I guess we will not study anymore
04/10/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: Yes i want to
04/10/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: Lets do it
04/10/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: Because i dont want to waste time
04/10/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: U are ready?
04/10/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: Or u want to do something before we start?
04/10/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: If you are interested in studying God's word
04/10/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not stop you
04/10/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: And you are not interestedm
04/10/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: ??
04/10/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I am always interested
04/10/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: Great to hear
04/10/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: So
04/10/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: Let us start
04/10/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
04/10/2019, 9:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Let me get the lesson
04/10/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: Ok
04/10/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: I will be waiting
04/10/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: https://youtu.be/sfuqeXKLrjU
04/10/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: We are going to talk about lust
04/10/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: Ok bb
04/10/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you need to know the difference between
lust and love
04/10/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Us the link
04/10/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: Ok my love
04/10/2019, 9:18 pm - Emmanuel �: And go to the video
04/10/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: Ok
04/10/2019, 9:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Watch it and after we can discuss it
04/10/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: U will wacht it also with me?
04/10/2019, 9:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
04/10/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: Cool
04/10/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: I will go now
04/10/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: And u?
04/10/2019, 9:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I am going to start now
04/10/2019, 9:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
04/10/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: Great
04/10/2019, 9:26 pm - My Love: U finish?
04/10/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
04/10/2019, 9:26 pm - My Love: So tell meeee
04/10/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Purity is something beautiful
04/10/2019, 9:27 pm - My Love: Yes its
04/10/2019, 9:27 pm - My Love: But hard to mantain it so
04/10/2019, 9:27 pm - My Love: Because of the flesh
04/10/2019, 9:28 pm - Emmanuel �: But now in the world we live in sex is something
that is easy to access
04/10/2019, 9:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Pornography on the internet
04/10/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: Everything is on internet
04/10/2019, 9:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Young woman giving themselves easy
04/10/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: U notice that even a small child have phone
04/10/2019, 9:29 pm - Emmanuel �: And when you see a woman in a magazine that is
04/10/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: Most of the teen agers
04/10/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: Have phone
04/10/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: And wacht all cain of things
04/10/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: That not suppost to
04/10/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: Yes.. or in a picture. Anywhere them edit it
04/10/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: Always
04/10/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: Most of them
04/10/2019, 9:30 pm - Emmanuel �: In reality your wife body will go tru changes
04/10/2019, 9:30 pm - Emmanuel �: All of them
04/10/2019, 9:31 pm - Emmanuel �: And if the relationship is base on lust and not
04/10/2019, 9:31 pm - Emmanuel �: You will not be able the see your wife the same
after she makes children and her body changes
04/10/2019, 9:32 pm - Emmanuel �: In the bible God says we can wrestle with satan
04/10/2019, 9:33 pm - Emmanuel �: But we must flee from lust
04/10/2019, 9:33 pm - Emmanuel �: That is how strong lust is
04/10/2019, 9:33 pm - My Love: Yes
04/10/2019, 9:33 pm - Emmanuel �: A tru relationship is base on love
04/10/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: Efesios:6.. i think
04/10/2019, 9:34 pm - Emmanuel �: And if you really love someone you will keep
your purity
04/10/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: Yes bb
04/10/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: I am keeping it bb.. for u
04/10/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: With all my heart
04/10/2019, 9:37 pm - Emmanuel �: It is easy if you really love someone
04/10/2019, 9:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Because when you love someone you guard your
eyes from others
04/10/2019, 9:38 pm - Emmanuel �: And you guard yourself
04/10/2019, 9:39 pm - My Love: Yes bb
04/10/2019, 9:39 pm - My Love: Its truth
04/10/2019, 9:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Well next time we study we will continue with
love and lust
04/10/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: Great
04/10/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: That sounds great
04/10/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: Bb
04/10/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: When we marry
04/10/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: Or i dont know before
04/10/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: If u want
04/10/2019, 9:42 pm - My Love: We can plan which program our childrens will be
04/10/2019, 9:42 pm - My Love: And also which is the right age to have phones
04/10/2019, 9:42 pm - My Love: And things like that bb
04/10/2019, 9:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I will collect all these teachings
04/10/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: Yes
04/10/2019, 9:43 pm - Emmanuel �: So that they will not make the mistake that we
04/10/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: Yes hun
04/10/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: I agre with u
04/10/2019, 9:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Hopefully the will be able to give a complete
04/10/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: And if u forget i will be here remember u
04/10/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love:
04/10/2019, 9:44 pm - Emmanuel �: To their future partner
04/10/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: Yes my love.. we will be praying for them.. u will
lead them and i will guide them
04/10/2019, 9:44 pm - Emmanuel �: And God will send the right person who deserve
04/10/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: Yes my love.. also
04/10/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: We have to pray for our bbs even them not born as
04/10/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: We need to pray for them to find them parner
04/10/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: And to remain pure
04/10/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: Hun
04/10/2019, 9:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
04/10/2019, 9:48 pm - Emmanuel �: We need to do that
04/10/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: Bb
04/10/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: I get to know just now i girl from church past away
04/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: But them families dont know that she die
04/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: So them are trying to get contact with her
04/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: And the mother of that young girl lives very very
far from us and she is a leader in our church el faro
04/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: Pastora shirley church
04/10/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: She had i think 27 years or so
04/10/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry to hear that hun
04/10/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: Not to long she complet a next year
04/10/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: And she leave her home to go and work in mines area
04/10/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: No one knows when them time will reach
04/10/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: And them was shooting
04/10/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: And one bolit
04/10/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: Cacht her
04/10/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: And she die
04/10/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: Her mom and family will be real real sad
04/10/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: I know that she will die with much pain
04/10/2019, 9:53 pm - My Love: The mother
04/10/2019, 9:53 pm - My Love: Because she love all her childrens
04/10/2019, 9:53 pm - My Love: And she pray so much for them
04/10/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes it is not good to be easy to hear it
04/10/2019, 9:53 pm - My Love: And none of them are christians
04/10/2019, 9:53 pm - My Love: None of them love God how she love God
04/10/2019, 9:53 pm - My Love: Anyway hun
04/10/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: God ways are higher than ours
04/10/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
04/10/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: Sometimes we cant understand why certains things
04/10/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: But after.. then we understand why
04/10/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: Time does have to past to understand certains things
in life
04/10/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
04/10/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: This is how God create everything
04/10/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: He knows everything bb
04/10/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes life is uncertain
04/10/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: Her daugther that past away
04/10/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: No one knows if they will live to see tomorrow
04/10/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: She did much for God in her tount
04/10/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: Yount
04/10/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: And she get pregnant
04/10/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: Not married
04/10/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: And get a bb girl
04/10/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: Go with a next boy
04/10/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: Get pregnant
04/10/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Is it alicia
04/10/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: And get a bb boy
04/10/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
04/10/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: No
04/10/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: She name is eli
04/10/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: And with the same one.. she get pregnant again and
get a bb girl
04/10/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: 3 kids she have
04/10/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: And none daddy
04/10/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: None husband
04/10/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: None man
04/10/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: She alone
04/10/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: The big girl have like 7 years
04/10/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: And the boy like 4 and the small girl like 3
04/10/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Where are the fathers of the children ?
04/10/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: Them boys in venezuela.. pregnant one girl and one
next one and so on.. and never take responsability in sending money or so
04/10/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: There is none law in venezuela
04/10/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: I mean.. if u call police because the daddy not
sending money to them kids... its wasting time
04/10/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Even in church?
04/10/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: Them will not do anything
04/10/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: No
04/10/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: I mean worldly one
04/10/2019, 10:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
04/10/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: She was with worldly mens
04/10/2019, 10:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
04/10/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: She leave church
04/10/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: After she get pregnant
04/10/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: For the first time
04/10/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: And mess up more her life
04/10/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: With the world
04/10/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: Knowing the truth
04/10/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: And doing wrong
04/10/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: We all know the truth and do wrong
04/10/2019, 10:02 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
04/10/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Some just make more bigger mistakes
04/10/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: Well yes
04/10/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: And a small sin is same sin if its bigger or not
04/10/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I will go to bed now
04/10/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: Really??
04/10/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Daddy wants tea
04/10/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: So early?
04/10/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I will make it
04/10/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: U cant do it bb
04/10/2019, 10:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Then I will sleep
04/10/2019, 10:04 pm - My Love: U are well bb?
04/10/2019, 10:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night to you
04/10/2019, 10:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Sleep well
04/10/2019, 10:04 pm - My Love: Hun.. u will go and sleep?
04/10/2019, 10:04 pm - Emmanuel �: You want me to be honest
04/10/2019, 10:04 pm - My Love: Or be up all the night
04/10/2019, 10:04 pm - My Love: ?
04/10/2019, 10:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not well
04/10/2019, 10:06 pm - My Love: Hun.. can i hug u
04/10/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: I really not prefer it hun
04/10/2019, 10:07 pm - My Love: Ok bb
04/10/2019, 10:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you are the reason I am not well
04/10/2019, 10:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I am trying
04/10/2019, 10:07 pm - My Love: Hun.. i am here if u need me bb
04/10/2019, 10:07 pm - My Love: When ever u want
04/10/2019, 10:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I need God
04/10/2019, 10:08 pm - My Love: All of us meed him
04/10/2019, 10:08 pm - My Love: I will pray for u bb
04/10/2019, 10:09 pm - My Love: U will pray before u sleep?
04/10/2019, 10:09 pm - My Love: Most do it bb
04/10/2019, 10:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I will go now good night andreina
04/10/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: Good night my love.. hope you be better soon bb.. n
i can get back that amazing smile
04/10/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: �
04/10/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
04/10/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
04/10/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night
04/10/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye
04/10/2019, 10:12 pm - My Love: Bye bb����
04/10/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: What is there to smile for
04/10/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I only want God he deserves my smile
04/10/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: Yes.. i not deserve anything
04/10/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Because he loves me and never do anything to
hurt me
04/10/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: Never i was
04/10/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: And never i will
04/10/2019, 10:20 pm - Emmanuel �: I am tired of giving my love to selfish people
04/10/2019, 10:20 pm - Emmanuel �: I am giving my all to God
04/10/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: Me too
04/10/2019, 10:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Well good for you
04/10/2019, 10:21 pm - Emmanuel �: I am glad
04/10/2019, 10:21 pm - My Love: Good for u too
04/10/2019, 10:21 pm - My Love: I am happy
04/10/2019, 10:24 pm - My Love: Hun.. jesus give his all to this world.. and he
never expect for return
04/10/2019, 10:24 pm - My Love: But what he wanted is to the world praise God.. and
turn to them wiched ways
04/10/2019, 10:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I have been talking advantage of so much
because I care
04/10/2019, 10:26 pm - My Love: I know my love
04/10/2019, 10:26 pm - My Love: I know u experiences so much things
04/10/2019, 10:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I just want to be alone with my God
04/10/2019, 10:26 pm - My Love: That make u become this way hun
04/10/2019, 10:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want woman hug love kisses nothing
04/10/2019, 10:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I just want him
04/10/2019, 10:27 pm - My Love: U have him
04/10/2019, 10:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I will be honest with you
04/10/2019, 10:27 pm - My Love: Tell me bb
04/10/2019, 10:27 pm - Emmanuel �: How you treat me and all you have done to me
04/10/2019, 10:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Makes me want to be alone I don't have feelings
for woman or marriage
04/10/2019, 10:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Or nothing
04/10/2019, 10:28 pm - My Love: Hhuunnnnnnnnn
04/10/2019, 10:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't even feel for you
04/10/2019, 10:29 pm - My Love: Bbbbbbbbbbbbb
04/10/2019, 10:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I am telling you the truth hun
04/10/2019, 10:29 pm - My Love: ��������
04/10/2019, 10:29 pm - Emmanuel �: You want me to lie to you
04/10/2019, 10:29 pm - My Love: No bb
04/10/2019, 10:29 pm - My Love: But it hurt me bb
04/10/2019, 10:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I just want to be alone
04/10/2019, 10:29 pm - My Love: Hun
04/10/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: And where i will be
04/10/2019, 10:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not saying this to hurt you
04/10/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: If u are alone
04/10/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: ?
04/10/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: I know bb
04/10/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: But
04/10/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: In a way still hurt
04/10/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I am telling you that didn't know you would
take me for granted like that
04/10/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I thought this time things would be
04/10/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: But really it is not so different
04/10/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I am still being taken advantage in a
relationship that I thought was the real thing
04/10/2019, 10:32 pm - My Love: Wheennn hun
04/10/2019, 10:32 pm - My Love: Hun i didnt take advantage bb of u
04/10/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: A lot of time
04/10/2019, 10:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Your selfishness
04/10/2019, 10:33 pm - Emmanuel �: You do everything to please you
04/10/2019, 10:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want you to please me
04/10/2019, 10:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Either
04/10/2019, 10:33 pm - My Love: Hun
04/10/2019, 10:33 pm - My Love: What u are saying
04/10/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: Bb.. i do what i have to do
04/10/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I just want you to think about me sometimes
04/10/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: Not what i feel like to do or want to do
04/10/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: I think about u most of the time hun
04/10/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: When you leave me we hardly interact
04/10/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: And you are never really here
04/10/2019, 10:35 pm - My Love: Hun.. and when i am here.. u are not here
04/10/2019, 10:35 pm - My Love: So
04/10/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: And when you finally get some time with me
04/10/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: You are doing other things on the fone
04/10/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: And then you say I miss you
04/10/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: How you expect me to believe it
04/10/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: When what you do tells me another thing
04/10/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Why am I explaining what you already know
04/10/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: How many times you promise things will be
04/10/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: How many times we have to have this exact
04/10/2019, 10:38 pm - My Love: Hun
04/10/2019, 10:38 pm - My Love: Everyone is different bb
04/10/2019, 10:38 pm - My Love: �
04/10/2019, 10:38 pm - Emmanuel �: From the beginning when you say you didn't feel
the same way about me I should of left since then
04/10/2019, 10:39 pm - My Love: Hun
04/10/2019, 10:39 pm - My Love: How u can think this way
04/10/2019, 10:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Because if someone can't love you from the
start how will them love you in the end
04/10/2019, 10:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Because of what you have done to me
04/10/2019, 10:40 pm - Emmanuel �: And then say it is love
04/10/2019, 10:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night andreina you don't care as much as I
04/10/2019, 10:41 pm - Emmanuel �: This relationship is unequal
04/10/2019, 10:41 pm - Emmanuel �: And it can't work
04/10/2019, 10:41 pm - My Love: Hun
04/10/2019, 10:41 pm - My Love: Bb
04/10/2019, 10:41 pm - My Love: I dont want u to go hun
04/10/2019, 10:41 pm - My Love: Hun
04/10/2019, 10:41 pm - My Love: I know if God is the center of our lifes
04/10/2019, 10:41 pm - My Love: And relationship
04/10/2019, 10:42 pm - My Love: It will work
04/10/2019, 10:42 pm - Emmanuel �: He is not
04/10/2019, 10:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Give me a reason to remain
04/10/2019, 10:42 pm - My Love: Become*
04/10/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I already told you
04/10/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Focus on God
04/10/2019, 10:43 pm - My Love: God purpuse in our life hun..
04/10/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I will do the same
04/10/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: If God was us together it will happen
04/10/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: You have a lot of work to do
04/10/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Before you can put others first
04/10/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you parent's spoil you
04/10/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: In that area
04/10/2019, 10:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want my daughter to be like that
04/10/2019, 10:45 pm - Emmanuel �: She must put others more than herself
04/10/2019, 10:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Philippians

New Living Translation

Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as
better than yourselves.
04/10/2019, 10:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Philippians 2:3 ►

04/10/2019, 10:47 pm - My Love: Amen bb

04/10/2019, 10:48 pm - Emmanuel �: If you don't change your ways I am never
marrying someone like you
04/10/2019, 10:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Because my children will be selfish
04/10/2019, 10:48 pm - Emmanuel �: And that is not the will of God
04/10/2019, 10:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night
04/10/2019, 10:51 pm - My Love: �
04/10/2019, 10:51 pm - My Love: I dont have anything to say
04/10/2019, 10:52 pm - My Love: I think my words not have value
04/10/2019, 10:52 pm - My Love: I think if i say or not say something its not
important either its not truthful to u
04/10/2019, 10:52 pm - My Love: So i think there is no reason to say anything
04/10/2019, 10:53 pm - My Love: My heart is dying
04/10/2019, 10:53 pm - My Love: N i am not telling u for u to do something
04/10/2019, 10:54 pm - My Love: N
04/10/2019, 10:54 pm - My Love: Each person have feelings u know
04/10/2019, 10:54 pm - My Love: Just like u
04/10/2019, 10:54 pm - My Love: And if one day someone did u something or hurt u
04/10/2019, 10:55 pm - My Love: Dont do it to no one who is around u
04/10/2019, 10:55 pm - My Love: I dont even know if u are still thinking of me
04/10/2019, 10:56 pm - Emmanuel �: The truth hurts
04/10/2019, 10:56 pm - My Love: But u hurt my feelings
04/10/2019, 10:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me if I am lying
04/10/2019, 10:56 pm - Emmanuel �: On you
04/10/2019, 10:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Do you know what you have done to mines
04/10/2019, 10:56 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
04/10/2019, 10:56 pm - My Love: No emmanuel
04/10/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: U are not
04/10/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: Yes i know hun
04/10/2019, 10:57 pm - Emmanuel �: You didn't just hurt them
04/10/2019, 10:57 pm - Emmanuel �: You killed them
04/10/2019, 10:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I feel nothing now
04/10/2019, 10:57 pm - Emmanuel �: For no one
04/10/2019, 10:57 pm - Emmanuel �: And you are responsible for that
04/10/2019, 10:58 pm - Emmanuel �: I will leave before you blame me more
04/10/2019, 10:58 pm - Emmanuel �: For hurting you
04/10/2019, 10:58 pm - My Love: I am not blaming u
04/10/2019, 10:58 pm - My Love: I never said u are the cause of what i am feeling
04/10/2019, 10:58 pm - My Love: U are the one blaming me
04/10/2019, 10:58 pm - My Love: Not me to u
04/10/2019, 10:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Well I will leave so I don't have to tell you
anything to hurt toy5
04/10/2019, 10:59 pm - Emmanuel �: You
04/10/2019, 10:59 pm - My Love: Was necessary to say this hun
04/10/2019, 10:59 pm - Emmanuel �: For me it is
04/10/2019, 10:59 pm - Emmanuel �: It is to let you see how your actions affect us
04/10/2019, 11:00 pm - Emmanuel �: If I don't let you know that I am serious you
will continue
04/10/2019, 11:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you always do
04/10/2019, 11:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you to know
04/10/2019, 11:01 pm - Emmanuel �: That I am ready and willing
04/10/2019, 11:01 pm - Emmanuel �: To never marry you
04/10/2019, 11:01 pm - My Love: What
04/10/2019, 11:01 pm - Emmanuel �: If you don't become the person that God wants
for me
04/10/2019, 11:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I am serious about this
04/10/2019, 11:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Because my future depends on it
04/10/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: U think i will not become eh
04/10/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: Answer me
04/10/2019, 11:02 pm - Emmanuel �: My unborn children depends on it
04/10/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: U always think so negative
04/10/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: So low
04/10/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: A out every single think
04/10/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: Always u think low about your self about me about
04/10/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: About everything
04/10/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: Listen u have to change also its not only me
04/10/2019, 11:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me something
04/10/2019, 11:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Do I think so without a reason?
04/10/2019, 11:03 pm - My Love: U are putting me like if i have all single fault on
our relationship
04/10/2019, 11:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Was I thinking so from the beginning?
04/10/2019, 11:03 pm - Emmanuel �: What made me start thinking so ?
04/10/2019, 11:04 pm - Emmanuel �: You are the one always doing something to put
our relationship to be destroyed
04/10/2019, 11:05 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't think about the things you say
04/10/2019, 11:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Or do
04/10/2019, 11:05 pm - Emmanuel �: You behave like you are not in a relationship
04/10/2019, 11:05 pm - Emmanuel �: You have not set boundaries for yourself
04/10/2019, 11:06 pm - Emmanuel �: And you cross the line
04/10/2019, 11:06 pm - My Love: Emmanuel
04/10/2019, 11:06 pm - Emmanuel �: I set boundaries for myself in our relationship
04/10/2019, 11:06 pm - Emmanuel �: That I will never cross
04/10/2019, 11:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun you know what
04/10/2019, 11:08 pm - Emmanuel �: What we are doing here is not of God
04/10/2019, 11:09 pm - Emmanuel �: It is glorifying the devil
04/10/2019, 11:09 pm - Emmanuel �: You evaluate yourself
04/10/2019, 11:09 pm - Emmanuel �: You know what you have done
04/10/2019, 11:09 pm - Emmanuel �: You know your heart and your mind
04/10/2019, 11:10 pm - Emmanuel �: You know right from wrong and you are not a
little child
04/10/2019, 11:10 pm - Emmanuel �: You know when you are doing wrong
04/10/2019, 11:11 pm - Emmanuel �: You God to your God deal with that
04/10/2019, 11:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Become a real woman of God not a fake
04/10/2019, 11:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Not pretend in the face of every one and when
no one is watching you are somebody else
04/10/2019, 11:12 pm - Emmanuel �: That is between you and God
04/10/2019, 11:12 pm - Emmanuel �: And me I am Going to my God
04/10/2019, 11:13 pm - Emmanuel �: And deal with my things I need to change
04/10/2019, 11:13 pm - Emmanuel �: And if you sincerely do that
04/10/2019, 11:13 pm - Emmanuel �: GOD will make away for us
04/10/2019, 11:14 pm - Emmanuel �: And we will have a beautiful family
04/10/2019, 11:14 pm - Emmanuel �: If you don't I am being honest
04/10/2019, 11:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I will ask God to move on from this
04/10/2019, 11:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Because being in a unequal relationship is not
04/10/2019, 11:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I really will God not
04/10/2019, 11:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Go now
04/10/2019, 11:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I hope you have a bless night
04/10/2019, 11:16 pm - My Love: I hope too
04/10/2019, 11:16 pm - My Love: U be bless
04/10/2019, 11:16 pm - My Love: As always
05/10/2019, 5:30 am - My Love: Good morning hun.. have a great day in God.. he
deserve all the glory and honor.. never sease to worship and to praise him bb.. let
every second God be glorify in your life.. and use you for his kingdom in this
05/10/2019, 5:30 am - My Love:
05/10/2019, 6:06 am - Emmanuel �: Amen
05/10/2019, 6:06 am - Emmanuel �: Have a great day also
05/10/2019, 6:28 am - Emmanuel �: This is our purpose everyone is living for
themselves but if we really belong to God's kingdom our life will be a sacrifice
for others
05/10/2019, 6:29 am - Emmanuel �: So learn how to sacrifice because if you really
want to be with me your life will be a life of sacrifice
05/10/2019, 6:59 am - Emmanuel �: I don't want to hurt you
05/10/2019, 6:59 am - Emmanuel �: And you don't want to hurt me
05/10/2019, 7:00 am - Emmanuel �: But we keep hurting each other
05/10/2019, 7:00 am - Emmanuel �: So that is why I am choose to focus on God right
05/10/2019, 7:00 am - Emmanuel �: Maybe one day we can be good to each other
05/10/2019, 7:04 am - Emmanuel �: And love each other the way it is supposed to be
and the way God wants it it to be
05/10/2019, 7:05 am - Emmanuel �: But right now my heart is hurting
05/10/2019, 7:08 am - Emmanuel �: Hun I don't really understand what to do or what
to do
05/10/2019, 7:08 am - Emmanuel �: So I am seeking God for the answer
05/10/2019, 7:09 am - Emmanuel �: To know what to do
05/10/2019, 7:09 am - Emmanuel �: Because this relationship is not right
05/10/2019, 7:10 am - Emmanuel �: It is not what God wants from us we are doing or
own thing we still love the things of this world
05/10/2019, 7:10 am - Emmanuel �: And God is not please with us
05/10/2019, 7:11 am - Emmanuel �: I am say us because I know it is not you alone
05/10/2019, 7:12 am - Emmanuel �: But unless we see it and admit it and turn from
our wicked ways our relationship will never heal it will get worse and worse I
promise this will happen because I see it happening to so many others
05/10/2019, 7:13 am - Emmanuel �: If my people, which are called by my name, shall
humble themselves, pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I
will hear from heaven, and will heal their land.
05/10/2019, 7:14 am - Emmanuel �: If we really say we belong to God we will be
05/10/2019, 7:14 am - Emmanuel �: We will seek his face
05/10/2019, 7:15 am - Emmanuel �: And turn from our ways
05/10/2019, 7:15 am - Emmanuel �: Then he will hear us
05/10/2019, 7:15 am - Emmanuel �: And heal our relationship
05/10/2019, 7:15 am - Emmanuel �: But we can't just say it we have to do it
05/10/2019, 7:16 am - Emmanuel �: How did God know for sure Abraham love him
05/10/2019, 7:17 am - Emmanuel �: It was the moment when Abraham was willing to
give up everything for him
05/10/2019, 7:17 am - Emmanuel �: When he was willing to kill his own son
05/10/2019, 7:17 am - Emmanuel �: That is complete surrender and obedience
05/10/2019, 7:18 am - Emmanuel �: Do we have that in this relationship
05/10/2019, 7:19 am - Emmanuel �: Or are we living a different life in secret
where no one can see but God sees everything
05/10/2019, 7:19 am - Emmanuel �: If you leave me or cheat on me or anything hun
really I don't care anymore
05/10/2019, 7:20 am - Emmanuel �: We are not married and I still have time to walk
away from this relationship
05/10/2019, 7:20 am - Emmanuel �: And God will reaveal to me
05/10/2019, 7:20 am - Emmanuel �: But that is not the point
05/10/2019, 7:21 am - Emmanuel �: The point is God wants his people to change
05/10/2019, 7:21 am - Emmanuel �: And humble themselves
05/10/2019, 7:22 am - Emmanuel �: If we do that there is no way we would want to
do wrong things to each other
05/10/2019, 7:22 am - Emmanuel �: Our relationship will be beautiful
05/10/2019, 7:23 am - Emmanuel �: If we live our own way we will always be
fighting because we will not have unity faithfulness love and trust
05/10/2019, 7:23 am - Emmanuel �: And with out those things you don't have a
05/10/2019, 7:23 am - Emmanuel �: And these things have to be built by two people
05/10/2019, 7:24 am - Emmanuel �: And it have to be reforzarse everyday
05/10/2019, 7:25 am - Emmanuel �: A relationship is a lot of work and it is not
for one person to do
05/10/2019, 7:26 am - Emmanuel �: You can't just come home tired every evening go
to sleep and not put into your relationship and expect it to be healthy
05/10/2019, 7:26 am - Emmanuel �: It is the same with me it is the same with God
05/10/2019, 7:27 am - Emmanuel �: You have to make time for us
05/10/2019, 7:27 am - Emmanuel �: And put into your relationship with us
05/10/2019, 7:27 am - Emmanuel �: Otherwise your relationship with us will be weak
05/10/2019, 7:28 am - Emmanuel �: So it is your choice
05/10/2019, 7:28 am - Emmanuel �: If you want a healthy relationship or a sick one
05/10/2019, 9:28 am - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
05/10/2019, 9:41 am - Emmanuel �: My bb my love my precious one I am sorry please
forgive for my words it is not just you hun it's me also I am not better than you
05/10/2019, 3:34 pm - My Love: I can see everything tru your eyes bb
05/10/2019, 4:31 pm - My Love: I want this to happen bb
05/10/2019, 4:31 pm - My Love: We need to work on this
05/10/2019, 4:32 pm - My Love: Hun u look so amazing bb.. i really miss you hun
05/10/2019, 4:32 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
05/10/2019, 4:32 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
05/10/2019, 4:32 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
05/10/2019, 4:32 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
05/10/2019, 4:32 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
05/10/2019, 5:46 pm - My Love: Its ok my bb
05/10/2019, 5:47 pm - My Love: I forgive you bb
05/10/2019, 5:48 pm - My Love: I hug u tight my love
05/10/2019, 5:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I just come from working
05/10/2019, 5:49 pm - My Love: Yess
05/10/2019, 5:49 pm - My Love: Waaaa
05/10/2019, 5:49 pm - My Love: U work hard bb
05/10/2019, 5:49 pm - My Love: Always u do my love
05/10/2019, 5:49 pm - My Love: U deserve the best bb
05/10/2019, 5:50 pm - My Love: I am proud of u my love
05/10/2019, 5:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
05/10/2019, 5:50 pm - My Love: Because each day that pass u show me your care and
love to me
05/10/2019, 5:50 pm - My Love: Tell me
05/10/2019, 5:52 pm - Emmanuel �: It is not only you
05/10/2019, 5:52 pm - Emmanuel �: It is me also
05/10/2019, 5:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want the enemy to come between us
05/10/2019, 5:52 pm - My Love: I understand you bb
05/10/2019, 5:53 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to fight with you
05/10/2019, 5:53 pm - My Love: Me either bb
05/10/2019, 5:53 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to hurt you
05/10/2019, 5:53 pm - My Love: Me either hun
05/10/2019, 5:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Or point fingers against yoy
05/10/2019, 5:53 pm - Emmanuel �: You
05/10/2019, 5:53 pm - Emmanuel �: And I don't want You to feel like you don't have
a voice in the relationship
05/10/2019, 5:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you to be free to express yourself the
way God made you
05/10/2019, 5:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Everyone is different
05/10/2019, 5:54 pm - Emmanuel �: We are not all the same
05/10/2019, 5:55 pm - Emmanuel �: All I want is your honestly loyalty and
05/10/2019, 5:55 pm - My Love:
05/10/2019, 5:56 pm - My Love: U have it my hun
05/10/2019, 5:56 pm - Emmanuel �: And for you to treat me the way I treat you
05/10/2019, 5:56 pm - Emmanuel �: That the love will be equal
05/10/2019, 5:58 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 5:58 pm - My Love: Honestly i dont have anywords to say
05/10/2019, 5:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not force you
05/10/2019, 5:59 pm - My Love: My heart is down.. n soft like never before
05/10/2019, 5:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Because it is not you alone is the problem
05/10/2019, 5:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I am to
05/10/2019, 5:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Just don't be unfaithful to me and I wouldn't to
05/10/2019, 6:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I trust in you
05/10/2019, 6:00 pm - My Love: And all what i wish now is a sincere hun and a
soulder that i can cry freely
05/10/2019, 6:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Mines it has no feeling
05/10/2019, 6:00 pm - Emmanuel �: You have it
05/10/2019, 6:01 pm - Emmanuel �: In me if you want it
05/10/2019, 6:01 pm - My Love: I dont have that person here next to me or at least
close in distance either
05/10/2019, 6:01 pm - Emmanuel �: This is only for a time
05/10/2019, 6:01 pm - My Love: U just do it because i said it
05/10/2019, 6:01 pm - Emmanuel �: You have God
05/10/2019, 6:01 pm - Emmanuel �: No hun
05/10/2019, 6:02 pm - My Love: I cant hug God
05/10/2019, 6:02 pm - My Love: Or touch him
05/10/2019, 6:02 pm - My Love: I want to feel u emmanuel
05/10/2019, 6:02 pm - Emmanuel �: His touch is so much more trust me when I tell
you so
05/10/2019, 6:02 pm - My Love: I am feeling u far
05/10/2019, 6:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't do this
05/10/2019, 6:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
05/10/2019, 6:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I have been tru enough
05/10/2019, 6:03 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 6:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Already please
05/10/2019, 6:03 pm - My Love: I didnt mean i feel far from u
05/10/2019, 6:03 pm - My Love: I mean
05/10/2019, 6:03 pm - Emmanuel �: The last time you said that
05/10/2019, 6:03 pm - My Love: That i feel u are far from me
05/10/2019, 6:03 pm - My Love: I feel the one who is far from me is u
05/10/2019, 6:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I end up being hurt
05/10/2019, 6:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Really bad
05/10/2019, 6:04 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to be
05/10/2019, 6:04 pm - Emmanuel �: But even a puppy when you ignore it it goes away
05/10/2019, 6:05 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 6:05 pm - My Love: Come close hun
05/10/2019, 6:05 pm - My Love: I want u close
05/10/2019, 6:05 pm - My Love: I want u near of me
05/10/2019, 6:05 pm - My Love: In every moment always for ever and ever
05/10/2019, 6:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to be close
05/10/2019, 6:05 pm - My Love: I want to feel u always
05/10/2019, 6:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I never wanted to be anywhere eles
05/10/2019, 6:06 pm - My Love: I want to always close my eyes and see u
05/10/2019, 6:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Be with you
05/10/2019, 6:06 pm - Emmanuel �: But with you
05/10/2019, 6:06 pm - My Love: I want to be anywhere i see u next to me
05/10/2019, 6:06 pm - My Love: And feel u here hun
05/10/2019, 6:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
05/10/2019, 6:06 pm - My Love: Hun..
05/10/2019, 6:06 pm - My Love:
05/10/2019, 6:06 pm - Emmanuel �: You are my one
05/10/2019, 6:06 pm - Emmanuel �: I am telling you
05/10/2019, 6:07 pm - My Love: I want to be the one that always make u happy and
the greatest man in all this world
05/10/2019, 6:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I only far because you neglected me
05/10/2019, 6:07 pm - My Love: I want you call me your wife always and i call u my
husband in the future
05/10/2019, 6:09 pm - My Love: I want u to make me remember our crazyness together
remember me our moments together remember me how our relation its the best one of
all remember me our Good moments
05/10/2019, 6:10 pm - My Love: I want u to feel that its worth been here hun
05/10/2019, 6:11 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 6:11 pm - Emmanuel �: It is worth hin
05/10/2019, 6:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
05/10/2019, 6:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry
05/10/2019, 6:11 pm - Emmanuel �: To you
05/10/2019, 6:11 pm - My Love: I want u to always smile bb
05/10/2019, 6:11 pm - My Love: Even i dont
05/10/2019, 6:11 pm - Emmanuel �: But I will always love you
05/10/2019, 6:12 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 6:12 pm - My Love: U dont know hun
05/10/2019, 6:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Even if I never get to be with you it wouldn't
change my love
05/10/2019, 6:12 pm - My Love: How i am dying here because i wanted to met u bb
05/10/2019, 6:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Even if you were meant to be with someoneles
05/10/2019, 6:13 pm - My Love: Hun u dont even know bb
05/10/2019, 6:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I will still love you the same
05/10/2019, 6:13 pm - My Love: And it hurt me when i remember one day in the past u
said u dont want to meet me..
05/10/2019, 6:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't have words
05/10/2019, 6:14 pm - Emmanuel �: There is nothing I can do
05/10/2019, 6:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I already hurt you
05/10/2019, 6:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I can't take it back
05/10/2019, 6:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I already did it
05/10/2019, 6:15 pm - Emmanuel �: And I can't go back in time and change it
05/10/2019, 6:15 pm - Emmanuel �: That is how dangerous hurting someone you love
05/10/2019, 6:16 pm - Emmanuel �: You have to now live with the consequences and
hope that the person will love you still
05/10/2019, 6:17 pm - My Love: How u can think this hun
05/10/2019, 6:17 pm - My Love: U know something
05/10/2019, 6:17 pm - My Love: In my mind
05/10/2019, 6:17 pm - My Love: I never and ever
05/10/2019, 6:17 pm - My Love: Think a posibility
05/10/2019, 6:17 pm - My Love: That u never meant to be with me
05/10/2019, 6:17 pm - My Love: Or this will never happrn
05/10/2019, 6:17 pm - My Love: Or this is a lie
05/10/2019, 6:17 pm - My Love: Or this is not true
05/10/2019, 6:18 pm - My Love: I always believe what God said
05/10/2019, 6:18 pm - My Love: Because what he said.. its truth
05/10/2019, 6:18 pm - My Love: And if he said it will happen.. it will be so
05/10/2019, 6:18 pm - My Love: Anyone can say anything but when God said something
its that
05/10/2019, 6:18 pm - My Love: And never cant change
05/10/2019, 6:18 pm - My Love: Not even what
05/10/2019, 6:19 pm - My Love: Only if u desobey and do your will and not the will
of God
05/10/2019, 6:19 pm - My Love: Then u will fall out of God will
05/10/2019, 6:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I am just showing that you change my life and if
God decision is you it is not me I will always love you I will not have anymore
girlfriend or wife it this doesn't work
05/10/2019, 6:19 pm - Emmanuel �: This is the last time for me
05/10/2019, 6:20 pm - My Love: Ohh
05/10/2019, 6:20 pm - Emmanuel �: That I try to to love someone
05/10/2019, 6:20 pm - My Love: I see
05/10/2019, 6:20 pm - My Love: I understand your point now
05/10/2019, 6:20 pm - Emmanuel �: This is the last relationship for me
05/10/2019, 6:20 pm - My Love: I dont want to be in a next relationship
05/10/2019, 6:20 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't wish to try anymore
05/10/2019, 6:20 pm - My Love: For me this is the only one and last one
05/10/2019, 6:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Weather you stay or you go you will be my last
05/10/2019, 6:21 pm - My Love: I will always stay hun
05/10/2019, 6:21 pm - My Love: I dont have any reason to go
05/10/2019, 6:21 pm - My Love: And never i will have it
05/10/2019, 6:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Let me tell you something
05/10/2019, 6:22 pm - Emmanuel �: This is God's will
05/10/2019, 6:22 pm - Emmanuel �: But if God love me and you
05/10/2019, 6:23 pm - Emmanuel �: And he sees on of us taking advantage of the
sincere one he will destroy the relationship
05/10/2019, 6:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Let me tell you what I believe
05/10/2019, 6:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I believe that it doesn't have a person for a
05/10/2019, 6:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I believe if Jose was good and really faithful
to you that God would of bless that relationship
05/10/2019, 6:25 pm - Emmanuel �: And you would of had a happy marriage with him
05/10/2019, 6:25 pm - Emmanuel �: But God see really that in his heart he wasn't
sincere to God or you
05/10/2019, 6:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Because if he really love you he wouldn't
threaten to shame you with them photos he had
05/10/2019, 6:26 pm - Emmanuel �: And I told him that
05/10/2019, 6:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I told him one day when me and he talk
05/10/2019, 6:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I told him how you expect to win back andreina
heart by shaming her that way
05/10/2019, 6:27 pm - My Love: I notice this also
05/10/2019, 6:27 pm - Emmanuel �: He didn't care about your character
05/10/2019, 6:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun if was me and I was losing you
05/10/2019, 6:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I will never shame you
05/10/2019, 6:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I would let you go
05/10/2019, 6:28 pm - My Love: I know u would not do that
05/10/2019, 6:28 pm - Emmanuel �: And it is the same with me and grace
05/10/2019, 6:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Me and her could of marriage and have a happy
05/10/2019, 6:29 pm - Emmanuel �: But God see
05/10/2019, 6:29 pm - Emmanuel �: She was behind my back
05/10/2019, 6:29 pm - Emmanuel �: And leave me for our friend
05/10/2019, 6:29 pm - Emmanuel �: And that she wasn't sincere
05/10/2019, 6:30 pm - Emmanuel �: She didn't really love me
05/10/2019, 6:30 pm - Emmanuel �: So God cause the relationship to fail
05/10/2019, 6:31 pm - Emmanuel �: That is why I always tell you what God give he
can take away
05/10/2019, 6:31 pm - My Love: Yes
05/10/2019, 6:31 pm - My Love: What he give he can take it away
05/10/2019, 6:31 pm - My Love: But my question is
05/10/2019, 6:31 pm - Emmanuel �: If he sees it Is a danger for someone who is
sincere to him
05/10/2019, 6:32 pm - My Love: U 100%sure that God give u grace?
05/10/2019, 6:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
05/10/2019, 6:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I am
05/10/2019, 6:32 pm - My Love: Well
05/10/2019, 6:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Because when God give it it was perfect
05/10/2019, 6:32 pm - My Love: My expirence is
05/10/2019, 6:32 pm - Emmanuel �: But we corupted it
05/10/2019, 6:33 pm - My Love: That God not give me yose
05/10/2019, 6:33 pm - My Love: God was showing me that he is not for me
05/10/2019, 6:33 pm - My Love: Before we break up
05/10/2019, 6:33 pm - Emmanuel �: From the beginning?
05/10/2019, 6:33 pm - My Love: No
05/10/2019, 6:33 pm - My Love: After a while
05/10/2019, 6:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Exactly
05/10/2019, 6:34 pm - My Love: Because then i ask God
05/10/2019, 6:34 pm - My Love: N pray more
05/10/2019, 6:34 pm - Emmanuel �: God doesn't just give you someone hun
05/10/2019, 6:34 pm - Emmanuel �: He put the in your way
05/10/2019, 6:34 pm - Emmanuel �: You have to make the choice
05/10/2019, 6:34 pm - My Love: Yes
05/10/2019, 6:34 pm - My Love: Correct
05/10/2019, 6:34 pm - My Love: This is what happen
05/10/2019, 6:35 pm - My Love: But God not give him to me
05/10/2019, 6:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sure God did this when he started doing
05/10/2019, 6:35 pm - My Love: He put him in my way
05/10/2019, 6:35 pm - My Love: Yes..
05/10/2019, 6:35 pm - Emmanuel �: God didn't give me to you either
05/10/2019, 6:35 pm - Emmanuel �: He put me in your path
05/10/2019, 6:35 pm - Emmanuel �: You still had to choose
05/10/2019, 6:35 pm - My Love: Yes
05/10/2019, 6:36 pm - Emmanuel �: It is the same
05/10/2019, 6:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun if me and you do like our last relationship
the same will happen
05/10/2019, 6:36 pm - Emmanuel �: I am telling
05/10/2019, 6:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Because Jose is not a bad person or evil he
loves God but for a moment he didn't please God and treat you in the flesh
05/10/2019, 6:37 pm - Emmanuel �: And God remove him
05/10/2019, 6:37 pm - Emmanuel �: From you
05/10/2019, 6:37 pm - My Love: Yes
05/10/2019, 6:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you are a sincere girl
05/10/2019, 6:38 pm - My Love: It will happen if we do wrong hun
05/10/2019, 6:38 pm - Emmanuel �: You are not perfect
05/10/2019, 6:38 pm - Emmanuel �: But You are sincere
05/10/2019, 6:38 pm - My Love: Yes bb
05/10/2019, 6:38 pm - My Love: So
05/10/2019, 6:38 pm - My Love: We have to be strong
05/10/2019, 6:39 pm - My Love: N mature
05/10/2019, 6:39 pm - My Love: So when we met
05/10/2019, 6:39 pm - My Love: We will not do evil things
05/10/2019, 6:39 pm - My Love: We will always love the things that please God
05/10/2019, 6:39 pm - My Love: N marc a difference
05/10/2019, 6:39 pm - My Love: Everywhere we go
05/10/2019, 6:40 pm - Emmanuel �: In the beginning of our relationship you were
not completely sincere in loving me
05/10/2019, 6:40 pm - Emmanuel �: But I was
05/10/2019, 6:40 pm - Emmanuel �: And all i want is for our love for each other to
be equally
05/10/2019, 6:40 pm - Emmanuel �: But hun
05/10/2019, 6:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Really
05/10/2019, 6:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I can't make that happen
05/10/2019, 6:41 pm - Emmanuel �: That is completely up to you
05/10/2019, 6:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I will give my 100
05/10/2019, 6:41 pm - Emmanuel �: And let God be the judge
05/10/2019, 6:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to do this
05/10/2019, 6:42 pm - Emmanuel �: And this
05/10/2019, 6:42 pm - Emmanuel �: And also this
05/10/2019, 6:42 pm - Emmanuel �: In everything we do and everywhere we go
05/10/2019, 6:43 pm - My Love: Yes ny love
05/10/2019, 6:43 pm - My Love: I will give u my 100
05/10/2019, 6:43 pm - My Love: From now on
05/10/2019, 6:45 pm - My Love: I know its hard to believe my word
05/10/2019, 6:45 pm - My Love: Because my actions was so differently all this time
05/10/2019, 6:45 pm - My Love: But if u want dont believe me
05/10/2019, 6:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I believe you
05/10/2019, 6:46 pm - Emmanuel �: But for me words are not proof
05/10/2019, 6:46 pm - My Love: I know
05/10/2019, 6:47 pm - My Love: Hun... u remember one day u pray to God and u said
God tell you to be patient to our relationship? U remember
05/10/2019, 6:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Abraham didn't say he would kill his son he was
actually about to do it
05/10/2019, 6:47 pm - Emmanuel �: And God stop him
05/10/2019, 6:47 pm - Emmanuel �: No hun I don't
05/10/2019, 6:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry
05/10/2019, 6:47 pm - My Love: Really
05/10/2019, 6:47 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 6:48 pm - My Love: U told me that
05/10/2019, 6:48 pm - My Love: I am not inventing
05/10/2019, 6:48 pm - My Love: And actually
05/10/2019, 6:48 pm - My Love: U told me
05/10/2019, 6:48 pm - My Love: To remain u
05/10/2019, 6:48 pm - My Love: What he told u
05/10/2019, 6:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Well I am not denying it
05/10/2019, 6:48 pm - Emmanuel �: But I can't remember saying that
05/10/2019, 6:48 pm - My Love: Which was: to be patient.. to have much patient to
our relationship
05/10/2019, 6:48 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 6:48 pm - My Love: Really i am honest to u
05/10/2019, 6:48 pm - My Love: U told me
05/10/2019, 6:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
05/10/2019, 6:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I believe I did
05/10/2019, 6:49 pm - My Love: Thank u hun
05/10/2019, 6:49 pm - Emmanuel �: But I can't remember doing it
05/10/2019, 6:49 pm - Emmanuel �: But if you say I did I believe you
05/10/2019, 6:49 pm - My Love: Yes bb
05/10/2019, 6:49 pm - My Love: U told me u pray all the night
05/10/2019, 6:49 pm - My Love: One night
05/10/2019, 6:50 pm - My Love: And God talk to you at last
05/10/2019, 6:50 pm - My Love: And tell you
05/10/2019, 6:50 pm - My Love: Be patient.. in our relation
05/10/2019, 6:50 pm - My Love: U didnt understand
05/10/2019, 6:51 pm - My Love: And really.. u told me: i will tell you for always
remember me what God told me, to be patient for our relatioship..
05/10/2019, 6:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
05/10/2019, 6:52 pm - My Love: And even do
05/10/2019, 6:52 pm - My Love: U said
05/10/2019, 6:52 pm - My Love: When i saw u like out of patient.. most remember you
what God told you
05/10/2019, 6:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
05/10/2019, 6:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Well I really have to be patient
05/10/2019, 6:53 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
05/10/2019, 6:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you are younger
05/10/2019, 6:53 pm - My Love: Yes
05/10/2019, 6:53 pm - Emmanuel �: And you are much to deal with really
05/10/2019, 6:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know why God tell me that
05/10/2019, 6:54 pm - Emmanuel �: But it must have a reason
05/10/2019, 6:54 pm - My Love: Later u will understand
05/10/2019, 6:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Later when
05/10/2019, 6:55 pm - Emmanuel �: When we are married?
05/10/2019, 6:56 pm - My Love: Later u will undertand that
05/10/2019, 6:56 pm - My Love: I dont know only God knows hun
05/10/2019, 6:56 pm - My Love: I dont have answer of what u or i not understand
05/10/2019, 6:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Well I think it is because God knows the type of
wife he give me
05/10/2019, 6:57 pm - Emmanuel �: That we are really so different
05/10/2019, 6:57 pm - My Love: Lol
05/10/2019, 6:58 pm - My Love: Yeah
05/10/2019, 6:58 pm - My Love: U make laugh with this
05/10/2019, 6:59 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 6:59 pm - My Love: Can we talk about a next thing
05/10/2019, 6:59 pm - My Love: N change the topic
05/10/2019, 6:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Sure
05/10/2019, 6:59 pm - Emmanuel �: You have a topic
05/10/2019, 7:00 pm - My Love: Mmmm not really
05/10/2019, 7:00 pm - My Love: But i remember i was telling u something
05/10/2019, 7:00 pm - My Love: And i not finish
05/10/2019, 7:00 pm - My Love: When u went out with antony
05/10/2019, 7:00 pm - My Love: U rmember
05/10/2019, 7:00 pm - My Love: I was telling u about my aunty jenny
05/10/2019, 7:00 pm - My Love: So i want to finish what i was telling u hun
05/10/2019, 7:01 pm - My Love: If u want to hear
05/10/2019, 7:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes but hun
05/10/2019, 7:03 pm - My Love: Tell me
05/10/2019, 7:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to eat first
05/10/2019, 7:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I am hungry
05/10/2019, 7:03 pm - My Love: Eat me
05/10/2019, 7:03 pm - My Love: What u are waiting for
05/10/2019, 7:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I will never miss this offer
05/10/2019, 7:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Come here
05/10/2019, 7:04 pm - My Love: �
05/10/2019, 7:04 pm - My Love: U know what is good for u eh
05/10/2019, 7:04 pm - My Love: Haha
05/10/2019, 7:04 pm - Emmanuel �: I am kissing you
05/10/2019, 7:04 pm - My Love: Hun.. ok bb.. dont eat faster and then suallow
05/10/2019, 7:04 pm - Emmanuel �: It's not just good
05/10/2019, 7:04 pm - Emmanuel �: It is the best for me
05/10/2019, 7:04 pm - My Love: For your belly not hurt u
05/10/2019, 7:04 pm - My Love: Hehehe
05/10/2019, 7:04 pm - My Love: �
05/10/2019, 7:05 pm - My Love: U are the best one for me bb
05/10/2019, 7:05 pm - My Love: Always
05/10/2019, 7:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I won't I want to enjoy you
05/10/2019, 7:05 pm - My Love: I am talking about your real food
05/10/2019, 7:05 pm - Emmanuel �: So I will not rush
05/10/2019, 7:05 pm - My Love: Not your future human food
05/10/2019, 7:05 pm - My Love: Lol
05/10/2019, 7:05 pm - My Love: �
05/10/2019, 7:06 pm - Emmanuel �: You can't just tell me eat you and the stop me
like that
05/10/2019, 7:06 pm - My Love: �
05/10/2019, 7:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Why are you tournament me
05/10/2019, 7:06 pm - My Love: Yes i can
05/10/2019, 7:06 pm - My Love: I am mala
05/10/2019, 7:06 pm - My Love: ��
05/10/2019, 7:06 pm - My Love: U dont know me
05/10/2019, 7:06 pm - My Love: Eh
05/10/2019, 7:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Yea that is really bad
05/10/2019, 7:06 pm - Emmanuel �: To do
05/10/2019, 7:07 pm - My Love: I am mala in this way hun
05/10/2019, 7:07 pm - My Love: �
05/10/2019, 7:07 pm - Emmanuel �: No I guess i don't
05/10/2019, 7:07 pm - My Love: Know me now
05/10/2019, 7:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
05/10/2019, 7:07 pm - My Love: Hehe
05/10/2019, 7:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't have problem
05/10/2019, 7:07 pm - My Love: Hun.. i am a bad girl.. in a good way.. not like
them others bad girl ok
05/10/2019, 7:08 pm - My Love: U understand hun
05/10/2019, 7:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I can control my self
05/10/2019, 7:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
05/10/2019, 7:08 pm - My Love: I will always provoque you to love me up
05/10/2019, 7:08 pm - My Love: Know this always
05/10/2019, 7:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I will have to get a custom
05/10/2019, 7:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Because men are not like that
05/10/2019, 7:09 pm - Emmanuel �: If you say eat me we will eat
05/10/2019, 7:09 pm - My Love: What u mean hun?
05/10/2019, 7:09 pm - Emmanuel �: If you say stop
05/10/2019, 7:09 pm - Emmanuel �: The mood is cut
05/10/2019, 7:09 pm - Emmanuel �: And we go
05/10/2019, 7:09 pm - My Love: Ohh
05/10/2019, 7:09 pm - My Love: Well
05/10/2019, 7:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Well at least that is how I am
05/10/2019, 7:10 pm - My Love: I mean u to eat me.. and after we will love up a
litle and then eat for real amd stop
05/10/2019, 7:10 pm - Emmanuel �: But for me I will not get upset like most me for
05/10/2019, 7:10 pm - Emmanuel �: But I will not stay
05/10/2019, 7:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I will leave
05/10/2019, 7:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Men are different
05/10/2019, 7:11 pm - My Love: Really
05/10/2019, 7:11 pm - My Love: Why?
05/10/2019, 7:11 pm - Emmanuel �: We have less control
05/10/2019, 7:11 pm - Emmanuel �: If you start kissing your wife you will not want
to stop there
05/10/2019, 7:12 pm - My Love: Ans if i stop now.. what will happen
05/10/2019, 7:12 pm - My Love: ?
05/10/2019, 7:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Women have to be charged up
05/10/2019, 7:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Men are always fired up
05/10/2019, 7:12 pm - My Love: �ohh�
05/10/2019, 7:12 pm - Emmanuel �: And normal man will get angry
05/10/2019, 7:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Me
05/10/2019, 7:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I will go in the hall
05/10/2019, 7:13 pm - My Love: Uuuuu??�
05/10/2019, 7:13 pm - My Love: Really?
05/10/2019, 7:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Or do something else
05/10/2019, 7:13 pm - My Love: Oohhh
05/10/2019, 7:13 pm - My Love: Hun i didnt knew this before
05/10/2019, 7:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Well now you know
05/10/2019, 7:14 pm - My Love: Hun my phone is dying
05/10/2019, 7:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Men don't like to stop in the middle of sex
05/10/2019, 7:14 pm - My Love: Ooh wow
05/10/2019, 7:15 pm - Emmanuel �: And if a woman tell am man to " eat"
05/10/2019, 7:15 pm - Emmanuel �: He will
05/10/2019, 7:15 pm - Emmanuel �: It's how God make us
05/10/2019, 7:15 pm - My Love: oouuu
05/10/2019, 7:15 pm - My Love: I see bb
05/10/2019, 7:15 pm - Emmanuel �: A woman fire have to build up
05/10/2019, 7:15 pm - Emmanuel �: And she can also out it anytime
05/10/2019, 7:16 pm - Emmanuel �: A man fire never turns off
05/10/2019, 7:16 pm - Emmanuel �: It is always burning
05/10/2019, 7:16 pm - Emmanuel �: But I have learn how to control my heat
05/10/2019, 7:16 pm - My Love: My goodness
05/10/2019, 7:17 pm - Emmanuel �: By walking away or turning my mind on something
05/10/2019, 7:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I will eat my real food now
05/10/2019, 7:17 pm - My Love: Haha
05/10/2019, 7:18 pm - My Love: Enjoy your meal bb
05/10/2019, 7:18 pm - My Love: Ok
05/10/2019, 7:18 pm - My Love: I will charge my phone
05/10/2019, 7:18 pm - My Love: And i will lie down on my bed
05/10/2019, 7:18 pm - My Love: Waiting for u
05/10/2019, 7:18 pm - My Love: �
05/10/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I am here
05/10/2019, 7:54 pm - My Love: Helloo
05/10/2019, 7:54 pm - My Love: Helloooo
05/10/2019, 7:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes bb
05/10/2019, 7:55 pm - My Love: Mom not make for u
05/10/2019, 7:55 pm - My Love: ��
05/10/2019, 7:55 pm - Emmanuel �: It's okay
05/10/2019, 7:55 pm - Emmanuel �: My belly is full
05/10/2019, 7:55 pm - Emmanuel �: It looks good
05/10/2019, 7:56 pm - My Love: Haha
05/10/2019, 7:56 pm - My Love: U will not eat me for desert??
05/10/2019, 7:56 pm - Emmanuel �: You stop the mood
05/10/2019, 7:56 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't feel to anymore
05/10/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I told you I am different from other men
05/10/2019, 7:58 pm - Emmanuel �: You have something to tell me from aunty jenny
05/10/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: Hehe okeeeeee bbbb
05/10/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: Yes
05/10/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: But i am eating now
05/10/2019, 7:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
05/10/2019, 7:58 pm - Emmanuel �: I am here
05/10/2019, 7:58 pm - Emmanuel �: When you finish
05/10/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I will tell you something that I heard from many
married couple
05/10/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Many married men told me that a woman doesn't
need sex
05/10/2019, 8:00 pm - Emmanuel �: And most time she is not the one who ask to make
love them ask
05/10/2019, 8:00 pm - My Love: Oohh
05/10/2019, 8:00 pm - My Love: The mens ask?
05/10/2019, 8:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
05/10/2019, 8:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Most times
05/10/2019, 8:01 pm - Emmanuel �: But I will be a man who will not ask
05/10/2019, 8:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not want sex much
05/10/2019, 8:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know but I feel I will be like that
05/10/2019, 8:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Even tho I need it
05/10/2019, 8:02 pm - My Love: Really?
05/10/2019, 8:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I will like some time to pass
05/10/2019, 8:03 pm - Emmanuel �: It will make it more special
05/10/2019, 8:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not sure but I believe so
05/10/2019, 8:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Also I will leave space to make you ask for it
05/10/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: Ohh
05/10/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: Cool
05/10/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: I like this idea
05/10/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: ��
05/10/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: I am here hun
05/10/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: I finish
05/10/2019, 8:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay love
05/10/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: My belly is almost like u one
05/10/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: Round
05/10/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: �
05/10/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: Hehehe
05/10/2019, 8:25 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
05/10/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: Haha
05/10/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: Heyy
05/10/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: U are cheating
05/10/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Because u are lie down
05/10/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: And it become flat
05/10/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Haha
05/10/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
05/10/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
05/10/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: Oouuuu all that is mines?? Waaa
05/10/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
05/10/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: You are sexy
05/10/2019, 8:30 pm - My Love: Haha naahhh
05/10/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I really love your belly
05/10/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I am serious
05/10/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: You are so hot
05/10/2019, 8:30 pm - My Love: Hun.. i will wash my face with a special soap and
then put a cream on the lata that is all my back, neck and face ok
05/10/2019, 8:31 pm - My Love: �
05/10/2019, 8:31 pm - My Love: Iove u bb
05/10/2019, 8:31 pm - My Love: ���
05/10/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: You are perfect hun
05/10/2019, 8:31 pm - My Love: U are sexy bb
05/10/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
05/10/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you
05/10/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know if vene like negro
05/10/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: But a lot of vene girls I meet them always watch
me like them want to eat me
05/10/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Like if I am a chocolate
05/10/2019, 8:34 pm - Emmanuel �: But honestly I don't like Spanish woman
05/10/2019, 8:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I like Guyanese
05/10/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: And I don't like white girls
05/10/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Americana
05/10/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: I like this
05/10/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: The color of your skin I love it
05/10/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: You look sooooooooooooooooo�
05/10/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Delicious
05/10/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love:
05/10/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: Really?
05/10/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: I didnt knew before hun
05/10/2019, 8:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't like fair skin
05/10/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: I completly finish.. i am for u now
05/10/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I like brown
05/10/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: I like the colour that u have hun
05/10/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: Its perfect to me
05/10/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: I loveeeee your hair, eyes..
05/10/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I would never fall in love with latina
05/10/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: Each part of u hun
05/10/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: Ohh
05/10/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Or Americana
05/10/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I will love a trini
05/10/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Guyanese
05/10/2019, 8:42 pm - My Love: Well i dont like spanish
05/10/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Or Caribbean
05/10/2019, 8:42 pm - My Love: Either guyanes
05/10/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: What you like American?
05/10/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: No
05/10/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: Because them are fear
05/10/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: Most of them
05/10/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: Either canadian
05/10/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: What you like ?
05/10/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: Either españoles
05/10/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: Nothing really
05/10/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: �
05/10/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: Hehe
05/10/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Everyone has a type
05/10/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: I dont have preferences with colours
05/10/2019, 8:44 pm - Emmanuel �: So that is not tru
05/10/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: Yes
05/10/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: I like indians
05/10/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: Boys
05/10/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: Also negro
05/10/2019, 8:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Well Guyanese are mostly indian
05/10/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: No.. i dont like guyanes
05/10/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Well then you like Caribbean
05/10/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: Indian and guyanes is different
05/10/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: Them face is different
05/10/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Because most are Indian and African or mixed
05/10/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: But i dont like the hair of them black peoples.. i
like everything.. except that
05/10/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: Mmmm well
05/10/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: Listen
05/10/2019, 8:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
05/10/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: I like them boys that them nose are perfilada
05/10/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: Its streght
05/10/2019, 8:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
05/10/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Well I like Indians to
05/10/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
05/10/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
05/10/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: Also a boy like with chinise eyes
05/10/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: Like yours
05/10/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: Muscle
05/10/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: And big butt
05/10/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: �
05/10/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: Like you one
05/10/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: And big body
05/10/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: More taller than i
05/10/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: Also i like when my lover hands are hard
05/10/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: You one is hard.
05/10/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: ?
05/10/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: I mean your palm
05/10/2019, 8:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Not so much
05/10/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: But it is a little
05/10/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
05/10/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: My one is hard
05/10/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
05/10/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: Its not soft
05/10/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: How u know?
05/10/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: I love it
05/10/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you are manly
05/10/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: And hun.. i dont have preferences with colours
05/10/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: Lol
05/10/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: �
05/10/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: Only u said i am manly
05/10/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: With skin colour
05/10/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Because others don't investigate like me
05/10/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: Yes yes yes yes
05/10/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: You are more manly that many woman body I have
05/10/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
05/10/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: �
05/10/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: Really?
05/10/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
05/10/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: I dont look like a woman
05/10/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: ?
05/10/2019, 8:52 pm - Emmanuel �: You do
05/10/2019, 8:52 pm - Emmanuel �: But more manly
05/10/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Hold on
05/10/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
05/10/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: Yes bb
05/10/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: You make me want you now
05/10/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: Come here na
05/10/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: Hey
05/10/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Pene is really hard
05/10/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: Someone is waiting for u now
05/10/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I want it
05/10/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: Hey bb
05/10/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: I will show u something on
05/10/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: Ok
05/10/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
05/10/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
05/10/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
05/10/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: You are beautiful
05/10/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Pene is crazy with that photo
05/10/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: Please delete all theses pictures hun
05/10/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes hun
05/10/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: Or else i will kill u bb
05/10/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
05/10/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: When u finish bb
05/10/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: I will never do you that
05/10/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: U are my paradaise
05/10/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: You know me
05/10/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: I respect you
05/10/2019, 9:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I always delete all
05/10/2019, 9:05 pm - Emmanuel �: The photo you show me
05/10/2019, 9:05 pm - My Love: Thank u hun
05/10/2019, 9:05 pm - My Love: Its because all of me belongs to you hun
05/10/2019, 9:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Why would I want someone to see my gold
05/10/2019, 9:06 pm - Emmanuel �: And my diamond
05/10/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love: U right hun
05/10/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love: Bb.. u wanted to see me in bra and under wear?? I
will send u a picture ok
05/10/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love: Not today
05/10/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love: I want to show u
05/10/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love: ��
05/10/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love: And let pene die
05/10/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: Lol
05/10/2019, 9:07 pm - Emmanuel �: When you wish hun
05/10/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: Waaaa
05/10/2019, 9:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes he will die
05/10/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: Haha
05/10/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 9:07 pm - Emmanuel �: For sure
05/10/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: I really wish your hands can be holding my butt now
05/10/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: You butt is so sexy
05/10/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: Hun.. when me does sleep.. one of my hands does hold
my butt.. so when i will be with u, u will hold it and my w hands will rap your
05/10/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: It's my pleasure
05/10/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: ���������
05/10/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: I will love this bb
05/10/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: U know never no one ever touch my part hun
05/10/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: I mean my butt and the next part
05/10/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: And i dont know how i will react when u will touch
does part bb
05/10/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: It will be like this
05/10/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I will do it
05/10/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: And ask you if you are comfortable
05/10/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: If you don't feel right I will stop
05/10/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: And try again another time
05/10/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: Ok my love
05/10/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: I agree hun
05/10/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: Thank u hun
05/10/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: If you like it and tell me continue I will
05/10/2019, 9:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not do anything that don't feel good to
05/10/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: Awww
05/10/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: I love u bb
05/10/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you to
05/10/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: I dont know
05/10/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: But with this u are making me feel
05/10/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: So
05/10/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: I dont know what is the word to describe this
05/10/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: I feel to be with u now
05/10/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: I feel i am melting here
05/10/2019, 9:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Horney
05/10/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: I dont bb
05/10/2019, 9:19 pm - Emmanuel �: You are feeling horney
05/10/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: If its this
05/10/2019, 9:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes it is
05/10/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: You r feeling the same hun?
05/10/2019, 9:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know the Spanish word for it
05/10/2019, 9:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Yep
05/10/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: There is none
05/10/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: córnea
05/10/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: I see this
05/10/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: And if I am doing this I will do it how you want
05/10/2019, 9:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I will tell you this when you are making love to
your wife I believe you have to feel when she is enjoying it or if she is not if
she want you to do it more hard more slowly or more fast
05/10/2019, 9:24 pm - My Love: I think the same bb
05/10/2019, 9:24 pm - Emmanuel �: You will know base on how she responds
05/10/2019, 9:25 pm - My Love: https://images.app.goo.gl/ajJ5Vf6EnquVRhsU8
05/10/2019, 9:25 pm - My Love: I will love this bb
05/10/2019, 9:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Me to
05/10/2019, 9:25 pm - My Love: https://images.app.goo.gl/4AcfWNWbcDoqm89c8
05/10/2019, 9:25 pm - My Love: Or this
05/10/2019, 9:25 pm - My Love: N u hold me so
05/10/2019, 9:26 pm - My Love: I will love if your face is on my bubbies
05/10/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I will love it
05/10/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: But really he is sucking her nipples
05/10/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I also see this for horney cachondo
05/10/2019, 9:27 pm - My Love: Really?
05/10/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
05/10/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: Its nothing in spanish language bb.. maybe in .exico
05/10/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: Mexico
05/10/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: But venezuelan
05/10/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: Dont have any word
05/10/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: We dont use this
05/10/2019, 9:29 pm - Emmanuel �: So if a husband is make a wife hot in Spanish
what will she say
05/10/2019, 9:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Caliente all the time ?
05/10/2019, 9:29 pm - Emmanuel �: You are making me feel caliente?
05/10/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: Me calientas
05/10/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: Is u are making me get hot
05/10/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: Yes
05/10/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: There is none special word hun
05/10/2019, 9:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
05/10/2019, 9:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I deleted all them photos already
05/10/2019, 9:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I have to give pene a chance to get soft
05/10/2019, 9:33 pm - My Love: Lol
05/10/2019, 9:33 pm - My Love: Haha
05/10/2019, 9:33 pm - My Love: How much minute he takes
05/10/2019, 9:33 pm - My Love: Thank u bb
05/10/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
05/10/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: My prince
05/10/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: U get problems with pene now
05/10/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: Hehe
05/10/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: Was not my intention bb
05/10/2019, 9:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Not long
05/10/2019, 9:36 pm - Emmanuel �: I know hun
05/10/2019, 9:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
05/10/2019, 9:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Pene does hurt me if it gets hard but not cum
05/10/2019, 9:37 pm - Emmanuel �: But not bad just a little
05/10/2019, 9:37 pm - My Love: Hurt u??
05/10/2019, 9:37 pm - My Love: How come
05/10/2019, 9:37 pm - Emmanuel �: That happens to all men
05/10/2019, 9:38 pm - Emmanuel �: When you are going to have sex a you have to
stop right before it happens
05/10/2019, 9:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Not really hurt but it is just a uncomfortable
05/10/2019, 9:40 pm - My Love: Oohh ok bb
05/10/2019, 9:40 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 9:40 pm - My Love: Thank u for everything bb
05/10/2019, 9:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
05/10/2019, 9:42 pm - Emmanuel �: You are my everything
05/10/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: Yes bb
05/10/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: YOu are mines to bb
05/10/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: And nothing will change that bb
05/10/2019, 9:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you bb
05/10/2019, 9:45 pm - Emmanuel �: For keeping yourself for me
05/10/2019, 9:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I really appreciate that
05/10/2019, 9:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I promise you that it will be worth the wait
05/10/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: U dont have to promise me that bb
05/10/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: I know already its worth
05/10/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: �
05/10/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: Bb
05/10/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: U know something
05/10/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: Last night well
05/10/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: This morning i sleep
05/10/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: In the work place i was sad
05/10/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: And everyone was asking me what i have
05/10/2019, 9:47 pm - My Love: Because normally i am smiling all the time
05/10/2019, 9:47 pm - My Love: And today i was just apart and thinking, and also
very quite
05/10/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: And even when i was walking coming home
05/10/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: Everyone nothing how i was
05/10/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: Everyone knows that i always keeping smiling
05/10/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: I went out to buy some stuff.. and find out for
something... and even walking still i was with the same mood
05/10/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: Hun.. i really miss u bb
05/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: And i am really sorry hun of what all i have done
05/10/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: It is not you alone
05/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: Bb.. at work a tear come out from my eyes
05/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: And after a next one
05/10/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: And my heart was sad hun
05/10/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I will marry you soon
05/10/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: You will see me soon
05/10/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I just have to meet with my leaders and save the
05/10/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: I dont want to see u when we will marry
05/10/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: I want to see u beforee
05/10/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Ofcouse
05/10/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
05/10/2019, 9:53 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 9:53 pm - My Love: Stay here always bb
05/10/2019, 9:53 pm - My Love: Dont go
05/10/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: Please
05/10/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
05/10/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you now
05/10/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Like really want you
05/10/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: Its so hard bb
05/10/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Yea
05/10/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: For not to see u
05/10/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Yea
05/10/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: ��
05/10/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: But hun God is doing it
05/10/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: We can't fight against him
05/10/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: He is the one who stop me the three times
05/10/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Because of how I was thinking also
05/10/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: If we get a chance to be in alone i would of
lead you into sin
05/10/2019, 9:57 pm - Emmanuel �: But now I will not do it because I am thinking
05/10/2019, 9:57 pm - Emmanuel �: And how you are not mature you would of let me
05/10/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: WE CANT BB
05/10/2019, 9:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Do it
05/10/2019, 9:57 pm - Emmanuel �: You would let me love you up and kiss you up
05/10/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: I know it
05/10/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: And all what we was trying to build would be
lost in a moment
05/10/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: I understand bb
05/10/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes bb
05/10/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: Thank u for support me
05/10/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: I know i am not easy to deal with
05/10/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
05/10/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: Tell me hun
05/10/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Forget it
05/10/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: You promise to change
05/10/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I believe you
05/10/2019, 10:02 pm - My Love: Forget what bb
05/10/2019, 10:02 pm - My Love: Yes bb
05/10/2019, 10:02 pm - My Love: But hun
05/10/2019, 10:02 pm - My Love: U have to wait bb
05/10/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Forget that you are difficult to deal with
05/10/2019, 10:02 pm - My Love: Ok bb
05/10/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I choose to be with you
05/10/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: Thank u bb
05/10/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: So I have to live with you
05/10/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: And I have to be patient until you mature
05/10/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: And change
05/10/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: Hun.. i did the same hun
05/10/2019, 10:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I want to tell you something
05/10/2019, 10:05 pm - Emmanuel �: This is not to put you down
05/10/2019, 10:05 pm - My Love: Tell me my love
05/10/2019, 10:05 pm - Emmanuel �: But it is to show you what you have
05/10/2019, 10:05 pm - Emmanuel �: It is something Anthony told me
05/10/2019, 10:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know if I ever tell you this
05/10/2019, 10:05 pm - My Love: Ok bb
05/10/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: But when I was telling Anthony about what
happened between you and jose
05/10/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: I was crying infront of him
05/10/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: A lot
05/10/2019, 10:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Tears was pouring down my face
05/10/2019, 10:07 pm - Emmanuel �: And Anthony told me this
05/10/2019, 10:08 pm - Emmanuel �: If it was him and he heard that caro had do
that with a ex
05/10/2019, 10:08 pm - Emmanuel �: He would of leave her
05/10/2019, 10:08 pm - My Love: Yes u told me
05/10/2019, 10:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I choose to stay
05/10/2019, 10:09 pm - My Love:
05/10/2019, 10:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Because my love for you is bigger that our
05/10/2019, 10:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
05/10/2019, 10:09 pm - My Love:
05/10/2019, 10:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to tell you something
05/10/2019, 10:10 pm - My Love: Tell me hun
05/10/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: Thank u for staying bb
05/10/2019, 10:11 pm - Emmanuel �: If your ex only know that you are gold
05/10/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: He would of never ever ever hurt you
05/10/2019, 10:12 pm - My Love: Aaaaawww
05/10/2019, 10:12 pm - My Love: �
05/10/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: And make you leave
05/10/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: He has no idea what he is miss out on
05/10/2019, 10:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
05/10/2019, 10:13 pm - My Love: He always told me he will never find someone like
05/10/2019, 10:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I see what he couldn't
05/10/2019, 10:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Well he is right
05/10/2019, 10:13 pm - My Love: And betoin anyone if i go back to him he will leave
everything and colect me back
05/10/2019, 10:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Well maybe he knows
05/10/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: But i never will go back to him
05/10/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: I dont have any reasons
05/10/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: And i dont feel to
05/10/2019, 10:14 pm - Emmanuel �: If Grace come back to me I will run away
05/10/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: U are my home
05/10/2019, 10:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Far
05/10/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: Here i want to e
05/10/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: Lol
05/10/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: If he come back to me i will run away also
05/10/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: Thank God he is in a next country
05/10/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: If you leave me
05/10/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: So i cant see him
05/10/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: Either talk with him
05/10/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not get another like you
05/10/2019, 10:16 pm - Emmanuel �: You are really someone different from all girls
05/10/2019, 10:16 pm - My Love: If u leave me.. which is imposible.. i cant never
get back someone not even the 10% just like u
05/10/2019, 10:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I not just saying that to make you feel good
05/10/2019, 10:16 pm - My Love: I have to get like 10 mens together for have u with
05/10/2019, 10:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I really believe it
05/10/2019, 10:16 pm - My Love: Thank u bb
05/10/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: It is everything about you
05/10/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: So unique
05/10/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: So different
05/10/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: So crazy
05/10/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love:
05/10/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: Dont exalt me bb
05/10/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
05/10/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: I not deserve anything
05/10/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
05/10/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't worry
05/10/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: You deserve that
05/10/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Trust me
05/10/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: I not bb
05/10/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: I not
05/10/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: �
05/10/2019, 10:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
05/10/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: I wish i could feel a hug from u bb
05/10/2019, 10:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Well then tell me why you don't deserve it
05/10/2019, 10:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun can I call
05/10/2019, 10:20 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
05/10/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: Because i did much things that was wrong to u bb
05/10/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: Bb.. its late hun
05/10/2019, 10:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Only 2 things you did wrong
05/10/2019, 10:21 pm - My Love: My mom is here
05/10/2019, 10:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
05/10/2019, 10:22 pm - Emmanuel �: You were unfaithful and you neglected your
05/10/2019, 10:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Only 2 things
05/10/2019, 10:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me what is the much ?
05/10/2019, 10:22 pm - My Love: only this bb
05/10/2019, 10:23 pm - My Love: I just feel a bad girl friend
05/10/2019, 10:23 pm - Emmanuel �: So why you say much
05/10/2019, 10:23 pm - My Love: Yhat not deserve anything
05/10/2019, 10:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes you are bad in the right way
05/10/2019, 10:23 pm - My Love: Not only 2 times i make u cry bb...
05/10/2019, 10:23 pm - Emmanuel �: �
05/10/2019, 10:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I like how you bad not like others girls
05/10/2019, 10:24 pm - Emmanuel �: You are a good girl but you still know how to
please me
05/10/2019, 10:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes you did it
05/10/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: But I still will exalt you
05/10/2019, 10:25 pm - My Love: This make me feel not deserved
05/10/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I choose to
05/10/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: And you deserve it
05/10/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you are my queen
05/10/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: And you will always be
05/10/2019, 10:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I understand
05/10/2019, 10:26 pm - Emmanuel �: It's okay hun
05/10/2019, 10:26 pm - My Love: Thank u my love
05/10/2019, 10:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Let's move forward
05/10/2019, 10:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun that pants you are wearing it is hot
05/10/2019, 10:27 pm - Emmanuel �: You look �� �
� ��
05/10/2019, 10:28 pm - My Love: Which one
05/10/2019, 10:28 pm - My Love: ?
05/10/2019, 10:28 pm - My Love: Hey bb
05/10/2019, 10:28 pm - My Love: I was telling u about aunty jenny
05/10/2019, 10:28 pm - Emmanuel �: The on you have now
05/10/2019, 10:28 pm - My Love: When she bring my phone
05/10/2019, 10:28 pm - My Love: Oohh
05/10/2019, 10:28 pm - My Love: Yes.. i love it also
05/10/2019, 10:28 pm - Emmanuel �: And I like that your underwear
05/10/2019, 10:28 pm - My Love: My butt look more bigger
05/10/2019, 10:29 pm - Emmanuel �: uuuuuuuu
05/10/2019, 10:29 pm - My Love: What u will do if i am changing my pants and u are
in front of me??
05/10/2019, 10:29 pm - My Love: Hehe
05/10/2019, 10:29 pm - My Love: ����
05/10/2019, 10:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Uuuuuuuiyyyyy
05/10/2019, 10:29 pm - Emmanuel �: More for me
05/10/2019, 10:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I love your butt
05/10/2019, 10:29 pm - My Love: U will pull me and lift me up
05/10/2019, 10:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Really
05/10/2019, 10:29 pm - My Love: ?
05/10/2019, 10:29 pm - My Love: I know bb
05/10/2019, 10:30 pm - Emmanuel �: ???
05/10/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: What u will do??
05/10/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: Pull me and lift me up and love up me?
05/10/2019, 10:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
05/10/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: ��
05/10/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: I will love when u will lift me up bb
05/10/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I will love it to
05/10/2019, 10:32 pm - My Love: I love u bb
05/10/2019, 10:32 pm - My Love: ��
05/10/2019, 10:32 pm - My Love: In every areas
05/10/2019, 10:32 pm - My Love: I am conected more in you than with any person in
this earth
05/10/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
05/10/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: Bbbb
05/10/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: Bbbb
05/10/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: Bbbb
05/10/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
05/10/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: Bbb
05/10/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: Haha
05/10/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: Where u was
05/10/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
05/10/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I wanted to show you a position I want to try
05/10/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: But you will not understand it from a picture
05/10/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: You have to see a gif
05/10/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: But I don't want show you that to make you
05/10/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: Hehehe
05/10/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: U can do it bb
05/10/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: All things i wanted to feel been with u bb
05/10/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: It is a gif of sex are you sure
05/10/2019, 10:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Usually in sex the man do the movement but in
this position you are doing me
05/10/2019, 10:41 pm - My Love: Its ok bb send me it
05/10/2019, 10:41 pm - Emmanuel �: You sure
05/10/2019, 10:41 pm - My Love: Yes my love sure sure sure sure sure
05/10/2019, 10:41 pm - Emmanuel �: When you see it delete after
05/10/2019, 10:42 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
05/10/2019, 10:45 pm - Emmanuel �: In this position you will be doing all the work
05/10/2019, 10:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Hehehe
05/10/2019, 10:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Jejejeje
05/10/2019, 10:45 pm - My Love: ��
05/10/2019, 10:45 pm - My Love: Hehe
05/10/2019, 10:46 pm - My Love: I delete it
05/10/2019, 10:46 pm - My Love: I dont like to wacht thoses things much
05/10/2019, 10:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
05/10/2019, 10:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Will you do me that
05/10/2019, 10:46 pm - My Love: Well.. in that way no bb
05/10/2019, 10:47 pm - My Love: I dont like to take over like that way
05/10/2019, 10:47 pm - My Love: Completly
05/10/2019, 10:47 pm - My Love: In that posicion
05/10/2019, 10:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
05/10/2019, 10:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you to
05/10/2019, 10:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to try it
05/10/2019, 10:48 pm - My Love: Ok bb.. i will try it hun
05/10/2019, 10:48 pm - My Love: But bb
05/10/2019, 10:49 pm - My Love: U told me u dont want me over u hun
05/10/2019, 10:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
05/10/2019, 10:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Can you forget I said that
05/10/2019, 10:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
05/10/2019, 10:51 pm - My Love: Bb
05/10/2019, 10:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Just do it
05/10/2019, 10:51 pm - My Love: Sex is something intimate for me bb
05/10/2019, 10:52 pm - My Love: And i feel u offend me when u said that bb
05/10/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
05/10/2019, 10:52 pm - My Love: It will not be easy for me to forget that easy hun
05/10/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I regret saying that
05/10/2019, 10:52 pm - My Love: Everytime we will be together
05/10/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
05/10/2019, 10:52 pm - My Love: I will always remember that hun
05/10/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Forget it
05/10/2019, 10:52 pm - My Love: U know i am shain in that bb
05/10/2019, 10:52 pm - My Love: And i know i am able to be on u
05/10/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I want us to be free
05/10/2019, 10:52 pm - My Love: But
05/10/2019, 10:53 pm - My Love:
05/10/2019, 10:53 pm - Emmanuel �: To experience it together
05/10/2019, 10:53 pm - My Love: U make me feel not good enough on u
05/10/2019, 10:53 pm - My Love: And it still hurt me bb
05/10/2019, 10:53 pm - My Love: I am trying not to remember it
05/10/2019, 10:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Will you do me that position
05/10/2019, 10:53 pm - My Love: Hun.. yes i want to bb
05/10/2019, 10:54 pm - My Love: No bb
05/10/2019, 10:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
05/10/2019, 10:54 pm - My Love: Other yes hun
05/10/2019, 10:54 pm - My Love: But not that one bb
05/10/2019, 10:54 pm - Emmanuel �: You know why I told you that
05/10/2019, 10:54 pm - My Love: I will feel like if i am the man
05/10/2019, 10:54 pm - My Love: Yes bb
05/10/2019, 10:54 pm - My Love: Dont explain hun
05/10/2019, 10:54 pm - My Love: I dont want to talk about this bb
05/10/2019, 10:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
05/10/2019, 10:55 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not force you for anything hun
05/10/2019, 10:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Forget about that position
05/10/2019, 10:55 pm - Emmanuel �: I can do without it
05/10/2019, 10:55 pm - Emmanuel �: It's not a problem with me
05/10/2019, 10:55 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 10:56 pm - My Love: Really bb
05/10/2019, 10:56 pm - My Love: I dont want to do that posicion
05/10/2019, 10:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Sure
05/10/2019, 10:56 pm - Emmanuel �: I understand
05/10/2019, 10:56 pm - Emmanuel �: I won't mention it again
05/10/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: Hun.. i tell u other posicions yes hun
05/10/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: Not that one
05/10/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: Ok
05/10/2019, 10:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Ok
05/10/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: Hun sorry bb
05/10/2019, 10:57 pm - Emmanuel �: And I told you I understand
05/10/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: But i will not be comfortable hun
05/10/2019, 10:58 pm - Emmanuel �: This exactly why I refuse to do it now
05/10/2019, 10:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Because in sex your comfort is my priority
05/10/2019, 10:58 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
05/10/2019, 10:58 pm - My Love: Yes bb
05/10/2019, 10:58 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not force you for it
05/10/2019, 10:58 pm - My Love: I understand hun
05/10/2019, 10:58 pm - My Love: And thank u
05/10/2019, 10:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes hun
05/10/2019, 10:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Really
05/10/2019, 10:58 pm - My Love: I love u to my dear
05/10/2019, 10:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want it anymore
05/10/2019, 10:59 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
05/10/2019, 10:59 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 10:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
05/10/2019, 10:59 pm - My Love: What u will do tomorrow
05/10/2019, 10:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Love
05/10/2019, 10:59 pm - My Love: Church
05/10/2019, 10:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
05/10/2019, 11:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun before you go can I show you my 2 favorite
and tell me if you will.do.them ?
05/10/2019, 11:00 pm - My Love: Hehehe
05/10/2019, 11:00 pm - Emmanuel �: You can delete if fast
05/10/2019, 11:00 pm - My Love: Yeeessss hunn
05/10/2019, 11:00 pm - My Love: Yesss
05/10/2019, 11:00 pm - My Love: I want to see them bb
05/10/2019, 11:00 pm - My Love: Send me the.
05/10/2019, 11:00 pm - My Love: Them
05/10/2019, 11:00 pm - My Love: But hun
05/10/2019, 11:00 pm - My Love: I will be over u??
05/10/2019, 11:04 pm - My Love: I think you are searching them
05/10/2019, 11:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes hun
05/10/2019, 11:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
05/10/2019, 11:09 pm - My Love: Yes bb
05/10/2019, 11:09 pm - My Love: Tou find it bb
05/10/2019, 11:10 pm - My Love: Love it
05/10/2019, 11:10 pm - My Love: �
05/10/2019, 11:10 pm - My Love: I will do it hun
05/10/2019, 11:10 pm - My Love: On the sofa??
05/10/2019, 11:10 pm - Emmanuel �: You say you will be over me
05/10/2019, 11:11 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am thinking about it
05/10/2019, 11:11 pm - My Love: Hehehe yes
05/10/2019, 11:11 pm - My Love: I love you my crazyone
05/10/2019, 11:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I imagine you are doing it now
05/10/2019, 11:11 pm - Emmanuel �: And pene is really hard
05/10/2019, 11:11 pm - My Love: �
05/10/2019, 11:11 pm - My Love: I am not touching u
05/10/2019, 11:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I am just imagine it hun
05/10/2019, 11:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol
05/10/2019, 11:12 pm - My Love: U cant really imagine things faster and deeply
05/10/2019, 11:12 pm - My Love: �
05/10/2019, 11:12 pm - My Love: �
05/10/2019, 11:12 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 11:12 pm - My Love: Which is the next one
05/10/2019, 11:12 pm - My Love: Hope its not complicated
05/10/2019, 11:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to show it but it is a bit hot
05/10/2019, 11:13 pm - My Love: Mmm
05/10/2019, 11:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know if you can handle seeing it
05/10/2019, 11:13 pm - My Love: U are making me now nervious
05/10/2019, 11:13 pm - Emmanuel �: It is from behind
05/10/2019, 11:13 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 11:13 pm - My Love: I dont like to much behind
05/10/2019, 11:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Not in butt hun
05/10/2019, 11:14 pm - My Love: Because i wanted to always look at your eyes
05/10/2019, 11:14 pm - My Love: I know bb
05/10/2019, 11:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Just the position
05/10/2019, 11:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I like that position
05/10/2019, 11:14 pm - Emmanuel �: We don't have to do it every time
05/10/2019, 11:14 pm - Emmanuel �: But okay
05/10/2019, 11:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I understand
05/10/2019, 11:15 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 11:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you to be comfortable
05/10/2019, 11:15 pm - My Love: Its ok
05/10/2019, 11:15 pm - My Love: Let me see it
05/10/2019, 11:15 pm - My Love:
05/10/2019, 11:16 pm - My Love: Wow
05/10/2019, 11:16 pm - My Love: Yes i can
05/10/2019, 11:16 pm - My Love: �
05/10/2019, 11:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
05/10/2019, 11:16 pm - My Love: U love that posicion hun
05/10/2019, 11:16 pm - My Love: ??
05/10/2019, 11:16 pm - My Love: The last one?
05/10/2019, 11:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Yess
05/10/2019, 11:16 pm - My Love: Why?
05/10/2019, 11:16 pm - My Love: I dont understand why
05/10/2019, 11:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Because who my hand grabbing your butt
05/10/2019, 11:17 pm - My Love: Lol
05/10/2019, 11:17 pm - Emmanuel �: And I know your butt is big
05/10/2019, 11:17 pm - My Love: Haha
05/10/2019, 11:17 pm - My Love: So is because of that eh
05/10/2019, 11:17 pm - Emmanuel �: No
05/10/2019, 11:17 pm - My Love: For my butt alone
05/10/2019, 11:18 pm - My Love: I saw your intention
05/10/2019, 11:18 pm - My Love: �
05/10/2019, 11:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Also in that position pene will go deep
05/10/2019, 11:18 pm - Emmanuel �: So you will also get more pleasure
05/10/2019, 11:19 pm - My Love: Yes i know hun
05/10/2019, 11:19 pm - My Love: Bb
05/10/2019, 11:19 pm - My Love: I will tell u how i am
05/10/2019, 11:19 pm - My Love: I like to do posicion
05/10/2019, 11:19 pm - My Love: Where u and i can be closer on body
05/10/2019, 11:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I understand
05/10/2019, 11:19 pm - My Love: But front to front
05/10/2019, 11:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Well hun really
05/10/2019, 11:19 pm - My Love: I dont want to give u my back
05/10/2019, 11:19 pm - Emmanuel �: We don't have to do it
05/10/2019, 11:20 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want it anymore
05/10/2019, 11:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Because it is not one you like
05/10/2019, 11:20 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 11:20 pm - My Love: I dont care
05/10/2019, 11:20 pm - My Love: I like when you hold my butt
05/10/2019, 11:20 pm - Emmanuel �: But I care hun
05/10/2019, 11:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Really
05/10/2019, 11:21 pm - My Love: Bb.. i am telling u what i like hun
05/10/2019, 11:21 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want it
05/10/2019, 11:21 pm - My Love: I like to see your eyes
05/10/2019, 11:21 pm - My Love: Feel your heart
05/10/2019, 11:21 pm - My Love: Your breath
05/10/2019, 11:21 pm - My Love: While the process
05/10/2019, 11:21 pm - My Love: You understand hun
05/10/2019, 11:21 pm - Emmanuel �: And for me I love this
05/10/2019, 11:21 pm - My Love: This is how i am
05/10/2019, 11:21 pm - Emmanuel �: I prefer this
05/10/2019, 11:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun really
05/10/2019, 11:22 pm - Emmanuel �: I make up my mind
05/10/2019, 11:22 pm - Emmanuel �: We don't need to do them others
05/10/2019, 11:22 pm - Emmanuel �: It is not important
05/10/2019, 11:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Anymore
05/10/2019, 11:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I prefer what you say it is more intermate
05/10/2019, 11:24 pm - My Love: Huuùùuuuunnnn
05/10/2019, 11:24 pm - My Love: Why u are this way for bb
05/10/2019, 11:24 pm - My Love: Dont please me all the time bb
05/10/2019, 11:24 pm - My Love: I also want to please u hun
05/10/2019, 11:24 pm - My Love: Bbb i love u hun
05/10/2019, 11:25 pm - My Love: And if i said yes.. i will do it bb
05/10/2019, 11:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes but the positions I like you are not
05/10/2019, 11:25 pm - My Love: Really i will hun
05/10/2019, 11:25 pm - Emmanuel �: And I don't want to do something that you say u
would do but don't like love
05/10/2019, 11:25 pm - Emmanuel �: It doesn't make sense
05/10/2019, 11:26 pm - My Love: Ok bb
05/10/2019, 11:26 pm - My Love: Ok
05/10/2019, 11:26 pm - My Love: Forget it
05/10/2019, 11:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
05/10/2019, 11:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Can you listen
05/10/2019, 11:27 pm - My Love: Yes bb
05/10/2019, 11:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
05/10/2019, 11:27 pm - My Love: I am listen
05/10/2019, 11:27 pm - My Love: I am listen
05/10/2019, 11:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I just want us to be free with each other
05/10/2019, 11:28 pm - Emmanuel �: If you want to please me I welcome it
05/10/2019, 11:28 pm - My Love: Yes my love
05/10/2019, 11:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I love if my wife have a desire to please me
05/10/2019, 11:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I want that
05/10/2019, 11:28 pm - Emmanuel �: To continue
05/10/2019, 11:29 pm - Emmanuel �: So I will not stop you
05/10/2019, 11:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Please me bb
05/10/2019, 11:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you my bb
05/10/2019, 11:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Forever
05/10/2019, 11:29 pm - My Love: Thank u bb
05/10/2019, 11:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Nothing can come between you and me
05/10/2019, 11:29 pm - My Love: ��
05/10/2019, 11:29 pm - Emmanuel �: You are my girl
05/10/2019, 11:29 pm - My Love: Yes
05/10/2019, 11:29 pm - My Love: Nothing bb
05/10/2019, 11:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you in every way
05/10/2019, 11:29 pm - My Love: You are my man
05/10/2019, 11:29 pm - My Love:
05/10/2019, 11:30 pm - Emmanuel �: In all the positions
05/10/2019, 11:30 pm - Emmanuel �: �
05/10/2019, 11:30 pm - My Love: Me too my lover
05/10/2019, 11:30 pm - Emmanuel �: My pene is for yoy
05/10/2019, 11:30 pm - Emmanuel �: You
05/10/2019, 11:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Only
05/10/2019, 11:30 pm - Emmanuel �: It is yours
05/10/2019, 11:30 pm - My Love: My vagina is for you alone bb
05/10/2019, 11:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Everything is yours
05/10/2019, 11:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you so much
05/10/2019, 11:31 pm - My Love: My butt also is for u alone bb
05/10/2019, 11:34 pm - My Love: What time u will go sleep bb?
05/10/2019, 11:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Uuuuuuu
05/10/2019, 11:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I am tired hun
05/10/2019, 11:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I think I will go now
05/10/2019, 11:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you so much
05/10/2019, 11:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I will grab on to it
05/10/2019, 11:35 pm - My Love: Now bb
05/10/2019, 11:35 pm - Emmanuel �: And please you
05/10/2019, 11:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Everytime we sleep
05/10/2019, 11:35 pm - My Love: Aaaawww
05/10/2019, 11:35 pm - My Love: I feel u are touching it
05/10/2019, 11:35 pm - My Love: ��
05/10/2019, 11:36 pm - My Love: I will sleep more later
05/10/2019, 11:36 pm - My Love: I am not sleepy
05/10/2019, 11:36 pm - My Love: Still
05/10/2019, 11:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Really
05/10/2019, 11:36 pm - My Love: Yes
05/10/2019, 11:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Well I will stay with yoy
05/10/2019, 11:36 pm - Emmanuel �: You love
05/10/2019, 11:36 pm - My Love: U sure hun
05/10/2019, 11:36 pm - My Love: Hey bbbbbb
05/10/2019, 11:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Let us sleep together yes
05/10/2019, 11:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me
05/10/2019, 11:37 pm - My Love: I was telling u about aunty jenny bbb
05/10/2019, 11:37 pm - My Love: Let me tell u and then we can talk about anything
05/10/2019, 11:37 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
05/10/2019, 11:37 pm - My Love: Aunty jenny take out the phone and give me it
05/10/2019, 11:37 pm - My Love: I show u her grandson
05/10/2019, 11:37 pm - My Love: U remember him
05/10/2019, 11:37 pm - My Love: U wacht him??
05/10/2019, 11:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
05/10/2019, 11:38 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
05/10/2019, 11:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I do
05/10/2019, 11:38 pm - My Love: Yes
05/10/2019, 11:38 pm - My Love: And he wacht the pjone and i was opening it
05/10/2019, 11:38 pm - My Love: And he start to cry because he wanted the phone
05/10/2019, 11:38 pm - My Love: Lol
05/10/2019, 11:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol
05/10/2019, 11:39 pm - My Love: And i tell him
05/10/2019, 11:39 pm - My Love: That noo
05/10/2019, 11:39 pm - My Love: Its my phoneee
05/10/2019, 11:40 pm - My Love: And i tell him i will tell u to send one phone for
him.. and he stay quite
05/10/2019, 11:40 pm - My Love: Lol
05/10/2019, 11:40 pm - My Love: I just tell him that
05/10/2019, 11:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol
05/10/2019, 11:40 pm - My Love: I was not serious
05/10/2019, 11:41 pm - My Love: But when i reach by my aunty i carry a judge
05/10/2019, 11:41 pm - My Love: And he wacht it.. and he sit by my side.. and want
the judge
05/10/2019, 11:41 pm - My Love: And he drink more than half of the judge
05/10/2019, 11:42 pm - My Love: Was a big batle judge
05/10/2019, 11:42 pm - My Love: Anyway.. i was playing with him a litle
05/10/2019, 11:42 pm - My Love: And he was talking to me.. in bb language
05/10/2019, 11:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun my battery is dying okay
05/10/2019, 11:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Hahaha
05/10/2019, 11:43 pm - My Love: Noooopo
05/10/2019, 11:43 pm - My Love: �
05/10/2019, 11:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
05/10/2019, 11:43 pm - My Love: N i was like: i understand you perfectly
05/10/2019, 11:43 pm - My Love: Hun.. and when we go jome
05/10/2019, 11:43 pm - My Love: Them company us
05/10/2019, 11:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I am to sleep to charge it
05/10/2019, 11:43 pm - My Love: The small daughter and grandson and aunty henny
05/10/2019, 11:44 pm - My Love: And the bb was crying because we crass the road..
for colect the mini bus
05/10/2019, 11:44 pm - My Love: And he was the necmxt side
05/10/2019, 11:45 pm - My Love: So them had to bring him.. and i high him.. until
the mini bus reach and i go.. but when i leave him.. he cry hard again
05/10/2019, 11:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol
05/10/2019, 11:45 pm - My Love: It hurt me so much bb
05/10/2019, 11:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I know hun
05/10/2019, 11:45 pm - My Love: And he cry and lose his grandmother and tro himself
on the gronw
05/10/2019, 11:45 pm - My Love: And take out his shoes
05/10/2019, 11:45 pm - My Love: �
05/10/2019, 11:46 pm - My Love: Hun
05/10/2019, 11:46 pm - My Love: It was that what i wanted to tell u bb
05/10/2019, 11:47 pm - My Love: I will go and sleep now bb
05/10/2019, 11:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay hun I love yoy
05/10/2019, 11:47 pm - My Love: I tought u gone
05/10/2019, 11:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Sleep well
05/10/2019, 11:47 pm - My Love: That is why i am leaving
05/10/2019, 11:47 pm - My Love: U will stay hun?
05/10/2019, 11:47 pm - My Love: Or go?
05/10/2019, 11:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Unroll the battery die
05/10/2019, 11:48 pm - My Love: Ok bb.. i will go and sleep
05/10/2019, 11:48 pm - My Love: Good night my prince
05/10/2019, 11:48 pm - My Love: Take care bb
05/10/2019, 11:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night hun love you always
05/10/2019, 11:48 pm - My Love: God bless u and keep you guard you.. until morning
05/10/2019, 11:48 pm - My Love: ��
05/10/2019, 11:48 pm - My Love: Love u always my prince
05/10/2019, 11:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Love you forever ����
06/10/2019, 6:10 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my life
06/10/2019, 6:10 am - Emmanuel �: I love you
06/10/2019, 6:10 am - Emmanuel �: Have a wonderful day today my beautiful amazing
pretty awesome wif3
06/10/2019, 6:27 am - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
06/10/2019, 4:11 pm - My Love: Waaaaaa
06/10/2019, 4:11 pm - My Love: Huuunnn
06/10/2019, 4:11 pm - My Love: Light gone this morning bb
06/10/2019, 4:11 pm - My Love: I just reach home
06/10/2019, 4:11 pm - My Love: Weary
06/10/2019, 4:11 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
06/10/2019, 4:13 pm - Emmanuel �: You look so beautiful my bb
06/10/2019, 4:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I think you will rest
06/10/2019, 4:14 pm - Emmanuel �: After you bathe and eat
06/10/2019, 4:14 pm - My Love: U lookkkk sooooo yummyyyyy bb
06/10/2019, 4:14 pm - My Love: I will not bathe..
06/10/2019, 4:14 pm - My Love: I want to spend time with u hun
06/10/2019, 4:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Uncle Reno might come this evening
06/10/2019, 4:14 pm - My Love: That is alll
06/10/2019, 4:14 pm - My Love: This afternoon i will go to church
06/10/2019, 4:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you my love
06/10/2019, 4:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
06/10/2019, 4:15 pm - My Love: I loveeeeeee uuuuu bbbb
06/10/2019, 4:15 pm - My Love: ����
06/10/2019, 4:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I just want to tell you something God revealed
to me
06/10/2019, 4:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you to hun
06/10/2019, 4:19 pm - My Love: Really
06/10/2019, 4:19 pm - My Love: Tell me bb
06/10/2019, 4:19 pm - My Love: ��
06/10/2019, 4:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
06/10/2019, 4:21 pm - Emmanuel �: I really wanted to show you the position I like
06/10/2019, 4:21 pm - My Love: Tell me bb
06/10/2019, 4:21 pm - Emmanuel �: And I did
06/10/2019, 4:22 pm - My Love: I am hearing bb
06/10/2019, 4:22 pm - Emmanuel �: But God spoke to me
06/10/2019, 4:22 pm - Emmanuel �: And he told me don't put that seed of
pornography into our relationship
06/10/2019, 4:23 pm - Emmanuel �: That I have to lead you into purity until our
wedding when we will share a bed together
06/10/2019, 4:24 pm - Emmanuel �: But he show me something interesting and
06/10/2019, 4:26 pm - Emmanuel �: God show me the this that when we are married we
can do anything in bed when it comes to sex
06/10/2019, 4:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Except what he say not to do in the bible
06/10/2019, 4:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Which is anal sex
06/10/2019, 4:27 pm - Emmanuel �: But we can do anything else
06/10/2019, 4:28 pm - Emmanuel �: God say what he doesn't like is when men take
sex and video it and make it publicly
06/10/2019, 4:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Because he never desire sex to be publicly for
everyone to see each other
06/10/2019, 4:29 pm - Emmanuel �: He design it to be private between a husband and
06/10/2019, 4:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Not just a man and woman having meaningless sex
but them not love each other
06/10/2019, 4:30 pm - My Love: Oohh i see my love
06/10/2019, 4:30 pm - Emmanuel �: And then it is on the internet for advertising
06/10/2019, 4:30 pm - Emmanuel �: For everyone to see
06/10/2019, 4:31 pm - Emmanuel �: In our bedroom you and me a free
06/10/2019, 4:31 pm - Emmanuel �: But God told me we should not watch sex that
people make public so them can make money
06/10/2019, 4:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Because he told me it is a form of prostitution
06/10/2019, 4:32 pm - Emmanuel �: And God told me no one should ever use the body
he created and sell it to make money
06/10/2019, 4:33 pm - Emmanuel �: He is against that
06/10/2019, 4:33 pm - My Love: Oh
06/10/2019, 4:33 pm - My Love: I understand hun
06/10/2019, 4:33 pm - Emmanuel �: But a husband and wife is free to explore in
them marriage in them bed
06/10/2019, 4:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I just want to tell you that hun
06/10/2019, 4:34 pm - Emmanuel �: So that we don't do what God is not please with
06/10/2019, 4:37 pm - My Love: I believe what u said hun
06/10/2019, 4:37 pm - My Love: I believe God speak to u
06/10/2019, 4:37 pm - My Love: And i agre bb
06/10/2019, 4:37 pm - My Love: I am happy bb.. because i notice that u are more
closer to God hun
06/10/2019, 4:37 pm - My Love: Always continue this way bb
06/10/2019, 4:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you hun
06/10/2019, 4:38 pm - Emmanuel �: You know what
06/10/2019, 4:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to practice doing something
06/10/2019, 4:38 pm - My Love: What my hussy
06/10/2019, 4:38 pm - Emmanuel �: You know I use to watch porn
06/10/2019, 4:39 pm - Emmanuel �: I see many different types of women vaginas and
breasts and butts
06/10/2019, 4:40 pm - Emmanuel �: And I always use to say i want to have eyes for
you only
06/10/2019, 4:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I ask God to forgive for doing it
06/10/2019, 4:41 pm - Emmanuel �: But I have to live with that consequences
06/10/2019, 4:41 pm - My Love: Oohhh bbb
06/10/2019, 4:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Because of that I can compare you with what I
have seen
06/10/2019, 4:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Some of the women have so much more butt that
06/10/2019, 4:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Some have more breast
06/10/2019, 4:42 pm - Emmanuel �: It is the same if you watch porn
06/10/2019, 4:43 pm - Emmanuel �: You will see it have men with more muscles that
06/10/2019, 4:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Some with pene so much bigger than mines
06/10/2019, 4:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Porn can affect how you see your wife body
06/10/2019, 4:44 pm - My Love: Oohh hun
06/10/2019, 4:44 pm - My Love: I see bb
06/10/2019, 4:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Or husband body
06/10/2019, 4:44 pm - Emmanuel �: It can make you wonder what it wouldn't be like
to be with a girl who has so much butt
06/10/2019, 4:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Or so much breast
06/10/2019, 4:45 pm - Emmanuel �: If it is a girl
06/10/2019, 4:45 pm - Emmanuel �: She might wonder how it would feel if my husband
pene was bigger
06/10/2019, 4:45 pm - Emmanuel �: But I realized something
06/10/2019, 4:46 pm - Emmanuel �: That I don't want that
06/10/2019, 4:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Because what God give me is better for me
06/10/2019, 4:47 pm - Emmanuel �: So I want to really really really really really
practice having eyes for you only
06/10/2019, 4:47 pm - Emmanuel �: It is not worth it watch porn
06/10/2019, 4:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I am telling you
06/10/2019, 4:48 pm - Emmanuel �: It only destroy the relationship God gives you
06/10/2019, 4:48 pm - Emmanuel �: It feel good in the moment
06/10/2019, 4:48 pm - My Love: Yes bb
06/10/2019, 4:48 pm - Emmanuel �: But it destroys your mind
06/10/2019, 4:49 pm - Emmanuel �: And the love you have for your girlfriend
06/10/2019, 4:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
06/10/2019, 4:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I just want your body
06/10/2019, 4:49 pm - Emmanuel �: It is the only one I want to see
06/10/2019, 4:49 pm - Emmanuel �: For all my life
06/10/2019, 4:49 pm - My Love: Aaawww myy loveer
06/10/2019, 4:49 pm - My Love: I love u my bb
06/10/2019, 4:50 pm - Emmanuel �: And your body is amazing
06/10/2019, 4:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I get more excited when I see your pillows and
your belly and your legs
06/10/2019, 4:51 pm - Emmanuel �: And I know when I see you naked I will get more
excited for your butt and your vagina
06/10/2019, 4:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I only want you
06/10/2019, 4:52 pm - Emmanuel �: And I only want to see you
06/10/2019, 4:58 pm - My Love: Really bb?
06/10/2019, 4:58 pm - My Love: ���
06/10/2019, 4:58 pm - My Love: Bb i love u my lover
06/10/2019, 5:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
06/10/2019, 5:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun really I do
06/10/2019, 5:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I love what God give to me
06/10/2019, 5:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to watch anything else
06/10/2019, 5:01 pm - Emmanuel �: And sin and make God take you back from me
06/10/2019, 5:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun uncle Reno reach
06/10/2019, 5:02 pm - Emmanuel �: May you have a wonderful evening in your church
06/10/2019, 5:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Pray for me
06/10/2019, 5:02 pm - Emmanuel �: You are my love
06/10/2019, 5:03 pm - Emmanuel �: The one God bring into my life to do a good work
on t this earth to change the lives of many people
06/10/2019, 5:06 pm - My Love: ��
06/10/2019, 5:06 pm - My Love: Take care my bb
06/10/2019, 5:06 pm - My Love:
06/10/2019, 5:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
06/10/2019, 5:06 pm - My Love: I love u a lot bb
06/10/2019, 5:06 pm - Emmanuel �: You seem a little distracted
06/10/2019, 5:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Are you doing something?
06/10/2019, 5:07 pm - My Love: I am talking to santiago bb
06/10/2019, 5:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
06/10/2019, 5:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Guess what
06/10/2019, 5:07 pm - My Love: What bbbb??
06/10/2019, 5:07 pm - My Love: Tell me hun
06/10/2019, 5:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I heard something
06/10/2019, 5:07 pm - My Love: My phone is dying
06/10/2019, 5:07 pm - Emmanuel �: About you
06/10/2019, 5:07 pm - My Love: About??
06/10/2019, 5:07 pm - My Love: Yes
06/10/2019, 5:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Yeah
06/10/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: What u heard??
06/10/2019, 5:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I hear you in love with a boy from Trinidad
06/10/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: Haha
06/10/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: Now u get to know that?
06/10/2019, 5:08 pm - Emmanuel �: And he going to marry you
06/10/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: Naaaahhh
06/10/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: That is a long story now
06/10/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: So who is this man you with
06/10/2019, 5:09 pm - My Love: U didnt heard the latest news?
06/10/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: And you not tell me
06/10/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: No
06/10/2019, 5:09 pm - My Love: Because i wanted to surprise u
06/10/2019, 5:09 pm - My Love: He will come and visit me
06/10/2019, 5:09 pm - My Love: ���
06/10/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: All I know is you love him bad
06/10/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: And he from Trinidad
06/10/2019, 5:10 pm - My Love: Yes
06/10/2019, 5:10 pm - Emmanuel �: ���
06/10/2019, 5:10 pm - My Love: I loveeeeeee himmm a loottt
06/10/2019, 5:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me now
06/10/2019, 5:10 pm - My Love: Why u are vex for??
06/10/2019, 5:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Will I loose you to he
06/10/2019, 5:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me one time will I loose you to this boy
06/10/2019, 5:11 pm - My Love: He is better than u
06/10/2019, 5:11 pm - Emmanuel �: That trini you like
06/10/2019, 5:11 pm - My Love: I want Him
06/10/2019, 5:11 pm - My Love: Than u
06/10/2019, 5:11 pm - My Love:
06/10/2019, 5:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Well I not letting you go
06/10/2019, 5:11 pm - My Love: I will leave u
06/10/2019, 5:11 pm - Emmanuel �: So I don't know what you will do
06/10/2019, 5:11 pm - My Love: I never wanted to be with u
06/10/2019, 5:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I will keep you
06/10/2019, 5:11 pm - My Love: I want to be with him
06/10/2019, 5:11 pm - Emmanuel �: And fight for you
06/10/2019, 5:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I want you alone
06/10/2019, 5:12 pm - My Love: U dont know what he have
06/10/2019, 5:12 pm - My Love: Nah
06/10/2019, 5:12 pm - My Love: U cant do anything
06/10/2019, 5:12 pm - My Love: He stole my heart first than u
06/10/2019, 5:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I will marry you before he
06/10/2019, 5:12 pm - My Love: N make me feel things that no one could
06/10/2019, 5:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Have a chance
06/10/2019, 5:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you hun
06/10/2019, 5:13 pm - My Love: �
06/10/2019, 5:13 pm - Emmanuel �: You are the best
06/10/2019, 5:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you for being with me
06/10/2019, 5:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I have to go
06/10/2019, 5:13 pm - My Love: Noooooo
06/10/2019, 5:13 pm - My Love: Hug me first
06/10/2019, 5:13 pm - Emmanuel �: �
06/10/2019, 5:13 pm - My Love: Or else u will not go
06/10/2019, 5:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Big one
06/10/2019, 5:14 pm - My Love: �
06/10/2019, 5:14 pm - My Love: One next one
06/10/2019, 5:14 pm - My Love: A next one
06/10/2019, 5:14 pm - My Love: Please
06/10/2019, 5:14 pm - My Love: Next hug
06/10/2019, 5:14 pm - My Love: Heeyy
06/10/2019, 5:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes lover
06/10/2019, 5:14 pm - My Love: I love u my crazy oneee
06/10/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love: Now.. kiss my butt
06/10/2019, 5:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I give you a million
06/10/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love:
06/10/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love: i die
06/10/2019, 5:15 pm - Emmanuel �: With pleasure
06/10/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love: Haha
06/10/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love: Now u can go
06/10/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love: I kiss your fared
06/10/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love: Bye my lover
06/10/2019, 5:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I die
06/10/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love:
06/10/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love: I love u my bb
06/10/2019, 5:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I die
06/10/2019, 5:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you to
06/10/2019, 5:16 pm - Emmanuel �: You butt is the best I have ever seen
06/10/2019, 5:17 pm - Emmanuel �: It is perfect
06/10/2019, 5:16 pm - My Love: Awwwwwwww
06/10/2019, 6:54 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
06/10/2019, 6:54 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
06/10/2019, 6:54 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
06/10/2019, 6:54 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
06/10/2019, 6:54 pm - My Love: Huunnn
06/10/2019, 6:55 pm - My Love: Bbb
06/10/2019, 6:55 pm - My Love: I want u to do a video call bb
06/10/2019, 6:55 pm - My Love: So i can be in the service to with u hun
06/10/2019, 7:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I am sorry I see this message late
06/10/2019, 7:04 pm - My Love: Bb.. the service finish.?
06/10/2019, 7:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes we didn't go long tonight
06/10/2019, 7:05 pm - My Love: Oohh i see my love
06/10/2019, 7:05 pm - My Love: U are busy bb?
06/10/2019, 7:05 pm - My Love: I did went to church
06/10/2019, 7:05 pm - My Love: But come back
06/10/2019, 7:05 pm - My Love: Because today not have service
06/10/2019, 7:05 pm - My Love: I forget that
06/10/2019, 7:05 pm - My Love: Every first sunday not have service
06/10/2019, 7:06 pm - My Love: Of the month
06/10/2019, 7:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Ok hun
06/10/2019, 7:11 pm - My Love: But hun
06/10/2019, 7:11 pm - My Love: Next time
06/10/2019, 7:11 pm - Emmanuel �: You look really beautiful hun
06/10/2019, 7:11 pm - My Love: When i dont have service
06/10/2019, 7:11 pm - My Love: I wanted to do video call with u bb
06/10/2019, 7:11 pm - My Love: Ok
06/10/2019, 7:12 pm - My Love: And hear the service also
06/10/2019, 7:12 pm - My Love: With u hun
06/10/2019, 7:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay np
06/10/2019, 7:15 pm - My Love: What u are doing hun
06/10/2019, 7:15 pm - My Love: Bbbb
06/10/2019, 7:15 pm - My Love: What did uncle reno preach?
06/10/2019, 7:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun hold on my sexy one
06/10/2019, 7:22 pm - My Love: Oookkkkeeeeee
06/10/2019, 7:22 pm - My Love: ���
06/10/2019, 7:22 pm - My Love: Bring something for me when u come back
06/10/2019, 7:22 pm - My Love: �
06/10/2019, 7:33 pm - Emmanuel �: My mom was using my phone
06/10/2019, 7:33 pm - My Love: Oohh ok bb
06/10/2019, 7:33 pm - Emmanuel �: What do you want
06/10/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: I want a cake
06/10/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: Ba normal one
06/10/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Of course bb
06/10/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
06/10/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: Tell me bb
06/10/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Do you want to study something with mr
06/10/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Me
06/10/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: As how we are preparing for marriage
06/10/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: And you talk about cake
06/10/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: My pillows are the best
06/10/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I love them so much
06/10/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: All I want is you
06/10/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: ��
� ��
06/10/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
06/10/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
06/10/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: Hehe
06/10/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: Hun
06/10/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Sorry I made you cry
06/10/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: With u
06/10/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: I can be the real andreina bb
06/10/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: I can be me
06/10/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: I feel free been with u bb
06/10/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: I am glad to know you feel that way
06/10/2019, 7:40 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
06/10/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
06/10/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: ��
06/10/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Can i go next to u
06/10/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Closer
06/10/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: And molest u
06/10/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: �
06/10/2019, 7:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
06/10/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: You can
06/10/2019, 7:44 pm - My Love: Haha
06/10/2019, 7:45 pm - My Love: Hey hun
06/10/2019, 7:45 pm - My Love: U dont know what i will do been next to u
06/10/2019, 7:45 pm - My Love: I will start to ramp on u
06/10/2019, 7:45 pm - My Love: And cuff u up
06/10/2019, 7:46 pm - My Love: And fight with u on the bed
06/10/2019, 7:46 pm - My Love: Haha
06/10/2019, 7:46 pm - My Love: That will be amazing
06/10/2019, 7:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes it will be
06/10/2019, 7:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I love that
06/10/2019, 7:47 pm - My Love: Hehe bb
06/10/2019, 7:47 pm - My Love: Let us study something
06/10/2019, 7:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes hun
06/10/2019, 7:48 pm - Emmanuel �: I will do something different tonight
06/10/2019, 7:48 pm - My Love: What u will do hun
06/10/2019, 7:48 pm - My Love: Video call
06/10/2019, 7:49 pm - My Love: Or normal call
06/10/2019, 7:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Let me find the video
06/10/2019, 7:49 pm - My Love: Ok
06/10/2019, 7:49 pm - Emmanuel �: A different topic
06/10/2019, 7:49 pm - My Love: Ohh ok bb
06/10/2019, 7:49 pm - My Love: I will be waiting
06/10/2019, 7:54 pm - Emmanuel �: https://youtu.be/blUey7RlqLU
06/10/2019, 7:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
06/10/2019, 7:54 pm - My Love: Yes whats up
06/10/2019, 7:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Jejeje
06/10/2019, 7:55 pm - Emmanuel �: The man you are going to see his is not a
Christian his name is Dr sebi
06/10/2019, 7:56 pm - Emmanuel �: But I believe God can use people who are not
Christian to give his message
06/10/2019, 7:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Because Dr sebi cure a virus that people say has
no cure
06/10/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: Ohh
06/10/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Hiv also known as aids
06/10/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: �
06/10/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: I didnt knew
06/10/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: You can start watching the video
06/10/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
06/10/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I will watch it with you
06/10/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: Bb
06/10/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: Give me one change.
06/10/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: Chance
06/10/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: ???
06/10/2019, 7:59 pm - My Love: I will go and eat bb, mom hot the food to late bb
06/10/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Ok
06/10/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Sure
06/10/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Go ahead
06/10/2019, 7:59 pm - My Love: I will charge the phone ok
06/10/2019, 7:59 pm - My Love: While i am eating
06/10/2019, 8:00 pm - My Love: Id ont have much battery
06/10/2019, 8:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
06/10/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: You are my bowl of soup
06/10/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to drink you
06/10/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: Bowl of soap
06/10/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: Lol
06/10/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love: Hun
06/10/2019, 8:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes my love
06/10/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: I was drinking soup
06/10/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I know
06/10/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: Only your bowl??
06/10/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: Only a thing?
06/10/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: You are my soup
06/10/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: Hehe
06/10/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
06/10/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: Mow it sounds better bb
06/10/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: Soup of what
06/10/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: Chiken
06/10/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: Fish
06/10/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: What
06/10/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Sopa de andreina
06/10/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love: Haha
06/10/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love: Lol
06/10/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love: Hun.. let us wacht the video bb
06/10/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
06/10/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love: I will start now
06/10/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
06/10/2019, 8:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
06/10/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: I will write you
06/10/2019, 8:36 pm - My Love: Hun
06/10/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: I just wanted to tell you that you don't have to
watch the whole thing
06/10/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: If you start to feel.tired you can stop
06/10/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: Oohh
06/10/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: So i can wacht it later bb??
06/10/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Are you tired now
06/10/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: Bored about the video
06/10/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: Lol
06/10/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: Its not interesant for me
06/10/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I understand
06/10/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: Because i need to wacht all
06/10/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: And then i will tell u if i like it
06/10/2019, 8:39 pm - My Love: But was interesant about the water and the plant
06/10/2019, 8:39 pm - My Love: That the man was eating
06/10/2019, 8:39 pm - My Love: And still be alive
06/10/2019, 8:39 pm - My Love: Pl
06/10/2019, 8:39 pm - Emmanuel �: You can watch it later if you wish
06/10/2019, 8:39 pm - Emmanuel �: It is up to you my love
06/10/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
06/10/2019, 8:42 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
06/10/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Come here
06/10/2019, 8:42 pm - My Love: Yes i will do it bb
06/10/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you
06/10/2019, 8:42 pm - My Love: Why
06/10/2019, 8:42 pm - My Love: Why
06/10/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: Give me one reason
06/10/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Well one I miss you a lot
06/10/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I need you
06/10/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: Q
06/10/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: Eheee
06/10/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish you were here
06/10/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: What moree
06/10/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: You are hot
06/10/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Not only me miss you
06/10/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: Eheee
06/10/2019, 8:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Pene to
06/10/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: Lol
06/10/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: Ok
06/10/2019, 8:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I feel to hug you
06/10/2019, 8:44 pm - Emmanuel �: To cuddle you
06/10/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: I come very close to you my love bb
06/10/2019, 8:44 pm - Emmanuel �: To lie down near yoy
06/10/2019, 8:44 pm - Emmanuel �: You
06/10/2019, 8:44 pm - Emmanuel �: To feel you
06/10/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Wow how beautiful
06/10/2019, 8:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Mi cielo
06/10/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: My lips want to eat out u
06/10/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
06/10/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: So i am now
06/10/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Which part of me ?
06/10/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
s06/10/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: Your lips
06/10/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: First
06/10/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: For the first time you show me your pezones
06/10/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I love to color of it
06/10/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: Really
06/10/2019, 8:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I see a little of it in the photo
06/10/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: You you bubbies are perfect
06/10/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: My mom cheek my back and tell me i full with hair at
my back
06/10/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: I dont know because i cant see anything bb
06/10/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: But God give u a teddy bear as wife
06/10/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: ��
06/10/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I still can't believe that you are mines
06/10/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love:
06/10/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: I love u hun
06/10/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I always wanted my girlfriend to be hairy
06/10/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Grace had hair to but you have more
06/10/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: Hehehe
06/10/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: ��
� ��
06/10/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Because she didn't have hair on her pezones
06/10/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: Lol
06/10/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love:
06/10/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: So i am anormal
06/10/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: U know what i always think
06/10/2019, 8:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Well for me it is what I always wanted
06/10/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: When ever you suck my pezones.. if u will pull my
hair on my pezones
06/10/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I can't stop looking at you
06/10/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: I dont know if to shave my body bb
06/10/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: No
06/10/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Please don't
06/10/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
06/10/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: Why not
06/10/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: Hun..
06/10/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I will take my time
06/10/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I love it so
06/10/2019, 8:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun really I do
06/10/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: Tell me what will happen if u suck my bubbies
06/10/2019, 8:58 pm - Emmanuel �: It is atractive to me
06/10/2019, 8:58 pm - Emmanuel �: You sure
06/10/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: I dont want u to pull my hair
06/10/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay �
06/10/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: Bb.. i dont want to shave
06/10/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: Because i love my hair hun
06/10/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: But
06/10/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: U want me to shave it?
06/10/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I already told you no
06/10/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: But I understand why
06/10/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: You want to do it
06/10/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: Hun.. we will try it bb..
06/10/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: N if it molest me then will shave it
06/10/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: First
06/10/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
06/10/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
06/10/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: I love u my bb
06/10/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I will delete them photo
06/10/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: Not as get bb
06/10/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: Keep them a litle more
06/10/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
06/10/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: I love when your i stole your eyes
06/10/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: I love when u wacht me
06/10/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: U know what u do??
06/10/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: You always do it
06/10/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: When u waxht me?
06/10/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: Me intimidas
06/10/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: I dont know how to say it in english
06/10/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: How come
06/10/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
06/10/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: U intimidate me
06/10/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't know the answer?
06/10/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: In English is intimidate
06/10/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: Its how we said in spanish bb.. when someone that
love u wacht you full in you
06/10/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: And u feel like a kind of melt
06/10/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: It is the same word
06/10/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Different pronunciation
06/10/2019, 9:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I know
06/10/2019, 9:05 pm - My Love: I ask u this.. trying to asking about my hair.. what
will happen if u suck my bubbies with my hair
06/10/2019, 9:05 pm - My Love: Oh
06/10/2019, 9:05 pm - My Love: Ok
06/10/2019, 9:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Oh I see
06/10/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: I love u bb
06/10/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: How are u bb
06/10/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: Tell me how u feel
06/10/2019, 9:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sad
06/10/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: Why bb
06/10/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: How come
06/10/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: Whats wrong bb
06/10/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: Tell me prince
06/10/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: Why u are sad hun
06/10/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I am not in your bed
06/10/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: Emmanuel u almost give me a heart attact
06/10/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: Next time dont do that
06/10/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: �
06/10/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: And more closely to my pillows
06/10/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Jejeje
06/10/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: Hun i love u bb
06/10/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: I cant handle that bb
06/10/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't always take me serious
06/10/2019, 9:14 pm - Emmanuel �: So i didn't expect you to take it seriously
06/10/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you to so much my sweet body girl
06/10/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: U always are serious
06/10/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: I try to make u laugh
06/10/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: But sometimes u are more hard
06/10/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
06/10/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you to put yourself in my shoes and tell
me how you will be
06/10/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: Hun
06/10/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: Forget what i said bb
06/10/2019, 9:18 pm - Emmanuel �: You you have been tru what I did when it comes
to love
06/10/2019, 9:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
06/10/2019, 9:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Can you wrap your legs around me ?
06/10/2019, 9:20 pm - My Love: Yes my bb
06/10/2019, 9:20 pm - My Love: My legs soround you now
06/10/2019, 9:20 pm - Emmanuel �: It will feel good
06/10/2019, 9:20 pm - Emmanuel �: I know one day
06/10/2019, 9:22 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
06/10/2019, 9:22 pm - My Love: Hun hun hun
06/10/2019, 9:22 pm - My Love: Hun hun
06/10/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
06/10/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: My lover
06/10/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: What
06/10/2019, 9:23 pm - My Love: I wish your head could be on my belly
06/10/2019, 9:23 pm - My Love: And your hands cover all my back
06/10/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't understand
06/10/2019, 9:24 pm - My Love: Mm
06/10/2019, 9:24 pm - My Love: I will try to find a picture
06/10/2019, 9:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Ok
06/10/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: I cant find one bb
06/10/2019, 9:28 pm - Emmanuel �: It's okay
06/10/2019, 9:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Love
06/10/2019, 9:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I will do it
06/10/2019, 9:29 pm - Emmanuel �: In real you will show me
06/10/2019, 9:29 pm - Emmanuel �: How
06/10/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: Yes bb
06/10/2019, 9:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
06/10/2019, 9:31 pm - My Love: Yes bb
06/10/2019, 9:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I LOVE you
06/10/2019, 9:31 pm - My Love: ☺
06/10/2019, 9:31 pm - My Love: ��
06/10/2019, 9:31 pm - My Love: But u on my belly
06/10/2019, 9:32 pm - My Love: And wachting my eyes
06/10/2019, 9:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I will love it
06/10/2019, 9:32 pm - My Love: And your hands on my back bb
06/10/2019, 9:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
06/10/2019, 9:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
06/10/2019, 9:34 pm - Emmanuel �: My battery is low
06/10/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: �
06/10/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: Huun
06/10/2019, 9:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you so much
06/10/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: Why u dont charge your phone
06/10/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: �
06/10/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: How it have low battery
06/10/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: Eh
06/10/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: �
06/10/2019, 9:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Kiss me
06/10/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: Next time charge it
06/10/2019, 9:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I have a little still
06/10/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: I larmer all your face witth my tongue
06/10/2019, 9:35 pm - Emmanuel �: It on 36%
06/10/2019, 9:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I love this
06/10/2019, 9:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Is larmer means lick
06/10/2019, 9:38 pm - My Love: Yes
06/10/2019, 9:38 pm - My Love: U love that
06/10/2019, 9:38 pm - My Love: ??
06/10/2019, 9:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
06/10/2019, 9:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I love it
06/10/2019, 9:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you to do it
06/10/2019, 9:38 pm - My Love: Well
06/10/2019, 9:38 pm - My Love: I will do it
06/10/2019, 9:39 pm - Emmanuel �: You can do it all over
06/10/2019, 9:39 pm - My Love: But not bulgarmente
06/10/2019, 9:39 pm - My Love: I will do it sensual and lovely
06/10/2019, 9:39 pm - Emmanuel �: You cand do it however you wish
06/10/2019, 9:39 pm - My Love: Waaa
06/10/2019, 9:40 pm - My Love: ���
06/10/2019, 9:40 pm - My Love: I love u my dear
06/10/2019, 9:40 pm - My Love: My hot chocolate
06/10/2019, 9:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you to
06/10/2019, 9:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
06/10/2019, 9:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Will you ever suck pene or you will not ?
06/10/2019, 9:40 pm - My Love: Hun
06/10/2019, 9:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes hun
06/10/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: Why u ask me that foorr eh
06/10/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love:
06/10/2019, 9:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I just asking?
06/10/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: U make me be shain now
06/10/2019, 9:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Sorry
06/10/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: Hun i dont have answer of that now bb
06/10/2019, 9:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I didn't mean to
06/10/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: But
06/10/2019, 9:41 pm - Emmanuel �: It's okay bb
06/10/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: When i get more boldness
06/10/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: Then yes bb
06/10/2019, 9:42 pm - Emmanuel �: What ?
06/10/2019, 9:42 pm - My Love: Lol
06/10/2019, 9:42 pm - Emmanuel �: You mean you are not sure ?
06/10/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: Courage
06/10/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: Hun
06/10/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: I am shain bb
06/10/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: Its not because i dont want bb
06/10/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: Yes i want hun
06/10/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: But
06/10/2019, 9:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun will you let me suck your vagina or you will
not ?
06/10/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: Not for the first day together bb
06/10/2019, 9:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I understand
06/10/2019, 9:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I understand love
b06/10/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: Not for the first bb
06/10/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: Sorry hun
06/10/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: I am shain bb
06/10/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: But yes.. u will hun
06/10/2019, 9:44 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't have to be sorry I understand
06/10/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: I mean.. i will bb
06/10/2019, 9:44 pm - Emmanuel �: It will be my pleasure
06/10/2019, 9:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I love to please yoy
06/10/2019, 9:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
06/10/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: Thank u my love
06/10/2019, 9:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you to be comfortable
06/10/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: So I will let you tell me when you are ready
06/10/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not ask for it
06/10/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: Ok my love
06/10/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: Thank u bb
06/10/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: For think always in me bb
06/10/2019, 9:47 pm - Emmanuel �: When you feel like you are bold enough to do it
just tell me and I will try it for you
06/10/2019, 9:47 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
06/10/2019, 9:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you I will always do this
06/10/2019, 9:47 pm - My Love: �
06/10/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: U make me feel special bb
06/10/2019, 9:48 pm - Emmanuel �: You are special
06/10/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: Hun
06/10/2019, 9:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
06/10/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: I want to tell u something bb
06/10/2019, 9:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Sure
06/10/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: Theses days
06/10/2019, 9:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
06/10/2019, 9:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me
06/10/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: You not ask me how i am
06/10/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Come here hun
06/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: Most of the time you never ask this question
06/10/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry
06/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: Huunnnnn
06/10/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes my love
06/10/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I am listening
06/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: I was waiting for u to ask me u know
06/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: N
06/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: I just tell u
06/10/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: I cant remember if i tell u
06/10/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: But i love when someone ask me how i am for the day
06/10/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I hold you in my arms
06/10/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes you did
06/10/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: Well ok
06/10/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I am sorry
06/10/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: I will not say more
06/10/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
06/10/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: You didnt notice them picture that i sent to u just
06/10/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: Lie down??
06/10/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes hun
06/10/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: Did i had a smile?
06/10/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: I noticed
06/10/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I see it
06/10/2019, 9:53 pm - My Love: Ok
06/10/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: But
06/10/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: I know it is because of me
06/10/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: And the hard words I tell you
06/10/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: And I don't know what to say to fix it
06/10/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I already hurt you
06/10/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know if it another reason akso
06/10/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Also
06/10/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun did something happen today
06/10/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
06/10/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: About what bb?
06/10/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: To talk your smile away?
06/10/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: *take
06/10/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: Yes bb
06/10/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: At work
06/10/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: But it not matter bb
06/10/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: You know that I care hun
06/10/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry
06/10/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: Hun
06/10/2019, 9:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I didn't ask you
06/10/2019, 9:57 pm - Emmanuel �: But I care for yoy
06/10/2019, 9:57 pm - Emmanuel �: You
06/10/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: Its not important to u because u dont even ask me
06/10/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: So its not important n u dont care about it
06/10/2019, 9:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
06/10/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: I use to ask you all the time
06/10/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Be recently I was hurt
06/10/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: And I also hurt you
06/10/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: Ok my love its ok
06/10/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: Hun
06/10/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: Just forget it bb
06/10/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: You think I don't care bb
06/10/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: Yes u care bb
06/10/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: But hun
06/10/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: How could I forget that
06/10/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish to no
06/10/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: Sometimes i miss u ask me things bb
06/10/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry for not ask
06/10/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: But I am interested in your day
06/10/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: Not all the time i will come to u and tell u how i
feel bb
06/10/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: I also want u to ask me how i am n feeling bb
06/10/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I understand love
06/10/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry
06/10/2019, 10:02 pm - My Love: Hun forget it bb
06/10/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to know how you feel that is important
for me
06/10/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Really it is
06/10/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I always think of you
06/10/2019, 10:02 pm - My Love: Hun
06/10/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: In everything
06/10/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: And how it makes you feel
06/10/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
06/10/2019, 10:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
06/10/2019, 10:05 pm - My Love: Bb
06/10/2019, 10:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Really
06/10/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to know
06/10/2019, 10:06 pm - My Love: What bb
06/10/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Will you tell me
06/10/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: What happened
06/10/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: To you
06/10/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: To take away your smile
06/10/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: And after I can cuddle you and we can rest
06/10/2019, 10:07 pm - My Love: Ok my love
06/10/2019, 10:08 pm - My Love: Hun
06/10/2019, 10:08 pm - My Love: U are there bb
06/10/2019, 10:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I am waiting for you
06/10/2019, 10:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I am
06/10/2019, 10:09 pm - My Love: Oh ok bb
06/10/2019, 10:09 pm - My Love: I tought u gone
06/10/2019, 10:09 pm - My Love: Hun
06/10/2019, 10:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Why would I do that
06/10/2019, 10:09 pm - My Love: I reach 6am to work
06/10/2019, 10:09 pm - My Love: U was not online
06/10/2019, 10:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I was checking a message
06/10/2019, 10:10 pm - My Love: And since then.. until 11:50 then i get just less
than 2 minute to sit down
06/10/2019, 10:10 pm - My Love: I didnt get to drink water all the day
06/10/2019, 10:10 pm - My Love: Until 2pm
06/10/2019, 10:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
06/10/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: I normally drink more than 4botle of water before
06/10/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: I love to deink water
06/10/2019, 10:11 pm - Emmanuel �: This is good
06/10/2019, 10:11 pm - Emmanuel �: You work really hard today
06/10/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: Even if i dont even but i drink water i feel real
good.. i costume to that
06/10/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: Yes
06/10/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: I work until 4pm
06/10/2019, 10:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Wow
06/10/2019, 10:12 pm - My Love: But
06/10/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I understand
06/10/2019, 10:12 pm - My Love: I didnt drink water not because i didnt get time
06/10/2019, 10:12 pm - My Love: Is because them not allow me
06/10/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
06/10/2019, 10:12 pm - My Love: I drink hot water
06/10/2019, 10:12 pm - My Love: Normal temperature of water
06/10/2019, 10:12 pm - My Love: Not cold
06/10/2019, 10:13 pm - My Love: And all them girls drink cold
06/10/2019, 10:13 pm - My Love: My i drink hot
06/10/2019, 10:13 pm - My Love: So uncle fagu
06/10/2019, 10:13 pm - My Love: Which is my boss
06/10/2019, 10:13 pm - My Love: Told me to take water from the deposito
06/10/2019, 10:13 pm - My Love: And drink them
06/10/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: I take it as usually.. n the girl who is encharge..
take it n move it.. so i cant use it
06/10/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: He knew i dont drink cold water
06/10/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: I told him
06/10/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: So he give me that privilege
06/10/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: To colect waters
06/10/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: Cold water dont satisfy my body
06/10/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: I need hot water
06/10/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: Any way
06/10/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: That is strange
06/10/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: But ok
06/10/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: I was helping.. and it reach a point.. this was
yesterday, everyone was sitinf down.. and i was doing work and work
06/10/2019, 10:16 pm - My Love: And them was laughing me
06/10/2019, 10:16 pm - My Love: Them girls
06/10/2019, 10:16 pm - My Love: About my eyes
06/10/2019, 10:16 pm - My Love: Them say i have big eyes and making me jokes
06/10/2019, 10:16 pm - My Love: But i was just quite all the day
06/10/2019, 10:16 pm - My Love: And not smiling much as normal
06/10/2019, 10:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Your eyes are perfect
06/10/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: Noo
06/10/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: U lie
06/10/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: U told me them are big
06/10/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
06/10/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: And big is perfect
06/10/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: And now i dont wacht them to much in them eyes
06/10/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: That is what I like
06/10/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: It is my preference
06/10/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: GOD give me what I wanted
06/10/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: And every single moment i have, i think more about
u hun
06/10/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Them just jealous you better that them
06/10/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: So.. my mind is snother part even i am working
06/10/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: N
06/10/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: Them are unjust
06/10/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Awwwwwww
06/10/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
06/10/2019, 10:19 pm - Emmanuel �: You are so much better than them
06/10/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: Them are doing things that not suppost be
06/10/2019, 10:19 pm - Emmanuel �: By much
06/10/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: N that make be dissapointed of them
06/10/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: And yesterday and today them ask me what i have..
because i am not as normal like always
06/10/2019, 10:21 pm - My Love: Hun i love u bb
06/10/2019, 10:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't worry hun
06/10/2019, 10:21 pm - Emmanuel �: One day everything will be different
06/10/2019, 10:21 pm - My Love: I get my period not to long.. today
06/10/2019, 10:21 pm - My Love: N my head is hurting a liiiiitlleee very litle
06/10/2019, 10:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Oh I ser
06/10/2019, 10:22 pm - Emmanuel �: See
06/10/2019, 10:22 pm - Emmanuel �: So you are not feeling to well love
06/10/2019, 10:23 pm - My Love: Yes bb.. i am not feeling well hun
06/10/2019, 10:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
06/10/2019, 10:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Come here
06/10/2019, 10:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Let me hold you
06/10/2019, 10:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Let us go rest
06/10/2019, 10:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Together
06/10/2019, 10:25 pm - My Love: U want to sleep now bb?
06/10/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes love
06/10/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: With you
06/10/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: In my arms
06/10/2019, 10:25 pm - My Love: Hun.. i will rest my head on you bb.. but i will
not sleep now
06/10/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: How come bb
06/10/2019, 10:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I really didn't know your day was so hard
06/10/2019, 10:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you my hun
06/10/2019, 10:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I hold you tight
06/10/2019, 11:00 pm - My Love: Bb.
07/10/2019, 5:48 am - My Love: Bbbbbb
07/10/2019, 5:48 am - My Love: The light gone last night my lover
07/10/2019, 5:48 am - My Love: Gooooddd morning my besstttt one and only oneeee and
lovely gift from Goddddd
07/10/2019, 5:48 am - My Love: ������
07/10/2019, 5:49 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my life
07/10/2019, 5:49 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/10/2019, 5:49 am - Emmanuel �: Have a amazing day today
07/10/2019, 5:49 am - My Love: I love u my bb
07/10/2019, 5:49 am - My Love: Same toooo uuuu
07/10/2019, 5:49 am - My Love: Rain is falling here
07/10/2019, 5:49 am - Emmanuel �: And remember no matter what them girls tell you
07/10/2019, 5:49 am - Emmanuel �: Someone love you just the way you are
07/10/2019, 5:50 am - My Love: Ok my lover
07/10/2019, 5:50 am - Emmanuel �: Your eyes was on of the first thing I fell in
love with
07/10/2019, 5:50 am - Emmanuel �: And it is so beautiful
07/10/2019, 5:50 am - Emmanuel �: You are beautiful
07/10/2019, 5:50 am - Emmanuel �: Every part of you
07/10/2019, 5:50 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/10/2019, 5:51 am - Emmanuel �: And then girl just jealous of you
07/10/2019, 5:51 am - Emmanuel �: You are amazing from you head to your feet
07/10/2019, 5:51 am - Emmanuel �: I love you
07/10/2019, 5:52 am - Emmanuel �: So beautiful my gift
07/10/2019, 5:52 am - Emmanuel �: Hun i.will leave for work now by I love you the
most have a awesome day go with God
07/10/2019, 5:54 am - My Love: Bye my eveeryyythiinngg
07/10/2019, 5:54 am - My Love: ���
07/10/2019, 5:54 am - My Love: I kiss u bb
07/10/2019, 5:56 am - Emmanuel �: You are a queen you hear me
07/10/2019, 5:56 am - Emmanuel �: My queen
07/10/2019, 5:56 am - Emmanuel �: And i.love you
07/10/2019, 5:57 am - Emmanuel �: So much
07/10/2019, 6:26 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
07/10/2019, 6:40 pm - My Love: Bbbbbb
07/10/2019, 6:40 pm - My Love: ����
07/10/2019, 6:40 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
07/10/2019, 6:40 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
07/10/2019, 6:40 pm - My Love: I am weary weary weary hun
07/10/2019, 6:41 pm - Emmanuel �: In my eyes you are everything!!!!!!
07/10/2019, 6:41 pm - Emmanuel �: How was your day
07/10/2019, 6:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun today I prayed for you
07/10/2019, 6:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I prayed for your day to be wonderful and that
you will find favor with your boss and workers and customers
07/10/2019, 6:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you told me your days are hard
07/10/2019, 6:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I ask God to take control of your day
07/10/2019, 6:43 pm - My Love: Awwwwwww bbb
07/10/2019, 6:43 pm - My Love: I love u bb
07/10/2019, 6:43 pm - My Love: Thank u my deat
07/10/2019, 6:43 pm - My Love: ���
07/10/2019, 6:43 pm - My Love: I hug u my lpve
07/10/2019, 6:44 pm - My Love: I wish u can lift me up and carry me to bed now
07/10/2019, 6:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish the same
07/10/2019, 6:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I need to bathe
07/10/2019, 6:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I work really hard to day
07/10/2019, 6:45 pm - My Love: Go a head bb
07/10/2019, 6:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I was helping on uncle Reno house
07/10/2019, 6:45 pm - My Love: I will change my clothes and eat
07/10/2019, 6:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I don't feel well
07/10/2019, 6:45 pm - My Love: Good job bb
07/10/2019, 6:45 pm - My Love: ☺
07/10/2019, 6:45 pm - My Love: Oohh
07/10/2019, 6:45 pm - My Love: �
07/10/2019, 6:45 pm - My Love: Ok bb
07/10/2019, 6:46 pm - My Love: Do what u feels to make u feel good bb
07/10/2019, 6:46 pm - My Love: Go ahead
07/10/2019, 6:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Ouuuuuuuu let me change you
07/10/2019, 6:46 pm - My Love: But bb
07/10/2019, 6:46 pm - My Love: I will miss u
07/10/2019, 6:46 pm - My Love: Nah nah nah nah
07/10/2019, 6:46 pm - My Love: U will not change me
07/10/2019, 6:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol
07/10/2019, 6:46 pm - My Love: And not do anything
07/10/2019, 6:46 ��
pm - My Love: �
07/10/2019, 6:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I think I am getting sick
07/10/2019, 6:46 pm - My Love: I know what will be the resoults
07/10/2019, 6:46 pm - Emmanuel �: With a virus
07/10/2019, 6:46 pm - My Love: Really bb
07/10/2019, 6:46 pm - My Love: Agaaiinn
07/10/2019, 6:46 pm - My Love: Huuumm
07/10/2019, 6:47 pm - Emmanuel �: My belly is hurting
07/10/2019, 6:47 pm - Emmanuel �: And my head
07/10/2019, 6:47 pm - My Love: Why u not take care of your self bb
07/10/2019, 6:47 pm - My Love: ??
07/10/2019, 6:47 pm - My Love: What u did for get that bb?
07/10/2019, 6:47 pm - Emmanuel �: It's been awhile hun
07/10/2019, 6:47 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
07/10/2019, 6:47 pm - Emmanuel �: There is a virus going around
07/10/2019, 6:48 pm - Emmanuel �: My uncle and everywhere have it
07/10/2019, 6:48 pm - Emmanuel �: And people on work have it
07/10/2019, 6:48 pm - My Love: Oohh i seee bb
07/10/2019, 6:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I am busy working to get money to finish
our home and buy ticket to come see you
07/10/2019, 6:53 pm - My Love: Awww bb
07/10/2019, 6:53 pm - My Love: I dont want u to get sick my live
07/10/2019, 6:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I will bathe okay
07/10/2019, 6:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I know you will take care of me
07/10/2019, 6:55 pm - Emmanuel �: So I am not worried
07/10/2019, 6:55 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
07/10/2019, 6:55 pm - My Love: Ok bb
07/10/2019, 6:55 pm - Emmanuel �: I will be back
07/10/2019, 6:55 pm - My Love: I wwilll eat now
07/10/2019, 6:55 pm - My Love: Ok
07/10/2019, 6:55 pm - My Love: I will miss u
07/10/2019, 6:56 pm - Emmanuel �: I will miss you to
07/10/2019, 7:21 pm - Emmanuel �: My lover
07/10/2019, 7:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me about your day
07/10/2019, 7:22 pm - Emmanuel �: If you wish to
07/10/2019, 7:27 pm - My Love: Huunnnn
07/10/2019, 7:28 pm - My Love: Was real real different
07/10/2019, 7:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes my lover
07/10/2019, 7:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me love
07/10/2019, 7:32 pm - My Love: I was helping seeling
07/10/2019, 7:32 pm - My Love: Selling
07/10/2019, 7:33 pm - My Love: Because i didnt wanted to go at the back
07/10/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: Sorry hun
07/10/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: I am writing my aunty
07/10/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: So yes my love
07/10/2019, 7:34 pm - Emmanuel �: It is okay
07/10/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: My belly hurt a litle bb
07/10/2019, 7:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss youuuuuuuuuuu
07/10/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: But not much
07/10/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: I didnt get any quarel of anyone
07/10/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Waaaa
07/10/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: But plenty things happen at work place
07/10/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: You think it was my prayers?
07/10/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: Yeeesss
07/10/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Hmmmm
07/10/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Maybe so
07/10/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: I believe everything go excelent
07/10/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: Because of u bb
07/10/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: U know what today was so normal
07/10/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Well I know what to do now
07/10/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: But hun even when your day go not so good
07/10/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Still remember that you are special
07/10/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: Ok my loveeeerrrr
07/10/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: ��
07/10/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: Yes always hun
07/10/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: U make me feel special
07/10/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: So thinking in u
07/10/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: Will make me feel special
07/10/2019, 7:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
07/10/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: Yes my lovveeerre
07/10/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: ���
07/10/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: In my eyes you are everything
07/10/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: Awwwww
07/10/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: Bbb
07/10/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: U too my love for me
07/10/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: Its the same
07/10/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: You are my everything my loveee
07/10/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: ��
07/10/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: U mean my everything to me bb
07/10/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Than you
07/10/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
07/10/2019, 7:40 pm - My Love: ☺☺
07/10/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Hun
07/10/2019, 7:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes hun
07/10/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: U are smeeling sweet bb
07/10/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: I willl kiss your neck
07/10/2019, 7:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I bathe
07/10/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Then yyour cachete
07/10/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Then your eyes
07/10/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Your nose
07/10/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Your fared
07/10/2019, 7:41 pm - Emmanuel �: And will you lick me
07/10/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Then eat your lips
07/10/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: I dont know hun
07/10/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: I was joking about licking
07/10/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I would love this
07/10/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: But i never do that u knoe
07/10/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I was not
07/10/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: So i dont know how it will feel like
07/10/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Grace did it to Me already
07/10/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: It is very sensual
07/10/2019, 7:43 pm - Emmanuel �: But it's okay if you won't
07/10/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: Hun
07/10/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: That not attract me
07/10/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: To lick
07/10/2019, 7:43 pm - Emmanuel �: It's okay
07/10/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: I never do it
07/10/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: But i will try it bb
07/10/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: But i not see my self doing it
07/10/2019, 7:44 pm - My Love: U understand bb
07/10/2019, 7:44 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't have to
07/10/2019, 7:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I understand
07/10/2019, 7:44 pm - Emmanuel �: But really I am good
07/10/2019, 7:44 pm - My Love: U are good?? What u mean?
07/10/2019, 7:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I am fine with keeping things simple
07/10/2019, 7:44 pm - My Love: I love you my darling
07/10/2019, 7:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I mean I am okay with what ever
07/10/2019, 7:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not a exigente person
07/10/2019, 7:47 pm - My Love: Ooh
07/10/2019, 7:47 pm - My Love: I like to make things special bb
07/10/2019, 7:47 pm - My Love: Even its simple
07/10/2019, 7:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay that is nice
07/10/2019, 7:48 pm - Emmanuel �: For me sex is normal
07/10/2019, 7:49 pm - Emmanuel �: A lot of people are curious and exited and
07/10/2019, 7:50 pm - My Love: Well bb
07/10/2019, 7:50 pm - Emmanuel �: But really it is nothing so grandioso
07/10/2019, 7:50 pm - My Love: I just want to spend thoses moment with u and make
be grandioso
07/10/2019, 7:50 pm - My Love: Even for you its not
07/10/2019, 7:50 pm - My Love: Hun sex is nice bb
07/10/2019, 7:51 pm - My Love: But in the Good way bb
07/10/2019, 7:51 pm - Emmanuel �: It is nothing special trust me you will see when
we do it
07/10/2019, 7:51 pm - My Love: Mmmm
07/10/2019, 7:52 pm - Emmanuel �: You will be like this is what everyone so
excited about
07/10/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love: So beein with u in sex is not special hun?
07/10/2019, 7:52 pm - Emmanuel �: What you see in movies is fake
07/10/2019, 7:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't mean it like that
07/10/2019, 7:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I mean it is exaggerated
07/10/2019, 7:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Overrated
07/10/2019, 7:53 pm - My Love: Ohh i see my lover
07/10/2019, 7:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Sobrevalorado
07/10/2019, 7:53 pm - My Love: Oohh ok bbb
07/10/2019, 7:54 pm - Emmanuel �: It doesn't even last long
07/10/2019, 7:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Do you know that after the first 3 months
07/10/2019, 7:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Most couples doesn't even want to have sex
07/10/2019, 7:55 pm - Emmanuel �: God put pleasure into it
07/10/2019, 7:56 pm - Emmanuel �: But really he designed sex for the purpose of
07/10/2019, 7:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Sex was designed to continue the human species
07/10/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: Yes i know
07/10/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: But i didnt knew the time before
07/10/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: But mens have to have sex like 4 times of the week
07/10/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: The woman can live with 2 times of the week
07/10/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: I think
07/10/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: Ohh
07/10/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: I didnt knew bb
07/10/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: That is if the relationship is going well but
after 3 months it gets boring having sex over and over again
07/10/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: The first time it is amazing
07/10/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: But like everthing in life
07/10/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: It becomes plain
07/10/2019, 8:00 pm - My Love: Oh i see hun
07/10/2019, 8:00 pm - My Love: Well
07/10/2019, 8:00 pm - Emmanuel �: And worse when the women have bb her body change
07/10/2019, 8:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Sometimes husband put on weight
07/10/2019, 8:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Get a bigger belly
07/10/2019, 8:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Reality comes in
07/10/2019, 8:01 pm - Emmanuel �: The reality of life
07/10/2019, 8:01 pm - Emmanuel �: And you realize life is not a movie
07/10/2019, 8:01 pm - Emmanuel �: It is reality
07/10/2019, 8:02 pm - My Love: Hun
07/10/2019, 8:02 pm - My Love: I love u bb
07/10/2019, 8:04 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you also
07/10/2019, 8:04 pm - My Love: Santiago send hii for u bb
07/10/2019, 8:04 pm - My Love: Hun
07/10/2019, 8:04 pm - My Love: I will love to see you changing of body
07/10/2019, 8:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell him hi to him
07/10/2019, 8:04 pm - My Love: I mean when you body change
07/10/2019, 8:04 pm - Emmanuel �: We will see when that time reach
07/10/2019, 8:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not doubting you
07/10/2019, 8:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Eh
07/10/2019, 8:05 pm - My Love: Of course bb..
07/10/2019, 8:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I am just saying
07/10/2019, 8:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Talking and doing is to different things
07/10/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: I remember u need to see for believe
07/10/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: Its ok
07/10/2019, 8:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Because any one can say something that is easy
07/10/2019, 8:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't you agree
07/10/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: I know bb
07/10/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: U told me
07/10/2019, 8:07 pm - Emmanuel �: But doing it
07/10/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: Yes i agree hun
07/10/2019, 8:07 pm - Emmanuel �: That is the true test
07/10/2019, 8:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Imagine this hun
07/10/2019, 8:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Imagine Jesus saying to the world I will die for
you on the cross
07/10/2019, 8:08 pm - Emmanuel �: But he never actually did
07/10/2019, 8:09 pm - Emmanuel �: What made Jesus words acceptable was the action
he back it up with
07/10/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: I never think about this bb
07/10/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: But yes
07/10/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: Its truth hun
07/10/2019, 8:10 pm - My Love: Because so everyone believe him more
07/10/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Exactly
07/10/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: If I tell you bb I love
07/10/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Any boy can say that
07/10/2019, 8:10 pm - My Love: Yes
07/10/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: But if I wait for you and save myself for you
07/10/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: And forgive you when you make mistakes
07/10/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: And stay with you
07/10/2019, 8:12 pm - Emmanuel �: All those things are actions than make you
believe my words
07/10/2019, 8:13 pm - My Love: Yesbb
07/10/2019, 8:13 pm - My Love: Its so
07/10/2019, 8:13 pm - Emmanuel �: When people tell me them love me I does tell
them do something to prove that
07/10/2019, 8:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Words
07/10/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: And u ask me to prove my love for u bb?
07/10/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: U didnt
07/10/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: I think
07/10/2019, 8:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I did many times
07/10/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: Hun
07/10/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: I am sorry
07/10/2019, 8:15 pm - My Love: But i cant remember
07/10/2019, 8:15 pm - My Love: And what i did bb?
07/10/2019, 8:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Continue to do things not to prove it
07/10/2019, 8:16 pm - Emmanuel �: You didn't the opposite you did things to make
me believe you didn't love me
07/10/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love: ??
07/10/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love: I not understand
07/10/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: The things you did made me feel that you didn't
love me
07/10/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: Mmmmm
07/10/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: The actions you did
07/10/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: Well
07/10/2019, 8:18 pm - Emmanuel �: We're opposite to proving you love me
07/10/2019, 8:18 pm - Emmanuel �: They were proving that you don't
07/10/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: Ok
07/10/2019, 8:18 pm - Emmanuel �: * were
07/10/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: And it was difficult for me to believe you
07/10/2019, 8:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Because your words and your actions didn't match
07/10/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: Ok hun
07/10/2019, 8:30 pm - My Love: Bb
07/10/2019, 8:30 pm - My Love: U drink something for the thing that u have?
07/10/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: No
07/10/2019, 8:31 pm - My Love: Hun
07/10/2019, 8:31 pm - My Love: Please take care of yourself bb
07/10/2019, 8:31 pm - My Love: Ok
07/10/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
07/10/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: Try to do something for u not to get worse
07/10/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you for caring
07/10/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: For me
07/10/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: I love u bb
07/10/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
07/10/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: Hun.. u feel well?
07/10/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: Now?
07/10/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: No
07/10/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: To so much
07/10/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: U wanted to sleep early?
07/10/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I am also weary
07/10/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: I notice
07/10/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes but I can't
07/10/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: U told me bb
07/10/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: Me too
07/10/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: Why not bb?
07/10/2019, 8:34 pm - Emmanuel �: It's a long story
07/10/2019, 8:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't feel to talk about it
07/10/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: Long story? Mmmmmm
07/10/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: Soo
07/10/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: U will sleep late even u are weary
07/10/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: U have problems at home bb?
07/10/2019, 8:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I have no choice
07/10/2019, 8:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
07/10/2019, 8:35 pm - My Love: I realize bb
07/10/2019, 8:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to talk about it
07/10/2019, 8:35 pm - My Love: Ok bb
07/10/2019, 8:35 pm - My Love: Yes
07/10/2019, 8:35 pm - My Love: I understand
07/10/2019, 8:35 pm - My Love: U dont have to bb
07/10/2019, 8:35 pm - My Love: I am here for u bb
07/10/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you
07/10/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: For being here
07/10/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I will go
07/10/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: Hun i hug u tight
07/10/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: U are my bleasing
07/10/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: My gold
07/10/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: My gift from God
07/10/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: And my beeddd
07/10/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: My favorite things to fight with
07/10/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: You are all that to me also
07/10/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: My caramelo
07/10/2019, 8:39 pm - Emmanuel �: You are my delicious one
07/10/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: U are my daily milk chocolate
07/10/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: �����
07/10/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I love the color of your skin and nipples
07/10/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: It looks like chocolate
07/10/2019, 8:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Bubbies looking like yummy milk chocolate
07/10/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: Haha
07/10/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: U crazy bb
07/10/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: ☺☺☺
07/10/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: Hun
07/10/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes lover
07/10/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: I wish to lie down on you bb, and hear your heart
07/10/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Of course
07/10/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I will go and make some bush
07/10/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: For the virus
07/10/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: Now bb?
07/10/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
07/10/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to rest
07/10/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I will see if I can
07/10/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: The reason I can't is because
07/10/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I sleep in the hall
07/10/2019, 8:52 pm - Emmanuel �: And them here watch tv very late
07/10/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: Its for critket?
07/10/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: The game is playing??
07/10/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: Or something special them are wachting?
07/10/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Cricket and movies
07/10/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Everything
07/10/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: Oohh
07/10/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: Well
07/10/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: Hun
07/10/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: U cant do nothing bb
07/10/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Every day them do it
07/10/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: Peoples things for them selfs
07/10/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I already know
07/10/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: Even family
07/10/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
07/10/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I will go make the medical tea
07/10/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: I will be back
07/10/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun last night I forget to delete the picture of
your bubbies
07/10/2019, 8:56 pm - Emmanuel �: So this morning when I wake up I see them again
07/10/2019, 8:56 pm - Emmanuel �: You should if seen the smile on my face
07/10/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: Ok my darling
07/10/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: Haha
07/10/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: Awwwwwwww
07/10/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Then I deleted them
07/10/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: ������
07/10/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: Ok bb
07/10/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: Hun
07/10/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: After I watch them
07/10/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: Next time becareful bb
07/10/2019, 8:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Yeah I don't keep them
07/10/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
07/10/2019, 8:58 pm - Emmanuel �: This was the first time
07/10/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I never keep them hun
07/10/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I would not do that
07/10/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: I know my love
07/10/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: At all
07/10/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: But please
07/10/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: You know how much I respect you
07/10/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: Try next time your best ok
07/10/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I am very careful
07/10/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: It was only last night
07/10/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: And you know how it happened
07/10/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I usually delete soon after I see them
07/10/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: But you told me keep it more longer
07/10/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: And I was so tired I forget them
07/10/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: Hehe
07/10/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: So was my fault bb
07/10/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not saying that
07/10/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: Next time deleted them after u see them
07/10/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I still have to be responsible
07/10/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I wanted to see it more so it is not your fault
07/10/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: Yes my love
07/10/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: I am coming back hun
07/10/2019, 9:05 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
07/10/2019, 9:05 pm - My Love: Go ahead.. come back u hear
07/10/2019, 9:05 pm - Emmanuel �: If you are tired you can go to bed
07/10/2019, 9:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun do you watch the game
07/10/2019, 9:05 pm - My Love: Game?
07/10/2019, 9:05 pm - My Love: Which game?
07/10/2019, 9:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Cricket
07/10/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love: I dont have tv bb
07/10/2019, 9:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Well
07/10/2019, 9:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Guyana is doing well in the tournament
07/10/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: Oohh
07/10/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: Hehe
07/10/2019, 9:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Them win 8 games in a row
07/10/2019, 9:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Them even beat Trinidad
07/10/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: That is much
07/10/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: Them win?
07/10/2019, 9:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I think we only beat them one time
07/10/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: I dont understand and know about that game much bb
07/10/2019, 9:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Is it not finish yet
07/10/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: Oh ok
07/10/2019, 9:08 pm - Emmanuel �: It's is Caribbean teams
07/10/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: I know bb
07/10/2019, 9:08 pm - Emmanuel �: And Guyana is Caribbean
07/10/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: But i dont know how them play the game or what the
07/10/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: The Guyanese have a really strong team
07/10/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Them winning all them games
07/10/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: And then on top
07/10/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: It's hard to explain
07/10/2019, 9:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know much only a little
07/10/2019, 9:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I will be back
07/10/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: Its not necessary for u to explain me bb
07/10/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: That for me its not important
07/10/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: Ok hun..
07/10/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: I will be waiting for u bb
07/10/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: My queen
07/10/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you with my whole heart
07/10/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: My king
07/10/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: ��
07/10/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
07/10/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: Reaalllyyy
07/10/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: I dont know that
07/10/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to love you up
07/10/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Before I go to bed
07/10/2019, 9:47 pm - My Love: Now??
07/10/2019, 9:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Well it is time for you to know
07/10/2019, 9:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I will do the best I can to show you
07/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: Yeess
07/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: Hun
07/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: I share something with you on facebook
07/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: Hope u like it bb
07/10/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I love it bb
07/10/2019, 10:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
07/10/2019, 10:12 pm - My Love: Bbb
07/10/2019, 10:12 pm - My Love: I lovee u hunn
07/10/2019, 10:12 pm - My Love: My battery is low
07/10/2019, 10:12 pm - My Love: But i want to spend time with u bb
07/10/2019, 10:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Mines is on 5 %
07/10/2019, 10:13 pm - My Love: Mines is on 19
07/10/2019, 10:13 pm - Emmanuel �: You want me to charge it
07/10/2019, 10:13 pm - Emmanuel �: It will die soon
07/10/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: I give you 7% so u will have 12% and me 12%
07/10/2019, 10:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Haha very funny
07/10/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: �
07/10/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: U didnt laugh for real
07/10/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: U was sarcastico
07/10/2019, 10:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Nope
07/10/2019, 10:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Yep
07/10/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: You always do that
07/10/2019, 10:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Sometimes
07/10/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: Its so hard for me to make u laugh u know that
07/10/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Nope
07/10/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: Yes
07/10/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: It's easy
07/10/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: Yes
07/10/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: And yes
07/10/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: You do it all the time
07/10/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: U not show me when u laugh then
07/10/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I do
07/10/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: Well u dont show me
07/10/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: Nah
07/10/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
07/10/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: U dont
07/10/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't pay attention to me
07/10/2019, 10:16 pm - My Love: I dont know whe you are serious or not.. because
most u are serious
07/10/2019, 10:16 pm - My Love: U lies
07/10/2019, 10:16 pm - My Love: Lier
07/10/2019, 10:16 pm - My Love: Yes i did
07/10/2019, 10:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Well you if you say so hun
07/10/2019, 10:16 pm - My Love: But i dont know how to difference when u are vex or
normal or happy.. sometimes i will.. but not all
07/10/2019, 10:16 pm - My Love: Hun
07/10/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know either
07/10/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: I remember you
07/10/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: Thank you for everything that u are doing for us bb
07/10/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Because most time we are not seeing each other
07/10/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: I know its hard hun
07/10/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: But always take care of your self bb
07/10/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: Because i love u
07/10/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: And i dont want u to get sick bb
07/10/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: Yess.. uts truth
07/10/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Nothing good comes easy
07/10/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Look you had a bad day Sunday I could even know
07/10/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Unless you told me
07/10/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: Bb, and thank u thank u thannnnnnkkkkk you for all
what u have done with the home.. with asking for your leadership of the trip, also
for working,, for saving to buy the tickets, also to soend time with me.. and even
u are weary still u are here by my side hun i love u and admire soooooòoooooooo
mucch u cant imagine bb
07/10/2019, 10:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Even from pictures it is hard to know how
someone is feeling
07/10/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: Well yes hun
07/10/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: U right bb
07/10/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: ☺�
07/10/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: U have right bb
07/10/2019, 10:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to be right
07/10/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: What u want to be bb??
07/10/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: My husband?? ���
07/10/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: Eh
07/10/2019, 10:20 pm - Emmanuel �: It is nothing for me to do it because I know
my future is with you
07/10/2019, 10:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
07/10/2019, 10:21 pm - Emmanuel �: I badly want to be that
07/10/2019, 10:21 pm - My Love: Hehehe thank u my love i appreciate all what you do
my bb
07/10/2019, 10:21 pm - Emmanuel �: It is what I want more than anything else in
this world
07/10/2019, 10:22 pm - My Love:
07/10/2019, 10:22 pm - My Love: Aaawwwww bbb
07/10/2019, 10:22 pm - My Love: Thank you for saying that my love
07/10/2019, 10:22 pm - My Love: I want u now my bb
07/10/2019, 10:22 pm - My Love: I wish to hug u bb
07/10/2019, 10:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish the same
07/10/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I want my pillows to sleep
07/10/2019, 10:25 pm - My Love: Nah
07/10/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Or hug you tight
07/10/2019, 10:25 pm - My Love: You are castigado tonight
07/10/2019, 10:25 pm - My Love: U hear
07/10/2019, 10:26 pm - My Love: Because when i reach home today u dont even hug me
07/10/2019, 10:26 pm - My Love: �
07/10/2019, 10:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't speak Spanish as yet
07/10/2019, 10:26 pm - My Love: So there is none pillows for u tonight
07/10/2019, 10:26 pm - My Love: �
07/10/2019, 10:26 pm - My Love: Ok
07/10/2019, 10:27 pm - My Love: Punished
07/10/2019, 10:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Just because I didn't say it doesn't mean we
didn't do it
07/10/2019, 10:27 pm - Emmanuel �: In reality it would happen natrally
07/10/2019, 10:27 pm - My Love: U didnt say it.. it didnt feel it.. and u dont do
07/10/2019, 10:27 pm - My Love: Lol
07/10/2019, 10:27 pm - My Love: I am exigente eh??
07/10/2019, 10:27 pm - Emmanuel �: No
07/10/2019, 10:27 pm - My Love: Demanding eh?
07/10/2019, 10:27 pm - Emmanuel �: You are normal
07/10/2019, 10:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I have had worse
07/10/2019, 10:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I know this word
07/10/2019, 10:28 pm - My Love: I am sorry to hear that bb
07/10/2019, 10:28 pm - My Love: Oh. I tought u dont know spanish
07/10/2019, 10:28 pm - My Love: Lol
07/10/2019, 10:28 pm - My Love: ��
07/10/2019, 10:28 pm - My Love: My spandad boy
07/10/2019, 10:29 pm - My Love: Span: spanish and dad: trinidad
07/10/2019, 10:29 pm - My Love: Lol
07/10/2019, 10:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish
07/10/2019, 10:29 pm - My Love: Hey spandad
07/10/2019, 10:29 pm - My Love: That sounds real ugly eh
07/10/2019, 10:29 pm - My Love: I dont like that word
07/10/2019, 10:29 pm - My Love: Or trinish
07/10/2019, 10:29 pm - My Love: ����
� �����
07/10/2019, 10:30 pm - Emmanuel �: The phone will die any minute now
07/10/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: I dont even know how to pronunce this
07/10/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: �� ����
� �� ���
07/10/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: Noooo
07/10/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: Bbb
07/10/2019, 10:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Spani
07/10/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: Hug me tight
07/10/2019, 10:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Spani boy
07/10/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: Good night my only daily chocolate
07/10/2019, 10:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
07/10/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night my love
07/10/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: I loveeeeeee yooouuu a loottttt
07/10/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: Rest well bb
07/10/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: Thank u for soend time with me hun
07/10/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I will use my own pillowbi have on my bed
07/10/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: We need to study the bible tomorrow ok
07/10/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't need yours
07/10/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: �
07/10/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Sure
07/10/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: Ok then
07/10/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: �
07/10/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: Bye mad boy
07/10/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love:
07/10/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye
07/10/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Selfish girl
07/10/2019, 10:32 pm - My Love: I love u hun
07/10/2019, 10:32 pm - My Love: Always
07/10/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you to always
07/10/2019, 10:32 pm - My Love: Hhuuunnnnn
07/10/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
07/10/2019, 10:32 pm - My Love: Nothing bb
07/10/2019, 10:33 pm - Emmanuel �: You pillow is way better tho
07/10/2019, 10:33 pm - Emmanuel �: �
07/10/2019, 10:33 pm - My Love: Bye my only one
07/10/2019, 10:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye my queen
07/10/2019, 10:33 pm - My Love: ��
07/10/2019, 10:33 pm - My Love: I kiss u bb
07/10/2019, 10:33 pm - My Love: On your fared
07/10/2019, 10:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Can I still have them
07/10/2019, 10:33 pm - My Love: What?
07/10/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Or your answer is still now
07/10/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: My pillows
07/10/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: Yes u can bb
07/10/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: You are the best
07/10/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you hun
07/10/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: I love u my princee
07/10/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: ���
07/10/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: Bye hun
07/10/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: For loving me so much
07/10/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: Rest well
07/10/2019, 10:35 pm - My Love: Remember to drink something
07/10/2019, 10:35 pm - My Love: And please take care hun
07/10/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: This was a joke I didn't mean it
07/10/2019, 10:35 pm - My Love: I didnt recive it well bb.. i didnt like it
07/10/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: My pillows are the best
07/10/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Well you see how it feel
07/10/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Because some joke you tell me hurts a lot
07/10/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: But I take it
07/10/2019, 10:36 pm - My Love: Ok bb
07/10/2019, 10:36 pm - My Love: Now i understand
07/10/2019, 10:36 pm - My Love: Thank u bb
07/10/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: It is a tast of your own medicine
07/10/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: But I love you
07/10/2019, 10:38 pm - Emmanuel �: You know know what somthing feels like until
you are the one receiving it
07/10/2019, 10:40 pm - My Love: Yes bb
07/10/2019, 10:40 pm - My Love: Its so
07/10/2019, 10:40 pm - My Love: Bb.. you will go now bb?
07/10/2019, 10:41 pm - My Love: Or u will until the phone die?
07/10/2019, 10:41 pm - Emmanuel �: 1 %
07/10/2019, 10:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I have
07/10/2019, 10:41 pm - Emmanuel �: If to night was my last night there is no one I
would rather spend my last one percent with than you
07/10/2019, 10:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you hun
07/10/2019, 10:42 pm - My Love: Aawwwww
07/10/2019, 10:42 pm - My Love: Hun..
07/10/2019, 10:42 pm - My Love: I love u my prince
07/10/2019, 10:42 pm - My Love: ��
07/10/2019, 10:42 pm - Emmanuel �: If I leave the earth tonight I was with my love
before I left
07/10/2019, 10:42 pm - My Love: Thanknu for your sincere and incondicional love
07/10/2019, 10:42 pm - My Love: Dont say this bb
07/10/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you for yours
07/10/2019, 10:43 pm - My Love: U will not leave it bb
07/10/2019, 10:43 pm - My Love: �
07/10/2019, 10:43 pm - My Love: I kiss u bb
07/10/2019, 10:43 pm - My Love: I kiss u again
07/10/2019, 10:43 pm - My Love: And kiss u back hun
07/10/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Know one knows their time
07/10/2019, 10:43 pm - My Love: U deserve alĺlllll bb
07/10/2019, 10:43 pm - My Love: Yes bb
07/10/2019, 10:43 pm - My Love: Its so
07/10/2019, 10:43 pm - My Love: I loveeee u my darling
07/10/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I love your kisses
07/10/2019, 10:43 pm - My Love: I thank God for you
07/10/2019, 10:43 pm - My Love: And your family
07/10/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I can wait to have them
07/10/2019, 10:44 pm - My Love: Them and u are the best thing i have here get
07/10/2019, 10:44 pm - My Love: I cant wait to have yours kisses bb��
07/10/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: I think you phone die already bb
07/10/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: I miss u my darling
07/10/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: �
07/10/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: I sleep on your chest bb��
07/10/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: And hold you tight my loce
08/10/2019, 5:52 am - My Love: Bbbbb
08/10/2019, 5:52 am - My Love: Its strange that still this hour you are not online
08/10/2019, 5:53 am - My Love: But i hope u are well bb
08/10/2019, 5:53 am - My Love: I hug u up snd love up u
08/10/2019, 5:53 am - My Love: And i loveee uuu bb
08/10/2019, 5:53 am - My Love: U are my everything bb
08/10/2019, 5:53 am - My Love: Thank u for everything hun
08/10/2019, 5:53 am - My Love: I not and never will regret been here bb
08/10/2019, 5:54 am - My Love: Have a great and increible day my lpve
08/10/2019, 5:54 am - My Love: Bye my bb
08/10/2019, 2:30 pm - Emmanuel �: My love I hope you have a wonderful day today
08/10/2019, 2:32 pm - Emmanuel �: My charger I forget it in Daniel room and he
sleeps very late in bed
08/10/2019, 2:32 pm - Emmanuel �: So I couldn't write you this morning I love you
my wife to be
08/10/2019, 2:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I thank God for you and for what we have
08/10/2019, 6:23 pm - My Love: Bbbbbbbb
08/10/2019, 6:23 pm - My Love: I misssss uuu
08/10/2019, 6:24 pm - My Love: I now reach home bb
08/10/2019, 6:24 pm - My Love:
08/10/2019, 6:24 pm - My Love: I kissss u up bb
08/10/2019, 7:44 pm - Emmanuel �: My lover
08/10/2019, 7:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I just reach home
08/10/2019, 7:44 pm - My Love: Bbbbbb
08/10/2019, 7:44 pm - My Love: I was waiting for u bb
08/10/2019, 7:44 pm - My Love: Reaallyy
08/10/2019, 7:44 pm - My Love: So late
08/10/2019, 7:44 pm - My Love: From work?
08/10/2019, 7:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes my love
08/10/2019, 7:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
08/10/2019, 7:46 pm - My Love: Hpw r u bb?
08/10/2019, 7:46 pm - My Love: U feel better
08/10/2019, 7:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I.will bathe and eat and then spend the night
with you
08/10/2019, 7:46 pm - My Love: Or u get worse?
08/10/2019, 7:46 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
08/10/2019, 7:47 pm - My Love: I will charge the phone bb
08/10/2019, 7:47 pm - My Love: While u r bathing
08/10/2019, 8:26 pm - My Love: Bbb
08/10/2019, 8:26 pm - My Love: You are there??
08/10/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Bb.. i will pray with mom and come back hun ok..
08/10/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
08/10/2019, 8:42 pm - My Love: Bbb
08/10/2019, 8:42 pm - My Love: I am here bb
08/10/2019, 8:42 pm - My Love: Mom and i just discuss
08/10/2019, 8:42 pm - My Love: N we didnt pray
08/10/2019, 8:42 pm - My Love: Anyway
08/10/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: How was your day
08/10/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: Hun.. what time u will sleep tonight?
08/10/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: Its was soo bored.. because i was with full energy
and there wss not much to do
08/10/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: N i feel litle sleepy in the afternoon
08/10/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: But was well hun
08/10/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: And a man quarel to me
08/10/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: A mad man and he was shouting and coursing me and so
08/10/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: For a aunty
08/10/2019, 8:44 pm - Emmanuel �: The same time with my wife
08/10/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: He acuse me for something that i dont dud
08/10/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I prayed for you today also
08/10/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I will do it everyday
08/10/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: And if i want to sleep now u will sleep now?
08/10/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: Thank u my lover
08/10/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: ��
08/10/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: Hun
08/10/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: A cubano boy went there
08/10/2019, 8:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry to hear this hun
08/10/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: N i attending him
08/10/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: With his cuz
08/10/2019, 8:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I will try
08/10/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: N he colect a tissie n leave it on the table for
me.. he did a rose for me
08/10/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: Lol
08/10/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: Rose of tissie
08/10/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: N he gone
08/10/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: I am joking bb
08/10/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: Hun
08/10/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: What wrongs bb?
08/10/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know what a tissie is
08/10/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: Napqin
08/10/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Nothing is wrong hun
08/10/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
08/10/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: Napqin paper
08/10/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: So why u r so serious for?
08/10/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not serious my hun
08/10/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I had a hard day today
08/10/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: And I feel more better
08/10/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: But not 100%
08/10/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: Ohh ok bb
08/10/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: So what did you do with the rose
08/10/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: I see bb
08/10/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
08/10/2019, 8:52 pm - My Love: I hug u tite bb
08/10/2019, 8:52 pm - My Love: Tro it away
08/10/2019, 8:52 pm - My Love: N destroy it
08/10/2019, 8:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
08/10/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
08/10/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: I am happy you are mines
08/10/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: And that you love me
08/10/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I know many guys will love you when them see you
08/10/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: But I thank God that he put us together
08/10/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: God knows why he put us together
08/10/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: I was praying for someone who loves the Lord
more than she loves me
08/10/2019, 8:56 pm - Emmanuel �: And I know you love God more than you love me
08/10/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: Yes hun
08/10/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: Its so bb
08/10/2019, 8:56 pm - Emmanuel �: You put him first in your life
08/10/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: Huuun
08/10/2019, 8:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes love
08/10/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: I am happy that u are mines ans also i know that
much girls want to be with u.. but God put his hands in our lifes so we are
different in this worls
08/10/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: I loce u my bbbbb
08/10/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: From all them girls only one make my heart melt
08/10/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I remember the first time my eyes see you
08/10/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: In a photo
08/10/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: And in that moment I fell in love I never know
you but something inside me feel a connection with you
08/10/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I didn't even know your name in that moment
08/10/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: But I knew I loved before I met you in person
08/10/2019, 9:05 pm - My Love: Aaawww
08/10/2019, 9:05 pm - My Love: Hun
08/10/2019, 9:05 pm - My Love: U make me feel special bb
08/10/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love: Hun
08/10/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love: Sorry for be apcent
08/10/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love: In theses minutes
08/10/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love: But i am real sleepy bb
08/10/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: And i dont want to sleep hun
08/10/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: But i am fighting with my body here
08/10/2019, 9:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
08/10/2019, 9:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I want something
08/10/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: Tell me bb
08/10/2019, 9:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you to hug me like your pillow
08/10/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: And wrap your legs around me tight
08/10/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: And don't lose me
08/10/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Until morning
08/10/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: No
w bb??
08/10/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Let's go to bed hun
08/10/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: Huuunnn
08/10/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: No b
08/10/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: I want to spend time with u bb
08/10/2019, 9:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you
08/10/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: I know u miss me bb
08/10/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: Because u would not said, u want to spend time with
me tonight
08/10/2019, 9:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Can you lie down on my chest
08/10/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: Of course my bb
08/10/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: Why not??
08/10/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I hold on to you
08/10/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: Bbb
08/10/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes my love
n08/10/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: I miss u hun
08/10/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you
08/10/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: So much
08/10/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: I am crying bb
08/10/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: Hun i need u bb
08/10/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: Never go away bb
08/10/2019, 9:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I will never
08/10/2019, 9:14 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am working hard to come be with you
08/10/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: I am doing it bbbb with much love hun
08/10/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: I know my lovee
08/10/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: How is my butt
08/10/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: N thank u for everything hun
08/10/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: Equal
08/10/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: Always
08/10/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: You know you have the best but I have ever seen
08/10/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: To me
08/10/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: ☺�
08/10/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: Hehe bb
08/10/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: I love u hun
08/10/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you to
08/10/2019, 9:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you to
08/10/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: Hun
08/10/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: Thank u for all
08/10/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: Things
08/10/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: Because i know i not deserve this
08/10/2019, 9:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Why do you say this hun
08/10/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: Hun
08/10/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: God As been so good to me
08/10/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: But i fail him much
08/10/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: And not only him bb
08/10/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: Also u bb
08/10/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: And hurt u both
08/10/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: And that is why i feel i not deserve u bb

08/10/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love:
08/10/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Well
08/10/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: No matter what you do God will always love you
08/10/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Let me ask you something
08/10/2019, 9:22 pm - My Love: Hun
08/10/2019, 9:23 pm - My Love: Thank u bb
08/10/2019, 9:23 pm - My Love: For tour love
08/10/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: What is the worst sin you ever done ?
08/10/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I will tell you mines
08/10/2019, 9:23 pm - My Love: I dont know hun
08/10/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: It is looking at pornography
08/10/2019, 9:24 pm - Emmanuel �: It is the worst thing I ever did against God
08/10/2019, 9:24 pm - My Love: Destroying the temple of God and not hearing God
voice and still participating in the comunion
08/10/2019, 9:24 pm - My Love: I could of die
08/10/2019, 9:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Did ?
08/10/2019, 9:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Die what you do to almost kill you bb
08/10/2019, 9:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Anyways
08/10/2019, 9:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Have you ever killed someone?
08/10/2019, 9:25 pm - Emmanuel �: No
08/10/2019, 9:26 pm - My Love: ??
08/10/2019, 9:26 pm - My Love: I not understand u bb
08/10/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: And God forgives murderers
08/10/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: You said you cold of die
08/10/2019, 9:26 pm - My Love: Listen participating on Comunion knowing and doing
bad things in secret pretending to be holy when u are not.. its eating jugement
08/10/2019, 9:27 pm - My Love: That is inpurity
08/10/2019, 9:27 pm - My Love: And God could of kill me
08/10/2019, 9:28 pm - Emmanuel �: In the old testament he would
08/10/2019, 9:28 pm - Emmanuel �: But now he sees us tru his son Jesus
08/10/2019, 9:29 pm - Emmanuel �: It doesn't mean we should eat and drink
communion unworthy
08/10/2019, 9:29 pm - Emmanuel �: But the grace of God tru Christ it saves us from
what we really deserve
08/10/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: Read 1 corintios:11:27-34
08/10/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: Yes thisis truth my lover
08/10/2019, 9:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun the truth is none of us deserve God
08/10/2019, 9:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Still he give his love to us
08/10/2019, 9:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't deserve you either
08/10/2019, 9:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I have done things to hurt you so many
08/10/2019, 9:34 pm - Emmanuel �: And you could of leave me for hurting you
08/10/2019, 9:34 pm - Emmanuel �: But still you stay and choose to love me
08/10/2019, 9:36 pm - Emmanuel �: That is what real love does even when the person
doesn't deserve it love still is willing to give them a chance
08/10/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: Yes my llve
08/10/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: Hun
08/10/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: I cant be here no more
08/10/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: I need to sleep bb
08/10/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I want us to sleep together hun
08/10/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: Sure my love
08/10/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: I am coming to bed with yoy
08/10/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: You
08/10/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: U are sleepy bb..
08/10/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: ??
08/10/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
08/10/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: Well let us go bb
08/10/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: But I want to sleep well with my love
08/10/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: I want to lie down on your chest
08/10/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: This is what I want
08/10/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
08/10/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Come here
08/10/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: Aawww
08/10/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: I am here bb
08/10/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Let's go to bed
08/10/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: ������
08/10/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night
08/10/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: I hug u tight bb
08/10/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you the most
08/10/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: Good night my lover..
08/10/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: No one can take your place
08/10/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: Hope u feel well soon bb
08/10/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: Awwww
08/10/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: And guess what
08/10/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: You deserve it
08/10/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: Same to you bb
08/10/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: �
08/10/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Sleep well
08/10/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: �
08/10/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: My queen
08/10/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: I love u my king
08/10/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: I squizee u
08/10/2019, 9:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to be your man until the day I die
08/10/2019, 9:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night
08/10/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: Aawww
08/10/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: I want to be your woman until i die too bb
08/10/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: Bb.. good night my love hope to dream about u hun
08/10/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: Bye my love
09/10/2019, 5:41 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my love have a wonderful day today
I am getting ready for work I am late
09/10/2019, 5:48 am - My Love: Bbbbbb
09/10/2019, 5:49 am - My Love: Gooooddd morning my blessseedddd husbanddd
09/10/2019, 5:49 am - My Love: ����
09/10/2019, 5:49 am - My Love: I loveer u hun
09/10/2019, 5:49 am - My Love: Was real good to hug u tight and fall a sleep on my
favorite bed
09/10/2019, 5:49 am - My Love: I rest comfortable.and enough
09/10/2019, 5:49 am - My Love: This morning i feel sooo strong
09/10/2019, 5:49 am - My Love: ��
09/10/2019, 5:49 am - My Love: Thank u my bb
09/10/2019, 5:50 am - My Love: For been my blessing
09/10/2019, 5:50 am - My Love: ���
09/10/2019, 5:50 am - My Love: For choose to be here
09/10/2019, 5:51 am - My Love: Have a great and wonderful day my loveeee
09/10/2019, 5:51 am - My Love: I kisssss uuuu up
09/10/2019, 5:51 am - My Love: ���
09/10/2019, 5:51 am - My Love: I will be home for 2:30pm bb ok..
09/10/2019, 5:51 am - My Love: Take care bb
09/10/2019, 5:51 am - My Love: Hope u are feeling well my hun
09/10/2019, 5:51 am - My Love: I bless u
09/10/2019, 5:51 am - My Love: Bye bb
09/10/2019, 6:05 am - Emmanuel �: Okay my queen God is with us
09/10/2019, 3:13 pm - My Love: Bbbbbb
09/10/2019, 3:13 pm - My Love: Huuuunnn
09/10/2019, 3:14 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
09/10/2019, 3:15 pm - My Love: ���
09/10/2019, 3:15 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 3:15 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 3:16 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 3:16 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 3:17 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 3:17 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 3:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I prayed for you
09/10/2019, 3:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Again
09/10/2019, 3:19 pm - My Love: Yes hun??
09/10/2019, 3:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
09/10/2019, 3:20 pm - My Love: Aaawwwww thaaaannkkk u my love
09/10/2019, 3:20 pm - My Love: Hun
09/10/2019, 3:20 pm - Emmanuel �: How was your day
09/10/2019, 3:20 pm - My Love: I didnt a big mistake
09/10/2019, 3:20 pm - My Love: In the machine
09/10/2019, 3:20 pm - Emmanuel �: You look so beautiful
09/10/2019, 3:20 pm - My Love: I did a mistake
09/10/2019, 3:20 pm - My Love: N i was sooo sad hun
09/10/2019, 3:20 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry to that bb
09/10/2019, 3:21 pm - Emmanuel �: It's okay these things happens
09/10/2019, 3:21 pm - My Love: I put it in the machine 38.060.. when its 3.060
09/10/2019, 3:21 pm - My Love: Sorry it have to be 3.860
09/10/2019, 3:21 pm - Emmanuel �: You have to be focused my lover
09/10/2019, 3:21 pm - My Love: Hehe
09/10/2019, 3:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Pay attention
09/10/2019, 3:21 pm - My Love: I know bb
09/10/2019, 3:22 pm - My Love: But the person who was attending
09/10/2019, 3:22 pm - My Love: I was attending
09/10/2019, 3:22 pm - My Love: Was like 8 same time
09/10/2019, 3:22 pm - My Love: One family complet
09/10/2019, 3:22 pm - My Love: So all of them was telling me what them want
09/10/2019, 3:22 pm - My Love: So i get nervious
09/10/2019, 3:22 pm - My Love: N i did that
09/10/2019, 3:22 pm - Emmanuel �: I understand
09/10/2019, 3:23 pm - My Love: I told the head person
09/10/2019, 3:23 pm - My Love: She was normal
09/10/2019, 3:23 pm - My Love: But i feel bad
09/10/2019, 3:23 pm - Emmanuel �: It's okay
09/10/2019, 3:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Come her
09/10/2019, 3:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Here
09/10/2019, 3:23 pm - My Love: I hug u bb
09/10/2019, 3:23 pm - My Love: �
09/10/2019, 3:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Yessssssss
09/10/2019, 3:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I love it
09/10/2019, 3:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Your hugs
09/10/2019, 3:24 pm - My Love: Hehe what about u bb
09/10/2019, 3:24 pm - My Love: How u feel
09/10/2019, 3:24 pm - My Love: U drink anything hun??
09/10/2019, 3:24 pm - My Love: U r betteer
09/10/2019, 3:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I feel better
09/10/2019, 3:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Today I work hard on work
09/10/2019, 3:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I get wet
09/10/2019, 3:24 pm - My Love: I am happy to know that bb
09/10/2019, 3:25 pm - Emmanuel �: And dirty
09/10/2019, 3:25 pm - Emmanuel �: So them send me home early
09/10/2019, 3:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I came home and I sleep
09/10/2019, 3:25 pm - My Love: Oohh goodd to hear that bb
09/10/2019, 3:25 pm - My Love: But i didnt like this bb
09/10/2019, 3:26 pm - My Love: U always do bb
09/10/2019, 3:26 pm - My Love: I admire my husband to be
09/10/2019, 3:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I know what I am working for is more than gold
09/10/2019, 3:28 pm - My Love: When i will be there i will take care of u
09/10/2019, 3:28 pm - Emmanuel �: So nothing is hard for me
09/10/2019, 3:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
09/10/2019, 3:31 pm - My Love: Waaaa
09/10/2019, 3:31 pm - My Love: Hehe bbb
09/10/2019, 3:31 pm - My Love: Thank u for say this bb
09/10/2019, 3:31 pm - Emmanuel �: In the bible Jacob work 7 years to get his wife
from his father in law
09/10/2019, 3:31 pm - My Love: Ohh yes
09/10/2019, 3:31 pm - Emmanuel �: After the 7 years
09/10/2019, 3:32 pm - Emmanuel �: The father give him leah
09/10/2019, 3:32 pm - Emmanuel �: But he didn't want leah
09/10/2019, 3:32 pm - Emmanuel �: He had eyes for the other sister Rachel
09/10/2019, 3:33 pm - Emmanuel �: So he beg the father to and told him he will
work 7 more years
09/10/2019, 3:34 pm - Emmanuel �: To have the wife he really wanted
09/10/2019, 3:34 pm - My Love: I know the story bb.. its unbelievel
09/10/2019, 3:34 pm - My Love: Its something really hard to do hun
09/10/2019, 3:34 pm - My Love: He reaaalllyyyy love her
09/10/2019, 3:34 pm - My Love: He reaalllyy wanted her
09/10/2019, 3:34 pm - My Love: Badly
09/10/2019, 3:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Not for the one you love
09/10/2019, 3:34 pm - My Love: Aaaaaaaawwwwwwww
09/10/2019, 3:34 pm - My Love:
09/10/2019, 3:34 pm - My Love: ������
09/10/2019, 3:34 pm - Emmanuel �: And I love you and want you badly
09/10/2019, 3:34 pm - My Love: I love u my darling
09/10/2019, 3:35 pm - Emmanuel �: So I will always work hard
09/10/2019, 3:35 pm - Emmanuel �: To take care of you
09/10/2019, 3:35 pm - Emmanuel �: It doesn't matter what I have to do
09/10/2019, 3:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Or how hard the job is
09/10/2019, 3:35 pm - Emmanuel �: How dirt or how wet
09/10/2019, 3:35 pm - Emmanuel �: It will be easy
09/10/2019, 3:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I know I have you
09/10/2019, 3:36 pm - Emmanuel �: And you make all the difference
09/10/2019, 3:37 pm - Emmanuel �: You me work with strength
09/10/2019, 3:37 pm - Emmanuel �: And attention
09/10/2019, 3:37 pm - Emmanuel �: And determination
09/10/2019, 3:37 pm - Emmanuel �: When I am work you are on my mind
09/10/2019, 3:37 pm - Emmanuel �: And I think about meet you
09/10/2019, 3:38 pm - My Love: Aaawww bb
09/10/2019, 3:38 pm - My Love: ��
09/10/2019, 3:38 pm - Emmanuel �: And marrying you one day
09/10/2019, 3:38 pm - My Love: Heyy hun
09/10/2019, 3:38 pm - My Love: I saw a boy
09/10/2019, 3:38 pm - My Love: Yesterday
09/10/2019, 3:38 pm - My Love: And today again i met him
09/10/2019, 3:38 pm - My Love: And when i see him
09/10/2019, 3:38 pm - My Love: U will not believe me
09/10/2019, 3:39 pm - My Love: I think i saw my son in the future
09/10/2019, 3:39 pm - My Love: Inmediatly when i see him this is how i feel
09/10/2019, 3:39 pm - My Love: And i dont know if its a considence
09/10/2019, 3:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I believe you bb
09/10/2019, 3:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Trust in God
09/10/2019, 3:40 pm - My Love: But he had your eyes.. your hair, my color of skin
09/10/2019, 3:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay I see
09/10/2019, 3:40 pm - My Love: The colour of your eyes
09/10/2019, 3:41 pm - My Love: He was really a gentle boy
09/10/2019, 3:41 pm - My Love: He have like 6years old
09/10/2019, 3:41 pm - My Love: The boy
09/10/2019, 3:41 pm - My Love: And he name is eli
09/10/2019, 3:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
09/10/2019, 3:41 pm - Emmanuel �: It is interesting
09/10/2019, 3:44 pm - My Love: Very handsome
09/10/2019, 3:44 pm - My Love: �
09/10/2019, 3:44 pm - My Love: Hey what u are doing ?
09/10/2019, 3:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I just wake up
09/10/2019, 3:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I am lie down talking with you
09/10/2019, 3:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
09/10/2019, 3:51 pm - My Love: Oohh
09/10/2019, 3:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
09/10/2019, 3:51 pm - My Love: I lovveeee u toop
09/10/2019, 3:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I am eating
09/10/2019, 3:51 pm - My Love: I was finishing eating a bread
09/10/2019, 3:51 pm - My Love: Lol.. i jus eat
09/10/2019, 3:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Estoy comiendo
09/10/2019, 3:51 pm - My Love: Now u are eating lunch??
09/10/2019, 3:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
09/10/2019, 3:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I sleep
09/10/2019, 3:55 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 3:55 pm - My Love: I am beging uu
09/10/2019, 3:58 pm - Emmanuel �: You are tempting me
09/10/2019, 4:00 pm - My Love: Hehe
09/10/2019, 4:00 pm - My Love: Eat me naaahh
09/10/2019, 4:00 pm - Emmanuel �: With pleasure
09/10/2019, 4:00 pm - Emmanuel �: You know I want to
09/10/2019, 4:00 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 4:00 pm - Emmanuel �: You wouldn't even have to beg
09/10/2019, 4:00 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 4:01 pm - My Love: Hehe
09/10/2019, 4:01 pm - My Love: Aawwwwww
09/10/2019, 4:01 pm - My Love: What bbbbb??
09/10/2019, 4:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Of course bb
09/10/2019, 4:01 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 4:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I mean you know I want to
09/10/2019, 4:01 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 4:02 pm - My Love: Ohh ok hun
09/10/2019, 4:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Them lips are sexy
09/10/2019, 4:02 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 4:02 pm - My Love: U got me smiling here
09/10/2019, 4:02 pm - My Love: Eh
09/10/2019, 4:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Look at them eyes sooooooooo sexy
09/10/2019, 4:04 pm - Emmanuel �: You are making pene hard hun
09/10/2019, 4:04 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't know how much I want to
09/10/2019, 4:05 pm - My Love: And make me be loving you on the bed
09/10/2019, 4:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish to badly
09/10/2019, 4:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to do much more than hold it
09/10/2019, 4:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I will love when you are naked in front of me
09/10/2019, 4:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Delicioso
09/10/2019, 4:06 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 4:06 pm - My Love: I know my lovee
09/10/2019, 4:07 pm - My Love: ��
09/10/2019, 4:07 pm - Emmanuel �: You will taste better than anything I have ever
eat before
09/10/2019, 4:07 pm - My Love: I will love and enjoy that moment bb
09/10/2019, 4:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Me to it will be amazing
09/10/2019, 4:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I am holding you tight bb
09/10/2019, 4:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I will do all those things only when I put a
ring on your hand
09/10/2019, 4:08 pm - My Love: I knkw my love
09/10/2019, 4:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you are my queen
09/10/2019, 4:08 pm - My Love: I am concern about it bb
09/10/2019, 4:08 pm - My Love: U told me bb
09/10/2019, 4:08 pm - My Love: U are my king hun
09/10/2019, 4:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Why are you concern
09/10/2019, 4:09 pm - My Love: I will not do anything that will disrespect you
09/10/2019, 4:09 pm - My Love: Before we married.. or do something that is not
right bb
09/10/2019, 4:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not
09/10/2019, 4:09 pm - My Love: I mean i have this present always bb
09/10/2019, 4:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I want that night to be special
09/10/2019, 4:09 pm - My Love: Me to my lover
09/10/2019, 4:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Good
09/10/2019, 4:10 pm - Emmanuel �: You are a good girlfriend
09/10/2019, 4:10 pm - Emmanuel �: For be concern about this
09/10/2019, 4:10 pm - My Love: But i do this to proviqe you bb
09/10/2019, 4:10 pm - My Love: Lol
09/10/2019, 4:10 pm - Emmanuel �: That means I am not fighting alone
09/10/2019, 4:10 pm - My Love: On phone
09/10/2019, 4:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
09/10/2019, 4:11 pm - My Love: And make u feel to be here now nkw now
09/10/2019, 4:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I love when you do it
09/10/2019, 4:11 pm - My Love: I will not do this in person bb
09/10/2019, 4:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
09/10/2019, 4:11 pm - My Love: Hehe
09/10/2019, 4:11 pm - Emmanuel �: It works
09/10/2019, 4:11 pm - My Love: U know me eh
09/10/2019, 4:11 pm - My Love: Lol
09/10/2019, 4:11 pm - My Love: I love to do it and tempt u
09/10/2019, 4:11 pm - Emmanuel �: You make me feel to come faster
09/10/2019, 4:11 pm - My Love: But i not do it in a bad way bb
09/10/2019, 4:12 pm - My Love: I just want u to feel me close always hun
09/10/2019, 4:12 pm - My Love: I want u to come..
09/10/2019, 4:12 pm - My Love: Fastteerr
09/10/2019, 4:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I love when you do it I see apart of what could
be mines
09/10/2019, 4:12 pm - My Love: Aaawwww
09/10/2019, 4:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I am doing my best
09/10/2019, 4:12 pm - My Love: Could be mines? Its already yours
09/10/2019, 4:12 pm - My Love: But u cant touch it
09/10/2019, 4:12 pm - My Love: Lol
09/10/2019, 4:12 pm - My Love: Still
09/10/2019, 4:13 pm - My Love: I know my love
09/10/2019, 4:13 pm - Emmanuel �: It is only mines when I marry you love
09/10/2019, 4:13 pm - My Love: Ok bb, if u said so
09/10/2019, 4:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I have to earn the right to make love to you
09/10/2019, 4:13 pm - Emmanuel �: That is how it should be
09/10/2019, 4:13 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
09/10/2019, 4:13 pm - My Love: �
09/10/2019, 4:14 pm - Emmanuel �: A woman must have honor in herself
09/10/2019, 4:14 pm - Emmanuel �: To make a man prove himself worthy of her body
09/10/2019, 4:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Many young women who don't understand this give
themselves away easily
09/10/2019, 4:15 pm - Emmanuel �: And they get hurt
09/10/2019, 4:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to prove to you that I deserve you
09/10/2019, 4:16 pm - Emmanuel �: And the best way I can do that is honor you in
09/10/2019, 4:16 pm - Emmanuel �: And take care of you after marriage
09/10/2019, 4:18 pm - My Love: Yes my love
09/10/2019, 4:18 pm - My Love: Its truth
09/10/2019, 4:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
09/10/2019, 4:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to be serious for a moment
09/10/2019, 4:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Listen to me andreina
09/10/2019, 4:19 pm - Emmanuel �: No matter what you have done against God or me
09/10/2019, 4:20 pm - Emmanuel �: If it was in this relationship or out of it
09/10/2019, 4:20 pm - Emmanuel �: No matter how great the mistake
09/10/2019, 4:20 pm - Emmanuel �: God and me love you
09/10/2019, 4:21 pm - Emmanuel �: And it will never change
09/10/2019, 4:21 pm - My Love: Thank u my love
09/10/2019, 4:21 pm - My Love:
09/10/2019, 4:21 pm - My Love: You make me feel special bb
09/10/2019, 4:21 pm - My Love: Afornute
09/10/2019, 4:21 pm - My Love: To be here
09/10/2019, 4:21 pm - My Love: And to love you
09/10/2019, 4:22 pm - Emmanuel �: And you deserve it
09/10/2019, 4:22 pm - Emmanuel �: You deserve to be love and feel special
09/10/2019, 4:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I will tell you something and I know I tell
you it before
09/10/2019, 4:23 pm - Emmanuel �: If God tell me my wife will not be a virgin I
will be okay with that
09/10/2019, 4:24 pm - My Love: Yes bb, u told me hun
09/10/2019, 4:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Even if she had a child I would still marry her
09/10/2019, 4:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Virgin or not doesn't matter to me
09/10/2019, 4:25 pm - Emmanuel �: It is not so much important
09/10/2019, 4:25 pm - Emmanuel �: It is important yes
09/10/2019, 4:25 pm - Emmanuel �: But I choose not to make it a problem
09/10/2019, 4:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I understand that mistakes happens
09/10/2019, 4:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I know I keep myself
09/10/2019, 4:26 pm - Emmanuel �: For sure
09/10/2019, 4:26 pm - My Love: I am reeallyy extra surprise the way u are bb
09/10/2019, 4:26 pm - Emmanuel �: And now I believe you are pure
09/10/2019, 4:26 pm - My Love: Because others mens will not understand and think
the way u do bb
09/10/2019, 4:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you told me so
09/10/2019, 4:26 pm - Emmanuel �: What hurts me is when the woman I love
09/10/2019, 4:27 pm - My Love: Hun.. i didnt be with a man before my love
09/10/2019, 4:27 pm - My Love: No one ever touch my parts
09/10/2019, 4:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Is mot honest to me
09/10/2019, 4:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
09/10/2019, 4:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I believe it with all my heart
09/10/2019, 4:27 pm - My Love: I never be naked in front of anyone except my
brothers and mom
09/10/2019, 4:27 pm - My Love: In front of my brothers.. when i was small..
09/10/2019, 4:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I will tell you something that made me have
09/10/2019, 4:28 pm - My Love: But i am not naked infront of them no more bb
09/10/2019, 4:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I never told you this before
09/10/2019, 4:28 pm - My Love: I know my love
09/10/2019, 4:28 pm - My Love: Tell me bb
09/10/2019, 4:28 pm - Emmanuel �: But I know a man who is from Venezuela
09/10/2019, 4:29 pm - My Love: Yes
09/10/2019, 4:29 pm - Emmanuel �: He is a wife of a lady I work with
09/10/2019, 4:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I mean husband
09/10/2019, 4:30 pm - My Love: Oohh
09/10/2019, 4:30 pm - Emmanuel �: And he said that in Venezuela many girls don't
be virgin when them meet them husband
09/10/2019, 4:30 pm - My Love: Oohh
09/10/2019, 4:31 pm - My Love: I see
09/10/2019, 4:31 pm - Emmanuel �: He said that If another man don't sleep with
09/10/2019, 4:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Them on family do it
09/10/2019, 4:31 pm - Emmanuel �: And he say something that made me sad
09/10/2019, 4:32 pm - My Love: This is truth bb
09/10/2019, 4:32 pm - Emmanuel �: He say sometimes you may get a girl who is
virgin in her vagina
09/10/2019, 4:32 pm - Emmanuel �: But she already have sex
09/10/2019, 4:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Because her family will do it in her anal
09/10/2019, 4:32 pm - My Love: Oohh
09/10/2019, 4:32 pm - Emmanuel �: So she can trick her husband
09/10/2019, 4:33 pm - Emmanuel �: And say she never had sex
09/10/2019, 4:33 pm - My Love: I didnt knew this one before
09/10/2019, 4:33 pm - Emmanuel �: And I believe this man
09/10/2019, 4:33 pm - My Love: Peoples are really wikid
09/10/2019, 4:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I will tell you something
09/10/2019, 4:33 pm - My Love: Tell me bb
09/10/2019, 4:33 pm - Emmanuel �: You must never repeat it to anyone
09/10/2019, 4:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I told the person I will never tell
09/10/2019, 4:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Anyone
09/10/2019, 4:34 pm - Emmanuel �: But this is why I believe the man
09/10/2019, 4:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Before that man tell me that
09/10/2019, 4:35 pm - My Love: Ok my lover.. i will bb
09/10/2019, 4:35 pm - Emmanuel �: My friend Louisiana
09/10/2019, 4:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Told me that her family try to have rape her
09/10/2019, 4:36 pm - Emmanuel �: And have sex with her
09/10/2019, 4:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Them try to take away her virginity
09/10/2019, 4:36 pm - Emmanuel �: But them was not successful
09/10/2019, 4:36 pm - My Love: �
09/10/2019, 4:36 pm - Emmanuel �: She fights them
09/10/2019, 4:36 pm - My Love: Really woww
09/10/2019, 4:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
09/10/2019, 4:37 pm - Emmanuel �: She open up to me because she trust me
09/10/2019, 4:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun please you must to tell anyone this
09/10/2019, 4:37 pm - My Love: Yes bb
09/10/2019, 4:37 pm - My Love: I know hun
09/10/2019, 4:37 pm - My Love: I will not tell anyone
09/10/2019, 4:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Louisiana is very ashamed of it
09/10/2019, 4:37 pm - My Love: I dont know her
09/10/2019, 4:38 pm - My Love: I understand my love
09/10/2019, 4:38 pm - Emmanuel �: And she choose out of her good heart to not say
who the person is
09/10/2019, 4:38 pm - My Love: Ok bb
09/10/2019, 4:38 pm - Emmanuel �: So I that make me believe the man
09/10/2019, 4:38 pm - My Love: Oh ok bb
09/10/2019, 4:39 pm - My Love: Well i never get problem with that bb
09/10/2019, 4:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Also I told you before my sister killed herself
she told us someone in the family rape her
09/10/2019, 4:39 pm - My Love: Because i was always with my daddy, brothers and mom
09/10/2019, 4:39 pm - My Love: Everywhere i go
09/10/2019, 4:39 pm - My Love: And mom usually look and wacht for us always still
09/10/2019, 4:39 pm - My Love: Yes bb
09/10/2019, 4:39 pm - My Love: U told me
09/10/2019, 4:40 pm - Emmanuel �: So I believe family can let Satan use them
09/10/2019, 4:40 pm - Emmanuel �: To hurt the young women in them house
09/10/2019, 4:40 pm - My Love: Yes bb
09/10/2019, 4:41 pm - Emmanuel �: So when I heard how Venezuelan culture is it put
doubts in my mind
09/10/2019, 4:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I will admit
09/10/2019, 4:41 pm - My Love: Ohh
09/10/2019, 4:41 pm - Emmanuel �: But I choose to believe in your words
09/10/2019, 4:41 pm - My Love: Well i didnt knew this
09/10/2019, 4:42 pm - Emmanuel �: And your mom words
09/10/2019, 4:42 pm - My Love: But imagine all the peoples in venezuela.. God
choose me to be your wife.. and still i am pure
09/10/2019, 4:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I believe it is so as the both of you say
09/10/2019, 4:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Well he keep me also
09/10/2019, 4:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I almost give away my virginity
09/10/2019, 4:43 pm - Emmanuel �: And I have a cousin who like men
09/10/2019, 4:43 pm - My Love: ��
09/10/2019, 4:44 pm - My Love: U didnt tell me
09/10/2019, 4:44 pm - Emmanuel �: He made me do things with him when I was small
09/10/2019, 4:44 pm - Emmanuel �: But he never had anal sex with me
09/10/2019, 4:44 pm - My Love: Hun.. i am sad to hear this bb
09/10/2019, 4:44 pm - Emmanuel �: So God save me
09/10/2019, 4:44 pm - My Love: Yes bb
09/10/2019, 4:44 pm - Emmanuel �: He wanted to do it
09/10/2019, 4:45 pm - Emmanuel �: But after he changed and had a woman and make a
09/10/2019, 4:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Also I have a uncle who have wife a sons
09/10/2019, 4:46 pm - My Love: Thank God
09/10/2019, 4:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Them is my two cousin
09/10/2019, 4:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Them father
09/10/2019, 4:46 pm - Emmanuel �: My uncle
09/10/2019, 4:46 pm - My Love: Oohh
09/10/2019, 4:46 pm - Emmanuel �: In secret he was with men
09/10/2019, 4:47 pm - My Love: �
09/10/2019, 4:47 pm - Emmanuel �: When I was staying by him for a time
09/10/2019, 4:47 pm - Emmanuel �: He wanted me to have sex with him
09/10/2019, 4:47 pm - My Love:
09/10/2019, 4:47 pm - My Love: I dont have words bb
09/10/2019, 4:47 pm - My Love: U was big?
09/10/2019, 4:47 pm - Emmanuel �: In the night he used to come and Rob my pene
09/10/2019, 4:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I was small
09/10/2019, 4:48 pm - Emmanuel �: I told you this before
09/10/2019, 4:48 pm - My Love: Yes hun
09/10/2019, 4:48 pm - My Love: U told me
09/10/2019, 4:48 pm - Emmanuel �: When his wife find out
09/10/2019, 4:48 pm - Emmanuel �: He love men to
09/10/2019, 4:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I think she took her my cousins and leave him
09/10/2019, 4:49 pm - My Love: That is something dangerous bb
09/10/2019, 4:49 pm - Emmanuel �: For the 2 weeks of holidays he use to come in
the night and play with my pene
09/10/2019, 4:50 pm - My Love: But u was with clothes?
09/10/2019, 4:50 pm - Emmanuel �: When I came home I told my mom I don't want to
go back
09/10/2019, 4:50 pm - Emmanuel �: But I didn't tell her why
09/10/2019, 4:50 pm - Emmanuel �: With clothes
09/10/2019, 4:50 pm - My Love: Ohh ok bb
09/10/2019, 4:51 pm - My Love: I see bb
09/10/2019, 4:51 pm - Emmanuel �: He tried to take off my pants but I fight back
09/10/2019, 4:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I was small
09/10/2019, 4:51 pm - My Love: Oohh
09/10/2019, 4:51 pm - My Love: I see hun
09/10/2019, 4:51 pm - Emmanuel �: So I know all about how family rape you
09/10/2019, 4:52 pm - Emmanuel �: And do things to you
09/10/2019, 4:52 pm - Emmanuel �: So when the man tell me that I wasn't suprise
09/10/2019, 4:52 pm - Emmanuel �: He in Trinidad in Indian culture
09/10/2019, 4:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Most Indian girl you will not get a virgin to
09/10/2019, 4:53 pm - My Love: Oohh i see hun
09/10/2019, 4:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Because them own father already take it
09/10/2019, 4:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Either he take her vagina
09/10/2019, 4:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Or her anal
09/10/2019, 4:54 pm - Emmanuel �: But he sleeps with his daughter
09/10/2019, 4:54 pm - Emmanuel �: And the secret remain hidding
09/10/2019, 4:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Until the girl can't take it anymore because it
is tormenting her mind
09/10/2019, 4:55 pm - Emmanuel �: So she talks to someone
09/10/2019, 4:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun you once told me something
09/10/2019, 4:56 pm - Emmanuel �: And I believe you
09/10/2019, 4:56 pm - My Love: What i told u bb?
09/10/2019, 4:56 pm - Emmanuel �: You told me Jose had your lips but not your kiss
09/10/2019, 4:57 pm - My Love: Yes bb
09/10/2019, 4:57 pm - Emmanuel �: And a girl who is force by a family I still see
her as a virgin
09/10/2019, 4:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Because she didn't wanted to
09/10/2019, 4:57 pm - Emmanuel �: The had her body but not her virginity
09/10/2019, 4:58 pm - Emmanuel �: This is what I now believe
09/10/2019, 4:58 pm - Emmanuel �: I believe that you really didn't wanted to hurt
me with jose
09/10/2019, 4:58 pm - Emmanuel �: And hun
09/10/2019, 4:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I as your boyfriend I am happy you came to me
and tell me the truth
09/10/2019, 4:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you could of continue until it get worse
09/10/2019, 5:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I know it wasn't easy for you to say that to me
but you did it because you didn't want to continue hurting me
09/10/2019, 5:00 pm - Emmanuel �: And hun I thank you so much
09/10/2019, 5:01 pm - Emmanuel �: For loving me enough to be honest to me
09/10/2019, 5:01 pm - My Love: Hun.. i feel so bad
09/10/2019, 5:01 pm - My Love: And thinking so much
09/10/2019, 5:01 pm - My Love: Before to tell u
09/10/2019, 5:01 pm - My Love: Really
09/10/2019, 5:01 pm - My Love: I think about it more than 2 days
09/10/2019, 5:01 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am sorry for making these years so
difficult for you
09/10/2019, 5:01 pm - My Love: Before to tell u hun
09/10/2019, 5:02 pm - Emmanuel �: But hun
09/10/2019, 5:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you tell me that Jose only had your lips
and not your kiss and your heart
09/10/2019, 5:03 pm - Emmanuel �: And I choose to believe in your words
09/10/2019, 5:03 pm - Emmanuel �: When you kiss me I will receive it as if you
never kiss him
09/10/2019, 5:05 pm - My Love: Awww bb
09/10/2019, 5:05 pm - My Love: I love u my darling
09/10/2019, 5:06 pm - Emmanuel �: And my love
09/10/2019, 5:06 pm - My Love: Thank u for always love me
09/10/2019, 5:06 pm - My Love: And care
09/10/2019, 5:06 pm - My Love: And believe me
09/10/2019, 5:06 pm - My Love: Hun
09/10/2019, 5:06 pm - Emmanuel �: I let it go for good
09/10/2019, 5:06 pm - My Love: Thank u thank u thank u bb
09/10/2019, 5:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to hurt you by tell you because
something happen that you don't deserve us
09/10/2019, 5:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Love doesn't do that
09/10/2019, 5:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Love doesn't keep records of the mistakes
09/10/2019, 5:11 pm - My Love: Thank u bb
09/10/2019, 5:11 pm - My Love: Because i know it was hard to do
09/10/2019, 5:12 pm - My Love: Yes hun
09/10/2019, 5:12 pm - My Love: And we forgive together
09/10/2019, 5:12 pm - My Love: Grow together
09/10/2019, 5:12 pm - My Love: Fail together
09/10/2019, 5:12 pm - My Love: Believe together
09/10/2019, 5:12 pm - My Love: Sometimes missunderstanding
09/10/2019, 5:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you for the rest of my life
09/10/2019, 5:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Maria
09/10/2019, 5:13 pm - My Love: Aaawwww
09/10/2019, 5:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you Maria
09/10/2019, 5:13 pm - My Love: Love u bbbb
09/10/2019, 5:13 pm - My Love: Love u cleve
09/10/2019, 5:14 pm - Emmanuel �: If I had only no you existed
09/10/2019, 5:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I would if skip anesa and grace and show up at
your door
09/10/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love: Bb.. in 1 hour i have to go to church bb
09/10/2019, 5:15 pm - Emmanuel �: And say I come for my wife
09/10/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love: Haha
09/10/2019, 5:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Me to
09/10/2019, 5:16 pm - My Love: I would of say.. i am here for u my husband
09/10/2019, 5:16 pm - My Love: ���
09/10/2019, 5:16 pm - My Love: Well
09/10/2019, 5:16 pm - My Love: What u want to do bb?
09/10/2019, 5:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I will leave soon to ready
09/10/2019, 5:16 pm - My Love: Me too hun
09/10/2019, 5:16 pm - My Love: I still want to be here
09/10/2019, 5:16 pm - Emmanuel �: You can go ahead love
09/10/2019, 5:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Knowing this makes me happy
09/10/2019, 5:20 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 5:22 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 5:23 pm - My Love: ���
09/10/2019, 5:23 pm - My Love: I run and jump on you now my bb
09/10/2019, 5:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I will go ready we will talk after church
09/10/2019, 5:24 pm - My Love: I lie down next to u bb
09/10/2019, 5:24 pm - My Love: Noooo
09/10/2019, 5:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Uuuuuuuuu
09/10/2019, 5:24 pm - My Love: Kiss me first
09/10/2019, 5:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I eat your lips
09/10/2019, 5:24 pm - My Love: �
09/10/2019, 5:24 pm - My Love: How i will talk tomorrow now
09/10/2019, 5:24 pm - My Love: ??
09/10/2019, 5:24 pm - My Love: U bad eh
09/10/2019, 5:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay I kiss you gentle
09/10/2019, 5:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Poco
09/10/2019, 5:25 pm - My Love: Yes
09/10/2019, 5:25 pm - My Love: When u want to lol
09/10/2019, 5:25 pm - My Love: U bad when u want to hun
09/10/2019, 5:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Only with you
09/10/2019, 5:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I do them things
09/10/2019, 5:26 pm - My Love: I know my love
09/10/2019, 5:26 pm - My Love: N thank u bb.. tha u do it with me alone hun
09/10/2019, 5:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I am comfortable with you
09/10/2019, 5:27 pm - My Love: Me too my love
09/10/2019, 5:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to with another girl
09/10/2019, 5:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I want to do it with you
09/10/2019, 5:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
09/10/2019, 5:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I feel for you alone
09/10/2019, 5:28 pm - My Love: Me too bbb
09/10/2019, 5:28 pm - My Love: ���
09/10/2019, 5:28 pm - My Love: Hun
09/10/2019, 5:28 pm - My Love: I think we should go and ready
09/10/2019, 5:28 pm - My Love: We will study the bible after we reach home?
09/10/2019, 5:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
09/10/2019, 5:29 pm - Emmanuel �: If you are not sleepy
09/10/2019, 5:29 pm - My Love: Ok my love
09/10/2019, 5:29 pm - Emmanuel �: We will see
09/10/2019, 5:29 pm - My Love: Thank u for put me always first than your desires
09/10/2019, 5:29 pm - My Love: Byeeeee hun
09/10/2019, 5:29 pm - Emmanuel �: You deserve it
09/10/2019, 5:29 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 5:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Wow how beautiful
09/10/2019, 5:29 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 5:29 pm - Emmanuel �: You are
09/10/2019, 5:30 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 5:30 pm - Emmanuel �: You melt me
09/10/2019, 5:30 pm - My Love: Kiss u
09/10/2019, 5:30 pm - My Love: Sending u a kiss
09/10/2019, 5:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
09/10/2019, 5:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Completely in every way
09/10/2019, 5:30 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 5:31 pm - My Love: Thank u bb
09/10/2019, 5:31 pm - My Love: Bye my loveeerr
09/10/2019, 5:31 pm - Emmanuel �: From head to toe inside out
09/10/2019, 5:31 pm - My Love: I lovveeeeee uuuuuu more than anyone huunn
09/10/2019, 5:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Soooooooooooooo beautiful more that I ever wish
09/10/2019, 5:32 pm - My Love: ������ �����
� ���������� �����
09/10/2019, 5:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you more that every one also
09/10/2019, 5:32 pm - My Love: Bye hun
09/10/2019, 5:32 pm - Emmanuel �: By
09/10/2019, 5:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Igualmente
09/10/2019, 5:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Sorry for all the times I treat you not how you
deserve to be treated bb
09/10/2019, 5:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you for ever my everything
09/10/2019, 5:59 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
09/10/2019, 5:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Enjoy your service
09/10/2019, 6:00 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 6:00 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 6:09 pm - My Love: �����
09/10/2019, 6:09 pm - My Love: Bbb
09/10/2019, 6:09 pm - Emmanuel �: My queen
09/10/2019, 6:09 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 6:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Wow!!!!!!!!
09/10/2019, 6:09 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 6:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Sooooooo beautiful
09/10/2019, 6:10 pm - Emmanuel �: You look amazing hun
09/10/2019, 6:10 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 6:10 pm - Emmanuel �: You are my delicious one
09/10/2019, 6:10 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 6:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
09/10/2019, 6:11 pm - Emmanuel �: My gift from God
09/10/2019, 6:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I leaving now bb
09/10/2019, 6:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
09/10/2019, 6:11 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 6:11 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 6:11 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 6:12 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 6:12 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 6:12 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/10/2019, 6:13 pm - My Love: Bye my lover
09/10/2019, 6:13 pm - My Love: I hug u tight bb
09/10/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: Bbbb
09/10/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: Now reach home my bb
09/10/2019, 8:25 pm - My Love: Hun.. i miss u bb..
09/10/2019, 8:25 pm - My Love: I learn a lot today my love
09/10/2019, 8:25 pm - My Love: We study the book of timothy
09/10/2019, 8:25 pm - My Love: The first chapter
09/10/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: Bbbbbb... and you facebook?
09/10/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: What wrong with it??
09/10/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: U didnt something??
09/10/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: Because i cant find u hun
09/10/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I am here
09/10/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I came of off Facebook
09/10/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
09/10/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: To have no friends
09/10/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: My king
09/10/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: ��
09/10/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: Why my love
09/10/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: To prevent me from talking to other females
09/10/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: U delete everything bb?
09/10/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I only use what's app now
09/10/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: Ohh i see my love
09/10/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: This is good bb
09/10/2019, 10:02 pm - My Love: I want to do the same hun
09/10/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: So only who have my number can write me
09/10/2019, 10:02 pm - My Love: But them pictures that i have on facebook i dont
know where i can put them
09/10/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: And none for them girls have my number
09/10/2019, 10:02 pm - My Love: Cool bb
09/10/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: If I reactivate Facebook them pictures will
come back
09/10/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: I see my lover
09/10/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I also did it to have more time with God
09/10/2019, 10:05 pm - My Love: I see my lover
09/10/2019, 10:06 pm - My Love: Good idea bb
09/10/2019, 10:06 pm - My Love: Hun.. how was church
09/10/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: It was really amazing
09/10/2019, 10:06 pm - My Love: �
09/10/2019, 10:07 pm - My Love: Yes??
09/10/2019, 10:07 pm - My Love: U need to tell me why
09/10/2019, 10:07 pm - My Love: Share with meee
09/10/2019, 10:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Because of what we study
09/10/2019, 10:08 pm - My Love: Ohh
09/10/2019, 10:08 pm - My Love: And what you all study about??
09/10/2019, 10:09 pm - My Love: We study about the 1 chapter of timothy
09/10/2019, 10:10 pm - Emmanuel �: We are doing a book name understanding the
09/10/2019, 10:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Every bible study we read from it
09/10/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: Oohh i see
09/10/2019, 10:11 pm - Emmanuel �: This is a great book to study
09/10/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: Yesbits
09/10/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: Yes its
09/10/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: In this last days God is using apostles to
build his people
09/10/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Well he is using all 5 offices
09/10/2019, 10:13 pm - Emmanuel �: But the office of the apostolic grace is to
09/10/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: I see
09/10/2019, 10:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Paul who was Timothy mentor was an apostle
09/10/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: Yes
09/10/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: Its so
09/10/2019, 10:14 pm - Emmanuel �: And he is responsible for building most of the
churches in the new testament
09/10/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: If you want to read the book with me
09/10/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I will be glad to
09/10/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Read it to you
09/10/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: The name of the book is understanding the
09/10/2019, 10:16 pm - My Love: I need.to buy the book hun??
09/10/2019, 10:16 pm - Emmanuel �: By our church president
09/10/2019, 10:16 pm - My Love: I will be glad also bb
09/10/2019, 10:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Well I have it I bought it
09/10/2019, 10:16 pm - Emmanuel �: You can only get the book from our organization
09/10/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: But I will just read to you on video chat
09/10/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: And help you to understand
09/10/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: Ok bb
09/10/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: We can do it tomorrow bb
09/10/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I know the English gives you trouble
09/10/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: Yes bb.. most of the time
09/10/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: Thank u bb for remember this hun
09/10/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: I love u bb
09/10/2019, 10:20 pm - Emmanuel �: I always think of you
09/10/2019, 10:20 pm - Emmanuel �: First
09/10/2019, 10:20 pm - Emmanuel �: I never want you to be uncomfortable
09/10/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: Thank u my love.. i doing the same now bb
09/10/2019, 10:21 pm - My Love: i hug u bb
09/10/2019, 10:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
09/10/2019, 10:22 pm - My Love: Tell me my lovverr
09/10/2019, 10:22 pm - My Love: �� ���
� ��� ��
09/10/2019, 10:22 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to teach you what I know from our
apostolic ministry so you will not be confused when we get married
09/10/2019, 10:23 pm - Emmanuel �: But I want God to show me how and when to do it
09/10/2019, 10:23 pm - My Love: I think its a good idea bb
09/10/2019, 10:23 pm - My Love: Cool bb
09/10/2019, 10:23 pm - My Love: We can pray more about it bb
09/10/2019, 10:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I want you to receive it the way God
wants you to receive it
09/10/2019, 10:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
09/10/2019, 10:23 pm - My Love: Let it be so bb
09/10/2019, 10:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I will tell you something tho
09/10/2019, 10:24 pm - My Love: Yes
09/10/2019, 10:24 pm - My Love: �
09/10/2019, 10:24 pm - Emmanuel �: This is something serious
09/10/2019, 10:24 pm - My Love: Ok hun
09/10/2019, 10:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you to never forget these words
09/10/2019, 10:24 pm - My Love: Ok bb
09/10/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: This will be one of the most important thing I
ever told you since we are in a relationship
09/10/2019, 10:25 pm - My Love: Ok my love
09/10/2019, 10:26 pm - Emmanuel �: If your leader bow never bow with them
09/10/2019, 10:26 pm - My Love: What u mean bb?
09/10/2019, 10:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Paul said follow me as I follow Christ
09/10/2019, 10:27 pm - Emmanuel �: If your leader stop following Christ you must
to follow
09/10/2019, 10:27 pm - My Love: Ok my love
09/10/2019, 10:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Only if the follow Christ then follow
09/10/2019, 10:28 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
09/10/2019, 10:29 pm - Emmanuel �: In the bible a king tell the people now or he
will throw them in a ferness of fire
09/10/2019, 10:30 pm - Emmanuel �: All them leader bow
09/10/2019, 10:30 pm - Emmanuel �: 3 boy stand
09/10/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: And the king throw them to burn but the lord
was in the ferness with them
09/10/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: So I am telling you if ever you leaders bow to
the enemy you must stay standing even if it means death for you never bow to satan
09/10/2019, 10:58 pm - My Love: Ik my love
09/10/2019, 10:58 pm - My Love: Hhuuunnn
09/10/2019, 10:58 pm - My Love: Hun
09/10/2019, 10:58 pm - My Love: Soorry bb
09/10/2019, 10:59 pm - My Love: Since since 10:33pm until now. I sleep away.. u
know i work hard theses days my lover
09/10/2019, 10:59 pm - My Love: Bbbb
09/10/2019, 11:00 pm - My Love: Huunnn
09/10/2019, 11:00 pm - My Love: Lover
09/10/2019, 11:00 pm - My Love: I sleep away??
09/10/2019, 11:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Sleep my darling
09/10/2019, 11:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Sleep well
09/10/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: Bb
09/10/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: I am here hun
09/10/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: U will sleep now bb?
09/10/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: Sorry to leave u bb
09/10/2019, 11:02 pm - Emmanuel �: It's okay my love
09/10/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: But honestly i think we should of go and sleep
09/10/2019, 11:03 pm - My Love: Because its already 11pm
09/10/2019, 11:03 pm - My Love: U are sleepy bb?
09/10/2019, 11:03 pm - Emmanuel �: A little
09/10/2019, 11:04 pm - My Love: Bb
09/10/2019, 11:04 pm - My Love: Which is your favorite part to feel on my body bb?
09/10/2019, 11:05 pm - My Love: I know u never feel anything bb
09/10/2019, 11:05 pm - My Love: Because we are not closer bb
09/10/2019, 11:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I have something to do
09/10/2019, 11:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I go to bed
09/10/2019, 11:06 pm - Emmanuel �: It didn't have water all day
09/10/2019, 11:06 pm - Emmanuel �: So I didn't get to wash my uniform
09/10/2019, 11:07 pm - Emmanuel �: The water just came back
09/10/2019, 11:07 pm - My Love: Oohh
09/10/2019, 11:07 pm - My Love: I understand bb
09/10/2019, 11:07 pm - My Love: U will go n wash bb now??
09/10/2019, 11:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes queen
09/10/2019, 11:09 pm - Emmanuel �: You can rest
10/10/2019, 12:47 am - My Love: I love u my hui
10/10/2019, 12:47 am - My Love: Hun
10/10/2019, 12:47 am - My Love:
10/10/2019, 12:47 am - Emmanuel �: Hun what are you doing up
10/10/2019, 12:47 am - Emmanuel �: Go to bed
10/10/2019, 12:47 am - My Love: U are still online�
10/10/2019, 12:47 am - Emmanuel �: Sleep well my.love
10/10/2019, 12:47 am - My Love: I wale up bb
10/10/2019, 12:47 am - My Love: And saw your messages
10/10/2019, 12:48 am - Emmanuel �: Good night my queen
10/10/2019, 12:48 am - Emmanuel �: Come here
10/10/2019, 12:48 am - Emmanuel �: I hold you tight
10/10/2019, 12:48 am - My Love: I run faster to u bb
10/10/2019, 12:48 am - Emmanuel �: Let's go to bed together
10/10/2019, 12:48 am - My Love: I love to be arond in your arms
10/10/2019, 12:48 am - My Love: With your hair
10/10/2019, 12:48 am - Emmanuel �: Good night bb
10/10/2019, 12:48 am - My Love: Yes my lover
10/10/2019, 12:48 am - My Love: Good night my queen
10/10/2019, 12:48 am - Emmanuel �: King
10/10/2019, 12:48 am - Emmanuel �: You mean
10/10/2019, 12:49 am - Emmanuel �: Lol
10/10/2019, 12:49 am - Emmanuel �: You really are sleeping
10/10/2019, 12:49 am - Emmanuel �: Bye
10/10/2019, 12:49 am - Emmanuel �: Bb
10/10/2019, 12:49 am - My Love: Lol
10/10/2019, 12:49 am - My Love: I forget

10/10/2019, 12:49 am - My Love:
10/10/2019, 12:49 am - My Love: At least u laugh
10/10/2019, 12:49 am - My Love: Hun
10/10/2019, 12:49 am - My Love: Bb
10/10/2019, 12:49 am - Emmanuel �: Yes love
10/10/2019, 12:49 am - My Love: Which part your hands is on my body now
10/10/2019, 12:50 am - My Love: ?
10/10/2019, 12:50 am - Emmanuel �: On your butt
10/10/2019, 12:50 am - My Love: Aawew
10/10/2019, 12:50 am - My Love:
10/10/2019, 12:50 am - Emmanuel �: But hun why you ask me what is my favorite part
on your body
10/10/2019, 12:50 am - My Love: My favorite part bb
10/10/2019, 12:51 am - Emmanuel �: ?
10/10/2019, 12:51 am - Emmanuel �: Your whole body I love
10/10/2019, 12:51 am - Emmanuel �: I don't have a favorite part
10/10/2019, 12:51 am - Emmanuel �: Pene favorite part is your vagina
10/10/2019, 12:51 am - My Love: Because i want to imagine when we are together
married.. where your hands will be bb, and i was just feeling how it willl feel
10/10/2019, 12:52 am - Emmanuel �: Because them belong together
10/10/2019, 12:52 am - My Love: But your hands bb, i ask your hands..
10/10/2019, 12:52 am - My Love: Because i like your hugs hun
10/10/2019, 12:52 am - Emmanuel �: I have 2
10/10/2019, 12:52 am - My Love: I love when you touch me bb
10/10/2019, 12:52 am - Emmanuel �: You but and boobies
10/10/2019, 12:52 am - My Love: U melt me
10/10/2019, 12:52 am - Emmanuel �: Your butt
10/10/2019, 12:52 am - My Love: Hun.. i am veeerrryyyyy sensible on my bubies
10/10/2019, 12:53 am - Emmanuel �: But I would touch every part
10/10/2019, 12:53 am - Emmanuel �: �
10/10/2019, 12:53 am - Emmanuel �: That is good
10/10/2019, 12:53 am - Emmanuel �: You will get turned on fast and love me up
10/10/2019, 12:54 am - My Love: Yes
10/10/2019, 12:54 am - My Love:
10/10/2019, 12:55 am - Emmanuel �: I love hun
10/10/2019, 12:55 am - Emmanuel �: Let's us go to bed
10/10/2019, 12:56 am - Emmanuel �: Good night my bb
10/10/2019, 12:56 am - My Love: I loove u bbbb
10/10/2019, 12:56 am - My Love: My queennn
10/10/2019, 12:56 am - My Love: ��
� ��
10/10/2019, 12:56 am - My Love: Goood night my king
10/10/2019, 12:56 am - My Love: I lovee u
10/10/2019, 12:56 am - Emmanuel �: Yes lover
10/10/2019, 12:57 am - My Love: I kiss u bb
10/10/2019, 12:57 am - Emmanuel �: I grabb you butt tight
10/10/2019, 12:57 am - My Love: �
10/10/2019, 12:57 am - Emmanuel �: Good night
10/10/2019, 12:57 am - My Love: U want me to love up u tonight?
10/10/2019, 12:57 am - My Love: Dont tempt me
10/10/2019, 12:57 am - My Love: U hear
10/10/2019, 12:57 am - My Love: �
10/10/2019, 12:58 am - Emmanuel �: You does temp me
10/10/2019, 12:58 am - Emmanuel �: When I grabb your butt pene get hard
10/10/2019, 12:59 am - Emmanuel �: What will you do
10/10/2019, 12:59 am - My Love: Haha
10/10/2019, 12:59 am - My Love: �
10/10/2019, 12:59 am - My Love: Love u up bb
10/10/2019, 12:59 am - My Love: I cant do anything more else
10/10/2019, 12:59 am - My Love: ����
10/10/2019, 1:00 am - Emmanuel �: If we were married
10/10/2019, 1:00 am - Emmanuel �: And I squeeze your butt
10/10/2019, 1:00 am - Emmanuel �: Pene will get hard
10/10/2019, 1:00 am - My Love: Yes
10/10/2019, 1:00 am - My Love: And after this i will love up u
10/10/2019, 1:00 am - My Love: ��
10/10/2019, 1:01 am - My Love: So dont do it always
10/10/2019, 1:01 am - My Love: Please
10/10/2019, 1:01 am - My Love: �
10/10/2019, 1:01 am - My Love: Hehe
10/10/2019, 1:01 am - Emmanuel �: Okay hun
10/10/2019, 1:01 am - My Love: I think i cant handle that
10/10/2019, 1:01 am - Emmanuel �: I will try
10/10/2019, 1:01 am - My Love: U will always want to squeeze it
10/10/2019, 1:01 am - My Love: I knot u will bb
10/10/2019, 1:01 am - My Love: Do it always when ever u feels to bb
10/10/2019, 1:01 am - My Love: Because i always want to love u up
10/10/2019, 1:01 am - My Love: When ever and anytime
10/10/2019, 1:02 am - Emmanuel �: And boobies to
10/10/2019, 1:02 am - My Love: But hun.. together alone at home bb
10/10/2019, 1:02 am - My Love: No more else
10/10/2019, 1:02 am - Emmanuel �: I know love
10/10/2019, 1:03 am - My Love: Hun
10/10/2019, 1:03 am - My Love: I know
10/10/2019, 1:03 am - My Love: For sure
10/10/2019, 1:04 am - My Love: That u will be a great husband bb.. and i not have
doutds of than and no regrets
10/10/2019, 1:04 am - Emmanuel �: Yes love
10/10/2019, 1:04 am - Emmanuel �: I will
10/10/2019, 1:04 am - My Love: I know been with you will be sooooo amazing bb
10/10/2019, 1:04 am - My Love: ����
10/10/2019, 1:04 am - My Love: I know this
10/10/2019, 1:04 am - My Love: Deep inside
10/10/2019, 1:05 am - Emmanuel �: It will
10/10/2019, 1:05 am - Emmanuel �: Be
10/10/2019, 1:05 am - My Love: Yes i know my looveerr
10/10/2019, 1:05 am - My Love: Hun
10/10/2019, 1:05 am - Emmanuel �: Yes love
10/10/2019, 1:05 am - My Love: When u squezze my butt
10/10/2019, 1:05 am - My Love: I will kiss u up
10/10/2019, 1:05 am - Emmanuel �: I will love it
10/10/2019, 1:06 am - My Love: And after kiss you up
10/10/2019, 1:06 am - My Love: Then u know the results at last
10/10/2019, 1:07 am - Emmanuel �: Yes I know it hun
10/10/2019, 1:07 am - My Love: ����
10/10/2019, 1:07 am - Emmanuel �: I want it to
10/10/2019, 1:07 am - My Love: Hhehehe
10/10/2019, 1:08 am - My Love: U know where i will wish u but your hands always
when we are together
10/10/2019, 1:08 am - My Love: And more u will melt me
10/10/2019, 1:08 am - My Love: On my vagina
10/10/2019, 1:08 am - My Love: So u will provoque me more
10/10/2019, 1:08 am - My Love: And rob it
10/10/2019, 1:08 am - My Love: Slowly
10/10/2019, 1:09 am - Emmanuel �: I Wil do it
10/10/2019, 1:09 am - My Love: While i am kissing u bb
10/10/2019, 1:09 am - My Love: ���
10/10/2019, 1:09 am - Emmanuel �: Yes
10/10/2019, 1:10 am - My Love: I know it will be amazing bb
10/10/2019, 1:10 am - Emmanuel �: I will rub it slowly
10/10/2019, 1:10 am - Emmanuel �: And pene will get really hard
10/10/2019, 1:10 am - My Love: U will put in your finger inside of me sometimes
10/10/2019, 1:11 am - My Love: I think this questions it sounds strange hun
10/10/2019, 1:11 am - Emmanuel �: If you are comfortable with it
10/10/2019, 1:11 am - My Love: I never ask u this before hun
10/10/2019, 1:11 am - My Love: Yes i wish hun
10/10/2019, 1:11 am - Emmanuel �: I will do it
10/10/2019, 1:11 am - My Love: While we are kissing
10/10/2019, 1:11 am - Emmanuel �: Yes
10/10/2019, 1:12 am - Emmanuel �: As long as you okay with it
10/10/2019, 1:12 am - Emmanuel �: I will please you
10/10/2019, 1:12 am - My Love: Hun
10/10/2019, 1:12 am - My Love: A next question
10/10/2019, 1:12 am - Emmanuel �: Tell me
10/10/2019, 1:13 am - My Love: U wish to hear when i am shouting.. i mean when i am
10/10/2019, 1:13 am - My Love: U know that sounds?
10/10/2019, 1:13 am - My Love: Is a kind of shout
10/10/2019, 1:13 am - My Love: But of exited ment
10/10/2019, 1:13 am - Emmanuel �: Not really
10/10/2019, 1:13 am - My Love: Excitedment
10/10/2019, 1:13 am - My Love: Really?
10/10/2019, 1:13 am - Emmanuel �: Only if you are really feeling it
10/10/2019, 1:14 am - Emmanuel �: Don't fake it
10/10/2019, 1:14 am - My Love: Yes of course bb
10/10/2019, 1:14 am - Emmanuel �: You will only shout that way if I do you hard
10/10/2019, 1:15 am - My Love: No hun.. i think it always hurt a litle bb
10/10/2019, 1:15 am - Emmanuel �: Usually slowly you will make a different sound
10/10/2019, 1:15 am - Emmanuel �: Only at the beginning I believe
10/10/2019, 1:16 am - Emmanuel �: But you will get a custom
10/10/2019, 1:16 am - My Love: Yes bb
10/10/2019, 1:16 am - My Love: Yes
10/10/2019, 1:18 am - My Love: Hun
10/10/2019, 1:18 am - Emmanuel �: Tell me
10/10/2019, 1:18 am - My Love: Let us go sleep
10/10/2019, 1:19 am - My Love: But dont provoque me hun
10/10/2019, 1:19 am - Emmanuel �: Okay my love
10/10/2019, 1:19 am - My Love: You can touch
10/10/2019, 1:19 am - My Love: But not provoque me
10/10/2019, 1:19 am - My Love: ��
10/10/2019, 1:19 am - My Love: I will cuff u if u do it
10/10/2019, 1:19 am - My Love: Lol
10/10/2019, 1:19 am - Emmanuel �: I will just hold your but
10/10/2019, 1:19 am - Emmanuel �: Butt
10/10/2019, 1:19 am - Emmanuel �: And sleep
10/10/2019, 1:20 am - My Love: Hehe
10/10/2019, 1:20 am - My Love: Amazing
10/10/2019, 1:21 am - Emmanuel �: Good night my love
10/10/2019, 1:21 am - My Love: Good night my bb
10/10/2019, 1:21 am - Emmanuel �: Next time when it is not so late
10/10/2019, 1:21 am - My Love: �
10/10/2019, 1:21 am - My Love: Yes
10/10/2019, 1:21 am - Emmanuel �: I will provoque
10/10/2019, 1:21 am - Emmanuel �: You more
10/10/2019, 1:21 am - My Love: Haha ok bb
10/10/2019, 1:21 am - Emmanuel �: Bye hun
10/10/2019, 1:22 am - My Love: I love to feel horney with u alone n no one else
10/10/2019, 1:22 am - My Love: Bye bb
10/10/2019, 5:39 am - Emmanuel �: I love to make you feel horney
10/10/2019, 5:40 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my love have a wonderful day today
my beautiful amazing pretty awesome girlfriend
10/10/2019, 5:46 am - My Love: Bbbbbb
10/10/2019, 5:46 am - My Love: Gooodd morningg hun
10/10/2019, 5:46 am - My Love: I huuugg u up bb
10/10/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: Same to you my blesssed amazing marvelous great
handsome increible gift from God..
10/10/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: Bb take care ok..
10/10/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: I loveeeeeee u for ever hun
10/10/2019, 6:56 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
10/10/2019, 6:57 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
10/10/2019, 6:57 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
10/10/2019, 10:19 am - Emmanuel �: You look so beautiful and sexy in bed
10/10/2019, 10:20 am - Emmanuel �: I am sorry bb but remember you have a day of
you went back to sleep I had to rush to work my love
10/10/2019, 10:23 am - My Love: Bbbbbb
10/10/2019, 10:23 am - My Love: I am here hun
10/10/2019, 10:24 am - My Love: Hehe yes bb.. i miss u this morning hun
10/10/2019, 10:24 am - My Love:
10/10/2019, 10:24 am - My Love: I love u my darling
10/10/2019, 10:24 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
10/10/2019, 10:25 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
10/10/2019, 10:25 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
10/10/2019, 10:25 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
10/10/2019, 10:25 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
10/10/2019, 10:25 am - Emmanuel �: I was really tired on work
10/10/2019, 10:26 am - My Love: When this morning hun??
10/10/2019, 10:26 am - Emmanuel �: Yes
10/10/2019, 10:26 am - Emmanuel �: Hun I am going to work again now
10/10/2019, 10:26 am - Emmanuel �: And I am late
10/10/2019, 10:26 am - My Love:
10/10/2019, 10:26 am - My Love: Ok my darlong
10/10/2019, 10:26 am - My Love: Take care hun
10/10/2019, 10:27 am - Emmanuel �: We will talk this evening
10/10/2019, 10:27 am - My Love: Yes my entire hun
10/10/2019, 10:27 am - My Love: My husband
10/10/2019, 10:27 am - My Love: My king
10/10/2019, 10:27 am - Emmanuel �: I will mess you like mad
10/10/2019, 10:27 am - My Love: I kiss u bb
10/10/2019, 10:27 am - My Love: �
10/10/2019, 10:27 am - Emmanuel �: You look so tempting in red
10/10/2019, 10:27 am - Emmanuel �: Mucho caliente
10/10/2019, 10:27 am - My Love: Haha
10/10/2019, 10:27 am - My Love: I love u my crazy one
10/10/2019, 10:28 am - Emmanuel �: I love you to
10/10/2019, 10:28 am - My Love: I loveeeeeeee u my crazy one
10/10/2019, 10:28 am - Emmanuel �: Hun today I am having a very hard day in my
10/10/2019, 10:28 am - My Love: Yes bb?
10/10/2019, 10:28 am - Emmanuel �: Still I am trying to be positive
10/10/2019, 10:28 am - My Love: Bb
10/10/2019, 10:28 am - My Love: God is in control
10/10/2019, 10:29 am - Emmanuel �: I lost my wallet with money
10/10/2019, 10:29 am - My Love: Of everything
10/10/2019, 10:29 am - My Love: �
10/10/2019, 10:29 am - Emmanuel �: And my Id card
10/10/2019, 10:29 am - My Love: Plenty money bb??
10/10/2019, 10:29 am - My Love: God never put shame his children
10/10/2019, 10:29 am - Emmanuel �: I have to go back tru a long process to get
back my id
10/10/2019, 10:29 am - My Love: Ok so dont worry
10/10/2019, 10:29 am - Emmanuel �: Not so much
10/10/2019, 10:30 am - My Love: Hun.. everything happen for a purpose bb
10/10/2019, 10:30 am - Emmanuel �: You are such a supportive woman
10/10/2019, 10:30 am - Emmanuel �: I admire you
10/10/2019, 10:30 am - My Love: Bb
10/10/2019, 10:30 am - Emmanuel �: You are never negative
10/10/2019, 10:30 am - My Love: That is material things
10/10/2019, 10:30 am - Emmanuel �: I love that about you sooooooo much
10/10/2019, 10:31 am - My Love: Dont give it much importance
10/10/2019, 10:31 am - Emmanuel �: I love your attitude I am proud to be your man
10/10/2019, 10:32 am - Emmanuel �: You make me feel like together we can achieve
everything God give us to do
10/10/2019, 10:32 am - Emmanuel �: You are the wife i always dream of all my life
10/10/2019, 10:32 am - Emmanuel �: I love you more than words can express
10/10/2019, 10:32 am - My Love: Huunnn
10/10/2019, 10:32 am - My Love: Go bb its latee
10/10/2019, 10:32 am - My Love: Go hun
10/10/2019, 10:32 am - Emmanuel �: I know it is God who give you to me
10/10/2019, 10:33 am - My Love: I know this also bb
10/10/2019, 10:33 am - Emmanuel �: In love you I will write you when I am home
10/10/2019, 10:33 am - My Love: Ok my man
10/10/2019, 10:33 am - My Love: Thank u my love
10/10/2019, 10:33 am - My Love: Yes we will bb
10/10/2019, 2:58 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
10/10/2019, 2:59 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
10/10/2019, 2:59 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
10/10/2019, 3:01 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
10/10/2019, 3:02 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
10/10/2019, 3:04 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
10/10/2019, 7:18 pm - My Love: Bb where are u hun
10/10/2019, 7:18 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
10/10/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: Hun.. i am so bored bb
10/10/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: I need u hun
10/10/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: Bb, i pray for u for the thing that u lose
10/10/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: Lost
10/10/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: Hope u find u bb
10/10/2019, 9:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
10/10/2019, 9:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I will be home very late
10/10/2019, 9:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Sorry I couldn't write you
10/10/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: ��
10/10/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: Huunn
10/10/2019, 9:11 pm - Emmanuel �: My battery died I beg someone for use them
10/10/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: Tell.me.. u find what u lost?
10/10/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: No my love
10/10/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: Ok my bb, thank u verryyy much hun
10/10/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: I love u hun
10/10/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: Soon u will find it ok
10/10/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I now pick up some wifi
10/10/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: I love u bb ok
10/10/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: We are working for a church event in our church
10/10/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: It is big
10/10/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: We are doing the electrical
10/10/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: Ooohh i seeee hun
10/10/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: Ohh
10/10/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: Bb please becareful.ok
10/10/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: I am beging u
10/10/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: Take my love
10/10/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: U know i love u bb
10/10/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love:
10/10/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: I kiss u up bb
10/10/2019, 9:14 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
10/10/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: Woww.. this is your church bb?
10/10/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I can't watch them sexy pictures now
10/10/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: The placeeeee is reeeealalllll big
10/10/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: Hun.. please let no one see them
10/10/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: Ok
10/10/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: It is not my church
10/10/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: I dont want u to wacht them and then pene get big..
everyone will be like ��
10/10/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: Lol
10/10/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: We are renting this place for all our churches
here in the country
10/10/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: Oohh woww
10/10/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I will wait
10/10/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: When its the event bb
10/10/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: ?
10/10/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Because this will happen
10/10/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: If I do
10/10/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: I know lol
10/10/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: ��
10/10/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Saturday all our church will offer pray together
10/10/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: From around the world
10/10/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
10/10/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: Do your best for God hun
10/10/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: �
10/10/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: Woww
10/10/2019, 9:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes it is wonderful
10/10/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: Bb.. please do this
10/10/2019, 9:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Awwwwwwwww
10/10/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: With the electrical part ok
10/10/2019, 9:18 pm - Emmanuel �: You make me feel special
10/10/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: �
10/10/2019, 9:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I always think of you
10/10/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: Always u are my jardin of love
10/10/2019, 9:19 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am very careful
10/10/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: Nah nah nah
10/10/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: Think of the work
10/10/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: While you are doing it
10/10/2019, 9:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Because if I get shock and dead
10/10/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: Because if u thinknin me
10/10/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: U will do a mistake lol
10/10/2019, 9:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not get to be with you
10/10/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: Emmmmannuelll�
10/10/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: Dont saayyy this ok
10/10/2019, 9:20 pm - My Love: Really bb
10/10/2019, 9:20 pm - My Love: Dont say that aggain
10/10/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Actually thinking of you make me more careful
because I know what I have to lose
10/10/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: Hun.. dont invent crazyness bb
10/10/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: Just be focus hun
10/10/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: Bb.. i cut my toe
10/10/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: Lol
10/10/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: With a bucket
10/10/2019, 9:22 pm - My Love: It fall on my toe of my right foot and cut it
10/10/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: I am leaving for go home hun
10/10/2019, 9:23 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
10/10/2019, 9:23 pm - My Love: I will miss u bb
10/10/2019, 9:25 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
10/10/2019, 9:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Every one is different I not invent it
10/10/2019, 9:26 pm - My Love: Ok my love
10/10/2019, 9:26 pm - My Love: Soorryy bb for what i said
10/10/2019, 9:26 pm - My Love: ����its reeeaaaalll biiigg eeh
10/10/2019, 9:27 pm - My Love: Send me a video.. where u r in
10/10/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I tired tell you be careful
10/10/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: Lol
10/10/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: I know bb
10/10/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: Hun.. was a accident
10/10/2019, 9:30 pm - Emmanuel �: You was thinking of me
10/10/2019, 9:30 pm - Emmanuel �: ????
10/10/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: U know when it happen
10/10/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: I tought of u
10/10/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: N i knew u woould of said: u always tell me to
becareful.. n i do the oposite
10/10/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: Hehe
10/10/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: My lover
10/10/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Are you there
10/10/2019, 10:47 pm - Emmanuel �: My loveeeeeee
10/10/2019, 10:47 pm - Emmanuel �: My bb
10/10/2019, 10:48 pm - Emmanuel �: mi azúcar
10/10/2019, 10:48 pm - Emmanuel �: My sexy one
10/10/2019, 10:48 pm - Emmanuel �: My princess
10/10/2019, 10:48 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
10/10/2019, 10:48 pm - Emmanuel �: My queen
10/10/2019, 10:48 pm - My Love: Yes
10/10/2019, 10:48 pm - Emmanuel �: My amazing one
10/10/2019, 10:48 pm - Emmanuel �: My everything
10/10/2019, 10:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I misssssssssssssss you
10/10/2019, 10:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
10/10/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
10/10/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: My only love
10/10/2019, 10:52 pm - My Love: I missssssss u tooòoooò bbbbb
10/10/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: My home
10/10/2019, 10:52 pm - My Love: Yes hun
10/10/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: My comfort
10/10/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: My gift
10/10/2019, 10:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Mi cielo
10/10/2019, 10:53 pm - My Love: Waa
10/10/2019, 10:53 pm - Emmanuel �: I love how you look in red bb
10/10/2019, 10:54 pm - Emmanuel �: When I came home I watch them photos
10/10/2019, 10:54 pm - Emmanuel �: And pene get hard immediately
10/10/2019, 10:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
10/10/2019, 10:56 pm - Emmanuel �: I misssssssssssssssss you
10/10/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: Bb
10/10/2019, 10:58 pm - My Love: I feel so sleept bb
10/10/2019, 10:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Well hun
10/10/2019, 10:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Go ahead
10/10/2019, 10:59 pm - My Love: U are sleepy bb?
10/10/2019, 10:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes but I can't sleep
10/10/2019, 10:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Until them all go to bed
10/10/2019, 11:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I sleep in the hall
10/10/2019, 11:00 pm - Emmanuel �: And them watching tv
10/10/2019, 11:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night my love sleep well
10/10/2019, 11:00 pm - My Love: Ok my lover.. bb
10/10/2019, 11:00 pm - My Love: Everything will be different when we married hun
10/10/2019, 11:01 pm - My Love: I will go and sleep my love because its late bb..
10/10/2019, 11:01 pm - My Love: I cant be no more up
10/10/2019, 11:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
10/10/2019, 11:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
10/10/2019, 11:01 pm - My Love: I hug u tight bb
10/10/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: Thank u my lover
10/10/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: For everything..
10/10/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: GOD IS Good
10/10/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: I bless u tonight my lover
g10/10/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: Good nigh my blessing
10/10/2019, 11:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night hun
10/10/2019, 11:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Sleep well
10/10/2019, 11:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
10/10/2019, 11:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you for everything
10/10/2019, 11:06 pm - Emmanuel �: God is good
11/10/2019, 5:42 am - My Love: Bbbb
11/10/2019, 5:42 am - My Love: Goopdd morning my bb
11/10/2019, 5:43 am - My Love: Hun.. always remember that everything help us for
good in christ my love
11/10/2019, 5:43 am - My Love: So dont worry for materials things bb
11/10/2019, 5:43 am - My Love: Be focud on the heaven
11/10/2019, 5:43 am - My Love: And on God
11/10/2019, 5:43 am - My Love: And everything shall we haded unto you and i
11/10/2019, 5:43 am - Emmanuel �: Thank you bb
11/10/2019, 5:43 am - Emmanuel �: I love you
11/10/2019, 5:44 am - Emmanuel �: Soooooooooo much
11/10/2019, 5:44 am - Emmanuel �: You are the best
11/10/2019, 5:44 am - Emmanuel �: I love you my hun
11/10/2019, 5:44 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my special one
11/10/2019, 5:46 am - Emmanuel �: I love you soooooo much Maria adreinna salloum
you are my everything
11/10/2019, 5:46 am - Emmanuel �: I can't wait to be with you
11/10/2019, 5:46 am - Emmanuel �: And hold you in my arms and make you may wife
11/10/2019, 5:47 am - Emmanuel �: And love you every single day every moment to
have our children and to do the work of the Lord with you I love you so much my
lover girl words can't explain how much I love you have a wonderful day today my
beautiful amazing pretty awesome wonderful beautiful wife I love you
11/10/2019, 5:53 am - My Love:
11/10/2019, 5:53 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
11/10/2019, 5:53 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
11/10/2019, 2:44 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
11/10/2019, 2:44 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
11/10/2019, 2:44 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
11/10/2019, 2:44 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
11/10/2019, 6:34 pm - My Love: Bbb
11/10/2019, 6:34 pm - My Love: Now i reach home bb
11/10/2019, 6:34 pm - My Love: Weary a lot
11/10/2019, 6:34 pm - My Love: And smeeling stinck
11/10/2019, 6:34 pm - My Love:
11/10/2019, 6:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I hold you put you on the bed and kiss you up
11/10/2019, 6:38 pm - My Love: Birthday??
11/10/2019, 6:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I don't care
11/10/2019, 6:38 pm - My Love: Its truth bb. I cant imagine my life with out you
11/10/2019, 6:39 pm - My Love: ��� �� aawwww
11/10/2019, 6:39 pm - My Love: Hahaha.. i will love this bb
11/10/2019, 6:39 pm - Emmanuel �: I like the first part of it so I sent it still

11/10/2019, 6:39 pm - My Love:
11/10/2019, 6:39 pm - My Love: Hehe thank u bb
11/10/2019, 6:39 pm - Emmanuel �: I know you do
11/10/2019, 6:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you ask me to kiss you when you get home
b11/10/2019, 6:42 pm - My Love: Yessss... i love this bb
11/10/2019, 6:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I am so sorry to hear this my queen
11/10/2019, 6:42 pm - My Love: I look like a robot bb
11/10/2019, 6:42 pm - My Love: Hun.. u get back what u lost?
11/10/2019, 6:46 pm - Emmanuel �: A sexy one
11/10/2019, 6:46 pm - Emmanuel �: No my sweet one
11/10/2019, 6:46 pm - My Love: �
11/10/2019, 6:47 pm - My Love: But bb.. what u lost u can get back it?
11/10/2019, 6:47 pm - My Love: Hun.. how u feel after you lose those things.. now u
feel better bb?
11/10/2019, 6:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I feel better now that you are in my life
11/10/2019, 6:49 pm - My Love: I am always in your life bb
11/10/2019, 6:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Before you came into my life I was sad
11/10/2019, 6:49 pm - My Love: Hun
11/10/2019, 6:49 pm - My Love: Emmanuel
11/10/2019, 6:49 pm - Emmanuel �: And lonely
11/10/2019, 6:49 pm - My Love: I am talking about what u lost
11/10/2019, 6:49 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
11/10/2019, 6:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Because because you are here
11/10/2019, 6:50 pm - My Love: Dont change the topic hun
11/10/2019, 6:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Nothing I lost will make me sad
11/10/2019, 6:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not
11/10/2019, 6:50 pm - Emmanuel �: The only thing will hurt me in this life hun
11/10/2019, 6:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Is if I lose you and our children in the future
11/10/2019, 6:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I love what you tell me also when I tell you
about it
11/10/2019, 6:51 pm - Emmanuel �: You said to me it is just materials thinh
11/10/2019, 6:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Things
11/10/2019, 6:51 pm - Emmanuel �: And it made me happy to know that you think that
11/10/2019, 6:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I feel proud to be you boyfriend in that moment
11/10/2019, 6:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you soooooo much
11/10/2019, 6:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Love i am eating
11/10/2019, 6:56 pm - My Love: Me too my bb
11/10/2019, 6:56 pm - My Love: Yes?? Awww
11/10/2019, 6:57 pm - My Love: I feel proud to be your wife hun
11/10/2019, 6:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
11/10/2019, 6:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Only if I lose you
11/10/2019, 6:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I will hurt inside
11/10/2019, 6:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Really much
11/10/2019, 6:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you matter to me more than anything I
11/10/2019, 6:58 pm - My Love: I know my bb
11/10/2019, 7:15 pm - My Love: Huun
11/10/2019, 7:15 pm - My Love: I cant eat bb
11/10/2019, 7:15 pm - My Love: I am not hungry
11/10/2019, 7:15 pm - My Love: I dont have apetite
11/10/2019, 7:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Did you eat in work ?
11/10/2019, 7:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Are you feeling well love
11/10/2019, 7:22 pm - My Love: Yes bb, morning food.. normall y eat 2 arepa.. i eat
half of one
11/10/2019, 7:22 pm - My Love: Luch.. i eat more than half of my food
11/10/2019, 7:23 pm - My Love: And afternoon i eat something in work place and here
i eat half cuf of chana.. and trying to eat a egg and bread
11/10/2019, 7:24 pm - Emmanuel �: How you feeling
11/10/2019, 7:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Are well
11/10/2019, 7:24 pm - Emmanuel �: My princess queen
11/10/2019, 7:26 pm - My Love: Bb
11/10/2019, 7:26 pm - My Love: I just need u bb
11/10/2019, 7:27 pm - My Love: Since i am here in guyana i eat less
11/10/2019, 7:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Awwwwwwwwww
11/10/2019, 7:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry to hear this my lover
11/10/2019, 7:27 pm - My Love: I think is because i am far of my family and i cant
see u as get bb
11/10/2019, 7:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I know my love
11/10/2019, 7:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I am so sorry
11/10/2019, 7:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I am saving as much as I can
11/10/2019, 7:28 pm - Emmanuel �: And helping home
11/10/2019, 7:28 pm - My Love: Hun
11/10/2019, 7:28 pm - My Love: I dont want to hear this again bb
11/10/2019, 7:28 pm - My Love: I know what u are doing hun
11/10/2019, 7:28 pm - My Love: I am concern bb
11/10/2019, 7:28 pm - Emmanuel �: And my pastor still not
11/10/2019, 7:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me when to meet
11/10/2019, 7:29 pm - Emmanuel �: With them
11/10/2019, 7:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I know my love
11/10/2019, 7:29 pm - Emmanuel �: But I have to do it
11/10/2019, 7:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I can't leave you so long
11/10/2019, 7:29 pm - My Love: Hun
11/10/2019, 7:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I have to fight
11/10/2019, 7:29 pm - My Love: I want u faster bb
11/10/2019, 7:30 pm - My Love:
11/10/2019, 7:30 pm - Emmanuel �: For my relationship with you
11/10/2019, 7:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Otherwise I will lose you
11/10/2019, 7:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish it was easier
11/10/2019, 7:31 pm - Emmanuel �: But that is how I know this is real
11/10/2019, 7:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Because the enemy doing everything to keep us
11/10/2019, 7:31 pm - Emmanuel �: From each other
11/10/2019, 7:32 pm - Emmanuel �: And the challenges to be together is so much
11/10/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: Yes its
11/10/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: And its hard bb
11/10/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: Much hard hun
11/10/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun Satan doesn't want this relationship to
11/10/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: I know my love
11/10/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
11/10/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you for waiting
11/10/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
11/10/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: I love this song bb
11/10/2019, 7:38 pm - Emmanuel �: What song love
11/10/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
11/10/2019, 7:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I will listen to it
11/10/2019, 7:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Oh
11/10/2019, 7:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I sent that for yoy
11/10/2019, 7:38 pm - Emmanuel �: You want to use this in our wedding
11/10/2019, 7:40 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
11/10/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I like it to
11/10/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: But I love you more
11/10/2019, 7:40 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
11/10/2019, 7:40 pm - My Love: Explain me this song bb.. i am not understanding it
11/10/2019, 7:40 pm - My Love: Hear it
11/10/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: I like the song
11/10/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: But i dont understand the letters and what it means
11/10/2019, 7:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Maria I choose yoy
11/10/2019, 7:41 pm - Emmanuel �: You
11/10/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: I choose you too bb
11/10/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Above all them mens
11/10/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: And boys
11/10/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: I choose you tousands times
11/10/2019, 7:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I'll be patient
11/10/2019, 7:41 pm - Emmanuel �: You change my life bb
11/10/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: You change my life
11/10/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you to be apart of my life
11/10/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: U do the same bb
11/10/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
11/10/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: �
11/10/2019, 7:44 pm - My Love: My love.. i want u to be part of my lofe
11/10/2019, 7:44 pm - My Love: Life*
11/10/2019, 7:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Well in that song i think the person wants to
fall in love but them afraid
11/10/2019, 7:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Them want it
11/10/2019, 7:45 pm - My Love: Ohh i see bbb
11/10/2019, 7:45 pm - Emmanuel �: But not sure if the relationship will last
11/10/2019, 7:45 pm - Emmanuel �: If the love will last
11/10/2019, 7:46 pm - My Love: Ohh i see bb
11/10/2019, 7:46 pm - Emmanuel �: And he hopping If he and the girl make love them
could actually fall in love
11/10/2019, 7:46 pm - My Love: Ohh
11/10/2019, 7:47 pm - My Love: I like the way how he sing.. and the rydom
11/10/2019, 7:47 pm - Emmanuel �: So in the chorus he is saying that he doesn't
want to hold her down
11/10/2019, 7:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Meaning that he doesn't want to keep her back
from her life
11/10/2019, 7:48 pm - Emmanuel �: But he is hoping that maybe if the connected
that she might want him
11/10/2019, 7:48 pm - Emmanuel �: And that they could fall for each other
11/10/2019, 7:48 pm - Emmanuel �: That is what I understand from the worda
11/10/2019, 7:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Words
11/10/2019, 7:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
11/10/2019, 7:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes with you
11/10/2019, 7:54 pm - My Love: I dont understand much this song either
11/10/2019, 7:55 pm - My Love: Because when them singing.. i dont understand the
words.. i not hear it clearly
11/10/2019, 7:55 pm - My Love: Enough
11/10/2019, 7:55 pm - My Love: Hun.. i will just go and put cream on my toe.. and
face.. for the lata and also the cut.
I will be back bb
11/10/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay my queen
11/10/2019, 8:05 pm - My Love: I am back bb
11/10/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
11/10/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: My princee
11/10/2019, 8:06 pm - Emmanuel �: My sexy one
11/10/2019, 8:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I am feeling to tempt you
11/10/2019, 8:08 pm - My Love: Naahh
11/10/2019, 8:08 pm - My Love: Dont comeee closeeeerre to mee
11/10/2019, 8:08 pm - My Love: Lol
11/10/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I have some questions for you
11/10/2019, 8:10 pm - My Love: Tell me bb
11/10/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay I will leave you
11/10/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: Naaaaaaaa
11/10/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: Nooo hun
11/10/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love:
11/10/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: Dont go away bb
11/10/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: Sorry bb, come closer bb
11/10/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: I was joking bb
11/10/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I mean I will leave you no go
11/10/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: But I mean I will not temp you
11/10/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: Aaa ok.. u almost give a heart attact u hear
11/10/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: Noo
11/10/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: Do it bb
11/10/2019, 8:12 pm - My Love: Do it hun
11/10/2019, 8:12 pm - Emmanuel �: What you are wearing? Now
11/10/2019, 8:12 pm - Emmanuel �: ??
11/10/2019, 8:13 pm - My Love: What u mean
11/10/2019, 8:13 pm - My Love: Clithes
11/10/2019, 8:13 pm - My Love: Clothes
11/10/2019, 8:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I make you naked now
11/10/2019, 8:13 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am kissing your legs
11/10/2019, 8:13 pm - My Love: I have on a black yersie... and pink long soff pants
11/10/2019, 8:13 pm - My Love: And orange underwear
11/10/2019, 8:14 pm - Emmanuel �: All the way up to your belly
11/10/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
11/10/2019, 8:14 pm - Emmanuel �: The same one you show me
11/10/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
11/10/2019, 8:14 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
11/10/2019, 8:14 pm - Emmanuel �: You look so beautiful
11/10/2019, 8:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Pene is already hard
11/10/2019, 8:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Should I continue to temp you
11/10/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love: Pene not waste time bb
11/10/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love: Ok my love
11/10/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love: Hun.. i want u for ever bb
11/10/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: No I love how your vagina looks really it's
11/10/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: Jeje
11/10/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: ��
11/10/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to do you something you tell me
11/10/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
11/10/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I love that underwear
11/10/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: Like what bb
11/10/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: ???
11/10/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: Yea? Me too my lover
11/10/2019, 8:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Rub your vagina with my finger
11/10/2019, 8:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Slowly
11/10/2019, 8:18 pm - Emmanuel �: But first I take of your underwear
11/10/2019, 8:18 pm - Emmanuel �: And do it
11/10/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love: I will show u one day a blue one that i have.. my
underwear.. i love how it look on me.. i stop wear it to work.. because even no one
see my underwear its much sensual
11/10/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: If we were married I would do it
11/10/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love: Aaaawwwwww
11/10/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love:
11/10/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
11/10/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love: But bb.. u will do this kissing me same time bb
11/10/2019, 8:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Yesssssssssss
11/10/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: I love u bb
11/10/2019, 8:20 pm - Emmanuel �: And I will put my finger inside to
11/10/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love:
11/10/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: Hun
11/10/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love:
11/10/2019, 8:20 pm - Emmanuel �: To make your vagina wet for pene
11/10/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: Can u put in your finger inside my next part
11/10/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: ??
11/10/2019, 8:21 pm - Emmanuel �: What part love
11/10/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: Mmm
11/10/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: Well the anal one bb
11/10/2019, 8:21 pm - Emmanuel �: You would like that
11/10/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: Just you finger bb
11/10/2019, 8:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I think that will fell uncomfortable
11/10/2019, 8:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Feel
11/10/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: Because how i cant do it with pene inside
11/10/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: I want to do it with your finger bb
11/10/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: No bb
11/10/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: I dont think so hun
11/10/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: Can we try it
11/10/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: ?
11/10/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: Together
11/10/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: Bb, you nails are always longer??
11/10/2019, 8:22 pm - Emmanuel �: No
11/10/2019, 8:22 pm - Emmanuel �: It's not
11/10/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: Ooh ok my love.. its better when its shorter
11/10/2019, 8:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Did you see that somewhere
11/10/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: What bb?
11/10/2019, 8:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Because that is very unusual hun
11/10/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: What hun
11/10/2019, 8:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Doing anal with my fingers
11/10/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: No bb
11/10/2019, 8:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I am willing to try it with you
11/10/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: Its not doing anal bb..
11/10/2019, 8:24 pm - Emmanuel �: But it just seem strange that's all
11/10/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: Well yes its
11/10/2019, 8:25 pm - Emmanuel �: And if I do it with my fingers I will feel to
put pene
11/10/2019, 8:25 pm - My Love: But i want u to touch me all over.. and while we are
kissing u can put your hands inside of me bb
11/10/2019, 8:25 pm - Emmanuel �: He will go crazy
11/10/2019, 8:25 pm - My Love: I dont know
what to do bb
11/10/2019, 8:25 pm - My Love: He cant go in
11/10/2019, 8:26 pm - Emmanuel �: When my fingers feel nice he will want to
11/10/2019, 8:26 pm - My Love: He cant
11/10/2019, 8:26 pm - My Love: Cut out pene
11/10/2019, 8:26 pm - My Love: Lol
11/10/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: If you cut him then you can't have him ever
11/10/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: U can paste him back
11/10/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: Lol
11/10/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol
11/10/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: You are crazy
11/10/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: U will.cut him
11/10/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: When u are doing anal.with your hands
11/10/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: And then u will past him back after
11/10/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: When u finish
11/10/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: That is all
11/10/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love:
11/10/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Ok
11/10/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Haha
11/10/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: �
11/10/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: We will do that
11/10/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Nah u mad
11/10/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: How u will do that
11/10/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: U cant bb
11/10/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I will use my had in your anal
11/10/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you are comfortable doing it
11/10/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
11/10/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Otherwise I would not
11/10/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: Thank u bb
11/10/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: If I put pene in only one time
11/10/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: If we ever do it I don't want to make it a
11/10/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
11/10/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: That is if we do
11/10/2019, 8:30 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
11/10/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Because if you do it plenty it could damage you
11/10/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Do you thinks so hun ?
11/10/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I really not sure
11/10/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I see it on the internet
11/10/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: But I don't know if it is true
11/10/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: I dont know about if it will be a damage bb
11/10/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: But bb.. i want your finger
11/10/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: Its not longer than pene i think
11/10/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: No I don't think so
11/10/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: I dont think your finger will do me damage bb
11/10/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Pene is longer
11/10/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: By a little
11/10/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't think so
11/10/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: How much centimetro u told he have?
11/10/2019, 8:34 pm - Emmanuel �: But you want to try pene a few times
11/10/2019, 8:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Let's say about 13 cm
11/10/2019, 8:35 pm - My Love: I think its longer bb
11/10/2019, 8:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Nah
11/10/2019, 8:35 pm - My Love: Yes its bb
11/10/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: I measure it
11/10/2019, 8:36 pm - My Love: U ever seem a pene more longer than yours?
11/10/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: I am short compare to some men
11/10/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: In porn yes
11/10/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Much longer
11/10/2019, 8:36 pm - My Love: I mean in person bb
11/10/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: No
11/10/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I never seen another man naked in person
11/10/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Besides my father and brothers
11/10/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: Ohh i see my love
11/10/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: And basically we all have around the same
11/10/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Mostly African have the longer pene
11/10/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: I see hun
11/10/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: I know bb
11/10/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: But I will tell you something
11/10/2019, 8:39 pm - My Love: Tell me bb
11/10/2019, 8:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Size can be good
11/10/2019, 8:39 pm - Emmanuel �: But really it is not so much about size
11/10/2019, 8:40 pm - Emmanuel �: It is better if you husband is fit
11/10/2019, 8:40 pm - Emmanuel �: The more fit a man heart is it is the longer he
can pleasure you
11/10/2019, 8:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Because it is your heart that keeps pene hard
11/10/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: It is blood the fills up the vein of pene
11/10/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: That makes him hard
11/10/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: If you heart is strong pene will be up longer
11/10/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: And I will tell you there are some me with big
pene and it can raise up
11/10/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Because them not healthy or fit
11/10/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: And the wife gets vex in bed because the get
tired fast
11/10/2019, 8:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Sex is like excersise it takes a lot of energy
from a man
11/10/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: Oohh i see bb
11/10/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: So you are fit bb?
11/10/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: I know tou and i have mich conection
11/10/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: I know it will be a pleasure been with u bb
11/10/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: https://youtu.be/yfTbcse-bpQ
11/10/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Watch this video it will explain about size
11/10/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Ignore the girl obscene language I think she
only did it wants
11/10/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Information is good to know
11/10/2019, 8:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Well in this area I can improve by eating a
certain way and excersising
11/10/2019, 8:52 pm - Emmanuel �: If we both fit sex will be even more better
11/10/2019, 8:52 pm - Emmanuel �: The healthy diet I know of is vegan
11/10/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: That is without mean because meat takes longer
to digest
11/10/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: And creates block in the vein of pene
11/10/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: And causing less blood to flow easily from your
heart to pene
11/10/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: My pene is like the small one the woman are
11/10/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: And the bigger one is like the size of a bigger
11/10/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: Oohh i see
11/10/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: How much inchs u have
11/10/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: I think u all mesuare with inches
11/10/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Like about 5
11/10/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Maybe
11/10/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: U cant remember?
11/10/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not to sure
11/10/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: But it is close to five I remember
11/10/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: 5 is like the average size of most men
11/10/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: Oohh i see bb
11/10/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: Its ok my love
11/10/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: I love it
11/10/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: ����
11/10/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: I happy what God give me bb
11/10/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I am proud of my pene
11/10/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: I am proud of u bb
11/10/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I love what God give me to
11/10/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't wish I had more
11/10/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: It is not this size it is how you use it
11/10/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: And how much stamina you have
11/10/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
11/10/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: Yes
11/10/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: aguante
11/10/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: This is so much more important
11/10/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Because a woman might take a while to cum
11/10/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Orgasm
11/10/2019, 9:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Orgasmo
11/10/2019, 9:05 pm - Emmanuel �: You know what is this hun
11/10/2019, 9:06 pm - Emmanuel �: If you don't have strength and stamina you can
never please your wife the way she needs to
11/10/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love: Ohh
11/10/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love: �
11/10/2019, 9:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
11/10/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: Yes bb
11/10/2019, 9:08 pm - Emmanuel �: You are so sexy in that orange underwear
11/10/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: Yes?
11/10/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: Wby hun?
11/10/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I know the things to drink and foods to eat to
keep pene hard and strong
11/10/2019, 9:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Most women not get this from them husband
because before them can reach it pene fall asleep
11/10/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: This will be real good n amazing bb
11/10/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: Lol.. everyone want to rest bb
11/10/2019, 9:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Even the big ones
11/10/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: This message was deleted
11/10/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: I know my lover
11/10/2019, 9:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes but imagine pene comes and vagina doesn't
pene is happy and vagina is sad
11/10/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: Lol
11/10/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: Dont talk like if them are humand
11/10/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: That sounds funny and strange
11/10/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Well imagine I am satisfied and you are not
11/10/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Every time we have sex
11/10/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Imagine that the man is satisfied and the woman
is not
11/10/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: And remember what you see in movies and porn is
a lie
11/10/2019, 9:14 pm - Emmanuel �: In porn them film the video in parts and then
put it together as one video
11/10/2019, 9:14 pm - Emmanuel �: So the man will have sex then rest
11/10/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Then when pene is rested he go again
11/10/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Then the edit the video to make it look like one
11/10/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: This will be sad
11/10/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: Now i know bb
11/10/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
11/10/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: Yes my bb
11/10/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
11/10/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: I love u too my bb
11/10/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you
11/10/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: A lot
11/10/2019, 9:22 pm - My Love: U are my only one bb.. and i thank God that i have
11/10/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: I thank him to
11/10/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: What we have is something special
11/10/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: We should cherish it
11/10/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Not everything you see is real
11/10/2019, 9:24 pm - Emmanuel �: There is a lot of people who pretend to be happy
in this life but in reality them are very sad
11/10/2019, 9:26 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
11/10/2019, 9:26 pm - My Love: Its so bb
11/10/2019, 9:26 pm - My Love: But i ammmmmm extremadamenteeeeeeeee suppeerrrrrerre
happoyyyyy bbbbbbbb beeeeennnnn with u my lovveeerrrr
11/10/2019, 9:26 pm - My Love: ��������
11/10/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
11/10/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
11/10/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
11/10/2019, 9:27 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
11/10/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I am only a man
11/10/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I will make many mistakes
11/10/2019, 9:28 pm - Emmanuel �: But everyday I really try to be better
11/10/2019, 9:28 pm - Emmanuel �: So I don't hurt you
11/10/2019, 9:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I can't stop looking at this photo you are
sooooooooooooo sexy my love
11/10/2019, 9:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I am going to delete it now bb
11/10/2019, 9:30 pm - Emmanuel �: �
11/10/2019, 9:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Here my pillows look really big
11/10/2019, 9:32 pm - My Love: Aawwww bb
11/10/2019, 9:32 pm - My Love: Hun i know u are only a man bb
11/10/2019, 9:33 pm - My Love: I know u will do mistake bb
11/10/2019, 9:33 pm - My Love: I know my lover
11/10/2019, 9:33 pm - My Love: I know your heart bb
11/10/2019, 9:33 pm - My Love: Haha
11/10/2019, 9:33 pm - My Love: It belongs to u bb
11/10/2019, 9:33 pm - My Love: U have to bb
11/10/2019, 9:33 pm - My Love: Next time i will send u another one bb
11/10/2019, 9:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I just did
11/10/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: Hehe
11/10/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: I love u .y darling
11/10/2019, 9:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun bb you don't know what its like bb you don't
know what it's like to love somebody to love somebody the way I love you
11/10/2019, 9:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun tomorrow is the day of offering
11/10/2019, 9:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Of prayers
11/10/2019, 9:36 pm - Emmanuel �: We are leaving early in the morning
11/10/2019, 9:37 pm - Emmanuel �: So I will go and prepare my clothes
11/10/2019, 9:37 pm - Emmanuel �: And I will go to bed early
11/10/2019, 9:38 pm - My Love: ���
11/10/2019, 9:38 pm - My Love: I love this sound bb
11/10/2019, 9:38 pm - My Love: U will go now my lover
11/10/2019, 9:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun if ever you are in a position and you are
being tempted to do something with someone unfaithful I want you to remember what
we have
11/10/2019, 9:38 pm - My Love: ??
11/10/2019, 9:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I am telling you this
11/10/2019, 9:38 pm - My Love: Hun.. send me a picture of u bb, when u get ready
tomorrow hun
11/10/2019, 9:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Because sometimes I am tempted
11/10/2019, 9:38 pm - Emmanuel �: With other women
11/10/2019, 9:39 pm - Emmanuel �: But in that moment
11/10/2019, 9:39 pm - My Love: Yes my love
11/10/2019, 9:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Your face always come into my mind
11/10/2019, 9:40 pm - Emmanuel �: And when I realized what I am giving up for one
moment of pleasure only
11/10/2019, 9:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell them women I can't I already have a woman
in my life who satisfy me 100%
11/10/2019, 9:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Yea love
11/10/2019, 9:42 pm - My Love: Aaww
11/10/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: Bb i love u for ever hun
11/10/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: Hun.. remember my picture bb
11/10/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: I will always remember it bb, and tell all them mens
11/10/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love:
11/10/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: So them can feel jelouse
11/10/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: My love
11/10/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: I will miss u bb
11/10/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: I hug u tight tight my lovvveeerrrr
11/10/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: Thank u for been here in my life my bb
11/10/2019, 9:47 pm - My Love: Good night my honey moon
11/10/2019, 9:47 pm - My Love: ����
11/10/2019, 9:47 pm - My Love: I love u like a crazy bb
11/10/2019, 9:47 pm - My Love: Sleep well.. hope u have a good rest my king..
11/10/2019, 9:47 pm - My Love: ��
11/10/2019, 9:47 pm - My Love: Bye my bb
11/10/2019, 9:49 pm - Emmanuel �: ????
11/10/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: Tomorrow
11/10/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: When u dress up
11/10/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: Send me a picturr
11/10/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: ��
11/10/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not really dress up
11/10/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: It will be the same as I go to church
11/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: U will dress when i will go out with u,?
11/10/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Remember you are dressing me
11/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: Ok my love.. but i
want a Picture
11/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: U can give me it
11/10/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: When we are married
11/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: Hehe yes
11/10/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: So I will dress to please you
11/10/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: ��
11/10/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Also you will by my clothes
11/10/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Only one thing
11/10/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: I love u bb
11/10/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't like much prints
11/10/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
11/10/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: U will go n sleep now bb?
11/10/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: Until what time u will be up bb??
11/10/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: No hun
11/10/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I am ironing from the night
11/10/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: I will try to wake up for 4am
11/10/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: Ohh ok bb.. so what time u will sleep??
11/10/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Until I finish iron my clothes and bathe
11/10/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: I see my bb..
11/10/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: I will be up
11/10/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: And hearing music
11/10/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: I miss to play keyboard
11/10/2019, 9:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
11/10/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: I wish to have one and play all the time bb
11/10/2019, 9:57 pm - Emmanuel �: You will
11/10/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't worry
11/10/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: But its expensive i think
11/10/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: I will price it out
11/10/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: To find out
11/10/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't worry
11/10/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: Hun.. when i get my id
11/10/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Well will have everything in time
11/10/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: I will put in for a lamd..
11/10/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: And i will pay it litle by litle
11/10/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: Until i finish hun here
11/10/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: Yes my bb
11/10/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay my love
11/10/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: Mom tell me to do that
11/10/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: She will do the same
11/10/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: I have some money that i save
11/10/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: Is like 150 dollars green..
11/10/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: This is much in trinidad??
11/10/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: 1,016.30
11/10/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: This is much? Or normal?
11/10/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: One thousand and sixteen dollars and 3o cents
11/10/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Normal
11/10/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: Ok hun
11/10/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: I think u payment is something like this
11/10/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: Number
11/10/2019, 10:04 pm - My Love: Each week
11/10/2019, 10:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
11/10/2019, 10:04 pm - My Love: Well
11/10/2019, 10:04 pm - Emmanuel �: No two weeks
11/10/2019, 10:04 pm - My Love: My payment is just
50 gren
11/10/2019, 10:04 pm - My Love: 50 dollars green
11/10/2019, 10:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I finish half day
11/10/2019, 10:04 pm - My Love: Each week
11/10/2019, 10:04 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
11/10/2019, 10:04 pm - My Love: Oohh i see bb
11/10/2019, 10:04 pm - Emmanuel �: That is good
11/10/2019, 10:04 pm - My Love: Yes hun
11/10/2019, 10:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I am ironing now
11/10/2019, 10:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Love you my sugar
11/10/2019, 10:09 pm - Emmanuel �: It is a good idea to buy the land
11/10/2019, 10:10 pm - My Love: Yes bb.. but it will take time to pay it bb
11/10/2019, 10:10 pm - My Love: But
11/10/2019, 10:10 pm - Emmanuel �: When money start to come in from the garden
11/10/2019, 10:10 pm - My Love: I want to do it my lover
11/10/2019, 10:10 pm - My Love: Even its hard or difficult
11/10/2019, 10:10 pm - Emmanuel �: We will talk about how we will invest
11/10/2019, 10:10 pm - Emmanuel �: So pray for us
11/10/2019, 10:10 pm - Emmanuel �: You can and you will
11/10/2019, 10:10 pm - My Love: Yes my lover.. i will pray bb
11/10/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: ☺☺
11/10/2019, 10:11 pm - Emmanuel �: And I will help you
11/10/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: Thank u my bb
11/10/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: Thank u for tour support bb
11/10/2019, 10:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to build a big business in Guyana
11/10/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: Me to my lover
11/10/2019, 10:11 pm - Emmanuel �: And I want your family to leave Venezuela
11/10/2019, 10:11 pm - Emmanuel �: And live there
11/10/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Because Venezuela will not get better it is
11/10/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I didn't know this be for
11/10/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: But a pastor told me
11/10/2019, 10:13 pm - Emmanuel �: That your persistent was against God's holy
people Israel
11/10/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: Oohh
11/10/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: I see
11/10/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: This is real bad
11/10/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: Yes he is
11/10/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Numbers 24:9 Good News Translation (GNT)

9 A)" style="font-size: 0.625em; line-height: 22px; vertical-align: top;">The

nation is like a mighty lion;
When it is sleeping, no one dares wake it.
Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed,
And whoever curses Israel will be cursed.”
11/10/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: It was president Hugo Chavez
11/10/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Who did it
11/10/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: Yes
11/10/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: And after he speak against God people he died
soon after
11/10/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: You mom also said it was so
11/10/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: He brought a curse on the people when he did
11/10/2019, 10:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Also your mom say Maduro is involved in black
magic and witchcraft
11/10/2019, 10:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Venezuela will keep getting worse if this is so
11/10/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: Yes my love.. he maybe didnt knew
11/10/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: Yes hun
11/10/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: Always
11/10/2019, 10:21 pm - My Love: Sad to said this bb
11/10/2019, 10:35 pm - My Love: Bb
11/10/2019, 10:35 pm - My Love: I will go n sleep bb
11/10/2019, 10:35 pm - My Love: Ok my love
11/10/2019, 10:36 pm - My Love: I love u very much my bb
11/10/2019, 11:05 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
11/10/2019, 11:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you so much
11/10/2019, 11:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Sleep well my love I love you
12/10/2019, 5:32 am - My Love: � ��
12/10/2019, 5:33 am - My Love: Goooddd morning my fold
12/10/2019, 5:33 am - My Love: Gold
12/10/2019, 5:33 am - My Love: ��
12/10/2019, 5:33 am - My Love: I am on your back and huging u tight
12/10/2019, 5:36 am - Emmanuel �: Awwwwwwwwww
12/10/2019, 5:36 am - Emmanuel �: I love you princess
12/10/2019, 5:37 am - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
12/10/2019, 5:39 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
12/10/2019, 5:39 am - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
12/10/2019, 5:39 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
12/10/2019, 5:39 am - Emmanuel �: You look amazing
12/10/2019, 5:39 am - My Love: Waaaa
12/10/2019, 5:39 am - Emmanuel �: And sexy
12/10/2019, 5:40 am - Emmanuel �: Look at my legs and my butt
12/10/2019, 5:40 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
12/10/2019, 5:40 am - Emmanuel �: And my belly
12/10/2019, 5:40 am - Emmanuel �: So beautiful
12/10/2019, 5:40 am - Emmanuel �: Soooooooooo sexy
12/10/2019, 5:40 am - Emmanuel �: I love you hun
12/10/2019, 5:40 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
12/10/2019, 5:40 am - My Love: Thank u my bb
12/10/2019, 5:41 am - Emmanuel �: Wow���
12/10/2019, 5:41 am - Emmanuel �: !!!!!!!!!!!!
12/10/2019, 5:42 am - Emmanuel �: I have never seen anything more beautiful or
anyone more sexy that my girlfriend
12/10/2019, 5:42 am - Emmanuel �: You are sooooooooooooooo perfect
12/10/2019, 5:42 am - Emmanuel �: I love every part of your body
12/10/2019, 5:42 am - Emmanuel �: And I love you completely
12/10/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: Haha
12/10/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: I love u my evrything
12/10/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: I need to go ok
12/10/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: Its late my lover
12/10/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: ��
12/10/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: I kiss u up
12/10/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: And hug u bb
12/10/2019, 5:47 am - Emmanuel �: You laughing it is true
12/10/2019, 5:47 am - Emmanuel �: Okay my lover princess queen
12/10/2019, 5:47 am - Emmanuel �: I love you
12/10/2019, 5:48 am - Emmanuel �: I received all them kiss and hug with pleasure
12/10/2019, 5:48 am - Emmanuel �: Have a wonderful day today my beautiful amazing
pretty awesome wonderful beautiful wife I love you
12/10/2019, 5:48 am - My Love: Yes bb
12/10/2019, 5:48 am - My Love: Have a blessed day my lovveerr of my lifee
12/10/2019, 5:48 am - My Love: Stay in God
12/10/2019, 5:48 am - Emmanuel �: I mean every word
12/10/2019, 5:48 am - My Love: Learn much
12/10/2019, 5:48 am - My Love: Take care my love
12/10/2019, 5:48 am - Emmanuel �: You hear me
12/10/2019, 5:49 am - My Love: Because anything happen to u i will die
12/10/2019, 5:49 am - My Love: Ok
12/10/2019, 5:49 am - Emmanuel �: You do the same
12/10/2019, 5:49 am - My Love:
12/10/2019, 5:49 am - My Love: Bye bb
12/10/2019, 5:49 am - Emmanuel �: Do the same
12/10/2019, 5:49 am - Emmanuel �: Nah you'll be okay
12/10/2019, 5:49 am - Emmanuel �: But I will be careful
12/10/2019, 5:50 am - Emmanuel �: Because I want to be with you always
12/10/2019, 3:25 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
12/10/2019, 3:25 pm - My Love: My loveeee
12/10/2019, 3:25 pm - My Love: Me toooo my lovee
12/10/2019, 3:25 pm - Emmanuel �: https://youtu.be/AxtINgK4u4Q
12/10/2019, 3:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb what is she telling ramon
12/10/2019, 3:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Good evening bbbbbbb
12/10/2019, 3:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I put you on the bed a kiss you up
12/10/2019, 3:27 pm - Emmanuel �: How was my princess day ?
12/10/2019, 3:28 pm - My Love: This mad
12/10/2019, 3:28 pm - My Love: Because the girl is asking him to forgive h
12/10/2019, 3:28 pm - My Love: Her
12/10/2019, 3:29 pm - My Love: And she is singing how she is alone and when he will
come back with her
12/10/2019, 3:29 pm - My Love: The big paper marck: forgive me
12/10/2019, 3:29 pm - My Love: That is all
12/10/2019, 3:29 pm - Emmanuel �: And what Ramon say
12/10/2019, 3:29 pm - Emmanuel �: He take she back
12/10/2019, 3:29 pm - My Love: i didnt see the last part
12/10/2019, 3:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Oh okay
12/10/2019, 3:30 pm - Emmanuel �: So that is how Venezuelan girls say
12/10/2019, 3:30 pm - My Love: Naahh
12/10/2019, 3:30 pm - My Love: This is exageration
12/10/2019, 3:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I like how she apologized with much passion
12/10/2019, 3:31 pm - My Love: And the boy not take her back
12/10/2019, 3:31 pm - Emmanuel �: How you know
12/10/2019, 3:31 pm - Emmanuel �: What he tell she
12/10/2019, 3:32 pm - Emmanuel �: If I was ramon I would take she after she try so
12/10/2019, 3:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Venezuelan girls are mad
12/10/2019, 3:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol
12/10/2019, 3:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I laugh a lot witj she
12/10/2019, 3:33 pm - My Love: I see theLast part
12/10/2019, 3:33 pm - Emmanuel �: With
12/10/2019, 3:33 pm - My Love: Why bb
12/10/2019, 3:33 pm - My Love: U imagine i am like she?
12/10/2019, 3:33 pm - Emmanuel �: How she singing it is funny
12/10/2019, 3:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Nah
12/10/2019, 3:34 pm - My Love: Yeeess
12/10/2019, 3:34 pm - My Love: Because she dont know how to sing
12/10/2019, 3:34 pm - Emmanuel �: You wouldn't apologize that way so passionate
12/10/2019, 3:34 pm - My Love: And plus she said.. she will come back
12/10/2019, 3:34 pm - Emmanuel �: You will just say sorry
12/10/2019, 3:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Haaaaaaaahaaaahaa
12/10/2019, 3:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I watch all her video on YouTube
12/10/2019, 3:35 pm - My Love: Lol
12/10/2019, 3:36 pm - Emmanuel �: https://youtu.be/5jqZ20LOm1M
12/10/2019, 3:36 pm - Emmanuel �: https://youtu.be/5jqZ20LOm1M
12/10/2019, 3:36 pm - Emmanuel �: What them say here
12/10/2019, 3:36 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
12/10/2019, 3:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me
12/10/2019, 3:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
12/10/2019, 3:36 pm - My Love: I dont think i will reach in a moment where i have
to apologice in this way, because i will never do something sooo badly to u.. and
plus in all.my mistake you will forgive me hun
12/10/2019, 3:37 pm - My Love: Bb.. i didnt eat lunch bb
12/10/2019, 3:37 pm - My Love: I am real hungry.. i am eating now
12/10/2019, 3:37 pm - My Love: Well trying
12/10/2019, 3:37 pm - My Love: I cant eat with my 2 hands on the phone
12/10/2019, 3:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I will but don't do me much okay please I
love you
12/10/2019, 3:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me after
12/10/2019, 3:38 pm - Emmanuel �: When you finish
12/10/2019, 3:50 pm - My Love: Bbbb
12/10/2019, 3:50 pm - My Love: I will wacht the video now bb
12/10/2019, 3:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay sexy
12/10/2019, 3:54 pm - My Love: Lol
12/10/2019, 3:56 pm - Emmanuel �: https://youtu.be/K_e6qfafNlo
12/10/2019, 3:56 pm - Emmanuel �: https://youtu.be/K_e6qfafNlo
12/10/2019, 3:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Last on this was really funny
12/10/2019, 3:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you bb
12/10/2019, 4:06 pm - My Love: Bbb
12/10/2019, 4:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes my love
12/10/2019, 4:06 pm - My Love: U are there??
12/10/2019, 4:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Always
12/10/2019, 4:06 pm - Emmanuel �: I am here
12/10/2019, 4:06 pm - Emmanuel �: For you
12/10/2019, 5:13 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
12/10/2019, 5:29 pm - My Love: I am very nervious now
12/10/2019, 5:29 pm - My Love: I cant wacht it bb
12/10/2019, 5:29 pm - My Love: I cant tell u because mom and grandfather is gere
12/10/2019, 5:29 pm - My Love: Here
12/10/2019, 5:30 pm - My Love: Sorry
12/10/2019, 5:30 pm - My Love: But
12/10/2019, 5:30 pm - My Love: I really love it hun
12/10/2019, 5:30 pm - My Love: But u make me feel real nervious
12/10/2019, 5:30 pm - My Love: I dont want to be nervious hun now
12/10/2019, 5:31 pm - My Love: U feel bad about how i react??
12/10/2019, 5:55 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
12/10/2019, 5:56 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
12/10/2019, 7:02 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
12/10/2019, 6:10 pm - My Love: ���
12/10/2019, 6:10 pm - My Love: I die bb
12/10/2019, 6:10 pm - My Love: Off much hotness
12/10/2019, 6:10 pm - My Love: �����
12/10/2019, 6:10 pm - My Love: I love u my bb
12/10/2019, 6:10 pm - My Love: ��
12/10/2019, 6:10 pm - My Love: Take care hun
12/10/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: Huunn
12/10/2019, 9:27 pm - My Love: https://youtu.be/plLdpR6KroU

Wacht and tell me if u like this bb

12/10/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: https://youtu.be/4xvJmXEnb-8
12/10/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun i am sorry
12/10/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: They ended up taking really longer
12/10/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I think you are asleep now
12/10/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night my queen
12/10/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
12/10/2019, 10:44 pm - My Love: Bbb
12/10/2019, 10:45 pm - My Love: �
12/10/2019, 10:45 pm - Emmanuel �: My qeen
12/10/2019, 10:45 pm - Emmanuel �: What is that video
12/10/2019, 10:45 pm - My Love: Huunnni didnt past.time with u b
12/10/2019, 10:45 pm - Emmanuel �: So sorry
12/10/2019, 10:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
12/10/2019, 10:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
12/10/2019, 10:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you love
12/10/2019, 10:51 pm - My Love: I love u bb
12/10/2019, 10:51 pm - My Love: I miss u bbb
12/10/2019, 10:51 pm - Emmanuel �: My amazing one
12/10/2019, 10:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
12/10/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: You look really sexy in black
12/10/2019, 10:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Today you my heart beat faster
12/10/2019, 10:53 pm - Emmanuel �: When I see my pillows
12/10/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: Really hun.
12/10/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: Hun
12/10/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: I feel so shi bb
12/10/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: When i see pene
12/10/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: I dont want to see him again bb
12/10/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: One when we are together hun
12/10/2019, 10:58 pm - Emmanuel �: You mean when we are married
12/10/2019, 10:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes you tempt me they look so full and amazing
12/10/2019, 10:59 pm - My Love: Yes my love
12/10/2019, 10:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I wanted to see them
12/10/2019, 10:59 pm - Emmanuel �: But maybe it is good you didn't show me
12/10/2019, 11:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I will see them when we married
12/10/2019, 11:01 pm - My Love: What thing bb..
12/10/2019, 11:01 pm - My Love: Pillows
12/10/2019, 11:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
12/10/2019, 11:01 pm - My Love: Ohh
12/10/2019, 11:01 pm - My Love: Yes my love
12/10/2019, 11:01 pm - Emmanuel �: It's good that you don't show me
12/10/2019, 11:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Even tho I wanted to see them
12/10/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: If i give u all now.. when we married i will.not
give u anything to show
12/10/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: Because u will already wacht everything bb
12/10/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: Hun.. please
12/10/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: Dont show me pene again
12/10/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: Only when we married hun
12/10/2019, 11:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I will never do it again
12/10/2019, 11:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Until we are married
12/10/2019, 11:03 pm - Emmanuel �: You have my word
12/10/2019, 11:03 pm - My Love: Ok my love
12/10/2019, 11:04 pm - Emmanuel �: I respect you wishes
12/10/2019, 11:04 pm - Emmanuel �: If you say you don't want to see it I will
never show you
12/10/2019, 11:04 pm - Emmanuel �: When we are married
12/10/2019, 11:05 pm - Emmanuel �: You can see
12/10/2019, 11:05 pm - My Love: Thank u my bb
12/10/2019, 11:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I understand
12/10/2019, 11:05 pm - Emmanuel �: It's okay
12/10/2019, 11:05 pm - Emmanuel �: It is good that way
12/10/2019, 11:07 pm - My Love: Yes my love
12/10/2019, 11:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun my battery is low
12/10/2019, 11:08 pm - My Love: Noooo
12/10/2019, 11:08 pm - Emmanuel �: If the phone cut that is the reason why
12/10/2019, 11:08 pm - My Love: ��
12/10/2019, 11:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Come here
12/10/2019, 11:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Hey
12/10/2019, 11:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
12/10/2019, 11:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you
12/10/2019, 11:08 pm - My Love: �
12/10/2019, 11:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Really I do
12/10/2019, 11:08 pm - My Love: I miss u tooo bb
12/10/2019, 11:08 pm - Emmanuel �: A lot
12/10/2019, 11:09 pm - My Love: I tought u would of come back early
12/10/2019, 11:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Can you wrap your legs around me
12/10/2019, 11:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I think the same
12/10/2019, 11:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Because them say so
12/10/2019, 11:09 pm - Emmanuel �: But them stay longer
12/10/2019, 11:09 pm - My Love: Yes hun.. my legs are hurting a lilte bb
12/10/2019, 11:10 pm - My Love: Because i clean and do much today
12/10/2019, 11:10 pm - My Love: ☺
12/10/2019, 11:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Why
12/10/2019, 11:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
12/10/2019, 11:10 pm - My Love: So becaureful hun
12/10/2019, 11:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I am always careful when it comes to you
12/10/2019, 11:10 pm - My Love: Thanknu my bbb
12/10/2019, 11:10 pm - My Love: ���
12/10/2019, 11:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I will never do anything to hurt you
12/10/2019, 11:10 pm - My Love: Thank u for been so careful and amazing
12/10/2019, 11:11 pm - My Love: I know my bb
12/10/2019, 11:11 pm - My Love: Me too my bb
12/10/2019, 11:11 pm - Emmanuel �: You are my wife
12/10/2019, 11:11 pm - Emmanuel �: It is my pleasure to do.it
12/10/2019, 11:11 pm - My Love: Aaaawwwwwwwww
12/10/2019, 11:11 pm - My Love: Hun
12/10/2019, 11:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
12/10/2019, 11:11 pm - My Love: Kiss me a lot bb
12/10/2019, 11:11 pm - My Love: Now
12/10/2019, 11:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I am kissing you
12/10/2019, 11:12 pm - My Love: Hun.. i really want to sleep bb
12/10/2019, 11:12 pm - Emmanuel �: It is my pleasure
12/10/2019, 11:12 pm - My Love: I know my bb
12/10/2019, 11:13 pm - Emmanuel �: You can anytime you wish
12/10/2019, 11:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I will miss you
12/10/2019, 11:19 pm - My Love: I really want to slep hjn
12/10/2019, 11:38 pm - My Love: Good night my bbb
12/10/2019, 11:38 pm - My Love: I loveeeee u allwaysssw
12/10/2019, 11:38 pm - My Love: I kiss u all atound b
13/10/2019, 5:15 am - My Love: My darling
13/10/2019, 5:15 am - My Love: Gooodd morning
13/10/2019, 5:15 am - My Love: My only.one and blessed one
13/10/2019, 5:15 am - My Love: My powerful husband
13/10/2019, 5:15 am - My Love: I love u my darling
13/10/2019, 5:17 am - My Love: I am going to bathe and ready my bb
13/10/2019, 5:24 am - Emmanuel �: Carry me with you
13/10/2019, 5:24 am - Emmanuel �: My lover girl
13/10/2019, 5:24 am - Emmanuel �: My faithful and patient one
13/10/2019, 5:25 am - Emmanuel �: My woman who is full of wisdom
13/10/2019, 5:25 am - Emmanuel �: My wise and virtuous wife
13/10/2019, 5:30 am - Emmanuel �: I love you to
13/10/2019, 5:31 am - Emmanuel �: I am with you
13/10/2019, 5:36 am - My Love: Hehehe
13/10/2019, 5:36 am - My Love: I hug u tight my loveeerr
13/10/2019, 5:37 am - My Love: �����
13/10/2019, 5:37 am - My Love: I missssssss u a lot bb
13/10/2019, 5:37 am - Emmanuel �: I do the same
13/10/2019, 5:37 am - My Love: Hun last night your phone die?
13/10/2019, 5:38 am - Emmanuel �: No it did as I wake up this morning
13/10/2019, 5:38 am - Emmanuel �: When you was writing me
13/10/2019, 5:38 am - Emmanuel �: I feel asleep last night
13/10/2019, 5:42 am - My Love: Oohh
13/10/2019, 5:42 am - My Love: Well me too bb
13/10/2019, 5:42 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
13/10/2019, 5:42 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
13/10/2019, 5:42 am - Emmanuel �: You look more sexy every day
13/10/2019, 5:43 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
13/10/2019, 5:43 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
13/10/2019, 5:43 am - Emmanuel �: Will lose you in take care I lose you in Guyana
13/10/2019, 5:43 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
13/10/2019, 5:44 am - Emmanuel �: All them men across they will come after you
13/10/2019, 5:44 am - My Love: Them can see but not touch bb
13/10/2019, 5:44 am - My Love: All this belongs to u hun
13/10/2019, 5:45 am - Emmanuel �: You will give them a heart attack
13/10/2019, 5:45 am - My Love: Them can dead
13/10/2019, 5:45 am - My Love: I dont care
13/10/2019, 5:45 am - Emmanuel �: Thank you for think so my love
13/10/2019, 5:45 am - Emmanuel �: It is the same for me
13/10/2019, 5:45 am - My Love: Huuuunnnnn
13/10/2019, 5:45 am - My Love: I have to go bbbb
13/10/2019, 5:45 am - My Love: I hugggg uu tight
13/10/2019, 5:46 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
13/10/2019, 5:46 am - My Love: Bye my lover
13/10/2019, 5:46 am - Emmanuel �: Them lips muy delicious
13/10/2019, 5:47 am - Emmanuel �: Bye have an amazing day
13/10/2019, 5:47 am - Emmanuel �: Go with God
13/10/2019, 5:47 am - Emmanuel �: He will give you strength
13/10/2019, 4:13 pm - My Love: Bbbbbb
13/10/2019, 4:13 pm - My Love: I nowwwww reach homeeee bbbb
13/10/2019, 4:14 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
13/10/2019, 4:15 pm - My Love: I misssss u bbbb
13/10/2019, 4:27 pm - My Love: I will go to church like 6pm
13/10/2019, 4:28 pm - My Love: I will lie down now.. and wait for u bb
13/10/2019, 4:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Take a little rest
13/10/2019, 4:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Uncle Reno will come today
13/10/2019, 4:28 pm - My Love: Oohh ok bb
13/10/2019, 4:29 pm - My Love: But hun.. u want to talk bb??
13/10/2019, 4:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you to rest
13/10/2019, 4:29 pm - My Love: Ok my bb.. i will hear some songs and lie down bb..
my back is hurting a litle
13/10/2019, 4:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to talk to you but on video
13/10/2019, 4:30 pm - Emmanuel �: When you have time
13/10/2019, 4:30 pm - My Love: Now u want to bb??
13/10/2019, 4:31 pm - Emmanuel �: When you have more time
13/10/2019, 4:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Another time
13/10/2019, 4:31 pm - My Love: U sure u dont want to do it now bb??
13/10/2019, 4:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Not now
13/10/2019, 4:31 pm - My Love: Hun.. how u will do with your id card
13/10/2019, 4:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I have to go back and get it
13/10/2019, 4:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Go ahead and rest
13/10/2019, 4:34 pm - My Love: When u will go back bb
13/10/2019, 4:34 pm - My Love: This will take much time hun??
13/10/2019, 4:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I will go see Anthony brother to invite him to
the service
13/10/2019, 4:34 pm - My Love: Now my love??
13/10/2019, 4:34 pm - Emmanuel �: When I get time
13/10/2019, 4:35 pm - My Love: Ok my bbbbb
13/10/2019, 4:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I believe it is a long process
13/10/2019, 4:35 pm - My Love: Well
13/10/2019, 4:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
13/10/2019, 4:35 pm - My Love: God is in control bb
13/10/2019, 4:35 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
13/10/2019, 4:35 pm - My Love: Go ahead.. i will prepare my self to sing a song at
church bb
13/10/2019, 4:35 pm - My Love: Hun.. i love u my bb
13/10/2019, 4:36 pm - My Love: Take care my love.. tell your mom that i say
13/10/2019, 4:36 pm - My Love: And also daddyy
13/10/2019, 4:36 pm - My Love: Take care bb, enjoy the service hun
13/10/2019, 4:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Same to you
13/10/2019, 6:15 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
13/10/2019, 6:17 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
13/10/2019, 6:17 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
13/10/2019, 7:51 pm - My Love: Bbbbbb
13/10/2019, 7:51 pm - My Love: Hun.. now i reach home
13/10/2019, 7:51 pm - My Love: Where r u bb
13/10/2019, 8:02 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
13/10/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: We just finish
13/10/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
13/10/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I don't understand this
13/10/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I am going to wash the wears for mommy
13/10/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
13/10/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't understand this
13/10/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Are you doing something
13/10/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
13/10/2019, 8:42 pm - My Love: Eating bb
13/10/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
13/10/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Go ahead
13/10/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: Huuunnnn
13/10/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: I huuggg uuuu bbb
13/10/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: I am here bb
13/10/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: This is a game hun
13/10/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: I put your picture and mines
13/10/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: And our proverbs is: stand, ill run
13/10/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: Its just a game bb
13/10/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: But what stand I'll run mean
13/10/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Those words make now sense
13/10/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: Its like.. we are standing and we will run
13/10/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: Together fowards
13/10/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: Welll
13/10/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: Forget about it bb
13/10/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: Them are not matters
13/10/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: Its just a game
13/10/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: What we said its more important
13/10/2019, 8:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
13/10/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I will wash my wears
13/10/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: I tought u gone
13/10/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: Already and did it
13/10/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: No
13/10/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: I will wash my face.. n put the cream for the lotah
13/10/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: And for my toe
13/10/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: Again
13/10/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I will do it now
13/10/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: And drink a vitamin
13/10/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I can't wash wears so fast
13/10/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: Ok my love
13/10/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: Hehehe i will wait for u bb
13/10/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
13/10/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: U finish
13/10/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: I am here waiting for u bb
13/10/2019, 9:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I am here
13/10/2019, 9:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I am finish
13/10/2019, 9:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Are you finish eating
13/10/2019, 9:25 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
13/10/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
13/10/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I am finish
13/10/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: Bbbio
13/10/2019, 9:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
13/10/2019, 9:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
13/10/2019, 9:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
13/10/2019, 9:39 pm - Emmanuel �: What are you doing
13/10/2019, 9:39 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
13/10/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: Bbb
13/10/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: I am here hun
13/10/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: But i am very sleppy hun
13/10/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: N just now i sleep away.
Now i wake up bb
13/10/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: U are busy hun?
13/10/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
13/10/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: No
13/10/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not busy
13/10/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Go ahead to bed
13/10/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: Huunn
13/10/2019, 9:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes hun
13/10/2019, 9:47 pm - My Love: Tomorrow afeternoon we can spend time together,?
13/10/2019, 9:47 pm - Emmanuel �: If tomorrow comes
13/10/2019, 9:47 pm - My Love: Hun.. sorry bb.. but i really reaallyuu i need to
rest bb
13/10/2019, 9:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Tomorrow is not promise to us
13/10/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
13/10/2019, 9:48 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not stopping you
13/10/2019, 9:48 pm - Emmanuel �: You can go
13/10/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: Hun..
13/10/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: U r the best boyfriend ever bb
13/10/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: Reallu
13/10/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: Kiss me
13/10/2019, 9:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
13/10/2019, 9:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Let's just go to bed ok
13/10/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: Tell mee
13/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: U are sleepy to bb
13/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: ?
13/10/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: We will talk tomorrow God's willing
13/10/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: No
13/10/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: But I need to rest
13/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: Okk my bb.. n
13/10/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye good night
13/10/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: Ok my hun.. i hug u n kiss u bb
13/10/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: Good night my teddy bear
13/10/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't do this my love
13/10/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
13/10/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Just go to bed
13/10/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: Why bb
13/10/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: And I will go to bed
13/10/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: Whats wrong bb
13/10/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want it until we are married
13/10/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: Everything is well hu
13/10/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
13/10/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: We have been dishonoring God in or relationship
13/10/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: And he will not bless us
13/10/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: I am saying this to myself also
13/10/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: We are not being holy
13/10/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: And we say we love God with or lips but our
heart in reality is far from him
13/10/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I will go to bed now rest well hun
13/10/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night sleep well
13/10/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: Yes my love
13/10/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: Good night my bb
13/10/2019, 10:04 pm - My Love: U w go nkw bb??
13/10/2019, 10:04 pm - My Love: I will go now
13/10/2019, 10:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Ok
13/10/2019, 10:09 pm - My Love: Hun
13/10/2019, 10:10 pm - My Love: U r vex bb.??
14/10/2019, 3:47 am - Emmanuel �: No I am not vex
14/10/2019, 4:09 am - Emmanuel �: I see them they are
14/10/2019, 5:28 am - Emmanuel �: I know you were tired
14/10/2019, 5:28 am - Emmanuel �: Have a wonderful day today hun
14/10/2019, 5:31 am - Emmanuel �: The Lord bless you, and keep you :The Lord make
his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto you :The Lord lift up his
countenance upon you , and give you peace. - Numbers 6:24-26
14/10/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: Bbbb
14/10/2019, 5:48 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
14/10/2019, 5:48 am - My Love: Amen my love
14/10/2019, 5:48 am - My Love: Have a wooonnderrrrfuulll day my bb
14/10/2019, 5:48 am - My Love: Here place is cold
14/10/2019, 5:48 am - My Love: ��
14/10/2019, 5:48 am - My Love: I love u bbb
14/10/2019, 5:48 am - My Love: Take care my love
14/10/2019, 5:48 am - My Love: Be bless and stay bless
14/10/2019, 5:49 am - My Love: Later we will talk bb
14/10/2019, 5:49 am - My Love: I hug u tight bb
14/10/2019, 5:49 am - My Love: Bye my only one
14/10/2019, 5:49 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my queen
14/10/2019, 5:50 am - Emmanuel �: Same to you
14/10/2019, 5:50 am - Emmanuel �: I hug you tight
14/10/2019, 5:50 am - Emmanuel �: I love you
14/10/2019, 5:50 am - Emmanuel �: You to take care
14/10/2019, 5:51 am - Emmanuel �: Be careful on work do damage yourself
14/10/2019, 5:51 am - Emmanuel �: Same to you my love
14/10/2019, 5:51 am - Emmanuel �: I might work late today
14/10/2019, 5:51 am - Emmanuel �: I hold you tight
14/10/2019, 5:52 am - Emmanuel �: Good bye
14/10/2019, 10:37 am - Emmanuel �: You deleted this message
14/10/2019, 6:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Lover
14/10/2019, 6:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I now reach home from work
14/10/2019, 7:06 pm - Emmanuel �: My hun
14/10/2019, 7:06 pm - Emmanuel �: I am hole
14/10/2019, 7:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Home
14/10/2019, 9:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I have been waiting for you I think the
light or the internet is down
14/10/2019, 9:20 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you and miss you very much
14/10/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: I hope you have a wonderful night and that you
sleep well my love I love you more than anything else you are my only one
14/10/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: Bbbbbb
14/10/2019, 10:12 pm - My Love: Light gone since earlier
14/10/2019, 10:13 pm - My Love: Not to longer it come back
14/10/2019, 10:13 pm - My Love: Sorey bb.. that u was waiting for me
14/10/2019, 10:13 pm - My Love: N i never was here hun
14/10/2019, 10:13 pm - My Love: Hope everything is well with u bb
14/10/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: I miss u like crazy my love
14/10/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: I hug u tight tight bb.. i love u for ever my king
14/10/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: Good night my blessing��
14/10/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: Rest n sleep well bb.. i know u work hard today my
14/10/2019, 10:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
14/10/2019, 10:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
14/10/2019, 10:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Are you there
14/10/2019, 10:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
14/10/2019, 10:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
14/10/2019, 10:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night
14/10/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: Huunn
14/10/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: Bb
14/10/2019, 10:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I thought you were asleep
14/10/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: Yes i was hun
14/10/2019, 10:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Oh
14/10/2019, 10:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
14/10/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: What about u bb? What u was doing hun?
14/10/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: So why are you writing me
14/10/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: Because we didnt talk for all the day
14/10/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I fell asleep before
14/10/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: I see bb
14/10/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: And get up
14/10/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
14/10/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
14/10/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I have something important to tell you
14/10/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: But you are tired
14/10/2019, 10:32 pm - My Love: Now my lover?
14/10/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I am going bed
14/10/2019, 10:32 pm - My Love: Tell me bb
14/10/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: We will talk another time
14/10/2019, 10:33 pm - My Love: Hun.. u sure about this bb?
14/10/2019, 10:33 pm - My Love: U will sleep now bb?
14/10/2019, 10:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes hun
14/10/2019, 10:33 pm - My Love: U are tired hun
14/10/2019, 10:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I will sleep
14/10/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I am tired
14/10/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: And you are also
14/10/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: I miss u bb
14/10/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
14/10/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love:
14/10/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: Yes my love
14/10/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: It is about pastora Shirley
14/10/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: You should write her
14/10/2019, 10:35 pm - My Love: Ohh i see my bb
14/10/2019, 10:35 pm - My Love: I will bb
14/10/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I think the ministry is under pressure
14/10/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: And I think she feels alone
14/10/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: When you were there you help much
14/10/2019, 10:36 pm - My Love: Oohhh i seee bb
14/10/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: But I don't think she has anyone as devoted and
hard working as yoi
14/10/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: You
14/10/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: To full that place
14/10/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I will let you rest
14/10/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Call your pastora
14/10/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: I now see bb
14/10/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: She dont have internet always bb
14/10/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: Hun.. i love u bb
14/10/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: She also is interested in knowing how your
spiritual life is going
14/10/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: And your relationship with me
14/10/2019, 10:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I think she is sad
14/10/2019, 10:38 pm - My Love: I see my lover
14/10/2019, 10:38 pm - My Love: I think she is to
14/10/2019, 10:38 pm - Emmanuel �: And feel abandon
14/10/2019, 10:38 pm - My Love: Because mom tell her we will stay here
14/10/2019, 10:38 pm - Emmanuel �: So make time for your spiritual mother
14/10/2019, 10:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night
14/10/2019, 10:38 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
14/10/2019, 10:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I will go now
14/10/2019, 10:38 pm - My Love: Just Good night bb??
14/10/2019, 10:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell mom good night for me
14/10/2019, 10:39 pm - My Love: Tell me something more nice naahh make me dream
about u bb��
14/10/2019, 10:39 pm - My Love: I willl hun..
14/10/2019, 10:39 pm - My Love: I hug u tigh my loveerrr.. i love u my angel of
n14/10/2019, 10:40 pm - My Love: Good night my angel of heaven
14/10/2019, 10:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun you don't know how difficult my life is
14/10/2019, 10:40 pm - My Love: May God give u peace, love and joy, and a very
goooddd rest tonight my loveeee
14/10/2019, 10:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't think because it is Trinidad that
everthing is well
14/10/2019, 10:41 pm - My Love: Hun.. sorry about this bb
14/10/2019, 10:41 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
14/10/2019, 10:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Just being with you is a battle
14/10/2019, 10:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Because my pastor don't accept us
14/10/2019, 10:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Your life is great compare to mines
14/10/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: You have the freedom to make decisions without
the consequences of fighting against people you grow up under
14/10/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: So forgive me if I am always sad
14/10/2019, 10:43 pm - My Love: Huunnn
14/10/2019, 10:43 pm - My Love: Everything one day will change bb
14/10/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Pastora Shirley is supporting you
14/10/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: And your relationship
14/10/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I have to fight against a man i love
14/10/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: One I get my spiritual life from
14/10/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I am going to bed
14/10/2019, 10:45 pm - My Love: Hun
14/10/2019, 10:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Do have a wonderful night
14/10/2019, 10:45 pm - My Love: Sorry for my words bb
14/10/2019, 10:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
14/10/2019, 10:45 pm - My Love: Hun.. i just miss ur beautifuls words before i
sleep bb
14/10/2019, 10:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Just let us go to bed please
14/10/2019, 10:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
14/10/2019, 10:45 pm - My Love: That is all hun
14/10/2019, 10:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you goodnight
14/10/2019, 10:46 pm - My Love: U can forgive me please
14/10/2019, 10:46 pm - My Love: Hun.. i will pray more hatder for u bb
14/10/2019, 10:47 pm - My Love: This is all i can do my love
14/10/2019, 10:47 pm - My Love: I am here for u always bb
14/10/2019, 10:48 pm - My Love: Maybe now its not the time for your pastir to
accept us
14/10/2019, 10:48 pm - My Love: God is in control my love
14/10/2019, 10:48 pm - My Love: He is with us bb
14/10/2019, 10:49 pm - My Love: Just let us focus on do his willl.. n he will open
doors n make a way n united us
14/10/2019, 10:49 pm - My Love: Not everything we understand in the moment bb
14/10/2019, 10:50 pm - Emmanuel �: When have we ever done this in five years my
love ??????? Tell me
14/10/2019, 10:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I will tell you something
14/10/2019, 10:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Not even God is pleased with this relationship
14/10/2019, 10:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Because we are not pleasing him
14/10/2019, 10:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I no that it is hard words
14/10/2019, 10:51 pm - Emmanuel �: * know
14/10/2019, 10:51 pm - Emmanuel �: But the truth always hurts
14/10/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Really I am going to bed
14/10/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: You should do the same
14/10/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night my love
14/10/2019, 10:52 pm - My Love: Yes bb.. its sad but the truth hun
14/10/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: May God have mercy on us
14/10/2019, 10:53 pm - My Love: Let us go bb
14/10/2019, 10:53 pm - My Love: Good night my bb
14/10/2019, 10:53 pm - My Love:
14/10/2019, 10:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun please don't do this
14/10/2019, 10:54 pm - My Love: We need to do something about this bb
14/10/2019, 10:54 pm - My Love: What my bb
14/10/2019, 10:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't do this when I am not feeling good
because I will not react well I am tell you how I am
14/10/2019, 10:55 pm - Emmanuel �: And I will not receive you
14/10/2019, 10:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Every one need space
14/10/2019, 10:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Even you when you are not good gets quite
14/10/2019, 10:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye
14/10/2019, 10:56 pm - My Love: Ok my bb.. i understand ok
14/10/2019, 10:56 pm - My Love: Bye hun
14/10/2019, 10:56 pm - My Love: Hope u feel b
etter soon bb
14/10/2019, 10:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
14/10/2019, 10:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Really
14/10/2019, 10:59 pm - My Love: Yes bb
14/10/2019, 10:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I will tell you
14/10/2019, 10:59 pm - Emmanuel �: That you sat a lot of things
14/10/2019, 10:59 pm - Emmanuel �: But do very little things
14/10/2019, 11:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I am surprised that you are even up here with
14/10/2019, 11:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you don't be here
14/10/2019, 11:01 pm - My Love: I am here hun
14/10/2019, 11:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Every time I get angry and tell you how I feel
14/10/2019, 11:02 pm - Emmanuel �: You only stay up a few days
14/10/2019, 11:02 pm - Emmanuel �: After that it's back to normal again
14/10/2019, 11:02 pm - Emmanuel �: You are not here anymore
14/10/2019, 11:03 pm - Emmanuel �: You say everything
14/10/2019, 11:03 pm - My Love: But bb.. theses days u are sleeping ealier hun
14/10/2019, 11:03 pm - Emmanuel �: But really you do nothing
14/10/2019, 11:03 pm - Emmanuel �: You only try halfway
14/10/2019, 11:04 pm - My Love: I need to work more harder bb
14/10/2019, 11:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Let me ask you a question
14/10/2019, 11:05 pm - My Love: Tell me my love
14/10/2019, 11:05 pm - Emmanuel �: What make you know I love you ?
14/10/2019, 11:05 pm - My Love: Your faithfulness, words and action
14/10/2019, 11:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Out of them 3 with one the most
14/10/2019, 11:06 pm - My Love: Faithfulness
14/10/2019, 11:07 pm - Emmanuel �: And being faithful is a action
14/10/2019, 11:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't just say I am faithful
14/10/2019, 11:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I actually am
14/10/2019, 11:07 pm - Emmanuel �: You never had problems with me and another
14/10/2019, 11:08 pm - Emmanuel �: So it is my act of faithfulness
14/10/2019, 11:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Not me saying I am faithful
14/10/2019, 11:08 pm - Emmanuel �: But then going with other girls
14/10/2019, 11:08 pm - Emmanuel �: And then say I am faithful
14/10/2019, 11:09 pm - Emmanuel �: But going with girl
14/10/2019, 11:09 pm - Emmanuel �: And doing it over and over again
14/10/2019, 11:09 pm - My Love: I understand bb
14/10/2019, 11:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't think you do
14/10/2019, 11:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Because understanding brings change
14/10/2019, 11:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I promise myself not to tell you nasty hurt
14/10/2019, 11:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you are a human being
14/10/2019, 11:11 pm - Emmanuel �: And no one deserves to be verbally abused
14/10/2019, 11:11 pm - Emmanuel �: But I have some words for you
14/10/2019, 11:11 pm - Emmanuel �: They are not hurtfull
14/10/2019, 11:11 pm - Emmanuel �: But it how I feel about you
14/10/2019, 11:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Go search your heart be honest to yourself and
ask yourself this how could you say you love someone honestly and lie to them
14/10/2019, 11:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Lie to them every day
14/10/2019, 11:13 pm - Emmanuel �: By tell them they are your everything
14/10/2019, 11:14 pm - Emmanuel �: When you know very well it is not true
14/10/2019, 11:14 pm - Emmanuel �: How could you do that to someone's heart and be
14/10/2019, 11:15 pm - Emmanuel �: And live normal
14/10/2019, 11:15 pm - Emmanuel �: How
14/10/2019, 11:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night
14/10/2019, 11:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I have said enough
14/10/2019, 11:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I have nothing in me anymore
14/10/2019, 11:16 pm - My Love: �
15/10/2019, 5:27 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning have a blessed day
15/10/2019, 5:36 am - My Love: Good morning my bbbb
15/10/2019, 5:36 am - My Love: ☺☺☺
15/10/2019, 5:36 am - My Love: Enjoy this day my love
15/10/2019, 5:36 am - My Love: Have a wonderful day
15/10/2019, 5:36 am - Emmanuel �: Andreina
15/10/2019, 5:37 am - My Love: Yes hun
15/10/2019, 5:37 am - Emmanuel �: I am not good
15/10/2019, 5:38 am - Emmanuel �: Hun I don't feel like your are honest with me
15/10/2019, 5:38 am - My Love: I wish u could be better bb
15/10/2019, 5:38 am - My Love: I dont like when u are this way bb
15/10/2019, 5:38 am - My Love: Hun.. i am always honest to u bb
15/10/2019, 5:38 am - Emmanuel �: I want to believe that you love me
15/10/2019, 5:38 am - My Love: I dont have anything to.hide
15/10/2019, 5:39 am - Emmanuel �: But you actions tell me differently
15/10/2019, 5:40 am - Emmanuel �: Hun let me ask you a question if I could see
everything you do in secret would I still fight for this relationship or come to
meet you or marry you ?
15/10/2019, 5:41 am - My Love: Yes my love..
15/10/2019, 5:41 am - Emmanuel �: In the five years we are together if I knew
everything would I still marry you
15/10/2019, 5:41 am - My Love: I am not doing anything secretly
15/10/2019, 5:41 am - My Love: Well all this years no
15/10/2019, 5:41 am - My Love: I am talking about now
15/10/2019, 5:42 am - Emmanuel �: But you say I know everything
15/10/2019, 5:42 am - Emmanuel �: That is what I mean you are dishonest
15/10/2019, 5:43 am - Emmanuel �: Even when you say I am your everything
15/10/2019, 5:43 am - Emmanuel �: You know you don't completely do everything
15/10/2019, 5:43 am - My Love: Qthe only.moment that i hide things from you was
when i was in el tigre and all those things happen
15/10/2019, 5:43 am - Emmanuel �: You say with your mouth
15/10/2019, 5:44 am - Emmanuel �: And you say I know everything
15/10/2019, 5:44 am - Emmanuel �: But I believe that I don't
15/10/2019, 5:44 am - Emmanuel �: Still we will be going into marriage together
15/10/2019, 5:45 am - Emmanuel �: Go and get ready
15/10/2019, 5:45 am - Emmanuel �: I pray that you will search your heart
15/10/2019, 5:46 am - My Love: Well.. i will show you that you really mean what i
15/10/2019, 5:47 am - Emmanuel �: And ask yourself deep inside if you are really
sincere and if this relationship is build on true honesty
15/10/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: I need to go.hun
15/10/2019, 5:47 am - Emmanuel �: I have heard this to much
15/10/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
15/10/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: Ok
15/10/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: Well see then
15/10/2019, 5:47 am - Emmanuel �: You look sooooooo beautiful In love you
15/10/2019, 5:48 am - Emmanuel �: Have a wonderful day
15/10/2019, 5:48 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
15/10/2019, 5:48 am - My Love: Hehe
15/10/2019, 5:48 am - My Love: U make.me smile hun
15/10/2019, 5:48 am - My Love: Bye my lover
15/10/2019, 5:48 am - My Love: Take care hun
15/10/2019, 5:48 am - My Love: Later my bb
15/10/2019, 5:50 am - Emmanuel �: Hun
15/10/2019, 5:53 am - Emmanuel �: Only you know if you have been open to me
completely 100% only you and God I often ask you this some people think the past
doesn't matter but it comes back and affect your children's future so I beg you if
there is anything you have not been open with no matter how hard it is please don't
let us get marry with it this is the only thing I beg from you
15/10/2019, 6:00 am - Emmanuel �: I don't see that you completely love me because
love is sincere it doesn't say one thing and do different actions I hope one day
when you really love me I will see it
15/10/2019, 7:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I just came from work
15/10/2019, 7:15 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
15/10/2019, 7:16 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
15/10/2019, 7:16 pm - My Love: Huunn
15/10/2019, 7:16 pm - My Love: I huugggg u tiighttt bb
15/10/2019, 7:17 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
15/10/2019, 7:17 pm - My Love: But i will eat it for u
15/10/2019, 7:17 pm - My Love: ��
15/10/2019, 7:19 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
15/10/2019, 7:21 pm - My Love: I am waiting for u bb
15/10/2019, 7:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
15/10/2019, 7:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Thanks hun
15/10/2019, 7:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I have an apology for you
15/10/2019, 7:23 pm - My Love: Why bb??
15/10/2019, 7:23 pm - My Love: Hun.. i am extra full now..
15/10/2019, 7:24 pm - My Love: My belly will explote
15/10/2019, 7:24 pm - Emmanuel �: For last night
15/10/2019, 7:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I love this belly it is the cutest
15/10/2019, 7:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
15/10/2019, 7:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I was wrong to tell you those things
15/10/2019, 7:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I can see
15/10/2019, 7:25 pm - My Love: Hun.. just forget it bb
15/10/2019, 7:25 pm - Emmanuel �: It is still sexy to me
15/10/2019, 7:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you bb
15/10/2019, 7:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I know you are doing your best for us
15/10/2019, 7:26 pm - Emmanuel �: And am wrong to tell you that you are not
15/10/2019, 7:26 pm - My Love: When anyone is sad, bad mood or vex.. them words are
hurtfull and its just stupedness.. no.one think much when them are this way
15/10/2019, 7:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun it is not you
15/10/2019, 7:27 pm - Emmanuel �: You are not the problem
15/10/2019, 7:27 pm - Emmanuel �: It is the enemy
15/10/2019, 7:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Putting thoughts in my head
15/10/2019, 7:27 pm - My Love: Hun.. u know today.. i was thinking all the day what
i did wrong.. and i dint find anything bad bb.. but only.one thing hun
15/10/2019, 7:28 pm - Emmanuel �: If you being unfaithful and keeping secrets
15/10/2019, 7:28 pm - My Love: Hun.. i am not been unfaithfull to u bb.. because i
love u hun
15/10/2019, 7:28 pm - Emmanuel �: What is the one thing
15/10/2019, 7:28 pm - My Love: And my all want to be with only u hun
15/10/2019, 7:28 pm - My Love: I wanted to tell u in video call the torsday hun
15/10/2019, 7:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Is is these thoughts in my head
15/10/2019, 7:28 pm - My Love: I dont want to write u and tell u
15/10/2019, 7:29 pm - Emmanuel �: From the enemy
15/10/2019, 7:29 pm - Emmanuel �: And from my insecurities
15/10/2019, 7:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun what is it ?
15/10/2019, 7:29 pm - My Love: Hun.. its tour expirences with the others girlfriend
before me bb
15/10/2019, 7:30 pm - My Love: I will tell u the torsday bb
15/10/2019, 7:30 pm - My Love: I will not tell u now hun
15/10/2019, 7:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun please tell me now
15/10/2019, 7:30 pm - My Love: I am not doing anything bad bb
15/10/2019, 7:30 pm - My Love: Hun
15/10/2019, 7:30 pm - My Love: Nooo
15/10/2019, 7:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Because it will be on my mind
15/10/2019, 7:30 pm - My Love: I dont want to tell u by text
15/10/2019, 7:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Well why you bring it up
15/10/2019, 7:30 pm - My Love: Huuuunnnn
15/10/2019, 7:30 pm - Emmanuel �: For
15/10/2019, 7:30 pm - My Love: I dint expect u will react so
15/10/2019, 7:31 pm - My Love: I always respect tour desicion even its so.hard
15/10/2019, 7:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Remember Thursday is your day of not mines
15/10/2019, 7:31 pm - My Love: I never ask u for nothing
15/10/2019, 7:31 pm - My Love: I just want u to wait on torsday
15/10/2019, 7:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
15/10/2019, 7:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I will wait
15/10/2019, 7:31 pm - My Love: Yes hun.. and i know u will get time bb
15/10/2019, 7:31 pm - My Love: As always
15/10/2019, 7:31 pm - My Love: And we will call
15/10/2019, 7:31 pm - My Love: And i will look.at u hun.. and u will look at me
15/10/2019, 7:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I will be working late Thursday
15/10/2019, 7:32 pm - Emmanuel �: But I will wait
15/10/2019, 7:32 pm - My Love: U will have time in the after noon bb?
15/10/2019, 7:32 pm - My Love: After lunch
15/10/2019, 7:32 pm - My Love: ?
15/10/2019, 7:32 pm - My Love: U will not have anytime the torsday?
15/10/2019, 7:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I might have time not sure yet
15/10/2019, 7:33 pm - Emmanuel �: But if you ask me to wait
15/10/2019, 7:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I will respect you
15/10/2019, 7:33 pm - My Love: Thank u hun
15/10/2019, 7:33 pm - My Love: I know u dont want to wait
15/10/2019, 7:33 pm - My Love: �
15/10/2019, 7:33 pm - My Love: I know u hun
15/10/2019, 7:33 pm - My Love: But i want to see your eyes bb
15/10/2019, 7:33 pm - My Love: While i am talking
15/10/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: I hope u understand me bb
15/10/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: Even its phone bb
15/10/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: I feel more free on video call hun
15/10/2019, 7:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Is it something bad hun
15/10/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: I feel more comfortable talking to u on video
15/10/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: Hun
15/10/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: I know this will be on your mind always until
torsday bb
15/10/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: I dont want to say anything about it
15/10/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: Until torsday reach
15/10/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: Bb.. please
15/10/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: Just forget it bb
15/10/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: I just don't understand why you want to watch me
as you tell me something to hurt me
15/10/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: How could I forget it hun
15/10/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: Emmanuel
15/10/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: Listen
15/10/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: Its not something to hurt u bb
15/10/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: Its something that its not easy to say
15/10/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: And i choose to tell u
15/10/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: Because i love u hun
15/10/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
15/10/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: Even my mom dont know
15/10/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
15/10/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I will respect you
15/10/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: And i want u to know bb
15/10/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I will wait
15/10/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: Because i cant tell anyone bb
15/10/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: I need to tell someone hun
15/10/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: And its u bb
15/10/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: Just please
15/10/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay my love
15/10/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: Dont force me for tell u
15/10/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not
15/10/2019, 7:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Force you
15/10/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: Just be patient and wait bb until torsday
15/10/2019, 7:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I will wait
15/10/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: I want to be always open to u bb
15/10/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: Hun
15/10/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: I love u bb
15/10/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: Sorry my love
15/10/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Well you have a lifetime to prove it
15/10/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: So take your time
15/10/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: Yes bb
15/10/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I will believe that you love me when I see it
15/10/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: When we are married
15/10/2019, 7:41 pm - Emmanuel �: And how you treat me as your husband
15/10/2019, 7:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Will tell me if you really love this man
15/10/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Hun.. u will surprise bb
15/10/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: ☺
15/10/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: U cant imagine what i will do
15/10/2019, 7:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Or it is just that we ended up together
15/10/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: In marriage I will know if I am your choice or
your mother's choice for you
15/10/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Because hun you must know if someone really love
15/10/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: Hun
15/10/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: I really love u bb
15/10/2019, 7:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Love cannot hide
15/10/2019, 7:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Well I am telling i want to see how you live
with me
15/10/2019, 7:43 pm - Emmanuel �: When we are married
15/10/2019, 7:43 pm - Emmanuel �: And how your treat me
15/10/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: Ok
15/10/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: Ok
15/10/2019, 7:43 pm - Emmanuel �: It will determine the truth
15/10/2019, 7:44 pm - My Love: U have to wait
15/10/2019, 7:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Because hun
15/10/2019, 7:44 pm - Emmanuel �: It is when you marry me
15/10/2019, 7:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Is when God will test you
15/10/2019, 7:44 pm - Emmanuel �: And the enemy will tempt you
15/10/2019, 7:45 pm - Emmanuel �: If you think Jose was temptation you haven't
face anything yet
15/10/2019, 7:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Men love to attack married women
15/10/2019, 7:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Especially if you have a beautiful wife
15/10/2019, 7:46 pm - Emmanuel �: And now no one respects if you have on your
wedding ring
15/10/2019, 7:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Not only men woman to
15/10/2019, 7:46 pm - My Love: Its truth bb
15/10/2019, 7:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Love to go after married men
15/10/2019, 7:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Even your own best friend can cheat on you with
your wife
15/10/2019, 7:47 pm - Emmanuel �: The enemy will not leave us alone
15/10/2019, 7:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Actually when we are married he will send more
temptation at you
15/10/2019, 7:47 pm - My Love: U right bb
15/10/2019, 7:48 pm - My Love: We have to be stronger in the spirit
15/10/2019, 7:48 pm - My Love: To overcome all temptation
15/10/2019, 7:48 pm - Emmanuel �: That is why I tell you in marriage you will
prove if you love me or not
15/10/2019, 7:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Because takes a real woman to say i am sorry but
I have a husband
15/10/2019, 7:49 pm - Emmanuel �: And it take a real man to say i am sorry but I
have a wife
15/10/2019, 7:50 pm - My Love: Yes
15/10/2019, 7:50 pm - Emmanuel �: It takes love to say to a man tempting you sorry
I have to ask you to leave now my husband is not home
15/10/2019, 7:51 pm - Emmanuel �: And it takes true love for a man to say to a
woman throwing herself at him sorry I have to ask you to leave my wife is not home
15/10/2019, 7:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
15/10/2019, 7:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to say something to you
15/10/2019, 7:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
15/10/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love: Tell me bb
15/10/2019, 7:52 pm - Emmanuel �: If I am married to a woman
15/10/2019, 7:52 pm - Emmanuel �: God forbid
15/10/2019, 7:52 pm - Emmanuel �: And she gets rape
15/10/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love: I will never let a man pass in when i am lonely home
15/10/2019, 7:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I will let that go
15/10/2019, 7:53 pm - Emmanuel �: But if it is not rape
15/10/2019, 7:53 pm - Emmanuel �: If she accepted it
15/10/2019, 7:53 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not blame the man I will blame my wife
15/10/2019, 7:54 pm - Emmanuel �: And I will say that she doesn't love me
15/10/2019, 7:54 pm - My Love: This is right hun
15/10/2019, 7:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Because if she truly love me
15/10/2019, 7:54 pm - Emmanuel �: She have say no
15/10/2019, 7:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Rape is different
15/10/2019, 7:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Rape is someone taking something you didn't
15/10/2019, 7:55 pm - Emmanuel �: And I don't want to here it is a mistake
15/10/2019, 7:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Because it is something that you think about
accept and enjoy
15/10/2019, 7:56 pm - Emmanuel �: And to avoid it all you had to do was say no
15/10/2019, 7:56 pm - Emmanuel �: My husband is not home
15/10/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Or I can't do this I love my husband I need you
to leave
15/10/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Any woman not matter if it is on work or where
ever try to temp me I will tell them I am sorry but I have a beautiful wife at home
waiting for me any my marriage is worth so much more than a moment of pleasure so I
am sorry to disappoint you but I have to go
15/10/2019, 8:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Satan can only tempt us but we have to make a
choice if we want to accept it or not
15/10/2019, 8:01 pm - Emmanuel �: So I am waiting for after we married and the
rest of my life to see if you really mean what you say when you say you love me
15/10/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: Ok my love
15/10/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: Wait n u will see bb
15/10/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: Qgood choice bb
15/10/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: Yes
15/10/2019, 8:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I waiting
15/10/2019, 8:08 pm - My Love: Hun
15/10/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: How e u bb
15/10/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: How was your day
15/10/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: What u didnt bb
15/10/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Hold on bb I am taking to a pastor I didn't meet
in a long time
15/10/2019, 8:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Lover
15/10/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: Bbb
15/10/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes sugar
15/10/2019, 11:00 pm - My Love: Hun. Sorry bb
15/10/2019, 11:00 pm - My Love: But i fall a sleep my lover
15/10/2019, 11:00 pm - My Love: Good night my only one
15/10/2019, 11:01 pm - My Love: I am very tired bb from work hun
15/10/2019, 11:01 pm - My Love: Have a good rest my bb
16/10/2019, 5:54 am - My Love: Hunnn
16/10/2019, 5:54 am - My Love: Gooodd morning my blessed king
16/10/2019, 5:54 am - My Love: Bbbb
16/10/2019, 5:54 am - My Love: I am extra lateeee
16/10/2019, 5:54 am - My Love: I hug u
16/10/2019, 5:54 am - My Love: And bless u for this morning bb
16/10/2019, 5:54 am - My Love: ��
16/10/2019, 5:55 am - My Love: Have a woonderrrfulll dayyyy
16/10/2019, 5:55 am - My Love:
16/10/2019, 4:37 pm - My Love: Bbbb
16/10/2019, 4:37 pm - My Love: U are not online since the night bb
16/10/2019, 5:51 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
16/10/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
16/10/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: Reach home after church bb
16/10/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: Missing u a lot my bb
17/10/2019, 7:06 am - My Love: Bbbb
17/10/2019, 7:06 am - My Love: Gooodd morning my blesseddd king
17/10/2019, 7:07 am - My Love: Hope everything is well with u my darling
17/10/2019, 7:07 am - My Love: I miss u a lot bb
17/10/2019, 7:07 am - My Love: Hope your day be amazing today my love
17/10/2019, 7:07 am - My Love: Dont worry about anything bb.. everything uts in God
hands and he is in control my love
17/10/2019, 7:07 am - My Love: I bless u today my powerful husband to be
02/11/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
02/11/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: U are here?
02/11/2019, 9:22 pm - My Love: Yeeeeeeessssssss
02/11/2019, 9:22 pm - My Love: U have whatssap bb?
02/11/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Beautiful as always
02/11/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Have my phone
02/11/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Back hun
02/11/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I have wats app
02/11/2019, 9:23 pm - My Love: Ok bb
02/11/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: So beautiful
02/11/2019, 9:23 pm - My Love: I tought u had to download all them aplications
02/11/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: No
02/11/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I have everything
02/11/2019, 9:24 pm - My Love: Ohh ok my bb
02/11/2019, 9:24 pm - My Love: I love u my bb
02/11/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you to
02/11/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Princess
02/11/2019, 9:27 pm - My Love: Bb
02/11/2019, 9:27 pm - My Love: U are smeeling sweet
02/11/2019, 9:27 pm - My Love: Like chocolate
02/11/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: I lick your face
02/11/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: ����
02/11/2019, 9:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
02/11/2019, 9:31 pm - Emmanuel �: You are beautiful
02/11/2019, 9:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
02/11/2019, 9:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you
02/11/2019, 9:31 pm - Emmanuel �: For wanting to please me
02/11/2019, 9:32 pm - My Love: Your welcome bb
02/11/2019, 9:33 pm - My Love: Its my plasuare
02/11/2019, 9:33 pm - My Love: Pleasure
02/11/2019, 9:34 pm - Emmanuel �: After I touch bubbies and kiss you what is next
02/11/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: Hehe
02/11/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: U have to start back again
02/11/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: Because u leave me and gone
02/11/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: And u didnt continue
02/11/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: So u have to start again
02/11/2019, 9:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Yeah if you like it
02/11/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: Of course bb
02/11/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: I want to try everything with u hun
02/11/2019, 9:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Well first you tell me start with you neck
02/11/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: Yes
02/11/2019, 9:35 pm - Emmanuel �: So I kiss up your neck
02/11/2019, 9:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Then you tell me your butt
02/11/2019, 9:36 pm - My Love: Yes
02/11/2019, 9:36 pm - Emmanuel �: And you tell me what you want me to do with your
02/11/2019, 9:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Then you tell me your legs and belly
02/11/2019, 9:38 pm - My Love: Yes
02/11/2019, 9:38 pm - My Love: Then
02/11/2019, 9:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Then you told me
02/11/2019, 9:40 pm - My Love: What
02/11/2019, 9:41 pm - Emmanuel �: You want me to touch boobies and kiss you at
the same time
02/11/2019, 9:42 pm - My Love: Yes my lovverrrr
02/11/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: ��
02/11/2019, 9:43 pm - Emmanuel �: And that is where we reached
02/11/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: Yes
02/11/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: And after
02/11/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: I want
02/11/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: U to
02/11/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: Soround me
02/11/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: With your arms
02/11/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: Put your hands on my back
02/11/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: And pene can go into his best friend
02/11/2019, 9:44 pm - Emmanuel �: You are making him hard now
02/11/2019, 9:45 pm - Emmanuel �: �
02/11/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: Really
02/11/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: �
02/11/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: U like this eh
02/11/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: ��
02/11/2019, 9:47 pm - My Love: I love u bb
02/11/2019, 9:47 pm - My Love: Helllooooo
02/11/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: I am talking to u bb
02/11/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: Which part u are
02/11/2019, 9:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Wrong word I love it
02/11/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love:
02/11/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: U make me be shain now hun
02/11/2019, 9:49 pm - Emmanuel �: To busy enjoying being inside you
02/11/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love:
02/11/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: Hun
02/11/2019, 9:49 pm - Emmanuel �: It will be the best day of my life
02/11/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: U are making me love already in your mind?
02/11/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: Yes bb.. for me too my lover
02/11/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I do it all the time
02/11/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
02/11/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: Will be marvelous hun
02/11/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I hope you don't mind
o02/11/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: Lol me too
02/11/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: No my love.. i do the same hun
02/11/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I prefer to do you in my mind that to think of
someone else
02/11/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: Thank u my bb
02/11/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: Hun.. which posicion u think the most
02/11/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: For do it.?
02/11/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I only think of pene being in you
02/11/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
02/11/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: To be honest I think of many position
02/11/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: The one you tell me with my hands on your back
02/11/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: With you on top
02/11/2019, 9:53 pm - My Love: Hun i can remember bb
02/11/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: N u in front of me?
02/11/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: With me doing it from behind
02/11/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
02/11/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: Oohh
02/11/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: The one you just tell me
02/11/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: N u want me to move my sweass
02/11/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: ?
02/11/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: This
02/11/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: Ohh
02/11/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: ��

02/11/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: This
02/11/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: N when pene is inside
02/11/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: U want me to move my swess
02/11/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: ?
02/11/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: Huuunn
02/11/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: Talk to me bb
02/11/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: I am asking u something
02/11/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: You will move your waist
02/11/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: If pene is inside
02/11/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: I am asking u if u want bb
02/11/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: It will happen natrally
02/11/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Hehehe
02/11/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: Lol
02/11/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I want you to do this
02/11/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: And do it good
02/11/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: I love u bb
02/11/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: What u mean bb?
02/11/2019, 10:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Some women know how to do this better than
02/11/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: Oh
02/11/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: Well
02/11/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: I never do it bb
02/11/2019, 10:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish I could show you a example of what I
02/11/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: So i cant tell u if i do it the best
02/11/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: U show me bb
02/11/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: Already
02/11/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Really
02/11/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
02/11/2019, 10:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
02/11/2019, 10:05 pm - My Love: Yes bb
02/11/2019, 10:05 pm - Emmanuel �: But it is something different
02/11/2019, 10:05 pm - My Love: What
02/11/2019, 10:05 pm - Emmanuel �: You know something
02/11/2019, 10:06 pm - My Love: Tell me my love
02/11/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Everyone say
02/11/2019, 10:07 pm - My Love: Say what?
02/11/2019, 10:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Latinas can move them waist the best in bed
02/11/2019, 10:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Every who was with a Latina say the is the
02/11/2019, 10:08 pm - Emmanuel �: And the most passionate lovers in bed
02/11/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love:
02/11/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: I never hear that
02/11/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: I am a latina?
02/11/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: It is true
02/11/2019, 10:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Not by race but by culture
02/11/2019, 10:13 pm - Emmanuel �: You are more look like a indo
02/11/2019, 10:13 pm - Emmanuel �: But you think like a latina
02/11/2019, 10:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Spanish women are very passionate
02/11/2019, 10:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Everyone knows that
02/11/2019, 10:14 pm - Emmanuel �: The are like
02/11/2019, 10:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Fire
02/11/2019, 10:14 pm - Emmanuel �: And very easy to turn on
02/11/2019, 10:16 pm - My Love: Oohh
02/11/2019, 10:16 pm - My Love: Wow
02/11/2019, 10:16 pm - My Love: Ok bb
02/11/2019, 10:16 pm - My Love: If u say so
02/11/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
02/11/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: I want to turn u on
02/11/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: N make u feel
02/11/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: Horney
02/11/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know how you never here that before
02/11/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Everyone knows this
02/11/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: So u can make me your wife
02/11/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: It is easy
02/11/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: Just be naked right?
02/11/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: For a girl as hot as you
02/11/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: It is true
02/11/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: If I see you naked
02/11/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Pene will get very hard
02/11/2019, 10:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I will get horney immediately
02/11/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: Haha
02/11/2019, 10:20 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
02/11/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: But i will not be like u inmediatly
02/11/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: U need to kiss me, n touch me for me to feel horney
for u
02/11/2019, 10:20 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
02/11/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: I mean for us to be together
02/11/2019, 10:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Men and women are different
02/11/2019, 10:21 pm - Emmanuel �: But you are very atractive
02/11/2019, 10:21 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
02/11/2019, 10:21 pm - Emmanuel �: So it will happen very fast
02/11/2019, 10:21 pm - Emmanuel �: For me
02/11/2019, 10:22 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't know how sexy you are
02/11/2019, 10:22 pm - My Love: Hehe
02/11/2019, 10:22 pm - Emmanuel �: You are very very very
02/11/2019, 10:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Sexy
02/11/2019, 10:22 pm - My Love: Hehehe
02/11/2019, 10:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
02/11/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: You there
02/11/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I think the internet will cut soon
02/11/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: Oohh yes my love
02/11/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: The internet will cut any time now
02/11/2019, 10:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I understand
02/11/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: I will tell u good night my lover
02/11/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: Before anything happen
02/11/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: I love u my bbbb
02/11/2019, 10:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night hun
02/11/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you to
02/11/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: I kiss u bb
02/11/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: On your hot lips
02/11/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love:
02/11/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Awww
02/11/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: Your lips i love it bb
02/11/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to take out pene
02/11/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: Them are perfect to me
02/11/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to keep him in you
02/11/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: U have it still inside�
02/11/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: And fall asleep
02/11/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
02/11/2019, 10:32 pm - My Love: I didnt even notice he is inside of me as get
02/11/2019, 10:32 pm - My Love: Lol
02/11/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Be you tell me to put him in
02/11/2019, 10:32 pm - My Love: He cant be inside of me and sleeping bb
02/11/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: How you not notice he inside
02/11/2019, 10:32 pm - My Love: I think he will come out alone
02/11/2019, 10:32 pm - My Love: Yes bb
02/11/2019, 10:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I think so to
02/11/2019, 10:33 pm - My Love: I forget he was inside still
02/11/2019, 10:33 pm - Emmanuel �: You not feel him
02/11/2019, 10:33 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
02/11/2019, 10:33 pm - My Love: I am sorry bb! But now i dont feel him..
02/11/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: Just now i feel he was inside of me
02/11/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I love to be inside you
02/11/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: But not now bb
02/11/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: U or he
02/11/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: ?
02/11/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: Lol
02/11/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Well when he inside I feel it
02/11/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: Hehe
02/11/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: Hun pene is hard
02/11/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: ?
02/11/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Because is my part
02/11/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Very
02/11/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Hard
02/11/2019, 10:35 pm - My Love: I understand bb
02/11/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Just think in you
02/11/2019, ��
10:35 pm - My Love: �
02/11/2019, 10:35 pm - My Love: Still
02/11/2019, 10:35 pm - My Love: Wow
02/11/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun will you lick him ?
02/11/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Or not
02/11/2019, 10:36 pm - My Love: Since here he is harder bb??
02/11/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes since long
02/11/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: Bb! But, here was 9:39 since when u sent me this
and now its 10:31.. and still its harder?
02/11/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: This is very long time hun
02/11/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: U did anything for remain him harder?
02/11/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes he will stay hard until he come
02/11/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: Come what?
02/11/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: But inside you he will come faster
02/11/2019, 10:38 pm - Emmanuel �: So he will not be hard long
02/11/2019, 10:38 pm - My Love: Oohh
02/11/2019, 10:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I men cum
02/11/2019, 10:38 pm - My Love: Well.. because is like 1 hour that he is harder
02/11/2019, 10:38 pm - My Love: Ohh ok bb
02/11/2019, 10:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Cum is the white thing that comes out of pene
n02/11/2019, 10:38 pm - My Love: Hun i am not sure bb.. sorry hun
02/11/2019, 10:38 pm - Emmanuel �: That could get you pregnant
02/11/2019, 10:39 pm - My Love: I understand bb
02/11/2019, 10:39 pm - Emmanuel �: If it comes out inside you
02/11/2019, 10:39 pm - Emmanuel �: It is also call break
02/11/2019, 10:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Or sperm
02/11/2019, 10:39 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
02/11/2019, 10:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Well I would love if you suck him
02/11/2019, 10:40 pm - Emmanuel �: But it's okay
b02/11/2019, 10:40 pm - My Love: Hun i dont know bb
02/11/2019, 10:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to force you
02/11/2019, 10:40 pm - Emmanuel �: It's okay
02/11/2019, 10:40 pm - My Love: Imagine i am not in front of u and i am shain
02/11/2019, 10:40 pm - My Love: With theses questions
02/11/2019, 10:40 pm - My Love: Thank u my love
02/11/2019, 10:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I know hun
02/11/2019, 10:41 pm - My Love: I love u bb!
02/11/2019, 10:41 pm - My Love: U are the best hun
02/11/2019, 10:41 pm - Emmanuel �: You are the best to
02/11/2019, 10:41 pm - Emmanuel �: For a man this feels really good
02/11/2019, 10:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Wow !!!!!!! You are turning me on more
02/11/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I can imagine me inside you now
02/11/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I love that underwear
02/11/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: It look so hot on you
02/11/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: But I want to take it of and make love to you
02/11/2019, 10:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I am the luckiest man in the world
02/11/2019, 10:45 pm - Emmanuel �: You are so beautiful bb
02/11/2019, 10:46 pm - Emmanuel �: If I was touching pene I would cum
02/11/2019, 10:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish I could see you butt
02/11/2019, 10:47 pm - Emmanuel �: But I know it will be difficult to get a pic
of it
03/11/2019, 5:51 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my love
03/11/2019, 5:51 am - Emmanuel �: I wrap my arms around you
03/11/2019, 5:51 am - Emmanuel �: I am holding you tight
03/11/2019, 5:52 am - Emmanuel �: I woke up this morning thinking about you
03/11/2019, 5:52 am - Emmanuel �: And i am so thankful to have you in my life
03/11/2019, 5:52 am - Emmanuel �: I look at your pictures for awhile
03/11/2019, 5:52 am - Emmanuel �: The you send for me in your underwear
03/11/2019, 5:53 am - Emmanuel �: And I melt all over again
03/11/2019, 5:53 am - Emmanuel �: Thinking to myself
03/11/2019, 5:53 am - Emmanuel �: That I am sooooooooooo future
03/11/2019, 5:53 am - Emmanuel �: * fortunate
03/11/2019, 5:53 am - Emmanuel �: I am the luckiest man
03/11/2019, 5:53 am - Emmanuel �: In the world
03/11/2019, 5:54 am - Emmanuel �: To have such a sexy girl like you
03/11/2019, 5:54 am - Emmanuel �: Your body is amazing
03/11/2019, 5:54 am - Emmanuel �: Words can't describe you
03/11/2019, 5:54 am - Emmanuel �: After I watch them photos I deleted them
03/11/2019, 5:55 am - Emmanuel �: Because I want my eyes only to see you
03/11/2019, 5:55 am - Emmanuel �: I love you hun
03/11/2019, 5:55 am - Emmanuel �: More than you will ever know
03/11/2019, 10:34 am - My Love: Mmyyy loveerr
03/11/2019, 10:35 am - My Love: The cut the internet off last night bb
03/11/2019, 10:35 am - My Love: And this morning i went to church
03/11/2019, 10:35 am - My Love: Now i reach home my lover
03/11/2019, 10:35 am - My Love: And this morning there was no wifi
03/11/2019, 10:36 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
03/11/2019, 10:36 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
03/11/2019, 10:36 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
03/11/2019, 10:36 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
03/11/2019, 10:36 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
03/11/2019, 10:36 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
03/11/2019, 10:36 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
03/11/2019, 10:36 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
03/11/2019, 10:36 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
03/11/2019, 10:36 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
03/11/2019, 10:36 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
03/11/2019, 10:36 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
03/11/2019, 10:36 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
03/11/2019, 10:36 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
03/11/2019, 10:36 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
03/11/2019, 10:36 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
03/11/2019, 10:36 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
03/11/2019, 10:36 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
03/11/2019, 10:40 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
03/11/2019, 1:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Wah bb
03/11/2019, 1:14 pm - Emmanuel �: You can really sing amazing
03/11/2019, 1:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you for all the photos
03/11/2019, 1:17 pm - My Love: Bbbbbb
03/11/2019, 1:17 pm - Emmanuel �: You calling
03/11/2019, 1:17 pm - My Love: Yesss
03/11/2019, 1:17 pm - My Love: ��
03/11/2019, 1:17 pm - My Love: Missed video call
03/11/2019, 2:04 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you bb more than you could ever know
03/11/2019, 2:52 pm - My Love: ��
� ��
03/11/2019, 2:53 pm - My Love: How come u are already online
03/11/2019, 2:53 pm - My Love: I tought u leave the phone charging
03/11/2019, 2:53 pm - Emmanuel �: It is changing
03/11/2019, 2:53 pm - My Love: Oohh
03/11/2019, 2:53 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not really online
03/11/2019, 2:53 pm - My Love: Well.. i have to leave my phone charging
03/11/2019, 2:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
03/11/2019, 2:53 pm - Emmanuel �: You go ahead
03/11/2019, 2:54 pm - My Love: Because the place where it charge, i cant write
03/11/2019, 2:54 pm - My Love: Its uncomfortable
03/11/2019, 2:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
03/11/2019, 2:55 pm - Emmanuel �: My precious one
03/11/2019, 2:55 pm - My Love: My gold
03/11/2019, 2:55 pm - My Love: But we can talk bb??
03/11/2019, 2:56 pm - My Love: I have 45 %
03/11/2019, 2:56 pm - Emmanuel �: If you wish my gold
03/11/2019, 2:56 pm - Emmanuel �: My treasure
03/11/2019, 2:56 pm - My Love: Yes my bb
03/11/2019, 2:56 pm - My Love: On video or call??
03/11/2019, 2:56 pm - My Love: Or text??
03/11/2019, 2:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Anything once you are comfortable
03/11/2019, 2:57 pm - Emmanuel �: My only one
03/11/2019, 5:56 pm - My Love: Bbbb
03/11/2019, 5:59 pm - Emmanuel �: My cielo
03/11/2019, 5:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
03/11/2019, 5:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I have to go help the man from church
03/11/2019, 5:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Uncle dave
03/11/2019, 6:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Them going to help a lady from church move a
03/11/2019, 6:00 pm - My Love: Ok my loveeerrr
03/11/2019, 6:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I am so in love with you
03/11/2019, 6:00 pm - My Love: U will go nowwwww hun
03/11/2019, 6:00 pm - My Love:
03/11/2019, 6:00 pm - Emmanuel �: When he come
03/11/2019, 6:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I love my girlfriend
03/11/2019, 6:01 pm - Emmanuel �: She is the best girlfriend
03/11/2019, 6:01 pm - Emmanuel �: My best one
03/11/2019, 6:01 pm - Emmanuel �: My half of naranga
03/11/2019, 6:01 pm - My Love: Hehehe
03/11/2019, 6:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to kiss her always
03/11/2019, 6:02 pm - My Love: Waaaaaaa
03/11/2019, 6:02 pm - Emmanuel �: And make her feel special
03/11/2019, 6:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Every day
03/11/2019, 6:02 pm - My Love: I love u my darling
03/11/2019, 6:02 pm - My Love: ����
03/11/2019, 6:02 pm - My Love: Thank u for everything hun
03/11/2019, 6:02 pm - Emmanuel �: You are my delicious one
03/11/2019, 6:02 pm - My Love: I went to cheek a job
03/11/2019, 6:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I will eat you soon
03/11/2019, 6:03 pm - My Love: I didnt met the boss lady.. tomorrow i will go back
03/11/2019, 6:03 pm - My Love: �
03/11/2019, 6:03 pm - My Love: Oouu
03/11/2019, 6:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Yeah
03/11/2019, 6:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
03/11/2019, 6:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
03/11/2019, 6:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I will pray for you
03/11/2019, 6:03 pm - My Love: Thank u my lover
03/11/2019, 6:04 pm - Emmanuel �: You will get one
03/11/2019, 6:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Soon
03/11/2019, 6:04 pm - Emmanuel �: God is good
03/11/2019, 6:04 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
03/11/2019, 6:04 pm - My Love: He is good my love
03/11/2019, 6:05 pm - Emmanuel �: My delicious tasty girl
03/11/2019, 6:05 pm - My Love: Hun
03/11/2019, 6:05 pm - Emmanuel �: He has something better for you a more safe
03/11/2019, 6:05 pm - My Love: I want u to kiss my ombligo
03/11/2019, 6:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes and go down
03/11/2019, 6:06 pm - Emmanuel �: To your legs
03/11/2019, 6:06 pm - My Love: Yes my prince.. i know he have one
03/11/2019, 6:06 pm - My Love:
03/11/2019, 6:06 pm - My Love: Well
03/11/2019, 6:06 pm - My Love: I dont want so much
03/11/2019, 6:06 pm - My Love: Just my ombligo
03/11/2019, 6:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
03/11/2019, 6:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Well yes
03/11/2019, 6:06 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to
03/11/2019, 6:06 pm - My Love: I love u bb
03/11/2019, 6:07 pm - My Love: U need to go now my love??
03/11/2019, 6:07 pm - Emmanuel �: But hun please be wise and carefull where ever
you are please
03/11/2019, 6:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Where you will go bb
03/11/2019, 6:07 pm - My Love: Hun
03/11/2019, 6:07 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
03/11/2019, 6:07 pm - My Love: Yes my love
03/11/2019, 6:08 pm - My Love: Hun.. i dont need to go no where bb.. i am asking u
if u will go
03/11/2019, 6:08 pm - My Love: Now or when
03/11/2019, 6:08 pm - My Love: Because u told me u will help someone
03/11/2019, 6:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I am waiting
03/11/2019, 6:08 pm - My Love: And still i see u here
03/11/2019, 6:08 pm - Emmanuel �: For the man to come hun
03/11/2019, 6:09 pm - Emmanuel �: But He not reach yet
03/11/2019, 6:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
03/11/2019, 6:09 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
03/11/2019, 6:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I have good news
03/11/2019, 6:10 pm - Emmanuel �: For you
03/11/2019, 6:10 pm - My Love: Yeesss
03/11/2019, 6:10 pm - My Love: Realllyyy
03/11/2019, 6:10 pm - My Love: Teeellll meee
03/11/2019, 6:10 pm - My Love: ����� �����
� ����� ����
03/11/2019, 6:10 pm - Emmanuel �: You want to call
03/11/2019, 6:10 pm - My Love: Yes
03/11/2019, 6:10 pm - My Love: Please wait
03/11/2019, 6:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
03/11/2019, 6:10 pm - My Love: I am searching for the headphone
03/11/2019, 6:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I like your belly
03/11/2019, 6:11 pm - Emmanuel �: It very sexy
03/11/2019, 6:24 pm - My Love: https://images.app.goo.gl/oMYw9ojA6ujdgo4R9
03/11/2019, 6:26 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
03/11/2019, 6:27 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
03/11/2019, 6:30 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
03/11/2019, 6:34 pm - My Love: https://images.app.goo.gl/V5W9S1ruYEFtFrBK8
03/11/2019, 6:34 pm - My Love: https://images.app.goo.gl/dauKqsKXUjjxJSbs6
03/11/2019, 6:42 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
03/11/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: It is beautiful
03/11/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Mi vida
03/11/2019, 8:42 pm - My Love: U reach home�
03/11/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: My cielo
03/11/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Just reach home
03/11/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: I tought u would of take more longer
03/11/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I kiss you up
03/11/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: ����
03/11/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: Kiss with tongue??
03/11/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: Or just a normal kiss bb??
03/11/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Which one you want
03/11/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: All in one
03/11/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: �
03/11/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: With tongue
03/11/2019, 8:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Well you can have it
03/11/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: With lips
03/11/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: With bite
03/11/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: Everything bb
03/11/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: But slow hun
03/11/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: To enjoy every second bb
03/11/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: With u
03/11/2019, 8:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Everything is for you
03/11/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: U are my misterious paradaise that i want to lost in
03/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: You are the same for me
03/11/2019, 8:48 pm - Emmanuel �: I want our love to grow more
03/11/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: I want the same bb
03/11/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: I want to be hours and hours kissing you
03/11/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: Huging u
03/11/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: Touching and going deep in your misterious body
03/11/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I would love this
03/11/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: I want it to be my hobby
03/11/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: I love to be with u bb
03/11/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know how you will do this
03/11/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: I want your smeel become my smeel
03/11/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: You sure about this lol
03/11/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: Been hours and hours with you close to each other..
and touch each other hun
03/11/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: Yes..
03/11/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you so much
03/11/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: Yes bb
03/11/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: I want to wear your clothes bb
03/11/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: Only your yersie
03/11/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: And be naked
03/11/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Who am I talking to
03/11/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: But using your yersie
03/11/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: What u mean bb??
03/11/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: And what have you done with my girlfriend
03/11/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
03/11/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: Hun
03/11/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: What u are saying bb
03/11/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Yummy it will be the best sight for me to see
03/11/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: You seem different
03/11/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
03/11/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: More passionate
03/11/2019, 8:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Like something come over you
03/11/2019, 8:52 pm - My Love: I want to be with u bb
03/11/2019, 8:52 pm - My Love: Lol
03/11/2019, 8:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I never hear you talk that way before
03/11/2019, 8:52 pm - My Love: U want me to speak or not
03/11/2019, 8:52 pm - My Love: �
03/11/2019, 8:52 pm - My Love: Hehe
03/11/2019, 8:52 pm - My Love: I keep it for a special moment bb
03/11/2019, 8:52 pm - My Love: But i understand today
03/11/2019, 8:52 pm - My Love: That
03/11/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: No I am just shock
03/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: We have to make our today special bb
03/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: So
03/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: I want to our today be special bb
03/11/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: What make you understand this ?
03/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: Because i want u to always remember theses days
03/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: I just realize it bb
03/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: When we was talking on the phone
03/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: And when i put it to charge
03/11/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: You want to video or not
03/11/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
03/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: �
03/11/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
03/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: Yeeaahh
03/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love:
03/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: You gone ����
03/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: �
s03/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �s
: I wish to see you in this
03/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Jejejejejejeje
04/11/2019, 6:10 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my lover girl
04/11/2019, 6:10 am - Emmanuel �: I miss you so much
04/11/2019, 6:10 am - Emmanuel �: I love you with all my heart
04/11/2019, 6:10 am - Emmanuel �: I am late for work
04/11/2019, 6:10 am - Emmanuel �: I love you
04/11/2019, 6:10 am - Emmanuel �: Have a wonderful day
04/11/2019, 7:48 am - My Love: Gooooodddd moorrrnniiinnnggg myy prince of my heart
04/11/2019, 7:48 am - My Love: ����
04/11/2019, 7:48 am - My Love: Last niggt the internet cut
04/11/2019, 7:48 am - My Love:
04/11/2019, 7:49 am - My Love: I miss u so much my bbb
04/11/2019, 7:49 am - My Love: I loveeeeee you my dream come tru��
04/11/2019, 7:49 am - My Love: U are my everything bb
04/11/2019, 7:50 am - My Love: Have a wonderful and blessed day my bb
04/11/2019, 7:50 am - My Love: I kiss u up
04/11/2019, 7:50 am - My Love: ������
04/11/2019, 1:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I love your kisses
04/11/2019, 1:59 pm - Emmanuel �: And I love you
04/11/2019, 2:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you to
04/11/2019, 2:00 pm - Emmanuel �: You are the same
04/11/2019, 2:53 pm - My Love: My lovvveerrrr
04/11/2019, 5:01 pm - My Love: Bbb
04/11/2019, 5:01 pm - My Love: U are theree
04/11/2019, 5:01 pm - My Love: Huunn
04/11/2019, 5:01 pm - My Love: My princeee
04/11/2019, 5:01 pm - My Love: ���
04/11/2019, 5:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes love
04/11/2019, 5:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I just come from working
04/11/2019, 5:06 pm - My Love: U didnt tell me
04/11/2019, 5:06 pm - My Love: U was here
04/11/2019, 5:06 pm - My Love: ��
04/11/2019, 5:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I am here my love
04/11/2019, 5:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I hold you tight
04/11/2019, 5:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you
04/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: Listen
04/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: U didnt write me first when u reach
04/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: �
04/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: �
04/11/2019, 5:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
04/11/2019, 5:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Sorry bb
04/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: Why u not do it
04/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: I cuf u
04/11/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you were not here first
04/11/2019, 5:09 pm - My Love: I was online all the time
04/11/2019, 5:09 pm - My Love: I was on the phone
04/11/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I didn't see you
04/11/2019, 5:09 pm - My Love: All the time
04/11/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Online
04/11/2019, 5:09 pm - My Love: U cant write me
04/11/2019, 5:09 pm - My Love: ??
04/11/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Love
04/11/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
04/11/2019, 5:10 pm - Emmanuel �: But also was write dave
04/11/2019, 5:10 pm - Emmanuel �: My elder from church
04/11/2019, 5:10 pm - Emmanuel �: When you write me
04/11/2019, 5:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry I didn't write you as I got home
04/11/2019, 5:11 pm - My Love: Its ok bb
04/11/2019, 5:12 pm - My Love: Hun
04/11/2019, 5:12 pm - My Love: I feel terrible bad
04/11/2019, 5:12 pm - My Love: I have my period
04/11/2019, 5:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Why my lover
04/11/2019, 5:13 pm - My Love: I am not well
04/11/2019, 5:13 pm - My Love: I have pain
04/11/2019, 5:16 pm - Emmanuel �: What kind of pain hun
04/11/2019, 5:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Where is the pain
04/11/2019, 5:16 pm - Emmanuel �: What part of your body
04/11/2019, 5:16 pm - Emmanuel �: You have the virus
04/11/2019, 5:18 pm - My Love: Noo bb
04/11/2019, 5:18 pm - My Love: Is pain from the period
04/11/2019, 5:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
04/11/2019, 5:19 pm - My Love: I love u bb
04/11/2019, 5:20 pm - Emmanuel �: How much you love me from 1 to 100
04/11/2019, 5:20 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
04/11/2019, 5:21 pm - My Love: There is no number hun
04/11/2019, 5:21 pm - Emmanuel �: What number
04/11/2019, 5:21 pm - My Love: ���
04/11/2019, 5:21 pm - Emmanuel �: If you had to use a word to describe how much
you love me
04/11/2019, 5:22 pm - Emmanuel �: What word you will use
04/11/2019, 5:22 pm - My Love: Infinity
04/11/2019, 5:22 pm - My Love: ���
04/11/2019, 5:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Waaaaaa
04/11/2019, 5:24 pm - My Love: Haha
04/11/2019, 5:24 pm - My Love: ��
04/11/2019, 5:24 pm - Emmanuel �: You really in love
04/11/2019, 5:25 pm - Emmanuel �: And if you had to do one action to show me how
much you love me
04/11/2019, 5:25 pm - Emmanuel �: What action will you choose
04/11/2019, 5:26 pm - My Love: Give u my heart in one baxs, n die
04/11/2019, 5:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Naaaaa
04/11/2019, 5:26 pm - My Love: Yes hun
04/11/2019, 5:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want you to dir
04/11/2019, 5:26 pm - My Love: I will do it
04/11/2019, 5:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Die
04/11/2019, 5:27 pm - My Love: If i have to
04/11/2019, 5:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I believe you but I just want you to be with me
04/11/2019, 5:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to lose you
04/11/2019, 5:28 pm - My Love: Oohh ok my bb
04/11/2019, 5:28 pm - My Love: Well
04/11/2019, 5:28 pm - My Love: My action will be
04/11/2019, 5:29 pm - My Love: Made a big letter
04/11/2019, 5:29 pm - My Love: That i love you
04/11/2019, 5:29 pm - My Love: In a mall
04/11/2019, 5:29 pm - My Love: With all your family
04/11/2019, 5:29 pm - My Love: And me there
04/11/2019, 5:29 pm - My Love: In front of every one
04/11/2019, 5:29 pm - Emmanuel �: �
04/11/2019, 5:29 pm - My Love: Hehehe
04/11/2019, 5:29 pm - My Love: And that is nothing bb
04/11/2019, 5:30 pm - My Love: ���
04/11/2019, 5:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Who is your best friend in the whole world ?
04/11/2019, 5:30 pm - My Love: U like the idea bb??
04/11/2019, 5:30 pm - My Love: U
04/11/2019, 5:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Honestly I don't like to much to make our
relationship public
04/11/2019, 5:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I like to keep things between you and me
04/11/2019, 5:31 pm - Emmanuel �: You are mines to
04/11/2019, 5:32 pm - Emmanuel �: If you could live one of your dream for a day
04/11/2019, 5:32 pm - Emmanuel �: What dream it would be
04/11/2019, 5:32 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
04/11/2019, 5:32 pm - My Love: Oohh i see my bb
04/11/2019, 5:33 pm - My Love: Spend the day with u
04/11/2019, 5:33 pm - My Love: I want this to happen now
04/11/2019, 5:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Because people are fast and love to know your
business and invent histories about you
04/11/2019, 5:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Me to
04/11/2019, 5:34 pm - My Love: I understand bb
04/11/2019, 5:34 pm - Emmanuel �: What part of my body is your favorite
04/11/2019, 5:34 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
04/11/2019, 5:35 pm - My Love: Is only one part i have to choose??
04/11/2019, 5:35 pm - My Love: I cant say all
04/11/2019, 5:35 pm - My Love:
04/11/2019, 5:35 pm - My Love: I love your chest
04/11/2019, 5:36 pm - My Love: Your butt
04/11/2019, 5:36 pm - My Love: Your lips
04/11/2019, 5:36 pm - My Love: Your arms
04/11/2019, 5:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Awwww
04/11/2019, 5:38 pm - My Love: Every where bb
04/11/2019, 5:38 pm - Emmanuel �: What would you like me to do when you are sick
04/11/2019, 5:38 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
04/11/2019, 5:39 pm - My Love: Be available to anything
04/11/2019, 5:39 pm - My Love:
04/11/2019, 5:39 pm - Emmanuel �: And when you have period
04/11/2019, 5:39 pm - Emmanuel �: And pain
04/11/2019, 5:39 pm - My Love: because
04/11/2019, 5:39 pm - My Love: I change my mind every second
04/11/2019, 5:39 pm - My Love: Like now
04/11/2019, 5:39 pm - My Love: I want
04/11/2019, 5:39 pm - My Love: Judge
04/11/2019, 5:39 pm - My Love: I didnt eat lunch
04/11/2019, 5:39 pm - My Love: I dont feel hungry
04/11/2019, 5:40 pm - My Love: I am eating now a biskuite
04/11/2019, 5:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay cool
04/11/2019, 5:40 pm - My Love: Just now i wanted to walk
04/11/2019, 5:40 pm - My Love: Just now i wanted the place hot
04/11/2019, 5:40 pm - My Love: Because here is cold
04/11/2019, 5:40 pm - My Love: The place is cold
04/11/2019, 5:40 pm - My Love: So
04/11/2019, 5:40 pm - My Love: U have to be avalaible to anything bb
04/11/2019, 5:41 pm - My Love: Hope u have patient
04/11/2019, 5:41 pm - Emmanuel �: For you I will learn
04/11/2019, 5:41 pm - Emmanuel �: When you love someone
04/11/2019, 5:42 pm - Emmanuel �: You do your best for that person
04/11/2019, 5:43 pm - My Love: Yes my love
04/11/2019, 5:44 pm - Emmanuel �: What would you like me do when you had a
difficult day
04/11/2019, 5:44 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
04/11/2019, 5:45 pm - My Love: U mean if i get weary or when i get upset??
04/11/2019, 5:45 pm - My Love: Because weary, u can give me a massage and take care
of me
04/11/2019, 5:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Both
04/11/2019, 5:46 pm - My Love: And tired.. for relax i will like to go out and walk
to the park or something
04/11/2019, 5:46 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
04/11/2019, 5:46 pm - My Love: Or somewhere
04/11/2019, 5:46 pm - My Love: Not tired. Is upset
04/11/2019, 5:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
04/11/2019, 5:47 pm - My Love: Yes bb
04/11/2019, 5:47 pm - My Love: Tell me hun
04/11/2019, 5:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Can we look at different colors for the
04/11/2019, 5:47 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
04/11/2019, 5:48 pm - My Love: U want a different colour bb??
04/11/2019, 5:48 pm - Emmanuel �: What was the first colour ?
04/11/2019, 5:48 pm - Emmanuel �: We choose
04/11/2019, 5:49 pm - Emmanuel �: You comfortable with this right?
04/11/2019, 5:49 pm - Emmanuel �: For the hall
04/11/2019, 5:50 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
04/11/2019, 5:50 pm - My Love: I dont want a next colour
04/11/2019, 5:51 pm - My Love: U want to do video call bb?
04/11/2019, 5:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
04/11/2019, 5:52 pm - My Love: I love u bb
04/11/2019, 6:03 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
04/11/2019, 6:03 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
04/11/2019, 6:03 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
04/11/2019, 6:08 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
04/11/2019, 6:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Daniel is in the room
04/11/2019, 6:22 pm - Emmanuel �: With me
04/11/2019, 6:22 pm - My Love: Ok my love
04/11/2019, 6:46 pm - My Love: Where u dissaper
04/11/2019, 6:46 pm - My Love: I will charge the phone now bb
04/11/2019, 7:23 pm - Emmanuel �: My battery died hun
04/11/2019, 7:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I will charge my phone to
04/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: Bb
04/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: I am here
04/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes my love
04/11/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: Hun
04/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I am going to drop something for Carolina
04/11/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: I am not feeling well bb
04/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: And come back
04/11/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
04/11/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: Dont take longer bb
04/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: �
04/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: No
04/11/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Love
04/11/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: I am coming back to you now
04/11/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: I miss u bb
04/11/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
04/11/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you to
04/11/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: Hun
04/11/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: My internet can cut anytime hun
04/11/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: I will tell u good night bb
04/11/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: I loveeeeeeee u soooo much my hotest coffe
04/11/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: I love u bb
04/11/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: U make me be crazy for u every single day
04/11/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Lover
04/11/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: You there
04/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: Yes my bbbb
04/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: ��
04/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: Huunnn
04/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: U take longer bb��������
04/11/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: You know how Anthony love me
04/11/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: He is trying to tief me
04/11/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: Not more than me�
04/11/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: From you
04/11/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: Lol
04/11/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: But I run away
04/11/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: I will kill him
04/11/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: ��

04/11/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Never
04/11/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: You love me the most
04/11/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: ��
04/11/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: I love u bb
04/11/2019, 8:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Can I call
04/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: What he was telling u bb
04/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: Bb
04/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: Its late hun
04/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: Next time ok
04/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: I love u darling
04/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: ���
04/11/2019, 8:56 pm - Emmanuel �: We were more talking about church things
04/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: Ohh cooll bb
04/11/2019, 8:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
04/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: How is victoria
04/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: ??
04/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: Your Goddaugther
04/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: She is trying to tief me to
04/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I play with her mich
04/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Much
04/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: ��
04/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: She likes to be on me
04/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: So u distract your self
04/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: And u gone
04/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: Eh
04/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: And leave me
04/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love:
04/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: Oohh woww
04/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: You are more important
04/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: But not much like me bb
04/11/2019, 8:58 pm - Emmanuel �: That is why i tell them I need to go
04/11/2019, 8:58 pm - Emmanuel �: And I run home faster
04/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: And what them tell u ??
04/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: Hehe
04/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I tell them at night your internet cuts
04/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: Ohh iok
04/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: And I need to tell you good night
04/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: And what them tell u bb?
04/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Before that happens
04/11/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Them tell me go fast
04/11/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Before it cuts
04/11/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: And you kill me in the morning
04/11/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: Hehehehe them was laughing u bb??
04/11/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
04/11/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
04/11/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
04/11/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
04/11/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: You there
05/11/2019, 7:14 am - My Love: Bbbbbbbb
05/11/2019, 7:14 am - My Love: My lover
05/11/2019, 7:14 am - My Love: U forget me??
05/11/2019, 7:14 am - My Love: U didnt write me this morning
05/11/2019, 7:14 am - My Love:
05/11/2019, 7:28 am - My Love: I hate u
05/11/2019, 7:28 am - My Love: �
05/11/2019, 7:28 am - My Love: ��
05/11/2019, 7:28 am - My Love: I love u bbbb
05/11/2019, 7:28 am - My Love: I have a good news for u bb
05/11/2019, 7:28 am - My Love: ���
05/11/2019, 10:34 am - Emmanuel �: I didn't forget you
05/11/2019, 10:35 am - Emmanuel �: My phone battery died during the night
05/11/2019, 10:35 am - Emmanuel �: And I got up.late
05/11/2019, 10:35 am - My Love: Ohh ok my loveerr
05/11/2019, 10:35 am - My Love: U are there hun?
05/11/2019, 10:35 am - My Love: U are working now??
05/11/2019, 10:35 am - My Love: I miss u my bb
05/11/2019, 10:36 am - Emmanuel �: I miss you to
05/11/2019, 10:36 am - Emmanuel �: No hun
05/11/2019, 10:37 am - My Love: Can i call u bb??
05/11/2019, 10:37 am - Emmanuel �: I just came from work
05/11/2019, 10:37 am - My Love: On video?
05/11/2019, 10:37 am - Emmanuel �: I want to bathe first love
05/11/2019, 10:37 am - Emmanuel �: The sun was extremely hot today
05/11/2019, 10:37 am - My Love: Ok bb! Go ahead.. and come back so we can talk bb
05/11/2019, 10:38 am - My Love: Its ok my love
05/11/2019, 10:38 am - My Love: I love u darling
05/11/2019, 10:39 am - Emmanuel �: Okay my love
05/11/2019, 10:50 am - My Love: When u are ready tell me bb
05/11/2019, 11:07 am - Emmanuel �: Hun
05/11/2019, 11:08 am - Emmanuel �: I am here
05/11/2019, 11:08 am - My Love: U finisshh
05/11/2019, 11:08 am - My Love: ??
05/11/2019, 11:08 am - My Love:
05/11/2019, 11:08 am - Emmanuel �: Yeah
05/11/2019, 11:08 am - Emmanuel �: My love
05/11/2019, 1:24 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
05/11/2019, 1:25 pm - My Love: My princeee
05/11/2019, 1:25 pm - My Love: Hun..
05/11/2019, 1:25 pm - My Love: I am not feeling well bb
05/11/2019, 1:25 pm - My Love: I will go sleep a while ok my darling
05/11/2019, 1:25 pm - My Love:
05/11/2019, 1:25 pm - My Love: I love u my star boy
05/11/2019, 1:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Sleep well my queen
05/11/2019, 1:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Hope you feel better soon my love
05/11/2019, 1:26 pm - My Love: Hope the same bbb
05/11/2019, 1:26 pm - My Love:
05/11/2019, 1:26 pm - My Love: Kiss me bb
05/11/2019, 1:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you my brighter than the stars girl
05/11/2019, 1:26 pm - My Love: I am going now my lover
05/11/2019, 1:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Always
05/11/2019, 1:26 pm - My Love: ���
05/11/2019, 1:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
05/11/2019, 1:26 pm - My Love: Bye my infity love
05/11/2019, 1:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye
05/11/2019, 1:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Love you forever
05/11/2019, 1:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye my love
05/11/2019, 1:27 pm - My Love: I loveeeee uuuuu
05/11/2019, 1:27 pm - My Love: �
05/11/2019, 3:31 pm - My Love: My lover
05/11/2019, 3:31 pm - My Love: ��
05/11/2019, 3:31 pm - My Love: My sweet heart
05/11/2019, 3:31 pm - My Love: I am here
05/11/2019, 3:32 pm - Emmanuel �: You sleep ?
05/11/2019, 3:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
05/11/2019, 3:32 pm - My Love: Yes hun
05/11/2019, 3:32 pm - Emmanuel �: How you feeling
05/11/2019, 3:32 pm - My Love: U want to call b??
05/11/2019, 3:32 pm - My Love: Better.. my head is hurting a litle bb
05/11/2019, 3:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
05/11/2019, 4:07 pm - My Love: https://images.app.goo.gl/kmaW2KhuauA8Li777
05/11/2019, 4:10 pm - My Love: https://images.app.goo.gl/CZ9Mpcmkp22WaWz78
05/11/2019, 4:12 pm - My Love: https://images.app.goo.gl/JzAJGq1GHDgnSwSBA
05/11/2019, 4:13 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
05/11/2019, 4:49 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
05/11/2019, 4:50 pm - My Love: U
05/11/2019, 4:50 pm - My Love: Hey
05/11/2019, 4:50 pm - Emmanuel �: My sexy belly girl
05/11/2019, 5:00 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
05/11/2019, 5:45 pm - Emmanuel �: https://youtu.be/CvWiYs1cnbE
05/11/2019, 5:47 pm - Emmanuel �: https://youtu.be/5lOoOOLl-cY
05/11/2019, 6:05 pm - My Love: U are there bb?
05/11/2019, 6:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
05/11/2019, 6:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
05/11/2019, 6:06 pm - My Love: U want to call?
05/11/2019, 6:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
05/11/2019, 6:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
05/11/2019, 7:15 pm - My Love: Bbb
05/11/2019, 7:15 pm - My Love: I am here hun
05/11/2019, 7:16 pm - My Love: I dont know if u finish bb
05/11/2019, 7:16 pm - My Love: But i am here bb
05/11/2019, 7:16 pm - My Love: Ok
05/11/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: My lover
05/11/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: The internet will cut off anytime bb
05/11/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love:
05/11/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: Where are u bb
05/11/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Lover
05/11/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: You there
05/11/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you bb
05/11/2019, 8:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night
05/11/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry my love
05/11/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I went over by a old lady from church to help
her with her tv
05/11/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: And the rain come and keep me there
06/11/2019, 5:25 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my love
06/11/2019, 5:26 am - Emmanuel �: I hope you have a wonderful day today on your
06/11/2019, 5:26 am - Emmanuel �: Even tho this job is different
06/11/2019, 5:27 am - Emmanuel �: And the man is Christian
06/11/2019, 5:27 am - Emmanuel �: I still want to tell you to remember that you
are in a relationship
06/11/2019, 5:28 am - Emmanuel �: And please honor the relationship
06/11/2019, 5:28 am - Emmanuel �: So that God will continue to be in this
relationship and bless us
06/11/2019, 5:29 am - Emmanuel �: So please be careful
06/11/2019, 5:29 am - Emmanuel �: And faithful
06/11/2019, 5:29 am - Emmanuel �: Have a wonderful
06/11/2019, 6:19 am - My Love: My loveeeerrrr
b06/11/2019, 6:19 am - My Love: I miss u last niggr bb
06/11/2019, 6:20 am - My Love: I loveeeeeeee u my bbbbbbbb
06/11/2019, 6:20 am - My Love: I hug u up my lover
06/11/2019, 6:20 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
06/11/2019, 6:20 am - My Love: Take care my bbbbb
06/11/2019, 6:20 am - My Love: Have a great day my lover
06/11/2019, 6:21 am - My Love: Yes my lover.. u are first more than anything else
in this earth my bb
06/11/2019, 6:21 am - My Love: U are in my heart always my lover
06/11/2019, 4:51 pm - My Love: My loveeerrr
06/11/2019, 4:51 pm - My Love:
06/11/2019, 4:52 pm - My Love: I just reach home bbbb
06/11/2019, 4:52 pm - My Love: ���
06/11/2019, 5:05 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
06/11/2019, 5:06 pm - My Love: My princeeeeeeee
06/11/2019, 5:06 pm - Emmanuel �: I have church today
06/11/2019, 5:06 pm - My Love:
06/11/2019, 5:06 pm - My Love: Ohh i seeee my bbb
06/11/2019, 5:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Good evening bb
06/11/2019, 5:06 pm - Emmanuel �: How was your first day
06/11/2019, 5:06 pm - Emmanuel �: I revive you with a hug and a kiss
06/11/2019, 5:06 pm - Emmanuel �: I think you are tired
06/11/2019, 5:07 pm - Emmanuel �: ����
06/11/2019, 5:07 pm - My Love: Aaaaawwwwwwww
06/11/2019, 5:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I am holding you tight
06/11/2019, 5:07 pm - My Love: Bored
06/11/2019, 5:07 pm - My Love: Lol
06/11/2019, 5:07 pm - My Love: I didnt do anything
06/11/2019, 5:07 pm - My Love: �
06/11/2019, 5:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Really
06/11/2019, 5:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol
06/11/2019, 5:07 pm - My Love: I am new
06/11/2019, 5:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
06/11/2019, 5:07 pm - My Love: So i cant do anything as get
06/11/2019, 5:07 pm - My Love: I did litle
06/11/2019, 5:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I understand
06/11/2019, 5:07 pm - My Love: But not much
06/11/2019, 5:07 pm - My Love: I need to learn much names of items
06/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: I will get costume soon
06/11/2019, 5:08 pm - Emmanuel �: But you learn fast so soon you will know much
06/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: Yeess
06/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: I love u bbb
06/11/2019, 5:08 pm - Emmanuel �: This I know
06/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love:
06/11/2019, 5:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I know you good
06/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: The peoples are good
06/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: For be the first day
06/11/2019, 5:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Love you to
06/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: But peoples after them does change
06/11/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Well I think them people more are Christians
06/11/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: But still be wise
06/11/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: And be careful
06/11/2019, 5:09 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
06/11/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Of what you say and do
06/11/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: On the job
06/11/2019, 5:10 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
06/11/2019, 5:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Maybe God use that situation to move you from
that other place before something worse happed
06/11/2019, 5:10 pm - Emmanuel �: God knows best
06/11/2019, 5:10 pm - My Love: I dont know bb
06/11/2019, 5:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Just be wise
06/11/2019, 5:11 pm - Emmanuel �: That is all
06/11/2019, 5:11 pm - My Love: Yes my love
06/11/2019, 5:11 pm - Emmanuel �: And everything will be okay
06/11/2019, 5:11 pm - My Love: I will bb
06/11/2019, 5:11 pm - Emmanuel �: You have service
06/11/2019, 5:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Tonight
06/11/2019, 5:11 pm - My Love: Yes..
06/11/2019, 5:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I have to leave soon hun
06/11/2019, 5:12 pm - Emmanuel �: We can talk tonight
06/11/2019, 5:12 pm - Emmanuel �: When i get home
06/11/2019, 5:13 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
06/11/2019, 5:14 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
06/11/2019, 5:14 pm - My Love: Yes my lover.. hun remember to write me before 9pm
06/11/2019, 5:14 pm - My Love: Because the internet will cut
06/11/2019, 5:14 pm - My Love: Waaaaaaaaaaa
06/11/2019, 5:14 pm - My Love: Look at my teddy bear
06/11/2019, 5:14 pm - My Love: Eh
06/11/2019, 5:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know if I will be back so early
06/11/2019, 5:14 pm - My Love: ������� � �������
06/11/2019, 5:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
06/11/2019, 5:14 pm - My Love: I feel to danceeeee
06/11/2019, 5:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry
06/11/2019, 5:14 pm - My Love:
06/11/2019, 5:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Well come
06/11/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love: Huunn
06/11/2019, 5:15 pm - Emmanuel �: And dance with me
06/11/2019, 5:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes love
06/11/2019, 5:15 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
06/11/2019, 5:15 pm - Emmanuel �: What
06/11/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love:
06/11/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love: Bb
06/11/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love: �
06/11/2019, 5:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes bb
06/11/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love: I want u bb
06/11/2019, 5:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me
06/11/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love: Now
06/11/2019, 5:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I am yours lover
06/11/2019, 5:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Now and always
06/11/2019, 5:16 pm - My Love: Hun.. i will not have u bb before 9pm
06/11/2019, 5:16 pm - My Love:
06/11/2019, 5:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I know bb
06/11/2019, 5:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Only on Wednesday
06/11/2019, 5:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Because our church is longer
06/11/2019, 5:17 pm - My Love: I know my lover
06/11/2019, 5:17 pm - My Love: Theses days u didnt tell me good night
06/11/2019, 5:17 pm - My Love: Since 3 days noe
06/11/2019, 5:17 pm - My Love: Now
06/11/2019, 5:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I never know the people doese take of them
06/11/2019, 5:17 pm - My Love: I miss u bb
06/11/2019, 5:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Is it my fault hun
06/11/2019, 5:17 pm - My Love: Now them does it
06/11/2019, 5:17 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't think I go to bed missing you
06/11/2019, 5:17 pm - My Love: Because my mom in on the phone until 12pm or even
06/11/2019, 5:18 pm - My Love: That is why
06/11/2019, 5:18 pm - Emmanuel �: When you are sleeping I am up late
06/11/2019, 5:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Missing you
06/11/2019, 5:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I can't sleep early
06/11/2019, 5:18 pm - My Love: Hun i cant do anything bb
06/11/2019, 5:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Well I am sorry to hear that
06/11/2019, 5:18 pm - My Love: About ot
06/11/2019, 5:18 pm - My Love: It
06/11/2019, 5:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Either can I love
06/11/2019, 5:19 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
06/11/2019, 5:19 pm - My Love: Its ok
06/11/2019, 5:19 pm - My Love: Dont bother
06/11/2019, 5:19 pm - Emmanuel �: You think I don't want to tell you good night
my love
06/11/2019, 5:19 pm - My Love: Everything is well hun
06/11/2019, 5:19 pm - My Love: Yes i know u want bb
06/11/2019, 5:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
06/11/2019, 5:20 pm - Emmanuel �: I will tell you it now
06/11/2019, 5:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Have a good night my only one
06/11/2019, 5:20 pm - Emmanuel �: And tonight when you rest
06/11/2019, 5:21 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish you rest well my only love
06/11/2019, 5:21 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you much
06/11/2019, 5:21 pm - Emmanuel �: With all my heart
06/11/2019, 5:21 pm - My Love: ����
06/11/2019, 5:21 pm - My Love: I love u my bb
06/11/2019, 5:21 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry that things have to be this way
06/11/2019, 5:21 pm - My Love: Thank u my hun
06/11/2019, 5:21 pm - Emmanuel �: My princess
06/11/2019, 5:21 pm - My Love: �
06/11/2019, 5:21 pm - My Love: U make me feek better bb
06/11/2019, 5:21 pm - Emmanuel �: I hope our future will be better
06/11/2019, 5:22 pm - Emmanuel �: It is my duty as your boyfriend to make you
better always
06/11/2019, 5:22 pm - My Love: Hun.. hug me bb
06/11/2019, 5:22 pm - My Love: I miss u my darling
06/11/2019, 5:22 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry for the times I not do it bb forgive
06/11/2019, 5:22 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
06/11/2019, 5:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Will all my love I hold you
06/11/2019, 5:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you my lover
06/11/2019, 5:23 pm - My Love: I love u my bb
06/11/2019, 5:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you much
06/11/2019, 5:23 pm - My Love:
06/11/2019, 5:23 pm - Emmanuel �: More that anything
06/11/2019, 5:23 pm - My Love: Hun
06/11/2019, 5:23 pm - My Love: Kiss me bb
06/11/2019, 5:23 pm - My Love: Please
06/11/2019, 5:24 pm - Emmanuel �: This is the best thing my eyes have seen all
06/11/2019, 5:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Where all over ?
06/11/2019, 5:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Or just your lips
06/11/2019, 5:24 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
06/11/2019, 5:24 pm - My Love: .y lips
06/11/2019, 5:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I kiss you slowly
06/11/2019, 5:25 pm - My Love: I love it bb
06/11/2019, 5:25 pm - Emmanuel �: And make you enjoy the moment
06/11/2019, 5:25 pm - My Love: �
06/11/2019, 5:25 pm - My Love: I love u my darling
06/11/2019, 5:25 pm - Emmanuel �: So beautiful
06/11/2019, 5:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you to my love
06/11/2019, 5:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
06/11/2019, 5:26 pm - My Love: Yes bb
06/11/2019, 5:26 pm - Emmanuel �: When is 6 I will go okay
06/11/2019, 5:26 pm - My Love: U are my best part of this day bb
06/11/2019, 5:26 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
06/11/2019, 5:26 pm - Emmanuel �: You are mine best part
06/11/2019, 5:26 pm - My Love: Rain is falling here bb
06/11/2019, 5:27 pm - My Love: So i dont know if we will go to church today
06/11/2019, 5:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay I see
06/11/2019, 5:28 pm - Emmanuel �: When rain fall here in the day
06/11/2019, 5:28 pm - Emmanuel �: It comes to you
06/11/2019, 5:28 pm - Emmanuel �: From Trinidad
06/11/2019, 5:28 pm - My Love: I see bb
06/11/2019, 5:28 pm - My Love: Hehe
06/11/2019, 5:28 pm - Emmanuel �: It used to happen faster in Venezuela
06/11/2019, 5:29 pm - My Love: Yes bb
06/11/2019, 5:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Because Venezuela is close to Trinidad
06/11/2019, 5:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Than Guyana
06/11/2019, 5:29 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
06/11/2019, 5:29 pm - My Love: Its so
06/11/2019, 5:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun the is a point in Venezuela that is only 8
miles from Trinidad
06/11/2019, 5:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun that is really really close
06/11/2019, 5:30 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
06/11/2019, 5:33 pm - My Love: Aaaaewe
06/11/2019, 5:33 pm - My Love: ��
06/11/2019, 5:33 pm - Emmanuel �: The man doesn’t know that there is a snake
underneath. The woman doesn’t know that there is a stone crushing the man. The
woman thinks: “I am going to fall! And I can’t climb because the snake is going to
bite me! Why can’t the man use a little more strength and pull me up!” The man
thinks: “I am in so much pain! Yet I’m still pulling you as much as I can! Why
don’t you try and climb a little harder!?”

The moral is— you can’t see the pressure the other person is under, and the other
person can’t see the pain you’re in. This is life, whether it’s with work, family,
feelings or friends, we should try to understand each other. Learn to think
differently, perhaps more clearly and communicate better. A little thought and
patience goes a long way.
Be kind to people. Everyone we meet is fighting their own battle.

Credit: LinkedIn by Con Nicols

06/11/2019, 5:33 pm - My Love: U kill me of much love bb
06/11/2019, 5:34 pm - My Love: Love it
06/11/2019, 5:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Wait hun
06/11/2019, 5:35 pm - Emmanuel �: You have to read it with the photo
06/11/2019, 5:35 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
06/11/2019, 5:35 pm - My Love: I read this before
06/11/2019, 5:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Read this with the photo
06/11/2019, 5:35 pm - My Love: I understand it bb
06/11/2019, 5:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Oh
06/11/2019, 5:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
06/11/2019, 5:36 pm - Emmanuel �: When you don't know what another person is
going tru
06/11/2019, 5:37 pm - Emmanuel �: You sometime can think them not helping you
enough in the relationship
06/11/2019, 5:37 pm - Emmanuel �: That is why communication is important
06/11/2019, 5:38 pm - Emmanuel �: If you tell me the enemies in your life
06/11/2019, 5:38 pm - Emmanuel �: And I tell you the enemies in mines
06/11/2019, 5:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Together we can overcome them
06/11/2019, 5:39 pm - Emmanuel �: But if we stay silent the enemy will have more
06/11/2019, 5:44 pm - My Love: I understand my lover
06/11/2019, 5:45 pm - My Love: Sometimes i dont keep my self in silence
06/11/2019, 5:45 pm - Emmanuel �: You are my best friend
06/11/2019, 5:45 pm - My Love: I keep*
06/11/2019, 5:45 pm - My Love: U are mines too bb
06/11/2019, 5:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want no friends
06/11/2019, 5:45 pm - Emmanuel �: You are enough for me
06/11/2019, 5:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I just want you
06/11/2019, 5:45 pm - Emmanuel �: ? What you mean love
06/11/2019, 5:46 pm - My Love: Sometimes i keep my self silent bb
06/11/2019, 5:46 pm - My Love: When things happen hun
06/11/2019, 5:46 pm - My Love: I just want u too bb
06/11/2019, 5:46 pm - My Love:
06/11/2019, 5:47 pm - My Love: I will eat bb
06/11/2019, 5:47 pm - My Love: Ok
06/11/2019, 5:47 pm - My Love: But i am here bb
06/11/2019, 5:47 pm - My Love: Until 6pm
06/11/2019, 5:48 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you to eat me
06/11/2019, 5:48 pm - Emmanuel �: I am encouraging you to do it
06/11/2019, 5:49 pm - My Love: ��
06/11/2019, 5:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Always come to me and I will always come to you
06/11/2019, 5:50 pm - Emmanuel �: And I will try to be more understanding when you
tell me something
06/11/2019, 5:50 pm - Emmanuel �: That is hard for you to.say
06/11/2019, 5:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I will try to to behave like I did in the past
06/11/2019, 5:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Even when it is something hard to hear
06/11/2019, 5:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I want us to be open to each other
06/11/2019, 5:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Know secrets
06/11/2019, 5:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Not silence
06/11/2019, 5:52 pm - Emmanuel �: So the enemy will have nothing to use against
06/11/2019, 5:52 pm - My Love: I understand bb
06/11/2019, 5:58 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you more than you will ever know
06/11/2019, 5:58 pm - Emmanuel �: I was hearing you
06/11/2019, 5:58 pm - My Love:
06/11/2019, 5:58 pm - Emmanuel �: I know I am fat
06/11/2019, 5:58 pm - My Love: I was not
06/11/2019, 5:58 pm - Emmanuel �: And I love it
06/11/2019, 5:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Because God design me so
06/11/2019, 5:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Hey everything is well
06/11/2019, 5:59 pm - My Love: I didnt mean this bb
06/11/2019, 5:59 pm - Emmanuel �: It doesn't matter
06/11/2019, 5:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I love how God make me
06/11/2019, 5:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Everything he make he call it good
06/11/2019, 6:00 pm - Emmanuel �: And he made me
06/11/2019, 6:00 pm - Emmanuel �: So I am good
06/11/2019, 6:00 pm - Emmanuel �: In his eyes
06/11/2019, 6:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I have to go
06/11/2019, 6:00 pm - Emmanuel �: It is six
06/11/2019, 6:00 pm - My Love: Hehe
06/11/2019, 6:00 pm - My Love: Yes
06/11/2019, 6:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I go and wait by a old lady from my church
06/11/2019, 6:01 pm - My Love: U r veeeeeeeerrrrrrrryyyyyyyy goooooddd in my eyes
06/11/2019, 6:01 pm - Emmanuel �: So my pastor don't have to make two stops
06/11/2019, 6:01 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
06/11/2019, 6:01 pm - My Love: I love u my darling
06/11/2019, 6:01 pm - My Love: Good night my bb
06/11/2019, 6:01 pm - Emmanuel �: And I get to keep her company for a short time
06/11/2019, 6:01 pm - My Love: ���
06/11/2019, 6:01 pm - Emmanuel �: And listen to her stories
06/11/2019, 6:02 pm - My Love: ��
06/11/2019, 6:02 pm - My Love: I love u my darling
06/11/2019, 6:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night
06/11/2019, 6:02 pm - My Love: Take care
06/11/2019, 6:02 pm - Emmanuel �: You to
06/11/2019, 6:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes but even if I wasn't in my creator eyes I
was made with care so I know if God take time to make me then I have to be of value
06/11/2019, 6:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye
06/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: My lover
06/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: I hug u tioghhttt
06/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: And tell u goooodddd niigghttt bb
06/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: ����
06/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: I give u millionssss offff millliooonnss of kissesss
06/11/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: I loveeeee u soo much my bb
06/11/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: U are perfect my lover just the way God made u bb
06/11/2019, 9:20 pm - My Love: No one cant replace u in my heart soul and life bb
06/11/2019, 9:20 pm - My Love: I lie down on my favorite bed
06/11/2019, 9:20 pm - My Love: And also be around my arms
06/11/2019, 9:20 pm - My Love: And love up u before i sleep
06/11/2019, 9:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
06/11/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: Bbbb
06/11/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: ����
06/11/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: My pprinceee
06/11/2019, 9:45 pm - Emmanuel �: How is the internet still on
06/11/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: Huunn
06/11/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: I dont know
06/11/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: Lol
06/11/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: Forget about it hun
06/11/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: Come and hug me nahh
06/11/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: ���
06/11/2019, 9:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
06/11/2019, 9:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I hold you tight
06/11/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: Come
06/11/2019, 9:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
06/11/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: And take out your yesie
06/11/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: And your pants
06/11/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: And lie down with me
06/11/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: On the bed
06/11/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: I want to feel up u
06/11/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Ouuuuu
06/11/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: ��
06/11/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol
06/11/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: I love u bb
06/11/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: I want to temp u
06/11/2019, 9:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Only you I will allow to do it
06/11/2019, 9:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you bb
06/11/2019, 9:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Hin
06/11/2019, 9:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
06/11/2019, 9:48 pm - Emmanuel �: I am really happy to have you in my life
06/11/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun where are you bb
06/11/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Did the internet cut
07/11/2019, 3:16 am - Emmanuel �: https://youtu.be/calc2RMTVGQ
07/11/2019, 3:16 am - Emmanuel �: Hun please listen to this when you have time
07/11/2019, 3:16 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my love I love you
07/11/2019, 3:26 am - Emmanuel �: https://youtu.be/COFC-Aue2rg
07/11/2019, 3:27 am - Emmanuel �: And this to my love
07/11/2019, 6:06 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my love only love
07/11/2019, 6:06 am - Emmanuel �: My best friend
07/11/2019, 6:06 am - Emmanuel �: I love you
07/11/2019, 6:07 am - Emmanuel �: My only one
07/11/2019, 6:07 am - Emmanuel �: I thank God for sending you
07/11/2019, 6:07 am - Emmanuel �: In to my life
07/11/2019, 6:07 am - Emmanuel �: My future wife
07/11/2019, 6:08 am - Emmanuel �: And the future mother of our children
07/11/2019, 6:08 am - Emmanuel �: The woman God has bless me with
07/11/2019, 6:08 am - Emmanuel �: The one he choose for me
07/11/2019, 6:09 am - Emmanuel �: I am coming to meet you very soon my princess
07/11/2019, 6:09 am - Emmanuel �: I love you Maria
07/11/2019, 6:09 am - Emmanuel �: I love you andreina
07/11/2019, 6:10 am - Emmanuel �: You are important to me
07/11/2019, 6:10 am - Emmanuel �: And special to me
07/11/2019, 6:10 am - Emmanuel �: Have a wonderful day
07/11/2019, 4:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Hey bb if you get home and I am not on the phone
it is because I am working on our hois3 house
07/11/2019, 4:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
07/11/2019, 4:33 pm - Emmanuel �: My only one
07/11/2019, 4:46 pm - My Love: Bbbb
07/11/2019, 4:47 pm - My Love: My princeeee
07/11/2019, 4:47 pm - My Love: I now reach home my bb
07/11/2019, 4:47 pm - My Love: We didnt had internet in the morning before i leave
07/11/2019, 4:48 pm - My Love: I miss u my bb
07/11/2019, 4:48 pm - My Love:
07/11/2019, 4:48 pm - My Love: I know u will come soon bb
07/11/2019, 4:49 pm - My Love: N i am waiting for u my lover
07/11/2019, 4:49 pm - My Love: Its ok my bb
07/11/2019, 4:49 pm - My Love: I love u darling
07/11/2019, 4:49 pm - My Love: I will my hun
07/11/2019, 4:58 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 5:41 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
07/11/2019, 5:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Are you there
07/11/2019, 5:41 pm - Emmanuel �: How was your day on work today
07/11/2019, 5:41 pm - My Love: Bbbb
07/11/2019, 5:41 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
07/11/2019, 5:41 pm - My Love: ��
07/11/2019, 5:41 pm - My Love: Gooodd my love
07/11/2019, 5:41 pm - My Love: Its easy bb
07/11/2019, 5:41 pm - My Love: The job is easy
07/11/2019, 5:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay my love
07/11/2019, 5:42 pm - My Love: But i dont do much.. because i dont know anything
07/11/2019, 5:42 pm - Emmanuel �: God is God
07/11/2019, 5:42 pm - My Love: And plus i new
07/11/2019, 5:43 pm - My Love: Yes all the timeeee bbb
07/11/2019, 5:43 pm - My Love: I misssss u my loveeerr
07/11/2019, 5:44 pm - My Love: I hug u tight my darling
07/11/2019, 5:44 pm - My Love: U are busy bb?
07/11/2019, 5:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you to
07/11/2019, 5:44 pm - Emmanuel �: No
07/11/2019, 5:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
07/11/2019, 5:44 pm - My Love: What u was doing in our home bb?
07/11/2019, 5:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Preparing for my uncle
07/11/2019, 5:45 pm - Emmanuel �: To install the door frames
07/11/2019, 5:45 pm - Emmanuel �: He is coming tomorrow to do it
07/11/2019, 5:46 pm - Emmanuel �: And I making sure he has everything ready
07/11/2019, 5:46 pm - My Love: Ohh cool my b
07/11/2019, 5:46 pm - My Love: Bb
07/11/2019, 5:46 pm - My Love: I have a great husband
07/11/2019, 5:46 pm - My Love: Which prepare and think before something happens
07/11/2019, 5:46 pm - My Love: ��
07/11/2019, 5:47 pm - My Love: U are very intelligent hun
07/11/2019, 5:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you love
07/11/2019, 5:48 pm - My Love: U are the best my lover
07/11/2019, 5:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I have an intelligent wife
07/11/2019, 5:49 pm - My Love: Thank u bb
07/11/2019, 5:49 pm - My Love: I hug u tight bb
07/11/2019, 5:50 pm - My Love: I love u my bb
07/11/2019, 5:50 pm - My Love: U are my everything
07/11/2019, 5:50 pm - My Love: I kiss u up bb
07/11/2019, 5:50 pm - My Love: How was your day hun??
07/11/2019, 5:50 pm - My Love: U work in the afternoon bb?
07/11/2019, 5:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
07/11/2019, 5:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Hold on please
07/11/2019, 5:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I am getting some food
07/11/2019, 5:51 pm - Emmanuel �: No bb
07/11/2019, 5:51 pm - My Love: Hehe
07/11/2019, 5:51 pm - My Love: U will eat now
07/11/2019, 5:51 pm - My Love: I see my lover
07/11/2019, 5:56 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
07/11/2019, 5:56 pm - Emmanuel �: My darling
07/11/2019, 5:59 pm - My Love: Bbbb
07/11/2019, 5:59 pm - My Love: ���
07/11/2019, 6:01 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
07/11/2019, 6:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
07/11/2019, 6:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Are you busy
07/11/2019, 6:02 pm - My Love: No my bb
07/11/2019, 6:02 pm - My Love: I was eating a banana
07/11/2019, 6:02 pm - My Love: And talking to my aunty
07/11/2019, 6:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Aunty jenny
07/11/2019, 6:02 pm - My Love: Hun u are eating now??
07/11/2019, 6:02 pm - My Love: Uncle tyron wife
07/11/2019, 6:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
07/11/2019, 6:03 pm - My Love: Hun i miss u bb
07/11/2019, 6:03 pm - My Love:
07/11/2019, 6:03 pm - My Love: My sexy one
07/11/2019, 6:03 pm - My Love: U are my sexiest man ever
07/11/2019, 6:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes and I am also feeding kamia
07/11/2019, 6:04 pm - My Love: Ohh
07/11/2019, 6:04 pm - My Love: So u are eating.. and feeding kamia also??
07/11/2019, 6:06 pm - My Love: Waaaa
07/11/2019, 6:06 pm - My Love: U surpriseee me
07/11/2019, 6:06 pm - My Love: U are multifuntional
07/11/2019, 6:06 pm - My Love: ����
07/11/2019, 6:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Nope I can't do this
07/11/2019, 6:07 pm - My Love: Yes u can bb
07/11/2019, 6:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I am finish
07/11/2019, 6:07 pm - My Love: U are eating, texting me,also feeding kamia
07/11/2019, 6:08 pm - My Love: Wow
07/11/2019, 6:08 pm - My Love: That is much
07/11/2019, 6:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Trust me hun I am better doing one thing
07/11/2019, 6:08 pm - My Love: Hehe
07/11/2019, 6:08 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
07/11/2019, 6:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
07/11/2019, 6:08 pm - My Love: I like to focus on one thing first and finish it and
then do a next one
07/11/2019, 6:08 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
07/11/2019, 6:09 pm - My Love: I do much things same time
07/11/2019, 6:09 pm - My Love: And do it well
07/11/2019, 6:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to know you more
07/11/2019, 6:09 pm - My Love: Yes my love
07/11/2019, 6:09 pm - My Love: Aawww
07/11/2019, 6:09 pm - My Love: Me.too my dear
07/11/2019, 6:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me about you
07/11/2019, 6:09 pm - My Love: Tell me what my husband want to know
07/11/2019, 6:09 pm - My Love: Like what bb??
07/11/2019, 6:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun hold on mom is calling me
07/11/2019, 6:10 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
07/11/2019, 6:13 pm - My Love: So tell me bb
07/11/2019, 6:13 pm - My Love: What u want me to tell u?
07/11/2019, 6:14 pm - My Love: What u want to know bb
07/11/2019, 6:20 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to know everything
07/11/2019, 6:20 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to know this
07/11/2019, 6:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Things to expect when we are married
07/11/2019, 6:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Like do you roll
07/11/2019, 6:21 pm - Emmanuel �: When you are sleeping
07/11/2019, 6:21 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
07/11/2019, 6:22 pm - My Love: I dont understand your question bb
07/11/2019, 6:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Ruedas en cama ?
07/11/2019, 6:25 pm - My Love: Ohh.. no
07/11/2019, 6:25 pm - My Love: I dont move when i am sleeping
07/11/2019, 6:25 pm - My Love: Or make noices
07/11/2019, 6:26 pm - My Love: Only when i cant sleep i turn and turn to sleep..
then i will sleep
07/11/2019, 6:26 pm - My Love: Away
07/11/2019, 6:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I was going to ask you this next
07/11/2019, 6:27 pm - My Love: Ohh jeje
07/11/2019, 6:27 pm - My Love: And u does do it?
07/11/2019, 6:28 pm - Emmanuel �: ronquido
07/11/2019, 6:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know
07/11/2019, 6:28 pm - My Love: Nop
07/11/2019, 6:28 pm - My Love: U turn when u r sleeping?
07/11/2019, 6:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Know one never tell me if I am snoring
07/11/2019, 6:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know
07/11/2019, 6:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol
07/11/2019, 6:29 pm - My Love: Ohh i see
07/11/2019, 6:29 pm - Emmanuel �: No one ever tell me
07/11/2019, 6:29 pm - My Love: How come?
07/11/2019, 6:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I always had my own bed
07/11/2019, 6:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I always sleep alone
07/11/2019, 6:29 pm - My Love: But when u open your eyes in the morning u are in
the same position that u sleep in the night??
07/11/2019, 6:29 pm - My Love: I see bb
07/11/2019, 6:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
07/11/2019, 6:30 pm - My Love: Ohh.. well i guess u not turn
07/11/2019, 6:30 pm - Emmanuel �: But I don't know if I move and then move back
in the position lol
07/11/2019, 6:30 pm - My Love: Hehe
07/11/2019, 6:30 pm - Emmanuel �: You will tell me
07/11/2019, 6:30 pm - My Love: Yes i will
07/11/2019, 6:30 pm - My Love: �
07/11/2019, 6:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Ok
07/11/2019, 6:31 pm - Emmanuel �: How much clothes you like to sleep with
07/11/2019, 6:32 pm - My Love: Just less clothes
07/11/2019, 6:32 pm - My Love: Once we are married
07/11/2019, 6:32 pm - My Love: I will use this
07/11/2019, 6:32 pm - My Love: Wait a minute
07/11/2019, 6:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I sleep in my underwear
07/11/2019, 6:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Most time
07/11/2019, 6:35 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 6:35 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 6:35 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 6:35 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 6:35 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 6:35 pm - My Love: For u
07/11/2019, 6:36 pm - Emmanuel �: You will kill me
07/11/2019, 6:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol
07/11/2019, 6:37 pm - My Love: I wish to sleep every night with them
07/11/2019, 6:37 pm - My Love: And hope u sleep
07/11/2019, 6:37 pm - My Love: Lol
07/11/2019, 6:37 pm - My Love: I dont know if i will tempt u each night
07/11/2019, 6:37 pm - My Love: �
07/11/2019, 6:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes you will
07/11/2019, 6:37 pm - Emmanuel �: You always do
07/11/2019, 6:37 pm - My Love: Hehe
07/11/2019, 6:37 pm - My Love: Hun
07/11/2019, 6:38 pm - My Love: I think u will get costume to see me so..
07/11/2019, 6:38 pm - My Love: And nothing will happen
07/11/2019, 6:38 pm - My Love: Well.. i dont know..
07/11/2019, 6:39 pm - Emmanuel �: When you are with your true you never get a
07/11/2019, 6:39 pm - My Love: Hehe
07/11/2019, 6:39 pm - My Love: I think it twice
07/11/2019, 6:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Everyday there is something to discover
07/11/2019, 6:40 pm - My Love: And really i will never fedup or feel bored or feel
bad to be with u over and over again
07/11/2019, 6:40 pm - My Love: I want u to become my hubby
07/11/2019, 6:40 pm - My Love: Hubbie
07/11/2019, 6:41 pm - Emmanuel �: That is nice to say hun
07/11/2019, 6:41 pm - My Love: Yss
07/11/2019, 6:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Thanks for saying it
07/11/2019, 6:41 pm - Emmanuel �: It makes me happy to know you feel that way
07/11/2019, 6:41 pm - My Love: I love u my darling.. u are my everything. U are
something that i will never be bored or fedu to do
07/11/2019, 6:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Well
07/11/2019, 6:45 pm - My Love: I loveeeee u soop muucchhh bbb
07/11/2019, 6:45 pm - My Love: I am crazy for u my bbb
07/11/2019, 6:45 pm - Emmanuel �: That make me what to ask you another question
07/11/2019, 6:45 pm - My Love: ��
07/11/2019, 6:45 pm - My Love: Hey hun
07/11/2019, 6:45 pm - My Love: I want to ask u something
07/11/2019, 6:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell
07/11/2019, 6:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Me
07/11/2019, 6:46 pm - My Love: Even if i am sleeping u will do sex with me
07/11/2019, 6:46 pm - My Love: ??
07/11/2019, 6:46 pm - Emmanuel �: If you permit me to
07/11/2019, 6:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Because not every one like that to be done to
07/11/2019, 6:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Them
07/11/2019, 6:47 pm - My Love: Well i wish let it not be always bb
07/11/2019, 6:47 pm - My Love: I wish to feel it
07/11/2019, 6:47 pm - My Love: To see
07/11/2019, 6:47 pm - My Love: If i will wake up or not
07/11/2019, 6:47 pm - My Love: We will plan the day bb
07/11/2019, 6:47 pm - My Love: Not every night ok�
07/11/2019, 6:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay sure
07/11/2019, 6:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I will try it
07/11/2019, 6:48 pm - Emmanuel �: With you
07/11/2019, 6:48 pm - My Love: Because also i know u will want to do the oral one
07/11/2019, 6:48 pm - My Love: I guess so
07/11/2019, 6:48 pm - Emmanuel �: ???
07/11/2019, 6:48 pm - My Love: I dont know if when i am sleeping u will want to do
the oral sex to me bb
07/11/2019, 6:48 pm - My Love: Also
07/11/2019, 6:49 pm - My Love: So.. we will see bb.. will not be every night hun
07/11/2019, 6:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I can do it if you okay with it
07/11/2019, 6:49 pm - Emmanuel �: But as you say not every time
07/11/2019, 6:49 pm - My Love: Yes my lover..
07/11/2019, 6:49 pm - My Love: I am ok with it
07/11/2019, 6:49 pm - My Love: But i want u to tell me which night u will do it
07/11/2019, 6:49 pm - Emmanuel �: As you say we will plan it
07/11/2019, 6:50 pm - Emmanuel �: First
07/11/2019, 6:50 pm - My Love: Even when i am sleeping i want u to tell me ok
07/11/2019, 6:50 pm - My Love: So i will know bb
07/11/2019, 6:50 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
07/11/2019, 6:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't understand
07/11/2019, 6:50 pm - My Love: I love u my bb
07/11/2019, 6:50 pm - My Love: Forget it bb
07/11/2019, 6:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
07/11/2019, 6:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
07/11/2019, 6:51 pm - Emmanuel �: You can ask questions you want to know to okay
07/11/2019, 6:51 pm - My Love: We will plan them days
07/11/2019, 6:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I will answer
07/11/2019, 6:51 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
07/11/2019, 6:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
07/11/2019, 6:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
07/11/2019, 6:51 pm - Emmanuel �: How often you think we will have sex ?
07/11/2019, 6:51 pm - My Love: For the day?
07/11/2019, 6:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
07/11/2019, 6:52 pm - My Love: Or night?
07/11/2019, 6:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Night
07/11/2019, 6:52 pm - My Love: I dont know bb.. because i wish to be with u every
07/11/2019, 6:52 pm - My Love: Lol
07/11/2019, 6:52 pm - My Love: ��
07/11/2019, 6:52 pm - My Love:
07/11/2019, 6:52 pm - My Love: Hehe
07/11/2019, 6:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Well we should only once per day
07/11/2019, 6:53 pm - My Love: But each time when we want bb, we can always be
together hun
07/11/2019, 6:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I need energy to work
07/11/2019, 6:53 pm - My Love: What u mean bb??
07/11/2019, 6:54 pm - Emmanuel �: We can't do it three four times a day
07/11/2019, 6:54 pm - My Love: Yes bb.. i think 2 for day
07/11/2019, 6:54 pm - Emmanuel �: You will drain me out
07/11/2019, 6:54 pm - My Love: Or 1??
07/11/2019, 6:54 pm - Emmanuel �: We'll see
07/11/2019, 6:54 pm - My Love: U mean.. i will kill u?? And u will not have much
energy to work next day??
07/11/2019, 6:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes that is what I mean lol
07/11/2019, 6:55 pm - My Love: Oh
07/11/2019, 6:55 pm - My Love: We will see my bb
07/11/2019, 6:55 pm - My Love: Ok
07/11/2019, 6:55 pm - My Love: Dont worry
07/11/2019, 6:55 pm - My Love: But the important thing.. i want to enjoy with u bb
07/11/2019, 6:55 pm - My Love: Always
07/11/2019, 6:55 pm - My Love: �
07/11/2019, 6:55 pm - My Love: Each second
07/11/2019, 6:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes me to
07/11/2019, 6:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol
07/11/2019, 6:56 pm - Emmanuel �: I have the best
07/11/2019, 6:56 pm - Emmanuel �: One
07/11/2019, 6:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Really I am lucky
07/11/2019, 6:56 pm - My Love: I have the best one
07/11/2019, 6:56 pm - My Love: I love u bb
07/11/2019, 6:56 pm - My Love: I kiss u hun
07/11/2019, 6:56 pm - My Love: ��
07/11/2019, 6:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Because men usually have to beg them wife to
have sex
07/11/2019, 6:56 pm - Emmanuel �: But with you it is the opposite
07/11/2019, 6:57 pm - My Love: Hehe
07/11/2019, 6:57 pm - My Love: Hun
07/11/2019, 6:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes love
07/11/2019, 6:57 pm - My Love: I want to ask u something
07/11/2019, 6:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Just ask what ever you want
07/11/2019, 6:57 pm - My Love: Can i do oral sex while u are sleeping
07/11/2019, 6:57 pm - My Love: ?
07/11/2019, 6:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
07/11/2019, 6:57 pm - My Love: Or do sex on u while u are sleeping
07/11/2019, 6:57 pm - My Love: ?
07/11/2019, 6:57 pm - My Love: Really
07/11/2019, 6:58 pm - Emmanuel �: How I believe is that in marriage my body is
07/11/2019, 6:58 pm - Emmanuel �: That is how I think
07/11/2019, 6:58 pm - My Love: Aaaaaaawwwwwwwww
07/11/2019, 6:58 pm - My Love: ������ � �����
07/11/2019, 6:58 pm - Emmanuel �: So you have access to me
07/11/2019, 6:58 pm - My Love: I love u my bb
07/11/2019, 6:58 pm - Emmanuel �: To pleasure yourself
07/11/2019, 6:59 pm - Emmanuel �: When you need to do ir
07/11/2019, 6:59 pm - Emmanuel �: It
07/11/2019, 6:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes but I am sure I will wake up because it
will feel to good to sleep
07/11/2019, 6:59 pm - My Love: Hehehe
07/11/2019, 7:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun you really like to experiment things eh
07/11/2019, 7:01 pm - My Love: Hehe
07/11/2019, 7:01 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
07/11/2019, 7:01 pm - My Love: Only with the one i love
07/11/2019, 7:02 pm - My Love: With no one else
07/11/2019, 7:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Thanks bb
07/11/2019, 7:02 pm - Emmanuel �: For being faithful always
07/11/2019, 7:02 pm - Emmanuel �: And for your love
07/11/2019, 7:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I really appreciate you
07/11/2019, 7:03 pm - My Love: U are my everything hun
07/11/2019, 7:03 pm - Emmanuel �: And all you have done for this relationship
07/11/2019, 7:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you for staying and building with me
07/11/2019, 7:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I hold you tight
07/11/2019, 7:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
07/11/2019, 7:07 pm - My Love: I am here for u always b
07/11/2019, 7:07 pm - Emmanuel �: You are the best love
07/11/2019, 7:07 pm - My Love: U r the best one hun
07/11/2019, 7:09 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 7:09 pm - Emmanuel �: My heart is beating faster
07/11/2019, 7:09 pm - My Love: This is my face on the phone
07/11/2019, 7:10 pm - My Love: Naahh
07/11/2019, 7:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
07/11/2019, 7:10 pm - My Love: Hehe
07/11/2019, 7:10 pm - Emmanuel �: You say you will do me oral while I sleep but I
know you are not comfortable doing that bb
07/11/2019, 7:10 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 7:11 pm - My Love: Hun.. i said i will try it
07/11/2019, 7:11 pm - Emmanuel �: So it's okay
07/11/2019, 7:11 pm - My Love: And i want to do it
07/11/2019, 7:11 pm - My Love: But honestly i will take a time for do it
07/11/2019, 7:11 pm - Emmanuel �: You know what I will do when we are married
07/11/2019, 7:11 pm - My Love: Tell me
07/11/2019, 7:11 pm - Emmanuel �: It is okay
07/11/2019, 7:11 pm - My Love: �
07/11/2019, 7:12 pm - Emmanuel �: If I ever wake up in the night
07/11/2019, 7:12 pm - Emmanuel �: And you are sleeping
07/11/2019, 7:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I will stay up a while just watching you sleep
07/11/2019, 7:12 pm - My Love: Aaaawwwwwww
07/11/2019, 7:12 pm - My Love: Hehe
07/11/2019, 7:13 pm - My Love: I will do the same
07/11/2019, 7:13 pm - My Love: But i didnt wanted to tell u
07/11/2019, 7:13 pm - My Love: But u said it first
07/11/2019, 7:13 pm - My Love: Hehe
07/11/2019, 7:13 pm - My Love: And also
07/11/2019, 7:13 pm - My Love: Before u wake
07/11/2019, 7:13 pm - My Love: I will wacht you
07/11/2019, 7:13 pm - My Love: And i want to see how u wake every morning
07/11/2019, 7:14 pm - My Love: And the first thing i want u to see,is me
07/11/2019, 7:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Awwwwww
07/11/2019, 7:14 pm - My Love: Hun.. u will kiss me in the morning even u didnt
clean your tooths??
07/11/2019, 7:14 pm - My Love: I will kiss u anytime
07/11/2019, 7:15 pm - Emmanuel �: If you are comfortable
07/11/2019, 7:15 pm - My Love: Thank u my love
07/11/2019, 7:16 pm - My Love: I hug u tight my bb
07/11/2019, 7:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
07/11/2019, 7:17 pm - My Love: Tell me my prince
07/11/2019, 7:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
07/11/2019, 7:17 pm - My Love: �
07/11/2019, 7:17 pm - My Love: Yes hun
07/11/2019, 7:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Lover
07/11/2019, 7:17 pm - My Love: Huunn
07/11/2019, 7:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I know it is taking long
07/11/2019, 7:17 pm - Emmanuel �: But bb
07/11/2019, 7:18 pm - Emmanuel �: It is worth it
07/11/2019, 7:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I need you to fight with me
07/11/2019, 7:18 pm - My Love: Yes i know bb
07/11/2019, 7:18 pm - My Love: I am here always bb
07/11/2019, 7:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Against all the challenges
07/11/2019, 7:18 pm - Emmanuel �: That will come
07/11/2019, 7:18 pm - My Love: I love u bb
07/11/2019, 7:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I need you
07/11/2019, 7:19 pm - Emmanuel �: We need to fight together
07/11/2019, 7:19 pm - My Love: I need u too bb.. i am here always darling
07/11/2019, 7:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Good things never come easy
07/11/2019, 7:19 pm - My Love: I know bb
07/11/2019, 7:19 pm - My Love:
07/11/2019, 7:19 pm - Emmanuel �: And you are a good thing
07/11/2019, 7:20 pm - Emmanuel �: I know to have you will not be easy
07/11/2019, 7:20 pm - Emmanuel �: But I prefer to go try all this for you than to
take the easy way out
07/11/2019, 7:21 pm - Emmanuel �: And choose a girl from here
07/11/2019, 7:21 pm - My Love: Thank u for saying this bb
07/11/2019, 7:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
07/11/2019, 7:21 pm - My Love: Yes
07/11/2019, 7:21 pm - Emmanuel �: I know why I am saying it
07/11/2019, 7:21 pm - Emmanuel �: You are more that even what I thought I could
07/11/2019, 7:22 pm - My Love:
07/11/2019, 7:22 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not exaggerating bb
07/11/2019, 7:22 pm - Emmanuel �: If I leave you I will be a fool to do it
07/11/2019, 7:22 pm - Emmanuel �: And if I do
07/11/2019, 7:22 pm - Emmanuel �: I know this for sure
07/11/2019, 7:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I will never find this again
07/11/2019, 7:23 pm - Emmanuel �: What we have
07/11/2019, 7:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I will never find it again
07/11/2019, 7:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I know it bb
07/11/2019, 7:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I know it
07/11/2019, 7:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I wouldn't even waste my time to look
07/11/2019, 7:24 pm - My Love: Thank u for your words bb
07/11/2019, 7:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Because if it is not you
07/11/2019, 7:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Then I am better being by myself
07/11/2019, 7:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you complete me
07/11/2019, 7:25 pm - My Love: And u does the same for me hun
07/11/2019, 7:25 pm - My Love: U are worth bb
07/11/2019, 7:25 pm - Emmanuel �: You look sexy
07/11/2019, 7:25 pm - My Love: I vould never find u bb
07/11/2019, 7:25 pm - My Love: No where hun
07/11/2019, 7:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I love to look at you
07/11/2019, 7:27 pm - My Love: I love when u does it
07/11/2019, 7:27 pm - My Love: Do it
07/11/2019, 7:27 pm - My Love: ��
07/11/2019, 7:28 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 7:28 pm - My Love: Woww
07/11/2019, 7:28 pm - My Love: Look at my gift
07/11/2019, 7:28 pm - My Love: ���
07/11/2019, 7:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I like your butt
07/11/2019, 7:29 pm - My Love: Haha
07/11/2019, 7:29 pm - My Love: I know u would of say that bb
07/11/2019, 7:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Yeah
07/11/2019, 7:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I will taste it good hun
07/11/2019, 7:30 pm - Emmanuel �: When we are married
07/11/2019, 7:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I am in love with the shape of you
07/11/2019, 7:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I love all your curves and all your edges even
when I lose I am winning
07/11/2019, 7:32 pm - Emmanuel �: All of me loves all of you love your curves and
all your edges even when I lose I am winning
07/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: Aaaaawwwwww
07/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love:
07/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: My star boy
07/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: I love u bb
07/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: I love your crazyness bb
07/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: Hun honestly i feel really open been with u bb
07/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: �
07/11/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: I feel loved here hun
07/11/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: I feel comfortable been here hun
07/11/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I am happy you feel that way
07/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: Hun i miss u bb
07/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: U cant imagine how much hun
07/11/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Well, I don't know how and I don't know why
But when something's living
Well, you can't say "die"
You feel like laughing but you start to cry
I don't know how and I don't know why

Well, I don't have many and I don't have much

In fact I don't have any but I've got enough
Because I know those eyes and I know that touch
I don't have many and I don't have much

But oh darling, my heart's on fire

Oh darling my heart's on fire
Oh darling my heart's on fire
For you

And I don't know where and I don't know when

But I know we'll be lovers again
I'll see you some day before the end
I don't know where and I don't know when

Oh darling, my heart's on fire

Oh darling, my heart's on fire
Oh darling, my heart's on fire

You know those love songs will break your heart

You know those love songs will break your heart
You know those love songs will break your heart

Oh darling, my heart's on fire

Oh darling, my heart's on fire
Oh darling, my heart's on fire
Oh darling, my heart's on fire
Oh darling, my heart's on fire
Oh darling, my heart's on fire
For you, for you

Passenger - Heart's on fire

07/11/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I can because it is how I feel to
07/11/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Letra en español de la canción de Passenger,
Heart's on fire (letra traducida)

Bueno, no sé cómo ni por qué,

pero cuando algo está vivo,
bueno, no puedes decir: "muere".
Te sientes como riéndote pero empiezas a llorar,
no sé cómo ni sé por qué.

Bueno, no tengo poco ni tengo mucho,

de hecho, no tengo nada pero tengo suficiente,
porque conozco esos ojos y conozco esa caricia,
no tengo poco ni tengo mucho.

Pero oh querida, mi corazón está en llamas,

oh, querida, mi corazón está en llamas,
oh, querida, mi corazón está en llamas
por ti.

Y no sé dónde y no sé cuándo,
pero sé que volveremos a ser amantes.
Te veré algún día, antes del final,
no sé dónde ni sé cuándo.

Oh, querida, mi corazón está en llamas,

oh, querida, mi corazón está en llamas,
oh, querida, mi corazón está en llamas.

Sabes que esas canciones de amor te romperán el corazón,

Sabes que esas canciones de amor te romperán el corazón,
sabes que esas canciones de amor te romperán el corazón.

Oh, querida, mi corazón está en llamas,

oh, querida, mi corazón está en llamas,
oh, querida, mi corazón está en llamas.
Oh, querida, mi corazón está en llamas,
oh, querida, mi corazón está en llamas,
oh, querida, mi corazón está en llamas,
por ti, por ti.

Passenger - El corazón en llamas

07/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: ��
07/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Bbbbbb
07/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: I miss u more bb
07/11/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Maybe
07/11/2019, 7:43 pm - Emmanuel �: But I know I miss you more than I can describe
07/11/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love: U always bb
07/11/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love: Hun
07/11/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love: I am hungry
07/11/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love: If u short of a piece of u.. i eat it ok
07/11/2019, 7:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Lo l
07/11/2019, 7:53 pm - My Love: Haha
07/11/2019, 7:53 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 7:53 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to eat a you to
07/11/2019, 7:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Let's see who will do it first
07/11/2019, 7:54 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 7:54 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 7:55 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 7:56 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Wow I love my pillows so much
07/11/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun you are so hot
07/11/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Pene is hard already
07/11/2019, 7:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Will you go eat bb ?
07/11/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: In a while bb
07/11/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: Hehe��
07/11/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: I love u my darling
07/11/2019, 7:59 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun you are wearing red underwear?
07/11/2019, 8:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I love this one
07/11/2019, 8:00 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 8:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
07/11/2019, 8:01 pm - My Love: Why bb?
07/11/2019, 8:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I can see a little of your nipples and
it make me curious
07/11/2019, 8:02 pm - My Love: Hehe
07/11/2019, 8:02 pm - Emmanuel �: And also I love to see between my pillows to see
the hair one you
07/11/2019, 8:03 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 8:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I can wait to hold on to your waist in bed
07/11/2019, 8:04 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 8:04 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 8:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun you are making pene to crazy now
07/11/2019, 8:04 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 8:04 pm - My Love: Lol
07/11/2019, 8:04 pm - My Love: Haha
07/11/2019, 8:04 pm - My Love: Control him
07/11/2019, 8:05 pm - My Love:
07/11/2019, 8:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I can't
07/11/2019, 8:05 pm - Emmanuel �: When it is you
07/11/2019, 8:05 pm - My Love: Hehe
07/11/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: Hun.. i wish to feel your nose and mount on my chest
07/11/2019, 8:06 pm - Emmanuel �: You are beautiful hun
07/11/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: Betoin your pillows
07/11/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: And hug u up
07/11/2019, 8:06 pm - Emmanuel �: You will
07/11/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: N u put your hands on my butt
07/11/2019, 8:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish to do it
07/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: N i really wish u can lick my but
07/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: Butt
07/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: And bite it
07/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: N suck it
07/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: Until it get red
07/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: I want many marc on my butt from u hun
07/11/2019, 8:08 pm - My Love: And anytime i am bathing and wacht my butt i can
always look at the marc and remember u always hun
07/11/2019, 8:08 pm - My Love: Hun
07/11/2019, 8:08 pm - My Love: U will do it bb??
07/11/2019, 8:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to Marc you bb
07/11/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: Hun
07/11/2019, 8:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I will feel bad
07/11/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: I want u to marc me bb
07/11/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: I will love it bb
07/11/2019, 8:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to hurt you
07/11/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: Hun
07/11/2019, 8:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to love you
07/11/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: U can marc me bb
07/11/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: You sure hun
07/11/2019, 8:10 pm - My Love: I want u to love me this way hun
07/11/2019, 8:10 pm - My Love: Yes bb
07/11/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: It is a bit rough
07/11/2019, 8:10 pm - My Love: But where no one can see it bb
07/11/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: But if you are okay with it
07/11/2019, 8:10 pm - My Love: For me no bb
07/11/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I will do it
07/11/2019, 8:10 pm - My Love: I love u darling
07/11/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I love your butt
07/11/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: So it is not a problem
07/11/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I just don't want hurt you that is all
07/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: U will not bb
07/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: That not hurt hun
07/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: I want u to marc me sucking me
07/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: U understand
07/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: N bite
07/11/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun where you want me to lick
07/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: My butt
07/11/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
07/11/2019, 8:12 pm - My Love: N do oral sex..
07/11/2019, 8:12 pm - Emmanuel �: In your butt
07/11/2019, 8:12 pm - My Love: Yes
07/11/2019, 8:12 pm - My Love: U will do it?
07/11/2019, 8:12 pm - Emmanuel �: With my tounge
07/11/2019, 8:12 pm - My Love: U will do it hun
07/11/2019, 8:12 pm - My Love: Yes hun
07/11/2019, 8:13 pm - My Love: U will not do it
07/11/2019, 8:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know
07/11/2019, 8:13 pm - Emmanuel �: You like that ?
07/11/2019, 8:13 pm - My Love: I want to experiment that bb
07/11/2019, 8:13 pm - My Love: I want to do it
07/11/2019, 8:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
07/11/2019, 8:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I will try
07/11/2019, 8:13 pm - My Love: Thank u my lover
07/11/2019, 8:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Well will try ir
07/11/2019, 8:15 pm - Emmanuel �: It
07/11/2019, 8:15 pm - Emmanuel �: If you wish
07/11/2019, 8:15 pm - My Love: Yes i wish bb
07/11/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: For me your butt Is one of my favorite part
07/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: I know my bb
07/11/2019, 8:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I would love to experiment there
07/11/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love: Aawwwww
07/11/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: But as long as you okay
07/11/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 8:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
07/11/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: I will not do it back again
07/11/2019, 8:20 pm - Emmanuel �: You want me to do that on your butt
07/11/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: Yes hjn
07/11/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: All over
07/11/2019, 8:21 pm - Emmanuel �: I think that will turn you on much
07/11/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: What u mean bb??
07/11/2019, 8:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Make you want pene after
07/11/2019, 8:22 pm - Emmanuel �: I finish do it
07/11/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: Hehe
07/11/2019, 8:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun you want me to do oral on your vagina?
07/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: Yes
07/11/2019, 8:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
07/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: But hun.. as i told u..
07/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: U remember
07/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: What i said
07/11/2019, 8:23 pm - Emmanuel �: No
07/11/2019, 8:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I can't
07/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: I dont want u to do it the first night
07/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: I will take a time
07/11/2019, 8:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Oh okay
07/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: For u to do it hun
07/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: Because
07/11/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: I know i will feel veeerryyyy shain hun
07/11/2019, 8:24 pm - Emmanuel �: And my finger you want in vagina or no ?
07/11/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: Yes hun
07/11/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: Yes u can bb
07/11/2019, 8:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
07/11/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: U can touch it bb
07/11/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: All what u want hun
07/11/2019, 8:25 pm - My Love: But put your face on my vagina
07/11/2019, 8:25 pm - My Love: Is something strange for me bb
07/11/2019, 8:25 pm - My Love: Hope u understand hun
07/11/2019, 8:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I do
07/11/2019, 8:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I understand
07/11/2019, 8:25 pm - Emmanuel �: But it is not strange for me
07/11/2019, 8:26 pm - My Love: U will do me oral sex more faster.. if u kiss me and
put your face on my belly my back,my legs
07/11/2019, 8:26 pm - My Love: I will get costume to feel your face all around of
my body
07/11/2019, 8:26 pm - My Love: And one day u will do oral sex to me
07/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: And then it will not be strange hun
07/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: U understand what i mean bb??
07/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes you mean do just rush to it
07/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Do other parts firs
07/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: Yes my love
07/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: First that you are more comfortable
07/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: With other parts
07/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Yes.. because my vagina is not costume to your face
on it
07/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
07/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I understand
07/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Hun
07/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
07/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: I really thank u bb
07/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: I feel so happy been with u bb
07/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I am happy to
07/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
07/11/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I just don't want the enemy to get between us
07/11/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: That is all
07/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: I know my bb
07/11/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to share you
07/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: I know what u mean hun
07/11/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish to be the only one
07/11/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Your first your last
07/11/2019, 8:30 pm - My Love: U are it my love
07/11/2019, 8:30 pm - My Love: U are my first and last bb
07/11/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I will do anything you want
07/11/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: To pleasure you
07/11/2019, 8:30 pm - My Love: My lover thank u hun
07/11/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Just don't give your love to another
07/11/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: That is all I ask
07/11/2019, 8:31 pm - My Love: Hun never bb
07/11/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I will experiment with you

07/11/2019, 8:31 pm - My Love: Never hun��
07/11/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Do all to keep you satisfied
07/11/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I hope i will be enough to keep you full
07/11/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: U are enough always bb
07/11/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: Hun i will eat now
07/11/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay my love
07/11/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you for them sexy picture you made my
07/11/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: Hehehe u know i love u bb
07/11/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
07/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: I always want to make your night
07/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: N day
07/11/2019, 8:34 pm - Emmanuel �: You did it hun
07/11/2019, 8:35 pm - Emmanuel �: And I know you will always do it
07/11/2019, 8:36 pm - My Love: Yeah
07/11/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Go and eat bb
07/11/2019, 8:36 pm - My Love: I love to temp u bb
07/11/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
07/11/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: You can have me for dessert
07/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: I think this is not something bad to do for u
07/11/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: No it is not
07/11/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Because we will be married
07/11/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
07/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: Bb
07/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: I tell u good night
07/11/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes love
07/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: Before them cut the wifi
07/11/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
07/11/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night to you my only one
07/11/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: Bbbb
07/11/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: ��
07/11/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: I finish eating hun
07/11/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: No
07/11/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: You not eat me yet
07/11/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: You are not finish
07/11/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: Lol
07/11/2019, 8:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I would love to dance with you
07/11/2019, 8:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I would love to do anything with you
07/11/2019, 8:52 pm - My Love: If u lift me up and up me infront on u n lie down on
the bed.. i will eat u up
07/11/2019, 8:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I can do it
07/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: Yes i know bb
07/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: Pene will be extra hard eh
07/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: Hehe
07/11/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
07/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: If i put vagina on pene with clithes
07/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: Clothes
07/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: U think it will get hard too?
07/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: Or not
07/11/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: It will
07/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: I mean
07/11/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Because it is you
07/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: If i just sit on u
07/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: I sit on pene
07/11/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes it will
07/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: With clothes and u also with clothes
07/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: Ohh wow
07/11/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
07/11/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I know it will happen
07/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: U are really weak bb with me
07/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: I love to melt u bb
07/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: �����
07/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: I am very happy i am the one who melts u
07/11/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: You are the only one who melts me
07/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: Look*
07/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol
07/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes he is sad
07/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you are not here
07/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: Hehe
07/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: U laugh for real?
07/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: Yes
07/11/2019, 8:58 pm - Emmanuel �: A little
07/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: Hehe
07/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: Hun
07/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: I feel more conected to u everyday
07/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: Now
07/11/2019, 8:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes my queen
07/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: And i am happy with that my king
07/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I am happy for it
07/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: That is what I want
07/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: To happen
07/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: More everyday
07/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: For you to be connected to me
07/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I will do my best
07/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: For keep it so
07/11/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: Thank u my lover
07/11/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I need you to be close
07/11/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Because there is distance between us
07/11/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: I know my bb
07/11/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: Yes i am here bb
07/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish you could stay here
07/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: This way
07/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: Always bb
07/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: I promise hun
07/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: In good and bad
07/11/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't like promise anymore
07/11/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: Hun.. in your arms i am lost
07/11/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
07/11/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
07/11/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Just do it
07/11/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: If you wish to
07/11/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Do it
07/11/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
07/11/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't make a promise
07/11/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: Hun when i get a time
07/11/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: I will wcht the videos u sent to me ok
07/11/2019, 9:05 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
07/11/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love: Hun
07/11/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love: Everything is well?
07/11/2019, 9:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay queen
07/11/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: Bb
07/11/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: Hug me hun
07/11/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: And lie down with me
07/11/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: And my hair be on your face
07/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: And my chest on your chest
07/11/2019, 9:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes my love
07/11/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: And feel your body
07/11/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: Your temperature
07/11/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: Of body
07/11/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: With mines
07/11/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I can't wait
07/11/2019, 9:10 pm - Emmanuel �: To feel that hun
07/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: U want to tell me something before the internet
07/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: Me too my lover
07/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: I am very ansious bb
07/11/2019, 9:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you badly
07/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: I want the same bb with u bb
07/11/2019, 9:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Me to
07/11/2019, 9:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
07/11/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: Yes bb
07/11/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Only one problem if you have sex with me while I
am sleeping
07/11/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: Tell me bb
07/11/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: You will have to do something you don't like
07/11/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: You will have to sex me
07/11/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: What bb
07/11/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: And do everything
07/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: What u mean
07/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: Yes hun
07/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: I know
07/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: That is not a problem
07/11/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I will be a sleep
07/11/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I know when I show you the gif of the girl
sexing the man
07/11/2019, 9:14 pm - Emmanuel �: And taking control and she was doing the moment
07/11/2019, 9:14 pm - Emmanuel �: You didn't like it to much
07/11/2019, 9:14 pm - Emmanuel �: And you said you wouldn't do it
07/11/2019, 9:14 pm - Emmanuel �: But if I am a sleep
07/11/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: It will be similar
07/11/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: I cant remember bb
07/11/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: I will do it bb.. while u are sleeping hun
07/11/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes hun I did
07/11/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: And you didn't like it
07/11/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: But i guess u will wake up bb
07/11/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: Inmediatly
07/11/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: Hun i want to do it bb
07/11/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know
07/11/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: With all my movements i think u will lol
07/11/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: But sometimes u might be real tired.. so u will not
wake up
07/11/2019, 9:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I didn't tell you but I sleep very strong
07/11/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: Ohh wow
07/11/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: Really
07/11/2019, 9:19 pm - Emmanuel �: As long as you comfortable with doing me
07/11/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: I didnt know
07/11/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: Well i dont
07/11/2019, 9:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Then we have no problem
07/11/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: So when ever u did it when i am sleepi ng i will
wake up
07/11/2019, 9:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Yeah I do
07/11/2019, 9:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know
07/11/2019, 9:20 pm - Emmanuel �: I think you will feel it
07/11/2019, 9:20 pm - My Love: I dont know bb
07/11/2019, 9:20 pm - My Love: But mostly sure i think yes
07/11/2019, 9:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I will be pushing pene in and out of you
07/11/2019, 9:20 pm - My Love: Yes bb
07/11/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Just understand when I am sleeping you will be
the one giving the sex to me
07/11/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Like the gif I show you
07/11/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
07/11/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Is either you do it like that
07/11/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Or you go on top
07/11/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I will not be moving
07/11/2019, 9:22 pm - My Love: Ok bb.. i have to see it back agahun
07/11/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Unless I wake up
07/11/2019, 9:22 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
07/11/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: You want to see it
07/11/2019, 9:22 pm - My Love: Yess please.. if u can show me now
07/11/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay hold on
07/11/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun you there
07/11/2019, 9:26 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
07/11/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: You deleted this message
07/11/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: You deleted this message
07/11/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Something like them
07/11/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I will be asleep
07/11/2019, 9:27 pm - My Love: Bb i cant raise your foots so
07/11/2019, 9:27 pm - My Love: U will wake up bb
07/11/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Not raise foot
07/11/2019, 9:28 pm - Emmanuel �: You can do it without raising my foot
07/11/2019, 9:28 pm - Emmanuel �: But you will have to open my legs a little
07/11/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: I see hun
07/11/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: Hehe
07/11/2019, 9:28 pm - Emmanuel �: And make pene harf
07/11/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: �
07/11/2019, 9:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Hard
07/11/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: Yes bb
07/11/2019, 9:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Then put him inside you
07/11/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: I will have mannyyyyyy night with u bb
07/11/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: I will do it many times
07/11/2019, 9:29 pm - Emmanuel �: And you will have to push
07/11/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: So i will try hun
07/11/2019, 9:29 pm - Emmanuel �: With your waist
07/11/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: Yes bb
07/11/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: I think i will make it
07/11/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: If i cant
07/11/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: I will practice with u when u are wake up
07/11/2019, 9:30 pm - Emmanuel �: You said you didn't like that position
07/11/2019, 9:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you don't what to do like the man
w07/11/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: I like it noww�
07/11/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: Hun
07/11/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: U tell me u are the man
07/11/2019, 9:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
07/11/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: So i feel insult
07/11/2019, 9:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
07/11/2019, 9:31 pm - My Love: That is why i change my mind
07/11/2019, 9:31 pm - My Love: But i always want to do it hun
07/11/2019, 9:31 pm - Emmanuel �: But you remember we are experimenting
07/11/2019, 9:31 pm - My Love: Yes my love
07/11/2019, 9:31 pm - My Love: Hun.. u want me to do it or not?
07/11/2019, 9:31 pm - My Love: Because u seems like u dont
07/11/2019, 9:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I just wanted to see if you are capable to do
07/11/2019, 9:32 pm - Emmanuel �: And it will give me a rest sometimes
07/11/2019, 9:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I was the one who ask you for it hun
07/11/2019, 9:33 pm - My Love: Yes i want to do it hun
07/11/2019, 9:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
07/11/2019, 9:33 pm - My Love: I think i am i dont know
07/11/2019, 9:33 pm - My Love: I never try
07/11/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: I want to try bb
07/11/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: I know bb
07/11/2019, 9:34 pm - Emmanuel �: But I think we will have to practice
07/11/2019, 9:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
07/11/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: Its not a problem hun
07/11/2019, 9:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Can I ask you for something
07/11/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: Yes bb tell me hun
07/11/2019, 9:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Can you show me how your waist does move one
day when you are comfortable
07/11/2019, 9:35 pm - Emmanuel �: It doesn't have to be soon
07/11/2019, 9:36 pm - My Love: U mean video my waist
07/11/2019, 9:36 pm - My Love: For u
07/11/2019, 9:36 pm - My Love: How i move it??
07/11/2019, 9:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
07/11/2019, 9:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Only if you are comfortable
07/11/2019, 9:37 pm - My Love: Ok my lover..
07/11/2019, 9:37 pm - My Love: Yes i will bb
07/11/2019, 9:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay bb
07/11/2019, 9:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I can imagine how you would do it when pene is
inside vagina
07/11/2019, 9:40 pm - My Love: Hehe
07/11/2019, 9:40 pm - My Love: U really want to see how i am moving bb??
07/11/2019, 9:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes hun
07/11/2019, 9:40 pm - My Love: Why bb??
07/11/2019, 9:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I am just curious
07/11/2019, 9:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay okay
07/11/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: Ok my bb..
07/11/2019, 9:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I will wait until we are married
07/11/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: I will do it for u bb
07/11/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: No hun.. i will do it
07/11/2019, 9:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay bb
07/11/2019, 9:47 pm - My Love: When i feel comfortable bb
07/11/2019, 9:47 pm - My Love: Ok
07/11/2019, 9:47 pm - My Love: Now riggt away i will do it hun
07/11/2019, 9:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Awwwwww
07/11/2019, 9:48 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you hun
07/11/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: Hun
07/11/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: I know u will like it
07/11/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: I am very strong hun
07/11/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: Hope enough for u bb
07/11/2019, 9:49 pm - Emmanuel �: You were made for me
07/11/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: I know my bb
07/11/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: God created me
07/11/2019, 9:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sure it will be enough
07/11/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: Ye my lover
07/11/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I will have to strengthen myself
07/11/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: And prepare to receive you
07/11/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I believe you are very strong
07/11/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: Hehe
07/11/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: �
07/11/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: I know u are strong bb
07/11/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: I will prepare to recive u too bb
07/11/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: I am strong
07/11/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: But the problem is
07/11/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: That sex is not long
07/11/2019, 9:53 pm - My Love: I know bb
07/11/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: But I have been researching natral ways to make
pene stay longer
07/11/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: So I will not cum and you are now getting turn
07/11/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: And the ways I am researching is safe
07/11/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: It is natral plants that God make
07/11/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: But in them plant have something to keep pene
07/11/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: I see bb
07/11/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: U told me
07/11/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Actually one of the plant it is from Guyana
07/11/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: U will search it bb
07/11/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: Yes?
07/11/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: Tell me the name
07/11/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Yeah
07/11/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: And i will search for it
07/11/2019, 9:57 pm - Emmanuel �: If you search for it people will watch you like
a bad girl
07/11/2019, 9:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Because them know what it is uesd for
07/11/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: Ohh
07/11/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: I see bb
07/11/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: U want me to search for it or not?
07/11/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: Or u will do it bb??
07/11/2019, 10:00 pm - Emmanuel �: sarsaparilla plant
07/11/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want you to ask for it and people tell
your mom
07/11/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: You search for a plant to make sex last longer
07/11/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol
07/11/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: But If you find it I will only have to find 2
07/11/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: Lol
07/11/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: I see vb
07/11/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: Bb
07/11/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: The medicine is a combination of 4 plant
07/11/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: I can search where them sell plants and see if them
have that one
07/11/2019, 10:04 pm - Emmanuel �: I found one in Trinidad
07/11/2019, 10:04 pm - Emmanuel �: And the one I tell you is in Guyana
07/11/2019, 10:04 pm - Emmanuel �: The other two is in Africa
07/11/2019, 10:04 pm - Emmanuel �: But you can order it online I search it
07/11/2019, 10:05 pm - Emmanuel �: And many people say it actually work
07/11/2019, 10:05 pm - Emmanuel �: So I want to try it
07/11/2019, 10:05 pm - Emmanuel �: And because it is all plants that God make it
is harmless
07/11/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sure people in Guyana does use that one
07/11/2019, 10:06 pm - My Love: Ohh
07/11/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Because the one here I know of people who use
07/11/2019, 10:06 pm - My Love: I wish u could try it also bb
07/11/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: But that is just one
07/11/2019, 10:06 pm - My Love: I understand bb
07/11/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to get all four
07/11/2019, 10:07 pm - Emmanuel �: See if you can find it but be careful who you
07/11/2019, 10:07 pm - My Love: U will get it my lover.. and u will burn u the bed
with me every niggt hun.. hehe
07/11/2019, 10:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I have a friend from Guyana who knows about it
07/11/2019, 10:08 pm - My Love: Yes my bb.. i will
07/11/2019, 10:08 pm - Emmanuel �: He lives here
07/11/2019, 10:08 pm - Emmanuel �: He tell me he can get it for me if he ever go
back to Guyana
07/11/2019, 10:08 pm - Emmanuel �: But he loves Trinidad to much he have a
girlfriend here
07/11/2019, 10:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol
07/11/2019, 10:09 pm - My Love: Lol
07/11/2019, 10:10 pm - Emmanuel �: If it really works we can have more sex
07/11/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: Yes bb
07/11/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: �
07/11/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: U want to have more sex bb??
07/11/2019, 10:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Me to
07/11/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: Haha
07/11/2019, 10:12 pm - My Love: We will have to buy more than 1 bed bb
07/11/2019, 10:12 pm - My Love: Incase them burn up
07/11/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol
07/11/2019, 10:12 pm - My Love:
07/11/2019, 10:12 pm - My Love: �
07/11/2019, 10:12 pm - My Love:
07/11/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: You sure you can handle more
07/11/2019, 10:12 pm - My Love: Yes bb
07/11/2019, 10:12 pm - My Love: I love u bb
07/11/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you to
07/11/2019, 10:13 pm - My Love: I want to be with u bb
07/11/2019, 10:13 pm - My Love: Every second hun
07/11/2019, 10:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to be with you to
07/11/2019, 10:13 pm - Emmanuel �: The same
07/11/2019, 10:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun also I can increase my stamina in bed by
eating a certain way and excersising
07/11/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: Hun
07/11/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: I dont want u to do mlre bb
07/11/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: I know u will work bb
07/11/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: And that is enough for me bb
07/11/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: I dont want to kill u out
07/11/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I know I will
07/11/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: But I know the advantage of eating that way
07/11/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I will tell you something
07/11/2019, 10:16 pm - My Love: Tell me bb
07/11/2019, 10:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know how it is for your parents
07/11/2019, 10:16 pm - Emmanuel �: But my dad can't have sex any more
07/11/2019, 10:16 pm - My Love: Ohh i see..
07/11/2019, 10:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Because he not eat them type of food
07/11/2019, 10:16 pm - My Love: Ohh i see
07/11/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Or excersise
07/11/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: And plus smoking or drinking
07/11/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Make pene weak
07/11/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: Ohh woww
07/11/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: And it is not only my father
07/11/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: That is most men hun
07/11/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: It is true
07/11/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: And the problem is mom can still have sex
07/11/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Because women don't have that problem
07/11/2019, 10:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Until them very very old
07/11/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: I understand hun
07/11/2019, 10:19 pm - Emmanuel �: So imagine if I can't have sex and you can
07/11/2019, 10:20 pm - Emmanuel �: But them man I show you Is proof that if you
eat God food and nothing else
07/11/2019, 10:20 pm - Emmanuel �: You pene can work until you are old
07/11/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: Cool bb
07/11/2019, 10:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Because he had a daughter at 82
07/11/2019, 10:21 pm - Emmanuel �: His wife is young
07/11/2019, 10:21 pm - Emmanuel �: That is the next thing you are younger than me
07/11/2019, 10:21 pm - My Love: Yes hun
07/11/2019, 10:22 pm - Emmanuel �: But my mom is faithful
07/11/2019, 10:22 pm - Emmanuel �: To daddy
07/11/2019, 10:22 pm - My Love: Thank God
07/11/2019, 10:23 pm - Emmanuel �: She never went outside of her marriage for a
younger person
07/11/2019, 10:23 pm - Emmanuel �: She respect her marriage vows
07/11/2019, 10:24 pm - Emmanuel �: But that is why a lot of married women go
outside them marriage with someone younger
07/11/2019, 10:25 pm - My Love: Ohh i see bb
07/11/2019, 10:25 pm - My Love: I didnt knew that before hun
07/11/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you hun
07/11/2019, 10:26 pm - My Love: I love u my darling
07/11/2019, 10:26 pm - My Love: More than anything else bb
07/11/2019, 10:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
07/11/2019, 10:29 pm - My Love: Yes bb
07/11/2019, 10:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Will you go yo bed now
07/11/2019, 10:30 pm - Emmanuel �: What are you thinking about bb
07/11/2019, 10:30 pm - Emmanuel �: What are you doing
07/11/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: Nothing bb
07/11/2019, 10:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I hold you tight
07/11/2019, 10:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Nothing
07/11/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: U want me to go hun??
07/11/2019, 10:30 pm - Emmanuel �: You must be doing something
07/11/2019, 10:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Like lying down
07/11/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: I was thinking in our wedding bb
07/11/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Cover up in bed
07/11/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: Yes i am
07/11/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Or
07/11/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: No
07/11/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: The sheet it one side
07/11/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: No
07/11/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: I not feel cold tonight bb
07/11/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: But I know you have to work
07/11/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: And I have to also
07/11/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Well it is raining here
07/11/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: So it is cold
07/11/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: Realyy
07/11/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
07/11/2019, 10:32 pm - My Love: I wish here tonight could of rain
07/11/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
07/11/2019, 10:32 pm - My Love: Yes bb
07/11/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Please don't leave me
07/11/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to be your husband
07/11/2019, 10:32 pm - My Love: Never bb
07/11/2019, 10:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I really am in love with you
07/11/2019, 10:33 pm - My Love: U are mines bb
07/11/2019, 10:33 pm - My Love: And me too with u bb
07/11/2019, 10:33 pm - My Love: I dont want to be with a next person bb
07/11/2019, 10:33 pm - Emmanuel �: In love you much
07/11/2019, 10:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to share my life with you
07/11/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: And have children together
07/11/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: Yes bb, me too
07/11/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: I will love them bb
07/11/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
07/11/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: Yes my love
07/11/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Stay with me
07/11/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: I am here bb
07/11/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: I will never leave hun
07/11/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't leave my lofe
07/11/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Life
07/11/2019, 10:35 pm - My Love: Never n ever bb
07/11/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I need you adreinna
07/11/2019, 10:35 pm - My Love: I need u emmanuel
07/11/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I love everything about you
07/11/2019, 10:35 pm - My Love: Its the same with me hun
07/11/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: From your head to your foot
07/11/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you for loving me
07/11/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: And accepting me
07/11/2019, 10:36 pm - My Love: Its a pleasure bb
07/11/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
07/11/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: I love u bb just the way u are bb
07/11/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Let is go to bed bb
07/11/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: Yes love
07/11/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: Yes bb
07/11/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: ��
07/11/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: I am feeling sleepy now hun
07/11/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Lie down on your bed
07/11/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: Hehe
07/11/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: U read my mind eh
07/11/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I know you
07/11/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: I run faster hun
07/11/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I am your husband
07/11/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: Lol
07/11/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
07/11/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love:
07/11/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: U make me laugh
07/11/2019, 10:38 pm - My Love: Really u know me bb
07/11/2019, 10:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you for letting me know you more today
07/11/2019, 10:38 pm - Emmanuel �: And some of the things you want
07/11/2019, 10:38 pm - Emmanuel �: And like
07/11/2019, 10:38 pm - My Love: Hun.. i belongs to u bb
07/11/2019, 10:38 pm - My Love: I am always open to u bb
07/11/2019, 10:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I love when I learn something new about you
07/11/2019, 10:38 pm - My Love: Aawwww
07/11/2019, 10:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish to know you completely bb
07/11/2019, 10:39 pm - Emmanuel �: One day I believe I will
07/11/2019, 10:39 pm - My Love: Ome day bb
07/11/2019, 10:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Goodnight my love
07/11/2019, 10:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Sleep well I love yoy
07/11/2019, 10:39 pm - Emmanuel �: You
07/11/2019, 10:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye bb
07/11/2019, 10:40 pm - My Love: Good night my king u are my heart beat
07/11/2019, 10:40 pm - My Love: U melt me everytime hun
07/11/2019, 10:40 pm - My Love: Sleep well fmy darling
07/11/2019, 10:40 pm - My Love: Bye my lover
08/11/2019, 6:18 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my love
08/11/2019, 6:18 am - Emmanuel �: I am late this morning
08/11/2019, 6:18 am - Emmanuel �: I love you
08/11/2019, 6:18 am - Emmanuel �: My bb
08/11/2019, 6:18 am - Emmanuel �: We will talk tonight
08/11/2019, 6:19 am - Emmanuel �: My love
08/11/2019, 3:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I am going to church to do some work I might
be home late
08/11/2019, 3:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you darling
08/11/2019, 3:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Hope you have a wonderful evening
08/11/2019, 3:50 pm - Emmanuel �: And a good night
08/11/2019, 3:50 pm - Emmanuel �: If I don't get home in time
08/11/2019, 3:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I hope you sleep well
08/11/2019, 3:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Love you you are my everything
08/11/2019, 3:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Love you more than words can describe
08/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: My love
08/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love:
08/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: How i miss u bb
08/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: I miss u so much hun
08/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: U cant imagine bb
08/11/2019, 5:09 pm - My Love: This message was deleted
08/11/2019, 5:09 pm - My Love: I need u bb
08/11/2019, 5:09 pm - My Love: Not to long i reach home
08/11/2019, 5:09 pm - My Love: U are there bb??
08/11/2019, 5:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Hey goodnight Emmanuel not this is he brother I
using his phone
08/11/2019, 5:10 pm - My Love: Ohh
08/11/2019, 5:10 pm - My Love: Cool
08/11/2019, 5:10 pm - My Love: �
08/11/2019, 5:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Yea ��

09/11/2019, 6:55 am - Emmanuel �: Hun I don't know if your profile pick is about
me hun but yesturday I came back from church after 11pm in the night since
yesturday the internet cut hun I know you feel like I don't care my love and that
I am not there for you but I am asking you to really think about those words in
your profile picture it say sometimes you have to walk away from someone not
because you don't care but because they don't hun I want you to really ask
yourself if I don't care I want you to answer that question to yourself because
I think we both care about each other very much that is what I think I think you
care about me and I care about you the last time we had a fight and we was
quarreling you beg me to stay you say I can do you anything just don't go you
tell me kick you hit you do you anything just don't go I told you I will not do you
them things because I love you and I really do now I will tell you the same thing
hun hit me kick me tell me hurtful things reject me insult me do me anything but
please never walk away please do ever go please don't leave me my love hun I am
tired of fighting you I will not fight you or quarrel I see my parents do it
everyday and I don't want that same life for us I tell you the truth my love
there is not another person in this world that loves you and care about you like I
do it is up to you to believe me or not to believe my love but we have reach to far
together to walk away from this love we have
09/11/2019, 7:05 am - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
09/11/2019, 7:32 am - Emmanuel �: You deleted this message
09/11/2019, 5:06 pm - My Love: Good morning my darling.. i am very sorry hun.. last
night the intrrnet cut very early and i didnt get to tell you good night bb,
yesterday i really miss u bb
09/11/2019, 7:08 pm - My Love:
09/11/2019, 7:08 pm - My Love: I miss u bb
09/11/2019, 7:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I have no internet
09/11/2019, 7:34 pm - Emmanuel �: It is cut since yesterday
09/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: For yesterday and today I work extremely hard
09/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I was thinking of you the whole time
09/11/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: Huuuunnnn
09/11/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: Bbbbbb
09/11/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: Me tooooo bbb
09/11/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: I feeelll sooo bad hun
09/11/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Are you vex with me
09/11/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: Because i didnt write u bb
09/11/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: No my love
09/11/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: How can i be vex with u eh?
09/11/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: Hunn.. come here bb
09/11/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: I see your profile picture
09/11/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: Let me love u up
09/11/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: Its nothing about u bb
09/11/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I thought you think I don't care about you
09/11/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: Its about the peoples i work before with ok.. so
dont feel anything bb
09/11/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I am by my cousin
09/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: No my love
09/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: U always care bb
09/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: U never show me the opposite
09/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: I see my bb
09/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: By your small cuz?
09/11/2019, 7:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes his mother is my cousin to
09/11/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: I almost lose my foot yesterday
09/11/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
09/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Yes bb??
09/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: How come
09/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Emmanuel
09/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: I told u to becarefull bb
09/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Bb
09/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: I am sorry i am responding slow
09/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: But santiago is crying to come here faster bb
09/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: Because david get worse
09/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: Worse is less to describe him
09/11/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Is okay
09/11/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I care about your brothers to
09/11/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: The will come across
09/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: Hun
09/11/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: David n dad r drinking n them are not finding food
09/11/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: Santiago have to beg for neiboor for food
09/11/2019, 7:44 pm - My Love: David is bringing stifs at home, to sleep at home n
david is usying santiago new clothes
09/11/2019, 7:44 pm - My Love: With out his permision
09/11/2019, 7:45 pm - My Love: N santiago have to be up late waiting for david to
reach home after the party
09/11/2019, 7:45 pm - My Love: David go to party every night
09/11/2019, 7:45 pm - My Love: N drink every day
09/11/2019, 7:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I was working on the house with my uncle and I
was using a power tool to cut blocks and the tool which is a grinder stick in the
block fly out my hand and almost cut out my foot
09/11/2019, 7:48 pm - My Love: �
09/11/2019, 7:48 pm - My Love: Emmmmaannuuell
09/11/2019, 7:48 pm - My Love: ����
09/11/2019, 7:49 pm - My Love: Next time becarefull bb
09/11/2019, 7:49 pm - My Love: Bb pleaassseeeeee
09/11/2019, 7:49 pm - My Love: I told u bb
09/11/2019, 7:49 pm - My Love: To becarefull hun
09/11/2019, 7:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun was thinking you wanted to walk away from me
09/11/2019, 7:51 pm - My Love:
09/11/2019, 7:51 pm - My Love: U are kiding
09/11/2019, 7:51 pm - My Love: Hun
09/11/2019, 7:51 pm - My Love: How i will do that bb
09/11/2019, 7:51 pm - My Love: To uuuu
09/11/2019, 7:51 pm - My Love: Emmanuel
09/11/2019, 7:51 pm - My Love: U really not know me
09/11/2019, 7:51 pm - Emmanuel �: That is why your prays for me help me on work
09/11/2019, 7:52 pm - Emmanuel �: There are time accidents happens
09/11/2019, 7:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Well I know I was a way from you
09/11/2019, 7:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I thought you get fedup
09/11/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love: Thank God bb
09/11/2019, 7:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Of waiting here
09/11/2019, 7:53 pm - My Love: Naahh
09/11/2019, 7:53 pm - My Love: I dont have any reason to be fedup with the one i
love the most
09/11/2019, 7:54 pm - My Love: Hun
09/11/2019, 7:54 pm - My Love: I love u bb
09/11/2019, 7:54 pm - My Love: I hug u up bb
09/11/2019, 7:54 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/11/2019, 7:54 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/11/2019, 7:55 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/11/2019, 7:55 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/11/2019, 7:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Really hun
09/11/2019, 7:55 pm - Emmanuel �: You look beautiful hin
09/11/2019, 7:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
09/11/2019, 7:56 pm - My Love: �
09/11/2019, 7:56 pm - My Love: U are that shell on my face
09/11/2019, 7:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I don't want to lose you
09/11/2019, 7:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Relly
09/11/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Really
09/11/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: I dont want lose u to bb
09/11/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: If I lose you that will be the worst thing I
ever happen in my life
09/11/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: Hun
09/11/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: I need u bb
09/11/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: In my life
09/11/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: For ever bb
09/11/2019, 7:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun so them people in the first job give you
09/11/2019, 7:58 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
09/11/2019, 8:00 pm - My Love: No my bb
09/11/2019, 8:00 pm - My Love: I think the problem was me
09/11/2019, 8:00 pm - My Love: I love them to much
09/11/2019, 8:00 pm - My Love: But them dont even care about me
09/11/2019, 8:00 pm - My Love: Because them not even text me or call me
09/11/2019, 8:00 pm - My Love: Nothing hun
09/11/2019, 8:00 pm - My Love: I feel so sad inside hun
09/11/2019, 8:01 pm - Emmanuel �: You are never a problem
09/11/2019, 8:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun they will not call I am sure the already
suspected what happened
09/11/2019, 8:02 pm - Emmanuel �: So them will keep away
09/11/2019, 8:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Because them will be shain to call
09/11/2019, 8:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Anyways
09/11/2019, 8:02 pm - My Love: Hun
09/11/2019, 8:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I am glad it is not me
09/11/2019, 8:02 pm - My Love: But it hurt bb
09/11/2019, 8:02 pm - Emmanuel �: You put that for
09/11/2019, 8:03 pm - My Love: I miss them
09/11/2019, 8:03 pm - My Love: Girls
09/11/2019, 8:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I know hun
09/11/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: I love u bb
09/11/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: Where i am working..
09/11/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: Is right at the bad of where i was working
09/11/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: And all of them mens pass right there and wacht me
09/11/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: And ask me many things
09/11/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: Why i leave the shop
09/11/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: Anyway
09/11/2019, 8:06 pm - Emmanuel �: It is close
09/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: Much peoples know me that part
09/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: Back
09/11/2019, 8:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
09/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: Because all of them busyness is right there
09/11/2019, 8:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
09/11/2019, 8:08 pm - My Love: But bb
09/11/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: Dont think about that hun
09/11/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: I dont have to pass where i was working
09/11/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: Is before that
09/11/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: The job that i have now.. is before where i was
09/11/2019, 8:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay my love
09/11/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: But the peoples on the old job cant see me there
09/11/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: Everything is block off
09/11/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not think about it I trust you
09/11/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
09/11/2019, 8:10 pm - My Love: Thank u my lover
09/11/2019, 8:10 pm - My Love: Hun
09/11/2019, 8:10 pm - My Love: What u did in our home
09/11/2019, 8:10 pm - My Love: ??
09/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: How was your day today??
09/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: U miss meee??
09/11/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: More than I can describe
09/11/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you like mad
09/11/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
09/11/2019, 8:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I will have to show you a picture
09/11/2019, 8:12 pm - My Love: Haha
09/11/2019, 8:12 pm - My Love: Describe it
09/11/2019, 8:12 pm - My Love: Yesss
09/11/2019, 8:12 pm - My Love: Send me it bb
09/11/2019, 8:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I just frame the doorway
09/11/2019, 8:13 pm - My Love: Woowwwwww
09/11/2019, 8:13 pm - My Love:
09/11/2019, 8:13 pm - My Love: I am very happy hun
09/11/2019, 8:14 pm - Emmanuel �: It is like that thing what that man putting in
09/11/2019, 8:15 pm - My Love: Oohh yes
09/11/2019, 8:15 pm - My Love: I know what its
09/11/2019, 8:15 pm - My Love: It loookkk reall real real great bb
09/11/2019, 8:15 pm - My Love: ��������
09/11/2019, 8:15 pm - My Love: I am in love with the house now
09/11/2019, 8:15 pm - My Love: I dont love u anymore
09/11/2019, 8:15 pm - My Love: ���
09/11/2019, 8:15 pm - My Love: Hehehee
09/11/2019, 8:16 pm - Emmanuel �: That is not our home bb
09/11/2019, 8:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I just send you that from Google to get a idea
of what a door frame is
09/11/2019, 8:16 pm - Emmanuel �: ToTomorrow
09/11/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I will send you the picture
09/11/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: From our home
09/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: Cooll b
09/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: Bb
09/11/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes hun
09/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: I love u my darling
09/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: Thank u for your effort everyday bb
09/11/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I am happy you do
09/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: Never feel that i am fedup of u hun
09/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: I love u bb
09/11/2019, 8:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun right now I am very tired
09/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: I will never be hun
09/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: Of what hun??
09/11/2019, 8:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I work very hard
09/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: Ooghh i see bb
09/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: U want a massage
09/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: Or some love up?
09/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: Which one
09/11/2019, 8:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Some love up with a massage
09/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: U want a dance from me taking out my clothes
09/11/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love: Lol
09/11/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love: U are very smart eh
09/11/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you to sit down on my back and massage
09/11/2019, 8:20 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
09/11/2019, 8:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Si mi Amor
09/11/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: Lol
09/11/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love:
09/11/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: U kill me
09/11/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: Howww
09/11/2019, 8:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun when is 9pm I would like to leave my cousin
09/11/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: ??
09/11/2019, 8:22 pm - Emmanuel �: I and get some rest
09/11/2019, 8:22 pm - Emmanuel �: There is church tomorrow
09/11/2019, 8:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Please don't be killed I need you hun
09/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: Its ok my lover
09/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: Hun
09/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: I ask my boss for my day off tomorrow
09/11/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: And he told me yes
09/11/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: �
09/11/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: I am happy
09/11/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: Tomorrow is comunion
09/11/2019, 8:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I can't describe it
09/11/2019, 8:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun please
09/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: What bb
09/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't take favors from me
09/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Men
09/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
09/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: What u mean bb??
09/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: You have to work tomorrow usually ?
09/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Well if i have to yes
09/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: But if i dont want
09/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: I will not work
09/11/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: And you ask for the day of and the boss said yes
09/11/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: That is a favor
09/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: Well
09/11/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: So it is your choice?
09/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: Its not a favor
09/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: No
09/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: U have a day off
09/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: One durying all the week
09/11/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: And you can choose the day
09/11/2019, 8:30 pm - My Love: U can choose any one.. once its not the same one
with the rest girls
09/11/2019, 8:30 pm - My Love: I choose sunday
09/11/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
09/11/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Well
09/11/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
09/11/2019, 8:30 pm - My Love: And ask him if i can colect sunday as my day off
09/11/2019, 8:30 pm - My Love: He said yes
09/11/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't recieve anything from your boss please
09/11/2019, 8:31 pm - My Love: I dont
09/11/2019, 8:31 pm - My Love: I am not bb
09/11/2019, 8:31 pm - My Love: He is not that type of person i think
09/11/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Any gift or special treatment do accept it
09/11/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't trust anyone
09/11/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: You told me your other boss was a family man and
he wasn't that type of person
09/11/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: Hun
09/11/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: Hun
09/11/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: Please stop hun
09/11/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: I know what i told u ok
09/11/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Well bb don't tell me your boss is not that
type of person
09/11/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: But really my boss now.. he is not always at boss..
he have many 4 busyness he cant stay one place always
09/11/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: You now meet the man
09/11/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't tell me that
09/11/2019, 8:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun it doesn't matter when he is there stay away
09/11/2019, 8:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't talk to Orlando sister anymore
09/11/2019, 8:34 pm - Emmanuel �: At all
09/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: Hun
09/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: Please
09/11/2019, 8:35 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am going to unfriend her
09/11/2019, 8:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun you are saying please
09/11/2019, 8:35 pm - Emmanuel �: But am I wrong ?
09/11/2019, 8:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me if I am wrong my love
09/11/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: For wanting to protect what God give me
09/11/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me hun
09/11/2019, 8:36 pm - My Love: Bb
09/11/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me
09/11/2019, 8:36 pm - My Love: U are not wrong hun
09/11/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: What he give us
09/11/2019, 8:36 pm - My Love: But i domt like when u repeat me the same thing over
and over
09/11/2019, 8:36 pm - My Love: U can remain me
09/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: But not tell me back again what i have to do over
and over hun
09/11/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Because hun already you are making a unwise
09/11/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: And saying he is not that type of person
09/11/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: Ok
09/11/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: Sorry bb
09/11/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: I just said what i saw
09/11/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: I not judge
09/11/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: I cant say he is a bad person when he is a good
09/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Never judge a book by its cover
09/11/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: Ok
09/11/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: Sorry then
09/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Depend on the spirit of God to know
09/11/2019, 8:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Do make any comment because you don't know if
he is good
09/11/2019, 8:39 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't know the man
09/11/2019, 8:39 pm - Emmanuel �: You know what you see
09/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: Ok
09/11/2019, 8:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I will not say anymore
09/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: �
09/11/2019, 8:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I feel like I shouldn't have to explain these
things to you
09/11/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I am tired of talking to you about this
09/11/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: You think o like reaping these things and
having to remind you again and again
09/11/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I will pray instead
09/11/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Because there is nothing more o can do
09/11/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: i love u bb
09/11/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: U want me still to love up u??
09/11/2019, 8:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you hun
09/11/2019, 8:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I always want you
09/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: But I just wish you understand that Satan hates
this relationship
09/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: And he will use anyone he can to destroy it
09/11/2019, 8:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Because we represent a good marriage in the
09/11/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: https://images.app.goo.gl/sEAZtrg4AfbqCE6b9
09/11/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: I will put on this now to love u up
09/11/2019, 8:48 pm - Emmanuel �: And if it is one thing Satan hates is godly
09/11/2019, 8:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Doing things right
09/11/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: Yes my lover its so bb
09/11/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Come here
09/11/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
09/11/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: I choose red
09/11/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: To make u burn tonight
09/11/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol
09/11/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
09/11/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
09/11/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: I love u
09/11/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: You are to sexy
09/11/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: But bb really
09/11/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Our relationships is under serious attack
09/11/2019, 8:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Satan doesn't want this to happen
09/11/2019, 8:52 pm - My Love: I know bb
09/11/2019, 8:52 pm - My Love: U told me
09/11/2019, 8:52 pm - Emmanuel �: The holy spirit reaveal this to me
09/11/2019, 8:52 pm - Emmanuel �: And I really wish you would be more holy and
more careful
09/11/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Because Satan can't touch you if you are living
a holy life
09/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: I see
09/11/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
09/11/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: Yes bb
09/11/2019, 8:56 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to spoil the moment
09/11/2019, 8:56 pm - Emmanuel �: By talking to much
09/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I just want you to be careful that is all
09/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
09/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: I will tell u good night before the intermet cut bb
09/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I think when we married
09/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: I love u bb
09/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: You will kill me
09/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: You will look so sexy
09/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: Why hun
09/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: In that clothes
09/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: Hehe
09/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I will dir
09/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Die
09/11/2019, 8:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night my one and only love
09/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I am sorry for reapeating things
09/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: Hun kiss me bb
09/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: To much
09/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: But is because I car3
09/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: Hun i know my lover
09/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: U told me bb
09/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Care and don't want anything to happen to you
09/11/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
09/11/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: Yes bb
09/11/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Love me up before the net cut
09/11/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: I touch my butt
09/11/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: ��
09/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: Lie down on my favorite bed
09/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: You are looking to good to leave with out
tasting you
09/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: And touch your neck
09/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: �
09/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: I kiss your neck
09/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: Then your lips
09/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I grab it tight
09/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: For hours and hours
09/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: Pull your hair
09/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: A litle
09/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: Not much
09/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: uuuuuuuu
09/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: And take out your pants
09/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: Touch penis
09/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Uuuuuuuu
09/11/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you hun
09/11/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: N
09/11/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: You will make him hard and I am with my cousin
09/11/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love:
09/11/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: Ok then
09/11/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol
09/11/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: I just
09/11/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: Hold your butt and neck and kiss u up
09/11/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: With my tongue
09/11/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: N play with your hair
09/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: What were you going to do ?
09/11/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: When
09/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: After this
09/11/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: Ohh
09/11/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: Well
09/11/2019, 9:05 pm - My Love: Take out my underwear
09/11/2019, 9:05 pm - My Love: And have penis in me.. while i am kissing u
09/11/2019, 9:05 pm - Emmanuel �:
09/11/2019, 9:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I melt
09/11/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love: I love u my darling
09/11/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love:
09/11/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love: U are my star boy
09/11/2019, 9:06 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you to bb
09/11/2019, 9:06 pm - Emmanuel �: You are my star girl
09/11/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: U are my favorite part bb
09/11/2019, 9:07 pm - Emmanuel �:
09/11/2019, 9:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you for say that love
09/11/2019, 9:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I am happy you love me
09/11/2019, 9:08 pm - Emmanuel �: And want to be with me
09/11/2019, 9:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Even though it is hard
09/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: I always want to be woth u darling
09/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: Like mad hun
09/11/2019, 9:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I know God will make a way
09/11/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
09/11/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: My love I will go now
09/11/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I am really tired
09/11/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: Ok my loveerr
09/11/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: Yes bb
09/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: He always
09/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: Will
09/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: Kiss me first
09/11/2019, 9:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I am just happy to know you still love me
09/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: Befoe u go
09/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: Of course bb
09/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: Always i will hun
09/11/2019, 9:10 pm - Emmanuel �: And that you will stay with me
09/11/2019, 9:10 pm - Emmanuel �: And not ever leave
09/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: For ever hun
09/11/2019, 9:11 pm - Emmanuel �: ���� I kiss you good my love
09/11/2019, 9:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Goodnight my only one
09/11/2019, 9:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Love you know and forever
09/11/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: I hug u tight bb
09/11/2019, 9:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I hug you to
09/11/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye my love
09/11/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: Thank u bb.. for everything hun
09/11/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Talk to you tomorrow evening
09/11/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: Yes bb
09/11/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: ���
09/11/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: I will miss u hun
09/11/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: God say you are the one
09/11/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: So I will do my best hun
09/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: Thank u once again bb
09/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love:
09/11/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you
09/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: Hun.. go and rest bb
09/11/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: I love u darling
09/11/2019, 9:14 pm - Emmanuel �: To hun
09/11/2019, 9:14 pm - Emmanuel �: For all you have do for this relationship
09/11/2019, 9:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Good hun
09/11/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Love you
09/11/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: U too bb
09/11/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Be careful please
09/11/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: Loveeeee yuu
09/11/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: Yes hun
09/11/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Protect what God have giving to us
09/11/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
09/11/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I am begging
09/11/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: And praying
09/11/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: Yes my love
09/11/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: I will hun
09/11/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: With all of my heart
09/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you hun
09/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I will do it tp
09/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: To love you
09/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night my love
09/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: ��
09/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: Thank u my lover
09/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: My prince
09/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: Rest hun
10/11/2019, 5:45 am - My Love: Good morning my sweet darling.. my sunshine
10/11/2019, 5:45 am - My Love: I bless you this mlrning i wish u all the best my
10/11/2019, 5:46 am - My Love: U are my everything muy lover..
10/11/2019, 5:46 am - My Love: Enjoy the service my lover..
10/11/2019, 5:46 am - My Love: I miss u so much my honey
10/11/2019, 5:46 am - My Love: ��������
10/11/2019, 5:46 am - My Love:
10/11/2019, 5:46 am - My Love: I hug u up and kiss u bb
10/11/2019, 3:15 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
10/11/2019, 3:15 pm - My Love: ����
10/11/2019, 3:15 pm - My Love: Where is my hunnitoooo��������
10/11/2019, 7:20 pm - My Love: Huuunnnn i want to loveeee u up bbb
10/11/2019, 7:20 pm - My Love: And feel my bestest bed ever and favorite one and
also hot one
10/11/2019, 7:21 pm - My Love: I want to hold up and touch up you all around becaus
u are my paradaise hun
10/11/2019, 7:21 pm - My Love: My blessing from God
10/11/2019, 7:21 pm - My Love: Hun.. before the internet cut.. i will tell u Good
night bb
10/11/2019, 7:22 pm - My Love: I loveeeeeeeeeeeee uuuuu soooooo much bbbb
10/11/2019, 7:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Hey my love
10/11/2019, 7:22 pm - My Love: Bbbb
10/11/2019, 7:22 pm - My Love: Where u wasssss
10/11/2019, 7:22 pm - Emmanuel �: I am over by Anthony
10/11/2019, 7:22 pm - My Love: I was waiting for u
10/11/2019, 7:22 pm - My Love: Oohh on the birthday from victoria
10/11/2019, 7:22 pm - Emmanuel �: It is Victoria birthday
10/11/2019, 7:23 pm - My Love: I seeeee bbb
10/11/2019, 7:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Sorry bb
10/11/2019, 7:23 pm - My Love: U want talk bb?
10/11/2019, 7:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you like mad
10/11/2019, 7:23 pm - My Love: Or u want to enjoy the borthday
10/11/2019, 7:23 pm - My Love: ??
10/11/2019, 7:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I am here ok
10/11/2019, 7:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I hold you tight
10/11/2019, 7:24 pm - My Love: I love u bb
10/11/2019, 7:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you to
10/11/2019, 7:24 pm - My Love: I misssss u aaaaa looooooootttt bbb
10/11/2019, 7:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I have no internet home
10/11/2019, 7:24 pm - My Love: U told me bb
10/11/2019, 7:25 pm - My Love: How come hun??
10/11/2019, 7:27 pm - Emmanuel �: My mom did not pay the rent for the internet
10/11/2019, 7:27 pm - My Love: I see my lover
10/11/2019, 7:27 pm - Emmanuel �: That is why I talk to you from my cousin
10/11/2019, 7:27 pm - Emmanuel �: The other night
10/11/2019, 7:28 pm - My Love: Yes bb u told me hun
10/11/2019, 7:28 pm - My Love: But i didnt knew this before
10/11/2019, 7:29 pm - My Love: Bb u are there??
10/11/2019, 7:30 pm - My Love: Bb
10/11/2019, 7:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes lover
10/11/2019, 7:30 pm - My Love: Hiw was your day hun??
10/11/2019, 7:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I am here
10/11/2019, 7:30 pm - My Love: Hiw was servicee??
10/11/2019, 7:31 pm - My Love: What u did bb?
10/11/2019, 7:31 pm - Emmanuel �: It was good bb
10/11/2019, 7:31 pm - Emmanuel �: How was yours
10/11/2019, 7:31 pm - My Love: Today was the co pastor birthday
10/11/2019, 7:31 pm - My Love: And the service went more longer
10/11/2019, 7:31 pm - My Love: Gooodd bb.. place was hot here
10/11/2019, 7:33 pm - My Love: But i miss u so much bb
10/11/2019, 7:33 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
10/11/2019, 7:33 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
10/11/2019, 7:33 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
10/11/2019, 7:33 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
10/11/2019, 7:33 pm - My Love: Church this morning bb
10/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: You look so beautiful hun
10/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I love your profile photo
10/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Like pastor Errol say i go lost you
10/11/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love:
10/11/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: Lol hun
10/11/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: U make me laugh
10/11/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: U are the best boyfriend ever hun
10/11/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: My greatest lover
10/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: N my only one in all this universe
10/11/2019, 7:38 pm - Emmanuel �: This is my longest relationship
10/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: Hehr
10/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: Me too bb
10/11/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: N its the marvelous one too
10/11/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Because around this time in my relationship
with grace we broke up
10/11/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: �
10/11/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Well I want this to be my last one
10/11/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: God united us bb
10/11/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: No one can separate us hun
10/11/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: You are the best girlfriend
10/11/2019, 7:40 pm - My Love: It will be hun
10/11/2019, 7:40 pm - My Love: We are the best couple then
10/11/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish this with all my heart bb
10/11/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes it is so
10/11/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
10/11/2019, 7:40 pm - My Love: Hehe
10/11/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry but I have to leave
10/11/2019, 7:40 pm - My Love: Hun u are my everything bb
10/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Now bb??
10/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: U will be back?
10/11/2019, 7:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not be able to write you until tomorrow
10/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love:
10/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Hhuuuunnnn
10/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Tomorrow i will be home
10/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: I will not work
10/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Is holiday
10/11/2019, 7:41 pm - Emmanuel �: One of my friend have a emergency
10/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: N them tell me not to work
10/11/2019, 7:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Well i will be home to
10/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
10/11/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I have a problem
10/11/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I will explain it in the morning
10/11/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I can't right now
10/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: U have a problem hun??
10/11/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Be I went to the doctor
10/11/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: For it
10/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: Bb everything is well hun
10/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: Bbb
10/11/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: Hun u are making me be worry now
10/11/2019, 7:43 pm - Emmanuel �: And he give me 3 days home
10/11/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: N what u have hun
10/11/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: ?
10/11/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: Bbb
10/11/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: Huunn
10/11/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: Bbbb
10/11/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: What u have hun
10/11/2019, 7:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I have an infection on my foot
10/11/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love:
10/11/2019, 7:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I get it from working
10/11/2019, 7:44 pm - My Love: Its dangerous bb?
10/11/2019, 7:44 pm - My Love: Its deep?
10/11/2019, 7:44 pm - My Love: It hurt u??
10/11/2019, 7:44 pm - My Love: How u feel hun?
10/11/2019, 7:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Because sometimes the place we work is nasty
10/11/2019, 7:44 pm - My Love: How come u get that bb
10/11/2019, 7:45 pm - Emmanuel �: And something must have got into my boots
10/11/2019, 7:45 pm - My Love: �
10/11/2019, 7:45 pm - My Love: �
10/11/2019, 7:45 pm - Emmanuel �: A little but the doctor tell Me what to do
10/11/2019, 7:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Not to deep
10/11/2019, 7:45 pm - My Love: Emmanuel
10/11/2019, 7:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Very much
10/11/2019, 7:46 pm - My Love: Hun bb
10/11/2019, 7:46 pm - My Love: Please bb
10/11/2019, 7:46 pm - My Love: Take of yourself bb
10/11/2019, 7:46 pm - Emmanuel �: As long as you are my future I am always well
10/11/2019, 7:46 pm - My Love: Bb becareful always hun
10/11/2019, 7:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I do bb
10/11/2019, 7:46 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
10/11/2019, 7:46 pm - My Love: I am asking about your foot
10/11/2019, 7:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I never plan it
10/11/2019, 7:46 pm - My Love: Hun
10/11/2019, 7:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I feel ok bb
10/11/2019, 7:46 pm - Emmanuel �: It will heal soon
10/11/2019, 7:47 pm - My Love: Please take care of yourself n be better bb
10/11/2019, 7:47 pm - My Love: Heal faster bb
10/11/2019, 7:47 pm - My Love: U can walk bb normal?
10/11/2019, 7:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I can walk hun
10/11/2019, 7:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
10/11/2019, 7:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I am leaving now okay
10/11/2019, 7:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I love youh so much
10/11/2019, 7:49 pm - Emmanuel �: You are my life
10/11/2019, 7:49 pm - My Love: I loveee u bbb
10/11/2019, 7:49 pm - My Love: Take cae hun
10/11/2019, 7:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Please never leave me
10/11/2019, 7:50 pm - My Love: I will lray for u always
10/11/2019, 7:50 pm - My Love: Never bb
10/11/2019, 7:50 pm - My Love: Good night my lover
10/11/2019, 7:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Please marry me
10/11/2019, 7:50 pm - My Love: I will miss u bb
10/11/2019, 7:50 pm - Emmanuel �: And be my wife forever
10/11/2019, 7:50 pm - My Love: 100000000 times i will bb
10/11/2019, 7:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I love hun
10/11/2019, 7:50 pm - My Love: I will bb
10/11/2019, 7:50 pm - My Love: I am yours bb
10/11/2019, 7:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night my bestest friend
10/11/2019, 7:50 pm - My Love: U hr my husband bb
10/11/2019, 7:50 pm - My Love: Rest well bb
10/11/2019, 7:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you my wife
10/11/2019, 7:50 pm - My Love: I love u for ever my husband
10/11/2019, 7:50 pm - Emmanuel �: You to hun rest well
10/11/2019, 7:51 pm - My Love: My entire universe
10/11/2019, 7:51 pm - My Love: I hug u tight bb
10/11/2019, 7:51 pm - My Love: Please kiss me
10/11/2019, 7:51 pm - My Love: And hold my butt
10/11/2019, 7:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye my universe I will miss you
10/11/2019, 7:51 pm - My Love: Before u go
10/11/2019, 7:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I grab it tight
d10/11/2019, 7:51 pm - My Love: I love u my prince of Goldd�����
10/11/2019, 7:51 pm - Emmanuel �: All over
10/11/2019, 7:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye my love
10/11/2019, 7:51 pm - My Love: �
10/11/2019, 7:51 pm - My Love: I die
10/11/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love: Of mich love
10/11/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love: I kiss u bb
10/11/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love: Go bb
10/11/2019, 7:52 pm - Emmanuel �:
10/11/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love:
10/11/2019, 7:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye hun
10/11/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
10/11/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
11/11/2019, 4:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
11/11/2019, 4:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Are you there
11/11/2019, 4:14 pm - My Love: Bbbb
11/11/2019, 4:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Hi hun
11/11/2019, 4:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Good evening
11/11/2019, 4:16 pm - My Love: My entire loveeerrrr
11/11/2019, 4:16 pm - My Love: I kiss u up bb
11/11/2019, 4:16 pm - My Love: I kill u with kisses bb
11/11/2019, 4:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I just come from the hospital
11/11/2019, 4:18 pm - My Love: Bb
11/11/2019, 4:18 pm - My Love: Send me a picture with your foot
11/11/2019, 4:18 pm - My Love: Please
11/11/2019, 4:18 pm - My Love: Hun tell me what the doctor tell u bb
11/11/2019, 4:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I don't want to
11/11/2019, 4:18 pm - Emmanuel �: She gave me medication
11/11/2019, 4:19 pm - My Love: Why not bb?
11/11/2019, 4:19 pm - Emmanuel �: And told me to rest my foot
11/11/2019, 4:19 pm - Emmanuel �: It looks bad
11/11/2019, 4:19 pm - My Love: Hun how it looks bb??
11/11/2019, 4:19 pm - My Love: Bb
11/11/2019, 4:19 pm - My Love: So how come
11/11/2019, 4:19 pm - My Love: U never told me about it bb
11/11/2019, 4:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Because it is an infection it will not look
11/11/2019, 4:19 pm - My Love: Bb.. how come your foot get so bad bb
11/11/2019, 4:20 pm - My Love: U never notice when it was not so bad hun??
11/11/2019, 4:20 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
l11/11/2019, 4:20 pm - Emmanuel �l
: You wil l
11/11/2019, 4:21 pm - Emmanuel �:
11/11/2019, 4:21 pm - My Love: I tought was more worse
11/11/2019, 4:21 pm - My Love: I mean looking worse
11/11/2019, 4:21 pm - My Love: Its ok bb
11/11/2019, 4:21 pm - My Love: Make sure u do what the doctor tell u ok
11/11/2019, 4:21 pm - My Love: Please i am begging u
11/11/2019, 4:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Well the infection is inside more
11/11/2019, 4:21 pm - Emmanuel �: I am
11/11/2019, 4:21 pm - My Love: Hun
11/11/2019, 4:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Except resting more
11/11/2019, 4:22 pm - My Love: I dont understand how come the infections is
different parts on your foot
11/11/2019, 4:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I have to come here to talk with you
11/11/2019, 4:22 pm - My Love: Bbbbbbb
11/11/2019, 4:22 pm - My Love: ����
11/11/2019, 4:22 pm - My Love: Hun please rest
11/11/2019, 4:22 pm - My Love: Do everything what the doctor told u u hear me
11/11/2019, 4:22 pm - My Love: Emmanuel please
11/11/2019, 4:22 pm - Emmanuel �: But I am not walking around on it lover
11/11/2019, 4:22 pm - Emmanuel �: I am being very careful
11/11/2019, 4:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun you make me feel really special
11/11/2019, 4:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you are so concerned about my health
11/11/2019, 4:24 pm - My Love: Emmanuel i am not joking bb
11/11/2019, 4:24 pm - My Love: I dont want it to be worse hun
11/11/2019, 4:24 pm - My Love: I dont want u to walk hun
11/11/2019, 4:24 pm - My Love: I want u to be better hun
11/11/2019, 4:25 pm - My Love: I think u should by a next shoes.. i dont know..
11/11/2019, 4:25 pm - My Love: What u think?
11/11/2019, 4:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun you does tell me to relax
11/11/2019, 4:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Not watch you
11/11/2019, 4:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not die okay
11/11/2019, 4:26 pm - Emmanuel �: My boots is good
11/11/2019, 4:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I just may need to get more socks
11/11/2019, 4:27 pm - Emmanuel �: But I can buy a new one
11/11/2019, 4:27 pm - My Love: Hun.. i think u need to wash your boots
11/11/2019, 4:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I do
11/11/2019, 4:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
11/11/2019, 4:27 pm - My Love: Before u use it again
11/11/2019, 4:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay I will
11/11/2019, 4:27 pm - Emmanuel �: But I always wash it hun
11/11/2019, 4:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I am very careful more that you
11/11/2019, 4:28 pm - Emmanuel �: This was a accident I didn't even know how it
11/11/2019, 4:28 pm - My Love: �
11/11/2019, 4:31 pm - My Love: Bb
11/11/2019, 4:31 pm - My Love: U are there
11/11/2019, 4:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Sorry bb I apologize
11/11/2019, 4:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I should not have said that
11/11/2019, 4:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Please forgive me
11/11/2019, 4:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes you are very careful
11/11/2019, 4:34 pm - My Love: Hun
11/11/2019, 4:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I was wrong hun
11/11/2019, 4:34 pm - My Love: U spoil my day hun
11/11/2019, 4:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you bb
11/11/2019, 4:34 pm - Emmanuel �: For being concerned
11/11/2019, 4:34 pm - Emmanuel �: About me
11/11/2019, 4:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you for that
11/11/2019, 4:35 pm - My Love: U know i was waiting for u all the day..
11/11/2019, 4:35 pm - My Love: And when i talk to u.. u tell me this �
11/11/2019, 4:35 pm - Emmanuel �: How you are just over the phone
11/11/2019, 4:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Let me know how well you will take care of me as
a wife
11/11/2019, 4:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Really sorry my love
11/11/2019, 4:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry hun
11/11/2019, 4:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Really I am
11/11/2019, 4:38 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
11/11/2019, 4:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I am just a little irritated from being in the
hospital so long
11/11/2019, 4:39 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't like hospital
11/11/2019, 4:39 pm - My Love: Hun i understand bb
11/11/2019, 4:39 pm - Emmanuel �: You look so beautiful tho
11/11/2019, 4:39 pm - My Love: But i was not dooing something bad to u hun
11/11/2019, 4:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I really don't want to be like my parents
11/11/2019, 4:40 pm - Emmanuel �: The quarrel whole day for every little thing
11/11/2019, 4:40 pm - Emmanuel �: No bb you do something good
11/11/2019, 4:40 pm - My Love: U want to video call bb?
11/11/2019, 4:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I love how you care
11/11/2019, 4:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I can here hun
11/11/2019, 4:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Sorry
11/11/2019, 4:41 pm - My Love: I didnt like when u tell me this bb
11/11/2019, 4:41 pm - Emmanuel �: There is to much noise
11/11/2019, 4:41 pm - My Love: U make me feel i am less
11/11/2019, 4:41 pm - My Love: And u have much better than me
11/11/2019, 4:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I apogize hun
11/11/2019, 4:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I should not have said that
11/11/2019, 4:41 pm - Emmanuel �: What i mean is I am much careful also
11/11/2019, 4:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Like how you are to
11/11/2019, 4:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun my parents fight so much I didn't even want
to bring you there to live
11/11/2019, 4:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I didn't want you to be in that
11/11/2019, 4:43 pm - My Love: I understand bb
11/11/2019, 4:43 pm - My Love: Hun i love u bb
11/11/2019, 4:44 pm - Emmanuel �: But it is apart of God plan for us to live there
11/11/2019, 4:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I think God wants to use us as a example
for my family
11/11/2019, 4:47 pm - My Love: It think so my lover
11/11/2019, 4:47 pm - My Love: Hun i miss u so muuuchhhh bb
11/11/2019, 4:47 pm - My Love: Yesterday when u gone
11/11/2019, 4:47 pm - My Love: U get trough with your friend hun?
11/11/2019, 4:54 pm - My Love: Hun
11/11/2019, 4:54 pm - My Love: U are there
11/11/2019, 4:54 pm - My Love: My phone is dying
11/11/2019, 4:54 pm - My Love: I was charginng when u text me
11/11/2019, 4:55 pm - My Love: Until what time u will be by your cuz??
11/11/2019, 4:55 pm - My Love: Emmanuel
11/11/2019, 4:55 pm - My Love: I am speaking to u
11/11/2019, 4:55 pm - My Love: Where r u
11/11/2019, 4:55 pm - Emmanuel �: I will stay for awhile to talk with you
11/11/2019, 4:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes hun we did
11/11/2019, 4:56 pm - My Love: I am happy bb
11/11/2019, 4:56 pm - My Love: But what i should do hun
11/11/2019, 4:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Charge your phone
11/11/2019, 4:57 pm - My Love: I need to charge my phone but i want to talk with u
11/11/2019, 4:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I will be here
11/11/2019, 4:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Go ahead
11/11/2019, 4:57 pm - My Love: U sure hun?
11/11/2019, 4:57 pm - Emmanuel �: And come back
11/11/2019, 4:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
11/11/2019, 4:57 pm - My Love: I will be back in 30 min ok
11/11/2019, 4:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
11/11/2019, 4:57 pm - My Love: I love u my dear
11/11/2019, 4:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
11/11/2019, 4:58 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you to
11/11/2019, 4:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
11/11/2019, 4:58 pm - My Love: I hug u bb
11/11/2019, 4:58 pm - My Love: Tell me
11/11/2019, 4:58 pm - Emmanuel �: We need to do more bible studies please
11/11/2019, 4:58 pm - My Love: Yes we need hun
11/11/2019, 4:58 pm - Emmanuel �: We need to develop spiritually
11/11/2019, 4:58 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
11/11/2019, 4:59 pm - My Love: In 30 min i wil be back
11/11/2019, 4:59 pm - My Love: We can study in a while hun
11/11/2019, 4:59 pm - My Love: U are prepare??
11/11/2019, 4:59 pm - My Love: I will go hun
11/11/2019, 5:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I have a series I want to do with you
11/11/2019, 5:00 pm - Emmanuel �: It is a beginner bible course
11/11/2019, 5:00 pm - Emmanuel �: But it is audio
11/11/2019, 5:00 pm - My Love: Oh i see bb
11/11/2019, 5:00 pm - My Love: Ok
11/11/2019, 5:01 pm - My Love: No problem
11/11/2019, 5:01 pm - Emmanuel �: You will have to save it on your phone for the
11/11/2019, 5:01 pm - Emmanuel �: And delete it after
11/11/2019, 5:01 pm - Emmanuel �: If you want to save space
11/11/2019, 5:01 pm - My Love: Ok my love
11/11/2019, 5:01 pm - Emmanuel �: You can go now love
11/11/2019, 5:02 pm - My Love: I kiss u bb
11/11/2019, 5:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
11/11/2019, 5:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Where
11/11/2019, 5:02 pm - Emmanuel �: On your neck
11/11/2019, 5:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Lips
11/11/2019, 5:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Legs
11/11/2019, 5:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Or butt
11/11/2019, 5:02 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
11/11/2019, 5:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Or back
11/11/2019, 5:02 pm - Emmanuel �: ????
11/11/2019, 5:03 pm - My Love: Butt
11/11/2019, 5:03 pm - My Love: �
11/11/2019, 5:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Hehehe
11/11/2019, 5:03 pm - My Love: Haha
11/11/2019, 5:03 pm - My Love: I will go
11/11/2019, 5:03 pm - Emmanuel �: And where do you want me to kiss you
11/11/2019, 5:03 pm - My Love: The phone will burn up just now
11/11/2019, 5:03 pm - Emmanuel �: What part
11/11/2019, 5:03 pm - My Love: In the midle
11/11/2019, 5:03 pm - My Love:
11/11/2019, 5:04 pm - My Love: Everywhere really
11/11/2019, 5:04 pm - My Love: In my butt
11/11/2019, 5:04 pm - Emmanuel �: In the middle in your butt
11/11/2019, 5:04 pm - My Love: lol
11/11/2019, 5:04 pm - My Love: Hun let me go
11/11/2019, 5:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay hun
11/11/2019, 5:04 pm - My Love: U will kill me here
11/11/2019, 5:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye
11/11/2019, 5:04 pm - My Love: With much hotness
11/11/2019, 5:04 pm - My Love: ��
11/11/2019, 5:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol
11/11/2019, 5:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Ok
11/11/2019, 5:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Go
11/11/2019, 5:05 pm - My Love: I think if u only touch my butt u will.melt me and i
will feel horney
11/11/2019, 5:05 pm - Emmanuel �: That is good but please let's keep it for
11/11/2019, 5:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
11/11/2019, 5:05 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
11/11/2019, 5:05 pm - My Love: Of course hun
11/11/2019, 5:05 pm - Emmanuel �: It will be good if we wait
11/11/2019, 5:05 pm - My Love: Let me gooooooooo
11/11/2019, 5:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Ok
11/11/2019, 5:06 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
11/11/2019, 5:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
11/11/2019, 5:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Go ahead
11/11/2019, 5:38 pm - My Love: Bb
11/11/2019, 5:38 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
11/11/2019, 5:38 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
11/11/2019, 5:39 pm - My Love: Bbb
11/11/2019, 5:39 pm - Emmanuel �: You look amazing hun
11/11/2019, 5:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Your brother is talking to me
11/11/2019, 5:40 pm - My Love: Yes..
11/11/2019, 5:40 pm - My Love: He miss u
11/11/2019, 5:40 pm - Emmanuel �: He is sharing his heart
11/11/2019, 5:40 pm - My Love: U know how long he want to video call u??
11/11/2019, 5:40 pm - My Love: Ohh ok bb
11/11/2019, 5:40 pm - My Love: Santiago?
11/11/2019, 5:40 pm - Emmanuel �: It's David hin
11/11/2019, 5:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
11/11/2019, 5:41 pm - My Love: Ohh ok bb
11/11/2019, 5:41 pm - My Love: Please talk with him hun
11/11/2019, 5:41 pm - My Love: Bb
11/11/2019, 5:41 pm - My Love: Your pillows want your hands to touch them
11/11/2019, 5:44 pm - My Love: Bb u dont know how much i miss u darling
11/11/2019, 5:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you to my darling
11/11/2019, 5:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I am I think he is listening
11/11/2019, 5:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I touch them I love them bb I love you hun
11/11/2019, 5:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
11/11/2019, 5:50 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
11/11/2019, 5:50 pm - My Love: This is good to hear bb
11/11/2019, 5:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to tell you something
11/11/2019, 5:50 pm - My Love: Tell me my hun
11/11/2019, 5:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Important
11/11/2019, 5:51 pm - My Love: Tell me bb
11/11/2019, 5:51 pm - Emmanuel �: But I need you to be understanding
11/11/2019, 5:51 pm - My Love: Ok hun
11/11/2019, 5:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Before it tell you
11/11/2019, 5:53 pm - My Love: Tell me bb
11/11/2019, 5:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
11/11/2019, 5:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to change hun
11/11/2019, 5:54 pm - My Love: About what bb??
11/11/2019, 5:54 pm - My Love: Tell me.
11/11/2019, 5:54 pm - Emmanuel �: It is my fault that you are awaken in the flesh
11/11/2019, 5:55 pm - Emmanuel �: I exposed you to it
11/11/2019, 5:55 pm - Emmanuel �: And it is dangerous
11/11/2019, 5:55 pm - Emmanuel �: To awaken passion before it's time
11/11/2019, 5:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I am not there to satisfy that passion bb
11/11/2019, 5:56 pm - Emmanuel �: That is dangerous
11/11/2019, 5:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
11/11/2019, 5:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I can cause you to fall in the flesh
11/11/2019, 5:57 pm - My Love: U think so hun??
11/11/2019, 5:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Because of what I exposed you to
11/11/2019, 5:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I know so
11/11/2019, 5:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Because the holy spirit has convicted me
11/11/2019, 5:58 pm - Emmanuel �: About it
11/11/2019, 5:58 pm - My Love: Bb
11/11/2019, 5:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun love is a door that must only be open with
the key of marriage
11/11/2019, 5:58 pm - My Love: U remember when i didnt even want to hear about the
word: sexy??
11/11/2019, 5:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I remember
11/11/2019, 5:59 pm - My Love: U remember when i was telling u i dont want to see
your chest
11/11/2019, 5:59 pm - My Love: And i never show u my parts before hun
11/11/2019, 5:59 pm - My Love: Hun
11/11/2019, 5:59 pm - My Love: Honestly i change
11/11/2019, 5:59 pm - My Love: Because was normal for u bb
11/11/2019, 6:00 pm - My Love: So i said to my self.. u will be the person which i
will married to.. so i cant show u anything from my body
11/11/2019, 6:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I am happy for it hun
11/11/2019, 6:02 pm - Emmanuel �: You know that
11/11/2019, 6:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I love to see your body
11/11/2019, 6:02 pm - Emmanuel �: But passion is a powerful thing
11/11/2019, 6:03 pm - Emmanuel �: And I don't want it to reach a place where you
need phisical satisfaction
11/11/2019, 6:03 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am not there
11/11/2019, 6:03 pm - Emmanuel �: And you have to use another way
11/11/2019, 6:04 pm - Emmanuel �: That God doesn't approve of
11/11/2019, 6:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Like using your fingers or watching pornography
11/11/2019, 6:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Which can happen eventually
11/11/2019, 6:05 pm - My Love: Bb.. well
11/11/2019, 6:05 pm - My Love: Hun
11/11/2019, 6:05 pm - My Love: I want to tell u something bb
11/11/2019, 6:05 pm - Emmanuel �: And if that is not enough you can fall to
another just to satisfy you
11/11/2019, 6:05 pm - Emmanuel �: God warn me hun
11/11/2019, 6:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me
11/11/2019, 6:05 pm - My Love: When i want u to be on my chest or really miss u.. i
really feel for u to my chest
11/11/2019, 6:05 pm - My Love: So i put my pillow on my chest
11/11/2019, 6:05 pm - My Love: And hug it
11/11/2019, 6:06 pm - My Love: Also i put it some times betoin my legs hun
11/11/2019, 6:06 pm - My Love: Because sometimes i desire u badly bb
11/11/2019, 6:06 pm - My Love: I really want to be with u hun
11/11/2019, 6:06 pm - My Love: I see bb
11/11/2019, 6:08 pm - Emmanuel �: You deleted this message
11/11/2019, 6:08 pm - Emmanuel �: And hun I want it so bad to
11/11/2019, 6:08 pm - Emmanuel �: But we have to lock back that door
11/11/2019, 6:09 pm - Emmanuel �: And fight it bb
11/11/2019, 6:09 pm - Emmanuel �: After we married we can release it completely
11/11/2019, 6:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I am unwise for opening that door
11/11/2019, 6:10 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
11/11/2019, 6:10 pm - Emmanuel �: But it is because I wanted you so bad
11/11/2019, 6:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun really if we learn to live by God word we
can overcome this until we are married
11/11/2019, 6:12 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
11/11/2019, 6:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I trust you
11/11/2019, 6:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I know you will not cheat on me
11/11/2019, 6:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I trust you but what I don't trust is the part
of us that is called the flesh
11/11/2019, 6:13 pm - My Love: Hun i just want u bb
11/11/2019, 6:13 pm - My Love: I understand bb
11/11/2019, 6:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't trust my flesh either
11/11/2019, 6:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Because God's word say to never trust in the
11/11/2019, 6:14 pm - Emmanuel �: It will always disappoint you
11/11/2019, 6:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
11/11/2019, 6:16 pm - My Love: Hun i understand bb
11/11/2019, 6:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I know I show you pornography
11/11/2019, 6:16 pm - My Love: Tell me bb
11/11/2019, 6:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Do you watch it ?
11/11/2019, 6:16 pm - Emmanuel �: On your own
b11/11/2019, 6:16 pm - My Love: Yes bb
11/11/2019, 6:16 pm - My Love: Before not now
11/11/2019, 6:17 pm - Emmanuel �: When did you start ?
11/11/2019, 6:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
11/11/2019, 6:17 pm - My Love: Wachting pornografy??
11/11/2019, 6:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
11/11/2019, 6:17 pm - My Love: Was not so long hun
11/11/2019, 6:17 pm - My Love: I cant remember bb
11/11/2019, 6:17 pm - My Love: But
11/11/2019, 6:18 pm - My Love: I was doing it like 2 or 3 times of week
11/11/2019, 6:18 pm - My Love: And i will spend like half or less wacht it
11/11/2019, 6:18 pm - My Love: Half hour*
11/11/2019, 6:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I know you was doing it
11/11/2019, 6:19 pm - My Love: How come?
11/11/2019, 6:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I feel it inside me hun
11/11/2019, 6:19 pm - My Love: �
11/11/2019, 6:19 pm - My Love: I am sorry bb
11/11/2019, 6:19 pm - My Love: I am not doing it anymore bb
11/11/2019, 6:19 pm - My Love: I dont want to do it either bb
11/11/2019, 6:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Do you use your fingers when you are watching it
11/11/2019, 6:20 pm - My Love: No bb
11/11/2019, 6:20 pm - My Love: That never attract me
11/11/2019, 6:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
11/11/2019, 6:20 pm - My Love: I was wachting it to learn how to move and do
11/11/2019, 6:20 pm - My Love: That is all
11/11/2019, 6:21 pm - Emmanuel �: And hun does it make you want to go outside of
our relationship for satisfaction?
11/11/2019, 6:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
11/11/2019, 6:21 pm - My Love: Hun never bb
11/11/2019, 6:21 pm - Emmanuel �: It's okay
11/11/2019, 6:21 pm - My Love: Hun.. i always think in u bb
11/11/2019, 6:21 pm - Emmanuel �: I watch much porn
11/11/2019, 6:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
11/11/2019, 6:21 pm - Emmanuel �: But it is not good
11/11/2019, 6:22 pm - Emmanuel �: It destroys your mind
11/11/2019, 6:22 pm - Emmanuel �: And spiritual life
11/11/2019, 6:22 pm - My Love: When i want to have satisfaction i think always with
u bb
11/11/2019, 6:22 pm - My Love: Yes hun.. this was happen to me bb
11/11/2019, 6:22 pm - My Love: N i didnt like to think on sex always hun
11/11/2019, 6:22 pm - My Love: That is a sick
11/11/2019, 6:23 pm - My Love: That was a obsecion bb
11/11/2019, 6:23 pm - My Love: In my mind
11/11/2019, 6:23 pm - My Love: I dont like that bb
11/11/2019, 6:23 pm - My Love: U does it now bb??
11/11/2019, 6:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I know my love
11/11/2019, 6:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Because it happened to me
11/11/2019, 6:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I know my love
11/11/2019, 6:26 pm - Emmanuel �: It happened to me all what you say
11/11/2019, 6:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I hate it
11/11/2019, 6:26 pm - My Love: U do it as get hun
11/11/2019, 6:26 pm - My Love: ??
11/11/2019, 6:27 pm - Emmanuel �: No hun
11/11/2019, 6:27 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
11/11/2019, 6:27 pm - My Love: When u stop hun?
11/11/2019, 6:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I have stop a good time now
11/11/2019, 6:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't remember the time
11/11/2019, 6:27 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
11/11/2019, 6:27 pm - My Love: I am proud of u bb
11/11/2019, 6:27 pm - Emmanuel �: The time I watch it was when I send you the gif
11/11/2019, 6:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I see it
11/11/2019, 6:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Again
11/11/2019, 6:28 pm - My Love: Ohh i see bb
11/11/2019, 6:28 pm - Emmanuel �: It is very hard to stay away from it
11/11/2019, 6:29 pm - My Love: Hun
11/11/2019, 6:29 pm - My Love: But u are teling me u are not wachting it bb
11/11/2019, 6:29 pm - Emmanuel �: All I know is that this is not God will for our
marriage bb
11/11/2019, 6:30 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
11/11/2019, 6:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't but it takes effort to not go back to it
11/11/2019, 6:30 pm - Emmanuel �: You understand
11/11/2019, 6:30 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
11/11/2019, 6:31 pm - Emmanuel �: But I need your help
11/11/2019, 6:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Before I tell you
11/11/2019, 6:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to tell you this
11/11/2019, 6:32 pm - My Love: Tell me bb
11/11/2019, 6:32 pm - Emmanuel �: You will try to stop porn but it will not leave
you easy
11/11/2019, 6:32 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
11/11/2019, 6:32 pm - Emmanuel �: It will be a battle
11/11/2019, 6:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Trust me
11/11/2019, 6:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
11/11/2019, 6:33 pm - My Love: Ok bb
11/11/2019, 6:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
11/11/2019, 6:47 pm - My Love: Yes bb
11/11/2019, 6:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I got a call sorry bb
11/11/2019, 6:48 pm - My Love: Its ok hun
11/11/2019, 6:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I need your help
11/11/2019, 6:49 pm - Emmanuel �: With this bb
11/11/2019, 6:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I had stop masturbating
11/11/2019, 6:49 pm - Emmanuel �: And watching porn
11/11/2019, 6:49 pm - My Love: Yes bb
11/11/2019, 6:50 pm - Emmanuel �: But
11/11/2019, 6:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I always fall back into mastibation
11/11/2019, 6:50 pm - Emmanuel �: And it happens when I see the picture you send
for me
11/11/2019, 6:51 pm - My Love: So
11/11/2019, 6:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I masturbating thinking about having sex with
you hun
11/11/2019, 6:51 pm - My Love: U dont want me to send u no more picture
11/11/2019, 6:51 pm - My Love: ?
11/11/2019, 6:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to stop masturbating hun
11/11/2019, 6:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes bb
11/11/2019, 6:52 pm - My Love: Yes hun
11/11/2019, 6:52 pm - My Love: Its ok for.me
11/11/2019, 6:52 pm - Emmanuel �: But it is more than that
11/11/2019, 6:52 pm - My Love: I dont have any problem bb
11/11/2019, 6:53 pm - My Love: Can i send u pictures of my face or body.. i mean
with clothes??
11/11/2019, 6:53 pm - My Love: What my bb
11/11/2019, 6:53 pm - Emmanuel �: I think it is a demon behind our relationship
11/11/2019, 6:53 pm - Emmanuel �: To make is unpure
11/11/2019, 6:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Before we married
11/11/2019, 6:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I think it is what you dream hun
11/11/2019, 6:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes love
11/11/2019, 6:54 pm - My Love: Yes bb. What i dream its true hun
11/11/2019, 6:55 pm - Emmanuel �: And I don't want to lose you hun
11/11/2019, 6:55 pm - My Love: Me either bb
11/11/2019, 6:55 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want that demon to separate us
11/11/2019, 6:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Or spoil us
11/11/2019, 6:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Take away our virginity and purity
11/11/2019, 6:56 pm - Emmanuel �: With temptation
11/11/2019, 6:56 pm - Emmanuel �: That is why I want to start back the bible
11/11/2019, 6:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
11/11/2019, 6:58 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
11/11/2019, 6:58 pm - Emmanuel �: You there bb
11/11/2019, 6:58 pm - My Love: Yes my bb
11/11/2019, 6:59 pm - My Love: Plenty peoples was writing me
11/11/2019, 6:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
11/11/2019, 6:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
11/11/2019, 6:59 pm - My Love: I just was replaying them that i am busy
11/11/2019, 6:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
11/11/2019, 7:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I am different
11/11/2019, 7:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I know I always say it
11/11/2019, 7:00 pm - Emmanuel �: But this time I mean it
11/11/2019, 7:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Your brother just tell me tonight will be the
last night he goes out and drink
11/11/2019, 7:01 pm - Emmanuel �: And party
11/11/2019, 7:01 pm - My Love: Hope so bb
11/11/2019, 7:01 pm - My Love: Hun
11/11/2019, 7:01 pm - My Love: When u talk with him
11/11/2019, 7:01 pm - My Love: He does hear u
11/11/2019, 7:01 pm - Emmanuel �: And that he is coming back in God
11/11/2019, 7:01 pm - My Love: Really
11/11/2019, 7:01 pm - My Love: I am very happy hun.. that u are in my life bb
11/11/2019, 7:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun he is going tru much bb
11/11/2019, 7:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I don't want to spend my life collecting
material things
11/11/2019, 7:03 pm - My Love: What u mean bb
11/11/2019, 7:03 pm - Emmanuel �: True riches is changing hearts
11/11/2019, 7:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun think about how many prostitute out there
11/11/2019, 7:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Young girls younger than 18 years
11/11/2019, 7:04 pm - Emmanuel �: And many different men using them body
11/11/2019, 7:04 pm - Emmanuel �: We can do something about it
11/11/2019, 7:05 pm - Emmanuel �: No one cares
11/11/2019, 7:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun there alcoholics
11/11/2019, 7:05 pm - Emmanuel �: And drug addict
11/11/2019, 7:06 pm - My Love: Yes hun
11/11/2019, 7:06 pm - My Love: We can do something bb
11/11/2019, 7:06 pm - Emmanuel �: God has need workers
11/11/2019, 7:06 pm - My Love: But we have to lead by God
11/11/2019, 7:06 pm - My Love: What to do
11/11/2019, 7:06 pm - My Love: To help
11/11/2019, 7:06 pm - Emmanuel �: But he has no one who is sincere
11/11/2019, 7:06 pm - Emmanuel �: All the people are selfish
11/11/2019, 7:06 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
11/11/2019, 7:07 pm - My Love: We have to be different bb
11/11/2019, 7:07 pm - My Love: And help all of them hun
11/11/2019, 7:07 pm - Emmanuel �: But we are not
11/11/2019, 7:07 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
11/11/2019, 7:07 pm - Emmanuel �: We also think of only our future
11/11/2019, 7:07 pm - Emmanuel �: And our well lives
11/11/2019, 7:09 pm - My Love: We need more of God hun
11/11/2019, 7:09 pm - My Love: And less of us
11/11/2019, 7:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes my love we do
11/11/2019, 7:10 pm - Emmanuel �: But we our phone is our God
11/11/2019, 7:10 pm - Emmanuel �: It is an idol
11/11/2019, 7:10 pm - My Love: U are in the phone hun
11/11/2019, 7:10 pm - Emmanuel �: That has replaced him
11/11/2019, 7:10 pm - My Love: That is why i am on the phone
11/11/2019, 7:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Well then I am your idol
11/11/2019, 7:10 pm - My Love:
11/11/2019, 7:11 pm - My Love: ♀
11/11/2019, 7:11 pm - Emmanuel �: We carry this phone everywhere
11/11/2019, 7:11 pm - Emmanuel �: But leave our bible home
11/11/2019, 7:11 pm - Emmanuel �: This phone is alway in our hand
11/11/2019, 7:11 pm - Emmanuel �: When last did your hand hold your bible
11/11/2019, 7:12 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
11/11/2019, 7:12 pm - My Love: Not to long bb
11/11/2019, 7:12 pm - Emmanuel �: When last
11/11/2019, 7:13 pm - Emmanuel �: How much months
11/11/2019, 7:13 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
11/11/2019, 7:13 pm - Emmanuel �: And not counting when you have to carry it to
11/11/2019, 7:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun ?
11/11/2019, 7:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Are you still replying to people
11/11/2019, 7:16 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
11/11/2019, 7:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
11/11/2019, 7:19 pm - Emmanuel �: You there
11/11/2019, 7:20 pm - My Love: I went to do my dinner
11/11/2019, 7:20 pm - My Love: And look out for mom
11/11/2019, 7:20 pm - My Love: She was not in home
11/11/2019, 7:20 pm - My Love: And she was out side
11/11/2019, 7:21 pm - My Love: Today hun
11/11/2019, 7:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
11/11/2019, 7:21 pm - My Love: I read my bible everyday
11/11/2019, 7:21 pm - My Love: Well.. mostly at the morning
11/11/2019, 7:21 pm - My Love: But when i am lated i read it in the afternoon
11/11/2019, 7:21 pm - My Love: No bb
11/11/2019, 7:21 pm - Emmanuel �: This is good
11/11/2019, 7:22 pm - Emmanuel �: But hun just reading the bible is not enough to
overcome the demom
11/11/2019, 7:22 pm - Emmanuel �: I just want to be honest with you
11/11/2019, 7:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Many people read the bible
11/11/2019, 7:23 pm - Emmanuel �: But very little people live a pure life
11/11/2019, 7:24 pm - My Love: U right bb
11/11/2019, 7:24 pm - My Love: I am trying everyday to talk with my mom normally
11/11/2019, 7:25 pm - My Love: Like a Godly child
11/11/2019, 7:25 pm - My Love: And my mom make me mad most of the time
11/11/2019, 7:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I understand hun
11/11/2019, 7:25 pm - My Love: But still when i get rude.. after i feel guilty
11/11/2019, 7:25 pm - My Love: Because i dont want to do that
11/11/2019, 7:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I know you don't bb
11/11/2019, 7:26 pm - Emmanuel �: You are a good daughter
11/11/2019, 7:26 pm - Emmanuel �: And a wonderful girlfriend
11/11/2019, 7:26 pm - My Love: I think i am not enough bb
11/11/2019, 7:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
11/11/2019, 7:26 pm - My Love: �
11/11/2019, 7:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Come here
11/11/2019, 7:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Stay with me
11/11/2019, 7:27 pm - My Love: I am not bb
11/11/2019, 7:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
11/11/2019, 7:27 pm - My Love: U know how much i hurt u and my mom
11/11/2019, 7:27 pm - My Love: Very much
11/11/2019, 7:27 pm - My Love: For ever hun
11/11/2019, 7:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
11/11/2019, 7:28 pm - Emmanuel �: You didn't wanted to hurt us
11/11/2019, 7:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Love
11/11/2019, 7:28 pm - Emmanuel �: People take advantage of you
11/11/2019, 7:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I hold you tight
11/11/2019, 7:29 pm - My Love: Hun
11/11/2019, 7:29 pm - My Love: I hate to fail hun
11/11/2019, 7:29 pm - My Love: I hate to do mistakes bb
11/11/2019, 7:30 pm - My Love: I hate to fall inside where i falled
11/11/2019, 7:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun failing is a part of life
11/11/2019, 7:30 pm - My Love: Bb i am afraid hun
11/11/2019, 7:30 pm - Emmanuel �: But learning from our mistakes is important
11/11/2019, 7:30 pm - Emmanuel �: If what hun
11/11/2019, 7:31 pm - Emmanuel �: * of what
11/11/2019, 7:33 pm - My Love: Of failing bb
11/11/2019, 7:33 pm - Emmanuel �: You can fall if your heart is pure
11/11/2019, 7:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun falling is not the problem
11/11/2019, 7:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Falling in the same place again and again is
11/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: Hun for me its a problem
11/11/2019, 7:34 pm - Emmanuel �: It means you are not learning
11/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Because hun you are watching things to destroy
you mind
11/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: And make you feel for sex
11/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: And open temptation
11/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: In your life
11/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: And hun
11/11/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: You are always saying this is a good person
11/11/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Without investigating the person tru intentions
11/11/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I want to ask you a question
11/11/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Please don't get vex
11/11/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
11/11/2019, 7:38 pm - Emmanuel �: You are taking so long to respond
11/11/2019, 7:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
11/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: Bb
11/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: I went to the kitchen bb
11/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: I was eating
11/11/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Oh okay
11/11/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: Hun.. i want to wash the dishes
11/11/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
11/11/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: U will be here still bb??
11/11/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: I will go home soon
11/11/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: I am by my cousin long
11/11/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: I will stay bb
11/11/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: My foot need to rest
11/11/2019, 7:40 pm - My Love: But u are walking now?
11/11/2019, 7:40 pm - My Love: When u are writing me u are sit down..
11/11/2019, 7:40 pm - My Love: ??
11/11/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Know but the doctor told me to keep it up
11/11/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: And I have not been doing it
11/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: What mean keep it up??
11/11/2019, 7:41 pm - Emmanuel �: She told me to lie down in bed
11/11/2019, 7:41 pm - Emmanuel �: And put a pillow under my foot
11/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Oh i see
11/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Bb
11/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Please do it hun
11/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: I want u to be better bb
11/11/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: If I do that I can't write you
11/11/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
11/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: Bb
11/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: When u go home bb
11/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: Please do it
11/11/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
11/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: And when ever u are not online
11/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: Also do it
11/11/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
11/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: I dont want u to move
11/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: I will tie u donw
11/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: Down
11/11/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay hun
11/11/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: On the bed
11/11/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: Lol
11/11/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: If i was there
11/11/2019, 7:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay bb
11/11/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: I would of do that
11/11/2019, 7:43 pm - Emmanuel �: You would have to
11/11/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: �
11/11/2019, 7:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I will stay with you
11/11/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: Hehe
11/11/2019, 7:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
11/11/2019, 7:44 pm - My Love: Yes bb
11/11/2019, 7:44 pm - Emmanuel �: If you die now
11/11/2019, 7:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Will I see you in heaven
11/11/2019, 7:44 pm - My Love: Never say this bb
11/11/2019, 7:45 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
11/11/2019, 7:45 pm - Emmanuel �: If we die now
11/11/2019, 7:45 pm - My Love: Hun
11/11/2019, 7:45 pm - My Love: Whats wrong with u
11/11/2019, 7:45 pm - Emmanuel �: You are sure about your salvation?
11/11/2019, 7:45 pm - My Love: Yes hun
11/11/2019, 7:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
11/11/2019, 7:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
11/11/2019, 7:46 pm - My Love: N u bb
11/11/2019, 7:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not ready to be the bride of Christ
11/11/2019, 7:46 pm - Emmanuel �: My heart is in the right place
11/11/2019, 7:47 pm - Emmanuel �: But I still have many spots and wrinkles to wash
out of my wedding dress
11/11/2019, 7:48 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am selfish
11/11/2019, 7:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Many souls are being lost
11/11/2019, 7:49 pm - Emmanuel �: If I was in Christ more
11/11/2019, 7:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I could of help more people
11/11/2019, 7:50 pm - My Love: I see bb
11/11/2019, 7:50 pm - My Love: I agree with u bb
11/11/2019, 7:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I really wish for us to do the teachings
11/11/2019, 7:51 pm - Emmanuel �: And build ourselves
11/11/2019, 7:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Spiritually
11/11/2019, 7:51 pm - My Love: U want to do it now bb?
11/11/2019, 7:51 pm - Emmanuel �: You sure hun
11/11/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love: I dont have much baterry
11/11/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love: But we can do it bb
11/11/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love: What time u will go hun?
11/11/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love: Its not late bb?
11/11/2019, 7:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Let is wait until
11/11/2019, 7:54 pm - My Love: Until when?
11/11/2019, 7:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I get internet
11/11/2019, 7:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Home
11/11/2019, 7:54 pm - My Love: Ok my gift
11/11/2019, 7:54 pm - My Love: Hun.. when u will get internet ?
11/11/2019, 7:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I will go and rest my foot
11/11/2019, 7:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Mom pay it
11/11/2019, 7:55 pm - Emmanuel �: We are waiting for them to connect it back
11/11/2019, 7:55 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
11/11/2019, 7:55 pm - My Love: Hun please rest bb i loveeeeeeeeeeeeee u sooo much
11/11/2019, 7:56 pm - Emmanuel �: I will go and rest now
11/11/2019, 7:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
11/11/2019, 7:56 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to ask you something
11/11/2019, 7:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Before I go
11/11/2019, 7:56 pm - My Love: Yes my bb
11/11/2019, 7:56 pm - Emmanuel �: But don't get upset
11/11/2019, 7:56 pm - My Love: Please take care of yourself bb
11/11/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: ♀
11/11/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I am tell you
11/11/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: U have to know how to speak
11/11/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: So i will react
11/11/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
11/11/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Do you still have your old boss number ?
11/11/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: Yes bb
11/11/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Why
11/11/2019, 7:58 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
11/11/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: I have no reason
11/11/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: I was to delete it
11/11/2019, 7:58 pm - Emmanuel �: When was the last time you spoke to him
11/11/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: But i forget.. a leave it.. i never do anything with
11/11/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: Since when i leave
11/11/2019, 7:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
11/11/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Delete it please
11/11/2019, 7:59 pm - My Love: Ok bb
11/11/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: And your new boss you have his number
11/11/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
11/11/2019, 7:59 pm - My Love: No bb
11/11/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
11/11/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Good
11/11/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to say one more thing
11/11/2019, 8:00 pm - My Love: Yes bb
11/11/2019, 8:00 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am leaving
11/11/2019, 8:00 pm - Emmanuel �: If we do this relationship God's way we will
enjoy a wonderful relationship
11/11/2019, 8:00 pm - My Love: I know bb
11/11/2019, 8:00 pm - Emmanuel �: If we do it our way it will end in pain
11/11/2019, 8:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Goodnight my love
11/11/2019, 8:01 pm - My Love: Good night my everything
11/11/2019, 8:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I kiss you on your forehead
11/11/2019, 8:01 pm - My Love: Hope u get better bb
11/11/2019, 8:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you
11/11/2019, 8:01 pm - My Love: �
11/11/2019, 8:01 pm - My Love: I will pray for u bb
11/11/2019, 8:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
11/11/2019, 8:01 pm - My Love: Please pray for me hun
11/11/2019, 8:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Let's do it God's way
11/11/2019, 8:02 pm - Emmanuel �: And give all to him
11/11/2019, 8:02 pm - My Love: I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee uuuuuu tooooo bb
11/11/2019, 8:02 pm - My Love: Yes bb
11/11/2019, 8:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night
11/11/2019, 8:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
11/11/2019, 8:02 pm - My Love: Bye bb
11/11/2019, 8:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye
11/11/2019, 8:02 pm - My Love: I will miss u bb
11/11/2019, 8:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
11/11/2019, 8:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
11/11/2019, 8:03 pm - My Love: Yes
11/11/2019, 8:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't watch porn
11/11/2019, 8:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
11/11/2019, 8:03 pm - My Love: Yes bb
11/11/2019, 8:03 pm - My Love: I not do it
11/11/2019, 8:03 pm - Emmanuel �: It is very addictive
11/11/2019, 8:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Please bb
11/11/2019, 8:03 pm - Emmanuel �: If you feel to do ot
11/11/2019, 8:03 pm - My Love: Ok my love
11/11/2019, 8:03 pm - Emmanuel �: It
11/11/2019, 8:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Call me
11/11/2019, 8:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
11/11/2019, 8:03 pm - My Love: U sure
11/11/2019, 8:04 pm - Emmanuel �: And when I feel to masturbate I will call you
11/11/2019, 8:04 pm - My Love: Ok my darling
11/11/2019, 8:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Please do it hun
11/11/2019, 8:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Because Satan will not leave you
11/11/2019, 8:05 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
11/11/2019, 8:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I have to protect our relationship
11/11/2019, 8:05 pm - Emmanuel �: And you to
11/11/2019, 8:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Please my love
11/11/2019, 8:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Please hun
11/11/2019, 8:06 pm - Emmanuel �: It is serious hun
11/11/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: Yes bb
11/11/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: Hun i will hear u bb
11/11/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: And abe
11/11/2019, 8:06 pm - Emmanuel �: I am tell you if you want this relationship to
make it
11/11/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: Obe
11/11/2019, 8:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you hun
11/11/2019, 8:06 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not reapeat it more
11/11/2019, 8:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
11/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: I love u hun
11/11/2019, 8:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Soooooooooooooooooo much
11/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love:
11/11/2019, 8:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I kiss you on your cheeks
11/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: Bye bb
11/11/2019, 8:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye love
12/11/2019, 5:04 pm - My Love: My entireeeee loveerrr
12/11/2019, 5:04 pm - My Love: I now reach home from work
12/11/2019, 5:04 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
12/11/2019, 5:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Hi bb
12/11/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love: My loveeerrrrr
12/11/2019, 5:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Good evening
12/11/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love: I hugggg u up tight bbbb
12/11/2019, 5:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Awwwww
12/11/2019, 5:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Thanks
12/11/2019, 5:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I love your hugs
12/11/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love: I miiss u soooo much bb
12/11/2019, 5:16 pm - My Love: I love to be in your arms
12/11/2019, 5:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you to
12/11/2019, 5:16 pm - Emmanuel �: You are my joy
12/11/2019, 5:16 pm - Emmanuel �: And my happiness
12/11/2019, 5:16 pm - Emmanuel �: For all of my days
12/11/2019, 5:16 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
12/11/2019, 5:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Since we talk did you watch any porn hun
12/11/2019, 5:26 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
12/11/2019, 5:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Well I masturbated I wanted to call you but I
had know internet
12/11/2019, 5:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Stopping porn was easy but mastibation is more
12/11/2019, 5:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I will write you now
12/11/2019, 5:45 pm - Emmanuel �: What you mean you don't know how to eat love
12/11/2019, 5:45 pm - My Love: What to eat i said
12/11/2019, 5:45 pm - My Love: Lol
12/11/2019, 5:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun it is just uncomfortable talking to you in
my cousin home
12/11/2019, 5:45 pm - My Love: Ok bb
12/11/2019, 5:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry
12/11/2019, 5:45 pm - My Love: Its ok
12/11/2019, 5:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you hun
12/11/2019, 5:46 pm - My Love: I love u bb
12/11/2019, 5:46 pm - Emmanuel �: i am sorry your order is taking so long to
12/11/2019, 5:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Eat something hun
12/11/2019, 5:47 pm - My Love: Its ok
12/11/2019, 5:48 pm - My Love: Like what?
12/11/2019, 5:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Mom didn't cook bb
12/11/2019, 5:50 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
12/11/2019, 5:50 pm - My Love: Yes
12/11/2019, 5:50 pm - My Love: But not dinner as get
12/11/2019, 5:50 pm - My Love: It have pumkin
12/11/2019, 5:50 pm - My Love: �
12/11/2019, 5:50 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't want it ?
12/11/2019, 5:50 pm - My Love: I dont want to ear that
12/11/2019, 5:50 pm - My Love: Nnaahh
12/11/2019, 5:50 pm - My Love: I want u
12/11/2019, 5:50 pm - My Love: Hehe
12/11/2019, 5:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Well I belong to you
12/11/2019, 5:51 pm - My Love: ��
12/11/2019, 5:51 pm - My Love: Yummy
12/11/2019, 5:51 pm - Emmanuel �: And you can eat anything anytime once we get
12/11/2019, 5:51 pm - My Love: Really?
12/11/2019, 5:51 pm - My Love: �
12/11/2019, 5:51 pm - My Love: That is not good bb
12/11/2019, 5:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
12/11/2019, 5:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Why
12/11/2019, 5:53 pm - Emmanuel �: I will tell you this it will change when we get
children we will have to wait till them sleep and so
12/11/2019, 5:53 pm - Emmanuel �: What's wrong hun ?
12/11/2019, 5:54 pm - My Love: Hun.. read what u just write
12/11/2019, 5:55 pm - Emmanuel �: You mean wants we get married?
12/11/2019, 5:55 pm - My Love: Hun i dont understand u
12/11/2019, 5:55 pm - My Love: Because u said i can eat anything anytime
12/11/2019, 5:55 pm - My Love: U didnt said i can eat u
12/11/2019, 5:56 pm - My Love: U said anything anytime
12/11/2019, 5:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Well hun what do you think I mean
12/11/2019, 5:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Anything means any part of me
12/11/2019, 5:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Why would you think anything else hun
12/11/2019, 5:57 pm - My Love: I think about food
12/11/2019, 5:57 pm - My Love: And also i think anout this a minute..
12/11/2019, 5:57 pm - My Love: But then i get a kind of confused
12/11/2019, 5:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Well you were talking about eating me
12/11/2019, 5:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you said you don't want to eat pumpkin
12/11/2019, 5:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
12/11/2019, 5:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Let me clear up myself
12/11/2019, 5:59 pm - My Love: Lol
12/11/2019, 5:59 pm - My Love: Huuun
12/11/2019, 6:00 pm - My Love: Dont explain
12/11/2019, 6:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I don't want to confuse you
12/11/2019, 6:00 pm - My Love: I understand u bb
12/11/2019, 6:00 pm - Emmanuel �: When we are married
12/11/2019, 6:00 pm - Emmanuel �: You can eat me anytime you wish
12/11/2019, 6:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Or food
12/11/2019, 6:00 pm - Emmanuel �: The choice is yours
12/11/2019, 6:01 pm - My Love: Thank u bb
12/11/2019, 6:01 pm - My Love: For spoiling me so much
12/11/2019, 6:01 pm - My Love: I love how u are to me bb
12/11/2019, 6:01 pm - My Love: I love how u treat me hun
12/11/2019, 6:01 pm - My Love: I love to be here with u bb
12/11/2019, 6:01 pm - My Love: U are my everything hun and always u will
12/11/2019, 6:01 pm - My Love: I feel reaaalll comfortable here in your arma
12/11/2019, 6:01 pm - My Love: Arms
12/11/2019, 6:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I just hope you don't take advantage of my
kindness love
12/11/2019, 6:03 pm - My Love: Noooooo bbb
12/11/2019, 6:03 pm - My Love: How i will do that hun
12/11/2019, 6:03 pm - My Love: I cant do that bb
12/11/2019, 6:03 pm - Emmanuel �: And take my kindness for a weakness
12/11/2019, 6:03 pm - My Love: No hun
12/11/2019, 6:03 pm - My Love: I will never bb
12/11/2019, 6:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I am just hoping it never happens
12/11/2019, 6:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not saying you do it
12/11/2019, 6:05 pm - My Love: Ok bb
12/11/2019, 6:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
12/11/2019, 6:05 pm - My Love: Yes bb
12/11/2019, 6:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I have seen so many marriages fail
12/11/2019, 6:05 pm - Emmanuel �: But I want different for us
12/11/2019, 6:06 pm - My Love: We will be different bb
12/11/2019, 6:07 pm - My Love: Bb i miss u hun
12/11/2019, 6:07 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
12/11/2019, 6:07 pm - My Love: I see bb
12/11/2019, 6:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I know I do to with all my heart
12/11/2019, 6:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun if we don't build this relationship into
what we want to have
12/11/2019, 6:09 pm - Emmanuel �: It will not just happen
12/11/2019, 6:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Love takes times and hard work to build
12/11/2019, 6:09 pm - My Love: Yes my love
12/11/2019, 6:09 pm - My Love: Its not east
12/11/2019, 6:09 pm - My Love: East
12/11/2019, 6:09 pm - My Love: Easy
12/11/2019, 6:10 pm - My Love: Because it take 2
12/11/2019, 6:10 pm - My Love: N much patient, effort n understanding
12/11/2019, 6:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
12/11/2019, 6:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun love is better that sex
12/11/2019, 6:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I am telling you
12/11/2019, 6:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Anyone can have sex
12/11/2019, 6:11 pm - Emmanuel �: But not everyone know how to make love
12/11/2019, 6:11 pm - My Love: Love have many qualities.. right?
12/11/2019, 6:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Yess bb
12/11/2019, 6:15 pm - Emmanuel �: But I know one thing
12/11/2019, 6:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Is true
12/11/2019, 6:16 pm - Emmanuel �: My love for andreina is real
12/11/2019, 6:16 pm - My Love: Aaaaaawwwwww
12/11/2019, 6:16 pm - My Love:
12/11/2019, 6:16 pm - My Love: my love for emmanuel is real to bb
12/11/2019, 6:16 pm - My Love: I KNOW THIS
12/11/2019, 6:19 pm - Emmanuel �: We were meant to be
12/11/2019, 6:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
12/11/2019, 6:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I know I never really take the time to thank you
12/11/2019, 6:20 pm - Emmanuel �: But really hun
12/11/2019, 6:20 pm - Emmanuel �: You have a lot of patients
12/11/2019, 6:20 pm - Emmanuel �: You are the best girlfriend I ever had
12/11/2019, 6:21 pm - My Love: Its a pleasure bb
12/11/2019, 6:21 pm - Emmanuel �: And this is the best relationship I have ever
been in
12/11/2019, 6:21 pm - Emmanuel �: In this relationship I get much love
12/11/2019, 6:21 pm - Emmanuel �: And much care
12/11/2019, 6:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Much love up
12/11/2019, 6:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Much kisses
12/11/2019, 6:22 pm - Emmanuel �: And much encouragement
12/11/2019, 6:23 pm - My Love: Hehe
12/11/2019, 6:23 pm - My Love: Hun i not do my best still hun
12/11/2019, 6:23 pm - My Love: I know its not enough bb
12/11/2019, 6:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't do my best either
12/11/2019, 6:24 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
12/11/2019, 6:24 pm - My Love: You remember this?
12/11/2019, 6:24 pm - My Love: U are my happiness bb
12/11/2019, 6:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I love that song hun
12/11/2019, 6:25 pm - My Love: I love u bb
12/11/2019, 6:25 pm - Emmanuel �: You are very talented
12/11/2019, 6:26 pm - My Love: Nah hun
12/11/2019, 6:26 pm - My Love: I am normal
12/11/2019, 6:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you for writing it
12/11/2019, 6:27 pm - My Love: U know i dont know how to compuse songs bb
12/11/2019, 6:27 pm - My Love: I do what i can
12/11/2019, 6:29 pm - My Love: I am not a expect in songs
12/11/2019, 6:30 pm - My Love: I am waiting for meet u again bb
12/11/2019, 6:30 pm - Emmanuel �: But hun you do a good job
12/11/2019, 6:30 pm - My Love: I am happy u like it bb
12/11/2019, 6:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I would not tell you that if it wasn't tru
12/11/2019, 6:30 pm - My Love: Because its for u hun
12/11/2019, 6:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I do very much
12/11/2019, 6:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I totally love it
12/11/2019, 6:31 pm - My Love: ??????
12/11/2019, 6:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I would not tell you that you write it good if
it wasn't the truth
12/11/2019, 6:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I can help you fix the English in the song
12/11/2019, 6:32 pm - My Love: Ohh hehe i see bb
12/11/2019, 6:32 pm - Emmanuel �: It is not bad
12/11/2019, 6:33 pm - Emmanuel �: But it can be Change a little
12/11/2019, 6:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
12/11/2019, 6:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Can you try and remember the first song
12/11/2019, 6:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I just want to be by your side to make you laugh
and never make you cry
12/11/2019, 6:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I love that song
12/11/2019, 6:34 pm - My Love: I cant remember all the words bb
12/11/2019, 6:34 pm - My Love: Really??
12/11/2019, 6:34 pm - My Love: I tought was normal
12/11/2019, 6:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I want it to
12/11/2019, 6:36 pm - My Love: Hun i cant remember it bb
12/11/2019, 6:36 pm - My Love: Its so long that i write that song
12/11/2019, 6:36 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to put it together with mines and try to
make a cd
12/11/2019, 6:36 pm - My Love: And plus i didnt write it down
12/11/2019, 6:37 pm - My Love: Hehe
12/11/2019, 6:37 pm - Emmanuel �: We try to write it over
12/11/2019, 6:37 pm - My Love: Our kids will love it eh
12/11/2019, 6:37 pm - My Love: Hun.. and if i did it again but with others words?
12/11/2019, 6:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
12/11/2019, 6:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
12/11/2019, 6:38 pm - Emmanuel �: But keep the chorus
12/11/2019, 6:38 pm - Emmanuel �: The same
12/11/2019, 6:39 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
12/11/2019, 6:40 pm - My Love: What u mean about this bb
12/11/2019, 6:41 pm - My Love: I am eating bb
12/11/2019, 6:42 pm - Emmanuel �: One of my friend name genelle told me that I
alway give my whole heart to people and them take it for granted
12/11/2019, 6:42 pm - Emmanuel �: She told me she notice it
12/11/2019, 6:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Because she is the same like me
12/11/2019, 6:42 pm - Emmanuel �: She loves to much
12/11/2019, 6:43 pm - Emmanuel �: She send me some quotes and it really change how
I see myself
12/11/2019, 6:43 pm - Emmanuel �: And how I give my love
12/11/2019, 6:43 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
12/11/2019, 6:43 pm - My Love: Love it bb
12/11/2019, 6:43 pm - My Love: �
12/11/2019, 6:44 pm - My Love: I see my bb
12/11/2019, 6:45 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
12/11/2019, 6:46 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
12/11/2019, 6:46 pm - Emmanuel �: This is one of my favorite
12/11/2019, 6:47 pm - My Love: �
12/11/2019, 6:47 pm - Emmanuel �: That girl recently started coming to our church
12/11/2019, 6:47 pm - Emmanuel �: She is the same girl we went and help her with
her apartment
12/11/2019, 6:47 pm - Emmanuel �: But she likes my friend
12/11/2019, 6:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Keril
12/11/2019, 6:48 pm - Emmanuel �: But because keril is my close friend
12/11/2019, 6:48 pm - Emmanuel �: I get to know her much
12/11/2019, 6:48 pm - My Love: Oohh i see
12/11/2019, 6:51 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
12/11/2019, 6:51 pm - My Love: Aaawww
12/11/2019, 6:52 pm - My Love: This one is niceee bb
12/11/2019, 6:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I like this one because in relationship we all
have faults
12/11/2019, 6:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Affection is the same as showing love
12/11/2019, 6:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Do you agree that it is better than forcing your
partner to be perfect
12/11/2019, 6:56 pm - My Love: Yes bb
12/11/2019, 6:56 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
12/11/2019, 6:56 pm - Emmanuel �: That was the last one she sent me
12/11/2019, 6:56 pm - My Love: True
12/11/2019, 6:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun what we went tru in the pass
12/11/2019, 6:57 pm - Emmanuel �: And what we are still going tru
12/11/2019, 6:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Is very difficult
12/11/2019, 6:57 pm - Emmanuel �: But I believe
12/11/2019, 6:58 pm - Emmanuel �: It is making our love for each other stronger
12/11/2019, 6:58 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you bb
12/11/2019, 6:58 pm - Emmanuel �: You are my half of orange
12/11/2019, 7:00 pm - My Love: Bbbb
12/11/2019, 7:00 pm - My Love: I finish eating
12/11/2019, 7:00 pm - My Love: U are my prefect mach and complement
12/11/2019, 7:01 pm - My Love: Yes my lover.. i feel we are more united than before
12/11/2019, 7:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
12/11/2019, 7:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Do you know how hard it is to resist you
12/11/2019, 7:02 pm - My Love: Lol
12/11/2019, 7:02 pm - My Love: Hun
12/11/2019, 7:02 pm - My Love: Dont say that bb
12/11/2019, 7:02 pm - My Love: U will make me feel guilty and bad bb
12/11/2019, 7:03 pm - Emmanuel �: It is true bb it is because I love you much
12/11/2019, 7:03 pm - Emmanuel �: And want to be with you only
12/11/2019, 7:03 pm - My Love: Hun
12/11/2019, 7:03 pm - My Love: Bb
12/11/2019, 7:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't feel that way about anyone else
12/11/2019, 7:03 pm - My Love:
12/11/2019, 7:03 pm - My Love: I love u bb
12/11/2019, 7:04 pm - My Love: I just i dont want u to feel that u cant live with
12/11/2019, 7:04 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you to
12/11/2019, 7:04 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't understand?
12/11/2019, 7:04 pm - My Love: Forget it bb
12/11/2019, 7:04 pm - Emmanuel �: No bb
12/11/2019, 7:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me
12/11/2019, 7:04 pm - My Love: Its not important bb
12/11/2019, 7:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Please hun
12/11/2019, 7:05 pm - My Love: Well
12/11/2019, 7:05 pm - My Love: I mean
12/11/2019, 7:05 pm - My Love: I dont want u to reach in that point where u cant
live with out me bb
12/11/2019, 7:06 pm - My Love: Also i dont want u to feel to deep in this way..
because i dont want to feel i am a temptation to someone
12/11/2019, 7:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Well I know better now
12/11/2019, 7:06 pm - Emmanuel �: I understand you
12/11/2019, 7:06 pm - Emmanuel �: But I have grown
12/11/2019, 7:07 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
12/11/2019, 7:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun you are beautiful
12/11/2019, 7:07 pm - Emmanuel �: You will always be tempting not just to me but
to everyone else around you
12/11/2019, 7:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you are beautiful
12/11/2019, 7:07 pm - My Love: Hun
12/11/2019, 7:08 pm - My Love: Pleasee b
12/11/2019, 7:08 pm - My Love: Dont say that
12/11/2019, 7:08 pm - Emmanuel �: But I love your attitude
12/11/2019, 7:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Of how you protect yourself
12/11/2019, 7:08 pm - Emmanuel �: It is the true hun know this will help you be
more aware
12/11/2019, 7:09 pm - My Love: Hun
12/11/2019, 7:09 pm - Emmanuel �: And you will be better about to protect yourself
12/11/2019, 7:09 pm - My Love: I dont want to think about that bb
12/11/2019, 7:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
12/11/2019, 7:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I respect your wishes
12/11/2019, 7:09 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
12/11/2019, 7:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not continue
12/11/2019, 7:11 pm - My Love: Bb hug me nah
12/11/2019, 7:13 pm - Emmanuel �: With my whole heart
12/11/2019, 7:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
12/11/2019, 7:13 pm - My Love: Aaaaaawwwwww
12/11/2019, 7:13 pm - My Love: �����
12/11/2019, 7:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb I never want to let GO
12/11/2019, 7:13 pm - My Love: I love u my bb
12/11/2019, 7:13 pm - My Love:
12/11/2019, 7:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you more every day
12/11/2019, 7:14 pm - My Love: Aww
12/11/2019, 7:15 pm - My Love: Me too my lover
12/11/2019, 7:15 pm - My Love:
12/11/2019, 7:15 pm - Emmanuel �: You are my sunshine
12/11/2019, 7:15 pm - My Love: U are my sky my moon my everything
12/11/2019, 7:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I will do anything for
12/11/2019, 7:15 pm - My Love: U are my bed
12/11/2019, 7:15 pm - Emmanuel �: You bb
12/11/2019, 7:15 pm - My Love: My pillow
12/11/2019, 7:15 pm - My Love: My best friend
12/11/2019, 7:15 pm - My Love: ���
12/11/2019, 7:16 pm - My Love: I cant want more bb
12/11/2019, 7:16 pm - My Love: Having u in my life
12/11/2019, 7:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Awwwwwwwwww
12/11/2019, 7:17 pm - Emmanuel �: So tell me
12/11/2019, 7:17 pm - My Love: Tell u what bb
12/11/2019, 7:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Can I still be your husband
12/11/2019, 7:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Forever
12/11/2019, 7:18 pm - Emmanuel �: ????
12/11/2019, 7:18 pm - My Love: Yes my husband is my all in one
12/11/2019, 7:19 pm - Emmanuel �: And
12/11/2019, 7:19 pm - My Love: Of courseeeeee
12/11/2019, 7:19 pm - Emmanuel �: What if someone stronger comes ? What would you
tell them
12/11/2019, 7:19 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
12/11/2019, 7:20 pm - My Love: Depart from me strongs mens.. i have what i want and
what is worth to have
12/11/2019, 7:20 pm - Emmanuel �: And
12/11/2019, 7:20 pm - Emmanuel �: If someone more handsome comes what you will
do ?
12/11/2019, 7:21 pm - My Love: Nothing.. move and pretend he not exist.. beautiness
not attract me
12/11/2019, 7:21 pm - My Love: Beautiness of mens dont attract me
12/11/2019, 7:22 pm - Emmanuel �: What is someone richer comes ? What you will do
12/11/2019, 7:22 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
12/11/2019, 7:23 pm - My Love: Riches dont attract me
12/11/2019, 7:23 pm - My Love: So i will just move
12/11/2019, 7:23 pm - My Love: From where that person is
12/11/2019, 7:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Well
12/11/2019, 7:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I guess that I win
12/11/2019, 7:24 pm - My Love: Hehe yes
12/11/2019, 7:24 pm - Emmanuel �: All them men
12/11/2019, 7:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I am happy hun
12/11/2019, 7:24 pm - My Love: I am attracted to mens who have interesant topics to
always talk
12/11/2019, 7:24 pm - Emmanuel �: That you are the way you are
12/11/2019, 7:24 pm - My Love: Because i love to talk
12/11/2019, 7:24 pm - Emmanuel �: No you don't
12/11/2019, 7:24 pm - My Love: And u are very interesant hun
12/11/2019, 7:25 pm - My Love: Yes.. in topics that are interesant
12/11/2019, 7:25 pm - My Love: In person is different hun
12/11/2019, 7:25 pm - Emmanuel �: So if a man come who is more interesting than
me with all his words ?
12/11/2019, 7:25 pm - Emmanuel �: What will you do
12/11/2019, 7:25 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
12/11/2019, 7:25 pm - My Love: Really run away
12/11/2019, 7:26 pm - My Love: Because i will not like to have someone that could
draw my attention more than u
12/11/2019, 7:26 pm - My Love: I want u to be my first in everything hun
12/11/2019, 7:26 pm - My Love: I dont want no one else
12/11/2019, 7:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
12/11/2019, 7:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't have much weakness for women
12/11/2019, 7:27 pm - Emmanuel �: But I have one
12/11/2019, 7:28 pm - My Love: Which one
12/11/2019, 7:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Well you see how you would have to run away from
a man who talk interesting
12/11/2019, 7:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I will have to run away from a understanding
woman who is there for me when I am down
12/11/2019, 7:29 pm - Emmanuel �: That is how Orlando sister got me to fall
12/11/2019, 7:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't even like her
12/11/2019, 7:30 pm - My Love: I see bb
12/11/2019, 7:30 pm - Emmanuel �: But some how she was always there
12/11/2019, 7:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Making time for me listing and understanding
12/11/2019, 7:31 pm - My Love: I see my lover
12/11/2019, 7:31 pm - My Love: Sorry for not to be there hun
12/11/2019, 7:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Esther does the same thing
12/11/2019, 7:31 pm - My Love: I feel guilty bb
12/11/2019, 7:31 pm - Emmanuel �: And I find myself falling
12/11/2019, 7:31 pm - Emmanuel �: To
12/11/2019, 7:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I have to pull myself away
12/11/2019, 7:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Me to because I wasn't there to have interesting
conversation with you in the Times you needed it
12/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: Hun
12/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: I will try to always be there bb
12/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: When ever u need me hun
12/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: For u not to fail hun
12/11/2019, 7:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
12/11/2019, 7:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I will tell you now
12/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: And when ever bb,i am not here.. please dont be with
no one else
12/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: Tell me my bb
12/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: The girl my friend like
12/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: She is always there
12/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Sending messages
12/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Asking me if anything is wrong
12/11/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: Oh wow
12/11/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: Really??
12/11/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: If something is wrong she stays with me
12/11/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: And help me feel better
12/11/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am weak to treatment like that
12/11/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: N why u writr her for?
12/11/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: I dont understand
12/11/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't
12/11/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: I mean why u have longer converations with girls
12/11/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: She is finds out if I am okay
12/11/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: These days I don't respond much
12/11/2019, 7:38 pm - Emmanuel �: But as how she is keril friend and we go to the
same church
12/11/2019, 7:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want her to feel like I am avoiding her
12/11/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: I understand bb
12/11/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: I really try not to hun but she understands me
and she doesn't take me for granted and it feels nice to have a conversation with
someone like that
12/11/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: But I know it can end in trouble
12/11/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: So as much as I can
12/11/2019, 7:40 pm - My Love: I see bb
12/11/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I keep far
12/11/2019, 7:40 pm - My Love: This is good bb.. always keep it so
12/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Hun u are my everything bb
12/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: I never want u far from me hun
12/11/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: It's is still hard to believe that andreina
12/11/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Even now
12/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: Why bb?
12/11/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Because of our beginning
12/11/2019, 7:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I really feel like you took my love for granted
12/11/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: �
12/11/2019, 7:43 pm - Emmanuel �: And my heart always keep a part if itself
12/11/2019, 7:44 pm - Emmanuel �: In case just words
12/11/2019, 7:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry
12/11/2019, 7:45 pm - Emmanuel �: But it is not easy to open for someone who was
not committed from the start
12/11/2019, 7:45 pm - My Love: I see
12/11/2019, 7:45 pm - Emmanuel �: A part of me will always be afraid that it is
not genuine
12/11/2019, 7:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry
12/11/2019, 7:46 pm - My Love:
12/11/2019, 7:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to bring up the pass
12/11/2019, 7:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I am trying my best
12/11/2019, 7:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I love you
12/11/2019, 7:48 pm - Emmanuel �: But it is not easy
12/11/2019, 7:48 pm - My Love: �
12/11/2019, 7:48 pm - My Love: Yes its not
12/11/2019, 7:48 pm - Emmanuel �: But I want to make us work
12/11/2019, 7:48 pm - My Love: Yes my love
12/11/2019, 7:48 pm - My Love: This will work bb
12/11/2019, 7:48 pm - Emmanuel �: I use to always tell you something
12/11/2019, 7:49 pm - Emmanuel �: About your mother but you always get angry
in the beginning I treat your mother very very bad I didn't like her
12/11/2019, 7:49 pm - My Love: I remember u always told me.. tour job is to make me
12/11/2019, 7:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I thought she would do the same to me
12/11/2019, 7:50 pm - Emmanuel �: But instead she treat me more better
12/11/2019, 7:50 pm - My Love: �
12/11/2019, 7:51 pm - Emmanuel �: And now it is so easy for me to be open to her
12/11/2019, 7:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I do but is is like the bible say what ever
you sow you will reap
12/11/2019, 7:52 pm - Emmanuel �: If you sow love you should reap love
12/11/2019, 7:53 pm - Emmanuel �: But in some relationship it doesn't happen
12/11/2019, 7:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Sometimes you sow love and you reap hurt
12/11/2019, 7:54 pm - My Love: Hun.. i dont feel well
12/11/2019, 7:55 pm - Emmanuel �: What do you mean?
12/11/2019, 7:55 pm - My Love: I dont feeling well inside
12/11/2019, 7:55 pm - Emmanuel �: You are sick hun
12/11/2019, 7:55 pm - My Love: No bb
12/11/2019, 7:56 pm - Emmanuel �: You want your bed
12/11/2019, 7:56 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
12/11/2019, 7:56 pm - My Love: No bb
12/11/2019, 7:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me
12/11/2019, 7:56 pm - My Love: In my heart bb
12/11/2019, 7:56 pm - My Love: My feeling
12/11/2019, 7:56 pm - My Love: U know i dont like to remember the pass hun
12/11/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I wasn't talking much about the pass
12/11/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
12/11/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: I feel like a bad girlfriend
12/11/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: Bb its still the past
12/11/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: N it hurt me still
12/11/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: I dont like to remember the past because it hurt me
12/11/2019, 7:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun my feelings don't matter ?
12/11/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: Yes bb
12/11/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
12/11/2019, 7:58 pm - Emmanuel �: You want me to talk to someone else
12/11/2019, 7:58 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
12/11/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: No my bb
12/11/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: I want u to be here bb
12/11/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: But huunn
12/11/2019, 7:59 pm - My Love: Nothing bb
12/11/2019, 7:59 pm - My Love: Its ok
12/11/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I apologize for hurting you
12/11/2019, 8:00 pm - My Love: I dont want to remember nothing that hurt me
12/11/2019, 8:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I can be open with you
12/11/2019, 8:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not say anymore
12/11/2019, 8:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not continue
12/11/2019, 8:01 pm - My Love: U spoil my evening
12/11/2019, 8:01 pm - Emmanuel �: well if I am responsible for that I shouldn't be
12/11/2019, 8:01 pm - My Love: What u mean hun
12/11/2019, 8:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I apologize for spoiling your evening hun
12/11/2019, 8:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry for everything
12/11/2019, 8:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Forgive me
12/11/2019, 8:02 pm - My Love: Hun just forget it bb
12/11/2019, 8:02 pm - My Love: Bb
12/11/2019, 8:02 pm - My Love: Just forget it ok
12/11/2019, 8:02 pm - Emmanuel �: And keep it inside
12/11/2019, 8:02 pm - My Love: Nothing happen
12/11/2019, 8:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Until it builds up and explode more worse
12/11/2019, 8:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I was opening my feelings to you
12/11/2019, 8:03 pm - My Love: Hun.. i forgive u bb
12/11/2019, 8:03 pm - My Love: I know my lover
12/11/2019, 8:04 pm - My Love: N i am happy for that bb
12/11/2019, 8:04 pm - Emmanuel �: But you never understand me
12/11/2019, 8:04 pm - Emmanuel �: You think I am just talking about the past
12/11/2019, 8:04 pm - My Love: ��
� ��
12/11/2019, 8:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I am talking about the present and the fruture
12/11/2019, 8:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Also
12/11/2019, 8:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I can talk with you
12/11/2019, 8:05 pm - Emmanuel �: That is why I talk with others
12/11/2019, 8:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Not because I want to
12/11/2019, 8:05 pm - Emmanuel �: But because them take the time to understand
12/11/2019, 8:06 pm - Emmanuel �: And you make it about you
12/11/2019, 8:06 pm - Emmanuel �: The past didn't hurt you alone
12/11/2019, 8:06 pm - Emmanuel �: And you didn't receive it
12/11/2019, 8:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I don't feel to talk
12/11/2019, 8:08 pm - My Love: Hun
12/11/2019, 8:08 pm - My Love: Bb
12/11/2019, 8:08 pm - My Love: I am sorry hun
12/11/2019, 8:08 pm - My Love: I was listen to u bb
12/11/2019, 8:08 pm - My Love: But u know i dont like to talk about the past hun
12/11/2019, 8:08 pm - My Love: U know that
12/11/2019, 8:08 pm - My Love: I was listen to u
12/11/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: It hurt u also bb
12/11/2019, 8:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I didn't even mention specifically things of the
12/11/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I was just showing you what cause me to feel
this way about you
12/11/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Even today
12/11/2019, 8:10 pm - My Love: Bb.. really hun i am sorry bb
12/11/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I have a memory
12/11/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Do you have a memory?
12/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: Hun.. yes bb
12/11/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sure that things happen to you when you
were even a girl
12/11/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: And today that thing cause you to think a
certain way
12/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: Yes hun
12/11/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: That is because we have memories
12/11/2019, 8:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I can talk with you hun
12/11/2019, 8:12 pm - Emmanuel �: You are not understanding
12/11/2019, 8:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry
12/11/2019, 8:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry about tonight
12/11/2019, 8:12 pm - Emmanuel �: And I apologize
12/11/2019, 8:13 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am sorry for spoiling the evening
12/11/2019, 8:13 pm - Emmanuel �: But this will be the last time I open myself up
to you
12/11/2019, 8:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Because when I do instead of understanding you
turn it on me
12/11/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: But hun
12/11/2019, 8:14 pm - Emmanuel �: You defend yourself
12/11/2019, 8:14 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am not even attacking you
12/11/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: I want u to be always open to me bb
12/11/2019, 8:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I am just tell you how I feel
12/11/2019, 8:15 pm - Emmanuel �: It involves what you did
12/11/2019, 8:15 pm - Emmanuel �: But I am not focusing on what you did
12/11/2019, 8:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I am focusing on what it did to my trust in you
12/11/2019, 8:16 pm - Emmanuel �: There is a difference
12/11/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love: I see hun
12/11/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I will go
12/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: Bb
12/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: I am sorry bb
12/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: Really
12/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: Hun i need u always near bb
12/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: �
12/11/2019, 8:18 pm - Emmanuel �: But hun
12/11/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to make things worse
12/11/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
12/11/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love: Hun
12/11/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Your evening is already spoiled by me
12/11/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to spoil more
12/11/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love: I want u to always be open to me bb
12/11/2019, 8:21 pm - Emmanuel �: You want that and when I do you don't understand
12/11/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: Hun
12/11/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: But
12/11/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: �
12/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: I am sorry bb for be so stupid n foolish
12/11/2019, 8:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun don't call yourself that please
12/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: N thinking always about myself
12/11/2019, 8:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I am tired of fighting and qurreling
12/11/2019, 8:25 pm - Emmanuel �: All my life I lived that
12/11/2019, 8:26 pm - My Love: Hun i dont want to fitgh n quarel
12/11/2019, 8:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to be a different man
12/11/2019, 8:26 pm - Emmanuel �: And have a different life
12/11/2019, 8:26 pm - Emmanuel �: From my generation
12/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: U will become it bb
12/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not saying anything to you about how I feel
again bb
12/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: My love.. i think its late for u to be by your cuz
this hour
12/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: It is not worth it
12/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Thus will not help us to grow bb
12/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Yes it worth bb
12/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: For me it is not
12/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Your feelings are important to me bb
12/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you are not understanding
12/11/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: And you make everything about yourself
12/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: Hun
12/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: The problem its not u its me bb
12/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: I need to stop think in me much
12/11/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I am leaving 9pm
12/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: Ok my lover..
12/11/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: And I need to think of me a little
12/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: U never tell me how is your foot going bb
12/11/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: It's good
12/11/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't ask anymore
12/11/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
12/11/2019, 8:30 pm - My Love: Why not??
12/11/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Because hun
12/11/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not feeling open
12/11/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: �
12/11/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: That is the best I can explain
12/11/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I am going
12/11/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: To
12/11/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: Home?
12/11/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to be here
12/11/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: No from our chat
12/11/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: Bbb
12/11/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Let me leave you to do what is important
12/11/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: How u can be online n dont talk to me
12/11/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night
12/11/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: ??
12/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: I dont have anything to do
12/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: All my time is been with u
12/11/2019, 8:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you are not someone that I feel like I
can have a conversation that I can open up to who will understand me
12/11/2019, 8:35 pm - My Love: So if u feel this way always
12/11/2019, 8:35 pm - Emmanuel �: And think about themselves always
12/11/2019, 8:35 pm - My Love: U will never come to me none time
12/11/2019, 8:35 pm - My Love: This is my point
12/11/2019, 8:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I will be here but as you can see
12/11/2019, 8:35 pm - Emmanuel �: It is not going to get better tonight
12/11/2019, 8:35 pm - My Love: And when ever u needed me .. i will never be your
help because u said i dont understand u and plus u dont want to tell me nothjng
12/11/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: So please
12/11/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Let me go before it get worse
12/11/2019, 8:36 pm - My Love: But bb.. if u go tell me u will be good
12/11/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: This is not my fault
12/11/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I try to open to you
12/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: Hun but
12/11/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: No I will not be right away
12/11/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: But maybe I will eventually
12/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: Ok
12/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: I prefer u to go
12/11/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: I know the end.. if we continue talking tonight
12/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: You must prefer me go
12/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I will
12/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Go
12/11/2019, 8:39 pm - My Love: I didnt understand u
12/11/2019, 8:39 pm - Emmanuel �: You really expect me to believe you
12/11/2019, 8:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Goodnight andreina you are very selfish
12/11/2019, 8:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know why I continue to fight for you
12/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: Hun.. i really wish u could be here next to me.. n
see what i have to do right now or later.. i dont have anything hun to do
12/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: I am honest
12/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: I cant force u to believe
12/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: �
12/11/2019, 8:42 pm - My Love: Yes i am still. But i change much.. in this.. but
still need to change more
12/11/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I am going to talk to someone who is not selfish
12/11/2019, 8:42 pm - My Love: No one is perfect
12/11/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes but I can be here now
12/11/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Whit you
12/11/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I will hurt you
12/11/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not perfect in that area
12/11/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I know myself
12/11/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: Ok.. so u will go n talk with someone else
12/11/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: Cool...
12/11/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Your mother
12/11/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Not another girl
12/11/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: I wil go sleep
12/11/2019, 8:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I need someone who understand me
12/11/2019, 8:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Goodnight
12/11/2019, 8:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish you did
12/11/2019, 8:44 pm - Emmanuel �: So I didn't have to leave
12/11/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: I wish i could be the one u need always
12/11/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you to be
12/11/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: You think I want to leave
12/11/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: But how do you expect me to stay here
12/11/2019, 8:46 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
12/11/2019, 8:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me
12/11/2019, 8:46 pm - Emmanuel �: If I was selfish
12/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Would you be here
12/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Always
12/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Look when I hurt you
12/11/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: Not really hun
12/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: It take time for you to open back to me
12/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: And give me love
12/11/2019, 8:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Try and understand me
12/11/2019, 8:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
12/11/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: Ok hun
12/11/2019, 8:48 pm - Emmanuel �: I never want to leave
12/11/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: I will understand u better bb
12/11/2019, 8:48 pm - Emmanuel �: I just can take the treatment anymore
12/11/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: Ok hun
12/11/2019, 8:48 pm - Emmanuel �: When others treat me 100% better
12/11/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: So tell me where would I choose to be ?
12/11/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: I dont want to answer that
12/11/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't have to
12/11/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: The answer is obvious
12/11/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Even a dog runs away to the neighbor house if he
is being love more there
12/11/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am a human being
12/11/2019, 8:52 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am not just a human being but one who you
say is your boyfriend
12/11/2019, 8:52 pm - Emmanuel �: And future
12/11/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: I know you try to rush me of the phone hun
12/11/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not stupid
12/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: Hun
12/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: No b
12/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: I dont wamt u to leave hun
12/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: But u dont want to be here
12/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: U are not bb
12/11/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I know you are not sincere
12/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: Really hun
12/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: �
12/11/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: And I know you are doing something
12/11/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: When you take long to respond
12/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: ������������������������������
12/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: Hun
12/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: I am not bb
12/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: I am.not.doing anything
12/11/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: But still you continue to lie to me
12/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: Jow u van judge me like this way hun
12/11/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: Hun
12/11/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: What wrongs with u
12/11/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: And you want me to trust you
12/11/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: And stay here
12/11/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: Emmanuel
12/11/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: I am not doing anything bb
12/11/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: I am not bb
12/11/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: You tell me
12/11/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: My mom knows that i am not bb
12/11/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: U are not seeing me
12/11/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me what is wrong with me
12/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: Nothing bb
12/11/2019, 8:56 pm - Emmanuel �: So if nothing is wrong with me hun
12/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Why are you asking me what is wrong with me
12/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: When i ask u what wrong with u.. i mean why u cant
believe me..
12/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: U dont know if i am or.not doing something here
12/11/2019, 8:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay well if you are not doing anything why are
you taking long to respond?
12/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: Hun i am reading bb
12/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: And listen hun
12/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: I know u talk much
12/11/2019, 8:58 pm - Emmanuel �: No I don't that is why I expect you to be honest
with me
12/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: And i am hun
12/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Long after I write you not reply
12/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: I am thinking what to tell u bb
12/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: Hun.. i just think very long before i write u hun
12/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: And you actually want me to go
12/11/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: I dont want u to go
12/11/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: Really i domt want
12/11/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: But u want to go
12/11/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you tell me you think it is late to be
by my cousin
12/11/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: Its 2 things different there
12/11/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: And she not even tell me anything
12/11/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: Hun.. i tell u because i am concern about u bb
12/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Just stop
12/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
12/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: I didnt mean for u to go now.. because.i domt want u
12/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Just stop
12/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: It's enough
12/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: Hun.. u told.me. before that 8pm was late for u to
be by your cuz
12/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: It's enough
12/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: So i tought everyday aas the same hun
12/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: I just ask bb
12/11/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: It's enough
12/11/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: Why u cant believe me
12/11/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you don't be honest
12/11/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: I am honest bb
12/11/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: That is why
12/11/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: I am now
12/11/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: Since a good while now
12/11/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: God knows
12/11/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
12/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I have enough
12/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: You are right
12/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I can't see what you are doing
12/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: But he can
12/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: He is watching
12/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I am done
12/11/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: I am honest to you
12/11/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: I know that much
12/11/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: My heart is pure to yoy
12/11/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: You
12/11/2019, 9:05 pm - Emmanuel �: God knows what you are doing right now
12/11/2019, 9:05 pm - Emmanuel �: He knows hun he knows the truth
12/11/2019, 9:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I am done
12/11/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love: Hun
12/11/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love: I love u bb
12/11/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love: Ok
12/11/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love: I want to hug u bb
12/11/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love: Can i?
12/11/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love: We will grow together bb.. and overcome each
situation together bb
12/11/2019, 9:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry hun
12/11/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: I can put my hands on your shoulder?
12/11/2019, 9:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish to be in the arms of someone who actually
honest and truthful
12/11/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: �
12/11/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun really I am sorry
12/11/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Not tonight
12/11/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: Ok
12/11/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: i understand
12/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: I wish things could be different
12/11/2019, 9:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish you did
12/11/2019, 9:10 pm - Emmanuel �: But you don't
12/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: Yes i understand
12/11/2019, 9:11 pm - Emmanuel �: They will never be unless you realize that you
are in a relationship and you be truthful and honestly and open
12/11/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: No you don't
12/11/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: You never did
12/11/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: That is why I have all this pain inside me
12/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: Hun
12/11/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Goodnight I am leaving now
12/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: I dont think i never and ever understand u bb
12/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: This message was deleted
12/11/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: Hun honestly i wish u could be better
12/11/2019, 9:14 pm - Emmanuel �: No
12/11/2019, 9:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
12/11/2019, 9:14 pm - Emmanuel �: No bb
12/11/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: This message was deleted
12/11/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: Ok
12/11/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Look
12/11/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: Good night also
12/11/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: You are doing it again
12/11/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: It's all about you
12/11/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: Its not about me
12/11/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you to know something
12/11/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Tonight
12/11/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: God has many daughters
12/11/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: And many sons
12/11/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: Hun but i want u alone
12/11/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: And in his wisdom
12/11/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: Ok
12/11/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: If he sees that we can't agree
12/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: He will put you with what you really want
12/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: And me with what I really want
12/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: And avoid us from destroy each other
12/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: So continue
12/11/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: Hun.. the internet can cut anytime.. so i wil tell u
good night bb
12/11/2019, 9:18 pm - Emmanuel �: And see
12/11/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: Rest well my loveeerrr
12/11/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: I will always be with you
12/11/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: U have anything more to say bb??
12/11/2019, 9:20 pm - Emmanuel �: But you will not find one who is like me
12/11/2019, 9:20 pm - Emmanuel �: And I will not find one like you
12/11/2019, 9:20 pm - Emmanuel �: But if it has to be so
12/11/2019, 9:20 pm - Emmanuel �: So let it be
12/11/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: I dont feel that i am special and unique like before
12/11/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: I think i am normal
12/11/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Because God is not going to put something
together that will cause destruction
12/11/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: And so far we are not looking good
12/11/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Just continue miss andreina
12/11/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: You just continue
12/11/2019, 9:22 pm - My Love: I will continue.. but not been the same
12/11/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't say I didn't tell you
12/11/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Judgement never comes to us without a warning
12/11/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: God always gives us the opportunity to make
things right first
12/11/2019, 9:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Then if it is not being made right he does what
is necessary
12/11/2019, 9:24 pm - My Love: Yes bb.. its so
12/11/2019, 9:24 pm - My Love: Always hun
12/11/2019, 9:25 pm - Emmanuel �: So go ahead
12/11/2019, 9:25 pm - My Love: Where?
12/11/2019, 9:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Continue
12/11/2019, 9:25 pm - Emmanuel �: In your ways
12/11/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I make up my mind to live alone
12/11/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: You think I does be joking when I tell you that
12/11/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: You take everything for joke
12/11/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: One day
12/11/2019, 9:27 pm - My Love: Hun.. i dont think u are joking bb
12/11/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: When everything fall back on you
12/11/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I hope you could bear it
12/11/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I leave my cousin house
12/11/2019, 9:28 pm - Emmanuel �: The internet will cut soon
12/11/2019, 9:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I have learn in life when you see people going
through things in life
12/11/2019, 9:28 pm - Emmanuel �: And you wonder why
12/11/2019, 9:30 pm - Emmanuel �: It is because God knows the heart he sees
everything in secret he knows when someone it being taken advantage of and he say
revenge is for he
12/11/2019, 9:30 pm - Emmanuel �: So I leave you in he hand
13/11/2019, 6:11 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning
13/11/2019, 6:12 am - Emmanuel �: Hun
13/11/2019, 6:12 am - Emmanuel �: I apologize for yesterday
13/11/2019, 6:12 am - Emmanuel �: I am sorry
13/11/2019, 6:12 am - Emmanuel �: I hope you have a good day on work today
13/11/2019, 6:13 am - Emmanuel �: Forgive me for allowing the enemy to come
between us last night
13/11/2019, 6:13 am - Emmanuel �: I am sorry
13/11/2019, 6:14 am - Emmanuel �: I love you
13/11/2019, 7:56 am - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
13/11/2019, 7:56 am - Emmanuel �: Hun please put back your profile picture I miss
13/11/2019, 7:57 am - Emmanuel �: Hun I am dedicated to you I am sorry for not
behaving like a real man
13/11/2019, 3:03 pm - Emmanuel �: One year

I met you in the spring

You looked at me first

I fell in love from an eternal summer

And that farewell in September

Yes, it feels in October

November without you hurt me too

December will come, you are still in my mind

Six months have passed and I'll finally see you again

February will come, I will be the first

To give you flowers and to tell you that I love you

It may be one year more than once

Without being able to see you

But the love is stronger

Time may move us away again

Without knowing where you are

But the love is stronger

Ooooh oh oh oh oh

I'll wait for you because the love is stronger

I already told my friends, I don't need anyone

And only you are in my mind

A thousand kilometros are subtracted when two souls are summed up

In the distance I can see

I only think, I only think about you

I only think, I only think about you

My cousins already know your last name

That for you I am lost

I hope it also happens to you

December will come

You are still in my mind

Six months have passed and I'll finally see you again

February will come, I will be the first

To give you flowers and to tell you that I love you

It may be one year more than once

Without being able to see you

But the love is stronger

Time may move us away again

Without knowing where you are

But the love is stronger

Ooooh oh oh oh oh

I'll wait for you because the love is stronger

Ooooh oh oh oh oh

I'll wait for you because the love is stronger

I met you in the spring

You looked me first

13/11/2019, 3:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Un Año

Song by Reik and Sebastián Yatra




Yo te conocí en primavera
Me miraste tú de primera
De un verano eterno me enamoré
Y esa despedida en septiembre
En octubre sí que se siente
Noviembre sin ti me dolió también

Llegará diciembre, sigues en mi mente

Fueron seis meses y por fin volveré a verte
Llegará febrero y yo seré el primero
En darte flores y decirte que te quiero

Puede que pase un año más de una vez

Sin que te pueda ver
Pero el amor es más fuerte
Puede que el tiempo nos aleje otra vez
Sin saber dónde estés
Pero el amor es más fuerte
Uoh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Te esperaré porque el amor es más fuerte

Ya le dije a mis amigo'

Yo no necesito a nadie, sólo tú estás en mi mente
Mil kilómetros se restan cuando dos almas se suman
A los lejos puedo ver
Sólo pienso, sólo pienso en ti
Sólo pienso,…
13/11/2019, 4:47 pm - My Love: I take all this serious bb.. that is why i was
listening everything hun
13/11/2019, 4:59 pm - My Love: My love i now reach home from work
13/11/2019, 5:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I know you take it seriously
13/11/2019, 5:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I do to
13/11/2019, 5:13 pm - My Love: Bb what u mean hun??
13/11/2019, 5:14 pm - My Love: I love this song bb
13/11/2019, 5:14 pm - My Love:
13/11/2019, 5:14 pm - Emmanuel �: But God is working on my heart everyday
13/11/2019, 5:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Everything I say it is because I take it
13/11/2019, 5:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
13/11/2019, 5:14 pm - My Love: I know bb
13/11/2019, 5:14 pm - Emmanuel �: But I have to work on the way I say it
13/11/2019, 5:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I have to go now
13/11/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love: Where bb�
13/11/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love: I will go to church in a while
13/11/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love: Hun i miss u bb
13/11/2019, 5:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I ask my pastor if I can talk with him this
13/11/2019, 5:16 pm - Emmanuel �: So I am going to church earlier
13/11/2019, 5:16 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
13/11/2019, 5:16 pm - My Love: Go with God
13/11/2019, 5:16 pm - My Love: Everything will be well my lover
13/11/2019, 5:16 pm - My Love: I hug u tight bb
13/11/2019, 5:16 pm - My Love: And never lose u bb
13/11/2019, 5:16 pm - My Love: ���
13/11/2019, 5:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Thanks hun
13/11/2019, 5:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes it will be will
13/11/2019, 5:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Well
13/11/2019, 5:16 pm - My Love: I am with u bb
13/11/2019, 5:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I trust in God
13/11/2019, 5:17 pm - My Love: I too bb
13/11/2019, 5:17 pm - Emmanuel �: And I know he will make a way
13/11/2019, 5:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Pray for me
13/11/2019, 5:17 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
13/11/2019, 5:17 pm - My Love: I will bb
13/11/2019, 5:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
13/11/2019, 5:17 pm - My Love: I loveee u too bb
13/11/2019, 5:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Goodbye for now
13/11/2019, 5:17 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
13/11/2019, 5:17 pm - My Love: Yes bb good bye for now my bb
13/11/2019, 5:17 pm - My Love: U have wifi
13/11/2019, 5:17 pm - My Love: Now??
13/11/2019, 5:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry for everything that happened
13/11/2019, 5:18 pm - My Love: At home??
13/11/2019, 5:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
13/11/2019, 5:18 pm - My Love: Its ok bb
13/11/2019, 5:18 pm - Emmanuel �: But I don't know how late I will come from
13/11/2019, 5:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye hun
13/11/2019, 5:18 pm - My Love: I am very happy to heear this hun
13/11/2019, 5:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Have a good evening
13/11/2019, 5:18 pm - My Love: Ok my darling
13/11/2019, 5:18 pm - My Love: Same to u bb.. i will miss u
13/11/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: My lover
13/11/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: Hope everything is going well bb
13/11/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: I pray for u my bb
13/11/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: I will tell u good night my honey moon before the
internet cut
13/11/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: I lovvvveeèeeeeeee u with all my heart bb
13/11/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: ���
13/11/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: I hug u tight bbbb
13/11/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: U are my best thing that ever happen in my life hun
13/11/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: Always know that bb
13/11/2019, 10:08 pm - Emmanuel �: You there
14/11/2019, 5:10 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning hun
14/11/2019, 5:10 am - Emmanuel �: Have a wonderful day today
14/11/2019, 5:11 am - Emmanuel �: Thank you hun
14/11/2019, 5:11 am - Emmanuel �: Thank you for saying this
14/11/2019, 6:00 am - My Love: Bbbbb
14/11/2019, 6:00 am - My Love: My lover
14/11/2019, 6:00 am - My Love: God richly bless you this morning hun
14/11/2019, 6:00 am - My Love: I wish u all the best for this day
14/11/2019, 6:00 am - My Love: Be bless and stay bless
14/11/2019, 6:01 am - My Love: Stay in the spirit bb
14/11/2019, 6:01 am - My Love: Have a wonderful day today hun
14/11/2019, 6:01 am - My Love: I miss u a lot my bb
14/11/2019, 6:01 am - My Love: I am readying for work
14/11/2019, 6:02 am - My Love: I hug u tight my everything
14/11/2019, 6:02 am - My Love: Thank u for been here in my life hun... i appreciate
every thing that u did before and what u are doing and will do bb
14/11/2019, 6:25 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
14/11/2019, 6:25 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
14/11/2019, 6:25 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
14/11/2019, 6:25 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
14/11/2019, 4:53 pm - My Love: Myy loveerr
14/11/2019, 4:53 pm - My Love: I now reach home from work
14/11/2019, 4:53 pm - My Love: U are busy hun?
14/11/2019, 4:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Buenas tardes mi amor te puedo ayuder contu
bolso ? Te cargar y llevar adentro ?
14/11/2019, 4:58 pm - My Love: Awwwwwwwww
14/11/2019, 4:58 pm - My Love: Yeeessssss
14/11/2019, 4:58 pm - My Love: Bbb
14/11/2019, 4:58 pm - My Love: Can we call on video?
14/11/2019, 4:58 pm - My Love: Pleasseeeeeeeee
14/11/2019, 4:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes but I am eating if you don't mind
14/11/2019, 4:59 pm - My Love: Yes bb
14/11/2019, 4:59 pm - My Love: Wait a minute
14/11/2019, 4:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
14/11/2019, 8:08 pm - My Love: My loveeerrr
14/11/2019, 8:08 pm - My Love: �����
14/11/2019, 8:09 pm - Emmanuel �: My sexy pumpkin
14/11/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: Hehehe
14/11/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: Bbbbbb
14/11/2019, 8:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Just joking
14/11/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love:
14/11/2019, 8:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol
14/11/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: U know i dont like for u to cal me so
14/11/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: So why u do it for?
14/11/2019, 8:09 pm - Emmanuel �: You say you don't like fat pumpkin
14/11/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I said sexy pumpkin
14/11/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: It's different
14/11/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: But really you are my sexy
14/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: Mmmm
14/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love:
14/11/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell you
14/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: Welll
14/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: I know bb
14/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: Yes
14/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: U always did it
14/11/2019, 8:12 pm - Emmanuel �: No
14/11/2019, 8:12 pm - Emmanuel �: You are my sexy something
14/11/2019, 8:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell what it is
14/11/2019, 8:13 pm - My Love: U tell me this before?
14/11/2019, 8:13 pm - Emmanuel �: No
14/11/2019, 8:13 pm - My Love: U want me to guess
14/11/2019, 8:13 pm - My Love: ?
14/11/2019, 8:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
14/11/2019, 8:14 pm - Emmanuel �: It is two things
14/11/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: I am not understanding nothing bb
14/11/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love:
14/11/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: Give me tips
14/11/2019, 8:15 pm - Emmanuel �: It is something that controls you
14/11/2019, 8:15 pm - My Love: �
14/11/2019, 8:15 pm - My Love: I dont know
14/11/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love: Feelings
14/11/2019, 8:16 pm - Emmanuel �: No
14/11/2019, 8:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell you
14/11/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love: I dont know
14/11/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love: What u mean bb
14/11/2019, 8:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Mi drogas mi vino
14/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: What u mean hun
14/11/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Mi sexy drogas mi vino
14/11/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I mean I am addicted to you
14/11/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
14/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: ��
14/11/2019, 8:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you much
14/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: Woww
14/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: That is a very deep concepta
14/11/2019, 8:18 pm - Emmanuel �: When you love me up it is better than wine
14/11/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love: Aaaaaaawwwwwww bbbbbb
14/11/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I get drunk with your love
14/11/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love:
14/11/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: And I always want more
14/11/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love: ����
14/11/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love: Aaaaawwwwww bbbbbbbbbb
14/11/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love:
14/11/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love: Thank u for saying that bb
14/11/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
14/11/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love: U make me feel like a queen
14/11/2019, 8:20 pm - Emmanuel �: I have to wash the wears for mom
14/11/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
14/11/2019, 8:20 pm - Emmanuel �: You are my one
14/11/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: I will prepare my food
14/11/2019, 8:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
14/11/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love:
14/11/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: I love u my bbbbb
14/11/2019, 8:20 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you to
14/11/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: I will be back
14/11/2019, 8:21 pm - Emmanuel �: And we can video
14/11/2019, 8:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Or it is to late
14/11/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: U sure bb??
14/11/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: When i am eating?
14/11/2019, 8:21 pm - Emmanuel �: I mean when you come back
14/11/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: Hun
14/11/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: I wish to video after i finish eat
14/11/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: Please
14/11/2019, 8:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
14/11/2019, 8:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Sure
14/11/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: Ok bb
14/11/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: Thank uuuuuu
14/11/2019, 8:22 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
14/11/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: I lovveeeee u toooòoo bbbb
14/11/2019, 8:35 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
14/11/2019, 8:36 pm - My Love: U are there
14/11/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes my love
14/11/2019, 8:36 pm - My Love:
14/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: U will video hun
14/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: I finish eat
14/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love:
14/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I can't anymore love
14/11/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: Why not bb?
14/11/2019, 8:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Because everyone gone to bed
14/11/2019, 8:39 pm - Emmanuel �: And them will be upset if I put on light
14/11/2019, 8:39 pm - My Love: Ooh ok bb
14/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: Dont worry bb
14/11/2019, 8:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I will video you from the kitchen
14/11/2019, 8:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Call me
14/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: Noo bb
14/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: Bb
14/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: Just i want u to be comfortable hun
14/11/2019, 8:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to see you hun
14/11/2019, 8:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
14/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: Ok my love i will call
14/11/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you
14/11/2019, 9:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
15/11/2019, 5:24 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my love hope you have a wonderful
day today my beautiful amazing pretty awesome wonderful
15/11/2019, 5:25 am - Emmanuel �: Bb
15/11/2019, 5:25 am - Emmanuel �: I love you with my all
15/11/2019, 6:22 am - My Love: Bbbb
15/11/2019, 6:22 am - My Love: I loveeee you with my all bb
15/11/2019, 6:22 am - My Love: ����
15/11/2019, 6:22 am - My Love: U are my everything my lover
15/11/2019, 6:22 am - My Love:
15/11/2019, 6:22 am - My Love: I hug u tight my lover
15/11/2019, 6:22 am - My Love: Thank u for been here in my life
15/11/2019, 6:22 am - My Love: I see my future in a instant
15/11/2019, 6:22 am - My Love: Tru your eyes i see my future
15/11/2019, 6:24 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
15/11/2019, 6:25 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
15/11/2019, 6:25 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
15/11/2019, 11:17 am - Emmanuel �: You get more beautiful every single day every
time my eyes see you I fall in love
15/11/2019, 11:18 am - Emmanuel �: My heart fall in love
15/11/2019, 11:18 am - Emmanuel �: I fall in love more
15/11/2019, 4:53 pm - My Love: Aaaaaawwwwwww bbbb
15/11/2019, 4:53 pm - My Love: ��������
15/11/2019, 4:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun good evening
15/11/2019, 4:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Can you hold on
15/11/2019, 4:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
15/11/2019, 4:54 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
15/11/2019, 4:58 pm - My Love: When u are ready bb.. please call me
15/11/2019, 4:59 pm - Emmanuel �: In a little bit
15/11/2019, 4:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I will call
15/11/2019, 5:00 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
15/11/2019, 5:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
15/11/2019, 5:14 pm - My Love: Yes my loveeerr
15/11/2019, 5:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I am herw
15/11/2019, 5:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Here
15/11/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love: Can i call u?
15/11/2019, 5:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes love
15/11/2019, 5:15 pm - Emmanuel �: You can
15/11/2019, 6:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Love you with all my heart
15/11/2019, 6:16 pm - Emmanuel �: You are the girl that was made for me
15/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
15/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
15/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Wait bb
15/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: I am changing my clothes
15/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Ouuuuu
15/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Emmanuel
15/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Please behave
15/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Lol
15/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol
15/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay my dear
15/11/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: My loveerrrr
15/11/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: ������
15/11/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: I am here
15/11/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
15/11/2019, 8:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Wow
15/11/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: You are so beautiful my love
15/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: If u said so hun
15/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: I love u my bbb
15/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love:
15/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: I hug u tight bb
15/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: Hun
15/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: I am trying and trying bb
15/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: And i dont know how to pray in english bb
15/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love:
15/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: I want to pray but i cant
15/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: I am nervious
15/11/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: And plus i dont know them words
15/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I say so you have problems with it jejejeje
15/11/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: And then i stop.. because i dont know what more to
say because i am not fluid on english
15/11/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: Naahh i dont have bb
15/11/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: Hun u are there
15/11/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: ??
15/11/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: Huuunnn
15/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
15/11/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun the internet cut
15/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
15/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night
15/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
15/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Sleep well
16/11/2019, 6:00 am - Emmanuel �: I love you
16/11/2019, 6:00 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my love
16/11/2019, 6:08 am - My Love: Goooodd morning my sexy
16/11/2019, 6:08 am - My Love: ����
16/11/2019, 6:08 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
16/11/2019, 6:08 am - My Love: In a while i will leave bb
16/11/2019, 6:08 am - My Love: I lovveeeeeeeeee u with all of my heart my
16/11/2019, 6:24 am - Emmanuel �: So beautiful
16/11/2019, 6:24 am - Emmanuel �: I miss you last night
16/11/2019, 6:24 am - Emmanuel �: My love
16/11/2019, 6:25 am - Emmanuel �: Have a wonderful day today
16/11/2019, 6:25 am - Emmanuel �: At work I love you so much
16/11/2019, 6:25 am - Emmanuel �: I can't wait to be your husband
16/11/2019, 6:27 am - Emmanuel �: You are more beautiful every single day every
time my eyes see you it is like the first time I fall in love over and over again
16/11/2019, 6:37 am - My Love: Aaaawww
16/11/2019, 6:37 am - Emmanuel �: Hey
16/11/2019, 6:38 am - Emmanuel �: You going to work bb
16/11/2019, 6:38 am - Emmanuel �: I love you
16/11/2019, 6:38 am - Emmanuel �: Miss you bb
16/11/2019, 6:38 am - Emmanuel �: Always
16/11/2019, 6:38 am - Emmanuel �: Love you forever
16/11/2019, 5:37 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
16/11/2019, 5:38 pm - My Love: My loveeerrr
16/11/2019, 5:38 pm - My Love: Now i reach home bb
16/11/2019, 5:55 pm - Emmanuel �: My lover
16/11/2019, 5:55 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you
16/11/2019, 5:55 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
16/11/2019, 5:55 pm - My Love: I am eatiinngg
16/11/2019, 5:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Ok
16/11/2019, 5:55 pm - My Love: I hug u tiiggghhhtttt my loveeerrrr
16/11/2019, 5:56 pm - My Love: Give me a kiss
16/11/2019, 5:56 pm - My Love: ��������
16/11/2019, 5:57 pm - Emmanuel �: A million
16/11/2019, 5:57 pm - My Love: Aaawwww
16/11/2019, 5:57 pm - My Love:
16/11/2019, 5:57 pm - My Love: I love u my gorilla
16/11/2019, 5:57 pm - My Love: ����
16/11/2019, 5:58 pm - My Love: Can i call u gorila?
16/11/2019, 5:58 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you to hun
16/11/2019, 5:59 pm - Emmanuel �: You can call me what ever you wish
16/11/2019, 5:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
16/11/2019, 5:59 pm - My Love: hehehehe
16/11/2019, 6:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I am here when you finish eating
16/11/2019, 6:03 pm - My Love: Ok bb
16/11/2019, 6:08 pm - My Love: Heeyy huuunn
16/11/2019, 6:08 pm - My Love: I will call u bb
16/11/2019, 6:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay bb
16/11/2019, 8:10 pm - My Love: Hun
16/11/2019, 8:10 pm - My Love: U will show me it with clothes on
16/11/2019, 8:10 pm - My Love: Or naked bb?
16/11/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: What you want
16/11/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
16/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: Bb with clothes hun
16/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: U wamt me to get a heart attact
16/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: Lol
16/11/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I was going to show you naked
16/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: ��
16/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love:
16/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: Noooo bb
16/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: Dont do it
16/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: Really bb
16/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: I domt want to see it naked hun
16/11/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you can see it good from the boxers
16/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: Hun i dont want bb
16/11/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
16/11/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I understand
16/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: Its ok. I dont want to see it well
16/11/2019, 8:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay hun
16/11/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: U want to see something?
16/11/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: U are alone??
16/11/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: Wait bb
16/11/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: Let me change off
16/11/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: I love u hun
16/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: Oral sex
16/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: U can do
16/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: It
16/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: But
16/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: One thing i will not like for u to do
16/11/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: Is when my hair is longer
16/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: I have much hair
16/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: All around
16/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: Really
16/11/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: I love when u treat me like a bb
16/11/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: In the night
16/11/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: Before i sleep
16/11/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: I am your bb
16/11/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: �
16/11/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: Right?
16/11/2019, 9:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes you are
16/11/2019, 9:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I will do it
17/11/2019, 6:07 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my special one
17/11/2019, 6:07 am - Emmanuel �: Have a wonderful day today
17/11/2019, 6:08 am - Emmanuel �: I love you more than everything in this world
17/11/2019, 6:08 am - Emmanuel �: I will always treat you like a bb you are my bb
17/11/2019, 6:08 am - Emmanuel �: And I will always spoil you you are my cute one
17/11/2019, 6:09 am - Emmanuel �: You are my only one
17/11/2019, 6:09 am - Emmanuel �: I love you more than anything
17/11/2019, 6:09 am - Emmanuel �: You are my universe
17/11/2019, 6:09 am - Emmanuel �: Hope you have a wonderful day in church
17/11/2019, 6:10 am - Emmanuel �: And enjoy the service
17/11/2019, 10:37 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 10:37 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 10:37 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 10:37 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 10:37 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 10:37 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 10:37 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 10:38 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 10:47 am - My Love: Now i reach home bb
17/11/2019, 10:48 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 12:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I am home
17/11/2019, 12:53 pm - Emmanuel �: I had to go with zion to his school bazaar
17/11/2019, 12:53 pm - Emmanuel �: But I don't know if he is going still
17/11/2019, 1:40 pm - My Love: Bbb
17/11/2019, 1:40 pm - My Love: I am washing clothes ok my lover
17/11/2019, 1:40 pm - My Love: Its ok bb
17/11/2019, 1:40 pm - My Love: Take care hun
17/11/2019, 2:46 pm - My Love: Hun i misss uuuu
17/11/2019, 6:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I am on my way home bb
17/11/2019, 6:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
17/11/2019, 6:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you to
17/11/2019, 5:30 pm - My Love:
17/11/2019, 5:30 pm - My Love: Where is my lover
17/11/2019, 5:30 pm - My Love:
17/11/2019, 6:09 pm - My Love: Bbbbbb
17/11/2019, 6:09 pm - My Love: I loveeeeee uuu hunn
17/11/2019, 6:09 pm - My Love:
17/11/2019, 6:09 pm - My Love: I miss uu
17/11/2019, 6:09 pm - My Love: I will go to church in a while bb
17/11/2019, 6:10 pm - My Love: Be safe bb
17/11/2019, 6:10 pm - My Love: Also Go with God hun
17/11/2019, 6:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I am home love
17/11/2019, 6:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I am home
17/11/2019, 6:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
17/11/2019, 7:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun where are you bb
17/11/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: Bb
17/11/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: I now reach home bb
17/11/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 8:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Wow
17/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: I will go and change off
17/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: U want to help me
17/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: ??
17/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: Hehe
17/11/2019, 8:07 pm - Emmanuel �: You look professional
17/11/2019, 8:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Ofcouse bb alway
17/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: Hehe
17/11/2019, 8:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
17/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: Thank u for saying this bb
17/11/2019, 8:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Go ahead
17/11/2019, 8:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I am waiting for you
17/11/2019, 8:10 pm - My Love: Hun i am naked
17/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: I dont know whi clothes to put on
17/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: Because i wash all.my nasty clothes
17/11/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Put me on
17/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: And the clean clothes that i have are new clothes
17/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: Lol
17/11/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I will be your clothes
17/11/2019, 8:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you my queen
17/11/2019, 8:13 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 8:13 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 8:13 pm - Emmanuel �: You look so sexy hun
17/11/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 8:14 pm - Emmanuel �: You look amazing bb
17/11/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 8:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
17/11/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 8:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Awwwww
17/11/2019, 8:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you
17/11/2019, 8:16 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
17/11/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 8:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you for being joy into my life
17/11/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Ofcouse
17/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: They are the best lips in the world
17/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I will all over your body
17/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: Aaawww
17/11/2019, 8:18 pm - Emmanuel �: But
17/11/2019, 8:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I still respect you
17/11/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: So we will get married first
17/11/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I respect you much my love
17/11/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not take advantage of you
17/11/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I will never do that
17/11/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: Come and take what miss u
17/11/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 8:20 pm - Emmanuel �: I am already there
17/11/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 8:21 pm - Emmanuel �: You are so sexy hun
17/11/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 8:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Now you make pene hard
17/11/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: Its not my fault lol
17/11/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: ��
17/11/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: I love to tempt u bb
17/11/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: U know that
17/11/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 8:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes it is because you are everything I dream of
17/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: Aawww bb
17/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love:
17/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: I love u my darling
17/11/2019, 8:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you bb
17/11/2019, 8:23 pm - Emmanuel �: With my whole heart
17/11/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: Ioveeee u to bbbb
17/11/2019, 8:24 pm - Emmanuel �: My pillows are the best
17/11/2019, 8:25 pm - My Love: U hug u tight bb
17/11/2019, 8:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I hold you to my love
17/11/2019, 8:26 pm - Emmanuel �: You are my everything
17/11/2019, 8:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you
17/11/2019, 8:26 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
17/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
17/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Did you see that in porn
17/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Well
17/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Yes bb
17/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: But was before hun
17/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Long time now
17/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Are you still watching hun ?
17/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: No bb
17/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
17/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: I told u i am not
17/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I believe you
17/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: If you are comfortable
17/11/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Doing it
17/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: Yes my bb
17/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: Ok
17/11/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: We will try it
17/11/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: When we get married
17/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: Thank u my bb
17/11/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: But for now my love it is important for us to
remain strong
17/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: Yes my love
17/11/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I really don't want anyone of us to fall
17/11/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: That is all I ask
17/11/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I hope i not ask for much bb
17/11/2019, 8:30 pm - My Love: I want this to my bb
17/11/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I just want to protect you
17/11/2019, 8:30 pm - My Love: U are not bb
17/11/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I love yoy
17/11/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: You
17/11/2019, 8:31 pm - My Love: I love u tooooo my heart beat
17/11/2019, 8:31 pm - My Love:
17/11/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Pene will feel good in the middle of boobies
17/11/2019, 8:31 pm - My Love: Yes i know bb
17/11/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: But I don't want to cum on you
17/11/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: Ok my love
17/11/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I prefer to do that inside you
17/11/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: And if I put him in the middle of boobies it
might cum
17/11/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: Oohh
17/11/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: Well
17/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: I dont know what u want to do
17/11/2019, 8:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I just don't like treating you like a girl in
17/11/2019, 8:34 pm - Emmanuel �: You will be my wife
17/11/2019, 8:35 pm - Emmanuel �: And I want to respect you even in bed
17/11/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Only porn girl like the cum from pene on the
17/11/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to do things like the videos much
17/11/2019, 8:36 pm - My Love: I dont want this hun
17/11/2019, 8:36 pm - My Love: I see bb
17/11/2019, 8:36 pm - My Love: Hun.. girls does eat that cum.. that is right?
17/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: I will not do that
17/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: I think its nasty
17/11/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
17/11/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun that is why them things not good to watch
17/11/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: It is of the flesh
17/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want our minds to be spoiled
17/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry for opening that door
17/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: In your life
17/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: It is all my fault
17/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I blame myself
17/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: For that
17/11/2019, 8:39 pm - My Love: Hun
17/11/2019, 8:39 pm - My Love: Its ok bb
17/11/2019, 8:39 pm - My Love: I will forget all thoses things thst i wacht one day
17/11/2019, 8:39 pm - My Love: I close that door already bb
17/11/2019, 8:39 pm - Emmanuel �: We should grow in love instead bb in our heart
17/11/2019, 8:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Because this is what will really keep us through
the difficult times
17/11/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Grow in love for each other in our hearts my
17/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: I agree with u bb
17/11/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I need you hun
17/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: I need u too my bb
17/11/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want God holy spirit to move away from
17/11/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: And I don't want God's presence to leave us
17/11/2019, 8:42 pm - My Love: I dont want this either
17/11/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't mind trying things with you when we are
17/11/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: But I don't want to become obsess over sex
17/11/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I hope you can understand
17/11/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Because sex is not love
17/11/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: I understand my love
17/11/2019, 8:44 pm - Emmanuel �: It is just one part
17/11/2019, 8:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Marriage is much more than sex
17/11/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: Yes bb its sp
17/11/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: It is love romance sacrifice effort teamwork
staying together faithfulness
17/11/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: And many more and I really want to have a
wonderful marriage with the woman I love
17/11/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: Yes my bb
17/11/2019, 8:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Which is you
17/11/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: Me too my bb
17/11/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: I want to have a wonderful marriage
17/11/2019, 8:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Ofcouse we will do plenty sex everything have
its time and place
17/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: But there is much more to do
17/11/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: Yes my bb
17/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
17/11/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: U right
17/11/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: Yes bb
17/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Can you put your legs around me
17/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not thinking of sex
17/11/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
17/11/2019, 8:48 pm - Emmanuel �: I just want to feel you
17/11/2019, 8:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Near
17/11/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: Of course i will bb
17/11/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: Me to my love
17/11/2019, 8:48 pm - Emmanuel �: I just want you close
17/11/2019, 8:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Sometimes I just want to spend time wrap up in
you without sex
17/11/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: Aaaaawwww
17/11/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: But just enjoying being near you
17/11/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: I will love that bb
17/11/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I love it
17/11/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Intimacy has much meaning
17/11/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: You can be intimate with your wife without sex
17/11/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I have never seen anything more beautiful in
my whole life I mean this with my whole heart
17/11/2019, 8:52 pm - My Love: Yes its true
17/11/2019, 8:52 pm - My Love: Aawwwww bbbb
17/11/2019, 8:52 pm - My Love: I love u my darling
17/11/2019, 8:52 pm - Emmanuel �: In English
17/11/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: There is a word called wonderland
17/11/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: It means a beautiful place or a magical place
17/11/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: To me your body is a wonderland
17/11/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: Aaww
17/11/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: Hehe
17/11/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: I understand that word bb
17/11/2019, 8:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Alicia en el País de las Maravillios
17/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: I love u my cake
17/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Wonderland is like that in Spanish
17/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: Yes bb
17/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: But in English Alice in wonderland
17/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: Yes bb
17/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: I understand what u mean hun
17/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: U are my paradaise
17/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Tu corpus es una pais de Las maravillios
17/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Just making sure lol
17/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: Hehe
17/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: U mean
17/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: And I get to practice Spanish also
17/11/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I say it wrong?
17/11/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: Tu cuerpo es un pais de marravilla
17/11/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: A litle
17/11/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
17/11/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: Yes my bb
17/11/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: I hug u tight hun
17/11/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun you are a beautiful woman
17/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: Not much bb
17/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: Just a litle hun
17/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Much bb
17/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Really
17/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Much
17/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not lie to you
17/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: You are so beautiful hun
17/11/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: Hehe
17/11/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: I know bb
17/11/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Really you are a beautiful woman
17/11/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: Thank u hun
17/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you not just for your beauty
17/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: But also for your heart
17/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I fall for both part of you
17/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: The inside and the outside
17/11/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: But really I love the inside a little more
17/11/2019, 9:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Because nothing is more undesirable that a
beautiful woman who has no character and respect and self control
17/11/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: 15You should be faithful

to your wife,

just as you take water

from your own well.+

16And don't be like a stream

from which just any woman

may take a drink.

17Save yourself for your wife

and don't have sex

with other women.

18Be happy with the wife

you married

when you were young.

19She is beautiful and graceful,

just like a deer;

you should be attracted to her

and stay deeply in love.

17/11/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: If you replace the world wife with husband this
can apply to both husband and wife
17/11/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: This is KING David talking to his son Solomon
17/11/2019, 9:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I am writing over like if he was talking to his
15 you should be faithful to your husband
Just as you take water from your own well
16 and don't be like a stream from which just any man may take a drink
17 save yourself for your husband and don't have sex with other men
18 be happy with the husband you married
When you were young
19 he is handsome and strong just like a lion
You should be attracted to him and stay deeply in love
18/11/2019, 5:36 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my love I love you have a wonderful
day today I love you with my whole heart
18/11/2019, 5:51 am - My Love: Bbbbbb
18/11/2019, 5:51 am - My Love: Gooooodddsd mprrrrniinngggggggg
18/11/2019, 5:52 am - My Love:
18/11/2019, 5:52 am - My Love: I loveeeeeeeee u bbbbb
18/11/2019, 5:52 am - My Love: I hug u tight my lover
18/11/2019, 5:52 am - My Love: Have a blessed day my lover
18/11/2019, 5:52 am - Emmanuel �: I love you to my sweet sexy girlfriend
18/11/2019, 5:52 am - My Love: �����
18/11/2019, 5:52 am - Emmanuel �: I hold you tight
18/11/2019, 5:52 am - My Love: I will go bathe and ready
18/11/2019, 5:52 am - Emmanuel �: Hun we have to talk
18/11/2019, 5:52 am - My Love: I rap my legs around u
18/11/2019, 5:52 am - My Love: Hun
18/11/2019, 5:53 am - Emmanuel �: Okay
18/11/2019, 5:53 am - Emmanuel �: Not now
18/11/2019, 5:53 am - Emmanuel �: Another time
18/11/2019, 5:53 am - Emmanuel �: But it is important
18/11/2019, 5:53 am - My Love: This afternoon bb
18/11/2019, 5:53 am - My Love: Ok my love
18/11/2019, 5:53 am - Emmanuel �: Awwww
18/11/2019, 5:53 am - Emmanuel �: Yes
18/11/2019, 5:53 am - My Love: Take care my love
18/11/2019, 5:53 am - Emmanuel �: Go
18/11/2019, 5:53 am - Emmanuel �: Get ready
18/11/2019, 5:53 am - Emmanuel �: My princess
18/11/2019, 5:53 am - Emmanuel �: Have a wonderful day
18/11/2019, 5:54 am - My Love: Bye my king�� i love u bb
18/11/2019, 5:58 am - Emmanuel �: I love you with all my love with my whole heart
18/11/2019, 5:58 am - Emmanuel �: You are my life
18/11/2019, 6:32 am - My Love: Aaawwwww
18/11/2019, 6:32 am - My Love: I feel cold my bb
18/11/2019, 6:32 am - My Love: ���
18/11/2019, 6:32 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
18/11/2019, 6:33 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
18/11/2019, 6:33 am - My Love: I have a litle cold bb
18/11/2019, 6:33 am - My Love: I loveeeeeeeee uuuuuuuuuuu with myyyy allll
18/11/2019, 6:33 am - My Love: �������
18/11/2019, 6:33 am - My Love: U are my everything hun
18/11/2019, 6:35 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
18/11/2019, 11:44 am - Emmanuel �: Look at my princess how beautiful
18/11/2019, 11:45 am - Emmanuel �: Look at my future wife i can't believe I am so
18/11/2019, 11:45 am - Emmanuel �: Lucky
18/11/2019, 5:02 pm - My Love: My loveeerrrr
18/11/2019, 5:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Oye
18/11/2019, 5:02 pm - Emmanuel �: My princess
18/11/2019, 5:02 pm - My Love: My princeeee
18/11/2019, 5:02 pm - My Love: ���
18/11/2019, 5:02 pm - My Love: How are u bbb?
18/11/2019, 5:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I am okay
18/11/2019, 5:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you are in my life
18/11/2019, 5:03 pm - Emmanuel �: And you are more than I can ask for
18/11/2019, 5:03 pm - My Love: Aaawwwwwww
18/11/2019, 5:03 pm - My Love: Hun can i call u??
18/11/2019, 5:03 pm - My Love: U are busy bb??
18/11/2019, 5:05 pm - Emmanuel �: No bb
18/11/2019, 5:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Was just writing my Guyana mom
18/11/2019, 5:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes you can call
18/11/2019, 5:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I will go over by Anthony before it get more
18/11/2019, 5:52 pm - My Love: Missed voice call
18/11/2019, 5:53 pm - My Love: Bb
18/11/2019, 5:54 pm - My Love: The imternet cut just now bb
18/11/2019, 5:54 pm - My Love: Now i have wifi
18/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: Huuunnnn
18/11/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: My lover
18/11/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I reach back
18/11/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: My prrriinnceeeeeeee
18/11/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: I hug u tight bbbbbbb
18/11/2019, 7:58 pm - Emmanuel �: I hold you to
18/11/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: Bbbbb i misssssssss u bbbbbb�����
18/11/2019, 7:58 pm - Emmanuel �: I always miss you
18/11/2019, 7:59 pm - My Love: ���� i loveeeee u my darling
18/11/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you to my bb
18/11/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I have the perfect person for me
18/11/2019, 8:00 pm - My Love: Awwwww u are my sunshine bbbb
18/11/2019, 8:00 pm - My Love: My perfect one in everything
18/11/2019, 8:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish that I can give you the happiness you
need in this life
18/11/2019, 8:00 pm - Emmanuel �: And that by the grace of God I will be all that
you need
18/11/2019, 8:02 pm - My Love: Aaawwww
18/11/2019, 8:03 pm - My Love: I know u will bbb
18/11/2019, 8:03 pm - My Love: U will do it bb
18/11/2019, 8:03 pm - My Love: U are everything that i need bb
18/11/2019, 8:03 pm - My Love: Everything that i ever dream before bb
18/11/2019, 8:03 pm - My Love: That is what u are bb
18/11/2019, 8:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you for saying that
18/11/2019, 8:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
18/11/2019, 8:04 pm - Emmanuel �: You are the same
18/11/2019, 8:04 pm - Emmanuel �: You really are sent from heaven
18/11/2019, 8:05 pm - My Love: U to my lover
18/11/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: I loveeeee uu my lifee
18/11/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: U are my entireeeee lifeee
18/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
18/11/2019, 8:08 pm - My Love: And my troat also
18/11/2019, 8:08 pm - My Love:
18/11/2019, 8:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Hold on bb
18/11/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
18/11/2019, 8:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I am doing something for dad
18/11/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: Ok bb
18/11/2019, 8:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I am hear this bb
18/11/2019, 8:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
18/11/2019, 8:15 pm - My Love: What u mean bb
18/11/2019, 8:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I my friend is in front he want to go back and
see if the dog is better
18/11/2019, 8:16 pm - Emmanuel �: We are helping one of our friends with is dog
18/11/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love: Dog?
18/11/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love: Ohh
18/11/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love: Bb
18/11/2019, 8:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sad to hear this
18/11/2019, 8:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes hun
18/11/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love: But u will reach back before the internet cut
18/11/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love:
18/11/2019, 8:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I hope so
18/11/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love: I miss u my loveerr
18/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: Just tell me good night bb
18/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: Incase u not reach
18/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: I love u my darling
18/11/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I will really try not to take long
18/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: U mean my everything to me hun
18/11/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night my queen
18/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: Ok my love
18/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love:
18/11/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Love you a million
18/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: I kiss u bb
18/11/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I kiss you to
18/11/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Love you always
18/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: I want to spend my life with u alone hun
18/11/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Let me go fast and come back to you
18/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: Take care bb
18/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: Hope he dog be better
18/11/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I will
18/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
18/11/2019, 8:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Me to
18/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: Bye bb
18/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
18/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Mi princessa
18/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
18/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I kiss you up
18/11/2019, 8:39 pm - Emmanuel �: I hug you tight
18/11/2019, 8:40 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
18/11/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Hunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn !!!!!!!!!!!!
18/11/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I am back home
18/11/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Hurry before the internet cut
18/11/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun where are you
18/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: Bbb
18/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: U reach back?
18/11/2019, 8:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Long time now
18/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: Hahahaha
18/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: Lol
18/11/2019, 8:56 pm - Emmanuel �: We work fast
18/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: Bb
18/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: The internet is down
18/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: I dont have any fault
18/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: I loveeee u bb
18/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: Wow
18/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I tell my friends I want to come back to
write you
18/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: I just want to hug u tiigghhttt
18/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: Lol
18/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: I love u bb
18/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: U are amazing
18/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: U are marvelous
18/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: U are incomparable
18/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: U are my prince and heart beat
18/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: The dog have a hole in his back
18/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: My life are u bb
18/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love:
18/11/2019, 8:58 pm - Emmanuel �: And it is full of worms
18/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: Wow
18/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: I think the dog was crying
18/11/2019, 8:58 pm - Emmanuel �: But he don't want to stay for us to put the
18/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: So I went to help the hold he
18/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: From running
18/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: Ohh i see
18/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: Bb
18/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: Never go away my bb
18/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: Every single day i miss u b
18/11/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Who will I go to ?
18/11/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I have no other love
18/11/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: To me
18/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: Always
18/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: Over and over
18/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: You are the only woman in my life
18/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: Awww
18/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: U are the only man in my life
18/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love:
18/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Well it is you I want for the rest of my life
18/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Tu estas solo mujer en mi vive
18/11/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: Me tooo
18/11/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: My bb
18/11/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: Hun.. the internet is down.. so my messages are not
sending same time
18/11/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Did I say it good
18/11/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: I understand
18/11/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: Hun. What mean with this??
18/11/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: Because u mix everything
18/11/2019, 9:05 pm - Emmanuel �: You are the only woman in my life
18/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: So there is no senceshere
18/11/2019, 9:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Ok I se
18/11/2019, 9:08 pm - Emmanuel �: See
18/11/2019, 9:08 pm - Emmanuel �: So it is wrong
19/11/2019, 5:50 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my beautiful love and girlfriend
19/11/2019, 5:50 am - Emmanuel �: And wife to be
19/11/2019, 5:50 am - Emmanuel �: May you have a wonderful day today
19/11/2019, 5:50 am - Emmanuel �: My hun
19/11/2019, 5:51 am - Emmanuel �: .I love you
19/11/2019, 6:02 am - My Love: Bbbbb
19/11/2019, 6:02 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
19/11/2019, 6:02 am - My Love: I hug up u bb
19/11/2019, 6:02 am - My Love: Have a blessed and marvelous day my lover
19/11/2019, 6:03 am - My Love: I cant wait to talk with u in the afternoon
19/11/2019, 6:03 am - My Love: Keep strong and your faith in high for God
19/11/2019, 6:03 am - My Love: To overcome every situation and marc a difference in
our generation
19/11/2019, 6:03 am - My Love: I love u my powerfull prince and husband
19/11/2019, 6:03 am - My Love:
19/11/2019, 4:58 pm - My Love: Bbbbbbb
19/11/2019, 4:58 pm - My Love:
19/11/2019, 4:58 pm - My Love: I am here hun
19/11/2019, 5:03 pm - Emmanuel �: My sweet love
19/11/2019, 5:04 pm - Emmanuel �: I am here
19/11/2019, 5:04 pm - Emmanuel �: How was your day
19/11/2019, 5:04 pm - My Love: Bb
19/11/2019, 5:04 pm - My Love: Let me change my clothes
19/11/2019, 5:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
19/11/2019, 5:04 pm - My Love: I will call u when i finish ok
19/11/2019, 5:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
19/11/2019, 5:04 pm - My Love: Hold on a litle
19/11/2019, 5:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Go ahead
19/11/2019, 5:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Sure
19/11/2019, 5:11 pm - My Love: Why u cut for??
19/11/2019, 5:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun hold on
19/11/2019, 5:11 pm - My Love: Hunn
19/11/2019, 5:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I cut by mistake
19/11/2019, 5:11 pm - My Love: Mmm
19/11/2019, 5:48 pm - My Love: https://youtu.be/Cs6jtjuCTWo
19/11/2019, 5:49 pm - My Love: https://youtu.be/Z2xooz6844k
Wacht this
19/11/2019, 5:54 pm - My Love: https://youtu.be/rV3vqfiFTH4
19/11/2019, 6:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
19/11/2019, 6:02 pm - My Love: Yes bb
19/11/2019, 6:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Precious wants me to do something
19/11/2019, 6:02 pm - My Love: So u will go now?
19/11/2019, 6:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I will pause
19/11/2019, 6:02 pm - My Love: U will be back bb?
19/11/2019, 6:02 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
19/11/2019, 6:02 pm - Emmanuel �: For a minute
19/11/2019, 6:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I will tell you when I am back
19/11/2019, 6:03 pm - My Love: Ok my love
19/11/2019, 6:03 pm - My Love: I will wait for u bb
19/11/2019, 6:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I am back
19/11/2019, 6:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Can I start it
19/11/2019, 6:10 pm - My Love: Yes hun
19/11/2019, 6:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Ok
19/11/2019, 6:14 pm - My Love: Hun
19/11/2019, 6:14 pm - My Love: U are there
19/11/2019, 6:14 pm - My Love: ??
19/11/2019, 6:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes hun
19/11/2019, 6:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I am
19/11/2019, 6:15 pm - My Love: I dont want to wacht the movie more
19/11/2019, 6:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Why bb
19/11/2019, 6:15 pm - My Love: I dont think its nice
19/11/2019, 6:15 pm - My Love: Either productive
19/11/2019, 6:15 pm - Emmanuel �: You want me to pick one
19/11/2019, 6:15 pm - My Love: I dont know i just feel it
19/11/2019, 6:15 pm - My Love: Yes hun
19/11/2019, 6:15 pm - My Love: U want to bb?
19/11/2019, 6:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Yeah
19/11/2019, 6:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I will
19/11/2019, 6:16 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
19/11/2019, 6:16 pm - My Love: I will be waiting
19/11/2019, 6:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I will pick a Chinese one
19/11/2019, 6:16 pm - Emmanuel �: But a good one
19/11/2019, 6:16 pm - My Love: Ok bb
19/11/2019, 6:24 pm - Emmanuel �: https://putlocker.me/house-of-flying-daggers/
19/11/2019, 6:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Try this link and tell me if it works
19/11/2019, 6:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
19/11/2019, 6:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Listen carefully when you press play
19/11/2019, 6:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Other pages will come up
19/11/2019, 6:27 pm - Emmanuel �: You have to press x and get rid of them
19/11/2019, 6:28 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
19/11/2019, 6:28 pm - Emmanuel �: And keep pressing play a couple of times until
the movie comes on
19/11/2019, 6:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me if you are getting tru
19/11/2019, 6:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I will wait for you
19/11/2019, 6:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun you get it to play
19/11/2019, 6:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
19/11/2019, 6:32 pm - My Love: No bb
19/11/2019, 6:32 pm - My Love: I dont understand what to press
19/11/2019, 6:32 pm - My Love: Because i continually press n nothing happen
19/11/2019, 6:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Press the play botton
19/11/2019, 6:33 pm - Emmanuel �: When you do that other pages will come up
19/11/2019, 6:33 pm - Emmanuel �: You have to x them away
19/11/2019, 6:33 pm - My Love: Oohh ok bb
19/11/2019, 6:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Go back and keep pressing play
19/11/2019, 6:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Until it stary
19/11/2019, 6:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Start
19/11/2019, 6:34 pm - Emmanuel �: It will start evetually
19/11/2019, 6:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun it start bb
19/11/2019, 6:39 pm - My Love: Hun
19/11/2019, 6:39 pm - My Love: I dont think we should of wacht anything today
19/11/2019, 6:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay love
19/11/2019, 6:39 pm - Emmanuel �: You not getting it
19/11/2019, 6:39 pm - My Love: No bb
19/11/2019, 6:39 pm - My Love: Just forget it hun
19/11/2019, 6:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
19/11/2019, 6:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Sure
19/11/2019, 6:40 pm - Emmanuel �: You want to call
19/11/2019, 6:40 pm - My Love: If u want to bb
19/11/2019, 6:40 pm - Emmanuel �: What you want bb
19/11/2019, 6:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I always want to see you
19/11/2019, 6:41 pm - Emmanuel �: You wants some time for your self bb
19/11/2019, 6:41 pm - My Love: Awww
19/11/2019, 6:41 pm - My Love: I dont have anything to do bb
19/11/2019, 6:42 pm - My Love: I just not feeling well hun
19/11/2019, 7:10 pm - Emmanuel �: https://youtu.be/zxZ0Agt5pYA
19/11/2019, 7:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun where are you
19/11/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: The internet get down bb
19/11/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: Wait bb
19/11/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: A minute
19/11/2019, 7:38 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
19/11/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I coming v
19/11/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
19/11/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: U are here bb?
19/11/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: U finish??
19/11/2019, 8:34 pm - Emmanuel �: The clothes is in the washer
19/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: Ohh i see bb
19/11/2019, 8:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you sooooooo much bb
19/11/2019, 8:35 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
19/11/2019, 8:35 pm - My Love: I loveeeee u soooo much bbb
19/11/2019, 8:35 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
19/11/2019, 8:36 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
19/11/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I think you are the fire
19/11/2019, 8:36 pm - My Love: Haha
19/11/2019, 8:36 pm - My Love: U make me laugh bb
19/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: I hug u tight bb
19/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I hug you from behind
19/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: Hun
19/11/2019, 8:40 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
19/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: I love this bb
19/11/2019, 8:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes my love
19/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love:
19/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: I love it bb
19/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: ���
19/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: I love u my bb
19/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: I want to spend all my days with u hun
19/11/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you the most
19/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: Anytime the internet can cut
19/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love:
19/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: I will miss u bb
19/11/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: �
19/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: I hug u tight my darling
19/11/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I will miss you
19/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: I love u bb
19/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: U cant imagine how much
19/11/2019, 8:42 pm - My Love:
19/11/2019, 8:42 pm - My Love: I love u my darling
19/11/2019, 8:42 pm - My Love: Never go away bb
19/11/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: There is nothing better than you so who will I
go to
19/11/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: Aaaaaaawwww
19/11/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: U mean it bb??
19/11/2019, 8:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I I can imagine I imagine it all the time how
much you will love me up when you get me
19/11/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: I cant wait for this moment to reach bb
19/11/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun who is better than you for me ?
19/11/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: No one my love
19/11/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: U are my heaven on earth bb
19/11/2019, 8:46 pm - Emmanuel �: So why you ask if I mean it
19/11/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: I just ask bb
19/11/2019, 8:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun you know I mean it
19/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want anyone
19/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: If it is not you
19/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: If I can't have you
19/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to marry
19/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to stay single
19/11/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: Yes bb
19/11/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: I know my lover
19/11/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: I know my bb
19/11/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: I remember all ypur words
19/11/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: Them are in my heart
19/11/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: Hun hold me tight always bb
19/11/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Always hun
19/11/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you for exist bb
19/11/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: Is because of God hun
19/11/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes bb
19/11/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
19/11/2019, 8:52 pm - My Love: Hun
19/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: I am infity thankful to God
19/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: For u
19/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: And for what he is doing and will do tru us and in
us hun
19/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: Hun
19/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: Never and ever
19/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: No matter what bb
19/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: Never even think to be far from me hun
19/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: Always come closer
19/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: And tell me your heart bb
19/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: Because your feeling is important for me
19/11/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I just want us to make it
19/11/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: Your actions desicions plans vision is important to
me hun
19/11/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: And not fall apart
19/11/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: I want the same hun
19/11/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: But we have to be on God time
19/11/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: And I just want us to be faithful to each other
19/11/2019, 8:56 pm - Emmanuel �: And honest and open
19/11/2019, 8:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Not to have any secrets or things hidden from
each other
19/11/2019, 8:56 pm - Emmanuel �: That is all I want
19/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't ask for much
19/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: I know my lover
19/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: I am all yours bb
19/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: Hun.. i am eating bb
19/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: Anytime the internet can cut
19/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: Have a great night my king
19/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love:
19/11/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: Miss u a lot bb
19/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Same to you my love
19/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Sleep well
19/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: My only one
19/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
19/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: ������
19/11/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: I love u bbb
19/11/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: My gold
19/11/2019, 9:06 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you my yummy desert
19/11/2019, 9:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Mi el postre
19/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love:
19/11/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: You are yummy
19/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: Bb
19/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: Please pray for me
19/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: To get better faster
19/11/2019, 9:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Of course hun
19/11/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Try and get the guava and the young guava leave
19/11/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: And the fever grass
20/11/2019, 5:19 pm - My Love: Bb
20/11/2019, 5:19 pm - My Love: Not to long i reach homeee
20/11/2019, 5:19 pm - My Love: I am going out bb
20/11/2019, 5:19 pm - My Love: Bye bb
20/11/2019, 5:19 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
20/11/2019, 5:19 pm - My Love: Loveeeee uuu
20/11/2019, 5:19 pm - My Love: I will reach home late bb
20/11/2019, 5:36 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
20/11/2019, 5:36 pm - Emmanuel �: You look amazing my love
20/11/2019, 5:36 pm - Emmanuel �: You are my everything
20/11/2019, 5:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Love you forever and always
20/11/2019, 5:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you the first time I saw you and I
believe I always will
20/11/2019, 6:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I am going to church don't know if when we are
both home if you will have internet or it will cut
20/11/2019, 6:02 pm - Emmanuel �: So I am saying good night to you sleep well my
20/11/2019, 6:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you always
20/11/2019, 6:55 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
20/11/2019, 10:54 pm - My Love: My loveerrr
20/11/2019, 10:55 pm - My Love: U sleep already?
20/11/2019, 10:55 pm - My Love: I missss u alot bb
20/11/2019, 10:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Hey
20/11/2019, 10:55 pm - My Love: Not to long i reach home bb
20/11/2019, 10:55 pm - Emmanuel �: How you have internet
20/11/2019, 10:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
20/11/2019, 10:55 pm - My Love: I dont know
20/11/2019, 10:55 pm - My Love: The boss didnt cut it
20/11/2019, 10:55 pm - My Love: Hun
20/11/2019, 10:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes my love
20/11/2019, 10:55 pm - My Love: I am very hungry
20/11/2019, 10:55 pm - My Love: I didnt eat
20/11/2019, 10:55 pm - My Love: Dinner
20/11/2019, 10:55 pm - My Love: My head is hurting
20/11/2019, 10:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Well eat something
20/11/2019, 10:56 pm - My Love: This hour??
20/11/2019, 10:56 pm - My Love: Its not to late??
20/11/2019, 10:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Sorry to hear this bb
20/11/2019, 10:56 pm - My Love: Was a lot of travel
20/11/2019, 10:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't eat much
20/11/2019, 10:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Eat something light not heavy
20/11/2019, 10:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Like a sandwich
20/11/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: I have heavy food here
20/11/2019, 10:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Or biscuits
20/11/2019, 10:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Well eat a little still
20/11/2019, 10:58 pm - My Love: I dont want
20/11/2019, 10:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't go to bed hungry love
20/11/2019, 10:58 pm - My Love: I will try to eat now bb
20/11/2019, 10:58 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
20/11/2019, 10:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Go ahead love
20/11/2019, 10:59 pm - My Love: How u are up so late bb?
20/11/2019, 10:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I just up
20/11/2019, 11:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I was just about to go bed
20/11/2019, 11:00 pm - My Love: Oh i see
20/11/2019, 11:01 pm - My Love: Hun
20/11/2019, 11:01 pm - My Love: How was your day bb?
20/11/2019, 11:02 pm - Emmanuel �: It was okay
20/11/2019, 11:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss my wife
20/11/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: Aww
20/11/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: I miiisssss u tooooo bb
20/11/2019, 11:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
20/11/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: I love u my king
20/11/2019, 11:03 pm - Emmanuel �: You look so beautiful and amazing
20/11/2019, 11:03 pm - My Love: Thanm u my lover
20/11/2019, 11:03 pm - My Love: ���
20/11/2019, 11:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I what to dance with you with this song
20/11/2019, 11:05 pm - My Love: I didnt hear it as get bb
20/11/2019, 11:05 pm - Emmanuel �: It's okay
20/11/2019, 11:08 pm - My Love: Bbbb
20/11/2019, 11:08 pm - My Love: I hug u tight hun
20/11/2019, 11:08 pm - My Love: I eat just a roti
20/11/2019, 11:08 pm - My Love: Hun.. i just not feel to eat nothing of theses
20/11/2019, 11:09 pm - My Love: U are there bb?
20/11/2019, 11:09 pm - My Love: I am extra tired bb
20/11/2019, 11:09 pm - My Love: I will go and rest my lover
20/11/2019, 11:09 pm - My Love: But before i go
20/11/2019, 11:09 pm - My Love: I want u to know something
20/11/2019, 11:09 pm - My Love: David will travel tomorrow for come here
20/11/2019, 11:09 pm - My Love: In guynaa
20/11/2019, 11:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Ok my love
20/11/2019, 11:10 pm - Emmanuel �: That is good
20/11/2019, 11:10 pm - My Love: He might come not tomorrow the next day.. which is
20/11/2019, 11:10 pm - My Love: Yes its
20/11/2019, 11:10 pm - My Love: I love u bb
20/11/2019, 11:11 pm - My Love: Pray for him
20/11/2019, 11:11 pm - My Love: To reach save
20/11/2019, 11:11 pm - My Love: Huuunnn
20/11/2019, 11:11 pm - My Love: Whereeeeee are uu??
20/11/2019, 11:12 pm - My Love: Hun
20/11/2019, 11:12 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
20/11/2019, 11:12 pm - My Love: I tell u good night my sweet heart
20/11/2019, 11:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I will
20/11/2019, 11:12 pm - My Love: Love it bb
20/11/2019, 11:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night my love
20/11/2019, 11:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Rest well
20/11/2019, 11:12 pm - My Love: U will sleep now my bb
20/11/2019, 11:12 pm - My Love: ?
20/11/2019, 11:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
20/11/2019, 11:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I will miss you
20/11/2019, 11:13 pm - My Love: U will come and sleep with me now
20/11/2019, 11:13 pm - My Love: ??
20/11/2019, 11:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I would rather be with no other
20/11/2019, 11:13 pm - My Love: Aaawwwwwww
20/11/2019, 11:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Or in any other places
20/11/2019, 11:13 pm - My Love: I will moss u toooo bb
20/11/2019, 11:13 pm - Emmanuel �: But your arms
20/11/2019, 11:13 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
20/11/2019, 11:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes ofcouse I want to come to be with you
20/11/2019, 11:14 pm - My Love: Hun.. u are my infinity paradaise..
20/11/2019, 11:14 pm - Emmanuel �: My future!!!!
20/11/2019, 11:14 pm - My Love:
20/11/2019, 11:14 pm - My Love: I hug u tight bb
20/11/2019, 11:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I see my future in your eyes
20/11/2019, 11:14 pm - My Love: ��
20/11/2019, 11:14 pm - My Love: Aww bb
20/11/2019, 11:14 pm - My Love: U got me here fill with love
20/11/2019, 11:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Those beautiful eyes
20/11/2019, 11:15 pm - My Love: I want to sleep now n dream u bb
20/11/2019, 11:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to lose you hun
20/11/2019, 11:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay hun let's go to bed
20/11/2019, 11:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night
20/11/2019, 11:15 pm - My Love: I dont want to lose u either bb
20/11/2019, 11:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Love you much
20/11/2019, 11:15 pm - My Love: Yeeessss
20/11/2019, 11:16 pm - My Love: Loveeee u bb
20/11/2019, 11:16 pm - My Love: Kiss u
20/11/2019, 11:16 pm - My Love: Good night my lovee
20/11/2019, 11:16 pm - My Love: U feel so good
20/11/2019, 11:16 pm - Emmanuel �: You feel better
20/11/2019, 11:16 pm - My Love: Yes bb
20/11/2019, 11:16 pm - My Love: Lets go bb
20/11/2019, 11:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I mean you feel better than how I feel
20/11/2019, 11:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I love to feel you up all over
20/11/2019, 11:17 pm - My Love: I feel Good because i am next to u bb
20/11/2019, 11:18 pm - Emmanuel �: And I know you will feel amazing
20/11/2019, 11:18 pm - Emmanuel �: More amazing than anything ever
20/11/2019, 11:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I will let you rest hun
20/11/2019, 11:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye
20/11/2019, 11:18 pm - My Love: Aaaawwwwww
20/11/2019, 11:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night
20/11/2019, 11:18 pm - My Love: Thank u hun
20/11/2019, 11:18 pm - My Love: I appreciate u
20/11/2019, 11:18 pm - My Love: Good night my heart beat
20/11/2019, 11:18 pm - Emmanuel �: You know I never really want to leave you
20/11/2019, 11:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Or be away from you
20/11/2019, 11:19 pm - My Love: I know my bb
20/11/2019, 11:20 pm - Emmanuel �: But it is time to sleep
20/11/2019, 11:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night my love
20/11/2019, 11:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Love you forever
20/11/2019, 11:20 pm - My Love: Bye my bb
20/11/2019, 11:20 pm - My Love: Thank u once again hun
20/11/2019, 11:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you bb
20/11/2019, 11:22 pm - Emmanuel �: You do have much love and patients in this
20/11/2019, 11:22 pm - Emmanuel �: I appreciate you
20/11/2019, 11:22 pm - My Love: I love u hun
20/11/2019, 11:22 pm - My Love:
20/11/2019, 11:22 pm - My Love: I will go now bb
20/11/2019, 11:22 pm - My Love: Bye my lover
20/11/2019, 11:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye my everything
20/11/2019, 11:23 pm - My Love: ���
21/11/2019, 5:46 am - My Love: Bbbbb
21/11/2019, 5:46 am - My Love: I hug u tight my lover
21/11/2019, 5:46 am - My Love: Place is sooo cold
21/11/2019, 5:46 am - My Love: I feel to love up u bb
21/11/2019, 5:46 am - My Love: ��
21/11/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: Goooddddd morning my bb
21/11/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
21/11/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
21/11/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
21/11/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
21/11/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
21/11/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
21/11/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
21/11/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
21/11/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
21/11/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
21/11/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
21/11/2019, 5:52 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my love have a wonderful day today
I am late for work
21/11/2019, 5:52 am - Emmanuel �: I love you
21/11/2019, 6:32 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
21/11/2019, 6:32 am - My Love: In a while i will go bb
21/11/2019, 6:33 am - My Love: Hun.. u are late this morning ehMm
21/11/2019, 5:00 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
21/11/2019, 5:00 pm - My Love: Huunn
21/11/2019, 5:01 pm - My Love: Not to long i reach home bb
21/11/2019, 5:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
21/11/2019, 5:01 pm - My Love: I miiisssssss uu soooo mucchhh bbbb
21/11/2019, 5:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I was giving you time to settle in
21/11/2019, 5:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you the same
21/11/2019, 5:02 pm - My Love: Thank u my lover
21/11/2019, 5:02 pm - My Love: But now i remember i have to ready to go to church
21/11/2019, 5:02 pm - My Love: For practice a dance that we will be doing in a next
21/11/2019, 5:02 pm - My Love: Can i call u bb??
21/11/2019, 5:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes hun
21/11/2019, 5:03 pm - Emmanuel �: You can
21/11/2019, 5:03 pm - Emmanuel �: What time will you go
21/11/2019, 5:16 pm - Emmanuel �: The call cut
21/11/2019, 5:18 pm - My Love: I was not hearing bb
21/11/2019, 5:18 pm - My Love: The internet was down
21/11/2019, 5:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
21/11/2019, 5:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I think you will go now
21/11/2019, 5:18 pm - Emmanuel �: It is getting late
21/11/2019, 5:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
21/11/2019, 5:18 pm - Emmanuel �: We will talk later
21/11/2019, 5:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Have a good practice
21/11/2019, 5:19 pm - My Love: Hun.. i will go and ready bb ok
21/11/2019, 5:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
21/11/2019, 5:19 pm - My Love: Thaaannkkk u my darling
21/11/2019, 5:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Go ahead
21/11/2019, 5:19 pm - My Love: I love u bb
21/11/2019, 5:19 pm - My Love:
21/11/2019, 5:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Love you always
21/11/2019, 5:19 pm - My Love: I hug u tight my lover
21/11/2019, 5:19 pm - Emmanuel �: And forever
21/11/2019, 5:19 pm - My Love: When i reach home i will talk with u ok
21/11/2019, 5:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I hold you in my arms
21/11/2019, 5:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
21/11/2019, 5:24 pm - My Love: My favorite place to be
21/11/2019, 5:24 pm - My Love: Here
21/11/2019, 5:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Where ever you are it will be my favorite place
21/11/2019, 5:26 pm - Emmanuel �: My beautiful bride my future wife my everything
21/11/2019, 5:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I thank God for you in my life
21/11/2019, 5:45 pm - My Love: Aawww
21/11/2019, 5:46 pm - My Love: I thank God for u tooo my bbb
21/11/2019, 5:46 pm - My Love: ��
21/11/2019, 5:46 pm - My Love: I am thankful to God
21/11/2019, 5:46 pm - My Love: And greatly blessed to have u in my life
21/11/2019, 5:46 pm - Emmanuel �: It is the same for me
21/11/2019, 5:46 pm - My Love: I will go now my lovely husband
21/11/2019, 5:46 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
21/11/2019, 5:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay my love
21/11/2019, 7:22 pm - My Love: Bbb
21/11/2019, 7:23 pm - My Love: I reaachh home my loveerr
21/11/2019, 7:26 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
21/11/2019, 7:26 pm - My Love: Huuunn
21/11/2019, 7:26 pm - My Love: I waannnttt uu bbb
21/11/2019, 7:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I am here
21/11/2019, 7:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I am getting my uniform ready for in the morning
21/11/2019, 7:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you to my love
21/11/2019, 7:31 pm - My Love: Oohh i see my lovee
21/11/2019, 7:31 pm - My Love: So u are busy bb?
21/11/2019, 7:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Not really I am almost done
21/11/2019, 7:32 pm - My Love: Oohh ok my love
21/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: When u finish hun.. write me bb
21/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: Pleaseee
21/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay my love
21/11/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: I am finish bb
21/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: Ok my loveeerr
21/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: I hugg u bb
21/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: I am proud of u bb
21/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: Of how each day we claim montains and go tru this
process together
21/11/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: I am proud of you to
21/11/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
21/11/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: Hun i really miss u bbb
21/11/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you to love
21/11/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: It has been so long
21/11/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry that I haven't return
21/11/2019, 7:40 pm - My Love: Hun
21/11/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: And that it is so difficult with so many things
in the way
21/11/2019, 7:40 pm - My Love: Dont worry bb
21/11/2019, 7:41 pm - Emmanuel �: But I believe if I had come to you sooner
21/11/2019, 7:41 pm - Emmanuel �: In immaturity we would not have please God
21/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: Yes hun.. u right bb
21/11/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry for exposing you to lust
21/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: I think this is the riggt time hun
21/11/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: Hun forget this bb
21/11/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: Its ok
21/11/2019, 7:43 pm - Emmanuel �: And opening a door for the enemy to your life
21/11/2019, 7:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes it feel like the right time
21/11/2019, 7:44 pm - My Love: Hun.. u dint knew it was wrong hun.. now u know..
now u correct it hun
21/11/2019, 7:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Next year I will work more hard to finish
21/11/2019, 7:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I knew but I choose to please my flesh instead
of obey God
21/11/2019, 7:45 pm - Emmanuel �: But there is a season for everything
21/11/2019, 7:45 pm - Emmanuel �: That is what my pastor was trying to tell me
21/11/2019, 7:46 pm - Emmanuel �: But sometimes we can't wait
21/11/2019, 7:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Because our flesh wants to experience the things
of the flesh
21/11/2019, 7:47 pm - My Love: Yesss
21/11/2019, 7:47 pm - My Love: And we get vex hun
21/11/2019, 7:47 pm - Emmanuel �: But God is trying to discipline us
21/11/2019, 7:47 pm - My Love: Because we dont understand
21/11/2019, 7:47 pm - Emmanuel �: And make us ready
21/11/2019, 7:47 pm - Emmanuel �: To handle the life of marriage
21/11/2019, 7:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Because it is not easy
21/11/2019, 7:48 pm - My Love: Bbb the internet might cut anytime bb
21/11/2019, 7:48 pm - My Love: I lovere u soo much hun
21/11/2019, 7:48 pm - My Love: Gooodddddd nigghhttttttttt my golden everything
21/11/2019, 7:48 pm - My Love: I am here still.ok
21/11/2019, 7:48 pm - Emmanuel �: When you become a father every day you have to
fight for the souls of your children
21/11/2019, 7:48 pm - My Love: I am eating
21/11/2019, 7:49 pm - My Love: Yes its true
21/11/2019, 7:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun them cut the internet more early
21/11/2019, 7:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Because usually it cuts around 9
21/11/2019, 7:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
21/11/2019, 7:50 pm - My Love: Them owner have to go out early tomorrow.. so
them.will sleep early.. when them sleep them cut the imternet
21/11/2019, 7:50 pm - My Love: U understamd
21/11/2019, 7:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
21/11/2019, 7:50 pm - My Love: I love u bb
21/11/2019, 7:50 pm - My Love: I thank God u have patient bb
21/11/2019, 7:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Well if it cut I will just continue my bible
studies and then go to bed for get up for work in the morning
21/11/2019, 7:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night to you to
21/11/2019, 7:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I am telling you goodnight if it cuts
21/11/2019, 7:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
21/11/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love: Hehe ok bb
21/11/2019, 7:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Sleep well
21/11/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love: Hey bb
21/11/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love: Give me a kiss naahh
21/11/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love: ��
21/11/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love: Today u didnt even kiss me
21/11/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love: �
21/11/2019, 7:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun as you come from work you left and now you
are here the internet might go
21/11/2019, 7:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I give you a kiss
21/11/2019, 7:55 pm - My Love: Hehehe
21/11/2019, 7:55 pm - My Love: Just one kiss
21/11/2019, 7:55 pm - My Love: This message was deleted
21/11/2019, 7:55 pm - My Love: My eyes look real big
21/11/2019, 7:55 pm - My Love: �
21/11/2019, 7:55 pm - Emmanuel �: All my kisses are already yours don't you know
21/11/2019, 7:55 pm - My Love: Yrs
21/11/2019, 7:56 pm - My Love: But i dont want to ask for them
21/11/2019, 7:56 pm - My Love: Or collect it
21/11/2019, 7:56 pm - My Love: Always
21/11/2019, 7:56 pm - My Love: I want u to give me it also
21/11/2019, 7:56 pm - Emmanuel �: From now until I die you will be the only woman
I will be kissing
21/11/2019, 7:56 pm - My Love: ��
21/11/2019, 7:56 pm - Emmanuel �: I didn't see the photo
21/11/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: You delete it
21/11/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: Lol
21/11/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: Yes
21/11/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I just see it a little
21/11/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: Because my eyes look real big
21/11/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Ok
21/11/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: it is your eyes bb
21/11/2019, 8:00 pm - My Love: I know bb
21/11/2019, 8:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I not have problems with them
21/11/2019, 8:01 pm - Emmanuel �: But you do and it is your own
21/11/2019, 8:01 pm - My Love: Listen
21/11/2019, 8:01 pm - My Love: I love my eyea
21/11/2019, 8:01 pm - My Love: Eys
21/11/2019, 8:01 pm - My Love: Eyes
21/11/2019, 8:02 pm - My Love: But when u told me.. its big. Since then i never
feel back comfortable
21/11/2019, 8:02 pm - My Love: Now i dont feel comfortable.with my eys
21/11/2019, 8:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Well because you think big means something
21/11/2019, 8:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not the only person who have told you that
your eyes are big
21/11/2019, 8:04 pm - Emmanuel �: And even tho I have explained to you that it is
something positive and not negative
21/11/2019, 8:04 pm - Emmanuel �: You are still not comfortable
21/11/2019, 8:05 pm - Emmanuel �: So it is you who wants to remain uncomfortable
21/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: Forget it bb
21/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: Its not important
21/11/2019, 8:07 pm - Emmanuel �: For me it is
21/11/2019, 8:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I totally love your eyes
21/11/2019, 8:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry if I made you feel that way
21/11/2019, 8:08 pm - My Love: Its ok hun
21/11/2019, 8:08 pm - My Love: Please just forget it hun
21/11/2019, 8:08 pm - My Love: Its not important
21/11/2019, 8:08 pm - Emmanuel �: By commenting on your eyes
21/11/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: I just dont want any coment of my eyes
21/11/2019, 8:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay love
21/11/2019, 8:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not do something you don't like
21/11/2019, 8:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I apologize
21/11/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: Its ok hun
21/11/2019, 8:09 pm - My Love: Just forget it
21/11/2019, 8:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
21/11/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: You look amazing
21/11/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: In the photo
21/11/2019, 8:10 pm - My Love: Thank u my love
21/11/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: You really are beautiful
21/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: Hun.. u are very handsome
21/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love:
21/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: U are very attractive
21/11/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I hug you tight
21/11/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to be for you only
21/11/2019, 8:12 pm - My Love: Hun
21/11/2019, 8:12 pm - My Love: Its something imposible
21/11/2019, 8:12 pm - My Love: Because u are attrative
21/11/2019, 8:12 pm - My Love: So
21/11/2019, 8:12 pm - My Love: Everyone will see it
21/11/2019, 8:12 pm - My Love: And notice it
21/11/2019, 8:12 pm - My Love: All my eyes is yours
21/11/2019, 8:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Even if them see
21/11/2019, 8:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I only acknowledge when you look at me
21/11/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: Hehehehe
21/11/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: Aaawwwwwwwww
21/11/2019, 8:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Every other female opinion don't matter
21/11/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: I love u my darling
21/11/2019, 8:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Only yours matter
21/11/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: Its the same with me bb
21/11/2019, 8:15 pm - My Love: Hun..
21/11/2019, 8:15 pm - My Love: I feel soooo comfortable in you
21/11/2019, 8:15 pm - My Love: I really wish i could be with u now now
21/11/2019, 8:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish the same
21/11/2019, 8:15 pm - Emmanuel �: You want to know something interesting
21/11/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love: Yes my loveerr
21/11/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love: Tell me
21/11/2019, 8:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I am only 1hr and 18 min away from you
21/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: �
21/11/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: The flight from Guyana to Trinidad is 1hr and 18
21/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: Wowww
21/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: �
21/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: Amazing bb
21/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: Its so faster
21/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: So u will not be weary when u reach
21/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: We can walk out a n so on
21/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: ���
21/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: I am excited
21/11/2019, 8:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes bb
21/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: I am planing
21/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: But i cant tell u
21/11/2019, 8:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol my to
21/11/2019, 8:18 pm - Emmanuel �: It's okay
21/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: �����
21/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: U will have to live
21/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: What i am planing
21/11/2019, 8:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I intend to
21/11/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
21/11/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: We need to start back preparing ourselves for
21/11/2019, 8:20 pm - Emmanuel �: We will not learn everything before we get
21/11/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: Ohh yes bb
21/11/2019, 8:20 pm - Emmanuel �: But the more we know it's the better we will
21/11/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: Yes my bb
21/11/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love:
21/11/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: I dont know bb
21/11/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: But i love kids
21/11/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: Now
21/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: Hun
21/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: Each moment
21/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: With u
21/11/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: I want to enjoy it hun
21/11/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: I want to be always with u hun
21/11/2019, 8:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish to enjoy each moment with our new family
21/11/2019, 8:25 pm - Emmanuel �: With you and the kids
21/11/2019, 8:25 pm - My Love: Hehehe i know it willl be amazing bb
21/11/2019, 8:25 pm - My Love: Yes
21/11/2019, 8:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
21/11/2019, 8:25 pm - My Love: I will love it hun
21/11/2019, 8:25 pm - Emmanuel �: But never forget that it is a big responsibility
21/11/2019, 8:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I will to
21/11/2019, 8:26 pm - My Love: Yes hun
21/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: We have much to learn
21/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
21/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: Yes
21/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: And much to experience
21/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: I know bb
21/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: We need to work
21/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: Forward it
21/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: Yes
21/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: But God is with us
21/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
21/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
21/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: One thing I would like to do
21/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: With you
21/11/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Is to come up with a way of how we will manage
our home
21/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
21/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: We can do it tomorrow in self
21/11/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Every home is different but all home needs a
21/11/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
21/11/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Tomorrow afternoon
21/11/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: You will write it down in our book
21/11/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: That book can be the place where we put all our
ideas and plans
21/11/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: So you will give your ideas
21/11/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: And I can give mines
21/11/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Then we can put them together
21/11/2019, 8:31 pm - My Love: Yes bb
21/11/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: I agree
21/11/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: I will love to do that noe bb
21/11/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I give you more from your kisses
21/11/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: And you didn't even have to ask
21/11/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: You see
21/11/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: Hahaha
21/11/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: Thank u my loveeerrr
21/11/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: Hun
21/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: I love u bb
21/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: How u are so amazing eh??
21/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: How u are so marvelous??
21/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: I cant understand
21/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: How come u are sooooo lovely and great
21/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: How u can be my all in one
21/11/2019, 8:35 pm - My Love: My love
21/11/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
21/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: Hahah
21/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: Because i am yours
21/11/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Because good thing come to them who wait
21/11/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: Hehe yeeesss hun
21/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Well it is the same answer I give you I am your
all in all because I am yours
21/11/2019, 8:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun you know a girl name letty sign
21/11/2019, 8:39 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
21/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: I think so bb
21/11/2019, 8:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
21/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: Is a girl in guyana?
21/11/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
21/11/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: She send me a friend request
21/11/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: She is Christian
21/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: She is not a good person bb
21/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: I know her
21/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: U sure
21/11/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
21/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: Naa
21/11/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Well she have it on her profile
21/11/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: But if you say she is not good
21/11/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I will trust you
21/11/2019, 8:42 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
21/11/2019, 8:42 pm - My Love: ?
21/11/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes it is her
21/11/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: Ohh
21/11/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: No i domt know her bb
21/11/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: Hun.. i dont understamd why u always accept request
from peoples u dont know
21/11/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: I dont do that
21/11/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: Either i talk to peoples i dont kmow
21/11/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Because when I see them from Guyana or Venezuela
I accept thinking that they are connected to ministry
21/11/2019, 8:46 pm - Emmanuel �: As a person in ministry I always seek to connect
and share with people
21/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: If them started behaving different I unfriend
21/11/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: Oohh i see bb
21/11/2019, 8:52 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
21/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: What u mean hun
21/11/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun do you have a back up partner in mind lol
21/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: Which partner? U are my everything
21/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: U are crazy
21/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: Or what
21/11/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: It means that 50 % of woman have another person
in mind in case them relationship not work out
21/11/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not answer no more
21/11/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: I have no back up either
21/11/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: You deleted this message
21/11/2019, 8:56 pm - Emmanuel �: The note voice was a mistake
21/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: Ohh ok bb
21/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: I dont have no one bb
21/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: I just have u and only u in my mind hun
21/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: Bb..
21/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: I will go now ok..
21/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: I want to hear somes songs on youtube before i sleep
21/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: I will take maybe 10 min
21/11/2019, 8:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay my love
21/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Sleep well my bb
21/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I love yoy
21/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: You
21/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Have a good night
21/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
21/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: Take care my bb
21/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: Thank u for been care and lovely
21/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: I loveeeee uu bbb
21/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: Have a great one u bb
21/11/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Than you for being faithful and patient
21/11/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: And supportive
21/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: My love i am always here for u
21/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: Kisses bb
21/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: N hugs
21/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: I love u my darling
21/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you to
21/11/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: Mmmuuuuuaaaa
21/11/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: I kiss u
21/11/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: Biiggg kiss
21/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I love all your your kisses
21/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye my love
21/11/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: i know bb
21/11/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: Bye my lovveeerrrr
21/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye bb
21/11/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: U will sleep just now?
21/11/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: No hun
21/11/2019, 9:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to but I can't
21/11/2019, 9:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Because of the noise
21/11/2019, 9:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Of the tv
21/11/2019, 9:05 pm - My Love: Ohh ok my love
21/11/2019, 9:05 pm - My Love: Hear music bb
21/11/2019, 9:05 pm - My Love: N sleep
21/11/2019, 9:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I can't do that
21/11/2019, 9:05 pm - My Love: Or pray.. durying the noise
21/11/2019, 9:05 pm - My Love: N then sleep
21/11/2019, 9:06 pm - Emmanuel �: To sleep I need silent
21/11/2019, 9:06 pm - Emmanuel �: I am studying
21/11/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: What u are studying bb?
21/11/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: Ohh i see bb
21/11/2019, 9:07 pm - Emmanuel �: The bible
21/11/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: Well.. i can sleep with or with out the noise
21/11/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: Ok my bb.. go ahead..
21/11/2019, 9:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
21/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: I will leave bb
21/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: Tomorrow
21/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: We will write everything
21/11/2019, 9:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Tomorrow
21/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: About what we talk
21/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: Ok
21/11/2019, 9:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
21/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: Take care my honeeeyy
21/11/2019, 9:08 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
21/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: U are my precious gift
21/11/2019, 9:08 pm - Emmanuel �: You to
21/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: Never forget that
21/11/2019, 9:08 pm - Emmanuel �: You are mines
21/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: �
21/11/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't make me forget it
21/11/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: Never
22/11/2019, 5:57 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my love have a wonderful day today
22/11/2019, 3:50 pm - Emmanuel �: My love if you get home and I am not on the
22/11/2019, 3:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I am helping mom wash the wears
22/11/2019, 3:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you and I hope you had a good day to day
my only one my gold
22/11/2019, 4:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb I am now remember that we are working in
church on Fridays so I will be in church don't know what time I will be back
22/11/2019, 4:43 pm - Emmanuel �: If i am not back before the internet cut I want
you to know I love you very much
22/11/2019, 4:43 pm - Emmanuel �: And I hope you have a wonderful evening and that
you sleep well my princess
22/11/2019, 4:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you very much
22/11/2019, 4:54 pm - My Love: Bbbbbb
22/11/2019, 4:54 pm - My Love: ��
22/11/2019, 4:54 pm - My Love: I miss u my lover
22/11/2019, 4:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Lover
22/11/2019, 4:54 pm - My Love: Hey hun
22/11/2019, 4:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I am here for a few minutes
22/11/2019, 4:54 pm - Emmanuel �: But them will come just now
22/11/2019, 5:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
22/11/2019, 5:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Have a wonderful evening
22/11/2019, 5:05 pm - My Love: Bye my lover
23/11/2019, 5:53 am - My Love: My loveerrrr
23/11/2019, 5:53 am - My Love: Good morning my prince
23/11/2019, 5:54 am - My Love: Sorry not to tell you good night last night.. but
the internet cut earlier
23/11/2019, 5:54 am - My Love: Hun. I am very excited.. my brother will come
23/11/2019, 5:54 am - My Love: Hope everything is well with u bb
23/11/2019, 5:54 am - My Love: I missssssssssss u a lot my princeeeee
23/11/2019, 6:43 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
23/11/2019, 6:43 am - My Love: Bye my darling
23/11/2019, 6:43 am - My Love: Have a great and amazing day bb
23/11/2019, 6:43 am - My Love: I miss like a crazy hun
23/11/2019, 6:43 am - My Love: ����
23/11/2019, 8:23 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my love I am working I love and
miss you hope you have a wonderful day today my beautiful amazing pretty awesome
wonderful one my forever
23/11/2019, 4:54 pm - My Love: Bbbbbb
23/11/2019, 5:06 pm - My Love: I reach homeee
23/11/2019, 5:06 pm - My Love: My brother is hereeee
23/11/2019, 5:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes my love
23/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: I will go now with david to share food to the poor
peoples in road
23/11/2019, 5:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I hug you tight
23/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: Aawww
23/11/2019, 5:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you my bb
23/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: I love u bbbb
23/11/2019, 5:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you my love
23/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: I missssss u a looottt hun
23/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: I know bb
23/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: I know
23/11/2019, 5:08 pm - Emmanuel �: My beautiful bride
23/11/2019, 5:08 pm - Emmanuel �: My everything
23/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: I missss u tooo bb
23/11/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: My future
23/11/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: My world
23/11/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: My heaven
23/11/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: My heart beat
23/11/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay my love
23/11/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I am glad he reach safr
23/11/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Safe
23/11/2019, 5:09 pm - My Love: Myyy bbb
23/11/2019, 5:09 pm - My Love: My princeee
23/11/2019, 5:09 pm - My Love: My kinggg
23/11/2019, 5:10 pm - My Love: My everyything bb
23/11/2019, 5:10 pm - My Love:
23/11/2019, 5:10 pm - Emmanuel �: You are all I want
23/11/2019, 5:10 pm - My Love: U are everything that i have hun
23/11/2019, 5:10 pm - Emmanuel �: For the rest of my life
23/11/2019, 5:10 pm - My Love: Never go away bb
23/11/2019, 5:10 pm - My Love:
23/11/2019, 5:10 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't either
23/11/2019, 5:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
23/11/2019, 5:10 pm - My Love: U are the same bb
23/11/2019, 5:10 pm - My Love: Bbb
23/11/2019, 5:11 pm - My Love: I will go now bb
23/11/2019, 5:11 pm - My Love: Take care hun
23/11/2019, 5:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay my love
23/11/2019, 5:11 pm - My Love: I hug u tight bb
23/11/2019, 5:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Awww
23/11/2019, 5:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Go ahead
23/11/2019, 5:11 pm - Emmanuel �: My bb
23/11/2019, 7:27 pm - My Love: Bbb
23/11/2019, 7:27 pm - My Love: I just reach home bb
23/11/2019, 7:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay my love
23/11/2019, 7:27 pm - My Love: I hug u tight bb
23/11/2019, 7:27 pm - My Love:
23/11/2019, 7:32 pm - My Love: U are busy bb?
23/11/2019, 7:32 pm - Emmanuel �: No my love
23/11/2019, 7:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I was just doing research
23/11/2019, 7:32 pm - My Love: What u did when i was in church bb..??
23/11/2019, 7:32 pm - Emmanuel �: You took really longer
23/11/2019, 7:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Research
23/11/2019, 7:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I was reading
23/11/2019, 7:33 pm - My Love: After sharing the food.. we went to practice songs
23/11/2019, 7:33 pm - My Love: Sorry bb
23/11/2019, 7:33 pm - My Love: I was thinking in you all the time
23/11/2019, 7:33 pm - Emmanuel �: You did nothing wrong hun
23/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
23/11/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: I really love you you know
23/11/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: You are my joy
23/11/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: It is a joy having you in my life
23/11/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: Hun.. i work very very hard hun
23/11/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: I miss u so much.. let me change my clothes.. and
call u bb
23/11/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
23/11/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: Aaaaaeewewww
23/11/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: U are awesomeeeeee bbb
23/11/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I have to bathe bb
23/11/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: Everyday and each day
23/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: I feel more inlove with u hun
23/11/2019, 7:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I work really hard to day
23/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: Ok bb.. u can go now.. so i will change my clothes
and try to eat faster
23/11/2019, 7:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Please pray for me
23/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: Aawwww.. sorry to hear that bb
23/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: My back is hurting
23/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: Also my shoulder and foots
23/11/2019, 7:38 pm - Emmanuel �: My everything is hurting
23/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: I did a lot today
23/11/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: But I do it for us
23/11/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: I want to masage u bb
23/11/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you to be comfortable
23/11/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: Hun
23/11/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: I can wait to marry you
23/11/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: Everything will be all right hun
23/11/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: My blessing
23/11/2019, 7:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you for being my encouragement
23/11/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Because somedays working on the house is so hard
23/11/2019, 7:40 pm - My Love: Aawwww bb
23/11/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I will tell you when you call
23/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
23/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: I will wait ok
23/11/2019, 7:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I screw up a glad with my hand and the metal
buss up my skin on my fingers
23/11/2019, 7:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I am in a lot of pain
23/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Ohh wow
23/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love:
23/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Hunnn
23/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: I told u to becareful bb
23/11/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I will bathe now bb
23/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
23/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: I will wait ok
23/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: I appreciate all the sacrify that u are doing bb for
23/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: For our childrens
23/11/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
23/11/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Call me
23/11/2019, 7:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
23/11/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: Yes bb
23/11/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: Wait a minute
23/11/2019, 7:58 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know how long I will have
23/11/2019, 7:59 pm - My Love: What do you mean
23/11/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Because the light in Daniel room is spoil
23/11/2019, 7:59 pm - My Love: Oohh ok bb
23/11/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: And I usually talk to you from his room
23/11/2019, 8:08 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
23/11/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I am next to mom
23/11/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: So next time
23/11/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: She hear what i said?
23/11/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
23/11/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: You look so sexy
23/11/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: On your mom
23/11/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Right now
23/11/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Will you kiss me near your mom
23/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: Hehe
23/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: I dont know
23/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: ���
23/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: You wouldn't
23/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
23/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: In person yes
23/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: More than anything
23/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: But on phone... she will said i am crazy
23/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: Aaaawwwwww
23/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: You are my joy
23/11/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: I loveee u bbb
23/11/2019, 9:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I will miss you
23/11/2019, 9:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night bb
23/11/2019, 9:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
23/11/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: Good night my lover
23/11/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: �����
23/11/2019, 9:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Keep in the word of God
23/11/2019, 9:19 pm - Emmanuel �: And keep your mind pure
23/11/2019, 9:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Because
23/11/2019, 9:19 pm - Emmanuel �: We are not doing any studies
23/11/2019, 9:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Anymore
23/11/2019, 9:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Remember all the things God is doing for us
23/11/2019, 9:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Let is please him
23/11/2019, 9:20 pm - Emmanuel �: As a couple
23/11/2019, 9:20 pm - My Love: Yes my love
23/11/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: So his blessings will not leave our relationship
23/11/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: When we are not in the word together
23/11/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: It is easy for the enemy to tempt us
23/11/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: And it is easier for us to fall for that
23/11/2019, 9:24 pm - Emmanuel �: But every time we don't please God demons in
hell rejoice and the angels in heaven cry
23/11/2019, 9:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Because both heaven and hell is always watching
23/11/2019, 9:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Hell is watching to tell God look at your child
look what them doing
23/11/2019, 9:25 pm - My Love: U right hun
23/11/2019, 9:25 pm - Emmanuel �: And heaven is watching to see if we will obey
and do what is right
23/11/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: And everytime we obey temptation it breaks God's
heart Jesus the Holy spirit and all the angels
23/11/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night hun sleep well
23/11/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: I want to please always God bb
23/11/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: With u also my lover
23/11/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: I dont want let the devil laugh us..
23/11/2019, 9:33 pm - My Love: Bb.. Good night my everything hun
23/11/2019, 9:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Keep your mind on christ
23/11/2019, 9:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Read the word
23/11/2019, 9:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Just keep your life pure and your mind on christ
and he will not be able condem us
23/11/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: Bbb
23/11/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: The light gone just now
23/11/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: The internet not cut as get
23/11/2019, 9:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
23/11/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: U will be up still bb?
23/11/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you
23/11/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
23/11/2019, 10:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb you don't know what it's like bb you don't
know what it's like to love somebody to love somebody the way I love you
23/11/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: Aaaaaaaawwwwwwww
23/11/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: U know i love that song hun
23/11/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: U know I love you
23/11/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
23/11/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Wow
23/11/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Wow
23/11/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Wow
23/11/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: You look so amazing
23/11/2019, 10:02 pm - My Love: Haha
23/11/2019, 10:02 pm - My Love: Bbbb i look normal hun
23/11/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you pointy teeth
23/11/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: You make me want to kiss you for really long
23/11/2019, 10:02 pm - My Love: Hahaha
23/11/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Like 3 hours
23/11/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: Hahaa
23/11/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: Really??
23/11/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Yessssssss
23/11/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Can we do it in the future
23/11/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: Yes huumn
23/11/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Kiss for much time
23/11/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
23/11/2019, 10:04 pm - My Love: Of course
23/11/2019, 10:04 pm - Emmanuel �: If you leave my life
23/11/2019, 10:04 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know what to do
23/11/2019, 10:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I will be a mess
23/11/2019, 10:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
23/11/2019, 10:05 pm - My Love: Hun dont say that bb
23/11/2019, 10:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Before you come I was really not well
23/11/2019, 10:05 pm - My Love: I will always be with u hun
23/11/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: But when you come everything changed
23/11/2019, 10:06 pm - My Love: Aaawwww
23/11/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: I am happy
23/11/2019, 10:07 pm - Emmanuel �: And lucky to be with someone like you
23/11/2019, 10:07 pm - Emmanuel �: You do the best for our relationship
23/11/2019, 10:08 pm - My Love: Hun i not do my best
23/11/2019, 10:08 pm - My Love: I know i can do better bb
23/11/2019, 10:08 pm - Emmanuel �: For me
23/11/2019, 10:08 pm - Emmanuel �: You do your best
23/11/2019, 10:08 pm - My Love: Hun
23/11/2019, 10:08 pm - My Love:
23/11/2019, 10:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I appreciate you
23/11/2019, 10:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I know you are doing the best you can bb
23/11/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love:
23/11/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: U make me feel happy hun
23/11/2019, 10:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I trust you bb
23/11/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: I love u bb
23/11/2019, 10:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you to
23/11/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: Hun i dont want no one else bb
23/11/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't either
23/11/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I want the one God put for me
23/11/2019, 10:12 pm - My Love: I want the same hun
23/11/2019, 10:13 pm - My Love: I dont want no one else
23/11/2019, 10:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I am keeping myself for you alone
23/11/2019, 10:14 pm - Emmanuel �: You can have all of me
23/11/2019, 10:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not give any part to another person
23/11/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: Me too bb
23/11/2019, 10:15 pm - My Love: I dont want to and i will not bb
23/11/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: Hun i hols u thight my love
23/11/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
23/11/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Hold me with your legs
h23/11/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: Yyeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhhh
23/11/2019, 10:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I love when you wrap you legs around me
23/11/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: Aaaawwwwe
23/11/2019, 10:19 pm - Emmanuel �: And there is no space between you and me
23/11/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: Haha
23/11/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: I will love it hun
23/11/2019, 10:19 pm - Emmanuel �: It will be one of my favorite thing when we are
23/11/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: Yes? Awwww
23/11/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: I will always love to be in your arms hun
23/11/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: And feel warm
23/11/2019, 10:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Huging me with your arms and holding me with
you legs also
23/11/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: Aaawwwww
23/11/2019, 10:21 pm - My Love: I love u my darling
23/11/2019, 10:21 pm - My Love: Never forget that hun
23/11/2019, 10:22 pm - Emmanuel �: This depends on you my love
23/11/2019, 10:22 pm - My Love: Hehe ok my bb
23/11/2019, 10:23 pm - My Love: Hun i kiss u up
23/11/2019, 10:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I love your kisses
23/11/2019, 10:23 pm - My Love: Aaaawwww
23/11/2019, 10:23 pm - My Love: Yes i know
23/11/2019, 10:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I love everything you do to me
23/11/2019, 10:23 pm - My Love: That is why i do it always
23/11/2019, 10:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I know I will love it
23/11/2019, 10:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun really
23/11/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to thank you
23/11/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: For the years
23/11/2019, 10:25 pm - My Love: I know i will enjoy
Each moment with u bb
23/11/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: And all we have been tru together
23/11/2019, 10:25 pm - My Love:
23/11/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I know I haven't been always good to you
23/11/2019, 10:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I know I did some really hurtful things
23/11/2019, 10:26 pm - My Love: Hun its ok bb i love u in the good n bad hun
23/11/2019, 10:26 pm - Emmanuel �: And said some hurtful things
23/11/2019, 10:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry my love
23/11/2019, 10:26 pm - My Love: Hun i forgive u bb
23/11/2019, 10:26 pm - Emmanuel �: For all the times I made your cry
23/11/2019, 10:26 pm - Emmanuel �: And hurt inside
23/11/2019, 10:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish to be a better man than I was yesterday
23/11/2019, 10:27 pm - My Love:
23/11/2019, 10:27 pm - My Love: U will hun
23/11/2019, 10:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you hun
23/11/2019, 10:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Really
23/11/2019, 10:28 pm - Emmanuel �: For being the best girlfriend I ever had
23/11/2019, 10:28 pm - My Love: Thank u hun
23/11/2019, 10:28 pm - My Love: For bee here
23/11/2019, 10:28 pm - My Love: N love me
23/11/2019, 10:28 pm - Emmanuel �: You are the best one
23/11/2019, 10:28 pm - My Love: Hun my phone is dying
23/11/2019, 10:28 pm - Emmanuel �: From all the girls I had loved
23/11/2019, 10:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay bb
23/11/2019, 10:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I want this to be my last relationship
23/11/2019, 10:29 pm - My Love:
23/11/2019, 10:29 pm - My Love: It will be bb
23/11/2019, 10:29 pm - My Love: I trust u
23/11/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: N trust me
23/11/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: It will be hun
23/11/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: I think God made u for me
23/11/2019, 10:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I think the same
23/11/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: N u are muy blessing
23/11/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: I considerate u so bb
23/11/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not rich or popular or the most handsome
23/11/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: But I always try to be a better man than I was
23/11/2019, 10:33 pm - My Love: Thank u bb
23/11/2019, 10:33 pm - My Love: For always do your best hun
23/11/2019, 10:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
23/11/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not saying this to praise you
23/11/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: Tell me bb
23/11/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: But really
23/11/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: I know my bb
23/11/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Just knowing
23/11/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: That you are what I will be receiving
23/11/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Makes everything I go tru
23/11/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Easy to bear
23/11/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Because bb
23/11/2019, 10:35 pm - My Love: Aaaaaawwwwww bbbbb
23/11/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I know many many many men would do anything to
be with you
23/11/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Because many want you
23/11/2019, 10:36 pm - My Love: Yes my lover its so
23/11/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: But I am fortunate to be the one receiving you
23/11/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun you don't know how beautiful you are
23/11/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Sometimes I believe you should be for someone
23/11/2019, 10:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Someone with more than me
23/11/2019, 10:38 pm - My Love: Hun dont think that way hun
23/11/2019, 10:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you can get it if you wanted to
23/11/2019, 10:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you have much offer
23/11/2019, 10:39 pm - Emmanuel �: I will tell you something hun
23/11/2019, 10:39 pm - My Love: This is lie hun.. i dont have nothinv bb
23/11/2019, 10:39 pm - Emmanuel �: I have get many offer from married women and
them have a lot
23/11/2019, 10:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you keep away hun
23/11/2019, 10:40 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am thankful that you do it
23/11/2019, 10:41 pm - Emmanuel �: But them woman not like me to much for physical
23/11/2019, 10:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Some yes but not all
23/11/2019, 10:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Them like how I make time to listen to them
23/11/2019, 10:42 pm - Emmanuel �: And my qualities
23/11/2019, 10:42 pm - Emmanuel �: And my character
23/11/2019, 10:42 pm - Emmanuel �: But you I think it is both
23/11/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Them like your qualities
23/11/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: But them would love to be with you
23/11/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: So thank you
23/11/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: For choosing me
23/11/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I appreciate it
23/11/2019, 10:44 pm - My Love: Awww
23/11/2019, 10:44 pm - My Love: Thank u bb for always think higher of me bb
23/11/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you are
23/11/2019, 10:44 pm - My Love: Hun my phone is dying
23/11/2019, 10:45 pm - Emmanuel �: What i say is not a lie
23/11/2019, 10:45 pm - My Love: Bb.. thank u a lot bb for every single thing
23/11/2019, 10:45 pm - My Love: U are my best thing ever hun
23/11/2019, 10:45 pm - My Love: My sky my moon my heaven and earth
23/11/2019, 10:45 pm - Emmanuel �: You are beautiful
23/11/2019, 10:45 pm - My Love: Good night my lover
23/11/2019, 10:45 pm - Emmanuel �: More than so much girls
23/11/2019, 10:46 pm - Emmanuel �: But you not let your beauty control you
23/11/2019, 10:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Like some girls
23/11/2019, 10:46 pm - Emmanuel �: You are humble
23/11/2019, 10:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I love that about you
23/11/2019, 10:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Goodnight my love
23/11/2019, 10:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Sleep well I love you
24/11/2019, 6:18 am - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
24/11/2019, 6:19 am - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
24/11/2019, 6:19 am - My Love: Waaaaaaaaa
24/11/2019, 6:19 am - My Love: I now wake up
24/11/2019, 6:19 am - My Love: N wacht u
24/11/2019, 6:19 am - Emmanuel �: Awwww
24/11/2019, 6:19 am - My Love: �����
24/11/2019, 6:19 am - Emmanuel �: I jump in bed with you
24/11/2019, 6:19 am - Emmanuel �: And kiss you up
24/11/2019, 6:19 am - My Love: Is the best thing ever that i love to see
24/11/2019, 6:19 am - My Love: Haha
24/11/2019, 6:19 am - My Love: U are unique bb
24/11/2019, 6:20 am - Emmanuel �: You are to my love
24/11/2019, 6:20 am - My Love: I want to kiss u up bb also
24/11/2019, 6:21 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
24/11/2019, 6:21 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
24/11/2019, 6:21 am - My Love: Hun.. u gone??
24/11/2019, 6:22 am - Emmanuel �: You look amazing even when you now get up
24/11/2019, 6:23 am - My Love: Hehe bb
24/11/2019, 6:23 am - My Love: U will leave now to work bb?
24/11/2019, 6:23 am - My Love: Carry me in your heart hun
24/11/2019, 6:23 am - My Love: Always
24/11/2019, 6:24 am - My Love: I will clean my theets and also cook roti and eat..
and start ready to church ok my lover
24/11/2019, 6:24 am - Emmanuel �: Okay my lover
24/11/2019, 6:24 am - My Love: I love how u look with this top
24/11/2019, 6:25 am - My Love: Hug me bb
24/11/2019, 6:25 am - My Love:
24/11/2019, 6:34 am - Emmanuel �: I hold you tight my love
24/11/2019, 6:35 am - Emmanuel �: Thank you for all that you do
24/11/2019, 6:35 am - Emmanuel �: You are so good to me
24/11/2019, 6:35 am - Emmanuel �: You help me so much in this life
24/11/2019, 6:35 am - Emmanuel �: You support me
24/11/2019, 6:35 am - Emmanuel �: And encourage me
24/11/2019, 6:37 am - Emmanuel �: Life is so hard but when I think of you and our
future it becomes easy
24/11/2019, 6:38 am - My Love: ��
24/11/2019, 6:38 am - My Love: Thank u for exist hun
24/11/2019, 6:38 am - My Love: U inspire me and give me strengh to continue in this
24/11/2019, 6:45 am - Emmanuel �: Have a wonderful day today hun may God give you
strength and be with you and keep you
24/11/2019, 2:01 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
24/11/2019, 2:01 pm - My Love: My lovveeerrrr
24/11/2019, 2:01 pm - My Love: ����
24/11/2019, 2:01 pm - My Love: I am here bb
24/11/2019, 2:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Hey bb
24/11/2019, 2:02 pm - My Love: U are busy bb?
24/11/2019, 2:03 pm - My Love: Can i call??
24/11/2019, 2:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Hold on
24/11/2019, 2:03 pm - Emmanuel �: You can call bb
24/11/2019, 2:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun i will eat and then call you
24/11/2019, 2:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Or you will sleep
24/11/2019, 2:15 pm - Emmanuel �: You eat already hun
24/11/2019, 2:19 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
24/11/2019, 2:19 pm - My Love: I didnt eat
24/11/2019, 2:19 pm - My Love: I am not hungry hun
24/11/2019, 2:22 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
24/11/2019, 2:22 pm - My Love: When u finish bb tell me
24/11/2019, 2:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Ok hun
24/11/2019, 2:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
24/11/2019, 2:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
24/11/2019, 2:34 pm - Emmanuel �: You are
24/11/2019, 2:34 pm - Emmanuel �: A lover from �� is the best
24/11/2019, 2:34 pm - My Love: Aaaawwww bbb
24/11/2019, 2:34 pm - Emmanuel �: A girlfriend from �� is the best
24/11/2019, 2:35 pm - Emmanuel �: A �� girlfriend is amazing
24/11/2019, 2:35 pm - My Love: Hehehehe
24/11/2019, 2:36 pm - Emmanuel �: ���� my favorite place is where you are
24/11/2019, 2:36 pm - Emmanuel �: ❤❤❤❤❤
24/11/2019, 2:36 pm - My Love: Aawwwwww
24/11/2019, 2:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I love my girlfriend
24/11/2019, 2:37 pm - Emmanuel �: You want to call me
24/11/2019, 2:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I am finish
24/11/2019, 2:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Eating
24/11/2019, 2:37 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
24/11/2019, 2:38 pm - My Love: Wait bb
24/11/2019, 2:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
24/11/2019, 2:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish we can start back studying God's word
24/11/2019, 2:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Together
24/11/2019, 2:39 pm - Emmanuel �: But we never have time
24/11/2019, 2:43 pm - My Love: Hun wait bb
24/11/2019, 2:48 pm - My Love: Missed video call
24/11/2019, 2:52 pm - My Love: U are therr??
24/11/2019, 2:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Yea
24/11/2019, 2:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I am
24/11/2019, 3:08 pm - My Love: Bb
24/11/2019, 3:08 pm - My Love: My aunty will come in a while hun
24/11/2019, 3:41 pm - My Love: Bb
24/11/2019, 3:41 pm - My Love: Where u gone?
24/11/2019, 5:28 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
24/11/2019, 5:28 pm - My Love: I am home
24/11/2019, 5:28 pm - My Love: We went to lime
24/11/2019, 5:28 pm - My Love: At a beach
24/11/2019, 5:29 pm - My Love: I will get ready to church now bb.. semd me a
picture my loveeeeeerrrrre
24/11/2019, 5:29 pm - My Love: Pleeeeaaaaassssseeeee
24/11/2019, 6:20 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
24/11/2019, 7:21 pm - Emmanuel �: I fell asleep my love
24/11/2019, 7:56 pm - Emmanuel �: You look amazing my wife to be
24/11/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you so
24/11/2019, 8:26 pm - My Love: Aaawwwww bbb
24/11/2019, 8:26 pm - My Love: I am here hun
24/11/2019, 8:26 pm - Emmanuel �: My love
24/11/2019, 8:26 pm - My Love: I just reach home from church bb
24/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: I will go and change off bb
24/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love:
24/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay bb
24/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I will watch
24/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Hehehehe
24/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Lol
24/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: I imagine how u will wacht me
24/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Like this
24/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love:
24/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: I guess
24/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Hahaha
24/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: You guess correct
24/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love:
24/11/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: The last time you show me your underwear
24/11/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: You remember
24/11/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: And you I ask to see your but
24/11/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Butt
24/11/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I was watching so
24/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: Yes
24/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: Lol
24/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: Heeeyy
24/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: Where u goneeeee
24/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: ��
24/11/2019, 8:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I am right here
24/11/2019, 8:35 pm - My Love: I am not seeing u
24/11/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you looking in the wrong place
24/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: Haha yes hun
24/11/2019, 9:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
24/11/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: Yes bb
24/11/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: Tell me hun
24/11/2019, 9:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Never mind bb
24/11/2019, 9:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I will go
24/11/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: I will go too bb
24/11/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: I am sleeping away here
24/11/2019, 9:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Get some rest
24/11/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: U too my lover
24/11/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: Seek more God everyday hun
24/11/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not go to bed now
24/11/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: I kmow bb
24/11/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: But it's okay
24/11/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: Bye my lover
24/11/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I am but I really i wish we could do it together
24/11/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
24/11/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: If u prefer that
24/11/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: I wil make time hun
24/11/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to grow without you
24/11/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: I understand bb
24/11/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye
24/11/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: Bye hun
25/11/2019, 5:11 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my love
25/11/2019, 5:11 am - Emmanuel �: I hope you sleep well my princess
25/11/2019, 5:11 am - Emmanuel �: I love you
25/11/2019, 5:11 am - Emmanuel �: I thank God for you
25/11/2019, 5:11 am - Emmanuel �: You are my special one
25/11/2019, 5:12 am - Emmanuel �: I hug you tight
25/11/2019, 5:12 am - Emmanuel �: I love you
25/11/2019, 5:24 am - My Love: �������
25/11/2019, 5:25 am - My Love: I hug u tiggģhhhhhtttttt my bbbb
25/11/2019, 5:25 am - My Love: Good morning hun
25/11/2019, 5:28 am - My Love: Hun
25/11/2019, 5:29 am - My Love: Thank u bb for every effort that u do for me
25/11/2019, 5:29 am - My Love: And us
25/11/2019, 5:29 am - My Love: It means a lot to me hun
25/11/2019, 5:29 am - My Love: Hope your finger be better hun
25/11/2019, 5:30 am - My Love: I will start to ready in a while my hun
25/11/2019, 4:57 pm - My Love: Bbbb
25/11/2019, 4:57 pm - My Love: U are there hun?
25/11/2019, 4:57 pm - My Love: I misssssss u bb
25/11/2019, 5:34 pm - My Love: Bb
25/11/2019, 5:34 pm - My Love: Why u didnt write me this morning?
25/11/2019, 5:34 pm - My Love: U was late??
25/11/2019, 5:34 pm - My Love: Where are u now hun?
25/11/2019, 5:35 pm - My Love: U didnt tell me nothing for this day hun
25/11/2019, 5:35 pm - My Love: I will go and practice the dance. I will go with
david.. i might reach home for 7pm
25/11/2019, 5:35 pm - My Love: Hun i love u bb
25/11/2019, 5:35 pm - My Love: I miss u
25/11/2019, 5:35 pm - My Love: A lot
25/11/2019, 5:35 pm - My Love: �
25/11/2019, 7:47 pm - My Love: Huuuunnnn
25/11/2019, 7:47 pm - My Love: Where are u??
25/11/2019, 8:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night my love
25/11/2019, 8:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I just finish working on the house
25/11/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love: Huuunnnn
25/11/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love: Bbbb u didnt write me allllll the daaayyy
25/11/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love: U didnt tell me anything
25/11/2019, 8:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I was late
25/11/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love: U know how much was worry about u
25/11/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: As I came from work i had to start working
25/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: Oohh i see hun
25/11/2019, 8:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I had to go and pick up the the man who is
helping me with the electrical
25/11/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love: Ohh i see my lover
25/11/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love: Hun.. i love u bb
25/11/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Because Kristian is taking to long
25/11/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love: Thank u for everything that u are doing hun
25/11/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love: I see bb
25/11/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: Hun.. and what you did today with the house
25/11/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: U finish all the eleftrical part?? Or still short?
25/11/2019, 8:22 pm - Emmanuel �: From then I have not stop until a little while
25/11/2019, 8:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Because we had to drop the man home
25/11/2019, 8:23 pm - Emmanuel �: We only have a little to finish
25/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: Oohhh
25/11/2019, 8:23 pm - Emmanuel �: But here in Trinidad them is very serious
25/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: I see bb
25/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: What u mean hun??
25/11/2019, 8:23 pm - Emmanuel �: With electricity
25/11/2019, 8:24 pm - Emmanuel �: So a inspector have to come
25/11/2019, 8:24 pm - Emmanuel �: And pass our work first
25/11/2019, 8:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Before I can get electricity
25/11/2019, 8:25 pm - My Love: Oohh
25/11/2019, 8:25 pm - My Love: I see bb
25/11/2019, 8:25 pm - My Love: I tought was easy hun
25/11/2019, 8:25 pm - Emmanuel �: It is not to difficult
25/11/2019, 8:26 pm - Emmanuel �: But it talks time
25/11/2019, 8:26 pm - Emmanuel �: But knowing that you are my future
25/11/2019, 8:26 pm - Emmanuel �: It makes everything I go tru easy
25/11/2019, 8:26 pm - My Love: Aaaawwww
25/11/2019, 8:26 pm - My Love: �����
25/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Knowing you are mines give me the strength
25/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: To do all I need to do
25/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: Aaaawwwww hun
25/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: Hun
25/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: U make me feel special bb
25/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Hun
25/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: U are my diamond
25/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Youh are special hun
25/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: My gold
25/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: My everything
25/11/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry
25/11/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I didn't get time to tell you anything my love
25/11/2019, 8:30 pm - My Love: Hun
25/11/2019, 8:30 pm - My Love: U make me sad hun
25/11/2019, 8:30 pm - My Love: U make me feel so worried also
25/11/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry I made you worried
25/11/2019, 8:31 pm - My Love: Hun
25/11/2019, 8:31 pm - My Love: Next time dont do that hun
25/11/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I couldn't write you
25/11/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: It was much work
25/11/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun we work without even taking a break
25/11/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I won't hun
25/11/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: Hun i understand bb
25/11/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I will try to message you
25/11/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: Ok hun
25/11/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: And tell you something next time
25/11/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: Please hun
25/11/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: Hun
25/11/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: I miss u bb
25/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: Ueat hun
25/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: U are weary bb
25/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: U neeed something?
25/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: Tell me bb
25/11/2019, 8:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I just eat a little
25/11/2019, 8:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Not really
25/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: I am dying.. i am very hungry
25/11/2019, 8:35 pm - Emmanuel �: As I say the work is not difficult it is just
25/11/2019, 8:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Go eat my love
25/11/2019, 8:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I will wait
25/11/2019, 8:35 pm - My Love: Mami is cooking now
25/11/2019, 8:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
25/11/2019, 8:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Ok my love
25/11/2019, 8:36 pm - My Love: What tell me bbb
25/11/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Well when she is finish get some food
25/11/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: I need you
25/11/2019, 8:36 pm - My Love: I dont know hun
25/11/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: All of you
25/11/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: What you don't know
25/11/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: You still don't have apitite ?
25/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: Hun
25/11/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes love
25/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I didn't even realize it was so late
25/11/2019, 8:39 pm - My Love: I was very hungry before i go to church.. i told my
mom that.. was like 5:30.. i reach home 7:30.. and there is nothing to eat.. david
eat out all the stuff that mami buy for me to eat.. and he eat out all. I dont have
anything to eat when i feel like to eat.. i was to go and cook.. but mami said she
will cook.. so she is cooking she always take longer.. and i am dying here. I dont
care anymore
25/11/2019, 8:39 pm - My Love: Mami when she is on the phone she forget peoples
25/11/2019, 8:39 pm - My Love: And david always think about him self always
25/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: I was really hungry.. well still i am
25/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: I dont like to eat late
25/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: Even 7pm is late for me
25/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: My mom know that
25/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: She know it
25/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: And still she dont do better
25/11/2019, 8:40 pm - Emmanuel �: �
25/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: And plus..
25/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: If 9pm reach.. i will not eat nothing
25/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: I am honest
25/11/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: �
25/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: Because if i eat late.. when i wake up in the
morning.. my belly will hurt me.. because of the digestion
25/11/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I understand hun
25/11/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Why is mom doing that
25/11/2019, 8:42 pm - My Love: The phone is the problem hun
25/11/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: And David have to be more considerate
25/11/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: Honestly i never wanted to give her the phone u know
25/11/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: He is never
25/11/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: He always is that way
25/11/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: Santiago and me.. we always pass hungry because of
25/11/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: But she has to be more responsible hun
25/11/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: She is not
25/11/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: I dont care about no one anymoe
25/11/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry to hear these things bb
25/11/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: U dont know how is my life hun
25/11/2019, 8:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I know it is frustrating but I know you love
your family still
25/11/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't bb
25/11/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: I dont know anything bb
25/11/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: But I go tru very similar things here
25/11/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Well my love all I know Is I want better for you
25/11/2019, 8:46 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am doing all I can to make it happen
25/11/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: Yes hun
25/11/2019, 8:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I never want to treat you that way
25/11/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: I know this will hapen bb
25/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you to be happy when you marry me
25/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you to never regret your decision
25/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
25/11/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: Hun i never regret bb
25/11/2019, 8:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Should I talk to your mother about the phone or
should I just keep out of it ?
25/11/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: Dont tell her anything hun
25/11/2019, 8:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
25/11/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: Dont do nothing bb
25/11/2019, 8:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
25/11/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: Because then she will quarel with me
25/11/2019, 8:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
25/11/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I understand
25/11/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want that to happen
25/11/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: Me either
25/11/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
25/11/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: Hun i love u too bb
25/11/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry you have to go tru so much
25/11/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: My lover
25/11/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: Hun i feel cold bb
25/11/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish that one day I can take you with me
25/11/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: And you will be comfortable
25/11/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: And happy
25/11/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: I know i will hun
25/11/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: And I hope to God it happens soon
25/11/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I hold you tight
25/11/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: In my arms
25/11/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: I wish the same hun
25/11/2019, 8:52 pm - My Love: Hun
25/11/2019, 8:52 pm - My Love: I need u bb
25/11/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I need you to
25/11/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: So we feel the same way about each other
25/11/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Without you I don't know what I would do
25/11/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I am just being honest
25/11/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun you know what a man on my job tell me
25/11/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: He told me not to marry someone I love but to
marry someone who loves me
25/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: Hun.. the food finish
25/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: I will eat bb
25/11/2019, 8:56 pm - Emmanuel �: He said the one who truly love is the one who
gets hurt
25/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: I will not write hun because i am really hungry bb
25/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: Hope u can understand
25/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: �
25/11/2019, 8:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Go ahead
25/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: Hun i dont knownif the imternet will cut
25/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: Ok
25/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I totally do
25/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: I love u my king
25/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Full up your belly
25/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: And then I will love you up
25/11/2019, 8:58 pm - Emmanuel �: And hug you tight
25/11/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: Hun i am here
25/11/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: I eat one arepa
25/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: Normally i eat 2
25/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: But i didnt eat 2.. just 1
25/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: And i want to vomit now
25/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: Hun u are there
25/11/2019, 9:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I don't understand
25/11/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Why are you not eating well bb
25/11/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't understand why this is happening
25/11/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: Hun
25/11/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes love
25/11/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: I dont know hun
25/11/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: I dont understand
25/11/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I am worried
25/11/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: I just dont feel hungry
25/11/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: I drink vitamine
25/11/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: And nothing
25/11/2019, 9:10 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
25/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: I dont feel hungry that is all
25/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: My appetite cut
25/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: I am geting more tin
25/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: Aaaaaaaaawwwwww
25/11/2019, 9:10 pm - Emmanuel �: But that is not a good thing
25/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: Hun i dont care hun
25/11/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: I kmow its not good
25/11/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: But i dont feel to eat
25/11/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: My mom she tell me to eat
25/11/2019, 9:11 pm - Emmanuel �: You must not say you don't care bb
25/11/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: But what i feel to eat she dont give me.. or please
me because she think i am pregnany
25/11/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: Pregnant that is crazy
25/11/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: I dont care hun
25/11/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: I dont care of no one
25/11/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: Only u
25/11/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: How could your mother think you are pregnant
25/11/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: And instead to give me food to eat and get fat.. she
dont give me what i want.. and she think i am pregnant
25/11/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: I dont know hun
25/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: Because my belly is normal
25/11/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't understand
25/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: And theses days was hurting me because the dinner i
eat it late.. and when i wake up my belly huet
25/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: Hurt
25/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: Hun
25/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: I am not in a good mood bb
25/11/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: Tomorrow i will explain u
25/11/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: But its not something important
25/11/2019, 9:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Ok
25/11/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: Because i dont even care what my mom think about me
25/11/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: And i am not pregnant
25/11/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: I am virgen
25/11/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: How can i be pregnant been virgen
25/11/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: My mom always doudt and dont know what type of
daughter she have
25/11/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
25/11/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Stop
25/11/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I believe you
25/11/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
25/11/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: David.. today slap my face in front of friends in my
work place
25/11/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: How he will do such of thing
25/11/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun why he do this
25/11/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: He hold my hands tight
25/11/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I am upset
25/11/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Now
25/11/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I am getting vex
25/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: You help him to come to Guyana
25/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: And that is what he is doing
25/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: Because i introduce he to my friend.. and she give
him her hands..and for joke i give him my hand.. so he hold me tight and press my
hands very much.. and i tell him he is rificuloys.. and he slap me.. i move away..
25/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: Then he said he was playing. I told him.. i was not
25/11/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: I am vex because of david
25/11/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: All the day
25/11/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: The wacht that i buy for him.. he give it to a girl
in venezuela.. for she to remember he..
25/11/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: That make me more angry
25/11/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: Because he should of give her any other thing.. but
give her what i give to him?
25/11/2019, 9:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes because it was a gift from you
25/11/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: I feel he didnt take that gift important either its
not matter who give it to him..
25/11/2019, 9:20 pm - My Love: So.. i tell him.. u will never get back something
from me again
25/11/2019, 9:20 pm - My Love: I tell him plane and streght
25/11/2019, 9:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
25/11/2019, 9:20 pm - My Love: When i am serious.
Really i am
25/11/2019, 9:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Come here
25/11/2019, 9:20 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
25/11/2019, 9:20 pm - My Love: Santiago he will recive from me
25/11/2019, 9:20 pm - Emmanuel �: I hug you
25/11/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: David is nothing to talk about
25/11/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: Hun
25/11/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Tight
25/11/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: I feel bad bb
25/11/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: In what way
25/11/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
25/11/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
25/11/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
25/11/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Love can I ask something from you
25/11/2019, 9:22 pm - My Love: U know how much bb
25/11/2019, 9:22 pm - My Love: U know how much i think about my brothers and daddy
25/11/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I know
25/11/2019, 9:22 pm - My Love: To save money for them to come
25/11/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
25/11/2019, 9:22 pm - My Love: And send food for them to eat
25/11/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: I know how much
25/11/2019, 9:22 pm - My Love: And hun
25/11/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: You love them
25/11/2019, 9:23 pm - My Love: I will tell u something
25/11/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: And all you have done
25/11/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: And sacrifice
25/11/2019, 9:23 pm - My Love: I was paying all the money hun
25/11/2019, 9:23 pm - My Love: Most of it
25/11/2019, 9:23 pm - My Love: And because of me..
25/11/2019, 9:23 pm - My Love: We are sending stuff
25/11/2019, 9:23 pm - My Love: To venezuela
25/11/2019, 9:23 pm - My Love: For them
25/11/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I know my love
25/11/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: It is the same here
25/11/2019, 9:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I could of finished our home much faster
25/11/2019, 9:24 pm - Emmanuel �: But all my money buy food
25/11/2019, 9:24 pm - My Love: Hun.. and
25/11/2019, 9:24 pm - Emmanuel �: And help
25/11/2019, 9:24 pm - Emmanuel �: And sometimes them not appreciate me
25/11/2019, 9:24 pm - My Love: When david come here.. i buy his towel.. a shoe.. to
walk with always
25/11/2019, 9:24 pm - Emmanuel �: The do me all type of things
25/11/2019, 9:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I know the type of person you are
25/11/2019, 9:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
25/11/2019, 9:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't let my heart turn
25/11/2019, 9:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I know God sees everything
25/11/2019, 9:25 pm - My Love: It not feel me to take money or all what i have to
give my family hun
25/11/2019, 9:25 pm - Emmanuel �: He will bless you so much in the future
25/11/2019, 9:25 pm - My Love: Hun
25/11/2019, 9:26 pm - My Love: I love much my family
25/11/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I know you do
25/11/2019, 9:26 pm - My Love: But them dissapointing me now
25/11/2019, 9:26 pm - My Love: N that hurt
25/11/2019, 9:26 pm - My Love: Hun..
25/11/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I know my love
25/11/2019, 9:26 pm - My Love: Why u tell my mom to make sure i eat
25/11/2019, 9:26 pm - My Love: Hun.. anything u tell her
25/11/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I didn't
25/11/2019, 9:26 pm - My Love: She do it
25/11/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell her that
25/11/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I promise
25/11/2019, 9:27 pm - My Love: But she dont do it becaise she want to or feel to
25/11/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I told her a joke
25/11/2019, 9:27 pm - My Love: She do it because u tell her that
25/11/2019, 9:27 pm - My Love: And i dont want that
25/11/2019, 9:27 pm - My Love: I dont want something that is not real
25/11/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I told het to let you eat my share
25/11/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: But I was joking
25/11/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: Ok hun
25/11/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: Hun
25/11/2019, 9:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes my love
25/11/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: I have something to tell u
25/11/2019, 9:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me
25/11/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: Apart of my personal life n family
25/11/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: My job
25/11/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: Them promote me
25/11/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: I dont know if i said it good
25/11/2019, 9:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I understand you
25/11/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: But i am not a girl that sell not
25/11/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: Niw
25/11/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: No*
25/11/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: Now*
25/11/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: I am the cashier for all hardware
25/11/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: Its a big responsability
25/11/2019, 9:30 pm - Emmanuel �: That is good hun
25/11/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: Because money cant lost there
25/11/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: And if it lost something happen
25/11/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: Everything is count by computer
25/11/2019, 9:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes it is
25/11/2019, 9:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Who did the promotion?
25/11/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: And today the supervisor.. a girl cheek the money..
and she told me.. i did well for my first day
25/11/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: �
25/11/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: My boss
25/11/2019, 9:31 pm - Emmanuel �: The man
25/11/2019, 9:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Or the woman
25/11/2019, 9:31 pm - Emmanuel �: That is good hun
25/11/2019, 9:31 pm - My Love: He call me and ask me if i know to cash.. i tell him
yes.. n he said i will see i will put u or not.. and then a girl( the supervisor)
show me what to do.. and she tell me i wil be the cashier
25/11/2019, 9:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I will not make any argument
25/11/2019, 9:32 pm - My Love: When we talk.. was in the morning.. n like 4 workers
was there already n infront pf us hearing us
25/11/2019, 9:33 pm - Emmanuel �: All I will say is please be careful with you
male boss
25/11/2019, 9:33 pm - My Love: Hun.
25/11/2019, 9:33 pm - My Love: I dont want to say anything
25/11/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: I tought u would of be happy
25/11/2019, 9:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I am happy for you
25/11/2019, 9:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me adreinna did I tell you something wrong?
25/11/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: No bb
25/11/2019, 9:35 pm - Emmanuel �: So what is this for
25/11/2019, 9:36 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
25/11/2019, 9:36 pm - My Love: U didnt react much happiness hun
25/11/2019, 9:36 pm - My Love: U are not happy
25/11/2019, 9:36 pm - Emmanuel �: I said it was a good thing
25/11/2019, 9:36 pm - Emmanuel �: For you to be promoted
25/11/2019, 9:37 pm - My Love: Yes hun. Its good
25/11/2019, 9:37 pm - My Love: That is all
25/11/2019, 9:37 pm - My Love: Nothing more or less
25/11/2019, 9:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not debate with you
25/11/2019, 9:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Think what ever you wish
25/11/2019, 9:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I grow up all my life seeing my parents fighting
each other
25/11/2019, 9:38 pm - Emmanuel �: And I hate it
25/11/2019, 9:39 pm - Emmanuel �: I was about to tell you congratulations
25/11/2019, 9:39 pm - Emmanuel �: But I thought I would tell you be careful
25/11/2019, 9:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I know when things happen and you are
excited you don't think
25/11/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: If u say so
25/11/2019, 9:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not answer you
25/11/2019, 9:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not doing this tonight
25/11/2019, 9:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry
25/11/2019, 9:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I had enough
25/11/2019, 9:42 pm - Emmanuel �: If the war
25/11/2019, 9:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I am genuinely happy for you
25/11/2019, 9:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I know God is the one who promotes
25/11/2019, 9:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Not man
25/11/2019, 9:42 pm - My Love: Hun.. i believe u hun
25/11/2019, 9:43 pm - Emmanuel �: So it is God who promoted you
25/11/2019, 9:43 pm - Emmanuel �: But I know also
25/11/2019, 9:43 pm - Emmanuel �: That God wants me to be a good watchful husband
25/11/2019, 9:43 pm - Emmanuel �: And that is what I was doing
25/11/2019, 9:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Because when excitement takes you over you might
not be thinking clear
25/11/2019, 9:45 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am not saying that you are will fully
doing that unpurpose
25/11/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: But you always think everyone is think to you
25/11/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: How you think to them
25/11/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: Hun i am sorry bb
25/11/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: But I have learn that the world is not so
25/11/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: Thank u for always be a caring husband
25/11/2019, 9:47 pm - Emmanuel �: So I just simply told my girlfriend hun please
be careful
25/11/2019, 9:47 pm - Emmanuel �: That is all
25/11/2019, 9:47 pm - Emmanuel �: To make sure you remember
25/11/2019, 9:47 pm - Emmanuel �: And that you are aware
25/11/2019, 9:47 pm - My Love: Yes bb
25/11/2019, 9:47 pm - Emmanuel �: And your eyes are open
25/11/2019, 9:47 pm - My Love: Hun i am sorry hun
25/11/2019, 9:48 pm - Emmanuel �: I am happy for you
25/11/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: U said i dont think when i am excited..
25/11/2019, 9:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Congratulations on your promotion
25/11/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: I know u are happy bb.. for me
25/11/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: �
25/11/2019, 9:48 pm - Emmanuel �: And i hope God give you many more
25/11/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: Yes he will hun
25/11/2019, 9:49 pm - Emmanuel �: It is the truth
25/11/2019, 9:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
25/11/2019, 9:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Also
25/11/2019, 9:49 pm - Emmanuel �: You think everyone is good
25/11/2019, 9:49 pm - Emmanuel �: But you don't know what is in a person heart
25/11/2019, 9:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Only God knows that
25/11/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: So you trust everypne
25/11/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Everyone
25/11/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: And that is bad
25/11/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: It will put you in problems
25/11/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: It will put us in problems
25/11/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Because we are in a relationship so what you do
affects not only you but us
25/11/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: Yes hun
25/11/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: If you trust every one
25/11/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: But i dont trust in everyone now bb
25/11/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: You will not be looking out
25/11/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: You will not be careful
25/11/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: And them will manipulate you
25/11/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: It's good
25/11/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: But as a good husband it is my job to still warn
25/11/2019, 9:53 pm - My Love: Yes hun
25/11/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: It is the same way how you tell me don't talk on
the phone at night with girls
25/11/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Did I object to what you said
25/11/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: No
25/11/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I actually agreed with you
25/11/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I listened
25/11/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I understand that I am in a relationship
25/11/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: And that you were just looking out for me
25/11/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I didn't see it as a problem
25/11/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: For me it was nothing
25/11/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: But you had a different feeling
25/11/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: So I said to myself
25/11/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: If my partner doesn't feel right about this
25/11/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Maybe I should listen to her
25/11/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: And I did
25/11/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: Thank u hun
25/11/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: For do it
25/11/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Why God put husband and wife together
25/11/2019, 9:57 pm - Emmanuel �: So them could watch out for each other
25/11/2019, 9:57 pm - Emmanuel �: And protect each other
25/11/2019, 9:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Remind each other
25/11/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I was talking to a girl before
25/11/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: And little by little she made me fall
25/11/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: You remembered this
25/11/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: And you warn me
25/11/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Not to do the same thing again
25/11/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: That cause you to fall before
25/11/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: And I listened
25/11/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: I cant remember who was the person bb
25/11/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: But i remember i did
25/11/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I value your words
25/11/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: Thank u hun
25/11/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: I love u bb
25/11/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: Hun
25/11/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: I miss u bb
25/11/2019, 10:00 pm - Emmanuel �: What matters is that we have to help each other
because we are in this relationship together
25/11/2019, 10:00 pm - Emmanuel �: For us to keep it
25/11/2019, 10:00 pm - Emmanuel �: We shouldn't fight
25/11/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: U right bb
25/11/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: bb
25/11/2019, 10:00 pm - Emmanuel �: But try and understand each other
25/11/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: And protect each other
25/11/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes hun
25/11/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Them people start back leaving the internet on
25/11/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
25/11/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you to
25/11/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I will go to bed my love
25/11/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I hope you have a wonderful night
25/11/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: And sleep well
25/11/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Congratulations again
25/11/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
25/11/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: May God continue to guide and bless you
25/11/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: May you always obey him
25/11/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Study his word
25/11/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: And grow spiritually
25/11/2019, 10:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish the best for you always
25/11/2019, 10:07 pm - Emmanuel �: And I hope our relationship with the help of
God last
25/11/2019, 10:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night my love sleep well
26/11/2019, 5:15 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning
26/11/2019, 5:15 am - Emmanuel �: My love
26/11/2019, 5:15 am - Emmanuel �: Hope you get to sleep well
26/11/2019, 5:16 am - Emmanuel �: I love you more every single day every
26/11/2019, 5:17 am - Emmanuel �: I know things are difficult being with a family
who treats you unfair
26/11/2019, 5:17 am - Emmanuel �: Everyone is selfish
26/11/2019, 5:17 am - Emmanuel �: And only thinks about themself
26/11/2019, 5:18 am - Emmanuel �: But when you are truly a child of God you learn
to put others first even when they are unfair to you
26/11/2019, 5:20 am - Emmanuel �: You deleted this message
26/11/2019, 5:22 am - Emmanuel �: You deleted this message
26/11/2019, 5:24 am - Emmanuel �: 1 John 4:7 ►


Verse (Click for Chapter)

New International Version

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves
has been born of God and knows God.
26/11/2019, 5:26 am - Emmanuel �: Philippians 2:3 ►


Verse (Click for Chapter)

New International Version

New Living Translation

Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as
better than yourselves.
26/11/2019, 5:27 am - Emmanuel �: Philippians 2:4 ►


Verse (Click for Chapter)

New International Version

not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.
New Living Translation
Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.
26/11/2019, 5:28 am - Emmanuel �: When you are not spiritually mature and the ones
we love do unfairly to us
26/11/2019, 5:28 am - Emmanuel �: We stop caring
26/11/2019, 5:28 am - Emmanuel �: But a mature Christian will still remain doing
26/11/2019, 5:29 am - Emmanuel �: It will not hurt a mature Christian so much
26/11/2019, 5:29 am - Emmanuel �: Because them know that God see them heart
26/11/2019, 5:29 am - Emmanuel �: And he will reward them not on earth but one day
in heaven
26/11/2019, 5:33 am - Emmanuel �: It is easy to love someone who love you
26/11/2019, 5:34 am - Emmanuel �: But it is hard to love when the next person
doesn't care
26/11/2019, 5:35 am - Emmanuel �: Or deserve it
26/11/2019, 5:36 am - Emmanuel �: But Jesus love the same people that was killing
him on the cross
26/11/2019, 5:36 am - Emmanuel �: And if we say we are Christian
26/11/2019, 5:37 am - Emmanuel �: He is our example
26/11/2019, 5:37 am - Emmanuel �: We must do as he did
26/11/2019, 5:37 am - My Love: Amen bb
26/11/2019, 5:37 am - Emmanuel �: Love even when love is not being return to you
26/11/2019, 5:37 am - My Love: Yes
26/11/2019, 5:37 am - My Love: Good morning bb
26/11/2019, 5:37 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my beautiful one
26/11/2019, 5:38 am - My Love: I now wake up
26/11/2019, 5:38 am - Emmanuel �: I hug you from behind
26/11/2019, 5:38 am - My Love: I feel.sleepy
26/11/2019, 5:38 am - My Love: Awww
26/11/2019, 5:38 am - My Love: Place is cold here
26/11/2019, 5:38 am - Emmanuel �: You look beautiful even when you now wake up
26/11/2019, 5:38 am - My Love: I want to sleep.more
26/11/2019, 5:38 am - My Love: N not go to work today
26/11/2019, 5:38 am - My Love: Haha
26/11/2019, 5:39 am - Emmanuel �: I know
26/11/2019, 5:39 am - Emmanuel �: Hun I love that you are very hard working
26/11/2019, 5:40 am - Emmanuel �: But I wish that one day we can work for our own
business instead
26/11/2019, 5:40 am - My Love: I love u bb
26/11/2019, 5:40 am - Emmanuel �: I love you to
26/11/2019, 5:40 am - Emmanuel �: My love
26/11/2019, 5:40 am - My Love: I wishh the same hun
26/11/2019, 5:40 am - Emmanuel �: I believe one day things will be better
26/11/2019, 5:41 am - Emmanuel �: I am getting ready for work now
26/11/2019, 5:41 am - Emmanuel �: I miss you
26/11/2019, 5:41 am - Emmanuel �: It is almost 6am
26/11/2019, 5:41 am - Emmanuel �: I love you bb
26/11/2019, 5:41 am - Emmanuel �: We will talk later
26/11/2019, 5:41 am - Emmanuel �: Have a wonderful day today
26/11/2019, 5:42 am - Emmanuel �: And please stay in God's word
26/11/2019, 5:42 am - My Love: I will go n ready
26/11/2019, 5:42 am - My Love: Because i will sleep away here
26/11/2019, 5:42 am - Emmanuel �: And keep away from the temptation of the devil
26/11/2019, 5:42 am - My Love: Yes my lover
26/11/2019, 5:42 am - Emmanuel �: It is God to be diligent and work hard
26/11/2019, 5:43 am - My Love: Have a great day hun
26/11/2019, 5:43 am - Emmanuel �: But you have to be diligent the same
26/11/2019, 5:43 am - My Love: Be bless
26/11/2019, 5:43 am - Emmanuel �: For your spiritually life
26/11/2019, 5:43 am - My Love: Yes hun
26/11/2019, 5:43 am - My Love: I agree with u
26/11/2019, 5:43 am - Emmanuel �: Otherwise the flesh will be stronger that the
26/11/2019, 5:44 am - Emmanuel �: Don't forget it is God who is bless you with the
work you have in the first place
26/11/2019, 5:44 am - My Love: Yes my lover
26/11/2019, 5:44 am - Emmanuel �: So please make time to fellowship with him
26/11/2019, 5:44 am - My Love: I understand bb
26/11/2019, 5:44 am - Emmanuel �: And don't do the works of the enemy
26/11/2019, 5:44 am - Emmanuel �: Love
26/11/2019, 5:44 am - Emmanuel �: You
26/11/2019, 5:44 am - My Love: Hun i hug u tight tight bb
26/11/2019, 5:44 am - Emmanuel �: Go ahead
26/11/2019, 5:44 am - My Love: Take care hun
26/11/2019, 5:45 am - Emmanuel �: I hug you to
26/11/2019, 5:45 am - My Love: Ok bb
26/11/2019, 5:45 am - My Love: Bye my lover
26/11/2019, 5:45 am - My Love: Go bb..
26/11/2019, 5:45 am - My Love: Its late for u
26/11/2019, 3:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I will be working late again
26/11/2019, 3:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you very much
26/11/2019, 3:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Hope you have a wonderful evening
26/11/2019, 3:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Hope you had a good day on work
26/11/2019, 3:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Always remember you mean everything to me
26/11/2019, 3:52 pm - Emmanuel �: You are my all
26/11/2019, 5:21 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
26/11/2019, 5:21 pm - My Love: My loveeerrr
26/11/2019, 5:22 pm - My Love: I reach home
26/11/2019, 5:22 pm - My Love: I am cooking bb
26/11/2019, 5:22 pm - My Love: Because i am real hungry hun
26/11/2019, 5:23 pm - My Love: I will write u just now bb
26/11/2019, 5:23 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
26/11/2019, 6:00 pm - My Love: I love u my king
26/11/2019, 6:00 pm - My Love: I finish cook
26/11/2019, 6:00 pm - My Love: And eat
26/11/2019, 6:00 pm - My Love: ��
26/11/2019, 6:02 pm - My Love: I feel better hun
26/11/2019, 6:02 pm - My Love: U are my all also darling
26/11/2019, 6:02 pm - My Love: U mean all my world to me hun
26/11/2019, 7:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
26/11/2019, 7:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I now finish working
26/11/2019, 7:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I am going to bathe
26/11/2019, 7:14 pm - My Love: Aaawwww
26/11/2019, 7:14 pm - My Love: My loveeerrrr
26/11/2019, 7:14 pm - My Love: Go bbbb
26/11/2019, 7:14 pm - My Love: I will wait for u hun
26/11/2019, 7:14 pm - My Love: I missssssssa u a lotttt bb
26/11/2019, 7:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you to
26/11/2019, 7:15 pm - My Love: Goooo hun
26/11/2019, 7:15 pm - My Love: I know u want to bathe and be fresh
26/11/2019, 7:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
26/11/2019, 7:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I am here
26/11/2019, 7:28 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
26/11/2019, 7:28 pm - My Love: Huunnnnn
26/11/2019, 7:28 pm - My Love: ������
26/11/2019, 7:28 pm - My Love:
26/11/2019, 7:28 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
26/11/2019, 7:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Wow
26/11/2019, 7:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Best things I have seen all day
26/11/2019, 7:30 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
26/11/2019, 7:32 pm - My Love: I die
26/11/2019, 7:32 pm - My Love: I love how u look bb
26/11/2019, 7:32 pm - My Love: I love u my darling
26/11/2019, 7:32 pm - My Love: ���
26/11/2019, 7:32 pm - My Love: U are my favorite look of all the day
26/11/2019, 7:33 pm - Emmanuel �: How was your day bb
26/11/2019, 7:33 pm - My Love: U loookkk soo amazing bb
26/11/2019, 7:33 pm - My Love: Bored
26/11/2019, 7:33 pm - My Love: Was so sloww
26/11/2019, 7:33 pm - My Love: I mean
26/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: Peoples no come to buy much
26/11/2019, 7:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you hun
26/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: So i had time to laugh.. talk
26/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: And do crazyness
26/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: We didnt sell much today
26/11/2019, 7:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
26/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: How was yours bb
26/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Very hard
26/11/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: ���
26/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Honestly I was praying for strength
26/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: While I was working
26/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I work alone today
26/11/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: Aaaaww bbbb
26/11/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: ����
26/11/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: I am sad to hear that bb
26/11/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Mr bengi wasn't therw
26/11/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: There
26/11/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: But what u did hun?
26/11/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: In the house
26/11/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: Was hard?
26/11/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: U had to finish it today?
26/11/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes electrical
26/11/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: The gland we did yesterday came out
26/11/2019, 7:38 pm - Emmanuel �: So I had to do it all over again
26/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: Gland of what?
26/11/2019, 7:38 pm - Emmanuel �: And I had to come up and down for tools because
I was working alone
26/11/2019, 7:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Gland of the cables
26/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: Oohhhh
26/11/2019, 7:38 pm - Emmanuel �: You wouldn't understand
26/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: ���
26/11/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: I am sad hun
26/11/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: To hear that bb
26/11/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: I am sorry u are going tru all this hun
26/11/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: But i am here bb
26/11/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: Next to u hun
26/11/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: Even its hard hun
26/11/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: I am here bb
26/11/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: Telling u to continue bb
26/11/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: But really it is nothing a bad thing
26/11/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I am learning
26/11/2019, 7:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Of course I will
26/11/2019, 7:40 pm - My Love: And to never stop to go foward
26/11/2019, 7:41 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
26/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Hun
26/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: ��
26/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Come on bb
26/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Hun
26/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Put on gloves
26/11/2019, 7:41 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
26/11/2019, 7:41 pm - My Love: Next time
26/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: Put some thing in your hands bb
26/11/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: That happened with gloves on
26/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: For it to cure faster
26/11/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol
26/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: Really
26/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: Wowww
26/11/2019, 7:42 pm - Emmanuel �: That is just part of the job
26/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: What tool u was usying
26/11/2019, 7:42 pm - My Love: When u was doing that bb?
26/11/2019, 7:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I wasn't using a tool
26/11/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: What u was doing
26/11/2019, 7:43 pm - My Love: How u get that?
26/11/2019, 7:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I was screwing up glands
26/11/2019, 7:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun you wouldn't understand what I am talking
26/11/2019, 7:44 pm - Emmanuel �: This is the hardest part of electrical no one
likes to do it
26/11/2019, 7:44 pm - My Love: Mmmmm ok bb
26/11/2019, 7:44 pm - Emmanuel �: In the future I will try to get a harder gloves
26/11/2019, 7:44 pm - Emmanuel �: That is make from leather
26/11/2019, 7:45 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
26/11/2019, 7:45 pm - Emmanuel �: It is very painful
26/11/2019, 7:45 pm - My Love: I know bb
26/11/2019, 7:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
26/11/2019, 7:45 pm - My Love: If i was there
26/11/2019, 7:45 pm - My Love: I would of take care of u bb
26/11/2019, 7:45 pm - My Love: Really
26/11/2019, 7:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
26/11/2019, 7:45 pm - My Love: Which one
26/11/2019, 7:46 pm - My Love: U screw it and done?? Its hard
26/11/2019, 7:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I have one more to make
26/11/2019, 7:46 pm - My Love: Mmmmm ok bb..
26/11/2019, 7:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Is four
26/11/2019, 7:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I already do 3
26/11/2019, 7:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss my pillows
26/11/2019, 7:47 pm - Emmanuel �: And my belly
26/11/2019, 7:47 pm - Emmanuel �: And my butt
26/11/2019, 7:47 pm - My Love: U cant see them
26/11/2019, 7:47 pm - My Love: �
26/11/2019, 7:47 pm - Emmanuel �: And my legs
26/11/2019, 7:47 pm - Emmanuel �: And my lips
26/11/2019, 7:47 pm - Emmanuel �: It's okay
26/11/2019, 7:48 pm - My Love: I miss tooooo much alsso bbbb
26/11/2019, 7:48 pm - Emmanuel �: This is only for a time
26/11/2019, 7:48 pm - My Love: Yes hun
26/11/2019, 7:48 pm - My Love: I miss each part of u bb also
26/11/2019, 7:48 pm - Emmanuel �: I prefer to wait
26/11/2019, 7:49 pm - My Love: Me too my lover
26/11/2019, 7:49 pm - My Love: I want to be with u
26/11/2019, 7:49 pm - My Love: And expirence everything over and over
26/11/2019, 7:49 pm - My Love: I know i will never be or get weary to do it
26/11/2019, 7:50 pm - Emmanuel �: For me
26/11/2019, 7:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I am just greatful to have someone in my life
26/11/2019, 7:51 pm - Emmanuel �: There are some people who don't even know who
their future husband or wife is
26/11/2019, 7:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Sex not matter for me
26/11/2019, 7:51 pm - My Love: Yes bb
26/11/2019, 7:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Anymore
26/11/2019, 7:51 pm - My Love: U right hun
26/11/2019, 7:52 pm - Emmanuel �: The simple things are important
26/11/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love: Hun.. for me all my desires is to be with u hun
26/11/2019, 7:52 pm - My Love: Each second with u bb
26/11/2019, 7:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Like just having someone
26/11/2019, 7:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Just having a relationship
26/11/2019, 7:52 pm - Emmanuel �: For me that is more important
26/11/2019, 7:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Than sex
26/11/2019, 7:53 pm - My Love: Aaaawwwww
26/11/2019, 7:53 pm - My Love: Yes hun
26/11/2019, 7:53 pm - My Love: I am thinking it
26/11/2019, 7:53 pm - My Love: And hun
26/11/2019, 7:53 pm - My Love: Its true bb
26/11/2019, 7:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Your company is more valuable
26/11/2019, 7:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I know this is a negative thing to say
26/11/2019, 7:55 pm - My Love: Hun u are complement bb
26/11/2019, 7:55 pm - Emmanuel �: But what if one day while I am working I fall
from a ladder and become crippled
26/11/2019, 7:56 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am on a wheelchair
26/11/2019, 7:56 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am paralyzed from my waist down
26/11/2019, 7:56 pm - Emmanuel �: And I lose my ability to have sex with you
26/11/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Before we marry
26/11/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: I dont care bb
26/11/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Will you still marry me
26/11/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: Of course my love
26/11/2019, 7:57 pm - My Love: I will hun
26/11/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: But you will never experience sex
26/11/2019, 7:57 pm - Emmanuel �: And be a virgin
26/11/2019, 7:58 pm - Emmanuel �: For your whole life
26/11/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: Hun i dont care bb
26/11/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: I just want u bb
26/11/2019, 7:58 pm - My Love: Its hard hun..
26/11/2019, 7:59 pm - My Love: But long before i choose u
26/11/2019, 7:59 pm - My Love: N i never regret hun
26/11/2019, 7:59 pm - My Love: N i will never
26/11/2019, 7:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't regret you either
26/11/2019, 8:00 pm - My Love: Hun i love u bb
26/11/2019, 8:00 pm - My Love: My love not depend on your phisical condision
26/11/2019, 8:02 pm - Emmanuel �: What about if all the dreams we have for
business not come tru
26/11/2019, 8:02 pm - Emmanuel �: And we have to live everyday on little
26/11/2019, 8:02 pm - My Love: We will work it out bb
26/11/2019, 8:02 pm - Emmanuel �: What if things in Trinidad becomes harder
26/11/2019, 8:03 pm - My Love: We will plan n do different hun
26/11/2019, 8:03 pm - My Love: We will plan together bb
26/11/2019, 8:03 pm - My Love: N together we will move on hun
26/11/2019, 8:03 pm - Emmanuel �: What about my financial conditions
26/11/2019, 8:04 pm - Emmanuel �: What condition does your love for me depend on
26/11/2019, 8:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun you know one thing you say that suprise me
the most
26/11/2019, 8:06 pm - Emmanuel �: You told me that you will take me back even if I
am unfaithful to you
26/11/2019, 8:06 pm - Emmanuel �: And even tho I will not cheat you with another
26/11/2019, 8:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Just to know that you love me that way it means
much to me
26/11/2019, 8:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Where you are hun
26/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: Hun
26/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: The light cut off
26/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: And not to long it come on
26/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: And the wifi take longer to come on
26/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: And my phone
26/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: Some how
26/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: I could connect with the wifi
26/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Now i am connected well
26/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: It's okay love
26/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: Huuunnn
26/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: I love u my bb
26/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: And not matter what u do bb
26/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: I will always be here for u
26/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: Even u break my heart hun
26/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: And u make me cry
26/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: Or hurt me
26/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: Much
26/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: Or litle
26/11/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Well
26/11/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I am trying my best to be a different type of
26/11/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: So hopefully it I don't do it
26/11/2019, 8:35 pm - My Love: Yes u are bb
26/11/2019, 8:35 pm - My Love: U are doing your best bb
26/11/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: My lover
26/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: Yes my bb
26/11/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: You are my only one
26/11/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: U are my only love
26/11/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
26/11/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: I can never replace u bb
26/11/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: U are my everything after God
26/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I hug you from behind
26/11/2019, 8:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
26/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: I will love that hun
26/11/2019, 8:40 pm - Emmanuel �: How is your spiritual life
26/11/2019, 8:40 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
26/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: I love to feel u close to me bb
26/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: Good bb
26/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: But i can do better hun
26/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: I know i can do better
26/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: How is ypurs bb?
26/11/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: It gets better everyday
26/11/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Because every day I learn more and more from the
26/11/2019, 8:42 pm - My Love: Ohh that is great hun
26/11/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: Yes me too hun
26/11/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: And i always try to aply it
26/11/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: What i learn
26/11/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: But I wish we could grow together
26/11/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: That's is all
26/11/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: That is my problem
26/11/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: What bb??
26/11/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: This is your problem bb??
26/11/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes that we are not going closer to God together
as a couple
26/11/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: We are doing it seperatly
26/11/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: Ohh wel
26/11/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: Tell me the day and we can separate it
26/11/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: U and me
26/11/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: For God hun
26/11/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: Because we always said tomorrow and tomorrow always
we do other thing
26/11/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: I really want to study and learn together hun
26/11/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know what day
26/11/2019, 8:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Saturday evening or something
26/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: Mm
26/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: When u are avalailable bb
26/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: Tell me??
26/11/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: Hun.. tell me when u are avalaible bb
26/11/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: I am practicing hun.. for a dance
26/11/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: So tuesday.. saturday and sunday i will be avalaible
in the afternoon
26/11/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: What about u bb
26/11/2019, 9:05 pm - My Love: Sometimes.. them call u and u have to leave
26/11/2019, 9:05 pm - My Love: So i dont know if to choose a day or not
26/11/2019, 9:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun forget it
26/11/2019, 9:05 pm - My Love: This is important bb
26/11/2019, 9:06 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to think about this right now
26/11/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: Hun
26/11/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: U sound vex bb??
26/11/2019, 9:10 pm - Emmanuel �: No I am okay
26/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: Ok bb
26/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: Hun u are weary bb??
26/11/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: I guess u are hun
26/11/2019, 9:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I told you yes before
26/11/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: Ohh sorry bb
26/11/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: I wish i could massage u hun
26/11/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: U eat already bb??
26/11/2019, 9:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I did
26/11/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: Great hun.. i wish to love up u now
26/11/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish the same
26/11/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
26/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: Tell me my love
26/11/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I will go
26/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: Why bb??
26/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: Dont go bb
26/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: Where u will go hun??
26/11/2019, 9:14 pm - Emmanuel �: And be alone
26/11/2019, 9:14 pm - Emmanuel �: For a while
26/11/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: Tomorrow afternoon i will practice
26/11/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: All theses days i will be busy at chuch in the night
26/11/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: For what hun??
26/11/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: U have a reason bb
26/11/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun are here but you are not here
26/11/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: Hun.. u kmow.. i have a surprise since long for u..
but the person.. is taking longer to do it
26/11/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: What u mean hun
26/11/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: I am always here
26/11/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: The connection from the wifi in my phone is down
26/11/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes but you are occupied
26/11/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: I dont have fault
26/11/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: Now i am not
26/11/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I am getting irritated
26/11/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: So I will go
26/11/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: Whats wrong hun
26/11/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: I not did nothing bb
26/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I am feeling disconnected from you
26/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not saying you do anything wrong
26/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Look let me go please
26/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: But hun
26/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: We will talk for tomorrow?
26/11/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: Hun i dont want u to go bb
26/11/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: �
26/11/2019, 9:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I will stay
26/11/2019, 9:19 pm - Emmanuel �: But I don't feel good anymore
26/11/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: Hun
26/11/2019, 9:19 pm - My Love: �
26/11/2019, 9:20 pm - My Love: I miss u bb
26/11/2019, 9:20 pm - My Love: Very much hun
26/11/2019, 9:20 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you to
26/11/2019, 9:20 pm - My Love: I feel to hug u
26/11/2019, 9:20 pm - My Love: Kiss u
26/11/2019, 9:20 pm - My Love: Up
26/11/2019, 9:20 pm - My Love: And hold u tigh
26/11/2019, 9:20 pm - My Love: And squise u
26/11/2019, 9:20 pm - My Love: With all my strengh
26/11/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: Until u cant breathe
26/11/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: How is the internet working perfectly now
26/11/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: Hehe
26/11/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: ♀ i dont know
26/11/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't know
26/11/2019, 9:22 pm - My Love: Hun
26/11/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
26/11/2019, 9:23 pm - My Love: U are thinking i am telling lies??
26/11/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Are you ?
26/11/2019, 9:23 pm - My Love: I dont have reason to
26/11/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Well okay
26/11/2019, 9:23 pm - My Love: Ok what
26/11/2019, 9:24 pm - Emmanuel �: If you say you not then it is so
26/11/2019, 9:24 pm - Emmanuel �: What do you want me to say
26/11/2019, 9:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not with you
26/11/2019, 9:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I go by your words
26/11/2019, 9:25 pm - My Love: Thank u hun
26/11/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: It is annoying
26/11/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: And it is irritating me
26/11/2019, 9:26 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
26/11/2019, 9:27 pm - My Love: I want to lie down on your chest and listen to your
heart beat bb
26/11/2019, 9:27 pm - My Love: Hun.. u want to go.. i will not stop u.. because i
dont want u to be uncomfortable
26/11/2019, 9:27 pm - My Love: U are acting that u really want to go
26/11/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: Huunnn
26/11/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: Bb
26/11/2019, 9:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes hun
26/11/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: What u want to do
26/11/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: Just tell me
26/11/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: U want to stay
26/11/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: Go??
26/11/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: What
26/11/2019, 9:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I will stay
26/11/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: But u are staying n been so different
26/11/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: Is like u are vex or something
26/11/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: I dont know
26/11/2019, 9:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I will stay
26/11/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: Hun u sure
26/11/2019, 9:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
26/11/2019, 9:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sure
26/11/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: Ok bb
26/11/2019, 9:31 pm - Emmanuel �: How much time will you ask me
26/11/2019, 9:31 pm - My Love: I am happy u choose that
26/11/2019, 9:31 pm - My Love: Lol
26/11/2019, 9:31 pm - My Love: Millions times
26/11/2019, 9:31 pm - My Love: Until i am sure
26/11/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: Santiago is sending me many pictures
26/11/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: I dont know why
26/11/2019, 9:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
26/11/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: Hun.. today i sit down
26/11/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: At work
26/11/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: And bored..
26/11/2019, 9:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Maybe he is lonely
26/11/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: And thinking of december
26/11/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: Yes hun
26/11/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: He is
26/11/2019, 9:35 pm - Emmanuel �: What about December
26/11/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: Expences
26/11/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: What i have to buy.. and them activities from church
26/11/2019, 9:36 pm - My Love: And also
26/11/2019, 9:36 pm - My Love: I was thinking after that when u will come
26/11/2019, 9:36 pm - My Love: Will be amazing
26/11/2019, 9:36 pm - My Love: I made a list what i have to do
26/11/2019, 9:36 pm - My Love: To do it
26/11/2019, 9:36 pm - My Love: For each moment
26/11/2019, 9:36 pm - My Love: I have some places to go
26/11/2019, 9:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Are you talking about Christmas
26/11/2019, 9:37 pm - My Love: I am talking about december and january
26/11/2019, 9:37 pm - My Love: When u will come bb
26/11/2019, 9:37 pm - My Love: With u
26/11/2019, 9:37 pm - My Love: But i need to plan kore
26/11/2019, 9:37 pm - My Love: More*
26/11/2019, 9:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
26/11/2019, 9:38 pm - My Love: I want to go to the cinema
26/11/2019, 9:38 pm - My Love: Buy clothes
26/11/2019, 9:38 pm - My Love: Visit my family
26/11/2019, 9:38 pm - My Love: Go to pool
26/11/2019, 9:38 pm - My Love: To the moll
26/11/2019, 9:38 pm - My Love: And the most important thing
26/11/2019, 9:38 pm - My Love: Go to church
26/11/2019, 9:39 pm - My Love: Bbbb
26/11/2019, 9:39 pm - My Love: U know something
26/11/2019, 9:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Sounds like a good plan
26/11/2019, 9:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me
26/11/2019, 9:39 pm - My Love: Yes ots
26/11/2019, 9:39 pm - My Love: Its*
26/11/2019, 9:39 pm - My Love: My pastora here
26/11/2019, 9:39 pm - My Love: Her name is ann
26/11/2019, 9:39 pm - My Love: And she and pastora mavis teach together school here
in guyana
26/11/2019, 9:40 pm - My Love: I didnt know she knew pastora mavis
26/11/2019, 9:40 pm - My Love: She know all the family from pastora mavis
26/11/2019, 9:40 pm - My Love: So she get excited.. because pastora ann know where
i come from now..
26/11/2019, 9:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay that is good
26/11/2019, 9:40 pm - My Love: I told her since i born i am going to church
26/11/2019, 9:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
26/11/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: So she know that i am very excelent
26/11/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: This sunday
26/11/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: I will play keyboard at church bb
26/11/2019, 9:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay hun
26/11/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: Because we will practice music
26/11/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: And i am excited hun
26/11/2019, 9:41 pm - Emmanuel �: That is great
26/11/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: U know the sunday night hun..
26/11/2019, 9:42 pm - My Love: I sang a song
26/11/2019, 9:42 pm - My Love: And
26/11/2019, 9:42 pm - My Love: Was really great and amazing
26/11/2019, 9:42 pm - My Love: I feel the presences of God
26/11/2019, 9:42 pm - My Love: Was really night
26/11/2019, 9:42 pm - My Love: Nice*
26/11/2019, 9:42 pm - My Love: And everyone was really happy
26/11/2019, 9:42 pm - My Love: But before i sing.. i read a verse of the bible amd
then sing
26/11/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: I really miss to sing a play
26/11/2019, 9:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I am glad you are getting to do it
26/11/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: Yes bb
26/11/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: ��
26/11/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: Butttt
26/11/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: I need to learn all them songs
26/11/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: Because i normally sing spanish songs
26/11/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: Not english one
26/11/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: So i have a lot to do
26/11/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: In learning them words
26/11/2019, 9:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
26/11/2019, 9:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Just keep singing them
26/11/2019, 9:45 pm - Emmanuel �: In English
26/11/2019, 9:45 pm - Emmanuel �: And you will learn
26/11/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: Well
26/11/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: I read and sing them songs now
26/11/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: But them i will get costume soon
26/11/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: To them words
26/11/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: Some words
26/11/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: Is kind dificult for me
26/11/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: So my tongue get confused
26/11/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: Lol
26/11/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
26/11/2019, 9:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I understand
26/11/2019, 9:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Keep trying
26/11/2019, 9:47 pm - Emmanuel �: It will happen
26/11/2019, 9:47 pm - Emmanuel �: You will learn them soon
26/11/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: Yes bb
26/11/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: Always i am constanly wacht and hearing them words
26/11/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: In each songs
26/11/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: So
26/11/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: I can learn it more faster
26/11/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Good
26/11/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
26/11/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I will go to bed now
26/11/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
26/11/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Sleep well
26/11/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: Hood night my bb
26/11/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: I love u hun
26/11/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: Sleep well hun
26/11/2019, 10:10 pm - My Love: Hun u are still here
26/11/2019, 10:10 pm - My Love: I tought u gone bb
26/11/2019, 10:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
26/11/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: Yes bb
26/11/2019, 10:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I am tired
26/11/2019, 10:13 pm - Emmanuel �: If trying with you
26/11/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: What u mean hun
26/11/2019, 10:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I mean if something is important to you
26/11/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: You will give it attention
26/11/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: And if it is not you will not give it much
26/11/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: What ever you give more attention
26/11/2019, 10:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Is what you really want and love
26/11/2019, 10:16 pm - Emmanuel �: And what ever you give less attention
26/11/2019, 10:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Is what you don't want
26/11/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am done with tell trying I know what I am
26/11/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Also I know what I give
26/11/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: And how much I give
26/11/2019, 10:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Just please don't blame me for the consequences
26/11/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: Mmmmm
26/11/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: Ok bb
26/11/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: Hun i really want u bb
26/11/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: I really love u hun
26/11/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: I want to show u it everyday of my life hun
26/11/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: Thst u are worth
26/11/2019, 10:21 pm - My Love: Hun.. i dont want to be far from u
26/11/2019, 10:22 pm - My Love: And i dont want u to be far from me bb
26/11/2019, 10:22 pm - My Love: Hun
26/11/2019, 10:22 pm - My Love: Bb
26/11/2019, 10:22 pm - My Love: I kiss your fared hun
26/11/2019, 10:23 pm - My Love: I love u bb
26/11/2019, 10:23 pm - My Love: U will always be my prince n my lover
26/11/2019, 10:23 pm - My Love: My perfect complement
26/11/2019, 10:23 pm - My Love: Hun
26/11/2019, 10:24 pm - My Love: I dont know what time them will cut yhe internet
26/11/2019, 10:24 pm - My Love: But its late.. so i guess anytime them could do it
26/11/2019, 10:25 pm - My Love: Hun.. tell me something bb
26/11/2019, 10:25 pm - My Love:
26/11/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Learn what love is
26/11/2019, 10:26 pm - My Love: Ok
26/11/2019, 10:27 pm - Emmanuel �: And really love
26/11/2019, 10:28 pm - My Love: I will go
26/11/2019, 10:29 pm - My Love: Because i dont think u want to be here
26/11/2019, 10:29 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't know me
26/11/2019, 10:30 pm - Emmanuel �: It is you who don't want to be here
26/11/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: Yes i want to be here
26/11/2019, 10:30 pm - My Love: But u actimg like u dont want to be here
26/11/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Because instead of staying and fighting for me
you are always quick to leave
26/11/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: It times when you are going through with your
26/11/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: And acting out
26/11/2019, 10:31 pm - My Love: I cant force u if u dont want to stay and act like
if u want to go
26/11/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I stay and fighting for you
26/11/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: And help you
26/11/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I had a hard day
26/11/2019, 10:32 pm - My Love: But i never act like i want to go
26/11/2019, 10:32 pm - My Love: Or yes??
26/11/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: The second something happen
26/11/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: You say go
26/11/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: You know why
26/11/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you have more important things to do
26/11/2019, 10:32 pm - My Love: No
26/11/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: And you say you don't
26/11/2019, 10:33 pm - My Love: I dont have nothing to do
26/11/2019, 10:33 pm - My Love: Tell me what i have to do??
26/11/2019, 10:33 pm - Emmanuel �: But your actions says everything hun
26/11/2019, 10:33 pm - My Love: If u know.. just tell me
26/11/2019, 10:33 pm - My Love: I dont have nothing to do hun
26/11/2019, 10:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't have to tell you
26/11/2019, 10:33 pm - My Love: I am lie down
26/11/2019, 10:33 pm - My Love: Doing nothing
26/11/2019, 10:33 pm - Emmanuel �: When someone love someone
26/11/2019, 10:33 pm - Emmanuel �: When them really do
26/11/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Them will never tell the person go every chance
them get
26/11/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I know that much
26/11/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: That much I know
26/11/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: I tell u go always?
26/11/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: I dont do that
26/11/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes you do
26/11/2019, 10:34 pm - My Love: Lier
26/11/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: From the moment I say I am going
26/11/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Never you try to stop ut
26/11/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: It
26/11/2019, 10:35 pm - My Love: I dont do that always
26/11/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Call me this if you want
26/11/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I will take it
26/11/2019, 10:35 pm - My Love: Yes i did.. but few
26/11/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: But I know what pure love is
26/11/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: And I know it doesn't try to tell the other go
26/11/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Even when them acting like them want to
26/11/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: A person who really love will
26/11/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Convinced them to stay
26/11/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: But you rather I go
26/11/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: And I know this from your response
26/11/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: And you can deny it if you wish
26/11/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: But I know love
26/11/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I give it
26/11/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: To yoy
26/11/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: You
26/11/2019, 10:38 pm - Emmanuel �: And I also receive it
26/11/2019, 10:38 pm - My Love: So u mean now i dont love you?
26/11/2019, 10:38 pm - Emmanuel �: From people who wants me around
26/11/2019, 10:40 pm - Emmanuel �: blame me I don't mind
26/11/2019, 10:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I will take it
26/11/2019, 10:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I will take everything you do to me
26/11/2019, 10:40 pm - Emmanuel �: But I know I am true to you
26/11/2019, 10:40 pm - My Love: Hun
26/11/2019, 10:41 pm - My Love: I am not blaming u
26/11/2019, 10:41 pm - Emmanuel �: And I know I fight for you
26/11/2019, 10:41 pm - Emmanuel �: And I fight for your attention
26/11/2019, 10:41 pm - Emmanuel �: And I know it is not equal
26/11/2019, 10:42 pm - Emmanuel �: And I know you will deny that
26/11/2019, 10:42 pm - Emmanuel �: So go ahead and do it
26/11/2019, 10:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I will be the wrong one
26/11/2019, 10:42 pm - My Love: I dont know
26/11/2019, 10:42 pm - My Love: I never said u are
26/11/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't have to
26/11/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I will take everything
26/11/2019, 10:44 pm - My Love: Hun its not your fault
26/11/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: If you were not being that way I would not have
acted this way
26/11/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I don't need much
26/11/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I spent all day since from 6am to 12noon
26/11/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I work
26/11/2019, 10:45 pm - Emmanuel �: And then from 12noon to 7pm
26/11/2019, 10:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Busting away my hand
26/11/2019, 10:45 pm - Emmanuel �: What is so important
26/11/2019, 10:45 pm - Emmanuel �: That I can have you for the evening
26/11/2019, 10:46 pm - Emmanuel �: But I will take the name you call me
26/11/2019, 10:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Liar
26/11/2019, 10:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I will accept it
26/11/2019, 10:46 pm - My Love: Hun
26/11/2019, 10:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I am nothing but a liar
26/11/2019, 10:46 pm - My Love: Bb please bb
26/11/2019, 10:46 pm - My Love: Dont accept it
26/11/2019, 10:47 pm - My Love: You are not bb
26/11/2019, 10:47 pm - My Love: Ok
26/11/2019, 10:47 pm - My Love: Hun
26/11/2019, 10:47 pm - My Love: Fogive me bb
26/11/2019, 10:47 pm - Emmanuel �: And a acuser
26/11/2019, 10:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I am
26/11/2019, 10:47 pm - My Love: I never said this bb
26/11/2019, 10:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I am lying on you
26/11/2019, 10:47 pm - My Love: Hun
26/11/2019, 10:48 pm - My Love: Can u listen to me
26/11/2019, 10:48 pm - My Love: I am sorry b
26/11/2019, 10:48 pm - My Love: Really hin
26/11/2019, 10:48 pm - My Love: Hun*
26/11/2019, 10:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun not tonight bb
26/11/2019, 10:48 pm - Emmanuel �: You wait
26/11/2019, 10:48 pm - Emmanuel �: You listen
26/11/2019, 10:48 pm - My Love: Ok
26/11/2019, 10:48 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
26/11/2019, 10:49 pm - Emmanuel �: But I am not doing this anymore
26/11/2019, 10:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Love is better when it is shared equally
26/11/2019, 10:49 pm - Emmanuel �: And honestly
26/11/2019, 10:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
26/11/2019, 10:49 pm - Emmanuel �: In this relationship
26/11/2019, 10:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I believe it is not so
26/11/2019, 10:50 pm - Emmanuel �: You had pet dogs before right
26/11/2019, 10:50 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
26/11/2019, 10:50 pm - Emmanuel �: You wouldn't do that to your pet
26/11/2019, 10:51 pm - Emmanuel �: And that is an animal
26/11/2019, 10:51 pm - Emmanuel �: And then you tell me
26/11/2019, 10:51 pm - Emmanuel �: You mean this to me
26/11/2019, 10:51 pm - Emmanuel �: And you mean that to me
26/11/2019, 10:51 pm - Emmanuel �: And a long list of words
26/11/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Honestly hun
26/11/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I will have some self respect now
26/11/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not a dog
26/11/2019, 10:53 pm - Emmanuel �: I am supposed to be someone you claim you want
to spend forever with
26/11/2019, 10:53 pm - Emmanuel �: But the treatment
26/11/2019, 10:54 pm - Emmanuel �: It is worse than you treat a dog
26/11/2019, 10:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you will give a dog more attention than
you will give to me
26/11/2019, 10:54 pm - Emmanuel �: And I will remain a liar
26/11/2019, 10:55 pm - Emmanuel �: I will stay one
26/11/2019, 10:55 pm - Emmanuel �: I will go
26/11/2019, 10:55 pm - Emmanuel �: This time
26/11/2019, 10:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night
26/11/2019, 10:56 pm - My Love: I love you hun
26/11/2019, 10:58 pm - My Love: I dont think i do this more
26/11/2019, 10:59 pm - Emmanuel �: You will never miss water until the day your
well is dry
26/11/2019, 10:59 pm - My Love: I dont have any words to tell you hun..
26/11/2019, 11:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Continue to take what you have for games
26/11/2019, 11:00 pm - Emmanuel �: And granted
26/11/2019, 11:00 pm - My Love: I am not playing games
26/11/2019, 11:00 pm - My Love: N take u for granted
26/11/2019, 11:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I forgot you don't do anything
26/11/2019, 11:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I am just lying
26/11/2019, 11:02 pm - Emmanuel �: On you
26/11/2019, 11:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I am a big liar
26/11/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: Hun u are crazy?
26/11/2019, 11:03 pm - My Love: Bb i tell u u are not a liar hun
26/11/2019, 11:03 pm - Emmanuel �: You are always giving me all your attention
26/11/2019, 11:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I am just making up lies on you
26/11/2019, 11:03 pm - My Love: Emmanuel
26/11/2019, 11:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Because that is what I love to do
26/11/2019, 11:03 pm - My Love: U can listen to me
26/11/2019, 11:03 pm - My Love: U are crazy?
26/11/2019, 11:04 pm - Emmanuel �: I am
26/11/2019, 11:04 pm - My Love: Hun
26/11/2019, 11:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I love to much
26/11/2019, 11:04 pm - My Love: U are not bb
26/11/2019, 11:04 pm - My Love: Bb listen hun
26/11/2019, 11:05 pm - Emmanuel �: When I give I give my heart and soul
26/11/2019, 11:05 pm - My Love: U are not a liar bb
26/11/2019, 11:05 pm - My Love: U told me bb
26/11/2019, 11:05 pm - My Love: Hun i love u bb
26/11/2019, 11:05 pm - Emmanuel �: But no one does it
26/11/2019, 11:06 pm - Emmanuel �: So then I am crazy for being the only one to do
something like that
26/11/2019, 11:06 pm - Emmanuel �: The is why I always pay for it
26/11/2019, 11:06 pm - Emmanuel �: I must be a mad man
26/11/2019, 11:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Or something
26/11/2019, 11:07 pm - Emmanuel �: For doing that
26/11/2019, 11:07 pm - My Love: Hun u are not mad bb
26/11/2019, 11:07 pm - My Love: U are normal bb
26/11/2019, 11:07 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not forget that you tell me I am a liar
26/11/2019, 11:08 pm - My Love: Hun
26/11/2019, 11:08 pm - My Love: Please bb
26/11/2019, 11:08 pm - Emmanuel �: That I am lying on you
26/11/2019, 11:08 pm - My Love: Foget that hun
26/11/2019, 11:08 pm - My Love: I am sorry bb
26/11/2019, 11:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not
26/11/2019, 11:08 pm - My Love: Hun
26/11/2019, 11:08 pm - My Love: Really hun
26/11/2019, 11:08 pm - My Love: Pleaseeeeee bbb
26/11/2019, 11:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I will keep it in my heart
26/11/2019, 11:08 pm - My Love: Pleaseeee hunn
26/11/2019, 11:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I will always be it
26/11/2019, 11:08 pm - My Love: Dont do this hun
26/11/2019, 11:09 pm - My Love:
26/11/2019, 11:09 pm - My Love: �
26/11/2019, 11:09 pm - My Love: Hun
26/11/2019, 11:09 pm - My Love: I didnt mean it
26/11/2019, 11:09 pm - My Love: I just said that u was lying when u was talking hun
26/11/2019, 11:10 pm - Emmanuel �: So if you say something does it not have
26/11/2019, 11:10 pm - My Love: Not
26/11/2019, 11:10 pm - My Love: Really
26/11/2019, 11:11 pm - Emmanuel �: When I tell you you always tell me go
26/11/2019, 11:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Instead of fighting for me
26/11/2019, 11:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Am I lying?
26/11/2019, 11:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Do you be honest to me when we talk on the
phone ?
26/11/2019, 11:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Or am I lying
26/11/2019, 11:12 pm - My Love: Always hun
26/11/2019, 11:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Do I have your attention or do you do multiple
things ?
26/11/2019, 11:13 pm - My Love: I dont know
26/11/2019, 11:13 pm - My Love: Hun i dont know bb
26/11/2019, 11:14 pm - Emmanuel �: How could you not know if you are doing
something or not
26/11/2019, 11:14 pm - My Love: I just dont want to answer bb
26/11/2019, 11:14 pm - Emmanuel �: It is either you are doing it or not
26/11/2019, 11:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Well this answers my question
26/11/2019, 11:15 pm - My Love: I dont want to explain
26/11/2019, 11:15 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't have to
26/11/2019, 11:15 pm - My Love: Because u think different i have my own opinion
26/11/2019, 11:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Keep your explanation
26/11/2019, 11:15 pm - My Love: And i will not understand
26/11/2019, 11:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Keep your opinion
26/11/2019, 11:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I am not understanding to
26/11/2019, 11:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I am a liar and also I am not understanding
26/11/2019, 11:16 pm - My Love: What i mean.. if u tell me something i will not
26/11/2019, 11:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Anything else you want me to be
26/11/2019, 11:17 pm - My Love: I dont say u dont understand.. i mean i will not
26/11/2019, 11:17 pm - My Love: A hot husband
26/11/2019, 11:17 pm - My Love: �
26/11/2019, 11:17 pm - Emmanuel �: This is the worst time to joke
26/11/2019, 11:18 pm - My Love: I know
26/11/2019, 11:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I can do this
26/11/2019, 11:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I grow up in this
26/11/2019, 11:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I hate it
26/11/2019, 11:18 pm - My Love: Hun
26/11/2019, 11:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I am going to bed
26/11/2019, 11:19 pm - My Love: Was a litle joke hun
26/11/2019, 11:19 pm - My Love: I know u dont like joke when we are taking serious
26/11/2019, 11:19 pm - Emmanuel �: In the worst of times a little joke is a big
26/11/2019, 11:19 pm - My Love: Sorrryyyy bbbb
26/11/2019, 11:20 pm - My Love: I just
26/11/2019, 11:20 pm - My Love: Dont like to be vex and quareling always
26/11/2019, 11:20 pm - Emmanuel �: At least we agree for once
26/11/2019, 11:20 pm - Emmanuel �: I am going
26/11/2019, 11:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't explain what you mean
26/11/2019, 11:21 pm - My Love: Hun
26/11/2019, 11:21 pm - Emmanuel �: I am a liar
26/11/2019, 11:21 pm - My Love: Hun
26/11/2019, 11:21 pm - Emmanuel �: And lie on yoy
26/11/2019, 11:21 pm - Emmanuel �: You
26/11/2019, 11:21 pm - My Love: Can u stop saying noncenses
26/11/2019, 11:22 pm - Emmanuel �: You are loving and caring to me
26/11/2019, 11:22 pm - My Love: Hun
26/11/2019, 11:22 pm - My Love: Emmanuel
26/11/2019, 11:22 pm - Emmanuel �: But I am finding fault
26/11/2019, 11:22 pm - My Love: Bb
26/11/2019, 11:22 pm - Emmanuel �: I have all the fault
26/11/2019, 11:22 pm - My Love: �
26/11/2019, 11:22 pm - Emmanuel �: And you have none
26/11/2019, 11:22 pm - Emmanuel �: You say it is nonsense
26/11/2019, 11:23 pm - Emmanuel �: But I believe you when you call me that
26/11/2019, 11:23 pm - My Love: This is noncenses
26/11/2019, 11:23 pm - Emmanuel �: And it hurt
26/11/2019, 11:23 pm - Emmanuel �: A lot
26/11/2019, 11:23 pm - My Love: Hun u dont have fault
26/11/2019, 11:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I know how I feel inside
26/11/2019, 11:23 pm - My Love: This is noncenses because u are not that hun
26/11/2019, 11:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I know when we are not connected
26/11/2019, 11:23 pm - My Love: Bb sorry hun for everything hun
26/11/2019, 11:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I can sense it
26/11/2019, 11:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I can feel it
26/11/2019, 11:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I know it
26/11/2019, 11:24 pm - My Love: I am the one that have all the fault bb
26/11/2019, 11:24 pm - Emmanuel �: And I know what love feels like
26/11/2019, 11:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I know these things
26/11/2019, 11:25 pm - My Love: Hun i dont know what is love hun
26/11/2019, 11:25 pm - Emmanuel �: But still I want to believe you are being
honest when you tell me you are giving me all
26/11/2019, 11:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I take your words seriously
26/11/2019, 11:25 pm - Emmanuel �: All these things are serious to me
26/11/2019, 11:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Well stop playing with someone heart
26/11/2019, 11:26 pm - Emmanuel �: God doesn't like that
26/11/2019, 11:26 pm - My Love: Hun i am not playing hun
26/11/2019, 11:26 pm - My Love: I am not playing
26/11/2019, 11:26 pm - My Love: I am not usying u hun
26/11/2019, 11:26 pm - Emmanuel �: If you don't know what love is you are playing
26/11/2019, 11:27 pm - My Love: And do what ever i feel to.. i am not doing that
26/11/2019, 11:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you are saying you love
26/11/2019, 11:27 pm - Emmanuel �: But you don't know what it is
26/11/2019, 11:27 pm - My Love: Everyday i learn more avout love with God hun
26/11/2019, 11:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Then you are not being honest
26/11/2019, 11:27 pm - My Love: U told me one day that love u learn it
26/11/2019, 11:27 pm - My Love: Durying the time
26/11/2019, 11:27 pm - My Love: I am honest with me
26/11/2019, 11:27 pm - My Love: U*
26/11/2019, 11:28 pm - Emmanuel �: You are confusing me
26/11/2019, 11:28 pm - My Love: Hun
26/11/2019, 11:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
26/11/2019, 11:28 pm - My Love: U also are doing the same
26/11/2019, 11:28 pm - My Love: To me
26/11/2019, 11:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Well then this not make sense
26/11/2019, 11:29 pm - Emmanuel �: You should learn about love
26/11/2019, 11:29 pm - My Love: I am learning
26/11/2019, 11:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Before you tell someone the is your everthing
26/11/2019, 11:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Where is the evidence
26/11/2019, 11:30 pm - Emmanuel �: That you are learning
26/11/2019, 11:30 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
26/11/2019, 11:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night
26/11/2019, 11:31 pm - My Love: Studying the bible
26/11/2019, 11:31 pm - My Love: U are not seen
26/11/2019, 11:31 pm - My Love: What i do
26/11/2019, 11:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night andreina
26/11/2019, 11:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Your actions is your evidence
26/11/2019, 11:33 pm - Emmanuel �: You you are studying maths
26/11/2019, 11:33 pm - Emmanuel �: You evidence your teacher will see
26/11/2019, 11:33 pm - Emmanuel �: In class
26/11/2019, 11:33 pm - Emmanuel �: When he give you a question
26/11/2019, 11:34 pm - Emmanuel �: And you do it correctly
26/11/2019, 11:34 pm - Emmanuel �: By that action
26/11/2019, 11:34 pm - Emmanuel �: You prove to him
26/11/2019, 11:34 pm - Emmanuel �: That you actually was studying
26/11/2019, 11:34 pm - Emmanuel �: If you are studying love
26/11/2019, 11:34 pm - Emmanuel �: And the bible
26/11/2019, 11:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Then your relationship to me will be more
26/11/2019, 11:35 pm - Emmanuel �: More connected
26/11/2019, 11:35 pm - My Love: Hun
26/11/2019, 11:35 pm - My Love: But
26/11/2019, 11:35 pm - Emmanuel �: That is the evidence
26/11/2019, 11:35 pm - My Love: All the time we was connected
26/11/2019, 11:36 pm - My Love: For me was so
26/11/2019, 11:36 pm - My Love: Only today
26/11/2019, 11:36 pm - My Love: We was not so connected
26/11/2019, 11:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I was taking and taking
26/11/2019, 11:36 pm - Emmanuel �: But today I really needed you
26/11/2019, 11:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Let me ask you one question
26/11/2019, 11:37 pm - My Love: Tell me bb
26/11/2019, 11:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Do you really honestly give me your attention
when we are together
26/11/2019, 11:37 pm - Emmanuel �: And
26/11/2019, 11:38 pm - My Love: Yes my love
26/11/2019, 11:38 pm - Emmanuel �: When I say I am going
26/11/2019, 11:38 pm - My Love: Hun i promise bb
26/11/2019, 11:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Do you not tell me go faster
26/11/2019, 11:38 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
26/11/2019, 11:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you want to do something else
26/11/2019, 11:38 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
26/11/2019, 11:38 pm - My Love: No hun
26/11/2019, 11:39 pm - My Love: I tell u to go
26/11/2019, 11:39 pm - My Love: Because its your choice
26/11/2019, 11:39 pm - Emmanuel �: I really want to believe you
26/11/2019, 11:39 pm - My Love: I want u to stay
26/11/2019, 11:39 pm - Emmanuel �: But I am sorry
26/11/2019, 11:39 pm - Emmanuel �: I can
26/11/2019, 11:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Cant
26/11/2019, 11:39 pm - My Love: But if u choose to go..
26/11/2019, 11:39 pm - My Love: I will always respect u hun
26/11/2019, 11:39 pm - My Love: Really bb
26/11/2019, 11:39 pm - Emmanuel �: I can't believe me
26/11/2019, 11:39 pm - Emmanuel �: I can't believe you
26/11/2019, 11:39 pm - My Love: I dont do anything else
26/11/2019, 11:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry
26/11/2019, 11:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I can't believe you
26/11/2019, 11:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Not this time
26/11/2019, 11:40 pm - My Love: When u are not online i wachting kids singing
gospel songs.. or music.. christian music
26/11/2019, 11:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Because something in me tells me it is not true
26/11/2019, 11:40 pm - My Love: This is what i normally do when u leave
26/11/2019, 11:40 pm - Emmanuel �: What you say
26/11/2019, 11:40 pm - My Love: Ok hun
26/11/2019, 11:40 pm - My Love: If u said so
26/11/2019, 11:41 pm - My Love: But i am 100% sure in what i am telling u
26/11/2019, 11:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I am going to bed
26/11/2019, 11:41 pm - My Love: U can ask God.. to reveal u
26/11/2019, 11:41 pm - My Love: I am not afraid
26/11/2019, 11:41 pm - My Love: Because i know what i said its so
26/11/2019, 11:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
26/11/2019, 11:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Well it is so
26/11/2019, 11:41 pm - My Love: I dont have anything to hide hun..
26/11/2019, 11:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
26/11/2019, 11:42 pm - Emmanuel �: It is so
26/11/2019, 11:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I will go
26/11/2019, 11:42 pm - My Love: Hun
26/11/2019, 11:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
26/11/2019, 11:43 pm - My Love: I have something to tell u bb..
26/11/2019, 11:43 pm - Emmanuel �: No
26/11/2019, 11:43 pm - My Love: No what
26/11/2019, 11:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to know
26/11/2019, 11:43 pm - My Love: Ok
26/11/2019, 11:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night
26/11/2019, 11:43 pm - My Love: Its not important
26/11/2019, 11:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
26/11/2019, 11:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Well then you don't need to tell me something
that is not important
26/11/2019, 11:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night
26/11/2019, 11:44 pm - My Love: Good night hun
26/11/2019, 11:45 pm - My Love: Its important for me.. but for u not
26/11/2019, 11:45 pm - My Love: Bye
26/11/2019, 11:45 pm - My Love: I will go
26/11/2019, 11:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Say what you want about me
26/11/2019, 11:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I know what you think of me
26/11/2019, 11:46 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't know me
26/11/2019, 11:46 pm - My Love: Yes i know u hun
26/11/2019, 11:47 pm - Emmanuel �: The reason why I don't communicate with you is
because of you
26/11/2019, 11:47 pm - My Love: Ok
26/11/2019, 11:47 pm - My Love: Great
26/11/2019, 11:47 pm - My Love: We are going good
26/11/2019, 11:48 pm - My Love: Hun
26/11/2019, 11:48 pm - Emmanuel �: And you love
26/11/2019, 11:48 pm - My Love: Can we go to sleep hun
26/11/2019, 11:48 pm - Emmanuel �: And expect me to believe
26/11/2019, 11:48 pm - My Love: We can talk tomorrow
26/11/2019, 11:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Tomorrow doesn't belong to me my love
26/11/2019, 11:49 pm - My Love: Ok
26/11/2019, 11:49 pm - My Love: So if tomorrow come.. we can talk then?
26/11/2019, 11:49 pm - Emmanuel �: This could be the last time you hear from me
26/11/2019, 11:50 pm - Emmanuel �: When tommorw comes we will see
26/11/2019, 11:51 pm - My Love: Hun
26/11/2019, 11:51 pm - My Love: I am almost upset and confused right now
26/11/2019, 11:51 pm - My Love: I dont want to go foward that
26/11/2019, 11:51 pm - My Love: U can understand that
26/11/2019, 11:52 pm - My Love: I dont understamd why u dont comunicate much
26/11/2019, 11:52 pm - My Love: I cant understand why we are up so late.. when u
are weary.. and its late..
26/11/2019, 11:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun let tell you something
26/11/2019, 11:53 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you to think
26/11/2019, 11:53 pm - Emmanuel �: If it was possible
26/11/2019, 11:53 pm - My Love: My phone is dying
26/11/2019, 11:53 pm - Emmanuel �: That you and me could switch lives
26/11/2019, 11:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Would you have do to your self
26/11/2019, 11:54 pm - Emmanuel �: What you do to me
26/11/2019, 11:54 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
26/11/2019, 11:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Or just simply put
26/11/2019, 11:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Would you treat yourself
26/11/2019, 11:54 pm - Emmanuel �: The way you treat me
26/11/2019, 11:54 pm - My Love: I dont understand that question
26/11/2019, 11:55 pm - My Love: When u mean yourself who u mean.. me or u?
26/11/2019, 11:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Would you do to you
26/11/2019, 11:55 pm - Emmanuel �: What you do to me
26/11/2019, 11:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Would you do to your own heart
26/11/2019, 11:56 pm - Emmanuel �: What you do to mines
26/11/2019, 11:56 pm - My Love: In a part no
26/11/2019, 11:56 pm - Emmanuel �: I have nothing more to say
26/11/2019, 11:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Except one thing
26/11/2019, 11:57 pm - Emmanuel �: You say in a part
26/11/2019, 11:57 pm - Emmanuel �: So which means you know
26/11/2019, 11:58 pm - Emmanuel �: What you do in that part
26/11/2019, 11:58 pm - Emmanuel �: So you are aware of what you do
26/11/2019, 11:58 pm - Emmanuel �: I will leave you to think about that
27/11/2019, 12:00 am - My Love: �
27/11/2019, 12:04 am - Emmanuel �: You deleted this message
27/11/2019, 5:40 am - My Love: Good morning my blessing
27/11/2019, 5:40 am - My Love: I thank God each day to have u here by my side.. and
to put us together bb
27/11/2019, 5:40 am - My Love: I bless u this morning hun
27/11/2019, 5:41 am - My Love: Have a marvelous day hun.. and remember always to
becareful hun not to damage your body
27/11/2019, 5:41 am - My Love: Hope your hands be better soon hun
27/11/2019, 5:41 am - My Love: Amd also stay closer To God always bb
27/11/2019, 5:42 am - My Love: I love u my darling.. i hold and hug u tight bb.. n
kiss u bb..
27/11/2019, 5:42 am - My Love: ������
27/11/2019, 5:43 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
27/11/2019, 5:48 am - Emmanuel �: Amen
27/11/2019, 5:48 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning
27/11/2019, 5:48 am - Emmanuel �: Have a bless day
27/11/2019, 5:55 am - Emmanuel �: I don't mind being a servant and I don't want to
to be exalted but ask yourself this between you and me from the beginning of this
relationship who always was to one who was less and who was the one that is full of
27/11/2019, 5:56 am - Emmanuel �: I am not boasting I did my be to love you from
the beginning
27/11/2019, 5:57 am - Emmanuel �: I ask you will you do to yourself what you do me
you say apart no
27/11/2019, 5:57 am - Emmanuel �: And you are aware of the part you will not do
27/11/2019, 5:57 am - Emmanuel �: I am also aware of the part I will not do
27/11/2019, 5:58 am - Emmanuel �: And it is tell you hurtful things
27/11/2019, 5:58 am - Emmanuel �: But apart from that I have done all I can to
give you all of me
27/11/2019, 5:59 am - Emmanuel �: But I am sure you can't sincerely tell me the
part you will not do
27/11/2019, 5:59 am - Emmanuel �: And I am sure it is more t than one thing
27/11/2019, 6:00 am - Emmanuel �: But I know what to do
27/11/2019, 6:00 am - Emmanuel �: I need to stop
27/11/2019, 6:00 am - Emmanuel �: Being so stupid
27/11/2019, 6:01 am - Emmanuel �: And open my eyes and see you care more about
yourself when I care about you
27/11/2019, 6:02 am - Emmanuel �: I am done with you andreina
27/11/2019, 6:02 am - Emmanuel �: I have had enough
27/11/2019, 6:02 am - Emmanuel �: Really
27/11/2019, 6:06 am - Emmanuel �: Hun I can't do this anymore
27/11/2019, 6:07 am - Emmanuel �: Let me be a liar and a crazy person
27/11/2019, 6:07 am - Emmanuel �: And someone who exalt himself
27/11/2019, 6:07 am - Emmanuel �: Alone
27/11/2019, 6:07 am - Emmanuel �: If I am a liar and I am crazy and I exalt myself
then leave me
27/11/2019, 6:08 am - Emmanuel �: And find someone who is truthful and not crazy
and someone humble
27/11/2019, 6:08 am - Emmanuel �: I am letting go
27/11/2019, 6:27 am - My Love: I can tell u with out any fear
27/11/2019, 6:27 am - My Love: U dont know
27/11/2019, 6:28 am - My Love: U are not hun
27/11/2019, 6:28 am - My Love: U are that person
27/11/2019, 6:28 am - Emmanuel �: Just leave me alone bb
27/11/2019, 6:28 am - My Love: Hun...
27/11/2019, 6:28 am - My Love: Please hun
27/11/2019, 6:29 am - My Love: I need u bb
27/11/2019, 6:29 am - My Love: Hun we fight so much
27/11/2019, 6:29 am - My Love: We go tru so much bb
27/11/2019, 6:29 am - My Love: And now u will leave and end this like nothing
27/11/2019, 6:29 am - Emmanuel �: You don't treat someone you need the way you
treat me
27/11/2019, 6:29 am - My Love: Hun
27/11/2019, 6:30 am - Emmanuel �: I am not leaving
27/11/2019, 6:30 am - My Love: U speak like if a am a bad person
27/11/2019, 6:30 am - My Love: I not treat u super bad hun..
27/11/2019, 6:30 am - Emmanuel �: I am just not telling anything anymore
27/11/2019, 6:30 am - Emmanuel �: I am going to work daddy come to drop me
27/11/2019, 6:31 am - My Love: Hun.. i wish u can have a great day
27/11/2019, 6:31 am - My Love: I love u my bb
27/11/2019, 6:31 am - My Love: Remember always i dont want u far bb
27/11/2019, 6:31 am - My Love: I always want u closer hun
27/11/2019, 4:52 pm - My Love: Bbbbbbb
27/11/2019, 4:52 pm - My Love: I just reach home hun
27/11/2019, 4:52 pm - My Love: I misssssss u a lotttttt bb
27/11/2019, 4:53 pm - My Love: I want u to know bb that i need u everyday hun
27/11/2019, 4:53 pm - My Love: Hun i love u bb
27/11/2019, 5:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Good evening
27/11/2019, 5:02 pm - My Love: Heeyyyyy bbbb
27/11/2019, 5:02 pm - My Love: Good evening hun
27/11/2019, 5:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I just finish working on the house
27/11/2019, 5:03 pm - My Love: Wowww
27/11/2019, 5:03 pm - My Love: U did much hun?
27/11/2019, 5:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I have church this evening
27/11/2019, 5:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Please no questions
27/11/2019, 5:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
27/11/2019, 5:04 pm - My Love: I have to go and ready to church
27/11/2019, 5:04 pm - My Love: In a while
27/11/2019, 5:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
27/11/2019, 5:04 pm - My Love: U will go to ready now?
27/11/2019, 5:04 pm - Emmanuel �: No
27/11/2019, 5:04 pm - Emmanuel �: In a little while
27/11/2019, 5:05 pm - My Love: Ok bb
27/11/2019, 5:05 pm - Emmanuel �: When you ready to go you can leave
27/11/2019, 5:05 pm - My Love: I miss u much bb
27/11/2019, 5:05 pm - My Love: Ok
27/11/2019, 5:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you also
27/11/2019, 5:06 pm - My Love: How is going your hands bb
27/11/2019, 5:06 pm - My Love: Its hurting still
27/11/2019, 5:06 pm - My Love: U put anything on it
27/11/2019, 5:06 pm - Emmanuel �: It is healed
27/11/2019, 5:07 pm - Emmanuel �: No it cure on its own
27/11/2019, 5:07 pm - My Love: �
27/11/2019, 5:07 pm - My Love: That is good bb
27/11/2019, 5:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
27/11/2019, 5:07 pm - My Love: I know u dont like any medicine only natural one
27/11/2019, 5:08 pm - Emmanuel �: It is not that I don't like it
27/11/2019, 5:08 pm - My Love: I see hun
27/11/2019, 5:08 pm - Emmanuel �: But what man make is not what is best
27/11/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Because they do things not to cure people
27/11/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: But to make money
27/11/2019, 5:09 pm - My Love: Yes hun
27/11/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: If everyone was cure
27/11/2019, 5:09 pm - My Love: Hehe
27/11/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: They can't make any
27/11/2019, 5:09 pm - My Love: Its something crazy
27/11/2019, 5:09 pm - My Love: Them do medicine to cure a certain %
27/11/2019, 5:09 pm - My Love: But not the 100%
27/11/2019, 5:10 pm - My Love: Them make money on it
27/11/2019, 5:10 pm - Emmanuel �: It is the same way them not make products to
27/11/2019, 5:10 pm - Emmanuel �: So you have to buy more
27/11/2019, 5:10 pm - My Love: And mame the humans depend on pills always
27/11/2019, 5:10 pm - My Love: Make*
27/11/2019, 5:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes it is so
27/11/2019, 5:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
27/11/2019, 5:11 pm - My Love: Yes bb
27/11/2019, 5:11 pm - Emmanuel �: You are not a bad person bb
27/11/2019, 5:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry
27/11/2019, 5:11 pm - Emmanuel �: About yesterday
27/11/2019, 5:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Please forgive me
27/11/2019, 5:11 pm - Emmanuel �: No you don't you try
27/11/2019, 5:12 pm - Emmanuel �: And I try to
27/11/2019, 5:12 pm - My Love: U are meaning i trying to treat u bad??
27/11/2019, 5:12 pm - Emmanuel �: We both have faults
27/11/2019, 5:12 pm - Emmanuel �: No I mean you try not to
27/11/2019, 5:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Treat me bad
27/11/2019, 5:12 pm - My Love: Ooohhh
27/11/2019, 5:13 pm - My Love: Ok bb
27/11/2019, 5:13 pm - Emmanuel �: And I try not to hurt you
27/11/2019, 5:13 pm - My Love: Here i understand the opposite
27/11/2019, 5:13 pm - Emmanuel �: But at time we still do it
27/11/2019, 5:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Because we are not perfect
27/11/2019, 5:13 pm - Emmanuel �: We are both trying
27/11/2019, 5:13 pm - Emmanuel �: To be better
27/11/2019, 5:13 pm - Emmanuel �: For each other
27/11/2019, 5:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes we can do more
27/11/2019, 5:14 pm - My Love: Yes hun
27/11/2019, 5:14 pm - Emmanuel �: But it takes a little time
27/11/2019, 5:14 pm - My Love: Yes hun
27/11/2019, 5:14 pm - My Love: Everything take time hun
27/11/2019, 5:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I apologize for my behavior
27/11/2019, 5:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not better than you
27/11/2019, 5:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I have faults to
27/11/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love: Bb.. its time for me to ready now.. i will practice
and after.. bible study.. n then i will reach home
27/11/2019, 5:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
27/11/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love: Hun
27/11/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love: I want to be honest to u
27/11/2019, 5:15 pm - My Love: I didnt reconoice u last night
27/11/2019, 5:16 pm - My Love: Of the way you speaking
27/11/2019, 5:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know what to tell you
27/11/2019, 5:16 pm - My Love: Its ok bb
27/11/2019, 5:16 pm - My Love: Dont worry hun
27/11/2019, 5:16 pm - Emmanuel �: It's my fault
27/11/2019, 5:17 pm - My Love: I forget it before i sleep
27/11/2019, 5:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I accept it
27/11/2019, 5:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I not forget
27/11/2019, 5:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I feel really hurt
27/11/2019, 5:18 pm - My Love: When i mean forget i mean forgive u hun..
27/11/2019, 5:18 pm - Emmanuel �: But i just don't want to fight
27/11/2019, 5:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I know how I feel
27/11/2019, 5:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Inside
27/11/2019, 5:19 pm - Emmanuel �: But it doesn't matter
27/11/2019, 5:19 pm - My Love: Hun
27/11/2019, 5:19 pm - My Love: Your feelings for me its important bb
27/11/2019, 5:19 pm - Emmanuel �: It's okay
27/11/2019, 5:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
27/11/2019, 5:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Forget it
27/11/2019, 5:20 pm - My Love: Hun
27/11/2019, 5:20 pm - My Love: U are important bb
27/11/2019, 5:20 pm - My Love: For me
27/11/2019, 5:20 pm - My Love: U understand that
27/11/2019, 5:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
27/11/2019, 5:20 pm - My Love: Tell me bb
27/11/2019, 5:20 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't think I want to believe that
27/11/2019, 5:21 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
27/11/2019, 5:21 pm - Emmanuel �: With all my heart I want to believe it
27/11/2019, 5:21 pm - Emmanuel �: But how could I believe it
27/11/2019, 5:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
27/11/2019, 5:21 pm - Emmanuel �: You tell me
27/11/2019, 5:22 pm - My Love: I dont know hun
27/11/2019, 5:22 pm - Emmanuel �: I believe in actions and what I receive
27/11/2019, 5:22 pm - Emmanuel �: That is what I believe
27/11/2019, 5:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I can't believe words hun
27/11/2019, 5:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry
27/11/2019, 5:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Anyone can say love
27/11/2019, 5:23 pm - Emmanuel �: That is the most easiest thing to do
27/11/2019, 5:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Until i see it and feel it
27/11/2019, 5:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry I can't believe it
27/11/2019, 5:24 pm - My Love: Hun.. bb
27/11/2019, 5:24 pm - My Love: I am sorry hun
27/11/2019, 5:24 pm - My Love: But i need to go
27/11/2019, 5:24 pm - My Love: Its very very late for me now
27/11/2019, 5:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Sure
27/11/2019, 5:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I told you you can
27/11/2019, 5:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Leave
27/11/2019, 5:25 pm - My Love: Ok
27/11/2019, 5:25 pm - My Love: Bye hun
27/11/2019, 5:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye
27/11/2019, 5:25 pm - My Love: Tke care
27/11/2019, 5:25 pm - My Love: Until later bb
27/11/2019, 5:25 pm - My Love: We will talk
27/11/2019, 5:25 pm - Emmanuel �: You deleted this message
27/11/2019, 5:25 pm - Emmanuel �: You deleted this message
27/11/2019, 5:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
27/11/2019, 5:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Have a good practice and pray
27/11/2019, 6:05 pm - Emmanuel �: You deleted this message
27/11/2019, 6:06 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
27/11/2019, 8:39 pm - My Love: Oohhh
27/11/2019, 8:39 pm - My Love: Woowwwwwwww
27/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: Lookkkk what i dreamed
27/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: U loookkk my perfect dream come tru
27/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: I miss u my bb
27/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
27/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
27/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
27/11/2019, 9:23 pm - My Love: Hun
27/11/2019, 9:24 pm - My Love: I will tell u good night my lover
27/11/2019, 9:24 pm - My Love: Rest well sleep also well hun
27/11/2019, 9:24 pm - My Love: I love u very much my darling
27/11/2019, 9:24 pm - My Love: ☺☺
27/11/2019, 9:24 pm - My Love: I kiss u
27/11/2019, 9:24 pm - My Love: N hug u bb
27/11/2019, 9:25 pm - My Love: Hun.. i will pray for u tonight bb
27/11/2019, 9:25 pm - My Love: Because i know u are going tru a lot bb
27/11/2019, 9:25 pm - My Love: Hun.. i want u to know and remember always that i am
with u always my lover
27/11/2019, 9:25 pm - My Love: And i am supporting u
27/11/2019, 9:25 pm - My Love: I will always hold u tight hun
27/11/2019, 9:26 pm - My Love: Never be far from me hun
27/11/2019, 9:26 pm - My Love: Please
27/11/2019, 9:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun you there
27/11/2019, 9:40 pm - My Love: Yes bbb
27/11/2019, 9:40 pm - My Love: Now u reach
27/11/2019, 9:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes you are going
27/11/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: Where?
27/11/2019, 9:41 pm - Emmanuel �: This
27/11/2019, 9:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Message
27/11/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: Ohh
27/11/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: Well the internet not cut as get
27/11/2019, 9:42 pm - My Love: I will be here until my phone or the internet cut bb
27/11/2019, 9:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
27/11/2019, 9:42 pm - My Love: Yes bb
27/11/2019, 9:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry for judging you
27/11/2019, 9:43 pm - Emmanuel �: And for putting you down
27/11/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: Huunn
27/11/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: Bb
27/11/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: I forgive u bb
27/11/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: Since long hun
27/11/2019, 9:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you
27/11/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: Hun u not do anything bb
27/11/2019, 9:43 pm - Emmanuel �: For forgiving me
27/11/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: Hun i love u bb
27/11/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: I hug u tight hun
27/11/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: Now
27/11/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: Hun there is no one like u bb
27/11/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: In all this earth
27/11/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: I know this
27/11/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: And u are worth hun
27/11/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: Bb..
27/11/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
27/11/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: Never leave
27/11/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: Me
27/11/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to leave
27/11/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
27/11/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: �
27/11/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish to make it
27/11/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: With you
27/11/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: Aaawwww
27/11/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: Me tooooooo my lover
27/11/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: ☺��
27/11/2019, 9:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish to do something better
27/11/2019, 9:47 pm - Emmanuel �: That what was done before us
27/11/2019, 9:47 pm - My Love: Hun.. it pass bb
27/11/2019, 9:47 pm - My Love: U cant do anything
27/11/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: Just to do better the tomorrow than the yesterday
27/11/2019, 9:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I mean
27/11/2019, 9:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I want us to do better that or parents and
27/11/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: Oohh i see bb
27/11/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: I understand what umean now bb
27/11/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: Hun
27/11/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: We will hun
27/11/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Proverbs 1:7 ►


Verse (Click for Chapter)

New International Version

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and

New Living Translation

Fear of the LORD is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and
27/11/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: We are different already
27/11/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: Amen bb
27/11/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: Hun
27/11/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: I want to tell u a news
27/11/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: Of estefania bb
27/11/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: U remember estefania?
27/11/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: In venezuela
27/11/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: If we have to we need to be discipline
27/11/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I remember her
27/11/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: She is the girl Anthony and Carolina wanted me
to like
27/11/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: Yes hun.. i get a teaching to similar of this hun
27/11/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: But I wanted you
27/11/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: Guess what happen to her
27/11/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: She is in prison
27/11/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: Yes
27/11/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: How u know bb?
27/11/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: Now i get to know
27/11/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Because news travel fast
27/11/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: Oohh woww
27/11/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: I saw it in the news
27/11/2019, 9:53 pm - My Love: Well she get a relationship with her boss
27/11/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: For trafficking money
27/11/2019, 9:53 pm - My Love: And the boss was doing false money
27/11/2019, 9:53 pm - My Love: And he and she get jail
27/11/2019, 9:53 pm - My Love: Where ??
27/11/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Internet
27/11/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: International news
27/11/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: I read a lot
27/11/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I just forget to mention it to you
27/11/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: Hun
27/11/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Plus Anthony see it to
27/11/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: Since long ago?
27/11/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: He told me as well
27/11/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: How come i never get to know
27/11/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
27/11/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: Woww
27/11/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Since some time now
27/11/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: I didnt know
27/11/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: It surprise me hun
27/11/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: She always love money bb
27/11/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: More than anything else
27/11/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: The love of money is the root of all evil
27/11/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: Yes hun
27/11/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: People say I wanted her
27/11/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: But I never like her attitude
27/11/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: From the beginning
27/11/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: I cant imagine hownu will end up with her bb
27/11/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: I am trying to search the news
27/11/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: But i cant see it
27/11/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Well if she loves money she would not have stay
with me
27/11/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: Hehe
27/11/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Because it was long
27/11/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: I think so bb
27/11/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: It's probably of by now
27/11/2019, 9:58 pm - My Love: Ok
27/11/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: It surprise me hun
27/11/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Plus I never wanted her
27/11/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: I never expect that
27/11/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I always wanted one
27/11/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: It was you
27/11/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: Aawwww
27/11/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: Thank u bb
27/11/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: People say i like yorlina
27/11/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: Hehe yes
27/11/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: ��
27/11/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: Peoples just talk much bb
27/11/2019, 10:00 pm - Emmanuel �: But i was just making friends
27/11/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: Dont worry about what them said
27/11/2019, 10:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you wasn't around much
27/11/2019, 10:00 pm - Emmanuel �: But really I only wanted a chance to talk with
27/11/2019, 10:00 pm - Emmanuel �: You
27/11/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Them even say I like the girl David like
27/11/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: And many of the boys in the church that time
say I break up everyone relationship
27/11/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: And I come to take all them girls
27/11/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: But really I came to do missionary work
27/11/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: But I don't know if I ever tell you this before
27/11/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: But I also came with intentions to meet you
27/11/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: Yes lol
27/11/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: U told me
27/11/2019, 10:04 pm - My Love: U are breaker of hearts eh
27/11/2019, 10:04 pm - My Love: Hehehehe
27/11/2019, 10:04 pm - Emmanuel �: After seeing your photo I had and falling in
love I had to see you in person
27/11/2019, 10:05 pm - Emmanuel �: But hun know one from my church know I know you
from Trinidad
27/11/2019, 10:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Them think I know you for the first time in
27/11/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: And I will not let them know that because them
will say I went Venezuela to look for woman
27/11/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: And not for missions
27/11/2019, 10:07 pm - My Love: Wow
27/11/2019, 10:07 pm - My Love: Really
27/11/2019, 10:07 pm - Emmanuel �: According to the boys of your ministry
27/11/2019, 10:07 pm - My Love: Hehe
27/11/2019, 10:08 pm - My Love: Hun
27/11/2019, 10:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
27/11/2019, 10:08 pm - My Love: And if them ask me how we meet
27/11/2019, 10:08 pm - My Love: What should i tell them
27/11/2019, 10:08 pm - My Love: Or if them ask me where i am from?
27/11/2019, 10:08 pm - Emmanuel �: we meet while I was on mission
27/11/2019, 10:08 pm - My Love: Or where i born??
27/11/2019, 10:09 pm - My Love: Mm ok bb
27/11/2019, 10:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Venezuela hun
27/11/2019, 10:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Them know you from there
27/11/2019, 10:09 pm - My Love: Ohh ok bb
27/11/2019, 10:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Them just didn't know I see your picture
27/11/2019, 10:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Or send you a book
27/11/2019, 10:09 pm - My Love: Ohh i se now
27/11/2019, 10:09 pm - My Love: Lol
27/11/2019, 10:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Or uses to talk to you on Facebook
27/11/2019, 10:10 pm - My Love: So u hide all thoses things
27/11/2019, 10:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Awhile before
27/11/2019, 10:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I hide it
27/11/2019, 10:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Because they would not have send me for
27/11/2019, 10:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Because they would of think that the motive for
me going was you
27/11/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: oohh
27/11/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: I now understand what u mean hun
27/11/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: Yes u right bb
27/11/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: U did right hun
27/11/2019, 10:11 pm - Emmanuel �: And while that is partly true
27/11/2019, 10:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I also came to help
27/11/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: Hehe
27/11/2019, 10:11 pm - Emmanuel �: In ministry
27/11/2019, 10:11 pm - My Love: Yes bb
27/11/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: But I also come to find you
27/11/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you were already in my heart
27/11/2019, 10:12 pm - My Love: Aaaaawwwwww bbbb
27/11/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: But I really don't want them to know that
27/11/2019, 10:13 pm - My Love: I know bb
27/11/2019, 10:13 pm - My Love: I agree with u bb
27/11/2019, 10:13 pm - My Love: Hun.. i love u bb
27/11/2019, 10:14 pm - My Love: Thank u bb for be strong and support everything
what u are pasting now
27/11/2019, 10:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Well hun
27/11/2019, 10:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I try
27/11/2019, 10:16 pm - Emmanuel �: That is all I could do
27/11/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: U are important for me bb
27/11/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: Hope u know that hun
27/11/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: Bb how was tour day??
27/11/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: U are tired or weary??
27/11/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I work hard
27/11/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I am weary
27/11/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: Aaawwww
27/11/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: Lie down now
27/11/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: Give me ur back
27/11/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: And i will massage u hun
27/11/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: And then kiss u up bb
27/11/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: When i massage someone peoples said that them feel
sleepy after that
27/11/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: Bbb
27/11/2019, 10:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes my love
27/11/2019, 10:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me
27/11/2019, 10:21 pm - My Love: I am sleepying away my lover
27/11/2019, 10:21 pm - My Love: Sorry hun
27/11/2019, 10:21 pm - My Love: I was sleepying away
27/11/2019, 10:21 pm - My Love: That is why i take long to answer hun
27/11/2019, 10:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Go to be then
27/11/2019, 10:22 pm - My Love: Hun kiss me first
27/11/2019, 10:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
27/11/2019, 10:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
27/11/2019, 10:22 pm - My Love: I love u my darling
27/11/2019, 10:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Love you to
27/11/2019, 10:22 pm - My Love: Good night my prince of Gold
27/11/2019, 10:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night hun
27/11/2019, 10:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I am just a man
27/11/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: James 4:14 ►


Verse (Click for Chapter)

New International Version

Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a
mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.
27/11/2019, 10:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Mist : niebla
27/11/2019, 10:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night
28/11/2019, 5:43 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my love hope you have a wonderful
day today I love you
28/11/2019, 5:44 am - My Love: Bbbbbbbbbb
28/11/2019, 5:44 am - My Love: I love u soooo much my hunnitooo
28/11/2019, 5:45 am - My Love: Gooooddd and blessed morning for u bb
28/11/2019, 5:45 am - My Love: I wish u all the best for this day hun☺☺☺
28/11/2019, 5:45 am - My Love: I hold u tight always my lovveeerrrr
28/11/2019, 5:45 am - My Love: ���
28/11/2019, 5:58 am - Emmanuel �: Awwwwwww
28/11/2019, 5:58 am - Emmanuel �: I love you andreina
28/11/2019, 5:58 am - Emmanuel �: So much
28/11/2019, 6:31 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
28/11/2019, 6:32 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
28/11/2019, 6:37 am - My Love: Hun.. after work i will practice music from 4:30 to
5:30 and from 5:30 to 7 something we will practice a dance hun..
28/11/2019, 6:37 am - My Love: So i will talk to you later bb in the evening
28/11/2019, 6:37 am - My Love: I will miss u bb
28/11/2019, 6:37 am - My Love:
28/11/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
28/11/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: I am here hun
28/11/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: Now i reach home bb
28/11/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: I am extra weary
28/11/2019, 8:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Well you were out all day
28/11/2019, 8:15 pm - Emmanuel �: So ofcouse you will be extra weary hun
28/11/2019, 8:15 pm - My Love: Yes bb
28/11/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love: I wish a hug from u hun
28/11/2019, 8:16 pm - My Love: ☺
28/11/2019, 8:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I wrap my arms around you
28/11/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love: Aaaaawwww
28/11/2019, 8:19 pm - My Love: I love to be here hun
28/11/2019, 8:20 pm - Emmanuel �: I love to have you here
28/11/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: Bb u are busy hun?
28/11/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: U are doing something??
28/11/2019, 8:21 pm - Emmanuel �: No
28/11/2019, 8:21 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not
28/11/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: Ok my love
28/11/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: I was changing my clothes
28/11/2019, 8:22 pm - Emmanuel �: I realize that
28/11/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: I did much this day hun
28/11/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: Hege
28/11/2019, 8:22 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
28/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: How is your hands bb?
28/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: How was your day hun
28/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: I am realllyyyyy hungry now.. and mami is cooking
28/11/2019, 8:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I told it was cure
28/11/2019, 8:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Before
28/11/2019, 8:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Normal
28/11/2019, 8:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
28/11/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: Well u told me its better
28/11/2019, 8:24 pm - Emmanuel �: It is good now
28/11/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: I now see bb
28/11/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: Hun.. u was waiting for me??
28/11/2019, 8:25 pm - My Love: What u was doing before i reach home hun
28/11/2019, 8:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I saw your message
28/11/2019, 8:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to about my day okay
28/11/2019, 8:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
28/11/2019, 8:26 pm - My Love: Oohh ok
28/11/2019, 8:26 pm - My Love: Cool
28/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: Hun i need a massage
28/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I would give you it
28/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: But you know I am not there
28/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I am far away
28/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: I wish u could do it jow
28/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love:
28/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Me to
28/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: But I can't
28/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love:
28/11/2019, 8:30 pm - My Love: I miss u my darling
28/11/2019, 8:30 pm - My Love: I want to hug up u bb
28/11/2019, 8:30 pm - My Love: And make u feel closer to me bb each dat
28/11/2019, 8:30 pm - My Love: Day*
28/11/2019, 8:30 pm - My Love: Hun.. u ever do wiked things when u was small??
28/11/2019, 8:31 pm - My Love: Like bad things when u was small
28/11/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Not much I was a quiet kid
28/11/2019, 8:31 pm - My Love: Oohh i see
28/11/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Maybe once or twice
28/11/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I was always by myself
28/11/2019, 8:31 pm - My Love: But u cant remember what u did
28/11/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: This is so saaddd
28/11/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Not really
28/11/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I remember once I shoot my cousin with a sling
28/11/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: But it was an accident
28/11/2019, 8:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I wasn't aiming to hit him
28/11/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: Hun my phone is like 20% of battery.. i cant charge
it now because i will not talk with u.. so i will talk with u until it cut off
28/11/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: Wooww
28/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: I usually pull my brothers hear
28/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: Lol
28/11/2019, 8:35 pm - My Love: One day i cuf santiago back n he stop breathe for
some seconds
28/11/2019, 8:35 pm - My Love: Ohh
28/11/2019, 8:36 pm - My Love: One day i was walking on the end part of the bed..
where is the wood.. n i fall... n all of one of my legs get black and blue
28/11/2019, 8:37 pm - My Love: It was hurting me veerrryyyy muuuccccchhhhh hhuuunn
28/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
28/11/2019, 8:38 pm - My Love: Yes bb
28/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't think
28/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: About consequences
28/11/2019, 8:39 pm - My Love: Why u said that for hun
28/11/2019, 8:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Said what
28/11/2019, 8:39 pm - My Love: This
28/11/2019, 8:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I said you don't think about consequences
28/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: Ok
28/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: Answer me now
28/11/2019, 8:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you just do things
28/11/2019, 8:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Without thinking about how it hurt others
28/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: I was very small
28/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: I was angry here
28/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: We 3 was playing here
28/11/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Even when you are angry you should think
28/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: U also
28/11/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: You have also don't this being older
28/11/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I do but sometimes and that is when something
happen that I never believe could ever happen
28/11/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't think
28/11/2019, 8:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I didn't tell you that to insult you
28/11/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: If that is what you think I did you are wrong
28/11/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: I am not thinking in nothing
28/11/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I tell you not to put you down
28/11/2019, 8:46 pm - Emmanuel �: But that you will be careful
28/11/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: Yes.. but i dont think i am hurting peoples now
around me
28/11/2019, 8:46 pm - Emmanuel �: No you are not
28/11/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: Ok bb
28/11/2019, 8:46 pm - Emmanuel �: You are doing well
28/11/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: Well
28/11/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: I need to change
28/11/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: In some actitud
28/11/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: And actions that i does do
28/11/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: Sometimes i not react the right way
28/11/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: Or said the right thing
28/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Every one does
28/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I have never met a perfect human before
28/11/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: I am not erfect hun
28/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Exactly
28/11/2019, 8:48 pm - My Love: I have faliours
28/11/2019, 8:48 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't expect you to be
28/11/2019, 8:48 pm - Emmanuel �: So does everyone on earth
28/11/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: One thing i know.. is that i need more of God
28/11/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: Each day
28/11/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: He will help me to become more like him
28/11/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Even tho God is God
28/11/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: And he can do anything
28/11/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: He will not make choices for anyone
28/11/2019, 8:51 pm - Emmanuel �: So really your change doesn't depend on God it
depends on our choice
28/11/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: U right hun
28/11/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: Yes
28/11/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: U right
28/11/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: Hun.. mom here than soon will be having a earth
28/11/2019, 8:52 pm - My Love: U heard that??
28/11/2019, 8:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I haven't been watching or reading the news
lately hun
28/11/2019, 8:52 pm - Emmanuel �: So I haven't heard anything
28/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: Hun in 72 hours it will have one for 10.5
28/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: N it will happen in venezuela
28/11/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Where
28/11/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Oh I see
28/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: Is what my mom said hun
28/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: I just want u to pray bb
28/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: I am praying also hun
28/11/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Ok
28/11/2019, 8:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Good
28/11/2019, 8:53 pm - My Love: That will be very dangerous bb
28/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: That magnitud
28/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: 10.5
28/11/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes but Venezuela is a big country
28/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: I dont know where it will be hun
28/11/2019, 8:54 pm - Emmanuel �: So it could be happening far away
28/11/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: From your brother and dad
28/11/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: Because normally it happens where pastor luis tenias
28/11/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
28/11/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: Yes hun
28/11/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: But what i mean that it can afffect guyana n also
28/11/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
28/11/2019, 8:56 pm - Emmanuel �: But Guyana is also big
28/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: Yes
28/11/2019, 8:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Trinidad is very small
28/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: But guyana is on water
28/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: So its weak
28/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: Any litle movement with earthquake
28/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: U feel it real hard
28/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Well the end is near
28/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: So earthquakes are bible prophecies
28/11/2019, 8:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Coming to pads
28/11/2019, 8:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Pass
28/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: Yes bb
28/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: Yes
28/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: We need to be more closer to God each day hun
28/11/2019, 8:58 pm - Emmanuel �: It is one of the sign Christ told his disciple
would happen
28/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: Yes bb
28/11/2019, 8:59 pm - My Love: Its so
28/11/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: Our family need of God
28/11/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: Our contry need of God
28/11/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: Our church need of God
28/11/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: Everyone need God
28/11/2019, 9:00 pm - My Love: But no one follow him
28/11/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: It has to be so
28/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Make sure you follow
28/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: And sincere
28/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: And honestly
28/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: Yes of course hun
28/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: To
28/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Not fake
28/11/2019, 9:01 pm - My Love: N u too bb
28/11/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: Hun
28/11/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: Last night i sleep away
28/11/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: N i lie down on the head phones all the night
28/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Matthew 22:14 ►


Verse (Click for Chapter)

New Living Translation

“For many are called, but few are chosen.”
28/11/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: Yes bbb
28/11/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: Its so hun
28/11/2019, 9:05 pm - My Love: Hun i want to see u in heaven bb
28/11/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love: When jesus come
28/11/2019, 9:06 pm - My Love: Even if he come before our wedding
28/11/2019, 9:06 pm - Emmanuel �: You deleted this message
28/11/2019, 9:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Matthew 7:22 ►


Verse (Click for Chapter)

New International Version

Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and
in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?'
28/11/2019, 9:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Make sure you make it
28/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: Hun yes bb
28/11/2019, 9:08 pm - Emmanuel �: The bible say to work on your own salvation
28/11/2019, 9:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't think about the salvation of another
28/11/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Matthew 15:8 ►


Verse (Click for Chapter)

New International Version

"'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.
28/11/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: Oohh
28/11/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: Ok
28/11/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: But we have to preach
28/11/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: The gospel
28/11/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: To does who dont know it
28/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: N pray for does who know it n not obeying
28/11/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Philippians 2:12 ►



English Standard Version

Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my
presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and
28/11/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: Amen bb
28/11/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: I like this verse hun
28/11/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: He'll will be full of preachers
28/11/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Because they preaching to people who do not know
28/11/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: And they know
28/11/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: But not do what they preach
28/11/2019, 9:14 pm - Emmanuel �: * hell
28/11/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Matthew 7:13 ►


Verse (Click for Chapter)

New International Version

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that
leads to destruction, and many enter through it.

New Living Translation

“You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is
broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way.

English Standard Version

“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to
destruction, and those who enter by it are many.
28/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: Hun i will eat my lover
28/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Out of all humans on eath
28/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Earth
28/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Majority will be in hell
28/11/2019, 9:18 pm - Emmanuel �: A few will make it to heaven
28/11/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: The choosed one
28/11/2019, 9:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Because many choose the wide broad way
28/11/2019, 9:19 pm - Emmanuel �: The choice is ours
28/11/2019, 9:19 pm - Emmanuel �: God say he wish all could be save
28/11/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: 1 Timothy 2:4 ►


Verse (Click for Chapter)

New International Version

God wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
28/11/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: But the reality is people make them own choices
28/11/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: �
28/11/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: Yes bb
28/11/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: And everyone comform them selfs to be with the world
28/11/2019, 9:30 pm - My Love: With the devil
28/11/2019, 9:33 pm - Emmanuel �: It is so
28/11/2019, 9:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
28/11/2019, 9:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I am going to bed
28/11/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: Yes bb
28/11/2019, 9:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Now
28/11/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: U will sleep hun?
28/11/2019, 9:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I will say good night to you
28/11/2019, 9:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Sleep well I love you
28/11/2019, 9:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I am going to pray first
28/11/2019, 9:36 pm - Emmanuel �: And then try to sleep
28/11/2019, 9:36 pm - My Love: I am sleeping away here
28/11/2019, 9:36 pm - My Love: I will go to bb
28/11/2019, 9:36 pm - My Love: I wish we can stay more bb
28/11/2019, 9:36 pm - My Love: Good night my wonderful precious gift from God
28/11/2019, 9:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Goodnight
28/11/2019, 9:37 pm - My Love: I love you my prince
28/11/2019, 9:37 pm - My Love: Remember to pray about the earthquake
28/11/2019, 9:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
28/11/2019, 9:37 pm - My Love: I hug u tight bb
28/11/2019, 9:37 pm - My Love: Bye my darling
28/11/2019, 9:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye
28/11/2019, 9:38 pm - My Love: I will miss u until tomorrow hun
28/11/2019, 9:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Tomorrow if God will it
28/11/2019, 9:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Goodnight
28/11/2019, 9:39 pm - My Love: Yes hun
28/11/2019, 9:39 pm - My Love: ���
28/11/2019, 9:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Igdgh
28/11/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: ???
28/11/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: What meand this hun?
28/11/2019, 9:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Nothing
28/11/2019, 9:41 pm - Emmanuel �: It is a mistake
28/11/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: U write it
28/11/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: Ohh ok bb
28/11/2019, 9:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I thought you are sleeping away
28/11/2019, 9:42 pm - Emmanuel �: On yourself
28/11/2019, 9:42 pm - My Love: I tought u was going
28/11/2019, 9:42 pm - My Love: Yes i am
28/11/2019, 9:43 pm - Emmanuel �: And you are still online
28/11/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: Yes bb
28/11/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: I am here
28/11/2019, 9:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Why
28/11/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: Online
28/11/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: Waiting until u go
28/11/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: Because u said u will go
28/11/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: U are online still
28/11/2019, 9:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I was doing the same
28/11/2019, 9:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I will go
28/11/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: Ohh
28/11/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: Hehe welll
28/11/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: Ok bb
28/11/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: Bye my darling
28/11/2019, 9:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye
28/11/2019, 9:45 pm - My Love: ��
29/11/2019, 5:50 am - My Love: Good morning my sweet heart
29/11/2019, 5:50 am - My Love: Have a wonderful day my lover
29/11/2019, 5:50 am - My Love: I hug u up n kiss u bbb
29/11/2019, 5:50 am - My Love: Its amazing to be with someone like u
29/11/2019, 5:51 am - My Love: I am reaaallllyyy thankful hun
29/11/2019, 5:52 am - My Love: I thank God for u and your family
29/11/2019, 5:52 am - My Love: To be my family now
29/11/2019, 5:52 am - My Love: I love you my darling
29/11/2019, 12:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Sorry I didn't write you this morning hun but i
got up late and I am having a bad day today
29/11/2019, 4:57 pm - My Love: Aaaww
29/11/2019, 4:57 pm - My Love: Hun i just reach home my lover
29/11/2019, 4:58 pm - My Love: I will go out to buy some stuff for church and reach
home early to come home and write u bb
29/11/2019, 4:58 pm - My Love: After buying the stuff i will go and practice for a
while ok bb
29/11/2019, 4:58 pm - My Love: Take care hun
29/11/2019, 4:58 pm - My Love: I love u bb
29/11/2019, 4:58 pm - My Love: Hope u are well hun
29/11/2019, 4:58 pm - My Love: I will reach home soon bb
29/11/2019, 4:58 pm - My Love: I miss u all the day vb
29/11/2019, 6:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I told you I am having a bad day and you say
29/11/2019, 7:06 pm - My Love: Huunnn i rech homeeee bb
29/11/2019, 7:06 pm - My Love: Yes bb.. i said awww... but in guyana that means
like � in trinidad
29/11/2019, 7:07 pm - My Love: I didnt mean the aawwww as cute or sweet
29/11/2019, 7:07 pm - My Love: I mean it like sadness
29/11/2019, 7:07 pm - My Love: Hope u undersatand me
29/11/2019, 7:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
29/11/2019, 7:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I am helping star with a school project
29/11/2019, 7:08 pm - My Love: Oohh ok my lover
29/11/2019, 7:08 pm - My Love: I wanted to call u bb
29/11/2019, 7:08 pm - My Love: For us to talk hun
29/11/2019, 7:09 pm - My Love: U will finish late bb?
29/11/2019, 7:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know
29/11/2019, 7:10 pm - My Love: So hun we will talk??
29/11/2019, 7:10 pm - My Love: U want to talk??
29/11/2019, 7:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I can't talk now
29/11/2019, 7:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
29/11/2019, 7:11 pm - My Love: Oh ok
29/11/2019, 7:11 pm - My Love: Allright
29/11/2019, 7:12 pm - My Love: Bb i miss u hun��
29/11/2019, 7:12 pm - My Love: U dont know bb
29/11/2019, 7:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I will stop with stars at 8pm
29/11/2019, 7:18 pm - My Love: Ok my lover so.. i will wait for u until then
29/11/2019, 7:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I am far from you
29/11/2019, 7:19 pm - My Love: Yes hun.. my problem is the distance betoin us
29/11/2019, 7:19 pm - Emmanuel �: It is the way it is
29/11/2019, 7:20 pm - My Love: Yes hun
29/11/2019, 7:21 pm - My Love: Bye bb until 8pm
29/11/2019, 7:21 pm - My Love: I can wait.. for u.. because u are worth hun
29/11/2019, 7:24 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I will be honest with you
29/11/2019, 7:24 pm - My Love: Yes bb
29/11/2019, 7:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't think you 100 % love me
29/11/2019, 7:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I just have to be honest
29/11/2019, 7:25 pm - Emmanuel �: With you
29/11/2019, 7:26 pm - Emmanuel �: And in this relationship I believe I am the one
who feel more
29/11/2019, 7:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I am just being honest about what I believe
29/11/2019, 7:27 pm - Emmanuel �: And i want you to know
29/11/2019, 7:28 pm - Emmanuel �: That I can marry someone who I don't believe is
a 100% involve for me
29/11/2019, 7:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I want to be honest up front
29/11/2019, 7:29 pm - My Love: Hun
29/11/2019, 7:30 pm - My Love: I dont have any words to tell u hun.. because i love
u hun
29/11/2019, 7:30 pm - My Love: I really love u hun
29/11/2019, 7:30 pm - My Love: If u believe another thing..
29/11/2019, 7:30 pm - My Love: That is you
29/11/2019, 7:30 pm - My Love: I know what i have in my heart and what i do
29/11/2019, 7:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I say that because of how you respond to
29/11/2019, 7:34 pm - Emmanuel �: And how you respond to me
29/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: What u mean about respond to others
29/11/2019, 7:34 pm - Emmanuel �: And how much you give to others
29/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: To others who bb
29/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: Always i give u more
29/11/2019, 7:34 pm - Emmanuel �: But how little you give to me
29/11/2019, 7:34 pm - My Love: Rhan any one else
29/11/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: I dont feel i give u litle
29/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Really
29/11/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: Yes
29/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
29/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Well let's leave it so
29/11/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: I come home early today because i tell them guys i
need to spend time with u
29/11/2019, 7:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I have nothing more to.say
29/11/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: That is why i choose not to practice tomorrow either
the sunday
29/11/2019, 7:35 pm - My Love: I always think about u hun
29/11/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: I am at work thinking about u bb
29/11/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: And talking about u also hun
29/11/2019, 7:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
29/11/2019, 7:36 pm - My Love: I charge the phone to talk with u
29/11/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
29/11/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
29/11/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: You do more
29/11/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: I do everything faster to talk with u
29/11/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
29/11/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: And have time
29/11/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: And wait for u
29/11/2019, 7:37 pm - My Love: If u are not online
29/11/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Everything you do is for me
29/11/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I have the fault
29/11/2019, 7:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I am acusing you
29/11/2019, 7:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to talk about this
29/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: I wanted to go out and buy stuff for chritsmas for
me.. and i dont do it as get because i dont have time.. i want to pass time with u
29/11/2019, 7:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I will never mention it again
29/11/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: Really hun
29/11/2019, 7:38 pm - Emmanuel �: If you think you are doing enough will it is
29/11/2019, 7:39 pm - My Love: I dont use the phone for even talk with my family
just few times its not everyday
29/11/2019, 8:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Let's leave it so hun
29/11/2019, 8:02 pm - My Love: Ok my love
29/11/2019, 8:02 pm - My Love: U finish bbbb????
29/11/2019, 8:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Forget it it is not important
29/11/2019, 8:02 pm - My Love: Hun..
29/11/2019, 8:03 pm - My Love: I love u bb
29/11/2019, 8:03 pm - My Love: Ok
29/11/2019, 8:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Do ask me any questions please
29/11/2019, 8:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't
29/11/2019, 8:04 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not in a good mood
29/11/2019, 8:04 pm - Emmanuel �: I am just telling you
29/11/2019, 8:04 pm - My Love: Mmmm
29/11/2019, 8:04 pm - My Love: Hun
29/11/2019, 8:04 pm - Emmanuel �: From now
29/11/2019, 8:05 pm - My Love: U want to be here.. because u dont look like if u
want to be here hun..
29/11/2019, 8:05 pm - My Love: That is why i ask
29/11/2019, 8:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Do you want to be here ?
29/11/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: Yes of course hun
29/11/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: And u
29/11/2019, 8:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Well to me it songs like you don't
29/11/2019, 8:07 pm - Emmanuel �: If you want to be here
29/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: Meeee???
29/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: I want to be here hun
29/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: Always
29/11/2019, 8:07 pm - Emmanuel �: What does it matter
29/11/2019, 8:07 pm - My Love: All the timee
29/11/2019, 8:07 pm - Emmanuel �: If I want to or not
29/11/2019, 8:07 pm - Emmanuel �: And even if I didn't
29/11/2019, 8:08 pm - Emmanuel �: You.would.stay
29/11/2019, 8:08 pm - Emmanuel �: If you are in a bad mood
29/11/2019, 8:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not ask you if you want to be here
29/11/2019, 8:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not give you the option
29/11/2019, 8:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I will stay even if you didn't want me to
29/11/2019, 8:09 pm - Emmanuel �: And that is the difference between you and me
29/11/2019, 8:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I care more
29/11/2019, 8:10 pm - Emmanuel �: You can call me a liar but I promise you one
thing the truth always comes out eventually
29/11/2019, 8:10 pm - My Love: Its truth
29/11/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: And one day when it does I know what to do
29/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: But my point is different from yours
29/11/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I will just pack my clothes and leave
29/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: I give u the option.. because whhen everyone are in
bad mood them want to be alone. Because when them are with someone.. them end up
quarelling and fedup
29/11/2019, 8:11 pm - My Love: And i dont want to quarel
29/11/2019, 8:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Pain changes people
29/11/2019, 8:12 pm - My Love: Hope u understand what i mean
29/11/2019, 8:12 pm - Emmanuel �: And I just want you to know that you don't know
29/11/2019, 8:12 pm - My Love: Its not i am not care amd u care the most
29/11/2019, 8:12 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am tell you
29/11/2019, 8:12 pm - My Love: I care differently
29/11/2019, 8:13 pm - My Love: U either know me
29/11/2019, 8:13 pm - My Love: Hun
29/11/2019, 8:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Well if we don't know each other why are we
getting married?
29/11/2019, 8:13 pm - My Love: Bb.. i just want u to be comfortable
29/11/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: Because this time we are knowing each otger
29/11/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: We need met
29/11/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: Our knowing is on text
29/11/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: Not on expirences
29/11/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: Much
29/11/2019, 8:14 pm - My Love: Personallity
29/11/2019, 8:14 pm - Emmanuel �: I am coming in January
29/11/2019, 8:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Or march
29/11/2019, 8:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Once I get the money for the tickets
29/11/2019, 8:15 pm - My Love: Yes bb.. i will be here waiting for that special
29/11/2019, 8:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Caring is caring and selfishness is selfishness
there is nothing like caring different
29/11/2019, 8:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Differently
29/11/2019, 8:16 pm - Emmanuel �: It is either you care much or you don't
29/11/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Because even if you give me the option
29/11/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you say you care
29/11/2019, 8:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Do you go and pray for me to be better ?
29/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: Yes i did hun
29/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: When i read your message
29/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: I went to church
29/11/2019, 8:17 pm - My Love: And while going i pray
29/11/2019, 8:18 pm - My Love: Hun believe me
29/11/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I am talking about when you leave
29/11/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: To go
29/11/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: If you leave to give me space
29/11/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Do you leave to go and pray ?
29/11/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: For me
29/11/2019, 8:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Or do you go and do something for yourself
29/11/2019, 8:20 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
29/11/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: Ohh now
29/11/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: Until 8pm?
29/11/2019, 8:20 pm - Emmanuel �: When ever I am in a bad mood
29/11/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: I pray
29/11/2019, 8:20 pm - My Love: Yes i did
29/11/2019, 8:20 pm - Emmanuel �: You always ask me if I want to be here
29/11/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: Because i dont want u to be uncomfortable
29/11/2019, 8:21 pm - Emmanuel �: If I say no and I go
29/11/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: When i am in bad modd
29/11/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: I dont like to be with no one
29/11/2019, 8:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Do you pray for me
29/11/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: I am not in bad mood always hun
29/11/2019, 8:21 pm - Emmanuel �: And think of me
29/11/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: Yes of course hun
29/11/2019, 8:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Or do you do something for yourself
29/11/2019, 8:21 pm - My Love: I always do it hun
29/11/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: No bb.. i dont have anything to do
29/11/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: I lie down.. cut off my phone and pray for u
29/11/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: And cry many times
29/11/2019, 8:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun forgive me if I don't believe you
29/11/2019, 8:22 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry
29/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: Its ok hun
29/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: U pass tru a lot
29/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: And i understand u cant believe me now
29/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: Because of your pass
29/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: Because of what u go tru
29/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: And what i did to u one day back
29/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: So all of this involve now
29/11/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: Its ok bb
29/11/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: Hope one day and foward u can believe me always
29/11/2019, 8:25 pm - My Love: I am honest with u
29/11/2019, 8:25 pm - My Love: Always
29/11/2019, 8:25 pm - My Love: This message was deleted
29/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: What was the message you deleted if you are
honest with me
29/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: You know and God know
29/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: Yes
29/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: The only two who know
29/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Yes hun
29/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I will never know
29/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: And its your choise to believe me or not
29/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: I cant force u to believe
29/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: But my heart is completly open to u
29/11/2019, 8:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me this
29/11/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I believe what you say
29/11/2019, 8:30 pm - My Love: Hun.. i dont want to quarel bb..
29/11/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I have to believe you if I don't it make no
sense I am in a relationship with you
29/11/2019, 8:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I give you my trust
29/11/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I give you my trust from the beginning
29/11/2019, 8:31 pm - Emmanuel �: And you always had it
29/11/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: But it is your choice if you build my trust or
break it
29/11/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: That is your choice
29/11/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
29/11/2019, 8:32 pm - Emmanuel �: You say you are completely honest to me
29/11/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: Ok bb
29/11/2019, 8:32 pm - My Love: I will tell hun
29/11/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: But bb.. u said that i dont think before i talk
29/11/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: That is why i delete the message
29/11/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: Because after i send it
29/11/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: I realize what not good to say
29/11/2019, 8:33 pm - My Love: So i deleted bb
29/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: I just say it because i was sincere..
29/11/2019, 8:34 pm - My Love: But then i deleted because i dont want to quarel of
fight or have any problem or misunderstand
29/11/2019, 8:35 pm - Emmanuel �: You know what is the worst thing hun
29/11/2019, 8:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I will be honest
29/11/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: With you tonight
29/11/2019, 8:36 pm - My Love: What bb
29/11/2019, 8:36 pm - Emmanuel �: A person who thinks they are doing enough
29/11/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: For there relationship
29/11/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: While there relationship is actually gets less
29/11/2019, 8:37 pm - Emmanuel �: And they can't see it
29/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: So there relationship gets not much water
29/11/2019, 8:38 pm - Emmanuel �: And it over time it dries up and die
29/11/2019, 8:39 pm - My Love: I am not thinking i am doing enough
29/11/2019, 8:39 pm - Emmanuel �: It is one of the greatest deception
29/11/2019, 8:39 pm - Emmanuel �: So why then you tell me I lie ?
29/11/2019, 8:40 pm - Emmanuel �: If you know the truth
29/11/2019, 8:40 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
29/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: Tell me when i said i am doing enough
29/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: Show me the message
29/11/2019, 8:40 pm - My Love: U considerate that i am doing enough
29/11/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Why do you call me a liar when I talk about it
29/11/2019, 8:41 pm - My Love: But i never accept either denied that
29/11/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: So you are intelligent
29/11/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't accept it
29/11/2019, 8:41 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't deny it
29/11/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: And all is well
29/11/2019, 8:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I not considerate that you do enough
29/11/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: I am not intelligent
29/11/2019, 8:43 pm - My Love: I just not amswer u
29/11/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I said a person who thinks they are doing enough
29/11/2019, 8:43 pm - Emmanuel �: A person who thinks
29/11/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: Well.
I feel u was tell me that i am not enough
29/11/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: Sorry about that
29/11/2019, 8:44 pm - My Love: That i think i am enough
29/11/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't accept it
29/11/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: And you don't deny it
29/11/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: So what is the truth
29/11/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: You tell me tonight
29/11/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: ��
29/11/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: I am not doing enough
29/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: And what is the enough that you are not doing?
29/11/2019, 8:47 pm - Emmanuel �: What are you not doing?
29/11/2019, 8:47 pm - My Love: Ooh well
29/11/2019, 8:49 pm - My Love: I think i dont give u much time... either talk with
u much.. also i dont show u my love everyday as often i usuall do..
29/11/2019, 8:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
29/11/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: Honetly hun
29/11/2019, 8:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Is that it
29/11/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: Sometimes i feel that i am not enough for u
29/11/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: I am not giving u what u want hun
29/11/2019, 8:50 pm - My Love: Or sometimes i dont know how to please you
29/11/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: Sometimes i want to surprise u but then u just not
are surprised
29/11/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: U are just normal
29/11/2019, 8:51 pm - My Love: Sometimes i want to do something special.. but then
things end up bad
29/11/2019, 8:52 pm - My Love: Sometimes i feel like a bad girlfriend.. well all
the time.. when u tell me i am not doing my best..
29/11/2019, 8:52 pm - My Love:
29/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: Sometimes i just lie down on my bed.. i think and
remember thoses words that u told me many days.. about that i am not good and so
on.. n i get sad
29/11/2019, 8:54 pm - My Love: Mostly i think about u and your family
29/11/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Did I tell you that you are not good ?
29/11/2019, 8:55 pm - My Love: No bb..
29/11/2019, 8:55 pm - Emmanuel �: Or I tell you that the things you do are not
29/11/2019, 8:56 pm - My Love: No hun
29/11/2019, 8:56 pm - Emmanuel �: So why are you saying that I say you are not
29/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: Hun.. give me some minutes to just change off.. and
make a tea
29/11/2019, 8:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
29/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: Hun..
29/11/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: U tell me many words in english
29/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: And imagine i didnt knew the meaning
29/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: And i transalate them
29/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: And i find the meaning
29/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: And was not so nice
29/11/2019, 8:58 pm - Emmanuel �: I tell you those things about your ways
29/11/2019, 8:58 pm - My Love: I will tell u just now
29/11/2019, 8:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Not you
29/11/2019, 8:58 pm - Emmanuel �: And you know that
29/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I talk about the things you do
29/11/2019, 8:59 pm - Emmanuel �: You know that
29/11/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: You do not lack the intellect to understand that
29/11/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Honestly
29/11/2019, 9:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
29/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't see what you do
29/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Or you deny it
29/11/2019, 9:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Or something
29/11/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun leave it hun
29/11/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
29/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry I make you feel like a bad girlfriend
29/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: It was not my intention
29/11/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: And when I say those things
29/11/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: It's about the things you do not about you
29/11/2019, 9:05 pm - Emmanuel �: But one thing I know everything in this life
have consequences
29/11/2019, 9:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Even the things I do
29/11/2019, 9:06 pm - Emmanuel �: And some way some how those consequences comes
to us
29/11/2019, 9:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Every single choice have a consequence
29/11/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: I am here bb
29/11/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: Hun i just remember things hun
29/11/2019, 9:09 pm - My Love: And it bring tears to my eyes
29/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: I dont see me hun
29/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: I dont wacht what i do bb
29/11/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: I think i need to dedicate some time for myself..
and look in what i am failing
29/11/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: Because i cant wacht them just like that hun
29/11/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: Every person is different
29/11/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: I need to sit.. think and talk to my self.. and to
29/11/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: And when i reach home.. i talk to u.. so i never get
a time for my self
29/11/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: ????
29/11/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: Falious
29/11/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: My falious
29/11/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: I cant wacht my weakness just like that to hun
29/11/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: I need to examen my self
29/11/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: I need to take time for my self
29/11/2019, 9:12 pm - My Love: So.. it hurt me.. when u tell me so rude
29/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: And so directly
29/11/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't do it rude
29/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: U do it when u always are vex hun
29/11/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Directly but never rude
29/11/2019, 9:13 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't know what rude is
29/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: U always say ugly words when u are fedup
29/11/2019, 9:14 pm - Emmanuel �: If I do it rude you would feel worse
29/11/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: Hun
29/11/2019, 9:14 pm - Emmanuel �: If you say so I will take it
29/11/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: Well i dont know how to describe the way u told me
thoses words
29/11/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: I ever tell u a ugly word??
29/11/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: I ever insult u??
29/11/2019, 9:15 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't have to talk to me as you come from
29/11/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: But i miss u bbb
29/11/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I tell you the truth about your ways
29/11/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: So i always write u hun
29/11/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: And you say it is ugly
29/11/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Because your ways are ugly at times
29/11/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: And mines are to
29/11/2019, 9:16 pm - My Love: Hun.. if u are telling me something and its hurting
me.. i think its not me.. i thinknits the way u are telling me the thing
29/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: But the difference with me is I am not covering
29/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Think what you want
29/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: Hun
29/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: Its not me
29/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: Its u
29/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Even the bible say that the truth hurts
29/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: U can correct me
29/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: U can tell me something
29/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: But its the way u speak things to peoples
29/11/2019, 9:18 pm - Emmanuel �: The bible say no correct is nice
29/11/2019, 9:18 pm - My Love: What hurt me its not the words its the way u say it
29/11/2019, 9:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Hebrew 12:11
Contemporary English Version
It is never fun to be corrected. In fact, at the time it is always painful. But if
we learn to obey by being corrected, we will do right and live at peace
29/11/2019, 9:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Read it
29/11/2019, 9:20 pm - Emmanuel �: For yourself when you have time
29/11/2019, 9:20 pm - Emmanuel �: But you know what you want
29/11/2019, 9:20 pm - My Love: Ok hun
29/11/2019, 9:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Someone to tell you something nice
29/11/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: While you are doing terible things
29/11/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: No hun
29/11/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: It is supposed to hurt
29/11/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: I dont want that bb
29/11/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Otherwise you will do.it again
29/11/2019, 9:21 pm - My Love: When this happen.. of course i will.not expect a
nice words
29/11/2019, 9:21 pm - Emmanuel �: I am glad I am strong enough to tell you the
29/11/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: So that you know you can't just play with my
29/11/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Let me tell you now
29/11/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: All them words I meant it
29/11/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you deserve to hear them
29/11/2019, 9:22 pm - My Love: I am not playing with your heart bb
29/11/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: For what you have done
29/11/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: And you deserve to feel that way
29/11/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Also
29/11/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I am taking about your ways
29/11/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Not you
29/11/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: And your ways are not nice
29/11/2019, 9:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I will tell you something
29/11/2019, 9:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I know things about your uncle Tyrone
29/11/2019, 9:24 pm - Emmanuel �: And his wife
29/11/2019, 9:24 pm - Emmanuel �: And them relationship
29/11/2019, 9:24 pm - Emmanuel �: And you know what I know
29/11/2019, 9:24 pm - Emmanuel �: He loves that woman
29/11/2019, 9:24 pm - Emmanuel �: But she not as much
29/11/2019, 9:24 pm - Emmanuel �: And them have beautiful children
29/11/2019, 9:25 pm - Emmanuel �: But I decern in my spirit
29/11/2019, 9:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Her ways
29/11/2019, 9:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I can sense it so strong
29/11/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: And I also decern that she often deceive him
29/11/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: But he is to nice to tell her what I tell you
29/11/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I am just like your uncle
29/11/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Until I sit down one night
29/11/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: And I say if I continue so
29/11/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: My wife will abuses me
29/11/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: And I changed my heart
29/11/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Not because I want to be hard
29/11/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: But because if I am not
29/11/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: You will abuses me
29/11/2019, 9:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Because of your ways
29/11/2019, 9:28 pm - Emmanuel �: So I will tell you
29/11/2019, 9:28 pm - Emmanuel �: As it is
29/11/2019, 9:28 pm - Emmanuel �: If you get hurt
29/11/2019, 9:28 pm - Emmanuel �: It is because what I say is truthful
29/11/2019, 9:28 pm - My Love: I dont think i will do this
29/11/2019, 9:28 pm - Emmanuel �: And
29/11/2019, 9:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I want you to know
29/11/2019, 9:29 pm - Emmanuel �: You can't
29/11/2019, 9:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I am not him
29/11/2019, 9:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I changed
29/11/2019, 9:29 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am not changing back
29/11/2019, 9:29 pm - My Love: �
29/11/2019, 9:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I will leave you
29/11/2019, 9:30 pm - Emmanuel �: If you do me anything close to what I sense in
my spirit she has done to him
29/11/2019, 9:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know exactly what it is
29/11/2019, 9:30 pm - Emmanuel �: But I know the Lord make me feel something sad
from his spirit
29/11/2019, 9:31 pm - Emmanuel �: And I want you to know
29/11/2019, 9:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I rather be without you
29/11/2019, 9:31 pm - Emmanuel �: Than to reach in a place like that
29/11/2019, 9:33 pm - Emmanuel �: You once told me you will never hurt me and you
did anything is possible with a girl who doesn't think about consequences and
doesn't care about you enough to avoid consequences
29/11/2019, 9:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I have made mistakes to but I think about
consequences and avoid it with my life
29/11/2019, 9:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I would not be so serious if the my spirit was
not warning me
29/11/2019, 9:35 pm - Emmanuel �: But it is warning me
29/11/2019, 9:35 pm - Emmanuel �: So I am prepared to expect anything
29/11/2019, 9:36 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am prepared to go if anything happens
29/11/2019, 9:36 pm - Emmanuel �: If you want time to examine yourself fine
29/11/2019, 9:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Take it
29/11/2019, 9:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I have no problem
29/11/2019, 9:37 pm - Emmanuel �: But I warn you tonight
29/11/2019, 9:38 pm - Emmanuel �: If you really want to be in your life think
about consequences before
29/11/2019, 9:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I am not the same man you know when you
met me
29/11/2019, 9:42 pm - My Love: Ok hun
29/11/2019, 9:42 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
29/11/2019, 9:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Your response says much
29/11/2019, 9:43 pm - Emmanuel �: About what is in your heart
29/11/2019, 9:43 pm - My Love: Hun
29/11/2019, 9:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Out of the heart the mouth talks
29/11/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: I was going to write something for u bb
29/11/2019, 9:44 pm - My Love: U just not wait bb
29/11/2019, 9:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I know you don't love me the way you claim
29/11/2019, 9:44 pm - Emmanuel �: It is so plain to see
29/11/2019, 9:44 pm - Emmanuel �: It is clear as daylight
29/11/2019, 9:45 pm - Emmanuel �: So I will stop deciving myself
29/11/2019, 9:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I know the reality
29/11/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: And if you are honest you know it to
29/11/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: It was so from the beginning
29/11/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: And it is so now
29/11/2019, 9:46 pm - My Love: I was to tell u i will always do my best bb.. and i
wish u could be the same one i met one day before.. but i respect u.. if u change
hun.. i will always keep away from temptations.. and do my best for our
relationship bb.. i dont want to lose u bb.. i want to always keep my self for u..
and be for u in good and bad hun
29/11/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: And this is the reason
29/11/2019, 9:46 pm - Emmanuel �: God is keeping me in Trinidad
29/11/2019, 9:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Because he knows
29/11/2019, 9:47 pm - My Love: Just hear God bb.. i am no one for u to hear
29/11/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: Yes i need sometime hun
29/11/2019, 9:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Figure out what you want
29/11/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: Honestly hun.. i dont want to reach on a place like
this bb
29/11/2019, 9:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Then after
29/11/2019, 9:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Be truthful to me
29/11/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: Of what?
29/11/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: I am honest always
29/11/2019, 9:49 pm - Emmanuel �: If after you examine yourself
29/11/2019, 9:49 pm - Emmanuel �: You realize you heart is not completely for me
29/11/2019, 9:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Just tell me
29/11/2019, 9:49 pm - My Love: Hun
29/11/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love:
29/11/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: My heart is for u always hun
29/11/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: So we will not do this to each other anymore
29/11/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: I dont need to cheek that
29/11/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: In my spirit I feel different
29/11/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: I need to cheek my ways.. what i am doing hun
29/11/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: My faliours
29/11/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: I feel like you do need to check that
29/11/2019, 9:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Also
29/11/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: My weakness in life
29/11/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: I dont think so
29/11/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: Noo
29/11/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I think you do
29/11/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: I will cheek it
29/11/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: I mean i will cheek it
29/11/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Because if that was correct and complete
29/11/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Things would be different
29/11/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: All problems begins from the heary
29/11/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Heart
29/11/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: If the heart is right
29/11/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Everything else become right
29/11/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: If the heart is not complete the you will not do
your best
29/11/2019, 9:53 pm - My Love: Ok my bb
29/11/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Really examine how you think and feel about me
29/11/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: From the beginning to now
29/11/2019, 9:53 pm - My Love: Thank u for your encoragement
29/11/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: For me its not matter how i feel before hun
29/11/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: And see if you are complete for me
29/11/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: It matters now bb
29/11/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: But it does
29/11/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: All these things matter
29/11/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: Ohh u mean this
29/11/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: Ok bb
29/11/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: �
29/11/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: I am talking to u now
29/11/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: N remember some crazyness
29/11/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: N smile
29/11/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: Hun..
29/11/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: It will take a time bb
29/11/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: I just want u to not preasure me
29/11/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: I am leaving you alone
29/11/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: When
29/11/2019, 9:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I always tell you God have other daughters
29/11/2019, 9:57 pm - Emmanuel �: And other sons
29/11/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: Hun
29/11/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: But i only want one only son from God
29/11/2019, 9:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Many people marry
29/11/2019, 9:57 pm - My Love: Hun i will always write u hun
29/11/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: And in that moment they thought to themselves
29/11/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: I am with him
29/11/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: I am with her
29/11/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: The one I love
29/11/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: And today
29/11/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Them want to be out
29/11/2019, 9:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Of that marriage
29/11/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Them not want to be with that person anymore
29/11/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Because the thought they love
29/11/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Only to realize
29/11/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: They thought but it wasn't the truth
29/11/2019, 10:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Like Anna and carl
29/11/2019, 10:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Them look completely happy
29/11/2019, 10:00 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am genuinely happy for them
29/11/2019, 10:00 pm - Emmanuel �: But who knows
29/11/2019, 10:00 pm - Emmanuel �: How either one of them feel
29/11/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: U right hun
29/11/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Or the reason why each one of them marry
29/11/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: I feel them are not happy
29/11/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to be so
29/11/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: I prefer you examine completely
29/11/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: And say Emmanuel yoh know
29/11/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I thought it had something there
29/11/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: But after I completely examine
29/11/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: I realize
29/11/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: It is not what I thought it was
29/11/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Then
29/11/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: I will know the truth
29/11/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: And it will set both of us free
29/11/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: And I will be happy you do that
29/11/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: That you marry me
29/11/2019, 10:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Than
29/11/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: And if i didnt tell u that.. and i exa.ine my self
and tell u a next thing hun
29/11/2019, 10:04 pm - Emmanuel �: And then tell me this
29/11/2019, 10:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Somewhere later
29/11/2019, 10:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Or you them are unfaithful
29/11/2019, 10:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you were never completely in love with
29/11/2019, 10:05 pm - Emmanuel �: But your heart was undecided
29/11/2019, 10:05 pm - My Love: I am in love with u hun
29/11/2019, 10:05 pm - Emmanuel �: That you love me completely?
29/11/2019, 10:05 pm - My Love: Yes
29/11/2019, 10:06 pm - My Love: My heart always choose u
29/11/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Then our relationship will be successful
29/11/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: But that will show
29/11/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: In your ways
29/11/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: To me
29/11/2019, 10:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Because if someone say them love you
29/11/2019, 10:07 pm - Emmanuel �: But them ways not show it
29/11/2019, 10:07 pm - Emmanuel �: You tell me
29/11/2019, 10:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Would you believe them ?
29/11/2019, 10:07 pm - My Love: Not really bb
29/11/2019, 10:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Let me ask you something do you think uncle
Tyrone wife loves him
29/11/2019, 10:08 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
29/11/2019, 10:08 pm - My Love: Not much hun
29/11/2019, 10:08 pm - My Love: I dont think so
29/11/2019, 10:08 pm - My Love: But yes she do
29/11/2019, 10:08 pm - My Love: But i dont think the 100%
29/11/2019, 10:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay if God told you
29/11/2019, 10:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I will give you salvation
29/11/2019, 10:09 pm - Emmanuel �: But not 100%
29/11/2019, 10:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I will give you half
29/11/2019, 10:10 pm - Emmanuel �: So you can come to heaven
29/11/2019, 10:10 pm - Emmanuel �: For half eternity
29/11/2019, 10:10 pm - Emmanuel �: And after that half is up
29/11/2019, 10:10 pm - Emmanuel �: I will kick you out
29/11/2019, 10:10 pm - Emmanuel �: How will you feel about that
29/11/2019, 10:10 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
29/11/2019, 10:11 pm - Emmanuel �: You will feel hurt
29/11/2019, 10:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Isn't that tru
29/11/2019, 10:11 pm - Emmanuel �: It is better for your uncle
29/11/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: If he never married
29/11/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Because if she doesn't love him 100%
29/11/2019, 10:12 pm - My Love: Yes totally truth
29/11/2019, 10:12 pm - Emmanuel �: She will never think about what she do to him
29/11/2019, 10:13 pm - Emmanuel �: She will not think about consequences
29/11/2019, 10:13 pm - Emmanuel �: He will get hurt a lot
29/11/2019, 10:13 pm - Emmanuel �: It is the same with all relationship
29/11/2019, 10:14 pm - Emmanuel �: If you love me 99.9 %
29/11/2019, 10:14 pm - Emmanuel �: That remaining %
29/11/2019, 10:14 pm - Emmanuel �: That one percent
29/11/2019, 10:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Is all the enemy needs
29/11/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: To get you to hurt me
29/11/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: If you love me 50%
29/11/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: He has more room to work
29/11/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: But if you love me 100%
29/11/2019, 10:15 pm - Emmanuel �: I am safe
29/11/2019, 10:16 pm - Emmanuel �: So if I marry you
29/11/2019, 10:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I know I can be in peace
29/11/2019, 10:16 pm - Emmanuel �: And if you make a mistake because as human we
are not perfect
29/11/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: It will not be a mistake big enough to destroy
the marriage
29/11/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Because the bible say know one will take a
29/11/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: And cut his own body
29/11/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Because why
29/11/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: He love his own body
29/11/2019, 10:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Same way if a person loves their relationship
29/11/2019, 10:19 pm - Emmanuel �: They not do something so hurtful
29/11/2019, 10:19 pm - Emmanuel �: To cause pain
29/11/2019, 10:19 pm - Emmanuel �: To it
29/11/2019, 10:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Without first thinking I wonder how will my
actions affect my partner
29/11/2019, 10:20 pm - Emmanuel �: What will this thing I am about to do
29/11/2019, 10:20 pm - Emmanuel �: Affect our relationship
29/11/2019, 10:21 pm - My Love: I understand bb
29/11/2019, 10:21 pm - My Love: N this is how it suppost be
29/11/2019, 10:22 pm - My Love: If its this way
29/11/2019, 10:22 pm - My Love: U right bb
29/11/2019, 10:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know if Anna love Carl 100% or of he
loves her 100% or the real reason in them heart for marriage
29/11/2019, 10:24 pm - Emmanuel �: But what I know is this
29/11/2019, 10:24 pm - Emmanuel �: If two people are not 100% in love
29/11/2019, 10:24 pm - My Love: Me either
29/11/2019, 10:24 pm - Emmanuel �: They should not marry
29/11/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: If them do
29/11/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: And them are not
29/11/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I promise you
29/11/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Somewhere down the way
29/11/2019, 10:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Someone will get hurt
29/11/2019, 10:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I know that for sure
29/11/2019, 10:26 pm - Emmanuel �: So please
29/11/2019, 10:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Andreina
29/11/2019, 10:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Make sure
29/11/2019, 10:26 pm - My Love: I know this too bb
29/11/2019, 10:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Check twice 3 times if you have to
29/11/2019, 10:26 pm - My Love: Tell me hun
29/11/2019, 10:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I prefer you hurt me now
29/11/2019, 10:27 pm - Emmanuel �: By saying I can't because I don't love you 100%
29/11/2019, 10:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Or I don't love you 100% let me work on getting
there before we get married
29/11/2019, 10:28 pm - Emmanuel �: It is better you do that
29/11/2019, 10:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Than to say Emmanuel I love you all
29/11/2019, 10:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Marry me
29/11/2019, 10:28 pm - Emmanuel �: And the hurt me
29/11/2019, 10:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Please
29/11/2019, 10:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't do that
29/11/2019, 10:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I told you I have changed
29/11/2019, 10:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not take it
29/11/2019, 10:29 pm - Emmanuel �: I will leave
29/11/2019, 10:29 pm - Emmanuel �: And come see my children
29/11/2019, 10:29 pm - Emmanuel �: And mine them from far
29/11/2019, 10:29 pm - Emmanuel �: And visit them
29/11/2019, 10:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I am serious about it
29/11/2019, 10:30 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not take no second wife
29/11/2019, 10:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Or have a second family
29/11/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I will remain alone
29/11/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: But I will not stay
29/11/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: If I am being used
29/11/2019, 10:31 pm - Emmanuel �: I promise you this that is how serious I am
29/11/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: And no pastor pastora your mother no one
29/11/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Could change me
29/11/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Because God spoke to me
29/11/2019, 10:32 pm - Emmanuel �: In my heart
29/11/2019, 10:33 pm - Emmanuel �: He told me to learn from the mistake of others
29/11/2019, 10:33 pm - Emmanuel �: That is why I can confidently tell you that you
don't love me 100%
29/11/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: You think I am just saying that because I like
to say it
29/11/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I get warnings deep inside me
29/11/2019, 10:34 pm - Emmanuel �: So much that it make me frighten
29/11/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: To marry you
29/11/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
29/11/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I am getting the feeling
29/11/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: That you are not listening
29/11/2019, 10:35 pm - My Love: Which feeling hun
29/11/2019, 10:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Maybe because you are sleepy
29/11/2019, 10:36 pm - Emmanuel �: So I will go now
29/11/2019, 10:36 pm - My Love: Hun
29/11/2019, 10:36 pm - My Love: Honestly i just wake up
29/11/2019, 10:36 pm - My Love: I sleep away for 9min
29/11/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
29/11/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: Hun sorry bb
29/11/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: But i was about to tell u i am sleepy
29/11/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: But u was talking hun
29/11/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: And i didnt wanted to cut u hun
29/11/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Because didn't respond to anything I said
29/11/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I will go
29/11/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: You sleep
29/11/2019, 10:37 pm - My Love: Hun
29/11/2019, 10:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night
29/11/2019, 10:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Rest well
29/11/2019, 10:38 pm - My Love: I am very happy hun
29/11/2019, 10:38 pm - My Love: That God is talking to you
29/11/2019, 10:38 pm - My Love: And you are been lead by God
29/11/2019, 10:38 pm - My Love: always keep hearing God bb
29/11/2019, 10:39 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't know what it is like
29/11/2019, 10:39 pm - Emmanuel �: To love someone
29/11/2019, 10:39 pm - Emmanuel �: The way I love you
29/11/2019, 10:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Because many time
29/11/2019, 10:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I ignored
29/11/2019, 10:40 pm - My Love: Thank u hun for your love that is unique.. pure and
29/11/2019, 10:40 pm - Emmanuel �: My spirit
29/11/2019, 10:40 pm - Emmanuel �: For yoy
29/11/2019, 10:40 pm - Emmanuel �: You
29/11/2019, 10:40 pm - Emmanuel �: And took the pain
29/11/2019, 10:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to be like this anymore
29/11/2019, 10:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Pain changes people
29/11/2019, 10:41 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't know me now
29/11/2019, 10:41 pm - Emmanuel �: You should think about it
29/11/2019, 10:41 pm - My Love: Hun.. what u are saying
29/11/2019, 10:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I am giving you the chance to think about
29/11/2019, 10:41 pm - Emmanuel �: It
29/11/2019, 10:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I am saying that I will not be here
29/11/2019, 10:42 pm - My Love: What u mean hun
29/11/2019, 10:42 pm - Emmanuel �: If I realized
29/11/2019, 10:42 pm - My Love: Emmanuel
29/11/2019, 10:42 pm - Emmanuel �: You are not 100%
29/11/2019, 10:42 pm - Emmanuel �: For me
29/11/2019, 10:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want you
29/11/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: If it is not real
29/11/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: That is what I am saying
29/11/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: You can go
29/11/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: If you know
29/11/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: That there is a part of yiy
29/11/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: You
29/11/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: That is not real
29/11/2019, 10:43 pm - Emmanuel �: With me
29/11/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't need that in my life
29/11/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I have had that all my life
29/11/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Fake love
29/11/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: Part love
29/11/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I have had it to much
29/11/2019, 10:44 pm - Emmanuel �: So know I hate it
29/11/2019, 10:44 pm - My Love: I understand what u mean hun
29/11/2019, 10:45 pm - Emmanuel �: And I will not accept it
29/11/2019, 10:45 pm - My Love: U dont need to speak to me this way so
29/11/2019, 10:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I do
29/11/2019, 10:45 pm - My Love: I really love u bb
29/11/2019, 10:45 pm - Emmanuel �: And if you don't like it
29/11/2019, 10:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Leave
29/11/2019, 10:45 pm - My Love: If i am here is for a reason right
29/11/2019, 10:46 pm - My Love: I always tell u i will never leave u
29/11/2019, 10:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I hope so
29/11/2019, 10:46 pm - Emmanuel �: Well if I see a reason to I will
29/11/2019, 10:47 pm - My Love: Ok
29/11/2019, 10:47 pm - My Love: No problem
29/11/2019, 10:47 pm - My Love: Go ahead
29/11/2019, 10:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Good
29/11/2019, 10:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I glad you understand
29/11/2019, 10:47 pm - My Love: U dont have any reason
29/11/2019, 10:47 pm - My Love: Now
29/11/2019, 10:47 pm - Emmanuel �: And have no problem
29/11/2019, 10:47 pm - Emmanuel �: No
29/11/2019, 10:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't have any now
29/11/2019, 10:48 pm - Emmanuel �: But hun
29/11/2019, 10:48 pm - Emmanuel �: I am serious
29/11/2019, 10:48 pm - My Love: Tell me bb
29/11/2019, 10:48 pm - My Love: Yes bb
29/11/2019, 10:48 pm - Emmanuel �: I talk so to emphasize that
29/11/2019, 10:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Not to hurt you
29/11/2019, 10:48 pm - My Love: Hun..
29/11/2019, 10:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I really love you
29/11/2019, 10:49 pm - My Love: When u mean about reason.. what type of reason is
needed to u for leave bb??
29/11/2019, 10:49 pm - Emmanuel �: 100%
29/11/2019, 10:49 pm - My Love: If i lie?
29/11/2019, 10:49 pm - My Love: That is a reason
29/11/2019, 10:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Anything that has the potential to break my
heart and trust
29/11/2019, 10:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Again I am gone
29/11/2019, 10:51 pm - Emmanuel �: A lie depending on what it is has the potential
to do both those things
29/11/2019, 10:51 pm - My Love: I see my lover
29/11/2019, 10:51 pm - Emmanuel �: And the truth is always better
29/11/2019, 10:51 pm - My Love: I will measure my actions with more care now hun
29/11/2019, 10:51 pm - Emmanuel �: That a lie
29/11/2019, 10:52 pm - My Love: Yes hun
29/11/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: You see the other day
29/11/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: You told me you had something to tell me
29/11/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: And I told you I don't want to know
29/11/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: And you say it is not important for me
29/11/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: But important for you
29/11/2019, 10:53 pm - My Love: Yes bb.. i remember
29/11/2019, 10:53 pm - Emmanuel �: It is not that it is not important
29/11/2019, 10:53 pm - Emmanuel �: It is because
29/11/2019, 10:53 pm - Emmanuel �: I know if I hear something
29/11/2019, 10:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Now to break my trust
29/11/2019, 10:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not want to be here
29/11/2019, 10:54 pm - Emmanuel �: So it is better you not tell me
29/11/2019, 10:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I really Don't want to go
29/11/2019, 10:54 pm - My Love: Huunn
29/11/2019, 10:54 pm - My Love: �
29/11/2019, 10:54 pm - Emmanuel �: But even if you not tell me
29/11/2019, 10:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Somehow
29/11/2019, 10:54 pm - My Love: ��
29/11/2019, 10:55 pm - Emmanuel �: God have a way
29/11/2019, 10:55 pm - Emmanuel �: If revealing things
29/11/2019, 10:55 pm - My Love: Hun i love you my bb
29/11/2019, 10:55 pm - Emmanuel �: And that is what I am praying for not to happen
29/11/2019, 10:55 pm - Emmanuel �: For God to reaveal something
29/11/2019, 10:56 pm - Emmanuel �: That I can't deal with
29/11/2019, 10:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Because really hun
29/11/2019, 10:56 pm - Emmanuel �: I know you hearing me say it
29/11/2019, 10:56 pm - Emmanuel �: And you may not believe me
29/11/2019, 10:56 pm - Emmanuel �: But I am a different man
29/11/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: I know u are different hun
29/11/2019, 10:57 pm - Emmanuel �: From the one you meet
29/11/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: Oh
29/11/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: Well now u are telling me
29/11/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: Now i know
29/11/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: I tought u mean from them others mens
29/11/2019, 10:57 pm - Emmanuel �: What ever you did
29/11/2019, 10:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Do tell me
29/11/2019, 10:58 pm - Emmanuel �: But don't do it again
29/11/2019, 10:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't
29/11/2019, 10:58 pm - My Love: Ok my love
29/11/2019, 10:58 pm - Emmanuel �: I really don't want to know not this time
29/11/2019, 10:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I am fedup
29/11/2019, 10:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I will go now
29/11/2019, 10:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night
29/11/2019, 10:59 pm - My Love: Hun
29/11/2019, 10:59 pm - My Love: I want to tell u something bb
29/11/2019, 10:59 pm - My Love: Before u go
29/11/2019, 10:59 pm - My Love: U can hear me
29/11/2019, 11:00 pm - My Love: Please
29/11/2019, 11:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell me
29/11/2019, 11:00 pm - My Love: Well i really want to ask u to pray for me
29/11/2019, 11:00 pm - My Love: Because i am not eating much bb.. not even half of
my food
29/11/2019, 11:01 pm - My Love: N i am getting tin
29/11/2019, 11:01 pm - My Love: My clothes are bigger for me now
29/11/2019, 11:01 pm - My Love: I am feeling weak hun
29/11/2019, 11:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Why you think is the reason?
29/11/2019, 11:01 pm - My Love: I just want u to do this bb
29/11/2019, 11:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Are you vomiting?
29/11/2019, 11:02 pm - Emmanuel �: A lot ?
29/11/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: I dont have any reason hun
29/11/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: I dont know
29/11/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: I dont have anyidea
29/11/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: Nooothing hun
29/11/2019, 11:02 pm - My Love: I just not feel hungry
29/11/2019, 11:03 pm - Emmanuel �: The must be a reason
29/11/2019, 11:03 pm - Emmanuel �: But I will pray
29/11/2019, 11:03 pm - My Love: Thank u bb
29/11/2019, 11:03 pm - Emmanuel �: No one lose there apite just like that
29/11/2019, 11:03 pm - My Love: I will buy some judge n bisquit.. to eat for me..
29/11/2019, 11:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Something is wrong
29/11/2019, 11:04 pm - My Love: I dont know hun..
29/11/2019, 11:04 pm - My Love: For the whole week
29/11/2019, 11:04 pm - Emmanuel �: Well yoh have to find this out
29/11/2019, 11:04 pm - My Love: Because when i want some thing to eat.. n when i go
to search it.. david eat out all
29/11/2019, 11:04 pm - My Love: Yes hun
29/11/2019, 11:05 pm - My Love: I will buy some fruits to
29/11/2019, 11:05 pm - My Love: Because like eat fruits
29/11/2019, 11:05 pm - My Love: Since long i not eat fruits
29/11/2019, 11:05 pm - Emmanuel �: are you feeling to eat only certain foods
29/11/2019, 11:05 pm - My Love: No bb
29/11/2019, 11:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Or are you just not hungry
29/11/2019, 11:06 pm - My Love: I am not hungry
29/11/2019, 11:06 pm - My Love: That is all
29/11/2019, 11:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Stess can cause that
29/11/2019, 11:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Are you feeling stress out
29/11/2019, 11:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Depress
29/11/2019, 11:06 pm - Emmanuel �: About anything
29/11/2019, 11:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Usually when someone is depressed
29/11/2019, 11:07 pm - My Love: I am just thinking much hun
29/11/2019, 11:07 pm - Emmanuel �: They apitite goes
29/11/2019, 11:07 pm - Emmanuel �: This could be a reason
29/11/2019, 11:07 pm - Emmanuel �: Why
29/11/2019, 11:08 pm - My Love: I dont know bb
29/11/2019, 11:08 pm - Emmanuel �: You are not feeling to well
29/11/2019, 11:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Because it is your brain that send signals to
you body
29/11/2019, 11:08 pm - Emmanuel �: So it is the brain that tells you body
29/11/2019, 11:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Hey I am hungry
29/11/2019, 11:08 pm - Emmanuel �: I need food
29/11/2019, 11:09 pm - Emmanuel �: If you mind is occupied
29/11/2019, 11:09 pm - Emmanuel �: It will not
29/11/2019, 11:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Send that signal
29/11/2019, 11:10 pm - Emmanuel �: You will just be thinking and thinking
29/11/2019, 11:10 pm - My Love: When i am eating and the food state ugly.. i leave
the food
29/11/2019, 11:10 pm - Emmanuel �: Does it tastes bitter?
29/11/2019, 11:10 pm - My Love: No hun
29/11/2019, 11:10 pm - Emmanuel �: A little
29/11/2019, 11:10 pm - My Love: Some food not state good
29/11/2019, 11:10 pm - My Love: When mom does cook it
29/11/2019, 11:10 pm - My Love: So i dont eat it
29/11/2019, 11:11 pm - Emmanuel �: What do you mean by it tastes ulgy
29/11/2019, 11:11 pm - My Love: Before even it state good or not.. i eat it
29/11/2019, 11:11 pm - My Love: Mom sometimes she not put much flavor or state in
the food.. and the food short of something
29/11/2019, 11:11 pm - My Love: U understand?
29/11/2019, 11:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Do you remember that you tell me your mother
told you she thinks you are pregnant
29/11/2019, 11:12 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
29/11/2019, 11:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I know why she told you that
29/11/2019, 11:12 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you are showing the same symptoms
29/11/2019, 11:13 pm - My Love: I am normal hun
29/11/2019, 11:13 pm - Emmanuel �: Although there are other different symptoms
29/11/2019, 11:13 pm - Emmanuel �: You have some
29/11/2019, 11:13 pm - My Love: This break all my mind and heart
29/11/2019, 11:13 pm - Emmanuel �: That a woman who is pregnancy will have
29/11/2019, 11:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
29/11/2019, 11:13 pm - Emmanuel �: I am just telling you why
29/11/2019, 11:14 pm - Emmanuel �: She would have think that
29/11/2019, 11:14 pm - Emmanuel �: Because she has been pregnant with 3
29/11/2019, 11:14 pm - Emmanuel �: And she is seeing similar symptoms
29/11/2019, 11:14 pm - My Love: I dont want to eat what i feel to because then she
will said i am pregnant
29/11/2019, 11:14 pm - Emmanuel �: It is not just th hat
29/11/2019, 11:15 pm - Emmanuel �: That
29/11/2019, 11:15 pm - My Love: If i dont eat.. she thinks i am vex with u or u and
me have problems and because of that i am not eating
29/11/2019, 11:15 pm - Emmanuel �: Some pregnant women lose taste for food
29/11/2019, 11:15 pm - Emmanuel �: This can be true
29/11/2019, 11:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I told you people don't eat when them upset
29/11/2019, 11:16 pm - My Love: Yes hun
29/11/2019, 11:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Some get thin some put on weight
29/11/2019, 11:16 pm - My Love: Well sometimes.. it affect me..
29/11/2019, 11:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I am just telling you why
29/11/2019, 11:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I believe she thinks you are pregnant
29/11/2019, 11:17 pm - Emmanuel �: That's all
29/11/2019, 11:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not saying she is right for think it
29/11/2019, 11:17 pm - Emmanuel �: But I read a lot
29/11/2019, 11:17 pm - Emmanuel �: So I know the symptoms
29/11/2019, 11:18 pm - Emmanuel �: And if you were describing your symptoms to
29/11/2019, 11:18 pm - Emmanuel �: They might ask yoh the same thing
29/11/2019, 11:19 pm - Emmanuel �: But I know you
29/11/2019, 11:19 pm - Emmanuel �: So I know you are not so
29/11/2019, 11:19 pm - Emmanuel �: I will go now
29/11/2019, 11:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night hun
29/11/2019, 11:19 pm - My Love: Hun
29/11/2019, 11:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Sleep well
29/11/2019, 11:19 pm - My Love: But
29/11/2019, 11:20 pm - My Love: I dont know what to do or eat or drink
29/11/2019, 11:20 pm - My Love: To have apetite
29/11/2019, 11:20 pm - Emmanuel �: First you have to relax your mind
29/11/2019, 11:20 pm - My Love: How can i do that??
29/11/2019, 11:21 pm - My Love: Here at home i cant relax
29/11/2019, 11:21 pm - Emmanuel �: It is like meditation
29/11/2019, 11:21 pm - Emmanuel �: You be in a quiet place
29/11/2019, 11:21 pm - Emmanuel �: And try to empty
29/11/2019, 11:22 pm - Emmanuel �: All the negative things every one say and do to
29/11/2019, 11:22 pm - My Love: U think that will work??
29/11/2019, 11:22 pm - Emmanuel �: What i say what your mom say
29/11/2019, 11:22 pm - Emmanuel �: What David say
29/11/2019, 11:23 pm - My Love: Hun u sureee that will work
29/11/2019, 11:23 pm - Emmanuel �: What your boss did your pass everything
29/11/2019, 11:23 pm - My Love: ??
29/11/2019, 11:23 pm - My Love: I cant forget that hun
29/11/2019, 11:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Even how your workers never call you
29/11/2019, 11:23 pm - Emmanuel �: Or ask for yoy
29/11/2019, 11:23 pm - Emmanuel �: You
29/11/2019, 11:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not asking you to for get it
29/11/2019, 11:24 pm - Emmanuel �: I am asking you to release it from stifling you
29/11/2019, 11:25 pm - My Love:
29/11/2019, 11:25 pm - My Love: I will try hun
29/11/2019, 11:25 pm - Emmanuel �: sofocante
29/11/2019, 11:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Release it from doing this
29/11/2019, 11:25 pm - Emmanuel �: To you
29/11/2019, 11:26 pm - Emmanuel �: After you release it from sofocante
29/11/2019, 11:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Tell yourself positive things
29/11/2019, 11:27 pm - My Love: Even peoples who i love dont tell me??
29/11/2019, 11:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Remind yourself of who you are
29/11/2019, 11:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes
29/11/2019, 11:27 pm - Emmanuel �: This is between you and yourself
29/11/2019, 11:27 pm - My Love: I forget who i am
29/11/2019, 11:27 pm - Emmanuel �: And God
29/11/2019, 11:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Well you need to remember
29/11/2019, 11:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Who were you before me
29/11/2019, 11:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Before jose
29/11/2019, 11:28 pm - My Love: Hun thank u bb
29/11/2019, 11:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Before what your boss did
29/11/2019, 11:28 pm - My Love: Thank u for helping me hun
29/11/2019, 11:29 pm - Emmanuel �: And before me and your mom and family told youh
negative things
29/11/2019, 11:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Because at the end of the day
29/11/2019, 11:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Only God knows andreina
29/11/2019, 11:30 pm - Emmanuel �: And who she is supposed to be
29/11/2019, 11:30 pm - Emmanuel �: Because he made her
29/11/2019, 11:31 pm - My Love: U right bb
29/11/2019, 11:31 pm - Emmanuel �: We are just discovering what God have already
known before your life even begin
29/11/2019, 11:32 pm - My Love: I forget who i am because the peoples around me
told me many things that make me doudt of my self
29/11/2019, 11:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I can't promise your apite will return
29/11/2019, 11:33 pm - Emmanuel �: But you will feel better
29/11/2019, 11:33 pm - Emmanuel �: And peaceful
29/11/2019, 11:33 pm - My Love: I think the same bb
29/11/2019, 11:33 pm - Emmanuel �: And happy
29/11/2019, 11:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Sleep well my love
29/11/2019, 11:33 pm - Emmanuel �: Take some time for yourself
29/11/2019, 11:34 pm - Emmanuel �: To find back your joy
29/11/2019, 11:34 pm - My Love: I think is time to sleep bb
29/11/2019, 11:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I will be here waiting
29/11/2019, 11:34 pm - My Love: Hun i cant sleep now
29/11/2019, 11:34 pm - Emmanuel �: For you
29/11/2019, 11:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Come here
29/11/2019, 11:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I hug you
29/11/2019, 11:34 pm - My Love: Hun i will alwaays write and talk to u hun
29/11/2019, 11:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Everything will be okay with us
29/11/2019, 11:34 pm - My Love: Now u are giving me hug
29/11/2019, 11:35 pm - My Love: �
29/11/2019, 11:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I realize how much you need it
29/11/2019, 11:35 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am not there
29/11/2019, 11:35 pm - My Love: So is only when i need it u will give me it
29/11/2019, 11:36 pm - Emmanuel �: And how foolish I am
29/11/2019, 11:36 pm - My Love: Hun i miss u bb
29/11/2019, 11:36 pm - Emmanuel �: For not giving you more
29/11/2019, 11:36 pm - My Love: Hun i miss u so much bb very much hun
29/11/2019, 11:36 pm - My Love: Much much
29/11/2019, 11:36 pm - My Love: U cant imagine it bb
29/11/2019, 11:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I now see hun
29/11/2019, 11:37 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry
29/11/2019, 11:37 pm - My Love: From all the day now u give me a hug
29/11/2019, 11:37 pm - My Love: Now when the day is almost to finish
29/11/2019, 11:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I see that you are silently hurting inside
29/11/2019, 11:38 pm - My Love: Hun
29/11/2019, 11:38 pm - My Love: I dont want to lose u bb
29/11/2019, 11:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I am human
29/11/2019, 11:38 pm - My Love: I dont want to do a mistake
29/11/2019, 11:38 pm - Emmanuel �: And a man
29/11/2019, 11:38 pm - My Love: Not even small
29/11/2019, 11:38 pm - My Love: But i am not perfect bb
29/11/2019, 11:38 pm - My Love: Hun
29/11/2019, 11:38 pm - My Love: I am afraid bb
29/11/2019, 11:39 pm - My Love: To lose u
29/11/2019, 11:39 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss plenty things
29/11/2019, 11:39 pm - My Love: To fail and do a mistake
29/11/2019, 11:39 pm - Emmanuel �: I am still learning
29/11/2019, 11:39 pm - My Love: And then u go away from my life for ever
29/11/2019, 11:39 pm - Emmanuel �: About what a woman needs
29/11/2019, 11:39 pm - Emmanuel �: And what the needs of a woman are
29/11/2019, 11:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I told you if you love me the mistakes you
make will be normal ones
29/11/2019, 11:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Because you will think about me first before
you make it
29/11/2019, 11:41 pm - Emmanuel �: For example
29/11/2019, 11:41 pm - Emmanuel �: The first big mistake you make
29/11/2019, 11:41 pm - Emmanuel �: You listen to friends
29/11/2019, 11:41 pm - Emmanuel �: You put them before me
29/11/2019, 11:42 pm - My Love: Yes bb
29/11/2019, 11:42 pm - Emmanuel �: You know what that says to me
29/11/2019, 11:42 pm - My Love: I remember what i did
29/11/2019, 11:42 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't love you enough
29/11/2019, 11:42 pm - Emmanuel �: To put you first
29/11/2019, 11:43 pm - Emmanuel �: When I showed Orlando sister my pene
29/11/2019, 11:43 pm - Emmanuel �: I was saying I don't love you enough
29/11/2019, 11:44 pm - Emmanuel �: To stop myself
29/11/2019, 11:44 pm - Emmanuel �: From hurting you
29/11/2019, 11:44 pm - Emmanuel �: It is the same
29/11/2019, 11:44 pm - Emmanuel �: But I want to love you enough
29/11/2019, 11:45 pm - Emmanuel �: This could of destroy our relationship
29/11/2019, 11:45 pm - Emmanuel �: I didn't think about the consequences
29/11/2019, 11:46 pm - Emmanuel �: And really she show me her body and that is
what tempt me
29/11/2019, 11:46 pm - Emmanuel �: But I did wrong
29/11/2019, 11:46 pm - Emmanuel �: I shouldn't of answer her video call
29/11/2019, 11:46 pm - Emmanuel �: In the first place
29/11/2019, 11:47 pm - Emmanuel �: So I will not say is her
29/11/2019, 11:47 pm - Emmanuel �: I talk responsibility
29/11/2019, 11:47 pm - Emmanuel �: For my foolish decision
29/11/2019, 11:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Are you there
29/11/2019, 11:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
29/11/2019, 11:48 pm - My Love: Yes bb i am here bb
29/11/2019, 11:48 pm - Emmanuel �: The point is if you love someone
29/11/2019, 11:48 pm - My Love: I want to go to the wash room
29/11/2019, 11:48 pm - Emmanuel �: You will think
29/11/2019, 11:48 pm - My Love: But the place is dark
29/11/2019, 11:48 pm - My Love: I dont like darkness
29/11/2019, 11:48 pm - My Love: I see hun
29/11/2019, 11:49 pm - Emmanuel �: You want to put me on video until you reach
29/11/2019, 11:49 pm - My Love: Hun u crazy..
29/11/2019, 11:49 pm - My Love: Reach where??
29/11/2019, 11:49 pm - My Love: Is close bb
29/11/2019, 11:49 pm - Emmanuel �: The bathroom
29/11/2019, 11:49 pm - My Love: But i just need some minutes to go and come
29/11/2019, 11:49 pm - My Love: Back
29/11/2019, 11:50 pm - My Love: U will wait for me hun??
29/11/2019, 11:50 pm - Emmanuel �: You said you don't like the darkness
29/11/2019, 11:50 pm - Emmanuel �: So I wanted to give you company
29/11/2019, 11:50 pm - My Love: Yes hun.. i will put on my light on my phone
29/11/2019, 11:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I will wait
29/11/2019, 11:50 pm - My Love: I dont want u to see me
29/11/2019, 11:50 pm - My Love: Hehe
29/11/2019, 11:50 pm - My Love: U make me smile
29/11/2019, 11:50 pm - Emmanuel �: When you reach I would of cut
29/11/2019, 11:51 pm - My Love: No bb dont bother hun
29/11/2019, 11:51 pm - My Love: I will go and come back hun
29/11/2019, 11:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
29/11/2019, 11:51 pm - My Love: Ok
29/11/2019, 11:51 pm - My Love: U will be here when i come back??
29/11/2019, 11:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Where will I go
29/11/2019, 11:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Go before you know reach in time
29/11/2019, 11:51 pm - My Love: Lol
29/11/2019, 11:52 pm - My Love: U mad
29/11/2019, 11:56 pm - My Love: Heeyy
29/11/2019, 11:56 pm - My Love: U sleep away
29/11/2019, 11:56 pm - My Love: �
29/11/2019, 11:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Nope
29/11/2019, 11:56 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
29/11/2019, 11:57 pm - My Love: Yes bb
29/11/2019, 11:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Try to get out all the negative
29/11/2019, 11:57 pm - Emmanuel �: When you meditate
29/11/2019, 11:57 pm - Emmanuel �: And try to remember who you are
29/11/2019, 11:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Find back yourself
29/11/2019, 11:58 pm - Emmanuel �: And you will be good
29/11/2019, 11:58 pm - My Love: Ok my hun..
29/11/2019, 11:58 pm - My Love: I will do it bb
29/11/2019, 11:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
29/11/2019, 11:58 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry
29/11/2019, 11:58 pm - My Love: Because i dont feel comfortable been where i am hun
29/11/2019, 11:58 pm - Emmanuel �: For how I behave
29/11/2019, 11:58 pm - My Love: Of what bb
29/11/2019, 11:59 pm - My Love: Hun
29/11/2019, 11:59 pm - My Love: I dont want to hear sorry
29/11/2019, 11:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Forgive me
29/11/2019, 11:59 pm - My Love: �
29/11/2019, 11:59 pm - My Love: U always do the same hun
30/11/2019, 12:00 am - Emmanuel �: The place I am in
30/11/2019, 12:00 am - My Love: U always be upset or angry or bad mood.. n take out
everything on me n the next day u will tell me sorry
30/11/2019, 12:00 am - Emmanuel �: It is not easy to come out of it
30/11/2019, 12:00 am - My Love: Hun.. i know u go tru a lot bb
30/11/2019, 12:01 am - Emmanuel �: I am trying my best to put all my trust in you
30/11/2019, 12:01 am - Emmanuel �: And heart
30/11/2019, 12:01 am - Emmanuel �: So that I can believe yoy
30/11/2019, 12:01 am - Emmanuel �: You
30/11/2019, 12:01 am - Emmanuel �: When you say
30/11/2019, 12:01 am - Emmanuel �: You will not hurt me
30/11/2019, 12:01 am - Emmanuel �: Anymore
30/11/2019, 12:02 am - Emmanuel �: I just want when people say they love me
30/11/2019, 12:02 am - Emmanuel �: That they actually do
30/11/2019, 12:02 am - Emmanuel �: I don't ask for more
30/11/2019, 12:03 am - Emmanuel �: If I have that I will be okay
30/11/2019, 12:03 am - My Love: Hun santiago is writing me bb
30/11/2019, 12:03 am - My Love: Ok
30/11/2019, 12:03 am - My Love: Now he get internet
30/11/2019, 12:03 am - My Love: But i will tell him next time we will talk
30/11/2019, 12:04 am - Emmanuel �: He must feel really alone
30/11/2019, 12:05 am - Emmanuel �: I am sad that he and daddy is apart
30/11/2019, 12:05 am - Emmanuel �: From the family
30/11/2019, 12:05 am - My Love: Yes hun he feel that way
30/11/2019, 12:06 am - My Love: Hun can i call u now
30/11/2019, 12:06 am - My Love: I will not talk
30/11/2019, 12:06 am - My Love: I just want to see u
30/11/2019, 12:06 am - Emmanuel �: Yes you can
30/11/2019, 12:06 am - My Love: The that is dark where u are?
30/11/2019, 12:06 am - Emmanuel �: But it is dark
30/11/2019, 12:06 am - Emmanuel �: Yes bb
30/11/2019, 12:09 am - My Love: Thank you
30/11/2019, 12:09 am - My Love: The brillo
30/11/2019, 12:09 am - My Love: Brightness
30/11/2019, 12:10 am - My Love: I am not normal
30/11/2019, 12:10 am - My Love: U are blimd
30/11/2019, 12:10 am - My Love: I am normal
30/11/2019, 12:11 am - My Love: Mami wake up
30/11/2019, 12:11 am - My Love: She is by my side
30/11/2019, 12:11 am - My Love: ����
30/11/2019, 12:11 am - My Love: Nooooo
30/11/2019, 12:11 am - My Love: ����
30/11/2019, 12:12 am - My Love: Thank
30/11/2019, 12:12 am - My Love: U
30/11/2019, 12:12 am - My Love: Repeat
30/11/2019, 12:15 am - My Love:
30/11/2019, 12:15 am - My Love: I love u hun
30/11/2019, 12:15 am - My Love: ��� ���
30/11/2019, 12:16 am - My Love: Hun i need to tell u somethng
30/11/2019, 12:16 am - My Love: But not now
30/11/2019, 12:16 am - My Love: Tomorrow
30/11/2019, 12:16 am - My Love: No
30/11/2019, 12:17 am - My Love: Its not about me hjn
30/11/2019, 12:17 am - My Love: My uncle trevor is talking bad about me
30/11/2019, 12:17 am - My Love: I already send the message
30/11/2019, 12:17 am - My Love: Tomorrow i will continue or now??
30/11/2019, 12:18 am - My Love: How u knwo
30/11/2019, 12:18 am - My Love: Know
30/11/2019, 12:18 am - My Love: ??
30/11/2019, 12:18 am - My Love: U know??
30/11/2019, 12:18 am - My Love: Already
30/11/2019, 12:18 am - My Love: He said.. i am fighting to marry u
30/11/2019, 12:18 am - My Love: Faster
30/11/2019, 12:18 am - My Love: I am the one pushing things faster
30/11/2019, 12:19 am - My Love: Yes
30/11/2019, 12:19 am - My Love: Because i am normal
30/11/2019, 12:19 am - My Love: We are waiting on God
30/11/2019, 12:19 am - My Love: I want a rabit
30/11/2019, 12:19 am - My Love: ��
30/11/2019, 12:20 am - My Love: Oohh yes
30/11/2019, 12:20 am - My Love: U right
30/11/2019, 12:20 am - My Love: I hate bath
30/11/2019, 12:20 am - My Love: ☹
30/11/2019, 12:20 am - My Love: Guess what
30/11/2019, 12:20 am - My Love: I have a bath sleeping next to me
30/11/2019, 12:20 am - My Love: Eacg night
30/11/2019, 12:20 am - My Love: Right in my room
30/11/2019, 12:20 am - My Love: And its over on my head
30/11/2019, 12:20 am - My Love: Yes
30/11/2019, 12:21 am - My Love: ���
30/11/2019, 12:21 am - My Love: Yesss
30/11/2019, 12:21 am - My Love: Reaalllyy
30/11/2019, 12:21 am - My Love: The home have one
30/11/2019, 12:21 am - My Love: I will take out the picture tomorrow of the bath
30/11/2019, 12:21 am - My Love: And show u
30/11/2019, 12:21 am - My Love: ��
30/11/2019, 12:21 am - My Love: I will run away from u
30/11/2019, 12:21 am - My Love: Lol
30/11/2019, 12:23 am - My Love: Hey hun
30/11/2019, 12:23 am - My Love: I know the light from your room need to be off
30/11/2019, 12:23 am - My Love: U want to cut it off
30/11/2019, 12:24 am - My Love: ??
30/11/2019, 12:24 am - My Love: The light from your rooom
30/11/2019, 12:24 am - My Love: I will feel u
30/11/2019, 12:24 am - My Love: ���
30/11/2019, 12:24 am - My Love: Haha
30/11/2019, 12:24 am - My Love: My heart
30/11/2019, 12:24 am - My Love: U are in my heart
30/11/2019, 12:25 am - My Love: ���
� �
30/11/2019, 12:25 am - My Love: Yes
30/11/2019, 12:25 am - My Love: 100% of my heart
30/11/2019, 12:25 am - My Love: All of my heart
30/11/2019, 12:27 am - My Love: I stole u a kiss
30/11/2019, 12:27 am - My Love: ��
30/11/2019, 12:27 am - My Love: Nah
30/11/2019, 12:27 am - My Love: I stif u
30/11/2019, 12:27 am - My Love: How u know
30/11/2019, 12:27 am - My Love: Tell me
30/11/2019, 12:27 am - My Love:
30/11/2019, 12:27 am - My Love: Hahaha
30/11/2019, 12:27 am - My Love: U are a mago
30/11/2019, 12:28 am - My Love: A hug
30/11/2019, 12:28 am - My Love: A hug i want
30/11/2019, 12:28 am - My Love: I wish your head could of be next to my head
30/11/2019, 12:28 am - My Love: And feel your hair
30/11/2019, 12:29 am - My Love: My love
30/11/2019, 12:29 am - My Love: My head is starting to hurting me
30/11/2019, 12:29 am - My Love: U know its late
30/11/2019, 12:29 am - My Love: Ok
30/11/2019, 12:29 am - My Love: So
30/11/2019, 12:29 am - My Love: I dont think i will sleep right away
30/11/2019, 12:30 am - My Love: Good night hun
30/11/2019, 12:30 am - My Love: I love u for ever more
30/11/2019, 12:31 am - My Love: Come over here
30/11/2019, 12:31 am - My Love: And pay my kisses
30/11/2019, 12:31 am - My Love: ���� � ��
� �� � ��
30/11/2019, 12:32 am - My Love: Its so sad to see u on a screem hun
30/11/2019, 12:32 am - My Love: Each day
30/11/2019, 12:32 am - My Love: I want to touch your face
30/11/2019, 12:32 am - My Love: And wacht your eyes
30/11/2019, 12:32 am - My Love: And u mines
30/11/2019, 12:33 am - My Love: U will sleep now
30/11/2019, 12:33 am - My Love: I wil find some more trouble for u
30/11/2019, 12:33 am - My Love:
30/11/2019, 12:34 am - My Love: In the night
30/11/2019, 12:34 am - My Love: For us to sleep late
30/11/2019, 12:34 am - My Love: ���
30/11/2019, 12:34 am - My Love:
30/11/2019, 12:34 am - My Love:
30/11/2019, 12:34 am - My Love:
30/11/2019, 12:34 am - My Love:
30/11/2019, 12:34 am - My Love:
30/11/2019, 12:34 am - My Love:
30/11/2019, 12:35 am - My Love: Hey what u think about one day


♀ 12:36 am - My Love: ♀♂
30/11/2019, 12:36 am - My Love: ��
� ��
30/11/2019, 12:36 am - My Love: ��
30/11/2019, 12:36 am - My Love: I love u hun
30/11/2019, 12:37 am - My Love: Hun.. sleep well bb..
30/11/2019, 12:37 am - My Love: Good night bb
30/11/2019, 12:37 am - My Love: Bye love
30/11/2019, 5:53 am - My Love: Gooooodddd mprning my lover.. i wake up a litle late
30/11/2019, 5:53 am - My Love: I am writing tou for tell u how awesome you are bb
30/11/2019, 5:53 am - My Love:
30/11/2019, 5:53 am - My Love: I hug u up bb
30/11/2019, 5:53 am - My Love: There is no one like you hun
30/11/2019, 5:53 am - My Love: In all the earth
30/11/2019, 5:54 am - My Love: Each person that i meet
30/11/2019, 5:54 am - My Love: U are the only one that my heart fall for
30/11/2019, 5:54 am - My Love: ���
30/11/2019, 5:54 am - My Love: I kiss u up bb..
30/11/2019, 5:54 am - My Love: I need to go and ready up hun
30/11/2019, 5:54 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my love
30/11/2019, 5:54 am - Emmanuel �: Go ahead
30/11/2019, 5:55 am - My Love: Have a great and increible day bb
30/11/2019, 5:55 am - My Love: Because u deserve it hun
30/11/2019, 5:55 am - Emmanuel �: I don't want you to be late
30/11/2019, 5:55 am - My Love: ��
30/11/2019, 5:55 am - My Love: Go ahead and ready hun
30/11/2019, 5:55 am - Emmanuel �: Same to you princess
30/11/2019, 5:55 am - My Love: I dont want u to be late also hun
30/11/2019, 5:55 am - Emmanuel �: You deserve a wonderful day today
30/11/2019, 5:55 am - Emmanuel �: Go bb
30/11/2019, 5:56 am - My Love: I kiss u bb
30/11/2019, 5:56 am - My Love: ���
30/11/2019, 5:56 am - Emmanuel �: I love you so much
30/11/2019, 5:56 am - Emmanuel �: Bb
30/11/2019, 5:57 am - Emmanuel �: You are the one I want to marry
30/11/2019, 5:57 am - Emmanuel �: Have a wonderful day
30/11/2019, 6:20 am - My Love: U are the only one i want to be with hun
30/11/2019, 6:20 am - My Love: And spend all my life with
30/11/2019, 6:20 am - My Love: ✨✨✨
30/11/2019, 6:20 am - My Love: Hun u are late bb
30/11/2019, 6:20 am - Emmanuel �: We will do it hun
30/11/2019, 6:20 am - Emmanuel �: We will make it
30/11/2019, 6:20 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
30/11/2019, 6:21 am - Emmanuel �: Let us have faith
30/11/2019, 6:21 am - Emmanuel �: Together
30/11/2019, 6:21 am - Emmanuel �: You look so beautiful
30/11/2019, 6:21 am - Emmanuel �: Amazing bb
30/11/2019, 6:21 am - Emmanuel �: Have a wonderful day
30/11/2019, 6:22 am - Emmanuel �: You can take time for yourself
30/11/2019, 6:22 am - Emmanuel �: I just want you to be well
30/11/2019, 6:44 am - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
30/11/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I am working my love
30/11/2019, 5:18 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
30/11/2019, 5:19 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
30/11/2019, 6:36 pm - My Love: Bbbbbbbbbbbb
30/11/2019, 6:36 pm - My Love: Hhuuunnn
30/11/2019, 6:36 pm - My Love: I am going to a concern bb
30/11/2019, 6:36 pm - My Love: Sorry not to write u bb
30/11/2019, 6:37 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
30/11/2019, 6:37 pm - My Love: But theere was no light hun
30/11/2019, 6:39 pm - My Love: Bbb
30/11/2019, 6:39 pm - My Love: Woowww wooowwww wooowee
30/11/2019, 6:39 pm - My Love: ������
30/11/2019, 6:39 pm - My Love: I am amazed with our home bb
30/11/2019, 6:39 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
30/11/2019, 6:40 pm - Emmanuel �: You look so beautiful
30/11/2019, 6:40 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
30/11/2019, 6:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Careful I lost you eh
30/11/2019, 6:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol
30/11/2019, 6:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I understand
30/11/2019, 6:40 pm - My Love: Byeee bbb
30/11/2019, 6:40 pm - Emmanuel �: It's okay
30/11/2019, 6:40 pm - My Love: Lol
30/11/2019, 6:40 pm - My Love: Naaahh
30/11/2019, 6:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Enjoy the concert my love
30/11/2019, 6:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye
30/11/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: Bbbb
30/11/2019, 8:22 pm - My Love: I reaaachhhh homeee darling
30/11/2019, 8:22 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay bb
30/11/2019, 8:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I am going to bathe
30/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
30/11/2019, 8:23 pm - Emmanuel �: I have something to write for church tomorrow
30/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: I am eating now bb
30/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love:
30/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: I see my darling
30/11/2019, 8:23 pm - Emmanuel �: But I will write you and do it
30/11/2019, 8:23 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
30/11/2019, 8:24 pm - My Love: I have to search for some songs. And hear it
30/11/2019, 8:25 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
30/11/2019, 8:26 pm - Emmanuel �: I will go bathe and come back hun
30/11/2019, 8:26 pm - My Love: But i will write u bb
30/11/2019, 8:26 pm - My Love: And also search for them songs
30/11/2019, 8:26 pm - My Love: Yes my lover
30/11/2019, 8:26 pm - Emmanuel �: How are you feeling hun
30/11/2019, 8:26 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
30/11/2019, 8:26 pm - My Love: I will waiiittt for u bb
30/11/2019, 8:26 pm - My Love: Normal bb..
30/11/2019, 8:26 pm - Emmanuel �: How is this
30/11/2019, 8:26 pm - My Love: Today i had a terrible day
30/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Are you eating better
30/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: The internet is very down now hun
30/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry you had this
30/11/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: The same
30/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I see
30/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
30/11/2019, 8:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay hun we will talk when I come back
30/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Hun
30/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Yes bb
30/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Go ahead my lover
30/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: I misssssss uuu so much
30/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: So come back faster
30/11/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Hehe
30/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you like rat want cheese
30/11/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: And like a fad kid loves chocolate cake
30/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: Lol
30/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: ���
30/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: I love u bbbbbb
30/11/2019, 8:29 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
30/11/2019, 8:44 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you to
30/11/2019, 8:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I am helping precious put on a light bulb
30/11/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: Oohh i see hun
30/11/2019, 8:45 pm - My Love: ����
30/11/2019, 8:46 pm - My Love: I kiss u my sweetest candy and cake
30/11/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol
30/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: You not easy eh
30/11/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: Lol
30/11/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: Why u said that for eh
30/11/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: ��
30/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: For this
30/11/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: I will cuff u down
30/11/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: It is in a good way
30/11/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: I still not understand
30/11/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: Well.. i guess its a saying
30/11/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: It is
30/11/2019, 9:05 pm - Emmanuel �: When I tell you that what i am saying is you
suprise me
30/11/2019, 9:05 pm - Emmanuel �: Sometimes
30/11/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: Hehe
30/11/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: That is real good hun
30/11/2019, 9:07 pm - My Love: I always want to surprise youu
30/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: U surprise me because i was tot tell u take out a
picture of our home.. let me see how its now.. and u read my mind and just do it
30/11/2019, 9:08 pm - My Love: ���
30/11/2019, 9:09 pm - Emmanuel �: We are connected
30/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: Yes we are bb
30/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: Hun
30/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: Sorry i am not online continually
30/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: Is because i am searching for the song bb
30/11/2019, 9:10 pm - My Love: Ok hun
30/11/2019, 9:11 pm - My Love: I love u my darling
30/11/2019, 9:11 pm - Emmanuel �: You told me that you were doing it
30/11/2019, 9:11 pm - Emmanuel �: So
30/11/2019, 9:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I know
30/11/2019, 9:12 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you to
30/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
30/11/2019, 9:13 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
30/11/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
30/11/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
30/11/2019, 9:14 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
30/11/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
30/11/2019, 9:15 pm - My Love: All in one
30/11/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: I love all of you
30/11/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: Every part
30/11/2019, 9:16 pm - Emmanuel �: If I write slow is because I am writing also bb
30/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: The thing for the church??
30/11/2019, 9:17 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes bb
30/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: Ohh ok bb
30/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: No problem
30/11/2019, 9:17 pm - My Love: But kiss me first
30/11/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: I give you a big one
30/11/2019, 9:23 pm - My Love: U confused me
30/11/2019, 9:23 pm - My Love: Bb
30/11/2019, 9:23 pm - My Love: Because how its a big kiss?
30/11/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: How
30/11/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I confuse you
30/11/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: I love love you
30/11/2019, 9:27 pm - Emmanuel �: So I want to kiss you big and long
30/11/2019, 9:31 pm - My Love: I just imagine
30/11/2019, 9:32 pm - My Love: Like if u open you mount and eat out my small lovely
30/11/2019, 9:32 pm - My Love: I imagine that when u said this
30/11/2019, 9:32 pm - My Love: Lol
30/11/2019, 9:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know
30/11/2019, 9:32 pm - My Love: U dont know what bb??
30/11/2019, 9:33 pm - Emmanuel �: When I she big I mean extravagante
30/11/2019, 9:33 pm - My Love: Oohh woww
30/11/2019, 9:33 pm - My Love: Lovely bbb
30/11/2019, 9:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know if it would be like what you
30/11/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
30/11/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: I dont know either hun
30/11/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: Bb
30/11/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: Today i will sleep early hun
30/11/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: Last night i sleep real late
30/11/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: Ok bb
30/11/2019, 9:34 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't want to eat your lips
30/11/2019, 9:34 pm - My Love: Hun.. today i cry at work
30/11/2019, 9:35 pm - Emmanuel �: I just want to kiss you
30/11/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: Only this
30/11/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: U dont want to state me
30/11/2019, 9:35 pm - My Love: Expirence with me?
30/11/2019, 9:36 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun forget it
30/11/2019, 9:36 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't understand
30/11/2019, 9:36 pm - My Love: I know u want more bb
30/11/2019, 9:36 pm - Emmanuel �: I am sorry this happen
30/11/2019, 9:37 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun you don't know me bb
30/11/2019, 9:37 pm - My Love: U didnt say more.. u make me understand u want just
to do one thing
30/11/2019, 9:37 pm - My Love: The way u answer
30/11/2019, 9:37 pm - My Love: Is that what i understand hun
30/11/2019, 9:37 pm - My Love: Bb
30/11/2019, 9:38 pm - My Love: Just forget it
30/11/2019, 9:38 pm - My Love: My head is hurting since this morning
30/11/2019, 9:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't like this okay
30/11/2019, 9:38 pm - My Love: I dont like it either hun
30/11/2019, 9:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't like how you describe me
30/11/2019, 9:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Kissing you
30/11/2019, 9:38 pm - My Love: I didnt describe u
30/11/2019, 9:39 pm - My Love: Listen i said.. i imagine that.. when u said: i give
u a big one..
30/11/2019, 9:39 pm - My Love: U understand
30/11/2019, 9:39 pm - Emmanuel �: Well I don't like your description hun
30/11/2019, 9:39 pm - My Love: That is why i tell u.. i am confused..
30/11/2019, 9:39 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't like it
30/11/2019, 9:39 pm - My Love: Because i dont like that
30/11/2019, 9:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Well let me clarify
30/11/2019, 9:40 pm - Emmanuel �: I didn't mean that
30/11/2019, 9:40 pm - My Love: Ok bb
30/11/2019, 9:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Big kiss can still be sweet
30/11/2019, 9:40 pm - Emmanuel �: And normal
30/11/2019, 9:41 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't like what you said
30/11/2019, 9:41 pm - Emmanuel �: It's not me
30/11/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: Mmm ok bb
30/11/2019, 9:41 pm - Emmanuel �: Or what I want to do
30/11/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: I didnt like it bb either
30/11/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: I dont want u to do thst hun
30/11/2019, 9:41 pm - My Love: Never
30/11/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: My lover
30/11/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: U are there
30/11/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: U are still writing bb??
30/11/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes hun
30/11/2019, 9:59 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes hun
30/11/2019, 9:59 pm - My Love: Ohh i see bb
30/11/2019, 10:00 pm - Emmanuel �: You can go to bed when you wish
30/11/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: My phone is dying bb
30/11/2019, 10:00 pm - Emmanuel �: It's okay
30/11/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: I think i will go now bb
30/11/2019, 10:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
30/11/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
30/11/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: Hun i love u for ever my hun
30/11/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: I huugggggg u tight bbbb
30/11/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Love you to my love
30/11/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
30/11/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: Tomorrow
30/11/2019, 10:01 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay hun
30/11/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: Hehe
30/11/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: God bless u bb
30/11/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: Have a great night hun
30/11/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: I will pray and then Go sleep hun
30/11/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay hun
30/11/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Sleep well I love you
30/11/2019, 10:02 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye
30/11/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: I love you my darling
30/11/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: ����
30/11/2019, 10:03 pm - My Love: Sleep well too my bb
01/12/2019, 6:49 am - My Love: Mmyyyy bbbbbb
01/12/2019, 6:49 am - My Love: ���������
01/12/2019, 6:49 am - My Love: I loveeeeee yooouuuuuu myyyyy bbb
01/12/2019, 6:49 am - My Love: Blessed morning my hun
01/12/2019, 6:50 am - My Love: I am iron my dress bb
01/12/2019, 6:50 am - My Love: Send me a pictureeeeeee
01/12/2019, 6:52 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
01/12/2019, 6:52 am - My Love:
01/12/2019, 6:59 am - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
01/12/2019, 7:00 am - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
01/12/2019, 7:02 am - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
01/12/2019, 7:03 am - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
01/12/2019, 7:04 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my love have a wonderful day today
01/12/2019, 7:04 am - Emmanuel �: I want you to take some time for you self
01/12/2019, 7:04 am - Emmanuel �: And relax your mind
01/12/2019, 7:05 am - Emmanuel �: And focus on getting your appitie back
01/12/2019, 7:05 am - Emmanuel �: I am right by your side to support you always
01/12/2019, 7:05 am - Emmanuel �: Love you much
01/12/2019, 7:05 am - Emmanuel �: My cielo
01/12/2019, 7:06 am - Emmanuel �: Waking up to you and going to bed with you and
coming home to you are the best parts of my days
01/12/2019, 7:15 am - My Love: Aaawwww
01/12/2019, 7:15 am - My Love: U looooklkl sooooo �������
01/12/2019, 7:15 am - My Love: Delicious
01/12/2019, 7:16 am - My Love: Handsomeeee
01/12/2019, 7:16 am - My Love: Cuteeee
01/12/2019, 7:16 am - My Love: Galant
01/12/2019, 7:16 am - My Love: U kill me with that eyes
01/12/2019, 7:16 am - My Love: All in one
01/12/2019, 7:16 am - Emmanuel �: Don't die I need you
01/12/2019, 7:17 am - Emmanuel �: I need a wife
01/12/2019, 7:17 am - Emmanuel �: And you are the only one that can be her
01/12/2019, 7:17 am - Emmanuel �: Because God made you for me
01/12/2019, 7:18 am - Emmanuel �: So if you die
01/12/2019, 7:18 am - Emmanuel �: I will be without a partner
01/12/2019, 7:18 am - Emmanuel �: In this world
01/12/2019, 11:54 am - My Love: Hun
01/12/2019, 11:54 am - My Love: Iam not feeling well hun.. i will lie down
01/12/2019, 11:54 am - My Love: I dont know if i will sleep away
01/12/2019, 12:43 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I will be helping star with her project
01/12/2019, 12:43 pm - Emmanuel �: You relax and rest
01/12/2019, 12:43 pm - Emmanuel �: We will talk later
01/12/2019, 1:49 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
01/12/2019, 1:49 pm - My Love: Huuunnn
01/12/2019, 1:49 pm - My Love: I will ready now for go to buy some stuff
01/12/2019, 1:49 pm - My Love: With a girl
01/12/2019, 1:49 pm - My Love: In church
01/12/2019, 1:50 pm - My Love: I will be back like 3 something
01/12/2019, 2:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay my love
01/12/2019, 2:27 pm - My Love: Bb
01/12/2019, 2:27 pm - My Love: Hunn
01/12/2019, 4:25 pm - My Love: Bbb
01/12/2019, 4:25 pm - Emmanuel �: Sweatheart
01/12/2019, 4:25 pm - My Love: Iam heree
01/12/2019, 4:25 pm - Emmanuel �: How you feeling
01/12/2019, 4:25 pm - Emmanuel �: ?
01/12/2019, 4:26 pm - Emmanuel �: You want to rest ?
01/12/2019, 4:26 pm - My Love: To eat u out right away
01/12/2019, 4:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Bb
01/12/2019, 4:26 pm - Emmanuel �: Lol
01/12/2019, 4:26 pm - My Love: No bb.. i am eating now
01/12/2019, 4:26 pm - My Love: <Media omitted>
01/12/2019, 4:26 pm - My Love: Yummyy
01/12/2019, 4:26 pm - My Love: ��
01/12/2019, 4:26 pm - Emmanuel �: That is good
01/12/2019, 4:26 pm - My Love: I know u dont like this food hun
01/12/2019, 4:26 pm - My Love: But i like to eat chiken
01/12/2019, 4:27 pm - Emmanuel �: Because of the understanding I have
01/12/2019, 4:27 pm - Emmanuel �: The more you know
01/12/2019, 4:28 pm - Emmanuel �: The more you want to change
01/12/2019, 4:28 pm - My Love: Ok bb
01/12/2019, 4:29 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun a man who know and not change is like a man
who looks in a mirror and walk away and forget his reflection
01/12/2019, 4:30 pm - My Love: Yes hun
01/12/2019, 4:30 pm - My Love: That part its in the bi le
01/12/2019, 4:30 pm - My Love: Bible
01/12/2019, 4:30 pm - My Love: So u want me to leave the food???
01/12/2019, 4:30 pm - Emmanuel �: James 1:23 ►


Verse (Click for Chapter)

New International Version

Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who
looks at his face in a mirror
01/12/2019, 4:31 pm - Emmanuel �: James 1:24 ►


Verse (Click for Chapter)

New International Version

and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks
01/12/2019, 4:32 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun you have to know what is healthy for you
01/12/2019, 4:32 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not your master
01/12/2019, 4:32 pm - Emmanuel �: You are not my slave
01/12/2019, 4:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't have control over you
01/12/2019, 4:33 pm - Emmanuel �: All I am is your boyfriend
01/12/2019, 4:33 pm - Emmanuel �: I am nothing more
01/12/2019, 4:33 pm - My Love: Ok bb
01/12/2019, 4:34 pm - Emmanuel �: You are responsible for your life and choices my
01/12/2019, 4:34 pm - My Love: I leave the food
01/12/2019, 4:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
01/12/2019, 4:34 pm - Emmanuel �: Eat bb
01/12/2019, 4:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Don't leave your food
01/12/2019, 4:35 pm - Emmanuel �: Change takes time
01/12/2019, 4:36 pm - Emmanuel �: All I am saying Is that when we live together
01/12/2019, 4:36 pm - Emmanuel �: We should try our best to keep our family
01/12/2019, 4:37 pm - Emmanuel �: The bible have advice on even eating
01/12/2019, 4:38 pm - Emmanuel �: But when ever you eat
01/12/2019, 4:38 pm - Emmanuel �: I am happy
01/12/2019, 4:38 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I have been praying for you
01/12/2019, 4:39 pm - My Love: I didnt feel hungry anymore
01/12/2019, 4:39 pm - My Love: I just leave it
01/12/2019, 4:40 pm - Emmanuel �: All I was saying is that I can't control your
01/12/2019, 4:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
01/12/2019, 4:40 pm - Emmanuel �: Your choices are yours to make
01/12/2019, 4:40 pm - My Love: I know my love
01/12/2019, 4:41 pm - My Love: I just not feel hungry bb
01/12/2019, 4:41 pm - My Love: That is all
01/12/2019, 4:42 pm - Emmanuel �: But you were about to eat
01/12/2019, 4:42 pm - Emmanuel �: And then you stop
01/12/2019, 4:43 pm - Emmanuel �: You are very moody
01/12/2019, 4:43 pm - My Love: I am not moody
01/12/2019, 4:43 pm - Emmanuel �: temperamental
01/12/2019, 4:44 pm - My Love: I am not that
01/12/2019, 4:44 pm - My Love: What u said make me not feel hungry anymore
01/12/2019, 4:45 pm - Emmanuel �: Exactly
01/12/2019, 4:46 pm - Emmanuel �: It changed your mood
01/12/2019, 4:46 pm - Emmanuel �: And you didn't want to eat anymore
01/12/2019, 4:46 pm - My Love: Its ok
01/12/2019, 4:46 pm - My Love: That is not a problem
01/12/2019, 4:46 pm - Emmanuel �: So therefore you are moody recently
01/12/2019, 4:46 pm - My Love: Hun
01/12/2019, 4:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Before you would of just continue eating
01/12/2019, 4:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Something about you is change
01/12/2019, 4:47 pm - My Love: I dont know bb
01/12/2019, 4:48 pm - My Love: Maybe i care about what u tell me
01/12/2019, 4:48 pm - Emmanuel �: I am telling you
01/12/2019, 4:48 pm - Emmanuel �: You are not the same
01/12/2019, 4:48 pm - My Love: Mom buy ice cream
01/12/2019, 4:48 pm - My Love: And cake
01/12/2019, 4:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Because I know you
01/12/2019, 4:48 pm - My Love: And i dont want to eat it
01/12/2019, 4:48 pm - My Love: Its too much sweetness
01/12/2019, 4:48 pm - My Love: Mosquito is killing me
01/12/2019, 4:49 pm - Emmanuel �: You don't have a fan ?
01/12/2019, 4:50 pm - My Love: Yes
01/12/2019, 4:50 pm - My Love: But still hun
01/12/2019, 4:50 pm - My Love: Missed video call
01/12/2019, 4:51 pm - My Love: Hunn
01/12/2019, 4:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Sorry I miss your call hun
01/12/2019, 4:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I was using my hands
01/12/2019, 5:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I still kiss you up
01/12/2019, 5:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Jejejejejejeje
01/12/2019, 5:59 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you more than a rat love cheese
01/12/2019, 6:03 pm - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
01/12/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: ��
01/12/2019, 7:38 pm - My Love: U are there bb??
01/12/2019, 8:05 pm - Emmanuel �: I am here
01/12/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: Bbbbb
01/12/2019, 8:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
01/12/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: Give me 3 min let me hear a song bb
01/12/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: Please
01/12/2019, 8:06 pm - Emmanuel �: Sure
01/12/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: I was worship God.
01/12/2019, 8:06 pm - My Love: I love to sing bb for God
01/12/2019, 8:08 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun when you come can you tell me about the
person who get pregnant while having there period
01/12/2019, 8:09 pm - Emmanuel �: I really wanted to know
01/12/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes, a girl can get pregnant during her period.
This might happen when:

A girl has bleeding that she thinks is a period, but it's bleeding
from ovulation . Ovulation is the monthly release of an egg from a girls ovaries.
It is the time when she is most likely to get pregnant if she has sex.
01/12/2019, 8:11 pm - Emmanuel �: I see that on the internet
01/12/2019, 8:12 pm - Emmanuel �: But it can only happen on the last day of the
period when a girl is ovulating
01/12/2019, 8:13 pm - Emmanuel �: You were correct
01/12/2019, 8:14 pm - Emmanuel �: About it
01/12/2019, 8:14 pm - Emmanuel �: But during the period itself no
01/12/2019, 8:14 pm - Emmanuel �: But when it is close to go away there is a
01/12/2019, 8:27 pm - My Love: Bb
01/12/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Sorry to take so long bb
01/12/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Can i call u hun??
01/12/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes but it is very dark hun
01/12/2019, 8:28 pm - My Love: Ok bb its not a problem
01/12/2019, 8:28 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
01/12/2019, 8:57 pm - My Love: U r making me afraid
01/12/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: What u want to do when we are together
01/12/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: I mean on bed
01/12/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: � �
01/12/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: U are alone now?
01/12/2019, 9:02 pm - Emmanuel �: When we are married
01/12/2019, 9:02 pm - My Love: ���
01/12/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: I will cry now
01/12/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Or boyfriend and girlfriend
01/12/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Is a question
01/12/2019, 9:03 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
01/12/2019, 9:03 pm - My Love: Ohh
01/12/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: Married
01/12/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: On bed
01/12/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: I said
01/12/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: U not read
01/12/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: I tell you everything I wanted to do you already
01/12/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: ♀
01/12/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: Ok
01/12/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: Dont worry
01/12/2019, 9:04 pm - Emmanuel �: What more you want to know
01/12/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: Forget it
01/12/2019, 9:04 pm - My Love: Nothing hun
01/12/2019, 9:22 pm - Emmanuel �: iridiscente
01/12/2019, 9:26 pm - Emmanuel �: iridescent


Learn to pronounce


showing luminous colours that seem to change when seen from different angles.
01/12/2019, 10:12 pm - My Love: I am nervious
01/12/2019, 10:54 pm - My Love: Mom coming inside the room
01/12/2019, 10:55 pm - My Love: I loveeee youuuu bbb
01/12/2019, 10:55 pm - My Love: ���
01/12/2019, 10:55 pm - My Love: Gooodd night my bb
01/12/2019, 10:55 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you to good night
01/12/2019, 10:55 pm - My Love: Take care bb
01/12/2019, 10:55 pm - My Love: ����
01/12/2019, 10:56 pm - My Love: I will miss you bb
01/12/2019, 10:56 pm - Emmanuel �: I will miss you to
01/12/2019, 10:56 pm - My Love: Bye my prince
01/12/2019, 10:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I hate saying goodbye to you
01/12/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: ���
01/12/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: I understand bb
01/12/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: Its the same with me hun
01/12/2019, 11:00 pm - Emmanuel �: Sleep well my love
02/12/2019, 5:38 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning my beautiful amazing pretty awesome
wonderful beautiful wife I love you have a wonderful day today
02/12/2019, 5:56 am - My Love: Mmyyyyy blesssiiinngggg
02/12/2019, 5:56 am - My Love: ����✨✨✨✨ � ����
02/12/2019, 5:56 am - My Love: Goodddd moening my sunshine
02/12/2019, 5:56 am - My Love: I hug u up bb
02/12/2019, 5:56 am - My Love: ����
02/12/2019, 5:57 am - My Love: Have a marvelous day hun..
02/12/2019, 5:57 am - My Love: May God always continue giving you the strengh in
this life
02/12/2019, 6:30 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
02/12/2019, 6:30 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
02/12/2019, 6:30 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
02/12/2019, 6:30 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
02/12/2019, 5:09 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun I am working on star project
02/12/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: Bbb
02/12/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: I am here hun
02/12/2019, 9:48 pm - My Love: I now reach home from church bb
02/12/2019, 9:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night hun
02/12/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: Hunn
02/12/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: Good night bb
02/12/2019, 9:50 pm - My Love: Bb u are busy hun?
02/12/2019, 9:51 pm - Emmanuel �: I am doing star project she fell asleep
02/12/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: Oohh
02/12/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: Still bb
02/12/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: That is taking long bb
02/12/2019, 9:51 pm - My Love: Hun i will go and eat bb.. can i call u??
02/12/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I will not be able to video hun
02/12/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Unless I finish
02/12/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Go ahead
02/12/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: Mmmmm ok bb
02/12/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: And eat
02/12/2019, 9:52 pm - My Love: I love u bb
02/12/2019, 9:52 pm - Emmanuel �: I am trying to finish
02/12/2019, 9:53 pm - My Love: Finish it bb
02/12/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: It is talking long because she get much time
02/12/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: And she didn't remind anyone
02/12/2019, 9:53 pm - Emmanuel �: That she had the project to do
02/12/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: So it come like I and doing in one night what
should of been done in a week
02/12/2019, 9:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Love you to
02/12/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: Oohh woww
02/12/2019, 9:54 pm - My Love: This is hard bb
02/12/2019, 9:55 pm - Emmanuel �: I have be working on it since 1pm today
02/12/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: Wow hun
02/12/2019, 9:55 pm - My Love: Its very long time
02/12/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: I guess u are weary bb
02/12/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: I hug u up tight bb
02/12/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love:
02/12/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: I am proud of u hun
02/12/2019, 9:56 pm - My Love: Each day more and more
02/12/2019, 9:56 pm - Emmanuel �: I am
02/12/2019, 10:00 pm - Emmanuel �: I will finish soon
02/12/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: Me too my lover
02/12/2019, 10:00 pm - My Love: ��
02/12/2019, 10:01 pm - My Love: So we will past time together hun
02/12/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: It is late hun
02/12/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't know
02/12/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: If we will
02/12/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: Why bb
02/12/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: ??
02/12/2019, 10:17 pm - My Love: I miss u a lot bb
02/12/2019, 10:17 pm - Emmanuel �: It is after 10
02/12/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am not done
02/12/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: U want to sleep hun??
02/12/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: Hin
02/12/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: ��
02/12/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: I am sad bb
02/12/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: Huunnn
02/12/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: I want to be with u now hunnn
02/12/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you to
02/12/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: Hun i didnt talk with u all the day
02/12/2019, 10:18 pm - Emmanuel �: I wish the same
02/12/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: I know u are doing something bb
02/12/2019, 10:19 pm - Emmanuel �: But I am helping star
02/12/2019, 10:18 pm - My Love: But
02/12/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: I need u bb
02/12/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: Hun.. what time u will finish??
02/12/2019, 10:19 pm - Emmanuel �: Well I am doing my best to finish fast
02/12/2019, 10:19 pm - My Love: Ok my lover
02/12/2019, 10:20 pm - Emmanuel �: I am not sure hun
02/12/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: Look what i will do
02/12/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: I will hear music
02/12/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: And learn a song.. for sunday
02/12/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: So while i am searching and studying the song
02/12/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: U can try to finish there
02/12/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: And when u finish please write me
02/12/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: I will be up
02/12/2019, 10:20 pm - My Love: Waiting for u
02/12/2019, 10:21 pm - My Love: Tell me bb
02/12/2019, 10:21 pm - My Love: U agree
02/12/2019, 10:21 pm - My Love: ?
02/12/2019, 10:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
02/12/2019, 10:21 pm - My Love: U think u will finish for tonight
02/12/2019, 10:21 pm - My Love: ?
02/12/2019, 10:21 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
02/12/2019, 10:22 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't think I have much again
02/12/2019, 10:22 pm - My Love: Much sgain??
02/12/2019, 10:22 pm - My Love: What u mean
02/12/2019, 10:22 pm - Emmanuel �: I don't think I have much more to do
02/12/2019, 10:23 pm - My Love: Oooh
02/12/2019, 10:23 pm - My Love: Cool bb
02/12/2019, 10:23 pm - My Love: So go ahead and finish it ok
02/12/2019, 10:23 pm - My Love: I am here
02/12/2019, 10:23 pm - My Love: When u finish write me
02/12/2019, 10:47 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
02/12/2019, 10:48 pm - My Love: Yyesssss bb
02/12/2019, 10:48 pm - My Love:
02/12/2019, 10:48 pm - My Love: U finisshh
02/12/2019, 10:48 pm - My Love: ?
02/12/2019, 10:48 pm - Emmanuel �: It's late let's go to bed
02/12/2019, 10:48 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes I am
02/12/2019, 10:48 pm - My Love: �
02/12/2019, 10:48 pm - Emmanuel �: We both have to work in the morning
02/12/2019, 10:49 pm - My Love: Huunn
02/12/2019, 10:49 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes hun
02/12/2019, 10:49 pm - My Love: I miss u bb
02/12/2019, 10:49 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you also
02/12/2019, 10:49 pm - My Love: I really do hun
02/12/2019, 10:49 pm - Emmanuel �: And I do to
02/12/2019, 10:50 pm - My Love: U wanted to go bb?
02/12/2019, 10:50 pm - Emmanuel �: Of course not
02/12/2019, 10:51 pm - Emmanuel �: But look at the time hun
02/12/2019, 10:51 pm - My Love: Huunnn
02/12/2019, 10:51 pm - My Love: ���
02/12/2019, 10:51 pm - Emmanuel �: Yes hun
02/12/2019, 10:51 pm - My Love:
02/12/2019, 10:51 pm - My Love: I dont want to sleep now
02/12/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: Well I have been working all day
02/12/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: And I am weary
02/12/2019, 10:52 pm - Emmanuel �: So I am going to bed
02/12/2019, 10:52 pm - My Love: I understand u bb
02/12/2019, 10:53 pm - My Love: I will go with u also bb
02/12/2019, 10:53 pm - My Love: Because i dont have any reason to be up
02/12/2019, 10:53 pm - My Love: If u r not here
02/12/2019, 10:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Okay
02/12/2019, 10:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Well then
02/12/2019, 10:53 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night
02/12/2019, 10:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Hun
02/12/2019, 10:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Sleep well I love you
02/12/2019, 10:54 pm - My Love: Give me one kiss bb
02/12/2019, 10:54 pm - My Love: I miss u like crazy bb
02/12/2019, 10:54 pm - My Love: I hug u tiggt bb
02/12/2019, 10:54 pm - Emmanuel �: Sure no problem
02/12/2019, 10:54 pm - My Love: I really dont wamt to go hun
02/12/2019, 10:54 pm - My Love: I know u are weary
02/12/2019, 10:54 pm - Emmanuel �: I miss you also
02/12/2019, 10:54 pm - My Love: I wish to be there and hepl u and massage u
02/12/2019, 10:54 pm - My Love: And hug u up tight bb
02/12/2019, 10:55 pm - My Love: I know u do a lot bb
02/12/2019, 10:55 pm - My Love: God richly bless u hun
02/12/2019, 10:55 pm - My Love: God richly bless your hands
02/12/2019, 10:55 pm - My Love: N effort each day hun
02/12/2019, 10:55 pm - My Love: I am proud of u bb.. i mean it
02/12/2019, 10:56 pm - My Love: Even we waiting so long to meet.. i am proud for
that also
02/12/2019, 10:56 pm - My Love: Thank u hun for everything bb
02/12/2019, 10:56 pm - My Love: Good night my honey moon
02/12/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: Until tomorrow bb
02/12/2019, 10:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Thank you hun
02/12/2019, 10:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Good night
02/12/2019, 10:57 pm - Emmanuel �: Sleep well
02/12/2019, 10:57 pm - Emmanuel �: I love you
02/12/2019, 10:57 pm - My Love: Hope u rest well bb
02/12/2019, 10:58 pm - My Love: I know u r weary
02/12/2019, 10:58 pm - Emmanuel �: I hope the same for you
02/12/2019, 10:58 pm - Emmanuel �: Bye
02/12/2019, 10:58 pm - My Love: Bye my lover
02/12/2019, 10:58 pm - My Love: �
03/12/2019, 5:26 am - Emmanuel �: Good morning hun have a wonderful day today
03/12/2019, 5:27 am - Emmanuel �: I love you
03/12/2019, 5:35 am - Emmanuel �: Everyday I thank God that you exist and that he
made you mines
03/12/2019, 5:35 am - Emmanuel �: I love you
03/12/2019, 5:36 am - Emmanuel �: I can't imagine bringing with out you
03/12/2019, 5:36 am - Emmanuel �: Hope you a have a good day hun
03/12/2019, 5:36 am - Emmanuel �: God bless you my bb
03/12/2019, 5:36 am - Emmanuel �: You mean everything to me
03/12/2019, 5:37 am - Emmanuel �: You don't know how much I love you
03/12/2019, 5:37 am - Emmanuel �: But i do very much
03/12/2019, 5:37 am - Emmanuel �: I am proud of you to
03/12/2019, 5:37 am - Emmanuel �: For waiting so long
03/12/2019, 5:37 am - Emmanuel �: For us
03/12/2019, 5:37 am - Emmanuel �: You are amazing
03/12/2019, 5:38 am - Emmanuel �: You capture my gearr
03/12/2019, 5:38 am - Emmanuel �: Heart
03/12/2019, 5:39 am - My Love: Aaaaawww
03/12/2019, 5:39 am - My Love: Waking up n read theses messages.. i think u capture
my hearth bb
03/12/2019, 5:40 am - My Love: Good morning my blessing from heaven
03/12/2019, 5:41 am - My Love: I am proud to having such a blessing in my life bb
like u
03/12/2019, 5:42 am - My Love: I am the happiess girl in all this universe bb
03/12/2019, 5:42 am - My Love: I am very excited to know that soon u will be coming
03/12/2019, 5:42 am - My Love: U are increible bb
03/12/2019, 5:43 am - Emmanuel �: I am coming for you alone my only one
03/12/2019, 5:43 am - My Love: May God give you strengh each day n fill you upwith
his blessing from above
03/12/2019, 5:43 am - Emmanuel �: We to see your family to
03/12/2019, 5:43 am - My Love: Aaaaaww
03/12/2019, 5:43 am - Emmanuel �: But most for you
03/12/2019, 5:43 am - My Love: �����
03/12/2019, 5:43 am - Emmanuel �: I am the happiest man
03/12/2019, 5:43 am - My Love: I love you my darling
03/12/2019, 5:44 am - Emmanuel �: I have to go my darling
03/12/2019, 5:44 am - Emmanuel �: On my way to work
03/12/2019, 5:44 am - My Love: Never go bb
03/12/2019, 5:44 am - Emmanuel �: Have a wonderful day
03/12/2019, 5:44 am - My Love: I will miss my bb
03/12/2019, 5:44 am - Emmanuel �: From you I never will
03/12/2019, 5:44 am - My Love: Hun.. pray for me hun
03/12/2019, 5:45 am - My Love: I am not feeling well this morning ok bb
03/12/2019, 5:45 am - Emmanuel �: I always do
03/12/2019, 5:45 am - Emmanuel �: But I will
03/12/2019, 5:45 am - Emmanuel �: Hope you feel better love
03/12/2019, 5:46 am - My Love: thank u my love
03/12/2019, 5:46 am - Emmanuel �: Maybe you are missing your brother and your
father also
03/12/2019, 5:46 am - My Love: <Media omitted>
03/12/2019, 5:46 am - Emmanuel �: God is good they will come soon
03/12/2019, 5:46 am - Emmanuel �: <Media omitted>
03/12/2019, 5:46 am - My Love: Hope so bb
03/12/2019, 5:46 am - My Love: Wowww
03/12/2019, 5:47 am - Emmanuel �: You are beautiful
03/12/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: Look i my blessing
03/12/2019, 5:47 am - Emmanuel �: I have to go now hun
03/12/2019, 5:47 am - Emmanuel �: Bye
03/12/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: Jump on the bed.. n stay with meeeee
03/12/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: ���
03/12/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: Bye my lover
03/12/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: Take care hun
03/12/2019, 5:47 am - Emmanuel �: I wish this with all my heart
03/12/2019, 5:47 am - My Love: Stay with God
03/12/2019, 5:47 am - Emmanuel �: Take care lover
03/12/2019, 5:47 am - Emmanuel �: You to
03/12/2019, 5:48 am - My Love: ��

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