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Nomad Guide: Offshore Gold Storage www.nomadcapitalist.



Owning gold and other precious metals in an offshore “safe haven” is an easy
and affordable way to protect one of your largest investments from being
confiscated by government agents or thieves. In fact, storing gold and silver
overseas is just as important as having an offshore bank account.

Today, the world’s financial system is still reeling and trying to stagger to its feet after the
meltdown of 2008. Indeed, many reasons for holding gold is based on the possible
undoing of the modern financial system.

The fact that there hasn’t been a total financial collapse has surprised many who for
decades believe fiat currency, central banks and murky international manipulations would
end up in a financial catastrophe. Some say the danger has passed.

Nomad Guide: Offshore Gold Storage

Others say we are in the middle of the collapse and just can’t see it yet. And there are those
folks who are thinking that maybe the boys from Bretton Woods and Basel are visionaries
who are proving that modern finance is all about perception.

No matter what may or may not have happened, uncertainty still permeates our
geopolitical, financial and economic lives and the end-game for 2008 is still unknown. But
for believers in holding gold as part of a diversified investment and wealth preservation
strategy, they are still on course.

Nothing has really changed to help soothe the doubts about the future of the global
financial system.

But one thing is for sure: in 1933 the President of the United States, Franklin D Roosevelt
issued a Presidential Order that outlawed US citizens from holding gold. Thar order lasted
40 years until 1974 when it was finally rescinded. Private property rights, the heart of a free
and democratic society-was put aside for “the greater good.” Could it happen again? Or
even other basic rights be put aside?

Indeed, the threat of confiscation and repressive government is what really drives the logic
for owning gold as part of an overall wealth preservation and currency hedging strategy;
the main risk is government run amuck and trampling on individual rights.

That threat seems to be even more of a possibility as poor leadership and government
gridlock become the way of “doing business” in Washington and other seats of
governments around the world.

But the good thing is globalization and technology have opened up many formerly closed
American minds to the benefits of becoming “internationally diversified.”

Many of the advantages of global diversification are normally used by sophisticated

individuals and multinational corporations but the advantages are also available to the
general public who become aware of how to engage them. The fact that you are reading
this guide is proof of that.

What You’ll Learn

This guide is focused on the benefits of owning and storing gold offshore and we will
confine our conversation to that very subject.

We will take it for granted that the reader has already decided that owning gold is part of
their strategy for preserving wealth and hedging the possibility of a failing currency or the
collapse of the Post World War II Bretton Woods financial system.

No matter what reason, holding gold and other tangible precious metals as a portion of a
diversified financial portfolio is a solid strategy. Its validity lies in an asset class

Nomad Guide: Offshore Gold Storage

diversification from the intangible financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds
and derivatives and-oh yes-fiat currency.

This guide will help investors add even more risk reduction to their portfolios by helping to
strategically choose the best method and location to reduce confiscation risk of an
important wealth component. Indeed, confiscation has happened before and it will most
likely happen again.

In most of the developed world, current events only add credence to such a risk reduction
strategy. Weak leadership, inept problem solving, gridlock and the dominance of political
agendas seem to cry out for someplace to hide.

What makes disruption even more possible is the seeming malaise and confusion of most of
the world’s general population. Obviously, dear reader, you have chosen not to become a
deer frozen in the headlights of an oncoming truck and you are taking a proactive approach
to solving your own concerns. Good for you.

While this guide might appear to be targeted for citizens of the United States, the fact is
that the principles expressed here apply to all citizens of the globe.

The benefits of storing gold offshore include:

• Avoiding home country confiscation or outlawing of personal gold ownership

• Avoiding capital controls, where a government limits or denies a citizen’s right to carry or
send any form of money abroad
• Avoid home government administrative actions, such as seizures of property without
notice or due process
• Protect assets in frivolous lawsuits
• Hedge currency debasement and inflation that will lower your standard or living
• Diversify your precious metals storage beyond the backyard or your bedroom safe

While these risks can be reduced, they can not be totally eliminated. There is no perfect
solution. Nonetheless, diversification should be an essential element of an overall wealth
risk reduction strategy against an uncertain future and the capricious winds of change.

You can choose to be as proactive as possible or take your chances. However, the
difference between stupidity and ignorance is in the knowing.

Nomad Guide: Offshore Gold Storage




Austria is for those who want real privacy with an anonymous account. The
Austrian gold storage industry stands proud of its heritage of secrecy.

As with the German and Swiss cultures, Austria is a strong believer in financial
secrecy. They are also strategically located and the government is not totally
illiquid and destitute.

One of the well-known gold depositories which offers named and anonymous
gold storage accounts is Das Safe. Das Safe rents private storage boxes within its vault.
Anonymous and in name storage is available.

Nomad Guide: Offshore Gold Storage

Even though anonymous bank accounts no longer exist, anonymous private storage
accounts do. Enter Das Safe. Security there, while multi-faceted, doesn’t feel as intense as
at a mega-vault such as the Singapore Freeport. That said, Das Safe is located in a former
bank building so there are some security measures in place.

Opening an account at Das Safe is relatively easy, although it is likely not the best option
unless you demand anonymity, primarily because of the cost and because Das Safe does
not sell gold (although the Austrian Mint in Vienna does).

To open an anonymous account, you appear in person and bring cash; you can pay multiple
years in advance if you wish (there is a 30% discount for paying 30 years in advance!),
although you should expect to pay at least 1,000 euros to get set up for the first year. The
premium for an anonymous account ranges from 90 to 940 euros depending on box size.

Anonymous here really means anonymous; video surveillance is never recorded and no
passport or other identification is required. You merely use a PIN code. The same goes for
anonymous storage at Sparta Safe, which is a lesser known alternative.

If you have a minimal amount of gold to store, Palais Coburg is worth a try as they usually
have inventory of the smallest and least expensive boxes, whereas Das Safe rarely does.
Insurance at Palais Coburg is less expensive and more robust, also.

Austria is a good place to store gold if:

• You plan on buying and/or storing gold in Europe
• You have existing gold (especially Austrian coins) you can easily transport there
• You demand anonymous storage

Where to Buy Gold in Austria

Austrian vaults don’t offer transport services, so you’ll need to arrange with a third-party
logistics firm to transport your gold to the vault, or buy gold in Austria.

Many banks in Austria sell gold over the counter, although you may need to be a customer.
Our banking guide, The Best Offshore Banks, discusses which banks in Austria will open an
account for foreigners, but for as good of a banking system as Austria has, it’s definitely
worth opening a bank account while you’re there.

In particular, Bank Austria sells Philharmonic coins as well as gold grams in various sizes.
Remember that silver purchased in Austria, even from the Austrian Mint, is subject to 20%

Nomad Guide: Offshore Gold Storage

Additionally, the Austrian Mint itself sells gold during business hours at its shop at Am
Heumarkt 1 in Vienna, or in Innsbruck at Adamgasse 2 if you find yourself skiing.

The Best Vaults in Austria

Das Safe
Auerspergstraße 1, Vienna Sells Metals: No
Anonymous: Yes, for a premium Remote Opening: No
Accepts foreigners: Yes 24/7 Access: Yes
Accepts Companies: Yes Cost: €588 + €432-5,688/year

Palais Coburg

Seilerstatte 3 E, Vienna Sells Metals: No
Anonymous: No Remote Opening: No
Accepts foreigners: Yes 24/7 Access: Yes
Accepts Companies: Maybe Cost: €250 + €300-600/year

Sparta Safe Services

Löwengasse 39, Vienna Sells Metals: No
Anonymous: Yes, for a premium Remote Opening: No
Accepts foreigners: Yes 24/7 Access: Yes
Accepts Companies: Yes Cost: €510-1,104/year


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