Jurnal DC (Genetic Algorithm)

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DC Control Motor Speed with Genetic Algorithm

Optimization Methods
Nugroho Surya Dwi Putra Jepri Iswantoro
Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
nugrohoputra16050874026@mhs.unesa.ac.id jepriiswantoro16050874022@mhs.unesa.ac.id

Puja Awwalia Rohmah Riztan Hanif Abdillah

Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
pujarohmah16050874031@mhs.unesa.ac.id riztanabdilah16050874004@mhs.unesa.ac.id

Abstract— Even though the DC motor has a fast

response, it still has a steady-state error so a
In this research, DC motor speed control is done by
control system such as PID (Proportional-
turning on the DC motor circuit on DIGIAC 1750 to then
be connected to NI ELVIS. The next step is to draw a Integral-Derivative) is needed. PID has several
block diagram with the LabVIEW application and then tunings that can be used to control the speed of
also connected with NI ELVIS which functions to a DC motor. In practice this time, multi-objective
retrieve real-time speed data on a DC motor. After that, optimization problem difficult to be solved as its
real-time data will be transferred to Microsoft Excel, objective generally conflict with each other and
consisting of time, response, speed, and set point.
its solution is not in the form of a single solution
Furthermore, all response and speed data are transferred
into the MATLAB application which is then reprocessed
but a set of solutions [3]. We also need algorithm
to calculate the Kc and Ti values according to the optimization from some speed data obtained to
controller used, namely the PI controller with GA determine the speed with the best system
(Genetic Algorithm) optimization method. In this response. The type of optimization algorithm
experiment, the Genetic Algorithm optimization used in this experiment is Genetic Algorithm
calculation method has obtained a good system (GA).
response, with a Kc value of 0.491 while a Ti value of
Keywords—MATLAB, Motor DC, NI ELVIS, Genetic
Algorithm In the DC motor control system practicum,
we use DIGIAC 1750, NI-ELVIS, and LabVIEW
The control system has become one of the 1) DIGIAC 1750
fields that are very much needed in today's
modern era. The complex structure of a plant
makes the field of control systems increasingly
developed. One control system that is often used
is DC motor control[1].
DC motor is one motor that is often used in
the industrial world for the purposes of speed Figure 1. DIGIAC 1750
regulation. Compared to AC motors, the speed
of a DC motor is more easily regulated in a wide The DIGIAC 1750 unit is a
speed range[2]. comprehensive transducer and
instrumentation trainer with examples of a tachogenerator has a rotating armature. The
full range of input and output transducers, end of the armature is attached to the engine
signal conditioning circuits and display shaft to be able to measure speed.
devices in DIGIAC itself which is one device
that is able to allow the characteristics of 5) NI-ELVIS II
individual devices to be learned. The
connection from DIGIAC itself is also
capable of making a complete closed-loop
system [4].
DIGIAC 1750 consists of several
components including: Figure 3. NI-ELVIS II
2) Motor DC
The NI Engineering Laboratory Virtual
Instrumentation Suite (NI ELVIS) II is a
modular engineering educational laboratory
device developed specifically for academia.
With its hands-on approach, educators can
Figure 2. Brushless DC Motor help students learn practical, experimental
skills. NI ELVIS II features one compact
DC motor is a direct current motor that form factor integrated with 12 of the most
converts electrical energy into kinetic commonly used instruments in the
energy. Two terminals on a DC motor laboratory, including an oscilloscope, digital
require direct current to rotate. multimeter, function generator, variable
Based on the reversible polarity, DC power supply, and Bode analyzer. We can
motors can be directed clockwise or connect the PC to these various
counterclockwise and produce revolutions measurements through USB plug-and-play
per minute or commonly referred to as RPM capabilities and build circuits on a
(Revolutions per Minute) [5]. detachable protoboard [7].
3) Power Amplifier
A power amplifier is one of the 6) LabVIEW 2014
electronic components that serve to regulate Laboratory Virtual Instrument
the electrical power that is flowed into the Engineering Workbench (LabVIEW) is a
load. In a DC circuit, the power amplifier is system-design platform and development
often used to stabilize the voltage or current. environment for a visual programming
With its function, the power amplifier is able language from National Instruments.
to provide sufficient voltage or current for LabVIEW is commonly used for data
several components so as to avoid damage. acquisition, instrument control, and
Although with that function, the power industrial automation on a variety of
amplifier also has a voltage capacity that can operating systems (OSs) including Microsoft
be passed. Windows, various versions of Unix, Linux,
4) Tachogenerator and MacOS[8].
Tachogenerator is one component of These program scan display a graph of
the control system that produces a voltage the results of reading a control system by
proportional to the axis.In DC motor speed making a block diagram of the control
control systems, tachogenerator is used to system.
measure the speed of a DC motor by turning
on the tachometer[6].
Currently, the tachogenerator uses III. METHOD OF DC CONTROL MOTOR SPEED
permanent magnets, so if we have to In the control system, there are many
measure the speed of a DC motor, the methods that can be used. In this practice, in
regulating the control of the speed of the DC Assuming now that Kp = Ki = 0, we have
motor we use the PID controller with Genetic u(t) = 𝐾𝑑
Algorithm method
1) PID controller
The PID controller is the acronym for 2) Genetic Algorithm Method
Proportional-Integro-Differential control[9]. Genetic Algorithm (GA) is part of the
We now consider each of the terms, Evolutionary Algorithm which is an
assuming that the others are zero. With Ki = algorithm that modeled on the natural
Kd = 0, we simply have u(t) = 𝐾𝑝 𝑒(𝑡). evolutionary process where the main
Thus at any instant in time, the control is concept is that the most superior individuals
proportional to the error. It is a function of will survive, whereas weak individuals will
the present value of the error. The larger the become extinct[10].
error, the larger the control signal. One way GA is one of the algorithms used for the
to look at this term is that the farther away optimization process. In optimization, the
from the desired point we are, the harder we optimal conditions of the solutions obtained
try. As we get closer, we don’t try quite as hard. are the main targets to be achieved. But in
If we are right on the target, we stop trying. As the optimization algorithm, optimum local
can be seen by this analogy, when we are close optimum conditions often occur. Local
to the target, the control essentially does optimum is a condition where the algorithm
nothing. Thus, if the system drifts a bit from reaches the highest or lowest value on some
the target, the control does almost nothing candidate values of the solution. One of the
to bring it back. Thus enters the integral local optimum can occur is due to the
term. population reaching the convergence format
Assuming now that Kp = Kd = 0, we simply too early premature convergence[11].
have According to Rajeev and
Krisnamoorthy [12], the criterion for
𝑢(𝑡) = 𝐾𝑖 ∫ 𝑒(𝜏)𝑑𝜏
0 achieving convergence is if around 80% or
The addition of this integral makes the 85% of the number of chromosomes have
open-loop forward path of Type I. Thus, the the same gene value. One way to prevent
system, if stable, is guaranteed to have zero premature problems is to maintain the
steady-state error to a step input. This can chromosome diversity of a population. In
also be viewed as an application of the internal GA, the chromosome diversity of a
model principle. If e(t) is non-zero for any population can be maintained by
length of time (for example, positive), the implementing the crossover operator and
control signal gets larger and large as mutation.
time goes on. It thus forces the plant to react The following is the GA program on matlab:
in the event that the plant output starts to
drift. We can think of the integral term as an
accumulation of the past values of the error. It
is not uncommon for the integral gain to be
related to the proportional gain by:
Ki =
Where 𝜏𝑖 is the integral time. Generally, by
itself, the I term is not used. It is more
commonly used with the P term to give a PI
control. The I term tends to slow the system Figure 4. Genetic Algorithm program on
reactions down. In order to speed up the MATLAB
system responses, we add the derivative
In this practice, we used GA
optimization method in order to collect
some PID controller data in the form of Kp,
Ki, and Kd values of DC motor speed with
the aim to get the Kp, Ki, and Kd values that
are appropriate to the system and produce
the best response. After calculating the rules,
Figure 6. Best graph r esults with the
compare the newly calculated controller
second Kp, Ki and Kd values
settings with the ones in the controller, and
ensure that any large differences in numbers
2. Result
are expected and justifiable. Then, insert the
In this study, we compared the results
Kc and Ti value into LabVIEW software so
of responses from the PID controller
that we can get the desired response on the
method where with the value of Kp =
2.948, Ki = 1.965, and Kd = 0.224. The
following results of response as shown
a. Grafik Of Response with Controller
1. Mathematical modeling of Genetic
Algorithm Optimization Method
To determine the initial value, the
first order step response with the PID is
used to determine the value of Kp, Ki, and
the value of Kd. First, the system starts
with set point 3.5 and without using a
Figure 7. The Result Of Response with
controller to get the PV graph.
From the PV graph, values have been
obtained automatically: Kp = 2.855, Ki =
b. Grafik of Response using change Set
1.994, Kd = 0, so the results of these values
Point value 1.5, 2.5, 3, and then back to
can be seen in the following graphs:

Figure 5. First graph results with Kp, Ki and Figure 8. The Result Of Response With
Kd values Change Setpoint

Because the results graph still does c. With Disturbance

not show a good response, so we try to
find some other Kp, Ki, and Kd values,
until finally we find a value that shows a
good system response: Kp = 2.948, Ki =
1.965, and Kd = 0.224

Figure 9. The Result Of Response With

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𝑡 𝑑𝑒(𝑡)
𝑢(𝑡) = 𝐾𝑝𝑒(𝑡) + ∫0 𝑒(𝑡)𝑑(𝑡) + 𝐾𝑑 November 13, 2019).
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