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14 Learner-Centered

Psychological Principles
Learning is like building a jigsaw
puzzle. . .
Mind, behavior and
14 Learner-centered

Focus on psychological factors

that are primarily internal to
and under the control of the
learner rather than conditioned
habits or physiological factors.
student, teacher,
parents, administrators External environment
4 Divisions

Cognitive and Motivational

Metacognitive and Affective
Factors (6) Factors (3)

14 Learner-
Centered Principles

Differences Factors
and Social Factors
Cognitive and
Metacognitive Factors
1. Nature of the learning process

To identify different types of

learning process.

- Motor learning
- Verbal learning
- Cognition learning
- Sensory leaning
1. Nature of the learning process

A n i nt e nt i o n al p r o c e s s to
co ns tr uct m ean ing f ro m
information and experience.

- Formal learning
- Informal learning
1. Nature of the learning process

To promote this principle, we can:

- U s i ng d iff e re nt m e t h o d s o f
- Outcome-based education
- L e ar n ers to b e act i ve, s e l f -
regulated, personal responsibility
and goal oriented
2. Goals of the learning process

The strategic nature of learning

requires students to be goal

- We are facilitators of learning

- purposeful and goal oriented
- Satisfactory results
2. Goals of the learning process

Short term Long term

goals goals

Personally-relevant goals
2. Goals of the learning process

To promote this principle, we

can. . .

- giving syllabus, instruction

and/or guidelines,
- Setting end-goal activities
like project and personal
3. Construction of Knowledge

To link new information with

exis ting kno wle dg e in
meaningful ways.

Integration of knowledge
3. Construction of Knowledge

* Adding E x i s t i n g
* Modifying kno wle dge
* Reorganizing and skills
3. Construction of Knowledge

To promote this principle we

can. . .

- Present different strategies

like concept mapping, thematic
organising or categorising
Concept Mapping
4. Strategic Thinking

A i m s to ac h i eve co m p lex
learning goals by:

- Expand ing metho d s of

- To identify which works well
for the student.
- Individual or group
SWOT Analysis
Critical Thinking
4. Strategic Thinking

To promote this principle, we

can. . .

- Assist learners to develop,

a p p ly a n d a s s e s s t h e i r
strategic learning skills.

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