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Space Infections


1 Introduction 2
2 History 4
3 Definition of fascial spaces 5
5 Pathophysiology of odontogenic infection 5
6 Pathways of dental infection 7
7 Stages of infection 8
8 Spread of orofacial infection 10
9 Classification of fascial spaces 13
10 Anatomy of fascia 15
11 Primary maxillary spaces 25
12 Primary mandibular spaces 36
13 Secondary fascial spaces 46
14 Complications of space infections 64
15 Localisation of dental infections 78
16 Diagnostic imaging of space infections 79
17 Management of space infections 79
18 Public health significance 92
19 Conclusion 93
20 Reference 93



Odontogenic infections have two major origins - pulpal and

periodontal. Infection erodes through the thinnest bone and causes infection in

adjacent tissue. When the infection erodes through the cortical plate of the

alveolar process, it appears in predictable anatomic locations, determined by -

• The thickness of the bone overlying the apex of tooth,

• The relationship of site of perforation of bone to muscle attachments of

maxilla and mandible.

Most odontogenic infections penetrate the bone to form vestibular

abscesses. On occasion they erode into fascial spaces directly, which causes

fascial space infection.

The soft tissues of head and neck can be divided into a series of

spaces. Some spaces are normal anatomical spaces containing various

structures (e.g. masticatory space), whereas the others are potential spaces,

identifiable only when involved by a pathological process (e.g. retro-pharyngeal

space). Important anatomical connections exist between these various actual

and potential spaces that can allow for the rapid dissemination of infections

throughout the head and neck and even into the mediastinum.

Conceptually, the fascial planes of the head and neck may be visualised

as a series of “conduits”. The outer envelope which surrounds the head and

neck is composed of skin and superficial fascia (subcutaneous tissues). Two


features of the superficial fascia are that (1) it contains the muscles of facial

expression, including the platysma, and (2) by virtue of its superficial location, it

is readily evaluated on clinical examination and usually doesn’t necessitate

diagnostic imaging of pathological processes.

Anatomically, the deep neck can be divided into a superficial

investing layer, middle or pre-tracheal layer, and deep or pre-vertebral layer.

These spaces are major pathways for the spread of inflammatory processes

and must be thoroughly evaluated in any imaging study.

The spaces that are directly involved are known as fascial spaces of

primary involvement.

• Maxillary primary spaces - canine, buccal and infratemporal spaces.

• Mandibular primary spaces - submental, buccal, submandibular, sublingual


Infections can extend beyond these primary spaces into additional

fascial spaces or secondary spaces.

• Masseteric, pterygomandibular, superficial and deep temporal, lateral

pharyngeal, retropharyngeal, and pre vertebral space are secondary spaces.



In the 1930s the classical anatomical studies of Grodinsky and Holyoke

established the modern understanding of the fascial layers and the potential

anatomical spaces through which infections can spread in the head and neck.

They injected dyed gelatine into the cadaver specimens at selected portals of

entry. Their hypothesis was that these infections spread primarily by hydrostatic

pressure, with the flow of injected fluids guided by the resistance of certain

tissues such as fasciae, muscles and bone.



Shapiro defined fascial spaces as potential spaces between the

layers of fascia. These spaces are normally filled with loose connective tissues

and various anatomical structures like veins, arteries, glands, lymph nodes etc.

The fascial spaces in head and neck are the potential spaces between

the various layers of fascia normally filled with loose connective tissue and

bounded by anatomical barriers usually of bones, muscles or fascial layers. -

Moore, 1975.

The concept of fascial spaces is based on the anatomist’s knowledge that all

spaces exist only ‘potentially’, until fasciae are separated by pus, blood, drains

or surgeon's finger.


Once an infection has passed beyond the dental apex and apical

periodontal ligament, a very localised apical osteomyelitis occurs. Bone

destruction in osteomyelitis is very similar to the process of necrosis of the

inflamed dental pulp. Essentially, as the interstitial hydrostatic pressure

increases as result of transudation of extracellular fluid, followed by exudation of

inflammatory cells, the flow of new blood into the regions is compromised. In

soft tissues, the increased interstitial pressure is relieved by swelling. When the

soft tissues are contained within an unyielding mineralised structure, such as

medullary spaces of bone or the pulp canal, the increased pressure cannot be 

Pathophysiology of Odontogenic Infection

relieved. Therefore, the pulpal or medullary soft tissues die as a result of

ischemia. Tissue breakdown products recruit circulating macrophages and

histiocytes by the process of chemotaxis. As mineralised tissue is encountered

these circulating macrophages coalesce and differentiate into osteoclasts and

resorb mineralised bone.

The process of bone necrosis and resorption expands in a roughly

spherical pattern until a bony cortex is reached. At this point, the process of

bone resorption is slowed by the densely mineralised tissue, thus changing the

shape of the bony cavity that is produced. When the bony cortical layer finally is

breached the infectious process then may enter the soft tissues.

The invading bacterial pathogens that trigger this autolytic

inflammatory process persist throughout its extent. Not only can they spread the

inflammatory process by continued antigen production, but they also can cause

direct destruction. Streptococci, commonly found in the early stages of infection,

can invade tissues by the elaboration of their hyalurodinases, which breakdown

the extracellular glycoproteins of connective tissue.

As the streptococci flourish in their exponential growth phase,

they create an environment conducive to the subsequent growth of the

anaerobic flora of odontogenic infections. They consume the local oxygen

supplies and metabolise nutrients to create a more acidic environment. They

also may produce essential nutrients for the anaerobes present after

about 3 days of clinical symptoms. The anaerobes, including Prevotella and

Pathophysiology of Odontogenic Infection

Porphyromonas spp., produce collagenase, which destroy collagen, the most

plentiful extracellular matrix protein of connective tissue. As the infection

perforates the bony cortical plate, the process of bacterial inoculation, followed

by the inflammation and necrosis, begins anew in the soft tissues. The most

vulnerable tissue is the areolar tissue that is not well vascularised. It is loose

and easily dissected by relatively low hydrostatic pressures. Thus the spreading

of infection follows the path of least resistance, deflected by denser and better

vascularised structures such as muscle, fascia, organs and bone.


The narrow pulpal foramen at the root apex, although of insufficient

diameter to permit adequate drainage of infected pulp, does serve as a

reservoir of bacteria and permits egress of bacteria into periodontal tissue and

bone. This access explains the occasional problems when antibiotics are alone

used to treat draining fistulas from abscessed teeth. Once the drainage ceases

the bacteria harboured in the pulp chamber subsequently repopulate the

periapical tissues from the untreated pulp, thus reinitiating the infection. Serious

dental infection, spreading beyond the socket, is more commonly the result of

pulpal infection than of periodontal infection. Once infection extends past the

apex of the tooth, the pathophysiological course of a given infectious process

can vary, depending on the number and virulence of the organism, host

resistance, and anatomy of the involved area.

If the infection remains localised at the root apex, a chronic periapical

infection may develop. Frequently, sufficient destruction of bone develops to 

Pathways of Odontogenic Infection

create a well corticated radiolucency observable on dental radiographs. This

process represents a focal bone infection, “garden variety” radiolucencies

associated with carious teeth should not be confused with true osteomyelitis.

Once infection extends beyond the root apex, it may proceed into

deeper medullary spaces and evolve into widespread osteomyelitis. More

commonly, these processes form fistulous tracts through alveolar bone and exit

into the surrounding soft tissue. This phenomenon is often associated with

sudden soft tissue swelling and a reduction in intrabony pressure, resulting in

lessening of pain. The fistula may penetrate the mucosa or skin, and thus serve

as a natural drain for the abscess.

Once beyond the confines of the dentoalveolar bone, infection may

localise as an abscess or spread through soft tissue as cellulitis or both.

Staphylococci frequently are associated with abscess formation. These

microorganisms produce coagulase, an enzyme that can cause fibrin

deposition in citrated or oxalated blood. Streptococci are associated more

often with cellulitis because they produce enzymes such as streptokinase

(fibrinolysin), hyaluronidase, and streptodornase. These enzymes breakdown

fibrin and connective tissue ground substance, and lyse cellular debris, thus

facilitating rapid spread of the bacterial invaders. Oral infections frequently are

composed of mixed flora, or the bacteria behave in untraditional fashion. Thick

walled abscesses, with little or no blood supply to their lumen, respond slowly or

poorly to antibiotic therapy, whereas cellulitis usually responds well without

surgical drainage. 

Stages of Infection


The stages of infection can be divided into inoculation, cellulitis and

abscess based on the inflammatory tissue destructive events.

Initially the inoculation stage is caused by the early spread, probably of

streptococci, into the soft tissues. This stage can be recognised as soft, doughy,

mildly tender soft tissue swelling with little redness.

During the cellulitis stage, the process of inflammation is paramount, resulting

in a deeply reddened, hard, exquisitely painful swelling with loss of function,

such as truisms or the inability to protrude the tongue.

During the third stage, abscess formation, necrosis predominates. A central

softening of the cellulitic region, which may become fluctuant, is present. The

fluid wave is caused by the flow of pus within the abscess cavity.

The final stage in odontogenic infections is resolution, which occurs after

spontaneous or therapeutic drainage. The stages of infection can be used as a

conceptual framework to understand the progression of untreated severe

odontogenic infections through anatomical deep fascial spaces of head and

neck. For example, if a virulent odontogenic infection originating in a lower

molar has flourished in the submandibular space, producing an abscess, it may

have progressed through the inoculation stage to the cellulitis stage in the

neighbouring lateral pharyngeal space. The retropharyngeal area might have

already been inoculated by bacteria carried along the advancing front of

inflammatory oedema.

Stages of Infection

Characteristic Inoculation Cellulitis Abscess

Duration 0-3 days 3-7 days >5 days
Pain Mild-moderate Severe and Moderate-severe
generalised & generalised
Size Small Large Small
Localisation Diffuse Diffuse Circumscribed
Palpation Soft, doughy, Hard, tender Fluctuant, tender
Appearance Normal colour Reddened Peripherally
Skin quality Normal Thickened Undermined &
Surface Slightly heated Hot Moderately
temperature heated
Loss of function Minimal or none Severe Moderately
Tissue fluid Edema Serosanguineous Pus
Levels of malaise Mild Severe Moderate-severe
Severity Mild Severe Moderate-severe
Percutaneous Aerobic Mixed Anaerobic

Stages of infection

Spread of orofacial infection


The routes by which the infections can spread are:

• By direct continuity through the tissues,

• By lymphatics to the regional lymph nodes and eventually into the blood

stream. When the infection gets established in the lymph nodes, secondary

abscesses may develop. The spread of infection from the lymph nodes

into the tissues in secondary areas of cellulitis or tissue space abscess.

• By the bloodstream: Rarely, local thrombophlebitis may propagate along

the veins, entering the cranial cavity via emissary veins to produce

cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis. The micro-organisms or infected emboli

may get swept away into the bloodstream, leading to bacteremia,

septicaemia, or pyemia with the development of embolic abscess.


Some infections progress more rapidly into deep fascial spaces than others.

This may be because of: (A) General factors, and (B) Local factors.

A. General factors:

It includes - (a) host’s resistance or immunocompetence of the host, and (b)

virulence of microorganisms; and (c) combination of both.

(a) Host resistance: It depends upon: (i) Humoral factors and (ii) cellular

Spread of orofacial infection

• Humoral factors involve immunoglobulins derived from B lymphocytes or

plasma cells and complement.

• Cellular factors include polymorphonuclear leukocytes, monocytes,

lymphocytes, and tissue macrophages.

(b) Virulence of micro organisms: It is determined by invasiveness of the

causative microorganisms. These include production of lytic enzymes, potent

endotoxins and exotoxins and interference with or resistance to host and

humeral and cellular defences.

Rapid progression of infection occurs in necrotising fascitis, especially in

immuno-compromised host, particularly when virulent strains of beta-haemolytic

streptococci are involved.

(c) Compromised host defences:

• Uncontrolled metabolic diseases, such as, uraemia, alcoholism,

malnutrition, severe diabetes.

• Suppressing diseases: Leukemia, lymphoma, malignant tumors.

• Suppressing drugs: Cancer chemotherapeutic drugs, immunosuppressive


Spread of orofacial infection

B. Local factors:

Once the balance between host resistance and bacterial pathogenicity is lost in

favour of invading organisms, then the spread of infection progresses. The

following are the barriers:

Intact anatomical barriers:

• Alveolar bone: It is the first locally limiting barrier to further spread of a

periapical infection. As the infection progresses within the bone, it spreads in

the radial manner and extends to the cortical plates. The site of perforation of

the cortex is dependent upon proximity of the root apices to alveolar process.

• Periosteum: It is the next local barrier. This structure is better developed in

mandible; and hence can delay further spread leading to development of a

subperiosteal abscess. It does not provide much resistance and infection

spreads into adjacent surrounding soft tissues.

• Adjacent muscles and fascia: It is the next site of localisation.

The final outcome of spread depends on the host’s defense mechanisms.

Classification of Fascial Spaces


A. Based on the mode of involvement:

• Direct involvement:

Primary spaces - maxillary spaces and mandibular spaces

• Indirect involvement:

Secondary spaces

B. Spaces involved in odontogenic infections:

• Primary maxillary spaces:

- Canine

- Buccal

- Infra temporal spaces

• Primary mandibular spaces:

- submental

- buccal

- submandibular

- sublingual

• Secondary fascial spaces:

- masseteric

- pterygo-mandibular

- superficial and deep temporal

Classification of Fascial Spaces

- lateral pharyngeal

- retro-pharyngeal

- pre vertebral space

- parotid space

C. Based on clinical significance:

• Face:

- buccal

- canine

- masticatory

- parotid

• Supra hyoid:

- sub lingual

- sub mandibular (submaxillary, submental)

- pharyngo-maxillary (lateral pharyngeal)

- peri-tonsillar

• Infra hyoid:

- antero-visceral (pre-tracheal)

• Spaces of total neck:

- retro-pharyngeal

- space of carotid sheath

- danger space.

Anatomy of Fascial Spaces


The term fascia is used to describe broad sheets of dense connective

tissue whose function is to separate structures that must pass over each other

during movements, such as muscles and glands, and serve as pathways for the

course of vascular and neural structures.

The fascia of head

and neck comprise

of outer superficial

fascia and inner

deep cervical fascia.

Superficial and deep cervical fascia


The superficial fascia is a layer of dense connective tissue that courses

deep to the subcutaneous tissue throughout the entire body. The subcutaneous

space is defined as the tissues lying superficial to the superficial fascia.

Subcutaneous space infections involve mainly the areolar and fatty connective

tissues which comprise the subcutaneous tissue. Below the mouth, the muscles

of facial expression lie deep to the superficial fascia, whereas in the upper face,

the muscles of facial expression are positioned superficial to this layer.

Anatomy of Fascial Spaces


Deep cervical fascia is divided into anterior, middle and posterior layers.

A. Anterior layer

1. Investing fascia (over the neck)

2. Parotidomasseteric

3. Temporal

B. Middle layer

1. Sternohyoid-omohyoid division

2. Sternothyroid-thyrohyoid division

3. Visceral division

a) Buccopharyngeal

b) Pre tracheal

c) Retropharyngeal

C. Posterior layer

1. Alar division

2. Prevertebral division

Anatomy of Fascial Spaces


The anterior layer of the deep cervical fascia is also called the

superficial or investing layer. The anterior layer encircles the neck, splits to

surround the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles, and attaches

posteriorly to the spinous process of the cervical vertebrae. It forms the

superficial border of the submandibular space and splits to form the capsule of

the submandibular gland. As the anterior layer approaches the inferior border of

the mandible, it fuses with the periosteum of the horizontal ramus of the


Over the ascending ramus of the mandible it splits to surround the

muscles of mastication, thus forming the masticator space. Superficially the

anterior layer is called the parotidomassetric fascia in this region because it

covers the superficial surface of masseter muscle anteriorly and splits to

surround the parotid gland posteriorly.

Deep cervical fascia

Anatomy of Fascial Spaces

On the medial side of the ascending ramus of the mandible, it

covers the medial side of the medial pterygoid muscle and attaches to the base

of the skull at the sphenoid bone and pterygoid plates. At the zygomatic arch,

the anterior layer of the deep cervical fascia fuses with the periosteum of the

arch and then rises superiorly to cover the superficial surface of the temporalis

muscle. It attaches to the cranium, terminating at the superficial temporal crest.

Above the zygomatic arch, the temporal fascia divides into 2 layers, between

which is the temporal fat pad, an extension of the buccal fat pad. Similarly the

anterior layer splits at about 2 cm above the manubrium of the sternum to form

the supra-sternal space of Burns, which contains only areolar connective tissue.

It follows the rule of 2, i.e., it splits to surround 2 muscles, SCM and Trapezius;

surrounds 2 glands, submandibular and parotid glands; and forms 2 spaces,

supra-sternal and supra-clavicular spaces.


The middle layer of the deep cervical fascia can be divided into three

divisions. The first two are the sternohyoid-omohyoid and the sternothyroid-

thyrohyoid divisions, which comprise the muscular layer. These two divisions

surround the corresponding strap muscles of the neck between the hyoid bone

and the clavicle.

The primary significance of these layers is that they must be divided

in the midline in a surgical approach to the trachea or thyroid gland. They

usually are not involved in the head and neck infections because they do not lie

on the major routes that an orofacial infection may follow to the mediastinum or

chest wall.
Anatomy of Fascial Spaces

Visceral division of deep cervical fascia

The third division of the middle layer of the deep cervical fascia is

clinically significant. Below the hyoid bone, the visceral division surrounds the

trachea, oesophagus, and thyroid gland. Above the hyoid bone, the visceral

fascia wraps around the lateral and posterior sides of the pharynx, lying on the

superficial (toward the skin) side of the pharyngeal constrictor muscles. In this

region, it is also called the buccopharyngeal fascia. The important deep neck

spaces (i.e., the retropharyngeal, lateral pharyngeal and pretracheal spaces) all

lie on the superficial side of the visceral division of the middle layer of the deep

cervical fascia.


The posterior layer of the deep cervical fascia has two divisions, the

alar and the pre vertebral. The alar fascia passes through the transverse

processes of the vertebrae on either side, posterior to the retropharyngeal

Anatomy of Fascial Spaces

Posterior layer of deep cervical fascia

In the vertical dimension, the posterior layer extends from the base of

the skull to the diaphragm. The alar fascia fuses with the retropharyngeal fascia

at a variable level between the sixth cervical (C6) and the fourth thoracic (T4)

vertebrae. This fusion forms the bottom of the retropharyngeal space. Infections

of the retropharyngeal space may rupture the alar fascia, thus entering the

danger space, which is continuous with the posterior mediastinum.

Anatomy of Fascial Spaces

The pre vertebral fascia surrounds the vertebrae and the attached

postural muscles of the neck and back. The pre vertebral fascia lies just anterior

to the periosteum of the vertebrae, and infections of the vertebrae, such as

tuberculous osteomyelitis, may enter the pre vertebral space. The pre vertebral

space usually is not invaded by infections arising in the maxillofacial regions.


Carotid sheath and its contents

Controversy exists as to which of the deep cervical fascia contribute to

the carotid sheath. Some believe that the carotid sheath is formed from the alar

division of the posterior layer of the deep cervical fascia whereas others

attribute formation of this important structure to all the three layers of the deep

cervical fascia.

The carotid sheath begins at the origin of the carotid artery in the superior

mediastinum and passes through the pre tracheal space in an upward and

posterior direction. Above the hyoid bone, it lies at the junction of the lateral

Anatomy of Fascial Spaces

pharyngeal and retropharyngeal spaces. The carotid sheath terminates at the

jugular foramen and the carotid canal, where the internal jugular vein and

carotid artery enter the base of the skull, respectively. The carotid sheath also

contains the vagus nerve. The cervical sympathetic chain is attached to the

posterior surface of the carotid sheath. The carotid, jugular and vagus nerves

each have compartments within the carotid sheath.


In their landmark article of 1938 in which they described the deep

fascial spaces of head and neck, Grodinsky and Holyoke used numbers to

indicate various deep neck spaces.

Grodinsky and Holyoke Spaces (1938)

Space 1 lies superficial to the superficial fascia and is therefore synonymous

with the subcutaneous space.

Anatomy of Fascial Spaces

Space 2 is a group of spaces surrounding the cervical strap muscles, lying

superficial to the sternothyroid-throhyoid division of the middle layer of the deep

cervical fascia, or between the sternothyroid-thyrohyoid division and

sternohyoid-omohoid division.

Space 3 is the potential anatomical space lying superficial to the visceral

division of the middle layer of the deep cervical fascia. Space 3 contains the

pretracheal, retropharyngeal and lateral pharyngeal spaces.

Space 3A is the space of the carotid sheath.(Lincoln’s highway by Mosher)

Space 4 is the potential space that lies between the alar and pre vertebral

divisions of the posterior layer of the deep cervical fascia; this is also called as

danger space.

Space 4A is in the posterior triangle of the neck, posterior to the carotid sheath.

Space 5A is enclosed by the pre vertebral fascia, posterior to the transverse

processes of the vertebrae, as it surrounds the scalene and spinal postural


Primary Maxillary Space Infections



Canine space is also known as infraorbital space. Contents of the canine

space include angular artery and vein, infraorbital nerve. The neighbouring

space is the buccal space.


• Quadratus labii superioris muscle defines the infraorbital space.

• Anterior: Nasal cartilages

• Posterior: Buccal space

• Superior: Quadratus labii superioris muscle

• Inferior: oral mucosa

Primary Maxillary Space Infections

• Superficial: Quadratus labii superioris muscle

• Deep: Levator anguli oris

Canine fossa involvement with infection from dental origin leads to

canine space infection. Maxillary anterior teeth - canines and premolar infection

usually involve the infraorbital space. Sometimes mesiobuccal root of first

molars also cause canine space infection.

Infections of maxillary canine usually appear as labial swelling and

less as palatal swelling. The levator muscle lies over the apex of the canine

root, originating high in the canine fossa of the maxillary wall and inserting in the

angle of mouth.If the canine infection perforates the lateral cortex of maxillary

bone, superior to the origin of the elevator angle oris muscle, the canine space

is involved, filling the space between levator anguli oris and levator labii

superioris. Spontaneous intraoral drainage of the infraorbital space may be

delayed because an abscess in this region must pass around levator anguli oris

to reach vestibular space and the oral mucosa. Alternatively, infraorbital space

infections burrow toward skin on either side of quadratus labii superioris,

pointing through medial or lateral aspect of the lower eyelid.

Primary Maxillary Space Infections


Marked cellulitis of the cheek and upper lip, lateral to the nose is

seen causing obliteration of the nasolabial fold. Drooping of the angle of mouth

is seen. Marked cellulitis of the eyelids and periorbital area is present, forcing

the eyelid to close. Redness and marked tenderness of facial tissues. Offending

tooth is mobile and tender to percussion. In chronic stages, chronic fistula forms

in the cleft area between levator labii superioris alaque nasi and zygomaticus

minor muscles near the medial canthus of the eye.


Drainage best accomplished by an intraoral approach. The

approach is through the mucosa of buccal vestibule in the region of lateral

incisor and canine. A curved mosquito forceps is inserted superior to the

attachment of caninus muscle, and infraorbital space is entered. Pus is

evacuated and a drain is inserted and is secured with a suture.

Primary Maxillary Space Infections


Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis:

Cavernous sinus thrombosis is a rare but dreaded

complication, caused by ascending thrombophlebitis of the angular vein, which

passes through the infraorbital space. Facial veins are generally valveless, thus

allow bidirectional flow. Septic thrombophlebitis of angular vein may ascend to

the cavernous sinus through the inferior ophthalmic vein, which passes through

the orbit. Cavernous sinus infection, ascending from maxillary teeth, upper lip,

nose or orbit through the valveless anterior and posterior fascial veins, carries

an extremely high mortality rate.


Buccal space is the potential space between buccinator and masseter

muscle. Contents of the buccal space are parotid duct, anterior facial artery and

vein, transverse facial artery and vein, buccal fat pad. Neighbouring spaces of

the buccal space are infraorbital, pterygomandibular and infratemporal spaces.

It communicates with submasseteric space superficially and

posteriorly; medial side of mandible-with pterygomandibular space inferiorly and

infratemporal space superior to the lateral pterygoid; posteriorly with lateral

pharyngeal space.


Anterior: Angle of mouth

Posterior: Masseter muscle, pterygomandibular space

Primary Maxillary Space Infections

Superior: Maxilla, infraorbital space

Inferior: Mandible

Superficial: Subcutaneous tissue and skin

Deep: Buccinator muscle.

Primary Maxillary Space Infections


Maxillary and mandibular premolars and molars drain in lateral and

buccal direction. Relation of the root apices to origin of the buccinator muscle

determines whether the infection exits intraorally in the buccal vestibule or

extend deep into the buccal space. Molar infections exiting superiorly to the

maxillary origin of the muscle or inferiorly to the mandibular origin of the muscle

enter the buccal space. Involvement of buccal space usually results in swelling

below the zygomatic arch and above the inferior border of mandible. Thus both

the zygomatic arch and the inferior border of mandible are palpable in buccal

space infections.


Marked cheek swelling associated with a diseased molar or premolar is

seen. When pus accumulates on oral side of the muscle, ’Gum boil’ is seen in

Primary Maxillary Space Infections

the vestibule. If pus accumulates lateral to the muscle, prominent extraoral

swelling is seen extending from lower border of mandible to the infraorbital

margin and from the anterior margin of masseter muscle to the corner of mouth.

Sometimes edema of lower eyelid is seen.


Infection from the buccal space spreads via pterygomandibular space

to the infra temporal space along the fascia, accompanying the Stenson’s duct.

It also spreads to submasseteric space if infection tracks backwards and

penetrates the parotidomasseteric fascia.



When fluctuance occurs, cutaneous drainage should be performed

inferior to the point of fluctuance with blunt dissection into the depth and

extreme boundaries of the space. Branches of facial nerve should be avoided.

Aspiration of this space is done usually.

Intraoral :

Horizontal incision through the oral

mucosa of the cheek in the premolar, molar

region. If the pus is lateral to the muscle,

then the muscle is penetrated with curved

mosquito forceps to enter the buccal space.

Drain is placed and secured with suture.

Primary Maxillary Space Infections


• Buccal cellulitis: It is caused by Haemophilus influenza. It is seen in infants

and children younger than 3 years which is characterised by high fever at

least 24 hrs before appearance of clinical signs.

• Erysipelas: Rapid onset of dark red swelling associated with otitis media

• Crohn’s disease: Recurrent buccal abscesses can occur as a complication

of Crohn’s disease. It is a segmental transmural disease with intermittent

abdominal pain, fever, weight loss and diarrhoea and is characterised by

inflammatory granulomas present over the length of GIT from mouth to anus.

Granulomatous lesions and ulcerations of buccal mucosa can progress to

true buccal space abscesses.


Infection involves the infratemporal fossa space. Infra temporal space is

also known as retrozygomatic space (by Sicher), as it is partly situated behind

the zygomatic space. The space lies posterior to the maxilla. Laterally, it is

continuous with the deep temporal space. It continuous with the upper part of

pterygomandibular space anteriorly, separated posteriorly by lateral pterygoid

muscle, thereby forming the upper extremity of pterygomandibular space.


Anterior: Infratemporal surface of maxilla.

Primary Maxillary Space Infections

Posterior: parotid gland.

Superior: Infratemporal surface of greater wing of sphenoid & by zygomatic


Inferior: Lateral pterygoid muscle forming the floor of fossa, demarcating

pterygo- mandibular and infra temporal spaces.

Lateral: Ramus of mandible, temporalis muscle and its tendon.

Medial: Medial pterygoid plate, lateral pterygoid muscle, medial pterygoid

muscle, lower part of temporal fossa of the skull and lateral wall of pharynx.

Primary Maxillary Space Infections


Infra temporal fossa contains the origins of medial pterygoid and

lateral pterygoid muscles. It also contains the pterygoid venous plexus, internal

maxillary artery and vein, mandibular nerve and middle meningeal artery.


Buccal roots of maxillary 2nd and 3rd molars, particularly unerupted 3rd

molars are the direct causes for infra temporal space involvement. Local

anaesthesia injections with contaminated needles in the area of tuberosity.

Spread of infection from other spaces.


• Extraoral:

Trismus is the classic feature of the infra temporal swelling. Bulging of

temporalis muscle is seen with marked swelling of the face on the affected side

in front of ear, overlying the area of TMJ, behind the zygomatic process. Eye is

often closed and is proptosed on the affected side because of the edema

accumulation on that side.

• Intraoral:

Intraorally, swelling is seen in the tuberosity area. Elevation of body

temperature upto 104 ℉ is observed.

Primary Maxillary Space Infections


• Intraorally:

If trismus is not marked, and fluctuation is detected early, an intraoral

incision is given buccal vestibule opposite the second and third molars. The

exploration is carried out medial to coronoid process and temporalis muscle

upwards and backwards with a sinus forceps, or a curved haemostat. The

space is entered and drained; and a small piece of corrugated rubber drain is

placed and secured to the mucosa with a suture.

Primary Maxillary Space Infections

• Extraorally:

In severe intractable infection, extraoral incision is only method of

drainage. Incision is made at the upper and posterior edge of temporals muscle,

within the hairline. A sinus forceps is then directed upwards and medially. Pus is

excavated; rubber drain inserted and secured with a suture.


Infection of infra temporal space should be considered a serious event

because of proximity of pterygoid plexus of veins, from which infection can track

upwards to the cavernous sinus via: deep facial veins; emissary veins; and via

other foramina directly from infra temporal fossa to the middle cranial fossa.

Primary Mandibular Space Infections



The submental space lies below the chin, in the anterior aspect of mandible.


Anterior: Inferior border of


Posterior: Hyoid bone

Superior: Mylohyoid muscle

Inferior: Investing fascia

Superficial: Investing fascia

Lateral: Anterior bellies of digastric muscles.


The contents of the submental space are anterior jugular vein and

submental lymph nodes.


The neighbouring spaces of the submental space is the

submandibular space on either side of it.

Primary Mandibular Space Infections


Lower anteriors are the most common cause of submental space

infection. Infection resulting from the fracture of symphysis also involves

submental space. Spread of infection from submandibular space is also a

common cause of submental space involvement.



Distinct, firm, erythematous swelling is seen in midline below the

anterior border of the mandible. Skin overlying the swelling is board-like and

taut. Fluctuation may be present.


Anterior teeth are either nonvital, fractured or carious.

Offending tooth may exhibit tenderness to percussion and may show mobility.

Considerable discomfort on swallowing is observed.

Primary Mandibular Space Infections


The infection from the submental space moves posteriorly to involve

submandibular space. It may discharge on the face in the submental region.


Horizontal incision in the most inferior portion of chin provides

dependent drainage. Kelly’s forceps or sinus forceps is inserted through the

incision, upward and backward. Small piece of drain is inserted in the abscess

cavity, and is secured to one of the margins with a suture.


Grodinsky and Holyoke used the term submandibular space to

describe all the peri-mandibular spaces, which are now described separately as

submandibular, submental and sublingual spaces.

Primary Mandibular Space Infections

The submandibular space lies between the anterior and

posterior bellies of digastric muscles, in the inferior border of the mandible.

Mylohyoid muscle separates the sublingual space above, from the

submandibular space below, attaching to the lingual surface of the mandible


Anterior: Anterior belly of digastric muscle.

Posterior: Posterior belly of digastric muscle, stylohyoid muscle,

stylopharyngeus muscle.

Superior: Inferior and medial surfaces of mandible.

Inferior: Digastric tendon.

Superficial: Platysma muscle, investing fascia.

Deep: Mylohyoid, hypoglossus, superior constrictor muscles.

Primary Mandibular Space Infections


The contents of the submandibular space are submandibular gland,

submandibular lymph nodes, facial artery and vein.


The neighbouring spaces of the submandibular gland are sublingual,

submental, lateral pharyngeal, buccal spaces.


Lower molars are the most common causes of the submandibular

space infection. Spread of infection from submandibular gland also involves the

submandibular space. Spread of infection from submental space, sublingual

space also involves the submandibular space.


• Extraoral:

Firm swelling in the submandibular region below the inferior border of

mandible is observed along with tenderness of swelling and redness of

overlying skin.

• Intraoral:

Diseased molars tender to percussion can be observed. Dysphagia

and moderate trismus are associated with submandibular space infection.

Primary Mandibular Space Infections


Surgical drainage, antibiotics, and definitive care of the primary

dental infection. Incision is performed through the skin below and parallel to the

inferior border of mandible.

Blunt dissection is carried to depths of space extending to

anterior and posterior margins. Deep abscess loculations should be entered

with a small closed clamp, probing in all directions while attempting to avoid

damage to the submandibular gland, the facial artery, and the lingual nerve. The

contralateral space should not be entered unless it is involved in infection; if

necessary, however a through-and-through drain can be placed into both the

sides, as in Ludwig’s angina.

Primary Mandibular Space Infections


Infection from submandibular space infection speeds into submental

space due to lack of major anatomical barriers. Spread to submandibular space

on contralateral side occurs due to the same. It also spreads to sublingual

space via the posterior border of mylohyoid muscle and spreads backwards to

involve para-pharyngeal spaces.


Differential diagnosis should include acute sialadenitis, sublingual

trauma or foreign body, and submandibular lymphadenitis. These may produce

a secondary overlying cellulitis that further confuses the diagnosis.


Sublingual space is the V-shaped trough lying lateral to muscles of

tongue. It is a paired space which communicates anteriorly with the submental



Anterior: Lingual surface of mandible.

Posterior: Submandibular space.

Superior: Oral mucosa.

Inferior: Mylohyoid muscle.

Medial: Muscles of tongue.

Lateral: Lingual surface of mandible.

Primary Mandibular Space Infections


The contents of the sublingual space are the sublingual glands,

Wharton’s ducts, lingual nerve, sublingual artery and vein.


The neighbouring spaces of sublingual spaces are submandibular,

submental, lateral pharyngeal, visceral (trachea and oesophagus) spaces.

Primary Mandibular Space Infections


Infection of the sublingual space is most frequently from the lower

premolars, molars (especially the first molar). Direct trauma to the sublingual

region of mandible can also involve the sublingual space. Spread of infection

from surrounding submental and submandibular spaces are also frequent.


• Extraoral:

Extraorally, little or no swelling is seen. Lymph nodes may be

enlarged and tender. Pain and discomfort on deglutition is observed. Speech

may be affected.

• Intraoral:

Brawny, erythematous, tender swelling of the floor of the mouth,

beginning close to the mandible and spreading toward the midline or beyond is

observed. Elevation of the tongue and floor of the mouth is raised, leading to

airway obstruction.Tongue protrusion beyond

the vermilion border of the lip will be affected.


• Intraorally:

An incision is given through the mucosa parallel to Wharton’s duct

bilaterally. Sinus forceps is then inserted and opened to evacuate the pus.

Primary Mandibular Space Infections

• Extraorally:

When both the submental and sublingual spaces contain pus, they

can be drained via a skin incision placed in the submental region, pushing a

closed sinus forceps through the mylohyoid muscle.

Similarly, when the submandibular space is involved, sublingual

space can be accessed by an incision in the skin overlying the submandibular

space, via the submandibular space.


The infection from sublingual space crosses midline and affects the

space on opposite side. It may also involve the submandibular space via the

posterior border. Submental space can be involved inferiorly. Lateral pharyngeal

space can be involved via the bucco-pharyngeal gap.


Cellulitis accompanying impacted sialolith in Wharton’s duct.

Radiographs of teeth and occlusal films of the floor of the mouth should be used

in diagnosis.

Secondary Fascial Spaces



Masticatory space is an anatomical compartment enclosed by splitting

of the anterior layer of the deep cervical fascia around the muscles of

mastication, following those muscles to their attachments to the cranium and

skull base. Infections generally affect discrete portions of the masticatory space

like the submasseteric space, pterygomandibular, superficial temporal and deep

temporal spaces.

The masticatory space as a whole is bound by fascia, contains the

muscles of mastication and the internal maxillary artery and the mandibular

nerve. It communicates freely with buccal, submandibular and parapharyngeal

spaces. Swelling may not be the prominent sign in masticatory space infections,

because infectious process exists deep to large muscle masses that obscure

much observable swelling.

Surgical access to the various compartments of masticator space is

complicated by the containment of the infectious process by the muscle

masses. Although drainage of entire masticator space from the intraoral space

is possible and occasionally practical, access from an extraoral incision is

easier technically and more prudent. Sichers’ suggested an intraoral approach

to all compartments via incision along pterygomandibular raphe (less feasible in

infectious patient with trismus). Oral approach could compromise the airway

postoperatively because of persistent bloody or purulent oozing and intraoral

drains may be difficult to maintain and can be aspirated if loosened

Secondary Fascial Spaces

Secondary Fascial Spaces


The submasseteric space lies between anterior layer of deep cervical

fascia, locally referred to as parotidomasseteric fascia, and the lateral surface of

ascending ramus of mandible.


Anterior: Buccal space.

Posterior: Parotid gland.

Superior: Zygomatic arch.

Inferior: Inferior border of mandible.

Medial: Ascending ramus of mandible.

Lateral: Masseter muscle.


The contents of the submasseteric space are masseteric artery and



Sub-masseteric spaces communicates freely with buccal,

pterygomandibular, superficial temporal, parotid spaces.


Infections from the lower third molars, fracture of angle of mandible

frequently involve the sub-masseteric space. Contaminated mandibular block

Secondary Fascial Spaces

anaesthetic injections also cause infection. Spread from nearby contiguous

spaces; trauma/surgery through or near muscles is seen. As a complication of

circumzygomatic wiring for mid face trauma, this space may be involved.


Inflammation and edema of overlying masseter muscle is observed with

tenderness over the angle of the mandible. Inflammatory process results in

significant trismus, hallmark of this condition, exception in immunosuppressed

patients, who may not exhibit the classic signs of inflammation or the unique

signs of deep space infection. Submasseteric swellings can be differentiated

from parotid swellings, as they obscure the ear lobe whereas the parotid

swellings elevate it.


• Intraoral:

Incision is made vertically over the lower part of anterior border of the ramus of

the mandible, deep to the bone. A sinus forceps are passed along the lateral

surface of the ramus downwards and backwards and the pus is drained; drain

inserted and secured with suture.

Secondary Fascial Spaces

• Extraoral:

When the mouth cannot be opened, an

incision is placed in the skin behind the angle

of the mandible to open the abscess by

Hilton’s method. A rubber drain is inserted

and secured in position with a suture.

Dressing applied.


Pterygomandibular space is the most frequently affected anatomical



Anterior: Buccal space.

Posterior: Parotid gland.

Superior: Lateral pterygoid


Inferior: Inferior border of


Medial: Medial pterygoid


Lateral: Ascending ramus of mandible.

Secondary Fascial Spaces


The contents of the pterygomandibular space include mandibular division of

trigeminal nerve, inferior alveolar artery and vein.


Pterygomandibular space communicates with buccal, lateral pharyngeal,

submasseteric, deep temporal, parotid spaces.


Infection of the pterygomandibular space can be from lower third

molars, fracture of angle of mandible, infection from contaminated needles used

for inferior alveolar nerve block.


Little extraoral swelling is seen in pterygomandibular space infections.

Trismus, caused by edema and inflammation of the medial pterygoid muscle,

hinders the view of the swollen anterior tonsillar pillar and the deviation of the

uvula to the opposite side. Dysphagia is present. Edema of soft palate present.

Tenderness can be elicited over the area of swollen soft tissues medial to

anterior boxer of ramus of mandible.


The abscess usually tends to point at the anterior border of the ramus of the

mandible and drainage can be easily done by intraoral route.

Secondary Fascial Spaces

• Intraoral:

A vertical incision approximately, 1.5 cm in length,

is made on the anterior and medial aspect of the

mandible. A sinus forceps is placed in the abscess

cavity, opened and closed and withdrawn. Pus is

evacuated; drain placed and secured.

• Extraoral:

An incision is made on the skin below the angle of mandible. A sinus forceps is

inserted towards the medial side of the ramus in an upward and backward

direction. Pus is evacuated and drain inserted and secured.


Infection from pterygomandibular space spreads along the medial surface of

ramus to involve infra temporal fossa and beneath the temporal fascia;

posteriorly to the lateral pharyngeal space and then to the retropharyngeal

space; spreads around the front of the ramus to involve the buccal space;

spreads around the front of the ramus extending anteroinferiorly below the

lower border and under the superior constrictor to involve the submandibular


Secondary Fascial Spaces



Superficial temporal space lies between the temporal fascia, which is the

continuation of parotidomasseteric fascia, and the temporalis muscle.


Anterior: Posterior surface of lateral orbital rim.

Posterior: fusion of temporal fascia with the pericraniums at the posterior edge

of temporalis muscle.

Inferior: Zygomatic arch and areolar connective tissue medial to it.

Secondary Fascial Spaces


Superficial temporal space contains temporal fat pad, temporal branch of

facial nerve.


Superficial temporal space communicates with buccal, deep temporal



Infection from upper and lower molars may involve the superficial

temporal space. Buccal space infections may spread to the superficial temporal

space following the temporal fat pad.


Deep temporal space is present deep to superficial temporal space.


Lateral: Temporalis muscle.

Medial: Squamous temporal bone and sphenoid bone.

Inferior: Superior surface of the lateral pterygoid muscle.

Superior and posterior: Attachment of the temporalis muscle to the cranium at

the temporal crest.

Secondary Fascial Spaces

Anterior: Posterior wall of the maxillary sinus, the pterygomaxillary fissure, and

the posterior surface of the orbit, including inferior orbital fissure.


Contents of the deep temporal space are the internal maxillary artery

and vein, mandibular division of trigeminal nerve.


Pain and trismus is usually present. Swelling over temporal region may

or may not be present.


Extraoral incision in temporal region, well above the hairline, 45º to

zygomatic arch. The haemostat is inserted above and below the temporalis



Paraphayngeal spaces include lateral and retro pharyngeal spaces.

These spaces form a ‘ring’ around the pharynx and together form a pathway for

spread of orofacial infections in neck and mediastinum. The parapharyngeal

spaces communicate directly with the submandibular space anteroinferiorly and

retromandibular space posteriorly. These spaces separate the muscles of

mastication from the muscles of deglutition.

Secondary Fascial Spaces


Lateral pharyngeal space is shaped like an inverted pyramid with its

base at the base of the skull and its apex at the hyoid bone.

Secondary Fascial Spaces

A short layer of fascia runs from the anterior layer of the deep cervical fascia

overlying the medial pterygoid muscle, across the styloid process and the

styloid muscles to the buccopharyngeal fascia. This fascial condensation is

called as aponeurosis of Zuckerkandl and Testut, which divides the lateral

pharyngeal space into anterior(prestyloid) and posterior (poststyloid)


Anterior compartment has little content except areolar connective tissue.

The posterior compartment contains the cranial nerves IX, X, XI, XII, carotid

sheath and its contents, and the cervical sympathetic chain, attached to

posterior surface of the carotid sheath. These structures give rise to the

ominous clinical signs of cranial nerve and carotid sheath involvement that

occur in severe infections of the lateral pharyngeal space.


Anterior: superior and middle pharyngeal constrictor muscles, stylohyoid and

posterior belly of digastric muscle.

Posterior: Carotid sheath and scalene fascia.

Superior: Skull base.

Inferior: Hyoid bone.

Medial: Pharyngeal constrictors, buccopharyngeal fascia, retropharyngeal


Lateral: Medial pterygoid muscle sup & anterior layer of deep cervical fascia


Secondary Fascial Spaces


Lateral pharyngeal space contains carotid artery, internal jugular vein,

vagus nerve, cervical sympathetic vein.


Lateral pharyngeal space communicates with the pterygomandibular,

submandibular, sublingual, peritonsillar, retropharyngeal spaces.


Infection from the lower third molars may reach the lateral pharyngeal

space. Lateral pharyngeal space may be involved due to tonsillitis, pharyngitis,

parotitis, otitis, mastoiditis, infection from neighbouring spaces, herpetic

gingivostomatitis involving pericoronal tissue.


Only visible swelling may be between the posterior belly of digastric and

the anterior border of SCM, just superior to the hyoid bone. On palpation, a

tender fullness of this region also suggests the correct diagnosis. Intraorally,

only mild to moderate trismus may be noted, unless the masticatory space is

involved. Palatoglossus arch is blunted on the affected side with deviation of

uvula to the unaffected side. Anterior tonsillar pillar is edematous and tender.

The patient’s head may tilt toward shoulder of unaffected side to position the

upper airway over the deviated trachea and larynx. Grave because of

generalised septicemia and respiratory compromise due to edema of the larynx.

Secondary Fascial Spaces


Patient exhibits pain, fever, chills, medial bulging of the lateral

pharyngeal with deviation of the palatal uvula from the midline, dysphagia,

swelling below the mandible and usually trismus.


Noted for absence of trismus and visible swelling, but respiratory

obstruction, septic thrombosis of the internal jugular vein, and carotid artery

haemorrhage may occur in patients at a late stage of infection.


Therapy consists of antibiotics, surgical drainage, and tracheostomy

if indicated. The surgical approach may be oral, by incision of the lateral

pharyngeal wall, or external, by exposure of carotid sheath near the lateral tip of

hyoid bone after retraction of the SCM. Blunt dissection along the posterior

order of the digastric muscle leads to lateral pharyngeal space.

In the combined intraoral and extra oral approach, a mucosal

incision is made lateral to the pterygomandibular raphe, and a large curved

clamp is passed medial to the medial pterygoid muscle in a posterior-inferior

direction; tip delivered through skin by cutaneous incision between angle of

mandible and sternocleido-mastoid muscle.

Secondary Fascial Spaces


Infection can spread:

• Upwards through various foramina such as, foramen ovale,

foramen lacerum, and jugular foramen present at the base of the

skull, producing brain abscess, menginitis or sinus thrombosis.

• Downwards into the carotid sheath towards the mediastinum; a

pathway which Mosher called the ‘Lincoln’s highway’ of the neck.


Oesophagus and trachea are enclosed by middle layer of deep cervical

fascia, which extends laterally to the carotid sheath creating an anterior neck

compartment- pretracheal (previsceral) space and a posterior retropharyngeal


The posterior space lies behind the oesophagus and pharynx and

extends inferiorly to the upper mediastinum and superiorly to the base of the

skull. The retropharyngeal space extends vertically from the base of the skull to

the fusion of retropharyngeal fascia with the alar fascia at level between C6 and

T4 vertebrae.


Anterior: Superior and middle pharyngeal constrictor muscles.

Posterior: Alar fascia.

Superior: Skull base.

Secondary Fascial Spaces

Inferior: Fusion of alar and pre vertebral fascia at C6-T4.

Lateral: Carotid sheath and lateral pharyngeal space.


Retropharyngeal space contains areolar connective tissue and lymph

nodes that drain the adenoidal tissues of the posterior pharyngeal wall.

Secondary Fascial Spaces


The lateral and retropharyngeal spaces contain a rich supply of lymph

nodes that drain Waldeyer’s ring. When these nodes are overwhelmed or

necrotic, a fascial space infection may develop. Retropharyngeal space

infection may also occur due to nasal and pharyngeal infections in children,

dental infections through contiguous spaces, oesophageal trauma or foreign

bodies and tuberculosis.


Dysphagia, dyspnea, nuchal rigidity, oesophageal regurgitation, and fever

characterise infections of retropharyngeal space.

If the pharynx can be visualised, a bulging of the posterior wall may

be observed and is usually more prominent unilaterally because of the

adherence of the median raphe of the pre vertebral fascia.

If it is not treated in time, there is a risk of:

• Obstruction of the upper respiratory tract, due to displacement of the

posterior wall of the pharynx anteriorly.

• Rupture of the abscess and aspiration of pus into the lungs, with

asphyxiation resulting.

• Spread of infection into the mediastinum.

Secondary Fascial Spaces


Management of retropharyngeal space requires prompt surgical

drainage and allows little time for delay, debate, or decision by committee. For

the fear of aspiration or airway obstruction by pus pouring from the ruptured

space during passage of an endotracheal tube, tracheostomy is usually


Drainage can be performed transorally with the patient under local

anaesthesia in the extreme Trandelenburg position and with constant

suctioning. In the transoral technique, an incision is made through the midline in

the posterior pharyngeal mucosa, and the abscess is opened by blunt


Extraoral approach provides more dependable drainage. An incision

along the anterior border of SCM and parallel to it, inferior to hyoid bone. This

muscle and the carotid sheath are retracted laterally, and blunt finger dissection

is carried deeply. Blunt finger dissection deep to the inferior constrictor muscles

opens the retropharyngeal space abscess. Deep drains are placed and

maintained until all clinical and laboratory signs of infection are no longer



Infections of the retropharyngeal space are ominous because of their ability to

impinge on the airway directly and potential involvement of the danger space.

The alar fascia divides the retropharyngeal fascia from the danger space, once

an aggressive necrotising infection has fully distended the retropharngeal

Secondary Fascial Spaces

space, pressure necrosis and enzymatic destruction of the alar fascia may allow

the infection to perforate the danger space. The overall mortality rate for

retropharyngeal infections of all causes is approximately 10%.


The pre-tracheal space lies in front of trachea.


Superior: Fusion of the visceral division and sternothyoid-thyrohyoid division.

Inferior: superior and anterior mediastinum.

Anterior: Deep surface of sternothyroid-thyrohyoid fascia

Posterior: Superficial surface of visceral fascia.

Lateral: Retropharyngeal space.

Secondary Fascial Spaces

As a result of dense fusion of fascial layers above the extent of this space,

infections from jaws and oral cavity usually do not descend into the pretracheal



Visceral space is the space enclosed by the visceral division of

the middle layer of deep cervical fascia. It extends upto the mediastinum and

contains viscera like pharynx, larynx, trachea, oesophagus and thyroid glands.

Infections of these organs drain into the lumen of pharynx,

oesophagus, or trachea or pierce the visceral fascia anteriorly to enter the pre

tracheal space.

Secondary Fascial Spaces


The danger space is so called because of its communication with the

mediastinum. It extends from the base of the skull superiorly to the diaphragm

inferiorly. The contents of the danger space are areolar connective tissue.

In the chest, danger space is continuous with posterior mediastinum

which contains the vena-cava, aorta, thoracic duct, trachea, and oesophagus.

Therefore, infections that pass through the danger space into the mediastinum

can erode into or compress blood vessels, lower airway, and upper digestive



The carotid sheath encloses common carotid artery, internal

jugular vein and vagus nerve. The carotid sheath space is involved by infection

from the submandibular, infra temporal and parapharyngeal spaces.

Infections that erode the carotid sheath use disruption of any of the

structures associated with it, including expanding hematoma in the neck,

bleeding episodes, variations in heart rate or speech function, or septic emboli.

Complications of Space Infections




Cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis is a serious condition consisting

of formation of thrombus in the cavernous sinus or its communicating branches.

Infection of head, face and intraoral structures above the maxilla, particularly,

lead to this disease. There are two routes by which infection may reach

cavernous sinus.


Infections from the face and lip are carried by facial and angular veins

and nasofrontal veins (danger area of the face) to the superior ophthalmic vein,

which enters the cavernous sinus through the superior orbital fissure, while in

internal system, dental infection is by the way of pterygoid plexus from the

posterior maxillary region, from here through the inferior orbital fissure into the

terminal part of the ophthalmic vein and then through the superior orbital fissure

into cavernous sinus. The infection spreading by the facial or external route is

very rapid with a short fulminating course because of the large, open system of

the veins leading directly to cavernous sinus. In contrast, infection spreading

through the pterygoid or internal route reaches the cavernous sinus only

through the small, twisting passages and has a much slower course. The other

pathway from the pterygoid plexus, is an emissary vein, which connects the

cavernous sinus with the pterygoid plexus of veins. It passes through an

opening of the base of the greater sphenoid wing, the foramen of Vesalius or
Complications of Space Infections

through the fibrocartilage filling the foramen lacer or foramen ovale. Infection

usually involves one side initially, but can spread to the opposite side through

the circular veins.

Rapid complications and occasionally death can result, from

infections by virulent organisms from the upper part of the face, because:

• The short distance from the facial regions to the sinuses of the brain through
the superiorly draining venous system,

• Frequent and complicated anastomoses of these veins leading to direct

communications with the sinuses.

• The lack of protective valves that other venous systems of the body possess
and which factor is significantly absent in the facial vessels involved in this


Complications of Space Infections


The various bacteria implicated are streptococci and staphylococci and some

gram negative bacteria.


Generalised constitutional

symptoms, high fluctuating

fever, chills, rapid pulse and


• Initial symptoms: it

presents with:

(ii) swelling of the face, with

edematous involvement of the eyelids. Pain in the eye and tenderness to


(iii) Venous obstruction leading to marked edema and congestion of eyelids;

(iv) Pulsating exophthalmos, where carolid pulse is transmitted through

retrobulbar edema;

(v) Cranial nerve involvement: oculomotor, trochlear, abducens, ophthlamic

division of trigeminal nerve, and carotid sympathetic plexus. It results in

ophthalmoplegia, paresis or paralysis of the abducens nerve is diagnosed

by the weakness or paralysis of the lateral rectus muscle of the eye. The

weakness of the other muscles of the eye, culminates in paralysis,

Complications of Space Infections

diminished or absent corneal reflex, ptosis and dilation of pupil, exophthalmos,

photophobia with profuse lacrimation and pain in the disturbution of the

ophthalmic division of the 5th cranial nerve.

(vi) Papilledema with multiple retinal hemorrhages, (if retina can be visualised)

and chemises, epistaxis, due to increased intracranial pressure and

decreased venous return.

• Late symptoms: if left untreated, thrombophlebitis spreads to other side,

and bilateral signs can be seen.

• Advanced stage: There may be signs of advanced toxaemia and

meningitis, producing stiffness of the neck, with positive Kernig’s sign and

Brudzinski’s signs and Biot’s respiration. Unless it is treated early, the

prognosis is poor. Septecemia with leukocytosis and severe acidosis with a

positive blood culture.


• Antibiotic therapy: IV chloramphenicol 1 g 6 holy.

• Heparinization, to prevent extension of thrombosis, heparin 20,000 units in

1,500 ml of 5% dextrose or dicoumarol 200 mg may be given orally, for the

first day, and 100 mg daily, thereafter.

• Neurosurgical consultation.

• Mannitol: it reduces edema.

• Anticoagulants: it prevents venous thrombosis.

• Surgical drainage.

Complications of Space Infections


Ludwig’s angina is a firm, acute, toxic cellulitis of the submandibular

and sublingual spaces bilaterally and of the submental space. Ludwig’s angina

was first described by Wilhelm Friedreich von Ludwig in 1836. The term

‘Ludwig’s angina’ coined by Camerer in 1837. The three ‘fs’ associated with

Ludwig’s angina became evident even before the first written description of the

disease: it was to be feared, it rarely became fluctuant, and it often was fatal.

Ludwig’s angina is also called as Marbus strangulatorius, angina maligna,

angina ludovici, Garrotillo.


1. Odontogenic: cause in majority of cases.

• Acute dentoalveolar abscess - mandibular 2nd and 3rd molars.

• Acute periodontal abscess - deep abscess involve sublingual


• Acute periocoronal abcess - in relation to erupting mandibular

Complications of Space Infections

3rd molars, which can extend to: submandibular space, buccal

space, sublingual space, pterygomanibular space, infected
mandibular cyst also can spread to form Ludwig’s angina.

2. Iatrogenic: use of contaminated needle for giving LA.

3. Traumatic injuries to orofacial region:

• Mandibular fractures, the chances of developing Ludwig’s

angina are

more, if the fracture is compounded and comminuted.

• Deep lacerations or penetrating injuries such as punctured


4. Osteomyelitis: secondary to compound mandibular fractures; acute

exacerbation of chronic osteomyelitis of mandible.

5. Submandibular and sublingual sialadenitis: Acute/chronic infection

of glands.

6. Secondary infections of oral malignancies: secondary infections of

the oral

malignancies leaving to condition.

7. Miscellaneous causes: Rare causes such as-

• Infection in the tonsils or pharynx such as purulent tonsillitis,


• Foreign bodies such as fish bone, etc.

• Oral soft tissue lacerations.

8. Cervical lymphoid tissues.

Complications of Space Infections

The term pseudo-Ludwig’s angina has been applied to the cases

of non dental origin, they are also referred to as pseudo-Ludwig phenomena.


It is a cellulitis which tends to spread through tissue spaces &

along fascial planes. It occurs in the presence of organisms that produce

significant amounts of hyaluronidase and fibrinolysins that act on hyaluronic

acid and fibrin. Streptococci, the potent producer of hyaluronidase are always

associated with Ludwig’s angina.


Staphylococci, Streptococci, E. coli, Pseudomonas, and anaerobes like

Bacteroides spp, anaerobic Streptococci, Peptostreptococcus, Fusospirochetes

are the contemporary organisms associated with Ludwig’s angina. In early

stages with almost no putrefaction, mixed aerobic and anaerobic infection is

seen. Later stages with frank putrefaction, more anaerobic infection is seen.


Mandibular second and third molars are the frequently associated

cause of the Ludwig’s angina. The bone around these teeth is usually thicker on

the buccal aspect than lingual side. The teeth with root apices below the

mylohyoid muscle, infection spreads primarily to the submandibular space.

Hence, submandibular space plays vital role in development and progress of

the disease while the spread is dependent on the muscles in the area.

Complications of Space Infections


The condition usually follows a submandibular space infection caused

by a periapical infection, or pericoronitis around mandibular third molar. The

infection then spreads to the sublingual space on the same side, around the

deep part of the submandibular gland. The submental space is involved by

lymphatic spread. The condition may also occur in converse manner, i.e.,

spread from sublingual to submandibular spaces.


From the sublingual spaces, the infection may spread backwards in the

substance of the tongue along the course of sublingual artery. Infection reaches

region of epiglottis and produces swelling around the laryngeal inlet. Infection

may track to submasseteric, pterygomandibular spaces and more posteriorly,

parapharyngeal, paratonsillar spaces- worsening airway compromise.

Infection from submandibular space can spread downwards along

and beneath the investing layer of deep cervical fascia, towards clavicle and

subsequently to mediastinum. Uncommonly, infection can spread below and

reach close to carotid sheath, pterygopalatine fossa, leading to cavernous sinus

thrombosis with subsequent meningitis.


1. General examination:

General constitutional symptoms, patient looks toxic, very ill &

dehydrated with pyrexia, anorexia, chills and malaise can be observed. Marked
Complications of Space Infections

pyrexia, with difficulty in swallowing, impaired speech and hoarseness of voice

can be observed.

2. Regional examination:

• Extraoral examination:

• Firm/hard brawny swelling in the bilateral submandibular and submental

regions, which soon extends down to the anterior part of clavicles can be


• Swelling is non pitting, minimally or non fluctuant associated with severe

tenderness. Classically, the swelling shows ill-defined borders with


• Severe muscle spasm may lead to trismus with restricted mouth opening

and also jaw movements. Typically mouth remains open due to edema of

sublingual spaces leading to raised tongue almost touching the palatal

vault. In extreme cases, tongue may actually protrude from the mouth;

tongue movements are reduced.

Complications of Space Infections

• Airway obstruction is seen. Respiratory rate may be seen to be raised;

breathing being shallow with accessory muscles of reparation being used.

There may be dilation of alas nasi, raising of thoracic inlet by scalenes and

sternocleido-mastoid muscles and in-drawing of tissues above the clavicle.

Cyanosis may occur due to progressive hypoxia.

• Fatal death may occur in untreated case of Ludwig’s angina within 10-24

hrs due to asphyxia.

• Intraoral examination:

• The swelling involves the sublingual tissues, and distends or raises the

floor of the mouth, woody edema of the floor of the mouth and tongue.

Tongue may be raised against palate. Increased salivation, stiffness of

tongue movements, difficulty in swallowing.

• Backward spread of infection leads to edema of glottis, resulting in

respiratory obstruction.

• Stridor is the alarming sign of this fatal extension needing emergency

intervention to keep airway patent.

• Reduced control of muscles and jaw posture - excessive saliva, even


• Progressive dyspnea - caused by backward spread of infection, until in

untreated case, edema of the glottis causes a complete respiratory


Complications of Space Infections


Ludwig’s angina, if untreated, can be fatal within 12-24 hrs; death

arising from asphyxia. Established cases become more complicated with

involvement of other spaces. Other causes of death include septicemia/septic

shock, mediastinitis and aspiration pneumonia. With newer antibiotics, mortality

rate 75% to 4%. However, the possible fatal outcome of new cases cannot be



Ludwig’s angina should be taken as life threatening emergency. It is

best treated by aggressive intervention- based on combination of following


i) Early diagnosis,

ii) maintenance of airway,

iii) intense and prolonged antibiotic therapy,

iv) extraction of the offending teeth,

v) surgical drainage of spaces.

A nasopharyngeal tube and a tracheostomy kit should be kept ready

near the patient. Evaluation of blood gases gives an indication of the degree of

respiratory obstruction and may indicate the need for tracheostomy even if the

patient is not in distress.

Complications of Space Infections


Bilateral incision into the submandibular spaces with blunt dissection

to the midline suffices, if a through and through drain or bilateral drains meeting

in the midline are placed. This along with drainage of sublingual spaces,

relieves the intense pressure of the oedematous tissue on the airway and

provides specimens for culture. The platysma and supra hyoid fascias are

incised by this approach and the fascia of the submandibular gland is entered.

The mylohyoid muscle should be divided and the sublingual spaces is entered.

A closed clamp should be inserted through the median raphe of the mylohyoid

muscle and advanced to the hyoid bone at the base of the tongue.

Generally, little pus is obtained because the infection

often represents cellulitis of the fascia spaces rather than true abscess

formation. In some cases, especially late or fully developed ones, purulent flow

is produced. Sequelae after adequate drainage are uncommon. However,

inadequate drainage or premature closure of the surgical wounds may lead to

reinfection. Late spread to other spaces or generalised sepsis may occur.

Failure to extract the offending tooth could cause reinfection. Secondary

revision of scarring may be necessary for cosmetic reasons or to repair stenosis

of Wharton’s duct.

Complications of Space Infections


IV antibiotics with proper dosage and frequency are necessary. The

following drugs can be given:

• Penicillin G - 2-4 million units, IV 4-6 hourly; or 500 mg 6 hourly orally.

• Ampicillin/ amoxycillin - 500 mg 6 and 8 hourly, IV and orally respectively.

• Cloxacillin - 500 mg orally, 8 hourly.

• For people allergic to penicillin: Erythromycin 600 mg 6-8 hourly.

• Gentamicin - 80 mg, BID.

• Clindamycin- IV 300-600 mg 8 hourly, orally or IV.

• Metronidazole - 400 mg 8 hourly orally or IV.

• Cephalosporins are given in cases of resistant infections.


1. Preoperative:

• Airway assessment.

• Etiological findings. Radiographs- OPG, others.

• Risk factor consideration. Diabetes, immunodeficiency.

• Hydration. Bp, pulse and urine output.

• Temperature.

• Chest radiographs- to rule out pneumonia.

• Evaluate laboratory data - blood counts and proteins.

• Consider emergency airway preparations.

Complications of Space Infections

2. Perioperative:

• Intubation.

• Removal of cause.

3. Postoperative:

• Extubate after confirming adequate airway.

• Irrigation of drains periodically.

• Culture reports- adjust antibiotics accordingly.

• Re-evaluating laboratory counts.

• Monitoring course of infection - if necessary, re-exploration or


• Regular follow-up.

4. Irrigation:

• Copious irrigation of wound drain with antibacterial solution.

• Typically, bacitracin - mixture of H2O2 and normal saline



Complications of Ludwig’s angina include osteomyelitis, maxillary

sinusitis, localised respiratory tract disturbances, digestive tract disturbances.

More serious complications of Ludwig’s angina include: Life threatening airway

obstruction, septicaemia, distant metastatic foci, mediastinitis, pericarditis,

internal jugular vein thrombosis, neurological complications/intracranial

involvement leading to meningitis, epidural abscess/ brain abscess, cavernous

sinus thrombosis. Involvement of carotid sheath leads to carotid artery erosions.

And finally death.

Localisation of Dental Infections


Teeth in upper jaw:

Teeth in lower jaw:

Diagnostic Imaging of Space Infections


Conventional Radiography:



• Lat view of the mandible

• A-P and lat view of the neck for soft tissues(retro)

Other Diagnostic Aids:

• CT Scan - gold standard for H & N imaging.


• Nuclear medicine

• Xeroradiography


The management of fascial infections, either mild or severe, always has 5


1. Medical support of the patient, with special attention to correcting host

defence compromises where they exist;

2. Administration of proper antibiotics in appropriate doses;

3. Surgical removal of the source of infection as early as possible;

4. Surgical drainage of infection, with placement of proper drains; and

5. Constant re-evaluation of the resolution of the infection.

Management of Space Infections


The eight steps in the management of odontogenic infections are as follows:

1. Determine the severity of infection.

2. Evaluate host defenses.

3. Decide on the setting of care.

4. Treat surgically.

5. Support medically.

6. Choose and prescribe antibiotic therapy.

7. Administer the antibiotic properly.

8. Evaluate the patient frequently. 


A careful history and a brief but thorough physical examination should

allow the treating surgeon to determine the anatomic location, rate of

progression, and the potential for airway compromise of a given infection. The

host defenses, including immune system competence and the level of systemic

reserves that can be called upon by the patient to maintain homeostasis, are

largely determined by history.

Three major factors must be considered in determining the severity of an

infection of the head and neck: anatomic location, rate of progression, and

airway compromise.

Management of Space Infections


The anatomic spaces of the head and neck can be graded in severity by

the level to which they threaten the airway or vital structures, such as the heart

and mediastinum or the cranial contents. The buccal, infraorbital vestibular, and

subperiosteal spaces can be categorized as having low severity because

infections in these spaces do not threaten the airway or vital structures.

Infections of anatomic spaces that can hinder access to the airway due to

swelling or trismus can be classified as having moderate severity. Such

anatomic spaces include the masticatory space, whose components may be

considered separately as the submasseteric, pterygomandibular, and superficial

and deep temporal spaces, and the perimandibular spaces (submandibular,

Management of Space Infections

submental, and sublingual). Infections that have high severity are those in which

swelling can directly obstruct or deviate the airway or threaten vital structures.

These anatomic spaces are the lateral pharyngeal and retropharyngeal, the

danger space, and the mediastinum. Cavernous sinus thrombosis and other

intracranial infection also have high severity.

In 1999 Flynn and colleagues devised a severity score (SS) that

assigned a numerical value of 1 to 4 for involvement of each of the low,

moderate, severe, or extreme severity anatomic spaces, respectively. Thus, a

patient with cellulitis or abscess of the right buccal (SS = 1), right

pterygomandibular (SS = 2), and right lateral pharyngeal (SS = 3) spaces would

have a total severity score of 6, which is the sum of the values assigned to each

of the three anatomic spaces.


Upon interviewing the patient with an infection, the surgeon can

appraise the rate of progression by inquiring about the onset of swelling and

pain and comparing those times to the current signs and symptoms of swelling,

pain, trismus, and airway compromise.

Odontogenic infections generally pass through three stages before they

resolve. During the first 1 to 3 days the swelling is soft, mildly tender, and

doughy in consistency. Between days 2 and 5 the swelling becomes hard, red,

and exquisitely tender. Its borders are diffuse and spreading. Between the fifth

and seventh days the center of the cellulitis begins to soften and the underlying

abscess undermines the skin or mucosa, making it compressible and shiny. The
Management of Space Infections

yellow colour of the underlying pus may be seen through the thin epithelial

layers. At this stage the term fluctuance is appropriately applied. Fluctuance

implies the palpation of a fluid wave by one hand as the abscess is compressed

by the other hand.

The final stage of odontogenic infection is resolution, which generally

occurs after spontaneous or surgical drainage of an abscess cavity. The

swelling then begins to decrease in size, redness, and tenderness. The

resolving swelling may stay firm for some time, however, as the inflammatory

process is involved in removing necrotic tissue and bacterial debris.


The most frequent cause of death in reported cases of odontogenic

infection is airway obstruction. Therefore, the surgeon must assess current or

impending airway obstruction within the first few moments of evaluating the

patient with a head and neck infection.

In partial airway obstruction, abnormal breath sounds will be

evident, consist- ing of stridor or coarse airway sounds suggestive of fluid in the

upper airways. The patient may assume a special posture that straightens the

airway, such as the “sniffing position,” in which the head is inclined forward and

the chin is elevated, as if one were sniffing a rose.

Other such postures include a sitting patient with the hands or elbows

on the knees and the chest inclined forward with the head thrust anterior to the

shoulders, which also straightens the airway and may allow secretions to drool

outward onto the floor or into a pan. Occasionally a patient with a lateral
Management of Space Infections

pharyngeal space infection will incline the neck toward the opposite shoulder in

order to position the upper airway over the laterally deviated trachea.



The medical conditions that can

interfere with proper function of the

immune system, which is, of course,

essential to the maintenance of host

defense against infection. Diabetes is

listed first because it is the most

common immune-compromising disease.


The host response to severe infection can place a severe

physiologic load on the body. Fever can increase sensible and insensible fluid

losses and caloric requirements. A prolonged fever may cause dehydration,

which can therefore decrease cardiovascular reserves and deplete glycogen

stores, shifting the body metabolism to a catabolic state. The surgeon should

also be aware that elderly individuals are not able to mount high fevers, as often

seen in children. Therefore, an elevated temperature at an advanced age is not

only a sign of a particularly severe infection, but also an omen of decreased

cardiovascular and metabolic reserve, due to the demands placed on the

elderly patient’s physiology.

Management of Space Infections

The physiologic stress of a serious infection can disrupt previously

well- established control of systemic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension,

and renal disease. The increased cardiac and respiratory demands of a severe

infection may deplete scarce physiologic reserves in the patient with chronic

obstructive pulmonary disease or atherosclerotic heart disease, for example.

Thus, an otherwise mild or moderate infection may be a significant threat to the

patient with systemic disease, and the surgeon should be careful to evaluate

and manage concurrent systemic diseases in conjunction with direct

management of the infection.


In deciding whether to admit the patient with a serious odontogenic infection, it

is generally safer to err on the side

of hospital admission. The

inpatient setting affords the patient

with continual professional

monitoring, supportive medical

care, the availability of radiologic

and medical consultative services,

and, most importantly, a team that can rapidly secure the airway should it

become compromised.



Immediate establishment of airway security and early aggressive surgical

Management of Space Infections

therapy are the most important intervention steps in the management of severe

odontogenic infections.

The involvement of moderate or high severity anatomic spaces

generally necessitates a more complicated airway management procedure, as

well as surgical intervention in anatomic locations that are not amenable to

profound local anesthesia. An infection that is rapidly progressing through the

anatomic fascial planes, as in necrotizing fasciitis, indicates the prompt

establishment of a secure airway, even if for anticipatory reasons, as well as the

possible need to extend the anatomic dissection into regions that had not been

contemplated preoperatively. Sometimes general anesthesia is required for

patient management reasons alone, especially in the patient who is not able to

cooperate, such as a young child or mentally handicapped individual.

An infrequently used surgical technique that may aid in

protecting the air-way during intubation or tracheotomy is needle

decompression. In this technique, under local anesthesia an abscess of the

pterygomandibular, lateral pharyngeal, submandibular, or sublingual space is

aspirated with a large-bore needle in order to decompress the surrounding

tissues. This manoeuvre may decrease the risk of abscess rupture through taut,

distended oropharyngeal tissues during instrumentation of the airway. Additional

benefits of this procedure are the redirection of pus drainage into the oral cavity

or onto the skin, where it can easily be removed, and obtaining an excellent

specimen for culture and sensitivity testing.

Management of Space Infections


In general, surgery for management of severe odontogenic infections is

not difficult. Given a thorough knowledge of the anatomy of the deep fascial

spaces of the head and neck, the surgeon should be able, by using appropriate

anatomic landmarks, to use small incisions and blunt dissection without direct

exposure and visualization of the entire infected anatomic space.

Lest the surgeon crush a vital structure within the beaks of a

hemostat during blunt dissection, it is crucial to insert the instrument closed,

then open it at the depth of penetration, and then withdraw the instrument in the

open position. A hemostat should never be blindly closed while it is inside a

surgical wound. Another important principle of surgical incision and drainage is

the need to dissect a path- way for the drain that includes the locations where

pus is most likely to be found.

Management of Space Infections

The advantages of through-and- through drainage are the provision

of two pathways for the egression of pus, placement of the incisions in healthy

tissue in cosmetically acceptable areas, and the ability to irrigate the infected

wound with uni-directional flow from one incision to the other. Wound irrigation

is facilitated especially by the use of a Jackson Pratt–type drain, which is

noncollapsible and perforated.


Much of the surgical literature on the management of deep fascial

space infections of the head and neck advocates an expectant approach to

surgical drainage of deep neck infections. The overall strategy of this approach

is to use parenteral antibiotic therapy as a means of controlling, localizing, or

even eradicating the soft tissue infection. Failure of the medical approach is

determined by patient deterioration, impending airway compromise, and the

identification of an abscess by CT or clinical examination or both.


Infections that present in the low severity anatomic spaces are not in

an anatomic position that is likely to threaten the airway or vital structures. In

the absence of immunologic or systemic compromise, such infections are very

unlikely to become serious or life threatening. Straightforward treatments, such

as removal of the involved teeth, intraoral incision and drainage, and empiric

antibiotic therapy, are almost always successful.

Management of Space Infections

When an infection involves anatomic spaces of moderate or

greater severity, or when there is significant medical or immune system

compromise, culture and sensitivity testing as early as possible in the course of

infection is important because the final result of antibiotic sensitivity testing can

be delayed for as much as 2 weeks when fastidious or antibiotic-resistant

organisms are involved.


Medical supportive care for the patient with a severe

odontogenic infection is composed of hydration, nutrition, and control of fever in

all patients. Maintenance or reestablishment of electrolyte balance and the

control of systemic diseases may also be a crucial part of the necessary

supportive medical care for some cases, and the reader is referred to

appropriate texts for a more comprehensive discussion of these matters.


Mild or outpatient infections have been shown in a number of

studies to respond well to the oral penicillins. There was no significant

difference in pain or swelling at 7 days of therapy between penicillin and various

other antibiotics, including clindamycin, amoxicillin, amoxicillin-clavulanate, and

cephradine, although these parameters improved more rapidly during the first

48 hours of therapy with the alternative antibiotics.

In most of the cases, the involved tooth or teeth were treated with

extraction or root canal therapy is done. Incision and drainage is performed as

necessary. Therefore, penicillin continues to be a highly effective antibiotic for

Management of Space Infections

uncomplicated odontogenic infections, owing to its low cost and low incidence

of unwanted side effects.

Clindamycin has become the empiric antibiotic of choice for odontogenic

infections that are serious enough to warrant hospital admission.

Most resistance to penicillin that occurs among the oral pathogens

is due to synthesis of β-lactamase. Therefore, it is reasonable to use penicillin

plus a β-lactamase inhibitor such as ampicillin-sulbactam or a penicillin plus

metronidazole as alternative antibiotics for serious odontogenic infections. The

penicillins and metronidazole have the advantage of crossing the blood-brain

barrier when the meninges are inflamed. Clindamycin, on the other hand, does

not cross the blood-brain barrier. Therefore, it is appropriate to use penicillin

plus metronidazole or ampicillin-sulbactam when there is a risk of an

odontogenic infection entering the cranial cavity.


The tissue level of antibiotics determines their effectiveness.

Those tissue levels are of course dependent on the antibiotic’s level in serum,

through which the antibiotic must pass in order to achieve therapeutic levels in

soft tissues, bone, brain, and abscess cavities. Administration of antibiotics by

the oral route requires that the drug successfully navigate the vagaries of the

highly acidic stomach, the chemical qualities of ingested foods, and the basic

intestinal tract. Once an antibiotic is absorbed by the gastric or intestinal

mucosa, it may then be subject to first pass metabolism in the liver and

subsequent excretion though the bile. Part of the excreted antibiotic may then

Management of Space Infections

be reabsorbed by the intestine, resulting in enterohepatic recirculation. For

these reasons orally administered antibiotics achieve much lower serum levels

at a slower rate than when they are injected directly into the vascular system



In outpatient infections that have been treated by tooth extraction

and intraoral incision and drainage, the most appropriate initial follow-up

appointment is usually at 2 days postoperatively for the following reasons:

• Usually the drainage has ceased and the drain can be discontinued at this


Management of Space Infections

• There is usually a discernible improvement or deterioration in signs and

symptoms allowing the next treatment decisions to be made.

For odontogenic deep fascial space infections that are serious

enough for hospitalization, daily clinical evaluation and wound care are

required. By 2 to 3 postoperative days the clinical signs of improvement should

be apparent, such as decreasing swelling, defervescence, cessation of wound

drainage, declining white blood cell count, decreased malaise, and a decrease

in airway swelling such that extubation can be considered.

Public Health Significance


• We need to have knowledge about space infections, because in rural setups

where dental health is often neglected, treatment should be offered before it

becomes fatal. This can be achieved by correct diagnosis and management

of space infections.

• Based on the severity of the infection, immediate treatment or referral can be

done, depending on the risk to airway or vital structures.

• Be able to inform the patient the sequelae of neglecting the dental infection,

which can become fatal to the person.

• To be able to identify the space infection, in order to be able to do treatment/

treatment plan.


• Odontogenic infections are a serious risk to the patient’s health and life, if

these are not managed at proper time.

• Life threatening complications can occur in medically compromised


• Management of odontogenic infections is primarily surgical supported with

medical care. Antibiotics are required in high intravenous doses as an

adjunct and not as a primary treatment. Control of underlying systemic

disease is also equally important as the control of infection to prevent

mortality and morbidity. 



1. Richard G. Topazian. Oral and Maxillofacial infections. 4th edition.

Philadelphia: W.B.Saunders. 2002. Pg. 158-213.

2. Larry J. Peterson. Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery. 4th edition.

New Delhi: Elsevier. 2004. Pg. 277-93.

3. Neelima AM. Textbook of oral and maxillofacial surgery. 4th edition. New

Delhi:Jaypee brothers. 2016. Pg. 833-885.

4. Laskin D M. Management of odontogenic infections of head and neck. vol 4.


5. Fragiskos. D. Fragiskos. Oral Surgery. Berlin: Springer. 2007.

6. Henry Gray. Gray’s anatomy. 2nd edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2010.


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