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Cover Story

Wastewater Make-up for

Water economy is achieved by
balancing cycles of concentra-
tion with the help of chemi-
cals, and bleed-off.
By Dr. G. H. Thanki

ooling tower systems are designed
to remove large amounts of heat
from processes and air-condition-
ing systems in buildings. The common
element in the system is the water used to
produce the evaporative cooling. As water
evaporates, dissolved minerals concen-
trate. To limit excessive mineral build-up, second- or third-pass water incur prob- of re-circulating and closed-loop cooling
some of the re-circulating cooling tower lems when operating at higher number of systems using wastewater as make-up,
water must be discharged to bleed-off. By cycles. Additionally, heat exchangers and by increased water reuse.
controlling the bleed-off rate, it is possi- whose flow is regulated to control The conservation mode of cooling
ble to control mineral concentration and process-side temperature can also experi- water increases the corrosive species con-
obtain nearly fixed cycles of concentra- ence problems. centration, seriously impairs the life of
tion. Typically, water treatment profes- the waterways and proves costly in run-
Water economy is based on how sionals maximise water economy and pre- ning the plant equipment efficiently.
many cycles of concentration can be scribe an environmentally acceptable Nevertheless, modern corrosion monitor-
maintained, considering the character chemical treatment strategy to control ing techniques are being taken up by an
and concentration of minerals present in bio-fouling, scaling, corrosion and increasingly broad spectrum of the major
the make-up. Where hard well water is microbiologically influenced corrosion process industries, to determine the cor-
being used, normally, only two or three (MIC). Technologies to control such rosion rate, trend and severity of cooling
cycles of concentration can be allowed problems have changed substantially in water.
without risk of hardness, scale or sludge the past decade.
formation. Where soft, surface water is Initially, the driving force for change Incentives
available, six to ten cycles may be permis- was replacement of heavy metal biocides
sible. Operating the system on a higher and corrosion inhibitors for environment The rise in wastewater make-up has
number of cycles can increase the corro- reasons. Currently, however, changes in various reasons, like reduction in water
sion and scaling tendencies of the water. water treatment technology are motivat- supply, high cost of fresh water, and the
Therefore, heat exchangers that receive ed by the need to deal with the operation need to modify methods of wastewater



Cover Story

discharge. The increased reuse of water is copper alloys State-of-the-art chemical treatment
also associated with certain techno-eco- ❑ Under deposit corrosion includes biocides, bio-dispersants, sludge
nomic reasons including blow-down ❑ Galvanic corrosion dispersants, conventional scale inhibitors
water volume reduction, increase in con- and corrosion inhibitors. Chemical
centration ratios, treatment cost reduc- Cooling water treatment with a spe- agents suited for use in plants, with
tion and the goal of zero blow-down. cial look: wastewater make-up and water reuse pro-
Cooling water treatment may be grammes, are as follows:
Bottlenecks viewed under two basic concepts in
today's operating conditions. 1. Biocides/biostats.
Significant increase, in potential for 1. Components of the treatment ● Oxidising biocides, including
cooling system problems, has taken place programme must be coordinated. chlorine (hypochlorite), activated
in the use of wastewater make-up and The biocide must complement sodium bromide, bromochloro
water reuse. These problems are related to the corrosion inhibitor, which hydantoin, chloroisocynurate,
microbiological growth, sludge, silt depo- must complement the scale chlorine dioxide, peroxide and
sition, scale and corrosion. inhibitor, and so on throughout ozone.
the chemical treatment pro- ● Non-oxidising biocides/biostats,
Wastewater-related problems fall gramme. including polyquats, methylene
into the following categories: 2. Every cooling water treatment bis-thiocyanate, (thio-
cyanomethylthio) benzothiazole,
1. Microbiological growth Specific enzymes are tested glutardehyde, quaternary ammo-
❑ Slime formation (biofilm) nium salts, isothiazolines, dode-
❑ Bio-fouling (biomass)
to assess their ability to cyl guanidine and others.
❑ Biodegradation (wood rot) prevent defined biological 2. Bio-dispersants
❑ Microbiologically induced corro- ● Non-water-soluble compounds,
sion (MIC)
problems and eliminate including dimethylamides and
2. Sludge and silt deposition organic deposits. dodecylmorpholine derivatives.
❑ Deposition of suspended solids at The need for these compounds
low-flow sites programme has the following seg- has risen dramatically as a result
❑ Plugging/fouling of filters, ments. of increased wastewater and
screens, monitoring equipment ■ Optimised maintenance & chem- water reuse make-up require-
❑ Deposition of organic materials ical treatment: includes the use of ments.
(oils and grease) biocides, bio dispersants and scale ● Water-soluble compounds,
3. Scale deposition inhibitors in preventive mode. including ethylene oxide adducts,
❑ Calcium carbonate formation on ■ Contingency treatment: is a pro- xylene sulphonates, ligno-
heat transfer surfaces gramme that can be immediately sulphonates and other surfac-
❑ Fouling caused by calcium phos- implemented in response to an tants.
phate scale and sludge unforeseen emergency. These bio-dispersants represent
❑ Calcium/barium sulphate deposi- ■ Proactive maintenance: includes a established treatments but in the
tion in pumps, valves and carefully defined programme of past they have been used to con-
pipelines regularly scheduled maintenance trol chemical intrusions into
❑ Reduced flow through pipelines, and cleaning. cooling water, rather than as bio-
valves and process equipment dispersants.
4. Corrosion Specific chemical treatment: 3. Sludge dispersants
❑ Weld failures on carbon steel and ● Anionic polyelectrolyte poly-
stainless steel components Treatment programmes aiming for mers, such as polyacrylates,
❑ Localised (pitting) corrosion increased use of wastewater make-up and copolymers, terpolymers and
related to chloride and sulphide reuse, are based on application of specific others. The list of sludge disper-
concentrations treatment chemicals, and physical and sants is long, but polyacrylates
❑ Uniform corrosion on ferrous and mechanical processes. and acrylate copolymers are the



Cover Story

most important for these appli- 6. Supplementary chemical treatment or biostats. Lately, dodecylmorpholine
cations. ● High molecular-weight anion- compounds have moved from research
4. Scale inhibitors ic/cationic flocculants for liquid- stage to significant commercial usage. A
● Non-stoichiometric chelating solid separations great deal more of development in the
agents, including phosphonates, ● De-foamers field can be expected in the coming years.
phosphinocarboxylic acid deriva- ● pH adjustment chemicals The second area of progress is
tives and others. including both acid and alkali- enzyme technology for non-toxic control
Phosphinocarboxylic acid mate- based materials of micro-organisms. This area of research
rials are quite new for these types involves new technology in which mate-
of applications. They represent Physical processes rials produced by micro-organisms are
an area of great progress over the synthesized and tested under field condi-
past few years. Cooling water chemical treatment tions. Specific enzymes are tested to
There are many specific phos- programmes are used in conjunction assess their ability to prevent defined bio-
phonates and phosphinocar- with other water treatment or pre-treat- logical problems and, in some cases, to
boxylic derivatives that ment procedures. These operational and eliminate organic deposits.
have been introduced in the past
five years to deal with scale
inhibitor requirements brought The rise in wastewater make-up has various reasons, like
about by wastewater and water reduction in water supply, high cost of fresh water, and the
reuse make-up requirements.
In addition to the organophos- need to modify methods of wastewater discharge.
phates, there are the non-phos-
phate scale inhibitors. These water conditioning procedures are usual- It may be safely assumed that in the
include anionic polyelectrolyte ly site specific, determined by the use of coming years dispersants and enzyme
polymers, sulphonated styrene the water and by the quality of the make- technologies, and other new develop-
derivatives and maleic acid/anhy- up or recycled water. These procedures ments, will eliminate the need to use
dride derivatives include full-stream and side- stream fil- toxic and environmentally unviable
5. Corrosion inhibitors tration, ion exchange (zeolite) softening, materials for micro-organism control.
● Non-heavy metal anodic passi- lime soda softening, anionic/cationic It is also expected that in the future
vating compounds, such as resin on removal, coagulation/floccula- there will be changes in design, opera-
orthophosphates, polyphos- tion, aeration/bio-oxidation, oil-water tions, system engineering and design,
phates, molybdates, azole deriva- separation/emulsion, and nitrate/phos- and construction materials. Operations
tives, nitrite salts and others. phate removal. will probably require zero discharge, and
● Cathodic passivating com- increase the need for effective control.
pounds, such as zinc salts and Emerging technologies One area in which on-line corrosion
phosphonates. monitoring can contribute significantly
The use of heavy metal anodic In addition to the technologies listed is the optimisation of the corrosion
passivating materials is now well above, some new technologies designed inhibitors dose in cooling tower water. It
established. In the past, however, to meet existing and future needs are in is important to have knowledge of quali-
corrosion inhibitors were not the R&D stage. ty and quantity of the corrosion
often used. One of the two areas of develop- inhibitors. At the same time, qualifica-
With increased water reuse, cor- ment making significant progress, and tion of the chemical vendor and real time
rosion becomes a cumulative close to becoming standard operating information on the corrosion rate are also
process. Its growth can become procedure, is non-toxic micro-organism vital in restricting corrosion.
exponential, mandating continu- control based on bio-dispersants.
ous corrosion protection pro- Though bio-dispersant technology ABOUT THE AUTHORS
grammes, which should invite is in limited use now, it is expected to
Dr G H Thanki is the technical advisor of Altret
on-line corrosion monitoring soon become the sole means controlling Chemicals and can be contacted at
system installation. microbiological growth, without biocides or



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