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PD Gelse 1S 15061 : 2002 er aesr'ee Sea. wae es — wero stent Indian Standard AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLES — FLAMMABILITY REQUIREMENTS. FCS 13.220.40; 43 Jeneary 2002 Automotive Basie Standards S nal Commitee, TED 1 ards, after the draft finalized by the Automctive rt Engineering Division Council This standard specifies the technical requirements of the burning behaviour of matericls used in interior construction of M3 eategery of metor vebieles. With a view to ensare the safety of the occupants of the vehicle, it fs important that the materials used In the construction of tke inside of motor vehicles of M3 category satisfy minimem requizemien's in order to avoid ar at lest reterd development of Mamies, euch that it allows the eecupents to evacuate the vehi ‘The special requirements for motor vehi standard, es transporting hazzrdous materie| will be covered in the separate For the preparation of this si idcrable assistance has beea derived from EI : t macerials ive 95/28/2C ‘The composition of the Committee responsible for formulation of this standard is given in Annex D. IS 15061 : 2002 Indian Standard AUTOMOTIVE VEHICLES — FLAMMABILITY REQUIREMENTS 1 SCOPE, ‘This standard applies to the burning behaviour ignitabitity, burning rate and melting behaviour) of Interior matcricls used in motor vehicles of category M3 earrying more than 22 passengers, not being, designed for standing pascongers end urton use (city buses), 2 DEFINITIONS FFor the purpose of this shall apply dard following definitions 2.1 Type Approval of a Vel ‘The approval of ¢ vehicle ype with regard to the ion walls, ete, 2.2.2-The mas ofthe interior mateils ved 0 far as they have an effect on the performance, described in 12.3 Approval of a Component ‘The approval of a comp devices such went mes san eppraval for materials, sects, curtain, ete, 2.4 Type of Component Type of component means components which de not differ in respects, such os: 5) base materia! for example wood, plastic, rubber, blers sri, b) intended use fer exemple seat ur! Jining, ets: ©) number of leyers, in ca: of composite sey have an le effect on the performa sear 2.8 Pessenger Compartment “The sp2ce for accupant accommodation (including bar, Kitchen, toilet, et}, bounded by: — the roof, — the floor, — the sidewalls, — the doors, — the outside glazing, — the rear compartment butkhead, or the plane of the rear seatback support, — atthedriver’s side of the longitudinal vertical ian plane of the vehicle, the vertical transversal plane through the driver's R- point, — atthe opposite side ofthe longitudinal vertical plene ofthe vehicle, the front bulkhesd 2.6 Seat ‘The structure which may or the vehicle structure complete with trim, seat one adult person. The dividual seat or part of a bench seat int rate but side forward ofthe rearmest anchorages (or behiad the foremost anchorages of ich eecommodate one of more 2.8 Bench Seat A structure complete with trim, than one duh person, 2.9 Burning Rete The quot time mm/min, IS 15961 : 2002 When different m intermittent welding, riveting}, such maiesials shat consicered s compesite m: rials are conzecied together 2.11 Exposed Face The side of « material which is fact passenger compartment when th in the vehicle, mounted 2.12 Upholstery ‘The combinsiionot| ruaterial which tog he seat frame. setlor padding and surfice finish er constitute the cushioning of AS 3) The materint(s) that (Logether) censttute(s) the sus finish and substrate of a reef, wall or floor. erlor Lint 3 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS 1 The performance wi the procedurse cut! comply with th x A, shell be aking the worst fest resulls, horizontal burning rate is not more bed in Annex B shall be taking the wo: Melting Betiaviour of che The result of the te considered sat into ace st described in Annex C, s Fy Hf, taking the worst sescories exceeds 400 | per seat 3.53 Elements of which the surface area or the volume does not exceed respective! 348.3,1 One hundred em? or 40 om? for the elements which are connected to an indi Three hundred em? ot 120 on? per seat row and, at atmatimum, per lineer meter ofthe interior of the passenger compartment ‘or these elements which is wh connected to an individual seating place 35.4 Electric Cables 3.6 Any adhesive agent used 1 al fo its supperting s as possible, exacerbate the bu material, 2 affix the in ing behavior of the 4 SELECTION AND NUMBER OF TEST ‘SPECIMEN For exny and C, g out the tests as given 1¢ following criteria shal! b 4.1 For Tests es per Annex A. Five samples from the following materials in the ecse of an isotopic materiel or 10 case of noa-icotropie material (five for each ¢lrection) shail be tested: 8) meterial(e) used forthe: » Q 5) used for side end rear walls, including watts; alts) ©) material(s) used for the inter fi sateriel(s) used for the tom 3S per Annex B 43 For Tests 0s pe 1S 1806% ; 2002 F Annex © 2) materiai(s) used & lepgagesrackes, by situated ia A (Clauses 3.1, 3.2 ana 1) © THE HORIZONTAL py RNING RATE OF Meare Mt PRINCIPLE A tomple is held by and is exposed ta the flame for 15 5 ig F2. The ton of te can ree ctl ter in ae ection of cena’ zon h may cover the 350 access panel, ‘energy holes an the top J Gambustion chamber, the naw a : ant OF the free end of the Semple. The test id when the flame ex or the flame passes ¢ NT easured distance, AR Combusy Sitinless fon chamber Steel snd havin, 2 pposite ond, 2 8:5 line, Melted mat Which is pl ig. 3) ber betiwean © | Comausrien Chatory 15 VENT SLOT 3 p =F = (pon io GAS BURNER, [e353 —__y 15 15061 : 2002 FIRST MEASURING POINT 8ST MEASURING FOINT FRAME SIDE EROOVES Fig. § Sseow oF Lowen U Feats A23 Gas Burner shall and shall be fis sozale the S+05 mm cabinet sothat low the center ofthe boitom re sample (ave Fig. 2). A24 Te shalt the bumer and have & calerific or example, naiural gas), al Comb ull be at feast 110 mm in lens hi soos! 1» with sever to sch ich shali be having an accurcey of 0. A-2.7 Pume Cepboard The eombustion el cupboard asses is at least greater volurse of and provided that no si dimension of the fr and & helf times e (of and behind the final pos 18 1G61 ; 2002 chamber willbe located, 1 shall be between 0.10 and 0.30 avs in order to avoid possible discomfort, by combustion products, to the operator. I is possible 10 -d with a natural ventilation and =n ASS SAMPLES cB Shupe and Dimensious A-3.L.{ The shape end dimensions ofsamples re given in Fig. 6, The thickness of the semple corresponds to the thickness of the product to be tested. It sill not be more than 3 mum. The sampieshall hve @ constant Bhi pie els 256 sioxs-oF SAMPLE d dimensions of a product do a sample of the given size, the sions shall be meinteined: les having e width of 3 to 60 min, sim, fa this case th sted in ihe product's width, dth oF 60 t0 100 mn, shall be token from the material und evals having different bi fen and placed in the test apparatus 5 rest burning rate will be measured, When the at least $00 mm shat! From this the samp least 100 mm fro | edge and equidistant shall be reduced to 13 mm by a mechaniest process applied to the side which does not face the occupant comportment. If it is impossible, the test shall be carried out, in accordance with the Technical Service, fon the initiat widil of he mauerial wht rmientioned in the test report CComporite materials shalt be tested as iC they w uniform construction. Inthe case of materisls made of superimposed layers of different composition which are not compesite materials, all the layers of material included with depth of 13 mm from the surfae passenger comparimcnt shall be tes A Conditiontag ‘The samples shall ke conditioned for atleast 24 h but sot more then 7 days atc temperature of 27 22°C and a relative humidity of 65 + $ percent and shail be maintained under there conditions until immediately prior to testing, 3.4 Procedure A.3.A.t Place samples with napped or tyfted surfaces ona flat surface and comb twice aginst the nap u comb (see A-2.5), 2.2) so that the exposed side w to the fia 1¢ gas flame to @ inthe char at the moment when the foot of the flame p: first measuring point. Observe the flame p lower sige). A-34.6 Mea! when lest gu 3g point, If the lame does last measuring point, measure the ba to the pai iste eaching the frst measuring point, so that ne me i measured, note in buming rete is Om A-3.4.8 When running a serles of ensure that the combustion chember and sampleholder havea maximum temperature of 30°C before starting the next test. A-A CALCULATION 5°, in avi ‘The burning ra formula 1 is given by the 1s 5061: 2092 where gs the burt distance, in mm; and the time, in ee $= (By foreechramplets snl exletaedn the ene sringpointor heen he ANNEX B (Clouses 3.1, 3.3 and 4.2) ‘TEST TO DETERMINE THE VERTICAL BURNING RATE OF MATERIALS B-l PRINCIPLE, ‘This test consists of exposing samples, held in @ vertical position, oe flame and determining the speed of propagation cf the flame over the mat tested, 2 APPARATU S ‘The epperatus shall consist oft ©) marker threads of white morecrized couen threads having a maximum tinear cerstty of 50 tex. B-2.1 The specimen holder shall consist of a ctangular frame 560 mm high and shall have two rigidly connected parallel rods speced 150 mm apart on which pins shall be fied for mourting ¢ specimen which is located in a plane at least 20 mm om the ousting pins shall be not greater an 2mm st leoat 27 mm long. The be located on the parallel rods at locations a Fig. 7. sukable support to maint rlentation Saring testing. (Forthe purpase of leesting the specimen on the pins in a plene avvey fron B22 A typical er Is described in Fis, The ges supplied to the burner can be eith: ga. yurner in front of, the specimen such that it lies in a plane passing through the vertical center Line of the specimen and volume of the test app: provided thet no single keight, wi dimension of the f and a half times ei of and behind the final position where apparatus will be located, It shall be bet 0.30 m/s in order to avoid possible ci products te the o; ucea fume c ces between ond to the distances 1S 15061 : 2002 OND MARKER THREAD | _FABRIC SPECIMEN 180 FIRST MARKER THREAD MOUNTING FIRS 02 SPACER STUBS (CTIONAL) Fig: 7 Seeciiaen Hout frames (see Fig. 7) oquidistn 1¢ holes shail be located fi bout she vertical contre-tines of the djusted 10 40 Istenee between the top of the templit. i Sees | me is viewed i dim B-3.1 The semples dimer B-3.2 The samples shi 24h at a temperatu: ons are $50 mm * 170 ram, B-4.2 The specimen shall be plsced on the pins of the bbe conditioned for at least test freme, me pins pess through of 272°C and a relative — the points and shall be a B4 PROCEDURE Bet The 1 be carried out i 2 botweon 2 an stmosphere 2°C and relative bbe preheated for 2 min, The GAS JET FITTED MN, > QURIES 1s 15061: 2002 0-5 BURNER TUBE Lf STABILIZER eer ileae| 14 ,| b) GAS JET Each loop si Sufficient te Hee attached toa suitable timi fon stall be imposed to ve to the specin ¢ shall be applied to the specimen for ‘Ibe deersedta have occurred if faming, of the specimen co removal of the ing flame. 1f ignition does rot occur, the flame shall te applied for 15 s to another co 2 8 18 any set oF three tens fail to burn to the top marker thread, ker thread be tested ford B47 The following cura 2) fromi flame to the severa SPECIMEN ing flame to the severs rarker thread (1); ané from the sar ofthe ep ing fame othe severance of thread ), B-5 RESULTS ‘The observed phenemeha the test report, to include 19 15 15061 : 2002 ANNEX C (Clauses 3.1, 3.4 and 4.3) ‘TEST TO DETERMINE THE MELTING BEHAVIOUR OF MATERIALS Cl PRINCIPLE A sample Is pleeed in a horizontal position and is exposed to en electric radiator. A receptacle is positioned under the specimen to collect the resultant drops. Some cattan wool i putin the receptacle in order lo verity ifany dr C2 APPARATUS apparatus shall c Of (see Fig. 10): 8) an ele ye grill ©) a receptacle {for resultant drops) 4) a suppost (for the epperatus), ©-2.1 The source of heat isan electric radiator with a veeful output of $00 W. The radiating surface must be made of traneparent quartz plate with a diameter of 100 + 5 mm.The racisted hea: from the apparatus, measured on a curfice which is situated parallel to the surface ofthe redistor ate distance of 30 m be 3 Wen? ipport for the sat ple ©-2.2 Cal thon For catibr (eadiomete ion of the radietor, 2 heat Mux meter ‘of the Gordon (foil) type with a desigy ceeding 10 Wem? shall be used, n, and possibly to.a small , circular, not more thea, ‘water-cooled body the front face of which shall be of digi hed aietal, fla, ecinciding with the plane of the target and eirculer, with 2 diameter of sbeut 25 mm. tion shall not pass target. The 3d use, inseasi through any window before shall be robust, ve to droughts, and t shall have a bility on of the heat flux meter shall be checked bration of the red arried out 2s ereference nt shall be fully catTorated anes with a national ‘The irradiance produced by the power input which fal calibeation has shown to correspond te an irradiance of 3 Wim? shell be frequently checked (= Jeast once every 50 operating hours) and the apparatus be recalibrated if such a check rev agreater then 0,06 Wis c. 2 Calibration Procedure The apparatus shall be placed in en environment essentially free ofr currents (not more than 0.2 scimen position 30 meter is located centrally within the ra sh onthe eleen teblish the pow zmeatio the powe lowed by the five-n edjostment 23 The ring (see Fig. 10). ©: made of stainless steel wire, is placed with th Iollowing diz — diameter of C24Th with an inter cptaclestiali consi ‘The receptacie shall be ited with cotion wea! S A vertical column shal! cupport th fied in C-2.1, C-2.3 and C-24. ‘The radiator is placed on top of the support in a.m: such that the radiating surface is herizeatal end the radiation is downwards. A levet/pe F in th to life th radiator slowly. It shall also be provide to encure that the radiator can brought norme! position, Is 15061 :2002 a d 1 RADIATOR 2 SAMPLE | 3 GRILL(FDA THE SUPPORT OF \ THE SAMPLE) , | 4 COTTON WOOL | 5 RECEPTACLE ie 6 ETAL RING. (FRR) 7 DETAIL OF THE METALLIC RINGS FOR TRE SUPPORT OF TRE SAMPLE Fis 3 face the occupa: the test shall be. nt shall ke tesied If the material ignites, the radiator is put aside three seconds afterwards. It is brought back in position when __ the flame hes extinguished and the came procedure is repssied as frequently as necessary curing, five minutes of the test, ‘Afler the fifth minute of the test a) If the sample has extinguished (wheth not it hes ignited during the first five minutes ofthe test) leave the radiator in position even if the sample reigrites; end TS 15064 : 2002 material is flaming, await extinction ‘ging the radiate er case, additional the test bec nued for an -SRESULTS Observed phienamers s such as be noted in the test report, a) the fall of droy not; and ') if ignition of the cotton wool has teken place, , any, whether flaming or IS 1061 : 2002 ANNEX D (Foreword) COMMITTE COMPOSITION Auiomotive Batic tandards Sectional Comvmittee, TED | Crgersetioa Reprasetninety Auoneaive Resear Asseciaon ead, Pune SaiD, Dsarox(Cheirsee) ‘Ss A Kunst Alera) Sims 5S, Sarees (Alract Asbl:Leylandise Chere Six 1 Neca Sai Mf, Sutmanatan horns ‘Aocition of Sti Rane Vas Uniting New Dea eM. Kenaswacen SAS. Lemna (Alernare) ‘Aatemative ompenes:NanularsnrAstsinion legis Lu.New Dei SuVisnse Marna ‘Sta K.ND.Nansvowas (Aberaci) DBs) Aue Listed, Pune Soe MBs ‘Shai VM, hice (Atri) ao) Ternp Ld, Pave Sie RM Kansas Sim. V Damen rere) ‘Conra taste of Read Traspors TAR) Pune Sim D.G.Siemne ‘Sua. C Darna erie) ‘Conralericet Quality Assrance (Vell), Akmedhager Sink Ewan (Dacia Metortnela Li New Det SHR R.Gamoxtes ‘Si A. Daven wire) icher Motor Lil, Dssr¥4.P3 SonSmauo San ‘Sam Chany Sis (era) indestantactite Tats ie, Bangalore Some Herc Suni. PommaCalernte) Sumi K Ke ‘Sie D,B. Ray (Aema Indi tnsue ofPeroieam, Det: Dua Si esEUNR SHAR inate Engineering od Fane Sam V-Cowno LMLLid, Kanpur Damp Aeon Si Sua Aca sat) Mabindrasni Nabindss ta Mise Sms Z.A.Musseam ‘Siow 6. hlosiae (eai] Manni UéyenLic, Curgaen SME, V. Ra ‘Si? Pomesioma le Josiesd Peblotnerptees Depemmentoftiowy Suara Indastry. Nes Del ‘Sh 5K Basu terse) ‘Ontinance Faciory Boers nas of Deftee. Kelis Seah. Sin Sem MK. Masia emer) Pet ougeot Ld, Dosis Can), Thane Sm. RKuxare ‘Ss RP Savas (Aemere) Premier Agorsbiis Li, Mani Sima. ¥ tare Sit Seat (leas) Sesity of aii Actors Manfacirery New Del Suunsr Pasa Texo9 ‘Sits Ser Stn 4s Sweryj MmeaLte.Chacsiga’s Sus AK oma ecormetive CoLid Pane Sa. Kumasi SissRAKAET Ai Meret SuuS. 0. Susan (Contos ron page 16) Organtexion Vehicle Resse & Develepnent Eaeisbnes,Abmetaagat Voronin Pv Le, angstre ‘Yonah Motor Eicon Lis Farsbed bis tate Gece BS 18061 : 2002 Represents ‘SM. Muna SoS. Sanscaninn (Aerie) Sim Rave ‘Suk Sorom Kena (lleva) ‘SURIASTON FRESLEDDS 'SIMIS ¥ Suomen Ale) Sim. Yoneenen Sim Sauna Alero) Sums A.M. Cutan Ditgesar end (Tisepor Ege) (Representing Diet Mmbarsrary Sma K None Dean (Tansprt gd, Bureau of Indian Standards BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of harmonious develo of starderdization, m attending to connected matters in the country. Indian Standards king and quality c t, 1986 to prom cation of goods end Copyright BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in eny form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type r grade designations Enquiries relsting to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publication), BIS. Review of Indian Standards ‘Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments, Standards 2 periodically; a standard stong with amendments is reeffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, itis taken up for revision, Users of Indian Standard: should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of BIS Handbook’ end ‘Stendards: Monthly Additions’. «his Indian Standard has been developed frem Doe: No. TED Amendments Iesued Since Publication ‘ArmendNo. Date of issue BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDAR, Headquarters: Manak Bhavan, 9 Beli Telephones: 323 01.31, New Dethi 110002 94.02 Regional Of Telephone wentrel : Manek-Bhaven, 9 Behadur Shah Zafar Marg, 323 16 17, 3233841 ‘NEW DELHI 110002 Eastem 1/14C.L-T, Scheme VITM, V.LP. Rod, Kankurgachi 337 $469, 3372561 CALCUTTA 700054 Northern : $CO 335.33: 37 8 33791 20 603843 65.20 Southem : $254 12 16, 2541 Las4 25 19, 25413 15 Westen 832.92 95, 932 78 58 MUMBAI 490093 (5 t581'2 B AHMEDABAD. BANGALORE. BHOPAL. BHUBANESHWAR. AD. GHAZIABAD. GUWAHATI PUR. LUCKNOW. NAGPUR.

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