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The Kidney Disease Solution PDF Free

The Kidney Disease Solution PDF Free Download

The Kidney Disease Solution PDF– Beat Kidney Disease

The Kidney Disease Solution pdf Review

Kidney Disease Solution is a step-by-step guide to healthy lifestyle changes that restore kidney
function and recover your body’s natural energy and vitality. Live life to the full, get your
solution today.

Live life to the full, get your solution today

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“Dear Duncan, I want to thank you. I have been suffering from Kidney problems since I was
born, due to constant urinary infections. When my kidneys failed in 2007 I had to start dialysis, I
was 24 years old and 141 KG, and I made the decision to do my own research on body and
My kidney specialists that I had seen said that my kidney function will get worse and within 2
years I will need a kidney transplant. In June 2009 my kidney function was at 9% (stage 5) my
Creatinine was at 705 (60 – 125), Urea was at 55 (2.5 – 6.5) and my Calcium was at a low 1.55
(2.13 – 2.63), so low that I had a seizure and I was getting fluid build-up.
I was dialyzing Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I didn’t want a kidney transplant because I
spoke to a lot of patients who have had it and they say you have to take over 120 tablets per week
for the first 2 years and you have to take 3 tablets per day after that for the rest of your life.
When I was told I needed to do tests in August for kidney transplant I stepped up my research
and that’s when I found you.
So I got all the information from my research along with your information and combined them
together, and guess what?
Within 7 weeks my kidney function went from 9% (stage 5) to 16% (stage 4) and now I only
dialyze Tuesday and Saturday, and Creatinine is now at 388 (60 – 125), Urea as low as 19 (2.13
– 2.63) and Calcium is at 2.44 (2.13 – 2.63), my urine is as clear as ever and no infection.
The kidney specialists, doctors, and nurses, are amazed and confused at the same time at how
can this be. I was telling everyone when I was on Dialysis that I am going to come off Dialysis,
and everyone was laughing at me thinking that I was dreaming. They thought I was in denial as
they were when they first started on Dialysis. The kidney doctors said that my kidneys are in
honeymoon mode but I know the real reason.
So thank you so so so so so so much for all your hard work in research because I know research
is time consuming and takes a lot of energy, you have saved me a lot of time and money and you
have also confirmed a lot of doubts I had.”

Sydney, Australia


“At my recent check up with my own Doctor in Australia I was really shocked to find my kidney
function down, and my sugar and cholesterol levels very high. Since I’ve always had good health
I was dumbstruck and decided to be pro-active, which I’m always exhorting my fellow workers to
be. After lots of investigation I alighted on your website and purchased your package. It was very
easy to download, and your receipting facilities and follow-up service excellent.
I followed a very precise diet for 6 weeks taking into account your Glycaemic Index and Kidney
Solution references, started working out in the gym, walk to work every day instead of taxiing,
dropped my caffeine input, cancelled all alcohol and started a vitamin & mineral supplement as
suggested by you, followed by several brazil nuts a day!
Last week I had my sugar levels monitored and they have already come down and I have lost
weight. Plus even my Doctor wants me to maintain this regime.
I have told one of my friends about your program as she possesses similar traits to those I have –
old age creeping up basically!
Thank you, I’ll keep you posted on this work in progress!”
Ellen Fielder

Katong, Singapore


“I found out about my CKD a few months back when I suffered from long agonizing leg cramps.
Initially, our company doctor thought I was just dehydrated and advised me to rehydrate once in
awhile (Gatorade if possible).
The episodes persisted and I decided to go the doctor again to ask for a laboratory check-up;
that’s when I found out that my potassium levels are erratic and my kidneys can’t regulate it
I went to a nephrologists and found out that it’s worse than dehydration, the doctor ran a couple
of tests and I was diagnosed with stage 4 chronic kidney disease with renal anemia secondary to
hypertension. The physical suffering was no match with the emotional and mental anguish my
wife felt during that time.
During my lifestyle change, I did countless research to seek alternative cure for my condition; I
was advised that kidneys don’t heal and the high dosage of medications I’m taking is just to
prolong my kidney function.
I chanced upon Duncan’s site through Google and read through the introductions.
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The feeling that there’s hope after all the advice that I will not be well was overwhelming. I
called up my wife and asked her to study the site and we made the decision to download the e-
book. For me it’s a mutual decision with my spouse, because she’s my support system and I know
with her help the instructions in the e-book will be realized.
Today, based from my last laboratory, my CREA is down by 25 points and my RBC went up to 13
points. Aside from that I have lessened my skin dryness, improved my urine output and color,
lessen urine bubbles, lessen lower back pains, and lessen the feeling of exhaustion. I increased
my energy level; sometimes I still feel energized at night after hours of working and driving to
and from the office.
I have recommended this e-book to a friend of mine who’s suffering with the same condition. I
recommended it because it’s practical, easy to follow and natural.”
Archie de Chavez

Manila, Philippines


“Dear Duncan, My name is Stephen Pepler. I live near Ottawa, Canada. I am 81 years old. I
had a stroke in January 2008, before which I was pretty healthy. The stroke left me unable to
swallow and so I began to lose appetite and all food tasted weird. E.g. apples tasted like raw
potatoes. I started losing energy and stamina & muscle mass. My sex drive dropped to zero. In
short I was a wreck.
I went to my doctor who referred me to a couple of specialists and a nephrologist. After a while
this guy told me I had “End Stage Renal Failure” (ESRF) and set me up for either a kidney
transplant or dialysis. I declined this at first but finally, because I could hardly walk any more –
let alone able to do any exercise, I consented.
This is when I came across your Kidney Disease Solution. I was excited when came to your
statement that one could take your treatment even when undergoing dialysis. So I immediately
purchased your eBook.
As soon as I had downloaded it (which was a piece of cake) I rushed out and bought bottles of
[Product Name], [Product Name], and [Product Name] (I already had most of the other
recommended ingredients) and started the course.
I was thrilled to notice I began to feel better within a couple of days. I told the nephrologist
about this, but he had never heard about anyone getting cured of ESRF, but he assured me that I
would begin to feel much better immediately after fitting the dialysis catheter.
He had never heard of anyone going off dialysis. So I told him that he should read up on what
Naturopaths are doing. The bottom line is that I am getting set up for dialysis right away, but as
soon as my blood work shows that my kidneys are up to par I am going to get the catheter
removed. I am feeling considerably better today after only being on your course for only about
ten days.
I must thank you greatly for your eBook. It explains in perfect detail so much about the kidneys.
About what they are supposed to be doing and how they can go wrong. I fact I know of no other
book that contains so much detail about them. I am especially grateful for the section that takes
into account all the individual background conditions that start to affect the kidneys and to cause
them malfunction.
I don’t know anyone who is or has been on dialysis, but no doubt I will begin to meet some in
this predicament in the near future and I will surely tell them the great promise of enlightenment
offered by The Kidney Solution.
Thank you so much for your encouragement.
A very satisfied customer,”
Stephen Pepler

Ottawa, Canada


“Hi! My name is William East and I live in Albany Western Australia. I have been battling low
kidney function for at least six months. My doctors were unable to help me. One specialist
admitting that he didn’t know what to do for me. My creatinine levels were 157 with a gfr of
37.My normal level a year ago was creatinine 86 and gfr 74. I have been attending a naturopath
who has helped a little. We decided to go on the net to see if there was anything else that could
help me. We downloaded your book about two weeks ago and although it is early days yet I am
beginning to feel that I may be getting somewhere at last.
I took your list of herbs and vitamins with me when I visited my naturopath, she tested me for
them and said to go ahead and use them. She agreed with your suggestions. I am now looking
forward to having another blood test in a few weeks to see how I am going.
I have had very high blood pressure and all the doctors were worried about getting it down. So
the only medication I received was blood pressure tablets. I had some homeopathic remedies
from my naturopath and she was gradually finding out what was needed for me.
We were delighted to receive your book, it has helped me a lot. I now feel that I have control of
the situation. I would have no problem in recommending your book to others if the need should
arise. Thank you very much”
William East

Albany, Western Australia

Dear Duncan,
My husband’s name – C R Krishnan, Bangalore, India
His health condition before reading the Kidney Disease Solution – Chronic diabetic, retina
operated eyes, and undergoing Dialysis every alternate day due high BP.
The news that “Actor Kamalahasan” opened a site on Kidney related issues in one of the leading
news paper caught my eyes when I was waiting in the hospital to pick up my husband after
dialysis. Immediately I felt that I should go through the site and I came home and started reading
your information at midnight. I wanted to buy the e-book immediately but had second thoughts
about how it would help, will it be too many medications, whether my husband will accept and
take the medicines etc. etc. I spoke to my husband and informed him about your experience and
he said let us give a try. The very next day I bought your e-book.
The programme is just in its initial stage – only 7 days over. I feel it is too early now to say
anything. It does give a positive energy. Hopefully by the end of October we would get a positive
result which I would intimate you.
The e-book is very encouraging and tempts to undertake the phase.
Presently he is taking the medicines prescribed by the Doctors. Also undergoing the treatment of
Acupressure. Earlier to that we have tried homeopathy, ayurvedic, siddha, allopathic etc.
It was very easy to order and download and any layman can understand.
I definitely would like to recommend. I have to wait and watch the improvement happening with
my husband in the near future and want the Doctors to raise their eye brows and say that my
husband Krishnan does not need any more DIALYSIS.
When it happens we would be very very happy and wish to Thank Mr. Duncan a million ton !
Thanks & Regards
Lakshmi Krishnan


Hi, I’m Joe Taliana from the Mediterranean island of Malta thanks for your follow up, it’s really
nice to know that someone actually cares. Your notes were extremely simply to order and obtain
and I would not hesitate to recommend them..who doesn’t want to get better…..since I started
using your method I feel I have made some improvement my dizzy spells seem to have lessened
a lot and I made a slight improvement with my creatine count which was 1100 and now is just
below 1000.. I think it’s that tonic tea you suggested which by the way I had no trouble ordering
from the u.k.. Thanks once again.. Keep up the good work and may god bless you…

Joe Taliana


I had my annual medical check up several months ago and was told by my doctor that I had
Chronic Kidney Disease. I asked her what we could do about it and she told me there was
nothing that could be done but that she would monitor me every three or four months. I asked
her if herbs or supplements would help and was brushed aside as if I was an idiot.
I was not willing to accept her comments and started looking on the internet for answers. I
discovered your book and when I received it, it gave me my first hope that I could actually do
something positive about my condition.
I also found some tablets called HerbalSupp which contained some of the ingredients you
recommended and because I was finding it difficult to source some of the herbs you
recommended I started on the HerbalSupp. I have to take 5 tablets three times a day on an empty
I couldn’t find anybody to make up your special kidney tea so I take nettle tea every day.
I have gone to a naturopath and told her to oversee my treatment and she has made a few
suggestions as well. I went on a slow gentle detox programme for a month. During this time I did
not feel too good and had frequent brief periods of nausea, but this has stopped now. I had been
taking tablets called Drug and I think they caused the nausea. She checked my blood pressure
after the month and it had dropped to 116/69, it was 40 points higher when she first checked me
though I have had a history of fairly low pressure till lately.
I have found that my psoriasis and asthma have been a little worse but hopefully that will
I am also taking Nutrient and NutrientX and am trying to stick to a mostly typeofdiet diet.
Unfortunately I have lost a little weight and am taking a supplement to try and gain it back
again. I am 52 kilos and am 5ft 7 ins tall and 73 years old.
I have always exercised a lot ( I actually enjoy it). When I started my test results were as follows.
urea 10.8 creatinine 144, eGFR 31. I have to go for further blood tests next month and am
hoping that I will get a better result. (if only to stick it to my Doctor!!)
I have absolutely no idea why I have kidney disease, as far as I know there has been no history in
my family and I do not have diabetes and my cholesterol is satisfactory.
I wish I didn’t live so far away as I would love to have you treat me but Perth, Australia is a very
isolated city and I have been unable to find anyone in whom I have confidence to take me on so it
is helping me to write to you and let you know how I am doing.
As soon as I get my test results next month I will let you know how things are. Many thanks for
your interest.
I told you my story on the 13th Jan.
Since then I’ve been back for some more testing and got the following results.
Urea up from 10.80 to 11.80
Creatinine down from 144 to 126
eGFR up from 31 to 36
My doctor seemed satisfied with these results and I’ve to be tested again in early May.
I’m feeling better and seem to have got over the bouts of nausea.
I’m still taking the herbal tablets three times a day and 200 mg nutrient and 600 mg nutrient
tablet and a tea spoon of nutritional product. I have a cup of the nettle tea and two of chamomile
tea every day.
I still have to get up every night as much as nearly every hour but I do go back to sleep again
quickly. I’m fine during the day and can go 3 to 4 hours between bathroom breaks.
I am maybe not as good with my diet as I ought to be but I’m staying off refined sugar and I eat
lots of fruit. I have a couple of spoonfuls of Green boost, a mixture of barley grass and spirulina
and chlorella in rice milk every day to help make up for a possible shortage of green vegetables
in my diet.
Except for the night time problem I wouldn’t know there was anything wrong with me and I’m
getting lots of exercise. My weight has dropped a little and I’m 51 kilos now, too light for my
I’ve bought a blood pressure monitor and am making sure my pressure is not getting too high. I
had a stress test recently as I want to start a new exercise programme, it is P.A.C.E. and is quite
intensive but only take about 15 minutes three times a week. I am hoping this will help me to
increase my lung capacity.
If you have any ideas as to how I could cure the night time problem I would love to hear from
you. I must admit I feel very alone in my quest to improve my kidney disease, there is nobody
here in Perth Australia in whom I have any confidence. My doctor has no time for natural
therapies and no interest in anything other than drugs, she wants to put me on blood pressure
medication even though I do not have high blood pressure. I have declined!
I went back to the naturopath and she recommended several other herbs and supplements but
they are all horribly expensive here in Australia and I really didn’t feel that they improved my
I think this is all my news for now.
Many thanks for your interest,
Regards Louise.


Dear Duncan,
It had been my intention to give you some feedback, so I was very pleased to receive your email
requesting some information from me.
My name is Eileen. I live in Johannesburg.
18 months ago I had a knee replacement. On my bi-annual visit to the heart specialist to check
on the arrhythmia problem I have, he discovered that I had only 45% kidney function, which he
thought was the result of all the drugs I’d been given during the knee op. 3 months prior to my
visit to him.
He changed my chronic medication and told me to avoid potassium and sodium. My G.P. Dr.
LastName, sent me to the head of the renal section of a nearby hospital, who confirmed the 45%
function and said come back in 6 months!. Only on cross questioning her did I get any
information on how I could help myself through dieting.
From the internet I found out a lot about the problem but no hope of a cure. For 12 months I
tried very hard to be strict with myself and was very disappointed when I then had another blood
test and the GFR was down to 33%. 6 weeks later 28%.
Then I found you on the internet. That was shortly before Christmas. As my son was coming from
Ireland for Christmas I waited for his opinion. He approved of all you said.
We collected all we could and when he and my granddaughter left 2 weeks ago, as promised to
him, I started on your treatment.
I find it hard to believe but after only 2 weeks the GFR has gone up to 40% , Creatinine from 152
to 111, and the doctor has lowered the blood pressure tablet.
Incidentally I shall be 90 in July, but most people think I’m in my 70’s. I only recently gave up
playing golf 3/4 days a week, but read a lot and play lots of bridge. Lethargy does not become
me !
I have left out quite a lot I would like to ask you but I think the important thing is to let you know
that your cure seems to be working. Thank you !
Yours in gratitude,
Eileen H.

Johannesburg, South Africa

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