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It is argued by many people that artificially intelligent robots will

increasingly replace humans at the workplace in the near future. While menial
jobs will be done by the robots, it is unlikely that the robots will overtake jobs
requiring human intelligence. This essay will discuss why eventually most of the
jobs will be done by robots in the future.

Artificially intelligent robots are going to substitute humans in jobs that

are less complex. Many companies prefer hiring robots because they are less
expensive and decrease human errors at the workplace. For instance, in most
food outlets robots have replaced humans at the delivery counters. Moreover,
they work throughout the day and do not take sick leaves. For these reasons, jobs
that are less skilled and can easily be done by robots will be eventually replaced.

Conversely, robots will not be able to do complex jobs which require

human intelligence. Human skills are critical for many jobs because a simple
error can lead to a thousand fatalities. For example, robots can assist doctors in
the operation theatres but can never become the first operator. Similarly, robots
can not overtake the job of a pilot, which is highly skilled. Therefore, robots are
unlikely to substitute humans in these workplaces.

It is very likely that artificially intelligent robots will take over the human
workforce in the future. Less skilled jobs are likely to be replaced by robots in
future; however, jobs requiring human intelligence and skills will be an arduous
task to replace. Finally, robots can replace the human workforce only in jobs
that are less skilled.

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