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Profitability Analysis II
Report Painter


Location: Singapore / PRC

Date: November 2009

Instructor: Tay Chai Cheng /

Tan Swee Kee

Controlling – Profitability Analysis II

Document Information
Author RCL Dolphin – SAP Education Team
File Name 453579744.doc
Created 17 December 2008
Last Edited 26-Nov-2010 6:18 AM
Number of Pages 55

Version Revision Date Revision Description Author Sign-off

0.1 17-Dec-2008 Document initiated Chalinthorn T.
0.2 11-Oct-2009 Document created and edited Tan Swee Kee
0.3 4-Nov-2009 Document Format Chalinthorn T.

Target Readership

e.g. Project Team Members

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Controlling – Profitability Analysis II

This course manual contains the basic structure and procedures of the course subject in the SAP system.
Upon this course completion, the end users will be able to perform essential functions of the course


1. As a guide and instruction manual for user who needs to develop new Profitability Analysis report
with or without form (layout) to meet business reporting needs.


2. Creation of Profitability Report.


3. Users, Super Users and Support Team

4. Design of new Profitability Report will be restricted to CO module Support Team and Super

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1. Purpose 5
2. Prerequisites 5
2.1. dfadsfa 5
3. Process Overview Table 5
4. Business Processes 6
4.1. Creation of Profitability Analysis Basic Report 6
4.2. Produce One axis report without key figures on new form 23
4.3. Create One axis report with key figures on new form 37
4.4. Create Two axes report on new form 46
4.5. Change Report form 49
4.6. Change form (layout) 51
5. Appendix 53
Icons are in next page 53

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1. Purpose
Report Painter is the tool for the Profitability Analysis (PA) module expert and super users to create
or maintain reports based on data in the PA module as business reports needs are forever changing.

It is not commonly used in Cost and Profit Center reporting as there are more reports and
standardize than the Profitability Analysis reports.

Users without comprehensive CO-PA Objects, technical skills and understanding of business must
not have access to this tool as they can provide incomplete and misleading information.

2. Prerequisites
2.1. dfadsfa
Users must have comprehensive knowledge COPA objects - Characteristic, Characteristic Values,
Value fields, Characteristic Hierarchy and Profitability Segment before they can design the new

3. Process Overview Table

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4. Business Processes
CO-PA Reports from Report Painter are available in two views, Drilldown or Detail list.

Two kind of report are available, basic report with standard form (layout) for listing of information or
creating report with and without form.

There are three types of form in Report Painter

 One axis without key figure, whereby chosen characteristics are defined either in the rows or
the columns

 One axis with key figure, whereby chosen key figures are defined either in the rows or the

 Two axes, whereby chosen characteristics or key figures are defined in the rows or columns.
There are multiple rows and columns.

4.1. Creation of Profitability Analysis Basic Report

Basic Report displays information per the Characteristics and their Key Figures on standard layout
from SAP. Report creator will need to select the required Characteristics and Key figures for

Procedure :

Step 1 Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu 
Accounting 
Controlling 
Profitability Analysis
 Information System
Menu Path
 Define Report 
Create Profitability

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Code KE31

Step 2 - Initial screen to create the report.

This step is vital for the rest of this manual and user needs to have a complete understanding.

Field Name Description R/O/C/N Remarks

Input fields R Provide the ‘Report

Code’ and ‘Report Title’
to the system for the
report to be produced

in the mandatory
and adjacent field

Report Type R Click ‘Basic report’ and

radio button will be turn

Create form R Create the report form.

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User may copy existing

report form if suitable is

Existing report layout

can be copy by
entering report code in
the input box or select
from search list by

Set Operating C For 1st time user of

Concern this CO-PA module,
they will be ask to enter
the Operating concern
and define the type of
Profitability Analysis

Enter RCLG for

Operating concern and
select account based.

Click to contine

Choose R For 1st time creator of

Currencies for the report form, select
report the currencies for the

Select radio button for

Operating concern
currency/ CoCd
currency/profit center

Step 3. Setup data for report

Below is create new Report form Initial screen

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Click each Tab to define the data for the report. Detailed below :-

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Field Name Description R/O/C/N Remarks

1. Characteristics Tab

Characteristic List R Select by marking (click) on box

before the characteristic/s in the
for reporting. Scroll
up/down via scroll bar for full list
of characteristics.

Marked item will appeared in

different color.

Movement button R
Clicking this button will move
all data in or possible
selection to

Clicking this button will move

only the marked or highlighted
item to

Clicking this button will

remove only the marked or
highlighted item from

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Field Name Description R/O/C/N Remarks

Clicking this button will

remove all characteristics in

Sort & Find O These utility icon perform sort in

ascending or descending order or
find a data respectively.

After the Characteristic had been selected, there will be input box to set defaults, variables or use
characteristic hierarchy.

Input box Enter the value under the column

for single value and
for value range.

Without the tick in the checkbox,

the value entered is the default
value, else it is a variable that will
required input later on report

If checkbox under is tick, the

system will prompt the choosing
of hierarchy with a pop-up screen.
Enter or search for required
hierarchy to be used

Change Hierarchy If hierarchy needs to be changed,

click this icon or related checkbox.

Example of hierarchy for vessel


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Field Name Description R/O/C/N Remarks

Inclusive/Exclusive If characteristic hierarchy had

Hierarchy been setup, click this button to
enter them.

Example of characteristic
hierarchy - vessel code

Change variable C To setup or change variable, click

the icon or the checkbox below
this icon.

Sort Characteristics O This feature manage the order of

the information to be display on

Click for pop-up to re-arrange the

order of the data by replace the

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Field Name Description R/O/C/N Remarks

number in the check box.

Over-ride existing number with

the preceding number where this

item should appear and click

to execute.

2. Key Figure Tab

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Field Name Description R/O/C/N Remarks

Key figures screen works on the same basis as Characteristics Tab, including all the icons.

Select the required Key Figures from to panel.

3. Variables Tab

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Field Name Description R/O/C/N Remarks

Tick Checkbox under icon means that the subject line item will appear as a variable
for user to enter their required value/s at the report execution stage. Data entered on this variable tab
will be display as default value when user start the report execution and can be over written

PS: CO-PA Period is 3-digits and prefix with ‘0’ and 01 for January, subsequent number is respective
month and Year is 4-digits.

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Field Name Description R/O/C/N Remarks

Code for Plan/Actual indicator is ‘0” for actual and ‘1” for Plan

Output Type’s Tab

Select ‘Classic drilldown’ and ‘Basic List Detail’ as this task is the creation of Basic report (Filled Radio
button indicated selection). Other option is also possible.

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Field Name Description R/O/C/N Remarks

In order that Output Type option is available at report execution stage, mark/tick checkbox

Header and Footer for the report can only be customized after the form had been created.

When all Tabs had been processed, it is necessary to save the data. Click and system will proceed
with a new screen to start the report execution.

System will indicate with message that report form had been saved on the message bar.

Report Creator should note the Report form Code in order that they can advise the other report users to
produce this report on their own via

Step 4 Execute the report on the initial screen

Click on Initial Screen to execute the data extraction for the report

Step 5 Enter the parameter for the report (setup from Variable Tab)

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Field Name Description R/O/C/N Remarks

Input fields R Enter the variable value as


- Period from

- Period to

- Plan/Act Indicator

- Version

- Record Type

- PS: Period -

Period is 3-digits and prefix

with ‘0’ and 01 for January,
subsequent number is
respective month and Year
is 4-digits.

‘0’ for Actual and ‘1” for


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Field Name Description R/O/C/N Remarks

Option for display of result.

User can choose other

option beside the standard
classic drilldown to
graphical report

Execute R After the report variables

had been entered, Click

to start the report


Step 6 Handling report on the screen

Report is display and users can drilldown to individual characteristic for specific view.

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Field Name Description R/O/C/N Remarks

Double click subject item

and they will move to the
adjacent column for detail

To return characteristic to
Navigation’s panel, click
back arrow

Menu Bar Various are functions are

available via the menu bar.

Report – print setup, input

filename and directory for
save file to local drive

Goto – drilldown to detailed


Extras – To check
parameter used

Settings – Change
currency, factor for
currency and decimal
place, suppress display of
zeros, etc.

Step 7 Print or Save as file in local drive

Expected results can be printed or save to local drive.

To print, proceed to Report on the Menu Bar and select print and pop-up menu will allow user to
define which printer on the network that was setup in SAP for printer. Report can also be directed to
the printer setup as defaulted in the computer

SAP report as normally directed to the defaulted printer setup with the computer. It is also possible
to direct the report to any of the network printer as long as they are defined in the SAP.

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Field Name Description R/O/C/N Remarks

Printer R Enter ‘locl’ which is the

defaulted printer setup with
the computer.

Copies O Default copy is 1 and can

be amend to print more
than 1 copy

No. of pages O Default is all pages and

had option for selective
printing as per radio

Report creator need to understand and to be very familiar with the navigation of all the
screen and fields mentioned in the above processes (from step 2 on page 9 to this page)
before they proceed to the next topic as the rest of this manual keep referring to this section.

Report can be saved in local drive as file in various format. Click Export under Report on the Menu
Bar. Select output format, enter filename and directory to store the file

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4.2. Produce One axis report without key figures on new form
Basic report from Report Painter only used and list the characteristic information on standard report
form on actual posted data.

Report Painter had many other features that enable the report to be more informational and useful,
such as one axis, two axes (matrix), with and without Key Figures. Included are computation and
comparison of data from plan (budget) and actual figures or within itself. External data can also be
entered as part of the reporting.

With the wide variation and flexibility, the development of report is more complicated, which is why
report creator had to be well verse with the basic design and concept.

In order to create the complex report, user had to also understand the business requirements in term
of content and structure, which is usually the task of the IT expert.

Difference between one or two axis is the usage / definition of rows and columns. With one axis,
only characteristics or key figures and not both can be used in the rows or columns, whereas with
two axes, they can be defined either in the rows or the columns.

Procedure :

Step 1 Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options:

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SAP Menu 
Accounting 
Controlling 
Profitability Analysis
 Information System
Menu Path
 Current Settings 
Define Forms for
Profitability Report

Code KE34

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Step 2 On initial screen to create the report

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Field Name Description R/O/C/N Remarks

Input fields R Provide the ‘Form Code’

and ‘Report Title’ to the
system for the report to be
produced in the
mandatory and adjacent

This is a SAP standard.

Structure R Click

and radio button will be turn


Create form R Start the process to create

the form. Click

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Field Name Description R/O/C/N Remarks

User may copy existing

report form if suitable is

This is SAP standard to

create new form

O To copy form, enter form

code or select from search
list by activating

Set Operating C If Operating concern had

Concern not be setup before, report
creator will be ask to enter
the Operating concern.

Enter RCLG and click

to continue processing.

Check and ensure Type of

Profit Analysis is account

Choose R For 1st time creator of the

Currencies for report form, select the
report currencies for the report.

Select radio button for

Operating concern
currency/ CoCd
currency/profit center

Step 3 Setup / define Characteristics for the report

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Click each Column to define the data for the report.

Field Name Description R/O/C/N Remarks

Click to activate

Select or check
radio button was turn on and click
to continue.

New screen – Characteristic

values will appear, whereby all
available characteristics will
appear and selection is possible

If was
selected, user will have to open the
folder in the pop-up menu and
select the predefined element. The
default setup will be used.

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Field Name Description R/O/C/N Remarks

Characteristic values for Element definition

Change Text O
Click to change column title -
Element 1 to a new and
meaningful title

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Enter new title in all input boxes or

only in Short’s input box and click
to copy message
in Short input box to all other
boxes. Continue to amend all
other messages if needed.

Click to confirm.

Available R Use the scroll bar on the left to

characteristics move the characteristic and on
panel locating the desired one, click the
box beside the name to highlight
the characteristic.

Movement R After marking the required item,

button click the arrow

Clicking this button will move

all data in or
possible selection to

Clicking this button will move

only the marked or highlighted item

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Field Name Description R/O/C/N Remarks

Clicking this button will remove

only the marked or highlighted item
in ’s panel

Clicking this button will remove

all characteristic in

Sort & Find O These icon perform sort in

ascending or descending order
respectively and the last icon
enable user to find the data in the

Change If hierarchy had been change, click

Hierarchy this icon

Example of hierarchy for vessel


Change If Variable value had to be change,

Variable click this icon.

Click under to repeat

the characteristic default for other
single value

Click one of these button to

complete the definition process in
this screen. Confirm to save the

If all definition had been accepted,

the system will provide the

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informational message, else will

prompt the creator to complete the
value if it is not accepted.


Repeat above step for other required characteristics. Columns can be added by clicking the box after

the last Element

Click the Edit on the Menu Bar if you want to hide the column

After the first element had been

setup, the option to use formula
will available in the pop-up screen
of the next element setup.

If was selected, a pop-

up screen will appeared. For
column, it is the X’s axis and for
row, it is the Y’s axis.

Proceed to manage the formula.

Select item by clicking color item

to move to

. Continue the
formula as per requirement and at

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the end click to confirm.

After all required Elements had been set, proceed to select the General Data for the report, Click Edit on
the Menu Bar

Select the Characteristic for the General data and when done and confirm, the system will indicated that

it is accepted with message

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Click on the Menu Bar to create the form and System message will indicated that

Standard handling of the boxes for input or marking(tick) apply.

Enter the value in the input box under column for single value and for value range

Click checkbox under to apply the hierarchy that had been setup

Click checkbox under to setup variable value.

Click on the Menu Bar to create the form after the General Data had been defined and the system

will return a message at the bottom of the screen indicating that

Click the in the transaction Menu Bar and the system will switch to Create report initial

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Step 4 Repeat Step 2 on page 9 to create the Report setup

Report creator should be familiar with the step as it is the same as mentioned in item 4.1 from step 2
(page 9 onward) to this page.

As this process will be used again in item 4.4 – Create Two axes report on new form when
Characteristics had to be selected, report creator should also be aware that they had to be clear on
all the process to use characteristics

The only difference to this screen is the “The selection for Report Type”, which should be ‘Report
with Form’ and the intention was to use the form that have been created. The earlier selection was
Basic Report.

Briefly, the system default provides the newly created form in the field Report with Form. In case,
where the form creator had logoff from the system, the creator can start from this transaction (KE31)
and enter the form code or search for the latest form via the search by click the input field.

Amendment of form will be covered after all the various type of form had been covered and the
transaction code to use is KE35

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4.3. Create One axis report with key figures on new form
Differences in one axis with and without key figures

- key figures (value fields is one of the CO-PA object configured)

- Columns use with one axis without key figures display

- Rows use one axis with key figures

Procedure :

Step1 Login - Same as ‘Create One axis without key figures’ under item 4.2 in this manual.

Step 2 On initial screen to create the report

Supply Form Code and Form name (Standard requirement for all form and report for creation)

Select and create form via

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Input fields R Provide the ‘Form Code’ and

‘Report Title’ to the system
for the report to be produced

in the mandatory and

adjacent field

Structure R Click

and radio button will be turn


Create form R Create the form.

User may copy existing

report form if suitable is

O To copy form, enter form

code or select from search
list by activating

Step 3. Create form for reporting

Field Name Description R/O/C/N Remarks

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Click to
define the element for the

Select Element Select ‘Value field with

characteristics’ is turn on
and click to continue.

Pop-up screen on Element

definition will appear.

Step 4 Select value field and Characteristics .

There are 4 tasks to perform on the pop-up screen.

1. Change the system default title – Element 1

2. Define by selecting the Value field to use

3. Define by select the Characteristic values for the selected Value field

4. Maintain the selected characteristic for default value, variables or characteristic hierarchy

Field Name Description R/O/C/N Remarks

Characteristic values for Element definition

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Change Text O
Click to change column title -
Element 1 to a new and meaningful title

Enter new title in all input boxes or only

in Short’s input box and click
to copy message in
Short input box to all other boxes.
Continue to amend all other messages if

Click to confirm.

R Enter the field name or Select the Value

field for the report via the

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From Select
the characteristics to be used with the
value field.

One value field can have more than one


Use the scroll bar on the left to move the

characteristic and on locating the desired
one, click the box beside the name to

After the selection, use the arrow key to

move it to

Movement R
Clicking this button will move all data
in or possible
selection to

Clicking this button will move only

the marked or highlighted item in

Clicking this button will remove only

the marked or highlighted item in
’s panel

Clicking this button will remove all

characteristic in

Sort & Find O The utility icon perform sort in ascending

or descending order respectively and the
last icon enable user to find the data in
the list

Default value can be stored in the input box, set as variables (entered at report execution) or use
the hierarchy available in the setup.

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Input box
Enter the value under the column
for single value and for value

Without the tick in the checkbox, the

value entered is the default value, else it
is a variable that will required input later
on report execution.

+ If checkbox under is set, the system

will prompt the choosing of hierarchy
with a pop-up. Enter or search for
required hierarchy to be used

Change If hierarchy needs to be changed, click

Hierarchy this icon

Example of hierarchy for vessel code

+ Click under to repeat the

characteristic default for other single
value for the characteristic

Change If Variable value had to be changed, click

Variable this icon.

Click one of these button to complete the

definition process in this screen.

If all definition had been accepted, the

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Field Name Description R/O/C/N Remarks

system will provide the informational

message, else will prompt the creator to
complete the value if it is not accepted.


Repeat above step for other value fields and characteristics

Click Edit on the Menu Bar will provide more option to add rows in case of needs

After all Elements had been set, proceed to select the General Data for the report by clicking Edit on the
Menu Bar

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Select the Characteristic for the General data and when done and confirm the system will indicated that it

is accepted with message Selection and maintenance of

the Characteristic is the standard processes.

Click on the Menu Bar to create the form and System message will indicated that

Step 5 Repeat Step 2 on page 9 to create the Report setup

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Report creator should be familiar with the step as it is the same as mentioned in item 4.1 from step 2
(page 9 onward) to this page.

As above process step will be used again in item 4.4 – Create Two axes report on new form when
Characteristics had to be selected, report creator should also be aware that they had to be clear on
all the process to use characteristics

The only difference to this screen is the “The selection for Report Type”, which should be ‘Report
with Form’ and the intention was to use the form that have been created. The earlier selection was
Basic Report.

Briefly, the system default will provide the newly created form in the field Report with Form. In case,
where the form creator had logoff from the system, the creator can start from this transaction (KE31)
and enter the form code or search for the latest form via the search by click the input field.

Amendment of form will be covered after all the various type of form had been covered and the
transaction code to use is KE35

4.4. Create Two axes report on new form

Two axes report had multiple rows and columns unlike all the others reports

Procedure :

Step 1 Login in (Standard – same as with all Profitability Report creation)

Same as Process 2 under item 4.2 in this manual.

Step 2 On initial screen to create the report

Supply Form Code and Form name (Standard for all form or report)

Select and create form via

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Step 3 Create form for report – Two Axes

Report Creator of this form must be familiar with all different type of reports mentioned before as the
process of characteristics, key figures, rows and columns are the same.

Only the differences will be covered here. Report creator can choose to work from the rows to the
columns or vice versa.

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Field Name Description R/O/C/N Remarks

Select Element After clicking or to

Type define the element for the form,
additional option – Characteristics was
now available.

Select the element type to be used and

click to continue.

Pop-up screen on Element definition

will appear.

Irrespective of the choice, Characteristics or Value field with characteristics, the selection for defining
them had been covered in earlier step. Report creator must understand them before attempting this
creation of Two axes report

Characteristic – one axis without key figure

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Value field - one axis with key figure

When all data had been defined and save, click the report to start the execution of the report by the

Step 4 Repeat Step 2 on page 9 to create the Report setup

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4.5. Change Report form

It is applicable for all type of report, from basic report to two axes.

Procedure :

Step 1 Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu 
Accounting 
Controlling 
Profitability Analysis
Menu Path  Information System
 Define Report 
Change Report

Code KE32

Step 2 - Initial screen to select the report for amendment

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Field Name Description R/O/C/N Remarks

Application Bar C
Navigation switch for form list

Switch on/off for change



Report Parameter

Layout display


Translate (other language)

Report List C Display size is adjustable to show more

information from report form creator to date
and related form.

The above mentioned icon will enable user

to review the form and parameter used.

Step 3 - Initial screen to select the report for amendment

After selecting the required form, it is recommend that the navigation panel be switch off.

Process to perform the necessary amendment and do remember to save the amendment and test
the report.

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4.6. Change form (layout)

It is applicable for all type of report, from basic report to two axes.

Procedure :

Step 1 Access the transaction choosing one of the following navigation options:

Code KE35

Step 2 - Initial screen to select the report for amendment

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Step 3 - Initial screen to select the form for amendment

After selecting the required form, it is recommend that the navigation panel be switch off.

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Process to perform the necessary amendment and do remember to save the amendment and test
the report

Similar to change report form (layout), except that the icons are difference

Field Name Description R/O/C/N Remarks

Navigate icons
where used list





5. Appendix
Icons are in next page

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Icon Quick info text Accelerator Key Function

Enter Enter Left-click on the Enter button when you
want the system to accept your field entry
and move to the next function, or screen. It
is the same function as the Enter button and
it does not save your work.
In New Visual Design: Command field No The Command field is used for fast path
Accelerator commands to take you directly to a
Key transaction task without using menus. To
In Classic Design: open and close command field, click on the
arrow to the right of the field. You can display
a list of the transactions you used previously
by choosing the dropdown arrow at the right-
hand end of the field.
By entering a transaction into the field, it
would directly lead to the first page of that
transaction. More on the usage of command
field and transaction code will be explain in
2.4 “Navigation in SAP System”
Save CTRL+S Left-click on the Save button when you
want to save data or save changes to data in
a system task.
Back F3 Left-click on the Back button when you
want to move back to the previous screen or
menu without saving your data. If there are
required fields on the screen, these fields
must be completed first.
Exit SHIFT+F3 Left-click on the Exit button when you want
to exit the current function and return you to
the main menu screen without saving your
Cancel F12 Exits the current task without saving. Same
function as Cancel in the Edit menu.
Print CTRL+P Prints data from the current screen.
Find CTRL+F Left-click on the Find button when you want
to search for words and alphanumeric
combinations in the current screen.
Find next CTRL+G Use Find next button to extend searching
for a previous searching item in the current
First page CTRL+PgUp Scrolls to the first page.
Previous page PgUp Scrolls to the previous page.

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Icon Quick info text Accelerator Key Function

Next page PgDn Scrolls to the next page.
Last page CTRL+PgDn Scrolls to the last page.
Create session No Creates a new SAP session. Same function
Accelerator as Create session in the System menu.
Create shortcut No Allows you to create a desktop shortcut to
Accelerator any SAP report, transaction, or task.
Help F1 Provides help on the field where the cursor
is positioned.
In New Visual Design: Customizing of ALT+F12 Allows you to change the way information,
local layout warning and errors messages are displayed.
You may also use this icon to print a screen
In Classic Design: shot or select Hardcopy.

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