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Learning to Do

Four Pillars of Education

To define the meaning of Learning To Do
To identify the Learning Theories that
support this pillar of education
To advocate educator’s role in creating
educative experience
Learning to do. . .
Represents the skilful, creative and
discerning application of knowledge.

To think. . .
Creatively, Critically, Holistically
It describes putting knowledge
into practice innovatively through:

Skills development and Practical know-how

Development of competence

Life skills and personal qualities

Aptitudes and Attitudes

It is a pedagogical
approach to help
facilitate learning
through the application
of theory concrete
experience and requires
individual to reflect
upon his/her learning.
Bloom’s Taxonomy
According to John Dewey. . .
(Experience and Education)
Educator’s role in creating educative
- Organise learning experience
- Experience as a vehicle of learning
- Contextualised experience-based
assimilative model of student learning
We prepare students
for L. I. F. E
L-ifelong learning
I-nnovate big ideas
F-ly High, Aim High
E-xpand, explore and enjoy

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