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ICT Practical File

Subject Code: 402

Submitted by:

Jahnvi Wadhwa
Roll No.: 19

Submitted to
Ms. Harpreet
R. N. Podar School
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1) Word Document............................................................................................................... 2
a) Setting Indentations ....................................................................................................................................... 3
b) Changing Screen Orientation ..................................................................................................................... 3
c) Set Paper Size A4 ............................................................................................................................................ 4
d) Document Bordering ..................................................................................................................................... 4
e) Adding Watermark ........................................................................................................................................ 5
f) Altering text (1) ............................................................................................................................................... 5
g) Altering Text (2) ............................................................................................................................................... 6

2) Word Document (2) ......................................................................................................... 8

a) Save File as “My Files”.................................................................................................................................... 8
b) Pictures and Wrap Text ................................................................................................................................. 8
c) Inserting Shapes.............................................................................................................................................. 9
d) Creating Tables .............................................................................................................................................. 9
e) Changing Screen Orientations .................................................................................................................. 10
f) Headers & Footers ........................................................................................................................................ 11
g) Check the spelling & grammar mistakes ................................................................................................. 11
h) What is Auto Correct feature in MS Word................................................................................................ 12
i) Write any 25 shortcut keys related to MS-WORD.................................................................................... 12
j) How to use Equation & symbols ................................................................................................................ 13

3) Excel Sheet ...................................................................................................................... 14

a) Renaming the File ........................................................................................................................................ 14
b) Renaming the Sheet .................................................................................................................................... 14
c) Shifting Sheets ............................................................................................................................................... 14
d) Increase cell Row height=12.65 and width=9.36 .................................................................................... 15
e) Use Merge and Center Feature ................................................................................................................ 16
f) Use Sort and Filter feature ........................................................................................................................... 17
g) Use Conditional Formatting. Give at least 3 names of such formatting ............................................ 18
h) Use Autosum Feature .................................................................................................................................. 20
i) Freeze Rows & Columns .............................................................................................................................. 20
j) Hide & Unhide Rows & Columns ................................................................................................................ 21
k) Apply Cell border ......................................................................................................................................... 23
l) Define a name to a cell range in a worksheet....................................................................................... 23
m) How many types of charts avaibable in Excel & how to use it? ......................................................... 24
n) How to use cell values in another sheet .................................................................................................. 25
o) How to share worksheet data? ................................................................................................................. 25

4) Excel Sheet 2 (Worksheet)............................................................................................. 27

p) Write the function to calculate total marks of all subjects (Rahul). .................................................... 27
q) Write the function to calculate Percentage of marks of all subjects (Rahul). .................................. 27
r) Write the function to calculate Remark of all subjects (Rahul) ........................................................... 27
s) Write the function to Grade of total marks of all subjects (Rahul) ...................................................... 28

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1) Word Document
a) Setting Indentations
Step 1: Select one or more paragraphs that you want to adjust.

Step 2: Go to Home and then select the Paragraph dialog box launcher.

Step 3: Choose the Indents and Spacing tab.

Step 4: Type 1.5 cm in the left box and 1 cm in the right box and press OK.

b) Changing Screen Orientation

Step 1: In the Page Layout tab, from the Margins drop-down menu, select Custom Margins.

Step 2: Put in the values-

Top = 2.0 cm; Bottom = 2.15 cm; Left = 2.50 cm; Right = 2.50 cm.

Step 3: Select ‘Portrait’ under ‘Orientations’ and press OK.

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c) Set Paper Size A4
Step 1: Click the Page Layout in the Home Tab.

Step 2: Click Size under the Page Layout tab. Select A4 (21cm x 29.7 cm.)

d) Document Bordering
Step 1: Press the arrow next to the Border icon under the Paragraph group.

Step 2: Select Borders and Shading… to open a dialog box.

Step 3: Change the border type to Page Border. Change border style to double line.
Change the border colour to Red. Change the border width to 3 pt and press OK.

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e) Adding Watermark
Step 1: On the Page Layout tab, select Watermark under Page Background group.
Step 2: Select Custom Watermark and type your own watermark text, in this case-
“My Content”.
Step 3: Then, customize the watermark by setting the font, layout, size, colour, and
orientation. Then Select OK.

f) Altering text (1)

Step 1: To change the font, go to the Font Option under the Font Group in the Home
Tab. Select the text you want to change the font for, press the arrow near the Font
Option and choose the “Arial Black” font face.

Step 2: To change the size of the text to 12 pt, select the text and then type “12” in
the Font Size box under the Font Group in the Home Tab and press enter.

Step 3: To change font colour to red, select the text you want to change the colour
of and then choose the shade of red you like from the shade card under the Font
Colour option in the Font Group in the Home Tab.

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Step 4: To highlight a certain text, select it and then choose the yellow colour from
the Text Highlight Colour option in the Font Group in the Home Tab.

Step 5: To change the alignment to centre, choose the Centre Alignment option in
the Paragraph group under the Home Tab.

g) Altering Text (2)

Step 1: To add symbols like superscript and subscript, select the “₂” and “²” symbols
from the Symbol option under the Symbols group in the Insert Tab.

Step 2: To border a sentence, select it and choose “All Borders” option under the
Paragraph group.

Step 3: To add a superscript/subscript character, type the text you want to

make superscript/subscript and press the button under the Font Group in the
Home Tab.

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Step 4: To strikethrough a font, press the stikethrough button under the Font Group in
the Home Tab.

Step 5: To add double strikethrough, select the text you want to double strikethrough
against and then press double strikethrough option from the Font dialogue box.

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2) Word Document (2)
a) Save File as “My Files”

Step 1: Press “File” in the top-left corner of the document.

Step 2: Then press the second option- “Save As”.

Step 3: Once the pop-up box appears, type “My Files” under File Name, then
press “Save”.

b) Pictures and Wrap Text

Step 1: To insert a picture, select the Picture option under the Illustrations
group in the Insert Tab. Then choose the picture from those saved on the

Step 2: To insert Wrap Text, select the picture you want to wrap the text
(written below) around and then select “Square” under the Wrap Text option
in the Arrange group under the Page Layout tab.

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c) Inserting Shapes

Step 1: To add a shape, press the rectangle shape under the Shapes option in
the Illustrations group, Insert Tab.

Text box

Step 2: To add a text inside the shape add a text box inside the rectangle
and type “My Shape”.

d) Creating Tables

Step 1: Press the Table option and then press Insert Tables.

Step 2: Put 5 in the ‘Column’ box and 6 in the ‘Row’ box. Then, press OK.

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e) Changing Screen Orientations
Step 1: In the Page Layout tab, from the Margins drop-down menu, select Custom Margins.

Step 2: Put in the values-

Top = 2.0 cm; Bottom = 2.15 cm; Left = 2.50 cm; Right = 2.50 cm.

Step 3: Select ‘Portrait’ under ‘Orientations’ and press OK.

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f) Headers & Footers
Step 1: Go to Insert Tab and select “Header”. Under that, press Edit Header.
Type “My Header” and make it centre aligned. Then, double click to resume

your body work.

Step 2: Go to Insert Tab and select “Footer”. From the options given, choose
any style of page number footer that you like.

g) Check the spelling & grammar mistakes

Step 1: Open the WORD document that needs a spell check. Get the cursor
on the first word of first page to start spell check.

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Step 2: Click on the review TAB in WORD, and press the ‘Spelling & Grammar’
icon to perform a complete spelling & grammar check of the document

h) What is Auto Correct feature in MS Word

AutoCorrect is a feature in WORD that automatically corrects spelling or

typing mistakes. For example, if you type “about,” based on a pre-defined
rule AutoCorrect automatically fixes the mistake by replacing the wrong
spelling with the right one, or changing the first letter of each sentence with a
CAPITAL letter, although it was a small letter when typed.

To check the AutoCorrect settings:

STEP1: Go To File Tab, Click on ‘Options’ in the left tab, the WORD options
pop-up would open.

STEP 2: Click on ‘Proofing’ in the left Tab of the pop-up, and the AutoCorrect
pop-up would open for you to review and change, if needed.

i) Write any 25 shortcut keys related to MS-WORD

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Shortcut Its Function
Ctrl+C Copy the selected text / image
Ctrl+V Paste the Copied text / Image
Ctrl+X Cut / Delete a selected Image / Potion of the
Ctrl+Z UNDO the last function (i.e. undelete /
unpasted, etc.)
Ctrl+Y REDO any function that has been undone
Ctrl+O Open a WORD document from the system
Ctrl+P Print the WORD document
Ctrl+A Select all content of the document
Ctrl+B Make the selected text bold
Ctrl+U Make the selected text underlined
Ctrl+D Open Font Prefaces window
Ctrl+K Insert a hyperlink
Ctrl+M Indent the selected paragraph
Ctrl+I Make the selected text italics
Ctrl+N Opens new, blank document window.
Ctrl+[ To decrease the Font Size by -1pts.
Ctrl+Delete Deletes the word to the right of the cursor
Ctrl+1 Single-space lines
Ctrl+2 Double-space lines
F1 Open help.
F12 Save As
Shift+Alt+T Insert the current time.
Shift+Alt+D Insert the current date.
Ctrl+W Close the currently open document
Ctrl+O Toggles 6pts of spacing above the paragraph.

j) How to use Equation & symbols

To insert equations in Word from one of the preset equations, first place your
cursor at the insertion point in your document where you want the equation
to appear. Then click the “Insert” tab in the Ribbon.

At the right end of the tab is the “Symbols” button group. Click the dropdown
arrow on the “Equation” button in this button group to then open the menu of

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3) Excel Sheet
a) Renaming the File
Step 1: Go to Save As option under the File Tab.

Step 2: Type “Myexcelfile” in the name box and save it at any location in your

b) Renaming the Sheet

Step 1: To rename the sheet, first, double-click on the name of the sheet at
the bottom of the file. In this case it is “Sheet1.”

Step 2: Type “Example” and press enter.

c) Shifting Sheets
Step 1: Right click on the workbook, place cursor on the sheet that you want
to move to a new workbook, then click on “Move or Copy”

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Step 2: Select the sheet named “Sheet2” and then select “(new book)” from
the dropdown menu above (Move Selected Sheet to Book), so that it moves
into a new excel book.

Note: DO NOT tick the box “Create a copy” so that the sheet is removed from
the original workbook, without leaving a copy behind

Step 3: As a FINAL step, before saving the file, name it as abc.xls (or as
preferred by the user)

d) Increase cell Row height=12.65 and width=9.36

Step 1: Place the cursor on the cell that we plan to modify, and click on the
‘Format’ icon under the ‘Cells’ grouping on the Home Tab as shown below:

Step 2: Click on the ‘Row Height’ button, and fill in the desired height (12.65)
and press OK. The height of the cell will get adjusted to 12.65

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Step 3: Place the cursor on the same cell, and click on the ‘Format’ icon
under the ‘Cells’ grouping on the Home Tab again.

Step 4: Click on the ‘Column Width’ button, and fill in the desired height (9.36)
and press OK. The height of the cell will get adjusted to 9.36

e) Use Merge and Center Feature

Step 1: Assume we have text filled in a specified cell (E1) and we need to
merge it with the next 3 cells (F1, G1, H1) and we also need to center align
the text. Then place the cursor on E1 and select all four cells – E1 to H1
together, as shown below

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Step 2: Click on the ‘Merge & Center’ button, and you would see that the
cells are merged like one big Label, and the colour fill there is extended to
the merged cell across all columns, as seen below:

f) Use Sort and Filter feature

Step 1: Select all cells containing the data that we need to Sort. Then click on
the Sort & Filter button under ‘Editing’ section on the Home Tab. We see two
options there – Sort A to Z and Sort Z to A.

Step 2: Click on ‘Sort A to Z’ option to sort the data in the alphabetical order,
as seen below:

Step 3: Select all cells containing the data that we plan to set filter for. Filter
can be set on

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Step 2: Click on ‘Filter’ button, and you will see filters enabled on the heading
rows, as seen above.

Step 3: Assuming we want to only see marks obtained by Students from

Chennai, Click on City ‘Filter’ button, untick ‘Select All’ and tick on the
‘Chennai’ Option. The table will now display Filtered data, with City=Chennai

g) Use Conditional Formatting. Give at least 3 names of such


Conditional formatting is a very useful tool for formatting cells in an excel

sheet. Such formatting is conditional on whether the data in that cell meets
certain conditions.

Colour Scales: For example, we can use Conditional Formatting to apply

background colours to cells based on the value in the cell. In the following
example, we can see that the colours change based on percentage project
completion. Colour scale moves from Blood RED @ 0% to Light pink @ 45%,
and Deep Blue at 89%.

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This gives an instance pictorial view of who is leading the pack, who is lagging
behind, and who all are at the tail end.

Data Bars: We can also represent the same data in a different form, using
‘Data Bars’ Conditional Formatting. For example, we can see that each
person on the list has a Data Bar, with percentage completion, such that the
bar is Blood RED @ 0% completion to half in Light pink for a 45%, and Deep
Blue for 89% completion.

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h) Use Autosum Feature

AutoSum is a Microsoft Excel function that adds together a range of cells and
displays the total in the cell below the selected range. For example, if we
need to add values in cells A1 to A5, highlight cells A1 through A5 and click
the AutoSum button. See example below:

i) Freeze Rows & Columns

In Excel, we can Freeze Only Columns or both rows and columns.

Freeze the first column only:

Select View > Freeze Panes > Freeze First Column.

The faint line that appears between Column A and B shows that the first
column is frozen.

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Freeze columns and rows

Select the FIRST row that you want to keep visible when you scroll.

Select View > Freeze Panes > Freeze Top Row.

The faint line that appears between Row 1 & 2 shows that first row is frozen.

j) Hide & Unhide Rows & Columns

TO HIDE COLUMNS, Open the excel sheet, click on the TOP row to select the
Columns that you need to Hide. Place cursor on TOP of the selected
Column(s) and right click to open the options, go down the list and click on
Hide. This will HIDE these columns from the Display screen.

TO HIDE ROWS, follow the same process after selecting the ROW(s) you need
to Hide.
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TO UNHIDE COLUMNS, select one column before and after the hidden
columns, as shown in the snapshot below. Place cursor on TOP of the selected
Column(s) and right click to open the options, go down the list and click on
Unhide. This will UnHIDE these columns to Display them on screen.

TO UNHIDE ROWS, follow the same process after selecting the ROW(s) you
need to Unhide. Refer the snapshot below.

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k) Apply Cell border
TO APPLY CELL BORDER, Open the excel sheet, and select the specific cells /
rows that you would want a border around. Then look up the Borders button
on the Home Tab (next to the Underline button). Click the ▼ down arrow next
to the Borders button to see the available options

Click on THICK BOX BORDER to apply a thick border around the selected cells,
as seen in the snapshot below.

Thick Box Border creates a border around the outside edges of all the cells
you selected. You can choose any kind of border from the drop-down menu.

If you want borders around each individual box or cell, select All Borders from
the drop-down menu, instead.

If you want more formatting options for your border, such as line thickness or
colour, select those options at the bottom end of the drop-down menu. THICK
BOX BORDER applied on students from Delhi, and colour changes to RED,
Style changed to double line in the below snapshot.

If you want to remove a border just highlight / select the cells again and
select No Border from the Border drop-down menu.

l) Define a name to a cell range in a worksheet

TO NAME A CELL RANGE, select a set of cells that you want to NAME as one
group. For example, we selected data for DELHI students below as one group,
and have named it as DELHI, as seen in the snapshot

Select the cells, and click on the “name” box, which is directly above the first
cell on the sheet (which has the cell number on is – such as A1).
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m) How many types of charts avaibable in Excel & how to use

There are in all 73 different types of charts classified under 11 groupings of

chart types in Excel.

TO INSERT CHART, in an excel sheet select the range of cells that contain the
data, Click on INSERT Tab, choose the Chart type – in this case BAR chart, and
under the BAR chart listing select the variant you want. The below snapshot is
of conical bars (CONE variant)

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Once you create the chart, you can change the colour of bars, Data Labels,
Titles of each axis, Gridlines, Font & Positioning of legend, etc. by selecting the
Chart and clicking on Layout button under chart tools, as seen below.

n) How to use cell values in another sheet

TO USE CELL VALUES, in another sheet go to that particular cell on that sheet.
For example, click on Sheet 2, and double click on the cell D2. Press = to add
a data / formula, and then click on Sheet 1, and click on the data we plan to
populate in sheet 2 – in this case cell D2 from Sheet 1.

Copy the same cell formula across a range of cells & rows that we need to
link from Sheet 1. Any changes to data in Sheet 1, will automatically change
the same data in Sheet 2.

o) How to share worksheet data?

If you want several users to work in the same Excel workbook simultaneously,
you can save the workbook as a shared workbook. Multiple users can then
access data, insert rows & columns, add and change formulas, and change
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To Share a Workbook, Click on ‘Share Workbook’ under Changes in the
Review Tab.

When the Editing tab appears tick the ‘Allow changes by more than one user
at the same time’, and then click OK.

In the ‘Save As’ dialog box, save the shared workbook on a network location
where other users can gain access to it.

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4) Excel Sheet 2 (Worksheet)

p) Write the function to calculate total marks of all subjects


We shall use the AutoSum formulae to compute the total marks of all subjects
for Rahul. To do this, go to cells I2 above, Press F2 and type @Sum(C2..H2) and
press Enter. TOTAL Marks get calculated and displayed in cell I2.

q) Write the function to calculate Percentage of marks of all

subjects (Rahul).

To get the percentage computation, go to cells J2, Press F2 and type

‘=I2/600’ and press Enter. To display the results as a percentage, place cursor
on cell J2 again, and click on the ‘%’ button under the ‘Number’ section on
the Home Tab.

r) Write the function to calculate Remark of all subjects (Rahul)

Let us assume that 210 (35%) is the minimum pass marks. In which case, any
student below 210 will be considered as FAIL. To write a function to calculate
Remark, go cell K2 (under Remark), Press F2 to enter ‘IF’ formula as below:

=IF(I2<210,”FAIL”, “PASS”) and press ENTER.

Copy the same formula across all rows in the range from K2 to K7.

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s) Write the function to Grade of total marks of all subjects

Criteria of grade: >= 90 A+

>= 75 B+
>= 50 C+
>= 33 D+
<33 Work hard

To get the required grading, we will need to use multiple IF formulas. To do

this, go cell L2 (under Grade), Press F2 to enter ‘IF’ formula as below and press

=IF(J2<0.33,"Work Hard",IF(J2<0.5,"D+",IF(J2<0.75, "C+",IF(J2<0.9, "B+","A+"))))

Copy the same formula across all rows in the range from L2 to L7. You will see
the Grading displayed in each cell automatically.

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